##VIDEO ID:mpY0KhFle-g## all right so we're going to get started I see on the um agenda we're going to skip any approval minutes because we're not ready so we'll just do two sets next time um as far as public participation is there anybody here from the public that wants to participate or have any questions for us there is that there is that um I know a lot of people are starting to get excited because they see stuff happening to high school so um people just still want to know if the pool is connected to the high school so I do try to answer a lot of questions about that but um but yeah I'll just uh leave it over to Ben then for all the updates and whatever order you need to go into sure yes I appreciate it and if you could share your screen I'll share my screen perfect and thank you all joining us on a on a Friday um we did want to just uh share with you today um our the project reached the 60% construction document Milestone last month um so we the design team has you know further progress the construction documents from the previous DD level um so we'll be sharing the extent of uh you know the progress and um some new renderings exterior and interior of the natatorium which shows you know some of the further detail and some of the slight changes that have taken place since our our last checkpoint um just in terms of just overall schedule I'll just say um you know Fontaine as corus said there's been some work on site starting to look a little bit different out there um so they're executing the um enabling package right now so trying to take care of all the utility relocations that need to happen um the contractor parking lot all the the site fencing um erosion control all those good things uh to set up the site so that Fontaine is um ready to to plug away at the project uh this fall and so that um you know we're out of the way of the the regular operations of the school uh when that gets started back up so we go to the next slide and a I'll just I can walk through the cost estimating um and then we'll kick it over perfect so on the slide here is just a a visual of where the um cost estimate process where we left off with that was that schematic design so you can see um the construction uh construction costs which is boxed out in red there uh 13, 99753332 design uh estimate and then Aviva if you could move to the next one and then if you recall our next uh step in the phase was a design development so we estimated the two estimators from uh Fontaine and the design team estimated at that point and we were at 13, went through the estimates um in a Reconciliation process and the reconciled estimate came out to be $3,995,000 104 um so you can see between those three slides we're floating right around hovering around the same number the bottom line you can see uh the 16 million 795 536 so the total project budget has not changed we continue to uh take a look at the construction costs at each of these checkpoints as we're progressing the documents as changes are made um and just making sure we're we're taking the pulse of the uh the budget as we go along so um this is a promising sign uh we haven't seen much fluctuation in that number um as we're at the 60% um so we're getting very close to you know bid day here so um hopefully those numbers are not changing too much we will do this process again uh when the project team completes the 90% construction documents we will uh sit down and and take another look at the budget but this seems like promising news at this point so any questions regarding the budget process there before we get into some of the design updates all right kick it over to you thank you um so just to talk a little bit about where we are in design you know here's an updated site plan not a lot has really changed with regards to the pool but we've been you know continuing the coordination between the pool and school projects in terms of making sure that the site you know meets all of the needs of you know entrances and exits to the pool and having those be the required distances from the fire lane and all that good stuff um just a reminder of sort of where we were the last time we had a full rendering of the interior uh and here's where we are right now um just a couple of things to point out that we've been working on in the most recent phase um 60% CDs is often very focused on coordination between different uh engineering and you know design uh disciplines so um we spent quite a lot of focus on making sure that the mechanical system and the structural system are coordinated with each other that the mechanical chases are fully incorporated into the architectural design um we've actually sort of called them out in a contrasting um ground face block color that's also mirrored on the opposite side of the pool um between the windows coordinating the trench strain between architectural pool and uh Plumbing designers making sure we have enough acoustic treatment because pools can be very loud spaces um and generally working on items for uh the design um here's a couple of more images of what we were working on working on the lobby uh figuring out the materials for the Lockers in the locker room and coming up with a um materials palette for that some of which we shared last time um further developing the pool office um making sure that that has a lot of visual ability to um see out to the pool space out to the lobby to the hallway you know have that have very good monitoring of the site and I'll turn it over to Brian to talk a little bit about the exterior design or does anybody I guess before I shift to exterior design does anybody have interior questions or want me to go back to any of those slides do have one question Bruce fenny um I'm assuming you have carried over the building automation system and incorporated into the pool facility as well uh to obviously mirror the uh the school building itself as well that's my understanding that we're having the the buildings tied into each other in a number of ways um obviously there are certain elements that want to be controlled directly at the pool area um but there's also certain elements that want to be controlled from the school you know certain types of announcements and things like that would want to come from the school office if they were happening but most of the AV system is happening directly in the pool office so yeah we're we're working on that and will be continuing in 90% to review those types of coordination elements what do feeding capacity look like and and cor I saw you on what's a we've got what 120 130 Marlin swimmers what's another big team Springfield probably swimmers yeah so the biggest teams that we swim against are the Springfield sharks the West Side Torpedoes and minog or the Falcons and and wilam and they are those are the four biggest teams this summer and we all tend to be smaller in the summer and we were all hovering at the Champs meet which was a couple weekends ago we were all at 70 at Champs but most of us had like 90 or more on our summer rosters this past winter we had just over a hundred on ours and I think actually Long Meadow had the most they had 120 kids on their team um so other there are big teams that we will swim which will be great because we'll have more pool space and um I I do think and I I know like for Kevin we just put in our requests for all the winter stuff for for the Marlins is um hopefully during meets trying to have like the small gym or whatever is right close to where we are for extra carryover space because I don't think we would be able to have all teams on the deck which would be different for high school because in high school both teams can be on the deck but for dual wreck meets it would not be enough space for two 100 plus teams on like fire hazard wise on the pool deck yeah because you get 200 swimmers plus you knowes families plus so yeah to answer the question about seaing capacity uh we've got uh seating for about 235 people at the main bleachers uh but the steing capacity on the other side is you know more like 36 which we talked about being sort of the people you know most immediately on deck for the next swim but not for the whole team certainly and as Cora mentioned we've been looking at the ability to use the space just inside the alternate PE room just inside the school from the pool for that use Bruce I see you have a question um yes I'm just looking at the lighting um and it may be just the uh conceptual drawing um because I know I have had trouble in the past obviously accessing some of the equipment that is over the pool are the lights and everything um if obviously once you go back are they accessible from the deck um surrounding the pool or is there some kind of lift that is going to be required to change change out fixtures or bulbs or I'm assuming they're LEDs great question the lights are um in fact uh over the deck they're close to the pool but um they are designed to be accessible from the deck thank you yeah I realize in the perspective of this one especially this line of Lights looks pretty close to the uh Edge there but it is that's sort of a visual of the angle it's over the deck Aviva have we gotten to the point where we're doing photometrics or is that down the road um we've done some daylight studies uh for um the daylighting and Brian could maybe talk a little bit more about that when he updates you on the exterior or now okay just just want to make sure that we're remaining mindful there's an awful lot of dark pools out there yep and I do know that we've we will be doing uh photometrics or reviewing the photometrics I think we've already done a round for the electrical lighting and we'll do another round at 90% great thank you I just want to point out that for people who went to the West Springfield pool when we did the the walk around at their pool that's where we had champs two weeks ago and this seating over here on the right side that you're seeing is more substantial than the seating that they have at their pool um and also the trench that goes around the exterior of the pool it did a really fabul they did a really fabulous job with I mean I think there was over 700 Swimmers at least during the course of a day and a half um they had the big like floor fans going but that trench in between sessions it really helped keep the the deck super dry um and so I I just want to say like having that put in there looks really great and it was super useful during the big huge meat that we just had so um and they they have a lot of light coming in from one side of their pool and I don't know Steve you were there you I and you were there in an afternoon I think it was pretty good and and very well lit I don't know if you have any comments it was pretty good cor yeah I just want to make sure that we're not too far down the road without paying careful attention to that right okay right because it obviously it affects the entire space right I have a couple quick questions um has the sound system location and the scoreboard location been finalized and then also the side opposite from the bleachers um we've really benefited from that extra seating opposite the bleachers and extra storage opposite the bleachers uh so anything you can do to increase some seating for teams opposite side of the bleachers and increase storage for teams opposite side of the bleachers would be great um yeah I'm not sure I'd have to look back to see if there was any possibility to increase the amount of seating um we have some limitations based on access doors and things like that uh but we are intending for the this seating rather than to be sort of standard bench seating uh or sort of standard bleacher seating that be a custom fixture that can have storage built into it so that the teams who you know the swimmers who are on Deck can have their uh bags you know with their items and their goggles Etc with them um in terms of other items that are designed in that we were thinking about uh over the course of this you know we've shown they're just sort of rendered as red right now but we were thinking that this is probably the best place to display banners um and if I go back to the first slide which uh shows from the other direction um this is is the location that we had discussed uh at previous meetings as the best location for the scoreboard which is at the end you know at the starting block so that you're as you're coming back on the end of your swim you know you're looking towards the scoreboard and uh also for the two record boards one for Marlins and one for Spartans great thank [Music] you any other Interiors questions great I will turn it over to Brian let me get back to the first exterior sled all right good morning everyone um I'm sure with the Olympics going on the competitive swimming folks are all fired up so exciting to see advancement here I'm going to just sort of walk you through as Ben said some of the the details uh that have developed on the exterior and also you know some slight changes but there's nothing that we are going to show today that isn't already accounted for in the 60% CD set um um and and sort of maybe the big three uh topics here that we've been thinking about are the idea of a community project that this isn't just the high school it's really a community resource and the pool is a huge part of that um but we we want the architecture to read as one building right it's it's one sort of complex um and so we've been working to unify the expression architecturally um and to make it cohesive um the the changes that have occurred are noted here and some of these go back to schematic design they were already being Advanced into design development such as on the left side of the building uh and I think the um the angle of sun is fairly accurate here for you know kind of an afternoon um uh where um the windows on that left side that are in Shadow are mainly facing north um you might get some direct sun light through them um uh in the summertime uh but largely those are going to have good sort of North light where there's uh more more of sort of a passive light that that comes in on that end so daylighting is a second uh sort of topic that we're tending to uh as we Advance the design I would say the third topic is really uh being economical and making sure that everything is highly maintainable um uh and so there have been some of these uh these updates if we move to the the right hand side the more sort of uh front of of the pool building if you will that has those white colored uh openings uh so that's a translucent glazing uh which um to Steve's point about about daylighting uh I think that we took a big step forward in terms of quality of inter interior daylighting by introducing this element so it it's not the old um sort of plastic um uh translucent panels that you might see on some schools these are truly glass unit that has a fiberglass mat inside of it so what did does is it it takes the light and it diffuses it throws it into the room very deep into the room so we get good even daylighting inside the natatorium um and from the outside it sort of has the the appearance of like a rice paper um it is fairly bright white so we think that we've rendered that fairly accurately um but when it's back lit it's much softer in terms of the expression um in terms of the masonry we are again in terms of cohesiveness continuing the material logic of the high school over to the natatorium so there's a we think it's a beautiful and economical uh brick Matrix which is a combination of slightly different colors and and Sheen of brick that make sort of a modeled effect on that lighter color and then we're using a darker brick to create the sense of something like an arcade so creating a rhythm on the face of the building that is it's fairly flat but we've introduced a series of score lines to give it some some texture and it goes back to this story of of tying back to the Redstone quaries and having the sense of like a carved and tactile element that you can really kind of experience as you walk by the building so that's an important feature here um looking at near the entry uh which is very glassy so the entry vestibule which opens both on this front side and on the back side uh from the fields um complex that that's very transparent there's good daylight going into it it's very apparent sort of where the entry is we have these hovering canopies over them so there's a bit of Sheltering and it's pretty obvious where the entry is um if we if we peek at the next uh uh version of the slide here so the pictures of the actual materials pop up uh where you get a sense of kind of the actual texture of that brick we have a granite base which is fairly modest in its height but it's extremely durable um and so we'll stand up to any abuse and sort of uh wintertime maintenance and all those things um we do have some elements of of pre-finish aluminum so so those bands that go over the windows uh have sort of a metall um kind of bronzy color to them the the rendering is not 100% accurate so the picture is a little bit more accurate um for the 90% set that will be upcoming uh we're going to really uh step up the quality of the renderings um so that's something you'll see kind of in the next round um the last slide is really just sort of um giving a better sense of what that translucent glazing is like um so you will get the sense that it that it has sort of a transparency to it but it's really uh you're not going to see much through it except for Shadows um and it is truly a a glazed unit um that's really it's maintained the same way that glass is so there are no external uh appendages we used to have um a series of um extruded aluminum fins that were trying to manage the daylight from outside um they are expensive so we replaced those with um this typee of glass unit again it's included in the cost model right now um and so and and uh relative to those other examples I mentioned that are sort of the plastic version of this these units will not discolor over time they won't turn yellow so um we think it's a good long-term solution um and those are the updates um on the exterior um and we look forward to send um presenting those um more advanced views uh in the future are there any questions can you remind me what the the the access ESS is that main door where that is relative to parking one and then two for um high school student access what H yeah that yeah I don't know if you have a larger plan or if you want to if you want to walk through this I don't but I can walk through it here so from the high school um this is the main gymnasium um and the sort of main Corridor of bwing does continue straight down to the connector to the pool um so for high school student access you know they would come from the locker rooms either around or through um and to the the pool um from the parking lot there is parking at the rear and I don't recall if the intention is for some of that parking to be designated for the pool uh I think some of it may be and then there's also you know the larger parking um here and so that is where you know as Brian mentioned this is the main entry that we were seeing in that rendering just now this is the entry from the fields and from this parking area um both of those have strong canopy you know language to make it very clear that this is your entry point and from an egress perspective you know in a fire condition obviously uh you know where safety is Paramount there are also doors uh within the pool space I believe the expectation is that those will be exit only so those won't be an entry to the building only an exit from the building and that's what you see on this uh sort of northmost corner here any other questions about the exterior of the building okay um I'm not sure who's up next Danielle would you like to give us an update on construction yes so um I think you said at the beginning we're working on enabling for the whole project just to get ourselves separated before kids come back um and on the pool in particular we received bids from our steel concrete and site work contractors so we're working in the office now trying to level everybody make sure we're looking at you know equivalent pricing um once we feel comfortable we'll pick the low contractor for all three packages and we will try and set up some scope reviews um for these contractors because they are not a filed sub bid we'll do steal I mean fight um full building and pool together so that we have the same contractor working on those um and then we're hoping to finish the review get a final bid from everybody and start to award contracts towards the end of August or any questions okay and um Ben is there anybody else that needs to go and give updates no I believe that's all we had planned for you folks there are any last questions otherwise I mean I know we don't have a a next meeting set up I think we probably will play it by year um if you guys are okay with that we're working towards the 90% uh CDs so um probably makes sense once we're complete with that to sit down with you folks but we can definitely reach out um when we think it's an appropriate point to meet so are we working on the same time line as as the overall high school so when the doors open to the high school the doors will also open to the pool at the same time that's correct yes um the substantial completion date is the same for both the school and the pool of uh July of the summer 2026 all right if there's nothing else is there a motion to adjourn in a second second Super all those in favor of adjourning hi hi anyone oppos Donna are you approving or abstaining all right um all right great so we'll look forward to hearing from Ben and your team about uh next potential meeting and um everyone enjoy the rest of your shortlived summer yeah thank you everyone