okay good evening and welcome this is the June 17th 2024 meeting of the school committee call the meeting tour 5 o'clock the meeting is being both audio and video recorded and I would ask that everyone please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pled allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for stands one nation God indivisible liberty and justice for okay roll call Sam if you can start us out please secretary Pamela Blair assistant superintendent for business an Al Gordon Smith superintendent of schools Gregory Thompson Sarah trilo El Amy delanta other Brown director of cck okay we have an amendment to the uh agenda please we have a time sensitive issue with the rotary concert the series starts June 26 which is nine days from now before our next meeting so we're gonna add it to the agenda yes what's you do that after you add this this is recognition of you get the best you're the best um so if I could add uh take a motion to add 7.3 rotary concert series uh to the agenda please I make a motion to add 7.3 Rotary Club East Long Meadow proposal motion made by Amy second second by Anella any other discussion all in favor say I I I those oppos nay carries 5 to zero Mr chairperson if you may this take a moment we want to recognize your work as chair is a recognition Award presented to Gregory Thompson chair East Long school committee June 17 2024 accomplish a lot this year we have thank you Bren ground on a construction project awesome thank you Gordon thank you everybody it's one of it's I really do enjoy being chair so thank you you do you do a nice job and you put a lot of time into it thanks and we appreciate it I appreciate that okay let's move along uh to committee and subcommittee Communications Amy do you want to start us out please um the only thing I have to share today is I was able to attend a couple of end of school Year events at Maple Shade one of them being um a band concert and it seemed that all of the events at that particular school went great this year great sweet thank you nothing tonight inel we did attend the teacher recognition um ceremony we already talked about okay yeah oh we haven't been back um a lot of teachers have put a lot of years into our district um and it was nice to see a lot of some of our old teachers were there some of them were retiring this year um even some of my teachers were there yeah yeah um but we do have a lot of dedicated teachers um to our district so yes thank you for saying that thank you okay we have minutes to approve I take a motion for the June 3 I move to approve the June 3rd 2024 executive session motion made by Kate second second by Sarah discussion all in favor say I I I those oppose that carries 5 to Zer move to approve the June 3rd 2024 regular session meeting minutes Mo made by Kate second second by discussion all in favor say I I I those oppos nay that carries 5 to zero as well thank you okay opportunity for visitors seeing no visitors to we are moving on are we doing this one first we're doing F Services first so we have the director of Food Services Lorie Paul today Lori how are you you well thanks thank you for having me I know in your packet was the um upcoming big things we have for this um next school year the first one is our mandatory breakfast um I have had an opportunity to speak with um all the principles and I think we've worked out um some of the logistics because we do have a couple different options at each school we can run it differently um but the breakfast is mandatory because it it's the way the legislation's written uh for the national school lunch program so in order to remain in our Universal free meals and have no charge meals we have to do the mandatory breakfast so um that's coming down the pipeline and I think we're in pretty good shape and we'll go with the flow Lor what does that look like in each briefly in each school is a bag C breakfast so because there are components that are required to make a reimbursable meal for both breakfast and lunch um we're doing it per whatever the principles thank you all um like at Maple Shade we do it in the classroom because of the way the timing works with the children's arrival and such and that's been ongoing since I think 2016 um and it works it's quite the undertaking um I would try to stay away from that for any other school um the high school we piloted uh before the class before the bell and when the students arrived at 7 they would just come down pick the items they uh wanted for breakfast sat in the calf had their breakfast bell rang and they went to their um assigned classrooms been doing that since September um school started right since school started yeah we've been doing that kind of you know testing see how it goes see how many kids are interested in show up and do a lot of kids take the breakfast um at the high school we only had about on average about 75 kids come through um you know in a regular fashion um you know sometimes we'll get the new faces and new I think it's just a lot of the kids AR arrive in the nick of time and they don't have that opportunity or there's a lot of draw I hate to say it you know I think a lot of them rather have a a Duncan on their way driving through the rotary than to come in here um but I mean I think the ones that really need it are having it so yeah I think if more of our students are riding the bus we probably have bigger turnout absolutely uh but it's like 710 to 720 window so the kids were kind of getting closer to 7:15 to 7:20 they're just going straight to class you know but the kids really enjoy it you know yeah we had a lot of the regulars and and you know I think it was a welcome even you know just saying hey you know there's a granola bar there take it put in your bag for later you might not be hungry now but you can you know have it and put what you don't eat in your backpack for after so that worked out um um speaking with u Mr Pearson we're going to do a similar model um but we really want we have to pump them out so we're going to really push them through kind of have them choose what they want put them in a bag and you know take their bag because he's gonna have to rotate a lot of kids out of where they can be yeah we're gonna have higher participation in the high school particularly at the beginning when it's a little bit of a novel idea AB about it I imagine it tail off but September is going to be interesting the and plan like we're GNA have 600 kids that want it but we will see yeah yeah we're ready and then Mrs santenello I think we're GNA do it right up from the bus walk walk through and take it and then eat in their classroom so it is um with the state is allowing a lot of different options um for breakfast you know they you know they call it before the bell in the classroom after the Bell they even have a second chance breakfast so there's a lot of different options and a lot of different things and U Miss sloy and I spoke briefly but we're going to meet officially and and narrow down the the little ones I hate to say are going to be an interesting take on how to maneuver you know that age of the student and the arrival and particular because our cafeteria is utilized by the catogram PO school yeah couple hurdles will that's one of the reasons why Maple Shade went to the in the classroom because they have cap in the and they have arrivals coming in all different doors um because the part of it is that they have to have the opportunity to choose if they want breakfast or not we cannot not let them come down so I know Maple Shade was one of those so a lot of the children arrive directly into the classroom and not possibly given the opportunity come down if we had you know only in the cafeteria so that's why we do in the classroom but are you we going to go with the flow increasing staff hours you going to need yes so I'm I'm expecting it's gonna I'm looking at probably having to add about 14 more hours per day per day uh per day for the five schools um to get that coverage um and because it's such a short time frame that the kids are eating I just want to be you know prepared have that staff on and get the children in and through the line uh it does have to be recorded at each for each child I can't just do a bulk and say oh here's 600 breakfasts have at it it has to be recorded the for the child having the meal it has to be recorded as their meal um so the more staff we have on to make sure we can get those kids the breakfast they need and have it recorded properly the better um so yeah we'll have a lot of um a lot of changes and a lot of so my staff know they've got to be on flexible come September so it'll still self fund itself with the reimbursement yes I I was trying to figure out I don't have the reimbursement rates for um next school year yet but this school year was $228 so I'm thinking I would probably have to do about 775 to 800 me um breakfasts a day to be at that break even Point um adding that many hours um which it's like a third right you need a third of the students to come down almost 25% yeah yep at Maple Shade we have like almost six 5 55% of the kids participate she does yeah Maple Shade does about 150 175 breakfasts a day so I can see that being viable yep and we'll be sending out information as we get closer to the school starting yes yep any other questions on the mandatory breakfast the next hurdle we have and um I still have to finish uploading all my documentation for that but our school is slated to be um our school district is slated to be C which is community eligible provision meaning all meals will be free so the interesting part is they're already free we're Universal free through the Massachusetts but with C it's um free meals for the district and the reimbursement is coming differently for um funding purposes so the state of Massachusetts has asked anybody with a identified student percentage of 25% or more has to be become a c school in order to get more Federal funding in order to assist the Massachusetts budget that has been funding Universal free meals we are at 26.7% so we just made it um I finished running all the figures on Friday and uploaded we have a couple more documents that have to be put in place and then we should be notified within the month U because it does have to get a approved because basically um desie verifies every student that is free directly certified through um the virtual Gateway and that's our identified student participation um percentage U population and once they verify that then we have to be counted as a c school district is that self-reported Lori by the families or that's already no Bas the system to the executive office of um is it human resource human I don't know ee EO h e whatever that is I don't know the acronyms at the top of my hand yeah Executive offices of the human was through the portal right so yeah it's through the virtual Gateway portal so it's all the the students that are directly certified uh through the state of Massachusetts the only one who goes into that is Lori what these percentages reflect yeah so this doesn't even account for any of the families that did put in a paper meal application to receive a free and reduced priced meal when they were priced out um so that puts a little bit of a Sticky Wicket in the other offerings that we have that when a student is a free or reduced they offer discount um busing Sports um I don't know what else might become so now that will fall onto the district to do like an alternate income form if the district is wanting to still offer those Services no charge and and so we will there's a form that the state had created supplemental income elig yeah it's an alternate income form supplementals I'm gonna work with over the summer so that we have this up and going so um and Lori maybe you can explain what like when a school year starts up is it 30 days that were whatever if a student is deemed free um in the month of June when school ends when school starts up they're still considered free is it for a month it's yes well it's a it's a grace period which usually goes to October 1 um for the state they usually say that students could fall off of that going through the portal that she was referring to right and it to give the uh families an opportunity to turn in paper application and things like that but I that will not be so I don't have all the documentation yet for C so that's a whole another set of paperwork and um things that would go out to inform the families of c and my understanding is that this paperwork does not come from the service department it will come from central office so will have to create the form and will have to or tweak what the the form that Desi has already and get that out to families because we will need them to send it back if they believe that they um would qualify for some other benefits such as free Transportation because we might have charged them for busing or they might maybe we didn't charge them and now they fall off on the list that Lori's going to get in September so do you see what happens changes happen like that yeah the form is for free and reduced lunch and because we already have free lunch I imagine people are filling the form out less yeah yes we had much benefits exactly so we're going to have to let them know about that to communicate with famili so that they understand and it's not a free and reduced lunch application because we're we are a sep District um it will be this new form that we're gonna have to okay communicate to everybody so how does the state know they have to do families have to register through the state or is it people who receive SNAP benefits right the SNAP benefits um Transitional Assistance type of thing so yeah you're a family would have already been working with the state to become qualified as their free um and I find that it's it's normally you know kind of a pattern same same families that you know are usually on this list every year for the school which is exact match certified so they've already been working with the state for years to you know get them assistance in their household so there could be families and not that there's much we can do but there could be families who are haven't reached out for help who okay yeah there most definitely are right oh I'm sure there are there and and that's another thing too we can become also a partner with a snap um I didn't look into that where you would get kind of a little bit of a training and then um help with Outreach in the community for SNAP for people to apply snap um on the DTA and you know that would then put them on the Massachusetts assistance things that they could be eligible for um that's another project for another day compc every year doesn't it l seems like it this was like I was I was shocked and when I ran the numbers I was like oh wow um they wanted us to do it midy year and we just couldn't get the data that they needed for all this verification we just didn't have clear data um just starting up with power school um and it was yeah it's it's quite the Lori has done a great job as you can imagine there been a ton of work behind the scenes this um the other thing I just wanted to mention that I think is important is the percentage uh reduced uh correct Lori wasn't it 40% before for it to become a sep district and now it's it's 5% oh yes so uh yeah the Federal law federal yes federally they used to always say um well years ago was 60% if you 60% on then the federal went down to 40 and then the new law was is 25% so a lot of districts that are going through the same exact thing that that we are oh yeah to know that oh yes there's there's quite a few so have any other questions all else as well all else is good plug it along you have a this summer right yeah metal Brook freezer is um going in so great which is needed we have a lot of not a lot of needed updates but we're working we're plugging away it's it's hard hard when you gotta get uh three bids three three and procurement procurement yeah the procurement is interesting so thank you great thank you very much and keep you posted please do thank you Lord okay moving along we have the East public school end of the year presentation by the leadership team all right so we have our leadership team here can invite them up all together District's going to do a quick report first and then sending time which is change up from uh last time I don't think we H them all in order okay so we'll invite one at a time I saw Frank looking e he was leaning okay so the diser report is up on the screen um and similar to what uh Lor is going through uh we presented at the mid cycle just to give you an idea of the breakdown of our student population um we according to the state we have 257 I think actually it's uh a little bit we ended the year a little bit larger than that U according to power school but that's October one numbers and you can see how we break out in terms of race and ethnicity as well as um other populations we were talking about being reduced um but state categorizes it in terms of accountability standards uh lwi income and you see 26.6% based on our current enrollment into our actual smart goals as you sort of frame all of our smart goals we start with the whole child and we're looking to make sure simply put that we're supporting the whole child uh every day so that children are moving forward emotionally socially and academically some uh intense Focus this year as you know on uh attendance and one of the things we really um honed in on not only as a district but at each school was looking at the daily attendance rate um and then um also our chronic absenteeism and we're excited that at least according to the numbers that desie released which was through March 1st but they released them in May um we're looking at a redu reduction from 13.5% chronic absm to 7.2% and I think that should hold up uh pretty well when we get full look uh late August to June so we're excited about that two other areas in terms of looking at um making sure we have the skill set to support our students um emotionally socially academically uh we were looking to get at least 80% in our two full day professional development days of Unit A and Unit E staff into um Universal designed um PD University designed instruction PD or cultur responsive practices and we actually were able to get 97% when you look at the um two units as a whole so that was exciting um over those two professional development days and later probably late August or early September because we just received um draft policies our district steering committee for diversity and Equity have been working on our policies that really deal with climate and culture and um discrimination or non-discrimination which is probably a better way to put it uh and how we make those more current and probably proactive to really represent what we would like to see LPS become not only now now but into the future uh for all of our students and families and so you'll get revised policies which took a little bit longer than we expected um coming to you hopefully in the late August meeting this quick look this was the chart that desie released uh back in May and it gives you the 7.2 and um the daily attendance rate for elps at that time is 95.6 the schools will go into to their specific rates and some of the things that they've done which is been pretty incredible in terms of the Outreach uh and every school improved which is really exciting objectives uh under 1.2 really looking at that mtss team but most importantly looking at uh making sure that we continue to get a an idea of how our students are feeling and um we continue to give that pan a survey three times a year uh we're excited this year that um we're starting to get at least on the secondary level more students involved in the discussion about the results and that has gone pretty well and then it takes us into and I know the schools seen the slides in your packets have a lot of this so I won't spend a great deal of time but we're you know we're always excited to see that supportive relationships stay in the 90s and even tick up if they can throughout the year um positive feelings this is six through 12 that's on screen um can you go back there you go um positive feelings ticked up a little bit towards the end of the year and challenging feelings um also fewer students were experiencing challenging feelings on a daily basis that's basically what that means when you see an a green increase or an arrow up um and engagement increased um then we go three through five and we see that same element in supportive relationships and Challen challenging feelings has the Green Dot but it basically stayed the same positive feelings unfortunately took a hit in three through five um as well as engagement went down a percentage point and so we're going to take a look at that because the questions as you've seen um in our discussions when we've done other presentations we're trying to understand do the students really understand those survey questions when we ask them especially when you are asking them um I'm interested in what's in my classes some of the time that's considered by the survey response as a negative response our thought is that maybe students are seeing that as a positive response yes some of the time I'm interested and so that would be a positive response as opposed to um very little of the time or never so anyway we're taking a look at that as we prepare for next year's surveys remember uh the K through two these are uh responses coming from the teachers so the hope would be that they're feeling like um you're seeing growth throughout the year and we are seeing most of the areas tick upwards in terms of um student growth uh emotional regulation had gone up a little bit at the mid cycle but it's basically stayed the same in terms of the responses here I went through that fast questions on that teaching and learning um continuing to take a look at not only we talked a little bit earlier about Universal Design for Learning and culturally sustaining pedagogy we've done a lot of that through um our professional development but uh we we put in some some lofty goals here and we've gotten close but we didn't uh necessarily hit the 75% of all of our students on I ready hitting typical growth um and we got close again in stretch growth with 30% but um we'll see that as we break it out I think Mr Brown's gonna walk us through some things so um the annual growth is determined based on how they test that that first diagnostic their Baseline and they put them in a cohort and based on that how could they use that formula how much growth kids that score that at this grade level usually will get and then of course the stretch growth is the an additional growth that would be necessary to continue to catch up to their peers so for reading uh we got to 48% of the kids in K to5 met their annual growth and 59% in 6 to8 met their annual growth and 26% met their stretch growth in K to5 and 30% made their stretch growth in 6 to8 so we H hit that stretch growth grow goal and then for mathematics we had 36% of the K to five met their annual growth 133% met their stretch growth and for 62% met their annual growth and 26% meant their stretch growth um 6 to8 is in year two of their illustrative math implementation um so um I think that's part of this um in terms of folks just really using their their time to collaborate and get together and then with the action steps do you have any questions on annual or stretch growth this is only for grades k through eight right correct okay uh ninth grade Ed umel this year so you'll hear more about that um when the high school presents next year withl we have more um familiarity we're going to be able to move that ninth and 10th grade this year was just ninth grade because we did start out I ready then moved into ISL because we had a few piloting ISL um and high school will be able to give you more detail on that so there's data for the high school then so um there's a lot here so just in a nutshell we're really making sure that teachers have all the instructional materials in their hands that we are doing frequent learning walks that we're providing professional development we're helping them utilize the tools to help all grade all students access grade level content um and also helping folks to use um their their time together um when they're collaborating um effectively and efficiently um and so uh out of this our learning walk data did find that we um it would be behoove us and we did this at the end of the year to really um rearticulate the expectations uh for using the curricular materials being really crystal clear about that sharing again the different support system so that when they go into next year everyone's on the same page as to what the expectations are from um all buildings um and then we can provide the supports as as needed um and that also offered some information about um professional development um actually before you leave that and that's I think that's gonna because that was something that we discussed in our last few leadership team meetings that will give us a framework as we do more more of this at the secondary level um the high school is moving on uh Ela curriculum and they're moving into their second year of math implementation as well as science actually science is on the clock I think science we'll be looking at materials next year materials um and just a lot of this has to do as well with um all the professional development and supports that we provide to help make sure teachers are creating those joyful classroom spaces that like they belong and take those academic risks working with their uh peers um and I think the most impactful professional development that we provided last year were the math learning Labs um where we really could talk not just about the content and the pedagogy but how to create the spaces where kids can interact with each other and take those risks um so we will be continuing uh with our math coaches next year more math learning labs and possibly uh Ela learning Labs as well you're able to do two cycles right yes so we did two rounds of each each grade level which was really great and here the big growth was um implementing the in addition to I ready the the early literacy Universal screeners that are approved by desie um and so we implemented that K to five um we are making a few changes for next year uh we're going to use uh dibles at Kaden to um it is a fully approved uh screener um and it will give us the information that we need um for those interventions because really what we're trying to do is make sure that we're getting the information that we need both to determine who needs interventions but also then drilling down and getting the diagnostic data to figure out what they need and then progress monitoring to make sure that they're what we're giving them is is working um so we're continuing to grow in in that but I was excited that um we did come to that conclusion with dibles I think we'll get even better information than we have um from the current literacy screeners we're working uh we're working on creating an assessment schedule for next year that hopefully provides not only strategic timing for interventions but enough spacing so that you know we can see what does the growth look like between assessments um I think this year was somewhat contrived glad you said that because I meant to say this when we had this slide that six to8 gave their last diagnostic at the end of the year but if you remember K to5 we switched our schedule to try to we were trying to anyway our experiment did not work but we were we did this in March so um there you know this I think if we had continued into June you would have seen even more of the kids meeting their annual growth and stretch growth for reading in forat so thank you for saying that because I completely forgot to say that Heather did you have a chance to cross reference um the projected proficiency reports at the end of the year with mcast from last year are all in the school reports school reports yeah all right so and um you rounded out with this last goal where we're talking about celebrating uh diversity and obviously being an inclusive and welcoming culture and that was something that I talked about just as we think about supporting the whole child uh and so the biggest element as we go to next slide here um really was uh the diversity and Equity steering committee meeting more regularly uh the Hope was that that group really could become a catalyst for two things one was the policy revision which really became the focal point for the year um and we'll see those policies as we um approach the August or September meeting um but we also wanted them to get involved in the recruits hiring and retention work that we had done as a leadership team and a subgroup of the steering committee had done a few years prior to this year because we're using a lot of the tools that we developed in the hiring process but what we're not doing much of right now is the Recruitment and so we need to do more we've done some we've taken some steps to do more with that but um not to the level that we would like to and so that'll be something that we're really going to take a focus on um hopefully with the steering committee but also the leadership team um so as we go through if you go to the next slide really it was this work where we were working not only with the steering committee but the lbbc um director of diversity and Equity inclusion to take a look at our policies and how we structure elps and how do we do a better job making sure that all are feeling welcome all are feeling comfortable being um in our climate as a school system and so first I think the policies are important for that recruitment because we have to make sure that we are creating a space where the folks that we're recruiting want to come right and people want to say GNA improve things that a great point so I I think as we get those um we get have the discussion at this level which becomes a much more public discussion hopefully um have any final edits and revisions then get approved that allows us to kick off the year with some messaging that I think will be really beneficial and valuable to for the entire District uh because it's not just one policy it's actually a group of policies and in one situation um and that's some of the work we have to do this summer it became quite a comprehensive one that's attaching um or possibly pulling in numerous other policies so we just have to look at how we manage that to make sure we're making sense of it and that it's clear folks as we go forward oh so we lost sorry questions on any of that I know that you have all of it in your packets uh before we move on to school presentations okay all right uh we are going uh in reverse order from what we did at the mid cycle so we're going to start off with our and so we have Mr Paige and Miss Blain coming up uh so have your slides loaded we have your yeah so gon start us off data which mirrors some of the stuff discussed at District uh and then into some of the iso work and go from there okay right everyone believe we're here already um so in regards to supporting the whole child um when we were addressing uh standard I should say smle 1.2 uh in regards to utilizing a multi-tiered system of supports to ensure all students progress both academically and in their social emotional and behavior development uh what we did is we basically um talked through um our mtss team and in looking at the data on attendance and trying to support students um in regards to academics but also um what finding out what the barriers were in terms of why they're not coming to school we developed an attendance team and so the action step was to work with families in the elps OR at the high school specifically to ensure consistent School attendance and so the attendance team kind of came from some of the work that we were doing with our mtss team and some of the people that are on the team were the same and then we brought in some other people who weren't part of the team initially so the team consisted of our admin team from the high school um our graduation coach who also was uh on the mtss team um Candy who's the director of nursing our care coordinator Maggie um a special educator and a teacher and then we also have some teachers who volunteered to be attendance champions for some of the students had been chronically absent uh and so it was really enlightening for all of us on the team to see what those barriers were in terms of why some of our students not attending school um and you know the work that everybody did in terms of having those conversations with students and families really brought to light some some things that we just didn't know were going on with some of those students and so um we were able to not only layer in supports for those students but we were able to layer in support for some of those families with the work that we were doing um so if you if you look at the end of the year results our daily average attendance through March 1st was 96.6 we were thrilled with um because you know previous to that we were worried about some students who had chronic who were chronically absent um and so if you look at the breakdown um you know when you look at the all student is the 96.6 and then you can see um the female male the low income um obviously is a little bit lower um and of course some of the barriers were specific to the students in low income and high needs and students with disabilities so that work will obviously continue into next year uh and we feel like we had a really great response from some of the staff in regards to being its Champions and we're hoping that we can actually uh some more people to volunteer to those students and their families in the upcoming year make phone calls and follow up is that the champion does okay yes and and daily meetings and check-ins with the student calls or or meetings with the family yeah and just to add to that piece um I think the efforts on chronic caps and them and we tried to re-engage students who I think there were steps that our full staff were were um doing in order to get ahead and be proactive in uh and supporting um getting into school because we dropped off significantly from from our chronic absenteeism right we're at 17.9% ume 23 now we're down to 6% which I don't have that finalized number but being the single digits is it's so there's there was communication from our staff throughout the course of the year uh to home teacher level admin level about the importance of of attendance and um thing we we did make a point of doing this year uh is B B ing that support piece which an was talking about with um kids who were chronically absent but also that accountability and and really following through on some uh expectations when it came to you know uh credits connected to attendant to making sure that those kids got to school so uh the balancing of the two um it's not just about the sport but we had to mix that accountability piece too I think help drive down those numbers so drive down numbers in a good way drive up daily attendance rate drive down yeah yeah yeah but it it was uh it was a a full School effort and that's the piece I really want to highlight because it's impossible for myself and Gary to you know uh manage 800 students when it comes to attendance you know so it does really take that Village approach um so jumping into uh the next goal here uh this is around teaching and learning um what we have highlighted in our information is some data connected to um some some diagnostic data with both math and English uh they're they're set up to both with they're both set up the same way I go through first the strands on the math side just give a snapshot of what the diagnostic looked like um that we ran in May and then on the English side as well uh the strands overall in terms of how the kids were bro broken down by strand under Ela and and then um diagnostic data connected to the ELA in the last piece I'll just talk about a little bit in ISL it's also the skill work and we could see where students made growth over the course of the year the majority of the skill work that we did this year was connecting to the students on that freshman team which we established uh this year and that is something that we're looking to expand upon going into next year so um so just kind of talking through this a little bit um so uh as Mr Smith noted we um we did start the year utilizing I ready um one thing I ready did not have at the high school level thatl does is um it does have the EXL does have the uh the skill work and the the remediation activities that the students can engage in when you see those deficiencies uh I already at the high school level only has that diagnostic which is why we made that transition in January um because we also saw um not just that it had a diagnostic that that met our needs and the data was very similar from what we saw in the fall to what we saw in January but we also saw that ability to address where those deficiencies were through the same program and um and that's why we made that shift and I uh I saw our teachers utilize this in a lot of ways to really um impact um those areas where we we saw weaknesses in our kids so um what you have listed here first is the the first snapshot um in January of where uh our students scored on their diagnostic by strand you know so on the math side you have that overall score that is that blue bar at the top and then by there uh below that there's six different strands that they break out the questions on um this is something I do like in ISL over the I as well as I only had four strands of math and ISL has six so they break it down a little bit more um two areas where we saw growth from January to May in math uh which was nice to see was um under uh numbers and operations and the geometry um as we're preparing these students for their their mcast T which which does cover that and they're really not exposed to those um those standards until High School it was good to see that growth that we saw in our students um and uh on the algebraic algebra and elra thinking side we did see a slight bump from January but I don't think I saw that we would have loved to see but we did see a slight bump there as well um you know I the concern I think you you're probably going to know in here is those numbers at the bottom are going by grade level uh we definitely do see that our overall our freshmen are still testing below grade level at the end of the freshman year so that's something that I want to work on going into next year as I you know better understand how to utilize this program and um continue to put those structures into place where we are utilizing it so uh but we did see ways as the year went on of of how to make this work effectively and we're going to continue those things as we go into next year just jumping to that next slide obviously because most of our students chunk of our students do take algebra during their freshman year um uh so this gives you a breakdown of where our students stand in terms of their algebra algebra and algebraic thinking that's that the Strand on the previous slide uh the red is um the students who are uh what they say far below grade level that's basically most of those kids are in that seventh grade range the yellow is they're coding in that eighth grade range and then you have um the green the light green as the at grade level and the uh that's smaller SLI at the top is above grade level um so again like I highlighted on the previous slide this is something that we we have to continue to work on uh because we have to make sure that these kids have these skills as they uh take these courses that do build from one to the next is this being administered into in their algebra classes in their math classes uh so our our Math teachers are uh running that diagnostic um they ran the Diagnostic in January and then they ran it again in May uh same thing on the ELA side so in the math courses because we have three different level or four different levels of of math for freshman you have algebra one algebra one honors geometry and then geometry honors and the kids are mixed into those four majority of the kids are either in the algebra standard or the geometry honors and it's kind of a blend in the middle um but those are the teachers who were administering this assessment yes they're taking it in their class yes yes yep yes yep and it's the same thing on the ELA side the The Freshman English and the Freshman English honors teachers are assessments as well uh so on the English side um you do see um jump to that slide um one overall our students are right at that freshman grade level if you look at those scores um you know we would like to see them past that bar uh that's that's G to be the goal that we really focusing on next year is moving that line across I'd love to come back to this data and see that growth one year to the next but we did see areas where the students uh did surpass grade level in areas like vocabulary um we saw um growth in the vocabulary from the January assessment through uh the May assessment I'm also uh let me jump to my data here on the writing strategies as well especially with the amount of writing and the level of rer of that writing on the on the high schoolcast you want to make sure that they are um strengthening their writing skills so those are two areas where I uh I'm happy to see growth um jumping on to that next slide uh similar um High graph that you saw the math I broke it out by that the reading level strand um and uh you can see the the breakdown our scores are a little better here we have to get we have to uh do a better job with pinpointing some of our scores of our students um on the English side but overall the scores do look better where we have more students either at or above grade level that dark green is above grade level this last slide um majority of the information that you see on this slide connects directly to the freshman team um so what you saw in the first previous four slides is the diagnostic data so that was only the assessment that was run in January and then you had the assessment that was run in May this is the skill progress over the course of the year uh so we have uh our our freshman team teachers during their the students foundations block were uh having the students work on skills within the iso program where they demonstrate deficiency Gnostic um so uh what you see up here is the number of questions that are students answered the number of different skills that they practiced you don't know maybe one student had 40 skills that they practiced another one did 39 that's that cumulative number of how many skills they practice on that top one is the the math side and uh the green book on the bottom that's the the uh the English side uh the the the skills proficient is how many um different skills that that cumulative number of our freshman uh demonstrated proficiency uh on that skill side so like let's say one student you know achieved 30 30 skills of proficiency um in English that's where you get that uh those numbers in that category um in in I Exel how a student achiev proficiency is they keep taking questions on that topic until they get to 80% every time they get a question right it moves the percentage up like three or four points they get it wrong it drops them down eight to 10 you know so they really have to work hard to get to that 80% then Mastery is at 100% which is harder for the students to achieve because the questions do get more difficult as you go through so um so that's why it's harder to get to that one but we do see students uh mastering skills in the program which is great uh the pinpointed students on the team so uh that's why I said this is pinpointed number they were our students who utilize the program the most um so on the on the math side you had 104 students with pinpointed uh diagnostic levels and then on the English side you had 68 so it's right in line with about how many kids we had on the team had about eight kids on the team this year uh that number it's it changes over the course of the year you have to continue to testl in order to keep that pinpoint level if a kid stops testing uh then that number goes away after 30 days so our honors classes our geometry honors courses didn't use this program as much so that's why you don't see those pin pointed numbers at this point in the year it's typically the algebra courses and the Standard English courses that we're continuing to diagnose and access their students um and then you can see the current grade point levels of the students who are uh pinpointed uh 8.2 and 8.7 on the math and English respectively and the average monthly growth where we saw of our student scores uh that percentage questions on teaching and what were some of the interventions that were put into place because then it says the outcome so uh during the foundations block we were continuing to mediate skills through the program uh one thing we're doing going into next year for students where we saw kids continually test below grade level and uh also based on their grades in the courses and teacher recommendations uh those are kids we're going to continue that mediation going into next year where they're being assigned to an mcast preparation course in math and English where we have a geometry teacher standard geometry teacher Standard English 10 teacher who have the same cohort of kids and uh they're also going to be teaching the MCAS course at the exact same time um to better support those students who who need that additional help we identified about 30 of them okay so it's about 30 kids are going to get that more intensive remediation going into next year they'll be part of that sophomore team so um so again we're learning the ISL program those numbers for how many are still testing grade level don't look great we also have kids who are passing our algebra courses connected to our real curriculum so we're we're using multiple data points to figure out which ones are best assigned to that team as we get better with the program I'm hoping those numbers look better only into next year in the EXL program that's what I was going to ask how did that did this data impact course grades like did you see a correlation between students really coming out almost a grade level below and the types of grade they were receiving in their core classes um it fluctuated like there's some kids who um the data was accurate and there was other kids who maybe weren't putting in their best effort on the ISL program where you would see on a test they might get a B in their geometry course but we're testing on a sixth grade level inl program which is kind of a red flag which allows us to have those conversations with the kids and their parents about like let's do this with a little bit more Fidelity you know so that's why we we we identify the students for next year for that sophomore team we're looking at all the data points and not justl um that was one that we brought into the conversation so and then is there does EXL allow you to drill down standard level within those domains uh so it by student yes okay um so if I pulled up a student report I could get a list of skills where they have those deficiencies and it'll the program will create a a skill plan for those kids to work on to remediate those skills so if let's say A kid had uh deficiencies on Geometry in the geometry stand under skills X Y and Z you know it's going to assign those problems for them to work on I was wondering just if there was a way to if you could do it at the grade level then that information could potentially be sent to birand to be able to think about if this is a concern coming up into ninth grade is there a way to then start to put a greater emphasis on those particular standards or domains as they're coming up so that way there you can see if there's a way to get ahead of it as opposed to receiving students who are coming at least it may be in there um it is new program for us and we're still kind of learning some of the bells and whistles uh I do know on the teacher side I can get they can get a class breakdown and identify which kids struggled in the diagnostic on specific questions so if there's like a a whole class snapshot of like five or six kids just aren't getting this one maybe go back and ret that so we do get that so there's probably something simar maybe just something to think about yeah right so um our last slide and this one is around school culture uh and we put a lot of work into our um our Wellness data uh and the two questions that we focused on this year um just connected to that concept of inclusivity uh the the at the fall um smart go presentation um when we're looking at um uh that first question of I feel I am part of my school uh my school I'm sorry I feel I am part of the community at my school uh that percentage was at 80% we're hoping to get that around 85 to 90% this year it's at 82% which is a little bit of a diff from January we were hoping that was going to be a little bit higher but that's something to continue to work for going into next year and then um second question was my uh my school is inclusive all backgrounds and identity so we're hoping to try to bridge the gap between those two questions where kids feel like everybody's included they also feel as part of that community and and try to get those percentages consistent um still got a little bit of work to do there uh there's a lot of things that we we do in our school to try to build capacity with students to give them leadership opportunities um as as highlighted up up on the slide um but it's definitely one area where um we would like to see more growth um we spent a lot of time digging into the survey data with the kids this year we met with about 200 of them after the January survey to get their feedback um anecdotally about what their peers were saying not what they were saying uh but what their what their peers were saying and the responses just try to get their take and understanding of how they were viewing uh what was happening in LHS we had some really good conversations Hing to use some of those conversations to set some more professional next year by incorporating more student voices into our classes good thank you good right I think we're moving to next Mr pear and Mr Andrew good evening sell tickets buty yes okay so um we'll start off looking at the attendance numbers just like the high school did um so we had 95% average daily attendance by the end of the year which was a 7.7 chronic absenteeism rate so this is a pretty significant drop from where we were in uh midcycle when we were at 12% um so also an improvement over our data from last year when we got full points from mcast for our accountability we were eight and a half percent so we've reduced it even more you can see here we only had 13 students that attended fewer than 85% of days so we're pretty pleased with those numbers we can go to the next slide we can see some of the things that I really believe it was the human touch our mini attendance team and I have to give a huge shout out to Trish per who is our student intervention coordinator lived on the phone making contact with families that were chronically absent already a lot forming those relationships coming with plans with those kids but also involved our mtss Champions much like the high school also got involved in working with some kids that were particularly tough and having regular check-ins story behind what was happening so there's always something contributing to the attendance rather than just I don't want to go to school there's usually a pretty good reason behind that um we made use of the uh district attendance specialist for some of our difficult cases as well of course we kept up with our letters every quarter of students that were on track to be chronically absent but as I said the reasons behind it um I think I mentioned the midcycle that we found there was a big component of mental health that was contributing to a lot of this so we really focused on our relationship with River Valley get those kids some of the assistance needed so they'd be a little bit more comfortable coming to school getting to the root of the problems that we're keeping them from attending school and it's a partnership we're looking to grow is about finding space in the building for them meeting with them later this week to see if I can magic up another space that they can have so that we can get more kids the services they need so they'll be ready to school um you know another big part of it and you'll see more in our slides about inclusive uh culture was about engagement he's trying to make classes a little more engaging for the kids makes the school experience the Virgin experience a little bit more an engaging one um so part of that was also getting into Partnerships with local businesses to get some incentives to give kids kind of a reason to come to school I know we use Texas Roadhouse we had a trampoline park our PTO sponsored some things to give kids reasons both shortterm and long-term kind of come to school and help bump those numbers up you know another big part was making sure that all our absences were being entered correctly I know we had some students that were in partial hospitalization situations that were showing up as absences for us and we got those corrected that also helped contribute to our numbers but we are really pleased I mean I think we were 14% a couple of years ago just kind of cut that in half in the space of less than two years we're pretty pleased with how that's out for us all right we're going to go into some of the teaching and learning so you'll see a lot of our I ready uh data here so this is for reading our end of year you can see the placement distribution and uh nice numbers when we compare it to the Fall Again a big increase in students that are testing on grade level could decrease in the number of students that are testing below their grade level so it's always something that you want to see when you get to this and we'll see the same thing in math on the next slide we greatly increase while redings that are significantly including a huge tick 18% up ticking students that are mid or above grade level talk a little bit more about those reasons in just a minute um so the the district smart goals Gordon set us a pretty lofty goal try to pain of 75% of students reaching their typical growth in ela and math on the IR and 30% reading the stretch growth so how did we do that was um you know some some to grow and some things to celebrate when we look at our reading statistics uh we did have 59% of our kids meet their typical growth which was a little bit shy of what we like to have seen so we have some things to look out to see how we can get that number up to where we want it to be but we did hit our stretch growth we did have 30% of people make it to that goal so we're pleased with that you can see our median number there was 150% and you can see that we did really well particularly in our with our younger students um getting them where the wanted to be 67% of our sixth graders met their typical growth you know kind of tapers out is their enthusiasm Bri ready dies a little bit by the time they get to eth grade U but I think we're heading in the right direction there so we're pretty pleased with those numbers but recognize that we do have some things we can adjust next year to try and inch a little bit closer to that 75% that we want to be at all right um see a little more reading da here and what we're pleased with here is that our neediest kids we grew the most the kids that grade level two or three um levels below where they should be we grew them the most most we saw the increases in their um improved placement percentages in that group so it means that our intervention classes are doing the job that they're designed to do there you go I wasn't lying to you it right there okay now when we shift to math actually the numbers get a little bit it's a little bit interesting KES here um M for a second again we had slightly bigger number 62% met their um typical growth numbers and we almost met the stretch growth we were at 26% there annual growth number the median was 122% so again we're growing them at each grade level but we still have some strides we want to make but when we get into the the smaller groups if you can go to that next slide for me what's interesting here here in Reverse from what we see in the reading data is that we grew our kids the most who were at Mid or above grade level and S that you had mentioned how we coordinate with the high school try and see what our kids need and the big thing we had done this past year is kind of U adjust the structure of our accelerated math programs and kind of reduce the number of kids that were in there uh down to one algebra group per team in eth grade and I think that's really what you're seeing here is we had kids that were really ready to move were prepared for algebra able to move at that quicker space and they really reap the benefits of that and I think they saw huge huge growth this year so I think as we get maybe a couple more years of data on that we can really I think we'll see that Trend confirmed but it is something that we really really looked at this year and I know that going forward we've been spending a lot of time this year trying to identify exactly which metrics contribute to students being successful in accelerated math and I had send something out to parents about um looking at where they score on their IR ready end of year their MK CL data their class grades even their attendance and trying to correlate all that into which kind of kids are going to be successful are going to be ready for that punishing pace of algebra the internet's ready for the pun but it's something to look at so you know we don't have um unlimited time tonight but anybody would ever like to come by I can really walk you through that study of how we kind of broke down all the math numbers and really tried to identify the metrics of who's going to be successful when they go on to algebra we want those kids to be successful in high school and the high school was telling us that a lot of our kids in our algebra Pro program weren't necessarily successful when they got to Geometry yet so obviously that's something that we need to fix what skills do we need to focus on Middle School level and I think we did a good job of doing that this past year um as you see in those numbers there all right so um we are in what I already I already identifies this sweet spot and their quadrants there of having kids and performance and high growth both and for math so we're pleased to be there it's where you want to be the upper right so we're doing a good job with that um look to stay there as we move into the next school year and you had asked about the projections um mcast so you can see our fall numbers there we were projected to have 42% of our students being proficient on the um mcast and by the spring we had bumped that up to 54% of our kids so we had a nice 12% bump there and kids that are ready to be proficient on mcast that objection is accurate in a couple months but um it's good number to see we hope it's pointing in the right direction and we'll see something similar for math where we had a really big growth in the fall we were at 24% of our kids projected to be proficient 5% so you know getting close to doubling up that number by this spring um with our most recent diagnostic data so we'll hope that that to be accurate maybe even better with with their performance mcast our students I got to give them a lot of credit particularly in eth grade they in that month and a half span they took four different mcast in content areas some over multiple days then they took I Diagnostics so um that they performed as well as they did on the diagnostic giv some of the testing fatigue I I salute them because that's a tall task as the weather's getting warmer there's so many other things going on in school so kudos to them so what do we attribute a lot of this to I I I mentioned cycle that we had an I ready reset staff moved away from being into something that we were doing particularly for math or ELA teachers why we do this having those mcast projections was kind of big why showing that no matter what we do this is projecting how we're going to do on the mcast which is the ultimate measuring stick for us but also kind of establishing some Norms about how we're approaching our I ready time that we have built into our schedule two days a week it wasn't uniform across classrooms some people were handling it different than others so we wanted to make sure that we were on the same page and that Natalie and I were a lot more visible in the classrooms checking with the kids making sure that we were sticking to those Norms so that we would have that good Baseline data that was going to be accurate that everybody was approaching it on the same level and understood the seriousness of why we're doing this um in addition then we partnered with the high school we identified some kids that were struggling and partnered them up with tutors from the NHS the high school level we had 25 kids that that something that went on weekly that was really cool to see the kids working they were enthused about it little more engaging way for them to get that um remediation that they needed they liked working with the high school kids I'd like to think the high school kids liked working with them so it went well and we'll probably look to revisit that again next year maybe even started a little bit earlier than we did so thank you to Gary Wright's now here tonight for helping us set that up but it went well um we did the math Labs some of you got to to view those when you came through to school I think that helped really get student thinking at the Forefront making it visible getting classes again to be a little bit more engaging getting students up and really getting Hands-On with their math instructional coaches we had hyped our um coaching Cycles this year we got all the way through all of our teachers doing a coaching cycle the exit survey feedback was very good people felt it was valuable trepidation about it being in an evaluative process was kind of asked people like that we had given them kind of menu of things to choose from um they got some some agency and choosing what they thought was going to work for them and that the coaches were a good partner for them and helping them work on those skills and then seeing those skills then translate to performance by our students so they were they were very pleased with the coaching cycle and next year we'll have to look at how we can expand that to our other areas um coaches are just good academic coaches and athletes need performance coaching just like anybody else if we look it like that it's not a threatening thing we want everybody to be performing at their best and U coaching Cycles were a big part of that so we'll talk a little this summer about how we're going to refine it see how we can expand it uh our coaches also met with our Ela and Math teachers they use the atlas protocol to look at our I ready data after the midcycle to try to identify Trends uh what was happening there um that's really great because it kind of removes a lot of the Judgment from it allows us just look at the numbers and say what do we see here where can we improve what are we proud of um so that was really effective we identified some things that we were able to act on in the second half of the year uh we also use I ready for Mastery checks to improve us tier one instruction so we we noticed sometimes that our our grades don't always match up with our standardized testing scores so Mastery checks is a great way to bring that to the Forefront uh before the end of the year we take a standard that we taught well in the classroom have the students take this independent assessment that's very very mcast aligned and then we look at the data and see how the kids did see what kind of Trends to developed there we struggling do we need need to go back and retach this where there areas of the standard that we didn't necessarily address so that's been pretty valuable for us and we want to expand that and make it an even more regular feature than what we were doing before um and of course we started instituting a new enrichment class we had students at a higher rate than ever testing out of ir ready so rather than having them read in their class use as a study hall uh we class so we could help those kids work on some critical thinking some collaborative things some Project based learning so we could continue to grow and I think you saw that some of our high performers still showing that great stretch growth in typical we're pretty we're pretty happy with our I ready stuff we realize that we have some room to grow but I think we have the foundation in place and it's just a matter of pushing that work forward so in regards to inclusive and supportive School culture we focus on two areas we wanted to make sure that students felt that they had supportive relationships and also that they felt engaged more engaged in school so you can see here this is one of the results of our Panorama surveys given to students um in terms of supportive relationships 91% of our school population felt that they had supportive and positive relationships with adults in the building and so we're really happy to report that that actually is an increase a two percentage Point increase increase from where we were on our winter survey and you know it's a small increase but we're right there at the top we're at the 80th to 99th percent how nationally so you know that just lets us know we are engaging with our students enough for them to feel supported and wanting to come to school they feel like they can talk to a staff member we you know through our advisory program or enrichment their regular content Area Teachers I have so many kids even come to me just you know not always about a discipline situation but just to share about what's going on in family life and same with Mr Pearson as well so we're really happy about that you can see the breakdown um of course across our student demographics and then of course in engagement we aren't quite as high so we know we need to do some work here we're always looking for more ways to engage students however we did see a six percentage Point increase so we will take that um you can see though there is a gap between some of our student you know dem Graphics here and so we want to figure out ways in which we can close the gap even further but we have done some so if you can go to the next slide um one of the things that we did as you all are well aware of we did partner with the academic leadership Association and not just we wanted to not just focus on the students but we also wanted to really focus on building the teacher capacity to improve their relationships with students not always about the content sometimes how you relate to the can then access the content and so we realized that um through some previous you know surveys from students that some some students didn't feel like their teachers were understanding of them or the relationships weren't as strong so this is where we brought um Valente tulk in for the academic leadership Association to give a yearlong PD program for our teachers and so he came in and and shares some strategies and and um skills that teachers can expand on he had them reflect on their own personal experiences quite a bit how those experience tied into the maybe their teaching style looking at different ways of relating to students and maybe how some some of the things that they might have been doing might be actually counterintuitive to what you want to see in your classroom and so teachers really reflected a lot every single session had teachers reflecting on on the personal experience of students and internal um ways that they can improve and so as a result by the end of the year about 70% of our our teachers felt that what they gain was very valuable and you can see them using those strategies throughout their teaching um and then 80% over 80% of the staff said you know what I think other teachers and other schools would absolutely benefit from from his service so we're really happy with that um and then in addition to using the academic leadership Association for the support of our teachers we also have them running mentorship groups actual students so the first gound we started with the some atris voice um and we Valente actually took that on himself so he actually was in the classroom he met with the students twice a week individually and as a group and met with us as a leadership team we came up with some different behavioral metrics and academic metrics to see just so that we can start to measure their growth based on their experiences with him um and those students absolutely loved every bit of that program and their interaction with him I mean they were like when is is Valente coming today are we gonna be have lunch with him today or telling us about Mr junga um I got this on my report card or you know really just wanting us to see the updates participating in study halls and things like that um and then he incentivized a lot of behaviors and academics by providing outside trips for the students that they can earn if they hit their different benchmarks and according to our data um every single student of the year that started as at risk in our behavioral category ended it as in as proficient so there were certain things that they had to meet you know can't couldn't get so many writeups or more than so many writeups in a particular time frame three month period or so something like that um at the end every single student finished as proficient and 66% of the students that started at risk academically also finished a year proficient and so he just took them on a trip what was it six PS uh it went bowling they also did they got to see um Malcolm X's daughters the Black History Month it's St he would take to the Hampton County district office to see the legal system at work so there a lot of growth stuff and how many kids are in this uh we have 16 to 18 that are in it overall um and it was a chance for him also to Model A lot of stuff that he was showing their teaching about being a warm demander I guess big term a lot of us took away from it uh being a warm demander so to see it firsthand and like I said seeing the success from the students was fantastic and we started with the boys like I said but then by mid year we um adopted a girls group because we realize we have a lot of girls that are struggling with some behaviors as well as academically and social interactions and so his wife who was also a partner with him in his organization came in and she took on a girls group um she just had a baby so that's not happening right this minute but she did take that on and the girls again also really started to flourish in that group and you can see the changes immediately um we're really excited to continue that in the upcoming year and then as Mr parison mentioned already um our coaching cycle very very successful this we didn't want to just support our students we wanted to make sure that our teachers felt supported and they absolutely did through the coaches the coaching Cycles so again it wasn't a punitive thing it was something where they had an option a menu of choices how would you like to utilize the coach to help improve your practice you know do you just need a thought partner do you want me to sit in the room and give you actual feedback that I'm observing um for a particular skill that you're working on in class are you looking to see if I'm being Equitable in my practices with my students you know in terms of who I'm calling on or who I'm how I'm addressing students whatever you want those teachers got a chance to um select support that they wanted and then the coaches um delivered that for like two weeks two weeks at a time and then they gave us some feedback and the teachers felt that that was very valuable so we are looking to expand that one thing I did want to Circle back for the third bullet down I didn't get a chance to mention it's not on the screen but part of you know um part of our goal in regards to engagement I feel like is not just know helping the students move from the at risk category out of the at risk category but then moving them Beyond to like helping them learn how to become leaders so one of the things that we did this year was create a partnership with Maple Shay with Connor um and we took two of our students who were in this at risk group and gave them an opportunity to serve as mentors for other students of color in at at Maple shap students who might have already had some um they might have shared some things that indicated that they're not feeling as supported at students so um Mr Martin wanted to really figure out how can we better support them and we figured what better way than to have some older students at a school where they will be coming soon embrace them have similar conversations break bread with them have some games and just general Fellowship to make them feel more welcomed and that was a a total success what you say so I just got to say I'm so grateful for Natalie and for the students of burin because they just made this such a wonderful experience you know every it was every other week every week my kids would come up to me and would ask if this was the week because they were just beaming they it they loved it was definitely a highlight this year um and Natalie was was fantastic she was great shees all the accolades cry um thank you so much Conor um but again the opport the opportunity was also really to take two of those students who were in this group and as well as two other students so we had four boy two U two girls and two boys and to have them serve as Mentor so I kind of let it in the beginning and then I had weekly meetings with them to plan the next session where they would pick the activity the conversation topics all of those things and the games and and whatnot for the young people so we're looking you know the kids said can we do this next year so we had to figure out the logistics of what that looks like you know do we have a new student population but it was really nice because at the stepup day automatically the kids recognize oh my goodness you know they remembered us and we're very excited to even come into the building just based on that previous experience um and then the last thing I wanted to mention I think you had mentioned it already about our mtss team you know in other words we wanted to engage the students more um and also make sure that they felt that they were were supported so we again looked at some of the data some of the Panorama responses um divied up some of the students and basically went out to meet with them have some check-ins with them to figure out what are their needs you know what led them to respond in certain ways that they did and figure out better ways to support them throughout the year so additional check-ins or any other interventions as needed and so that is how we have been supporting students again if you have any extra ideas of ways to engage please share them our way because we do want to get that engagement number up um we do have some things I won't share now that are in the works for in the fall hopefully to further engage not just our atrisk students but some of our top performers you know new trend new trend a lot of times we spend a lot of our energy at the bottom half really trying to push everyone up and then the students at the top that are doing everything that they've been asked to do don't always feel as supported either so we really want to find ways to continue to support them and of course that middle group as well but I just want to say thank you guys for all of your support this year you guys have been amazing for me Steve and I and um we just wanted to show our appreciation so thank you any questions I have a question about the academic leadership Association is that yearly you said you're gonna no just it was like a one into a partnership we started with them last year mentoring a small group of boys and again after tracking the data we saw a lot of success increasing attendance in Behavior metrics and also academics so we wanted to continue that this year and we added the PD piece um I knew that he was to had developed a series of PDs were nine different sessions um so we worked with Gordon thankfully we had some some s funds to bring him in to work with our staff and then we halfway through the year side we wanted to expand the mentorship thing to our our female students because we had a group who were experiencing a lot of the same struggles so we grew it there so next year though um you know a lot of the S funds aren't there anymore we're going to continue with the mentorship groups uh the PD will look for building leaders to keep that going the lessons that we learned you know probably with a refresher on a building based day but there was some really good stuff out of that we still uh like I said the exit surveys were fantastic people took a lot out of it uh so we'll look to keep that going next year things like creating third spaces um you know getting students uh in helping to design goals for your curriculum just restoring broken relationships all really good things even if you're a veteran teacher you can always revisit and a lot of this was you know looking at groups that are are marginalized as and how their experience might be a little bit different how you might have to do things a little bit differently with that group of students Steve you mentioned River Valley the roughly percentage of students or number of students oh my goodness I wish I said come prepared I could tell you but we we never have enough So 20% 50% roughly I will get back to I only ask because it continues to grow sounds like yeah it's always growing we four more kids that need it we have a long waiting list like I said I'm meeting with them this week they said they have an additional therapist for me if I can find to spot they're very particular they want to be in one place all day and some it's tough in the Middle School wor sharing room so I got to play a little bit of a musical chairs and figure out how I can do that but the more we can add the better because it seems like that number postco is always growing the students have some kind of struggle there be anxiety or depression and it's impacting attendance school Behavior everything so um once we address that I think we're going to continue to see Improvement in all those other facets your proficiency looks like it's trending towards similar mcast scores last year y i i only one thing I'm not sure about there is is it says umy of students show no additional growth and I wasn't entirely sure what that meant I was going back and forth to that with Heather um at the end of the year they only show you that because there's no opport yeah no opportunity to grow so I'm not sure what that means because I was able to show you before the midcycle if they hit typical growth if they hit stretch growth and I'm not able to show you that now so I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the Imp include writing so there's a chance that the writing scores could also give a slight as well so okay other questions for us both I'll you have hotter air out there Mr Thompson think so open open the door rules all right open Mee oh we thought you were C hot and we're like he changing the temperature I thought youing air flow nope all right good even everybody uh to talk about Maple Shade um as I've stated all all year long we have focused very intensely on on the attendance piece we have increased our Outreach to parents throughout the course of the year we utilize the panana system to identify the students who are at most um at risk for attendance issues and that allowed us to be able to identify those students and um enter into conversations with the families in order to best support the students with whatever it was that was going on whether it was illness whether it was uh School avoidance um or what have you but as you can see we reduced our number .9 to 8.8 um so we're very very happy this um and then with you know with uh with everything with um Maple Shade we very proud of being able to create a safe and inclusive environment um that is reflected Panorama scores which you can see um beginning on the the next yep okay so everything that's in green are the areas that improved um since the fall or since the uh the the winter results um everything that is not in the green either stayed the same or just went down um but the the the numbers are small if they went down so the Bedrock of my belief in education is the importance of building relationships building relationships with um with students with teachers parents um and as you can see this that supportive relationship piece because when you build that um the the relationship it's like a a bridge of trust across which you can convey anything so our students feel as though they are supported that they have relationships with key members um in the in the staff that they feel um safe um and I think that that uh speaks to the volume and just speaks to to how well our staff works at being able to save space for our students also with school safety you know uh going to school in 2024 is different um than it was you know when we were going to school there is definitely a heightened awareness around school safety and I think that that trickles down to our kids even though we want to protect them as much as posable um but we you know at the end of the day most thing is that we ensure that our students are safe and I think that that as well that they know that when they enter the school that they feel safe clearly I want that number to be 100% I will is 100% but it was moving in the right direction so so again um breaking down the the supportive relationships piece um exactly um of of the three questions that were asked increased and even the one that did not increase that's still a high number so I'm proud of it so 88% of our students um you know have a trusted member from the staff that they can um that they can count on they can rely you know and from grades three to five that's incredibly important um for our students um you know for our students entering into Maple Shade um as third graders you know having that person that they can trust that's important and fifth grade is a time of transition um and it's a time where they are going to take their next step in terms of of growth and Independence and it can be scary so having that that person that they they give trust um is important for them to be able to access uh their education and be able to push themselves um Direction all right um so that that number that 87% um I feel like I'm a part of the community at my school that to me um speaks to the work around um Equity inclusion that we have done this year um much like Natalie had said um and I you know I cannot thank her enough allowing our students the opportunity to be able to go over to birchland um but I want everyone of my students to to feel as though Maple Shade is their school and I want to give them the platform that they need and I want Maple Shade to be a safe space for them so that they feel as though they are part of a larger community and that's something that we have worked hard um at all year long we have uh been able to look at our mission statement we've been able to um derive from our mission statements something tangible for our students to buy into so at Maple Shade we are made in the shade which means that each one of our students strives to be hardworking actively engaged determined to succeed and empathetic in all that they do um and I think that that trickles into each aspect of the school whether it's their academics the way in which that they interact with one another the way in which they interact with adults and it allows us as a school individually um and teacher to teacher and student to student how to be able to provide the necessary um education around each one of those uh components of our slogan in order to support whatever it is whether it is engaging in high levels of Education pushing through um whether it is p relationships um but that e piece that empathy piece I think is reflected here part of my school because they're giving themselves that respect their shoes in terms of school safety um at the beginning of the year we did a lot of work around uh bullying uh carollyn McBride our school psychologist was able to procure a um antibullying Grant um that allowed all of the social emotional lessons during the month of October which is anti-bullying months um so we did a lot of focus on that um and our students recognize that uh that we have made an effort 93% um have recognized that here at Maple Shade we're not tolerating bullying that they feel as they they can go to someone if they see it um so these numbers are all moving in the right direction and that um I think supports that 87% of feeling like they are part of a community at at Maple Shade and positive feelings um our students uh self-report that they were happier and safer so again you know with with safety 60% isn't what I want it to be um but it did move in the right direction um and 73% uh you know again I want that to be higher but it it moved in the right direction as well and challenging feelings again um you know the these numbers moved in the right direction so uh we had less students feeling sad and worried but this number here is something that I'm incredibly proud of all of the students in the building for all of the teachers um this is this is very important that especially during the the the grade range of three to five that they're building in the skills necessary to demonstrate perseverance and they're not just up on their learning and they're not just giving up on themselves so this number increased in the right direction and I think this is indicative of all the work that we have done over the last two years around building a growth mindset building um supports around productive struggle and resilience for two years we have had um the uh academic venturing award to celebrate students who aren't necessarily getting it in class but not giving up on themselves um because much like adventure learning can be both fun and scary when you don't know something and not giving up on yourself not giving up on the learning and pushing uh through and and and just continually trying you know supporting that and building incentives around that and a celebratory nature around that I hope instills within them this belief that know being smart isn't knowing the answer it's not giving up when you don't know the answer that's that's important as they continue to make through the grades um so for teaching and learning we're going to start get into um the the I ready scores so if you go to the next slide so as you can see um you know if you compare our um reading scores um in the at the end of the year which I do want to highlight again the end of the year for these purposes we're talking about March um so we saw we saw you know growth we saw an increased numbers moving in the right direction which I want to celebrate but I do want to recognize that had we taken the U the I ready in late May or June these numbers would have been larger um but you know our students are working hard with reading with the wit and wisdom curriculum that is expected um and they're they're working through that which increases the level of rigor and they are you know having you know high quality academic discussions with each other around um their reading math as you can see we also saw um signicant increase um and a lot of this was bolstered by you know a lot of the conversations that we had around math instruction this year so it was reported you know previously that we had the learning Labs um which I I think was very successful each one of our teachers engaged in the learning Labs you know we were able to you know um observe each other and there was immediate takeaways and implementation of the the the practices from the learning labs ofal whiteboards to the um extent that we've had to replace the vertical whiteboards in some classes already due to the the use and the take this professional development practice so our students are collaborating with one another they are having highquality conversations around what um the math problems um you know what math means to them um how they're you know coming up with the uh the the solution to the problem they're pushing each other they're pushing themselves um and as you can see from the next slide this is also oh not this slide sorry um uh no actually go to the next slide I can go back to that but um all of our math work um is also supported by our ST Math uh initiative so last year at this time you know we had the end of the year um goal of 80% syllabus uh completion for for stmath and we came just short I believe that we got 77 or 78% um this year not only did we achieve our 80% of ST Math but um you know very you know early on in the spring we exceeded it um so you know we ended the year with 87% throughout the uh throughout the building which is which is great um that is a that is a testament to how hard our students worked at this you know they kept themselves on track they um they had their own weekly goals they knew exactly where they were and this is all because our teachers worked tirelessly to ensure that our students knew exactly where they were we also reduced the amount of students who were below 40% um last year 22% of our students were year only 10% of our students were below 40% which again you know um speaks volumes of how hard our teachers worked to incorporate stmath and support stmath um and also you know we we did what we could to um just celebrate it as much as possible so we had um for the student that achieved 100% you know they they were 100% Club Award winners they received a certificate they got their picture taken the persevering penguin Award winners these are students who um might not have gotten 100% but much like the academic Adventure award they did not give up on themselves they continued to try they continued to push through they were featured on the morning announcements um we had the March mathness tournament to increase competition uh throughout building amongst the home rooms which was fun we sent home postcards we had um certificates for students who hit their high scores um we had incentives in place for um for uh goals throughout the year so when students hit uh the 20% syllabus completion um GG the mascot visited it's like Mickey Mouse coming to Maple Shade um and then for uh students once they got to 60% um we had um a movie day um in the building so you know we we really supported and celebrated stmath and as you can see this was a a big point of success um throughout the course of the Year want to go back to these yeah um you know I don't I don't have much to say on it um again we we did take the um the I ready earlier in the year I don't think this is necessarily indicative of how well our students are going to do on the mcast test I think that if we had taken it um later in the spring you know these numbers would be um you know we would see higher Prof proficiency rates um but I will dive into this over the summer to see what I can pull out and have any supports in place in the fall if we need anything they're similar to last year's mcast slight uptick for reading though it looks like they're projecting you to be about or the students to be about four percentage points higher was 33% proficiency yeah okay so um inclusive and supportive culture and climate I touched upon upon that a little bit with um our Panorama survey results but you can go to the next slide Heather um Maple Shade is um just a school where um you know we are comprised of very um are very lucky we are very lucky that we have the students um that buy into Maple Shade they care about Maple very deeply have teachers who care very deeply about map shade and we have parents who care very deeply about map and I think all of these culminate with with moments like this um where we are able to celebrate the culture um of our own backgrounds of creativity to create a a warm and friendly climate um for our students and the larger community so um you know this year in the spring um our Maple Shade players our drama production um saw the the performance of The Lion King which was incredible it was just an incredible thing to see like 70 um Maple Shade students involved it took place at burin thank you Steve thank you Natalie thank you to the custodians um at burchland who who helped out thank you to Don Mackey thank you Don for all of the work that that you contributed uh during that um thank you to all the the parents and to to carollyn McBride Amy binder um Christine Lohan um and Kelly pazon for all of the work for allowing a creative outlet for our students who engaged to high levels and and and to just be able to see what what these kids were able to do was truly inspiring um we had our learning Carnival which allowed um our parents to come in and be able to to learn in fun ways um with their students um with their children um during the evening we had the solar eclipse of the heart um which was just a a fun event for the kids um you know it just we were lucky that um the eclipse took place during a time when you know our kids were still in school so we were able to all go outside together as a school put the glasses on and watch the celestial event while listening to Bonnie Tyler on a loop non-stop for a half an hour um and uh just leading up to it in the day it was just celebratory you know students it was just a Science Focus all throughout the day they they learned about the eclipse you know they follow followed it you know on the news they they it was just Science Focus it was just a great special day of learning we had our spring band and chorus concert um which was just you know shows another level of talents um for our students for the Color Run um you know I'm very grateful for um Casey Hodges our PE teacher who um you know at the beginning of the year uh you know organizes a fall field day and then the the year culminates with a caller run which again you know opens up the doors proverbial doors of the the the field for all of the the parents who want to attend um we have great parental support I think that's just because the parents really want to squirt their kids um with with color as they run by um but it is a lot of fun um it supports physical health and education um and it just puts a smile on on the face it's Community event it's a full School event um and it's it's just it's it's a wonderful time to just get outside run smile um you know get wet while it's you know warm outside and have fun um with uh parents and teachers and and students it's wonderful and then the balloon toss I got uh 300 plus water balloons thrown at me um which is a great fundraising opportunity but again I had 300 water balloons thrown at me thankfully it wasn't as uh cold outside as it was last spring it was really really nice um but it's it's a great event we had her look for the good assembly which is um another out for um our social emotional learning it it empowers our students um to uh present um and instills them with a a level of confidence that I certainly didn't have um when I was in fifth grade um and and and that goes back to the the work that Carolyn McBride does in being able to uh instill our students with that level of confidence so that they are being able to create a a student run assembly that benefits everybody we had our uh staff versus staff volleyball game um which brings everybody out to the high school which is always a lot of fun we had our fourth grade immigration simulation and um parent uh showcase which you know puts our students through the uh Ellis Island um experience um and then they're able to report on it um and give a presentation this interactive um dramatic Recreation to the parents we had our fifth grade talent show on the last day of school which again you know our students are multifaceted um and it's it's great to be able to just see what they're able to um to Showcase you know we we also uh increased the amount of field trips that we had um our fifth grade went to um Smith college our third grade went to the reptile museum in uh Enfield and our fourth grade went to the Science Center so the more opportunities our students have to you know go out into the world I think that it just creates for a fun learning experience and then you know I've I've spoken about this before throughout the different presentations um but it was a work in progress um and since the the midcycle um presentation uh we were able to implement this into our morning announcements um which is our culture Corner which is our um platform on the morning announcements run by students for students in order to allow our students to be able to Showcase their backgrounds their Heritage their culture um because again going back to that Panorama data um you know our students feel as though they are part of a community in our school I think a lot of that does speak to the work around culture Corner um to just showcase uh just the the different um heritages and background we have that make up our our little school and and to be able to allow our students to celebrate it with each other and then um you know in terms of just school pride for what we have and what we're able to provide our kids we had 88% 88% of our students staying after 88% of our students St stayed after for at least one school club um after school which just shows just a level of involvement that our kids have and a level of dedication that our teachers have in being able to provide these opportunities for our students you thank you everybody thanks con app we have Mountain View and Mel coming up ready so I'm going to start with our first goal talking about creating a safe nurturing Equitable and inclusive learning environment and talking about attendance I'm proud of this year tendance is that we always try to make Mountain View fun and engaging place where they want to be every day so on the next slide you'll see that our average daily dependance rate was 95.5 as of last Monday um that's from Panorama so we went slightly over our goal of 95% we had a um very unusual rash of pneumonia cases in the last month of school that we actually consulted with Dr Clark over because it was quite an I think we were somewhere around 14 kids had pneumonia um in the last month of school which also um did not this I have one staff member with it but we also had a very strange virus that went around the last three weeks and I was hit with it also um it had to be a virus because there was in antibiotics and it didn't work but um so even though we had quite a few kids out for several days I'm happy that uh we still made our average daily attendance what I'm even more proud of is if you look at the middle bar The Chronic absenteeism in 2022 which was still covid we had 22.5% of our kids chronically absent last year we dropped to 5.9 which was a huge drop but we were back to normal and this year we're at 2.9 um so I can't really ask for better than that um that we' dropped that far in you know this time so I'm very proud of what we've done and I can't say that I've had an attendance team because I haven't uh again I think it's just a matter of it was not covid and the Mountain View students want to be at school so um I'm really happy with that uh the next I feel like these two goals complement each other um so in this goal we're talking about um developing Partnerships with our student staff where we want everyone to belong and in this uh today I'm going to be talking to you about um surveys that we did this year but we truly feel that if we don't have strong connections with the community the staff the students and the families that none of our success would be possible POS we had I did give Greg um a list of all the events that did have this year um too much to put on a slide but I would like to point out that one of the events on there and I hope I'm not repeating myself I can't remember exactly when it happened but our Spirit Squad which used to be called the Pioneers for those of you who have been around for a while um it's a repres student representative from each classroom in the school they stay after school twice a month and work with Miss Campbell and Mrs Shay on um community service projects and Outreach and one of the most successful ones this year was that they went to the senior center twice Mr Mackey was there I believe um filming they took part in the senior Center's podcast where they interview each other and talk about what things were like in their time and so our kids interviewed the seniors on the podcast and Mr Macky filmed it and it's on the YouTube channel but the I thought the most um heartwarming thing was one of our students came back after being there they got to stay for lunch and they served lunch to the seniors but one of our students said it was the best field trip that they ever went on so they really enjoyed spending time with the seniors so I just wanted to point that out um and the next slide um these are our Panorama results and as I told you in the the past um we feel like Panorama gives an overall uh percentage um which is why we give the Sabers which allows us to identify how students specifically answer questions we gave that twice this year and I shared the results with you at the last two presentations um so the Panorama positive feelings one I had to do a deep dive because that's not reflective in the School surveys um which I'm you have the data ahead of time but um I looked at the questions and Connor actually had them up on the screen and I felt that our students just maybe don't grasp what those questions are asking so the ones that were in that section were um how often in the last week they felt excited happy loved and safe didn't clarify if that was at school or at home um I don't know how many times I felt excited in the last week but um I think that's a little I think it's a little misleading because if you look at our data from our school surveys which are surveys that on the next slide um Heather these are the student results and I had 207 students which is about 75% of the students answered these within the last month and I don't see the same data in this that I see in the Panorama this is anonymous also just like Panorama me being the very direct and let's get things um done quickly the responses are limited to I agree or I disagree um so there were some questions that had sometimes depending on the question and you'll see that in some of the other results but you know 95% of the kids say they're happy being at Mountain View 98 feel welcome and 96 feel safe and I just didn't see those same responses in Panorama I think these are just clearer statements for the kids to answer but not only that if you look at the the data on the next slide which is from the parents and I had 121 parents or families I should say answer which is about half of our families at Mountain View they're the same uh pretty much percentage wise the respon is that 96% of the kids are happy they feel welcome at the school the parents they know their child feels safe so I feel that because these surveys are so close um but and they're also Anonymous and we're taking at different times that this is a more accurate representation than what I saw in the Panorama results on the next slide I put them this is the staff survey I did switch it a little so it's a little different in your packet sorry um so I had 43 43 staff members answer which is also about 75% of the staff and you can see where I put most of the time was an option on some of those and again the percentages are relatively the same as the kids and the families so I'm confident that these are accurate responses to the surveys and these surveys um I gave out prior to covid Once Co hit I had a different one when we were remote and then I kind of got out of the habit of it because we were using Panorama um and Sabers but I did put in my smart goals this year that I would do these surveys so these are the results and then the next one is just a graph so you can see um I did ask the parents what the most effective form of communication would be for them so emails and texts uh definitely one out and um we are learning tomorrow from Power School how to use their platform for send out those kind of messages so re that um any questions about the attendance or the okay so on the rest of the slides I will be talking about the teaching and learning goal [Music] um data for mount for I ready as everyone has already stated um at the element level did not change that much because of when we gave the test um in the fall we had 45% of students performing on grade level in reading and 31% in math and we wanted to increase that by 30% um for growth it didn't happen um math we came close we were at 26% already in March in Reading we were only at 16% but again um the students still had three more months of learning Sor did you want to slide up sure that's fine sorry uh we wanted had we had three more months of teaching before taking it possibly we would have made the goal or come closer than we did um in March um this is our intervention data had 23 students receiving reading intervention this year and they all remained in intervention all year however 74% of them showed significant growth on the I ready in March um as opposed to where they were in September in math we had 19 students receiving intervention six of them were released for intervention by February and the students that remained 75% of them showed sign significant growth by the March I ready Diagnostic and I have our projected efficiency I um mine are also very similar to what our mcast scores were last year so reading right now is predicted to be 35% last year our mcast proficiency was 36% and for math um it's predicted to be 38% and our mcast proficiency last year was 39 I am very hopeful that it will be higher than that that given that we were still dealing with Co and learning last year and also because of the timing of when the I ready was given in March to come up with these numbers so I'm hopeful that next year's mcast will be I do that as know we didn't thank you thank you and Miss Lo and Miss K had to go quick to we our three um so similar to the other schools we're going to start off with our supporting the whole child um as you know they focus on attendance um not exclusive s Meadow which it's something we have seen across the state that they haven't come down since Co looking at our attendance rates School prior to um the interventions that we put in place this year we were still pretty high um at about 18 18.4% chronic absenteeism last school year so our goal was to reduce this by at least 3% in line with District goals and we are very happy to report that we've seen a pretty significant decrease in that um I pulled up the Desi data and it had showed 88.6% which I had presumed was end ofe data until spoke a minute ago and shared that that was March 1 data so I had to jump in Panorama and see how we did since then and I'm happy to report that we're even lower now according to Panama Rama we are down at 7% which is a significant Improvement of about um 11.4% reduction in our chronic absenteeism rate um and our daily attendance rate with our goal being 95% I'm CL mat we were at 94.9 um what did we do in order to achieve this we shared a lot of this back at our midcycle so I'll goly quickly through this part we sent out a letter to All Families in November really detailing that this is not just an elps issue that this is a Statewide issue but what we were going to do is a school system and a school to address it and then we did monthly attendance letters each month month every student who had five or more absences received a letter and you can see the number of letters that we sent out up on the screen there grew kind of exponentially as the year went on um and that is due in part because the hund on my glasses on the 110 I think it says in December we only added another 60 going into the following month because those same 110 received the letter again just because you got it once didn't mean you're not going to get it again you got daily sorry not daily monthly reminders of what your child's attendance rate was um and then in addition to that we did a lot of referrals to our district care coordinator we did 19 over the course of the year and one that had been closed out that we reopened because we saw a sudden change in their attendance rates again um so I think all of these things together really helped I know the letters promoted a lot of communication from home back to the school asking questions about it and started a lot of conversations with us are we going to do a little differently next year I'm always thinking ahead um we'd like to start sooner we didn't start this um that first set of letters didn't go out till December 1st we'd like to start right away in September making that clear right from the very first month of school what our expectations are and another thing we've been putting a lot of thought into is how can we get teachers more involved in this process because Lauren and I pretty much took this all on ourselves this year um we really wanted to kind of see where each kid was and have them on our r radar but we also would like to have teachers be more involved in that one thing that's different about our school as compared to other schools is we have the littles it's usually not a school refusal um it it's usually parents so incent doing things like attendance incentives for the kids doesn't necessarily get them there and can sometimes set them up for disappointment and I feel bad about that because it's not their fault at five years old that they're not getting to school um one of the things that I did hear both elhs and Burkin talk about which piqu my interest and I already made my self a note is the idea of the attendance Champions and having teachers be attendance Champions so I started thinking about what would that look like at our age group so something I'll put a little more thought into um another piece of our goal which you'll see on the next slide there under supporting the whole child was really focused on social emotional learning so what have we done around that this year um as you know we've reinstated our Seal program hired a sped teacher reallocated Paris developed a program description um we also professional development we had a heavy focus on that this year because as I've shared for two straight years now we've seen a really significant increase in the number of students that are very disregulated um we had probably the hardest time in my 14 years as an administrator doing class placement going into next year just trying to split kids up and make sure that there was no one room that had an abundance of students with challenges um so we brought in some PD including some PD on trauma and then the district also had P November and January on the regulated classroom which I shared a little bit about last time very excited about that workshop and uh looked into how we could get AT metal Brook and in doing so I came across a train the trainer model reached out to Heather who was very supportive of that so we ended up moving forward as a district with that and each of the five schools is going to have a team being trained in this approach and our team at met Brook is going to consist of our one of our school counselors occup therapist and a classroom teacher which I think is a pretty Dynamic combination considering the nature of this training they finished up their training um in late May and they're going to be providing at metal Brook initials training in August the reason I felt very strongly that that needed to happen during our August PD days it's the one time we have everybody we have all of our Paras we have our related service providers everybody's in the room because I feel that strongly about this training and that it will have a posit impact on our students if we can Implement some of these things um and then I purchased all the teacher guide books to go along with that and Mr Hudson one of our counselors and I wrote a elaf grant together to hopefully get some of the Hands-On materials that accompany the program so fingers crossed for that um and we also had expanded with River Valley similar to some of the other schools because we're seeing this increase in students with mental health challenges and lack of services out in the community for this so we moved from two days to three days and have serviced a total of 23 students this year through River Valley um we currently still have seven pending referrals at this time two of them are incoming kindergarten students so we're already trying to be proactive through our kindergarten screening process we identified a couple kids right away that we think are going to need that support um speaking a little bit to the idea that there's not a lot of supports and services out in the community um happy news but sad news one of our counselors has decided to resign her position and um it's going to be a devastating loss to our school she is by far one of the most skilled School adjustment counselors I have worked with in my entire career in education I'm also very happy for her and for the community because she's opening a private practice in town which is fantastic so hopefully we'll get preference and sneaking some kids into her um so that's one school adjustment counselor position that we need to fill and we were also allocated a new position for school adjustment counselor this year um which I think is going to be a huge support for us because of the level of social emotional needs um the four of us the two counselors and Lauren and I spent all year just being preactive running around trying to put out fires um and we didn't have time to get to a lot of the proactive supports we typically have in place those tier 2 level supports that our councilors used to do very frequently um they just fell to the Wayside while we were busy running around trying to help kids in the moment so hopefully with that third counselor we'll be able to better support that tier two and help bring a reduction in some of our um social emotional needs okay this brings us to teaching and learning as a reminder our smart goal was focused on implementing all newly adopted evidencebased curricula um this was to ensure that all students are engaged prepared for success and provided with um relevant content that builds background knowledge as well as exposes students to diverse perspectives um so the next slide is a comparison of I ready reading data from Fall to Spring and again that data the spring dat is from March um you can see that it shows a 36% increase in students at or above grade level in reading a 29% decrease in students one year below grade level and a 10% decrease in students two years below grade level respectively and that exceeds our goal of 30% um increase if we take a deeper dive we can see that this TR Pro for each of the domains so from the fall we have increased the number of students at or above grade level and and have decreased the numbers in the below grade level categories for all domains pH phonologic iCal awareness increased by 177% for students at or above grade level phonic had a 28% rise in students at above grade level frequency words went up 29% and that's up from an 8% increase from the fall to the winter vocabulary increased 21% and metalor students have made a 23% gain in overall reading year and similar to reading goal for math was to increase the amount of students at or above grade level by at least 30% and looking at the fall to Spring I ready comparison you will note a 38% increase in students at or above grade level a 23% decrease in students scoring one grade level below and a 15% decrease for students two or more grade levels below if we look at the ma data by domain you will that the trend is also similar to the one in Reading have increased our numbers at or above grade level on all domains as well as decreased our numbers for students below grade level numb and operations was a 36% increase for students at or above grade level algebra moved 33% in the right direction measurement and data saw an increase of 29% and geometry Rose to 21% of students on four above gr level so if we move to the next slide who talks about interventions um this year 96 students were serviced for literacy and 13 of those students exited 61 were serviced for Math and 24 of those students exited um if we think about how we got here we thought about our coaches they really have done a lot to support individual teachers as well as teams in implementing the new curriculum in addition we shared in February our staff have engage in quite a bit of professional development around the topics including um focused um implementation of small group instruction for literacy math learning Labs implementing practices that promote thinking classrooms in addicts we also continued to refine our use of collaborative planning time to increase educator capacity to collaboratively plan analyze assessment data reflect and share on their varied skills this included dat data Dives around foundational skills to help groups of teach strategize and plan for their next steps if we look at said as Heather shared earlier at the elementary level we will be working to provide a greater degree of coherence with the new curricular resources as part of this process we'll be looking more closely at things such as pacing data collection and our Universal screeners in addition for interventions we will continue working to make sure that our program follows a structured literacy format that de dovetails our new curricular resources so one next step that we will be taking in this area is to begin utilizing decoding Duos and these are structured lessons that are designed to support foundational skills um including reading accuracy and automaticity as well as passage comprehension for students um so they aren't necessarily specific decodable readers but they go along and to help um teachers structure their lessons around decodable when I looked back at the data comparison from last year didn't strike me till just now um I was a little disappointed that we didn't make greater gains than we had last year and it didn't dawn on me at the time that the data we were comparing was from March as compared to where we were at last year so I'd be really curious to see what our I ready scores would have looked like if we had done them a little later in the year um so just something that crossed my mind after the fact similar to the attendance data I guess and realize we were looking at such old data um so that's actually a good thing um I was pretty impressed seeing such big gains considering we did that couple months back um as you know under safe and support culture our big Focus this year has beening an accessible playground so just a really quick update where we're at with that um after receiving the funding we did some work with companies tode that playground would look like we have now selected and ordered the equipment for that um the rep from me O'Brien was able to provide some preliminary plans which you'll see on the next slide SL um that show generally oop sorry the last slide which show generally what equipment we're going to have in the playground but they don't actually show the layout the um engineering firm is redesigning kind of where things are on the playground in order to minimize the amount of um rubberized surfacing because that is an Incredible cost um but it's what makes it an accessible playground a large part are weing that or they is it tiles or they P that we are not 100% positive yet um because the playground equipment was originally due to come in November and what we're now hearing is it might be here couple months earlier the poured in place rubber is temperature dependent on when you can pour it and so we kind of have been waiting to find out um how we were going to proceed on that based on when the equipment arrives and then also based on some extensions with um the use of the funding through Esser and we've submitted for an extension but they haven't done the approval they're calling it if you don't mind me just chiming in they're calling it late liquidation so the funds need to be obligated which they will be that we've purchased the equipment that purchase order is done um we will be going out to bid in the next um probably three weeks for the installation so we can secure services to have it done um but if if we do if the weather changes or they're telling us an estimated um date of September 19th I think or the following week that the equipment will come but if that were to go out and you know you just don't know what's going to happen we've asked um it's actually we had to ask uh Desi um they were doing the first rounds of these late late liquidations um June 15th which we were in that they're going to weed through all that they've received and then they're going to give it to the federal government to approve and I'm hoping certainly hoping and it's it's all just if just tell us if we need to go out six months that we could if we needed to so that's the question that waiting to hear and that will um guide us as to because we really would rather have poured um rubberized um surface that we feel it's the best one um so I think I got that all does that make sense so if you recall um purchased the equipment through the state contract but we weren't able to do the installation that way because the amount was more than the contract allowed so we had to kind of split this into two separate kind of processes if you will so we're in the the next phases Now is really a reworking the physical layout to save on some of the port and place surfacing that we might need because that's very expensive so they're taking into account the the fall zones for each of those pieces of equipment and trying to reconfigure to save us some some money there um and then we are working on going out to bid for the installation of the playground um the bid documents are being drawn up right now and that will go out it'll involve more site visits and all of that whole process all over again um and once the site contract is awarded the excavation will begin and Equipment installation will begin hopefully in the fall super excited that it could possibly be September but that keep shifting because we thought September then they said November right and it bounced back to September so I guess we'll wait and see when it actually arrives um and so that'll affect what kind of servicing that we choose um as far as the specific pieces of equipment that you'll see up there if you could go forward to that SL again a lot of the equipment that we chose goes back to do something um actually ties back to that social emotional learning goal I shared a little bit uh last time about the regulated classroom training and how the different um receptive systems in your body for proprioceptive vestibular types of input um Can impact early childhood development and behavior and how postco we're not seeing kids playing in the same way that they used to play and so that training for the regulated classroom is based on increasing more of those inputs well we thought about that when we were designing the playground as well and we tried very intentionally to include a lot of equipment that would provide that same level of input despite how nervous some of those pieces but made me like the swing set um I just have very bad experience about a swing set from when I was a principal in Springfields and some missing teeth so one of the things that we're going to do is we're going to put different color poured in place surfacing around the swing set to denote a very visual area of please don't walk in here um but it will provide those same levels of input so that rocking gliding swinging spinning um that kids don't always get and if I think about our other playground it's all based on climbing there's no other types of input on that playground so we were pretty and intentional with the equipment that we chose not only to make it accessible equipment like you'll see forgive my outof dat terms but the marry go around in the top left corner there um wheelchairs can go right on there and the kids can spin themselves there's a wheel on the inside that they turn that spins it or somebody can spin it from the outside so the the equipment is very um accessible but it's also designed with intention um to get input in a lot of those systems which hopefully will also help our kids with learning how to self-regulate and co-regulate we need that you might find me out on the play by yourself one of these days any questions that we can answer for you try to go quick Renee you you mentioned a a care coordinator is that a district that is funded position we're very lucky that it also happens to be our part-time preschool nurse so she's in our building I see okay um that's it's Grand funded through the Comprehensive Health grade we'll continue that back next year yes we would like to continue that yes I would too been very helpful she's done a lot of that Outreach that typically would have fallen on to do um so we used her for the students that had a much higher level of chronic absenteeism I think why there might be some confusion weer it labeled case manager um okay it's it's the same not a new FTE at all no that wasn't my concern thank you so much thank you thanks everybody hanging in there thank you have a great summer summer how's everybody feeling good good Anella come on I'm great overheated like I thought we would it's not it's that big fan we have number one fan all right two items left three three superintendent self- evaluation summon to evaluation so um I I won't obviously read this all to you it's it's there for all of you to review it's similar to the midcycle and actually I there's a t there because I didn't take off midcycle in the beginning but it's a summative so it's updated um it's added evidence it's um basically where we were back in March up to where we are now in mid June and um has incorporated a lot of what you've heard from all five schools um I've also created um folders which uh we had at the mid cycle but I've added to them and so that's in there for the summative we had agreed at the beginning of the year that um we would keep this open in terms of an evaluation until we get fall data so um but given that we have all this um information coming at us at the end of the year sort of made sense to put it together now so make sure that you all had that so it will be in the shared file and we can bring it back in the fall yes does you're welcome any questions or concerns I'm glad that we're moving to that approach to waiting till we have student sumita of data to be able to input into summative um evaluation thank you we should approve this accept it you can accept it um the overall evaluation will come in the fall okay yeah so we'll just wait not fine I mean you yeah I'm good can acknowledge it we love you Gordon you're the best thank you thank you Gordon yes thank you sure um we need a motion for this Rotary Club of East long metal that we add it what are you the chair or something moving right along we're on 72 we have a discussion of the reorganization meeting July 1st speaking of we want to pick a time now can are folks able to do that us it's a Monday oh um I will most likely have to join remotely for that one I'm scheduled to be out of town so be did get word today that the Food Services um ratified the contract oh um that just came in today so we can either do that in July or we can do that in August let do in July okay so that it would be an executive session first oh okay yeah so we'll have to do it would be relatively quick yeah we should get it done okay I just figured I would mention that since we're looking at so we probably need 45 minutes to an hour for both right I would say okay what uh what's the proposal I do 8 amm 8 a.m. it is go I not up yet though my kids won't be up no she'll be up is that work tely 8 o'cl or notely yes perfect guys so we'll have executive first we'll have reor so 8830 executive or 8815 ex okay reg meeting at 8:15 yeah okay that makes sense schedule those thank you thank you okay what are we talking about next anthonella yeah my one question was do we usually let them hang banners on the left we do it for that one event right it's temporary they hang them and then uh they take them off after the event so I would take a motion to approve the Rotary Club use of the facilities for both the summer concert series and um the fireworks as uh described in the two memos if there are any questions make a motion to approve the Rivery Club of East Meadow's use of the space their summer concert series as well as their oh boy this one July 3rd fireworks July motion made by Amy second second by Anella any other discussion all in favor say I I those oppos nay that carries 5 zero let them know thank you anything else T motion motion made by sah second second by Kate discussion all in favor say I I those oppos nay that motion carries five to zero thank