good afternoon everybody thank you for being here this is the um July 23d East Long meow High School school building committee meeting um welcome I think we have a few people that might be in the audience so we just have to bring into meeting here comes Kim okayy Kathy Kim no e stronger glasses that's why I'm squinting comes with age once you get over 50 talk about it I fought it for long time yeah glad I could be in a public meeting sharing that all right is that everybody Mr Macky that uh well that's who so here so far okay all right well that gives us I we KY M and Victoria and Eric beautiful okay um at your places if you're in person and um attached to the calendar invitation there were a copy of the minutes from May 30th if people want to L make sure that they have it and have had a chance to peruse it and I'd entertain a motion to approve those minutes so moved okay right I was waiting a second was thank you Kathy all right so we have a motion and a second and I'll do a uh roll call vote and I'm a yes did Miss Blair make it in Mr Mackey not yet not yet okay uh Mr Paige uh yes Miss Brown yes Miss Hill yes all right margin bercher is absent Mr feny is absent Miss laar yes Mr Thompson yes and Mr Christensen hasn't made it in yet he had indicated he might be remote not yet uh Miss col yes and Mr quinby yes okay are there any NOS I miss anybody okay those passed thank you Mr Magie do we have anybody uh online for public participation uh we do not okay then we'll move into the update and I think uh scansa is kicking us off sure thank you welcome you need oh sorry you need your special slides no me Gord come on yeah so we start off with the schedule folks um we have a basically a summarized schedule here of the um the msba milestones and some of the bidding activities um Fontaine will later be going through some of the other things that have been going on with the enabling uh the site enabling work um but I highlighted in the yellow kind of the more significant um milestones so we're here today to obviously approve the um 60% CD construction document submission to msba um the last couple weeks uh you know we've spent finishing up the deliverables for the uh submission digging into the documents and starting our completing our estimate uh reconciliation process um so once we get approval uh today we will be submitting the package to msba on Thursday um and then also concurrently we are well Fontaine will be bidding out the um early release package number two uh which consists of sight concrete steel and elevator um so once again this is some of the work that's coming up um this fall then winter um some of the longer lead time items I guess as well um and then we'll also the design team will be working right into the 90 90% construction document phase um if you go down into the second cluster of yellow down there you'll see a s SPC approval of the 90% CD submission uh so this meeting but for the 90% uh drawings we will need to select a a date I don't know if we want to do that at this meeting might make sense and then we can change if needed uh we could do that perhaps at the end of the meeting that submission is October correct so the submission the 9% CD submission goes in on October 29th okay um and we'll need kind of like this process we'll need the time before that to kind of get the estimate ready and everything a little bit of time to to present to you folks um if there are any you know considerations financially to to be done then and then we have a pretty short window for submitting it to msba right after that um and then after 90% goes in uh we have the early release package number three which consists of me so mechanical electrical plumbing and Fire Protection once again some of these items are are uh identified by the uh the project team that have some long lead time with them and also we need them just basically to get started because we're working um then we'll go on to finish the construction documents uh December early December are that's what we're estimating for completion of those and then we'll bid out the rest of the um the work so that's just the summarized schedule go to the next one Gordon so I touched on the the estimate reconciliation process um so happy to report that we are still on budget uh we met with uh pmnc the design teams estimator and as well as fontaine's uh estimating crew uh was that two weeks ago um you can see originally uh right down in the middle here where it says initial DD estimates um both estimates were slightly over what our um construction value was in the Project funding agreement so in the Project funding agreement um the total construction value was 147,50 37913 um so that we're slightly over we went through the uh estimate reconciliation process um true up numbers and and we did end up exercising some uh value engineering um items uh I think Dory will go through those later um but nothing was truly sacrificed in terms of of program or goals um and so when you if you see at the bottom where the red boxes um that's the uh the reconciled estimate so 147 517 845 so we are below the uh number that's in the Project funding agreement um so msba would be happy about that so essentially it doesn't change your budget you're not giving back money essentially what we do for that this is just to show the msba that we've uh done our due diligence we've taken a look at the numbers again we're further along in the process we're closer to bid time and we're still coming up with numbers that are aligned with our budget always find hand over budget that's just where they were at and I told them I was good with the uh pmc's for the uh for the reconciled estimate we always use there so I figured we switch it up um but I think I think this ultimately we have to be on budget there's no ch yeah there's not yeah exactly exactly and that's what we're reporting to msba that we are on budget um so you can see post DD reconciliation at the bottom there we're at 147 million 517 845 uh we think that's you know incorporative of the full project we think we have some healthy allowances um the works well defined and everything so 60% CDs not DD sorry don't put us backwards I kept looking at it like a he of the recap anyway just just for the crowd yes sorry about that misspoke it's okay we know what you meant so like I said nothing changes with the rest of the budget you're locked in with where you were at with the Project funding agreement so we'll be uh updating the project 31 with these numbers submitting them to msba for their review we'll be repeating this process again for the 90% construction document submission um yeah that's about it questions any questions on the the budget process yeah this one doesn't like you sorry okay it's a blue blue one all right we're good we'll move on to the design update Mr Mack you may have um and maybe you've already brought them in Mr crucial and Miss Blair okay and Mr Christenson too okay great everybody just got the schedule update so you miss um Ben's favorite slide there do we while we're on it want to try to Target a uh school bilding committee meeting for September sure yeah so um just to bring everybody up to speed uh we're working in this meeting to finalize uh the submission to msba for the 60% completion of construction documents and thank you and then in um October we're going to have to submit the 90% completion to msba of construction documents CD versus DD good okay got it so if everybody can pull out their calendars uh we're looking for something in what the week before you want the 28th so looking at this is kind of crammed um yeah end of October I don't know if we're we're going to need that time in order to get everything ready so I'm thinking in that's a Monday is the Monday is the 28th huh it's pretty tight yeah should we just hold that date hold the Monday and see what we can shake out because yeah we are set for the 29 what we you have to submit on the 29 yeah that's does 28 give you enough well I think then then we also have the sort of Ripple of uh you know it's like I think you all are taking off the next package in two days after that right so we all have to be sure we have the time here do we need a meeting before the October 28th I think we will um I just wanted to this oneck this because it's a non like this one not a Thursday which is our typical right yeah 3 o' 28th if we can make that work I mean and if there's a works for folks on screen yes I'm good got 3:00 on the 28th we'll lock that in oer that work for you done so it definitely works for you you can be in the gallery in the Galler I'll probably be sitting the radio okay thank you sorry for the the change up but it's part of schedule so sure linked and do we do two estimates at 90% reconcile I know in the past and some other jobs we've just done like a check often it is just one check yeah so much of it is I think it really matters what fontan's number is then yeah are you saying that maybe we don't need all that time for the estimating and well they still gonna need three four weeks I would think but um I think we still wanted to because I think it's good to go over any any final ve that happened in case there's any concerns but yeah the process would be the same from our side and we'd probably do we could even do kind of a not so much a Reconciliation since there might not be another estimator but walking through the detail and things have gone up and down so yeah we hold kind of similar process right so we say we're just G to do one estimate is that yeah I'm double check but I'm pretty sure that's within the msba there any msba requirement yeah okay okay so move into design update yeah so just to follow up on that process a little bit from our side um so we are about to submit the 60% set um pending this meeting and this vote um things have gone really well uh through this set the set looks great I want to shout out to the structural team for getting us to you know it's sort of accelerated for them because there's going to be concrete and steel purchase off of this set um and they did a really great job as a whole the packag Has Come Together very well I feel like it's been it's really proven itself the team that you will selected and how everything's worked um I think this ve was actually all fairly reasonable um so it's you you kind of want there to be some things that you can kind of work with in to be sure that you're staying on on budget so the the decisions that we made in that reconciliation to be sure we stayed on budget uh were to have our lighting team reduce the cost of the lighting this was the first time we'd had the full lighting package priced out throughout the entire school yeah and that's really again um so the lighting is in first pass at the at like what we want you know a lot of room to make revisions of that so it's in no way a performance concern at all um the package was a little expensive we felt and could easily be brought down in comparison to to other projects lighting costs some anything electrical tends to go up fairly dramatically so you often don't know until you get to this point where that's going so there's no concern in the team at all on how that's going to play out we feel fine about that we had talked about um gunshot detection in our review of security opportunities um in different systems it's a fairly new system there was a lot of hesitation about it the we talked to U policeing fire they were curious to get that um get the the number on it but we're not you know sure it was a good idea anyway so that didn't feel like a hard thing to cut if I remember correctly police weren't sure that was going to be yeah yeah there that much of a benefit exactly so for that cost it was an easy take um the theatrical lighting package is substantial and I'm constantly working with our team to try and and rein their um their um enthusiasm in they want to be sure that the the auditorium can do anything possible um so an $80,000 cut from that package is not a big deal at all um and they're going to make it happen and you know they may mope a little bit but they'll get there it's not a problem um the rails that was a design team you know we had complex rails that we could simplify uh in two of the stairs you know to make it a little cheaper so that was they were looking at a A system that just didn't need to be as complicated as it is um we eliminated some casework uh that was requested for the otpt room which is a room the school doesn't currently have so that's a room where students go in for therapy it has a swing and padding um and that means that we'll just be replacing with open shelving from the furniture purchase which is a lot cheaper um any easier to do um and more buils right so those were built-ins yeah so they're higher price element um and that's not a staffed room that's a room that people are going into and using flexibly so it seemed an easy place to take um we had at DD had porcelain tile is their primary tile in the lobby area um and had been discussing with Fontaine the possibility of getting a price for tazzo tile um not full Tazo but Tazo tile that cost came up in $100,000 more than the previous um we have the mud bed to allow the porcelain tile to at large format so that felt like just frankly $100,000 we could do away with that'll hold up yeah yeah they're both very good they're just different approaches I I think you know um you know Bruce was a fan of the Tazza so we thought we and that's not something we've typically done in that environment but um there are schools that go with that so we thought we'd give it a try but it was higher in cost than we expected um we um had three different rubber flooring finishes and three different um PE spaces um in the weight room we had a very um uh very nice but like pliable um allows you to drop weights it's particularly helpful if you have a two-story building we do not we're on slab so we actually simplified that to a flooring that's that's less expensive because that's a pretty expensive flooring and we decided to keep the altp room with the same type of flooring um because we had had this discussion early on that the PE room was originally wood then we moved to rubber because it became uh news to us at the um swim meets would use that as a sort of um overflow space and nobody wanted water on that floor so we switched to Rubber and now we've United those um all the rubber in the the PE Wing so we have rubber also in the um locker rooms it's the same you know um type of rubber flooring that will consistently and be treated the same so that was a small change but just a design change there aren't basketball hoops in that room that's okay no it's more of a a mat type Flor multi-purpose um and then we had uh the cafeteria it was not a high goal but it was generally a thought well if we could make the cafeteria a presentation space we'd have one more presentation space but the cafeteria in that big area is very bright so we had tried it with a projector and we're not happy with the results of that so then we tried a video wall and the cost of the video wall is 10,000 and uh and it's not an easy environment to work in and it's not really been an ask so I talked to Frank and he agreed that that would be a really low priority issue so how big was that um how big was the wall quite big like it was about 14 feet high by you know 19 we saw in Connecticut yeah we had gone down to the showroom massive and there's really like what are you going to do with it you know your digital display signage it's a lot of money for you know we're having meatloaf today you know Super Bowl parties totally we'll still have a very nice sound system in that space and if we wanted we could put you know a couple of the wall displays up I started thinking that having video while you're eating lunch isn't really helpful for kids Frank addresses students every lunch this should be a portion right it would be room yeah so Frank will have we'll have a wireless mic system and he can still you know serenate them serenate them yes um and then uh to stay on budget um we we took we made a goal of reducing our our our site um package by $150,000 and you'll see that is always a tempting way to keep on budget because it's a very late decision it doesn't necessarily mean we have to do that right now you know there's a lot of design contingency between now and 90 so I and I think the drawings are looking really good so I actually don't expect that we're going to have to do that we have some loose Furniture we have a lot of plantings we also have and I wanted to bring this up uh because we kept in the budget and this is something we've been looking for um feedback on um and we shared information about this that um a school building sign on the road most districts typically would have an LED portion of that sign you have an ordinance against that so we um and we reached out to Tom um and and Gordon and Frank to ask do you want us you the messaging to be led but within the site um like the way the site plan works and we'll bring up that plan again you know you enter the site and then you kind of split so there's sort of a a natural why in the site you know where the two roads come together going in and out where we could put that messaging LED sign as a one-way facing sign so that you could still use it for messaging which schools often want to do because it's on the campus story and not on the road is that the difference right okay right um or Tom said if if you wanted we could go for the variance and we weren't sure which way this is GNA go that's how we talked about going with what we have now with the little key sign letter and that's that's the direction because that's fine so I was bringing this up so Frank would know better in terms of where we want to put if we want to put information on the on the street or go for the variance I wouldn't go for the variance no no I'm why oh I'm not te guy I like you are I mean I'm just thinking of the efficiency of being able to have I know but if Esau meal has character for a reason we don't allow LED signs for the town itself to go for a variance I think no I'm not arguing that but if if it's mostly for families coming through and things yeah but we're talking on the street not on the not at the why I see right so you're the option being the the old-fashion hand system on the street where everybody can see it or just a nice masonry good Mason re sign out there and then you're on the site and there's an LED that's digitally refreshed and the district can say it is part to regularly update the sign uh out out by the main road so Jo your summer is nice though it's up there so WIS October yeah you put calendar things out there though right things that are happening the community to I say we're not great at it um I mean it's kind of that's what it comes the with the brick out on the street and whether or not you do the LED you want the LED in the campus it would be great if there if like just like we have with if you go into the um cafeteria the hallways we have those TVs that we up daily yeah yeah because it's easy to do right from your computer yeah ones out front maybe once a month get updated right now so if you want real upto-date regular information I think it'd be better to go with some type of computer based system and if it's closer to the school okay so be it you know so do you know that's helpful is that um we held in the budget two uh two-sided LEDs but that's a little cost savings there to take that down to one which you you which be down by the which would be closer to the school between the front and the we're budgeted for sign out front sorry we're budgeted for the sign stri Landscaping was donating can't advertise it's quite up front so it's we can explore pulling it further back just to be sure we're not in any see what the the town's limitation is but that's helpful right there so that's the kind of thing good good to have you all in the room so I can get one answer at once um so thank you that was it on the ve um and and Eric was here to hear that answer about the sign that's helpful too um moving forward um Eric is with us again tonight because we wanted also to raise the question of the site alternates that we have been pricing as we've gone along um so they're the goal of getting saw and irrigation everywhere has been there all along and we've been collecting those numbers as we go and the the result assessment does not include those but that you know we haven't expected them to um but we wanted to chat with Dave in the room here a little bit about the sequence by which things are purchased and how that might become possible because there's times when it's easier and better to make these decisions than others so while we're talking about that I was contacted by a group that potentially wants to raise funds to um put Turf on the baseball fields we're talking a million bucks I would imagine each so I don't know that it will happen but if it were to happen What would be the timeline that we would need to know that by so let's start if it's okay I feel like what would be helpful is to go through the the alternants that we've been tracking talk about their value and how they should be addressed or or brought together because I think Eric's brought some good points that you also want if you're going to do sod you want irrigation you don't want to do sod and not irrigation so maybe we should really think this through in terms of the chunks we not currently budgeted for irrigation we have so I'll show you here AR right that's right so um on screen if you go to the next side so we have um a handful of alternates here one is this storage set shed which so the the thing we need to keep in mind by law you have to take these in order so y if this is alternate one you have to take that before you take alternate two did we already put take alternate three you got to take alternate one and two first we already put these in order if John if it's totally non-filed and it doesn't impact any of the trade biders then we I don't know about that have a little more I can look into that but think something like sadai would approach it as a unit price per square square yard square foot or whatever or or we can do it as like a letterhead alternate with say the landscape subcontractors and you know get a price from them I think if it affects the trade biders that we've got to set an order and take them in order I think if we can keep it on the non-trade side of things we may be able to we can check into that did we as a billing committee when we submitted budget vote these in order uh no no we didn't we just kept we're just doing tracking this for cost at this so at some point it's coming up real soon okay right right and again you know my understand is the same that we in our um 311 track it as trade alternates and non-trade alternates that's where we can distinguish here like this storage shed um it's just a prefab fed if there's electrical in it then it would be some with right it's got some TI and electric so that's certainly one on the trades that we'd want to consider but I think the conversation is relevant to you know the alternates landscape and seeing like what the priorities are in the district and then so let's go to the next slide just to remind everybody of area so we are doing a a I field up Mount Greylock with the sod no irrigation you are they have a well so that's a problem but we bought one of the water buffalo so they could order it manually um so Eric do you want to talk through the slides that you shared with me to be sure we're uh presenting this correctly absolutely uh thanks Dory Eric Vans Nest landscape architect with smma um sorry we got a couple of people talking in the background there's some background noise um so right now we have the varsity baseball The Varsity Softball JV football um soccer and boys lacrosse and soccer and girls lacrosse those five fields are proposed to have an irrigation system with uh and so that total is about 390,000 square feet the system will be designed that it could be expanded either now or in the future to cover the remaining fields in this area which would be the JV baseball and softball fields with that Outfield overlay and then that Javelin and throw and practice area that so what you see in the light cyan color is not proposed to be irrigated under the base bid and it's about 220,000 square feet but it could be there's the potential that it could be um so that that is what we're calling alternate S2 um want to go through all these or do you want to just take these one by one go to the next one yep okay so then the next one alternate S3 is right now all of the natural Turf athletic fields in the project scope are to receive lman seed there's no proposed sod so this particular alternate would be to sod everything you see in green which is about 610,000 square fet and you can see that list of fields it's it's all the fields we just discussed um any anywhere that's not shown in green would still be seated uh because those are more you know just kind of perimeter areas not not really um tied to the uh a you know the athletic field itself um so one option is to sod all of them and then if you go to the next one another option would be to just sod the ones that are going to receive irrigation under the base bid which are these five fields um so that's kind of what we had been tracking to date um we we I I don't know that given that the soils out here you know they they do drain well they're they're there's there's a pretty good sand component to them I don't know that I would recommend that you sod the fields that aren't going to have an irrigation system it's it it just you want it it's not to say that it it couldn't be done um but typically when you're not going to have an irrigation system seating a field is tends to be a little bit more successful because the instead of the roots already being established in you know a a sod farm condition and then trying to latch on to whatever soil they're being placed on you have the seed that you know that roots system begins in the soil that it's going to live in so you you tend to get a better root system um under those conditions so it's just something to something to keep in mind Eric have you established the difference between seed and saw in terms of availability of the fields what what season what year you know usually it's a couple it it's usually you know two years if you seed um two growing Seasons or two years yeah um yeah give me give me one second hold on one second and then do we know the cost that coming up yeah between the three y yeah so the irrigation was priced out by Fontaine at 184,000 or the half of that or the these for the additional irrigation yeah but some of is already in in Bas everything that's in green everything if you go back to isn't that teal go back to St yeah it's the teal colored lighter colored blue there you go that that addition to the irrigation would be 184 it's the original cost for the dark blue I'll take proba a little more than that 250 or something yeah I mean roughly you get a sense yeah and then in right cost for the theost so then then doing all of the sod that is needed is 695 ,000 and then that lesser amount of Saw is 456,000 it's like two bucks a foot Now isn't it is that on top of the existing seatings budget no I think that replaces it what's the seating budget it's again I'd have to go back into the details and that so I assume that number takes out the typically that's so so it's that much more than the seed correct correct yeah so you're looking at looking at um about two full growing seasons for a seated field you're looking at about a you know about a month um you know give or take you're looking at about a month if the if the field is SED and and the you know and it's and the and the roots have grabbed is it fair to say then fall of 27 if we saw it and fall of 28 if we seated roughly I DOR I'm when I I just I don't have the schedule memorized when in theory would the like would the the fields be no because we're still gonna have this building in Fall 26 springing of 27 27 yeah so if you saw it it theoretically you could use in the fall 27 if you see it 28 oh so we only gain one season yeah really I don't think sorry so it would be so they you'd probably have it late fall of 26 with sod in the back of those right and then if you had fall spring you'd be into kind of probably sport season of the following year if he's saying two full growing Seasons with SE we're not building the varsity Fields until 27 correct they won't be open till fall 27 because this building is coming down till after right so I was talking the the back behind cross those fields would be done yeah our goal I mean we're trying to ideally we'll move out right and try and turn them over obviously as quickly as we can but I think that when you're those areas the varsity baseball Varsity Softball the last areas that are going to be done you're going to be into that next fall season of 27 I mean if we're only gain one season I don't think you need to make this decision now I think we carry them as alternates I think a better way would be unit prices part of what I think we were thinking about doing is that it would be helpful for fontine to get prices on this not as a base but you know have that information at hand so that if you know if buying that package out there's any latitude there you know it Bec kind of apparent to us Y and we have some lock right now you don't have the money so you're got to hope that you have contingency left right so understood but we want to we want to prioritize and so whether or not this is one or not one is Rel relevant to the question of when we get to use the fields I would say yeah yeah big picture I think so the msba set that's coming out shortly on the 60% we're going to procure the site work off of that right so obviously the site work ties in to these components in differing ways depending on the alternates if it's seed versus sod like exclusively we can really wait to make that decision for some time because you know that's the subbase is the same the Lan layer is the same um the irrigation decision depending on you know the interest in that we can wait you know a little bit longer on that um because we can put in sleeves under roadways like we'd accommodate so you're going to get the service out there but we don't need to go do the actual work for a couple years but if it's a significant consideration that's going to stay in play we'd want to spend some money up front to put in sleeves to put in some of the pre-work even if you were going to use it at a later time but that would be an alternate as well the the additional sprinklers the the light blue yeah correct so if if you're if all this is on the table to consider depending on you know as you get towards the end of the project you have contingency money and we know that then we would accommodate by putting in sleeve so you might spend $15,000 to make sure that you're not digging up you know paved areas later to get sleeves out for water service right but again you know those decisions can happen as the project progresses agencies are a little bit clearer um the the question on the the herf versus natural grass that one will become a little bit urgent quicker because the subbase that goes under that is significantly different right so if you're building a turf field you're putting any I don't know if it's Eric's on like 10 in 12 in of processed gravel you have these Herring bone drains so that work even though it's not going to want to happen until much later in the project that's going to affect from the site contractors perspective how they can reuse like say that they have a bunch of natural material that they would put under the varsity baseball field if that material is not going to have a home because it's going to be processed material to build those turf fields then when they bid the work they're going to want to know that because that affects how much material they have to plan on bringing in shipping out all that stuff so I think I don't think there's any decisions to be made today I think it's get this information we've priced it right continue having conversations you know about your priorities when we come back in about a month with you know prices on the site work and we're going to have if we are directed to price like those turf fields as an alternate you know like with the site contractors get final pricing on that then again in about you know four or five weeks we'll be going hey let's you know pick which option we think is the the direction on the turf versus the seedar side um but seed side irrigation I think we can continue those conversations till you know next year when we finalize the rest of the pricing getting the 100% documents and everything but is important we prioritize them in the alternate list let us study that a little bit and get back to we can bring that information too like interum between now and that four five meetings because there are it's a lot more sensitive with the trade biders because to John's point you've got to PR you got to put order in and that's so that you know you can't pick this one instead of that one to shuffle um you know one bidder to another Etc so we're definitely going to have to be mindful that but we can look at it in a more finite way with each of these alternates and John you take a million for that varsity baseball potentially I do yeah I think it's we did a a takeoff on it we used was it seven bucks a foot it was either $7 a foot or $9 a foot because you're getting some savings it depends also what you're changing from right like natural grass to whatever but I think we had worked up something in the 7 750 range for the varsity baseball and something in the 250 range 3 under for Varsity Softball because the infield is all is all dirt anyways so the the footage of turf and the softball significantly less than baseball um so yeah I think with those two changing it's you know the fields it's it's probably in that neighborhood okay um but you know again we can get into more so you're saying D for the two a million RC J softball baseball uh I think it's in this neighborhood yeah based on our quick takeoffs and just comparing some recent histories of changing you know you're buying the turf you're changing the gravel um but that's also going to be a little bit impacted by even we're doing some more investigation out here this week about the depth of the top Sol because what we're encountering so far is actually a little bit deeper than some of the original borings so even that number is going to change based on what we find for depth there because we couldn't you know we'll need to export more you know it's all kind of in process but um in the next couple weeks we can have numbers on all those great thanks when do we have to finalize the alternate list do we have to do that before the 90% yes yeah you'll want to do it before the 90s because some of the me trades are going to be procured off the 90s okay um so I mean yeah if the if the the only thing that really is relevant to that is the $60,000 sh I would say that if it's a priority to get the shed the reason I'm ringing it up is because we want to revisit your priorities and know what your priories are and make it happen for you yes this is just exterior storage I'm not quite ER Eric this storage shed that we're talking about where is it going to be located in the plan is that you also to the um recreational field side that's a that's a great question I mean it's I I think we haven't picked a final location because it hasn't been in the scope yet so we we'd have to find something that works with setbacks and stuff like that I I I couldn't give you an exact location how did number one the numbering again it's helpful to know whether that's because it's such a small number frankly I think that it's it could be dealt with as we're in the middle of all this contingency and prioritizing it now there's there's storage in the um in the building we're building the restroom concessions yeah yeah concessions buing but not enough Frank requested I believe that this is probably more towards the opposite side but I'm not recall that's what I recall um because there was that concern about how far it is between these yeah Eric the size of the shed I can one of the things I was requesting I don't know if this is it his storage sheds out in the of the stadium area to replace all the storage containers about there I think that is this was that's what this is because we can't have this campus with all these new Renovations going in and still have those out there yeah got to number one I could yeah I think this one this one is um I think we've been carrying a 10 by 30 um which is what you know this picture was sort of looking to represent but so we we were carrying about a 10 by3 uh I don't know if that necessarily gives you you know completely replaces all of the shipping containers that are out there today you might have more than that but it was but it was something more than than what you had um so okay all right does that give you the information you needed in terms of that Turf question in terms of when uh no the turf question you you were raising that so that was news to us about the idea yeah it just came up last week I had a phone call about it and they seem pretty serious about it I don't know you know a million dollars is a high heill to climb so they would have to that pretty quick that's butfield too no that's sort of both right RC and JV so all I wanted to be able to tell them is we need to know by this date when which way we're going question are we're talking s or artificial artificial and that's a decision that we have to even make as a committee if that's what we want I mean you know there are no other towns that have it as far as kind of fundraise I would prioritize other things like oh it's the baseball group they should do the varsity why do they need JV field to they don't want to do JV they want to do potentially varsity and softball oh okay I think another thing that would have to get looked at sure here historically you can't just take third party money into the project okay um what would happen is typically affects what the msba is going to put in the project they did but they changed the rules on that I'm not sure if that would F there I don't want to speak to it but they recently did just change their policy regarding third party funding so that did projects can actually go through um but we could look into how that it gets as you can imagine would happen people like hey I'm gonna pay for this and you know traditionally it would have been they would claw back at you right so just something to be aware of because it's it's there will be other complications you know um free lunches or free money yeah but it's it's good to raise this now because after we're fully into construction and out of bidding new ideas like that tend to get even more expensive because there's a lot of stuff get added in that everybody gets to to price again so okay uh does that help everybody to get some information there yeah I mean I think we should really consider irrigating the whole campus Because we get a lot of use on these fields all year long and the healthier they are the better they're going to be so for to have half of it fry out I don't know yeah so the irrigation is more of a priority than than necessarily the sod sod's just an well for only game in the season yeah I would say looking long term and I would agree that I'd rather irrigate then s and just our experience with fields and grass areas in this area that irrigation is a good investment I mean we all know from our own Lawns and everything unless you're able to consistently control the water you know you got to be prepared to hand water you got I mean it's you know we've seen that that clients who have done it generally are very happy with having it yeah and we're like I said we're short on fields in this town anyway so they are used around the yeah BL so it sounds like it makes sense we have aquous design yes doing the irrigation system design and as Eric noted the system is sized to accommodate you know future expansion but we probably should have them go ahead and design it so that we do have whatever information is needed once you get numbers back yeah I'd like just know where the sleeves go and how it gets expanded so you know where you're now was 184,000 yeah and that way we we'll give Fontaine a more detailed package here okay so that they can get an even more granular number as a part of their bidding out the side package that's basically this slide 610,000 square feet yeah okay great okay so now we're moving on to CM updates yeah are those going to be our four alternates then is that what we're saying um not necessarily yet but necessarily not necessarily not necessarily yeah there could be more you could add I mean there's if there's a reason typically the alternate thing is hanging over everybody's heads historically from the the hard bit process right but this isn't a hard bit job it's a CM job and and a lot of what we're able to do in this cost reconciliation process is figure out okay how do we make this work um so often you just want to be sure that if you're going to you're going to bid those hard bids and you're going to go over you have some way to be sure you're staying on budget so I don't think we've have yet come up with there aren't a lot of things here that are standing out like PB might have been one right we could easily have a sort of a relief valve on our process here by by putting ppv I think I don't know if we feel that there's a strong need for for that kind of Rel Le Val than what it would be in the whole project right now you mean yeah so you might have a deduct alt handy to be sure you make it because if you're over budget then we're gonna know that though the bit right and that's what I'm saying I don't think it's as critical issue we've been very aligned on budget throughout this process where in a CM relationship I don't really see a need to come up with alternates by taking things that we know you want and putting them on a list magically and Reporting them to msba because we don't really have any anxiety right now about that um you know I don't think you do either no I think that you know they're called alternates here in the we can estimate a million alternates right like a lot it's like you could call each ve one an alternate so I think this use of the word alternate as Dory said doesn't necessarily translate to that being broadcast to all the biders that way yeah like these are alternate strategies we're looking at as a group you know let us know what your preferences are the push bow we'll finalize the pricing and then in turn with that we'll work with Dory and John and the team on what the most efficient you know compliant procurement strategy is for that and there may or may not end up being some alternates that go to the MEP biders but the scope of work that impacts the me biders as it relates to the you know items that you're considering is is minimal okay like a lot of times we're looking at like a custom you know buil like say the concession building was an alternate that's got to be own documented alternate because that affects every trade Mason concrete site work MEPS this type of stuff we can deal with as we go yeah and blend it into the project as we need to and Greg just to jump back to the information about that so I did look into uh the project advisory 83 which is specific to the third party funding and just to save you the whole paragraph it does seem that they would not lower the um basis of the of the grant uh due to the donation so we we can run that by them but it does seem that that was um a recent update that could play out in your favor so and are we going to estimate that get an estimate we don't have drawings to estimate on that I mean so I'd say the better Direction at this point is to give you comparable numbers from other projects yeah just so you have some basis because it's a lot of work to put together a drawing package for CH field um so we you know we I think have priced this out recently on another project with Fontaine so we have some sense from that one I'm sure you guys have done multiple turf fields so maybe we could you know look at the area of that and again varsity and softball are the the priority goals there okay yep so that a [Laughter] it's just a hangover slide from previously but I thought it' be helpful to remind people where we are yeah so Ben Ben talked a little bit in the kind of waterfall schedule of the the early packages coming up um so he he touched on those trades but big picture on that is we're looking to essentially hit the ground running like as soon as school comes back you know once the enabling package stuff kind of dies down we get the GNA call it the permanent sight guy um signed up and he'll be out here starting up and than you think we'll probably start doing some foundation work out back so that's really the goal of that um and the next early package the big push is getting all the mechanical uh Electrical Plumbing Subs on board uh twofold it drives the procurement process but also the kind of coordination process so as we have all the structural stuff going on hopefully we can feed that coordination information to those subs that we already have signed up so I don't really have much more more to say on early packages outside of that can you remind us a due date for early package to do you have that in your head of our of our biders package two for right now it's August it's like one August but we think that's going to get pushed out because I I don't by the time we get everything back you know the updated msba revised drawings they're probably gonna have like a week which me just seems tight so we early August is the goal yeah numbers by probably like early mid August would be more reasonable than like one August which is what we have on schedule okay and the the priority there is really going to be this site guy conrete guy then the steel guy so it's not gonna be like all right it's mid August they're all signed up you know each one of them gonna have a little bit of a kind of lag to it and we have that transition point from the early site enabling contractor um we extended their workout through through kind of midt so that the fields that we couldn't take for the summer concert series some of that work can continue after school comes back so we kind of have a a little buffer where we'll have a site contractor still here and then the full sightly before September or early September with them on board so we can transition them sounds good and depending on how bids play out that could be one and the same right could be yeah could be DS already has of stuff here there got got be worth something it's be aggressive got all his toys touch that uh yeah so we started work at the front parking lot um the water line from the meter pit down to the right hand side of the Loop Road is in they're going to start Crossing that Loop Road um this week week um the drainage at the front end of the parking lot is also in and tied in that also has to go Andross in front of the tennis court so that's going to start happening um this week we are going to close down that horseshoe um we had told you Monday uh we're going to close it at the last minute um probably tomorrow uh and start pulling the the pavement up so that we can have that all pre ready our pave date for that front Loop is the the 29th um Andor 30th so they're going to get that entire parking lot paved the loop road that goes along the um west side of the site and hopefully just enough of our parking lot so that we can drop construction trailers by mid August um and then once they're done Paving we're going to line stripe that and then start to turn that over to you guys the next slide right uh and then I touched on it um we have that road uh graded and and ready for pavement a little bit more fence work to do some scrim to um throw up after after Paving and we get the Jersey barriers in at the front and some gates established and then we've stopped adding to the top soil Pile in the lower right corner of this picture and we SE did that um talking about whether or not we Fen that off to prevent access to it um wasn't shown on the but we're looking at that for safety um and then we'll pave up into our construction area and we're going to pave the area where the dumpsters go outside of central office and up to that door right here right there and I'm going to I have pricing to add Hardware to the door right now there is a card reader or a lock um to get back in that door very interesting through yeah so um probably going to try and add a card reader so that they can go back and forth through that hallway read we'll talk yeah got a spare one hang oh actually I have a project going on now where we're doing C reader doors so okay all right we can talk go the next one this one all right so out back uh you can see kind on the left side of the screen they've been working on just the the drainage back there the gas line that had to be relocated right next to the the back of the school uh that happened over the weekend right Saturday if I remember correctly finished so that's all kind of out of the way now the two large oil tanks were removed um one small hiccup the larger one they found like traces of oil in that uh excavation basically after they took the tank out Otto took more samples tons of meetings long story short it seems like it was something kind of left over from when they pulled the original tanks um but we're working with with them and the plan kind of moving forward as as we re excavate that area we'll just keep taking samples and make sure everything's clean that we're taken out of there because these tanks came out intact yeah and they the and in good shape the tie down straps on them that keep them from popping out of the ground with groundw they look like they're brand new you know and and all we we chased all the lines that connected to the school sampled that dirt nothing so I I we really think it's basically just something left you know from when they pulled the old ones put the new ones in it kind of got trapped there which best is really the best case scenario for that so but we'll we'll keep monitoring it as we go um right now just because obviously we didn't want to leave the hole exposed we we lined it with like a poly membrane and then just filled it with LOM on site while we're kind of coming up with the plan there um what am I missing out back that's really it we'll have some test fits where T came out on either side or on all three three of the sides not the fourth we had the oil tank just to the left of that so do some additional test pits and um with OT and confirm probably the edges of the contamination and then on test pits um we did a couple inside the footprint of the building as Dave touched on we're seeing the kind of the base layer of Lone being pretty very lots of variation there from from sort of the few borings we had so we will be sort of outside the fence you you'll see a small machine out there just basically do a couple test pits where we'll scratch it up put it back together and then seat it our goal with our locations is we're staying out of sort of the playable areas of the fields that are staying in play but you will see those little kind of like dirt patches but don't be alarmed there on purpose um and I think we're ready for the next slide so this is where um we're going to bring the water the water line comes from the existing fence where the kind of soil is Disturbed on the right hand side there and it's going to go between the tennis courts and the existing um and we're going to take that back tennis court kept it online as long as we could these three those yeah the back three yeah uh the water line is going to go like I said between the school and the tennis courts um there's the tension Pond is going to go into the back three tennis courts and then there's a drain line that's going to run um from the front corner of from the corner of the parking lot closest to in front of the trees and then in front of the tennis courts and then it goes kind of in a diagonal from the corner of the tennis court back towards the stadium so we're yeah um so we have to get that's to tie the drainage from the parking lot into our new temp drainage Loop so that we can take out the drainage that runs through the building footprint so that's all going to get started now um in hopes to have us out of the parking lot before the around the 13th of August and then um the 16th we're close off that uh side field and finish all of that up if they are able to get in there sooner we'll do um what we talked about previously we'll cut in just the utilities and then anything that's gets cut open before the end of the summer concert series will get uh wood shipped over mulched over so that it's um safe and clean by the end of the day that's just the last slide it's kind of a reminder of what we're shooting for by the time school starts load there she do kind of looks like the picture um yeah so that that's really the you know the goal of all this and I wanted just kind of in this forum say thank you to Gordon Frank and Ryan for all their help this summer it's exactly kind of what we describe you know we showed up start cutting trees down like you can't put a trailer in place so um the support that we've got been huge that really kind of helps us move along so got slices for the class of 73 yeah you have an issue with t power uh we don't have it yet that's our biggest issue it was in design with National Grid and it was to come off of nordan Street um we found out that the um three-phase is a little bit further down the road it's not right at that pole at the corner so it took a little while we needed a the electrician on board with for help with the three the oneline diagram and the loads that they expect during construction so we got that it went through National Grid it's in the design phase we're supposed to get comments back this week from that um we don't have anything yet that could be months could Beal grid right yeah we don't know we're at there Mercy we should be done with the design phase yeah yeah and then we get the result we find out what their schedule will be for construction um but yeah and that could be considerable of course cost they have to upgrade the overhead right they may have to pull off the I think it's three polls now it's at Marshall right yeah in that like the power we need is in that neighborhood it's just not all the way up to the site so service you need for um I assume that's going to be for t and everything else in the building yeah we the the info we gave them was basically to service the whole job it's not just for the trailers they got to put a pad mount for that that's what we we requested they basically drop it right at the property line and then we'd run it from there but we're waiting to hear back on their design yeah we're we're somewhat at their Mercy inter you can work the work you're doing you can do our generators right yeah with our trailer are you going to get a generator no I mean worst case scenario we would just do that we'd get a a generator for the trailers and then all the all the um site guy concrete guy they own all their work on a generator anyway because we this happens every job how many spaces do we pick up in um section two there a little over 100 yeah I think it's like 120 I thought it went down we kept moving it around because of the trees we're trying to save but if you said 110 115 it's probably safe yes I can get you a hard answer on that that was just serous okay thank you because we haven't lost any spaces not yet not yet you will so net though you're coming out yeah com about the same yeah yeah okay yeah and that that was really the drive of kind of putting that area in place is as we start picking away at some of the other spaces and you lose 20 you know 15 at a time with different things that's more than a buffer so and people will be used to it you know that right that area as it comes online and next summer you will lose that entire number three parking lot yeah in its entirety only parking will be at the front of the school that means your satellite office on the cable four after July 4th Steve pear is gonna be overseeing the summer high school that's before July 4th we said yeah yeah Fon kills out we G do at number two we have more spots now than we will when the project is done correct no Islands you're not gonna have any of that stuff going into this between two and three yeah right between two and three now you probably have we start losing space three not not three I'm just just two in itself like two Now versus what two is going to be next summer is going to be less right I would guess that's oh when you start adding yeah but then we're more back where three is I I just asked the number you said was much lower than what you told me originally number two was gonna have which was around 115 and we'll do a better count okay talk about completion or for in completion is supposed to be around 115 and I'm assuming we have more spots now because we're not have those islands so I should be pushing 130 to 140 in the in the Final Phase that parking lot extends all the of the building forgetting how far school's gone okay that number two is temporary that two is just for the next two years building's gone okay so that lb will actually grow size yeah because get fancier yeah the building is further back so you you have another building in the dirt area there yeah I wonder it just made me nervous because if that 115 was shrinking to a lower number it's gonna Buzz up central office taking 40 of those so no to Danielle's point games you guys get five she said three comes offline next summer the reason that's coming offline over the summer is we're basically gonna be putting in the permanent parking so it they will still be parking over there it'll be a little less and then once we flip-flop bring the new building online that number two and the old building goes away and then there back I forgot about that are there plans to ask St Michaels for some help or some relief if we have to have summer school and things next summer my plan was to move summer school to burgland actually oh okay even better I'm told St will for the par correct me if I'm wrong but you will have number two next sum yeah two of these online be whatever that so you're not doing any work in lot two next year no no no lot two was so that we can take away lot three next summer yeah so you'll have all of lot two which looking at how much parking you have here for a normal summer school day you'll have oh God 50 60 spots so I could potenti utilize this building summer that's good to know I thought I assume that was all offline we we no that that's really why that was a big priority this summer so it it would leave you guys kind of a swing space when we take the the larger lot so when does lot two get converted is that GNA be summer of 20 summer of 26 yes you will have the new version of lot 3 to access the will be in transition you will not have the existing school and the new school will not have a TCO full TCO yet TCO so summer of 26 needs some careful consideration of who and where everyone will be sum 26 the day you guys get out of school I'm going to ask you if I can cut the power to your building and start knocking it down but then new building won't be ready to move into until the end of going to have a lot of people over at his that would be summer we might loc yes I'm going to move it back you everybody yeah g that's all right you'll be in the dark I I'll enjoy the silence yeah yeah that that summer is the real crunch when it comes to space here but it it's essentially the the building is completely coming offline the minute you guys will hand it over to us okay yeah so that means it we got figure it out start August 15th yes I'm in okay the way get out May there won't be new furniture be temporary occupancy so like the IT department could have moov into that new building so there we will not have a TCO yet yeah we will not have furniture yet we will not have furniture doesn't come until June end of June so there is a there's a window month and a half where this will not be here then we'll be in the the S of like ionna say that TCO with like it and stuff big is your trailer outside when you're a crew essentially fall under like the workforce so you know if you guys have the proper P PPE hard hat you know you can go in and get in the server rooms do what you need to do before that's not a big once you get to know me I don't follow rules yeah so it's not that the building is like not access access to everything whether not your it your it rooms are built out running Network running in the to be clean before start up your equipment and so you know that sort of happens a little bit later and we probably support at that point um we won't be here so yeah what point time yeah for uh for the paving for your trailers should we get conduit in for the fiber to the trailers yeah a good idea when are you Paving or 30 next week yes well it's just going to be corre 60 foot sex yeah just an elbow up and a run to get it out of there you need 2in PVC yeah it's fine even introduct if you have some of that we can pull are you running it Town Ryan and I will go out there just pull that start twisting the fibers together okay F them well that woke everybody up 26 we'll be in the dark I have one crazy question so does the new lead is um I know they they worry about water consumption and stuff like that does that have any effect on irrigation excluded it's excluded yeah I'm doing some LBC projects and they don't exclude that yeah no not at all then on temporary heat can we still use fossil for temporary heat or wondering about that myself I imagine you can they because yeah I doubt they have the ability to restrict you know and methods It's the final project just wondering yeah want to get into about waterw Le yeah all we had that's enough motions and approvals SL yeah so you need uh this motion to be read second and then uh roll call Vote Yes okay is it two motions or is it uh just one just one motion um yeah just one motion okay and it's basically just approving uh the project team to submit the 60% construction documents s to msba on behalf of the SBC is this have to be verbatim because votes is seems like the wrong verb doesn't need to be it's ultimately so you move to make a motion you don't vote to yeah yeah it's whatever you want as long as we can show in the meeting minutes that you guys bless the submission we're golden you need the whole thing in principle so theast School building committee has completed its review of 60 construction documents submitted for the East High School project the SBC votes to approve and authorize the project team to submit the 60% construction documents submitted to the msba for its review second yeah all right so Greg moved Ryan seconded probably say I would move at the beginning of that fall I would move that the Su of school building maybe that makes more sense do over I heard it second okay uh we have a motion we have a second any discussion folks online any discussion [Music] questions take that as a no um okay roll call vote uh Mr crucial are is he's he's with us now right yes okay I a yes Blair yes Mr Paige yes Miss Brown yes Miss Hill yeser is absent Mr fenny's absent yes Mr Thompson yes Mr Christensen yes M Collins yes and Mr quinby yes yes yes is happen right we can submit nice job everybody great thank you look at that um that's the end of the presentation from team do we have um any Communications update Victoria you're with us hi everyone uh not a big upate uh we've been doing our monthly construction updates to the website and our third one will go out on this Friday um we haven't had any emails come in through our project email accounts so assuming everyone in the community is Happy um there's one email which uh didn't come through the um account but um Eric was good enough to answer it for me and I will send it back out to the uh parent who asked it was just around parking and connecting to the bike trail okay great I will thank you yes and we'll definitely note that the tennis courts are going offline in this one and um I think some progress photos of um some progress photos would be nice to see on there as well so and if you look at the project website it's updated the FAQs are updated um with some construction related questions so um that's all been updated there otherwise nothing nothing new from me Victoria last year we had done National Night Out uh as you may know Mr Macky coordinates that he was wondering if we wanted to participate again this year I was thinking probably not but I don't know if you had any different thoughts than that so I've spoken with uh Gordon I I said I don't think that we necessarily have a need for it it would really be up to you all if you wanted to show showcase some of the updates more or get out in the community more so than what we're doing uh on the on the website and through the Flyers and all that stuff um you know heading up heading into last year we wanted to get out promote the project heading into the vote all of that good stuff um so I would say it's not needed but um go out we start a project for more y like that or not necessarily needed typically not they but it's Case by case so I just feel like like we got the vote see you I me I can go stand there I I'm will just answer questions yeah you want to do it I'll do it all right what night is excuse me I we could put we could put together um another pamphlet just like showing the um construction Logistics and schedule and maybe a couple of Fes on there and I think that'd be a nice handout basically you're the one you're going to post tomorrow we use that information and and and use that as our handout yeah yeah pretty much um if you remember going up to the boat we had those trifolds we could we could do something like that um yeah we'll work on developing that and that's usually the first week of August is that right AUST August 6 yeah a six okay we also have a week weekly drone orth those we've been doing through it so we're putting them in our GIS I just I'm not sure how my GS guy is sharing it out yet but every week we do it those a okay with that yeah you guys going to crash drones you're okay Don you have room for us if we through the TV once uh once school starts again what uh you have pictures and we push just push it out for the students too oh we can it's a automated flight takes like 4 pictures then them all I don't know that might your your updates Frank but I can send out links too yeah yeah okay okay good thank you thank you Victoria thank you um do we have uh we scheduled the 28th meeting do we need to schedule something sooner in September or do we need to wait on other logistics before we own in another building committee meeting it's good question maybe wait when you guys get numbers on oh yeah for all maybe that's sorry the next okay you say is there a date that's currently so we October 28 is what was the date we it was October 28th Monday October 28th yeah was to make sure for the October 29th 90% submission but that's the only one we solidified I didn't know if we needed something an amendment approval in midt we will need yeah we'll get the the bids off of that the 27th set right so that's going to be mid to late August we'll you know review we should probably we can lay out a kind of timeline of the different approvals that we'll need okay and then I think we can work with Steve and the group on if those different things need full committee we need SPC anything over 100 we need that reminds yeah so we because it'll be basically and in this site award as we said it'll be important to make a determination of You Know How likely it is we want to proceed with irrigation and Turf and stuff so okay we certainly the AL we'll need something with this group sometime September the late August early September okay probably late August early September but we'll try and hone in on a couple circulate those okay do want to revisit it wasn't in the presentation sorry that slipped the cracks on me but um it is on the agenda um approval fontaine's amendment number one for the enabling work I know I sent it out to the building committee believe a couple weeks ago or last week um and I know it's signatures I don't know if we need because it is over the 100,000 I believe it to come to this committee for a vote so y if we could do that today okay do you just want to review it for folks who haven't seen it you don't have it in the presentation I don't have it in the presentation unfortunately um do you guys want to summarize it I mean overall it includes uh basically it's a it's the costs of the um the bids for gager ducci the site contractor and uh Wayne J Griffin the electrical contractor as well as some general conditions uh for Fontaine and some allowances and scope holes that we feel are going to be necessary just for the enabling package um so this is just that kind of first piece of the pie um and I know there's already some money allocated uh through fontaine's contract with its Town um so I think that Kim will just adjust uh to the number to the 18 million um after the approval today I'm saying 18 million I'll get the exact number for you I'm sorry I have that you it yes 18534 663 yes there we go guys are quick one more time 185 18534 663 so Gordon I just put that in the slide if you wanted to refresh your connection maybe we can um I think I downloaded this okay the motion is to approve the 18 corre five 663 or or uh spontaneous GMP amendment number one for early enabling work so that's for the for gag duci and for the electrical correct so that's just happen to prepare the site correct yes yes and so we will uh not to go too far down the road but uh when we when Fane releases uh ear release package number two will likely then need another amendment to this uh to their contract to account for the uh contractors were're bringing on board at that point concrete steel correct that okay again probably at Erp 3 and then uh eventually once we get to December and we uh bid the rest of the project we'll come to a full GMP probably in early January mid January so you need a motion to amend so I'll move that we amend the Fontaine the amount for Fontaine the GMP number one am number one what early amendment number one no it's not early Amendment it's amendment number one for the early um enabling enabling okay that's thank you in the amount of in the amount of $1,534 663 yeah it's quick all right we have a motion we have a second um any further discussion online any further discussion okay we'll do a roll call vote Mr crucial Absolutely I'll take that as a yes I'm a yes Miss Blair yes Mr Paige yes Miss Brown yes Miss Hill yes Miss Lavar yes Mr Thompson yes Mr Christensen yes Miss Collins yes and Mr Quimby yes okay yes is have it amendment is passed I do just want to say to that end uh we did receive fontaine's first payment application um so uh Pam I I believe the process will be to submit uh the pay app to you it it's been uh approved by so scansa and the project team design team reviewed the uh the application we were okay with it we approved it um it's been certified I have copies now so um I can send you over a electronic copy um perfect okay then we direct it to everybody yeah yeah okay I think that covers all the approvals we've done Communications upcoming meetings to be determined other than the 28th so one thing I want to you want to try to schedule biweekly progress M this doesn't this is more the project core project team and I would assume that a couple of you would meeting so we're trying to pick a time in a day so in the summer we can do Thursday mornings that's fine in as when school year starts traditionally for last 14 years anyway leadership team has met on Thursday morning sure so that would be challenging to switch because then we gear all our professional Dev that we do with the leadership team on would say just avoid Thursdays just a start because there's only a few weeks left in the summer we got I think uh someone had trouble with uh Tuesdays are bad for Steve I think is that true Steve that is true John thank you are open Monday Wednesday Friday is there is there a time when school starts back up are afternoon's better for you guys I don't I know morning mornings are fine yeah Wednesday Wednesdays are tough for us yeah you said that right we used to do for Accelerated repair we used to do Friday mornings is Friday morning they're not good we can start with Friday morning we cheery on a Friday like to shoot for Saturday the middle of the week not as Che on Saturday yeah I any we like sh for sometime middle week because then you get the Monday to get with the subs and get all the kind of then you know if it's Tuesday or Wednesday right we can kind of get some answers and impl stuff so I think Friday Wednesday we just have a conflict right now so Friday would be would be fine or Monday and then as we get into it too we can look at it six more months and and adjust Friday at 9: yeah my only hesitation is that I think these early phases the civils site team is going to want to be these are OIC meetings right yes yeah Mondays and Fridays are the only days that are not great for them again it this focus is going to shift over time but have about Wednesday afternoon it's just hard's no good Wednesdays are just bad about Thursday afternoon for thday good just the next five or six weeks yeah and then get this school year maybe it comes Wednesdays in Yeah couple months th Thursday afternoon are open yeah as long as we can get something set for like the remainder of the summer I'm confident we could work as a group on what works beond long as you have at least one of us right we'll both try to be there as often as possible but as long as you have Frank or me yes and and I you guys say like in the OAC meeting generally it's going to be kind of nuts and bolts construction stuff submittal and so a lot of times like we'll have owner items like right at the front of the meeting right so safety Logistics you know things that might impact like finger and so we structure it that way anyways because a lot of times the O AC's they might go for 60 Minutes 80 minutes and there might only be 10 minutes that's relevant to to you guys so I would say say Thursday one for now and that works for everybody we reassess it in five or six we'll also try and structure it so that you guys you're welcome to attend the whole thing but we'll try and pack your you know pieces and decisions into the beginning too okay so that it doesn't turn into to a hour and a half commitment every a lot of actionable stuff right yeah like to start next week F providing lunch I'm not here next week I'm thinking lobster rolls but Connecticut of course from hot surgery send an invite out or should I put my I can put an invite out the one thing I was going to say is we're working out of uh room 101 over there so we do have internet and all of that um I can run the meeting virtually but it would just be out my laptop so if you can attend in person that is definitely preferred walk down the hall I'm just curious it be possible for us to borrow one of your fancy mobile projectors just for a little bit no just for August one uh actually have brand new 85 in TVs coming in with stands think I just put that on interactive touchreen right just thinking about the you know jwa is going to be here consistently but we if we have Engineers who are distant but you need answers or want to engage them it might be easy to you know have them come in that way yeah so I bought three mobile screens you guys can grab one of those we just me here oh I thought we were meeting in the well that's just what I said because that's the room we've been working out of um I don't know if this would be an option um from this room to be able to connect to the uh screens maybe and I don't know if we need to probably stay away from Don's gear if you're on Thursday the leadership is team is in here on Thursday mornings and then the brief cleans the tables and then we're good to go just trying so in this room Thursday to First yep yeah start THS and then when are we gonna kind of make that decision with the trailers and the power as to whether we're going to run it off a generator I think I'll know more when we hear back from National Grid from the design so we should that's GNA happen before we're starting to bring kids into here and we're getting the boot right well we're definitely going to send some trailers out to the site in August so that we can move in there and if we don't have power then we'll CH so we figure about two more weeks without a trailer roughly roughly yeah we're going to drop them before school either way you just don't want natural grid to know that you've got the backup push down worse comes to worse if we need to drop a generate with them we will never know who's watching these meetings true true okay um any other new business I'll take a motion to adjourn W Frank motion and second any discussion need a roll call Vote for This I I you everyone's in favor anyone oppose to a joury that way well you should call for the eyes though all in favor please say I thank you know have it thank you