I can do my FL when I'm asleep hey Ralph great good evening everyone welcome to the May 28 2024 song M Town council meeting I would ask that we stand at this time for the pledge of ALG Al to flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all at this time I would ask that we take a moment of silence to reflect on um all the events happening throughout the world and locally thank you I announced that this meeting is being recorded by elat and I would ask if anyone in the audience is recording please uh state your name for the record okay seeing none um jeie are there anyone signed up for public comments no there is not and Don is there anyone on line no okay Council comments counselors okay I have a couple um first thing I would like to do is um I didn't realize you had to sign up for public comment ahead of time nope actually if you'd like to uh come up under public comment is it that time yes yep no no problem at all it's opportunity and you dress up pretty darn good thank you and um Butler live at for El Crest Street e meal I've lived here for 60 years except for four years in the Air Force and wonderful town I'm glad to be here thanks Serv service if I may sit please of course I I think you guys are doing a great job I love this form of government I really do I voted for it um but when I noticed or when I got this little thing in the reminder maybe think that geez maybe it's time that I come down and ask a few questions um and I realize this isn't set in the goal yet I don't believe no that's why we're having the public hearing tonight exactly so on my question is what is a point-to-point van um so when we go through the process we'll go through it but the point-to-point van is for the Council of Aging their Vans uh outside okay pick up residents drop okay notice they have a brand new one out there now and I wonder they're going to get another one yes so Tom correct me if I'm wrong they're retiring one and replacing cor all right another question roadway improvements $500,000 is that repaving or is that something else besides repaving believe most of that ends up being used for repaving along with all the chapter 90 uh money that we receive which is 580 580,000 supplement mil8 be able to pay some roads as much as that amount of money gets us well it doesn't get much unfortunately but $600,000 from Dearborn to Westwood again I asked VIP what does that stand for so that's an acronym um basically it's a grant program so it's roughly $9 million for that section of road if I'm correct we don't have an estimate for this section yet uh this up here was 10 million in climbing so we had started this North Main Corridor if I may please sorry uh Transportation Improvement program okay um and so we have to kick in we had previously kicked in money from Harkness to Dearborn uh which was like 560 thou 500 somewhere in there 560,000 for A10 million federally and state funded re uh Improvement project and so we're just going to continue down the line on on North Main very good well when I saw the Deerborn to Westwood my mind the worst part of the road is in front of the new town hall down there right and that's that's already underway already underway all right fire engine number two lease payment is that a once a year it's a yearly lease payment we have uh five payments on it and I believe this is payment three of five is that leas the own yes yes sir yes same with the ambulance yes absolutely police the replacement vehicle I understand that completely but a pickup truck there a police department pickup truck when the highway department seems to have everybody in highway department has their own pickup truck I'm G to refer this to our town manager he would be the best one to talk on it so uh the chief has sort of and and the chief before have sort of identified a pickup truck as something that uh that the department could use and use often um it's been on the capital plan they've been asking for for about four or five years um and chief assured me that the the there's plenty of uses for this pickup vehicle that uh they could sort of employ if they need one they can't they borrow one from the highway department well I guess that gets into a little bit of a coordination issue uh like you said everybody has a truck but everybody's using using the truck every day now do we know what kind of pickup is going to be May a four-door pickup I believe so those little short bed on it uh I don't think so because part of their explanation was transporting longer equipment or long guns and ammo uh road closure equipment things of that nature so most of those four-wheel pickups have a little short bed and there's probably more room inside one of their SUVs there isn't right and we pickup trucks he talked about uh this at length with financial oversight um and um I believe we sort of agreed that if there was something that made more sense than a pickup truck uh that we would explore that option uh sort of if it was more fiscally responsible to do so okay maybe a van or something like that that was brought more more space Park Middle school it's like 18 years old needs Windows already the the sashes I guess are routing out yes it breaks my heart sure but is that really true they they''re gone and it's 20 in 20 years yeah 25 no they buil School in 21 I don't disagree I was I think sad to see that the workmanship from the original construction was in that at that point point but okay uh that modular classroom replace it million three I suppose that's Justified I'm yeah that's school teacher so I don't know what so space is is half of the space is uninhabitable at this point and the other half is getting there fast um we had pre this has a project that was previously approved um that when we went out to bid with the inflation and things we didn't have enough money to do it um so this is this $1.3 million is uh the added cost from the 800,000 that was already approved 850,000 that was already approved okay that's good question for you for for the the board does the town have a Architectural Review Committee or a board or something that would preview the way a building's going to look before it's built in town um it sounds like you're talking about a design Review Committee yes a design review the East Long Meadow zoning bylaws have one U set up but I don't believe it's I know it's not active at this time so it reverts back to the planning board um accs as the design shame on us for not having one and shame on Bank an our architect for building at monstrosity in the middle of our town my final word thank you very much for your attention Council comments um so one of the things I wanted to uh bring up and thank everyone on the center steering Center District steering committee um they had a public forum which was extremely well attended um it was put on very well they were able to gather a ton of information and different suggestions from residents um it it was uh very nice to see all the residents turn out uh with interest on it and I mean some had certain opinions and others had different opinions but to be able to grasp all of that and bring it together was wonderful and uh I'm sure the steering committee will continue on and uh there is a lot of work for them to do but I just wanted to say h kudos for such a well uh well-run uh event um one other comment I wanted to make was um we just came through yesterday Memorial Day and um again I uh attended the ceremony uh that was held at the high school and I have to say that our American Legion does a wonderful wonderful job with that um it's uh it's a bit humbling hearing all the names um but I think it's something that uh we have to say thank you to them for and uh wonderful job so with that I'm assuming the town manager has no report other than our budget for us the big packet is my report tonight but I will Echo your sentiment uh the the ceremony yesterday was uh outstanding well attended um and thanks to our legislators that showed up as well absolutely um it was uh it was again humbling is a very good word and Memorial Day should humble us all um and be thankful for what we have and the sacrifice that that the men and women made to give us Memorial Day so did I add something please um I also want to that what was exciting to see the children from meow Brook School participate they all had on identical sweat t-shirts and it was Kindergarten to second grade yes and they all delivered a rose um in honor of the fallen and just to see these young kids already participate in a an event that's so important for the community um I hope that continues that's great and I thought it was nice they included sort of back of some of the folks of the name so just like kind of where they where they're from what their background was and how young they were yeah yeah I think the oldest one was 37 but I heard some 19 yeah 20 yeah very very well-run event um we're going to move on to number six Communications correspondence and announcements um just uh one quick announcement from me in June we are going to hold two meetings um we have quite a few bylaws and other public hearings so I think it's uh prudent for us to hold two meetings in June and then hopefully we kick into a summer um schedule which is uh not like the budget season so this will be like June the 11th and June yeah the the second week and the fourth week and uh next up is a public hearing um so tonight we have a public hearing for the budget um as required or as outlined under article six section one of the charter um I would ask that our financial oversight committee come forwards and as they do what I would ask our town clerk to read the legal notice into the record heong Meadow Town Council hereby gives notice that it will hold a public hearing on May 28 2024 at 6:m in the council and aging media room 328 North Main street and Via Zoom webinar to review the proposed fy2 Capital Improvement plan and operating budget as outlined by article 6 section one of the East Long Meadow home Rule Charter the proposed fy2 Capital Improvement plan the operating budget can be reviewed in the clerk's office or on the town's website for The Town Council gar quy Town CL Clerk of the council thank you you so I'm just going to give a quick overview of how the public hearing is going to run um I will ask the financial oversight committee to uh give a report on the last five six weeks of their work um looking over the budget um at that time then we will go through the operating budget I'm going to do a line item by line item with um that 2025 amount um at that time I would say if anyone had a question on any of the Departments or the amounts as the Departments called just call question I will mark it and then we'll go back to it um and then we will go from the operating budget to the capital plan same exact routine once that's done the audience also if there's any questions on it just yell out question we'll mark it and then uh we'll go through the audience any questions that they have on it so at this time our financial oversight committee welcome um I'd like to introduce Don Starks as chair uh Jim broadrick Russ Denver John torso is also on it and Kathy Hill and uh I'd first like to say thank you for all your work um I was at all the meetings extremely well done uh extremely in depth and we do appreciate everything you've done thank you that I will turn it over thank you uh good evening um I would be remiss if I didn't have a fairly long list of thank yous um I'd like to thank the uh my fellow colleagues on the committee everyone gave 100% there were oftentimes um documents sometimes 128 pages that arrived and everyone read everything everyone did their homework really well came in prepared and with great questions and interest and we did our due diligent I'd like to um thank Jim broadrick who uh we are very lucky to have in town he's been doing this since I believe the mid 80s um he was five years old then um highly intelligent and comes up with fantastic questions Russ Denver an old hand at Appropriations Committee he old I'm aging myself I'm right there with him um and he's come back with some really great Insight Kathy Hill has been on um our committee for a long time and I have to give special thanks to her uh my creative juices we not really heed in this weekend to write our letter of recommendation and she not only served as editor but she helped um truncate and get it very concise so thank you uh John torsa who made many long commutes uh from Boston and uh was very active as well as Ralph page um great questions made us really think about things so he is doing his job um we appreciate that I also want to give a shout out to the clerk's office Jackie and Jeanie for um catching errors they are my eagle eyes um and they're fantastic um as well as Tom Christensen and Kim Collins who attended every single meeting uh and we had a very collegial and um informative discussions so we were thankful for that I'd like to thank the school committee um Gordon Smith who was very prompt in answering some late breaking questions and a special shout out to Pam Blair who um typed out out a long missive that answered all of our questions so that we were able to be very prepared when they came and it was a very smooth and informative session so thank you and without any further Ado uh I would like to read the um East Long Meadow Town Council Financial oversight committee fiscal year 2025 budget recommendations dear members of the council fiscal year 25 marked the start of the budget season under our new town manager Tom Christensen and with it opportunities to revise our process as well the financial oversight committee W meant excuse me met weekly starting from April 5th through May 24th this year the FOC I'll use that acronym while we go forward met with the town manager and the finance director Kim Collins who represented the department budgets level one and how they arrived at their level two recommendation the committee was presented with a highly detailed review of town resources financial obligations and future needs we are fortunate to have a town manager and finance director who know and can speak to all aspects of the town's fiscal status the committee received highly detailed information from the school department including totals from revolving funds and explanations of their purpose enrollment figures and space needs for Willie Ross school and information about the school choice program they gave us a deeper understanding of the school's budget and answered many of our questions they also supported the case for their budget as presented we encourage this level of collaboration to continue going forward the FY 25 budget is solid and represents realistic expend expenditures balanced by carefully managed fiscal reserves and with a regard for the citizens and taxpayers of the town this is in bold print the financial oversight committee recommend the fiscal year 2025 budget as presented with no changes as cities and towns across the Commonwealth struggle to balance budgets against the reality of looming cuts the town of East Long Meadow moves into the upcoming fiscal year with its services and programs intact however a budget of this magnitude may not be sustainable for future years with an eye to the Future the FOC strongly urges the count Town Council that the Town Council consider the following recommendations first a review of the definition of capital expenses for example Chromebooks have a three-year life expens expectancy and individually are low dollar cost should they be in the operating budget rather than the capital budget Additionally the effects of The Debt Service we carry and impacts on the capital projects should be examined as well creation of fiscally sound policy should be crafted to promote a sustainable budget it should reflect Capital spending that positively impacts the quality of life issues like Street Paving and departmental needs while keeping an eye on the overall spending Trends second the council that the council undertake a full study of the state mandated net School spending formula and its impact on the budget currently the town funds the school well above the required minimum contribution a study of this level of sustainability is essential thirdly yes the establishment of a capital expense stabilization fund this will ensure that funds are available when or if the town needs them without having to wait for the state certification of free cash in conclusion the FOC enthusiastically REM recommends fiscal year 2025 budget and capital Improvement plan of 72 million 23,737 a four 4.7% increase over the previous fiscal year this budget is complex and requires steadfast and educated attention the forces of inflation health benefits and OPB costs contractual obligations infrastructure needs and unfund unfunded State mandates will be annual challenges strategic planning and adherence to strong fiscal policy is critical to a financially strong East Long meta thank you for your consideration respectfully submitted the Town Council Financial oversight committee thank you you Mr chair may I just make one note uh and it is a minor era at the very beginning of the statement where it opens fy2 it in fact should say fy2 24 and I'll take responsibility for not catching that oh okay that's when Tom started FY I was intended to say last July when Tom started thank you Kathy do any of the counselors have any questions for the finance oversight committee don't even mention the pickup track Mr Butler already did that if I if I may I have a a comment and I I mentioned it um at the end of our finance meeting on Friday these three recommendations um to me constitute uh goals for the council to implement in this next fiscal year since by Charter our main responsibility is to legislate uh and oversee the towns uh budget and its resources and the recommendations from this subcommittee uh provide a perfect blueprint to ensure that the end result a year from now is still a robust budget with uh the reserves uh that we need to remain solvent as well as to uh with respect to making sure that we keep the uh taxpayers at the front of our thinking because they must bear the burden of uh raising and appropriating the These funds uh so I I personally think that we have certainly our work cut out for us but these are three very uh detailed goals that we can get our teeth into um starting in July would agree any other comments Tom if I may please um so I just wanted to sort of reiterate the level of collaboration and I want to thank you for the experience um Kim and I talked before and after all of our meetings obviously and I feel like um we have a direction trying to go in and we got so many good ideas for not only this year but next year and years to come um so I just want to thank everybody for uh a collaborative and collegial experience not only going through many multiple many pages of the budget but conversation about East Long Meadow and where we should go from here so I just want to say thanks I I did enjoy uh the last six weeks uh if I could say that maybe we don't pick Friday afternoon next year um but thank you honestly thanks a lot thank you and I want to thank again uh the entire committee for everything that they've done um but I am going to reiterate and thank the school committee um uh superintendent Gordon Pam Blair um the information that they gave us was outstanding and it did it it simplified it and made it a lot easier and open and um I mean typically the the school budget's something where you you stress about and you're going back and forth and this year it was clear sailing and it was fantastic so I think I'll also note I I I'm confident or happy that we're recommending you know the budget as is because there's so many communities particularly in eastern part of the state where they're either literally just defunded their budget or facing massive budget losses because of all this kind of covid era money that came and went now um and I think the smart decisions that a lot of folks played over the last couple years put us in a position that we didn't need to cut anybody if anything we're adding actually people and we're able to preserve um those folks that we got during the pandemic great thank you very much I appreciate everything okay so at this time we are going to move on to the operating the proposed uh 20 2 operating budget I will go through um I will state the department um the total amount and if anyone has any concerns or questions on it please just uh say question I will mark it and then once we've gone through all of them then we'll come back to it um so to start uh Town Council um Town manager level three recommendation $ 44,46 uh Town manager Department $321,800 110,000 uh total for accounting department $494,500 total Treasurer collector uh $424,999 a total Legal Services budget 200,000 total Human Resources $316,000 1875 total uh it Information Technology 1,489 63 total town uh uh Town Council and town clerk Department uh $251,900 uh total planning zoning and conservation $171,800 uh police department the total 3,595 305 total fire department 1,747 5115 um total East long metal dispatch $161,500 bringing the total for Public Safety to 5,77 499 uh total for the highway 2,177 total for building facilities 1,1 182,780 total snow and ice 149,90 total town and school utility 1, 651180 trash collection disposal 1,588 189 total waste collection disposal 134,135 total for Public Works 6,876 44 $7 total for the health department $345,900 total for the Council of Aging $49,444 Total Health and Human Services uh combined $944,000 uh total for the public library uh 963869 140 M uh total for celebration cultural historical 28,900 uh total for cultural and Recreation is 1,398 46 total retirement of debt $97,400 total interest on longterm uh 22,370 total interest on short term 1,251 636 total debt service 2,389 451 total employee benefits $621,500 total for workers compensation 252,000 total for health insurance 7 million $874,900 total liability and unemployment 5,414 73 a total Pioneer Valley Planning Commission assessment is $3,075 um total insurance, 73,9 uh total for the town 36 milon 27,9 157 uh total for the school 35 m995 126 uh total for school committee $1,650 bringing the total total to of the school to 36 m577 um total education is the same 36 m577 uh bringing the town's Grant total to 72 mil 23,737 and that is the operating budget having no questions on that um I'd like to move right into um a list of our capital projects um under motion number five is the list of these um so these are projects from The General fund um I will go through so it's through the Council of Aging the point-to-point van uh $45,000 it's recommended to be funded from arpa funds uh the department is DPW roadway improvements $500,000 to be funded from raise and appropriate uh the DPW design cost for North Maine for proposed tip from Dearborn to Westwood 600 ,000 to be funded from raise and appropriate DPW a Ford Ranger to replace a 2009 Ford Crown Victoria $55,500 to be funded from arpa funds the fire department engine two replacement which is leas year three of five $165,900 9,686 um to be funded arpa is 165,166 and out of the ambulance will be 23,7 um the fire rescue one leas year two of three 85,3 se0 um again that's out of the general fund the total lease payment is $170,900 um out of free cash is 68,800 uh for the police department a police vehicle replacement $ 68,9 38 to be funded by raise in appropriate at 41,100 and 27,800 from arpa Police Department pickup truck 71,7 70 no 71,72 to be funded from free cash uh East long metal Public Schools uh the ban Park window sash replacement is $ 53,8 191 uh to be funded from arpa funds um the IT department Chromebook replacement 87,000 um Ro raise an appropriate is 48,3 4580 and 38654 from arpa um under the IT department security upgrade $118,600 which is to be funded from free cash total Capital recommended as part of the FY 2025 budget is 1,800 5 2,85 um and then proposed uh capital projects funded by bonding from the general fund under the East long metal Public Schools is the Mountain View modular classroom Replacements which is 1, 340,000 the DPW sewer you're in module upgrades $69,000 that's to be bonded um DPW sewer the inflow and infiltration sewer Rehabilitation is $100,000 that is to be bonded uh DPW sewer uh Ford number 27 Taurus uh admin vehicle uh they are looking to replace it with a Ford Ranger um this is 50% from the Sue and which is $265 um to be funded by retained earnings 4,980 and 2,591 from the vehicle Reserve account um project recommended for the sewer Enterprise funds total 195,50 71 storm water Enterprise uh the department is the DPW storm waterer um wetstone Dam short range plan is $289,400 uh to be bonded the DPW storm water fund again um uh Spate ardan Culvert replacement is $198,700 and that's also to be bonded uh the projects recommended for the storm water Enterprise fund is 488,000 $3 uh elcat Enterprise fund um again the department is elcat uh broadcast server replacement $ 56,18499 , 680 uh projects out of the ambulance fund again it's the fire department engine to replacement which is year uh 30 of5 $ 23,7 and again the total lease payment for that is 189,190 is from carpa uh the rescue one um payment two of three the lease payment two of three out of the ambulance fund is $5,440 uh the total lease payment again was $1 17,94wh uh be 68,800 7 8 bringing the total for the ambulance to $ 109,110 um through Recreation as the Chestnut Street additional Playing Fields the recommendation is 50,000 for a feasibility study for the field on Chestnut Street um projects recommended for the CPA funding is $50,000 um that is one that we are um in June holding a separate public hearing on because it is CPA funding and this Council will have to go through that and approve that at that time or not approve it once we uh go through all of it um projects from other funds grants um Information Technology uh traffic cameras 4,590 that is hopeful that we have a mass gaming commission grant for um for East Long meal Public Schools the Maple Shade roof replacement of $2,900 th000 we are hopeful to get into the msba accelerated repair Grant um for the DPW building uh the HVAC upgrades is 9,84 and we are hopeful to receive a green community's grant for that so projects recommend to be funded from other sources is 3,31 , 394 bringing total Capital to 9,871 and hearing no questions we can move into the next fun part which is our motions unless any counselors have any thoughts or on the budget so at this time just um we start with motions and do we need to close click hearing first it's part of the hearing okay because if you don't approve the budget you'll have to continue the public hearing perfect okay I see well once we go through all the Motions Through the Motions question so we don't J never get old no okay gotcha unless there's anyone from the public that would like to say something with regards to the budget we would be open to hearing from you seeing no one jump up and run up to the front we will start with uh the Motions um I move that the town vote to raise and appropriate 72 m213 733 for Town purposes and charges in anticipation of Revenue during the fiscal year into June 30th 2025 for the operation of the Town departments as contained in the town of East Long Meadow FY 2025 proposed Town budget using the column headed 2025 Town manager level three second having a motion made in seconded any discussion hearing none well we are all here we don't have to do all call do please say I I is there any opposed okay motion two I move the town vote to raise an appropriate $100,000 to be added to the stabilization fund account 8216 for fiscal year 2025 for the purpose of setting aside funds for future expenditures second motion made and seconded any discussion hearing none all those in favor please say I I I any opposed okay motion three I move the town vote to raise an appropriate $100,000 to be added to the other post employment benefits liability trust oped number 8225 for fiscal year 2025 second having a motion made and second and any further discussion hearing none all those in favor please say I I is there any opposed motion number four I move the town vote to raise an appropriate 75,000 to fund the compensated absences Reserve account number 8226 for fiscal year 2025 I will second that motion I'm having a motion made and seconded any other discussion hearing none all those in favor please say I I I any opposed okay motion number five I move the town vote to raise and appropriate transfer and reappropriate and or borrow in accordance with mgl chapter 44 for capital projects for the 2025 fiscal year a total sum of 6,651 16 for the purposes end in the amount set forth in the proposed FY 2025 capital projects a copy of which is attached to this motion as follows raise an appropriate for general fund capital projects 1,1 189,190 180 to be raised and appropriated 1,340 185 to be bonded for a total of 2, 530,000 368 in 80 for general fund capital projects to be appropriated from the town's arpa funds 43,372 to be appropriated from free cash $ 29,2020 rais an appropriate for sewer Enterprise fund capital projects 116 9,000 to be bonded from sewer Enterprise sewer Enterprise fund $4,980 from retained earnings and $2,591 from the vehicle reserve for a total of 95,5 se1 raise in appropriate for water Enterprise fund capital projects 1, 8375 to be bonded from water Enterprise fund $ 26,571 from the vehical reserve 69,000 from retain retained earnings for a total of 1,933 71 raise and appropriate for storm water Enterprise fund capital projects $488,850 to be bonded from storm water Enterprise fund for a total of $488,850 raise an appropriate for ambulance fund $1 109,110 680 to be paid from the elcat Enterprise fund capital projects in the amount of 3,813 N4 were approved contingent upon grant funding and Town Council approval of CPA funds as noted in the table below second having any motion made in seconded is there any additional comments any further comments heing none all those in favor please say I I is there any opposed okay motion six I move to increase the water rates from $420 to $440 cents per 100 cubic feet for fiscal year 2025 said rate has been factored into the water Enterprise fund budget for fiscal year 20125 second having a motion made and seconded any additional discussion hearing none all those in favor please say I I any opposed okay motion number seven move to increase the sore rates from $410 to $474 per oh per 100 cubic feet for fiscal year 2025 said rate has been factored into the sore Enterprise fund budget for fiscal year 2025 is there a second I'll second have a motion made in seconded is there any additional discussion hearing none all those in favor please say I I opposed okay motion number eight um I move the town vote to approve the proposed FY 2025 storm water fee schedule a copy of which is attached to this motion and is made a part hereof by reference entitled FY 24 storm waterer Enterprise rates with proposed FY 25 rates said rate has been factored into the storm water Enterprise fund uh fund for FIS year 2025 second have a motion made and seconded further discussion um I'd just like to state if anyone hasn't seen it it's basically a $15 uh increase per um category category um and with that any other discussion hearing none all those in favor please say I I any opposed okay motion number nine I move the town vote to appropriate 3,697 391 for the water Enterprise fund budget for fiscal year 2025 and that 3,697 391 be raised from Enterprise receipts a copy of which is attached to this motion and is made a part hereof by reference entitled water Enterprise fund second motion made in seconded any discussion hearing none all those in favor please say I I I opposed carries motion number 10 I move the town vote to appropriate $2,740 398 for the sewer Enterprise fund budget for fiscal year 2025 and that 2,700 $ 4,398 be raised from Enterprise receipts of which is attached to this motion and is made a part here of by reference entitled sewer Enterprise fund second having a motion made in seconded any discussion hearing none all those in favor please say I any opposed okay motion 11 I move the town vote to appropriate 47 $7 3,826 for the stormwater Enterprise fund budget for fiscal year 2025 and that $73,345 be raised from Enterprise receipts a copy of which is attached to this motion and is made a part hereof by reference entitled stormwater Enterprise fund I second the motion have a motion made in second in any discussion hearing none all those in favor please say I I me oppose motion passes motion number 12 I move the town vote to appropriate $ 21,780 for the elcat Enterprise fund budget for fiscal year 2025 and that 2, 2,785 be raised from Enterprise receipts a copy of which is attached to this motion and is made a part thereof by reference entitled elcat Enterprise fund second motion made and seconded any discussion hearing none all those in favor please say I I any opposed motion number 13 I move the town vote to authorize revolving fund spending limits for various Town dep departments appropriate pursuant to the provisions of Massachusetts General la chapter 44 section 53e and a half for fiscal year 2025 as follows revolving fund Solid Waste Disposal number 2805 authorized to spend fund Health Department Revenue Source sale of trash bags and recycled leades use of funds salaries expenses supplies and contractual services to operate the solid waste disposal and recycling program year having limit is $2,892 then the fund Council on Aging number 2809 to Council on Aging The Source General Council on Aging programs and events such as Fitness room memberships exercise class fees event fees use of funds being salaries expenses and contractual expenses to operate these programs at the Council on Aging with a spending limit of $30,000 a second having a motion made in second any additional discussion hearing none all those in favor please say I I any opposed and motion number 14 I move the town boat to raise and appropriate $20,000 to fund the drit road Maple Street District Improvement financing program account 2663 for fiscal year 2025 I'm g a second a motion made and seconded any discussion hearing none all those in favor please say I I I oos okay motion 15 uh I move the town vote to authorize receipts reserve for appropriation for the ambulance fund pursuant to the provisions of Massachusetts General Law chapter 40 section 5f for fiscal year 2025 as follows second you want no I got to go through it because it's as follows um so the description is um salary fiscal year 2025 proposed budget 1,550 $2,732 um which is an increase of $247,900 and increase of 31,2 20116 um the explanation on that is ambulance supplies billing annual service and intercept fees um for Capital FY 25 is blank which is a reduction of 354,000 36 uh revenues are 250,000 uh net profit or def deficit is 239 a profit of 239,000 964 and expected fund balance will be 2, 9659 is there a second second have a motion made and seconded any other discussion on it no I will not read it further all those in favor please say I I I any opposed okay motion number 16 I move the town vote to accept the recommendations of the community preservation committee and appropriate from the community preservation fund reserve for fiscal year 2025 from the revenues estimated to be 300,000 for the purpose and the amounts as follows administrative expenses 5% historic resource Reserve 10% community housing Reserve 10% open space Reserve 10% undesignated General Reserve 65% and to appropriate from the CPA fund to the following full Bond payment of principal and interest $37,800 Brown property payment of principal and interest $4 47,6 180 second having a motion made in seconded any further discussion hearing none all those in favor please say I I any opposed okay motion number 17 I move the town vote to approve the fiscal year 2025 ambulance rates as presented in the Comstar East long metal fire department 2024 rate change form below um all right so start with uh charges a BLS emergency base rate uh not the best way to read this just the new rate just the new one yeah EXC oh just the new rate okay BLS emergency based rate uh new rate is $1,349 4 uh BLS non-emergency base rate new rate is $1,349 4 ALS non-emergency base rate is $2,155 77 als1 emergency base rate is $2,155 77 als2 emergency base rate is $3,244 63 uh Specialty Care transport uh new rate is not applicable and mileage is new rate is $36.40 second have a motion made and seconded any other discussion hearing none all those in favor please say I I I any opposed and our budget and capital has passed unanimously thank you everyone thank you everyone and um we have number eight orders of the day there's nothing under licensing matters nothing under financial matters we have approval of minutes um do we have um a motion to approve the minutes of M officially close the public hearing we have to close public hearing yes so at this time thank you we will close the public hearing is there a motion to close the public hearing I move we close the public hearing second a motion made and seconded any other discussion hearing none all those in favor please say I public hearing is Clos okay back to May 14 2024 Open Session minutes someone like make a motion to approve sure I move that we approve the May 14th 2024 Open Session minutes I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion hearing none all those in favor please say I I any opposed okay no old business um action items um so the one action item I could think of is postponed um comes um requirement for a self- evaluation I've received questions I'm compiling them if anyone else has any send them quickly and I will forward them to Tom so that we can um hear from him on June 11 and is there any other action items hearing none um no executive session would there be a motion to adjourn so moved second having a motion made seconded no discussion all in favor please say I I conratulations thank you you too extremely successful everyone thank you everybody yeah you Kim