e e e e e e e e e e the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the act the Rutherford board of education has caused notice of this meeting by the having the date time and place thereof provided to the record and South bergenite newspapers to have published and posted in the vestibule of the burough Hall and Public Library copies of agendas are available 48 hours prior to said meetings in the board of education office and are posted on the east Rutherford school website www. erboe.net now if you could please stand to salute the flag and please remain standing for a moment of silence in honor of the members of our Police Department fire department HSE responders and our Armed Forces I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and jce thank you and if I may it is wonderful to see so many people here uh especially the little ones please return come you know come off in call Mr B is absent Miss Caruso here miss KY here miss Mena here miss shley here Mr segalini here and president Luso is absent fire exits to the audiences right are left or to the audiences left our right and straight through the the further door all right School business administrative report or we want to go to the superintendent report we're going to do the superintendent report first just going to move things out of order just a little bit I'm going to address the teacher teacher of the year recognition first and then we'll turn it over to our students and then I'll continue with my report if that's okay okay all right good evening and it is an honor and privilege to stand before you this evening to recognize three remarkable individuals of the East Rutherford school district the teacher of the year award is not merely an Accolade it is a testament to the profound impact that three dedicated Educators have made on the lives of their students their colleagues and their broader community this year we are fortunate to have many outstanding teachers whose passion creativity commitment left an an inevitable mark on our schools however there are three teachers whose contributions have shown particularly brightly capturing the essence of what is meant to be an exceptional educator our teachers of the Year embodies the values and principles that are a Cornerstone of our educational mission these individuals have consistently demonstrated a tireless commitment to Excellence a deeper understanding the diverse needs of our students of East Rutherford and an Innovative approach to teaching that aspires both academic achievement and personal growth from the very first day in the classroom these teachers have gone above and beyond the Call of Duty their lessons are not just informative but transformative they create an environment where students feel safe and valued motivated to explore their full potential through creative and engaging methods these teachers have made learning in adventure sparkling sparking curiosity and fostering a lifelong learn learning for children moreover these teachers understand the education extends beyond the walls of classroom they have been a mentor a guide a pillar of support for students navigating the complexity of their educational Journeys whether through after school programs Community projects or onetoone mentoring these teachers have shown an exceptional ability to connect with students on a personal level helping them overcome challenges and celebrate successes colleagues speak of these teachers with high regard praising their collaborative spirits and willingness to share Innovative practices these teachers have led are leaders among their peers continuing to seek out professional development opportunities and sharing profound knowledge to elevate the entire educational team their dedication to professional growth is mirrored by their ability to inspire others to strive for greatness parents too have shared heartfelt stories of the positive influences these teachers have had on their students lives they talk about the confidence that children have gained the academic strides they have made and the joy they bring home with them from school each day it is clear that these teachers have made a lasting impact on countless families within our East Rutherford Community to our students these teachers are more than Educators they are Role Models sources of inspiration and trusted allies these teachers classrooms are places where every student is encouraged to dream big work hard and believe in themselves the Lessons Learned here will resonate throughout their lives shaping the leaders innovators and compassionate citizens of tomorrow so I would ask three teachers to please come forward yeah so we just back there and just face the camera so everybody can see you at home no pressure no pressure just going to switch it so everybody can see you at home bit better just in case we missed you know all right here we go so without further Ado it is my great honor to announce the teachers of the year go to miss Jamie kredo of McKenzie School Mrs Lisa oh did I make a mistake Laurence sabatella and and Mrs oh my goodness Mrs Reed sorry oh my goodness M re please forgive me oh my goodness oh my goodness so sorry um our dedic our dedication passion and extraordinary Talent have made a difference in so many lives you've exemplified the best of our profession we are incredibly proud to have you as part of our educational family so please join me in congratulating the three 2004 teacher of the year honores as a well-deserved recognition thank you for your outstanding contributions and for being a beacon of Excellence for our schools thank you re extra James Bud James James [Music] we'll send them you could just put them on there yeah it's fine y y perfect congratulations that's really cute cute cute cute very nice the nope I if I may before you guys leave I am not president laruso obviously she is she is a teacher and as you guys all know your hours never end so she's at a work function but she wanted to extend our heartfelt congratulations to all of you um speaking on behalf of the board and her as well you are the backbone of our school district right you every student right you guys are the first people they see you guys take care of everything and and you help our district grow so thank you for the bottom of all of our hearts for all you do and all you go above and beyond so thank you uh yeah let's have the we're gonna do student presentations and then after that we're gonna take a break so that everyone can pile unless you want to stay and hang out you're more than welcome hey Mr tanel your report good evening we are are back with our AHS student representatives and they are here to deliver the monthly school report we have Hannah alac for f School uh tenzen seang for Lincoln and kavish ganger for McKenzie this is the monthly report for f congratulations to our F Middle School 23 24s Teacher of the Year miss sella thank you for always making learning fun for our F middle school students special shout out to our F school students for doing a great job on the njsla and honors placement testing thank you to miss Muse for all your help and guidance during the testing process Mr tanel and Miss ratini are bringing the talent show back to F school students auditioned on May 20th the talent show is scheduled for June we are excited to see all of our F school talent F school will participate in red white and blue day and Dean's day for troops on May 28th this will be in honor of Memorial Day we will also be contributing to the GI go fund B School e8th graders participated in Bergen County teen arts on May 17th great job to our eighth grade wild cats for showcasing the Arts Miss Rosal and Mrs oconor collaborated on an Earth Day project the sixth and seventh grade students planted seeds and F School teachers received plans on teacher appreciation week with the message thank you for helping us grow our Spring Showcase of the Arts took place on May 21st at beckon Regional High School future happenings F School 8th grade Car Wash is scheduled for May 25th at the DPW parking lot trolls and thrills Music Festival is scheduled for June 7th special thanks to Mr and Mrs schart for putting this all together B School Field Day is scheduled for June 10th at rigin field special thanks to Mr kakoa and Mr aatini for coordinating this event this is the monthly report for Lincoln congratulations to the 20 2023 to 2024 Lincoln School teacher of the year Mrs Reed her dedication and commitment to Excellence has helped her become such an impactful educator for our fourth and fifth grade Learners May is Asian American and Pacific Islanders heritage month and Lincoln School is celebrating by inter ating programming that reflects the contributions of authors artists and historical figures within the community may is also a month full of appreciation and Lincoln School celebrated teacher appreci week national school nurse day and School's principal day late April also Fe featured Administrative Professionals Day to highlight the work done by administrative staff within the building Lincoln School is beyond appreciative for each and every staff member that contributes to our building our fifth grade students closed out their El lead program with the East rord police department at Bolero on May 10th on a day in which our students got to enjoy bowling and the arcade with some of East Rutherford's finest we were we we reminded again of the importance of positive community relations with served and protect thank you Sergeant Alberta and Sergeant Felton for their efforts in coordinating and planning the program in celebration and to all of the erpd who walk our halls and support our students each and every day the nsla administra from May 7th to May 16th was a great success for Lincoln School students absolutely rock with their efforts you have made us so extremely power of your work future happenings staff genes for troops supporting the gii go Foundation May 28th National Elementary Honor Society wax museum May 29th Spring Showcase May 30th theme on the radio bton Regional High School Holly Rock Show May 31st building wide field trip Patterson Museum and Great Falls Jackal game June 5th field day June 6th this is the m from McKenzie Cong congratulations to the 2324 McKenzie school teacher of the year Mrs Credo her dedication and commitment to Excellence have helped her to become such an imp impactful and inspiring educator for our prek4 Learners May is Asian Asian-American and Pacific Islander heritage month and McKenzie school is celebrating by integrating programming that reflects the contributions of authors artists and historical F figures within the community may is also a month full of appreciation and Lincoln School celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week national school nurse day and School principal day late also feature Administrative Professionals Day to highlight the work done by administrative staff with within the building mcken z school is beyond appreciative of each and every staff member who contributes to building and testing was administered this month for third grade students kindergarten to third grade McKenzie field day on McKenzie field on Wednesday May 22nd Memorial the assembly is on May 24th at 9:30 a.m. all students and staff will be wearing red red red white blue for a spirit day M McKenzie school will participate in red white and blue day jeans for troops on May 28th this will be in honor of Memorial Day we will also be contributing to the GI go fund McKenzie field day uh pre kindergarten to third grade on McKenzie field on Thursday May 30th McKenzie's kindergarten orientation is on Thursday May 30th at 6:45 p.m. in JY Holly Rock show is on May 31st McKenzie school will celebrate with an International Day assembly and spirit Day on June 12th McKenzie's first and third grade concerts is on Thursday June 6th first grade at 6:00 p.m. and third grade at 7: p.m. McKenzie school will celebrate our prek 4 moving up ceremony on Thursday June 11th at 9:15 a.m. McKenzie school will celebrate our third grade moving up ceremony on Thursday June 13th at 9:45 a.m. McKenzie School third grade breakfast and schoolwide clap out on June 14th the last day for our students and teachers is Monday June 17th McKenzie school is coordinating with the East R for librarian to present and speak to McKenzie school students to learn about summer happenings at the Children's Library I want to take this time to give a special shout out to these three students they have come with me month after month this year to deliver the monthly report and they are graduating next month so they'll all be heading off to high school and we will greatly miss them and their input as they sit here and deliver the monthly report so we wish you all the very best and I am looking forward to Bringing another group of students here next year thank you yeah on behalf of the board I I want to thank you Mr tanell but also you three you it takes a lot to to show up I know you probably have more fun things to do uh but we it means a lot to us you show up it helps us keep connected to the schools you you leave very very big shoes to fill for next year so uh thank you thank you all again very nice very nice and you're welcome to come back in June you're welcome to come back just because you graduate it doesn't matter just to get the and with that I think we're going to take a little bit of a break if you we take no offense if you want to head out especially the little ones uh maybe bedtime uh minutes two minutes two minutes that's e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e got a lot of thoughts she got a lot of thoughts I saw something to say shall we okay hold on let me pull this back up again all right and we are going here now um hold on a minute I'm sorry no you're fine oh this is it okay great okay ready to go y thank you all for your patience online we're going to continue with the superintendent report Mr CASRO thank you sir okay so McKenzie school 381 students F School 237 students Lincoln School 156 up 700 174 Al together up one student uh our fire drills for the month of May evacuation drills were all secured and done uh by the building principles who's confirmed with me all good for May under Hib we have three Hib investigations to discuss in executive session um we are proud to announce that we are fully done with our referendum um we are done um again special thanks to the board for allowing us to do what we needed to do as well as uh Mr cin for his uh legal guidance uh throughout the process so thank you um I did attend McKenzie's field day which was phenomenal it was really really great the children really enjoyed it and I have to tell you our parents were like the best they're out there helping trying to do so it was really nice to see parent participation in there um but really really wonderful wonderful it was hot but there was a lot of water and they had some brakes throughout so that was really nice um I was able to go to the spring conference uh uh uh conc concert thank you concert over at beckon Regional High School uh well received I mean really really nice it was wonderful so kudos to the schard uh and the dance theater uh staff that did a great job uh there parents really had a good time and then I was also fortunate to attend the PTA Tricky Tray it was great and my family is Tricky Tray junkies so we had a table there it was really good and it was I I applaud the parents um because if anybody knows anything about running a Tricky Tray it is a lot of work the rapping and the tagging and it's just a lot so um so kudos to the whole team that put that together uh under supervision of Mrs Green um the president of the PTA so again Jillian I know you were there it was just spectacular it was so organized it was really really nice yeah it was a really good night um underneath special education services we have extraordinary aid application is uh being submitted for the 2024 ex um extra aid application that was submitted um to the doe we are currently right now applying for our preschool expansion Aid uh which we are almost done um did my part Mr barachi did his part um Mrs King Dr King Dawson does the major part of it um that's coming up hopefully we'll get our response that we get it I know other districts have applied for it and gotten it uh currently right now I have reached out also with Dr King Dobson um local areas like preschools that would be able to house us that's why the YMCA Montour is no longer there but there's a lot of other preschools that are in there so we can take over that that area um so we're in communication with them as well as St Joe's I know there's some available classrooms over there so we have to do all the leg work first uh before we submit so we're in good standings right now um we are also uh Dr King doson working on the high impact tutoring which I said I explained to the board um on May 2nd uh she attended a training for it there as well as the preschool training you have to go through a whole training you have to sit through the training in order for you even to qualify uh for these grants and um and Aid um occupational therapist so the district is in the process of finding an OT for uh for leave replacement uh we're looking to it's very hard to find these candidates but we're trying our very best to get someone on track ready for uh July 1 uh we also have a full-time tenure track Middle School self-contained special ed teacher we're interviewing right now for them uh we did secure a staff member for Mr Barrow's building as administrator assistant to Mr Barrow which he'll be approving this evening it's the walk-on because we just finished the last of the interviews and uh candidates had come to me and we made a final decision today so that there's only one thing just waiting on one documentation that we're supposed to be getting tomorrow but you're going to be approving it tonight with the hope that we get our that that one piece of paper from from um her previous employer so again we'll be hiring for that uh extended school year will take place uh five days a week from 8:30 to 12:30 uh and they will be held at McKenzie School uh summer in Richmond Camp will be also from 8:30 to 12:30 for icr and special education students are also invited I know there was a question regarding um honor rooll all children are eligible for Honor rooll whether you're gened or special ed we do not discriminate right and segregate we do not do that so they are all eligible so if any parent I know had reached out to a I think it was a board member had reached out um and so the answer if they are listening in that that is we don't we don't discriminate they if they have the grades we put them on the honorable right so that's what we do um end of the year so a couple of tasks that we're looking up in special education is is wrapping up our case loads Transportation requests for out of District students um we're also looking at re-evaluations that they're done promptly before the end of the summer uh ensuring that all IEPs are closed out and finalized in on course as well as concluding with all parent um meetings just so the board knows you may just want to write this down there's some updates to the code for njac 6 a15 bilingual education code I'll repeat that again it's njac 6A colon 15 by lingual Education Code there's a couple of things there some ter terminology changes that are coming our way regulation requirements and some new resources so as soon as I get those I will share that with the board so that you are uh understand everything about that in the area of curriculum we are meeting with our World Language Coach to discuss um next year 24-25 uh we are also looking making we're also working with our math coach to discuss test prep for next year always a year head just to make sure that we are are uh on The Cutting Edge um we are also every year we do this we also give out surveys we send out survey to our staff so one is for test prep to get some feedback from our staff a flocabulary platform just to gauge where teachers are with that also Renaissance Freckle survey as well just get some feedback from them there um and then also some any kind of input that they have for any revisions in World Language K8 so there's a couple of things that we have to servey we're just waiting for the response and then once we get that as administrative team we meet over the summer look at all the data and then we present that as our professional development for the 2425 school year and that concludes my report are there any questions for Mr Gan CASRO all right thank you CASRO with that school business administrative report Mr Veri and I'm actually gonna do one thing sure at the beginning of your report so um last week as all of you know Mr Gan CASRO was awarded uh the recipient of the Bergen County Association of school administrators distinguished service award for the 2324 school year I know we had a little bit of a ceremony but the board wanted to give you something as well as a congratulations so on behalf of President laruso uh vice president B and the rest of the board we want to reframe the letter that they made for you so thank you congratulations again J CASRO thank you very much thank you thank you very thank you we know how hard you work and it's just a small token of our appreciation I will tell you like I said last time I'm only successful as my board and you really work hard you know we may agree disagree on things all the time but I will honestly say publicly that you're all about the children and that's why I'm honored to work with such a great board like this because always it's about the children so thank you thank you thank you and with that Mr R sorry for hijacking the beginning that's okay Mr seini uh just a few addendum items PF 2A uh the approval of submission of the anticipated facility request for 2425 school year we are required by the NJ dooe to submit this so I'll run through it very briefly it's to say we're saying that we will not have any temporary spaces for the school year uh we will not be applying for any type of dual use there is no change of use and kindergarten toilets we have all kindergarten and prek classrooms will be using uh the facilities in their in their classrooms so that's something we are required to send every year to the NJ dooe by July 31st the next one is the approval bills list number two I want to thank Mr seini for coming in to uh thoroughly review the bills list uh F3 a is the approval of the financial reports I have to thank our treasurers for working thoroughly with myself and Miss Al Faro to make sure that we had this uh in time f15a is the approval of donation of an aged out School Bus this is a to that we will be donating to the east rther for fire department right now it's sitting at the DPW lot so I have to publicly thank them for letting us how's this uh vehicle that we no longer use so we are going to donate it to them to the fire department yes and just to add to that I mean we have such a great mayoring Council um I'm just not just saying it just because I want to it's just the truth you know and our PTA I'm I'm sorry our DPW is phenomenal they have helped us even when we transitioned to other school you know when we had to change get off campus come back on campus whenever we need them for anything so that server for like almost two to three years two to three years there were housing I mean really we could not be more fortunate as a school district to have such a support of Mayor and counsel and and um DPW so thank you yeah we are fortunate and the last thing is f16a uh we are asking the board for the approval of the reallocation of Title One funds what we are asking is a specific employee within the district to reallocate a portion of her salary from the general fund to Title One and to take 100% of her health benefits from the general fund as well to Title One and if there's any questions are there any questions for Mr RI title money it's title money okay yeah yeah what we're doing is we're reallocating from the general fund to title so we're saving that money yes we are saving right and all be all ta taxpayers are saving uh 8 $889,000 yep cool close to it CL yep yeah 89 so that's where where we have the ability to do that grant money and title money that's what we we we do plus 54832 plus 34560 80 89 89 someone challenged me a math over here uh yeah with that said any other questions for Mr Vach thank you Mr guso for for that all right seeing none I'm now going to open to the hearing of citizens uh normally we do agenda items but because there only two people in the audience thank you for saying I will do agenda or not agenda items as well please state your name address for the record address the not board president me um each person may be W uh wishing to speak well five minutes each anyone wishing to speak will be given the the opportunity to do so I I I'll use a I'll be very slow with the clock all right all right Mary gagas 18 High Street East Rutherford good evening I wanted to address some issues sooner but medical issues kept me from doing so so just to be clear I'm here to express my deep concerns regarding the absence of Title One services for over a year and a half since I retired as I know it parental consent letters went out early full to those students who met the criteria in second third and fourth grades the title one program also known as basic skills the funds are used to promote academic Excellence enhance educational opportunities and equities for our childrens and families and to improve the quality of teaching and learning along with the technical assistance and financial support schools its primary goal is to ensure that all children meet challenging State academic standards it is a federal funded program in which you have a legal obligation to use these funds appropriately and ensure that they reach the students for whom they were intended ethically you have a responsibility to provide Equitable educational opportunities for all students particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds going back six or more years the district had hired new director of student services now our assistant superintendent who's in charge of the BSI program the director brought forth many changes which we never had to submit before paperwork that was supposedly mandated by the state it was a whole packet to follow first collecting data which is very important of utmost importance using multi measures to set criteria for students to enter the program program once identified the BC BSI teacher had to provide the following documents this is not a complete list since my time is limited here but student information that shows demographic students worksheet how many minutes we have contact time with the kids monthly rosters reading levels uh their grades for the marking period any special services also and an Excel sheet that showed minutes per period that added up every month and this document all this looked great on paper and these reports to be on the director's desk at the end of each month because we were told that the state required it not sure how true this is it was a lot of paper shuffling that took up a lot of our time we could have been utilizing our energy elsewhere to enhance the program subsequently what paperwork are you you giving the state right now to maintain These funds and where did you allocate the funds for a whole year and a half you have also been saving on teacher salary since I retired more importantly were parents ever notify that their children will not be receiving basic skills if not where's the transparency what the district needs is to hire a director of curriculum working on a daily basis with with the staff not these coaches that come in once or twice a month the director is directly involved in the design and impation implementation of curriculum instruction and assessment practices which give shape to any program I've had many conversations with our current administrators about this I was not heard since I left I believe four supervisors of instruction have been hired their main role is to do observation as I did my goal was to do much more but that never came about promises were made that I would have a role in administrative duties please read the supervisor of instruction contract the duties are many not just observations again we have a lot of competent people who are not utilized for their expertise board members please take a good look at a trend that's been going on in a certain Department in all my years with the district and I've been here since 1980 no one I repeat no one ever left e stord unless it was a legal issue we were a Titanic community of stakeholders we are losing competent teachers has anyone asked why these teachers are resigning so far here are six teachers positions we've lost from all three schools these positions have nothing to to do with this year's ongoing investigation we lost the preschool disabled teacher and five multiple disabled teachers clearly something is aiss teachers are not being heard and the climate of our schools is trending downhill I find this problematic and I'm disparen to conclude I urge the boards to take media action to rectify the situation by ensuring that the title one ser services are provided to all eligible students this includes allocating appropriate funding monitoring the implementation of programs and ensuring transparency and accountability in the use of these resources and before anyone else resigns maybe invite a good motivational speaker to boost the morale of your staff thank you for your time right on right on time thank you m thank you and we appreciate your you know your comment and we'll take it into uh under advisement and thank you for given the circumstances thank you for coming and taking the opportunity to to speak about this I we appreciate it uh normally one of the thing let me just interject one of the things we can't do is comment on Personnel actions and things of that nature and you obviously threw a lot of information to us so it's going to have to be dealt with and a lot of this goes into executive session because you talked about Personnel issues so I didn't have time but one of you will get what I talked about tonight in the meeting May we ask a just more information if I can just miss gagas if I could just ask some information so I know what I need to do as superintendent so my question is is this concern that you have do you know where you got this information from you collected this data from the data that you that you did that you shared again my question is who who who children said this to you where did you get this information from okay um second question is have you reached out right of course okay any other question the only reason why I want to know is because I know where it's coming from so I could address it okay I can't agree anything I don't I don't research right so the question is is have you reached out to Dr King Dobson about your concerns so that she can address all of these because all of these all of these questions that you brought up would be answered thoroughly if you called her or emailed her okay have you emailed me the only reason why I'm saying that is because it's really important because the things that you're saying are are really important and especially when it's Federal funding so I'm I'm with you 200% but if we don't know about it I can't address it so I'm glad that you brought this to my attention so when you email the board members if you can see see me on it so that I can at least be part of it so I can help you understand or what we didn't do or we did do I want to make sure that we're very transparent children educ understood to me is you know that's that doesn't even make any sense right it it does but the question I'm saying do I'm asking those questions because I want to make sure the information you're giving me is accurate because it could be hears sa from other people people I I I only I I look at facts and things that are you know datadriven so that's why I want to make sure whatever you're saying to me I go back and just you know look at it that's all respons you are responsible for programs you don't know that these programs are not being implemented something yeah I I I think I think what we can do is we can take this information right that a member of our has given to us someone with a vast amount of experience we can do we can we can do research on our own right we can and anything with Personnel any other items obviously we will handle in a more sensitive nature and whatever we can address right agreed Mr coin and Mr Jan Castro and I don't want to speak for president laruso but I know um right in the past we've been very good about giving a response once we gather the information once we were able to to articulate a response and once if it especially if it touches on the areas of personnel on the areas of funding corre it goes through legal as well um that's why we have Tom here to cover our you know what uh and once that happens right then we'll we'll offer a response all right but thank you but thank you m thank you Miss G all right and and you need you didn't need five five minutes and one second you had it per you had the you had the timing down perfectly so all right thank any other comments questions concerns okay good seeing none I'm going to close the hearing of public comment all right uh correspondence we have a letter from the ioe uh can I read that do I read that or just on just about a grievance right that's it yeah all right so we just have a correspondence from the IE uh at the end April no this has to do with Personnel issue so internal personel an internal Personnel issue all right yeah all right adoption of Prior board meetings can I get a motion to approve the board meetings for April 11th and April 25th so moved second any questions or comments on the four meeting minutes okay seeing none roll call Miss Caruso yes Miss colie yes Miss Mana yes Miss chamley and Mr seini yes okay superintendent resolution can I get a motion for S1 through S6 so moved second any questions or comments on the superintendent resolutions seeing none roll call Miss Caruso yes Miss KY yes Miss Mena yes M shamley yes Mr segalini yes all right curriculum committee Miss shml thank you um Mr segalini I don't know what to yeah no I'm just I'm just um upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves motion C1 through C3 C1 approval of student field trips and transportation requests for the 2023 2024 school year C2 approval of student transportation requests for esy uh 24 and C3 approval of Transportation request from the buau of carlat recreation as before you can you get a second second all right I actually have a question on c31 so I know we have a shared service agreement with the Board of Ed of Carl with the beckon Board of Ed does that extend to their right because this is technically a municipality item right correct all right um but currently just like for just for my understanding right so we have the two shared services with the board of EDS yes right but we don't have one actually with carlstead not that I'm aware of but we are under the same insurance plan same insurance company all right um oh just just something I don't know with this one I think right we we have an agreement we can but just as a general thing we may want to consider with the if we want to extend that to Recreations just because it can get to be a lot I imagine with a lot of field Tri and items so uh only concern that we' we've been having is that with with the bus drivers and the number of buses we have I know as a board we've always we've always leaned on our children come first each and then everyone else so we're we're running into some problems now where they're putting in we had to deny not because we wanted to but we had to deny a wck another for another town because we just don't have the bus well well that's what I'm saying like I I I worry right I think justifiable now especially we had the informal shared service agreement with beckon and Carl and then with everything that happened right we formalized it so and I'm perfectly fine because there's a reciprocity there right the hard part I have and then obviously with theer with wreck yeah we have an informal not even a shared service it's kind of a one way of course please if they ever need anything we're happy to do it but when we get it to outside municipalities then it becomes a little grave because we don't want to we're you know we've talked about bus driving staffing issues and stuff like that so just for the future for you know as a general thing we may want to not because because also right now your hands we're not giving you guidance so from from your end it's it's hard for you to say well where do I draw the line so I think we need to consider maybe we have a formal line I I don't know if it extends to and we say no outside municipalities I don't know if it's that or if we say Carl said is okay but no no one beyond that but um just something to consider and I did talk to Mr Ross I did inform of our situation he wanted to come to us first before he went to beckon to ask them yeah no I mean so a great relation just so the board yeah listen I mean I I'm not I'm not saying we should say no I'm just saying right like do we you know it's it's hard it's hard and I don't know mean does our does Eastford go to carlstead and get busted that time maybe that happens um I don't know if they do that they don't have busing they yeah so they're usually using our yeah I know I know but that's sometimes we share like their buses our driver their driver our buses yeah like like acoss their Board of Education because of the agreement we have there have been times that yes they put in field trip request the board approves them and then it's our driver is our bus yeah correct so we we have that good work in relationship no yeah yeah and as we should as because we leverage it you know but it just just there's going to be a line and I don't know where it is but I'm just using this opportunity to say maybe we think about it do we charge them fees for this or do we for the rec because they did request that the fees uh waved okay all right but we're not we run away with them okay yeah yeah all right so maybe that's the ground maybe that's that's kind of where we land is that we we charge you fees understood you did you yes oh then why did you I maybe I do I don't know probably fair I also got a question from president lusso today about it too so just pointing it out any other questions other than the same question being asked two weeks in a row no see I'll do it to myself seeing none roll call Miss Caruso Miss KY Yesa yes Miss shamley yes and Mr segalini yes that concludes my report thank you Miss shamley Personnel committee Miss Caruso thank you acting president segalini upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves the following motions P1 through p8 P1 approve the Kelly education substitute list P2 Personnel actions P3 approval of travel expenditures P4 leave of absence P5 approval of tenured employees for the 2024 2025 school year P6 approval of non-tenured employees for the 2024 2025 school year p7 approval of non-certified employees for the 2024 2025 school year and P approval of employees salaries for the 2024 2025 school year any questions I okay a second actually hold on a second second any questions yeah I do I do um so I'm looking at this I'm looking at the hourly rates now some are getting us which number on on on P2 yeah the summer enrichment teachers and then the esy extended how come some are salar getting that some are being paid s there their salaries by the hour and some are just getting a flat rate of 50 is that a minimum do we have like a minimum there an agreement well yeah and I some enrichment teachers don't remember there was a grievance and a resolution I think on one of these summer categories it may Bey yes and in the arbitration was determined that there was like a practice established with the rates and this is probably what it was that was based on your salary yes correct so this like when we arbitrated this thing there was like a five or 10 year history of whatever it was and I I would just have to pull it but that's probably why there's a disparity here on this dis grievance wasi was here oh well and I and I was here so yeah that I that I know Tom I just was questioning um I thought last year this is just a question I thought last year the summer enrichment teachers also were received salaried they salary by the hour that's because they're being paid with the grant so that's a flat rate the summer the sum the summer enrichment which is on the far right column the ARP this is AR s right I saw that a lot of three okay yes and we play them a flat rates this isn't part of their yeah their contract because this is we're using fund 20 we're using grant money we're not using general fund money and this was done last year you know you you if this is a new thing then would fit within that practice necessarily and there is a like a $50 per hour provision in the contract too for certain things so that's probably why it's different I'm just you know but I don't know for sure I didn't look into it ahead of time you know what I'm saying um just a question you know I just didn't I didn't know why some were getting their you know just a a flat 50 an hour and others are getting their whatever their salary is it's two separate programs though that are happening yes it is it is yes Y is esy is coming from yes would this would be they would yeah we could always correct it from J to there's an issue that's probably what what it is so and pro one more question I'm sorry the the I I know julan brought it up last last week but two employees are on this twice I see they're both they're both being hired for esy and they're both being hired for summer enrichment yes it's a possibility might be able to work both our esy program um does go so the whole month of July as well as the summer enrichment the information I was given is that there's a possibility that they might be able to work both programs right so that that's the reason why we put them there because the reason is this if we have somebody who worked at esy program but the board did not approve it an order will say well why wasn't it approved why didn't the board approve employee X to work the esy program but they were approved to work summer enrichment so to cover ourselves to cover the board there's two specific employees there is a possibility might work both programs just to cover us we put them there it's not to mean that they're going to work both programs at the same time no they're not working the same time oh that's okay their role not title okay role that they play right they will not be paid summer enrichment and esy at the same time that would that's not permissible okay but we're just doing that to cover just in case to us well employee X you said they worked some enrichment but they did esy show me the resolution that says that well this is the resolution that that covers the board okay okay thank you all right any other questions seeing none roll call Miss Caruso yes Miss colie yes Miss Mena yes Miss shamley and Mr segalini yes and that ends my report acting president second that's a mouthful thank you m giso uh pH iCal facilities committee uh Miss Mana thank you acting president Mr upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves motion pf1 pf1 approval of monthly facilities calendar May 2024 I a second second any questions or comments all look good all right seeing none roll call Miss Caruso yes Miss collee yes Miss Mana yes Miss shamley yes Mr seini yes and that concludes my report thank you thank you Miss Mena finance committee Miss Caruso thank you again acting president segalini upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves motions P1 through p14 I'm sorry F1 through F14 F1 approval of the bills lists number one for May 2024 F2 approval of April 2024 payroll F3 approval of financial reports for April 2024 F4 approval of transfers for the month of April 2024 F5 approval of providers for Extraordinary services for the 2024 2025 school year F6 approval of tax requisition scheduled for the 2024 2025 school year F7 approval to renew the 2024 2025 school year maschio's Food Service management company f8 acceptance of anticipated vendors for the 2024 2025 school year F9 approved withdrawal from maintenance Reserve account for the 2024 2025 school budget F10 approved withdrawal from capital reserve account for the 2024 2025 school budget f11 approval of contracts agreements for the 2024 2025 school year F12 approval of shared service agreement for Technology support service level for the 2025 202 2024 2025 school year f13 approval of shared services agreement for Technology support services level two for the 2024 2025 school year n F14 approval of njsba annual Workshop 2024 okay second second any questions or comments Maria that rattled off the tongue that was perfect that was yeah no no because it's yeah it's it's the njsba workshop but it's for the workshop itself not for it's not for our individual um expenses right this is the expenses for for lodging yes yeah yeah yeah but it's not for like like you have to recuse it re no this is not reimburse no this is for this is this is Miss sh this is for registration for the C and all all the information interesting thanks to we we will we need a will we need a doctrine of necessity yeah uh any other questions or comments seeing none roll call Miss carusso yes Miss colie yes Miss Mena yes Miss shamley Mr segalini yes and then ends my report Mr thank you Miss cus and that with that with F1 I want to say Tom welcome back for another year oh yes how many years now started in over in 2005 I guess 2005 back from 1984 all right yes just 1984 there you were you weren I wasn't a thought 205 I was you either I was born 2005 I was a student here so there you go uh all right and yeah I was eighth grade I was an eighth grade student in 2005 yeah I know gosh with that I'm gonna Circle back to technology committee Miss Mena I heard you have a couple of items thank you so much acting president seini uh for technology we have an update for the month of May the information security program plan the district continues to proactively evaluate all appropriate District techn Technologies to ensure the safety and security of our data and information systems vulnerability scans were implemented to determine any areas of improvement staff training is ongoing with monthly opportunities highlighting common cyber security risks meetings remain ongoing to plan scheduled maintenance and improvements for the 2425 school year e- rate purchasing discussions for the 2425 school year are ongoing to better support the technology infrastructure across the district the team continues to analyze bid documents to determine scope of action for projects moving forward uh budget development for the 2425 school year is complete with determinations for allocation ongoing the district continues to use Genesis to share and collect data from families through the form portal to allow for efficient and paperless Communications the district continues to evaluate varying technology platforms to support productivity efficiency and instruction within the district and lastly the district continues to evaluate policies and procedures related to appropriate Technologies to help support productivity efficiency and instruction within the district that concludes my report thank you Miss Mana all right the last item would be the addendum items can I get a motion to approve s7a approval of the 2022 2023 district and school final grade report c1a approval of the student field trips and transportation requests for 2023 2024 school year p2a additional Personnel actions p3a additional approval of travel expenditures p4a leave of absence p9a an acceptance of resignation for Michelle nagan with re with regret uh PF 2A approval of submission of anticipated facility request for the 2024 2025 school year cr1a approved first reading of new and revised bylaws policies and regulations f1a approval of bills list number two for May 24 f3a approval of the financial reports for April 2024 f15a approval of the donation of the age out School vehicle that was the bus that uh Mr verrai talked about f16a approval of the reallocation of Title One funds for the 2023 2024 school year can I get a motion for that second second any questions or comments on the items just real quick uh I know we have p2a as a denim but we do have a walk- on is that going to be separate or part of I I believe we normally separate out a Denim and then the walk on it no problem just because these were in got it the agenda that everyone got right so then separate the walkem because it's the item that they did not get right so but yeah good point any other questions or comments Maria you looks like you have no you you look you look like you about to ask a question so I want to give you a second all right seeing yeah yeah see good you're absorbing it that's good that's all we want seeing none roll call Miss Caruso yes Miss colie yes Miss Mana yes Miss Miss shamley yes Mr segalini yes I just want to point out at least you didn't ask a question that got asked last week apparently yeah so could be worse all right and and let me get a motion for this walk-on item I'm going to read it in full since it's not on the agenda p10a Personnel action be it resolved upon the recommendation of the superintendent that the east Rutherford Board of Education approves the following Personnel actions this is p p10a Teresa piso is an appointment of school secretary at step 7even secretary cyred salary $4 63025 uh oh pending documentation all right so can I get a motion for that second all right any questions or comments on this walk- on item okay and this is the secretary for Brian Barrow school for so for McKenzie school that's correct all right just for clarification for everyone at home all right seeing on roll call Miss Caruso yes quie yes Miss MAA yes Miss shamley Mr calini yes okay any old business any new business okay I'm going to still formally open the hearing of the citizens even though there's no one out there seeing none I'm going to close the hearing of the citizens and we are going to adjourn to Executive session for personnel matters for contract no no that's the personality for the hibs yeah that's okay uh how long contract and contract matters so those three items let's say an hour and 45 minutes let's put it at 10m you think it's at an hour hour an hour all right we'll do an hour and I'll get some cardio uh wow okay an hour see you at 9:15 p.m. can I uh we're not expecting no hivs no contract contract no the Personnel matter no right we're not going to no just need a motion so we will We No motion yes yes motion yeah move thank you all in favor any opposed see none e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 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