e e what can I have a motion to return so moved second all in favor hi any opposed okay 9:25 p.m. yes School business administrators report Mr verrai thank you Madame President uh I want to begin my report with the buildings and grounds report for February uh districtwide routine work orders and minor special projects are ongoing and have been completed water monitoring is still in progress ress uh we are seeking approval to discard the bus that is currently being stored at the DPW uh they want to remove because they need to the room to store their own equipment so that'll be coming soon um happy to announce we have a new pizza oven at fa it's been wired it's uh connected and ready to for use so hopefully our students will have some better quality Pizza uh the landscaper will begin the spring cleaning for Lincoln the board office and fa uh we are searching to purchase a shed behind Lincoln School store uh maintenance equipment uh just to go off that we did further on in my report there is f uh9 acceptance of the NJ dooe emerging and capital maintenance needs Grant so we were given about a little over $166,000 so some of the money would go to purchase a shed which will go right by where the greenhouse is and then the rest of the money would then put the cameras that we already have in possession and we would um put on the board office building and possibly uh one at the McKenzie in the elevator so it is a no cost to the district it is funds that we received from the states uh we are ending our service agreement with brightly work order uh Software System we are going to move over to operations hero we're going to give them a try at the request of the buildings and grounds administrator Mr bani and also there is a there were some uh movements of custodians and it was done strategically we moved a day custodian to a night position and we moved the nighttime custodian to a day position and for transportation no no real issues just your basic call outs here and there uh now on to [Music] mashos okay so this is for February 2024 prepaid balances at the end of the month was 9,000 $549 38 uh negative balances haven't really moved much from January 2024 they are at 1,993 58 the majority of this are balances from 2223 that uh the business office has been diligently trying to get these uh funds back to the district and we will continue to work on getting those funds back um pf1 is the approval of the monthly facilities calendar for March 2024 pf2 I want to find that so pf2 was the approval to amend uh the application approved at the September 28th 2023 meeting the reason for the amendment was it was the last day of the recre uh basketball program they just wanted to extend the hour on the last day from noon to 1:30 it already happened on March 2nd and pf3 this was a motion that was tabled but no action was taken it was the request from the East Rutherford Recreation at McKenzie for little Le clinic on Monday February 26 from 6:30 to 8:30 and this was tabled at our last meeting on February 15th yes because I emailed you because I actually went back and rewatched the video didn't we also table hold on PF 3.1 and because I would not have voted yes to PF 3.1 and we wouldn't and at the time that I told you that we had the discussion I thought we were tabling PF 3.1 and the a the addendum item I had that written on also because I know we had too many of us and then without I think Tom wasn't here so we didn't have enough votes there wasn't enough votes that be placed that'll be placed on the next board yes it just has to be changed in the the minutes though right because you have it as juli andena and then I never forgot to recuse myself because I thought we tabled it so you have me down as a yes for everything but I shouldn't be because of the conflicts not a problem uh okay uh approval of the bills list for March 2024 will be made available on Monday for you Mr Banker so let me know when you're available and they'll be ready for your review uh F2 the February 2024 payroll uh February 15th payroll was $593,000 payroll was $586,500 five uh preliminary budget for the 2425 school year the board will vote on that on Monday March 18th I'm correct F6 the approval of the contractor services with the South Bergen jointure commission for the 2425 school year um that is for related Services we don't know what the costs are at the moment but they will get that information to us uh as soon as possible F7 approval of joint Transportation agreement with the southb and Joint commission for 2425 school year uh f8 acceptance of donation from Exon Mobile we did receive a $200 um f was it 500 my apologies I stand corrected yeah $500 from Exxon from uh Exxon Mobile F9 I briefly touched upon it in the buildings and grounds report so School districts did uh there was a $75 million from the SDA and the NJ deal we announced it we were awarded $1 16,28 and the two projects that we're looking to do is to purchase a shed because right now a lot of the maintenance equipment cannot be stored indoors because there's no storage area so we're addressing that issue as well as taking the existing cameras that we have and putting Eyes On The Board office building and it is no cost to the district this is in a sense like a grant that we get from the from the state so I'm glad that we're we're going to be able to do those two projects at no cost to the district and F10 approval to amend fiscal year 24 idea preschool Grant amount believe it or not I had to do this uh we were required it was a carryover amount from last year in a total amount of $34 so I had to by law I have to do it uh I was required uh the county office reached out to not just only myself but other districts who fell with this and uh yeah I had to go ahead and do a resolution that we are taking $34 of carryover funds from fiscal year 23 and bringing them over to fiscal year 24 and that concludes my report Madam president thank you any questions no no okay thank you uh superintendence report report Mr Jean CASRO thank you Madame President so uh next week on Monday we'll be discussing fire and emergency drills we have a couple left should take place tomorrow so that we'll have a full report on Monday um approval of the enrollment we have one Hib uh currently on the table um potentially another one that I'll be reporting out on Monday um as well as approving or reaffirming the decision that I made on the last Hib um from the month of January and course of February um also underneath non-board resolutions uh to give back two days on the district calendar uh which would take place um Janu June 19th is the current last day of school so it would be returned back to the 17th of January that's what we're looking to do um that will take place on Monday um as well usually wait until April because sometimes you get snow in March but right now looking at the all we look at the almanac there looks like we're pretty good so so um we most likely we make a decision to give back those days uh at Monday's board okay uh looking underneath curriculum let me get to [Music] curriculum okay so we have the approval of the Bor borrow of East Rutherford request to borrow buses um so we'll be doing those for the following trips that we have uh that are going out to those locations uh C2 um one of our teachers will be doing read Across America which our middle school students will be going down to McKenzie school so that's uh one of the other trips that we have internally underneath Personnel let me get the [Music] Personnel we have Kelly education which will be approving The Substitute list for the month of March P2 we have um a part-time power professional movement on the guide which is now highly qualified highly qualified Aid which will be changing in salary as well as a new uh part-time par professional um starting in the district those are the only two Personnel items there P3 travel expenditures uh we have the njpsa which you'll be approving p34 3.5 3.6 are our building principles that go out to their conference but that's in October we're proving it now because we did get the information on that um as well as Mr Veri going to his conference um which is in June and I will be going as well as Dr King Dobson going to the superintendent leadership conference which is May 15th 16th and 17th which is a change to our May board meeting which I had requested of the board that's Personnel going down to community relations we have our first read there are quite a few of them so if you can just spend some time this weekend this a there's a lot there but I did give you the green this time because there's so many of them um most of the the policies and regulations have to do with affirmative action comprehensive Equity plan equal employment opportunities and the gist of it is changing the actual um details replacing the categories um that are listed for the protected category so you'll see those throughout um as well as underneath uh let me make sure I got it right yes equity in schools classroom practices and complaint procedures they just changed slightly so there was some revisions there and we are going to be abolishing the equity and educational program and services which is p 5755 um so those are some of the things that are before you are there any questions not a question I just had a comment so on one of them when I was reading there there's one about honoring student achievement it's like the honor rooll policy yes only mentions fa but now Lincoln I know does honor rooll so I don't know if you wanted to add them yes do it and it also if you wanted to add in the Elementary Honor Society because that correct I did have that as a note let me gra have that just real quick you want make sure I got the right policy is a 5 544 544 yeah 544 Z yep an elementary honorable society and it only lists grades six seven and eight so just didn't know if you wanted to add the other two got it then we have Sunshine notice which was the change right which is a school budget which is going to be held on April 25th and that would be our um budget hearing uh that we have it's at 7 o'clock um we changing the okay that's what I need to know we have it at seven right now so I need to know from the board um because it's a longer board meeting going over the budget unfortunately I will not be able to be here I'm having surgery that day so oh okay uh the board okay with that six okay yeah so just make note that in the minutes we have to change the agree for Monday okay Tom I wish you well in your surgery no no not an additional meeting no no no no we have to notify that public right and then we have to notify uh that's all I have Madam president let me make sure that's it go ahead any questions no okay uh thank you Mr Jean CASRO um any old business I just one thing I'm sorry man president so there will be some addendum items we just didn't want to complicate everything so we'll be putting some addendum items on tomorrow so just please make sure the board checks those addendum items over the weekend so that you're prepared for Monday usually we have more time but they're so quick so just make sure if you have any questions just give us a call Saturday yeah we want to make sure that all the addendum items in reference to we want to make sure that all the addendum items in reference to the preliminary budget are accurate there are no mistakes just want to make sure got all my eyes cross all my teeth make sure so if it's not there by tomorrow Saturday I will send down an email uh to the committee uh finance committee chair person as well as yourself Madam president thank you any old business any new business do I need to open for the public okay okay at this time I open to public comment opening public comments on any agenda or non-agenda items state your name address for the record address the board president each person wishing to speak will have five minutes anyone wishing to speak will be given the opportunity to do so seeing none I now uh close the hearing of the citizens um are we going what oh what okay uh motion to adjourn so moved second all in favor any pose all right good night everyone