e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e hi good evening I was trying to think of what the teachers do to get the kids to pay attention but I don't know I just wanted to welcome everybody for and thank you for coming I know the weather it was probably very hard for you all to come because the weather is very nice so thank you so much for coming to the second strategic planning meeting for the East Windsor Regional School District Board of Education we're really excited to have so many community members and staff um I'm not going to pass it over to superintendent Mark Daniels okay so good evening everyone I'll keep it uh somewhat short so I do want to thank you for coming back out tonight I was a little nervous the weather is beautiful uh the last time the weather was horrendous but you came out so I think it's a testament to the community and the commitment um just a quick recap first meeting we focused on District strengths and challenges uh you kind of engaged in identifying what those were we tried to form some consensus around the room uh we're going to kind of continue in that vein tonight as we begin to kind of look at the vision moving forward so uh I'm going to turn things over to Maryann frean from New Jersey school boards Association and she will serve as our facilitator this evening Maryanne [Music] good even good evening everybody um and welcome to strategic planning did you want to no not yet I've not done this this way before so understand there's a learning curve here okay so strategic planning what is strategic planning it's all about creating a mission and a vision for the district that is align that stakeholders will develop and that stakeholders can get behind to encourage and promote student achievement so the advantages of strategic planning are it allows the board to become more proactive than reactive it also provides for a form of community participation that you don't typically have in a school district if you're a parent usually usually come to your parent teacher meetings and you might come to back to school nights and um that's pretty much it tonight everybody's voice is on a Level Playing Field nobody's voice is more important or less important than anyone [Music] else's and it also provides for a continuous programming and continuous strategic planning because things that are developed on the Strategic plan will take place over the next 3 to five years okay so this is our waterfall effective strategic planning once we have the strategic planning goals in place which will be after the next meeting everything will flow and everything will be informed from the strategic planning goals so they'll inform the district goals and the board goals which are done yearly usually during the summer administrators goals building goals Department goals student um growth objectives and staff professional development all which fall into and flow into improving student achievement for all students remember learning curve uh so at our last meeting we had the state of the schools report from Mr Daniels and then we broke in you were in small groups to develop strengths and challenges for the district tonight we're going to talk about vision and initiatives and at the end of tonight we'll actually identify goal areas that we'll use for our next meeting to then further develop with strategies and objectives this is harder than it looks okay this is your mission statement I'm not going to read the mission statement okay and I'm I'm sure that you know the thing that I love about your mission statement is serving every child every day and then the things that you will strive to do this is the thing that I love the most serving of each other so strategic planning is done on a consensus basis which is not majority [Music] rule so in your small groups when we get started with the activity we'll ask you to introduce yourselves to each other and then I'll tell you what the ACT I'll tell you what the activity is before you do all of that and then we want you to brainstorm and share your ideas okay and then ask about those other things that people are talking about or get some some confirmation as to why they have that idea and then come to some acceptance on three to eight areas of initiatives that you would like to see happen and then [Music] that's so remember this is not the end result is not necessarily what you wanted to have but it's something that you can live with and support do the an okay so you've been away from the district for about 5 years and you come back to visit and you stop at Wawa to get coffee and you go in and you see Time Magazine and it says schools that succeed and your district is on the cover okay so you've just returned in addition to all of the great programs and activities that you already have the curriculum the Staffing the services the extracurriculars um Athletics practi um best practices and facilities and this you just read this right yes okay I was looking to see if I needed to stop what would you expect to see happening in The District in five years that would put your District on the cover of Time Magazine okay so what we want you to do is you [Music] have these on your table we want you to review the outcomes from the last meeting and then discuss the outcomes and consider what you would like to see happening in the next 5 years that has put you on the cover of Time Magazine and then we'd like you to come up brainstorm on those initiatives things you would like to see happening and then come up with come to consensus on anywhere from one to eight initiatives and then title your a title for your article [Music] okay we're going to give you until about 6:50 10 minutes to 7 okay and I'll remind you when you need to come to consensus and start writing up on the large Post-it notes you should choose a a spokesperson and also a writer a recorder okay to write up on the large [Music] boards so which are they looking at specifically so they want to look at the the the outcomes okay and then me thank you so much thank you for e e for got for e e e spe e e for e e e my e e it's e e e [Music] e something e e e e okay folks if I could have your attention for one second what you want to be looking at is what outcomes you would like to see happening in The District in the next 5 years okay you're not responsible for determining how to fix those things you would if you would like improved communication between the school and the community community to school those kinds of things we have you know we are fully staffed with highly qualified professionals um those kinds of things not necessarily the how it's going to be fixed so you're looking for outcomes that you would like to see occurring in The District in the next 5 years okay you can look at all of the challenges from the from the first meeting you don't have to just look at the common themes that were identified at the end okay you also don't have to figure out how to fix that problem you just want to be able to mention that the pro if if it's your idea you want to see it solved what it's going to look like there will be improved communication from the school to the community and the community to the the school we are fully staffed with highly qualified professionals things like that okay you don't have to determine how you're going to fix that that's another issue that we'll be taken care of throughout the process okay thank you e supp e e to second for add B e for for e e e e e [Music] no and I would spe for e for yeah you e spe e e e e e e I see sign spe okay folks everybody needs to be finishing up their large sheets please finish up your lord sheets and then put them on the walls or in the tables everybody needs to be finishing up their lordge sheets now thank you I know e [Music] you people for e e for te okay if you can hear me clap once if you can hear me clap twice it really does pretty much work every time if you can hear me clap twice okay what I'd like you to do now is don't move yet but with your table kind of stay together and walk around there are two on the back wall over there three over there one two three four five here and several over here walk together and I want you to think about what you see more than one time because then I'm going to ask you for common themes okay so please stay together with your table and see what things you're you're seeing more than once okay so I'm going to ask you to do that now if you are have a translator please go with your translator and I'm going to give you 10 minutes to do that so I need you not to start talking just to go walking who should be good l Dave's leaving us so e what [Music] let's get Mar um aot Universal prek can't do and that's that's no we're not running at it when I when I started we had two PRK classes we had 12 so well we have six but there am andm but it used to all be full so we went full day [Music] for so like for instance had I know he tried get it to work before everybody got um that [Music] wasn't for EX that's all we're doing [Music] [Music] for foree speee fa you want e to us to look at e okay folks if you are finished walking around please go back to your seats thank you for okay where is Rene okay okay do you have you told them all I've told them so you can just talk okay okay okay everybody you've had a chance to walk around if everybody could please go back to their seats their [Music] tables okay what I need from you now is for you to call out things that you've seen more than once or twice on any of the the Post-it notes and I'm going to record those okay so who wants to yell out something firstc fac okay I'm not that I super un Mak yes diverse eni for for anything so now can you hear me without the mic or not really okay so now what I need you to do is think about goal areas these are going to be very broad one or two three words okay three to five goal areas you are a school district so one of your goals that's non-negotiable is something to do with student learning Student Success student experience whole child um learner success something like that you can call it whatever you want okay they're not my words for you they need to be your words for you but that needs to be one of the goal areas something that has to do with student learning and then another one that most often comes up because anything that you typically want to do is going to either cost money and or involve space so finance and Fa facilities are usually another goal area or it could be District Operations if you want to make it even broader than that okay a lot of things I don't want anybody to think that just because it says student learning it's only curriculum okay climate and culture can fall underneath that um professional development for staff can fall underneath that there's so many different things College and Career Readiness all of those areas can fall under the student learning or the um you know the Student Success or the learning success so we have three to five goals that we can work with so I've given you two one that's absolutely non-negotiable so what would you like for the student learning student achievement Student Success learner success to look what would you like those words to be yep yep student centered learning child centered learning whole [Music] child student Readiness okay so I'm hearing student Readiness whole child um I'm sorry what did you say before student centered learning um engaged Learners is another one what what do you like student center learning I'm hearing okay what else okay that can fall under student centered learning also okay um Personnel Staffing that can be a part of student centered learning also but if you want it to be a separate goal area but remember we're going to max out at five okay who feel everybody feel okay with Staffing being a a goal area I'm seeing yes facilities is going to be part of this do you want District Operations do you facilities and finance facilities and finance okay so I'm hearing culture and climate because it's it's very involved throughout the district and that's very true I'm hearing Safety and Security s communication um communication could be Safety and Security can fall under facilities and finance it can also fall under student centered learning culture and climate can fall under student centered learning and also Staffing okay um communication I'm [Music] sorry yeah but it's I I think it's broader than that almost what were you saying communication can fall under Community engagement yes that's probably going to fall under student center learning okay it it's very very specific health and wellness is being offered that can be for staff and for students and staff and Families it could okay diversity equity and [Music] inclusion I'm hearing no I'm hearing yes how many yeses how many NOS okay I'm sorry the yes is have it well okay how many of you how many of you can live with the EI how many of you can live with Dei and support it diversity inclusion diversity equity and inclusion okay it's it's going to be Dei okay but I want you to I Really it's really important that you understand that so many things that you're talking about fall underneath some these goal areas some things are going to fall under multiple goal areas and next time we meet that's when all of this is going to come together and you're going to decide what pieces you want to see fall under each of these goal areas and as I said some will fall under multiples it does but if people feel that that needs a focal it needs to be a focal point then that's what we need to to address spe okay health and wellness is up health and wellness includes mental health physical health emotional health health and wellness everybody that's going to that can fall under student centered learning it can fall under Staffing everybody hearing that so instead of of Health and Wellness culture and climate and health and wellness would fall underneath that and Dei Falls underneath most of them sound good that's why he's superintendent of the USA all right are we good with health and wellness culture and climate I'm it's been a very long week okay so the next time that we meet so what's going to happen next is after all of this is done after we meet the next time the next time when we meet we're going to talk about you're going to have different goal areas the five different goal areas it is literally strategic planning gone wild you can sit wherever you want no numbers on your name tags everybody's going to be happy you can go wherever you want to be you can go from one table to the next okay you can move around but you're going to go to goal areas and you're going to offer up strategies that you would like to see underneath those goal areas and then come up with several objectives that overarch some of those strategies okay think about putting strategies into three or four buckets coming up with an objective over each of those buckets and then coming up with an overarching goal statement that covers all of the objectives okay so they're GNA it's going to be a broad goal statement that's what we're going to do next time then when that happens after the next meeting Mr Daniels and his administrative team are going to take all of this information which again this will be reported out to Mr Daniels by tomorrow afternoon we'll probably be up on the website by the beginning to the middle of next week and we want you to be looking at all of this as you are reflecting on the great work that you've done tonight because you really have done great work and then the administrative team and Mr Daniels are going to put together action plans this is what the action plan is going to look like it's going to have the goal name it's going to have an objective listed underneath it and then it's going to have major activities which are probably going to be very close to the strategies that you all come up with the next time then it's going to identify who's going to be respons responsible for those things what the time what what are the resources that we need which is usually time people or money what's the time frame for that please understand everything can't happen in year one okay you're going to need to build some resources for some of these things and then how will we know that that activity has been completed it's been achieved okay and then once those are done then we'll be able to put this whole plan together for you and deliver it to the board at the end probably sometime in May or June so the next meeting is going to be Wednesday April 17th right here in the cafeteria 6 from from 6:00 to 7:30 and I'm sorry I have you 10 minutes later and please come in and sign in at 5:45 you've come on a really rainy day on a crummy night and you've come on a really beautiful night so there's nothing that's going to stop you from coming back again okay thank you so much Mr Daniels Nicole did you want to say anything Nicole did you want W okay thank you everybody for coming have a good night safe home