this government meeting is brought to you by eastw works and our local cable subscribers good evening welcome to the hton city council meeting for May 1st the meeting tonight is being recorded and broadcast by emedia and chatter channel 193 and live streaming on their web page Isam concs are participating in this meeting are gathering hybrid on the order extended until March 2025 which allow us to do so I remain both the member of the city council and the public participating remote remain mute on the recognized by the city council president also for the member of the public please remove your camera for the duration of this meeting unless you are participating in the Poli speak time or public hearing thank you this meeting is now called to order Barbara Tony Denham here s pres Omar Gomez JP kazinski Tom Peak here Brad Riley here Tamara Smith here JT Terell here Owen Zer here please send up for the BL of the [Music] allegiance of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible indivisible with liberty and justice for all I will I would take a motion to approve the minute of April 17th moov second I have a motion and a second to approve the minute of April 17 2024 any further discussion none those all in favor any against extensions motion passing with one abstention pleas speak time this is the this is the opportunity to address to the counil anything regarding any topic nor Leist under the public hearing if you are here to participate um or you want to make a comment about the resolution uh bring forward by celar this is the time to participate and make the comments if you have any comments or concern that you want to share with the council this is the time to participate please uh we're going to give you three minutes to talk to the counil please state your name and address for the record and um please go to the podium hi U my name is Kathy wizinsky I live on Overlook Drive um I wanted to thank the rules um committee for um the recommendation that they made regarding the Pledge of Allegiance I think it's a good compromise and I really appreciate the thoughtful discussion and the way that people were listened to so I wanted to let you know that I really appreciated that we were listened to um I wanted to express some concerns about the Main Street redesign I did fill out the uh form which was the online survey was very challenging to fill out and I've heard that from a lot of people um it is feeling a lot less safe on Main Street than it was both as a pedestrian I've been down there several times and as a driver I've also um been observing the handicap spaces and as someone who has done close to 30 years of um advocacy for people with possibilities those spaces are really scary um and I do not believe that people could actually get off of a lift fan if they were using the lift band and using those spaces there would be plenty of room to get the lift down but then the wheelchair probably would not be able to get out off the off the lift so I think it's really important to look at that I have a growing concern about the Discrimination that I've been hearing in regards to long-term citizens and also White Citizens on some committees and also from some City councilors it is really inappropriate all discrimination all bullying is inappropriate it doesn't matter who it's against whether it's regarding race or religion or disability it is not okay and the fact that one committee chairperson was discussing the fact that they would re-educate um people that were opposed to the high density housing because the only reason they would be opposed is because we wanted to perpetuate whiteness that is really inappropriate and it is insulting and I think that chairperson should actually be asked to step down the highdensity housing is being opposed not because of who's going to live there it is because the water and sewer system and many other infrastructures in this city cannot handle it there's a huge problem in our sewer system that has not been addressed sufficiently since the 2018 tie-in Bond report and we are looking at a potential catastrophic failure I appreciate you taking the time to listen thank you anyone else um Alex Roseman uh Clark Street um so I'm here to uh talk in support of the resolution to recognize Jewish American Heritage Month um in the city council of East Hampton um the current climate um is where anti-semite uh Semitic incidents are at an all-time high um I just looked at the ADL the bomb threats against Jewish institutions are up a th% in the last year um and with the recent events of Jewish um or Israeli students being physically barred from going to college classes from Jewish students being told that it's safer for them to be at home than to go to uh college that they go to uh for their safety um I think it's imperative for the city council to pass this resolution um so this will send a signal to our community that Jews are welcome in East Hampton Jews are celebrated in East Hampton and Jews are recognized in East Hampton for the contributions that the uh Jewish uh Community brings to the valley and to East Hampton um additionally I think this is consistent with the values that the city council has put forth in the past uh specifically the resolution um against anti-Semitism and that this resolution is consistent with that previous action um so I urge the city council to pass this resolution vote Yes send a signal to the Jewish residents of East Hampton that you are welcome here in East Hampton um thank you thank [Music] [Music] you hello my name is Jean pal Wilson I am at 377 Main Street I just wanted to say that it is important to prioritize the strengthening of the infrastructure especially Water and Sewer uh before we move forward with different developments that have been proposed whether it's high density housing or other building so thank you for your consideration thank you anyone [Music] else hello my name is Pam hiard and I'm I'd like to talk about the rotaries that are in town um and also the center of town where those two lanes are one is very very narrow where those Loops are and um the other day I was I was trying to get into that lane closer to the stores and um a truck came and just literally pushed me and I thought this is going to be it because there's no room there at all and I know that there was a um a truck trying to deliver something I saw the other day he couldn't even get the delivery truck there and he had to literally try to hop over the fence over those whatever those things are called um he had to try to hop over those to deliver his stuff and his stuff was heavy so those wire things are really crazy being there um I talked to a gentleman the other day who owns a business in town and he was saying that the other rotary um by where that hot dog guy is I I can't remember uh the name of the streets there but anyway he always sets up a hot dog stand there and stuff and um he said he almost hit a biker coming across he said he you know he was going to go and the biker just went right there and I know three other people have mentioned that too it's very dangerous so there's no stop sign visible I don't know if there's anything on the side there but there's no stop sign where the biker would be would isn't going to be looking down they're going to be looking up they're supposed to be looking up um some of them don't and that's why that accident probably already almost happened but it's real close to accidents happening because the they're narrowing areas and then trucks are going over um the center the buses and it looks like they're going to tip I know someone said to me the other day well that's why they make those uh rotaries at an angle so if the bus can go up on top and it's not up you know square like this and I said well if it's going to tip it's going to tip and if they get pick up a certain amount of speed whether you have that or not it's going to tip so there's no room so my thought is fix the things we have wrong first before we go forward with bigger projects you know that people you're asking Town's asking for input and I've been talking to a lot of people about that and everybody I've talked to I've talked about 30 people everybody I've talked to says the same exact thing as I'm saying to you so and I could talk to a lot more people too but um you know I can keep researching it 30 quite a few people to say you know this happened to me this happened to me i' I've encouraged them to come to the meetings they have jobs at night different reasons they're not here so I feel I'm representing those people thank you thank you thank you anyone else in this room before I go online no I think I saw Julie Julie still Julie hi yes thank you um I'm Julie and I work live in Precinct one um and I just wanted to encourage the city council to approve the measure to change the pledge allegiance to both pledge allegiance in a moment of silence I think that this was a fair and thoughtful consideration to make as both if I'm sure all of you probably rewatched the meeting that we had just last week you could hear the people's thoughts on this and their beliefs doing this will not make a wrong decision it can only be a right right decision by allowing the respect for both people to do the pledge allegiance and to have their moment of silence I think that if you chose one or the other then that would disenfranchise one group over another in their beliefs so I really do hope that we can come together in that our leaders who are you that are sitting on the city council can help build a more cohesive Community by not taking away something from somebody but adding to it so I appreciate your thoughtfulness in it and I do hope that you approve to go ahead and recommend that you change the rules of the government meeting to do both the pledge allegiance and the moment of silence and I appreciate your time so thank you thank you anyone else participating remote see none communication from elected officials board committee counc denim yes um I'm just thinking uh so uh president Gomez and I are holding the um Municipal Municipal Leadership Academy um and applications are to apply for that can be found on the website uh and applications are due on May 6 6 so just want to make people aware of that it's an opportunity to learn about different city governments learn about the or departments learn about uh the budget process Etc it's opportunity for folks to build relationships with um department heads um and meet other people who are interested in uh city government as well as think about opportunities uh in the various ways that you can also participate in um Citywide committees commissions Etc thank you Mr President thank you Cel thank you Mr President um uh quickly this uh well this is a weekend of uh sprucing up the city uh on the 4th at 8:00 a.m. 8:30 8:30 to 9 meet at the mural by tandem to help the manhand rail trail um mul garden beds and such and then May 5th is Citywide cleanup day um there's a couple places to find the sign up uh information but I can email it out to the council as well after this meeting um we have an item later on the agenda recognizing or requesting recognition of Jewish American heritage month so I won't discuss that here uh but I will I would like to just call attention in some of the work that we've done previously and some of my own work uh that May 5th to May 6th is yumas showah or hoc cost Memorial Day um as many of you know um this is a day that commemorates uh the the loss of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust and 11 million other people who were considered undesirable by the Nazi regime based on ethnic nationalistic religious and social identities um there's fewer Jews in the world now than there were prior to the Holocaust um that number still has not recovered after the extermination of two-thirds of European Jews I was reading some um polls and statistics there was a a poll taken across 5050 states with some questions about Holocaust knowledge um on average 10% of people in the country didn't even know the Holocaust happened about the same amount of people uh deny that the Holocaust existed um 10 to 20% depending on which state you pulled uh thought that the Holocaust was actually caused by Jews um uh 48% of what was considered millennials or gen Z could not name a single concentration camp 56% of that same generation were unable to identify where ASAS Burkin now was um and many people didn't realize that it was 6 million people most people think it's 2 million um we are aware of we've been talking a lot in public meetings and there's been a lot of exposure in the media about the rampant increase in anti-Semitism certainly over the last 5 10 years and certainly more recently I just saw interestingly that Congress voted uh to recognize the international Holocaust Alliance uh remembrance Alliance uh definition of anti-semitism to include that in title six um it's just something to think about and be aware of we need to continue to educate people the Holocaust is the most famous but not the only point in history where an attempt to marginalize or or um exterminate Jews took place um it was just the most um uh the mo the the largest number but that was preceded by programs in Europe over a thousand years and a number of other uh horrible events to um expel and try to kill Jewish people um on that note uh there will be a screening of the four Winters documentary which is a tale of uh Jewish partisan resistance during World War II that is free to the public um and it will be on May 23rd I believe at 7 p.m. I'll be sending out some information uh there's because of limited um space there'll be two tickets per person uh allowed per person I highly encourage people to go I I saw this at bomx I think it was back in October or November and you could hear a pin drop it was such a riveting and heart of just um reflective film so I'll send that's going to be I'm sorry eastampton media so I'll send out information about that and thank you for the time thank you any other cons celor Smith um I just wanted to announce that this weekend is the East Hampton High School drama clubs play Chicago um in case you are wondering there's a teenage version of Chicago that they play in high schools versus the the one that's on Broadway um so they're selling tickets for $15 general admission $10 for students and seniors and it's going to be Thursday from 6:00 to 8: Friday from 7: to 9: Saturday from 7: to 9: and Sunday from 2: to 4: and if you wanted to buy tickets ahead of time you could purchase them at EHS and they can buy it at the and they can also buy it at the door mhm perfect thank you any other councelor yeah no right I will take a motion to open and public hearing so mve second I have a motion on a second to open the public hearing any further discussion see none uh those on in favor I any against abstention motion passes Cel thank you Mr President uh so we have before us uh a request to amend city ordinances chapter 6 uh by deleting section 68 uh lering by certain minors during certain hours in section 69 discharging dangerous weapons this is uh continuing work by the council um acting on recommendations from the ordinance Review Committee and then from the prior uh Public Safety Committee um I will I'm just going to briefly read the language um because it's it's very short I think it's just important to know what we're voting on um so section 68 lawyering by certain minors During certain hours no person under the age of 17 years shall loiter or onor about the public way in the city of East santha the hours of 10: p.m. to 6:00 a.m. and section section 6-9 discharging dangerous weapons no person under the age of 16 shall discharge any Firearms air guns BB rifles or other dangerous weapons by the city regarding 6-8 um there were significant concerns this is basically um affecting a curfew for people under 17 uh both the ordinance Review Committee and the sa Public Safety Committee uh in a variety of iteration a s voted unanimously to uh remove this and the police department also advised as well regarding the section section 6-9 while um obviously we don't want uh danger weapons discharged inappropriately in the city uh this is preempted by other laws and so deemed unnecessary um and both potentially repetitive or contradictory to existing language so um uh both ordinance Review Committee and a number of of uh Public Safety committees voted unanimously to um remove both of these any Cil have any comments or questions anyone from the public want to participate in this public [Music] hearing anyone remote see none counc SAR thank you Mr President at this time I'd like to make a motion to amend city ordinances chapter 6 misell miscellaneous offenses and Provisions by deleting section 6-8 loitering by certain minors during certain hours and section 6-9 discharging dangerous weapons second I have a motion and a seconds to amend the city ordinance chapter 6 by deleting deleting section 6- A and section 6-9 any further discussion see none for those who want in favor I any against abstention motion passes take a motion to close public hearing so move second second and I have a motion on a second to close public hearing any further discussion see none those on in favor any against abstention motion passes maor communication none uh Mr Vice President do you have anything to announce not tonight we do not have anything report of standing committee uh Finance conselor Peak uh thank you Mr President uh we are in the middle of budget season uh and it's I think going pretty well as far as budget season goes um but we're certainly very busy um we're going to be meeting uh next week twice for the budget and then once also to discuss the large number of Appropriations that uh will be uh introducing to our agenda at the end of this meeting um and so that will be uh Wednesday a week from today at uh 5:30 um and uh I think that's just about that's concludes thank you consor PE public safety celor s thank you Mr President we have not met since our last meeting um we will be meeting on May 14th at 6: pm. this is that's a site visit to review the no parking signs uh and discuss those uh that will be at the corner of Main Street and Union streets right next to the uh Congregational Church there um we will meet there will review uh the signs in question take measurements and then return to 50 Pac in approximately did we say 645 uh I can't remember 645 I think 6 and 645 to to review um um and I think that will be the only item uh of that meeting um and thus concludes thank you councelor appointments councelor Riley um thank you Mr President So the appointment committee um just met at 5:00 today um so the first order of business I just want to address because I know um some folks have had questions about this um we are still um temporarily holding on to the um appointment process for Cindy sper for the East Hampton City Arts um when we last spoke I mentioned that she had been traveling out of the country so we haven't had the opport to meet with her yet um it was the opinion of the appointment committee that because of the nature and requirements of East Hampton City Arts we just wanted to be able to meet with that person uh to discuss what the actual job description is and that they understand what the duties are before making any votes back to the uh full city council um so the last opportunity that we have to do that is on May 13th uh to bring back to the full Council on May 15th um if we do not meet with Miss Sperry by that time uh the appointment would go into effect on May 18th with or without city council approval so um you know just uh hanging on to the appointment just so we can have that conversation I think it's good governance to do so um and then the uh second business that we had before us was the uh reappointments of hadel Patel our city auditor and Kathy Smith the assistant City auditor with term expiration dates of May 5th 2027 um Kathy was not able to join us there was a uh family emergency but hadel um you know spoke on behalf of the work that the auditor's office does um in her absence so in instead of doing a typical Q&A session um about you know the person's qualifications I thought it would be um beneficial to the appointment committee to um just have hadle provide an overview of the work that has occurred over the last three years um since her last reappointment and to just give us some insight into what it actually means to be an auditor um so I I I cannot accurately convey the complexity of the work that hadel and Kathy do um there are a lot of moving Parts between multiple fiscal years that happen at any given time um hundreds of accounts that need to be reconciled millions of dollars down to the penny and since she's been our auditor we've never once had any auditing findings that would result in further investigations so the fact that the two of them are able to produce this level of oversight of our finances is a remarkable achievement um so you know I just felt that was more than enough I mean their their work speaks for itself uh to consider their reappointment um you know the other thing too that I asked was you know just some questions around what it means to be an employee in City Hall and to have the city council be your employer um and you know I like to remind the council when these conversations come up that there are people who work in City Hall that actually work for us and um you know I think it's easy to fall into um patterns of just trusting the work that they do because nothing's ever really come up for us to be worried about the work that they do um but it's really important for us to to try to take a more active role in understanding who our employees are and how we can best support them um so I mean I I don't know there that there's much else to say I mean both of their uh work over the last three years speaks for itself does anybody have any questions any counil I have any comments or questions before you make them consol uh I just comment I I am just very pleased with that department um and the dedication and commitment that the um Auditors Department has for the the um Community they work incredibly hard um not only in as you can see the Appropriations that are now in here in regards to what they do for free cash but also the amount of work that goes into um you know helping put together the budget uh and just having to work with and they are instrumental in working with each and every Department to make sure that those departments are up to dat uh Etc so uh hats off to them um I you know enthusiastically want to to support them any other conselor I want to make a few comments because I have meetings with Halle every other week um I have to say the um what we have in that office is to extraordinary people who they know what they're doing um we cannot ask for a better auditor and assistant Auditor in this city um for the past seven years the city been growing so much departments are growing so much Department even is they're adding people they're getting grants they buying more more more stuff for the city cars you name it a bunch of POS everything end ends up in Hero's office everything's there and it's still the same two people since last seven years every single Department in our city have more personal and they bring except I know yeah but you respond to us too um I will say that that it's a lot of money that we that they deal with it that we don't see they have to do the PO the Po's they have to do they have to deal with grants they had to deal with the school department they have to do deal with projects they have to you name it everything related to money and up end up in that office and thanks to them and the knowledge that they have about the mgl and how we can use those money and those accounts we are in good shape MH so KY and Halo from the city council president thank you it's simple thank you you guys are doing a great job close all right um so with no further questions um I make a motion to rec uh to appoint ha uh excuse me I'm going start that over make a motion to reappoint halel Patel uh City auditor and Kathy Smith assistant City auditor with term expiration dates of May 5th 2027 second I have a much a second to reappoint uh Kath and hael for the M for that um auditor sorry too many words here in front of me for the auditor and City auditor assistant and for the discussion see n those are in favor I any against extensions motion passes okay um and then uh I guess just the last thing that I wanted to point out is um that the appointment committee also uh furthered along its administrative work um the city clerk will be receiving our meeting minutes uh tomorrow they're they're all Ved approved so um I just wanted to let you know that um and then there are currently no appointments uh before Oh actually I'm sorry we have the yes so we will be meeting next on May 13th um 6m in conference room 2 right here behind city council chambers and that's concludes thank you thank you councel Riley ordinance coun denam thank you Mr President um we had a I think great conversation at our last meeting about the um opin specialized uh code to complement the um the stretch energy code um we had several stakeholders who were involved in that meeting um and I think that there were a lot of um questions that were answered um but there was also clarification that still needed to be happened because uh I think that the some of our stakeholders are having trouble with the stretch code which is outside the purview of the opt-in specialized code and so we realize that um you know we want to make sure that we are not compromising and any way our stakeholders um and the projects that they are are working on so uh it was it was a good conversation but we also realize that there is more information to be had um and so um uh some of the the members of the committee are reaching out to other stakeholders to make sure that they we are clear about the impact this has on them um as well as um wanting to make sure that we don't in any way uh compromise future city projects or miss out on opportunities to um uh have um uh kind of uh grant grant opportunities that we might be able to have with um sort of recognition of being able to have that opt-in code so looking forward to that conversation um we have not moved forward on the temporary moratorium in part because of the opt-in um convers ation um but we'll reach out to councelor quiny to have that discussion but in regards to that we're also reaching it out to um stakeholders um to discuss how it might impact them um or not impact them um so our next meeting is going to be Thursday May 9th at 6 PM in room one and it will also be virtual what time 6 p.m. sorry yes thank you yet uh and that's everything that the committee has to offer the council today thank you coun denim property c s um I don't have a report um but I will say provisional to um the new business if it is moved um we will uh have a meeting next Thursday at 6 p.m. in conference room B um um and that's concludes is say room B yes that is May 6 p.m. 6 p.m. May 9th yep thank you rules and government relations cisinski thank you Mr President uh the rules and government Relations Committee did meet to uh discuss rule 5e the order of business uh where it was asked that there be the instead of the Pledge of Allegiance being a normal part of the meeting uh for the matter to be uh left to the discretion of the president uh to either have a a pledge of allegiance or a moment of silence uh we held two actually two public hearings not public hearings but public meetings where there was lots of back and forth and discussion uh we heard from lots of people the committee concluded that there is value to acknowledging that we all live in a republic uh and that uh that we have a Federal Constitution there 50 states we are a local part of that uh and we felt that uh the matter could best be resolved by not doing an either I mean an either or situation or by removing uh the Pledge of Allegiance but to accommodate uh the matter by having a adding a line that says and and so that we have and a moment of silence up to one minute that's uh basically where we stand on that uh be happy to discuss more to answer any questions thank you coun any celor have any question or comments consel Riley um this is uh just to say that when we were at the um that last meeting um so I know that there there was conversations about um how City councilors should attend committee meetings if there is a quorum of the full Council um which would be that now when there are five or more counselors at a committee meeting that the members of the council who are not on that committee participate in the meetings to the same extent that the public does um so this is really just to recognize um we we have the privilege of Pros on city council when we are on our uh committees or when we sit on this bench and to have to engage thoughtfully about something that means so much to us with 2 minutes was so difficult to do and it comes up very quickly so I just wanted to acknowledge that when the public comes to us and they are limited to two to three minutes to speak I have forgotten how difficult that is as a me when I used to be a member of the public versus what what we do now so um to everybody that spoke I just wanted to say thank you for utilizing those 2 minutes to give us your heart um it's such a difficult task to do do um and I'm humbled by um how people engage with that process with such a short amount of time thank you any other conselor cons DM um I want to acknowledge everyone I appreciate everyone's comments um and at the same time as a um counselor as a representative of many voices in this community many of whom struggle with this um issue and someone who um quite honestly never learned the truth about um various aspects of our of our um country as a whole um I feel compelled to let you all know what it is that you're actually standing for um and no disrespect but while we are not responsible for our miseducation we are responsible for being able to tell the truth in the ways that we can and when they can so there's a few things I want want to address first I think it is important to name the distinction between the flag and the Pledge of Allegiance I have respect and deference for the flag my father also served in the military my uncle was a veteran of the Korean War I witnessed the toll that it took on him as he quietly carried that experience with him for the entirety of his life my cousin served in the Gulf War proudly and I respect their right to serve just as I would anyone veterans have the right to have their coffins draped by the flag as it should be that is the right and an honor that has been bestowed upon you I offered the suggestion even though it was not mentioned uh to have a moment of silence in lie of the pledge at times I suggested in addition to a moment of silence we read the names of members of the community that we have lost to this to me this pays tribute to the meaning of the flag solemnity remembrance honor freedom of thought Community it also allows for Equitable Equitable participation for all to privately reflect on our values thoughts and Faith but we're not here to discuss the flag what I was talking about was the Pledge of Allegiance I'm over 50 years old I've been taught as an American to think critically to be independent I've taken that to heart when thinking about the Pledge of Allegiance I asked myself who wrote it when was it written and what was the author's intent what is the definition of Allegiance it is loyalty or commitment of a subordinate to a superior or of an individual to a group or cause who was Francis Bellamy he was a Christian socialist he preached socialist values in church some aspects of his ministry we might all agree with he preached about he preached against capitalist wealth and greed and was an advocate for equal distribution of economic resources es however as a socialist he believed in a strong central government in the pledge he is calling for an allegiance to the government he is using the flag as a symbol for state power we are not subordinate to our government journalist Bob Green said the most basic dispute against saying the Pledge is the the question of whether citizens should even be expected to publicly pledge their allegiance to their country the United States was founded on ideals of freedom and freedom includes not being forced or colled by peer pressure into publicly declaring any belief I take this very seriously a city employee told me they do not feel comfortable saying the Pledge and quote the only reason I do it is because I don't want to be judged end quote as City officials we have an obligation to our city employees and to all our residents to create an environment where they don't feel any obligation to express their values particularly when we are inviting them to participate in or present at a public meeting Supreme Court Justice Jackson in West in West Virginia vers Barnett wrote if there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation it is that no official high or Petty can prescribe what shall be Orthodox in politics nationalism religion or any matters of opinion or Force citizens to confess by word or act their faith there in the pledge Jackson argued is less about patriotism than it is about obedience it is not the content of the Pledge that matters but the act of saying it not loyalty to the community but loyalty to the order I said that the pledge was written by a white man or I'm sorry I said that the pledge was written for white men that is true Bellamy considered using the words equality and fraternity but decided against it and removed them why in his planning efforts around the 400th anniversary celebration of Christopher Columbus for which The Pledge was originally written which raises all sorts of concerns for me around the experience of our indigenous residents in this community Bellamy communicated with superintendent of Education he was fully aware of their stance against women their stance against equality for women and blacks this was during a time when anti-suffrage movements were prominent and it was the height of Jim Crow it is important to remember that Bellamy was trying to sell magazine subscriptions and flags and did not want the pledge to be associated with those movements one would think that after this grand national celebration when the pledge was read aloud in unison across the country there would be a shift in Attitude John Hig John hium wrote in strangers in the land instead of immigrants becoming more American in the Years following the first reading of the Pledge of Allegiance America became more anti-immigrant hium described the late 1890s as the Nationalist 9s bellamine made his contempt for immigrants well known Richard Ellis in his book to the flag addressed Bellamy's despicable description and stereotypes of Italians and Jews from Eastern Europe he was anti-semitic he was xenophobic and I'm not going to read those comments but I have some of them hium described oh sorry Martha nusom noted in her book Liberty of conscience Bellamy was both anti-catholic and above all racist Bellamy wrote In The Illustrated American in 1897 and I I just want to acknowledge that I read some of this the other day and not one person responded to it so I am hoping that people hear this today a democracy like ours cannot afford to throw itself open to the world where all classes of social of society merge insensibly into one another every alien immigrant of inferior race May bring corruption to the stock there are races more or less akin to our own whom we may admit freely and get nothing but Advantage from the infusion of their wholesome blood but there are other races which we cannot assimilate without a lowering of our racial standard which should be as sacred to us as the sanctity of our homes this isn't just racism this is supremacy he is advocating for pure blood this is what we are standing and putting our hands on our hearts for you cannot separate these words from the pledge because they are underlying sentiment they are his underlying sentiment towards immigrants is the Pledge aspirational we haven't even come close to liberty and justice for all of its 132 years of existence maybe there is no aspiration to be found in forced Unity or the bigoted words of Bellamy nor do we find any inspiration in being subordinate to our government we've only recited the pledge since 2013 it was a lovely experiment but it doesn't work for everyone I think it's time we Foster new practices to strengthen our community thank you any other counselors councelor Peak um thank you and thank you for all your research there Council denim um so I guess what I'm trying to understand and I I want to say to start um you know I probably could have made some time in my schedule to attend these meetings so I apologize if I'm asking you to repeat some things that were already discussed um but I guess I'm trying to understand what this particular proposal of of doing both of these things um addresses um so just to to start out with that I I should I guess just say like I don't actually particularly uh strongly have a feeling about whether or not we should say the Pledge of Allegiance I I say it uh I have my own relationship with my sort of patriotism but I obviously would have no objection to anybody else choosing not to say it um and uh there's certainly some things I just learned uh that were not familiar to me that would give further context to why somebody might choose not to say it um but it it seems like the initial proposal from counselor denim was sort of centered around the idea that maybe we shouldn't say this thing if uh if it's uh making some people uncomfortable or if there it has these sort of uh unseemly roots and I feel like adding a moment of silence doesn't address any of those concerns it just makes our meeting one minute longer and so like you know if we I if we if there was if it was this council's will to continue saying the Pledge of Allegiance or to have it at least in our in our in our agenda to to invite people to say it then I I can I I don't have a a problem with that if it was our decision that like most city councils in Massachusetts to my best of my knowledge we would not say it I would be able to live with that too but I'm not sure what the addition of a moment of silence I mean maybe we just want to do a moment of silence completely unrelated to this but I just I'm not sure that I understand the relationship between like I don't understand whose interests are being served by the addition of a moment of silence um outside of uh any outside of any discussion of whether or not we're saying the Pledge I hope that that is uh I hope I'm saying that in a way that it's not super confusing like I guess what I'm wondering is how this how the it sounds like what's going on here is councelor Denham proposed the idea of removing the Pledge of Allegiance or well or of you know what I mean like of of allowing the the president to to switch between the two um and the the rules committee is coming back and saying well no we're going to keep saying the Pledge but we're also going to do this moment of silence and I I'm just not sure I I guess I just don't I don't I'm not sure I get it um so I'm and again if if that's forcing uh the councilors to repeat things that you said committee then I apologize for wasting your time but I do I I am just a little bit uh confused still about what this makes better the addition of this one minute moment of silence cons Kinski well just briefly and I'm sure others may have comments about this also it became apparent [Music] that really the Pledge of Allegiance for many of us is a way of uniting the C uniting the person who's here now for some people that isn't uniting but seems to be uh dividing for a variety of different reasons uh I'm not sure that anything that came from the you know 19th century or the 18th century really reflects the values that we have today I think the values that were held by people at that time were different uh we grow I hopefully we learn we develop and we become better people I always have seen the pledge as aspirational and something that I think the committee felt would be a bring an acknowledgement of our role within the governmental systems that we we are part of it our job is to fulfill the needs of this city and occasionally to Advocate to other governmental organizations which we do I think the moment of silence started to appeal because for others or for many people the idea that we could collect our thoughts focus on whatever where we were or bring silence just silence because silence really can be golden especially if we all are sitting here in silence thinking our [Music] thoughts I know I'll be focusing on how I can bring to this Council my experiences my life the folks in my district there's a lot of things that are be going on that will help to Center and I hope make us all feel better and present better listen better and act better that was I think the idea in general for many of us with regard to the moment of silence being added it also gave an opportunity to think about I mean the president may decide that it's it it's definitely worthy of mention on it was mentioned to us a notable death some somehow that might want to he might want to focus the moment of silence in some ways uh or he or she may wish to do so and that certainly makes makes sense uh so I hope that kind of answers the question I didn't mention earlier this was uh a three to nothing unanimous decision of the rules committee than thank you before uh consor Riley I just want to make a comment about the motion uh the motion recommended by the rules committee is to do both right that's going to be the main motion tonight if any consel have any amendment I recommend it to do it by writing as soon as possible so that means now and pass it to the council president and to the city council clerk so that way we have it for the record and for the minutes um cons Riley um yeah so just to provide a little extra context um for councelor Peak um so and and actually I I want to just be very clear about this because I've I've had people from the public write in and ask questions like why is counselor denim trying to take the Pledge of Allegiance away so to be completely and totally clear there was never a discussion of removing the Pledge of Allegiance the uh the order before the committee was to discuss giving the city council president the discretion to do one or the other whenever the whenever the the the need would arise to do a moment of silence so where the and piece came in uh twofold at least this is from my observations and others can weigh in if if they felt that it was different so the the first was that uh some people felt that it was a uh an infringement on their free speech to be able to say the Pledge of Allegiance that some people do feel that this is something they want the opportunity to do um the second piece is that when you give the position of city council president uh discretion to decide between a moment of silence or the Pledge of Allegiance then that means that the next city council president could only do moments of Silence not the Pledge of Allegiance or they could completely ignore what councelor denim is suggesting and never do moments of Silence um and then I'll just say this is um diversity equity and inclusion 101 when you add to um conversations then you create more inclusion it's only when you take things away um that inclusion is harmed so by having a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance we are meeting the obligation of people who would like that moment of silence the uh the obligation for people who want to pledge allegiance to the flag to be able to do so um and and I know this is a superficial comment um but there are many times when we have to waste a few minutes before we can open a public hearing a one minute of moment of silence actually covers at least part of that um so yeah I so I I think that was kind of the summary of how the committee came to the inclusion of both of them happening simultaneously does that Smith well I think about this one a lot and councelor denim knows I've thought a lot about this over time and one of the differences um for me is that I'm a sociologist and not an historian and so when I look at the original reason for the pledge I also have to balance that to the pledge that is said today same pledge but the context in which it's said um for me I grew up during a time where it was compulsory where I had to say the Pledge of Allegiance um in school um my children grew up up in East Hampton schools where they still say the Pledge of Allegiance one of the main things that I've seen over time as a member of the society and certainly as a a sociologist is that America is Ser uh the United States of America has a lot of competing values to it and as viscerally felt um that some people feel against the Pledge of Allegiance there are other people who feel that um in lie of recent historical events such as the um Insurrection that having saying that this is not my intention that I'm here to abide by the the proper channels of communication is something that a lot of my precinct members have been saying to me so I want to acknowledge first of all that there is no one answer for this um we live in a society with competing values um one value over the other um we're always going to have this back and forth and I do I hear what you're saying I don't necessarily agree that more language always always reaches more inclusivity I have to disagree with that on the basis of really depends on what's said and what more is included so I think that's really overreaching yeah that's um having said that um I also agree with counselor Peak that that with the adding a moment of silence rather than making decision about the pledge itself I think convolutes what councelor denim was really saying in the first place and so I'm really I said I it's different it's different for all of us in our unique positions on this Council as it is for our residents um to be saying the pledge allegiance but unlike um unlike a lot of other other um symbols that have been outdated and offensive I don't think we've reached that part as a society with the pledge allegiance and as a result of that I'm having a really hard time differentiating between allowing for someone's values to come forth and what it means to them is to whether or not they stand versus adding another element having said that I also want a very fa strongly say that I completely um stand with counselor denim that you should never be disrespected by members of the audience at a council meeting um to be be called names and slurs as a result of your opinion I think is the most horrible breakdown of the public process and I'm sorry that you experience that um because you're expressing your viewpoints which is completely your right as a city council and I just really want to will say that I I have a different interpretation of the pledge allegiance um but I I definitely do not feel that you deserve the disrespect as a person on the basis of your belief we very clearly have it stated in our public schools that children have the right to stand during the pledge allegiance or sit during the pledge allegiance and I don't see why we would expect less um from someone exercising that right again we're open to different interpretations um but as a sociologist I I respect those different interpretations as well and that's all I'll say for now but I wanted to add my two sons thank you consor Smith any other conselor consell thank you Mr President um I just want to say my two cents because I believe it was it was myself who brought up the the um the idea of adding the moment of silence with the Pledge of Allegiance at the rules and regulations committee as sort of a compromised because like um councelor Smith just stated it means something different to anybody it might have been written with this intent however many years ago but it means something different to everybody and and I just don't feel as though just as I respect councelor denim's right to to sit during the Pledge of Allegiance I appreciate the right to be able to stand up during the Pledge of Allegiance um I would hate to Forfeit that which is why I I presented kind of what I thought was at the time a compromise a moment of silence as well as the Pledge of Allegiance um that way it gives people the opportunity want to say it to say it people who don't want to say it don't say it and then they can self-reflect during during the time um of a moment of silence so I I just wanted to state that thank youo Derby so I think um I have a a little bit of a unique perspective because I have a historical perspective on this Council I think Council Kinski is the only other person that has that perspective which is you know we I've been on this Council for 10 years not saying the Pledge of Allegiance um and then for the last I guess 10 years this was uh I remember clearly it was uh I'm butcher his last name councelor Ogle leitz um it was literally his last meeting introduced this I don't think he ever was able to say the Pledge of Allegiance I think it was his the last meeting um that this happened uh and you know I I think it's fine I I you know grew up saying the Pledge of Allegiance I think that the origins of it are really interesting I appreciate councelor denim bringing that forward you know I I researched it a bit too it seemed like this guy was an adman was trying to sell flags MH um and that's kind of concerning that we can get so wrapped up over a slogan that it was created by an adman um I think the bigger issue for me you know is like we internalize things and one of the things you you know we each interpret things our own way and we hold on to things our own way I think one of the things that is concerning to me about it I think it was 1956 I'll defer to councelor Denim um you know under God was added and nobody's mentioned that yet I think that's you know Council Riley was talking about equity and inclusion I think that that piece is explicitly uh exclusionist um because whose God are we under I think we all have different interpretations of that and and I think that that's an important thing to be said I I don't have a problem with it you know um I I think that the addition of that um and and that particular piece mobilizes certain people to want to make sure that we say this because it makes them feel uh validated um but you know for me I I just don't say that part um because it doesn't apply to me so but I do think that you know as we look at being an inclusive community I think that that part could you come here you hear people all reciting that part at the same time and that doesn't that excludes you so I think that that's one thing that should at least be mentioned I don't for me it's I'm not going to create an uh you know a an amendment to this to say no we shouldn't say it but I think we should at least acknowledge that piece because there is something inherently in what we do before every meeting that excludes people so I just want to make that clear and you know I think that we did good things before we started saying it as a council and I think we've done good things since so you know I think we can keep saying it or not and it doesn't affect Council business it's it's a ritual and and I think that that should be you know you know said as well so that's all I have to say Thank you Mr Vice President any other celor go ahead let coun um the first thing I just want to say is is I appreciate this being brought forward because I think that the value there's an innate value in everything that all nine of us do and I think that there is this has brought about a lot of reflection and discussion that I think has been important and I think the incredibly well stated um and well researched um information that was presented earlier is is certainly a lot that I didn't know either and it's made me reflect will make me reflect a lot more if this is something I to say going forward um I think that this is a good example of taking input and seeing how this can how a suggestion can be um synthesized and work for the for the council and for the city uh taking both information from within the council input with the council as well input from the public um I mean I think something I'm hearing here uh is you know this means something different to everybody and I think that's the um that's reflection of the individualism I 100% agree with the counselor to my right that it's completely ironic and inappropriate and for a statement that is that supposedly espouses this this country's values that we would criticize someone for basically making their own choice we have our freedom of choice our freedom of speech is is one of the fundamental values of what we do and if we're talking about something like the pledge of allegiance that is a pillar of that institution then we should respect uh however people choose to express themselves um I I appreciate the addition of the moment of silence because I can't tell you how many times I I come to a meeting and I feel like I'm 100% prepared and then I sit in the seat and I'm not and um there's things that I suddenly realize going on um both from where I sit from the people around me from the public and to take three deep breaths um and Center myself and also try to think a little bit more about what I'm going to be doing I is much appreciated um I don't feel strongly either way about what we do but I do appreciate the thought that went into this um and um just from Equity sake I I I spent a lot lot of time saying the Pledge of Allegiance since this idea came forward to time it um and the only the only other input I'd have is a minute feels like a very long time especially um when we're T in terms of business that that potentially takes up more time from the public for public speak I don't mind sitting here for a minute but the only the only recommendation I would make also just in terms of equity is if the pledge is approximately 10 seconds I would say the moment of silence should be 10 seconds there's other places I think within our agenda where you could ask for a longer moment of silence that's the only thing I'd say but I really appreciate this being thought threr I appreciate the thoughtfulness that went into the recommendation that's before us thank you councelor any other celor C Kinski I just wanted to say I I think everyone at this table respects everyone else's right to speak and will fight for their right to say what's on their mind and I hope not look down on anybody or look a scon at anyone for having an opinion different from yours or mine or someone else's I know as we sit at this at this table and we look around on every issue some issue we found ourselves diametrically opposed with one of us look at the Dynamics and go through and you say geez wow we're opposed but we're United we're United in the end and I hope that's what brings us together I know when I relay recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the very end I add language I at every single meeting will add with liberty and justice for all and I commit to working toward the achievement of liberty and justice for all to the best of my ability it allows us opportunities to be creative to think to add to subtract maybe we don't recite all of it but I hope it sends Us in the right direction with liberty and justice for all Mr President thank you any other counselors no okay um a few things this rule only apply to the conso don't even apply to the people who are visiting us um just I just want to be clear with that that we're talking about a rule that only apply to nine consors um the other thing that I again I don't know if anyone is going to suggest or trying to change the motion I recommend again to do it now by writing so that we can have it here um after the motion what we voting is basically to add a moment on silent because we already have the pledge of the Legion on as a part of the rule so basically is to keep the pledge of the Legion and adding a moment of silence if if fails we still have the pledge of delance if pass we have the pled of legance and a moment of silence just want to make that clear before we take the motion and before we Mo vote cons Kinski I also wanted to note that at the very end there's parentheses on this very short Amendment and that says up to one minute so up to one minute uh and I I certainly hear that 10 seconds or 30 seconds may be more appropriate and would certainly entertain an amendment to that effect however uh that could also be at the discretion of the president to say up to a minute well we have up to 30 seconds tonight and then keep going with that so that being said uh I move that the city council amend rule 5e order of business number two by adding the following language and a moment of silence parentheses up to one minute and parentheses second a second [Music] to amend Rule 5 any further discussion cons Mr President i' like to make a motion to amend uh to uh make the moment of silence 10 seconds I I appreciate what the counselor said but I think it'd be difficult to have to make a decision each meeting but um but regardless that would be my recommendation and then again 10 seconds is about the same time as the Pledge of Allegiance so that's a motion to amend second I have a motion on to amend the main motion toad up to a minute just to uh get 10 second of moment of silence any further discussion Mr President I know I find it very difficult within 10 seconds to gather and collect my thoughts so I I will vote no to the amendment not with the intent not with the understanding that we we we could shorten this and time set a different time limit but 10 seconds just that's just just too fast for me any other conselor conselor denim I just say keep it the same as it is now don't have a moment of silence we're talking about now the motion over 10 seconds understand that but but yeah it's insignificant it's just it's performative order it's it's meaningless the 10 seconds yes okay any other I mean no disrespect I'm next time I when I'm talking you please raise your hand thank you clarifying no disrespect any other coun um we're going to vote for the amendment first we have an amend an amended to the main motion for 10 seconds for those one in favor I I any against against against so how many against okay okay do a roll call Y sorry too difficult to keep track all right just one second ready yes uh Connie Denham no Salem Derby yes Omar Gomez yes JP kazinski no what did you say anything no no okay sorry Tom Peak I'm stain Riley no Tamara Smith no JT Terrell yes Owens zet yes okay one two three four four yeses one two three four NOS one exstension you know what that means it fails no it's it's I have a tie I know but we didn't get five yeah when it's a tie the motion the Cil president break the tie you voted though uh but the cons that's the rule the cons president break the tie okay uh the cons that's the rules of the um of the Rober rules when we have a tie the Cil president break the tie you need five to pass I uh I know okay I I know I know that so would you point point of information what was the what was the count four yes four no one abstain thank you don't don't pick just kidding four that's the vote four no four yes four no and one abstain [Music] um okay thank you so motion fails yeah or we can vot Y no motion fails now we have a motion and a second to for the main motion any further discussion consor more just the point of clarification do you I mean you're you're currently the sitting president um so I can ask you I don't know how someone in the future would do it do you have a general idea how you would manage the up to 60 seconds probably 20 seconds okay I I agree that a minute is is a long time y any other con before we vote um for those one in favor I I any against I'm sorry can you repeat what we're voting on this time we're we're voting to keep the pl of the Legion adding a moment of Silent okay up to a minute it's up to a minute no more than a minute but could be less okay let do a roll call just to be clear okay let's do a roll call okay just to be clear just to be clear that it is just voting to add a moment basically y up up to a minute again uh Salem Derby no Omar Gomez yes JP kazinski yes Tom Peak stain Brad Riley yes Tamara Smith no JT Terell yes Owen zarett yes County denim no uh five five yes three no and one abstention five yeses three NOS pass kazinski uh we have uh a request for an extension of the uh matter regarding the uh rank Choice voting for 90 up to 90 day for 90 days second uh that was a motion I was just going to say I don't think we need to that long but uh you don't need we have we have a meeting coming up that I will announce but that's separate from the vote you want to keep it in 90 days yeah I'd like to keep it for 90 days okay uh I have Mo second is to extend these item for 90 days any further discussion see none for those one in favor I any against abstention motion passes I also wanted to announce that that R rank Choice voting I expect to be the subject of our next topic for rules in government relations on May 16th Thursday at 6:30 let conclude as well as any other matter that may come before for us but you said the 16th right the 16th yeah May 16th at 6 p.m. okay a Thursday after our next council meeting thank you councelor uh no no business U Mr Vice President thank you Mr President um as many people know we have a request for immediate attention for a resolution to recognize may as Jewish American Heritage Munch and I will turn that over to if anyone is against the deposit oh is there anybody against us addressing this tonight seeing none I will pass it to coun was there thank you Mr Vice President um May is J American History Month Heritage Month um This was um recognized in a variety of forms uh and finally codified into its current um form um by uh George W bush which mixed feelings about that but thank you um it is um basically a reflection and acknowledgement of the contributions in the history of Jewish people in the United States um and their Heritage and so Heritage means beyond that um you know I think in the packet letter I mentioned how early Jews came to America but what I neglected was that I was talking about the American colonies a few months ago we talked about um during a Hispanic um heritage month that actually Jews came to I don't want to call it the new world because someone lived here way before that um but to the Americas um uh right after 1492 the Jewish expulsion from Spain and um with either a great option um to as Jews were leaving Spain was to immigrate East to Italy and Greece mostly but they also got on ships and went to um this new area of exploration for Europeans um and I we talked about then how there's uh among um many of Latino Nations that there's Jewish practices that have persisted up to these days uh from uh Jews either hiding or or conversos um and DNA evidence supporting that as well so I just want to put that out there um I feel that this is an important time to talk about this um I agree with the comments made earlier um that Jewish people have contributed significantly to American society most of all it's it's acknowledgement of belonging and not judging um but also understanding the complexities of being Jewish now in the past and going forward um I don't really want to belabor this too much but I do appreciate um uh the resident who brought this forward to me um I will say that um it is my full intention to much like we've done with um black history month and uh Latino and the Hispanic Heritage Month Latino Heritage Month to offer some form of a panel in the future um I've had discussions with the library um about offering materials around this as well um we should continue to do this for um for all um for all uh um beliefs ethnicities cultures um Arab American History Month was April that's something we should be talking about at least acknowledging um and it's also Asian American History Month now as well um I'm rambling um but I I do appreciate the council considering this and I do appreciate the work and focus that's been done in the city around U both acknowledging Jewish people um their history as well as combating anti-Semitism so that's pretty much it oh okay I didn't know so in the form of a motion I will read this into the record uh resolution to recognize Jewish American heritage month and the contributions of Jewish Americans into the pyer valley whereas Jewish Americans have significantly contributed to the cultural social and economic development of our nation and their achievements and contributions are worthy of recognition and celebration and whereas Jewish American Heritage Month uh observed in May provides a pivotal opportunity to honor these contributions particularly in the Pioneer Valley of Massachusetts an area enriched by the diverse Endeavors of Jewish communities and whereas following the Civil War Jewish settlers began to establish themselves in Western Massachusetts uh with the formation of congregation Beth Israel in 1892 establishing the city's first synagogue on gra Avenue in Springfield and accounting for 3% of Springfield's population in 1905 and whereas a small Congregation of 10 families exist in East ton late 19 in the 1930s and whereas East Hampton's Jewish residents continue to offer a variety of cultural events in East Hampton and whereas the Jewish community in Western Massachusetts has contributed significantly through various clubs philanthropic foundations Arts and Cultural Events and educational institutions past and present including the Springfield Jewish Community Center Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts Harold grinspoon Foundation haika Holocaust Education Center the yish book Center Pioneer Valley Jewish Film Festival and more and whereas the Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts has played a pivotal role in building and supporting a vibrant Jewish life in the Pioneer Valley and globally focusing on the continued continuity and strength of the Jewish people supporting a secure Jewish and Democratic state of Israel and caring for Jews in need both locally and around the world and whereas Jewish Family Service of Western Massachusetts exemplifies the community's commitment to service and support offering a range of Social Services to individuals and families from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds focusing on the resettlement of refugee families aiding new Americans and becoming self-sufficient counseling assisting older adults to age well protecting olders from abuse enhancing Jewish connections and whereas the contributions of Jewish Americans have IND indelibly shaped the social cultural and religious fabric of the Pion Valley through their communal organizations religious institutions and self-oriented initiatives now therefore we have resolved that the East Hampton City Council hereby recognizes may as Jewish American heritage month and honors the substantial contribution of Jewish Americans to the development and culture cultural richness of the Pioneer Valley this month shall be honored through events to honor and educate about American Jewish history and culture be a further result that East Tamp city council continues to commit to opposing anti-Semitism and all forms of discrimination and to promoting policies and practices that ensure Equity inclusion and dignity for all people reflecting the vibrant diversity and communal Spirit of the Jewish community in Western Massachusetts second I have second to approve the resolution to recognize M as Jewish American Heritage Month any further discussion see cons I just want to thank the resident sing in the front row who brought this to me um and um that I know that the Jewish Federation um was working with similar language um and that passed in ammer and then I believe in the forms of proclamations in Holy Oak and Springfield um just to say that this was more of a global effort to obtain recognition for this month thank you any other celor those one in favor I any against abstention motion passes thank you Mr Vice President uh thank you Mr President uh we have an ordinance Amendment uh section 2-6 purchase of fuel efficient vehicles for municipal use I would move that that be sent to ordinance committee second call it call everything here oh you move everything move everything okay um uh we have a request to amend Council rule 5c introduction of council business I would move that that be sent to rules and then we have one final one uh before I turn it over to councelor Peak take the motion and you move it to the committee you want me to yeah um so just the first one then to ordinance yeah do one by one and you move it to the and then I move it so you want me to take the vote Yes okay all right so uh I'll back up um so I moved at the ordinance Amendment section 2-6 par of fuel efficient vehicles uh for municipal use be sent to ordinance committee um I need a second second okay we have a motion the second all those in favor I I okay any against any abstentions seeing none moving on uh we have a request to amend Council rule 5c introduction of council business I move that that be sent to rules and government regulations second M yeah we have a motion to the second all those in favor I any abstentions or negative votes no see none I will move to our final piece before I move to council Peak uh Fairy Street project amendment to easement letter of support and appropriation I move that that be sent to property second we have a motion to Second all those in favor I hi any exensions okay see none I will now pass the torch the councelor peak for finance all right um I have some seasonal allergies in the past when we've done this I have become a bit parched by the end so I'm to do it but please do you want him to no I can do it I just please excuse me no that's fine this okay water I'm I'm good thank you just just as a head up this is a thing okay so I'm going to make a first reading of all of these Appropriations in the form of a motion a one big motion to send it to a s to finance committee and to schedule a public hearing for all of these for our next council meeting May 15th the 15th yeah at 6:15 okay request is hereby made for the approval of the following Appropriations amount requested $60,500 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to ambulance overtime emergency 14,500 ambulance supplies 30,000 miscellaneous Technical Services 6 ,000 for a total of 60,500 the amount requested will be used for the following purpose ambulance overtime emergency cost to cover contractual EMS call back for West Hampton ambulance supplies cost to purchase required equipment and supplies based on dph license miscellaneous Technical Services cost to pay EMS billing company for Revenue collected for EMS request is hereby made for approval of the following appropriation amount requested $1 197,50 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to fire department overtime $90,000 full-time supervisory $11,500 full-time clerical $3,400 uh Captain's grade 20,500 fire medical 6,000 uh fire uniforms $9,000 Fire Equipment $6,650 fire education/training $110,000 for a total of $1 197,50 the amount requested will be used for the following purposes fire department overtime cover contractual costs for minimal uh minimum shift Staffing fire department supervisory cover increases for cont contract renewals uh full-time clerical cover increases for contract change uh Captain's grade cost for uh cost incurred for firefighters working out of grade during injury of captains um fire medical cost for onboarding new firefighters uh for medical evaluations fire uniforms cost for onboarding new fire for Fighters for uniforms Fire Equipment cost for uh purchasing new protective clothing for five new firefighters uh 23,000 and annual service of scbas hose and Ladder aerial truck and extinguishers $3,650 uh dollar fire education cost uh require contractual requirement uh for reimbursement of of personnel for tuition uh request is hereby made for the approval of the following appropriation amount requested $117,000 to be transferred from free ca cash to be transferred to school liability $177,000 uh to the amount requested will be used for the following purpose cover unanticipated remaining School liability premium expense for fiscal year 2024 uh this one has a bunch of attachments which is very nice but okay uh amount requested $33,000 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to IOD fire medical expense uh $33,000 the amount requested yeah that's injured on duty uh the amount requested will be used for the following purpose cover remaining fire injured on duty medical expenses for FY 23 uh billing incurred after fiscal year Clos [Music] in request is hereby made for the following appropriation amount requested $600,000 to be transferred from free cash $600,000 to be transferred to tax rate stabilization $600,000 the amount requested will be used for the following purpose to fund the tax rate stabilization to help reduce the impact of debt exclusions on the tax rate request is here hereby made for approval of the following appropriation uh legal and professional Ser I feel like that should be down at the bottom amount requested $155,000 uh to be transferred from uh free cash $155,000 to be transferred to uh legal $115,000 the amount requested will be used for the following purpose legal cost build for FY 2024 that's a legal and Professional Service expenses received and pending for FY 24 request is hereby made for the approval of the following appropriation purchase of two Ford F-150 hybrid trucks to be transferred uh amount requested $115,000 to be transferred from Capital stabilization to be transferred to uh purchase of two Ford F-150 hybrid trucks the amount requested will be used for the following purchase purchase to Ford F-150 hybrid trucks if you can believe it um these vehicles will be uh will replace vehicles that have been removed from the roads for safety reasons request is hereby made for the following appropriation amount requested uh 600 uh 32,400 $ 79.7 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to police base pay $96,900 19,250 police education incentive $ 22,38 one19 police EMT incentive 6,3 $24.93 police holiday pay $472 763 police sick leave $ 36,2 n241 police unused vacation $1,218 72 so the Personnel sub total here is $294,700 police medical expenses $2,467 police uniform expense [Music] 9,489 police Education and Training $6,400 for total expense of $1,275 196 uh the amount requested will be used for the following purpose to cover the contractual payouts for the retirement of Captain mil uh William Kelly and the resignation of three officers to cover the cost of the Sergeant's wage increase uh SL new contract effective 81823 to cover a shortfall in FY 24 overtime as a result of two officers in the police academy uh the attrition of four officers minimal special office officers available due to police reform Bill and post requirements and wage increase in the new Sergeant's contract to cover the cost of tuition medical exams and uniforms slashgear for two new hires that are attending police academy and the cost of medical exams and uniforms for an additional three hires request is hereby made for approval of the following appropriation amount requested $7,000 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to City payroll processing $4,000 School payroll processing $3,000 the amount requested will be used for the following purpose this appropriation will be used to cover the cost of payroll processing for the city for the rest of the fiscal year there will not be enough in the budget currently to cover it request is hereby made uh for the approval of the f following appropriation amount requested $35,988 45 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to software yearly maintenance $283 equipment $7,995 uh and that's replacement of copier for City Hall uh description um there's an addendum in case anyone wants to see it in the agenda it's uh two cyber security monitoring and Protection Systems rationale investing in an IDS system that monitors all Network traffic is crucial for security and safeguarding against uh substantial Financial costs associated with cyber attacks fire department software conversion unanticipated cost rationale Fire EMS moved to an ESO cloud-based platform and the implementation process uh was higher than estimated they also needed access license to The Old ambb Pro platform rationale for copier for City Hall rationale uh the main copier in City Hall required replacement because of a crucial part from ubm was indefinitely back ordered uh leading us to uh without a clear pipeline for repair uh the to ensure office operations remained interrupted uninterrupted we had to proceed with purchasing a new copier and there's some things okay uh request is hereby made for approval of the following Appropriations amount requested $45,000 to be transferred from free cash to be transferred to City Medicare the amount requested will be used for the following purpose this appropriation will be used to cover the Medicare matching share paid to by the city to the IRS for employees for the rest of the fiscal year there will not be enough in the budget to currently cover it second I have a motion and a second for 11 supplementary appropriation to send it to the finance committee and to schedule a public Hearing in May May 15 at 615 at this Chambers any further discussion cons C Peak well done any other counselor those for in favor Kinski I was just did anyone total this so we have a grand total of all the 11's more no because it's more give give or give or take no it's it's more coming and that answer I think will be more approprate to ask after send it to the um in the finance committee meeting or uh when he came back to the full I I lost track at about a million and a half yeah and so it's upwards of of that amount anyway uh so just wanted to make note of that the councelor those one in favor I any against exstension motion passes you consor s I got the easy one uh this is the first reading for a supplemental appropriation uh request is hereby made uh for approval of the following appropriation amount requested $100,000 to be transferred from Capital stabilization $100,000 to be answer to Parson and Ferry intersection Capital project $100,000 the amount requested will be used for the following purpose in conjunction with the planning department the Department of Public Works uh is working to make traffic and pedestrian safety improvements on Ferry Street between the intersections with uh Parson Street and Emerald Place this funding will assist with legal costs survey work and eminent domain takings I would like to move this to the property committee and set a public Hearing in these Chambers on May 15th at 6:15 p.m. that's the form of a motion I have a motion on a second to move the suppl approvation to the property committee and to schedule a public hearing May 15 at 65 of these Chambers any further discussion see no those are in favor any against exstension motion passes conselor Derby I believe that's everything so oh yeah I'm sorry second we have a motion in a second to adjourn um those all in favor I any against any exstension motion passes have a great evening thank you oh I already sign it