##VIDEO ID:MSdvmUOMwsw## this government meeting is brought to you by eastw works and our local cable subscribers okay so we are gonna call to order at 603 Eric here Megan here Sam here Linda here here here L got present um great welcome everyone uh we are in a slightly different space tonight to accommodate democracy we have our early voting set up on the second floor which is again available tomorrow I believe 7: am to 5:00 pm You' like to vote in the primaries um we're going to begin with correspondents Megan I don't have any correspondents but I should confirm that before I was so busy with the one computer yep we'll be there is just a gift I believe that sounds right just confirming that I don't have any communication from I do have one the correspondence okay um I'm glad I checked we got an email um from Melissa Weinberger oh yes um with some really thoughtful uh questions and exploration into um what other communities are doing for abandon cell phones whether or not that's feasible or possible in our high school stay tuned for our discussion later this evening regarding the EHS policy handbook right okay all right um that's how you build suspense people sweep sweep um gifts I do have a gift I'm motion to approve the donation of plants for the East hon High School graduation stage from Carolyn sheal of sheal Farm we've done that historically for I don't know 20 years beautiful thank you so much to Carolyn and she'll armed uh we are going to open the floor for public we need a second and a vote Yes we do can we get a second second and all those in favor post exensions post carries uh do we have anyone interested in speaking uh we don't have anyone in the room but perhaps somebody outline we'll give you just a minute or two in case anyone has anything to share oh is that a hand up Lindsay it is go right ahead Lindsay seula East Hampton resident and parent of a former graduate and a rising ninth grader as of tomorrow and I just wanted to say um kudos to EHS school committee um and that I am in support of the new cell phone policy that I received via email from uh Mr Evans this past week I think this is very needed after watching um one student struggle through four years of cell phone use in the school system so I fully support this policy and hope it stays in place thank you so much thank you um would anyone else care to share let me give it another five seconds okay we are moving on from public comment to the superintendent H update um are we going straight do you have something else to share are we going straight to handbooks we're going straight to hand books except for to make sure everybody knows that school starts tomorrow except for Pon school which starts on the fourth we had a compation yesterday with all our employees that would went very great we had a h guest speaker the focus of everything was how school is for students and not for adults that we we've already gone through our years of schooling and our job is Service uh to the students that we see every day and to do as much as we can for for every student and uh we we also at the beginning took a video and everybody uh in the school district welcomed all children back so we have a video that we sent out on social media yesterday and it also included uh the video of all staff welcoming students back tomorrow and tomorrow we do have a first grader Liam uh and his sibling that are going to be riding the fire talk to school so uh catching a ride with them I'm catching a ride with them tomorrow starting at 8 at the fire station and we'll go to Liam's house so I hope Liam is paying attention because we're all excited that we're going to his house pick up uh him and sibling and then they will arrive element to school at 8:30 tomorrow so anybody like to see that that's gonna be a real fun time tomorrow um do you want to make a note about the high school start day because I I believe it's just the freshmen who show up at the regular time EV sure nth grader come at 9 at 7:30 yep and then 10 11 and 12th graders come at 10 o'clock 10 o'clock and then pre prek starts the fourth and kindergarten starts the fourth great all right um so we want to begin with the East Hampton High School student handbook yes turn it over to you Mr thank you very much so um I see that people have sh through papers you received a copy of the changes that we'd like to add um or make for the this here so um starting with the first one is we're adding a description of the Handle With Care Program on page seven um the handbook I um I would assume that you don't want me to read this I'm fine if you don't read this I'll defer to the chair I think it's a long it's several paragraphs do you want to sum it up for us sure so Handle With Care is our partnership with the East Hampton Police Department to ensure that students um who have experienced um any kind of intervention on the out while they're at home or in the community that the school gets some kind of um heads up from the police department that this student should be handled with care um there is no other information that is shared in terms of what happened or why just that this person may have um experienced something that requires some adults to follow up with them um so we're very excited to be partnering with the Department hand program we think it's exactly the right tone and partnership that we need with them and hopefully it will help students um get through these difficult times that they have to um and for those of you at home hope we sent this or you can see this it'll be on page seven of the handbook okay next change is um on page 17 um adding the description of the right program under the school counseling services so I will this fond um so the bright program bright stands for bridge for resilient Youth and transition it's transition program for students returning to school after an extended absence and or for students experiencing difficulty managing demands of the school day right program is staffed by a clinical coordinator and academic coordinator referrals for the bright program and made by the student support team um I think you were aware that this was made Available To Us by a grant a lengthy presentation would like to see Julian Len discuss it at length I believe it was in a June meeting um so you can go back and see it was really it seems like a wonderful program and a great opportunity and we hope to expand it down to the Middle School level in future yeah so we are fully staffed on in the bright side and very excited to uh be introducing this service to our students and finally um saving the best for last are um changes to our electronic devices um procedures so um a page it will be on page 21 of the handbook um I did provide a short summary yeah so page 21 um item five under electronic devices is where the change starts I believe um yeah so um the new language will say that students are required to store their cell phones in a teacher specified area uses the example of phone pouch uh during class time unless specifically Allowed by the teacher to help achieve the lesson objectives students may also choose to St store their cell phone in a locker or at the main office students may not keep their phones on their person or in their bag during class time cell phone brakes will I'm going to change that to May at some point may be permitted and supervised at the teachers discretion and students are not permitted to take their cell phones on individual classroom break so can we clarify we're not taking phones at the beginning of the day and holding them to the end of the day we are taking cell phones at the beginning of every class and they're returned at that class the student travels to the next class where they turn in the phone for that class so they have access to their phone between classes before and after school and during lunch right okay and during a supervised break corre 84 minute classes we often yep have five or 10es yep wonderful uh the other change is a little bit in this second item there which is I believe number six in the electronic devices um procedure there it says if a student refuses to place their cell phone in an approved designated area or is using a phone during an individual classroom break the student will be subject to teacher intervention discipline Andor sent to the main office for Progressive displine as outline below okay my copy doesn't include the teacher part first but that's presumably an edit that will go in I apologize we did a little bit that's great that I like your version better that sounds wonderful thank you yeah there was a few edits as yeah no that's great does anyone have any questions do have one um first of all I think it's fantastic I'm super happy and so my question does not come from I I'm worried that this might happen but I can anticipate one question would be there so there would be in the classroom at a place where let's say there's an emergency at some sort students could get them to contact okay I just want that to be on record that they're they're right there in the classroom they're in the classrooms and they it's not like the pouch doesn't open till the end of the day or right whatever okay great um that should also be mentioned that in our emergency procedures often cell phone use is prohibited During certain so whatever policies are existing so suede right but no students they could just put it in their locker yes and that Locker may not be accessible during an emergency situation my office same thing but that's a choice perfect seem like a wonderful compromise anyone else have any questions I just I have a question because I um haven't been a student in a while and when I was a high school student there weren't cell phones and currently don't have a high schooler so this feels like a little bit of a black hole for me I just can't really imagine students in high school with phones uh very easily so can you just like describe like how do in general how do students feel about policies like this are they like gener like do they understand having to give their phone up is there a lot of resistance we find out I will I will interject that I was told um in July that there just better not be this thing where we have to give off our phones and that I was gonna have all this you know power or change this and I just said oh it'll just be fine they'll be fine I think your policy is a really but yes they they will be a little so yes I think I think uh is correct they're going to be distance and but that's part of the reason for getting it out sooner meeting chance process and and I've talked to some parents whove had the conversation at home and kids you know not happy right for the record um because B doesn't really translate um but then okay you know now you understand and we will um there will be question for medical lead there will be exceptions for mental health reasons there will be exceptions for extraordinary circumstances we will work with students we will come up with alternative plans that maintain the um Integrity of the program without denying students access that they need yeah uh provided that there's a process and that there are uh either a team or or professional who says this is why this is required that comination so I think it will um be really successful for the vast majority of our students I think few of our students are really disr I think addiction is a real word that can app here and that this is going to be really really for and I will hold you all in the light good luck I just want to say I appreciate the policy because I do believe I don't think Banning things in general is helpful especially if something that these students are going to have for their lives they have them now they're going to have them in the future I think it's much more um a positive way to have teach them how to deal with it and like you said the kids who do struggle I mean I see with my own kids at home when you take away a tablet and you see their reaction you're like that's why I'm taking it away this is scary how upset you are with this device being removed from your possession so I think it's really helpful that and kudos to all of the high school staff because it's not an easy job but it is something that's super necessary for kids to say oh okay I have to learn how to manage this as a tool and like you said about when there's emergencies it's my understanding that when there emergencies when kids do have Total Access to their phones it ends up being worse because it just spreads all these information to parents that usually is not even the case so um I think that it's a great initiative and I think that yeah Banning it is just it's not really going to help kids learn it's like Banning books like you just have to learn how to work with what you have yeah I think you know we've we've um really defaulted over the last few years of trying to teach some self-regulation um I think what what we've learned over the last few years is that on their own they really they need more support more guidelines more restrictions more boundaries around it um particularly during instructional time and I think um they will be surprised how they can I want to say again how you're doing it is so smart because it is a gut punch to turn something in that is not in your view for the length of a day I think better to train the brain to say I'm checking this into the space I exist in for this period of time to focus my attention here yeah but this thing that is important to me is right here I think yeah even in the future not that it's your responsibility but teaching it could be a family situation in the future where I even with my kids I say you know School the school season is starting you're going to be on your tablets much less but I also want you to help Dad because if I'm on my phone I want you to be able to say are you checking an email or you sometimes I'm working but if I'm watching a video I can say yeah I really don't need to be watching this right now and my daughter has a little duck box that she has and she puts it in the Box because I need help too so I think it could be in the future kids going home and saying Hey Dad I think you might want to put that away for a half an hour and let's do this or something and it could be a really refreshing thing that gets passed on you're gonna get a lot of emails sorry about that and since I said at the beginning there were also comments and a lot of students say that other kids on their cell phones during classes very distracting to them and upsetting to them frankly because they're in there and it's just a distraction so I do really like the fact that it's for this period and it's kind of like you know you turn off your cell phone when you're going to watch a play you turn off your cell phone when we're here or we're doing this work and so it kind of starts structuring them into that great Point yeah anyone else I just will add I think also there will be a lot of them who are relieved even right off the bat yeah that they don't have to battle it anymore that like the decisions been taken out of their hands yeah so great anything else you'd like to share thank you very much for your thank you so much I appreciate it best of luck tomorrow thank you yeah no offense I'm not gonna hang around these are new are very new um okay motion to approve yes we would entertain a motion to approve if there's no further questions I'll move to approve the EHS hand thank you Megan second thank you Sam uh all those in favor I I opposed exension motion passes um we're going to move on to MBA do we have one handbook or two for we one but we also have a district one I see so so you have the district the student family handbook is districtwide yes we have a district one that would have a lot of other information that either one of the others don't are you gonna present for us the Mountain View okay so we don't have Jill waiting they have the kindergarten bus today which abely was adorable pitch is already out on it and uh 60 close to 60 kindergarteners came and got on the bus and they drove them around 10 minutes and the parents were all outside they waving to them and it was a cute picture because you can't see kindergarten his head right so so they took the picture yeah L like it was so so adorable so and only two students cried so that was great how many parents I think it was ult for parents to put their children you know like a kind on the on a bus right so that's a really good idea I think that they get to try the bus before it's time to actually have to get on the bus so that works out great so that's why chill she was over there with the so uh want me to which one do you want me to do first uh let's do Mountain View Mountain View and we'll do the district okay so uh Mountain View is exactly the same except for uh we did have a meeting with the administrators talk about uh there were appearance the end of the last year and several the work sessions and also they came on to to speak during free speak that they wanted they felt as though they weren't understanding so much how discipline worked so we had a discipline committee it was made of the administrators of both the high school and out View and uh then this document which is added into the book with was there and it's the that talks about respectful responsible and safe and it talks about you know it's a great uh document some of the conversation came out of the meeting of the equity committee that also meets over there and it makes it much clearer for parents and there are a lot of re uh resources there so I think it's a very well document it was done uh for just m VI and um number but um it's right it's it's right in the beginning of the book and uh again it's a section right under students rights respons and it says responsible take look at it and then do you just want to take a moment take this opportunity to just touch on what the cell phone policy is at MBS I don't think they made Visions to it but Elementary not allowed to have or smart watches or smart all the addition is the smart watches thank you the airpods yeah something just getting smaller and smaller yeah yeah plus you know when you have testing high school for mcast you you can't have any spatch on so it can't be anything where you can use communication can I um can I ask this might it might be to wait for this um at the in the very beginning um there's like a description of the school council and a description of the parent teacher organization can I send you some language about C do tonight on that just so that which for those of you who are listening is the um is the um special education parent advisory committee who and they meet once a month and um it would just be a good thing for parents to connect so I'll send you some yeah send that tonight that tonight we because we're run out of time yeah yeah out time send it I'll send it I'll send it before we leave and then what we'll do is that I'll send it to Gan liy who's sitting with her finger on the button to send up so we can approve the handbooks for distribution tomorrow can I add one thing to in extracurricular activities it lists the school activities that are available could they add a note about that just a brief note about the process for adding a club I think it's if got 10 students and a faculty sponsor because that's a question that comes up again and again and again that's more more for the you know the mdle the high school no that's the policy of the middle school middle school and the middle school that's what I was going to say yes so let's see if we can add so basically we we're doing this is the 11th hour so I think how I add clubs I can contact UM Jill after that she must have that policy somewhere if they put it out add it for next year but if they send something out even if they just put in there as contact you just as Jill again whatever Weekly Newsletter that goes out there you how about that that's in the week newslet does anyone else have questions I just wanted to add two more things uh one Handle With Care yeah we started that last year uh it was it was started um in October of the year and that's a a really great thing all schools have that so that is now in all the handbooks and even in the district one so handle here is if something happens uh over the weekend or at night with the family where the child's been exposed to any type of trauma uh the police fire or DCF fill out a form and uh it's on a QR code and it directly comes to to myself and also the principal of the school so they would open that up in the morning it would have the students name that an incident happened no details of the incident just that it happened and that that child uh would be handled with care for that day so that the child gets the resources they need and that they're they're not upset about what happened that through the whole day that were able to help them to process that and just and I think that's really cool and just to be clear they're not actually sharing the details of no details just that there's been an encounter so that people who know the student can maybe like understand if they're a little bit different or off I think that's great and they won't cry or or they'll give them space to talk if that would be better for them so that's great yes excuse me quick question about the going back to the respectful responsible St so I think it's it's linked in here as a like a hyperlink oh is it possible to put the form directly in I have a small version of it the form well I have the oh okay I do you what I on is it different when you print it out when you print it out it doesn't show you because I notice this too it says the form is below it says the form is below and I think it's a hyper and then it's a hyperlink that's right right here so can that be and I got the okay open yeah yeah it threw me off at first too because I was like oh did I not print that page out and want this to be right that'd be great out okay and the other part is the change in the Chromebook policy so uh this year we really loost over $110,000 in Chromebooks of kids not returning them they're cheap a lot of Chromebooks it's a lot of Chromebooks and it also sometimes it was just a cord but everything is labeled really carefully now so you you know that that's your Chromebook and that is your cord so uh we have a new policy that if you you know if it breaks you know by accident you Dr drop it that's a different story but if you don't turn in the Chromebook we're going to charge you for it because we can't keep doing this and keeping everybody Chromebook and Notting back so now the policy is here and there's a signature page uh that says and this is the one that we we always used to have in the middle in the elementary and we added it to the high school now so you have to return that youve read read the book it it's access to the internet it's that you read the handbook and then there's a SWAT here that says you have also read the pH book policy and so those need to go back by September 30th to the usually it's The Home Room teacher the classroom teacher or you or the high school it's the uh teacher that does the advisory um do you happen to know like which students generally have Chromebooks sent home so that like is that does that start at a particular grade so the high school can take them home okay and the Middle School in that the Middle School in the middle school but not the elementary scho elementary don't usually unless there a Reas they like work on a project that's right sometimes special or adaptation of an i or it might be an L student that is doing some some work to learn language so it's more like as needed for the okay cool just wanted to make sure that I wasn't one of the who lost one yeah we never got one was it supposed to coming worry um any any other notes not on the Mountain View one anybody have questions about the Mountain View handb can we entertain a motion to approve motion to approve the mvs handbook With The Changes we discussed for tonight y thank you Megan do we have a second second thank you Sam all those in favor I opposed exensions motion passes okay we are going to move on to the district so the district one actually has a very large uh there's 59 pages I think in the uh district one it covers uh a lot of policies uh that we get from masc uh we are there's also a link that's provided uh there's a letter that went with it I sent you a copy of the letter and in there there's a link that goes right to the school committee uh website that has all the policies and then as uh as we update them um we will write updated in the date so that they're up to date on the website the school committee policies so um masc uh did update one that we um we will we'll review but I wanted to make sure that it did get here because our legal council um was very strong that the new Title Nine requirements have to get in this handbook um they're much more um stringent than they have ever been and so that is was on page 24 so all of the new Title Nine is uh in the district uh book and also as you can see all the other ones that have been updated are also in there in and when we update some of our others uh we will change change what we have to because we we have the um document for this so then we'll change it here but also change it on the website so I'm not sure that a lot of people knew that you could go to the school committee website and all everything that's been approved or the process being approved is listed there and if they want to know about fully in procedures they want to know um about you know anything a harassment they wanted about sexual harassment now which Title Nine is has a big focus on it talks about you know the procedures what it defines it and um I think it' be very helpful for parents to be able to become informed of all those policies I also would um just in general um whenever I'm trying to problem solve with a parent about something that's come up in the district I always um I always ask that we like go to the written policy like it's you know because you can talk to different people people are always going to give you kind of their understanding of what the policy is it makes it easier on everybody if we can just go back to what's in writing and start from that so I definitely recommend any parents who are trying to troubleshoot or who have questions you know um about you know something that they don't really understand if you need help finding any of those policies I'm very happy to help you out as are other people here I'm sure um and uh other folks at school so so it's always good to go back to what's in writing and this is a good I read through the whole thing I really like it it's very I feel like it's very readable it's very readable and it's it's uh accessible and all of this is obviously available in Spanish as well on the website it's the Google we can do the Google translate cool my only note is that I wish it had a table contact on yes so it has table contents in the end document not here it is it's a full table of contents so the problem is with the word document it automatically makes your table of contents after you finish the document oh could we put a note on the second page first like not your cover page but could we put a note on that first page with text table of contents at the end of this document doesn't make sense that table contents is at the end because I I didn't it's Pages 56 and 57 because of the the tool we're using to yeah that's what I'm glad it's there it just nobody's GNA note index cont right feels like an appendix to me looks like an append index no okay yeah contents on page 55 57 right any other notes you w to make for us is anyone else question it has not been updated for a couple years so I think you don't have any questions no we have to vote on it yes okay motion to approve the um District policies handbook um all those in favor I I I opposed exension motion passes 58 Pages all right okay anything else just theou we have to okay can we get Nick oh yeah let's do Nick yes okay um Nick berer good evening for our business updates good evening everyone can you hear me okay yes all right great um so a little bit of this uh monthly business report here will be dated just because it was meant to be read at the August 13th meeting which had you know been postponed till tonight but um FY 24 end of year information uh the books are closed on fy4 and have been for uh little over a month now um the necessary uh you know transfers and uh reclassifications have taken place in order to uh complete the process um I should have final Grant and revolving fund totals from the city auditor pretty soon so I can reconcile those it's kind of like the last piece that you know happens after we we close out the general fund um but you know really everything's done um we just have to make sure two ledger balance in terms of Grants um I will report more end of year detail to the finance subcommittee uh whenever we we meet um second item is uh regarding a new arrival to our department a Ford Lightning Electric truck uh will be uh was recently ordered through the city for our maintenance department um it's going to replace a 2008 Ford F-150 that was taken off the road last year um we're very thankful for this um as not only will it f a large need in the department we've been without a truck for several months um but it also aligns with the city's climate action plan um and and you know the ordinance that was recently passed by the city council regarding um environmentally friendly Vehicles so um we're we're very thankful it should be in in probably about a month from now I would say um we've been approved for a rebate um from the state um in the amount of I believe $7,500 um for this and uh the purchase through marot Ford came with free charger um so we just have to pay an electrician to install it so um we're we're excited about this um I've never had the desire to drive one of Larry's Vehicles before but I I think I do now so when many city employees do not have that desire when it arrives I'm gonna I might take it for a quick spin um but anyway um third item uh is regarding our summer food service program um it came to end on Friday August 16th um I will compile data on meals served once I receive it from um our food service director from Chartwells so I can report it at the September meeting um he should have that to me by then um I I know participation definitely increased between last year and this year um largely due to the location um and the fact that it was inside an air conditioned building um and also there was you know students in summer programming at Mountain View that you know could just easily access the meals without really having to go anywhere so um there'll be an update on that in September I I just I don't know what the totals are at this moment um for uh end of the year financial report I will um I'm currently in the process of gathering information I need for that um the report templates all set I've I've downloaded it um I've started printing things I've given memos to people that I need information from um some of them have gotten that to me already and you know once all that's collected it it'll take me a good three weeks to prepare the report um that's with interruptions I mean if I could just sit in a cave by myself I can probably get it done in like a week but that's not reality uh especially as school's starting and you know there's a lot going on um but it's due by September 30th I've not missed a deadline in my whole career so I don't plan to start now um and uh lastly my personal report um but if I uh before I move on are there any questions about the the rest of this I have a quick question do you need us to have a finance subcommittee meeting in any particular timeline for the FI for the um Dy report or anything no no I no our those are independent of one another perfect and we will wait till after you are done that way sounds good you can may have more the cave experience yeah once that reports done to you know I kind of have like more accurate end of year stuff to report if you will um anything else before I go to the Personnel report okay um so uh the first page of it is is just for the month of June um there were no new hires but you wouldn't expect that so close to the end of the year um you know quite a few separations which is is relatively common at the end of a year there's a couple retirements in there and you know a couple uh some folks moved on to other opportunities um no transfers in June uh and regarding vacancies um you know during the months of June and July we're when you know largely part of August we're in the process of filling all those vacancies prior to the school year starting so when you get my uh August Personnel report in two weeks when we have our September 10th meeting um you'll get all the new hires for the beginning of the school year as well as what vacancies may be left at that point um and then the last page of it is just the July Personnel report we um hired a new custodian at Mountain View um on July 1 we had four uh par Educators separate in the month of July and we had one transfer um we had a par educator from Mountain View transferred to our uh data coordinator position um you know which we're very thankful for it's it's crucial um that that position um just all the state reporting and the uh you know acral management and absence management and um that individual or quite a few hats so uh we were very happy for them to start um and you know so far seems to be really enjoying the position um so um and again the vacancies um I mean I can there's currently five uh going into the the school year um uh which you know isn't terrible in terms of a number for you know right I mean there's districts that probably have 20 vacancies right now um but you know some of those positions are we need to fill them quickly as well I there's a special ed coordinator in there there's a special two special ed teachers at Mountain View and there's you know we do want to get them filled as soon as possible um but we were able to hire and onboard quite a few folks in the last week and a half to you know at least fill most of the vacancies so um that's my report for the month of July anybody have any questions thank you okay uh next item is school committee discussion of the policy subcommittee you have an update and a motion um policy yes so um in regards to an update um we have not met the summer but it sounds like we're going too soon because I would like to motion to move the computer use policy to subcommittee for review second second all those in favor I exensions motion passes so no other update at this point not at this point yep great um Finance subcommittee Megan do you have an update um my update is there's no update we have not met and as just explored we will meet after the Dy report okay completed um CES Sim do we have an update on CES we don't I the last meeting was like in at the end of June and I'm not sure I think I've gave an update at our last school committee meeting so in that case we have not met since then we will be me soon wonderful um we are going to move on to action items there are quite a few unless do you want to do theou now yes great so the was involved director uh being paid to do the marking of the fields for athletic events so what has happened is that in the past there was a Boer club that used to do the football field and uh but uh they're still willing to help us with it uh and we did hire a grounds keeper from Mountain View and it was in the ground ground keeper job description except the ground there's so much grounds to take here at Mountain View there is no way that we can release this grounds keeper to do the field so we purchased our own machine and our own paint and fr Mill who is the athletic director last year did it with a borrowed machine from one of the football leagues and so we just can't keep borrowing the machine it's our field and some of them it's soccer and it's also for football so uh he is already lying the fields uh now because we had spages football starts a little bit earlier than some of the other sports and he's very happy to do that so the Union uh has already signed it they had no problem with um paying him uh $5,000 uh to do the football games boys and girls senior night soccer games lining for track meets Ling practice field along with the paperwork and the cleaning of those okay does anybody have questions a motion motion to approve the memorandum of understanding wait a second second you Sam all favor exension pass you want me [Music] actually C it doesn't have the original signes so I have to get that from s right you want the original signature you let me know what yeah sign this and then that's a that's a do so I'll sign that just in case all right uh we have action items tonight have you warmed up your vote reports okay I'm ready uh motion to approve the accounts payable authorization for payment dated 530 2024 in the amount of $200 uh second second thank you all those in favor I I oppos exension motion passes motion to approve the school payroll dated 530 2024 in the amount of $64,800 ER all for not isow to Second yeah I'm just thinking yes because they're all from before okay correct but as of our next meeting correct okay this is my last this is your last your last second his wife has a job hired in District so he can't vote on financial matters that impact her and some of these don't but I don't know all right uh so that was a second we get a second for Amica call those in favor I I opposed extensions motion B passes motion to approve the accounts payable authorization for payment dated 530 2024 in the amount of 362,552 68 second all those in favor I post motion passes so in future you obain in future you obain okay yeah okay uh go ahead motion to approve the school payroll dated 613 2024 in the amount of $644,900 34 second is all these funds from last school year or is it impacting this school year no these go out this is for this so This goes out to cut checks getting now Tangled in it like just whatever okay you went through C that's fine D second second thank you Sam all those in favor you're gain from now on okay all those in favor I opposed extensions Eric motion passes yep um so it'll be D through and see on the second day and Eric is because you see you see how ahead yes I do see that appreciate doing all that uh motion to approve the accounts payable authorization for payment dated 613 2024 in the amount of 29,44 199 second second thank you Sam all those in favor I iOS exensions thank you Eric next motion to approve the school payroll dated 627 2024 in the amount of $591,500 second thank you Sam all those in favor I opposed exensions motion to approve the school payroll dated 711 2024 in the amount of 378,000 you Eric motion to approve the account's payable authorization for payment dated 6:30 2024 in the amount of 46436 one97 thank you Sam all those in favor I opposed exensions thank you Eric motion to approve the school payroll dated 725 2024 in the amount of 39264 723 second all those in favor I I opposed exensions thank you motion to approve the school payroll dated 88 2024 in the amount of $39,995 19 second thank you Sam all those in favor I I opposed extensions thank you Eric motion to approve the accounts payable authorization for payment dated 88 2024 in the amount of $240,400 second Sam all those in favor I I opposed exensions Eric you are back on okay and uh now make a motion to approve the school committee work session minutes of June 4th 2024 those are in the packet second Sam all those in favor I opposed exensions next um so that was that uh a motion to approve the executive session minutes of June 10th 2024 with the stipulation to withhold these minutes until matters are resolved reviewed and released by the chair and again minutes are in the packets second uh all those in favor I exensions um before we do this motion we just need to have a brief discussion so Eric's wife was hired in District congratulations congratulations what would she be doing she'll be teaching fourth grade at Mel element so that means we had to move Eric immediately from the EA negotiation team and we now need to remove him from Finance because it will be there will be certain things he can't participating like most of Finance right and then and so also part of what the finance committee members do is um sign electronically the weekly payroll and authorization so we have some options there is Ben who is not here tonight we have Sam we have Linda so we need to switch Eric off of Finance into policy so I would entertain a discussion about anybody who has an intervening interest in that understand that it means you really need to be at your emails every Tuesday to be able to sign by end of business electronically on Tuesday that's who we C I'm willing to make that change if I will I'm willing to switch out that's fine yeah so we are going to read this motion we don't need to move I have the power to move you to that committee that's fine but we are going to move to change the payroll want signator payroll warrant signatory from Eric gayet to Linda sumar okay and Linda for the first couple of weeks I'll just text you a reminder once I get that email in the school committee email I'll just text you a reminder to go check it out um as long as you can sign some it usually comes on Tuesdays if the latest it would come on a Wednesday if it comes on Wednesday sign as fast as you can Tuesday to Sunday Friday sometimes I forget by a day all right then they'll follow up yeah well they'll follow up with the school commit email so you're not checking it regularly we used to have to like come in and sign convenient way it is it is okay go I will make a motion to change our payroll warrant signatory from Eric G to Linda Su Marquee second thank you Sam those in favor I opposed exensions Eric will be missed Linda welcome a board girl thanks Linda Linda Su I like that okay sorry um I thought that was the name they would probably put in your that's on your because the only reason I did it is because it says your middle name I had never gotone my li this SCH now I I has a nice ring to it there's so many lindas in my class because if you met a woman my age just call her Linda same with Megan of women my age um our next meeting dates September 10th October 22nd November 12th and December 10th holy cow a brief note to the public that we are about to kick off the next phase of our superintendent search um in a perfect world the application to be on the search committee will be on the website by in reality it will probably be a week from Friday okay um and we will keep the public updated I'm sure we'll have more updates at our September 10th meeting um anything else yeah oh we do are we oh we are going into ex I did not so was that going back out in the schools like a note home to people it did it went in there was a flyer that went home in backpacks the week before school let out I'm trying to be eco-conscious and not send another flyer home but depending on the traction we get in the first week of the online application we might do that okay in mid September you send a email we have the same it went in an email so just we'll send the same one again I would love to do another flyer that's a lot of Pap on social media too it could be which again we're gonna do when the application is up which they're still working on got it and I've G have no help with that okay um executive session pursuant to Mass General law C30 as21 A3 to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares so we are going to move into executive session now we are going to end our Google meets and we'll be adjourning the meeting directly from executive session thank you so much for joining us and give us a couple minutes to shut these mics off happy first day school yeah e