this government meeting is brought to you by eastw works and our local cable subscribers all right thank you good evening everybody and welcome to a regular session of the East Hampton school committee uh just a note that we will once we complete our regular session meeting we will be uh moving into an executive session and adjourning the meeting from there uh so we are going to roll call in uh Megan Megan Harvey here Linda Linda Marquee here Sam Sam Hunter here mayor mayor L here B Scout present okay we're going to begin with announcements uh secretary mean tell us about our correspondence yes um we have one piece of Correspondence to report um since our last meeting um we received a letter an email from um a parent in the community Missy cassen Hino I'm sorry if I'm saying that incorrectly who thanked us um and sort of talked about the bright program and thanked the school really in the district for um Coming Up with the gr money for that and and putting into it and just moving our schools towards the direction of having um that support for students great and that's it and I have no gifts we do have something we want to discuss tonight under gift just kidding we have gifts War do you want to take the Reigns on this sure I would I would love to so uh this year we have had two students that have made you know a very positive effect on our school committee meetings and they have been presenting to us as students about what's happening in the schools and we really want to recognize them and thank them for what they' have done so uh the first one uh is recognition of achievement to McKenzie mcfey and so and that is a gift McKenzie to you from the school committee and myself and also a gift certificate to the best ice cream place around thank you there you go thank you so much Jo that one sure and our illustrious Rising freshman Piper baral I said it correctly this time I've trained myself I don't know why I wanted to make it I don't know um we have for you and also treat yourself thank you thank [Applause] youer incredible young women we're so grateful for them um we are grateful for Piper's mom who shuffles her down here for every meeting um excellent examples and we're just so proud so thanks for sharing your time with us and for all your efforts this year best of luck to McKenzie next year do we have an official Villanova University it is Villanova congratulations it's exciting congratulations to their football and Piper are you moving to EHS yes congratulations big things to come I'm sure for both of them play on yes I just want to make a quick Health announcement sure um so we have a a public health advisory for Oxbo Pond um with the p so P levels acceptable have been reduced and they'll go to zero very soon um but given the attachment of Oxo Pond and the manhan and up here we don't expect it to come this way but um just to get the word out um so we're not to consume fish from there correct right swimming and and boating there I I think the advisory said like it's not as likely unless it was a lot a lot of time yeah [Music] so uh yeah I'm looking it's pfas get PF yes yeah so the level acceptable level right now is. 22 so it's less about our levels Rose and more about the acceptable levels as a little bit Yeah and this is about the time of the year right um and so far we have no P that our tests when we look at our outfall which is is around that that area and it's an outfall not an infill so we're always watching but just Oxo Pond anybody else immediately think of the American Eagles that's just me okay um thank you for that uh next we had a presentation about the French Exchange program yes and I believe it's right online right I thought that was hello can you all hear me agenda can you all hear me y yep you're good you can hear me yes yes all right awesome well first of all thank you uh all very much for having me this evening um I appreciate this opportunity to um to make this request you know in the past um East Hampton High School has been very fortunate to have a French Exchange program I'm not sure how many of you um may have been aware of this or have been around during that time uh we were actually supposed to go um on our part of the French exchange like literally before the whole world crashed at Co um and it hasn't really been a thing since then so I'm looking to resurrect the French exchange um at East Hampton High School um which typically takes place uh during April vacation where I would bring um a group of selected students um who want to participate uh to France uh we would be away for about 14 days um to include April vacation uh usually we leave like the Wednesday before and we come back the Tuesday after um the itinerary looks like this we uh we arrive there we're in Paris for a few days we take a train out to Britany France where uh we will be uh staying with host families um and you know uh have experiences in French schools and uh check out all the Myriad things there are to do in uh Britney France um after the home stay we come back to uh Paris for one additional night and then we come back historically this has been uh like a legit exchange where um we would actually host a group of students first in eastampton and then we in turn would go and stay um with the families of the students that we hosted unfortunately at this time this is not a possibility um as I have to kind of recreate the whole thing um we kind of lost our partner school during this Hiatus and so I'm at the point now where if this is a program that we want to invest in you know I need to make the beginning uh steps to create a new relationship with a a different school um I will add too that my uh partner in this is is Dr Lively um and uh in the past she has stayed with with a teacher so her corresponding teacher is still at the school that you know we had a relationship with and I was talking with her today and she mentioned the possibility um of maybe even returning to that school but at this moment um it's hard to um it's very difficult to to make any progress until I can um have permission to proceed really because uh there are questions like well how many students are you thinking and you know all of that and that determines the price and it determines whether or not school can host us um but before I can put any definite numbers to anything I have to have your permission first to proceed if this is a thing we're interested in thank you um do any members have any questions or comments Linda I just wondered what in the past how many students did you have so you know I try to keep an 12 because um it can be a little difficult right um navigating um unlike unlike a tour we're not being carded around so you know we like we're in Paris we're on foot we're using the Subways um which is perfectly fine and you know a lot of fun but um I learned from experience that a group as much as 20 can be a bit nightmarish also in eastampton um we kind of have a smaller audience um you know it's not so much the travel as we there's also a travel program at the high school so uh it's really the idea of uh students being willing to stay in another family um for 12 days or so um 10 between 10 and 12 days so that's been a harder sell for East Hampton students so um typically between 10 and 12 and 10 is my minimum so this is what I'm striving uh to get um I see it's will you be giving us more details on will sheo in her part um in your you have more details to share it later on the agenda or is um no I think it ended up showing up in both places yes so it sounds like we may not have all the details flushed out now this is more of are we still interested in pursuing this and then in pursuing it if the cost is expensive there are certainly other avenues we can pursue to support you know there's elf there's fundraising there's yeah so yeah I guess that was my question whether this was like the travel program which is student fund and versus something that we give a certain amount to and then you raise the rest of the money I mean it's that's really up to you in the past it has been entirely student funded um you know Mr Mr gun back in the day said that this ought to be something that is District funded because you know it's an amazing opportunity and it shouldn't be available to just students who can afford it um especially you know if a student in question would be you know um a very good candidate for the French exchange itself but in the past it's always been student funded um um fundraising has always been an opportunity um I'm willing to do that and seek out opportunities I also know that that's been a hard sell for travelers and and parents themselves they tend to you know not want to be too bothered with that but I'm certainly willing to go that route um and in terms of more details I have no details to give until I kind of get a a green light to proceed I can't I can't ask students to be uh committing themselves to this and actually putting down uh at least if we're going to do this the spring I have to ask them to put down money now um which means a commitment from the school committee to allow it to happen before I can actually get additional information um the more students I have the less money costs uh the number of students is going to dictate whether or not um we have a potential school that might be able to host us but they need to know how many you know they're hosting uh so like everything is kind of pinched up in this one detail as to whether or not I actually have permission to do this so that's where we are today is there any other questions or motion I would like to make a motion okay go ahead Linda I don't know exactly how to place the motion other than what I'd like to make a motion that you have the ability to further look into this opportunity and bring us back information yeah for it to take place next spring a year next spring a year from now yeah that's so that's the idea I mean ideally it would be next spring but if we have to wait because of you know concerns you know I've got a a decent um I've got a handful of students right now that I um am seeing as um sophomore students and first year students and even if we had to wait till the following spring they'd still be with me and there's more potential than you know to see the next class that's coming in although I understand that they're pretty small but either way I guess ideally it be next year because it's an every other it's not it doesn't happen every year it's every other year um but yeah I'd like the community to realize that you know if whatever reason we can't do it this year we would anticipate postponing it to the following spring if necessary so Linda moved that we go ahead and pursue bringing this back as soon as possible as early as a year from now in Spring of 25 do we have a second for that a second Sam thank you um all those in favor i i i i all those opposed extensions motion passes thank you so much for bringing this back to us appreciate it thank you very much I really appreciate it yeah and let us know when you're prepared to come back and present again with more details or we can get it out in the public the more support we can get for the cause yeah I really appreciate that too thank you for the invitation thank you and all right have a great night thank you you too byebye thanks um so we are now um he was joining us from his car so we were trying to not hold him up for too long so we did that presentation ahead of public speak so we're now going to open the floor um to any members of the public who have any comments they would like to make um either in person or online you can raise your hand virtually in Google meets if you're interested in contributing we'll leave that open for a minute or two to see if anyone okay online yes was just online let get on back um are you're just going to hit the high points when you go through this do you want me to Jo Jo either way it's for you um looks like we don't have anyone interested in public speak this evening so we're going to close public speak and move on to the superintendent update um we're going to disregard the French Exchange program which we just received good night and uh next on the agenda is the end of year dates yes and we have a lot of great end of year dates so uh we'll start with Mountain View um actually this is uh sorry we'll start with the High School uh to uh May today final started um at the high school the last day of classes for seniors is that was today I final start tomorrow tomorrow senior final start the 29th the 30 30th there is a senior cruise for May 31st do we have a boat like what does that mean I don't know uh they go to Boston and they go on a boat in Boston I think it's called the spirit of something yeah I wish we had that's been I've actually done that cruise as a chaperon it's really nice I it's like sometimes two or three other schools that are also on the boat you each have a floor and uh they they serve you you have a full dinner there and there's music and it's lovely Spirit of Boston that's what the boat's called the spirit of Boston we didn't see cuz it's not out of state would it's not of State yeah I just you need chaps I could how late is it it's like it's late by the time you come you commit no I meant to get be a shapo oh oh be a Chapo uh so then there is also the senior trip to High Meadows they do that every year that's June 3rd and then uh we still have science mcast for 10th grade so that's going to be June 4th and 5th uh uh June 5th is also senior awards from 6 to8 on June 6th we're going to have international teacher visit from yourass on June 7th is a senior breakfast from 8 to 9 and a senior tour of schools the most beautiful thing the senior Captain gowns yeah will you explain they go to Mountain View and they walk the halls and all I have chills and all the younger students sit in the hallways and they it's just really lovely that's a great thing a nice connection back to where they came from and yeah it's a good also a good visual for these young kids to say I want to be like that one day totally yeah graduation is June 7th starting at 6 o' if it rains it'll be June 8th uh June 12th is also a very important day it's grade 8 stepup day where you go to the high school and you get to you know walk around that's 9 to 11 June 13th is class officer speeches and elections June 14th is academic Awards and a field day and then final exams important date June 177th and 18th the grades 9 10 and 11 and the last day of school which is a half day right is June 20th it's also important to know that June 19th is juneth and there is no school that day Wednesday is the last full day of school then Thursday they have off for juneth and then Thursday is the last day but is a half day we're going to be asked this many more times on Facebook so everybody get your response is ready and so this is Alpha Mountain View uh tomorrow is the Civics test mcast uh for grade eight it's a field test and also uh Thursday Friday is Mountain day what is Mountain day what is Mountain day you know I actually don't know what mountain day is I know what it is is Smith college but I have no idea what it is we'll have to find out what I just hope it doesn't involve me sending something in CU if it does I forgot isn't this the day where some Elementary kiddos go to Mount Tom that might be yeah sounds about fun the shop room you're willing to go on everything it's so nice we like it ice cream and cruises can shoper on the recorder concert which is the next day actually um Thursday night um this week is the um what they call the elf projects that are going to be at Mountain View the elf showcase elf showcase that's not on here but that's sounds like that's a very important thing and they do have free ice cream from Mount Tom they're going to be serving too uh Tuesday June 4th is the you know grade three they play the recorder so there's actually going to be a recorder concert at 130 in the gym and also uh grade three star science that's their culinary event for families after the coner same day June 4th grade two uh it says Smith College field trip field trip how nice to go to Smith college uh June 5th is the sidewalk chalk event where they're able to to drawer on the the sidewalk and then June 6 is the Civics project showcase that will be in the uh Middle School library there is a lot going on right now as you can see the end of the year is a really busy time for schools it's the culminating of so many different events yeah uh so on uh June 6 grade 5 is going to Old curbage Village that's always such a nice trip also um great 2 are going to have a music show in the upper field on Friday kada 2 had a magic show outside and uh they were having a great time at that that was very funny um Friday June 7th field trip to look park that's a great Park yeah it is and that's for grade one and grade on Friday June 7th grade six is going to Franklin pxu which is also great which is also great uh Wednesday June 12th is the saw field trip at noon and Wednesday June 12th 8th grade Step Up day we already had talked about that EHS this is important day is the last day of preschool is Thursday June 13th so the week before the regular school session that's right then on Thursday June 13th we'll have fifth grade kickball game there'll be two of them one 115 one at two and also the same time there's a transition dance going from fifth grade to sixth grade that is going to be on Thursday June 13th from 4: to 6 so as they're moving from the elementary Wing the Middle School Wing nice yes we have a lot of transitions going on here a lot of celebrating uh June 14th has two events uh that is field day so that's K and one cuz it's different they split it all up this year so I think it's K and one right on the 14th yes yep and then the other grades are different days different days yep um important day is preschool uh screening Day part two for all incoming preschoolers that's June 17th it's also another field day uh for grade three grade two and grade eight seven and eight seven and eight yeah and then of course grade eight has a semiformal this is fancy pants y'all I got the invitation today it it says dinner and dancing okay they're having a taco bar churos an ice cream sundae bar I would go just for the food sounds lovely sounds it sounds so nice that is Monday June 17th from 6:00 to 9:00 and then another Fai day this time on June 18th for grades 4 and five and then also a there's an awards night and continuation on June 18th at 7:00 at night and we're getting to June 19th again no school juneth and June 20th is Kindergarten Celebration cuz you're moving from kindergarten at 10:00 and then last day of school is June 20th and it will be an early dismissal so I don't think we can fit one more thing into what's happening from now to the end of school right anything else uh from your office I think we're all set with the superintendent update yes um the business update um it is the illustrious Nick bernier's birthday this evening there are no so we are foregoing a f we also just met pretty recently so we don't have Finance or personel update this month we'll probably have one next month um moving on to school committee discussion uh policy subcommittee yeah oh yes no um uh I just wanted to get this on the record for a followup so fair share Amendment money is coming in it's above but the the question I I have for for Nick is that and I was just looking at it um the split of that Revenue so there's minimum balance there's a growth percent there's some stuff that can go reoccurring but a lot of it is one time to build programs and I'm just wondering how that's used in East Hampton but with the revenues going up we'll have an excess over our the total limit um so I'm just you know okay so we'll make a request to maybe touch on that for the next if we can get a report on that the fair share is also popular is known as a millionaire tax corre yes yes yes so yeah there was a piece on the radio which I think was not well researched um so we'll get Nick to clear the air that's great um all right policy subcommittee any updates no update this month we'll have an update for next month excellent and finance uh no official updates we haven't um had a meeting however the finance subcommittee is sort of spearheading the American eel program and movement is inching forward is there there should be some like um metaphor I caning forward they've been yeah derogatory Som sorry the US um fish and wildlife um group has been busy this is a time of a lot of fish breeding I've learned um but we are moving forward as you all know we have the grant so there will be something and we will be working with Nick and US fish and wildlife and and we got our first press request for further information on our we have official plans and actual you know implementation plans um we will come back and present that to the entire group great um CES update I don't think you've met since uh no we're meeting tomorrow okay lit 29 um next uh NE J for us to discuss is the superintendent evaluation our interim superintendent is Moren Benda as we can all see and it is we're coming up on a year so it is that time you believe it I know it's G by so fast so fast it really has it's really been a pleasure put up slides did you get the I did I think I have on sure I just trying to get them up myself I could get them to go [Music] just so I turn it y okay hard is to use technology it's so few true there we go so this is the rubric right that we're about to see this is oh this so This actually so the evaluation for superintendent comes direct directly from desie it's it's from their forms it's right from on their site so this first one that you're looking at is actually the graph that shows how is how superintendents are evaluated so you start with a self assessment which I did in the fall and then we moveed forward to um analysis and we did goal setting and we also did plan development which I presented uh to all of you in the fall then it was the implementation of the plan by myself uh you know and then uh if it was a 2year if it was a regular superintendency it would be a two-year process so there would be a midyear review which would be now and the final review would be a year from now but since it's just a one year um at this time we move up to a summit of evaluation so this is the summit of evaluation so uh these were the goal uh the next one is um these are all the standards and indicators for for Effective administrative leadership and at one point you had to answer all of these indicators so when you gave your um information every indicator had to be answered it was shot of a book that you know but it's you do all this anyway but to provide all that evidence um it was lengthy and I think it got overwhelming sometimes for school committees to look at all this so it changed and now you can pick one or two areas from each of the indicators so uh what I had picked and you had approved under instructional leadership was instruction evaluation and data informed decision-making and for management operations uh I picked fiscal systems because one of the biggest job of a school committee is the budget and making sure that balances and setting a budget you know working with the mayor and the city council uh for the following year under family and Community engagement I picked engagement because I think that's the that engaging adults and engaging the community and engaging staff um is what makes family and Community engagement successful and then under professional culture uh culture proficiency and continuous learning I don't think that we can be successful uh there might have been a day when we were not focusing on culture proficiency but it is a very important thing to uh focus on that now and also continuous learning so the first uh goal uh was the student learning goal and uh the far left is the goal uh the benchmarks that we agreed to is in column uh the second column and then uh the evidence of exactly what I did uh to meet all those are actually in column three um there could have been some more additional information that that I put in such as um also attending the round taes uh for all district superintendents but I really want to focus on um District based work that we did so we had done a book study uh give you example of the work that we were doing in all the chapters which do address um all the indicators that we had talked to talked about and The Benchmark so basically uh it was the consistently Monitor and assess student progress to ensure all instructional staff Implement effective and rigorous instruction with measurable outcomes and then the way we agreed was the benchmarks and then this is the evidence to prove that the benchmarks with met so you can stop me along the way if you have any questions all right the next goal uh which was professional practice goal that is usually a goal so how does a superintendent improve themselves like how do they how are they continuous learner and so uh my goal was throughout the 23 24 school year promote Monitor and support culture responsive and collaborative practices that engage All Families to actively participate in the school Community uh those are the three benchmarks we used and then and uh the evidence that you can see is you know how we did that uh one of the things I said is that I would do a minimum of six so I I did put uh six there but I was thinking today wow there was some others such as reading to the kindergarteners and there were a lot of other few more activities there but um I enjoyed the ones that I participated in here got to know a lot of the staff at the high school better by simply serving other staff members right alongside of them um working the play in the backstage the you did that yeah I was in the B Friday night I was the backstage person in the play um I had never been done the backstage before so that was very interesting it was a learning experience for me at attending the games I thought the first football game was great cuz it was the first time that they were ever playing on that brand field so I I got to participate in that so I I enjoyed all of that um one of the important things is um responding to emails that are you know very important and phone calls and I I try to do that within 48 Hours the only time it might not have been that is if I had to seek legal advice uh before um I went forward and responded so the next goal uh is what you call I usually have two District Improvement goals so our first one was provide effect Ive And Timely supervision evaluation of all staff in alignment with state regulations and contract Provisions these were the benchmarks and uh we have gone over what smart goals are and how everybody has to have smart goals for this year and uh we use vector or teach Point uh that's what mostly everybody uses vector and teach point and people go in they put their goals and then you go you sit next to them and you go in and review with them and then um they agree with the goals and you agree with the goals so everything is recorded the time you sat down with them and then uh observation along the way so uh we next year uh actually Jill the lead teacher at Mountain View had done her doctorate on evaluation so um that's one of the things that we're going to be doing at the beginning of the year is to go back to this part about how you writes my goals um how often you do observations how do you give back feedback effective to staff I mean it's a ongoing process on evaluation you just don't learn it once you can always improve on it so I think we can continue to improve on that and uh we also um at the high school I I was there for like four days a week for months cuz I was in the diversity Center um now I try to spent as much time at the elementary school last week I did grade six seven and eight and tomorrow it's K to2 so would also want to observe classes um one of the interesting things was in this District you're not allowed to ask teachers to see their lesson plans even if you're observing them so that's something we added to negotiations to tr to hopefully be able to do that um it makes it difficult when you're observing a classroom and you don't have a you know a lesson plann in front of you so um that is you know hopefully something that we can negotiate to happen only as a point of reference cuz it's difficult when you go into a classroom and you're not sure exactly like what is the lesson of the day what's the purpose of it at the end of that class what are these kids supposed to have learned during that period so it's an important component so that's something we're still working on and um I always maintain constant communication uh with school leaders and the uh second uh goal has to do with budget uh again that is a very important part of your role and also a very important part of mine so that was by March 2024 develop a budget with the Chief Financial Officer that um or chief business officer that uh allocates and manages expenditures consistent with the district school level goals and available resources and the benchmarks and um as you can see we met with we were in constant communication during this budget process with every everybody that had something to do with it and I feel great that we came out with a great budget it's a good budget for the district it's good for the city too uh and we can move forward knowing that we didn't cut one person and we have everybody that we need uh for to do a good job in the district so that talks about basically you know the meetings with everybody that was included and also you know um Nick and I constantly are looking what's being published by mass mass Association of school superintendents masc Mass Association of school committees um as soon as a document comes out uh right away we get a copy of one of the changes so like we've already seen what the house talked about now on Friday we looked at what the Senate was talking about and so you know we have to unfortunately meet wait wait till June to see what it ends up with but regardless of that uh we have a solid budget and we'll be able to have good school system next year so that's the um evidence on that now um there's also a rating so besides now the school committee um evaluates on that there's also a report called end of cycle summon of evaluation report that you received uh and basic Ally um you you evaluate a superintendent on instructional leadership management and operations family community engagement and professional culture now you will notice that the goals that I picked also fit along those four areas so the evidence that is provided there also you can use to evaluate on that one and you either you write unsatisfactory needs Improvement proficient or exemplary and then there's usually a few comments the second page is the superint uh I'm sorry page three is the superintendent's performance goals I listed the goals there and you can see under student learning goal I I typed it but then I told you what Focus indicators is also connected and those were the same Focus indicators that we talked about so the idea of the evaluation is that no one item stands by itself it is it is we're always talking about the same thing monitoring assessing student Pro progress rigorous instructions measurable outcomes we're talking about uh culture responsive practices uh being actively involved in the community the timely effective supervision of Staff making sure we're following State uh regulations and contract provisions and that we uh manage uh with the Chief Financial Officer a um solid budget and prepare one going forward let we turn to page four I yellowed out for you again those those same areas that I spoke about uh and yellowed out exactly what they mean uh down below and again the evidence that was provided by the goal should inform you on how instruction what's the evaluation and data informed decision making and the rest of the pages are the same way um on page five of seven it's only fiscal systems that you have to make a comment on on page six it's only engagement and on page seven it's culture proficiency and continuous learning and that is the end of the evaluation so what happens is everybody does one of these and they give them to the chair and then the chair puts together the final evaluation that's all I got to present wonderful Madam sure so is there an electron I'm just thinking about you pulling it electron that the link that was up yes it does the last time I did this I filled it out on paper do we have an option or should we do it online I mean I I just the link is here it does open if you ites I I just think it's easier for you to paste and cut rather than sure but I just didn't know I've only filled them out on my hand so if we do them online will you print them out and then it's fine everybody should do it the way they prefer and submit it yeah and I will mop it up for oh yeah so our next meeting is the 11th June 11th so let me look at my [Music] calendar this J give me 10 seconds to do math [Music] 30 right here and this is um if we if you can have them in to me a week from today by the 4th okay that gives me a week to call everything together um Sue how far in advance of the meeting do I need to prepare for you the final before the Tuesday next meeting after the 11 I'm just thinking I don't know that we're going to meet in July so I just really want to get so can we say this if bonus points if you can get it in by the end of the week but no later than the fourth okay okay is it bonus points like towards the Boston cruise sure yes I will recommend you to chaperon the Fancy Pants 8ighth grade semi quit for okay like it's not an online form but it looks like there is like a Word document version of it yeah I I don't mind writing it out I I just remember when past chairs have had to do it a lot um it's just a lot to put all together if I send you this file can you send it to everybody file here mhm like word I'm not going to say no on camera Megan can I work that computer sure thing yeah okay perfect fine okay um thank you so much for that we do have a few action items all right uh motion to approve the school payroll dated 516 2024 in the amount of $59,99 second thank you all those in favor I I opposed extensions motion passes motion to approve the accounts payable authorization for payment dated 516 2024 in the amount of $395,900 I second thank you all those in favor I opposed extensions motion passes a motion to approve the executive session minutes of February 7th February 27th March 4th March 13th April 2nd April 23rd April 29th and May 8th 2024 with the stipulation to withhold these minutes until matters are resolved reviewed and released by the chair second thank you although in favor I I opposed extensions motion passes okay our next meeting dates uh June 11th July 23rd August 13th and September 10th is crazy um we will now be moving into executive session pursuant to mglc 30A S21 A3 to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares thank you to the public good night and we will see you on June [Music] 11 e