e e e e e e e e e e e e okay good evening I'd like to call the March 12th uh 2024 meeting of the Edison Public Library board to order let the minutes reflect that it is 7:01 p.m. please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance i al to of the United States of America and to the stands one nation God indivisible and justice for all as required by the open public meetings Act of 1975 adequate notice of this scheduled meeting has been provided to the public by notices given to the home News Tribune Star Ledger and Sentinel posted on the library bulletin boards and website and given to the township clerk's office roll call please excused absence present excused absence excused absence here here here here here thank you all right um hopefully everyone had an opportunity to review the February 20th uh regular session minutes do we have a motion to approve motion second thank you any questions or comments about those minutes all right hearing none then the minutes of the February 20th 2024 regular session are approved by unanimous consent and hopefully everyone had an opportunity to re uh review the Clos session minutes from February 20th do we have a motion to approve those motion thank you do we have a second second all right thank you any question questions or comments about those minutes all right hearing none those uh the Clos session minutes of February 20th 2024 are approved by unanimous consent uh now it's time for my report uh and all I can say is that um it hasn't been all that much time since we had our last meeting and a lot has been happening at the library uh uh meetings to review furniture layout um I saw the uh Easter Bunny Meno Park Story Hour uh story time at Meno Park Mall this morning uh this afternoon um it's just been very very busy and if you have an opportunity to read the director and assistant director's reports um we have new staff members who I would really like to welcome and I would like to take this opportunity to really thank Allan and Deborah and the entire staff because it just seems like you're doing you're juggling a lot right now especially with the um uh the main renovation that the bid opening took place and we're moving along with that project and we're also moving along with uh the other project at North so there a lot of progress is being made I do want to remind everybody that we're having a board retreat on Saturday April April 6th at the North Branch and that the April 9th Library board meeting will be trained will be held at the main library and that Library board meeting will take place at 7 pm but we will have a reception at 5:30 uh to celebrate the library's 95th birthday um and it's also nationally Li National Library week um and once again the friends are going to have the book and bake sale on Friday and Saturday April 12th and 13th um so it's a busy month it's it's a very busy busy time um so that is my report and we will move on now to the financial reports hopefully everyone had an opportunity to review those are there any questions about the reports not the bill list just the reports we've got the balance sheet the capital accounts if I can remark the CDs were rolled over for six months that was the highest of the um of the uh rates we were given the longer that we uh did them the lower the rate became so we just kept it for six months um the the biggest return on investment would be to do it every month which would mean every month we would have to come and bring a resolution and every month we'd have to do a rollover um so the difference in interest between the every month and the whatever is it's it's a couple of little points um but um I think we have to be uh make some sense out of this thing as well so that was done today and it will uh be due then in uh September 9th September 11th there must be something to do with the calendar so that's what rate did you get what rate was it did they get um it was a tad under five oh okay and I can I can double check that um until everyone uh morning I thought I was going to bring it with me but I I didn't 10 under five oh that's that's good it's four something blah blah blah blah blah that's that's great uh any other questions or comments about the reports I don't know if you would like me to talk about the proposed uh budget now or when we have the resolution it's it's up to you uh why don't we why don't we take care of the bill list first okay okay do we have any questions or comments about any of the items on the bill list all right hearing none do we have a motion to accept the bill list motion thank you do we have a second second all right any questions or comments about that about the bill list right hearing none could we have a roll call vote please sure miss me yes Mr Patel yes Miss liry yes Mr Romano yes Mr D Pasqual yes and Miss Massie yes motion carries excellent yes yeah if you want to say a few words about the proposed budget um the proposed budget really um is not very much changed from um what um you saw at the last month um when you were at the February board meeting basically our budget changes slightly from year to year but we still have the same kind of UH responsibilities and bills what we're a change each year are really are the money out of the operating fund that we use for Capital so on the last um uh report that I gave you the capital was um uh there was nothing in the capital um line it was kind of like um basically we were going to fill that in and when we met with the finance committee um we filled in uh what we are anticipating we're going to need uh based on um the renovation for the main library um the renovation and and uh expansion of North Edison and the renovation eventually of Clara so that pretty much drives what that Capital piece was um we are fortunate that we have a little bit more money this year because of the uh ratables are 1/3 mil went up um the township allotment a little over $300,000 um so that provides that and according to our uh audit which you all received a copy um we expect a return from the township of a little bit about $690,000 from unspent funds from 2022 and that we usually get that uh about 18 months after uh the closing of that year so um if that occurs what we uh I had plugged into the capital plan was for us to begin the uh search for a new bus um because that's going to take uh two to two and a half years for us to get a new bus so um anything that um uh anything that we anticipate so I was looking at we I pluged that in um and we wouldn't be doing anything until we actually got that money in the bank and we could capitalize that for the bookmobile so pretty much that basically you know we have the same things every you know every year the majority of what the the budget goes to are salaries that's number one and benefits number two Building Maintenance um the biggest number after that is really books and materials and the biggest number after that is programming so when we look at what we do we don't don't really change we just move a little numbers each year depending on how much our our um uh allotment is from the the town through the one3 mil so I mean basically that it's not a very fancy story um but um we're able to do what we need I think um at this point um being trying to be as Frugal as we can uh to provide the best service and programs for the citizens of Edison given the allocation that we have so that basically is is what um we tried to do and and kind of uh uh what I shared with the finance committee when we met earlier this month thank you um all right I think we have completed the financial reports for now um so we'll move right into your report all righty um bookmobile Sprinter van update so we will be I will be going out to Columbus now it's been changed three times I'm going out to the Columbus the last week of the month um we I will um test drive the the van um do all the testing there um and then um it will be I will be driving back with uh the professional driver here um who will then do the training for the staff so we will have it uh as the friends had hoped um to be part of the the national um uh Library week display and and for us to promote that around town so we now have I think um one of the things we haven't done is parades and I think the the big bus is really big but this one might be the a better size for us to to think about um joining some of these parades so I'm really uh excited about finally uh and as you know this small Sprint de van has taken uh about two years and three months um for us to get um that has not changed in any of the manufacturers of uh bookmobiles um Library Foundation um is basically um uh working with the friends to uh monitor uh not only what they're doing but try to um look and develop a long-term plan um the foundation is looking at at uh doing a uh Capital campaign uh for uh some of the furniture um for the new buildings uh we do and talking to some of the people around town they would like to donate um for the legacy of the library and have their names on chairs and tables and so um the foundation will be working on that um had already mentioned the friends um they have already over 50 members and and very strong it's a good strong group group um and um they are meeting regularly um which is making it a very cohesive uh group um and I missed the last uh bake sale but I will be here for this one um I know I have to be there early for what is it the banana bread it's the banana bread that that um was homemade that that we have to uh uh I shouldn't put that on TV because everyone's going to go for the banana bread um the North Edison Branch um we are meeting with the state librarian on Monday to uh review the plans um that we have and also to ensure that some of the changes that we made uh are within the construction Bond act um it seems very positive um we also have been out of the blue uh working with the environmental commission uh ruers cooperative and some other organizations that we don't even know who they are like beautify Edison um the plans are to have a uh rain Garden uh at the North Edison Branch which will be our um uh catchment for the rain um um water runoff uh and we were kind of I would say try to be assuasive as we could to say that we would like one at the main library and at uh CL Barton so this is going to be a project I guess over the next year year and a half uh North Edison was tied into the building project the other two is is going to be demonstration projects that we're going to then work with the community and show them how they could create their own rain Gardens and do their own uh pollinat Gardens um Alan may I ask a question this is on behalf of of councilman AJ patile he was asking for he'd like to know expenditures for them North Edison Branch from 2022 and 2023 and so if you could get that to me that would I would appreciate that and I'll send that to him absolutely I did see it was on his list um but I didn't know what he was going to ask so yep thank you so and I'll ask Amanda to remind me tomorrow because we'll just pull that out of the files with the um with um the vendors that we used according to that project that's easy sure um the main library branch update I think uh I don't know how excited everyone is as we are at the main library to think that um we are tense now to a renovation um uh and I hope that the the board has looked at the recommendation uh from the um uh architect um and if you would like to see the top three bids I brought them here here uh tonight you can take a look at them along with the um the numbers uh that um were uh coming from all the bids and I think we had 13 23 it was I have never seen the entire the entire main library U meeting room was filled uh and you knew right away with people not coming for an ordinary program um uh but uh I think I want to thank thank uh Mr Romano for being there as well uh for his eyes and ears um we had several of the staff there um this was all done in the open um everyone watched as all the envelopes were open the numbers were read um all the vendors had a chance to look at anyone's um um yeah it really it was a very interesting process for sure um the Clara bar Barton Branch update we've got a couple of little things in the hopper there um uh we wanted to get Maine and North because they're more in that timetable that we have uh but we still have on the books for claraa Barton um upstairs on the second floor a bathroom um which we uh are really looking at instead of having a bathroom the uh interest is uh that space we're going to use um would be better served by a um a small um meeting room upstairs on the second floor um and we're uh working on the um teen space both of which had been approved by the board many many many years ago um the bookmobile uh is doing great around town um we're looking at um working the bookmobile and the uh Sprinter van in tandem with each other the bookmobile will probably handle um the bigger uh events um and uh the bigger stops um the uh small vehicle will be dealing with the smaller stops um and also um we're going to be looking at how we could begin serving um which we have not yet um the senior centers the nursing homes um the nursery schools will be our next project uh for us to do with the Sprinter van come in set up a library uh people could check books out do library cards um 95th Anniversary um Miss Massie already uh mentioned um we're going to have a whole bunch of programs and celebrations through the entire week of National Library week um but um the Tuesday of the board meeting will be the official official meeting which I hope maybe we will get a couple of you to make some speeches and I hope everyone will be there that night so that we can take a picture of the library board uh for the 95th Anniversary um we have it up in the main library for the 90th so um that's my long story and short um and I thank you for your attention there's a lot going on there is yeah there is a lot going on thank you and and I know in Deborah's report she did mention all of the um New staff members who were hired um yes and I uh it it's how do I say it it was a long overdue you know we had held off um because of the renovations we've had people retiring people leave we have a couple of people we have three people um uh planning retirement already in the spring so um the cycle uh is uh ever ever moving um so um we will have that um she'll it she'll update that list for you you have it in there for uh for next meeting thank you uh all right we'll move to the um committees committee reports facilities did not meet uh there was an update of some of the meetings that has that have happened and of course the most exciting part was the opening of the bids and the fact that we could then move on uh with the renovation progress at at Maine um and it's certainly different because I think we all thought that everything was going to start at North first but um so you're juggling a lot of things um at the same time and our finance committee okay the finance committee met um a couple weeks ago and our discussions were the CD rates which alen did speak about uh we went over the audit the new hires um and that the bookmobile you said we should expect it right the third week of March right yeah it the change change I'm going 29th of yeah we'll have it here by we'll be back here by the uh 30th of March y okay all right um we also discussed the financial manual the capital budget and renovation of the study rooms to Clara Barton so most of the stuff Allan has gone over um but we did discuss these at our finance meeting did I miss anything okay no I don't think so thank you all right Personnel did not meet although a lot of activity happened with new Personnel um policies and bylaws did not need to meet this month and neither did strategic planning although there has been a planning meeting for our board retreat and we will be talking somewhat about the the strategic planning during that meeting now I don't believe we have any unfinished business and for new business do we have um a motion to approve the 2024 Library budget like to make a motion thank you do we have a second second thank you any comments or questions about the 2024 Library budget all right hearing none could we have a roll call vote please uh yes Miss me yes Mr Patel yes Miss liry yes Mr Romano yes Mr de Pasqual yes and Miss Massie yes motion carries thank you all right the next is a resolution to approve the G ma uh Meyer group bid of $1,734 N5 as the lowest bidder for the main library renovation project and to proceed to award them a contract for doing the work I'm sorry we doing Capital as well that separate capital budget oh sorry thank you yeah and I read that whole next resolution too thanks all right so do we have a resolution to approve the 2024 capital budget so moved thank you do we have a second second oh all right do we have any questions or comments about the capital budget right hearing none could we have a roll call vote please yes um miss me yes Mr Patel yes Miss ly yes Mr Romano yes Mr D Pasqual yes and Miss Massie yes motion carries thank you now we have a resolution to approve the G Meyer group bid of $1,734 N5 as the lowest bidder for the main library renovation project and to proceed to award them a contract for doing the work do we have a motion I have questions well let's have a motion in a second first and then we can have questions and comments motion thank you do we have a second all right I will second it um do we have any questions or comments yes you do uh on this on this bid what were the contingencies on the bid could you could you explain to me what you meant by contingencies if it was the lowest bidder there had to be at least one or two contingencies that had to be taken taken into consideration um you mean the when you have a cost overrun or when you have a um what you would call as uh not for nothing a change order are the the change orders with the contingencies no public should know no no I understand what you're saying I don't have the original RFP with me um that would have what the contingencies are I can take a look quickly I just want to explain so everybody understands there's in the in the bid process itself there's contingencies and when you run into a problem to where there's a change order when people want to ask about the change order are the change orders incorporated into the contingencies and so in other words when when we get a a bid is that the the total bid or if there's a contingency and we have a change order I want to make sure the public knows that the change order that was asked for is it incorporated into the contingencies now the public doesn't understand most of this but when you're talking about or 60 or 70 million and there's contingencies so in other words if there's a $250,000 change order for a facility it's actually put into the bid so if there's a change order I want to make sure that the change order is absorbed into the bid because if not then we're spending more money than what the bid process was so I'd rather have clarification not not that I don't want I do not want to stop the project but I want to make sure that oh well we're not going to put we need to put a new sidewalk in well excuse me it's like these uh rain uh Gardens why wasn't that incorporated in or wait we could do that now no that's not the issue this is public money this is money by the taxpayers excuse me I'm a taxpayer and I sorry but the fact is is I want to know because I'm getting beat up on change orders and people don't understand that there's a contingency on that so so if the bid is 1.7 the fact of the matter is is it 1.7 is the change order for this or that or the other is that incorporated or are we going to take and suck up more money I mean the bid comes out at 1.7 or 1.8 the fact of the matter is is that I don't want to see a change order when it's more than that so we're talking about less than $2 million which is fine but I want to make sure that oh well wait a minute let's do the ceiling tile or let's do a sidewalk or let's I want to make sure we are voting on what we're voting on that's only my opinion um I totally understand what you're saying I don't have it in here it would be in the RFP and I don't have a copy of the RFP the RFQ I guess RFP right but if I made the RFQ would have said what the work was that is being done the bid would have addressed that as far as it so it's going to be with to your point the bid is for what we're contracted for now if something happens like you know in your house when you they rip out a wall and they find out oh this wasn't up to code and we need to fix that then they're going to come back before the board with respect to that to approve that but there's no change orders because there's no there's no change as as I understand it it's present time exactly right but just like with the you know I don't know if the rain Gardens cost any more money or whatever but um there was something in the a couple of months ago where there was a necessity for a change and I think you raised the point why is it being changed now and you know the board would have to approve it if they're going to have that change I understand sir okay one one moment please I have a project that I'm working on at the board of ed anybody that knows me I'm at the board of ed the fact of the matter is that there there's a project going on at one of our facilities that they're redoing an auditorium and by doing redoing the auditorium they come to find out that the ceiling in the auditorium has aestus in it now there's a change order for $275,000 what I'm asking is this why wasn't this noticed when the people went in and said oh wow we could do this now all of a sudden the taxpayers are being asked but what they don't realize is that the contingency the contingency actually absorbs that but does anybody understand that that's the problem what I'm trying to get out is is that in these bids in the bid process when the bid is read there's contingencies that are built in that's what I'm asking was that discussed in the facilities meeting in the planning of it I have no problem with taking and saying hey look we got to do this I'm you got to vote Yes but I want to make sure that everyone understands that the contingencies are where the problems lie and the other problem is simple if there isn't anything and with the contingencies that comes out to 1.79 million is there any money coming back to the library if there is no problem just asking a question no that's a very good question thank you are there any other questions or comments yeah yes um where are they based out of excuse me what town are they based out of this company M the G Maya group is based out of Manasquan New Jersey all right I just want to make sure and how many projects has um iuno works with them on I'm sorry I can't hear you how how many projects has the iovino group worked with them on um 10 more than 10 they didn't indicate how many projects they had indicated that they work with them am I correct yes yeah they indicated that they had worked with them and they were satisfied with their work all right because I am looking them up um and what do they mean by most responsive oh letter well that would usually mean that it was it addressed everything in the RFP as far as if there were you know um you know sometimes they'll say this is just an example we want these 10 things done and someone will submit on our response to that and only address five of them so okay that's usually all right I just want to make sure yeah that's a good question I'm just trying to look at their reviews to see what their past Comm complaints are um if there's anything that we need to be worried about or need to be proactive on they had um they had done what was the when they did the whole review they go through the state to see if there's anything any complaints against them and that was that third page I believe even though it shows blank is when they go into the state database to see if anyone has filed anything against uh the company uh Miss Massie yes I'm sorry no uh was there a preferred labor agreement involved in [Music] this I'm sorry what kind of labor preferred labor agreement um you're talking about prevailing wage preferred labor agreement that's with the unions if you have somebody taking and putting a giant rat on your lawn I think that's a problem we had a problem at the town when we had had a giant rat or a Giant coffin now this is a small project I understand that that is not my issue everyone should have in their process a preferred labor agreement well I can address that too so what what Allan is referring to is the um prevailing wage so it in any government project such as this the contractor will have have to pay the prevailing Union wage so it will be a union wage and there's usually and it's very strict if if you don't pay the prevailing wage the fines are there's strict fines for that so I hope that answers your question it's a union it's effectively a union absolutely I see I understand that but what we've run into and not not in this forum right but what we've run into in other forums people complained that you didn't have a prevailing wage agreement or and I just want to make sure that all of our bases are covered that's my biggest concern right now thank you thank you Miss Massie yes question um are we familiar with G Meer if they've been doing Public Work Library specific construction as far as far as I G Meyer has done work with at least one or more other Library projects in terms of what other work they have done um I don't recall I mean they probably they had it in their references but I don't recall uh what they were but it seems like they're a well-respected company thank you you're welcome any other questions or comments about this uh resolution um yes yes um I'd like to uh to put out a motion to table this right now based on the information that Mr armano has said we uh do not have as far as the change order um if that is not in there um if it is in there it's something that is something that we haven't seen or we're not aware of and I think that's a a a big thing we need to consider because I mean if we have this 1.7 and as he said if we're going to be spending more money when it maybe wasn't considered or looked at in a certain issue that's happening well then you know we're we're we're really voting on a budget that could go up $200,000 more because something wasn't looked at so I think the contingency that Mr Morano Romano is saying is something that we as a board should um be aware of and Allan did say he can find that out so I would say that for that reason since we don't don't have 100% of the information that we should table this until I would say next meeting so we have that information um provided to us you know we don't just vote on this I know we want to get things moving forward but as Mr Morano Romano said we need to do it the right way because it's a good amount of money and it's the taxpayers money so that's my motion Madam president uh there's something actually in contract and I do not know if it's in this contract it's called errors and omissions that's also something that we should understand in other words if there was an error made so in other words if they if they designed a wall and they come to find out that you can't really put a wall there or they forgot to do this electric out or lighting whatever that's something called errors and omissions and the errors and omissions clause in most contracts I'm not sure all contracts but there's an errors and omissions clause which takes and says uh it's your problem you made the mistake and there's got to be an insurance policy by either the engineers the designers and all I'm saying is is that this I want to go forward on but I would like to know the information and that it's just information I'm not saying anything about stopping projects or whatever but the public deserves a right to know if we have that information so I'm not going to Second a motion I'll maybe second motion the table but that's the way I feel all right so just do I understand do we have a second to for the motion to table I will second that motion all right I have one other question yes um it's talks about the alternate um fees as well it says the base bid as well as three alternates can you explain exactly what the three alternates or um I can but you you have a motion uh to table and that takes precedent over this discussion so that has to move forward before you can resume any discussion as far as I know Mr Brady may may um think it's not but but we already have that motion and that's not in regards to the motion to table per se or is it so you actually had you actually had a little bit of a snafu you had one motion that was pending you had a second in the discussion you didn't vote on it then you had a second motion you might as well do the motion to table first as you suggest if you're going to table it there's no sense going forward with the question right the only thing that I think that we're forgetting is that um is that we have an architect that is really highly uh regarded and has done quite a bit of uh work for uh a number of libraries so I would believe and I have confidence that uh everything that was prepared by that firm would be correct that it would be as it as it should be if we if if we have an issue can we take it out of your checkbook take it out of a what not out of my checkbook thank you so let's have a vote on if there's any other discussion on tabling taing if not let's have a vote on tabling the I'm gonna have to abstain because I need to hear more about the alternate before I can you know do my vote either way uh Mr Patel I'm gonna say yes for now uh was that yes okay uh Miss lry um after hearing the commentary from the other board members I agree I think I would would like to take a review of the RFP um so yes to table yes to table um Mr Romano yes to table Mr D Pasqual yes to table and Miss Massie no one two three four yeses one abstain one no the motion carries to table all right thank you all right do we have any public comment um did you want to just um I could answer Fiona um oh yes sorry sorry got a a motion yeah you can't the motion so you can't yeah yes I'll tell you I'll tell you at the end of the meeting how's that right how are you just state your name just you did sorry I didn't hear you board member okay you know I mean Edison board uh member and everything I mean we just you know we just do it all the time I guess it's only for certain things that we we want to you know put our hands in and and keep back from the library and all that and you know know by me being a reading specialist I do a lot of stuff with libraries especially with Librarians and you know I'm eager now because of the book Banning and all that stuff to become you know more and more you know forward with that but I you know all these things that we do to impede progress to move along we're we're going to have to do that main library and so while we doing that main library I would like to ask a question about will the people still be in inside the building while they're doing the renovations on the on the library the main library well right now the plan is to have the renovations done on one floor at a time so that the library would remain open if for some reason when we do you know continue with the project and get the contract started if the I I would think that if the um company comes in the contractor comes in and says that the work would be done much much much quicker if the entire building is closed uh that would have to be taken into consideration but I think our current thinking and the way it was put out was that it was going to be done one floor at a time because that building does have several entrances yes yes yes and um the North Edison Branch um there is some great progress you know that um there was a change in architect and so now this company the same firm that is doing the work at Maine branch is doing the work here uh and just to address the rain Garden um that was part of the plan and the way it is working out right now is that it would be paid for with grants um that would not you know and that project has not gone out to bid yet the project at North so North is the same company that's supposed to be doing not not the contractor the architect okay oh the AR architect is the same for each for each area a highly regarded architect yes okay and I know we're not supposed to go back and forth but no I know I know you're not supposed to go back and forth but we sat on the board together so we're good um no I just wanted to ask these things before because when when these things come up and then I see you know people like to uh play games and stuff they like to play games and when we suffer from that on the council as I sat on the council and I like another change order another change order so how is your bid and you taking you want another half a million more you want another half a million more but I don't see anybody nobody comes around to see about that they come to see about a little itty bitty budget but they don't care about their big budy the big taxes and stuff that we pay now and also I want to know about the 95th Anniversary celebration can I get that information through you from the director um we're still um we're we are still finalizing all the plans but we will be having events through the entire week of April 7th through April 4th 14th um and we'll know a little bit more probably by Monday um we'll have the all the items complete it will go out uh to everyone in the township we'll be inviting everyone to open houses at all our three branches all our programs but we were just going to have one kind of official 95th Anniversary and that was going to be Tuesday um the April 9th April 9th thank you at at 5:30 at the main library okay but only thing I I I asked is that um people don't play games be serious about it because um most town that I've been to have these gigantic glorious beautiful libraries we have three little you know not mediocre ones and I think that we should be interested in libraries for our children because we need to get get them away from those electronic devices they're becoming more and more of a problem and we need to do mentoring programs and other stuff in our libraries because we don't have many other places in town that we can't have for the children to be at other than the school so they need to be able to go different places and as somebody told me before Oh circulation circulation I'm like circulation what are you talking about I've been to other libraries and I've seen programs I went to the planfield library oh my God what a gorgeous library and they had programs there on the weekend talking about different events black history events they had women's history events they had like a jazz program they have all these different ones when I go off to different libraries in different towns because I always want to examine because we're supposed to be the beacon you know the light for this County and stuff so I want us to be that I don't want us to be Patty I want us to move everything forward thank you thank you anyone else Anita uh Edison Glen Edison New Jersey I have a couple of uh feedback uh first of all March is women's history month so thank you for all the contributions um and I didn't see any events for the women's History Month um a display T table perhaps of all the books which talks about women contribution and signs and public administration it'll be nice if you can recognize that um me is uh AP exams uh so we need uh the students need multiple copies of AP exam textbooks we have old copies 2021 2022 so if you can upgrade that for all subjects uh the third thing is um many colleges have reinstated uh standardized testing and right now we are into sat digital testing no longer paper based so if you can upgrade all the books on digital sat testing uh people are not finding books on that uh and uh good thing the self scanning machine in Clara Barton library is working very good uh some reading list summer assignments will be coming soon if you can Co get copies of the books which the school gives us assignments in the library that'll be good uh if you can start collaborating right now um and then to improve the uh uh uh circulation if you can track which activities have maximum registration that way you can bring more programs which activities have which programs have maximum registration so you can bring similar programs and next month we have the solar eclipse so I don't know whether we have any anything on that as well so thank you thank you all right uh Council vice president do you have anything that you would like to it's been a very active couple of weeks of Council meetings I think that's the best way I could in put it um the issues the hot topics are the Cannabis the ordinance for cannabis which we had quite a rockus meeting uh a couple of Wednesdays ago and um the the motion to table was voted down and so right now it's uh it it's it's nowhere the there were oh well over a hundred people who came to that meeting to voice their uh concern and and uh they very strong feelings against it so uh at some point there might be a subcommittee that's formed but uh for right now it's uh it's it's nowhere uh the other Hot Topic is the Clare Barton section with the four stories and the residents who want to to uh repeal the that was ordinance 1936 D20 no yeah 2016 and that's they would like us to bring that back to the planning board and one of the residents of clar Barton that's uh that's octar Nasser took me on about a 1-hour tour of the area and I can see exactly what their concerns are that they want to they want to just place these buildings in small property areas and this clar Barton is just such a lovely area that has so much character to it and to put these ginormous buildings in these small spaces where they just don't fit is um it it really would do damage to that character so we're going to take a good hard look at that and sending it back to the planning board other issues uh Edison animal shelter is really on the right path right now it's uh things are running very smoothly adoptions are going well population of the shelter is down it's probably going to go up because this is a kitten this is this is going to be litters for kittens coming up and there's going to be a kitten shower that's going to be taking place I think in the month of April so there's going to be an event that benefits the shelter to celebrate all the new kittens that are being are being born and uh and then the art the uh what had been the Edison the cult Edison Cultural Arts committee has now officially by ordinance become a commission and so we're very very happy about that so that's what's going on thank you that's wonderful thank you and congratulations again about the commission thank you all right any other public comment all right um we do not need a closed session this evening um all right the only thing that I want to mention is that yes it's women's History Month uh and we have a lot of holidays being recognize porum Holly Ramadan the start of Ramadan um the Spring Equinox the 19th and it is National reading month and Sunday is St Patrick's Day um oh and Easter yeah Easter thank you Easter is coming um so do we have any announcements yes please we have our easter event coming up so I don't recall the specific day but check out our Recreation page we always have events going on um it's an Easter egg hunt for kids separated by grade um it's really nice event um even if it rains I know last year it rained and we were able to accommodate inside and all the kids still had fun so come on out to that and we have an e celebration coming up and Earth Day Celebrations coming up so those are later in April so they'll probably come up in the next meeting too but come on out if you can that's excellent yeah no other announcements at all okay do we have a our next regular meeting is going to be Tuesday April 9th 7:00 at the main library but remember the reception will be will start at 5:30 so I I'm hoping that you're able to get there early um do we have a motion to adjourn all right do we have a second second all those in favor all right thank you stay healthy e e e for