[Music] on behalf of the entire JP Stevens Community I'm pleased to take a few minutes to congratulate our Teacher of the Year Joe Casher I've known for about a week now that I was going to speak about Joe so I went around asking his colleagues and students about the man what's he really like the words I heard over and over again were thoughtful kind selfless forward-thinking he's a man of character exceptional character and by the way he's an exceptional educator he's a leader in our English Department and our school Joe volunteers his time to help students often times during his prep period no matter where when or with whom Joe is always there to help he coaches soccer and baseball as well and always instills in his players and his students the confidence to do the best they can he he's a man of integrity and I can't speak enough about Joe um he's just it's been a Super Choice this year congratulations Joe cashion I think my favorite memories in teaching really surround all the outside of the classroom thing so help helping students apply for college apply for jobs if there's any sort of issue with any health insurance or any way I could just kind of help be their advocate for them and the hopes that they then pass that on and they continue to grow and have success uh beyond the classroom congratulations to Shah eatman the ESP of the year and the middle sex County school counselor of the year she's our AP coordinator handling a ton of AP exams she's a kind and generous school counselor who works with all of her students to make sure that they're successful through high school she runs the black student union as well and she just brings a positive happy energy to everything she does at JP Stevens we're so proud to have her here and she's we're proud that she won these Awards what's great about Edison High this year's teacher of the year Dr Jonathan Clark as our Latin teacher he takes our students from being a lost Legions of Rome to be in the junior classical League you'll find every single day he's in the class getting the students moving getting them motivated but he does so much more than that whether it's his work with having everybody find their inter rollment or it's all the work beautifying our already beautiful school with the courtyard Club there's nobody that cares more or bleeds more red and gold than Dr Jonathan Clark thank you very much for all you do for our students those moments when the interaction is such that that there's humor that maybe I had not anticipated initially being there but that moment of we're being serious but we can also laugh about it I think are Great Moments um and I'm part of the reason why I stay in the job and I tell the students is is that I'm they surprise me um pleasantly and it's it's those sort of moments um of laughter but seriousness too that that keep me going we are so proud to announce Miss Arno as the power professional of the year for Edison High School anytime you walk into a classroom where Miss Arno is you immediately feel the warmth that surrounds her students are smiling and so are the teachers every teacher that I talked to about M Miss Arno has said the same thing she goes above and beyond for her students and you feel that when you walk in and see how drawn the students are to her Miss Arno you are what's great about Edison High good evening it is my honor to recognize miss Cameron as our teacher of the year as a dedicated seventh grade science teacher Miss Cameron serves as an inspiration to her students colleagues and our entire School Community one of her most remarkable skills is her ability to design interactive and dynamic lessons that Captivate her students imaginations her commitment to education extends beyond the classroom positively impacting our school Community this year she was also awarded advisor of the Year by the FBLA state State Organization for her outstanding work as a co-advisor additionally she is one of the driving forces behind our wwms Sunshine Club celebrating the milestones and joyous moments of our staff she is a champion for all students in and out of the classroom congratulations Miss Cameron on this well-deserved recognition I would say one of my favorite memories is taking um some of my students I run FBLA so we took some students to Chicago and Atlanta it was really nice to be able to create those opportunities and experiences for them they might not have otherwise good evening today I have the honor of celebrating someone truly remarkable in our school Community Rua fanic our dedicated school nurse embodies kindness compassion and an unwavering dedication to the well-being of our students families and staff whether providing Comfort to a student in need or offering support to a worried parent ruler consistently puts others first her commitment to our school Community is inspiring and I'm thrilled to announce that she has been selected for the ESP of the Year award let's join together in recognizing roua for her invaluable contributions to our school congratulations roua it is my honor to recognize Mrs Maria Weber as Thomas Jefferson Middle School's teacher of the year over her remarkable 34-year career as a special education teacher Mrs Weber has been a beacon of inspiration ation in the classroom but also a Guiding Light for compassion and inclusivity each day she goes above and beyond to ensure that every student feels empowered to achieve their academic and personal goals Mrs Weber serves as an adviser for the school store where students gain valuable skills and sales and marketing Inventory management and teamwork under her guidance through her unwavering dedication and tireless advocacy Mrs Weber has transformed the lives of countless students her passion empathy and commitment to Excellence Inspire us all congratulations Mrs Weber on this well-deserved recognition what resonates in me the most and makes me want to do this job is when I hear a student say to me thank you for teaching me how to read thank you for helping me learn how to read um especially at this age and I know that I can send them off to high school feeling comfortable that they can read at some level earlier this year Tom Jefferson Middle School was delighted to select and announce Miss Rita Desai as our Educational Service professional for the 2023 2024 school year Mrs Desai is a power professional in our lld program where she works with the students in a professional and caring manner each and every day she goes above and beyond to help the students and other staff members ensuring that the Learners have the best possible opportunity to succeed congratulations on being selected for this well-deserved honor congratulations to Mr Adam sack the John Adams Middle School teacher of the year his exceptional work as social studies and Aces teacher Mentor learning leader team leader parent University presenter an AI Power Team Member truly exemplify what it means to be jamazing I'm incredibly proud of his achievements and for inspiring and shaping young minds thank you so much for all you do Mr sack you truly are jamazing when I was 16 I started coaching and teaching swimming lessons um and that was really where I you know kind of enjoyed the experience U being a teacher myself going into college I you know knew right away I wanted to be a teacher and and um have never really ever questioned uh my career choice good morning it's my great honor to recognize Mr Abraham G as the jov's Middle School Educational Service professional of the Year Mr Gama is compassionate kind and caring always meeting students where they are and helps them towards their learning goals he can be seeing each and every Friday rocking his coffee house t-shirt making sure that students uh are compassionate and greeting their customers Cil change restock the shelves and all around is a great asset to the school so without further Ado I'm very pleased to recognize Mr glama as John's Middle School's educational Serv service professional of the Year thank you it's my honor to introduce Mrs Kelly Farrell Herbert Hoover Middle School's 2023 2024 teacher of the year Mrs Farrell is an experienced special education teacher who sets high standards for her students and who works tirelessly to ensure that each student meets those standards Mrs Farrell takes the time to understand each of her students including who they are how they learn and those things that are unique to each child a few things that make Mrs farell unique are the way that she enthusiastically shares her love of her family her work and her Irish heritage each year an entire month before St Patrick's Day Mrs farell begins wearing outfits that are exclusively and uniquely green in color in honor of her tribute to the Irish I will end my recognition of her Award with a limerick Mrs Farrell at Hoover takes the lead in science she plants knowledge's seed her experiments pop excitement won't stop congratulations Mrs farell I'm very fortunate I started teaching here at Herbert Hoover when I was 22 and I've been here now for half my life and it's crazy to say that but um just the people that I work with and the kids that I work with and the connections and the relationships that you make is it's just just an Indescribable thing and it's why I come here every day and why I'm so lucky to to be here is my honor to present Miss Jordan Smothers as Herbert Hoover Middle School's Educational Services professional of the year for the past three years Miss Smothers has served as an exemplary counselor to our eighth grade class but she goes beyond just being their counselor she's been a mentor a confidant a cheerleader and a coach to the nearly 350 students she oversees through her tireless efforts and genuine concern for their academic social and emotional growth she has created a safe and nurturing environment where students feel valued supported and empowered to reach their full potential Miss mothers is a true champion for our students a pillar of strength in our school community and a shining example of the difference that one individual can make in the lives of others thank you Miss mothers for all that you do for our students their families and our staff we appreciate you congratulations it brings me immense joy to celebrate Miss Cindy Simo as our educator of the year at FDR Miss Cindy your unwavering commitment to creating a warm safe and welcoming environment is truly remarkable you lead by example tirelessly working to ensure that each student's needs are met and you can cultivate strong relationships with both the children and their families making sure that we have a cohesive team to support our kids your dedication has made a profound difference in countless lives and we are fortunate to have you at FDR and as part of our family congratulations Miss Cindy on this well-deserved recognition your passion for teaching and your enthusiasm inspires us inspires us all and we are thankful that you are part of our school Community when you have a child that starts school there's no language and then slowly they're starting to follow the routine of the day and they start to use their words I think those times those memories are are the best and the parents are grateful because they had a child that might not have been speaking and now are saying a few words and I think that's the best part of it all here is watching the growth today I am thrilled to celebrate the incredible Miss Carrie Aubrey our Educational Services professional of the year at FDR Miss Carrie you are an amazing hair professional you're dedic ation and warmth have greeted our students for years setting the stage for a nurturing learning environment your collaborative spirit ensured that every child's needs were fully understood and met leaving a lasting impact on their growth Miss Carry Your Presence enriched our school Community beyond measure and thank you for everything that you've done congratulations on this well-deserved honor Mrs Nunes is the kind of teacher that amazes us with her passion and urgency to reach all of her students she goes above and beyond to engage each and every student in order to ensure that they are all actively engaged in their own learning and assessment she has a strong connection to her multilanguage Learners because as she says that was me she works to ensure that all students gain empathy for people in life who have some difficulties and for animals around the world and then she also works with the entire grade level to celebrate upbeat local Traditions Mrs Nunes extends her support Beyond her classroom actively seeking resources and donations to establish handson stem clubs for students of all ages at Woodbrook in addition she dedicates time to tutoring students before school hours behind the scenes Mrs Nunes orchestrates schoolwide stem activities for Halloween and for the holiday enhancing the educational experience for the entire School Community Mrs Nunes maintains an open door policy for visitors and student teachers and has mentored successful new teachers as well she's a true asset to Woodbrook to the district and to each and every student who's been fortunate enough to have her as their teacher thank you Mrs Nunes for exemplifying wood Brook's teacher of the year congratulations um one of my favorite memories actually just this past week that passed one of my students came up to me and said you know Mrs Nunes I'm going to be a teacher one day and I said really that's amazing and she said I'm going to teach here at Woodbrook and I'm going to be your assistant and I said really I would love that and I said to her we'll teach side by side so she really touched my heart when she said that to me congratulations to Mr adona on being selected as wood Brook's educational support professional of the year here your dedication to our students is truly inspiring your meticulous nature shines through in the impecable organization of our library which Fosters an environment where learning can happen beyond that your Readiness to assist both staff and students makes you an invaluable asset to the Woodbrook Community thank you Mr adona for your outstanding contributions to Woodbrook Washington school is fortunate to name Miss Jennifer pitko is our teacher of the year a fine product of the Edison school system herself not a day goes by you won't find Mrs pavlechko laughing with students and colleagues we sometimes joke that she should take her comedy show on the road she is enthusiastic creative and truly engages students in Hands-On learning what other teacher would have a pumpkin rotting in a tupperware container in the back of her room so that students could see how new seedlings are developed keep an eye out for Washington school's pumpkin patch coming this fall m Mrs pitko knows her students well and advocates for what they need to be successful but what is most special about Mrs pitko is her passion to help others while expecting nothing in return she's always one of the first to ask how she can help families in our community she supports our families in navigating their child's education not only in English but by using her Spanish skills too delivering food to houses and pantries donating goods and offering to help out any way possible are just some of the ways Mrs pitko is selfless to others she's one of our teacher liaison to the parent teacher organization from brainstorming for fundraising ideas to the execution of events she's our go-to thank you Mrs pitko for being a leader both inside and outside of your classroom we are very grateful to have you at Washington School seeing children when they have that light bulb idea that comes to their mind and they really grasp onto something and understand something right now in third grade we're working on multiplication and it's like such a wonderful thing when they start to have those aha moments Mrs jiki sella is our 2024 Educational Service professional of the year at Washington Elementary School she began in The District in 2016 as a substitute joined the FDR staff as a pair professional in 2020 and came to Washington School in 2021 Mrs Cella shows compassion for her students and respect for all she is an inspiration to all and a Val valued member of our school Community thank you Mrs Cella we adore Miss Jennifer Altman our teacher of the year at James Monroe a proud product of the Edison Township School District Miss Altman devoted 25 years of Exemplar service one of Miss Altman's strengths lies in her ability to connect with her students she takes the time to truly know each child this dedication extends beyond the classroom as she stays in contact with her students demonstrating a genuine interest in their overall well-being Miss Altman has been at the Forefront of educational Innovation piloting new programs implementing standards based report cards and dedicating her Summers to literacy Academy and her active involvement in school events exemplifies her commitment to fostering a sense of community and school spirit in addition to her role as a teacher Miss Altman serves as a mentor to new Educators generously sharing her wealth of experience and best practices her warmth and infectious smile brightens her first grade classroom and we are Greatful for the positive impact she's had on the James Monroe Community when I was little my parents bought me this full-size chalkboard for my playroom and I had everything I had the chalk the white chalk the yellow chalk the erasers the chalk holders and I would go to school and then come home and do exactly what I did at school in my playroom with my class um so I'm not quite sure just always something I was going to be was a teacher and I love it I couldn't imagine myself doing anything else it is an honor to congratulate Mrs SS as the ESP of the year for our James Monroe Community she is a huge asset to our school building not only is she an amazing Library Aid who manages and organizes the library every day but she also brings in monthly themes she does conducts read alouds for our students in her daily Li Library classes she's even brought in stuffed animals to act as reading buddies for all of our students when they participate she's added a puzzle table to our library all to make the experience of reading magical and enchanting in addition to her regular duties as our library AG she also hosts our annual science fair this year with over 70 participants we are honored to present this award to Mrs SS congratulations hello my name is Miss poer SOS principal of Martin Luther King Elementary is my honor to celebrate MLK's Teacher of the Year miss clli miss clli is a true champion of Education whose impact extends be beyond the walls of her classroom Mr Bell is not just an educator she's a mentor counselor cheerleader and confident Mr belly sees the potential in each and every child and works tirelessly to help them realize it she creates a safe and nurturing environment where curiosity is en courage mistakes are celebrated as opportunities for growth and kindness Reigns Supreme thank you Mr B for your unwavering dedication your boundless passion and your profound commitment to shaping the future you are an inspiration for us all so my favorite memory among many is that my first year when I started teaching I was walking down the hallway to my first classroom I was nervous and I heard somebody yell Michelle Dean and I turned around and it was my first kindergarten teacher and she was now my colleague and so I got to work with her and that was just such a wonderful memory I am proud to introduce valer yui our reading specialist and educational support professional of the Year Mrs yui displays immense dedication and passion for fostering literacy and learning at ml from serving on our inrs committee as a case manager and valuable resource furthering our education to better understand the needs of our Learners to founding our School's First reading committee her tireless efforts have not only enriched the mind of our students but also Inspire colleagues and parents alike congratulations Mrs yuzi we truly appreciate your commitment to nurturing a love for reading among our students this year at men pork school we have an extremely noteworthy person for a teacher of the year is none other than our Music Teacher Diane Ruiz she is absolutely phenomenal she's always doing creative lessons she's our safety patrol advisor she heads up our chorus she attends every music concert and works with her uh other her colleagues in the music department she I can't say enough good things about her she's also involved in the Edison Community as she is a chus director at one of our nearby churches so we wish her all the best she's incredibly deserving she's been part of the mow Park School Community for 41 years and every year she's being creative and Innovative and such an integral part of our school so congratulations Mrs Diane Ruiz my favorite one that I have to say I have a a child that is what's called a itive mute and does not participate verbally in the class but wrote me a song and chose to record it at home and then shared the recording with me and I I was over the moon I just couldn't believe that I've inspired that kid to want to actually write something and then share it with me Miss Anthony embodies the unwavering dedication and tireless commitment as her role as a par professional her Boundless Energy and passion Infuse every aspect of her work from supporting students academic Journeys to fostering a nurturing environment within our school Community with her compassionate spirit and unparalleled expertise Miss Anthony goes above and beyond to ensure every student feels valued and empowered her steadfast presence and invaluable contributions serve as a beacon of inspiration shaping the future of all of our students today we celebrate Miss Anthony as menow Park's educational support professional of the year lynon school is proud to present Christina gerovich as the 2324 Governor's educator of the Year miss gerovich has served as a first grade teacher interventionist and kindergarten teacher throughout her 18-year career regardless of the role she has earned the respect of students families and colleagues for her dedication to student growth and development Mrs gerovich students describe her as fun smart silly pretty and most importantly caring entering into her classroom you will find students engaged in their daily lessons collaborating with one another and growing their social and academic skills in a variety of ways it is amazing to witness the transformation of a kindergarten student from September all the way through their moving up ceremony in June as they prepare for grade one aside from being a great teacher Mrs gerovich is a supportive colleague and champion of lindenow school she serves on a variety of committees sharing her perspective and IDE ideas to improve the school climate and culture for all of these reasons and so many more we are happy to congratulate Christina gerovich for being selected as the 2324 Governor educator of the year for Lyon out School congratulations Christina a student that I had two years in a row I taught her in kindergarten and then looped with her into first grade and just seeing her um blossom into the individual she became socially AC academically in those two years was you know a tremendous amount of growth and um it's nice that she still comes back to visit till this day as she's in middle school and remembers being in my class as much as I remember teaching her I am so excited to share that Michelle carvas is our educational support professional of the Year Michelle goes above and beyond every single day for the students of Lindon now from serving on our pbsis committee to staying late when our buses aren't here Michelle really does make Linden out a great place to grow Michelle you put the excellent in ESP we are so proud to have you as our educational support professional of the Year Mrs naap is an extraordinary teacher and even better person she teaches self-contained LOD class here at Lincoln Elementary School her love and passion for Education can felt as soon as you walk into her classroom she has dedicated her career to working with children of all cultures and disabilities she loves every student and makes sure they feel Lov throughout the school day she has every student engaged in lessons based on their Readiness level she has at times seven different lessons going on it's truly incredible to see she currently is the chairperson of our special education committee the adviser to Unified sports club Mrs nap is a role model to all teachers and continues to welcome teachers into a classroom to model effective teaching and behavioral strategies that could be used in any classroom setting she is the proud mom of two boys that she absolutely adors and smiles from ear to ear every time she talks about them in her spare time she also volunteers at a dog rescue center we are so proud of you Mrs knap congratulations Mrs nap on being Lincoln Elementary School's teacher of the year when I was in high school I worked with the Adaptive fad teacher with the students with disabilities and I absolutely loved it so when I went to college and I decided I wanted to be a teacher I'm like I have to be a special education teacher it really inspired me shaie Sasso is our Educational Service professional of the year and we are so proud of her Mrs Sasso goes above and beyond for all our students at Lincoln Elementary School she takes students for individual and group sessions observes students in different settings helps create Behavior plans and constantly advocates for students she also takes initiative to help homeless students and their families for example she raised over $700 for a family in need Miss sasso's door is always open to students and staff so much so I'm not sure how she gets anything done thank you for being such a resource for us all we appreciate you so much Mrs Sasso congrats to you on this award I am honored to be speaking about Wendy heck John Marshall's teacher of the year she has helped our Learners become innovators dreamers and artists for the past 27 years Miss Haack has beautified John Marshall's hallways with bright and colorful handp painted murals if you are ever looking for Miss hack you will find her in the hallway hanging up students work Miss hack also participates in school spirit and wears unique earrings that all of our Learners love she is also the safety patrol advisor and always meets with her safety patrols to promote a positive school learning community these are just some of the reasons why Miss hack is so deserving of John Marshall's teacher of the year honestly my favorite memories are the ones that kind of occur now when that little magic happens and the first grader discovers you can take a leaf under a paper and make a rubbing and it magically appears on the paper or uh that crayon and water don't mix scientifically and now the crayon looks like a glows off the paper and their faces light up and so those would be probably my favorite memories that continuously happen our school nurse Brianna D carvalo is a beacon of care and compassion she's a Superhero in Scrubs Brianna has a heart full of empathy and hands very skilled in healing she is insightful and kind and she connects school and home with her exceptional communication skills that are Timely and effective she also shares her generous smiles and that helps everyone our school nurse is topnotch unparalleled and second to none we love you Mrs de carvalo it is with great pleasure that I introduce you to miss Taylor tsti jmp's teacher of the year since day one Mrs tsat has exhibited all the major attributes that you went in a teacher she demonstrates genuine care for each student addressing their individual needs and tirelessly working to ensure they reach their full potential whenever presented with a new challenge Mrs tasna accepts it eagerly and without hesitation outside of the classroom she has served as a club advisor for various new clubs including our student Sunshine committee where students created positive messages cards and artwork to support not only JMP Community but the Edison Community as a whole furthermore Mrs tti's impact extends beyond our JMP students to numerous kids eager to delve into the World of Dance sharing her passionate expertise directly after school through her dance classes she truly is a teacher from morning till night in fact it is challenging to find a moment when she's not teaching which underscores her undeniable worthiness of this recognition J&P is honored to have her as a cherished member of our family congratulations Mrs tosatti on becoming jmp's teacher of the year one thing that sticks out in my mind is when my class did a board game day they earned a full class reward and I said all right let's bring in board games and just play for a whole afternoon and they went above and beyond we had like 30 plus games and I was literally like juggling playing multiple games with them and they were just laughing and smiling all day and I'll never forget that day I am so honored to introduce our incredible Educational Service professional of the Year nurse Suarez she is an integral part of not only JMP but also the Edison Community she goes above and beyond for JMP students staff each and every day she helps heal more than cuts and scrapes she also helps heal Hearts congratulations misses Mr Morales is a positive force in our school over his time at jmi he has fostered a love of physical education in his students in a variety of different settings showing his ability to adapt to an everchanging environment whether teaching in the multi-purpose room classrooms outside or in the hallways Mr Morales figures out a way to get students to be physical and challenge themselves Mr Morales is the epitome of a lifelong learner and he always finds ways to improve his craft and his goal of engaging all his students whether starting his class with his famous dad jokes or learning how to communicate with non-verbal students Mr Morales strives to make a personal connection with all his students his passion for fostering healthy lifestyle extends beyond the walls of our classroom with him getting getting students involved in our Cricket Club Basketball Club and our project UniFi as our project UniFi Ambassador Mr Morales is constantly finding ways to bring out the best in our students and make our jmi community more inclusive and caring thank you Mr Morales for your leadership dedication commitment your NeverEnding supply of not too terrible dad jokes and for caring about our students as if they are your own congratul ations Mr Morales I'm being named jmi's 2024 teacher of the year when I was done playing baseball at the age of 18 for like Recreation he said uh what are you going to do now I said I have no idea he said uh you're going to come coach for me I was like oh I am he goes yeah I think you'd make a great coach I've seen you you know with kids and everything you're great with kids so you're going to come coach at me and just being his assistant coach and watching how he dealt with the kids and inspired me to want to you know do the same thing so took up teaching I would like to congratulate Miss Laura store as the educational support professor of the year for James Madison Intermediate School Miss store is instrumental in the inclusion of our self-contained and special education population into the general School Community Miss store Works hand inand with the self-contained teachers and the general education teachers in making making sure that all students receive the expressive and receptive language skills necessary to be successful and that's why I would like to express a special thank you to miss door for all that you do here at jmi congratulations again miss dor as the educational support professional of the year it is my pleasure to introduce you to Ben Franklin's Teacher of the Year miss Sophie Shakara Sophie serves as one of our self-contained teachers here on the Ben campus and I can't even begin to uh commend her for her high levels of energy commitment and dedication to serving our children she is highly collaborative exceptionally empathetic super compassionate and just an overall exceptional human being I am so proud of you Sophie congratulations it's not the big things it's like the tiny things so for them to just say something or make a a sound independently or go on their own in and transition into another classroom by themselves and not feel so scared and make them feel like it's home in my classroom and this whole school Community feel like home for them I think that's the greatest memory it is now my pleasure to introduce to you Ben Franklin's educational support professional of the year to someone who has been most deserving of this award for some time Miss Jessica flarez Miss flarez is Ben gadin counselor and is a true figured here on our campus Jessica is highly compassionate super energetic and comes to work each and every day with the mindset of making the lives better for our students while simultaneously making herself available to all of our staff members for whatever the need may be she's credited with many initiatives including our pbsis program I'm super proud of you as well Jessica I hope you're proud of yourself continue to let your lightning shine I I am thrilled to announce that M Laura French is the educator of the year at EC M Laura you are a magician in the classroom turning learning into pure fun your dedication to our students is unparalleled and you make a relationship with each child ensuring their success but what really sets you apart is the magic that you bring the way you light up a room and make learning and Adventure your rapport with students is incredible creating a positive and happy environment where every child thrives you truly love each child meeting them at their need we are so lucky to have you at the ELC congratulations Miss Laura French on this well-deserved recognition and May the force be with you as you continue to spread your magic in the classroom I do there's so many memories but um um one year several years ago I had um end of the year graduation and preschool program and there was a student that was usually in a wheelchair and he had learned to walk with a walker and he was able to walk in the procession and there wasn't a dry eye in the house and the same um that same program we also had a mom that had returned from deployment and we were able to capture a video of her seeing her child for the first time and it was just it was just a great memory that we always I think I'll always remember it is my distinct honor to recognize Mr Bill Donner as our Educational Services professional of the year at EC Mr Bill you are an amazing child study team case manager who ensures that every child's needs are met and tailored collaborating seamlessly with our teaching staff you guide each student toward success your genuine care shines through as you give those High fives to every child as they enter school every day Mr Bill you are an incredible asset to EC we are fortunate to have you and this recognition is truly a mark of everything that you do for kids [Music] I [Music]