guess that's to be your tle it's quiet like a library I think they just put it there comment never saw it before no our first meeting with it there so we don't know yet yes yes of course what so do we have to start all over no yes okay you're ready okay as required by the open public meetings Act of 1975 adequate notice of this scheduled meeting has been provided to the public by notices given to the home News Tribune Star lger and Sentinel posted on the library bulletin boards and website and given to the township clerk's office roll call please yes good evening um Miss Krauss here miss me here Miss Pam is she in yet or we're going to try to get her in trying to get her trying to get her in but no Mr Patel uh he has an excused absence okay uh Mr de Pasqual here miss lry uh she has an excused absence okay and Miss Massie here you forgot me who did I who's missing oal Miss O'Neal I'm sorry I'm here and Mr Romano here maybe we should go home now I don't know um all right the first item uh on the agenda is the approval of the minutes from November 21st 2023 the regular session hopefully everyone had an opportunity to review them are there any questions or comments all right hearing none the minutes the regular session minutes of November 21st are approved by unanimous consent uh we also have the minutes of November 21st 2023 the close session and hopefully everyone has an has had an opportunity to review those do we have any questions or comments on those all right hearing none those minutes November 21st the closed session are approved by unanimous consent um on the agenda we now have a resolution to move into closed session um whereas the open public meetings act provides for the exclusion of the public at Board of educ Board of Trustees meetings during the discussion of certain matters and whereas prior to the exclusion of the public from a Board of Trustees meeting it is required that the board adopt a resolution stating the general nature of the subject to be discussed and stating as precisely as possible the time when the minutes of the discussion conducted in closed session can be disclosed to the public and whereas this body is about to consider a matter which Falls within the purview uh of njsa 10 col 4-12 and can properly exclude the public from such discussions now therefore be it resolved that the Edison Public Library Board of Trustees shall enter into a Clos session to consider the f following matters uh contracts um so do we have a motion to go into Clos session motion all right do we have a second second all right all those in favor I I so we are now uh in close session um given the Miss Massie given the fact that we don't have this did you want to go into the back try to use yeah we're going to go back here no we don't have the hour so but Jody is not able to join okay all right we're set oh sorry that's what matters it's all right okay are we ready can you read this I'm as ready as I'll have a b yes you need a paper when it's done okay got get able spicy minty these bags are getting smaller and smaller each you notice C what what about the microphone it is the candy is minty look at this okay all right that's all right do we have a motion to return to open session motion second thank you all right we are now in Open Session I don't think we need to vote on that do we no no we're good all right I will keep my report very brief I just want to let you know that uh uh we did attend a meeting of the friends of the Edison Public Library on Wednesday uh November 29th it was really very productive the people are outstanding uh everyone is encouraged to join the friends um it's very very easy you can either go online and use the online form or there are registration forms uh available at all of the branches and on the bookmobile their next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday January 17th 2024 and the location will be announced um all right so let's move on to the financial report all right we have the financial reports and hopefully everyone had an opportunity to review the operating account capital account the North Edison account and payroll account are there any questions about any one of any of those all right hearing none let's go on to the bill list and hopefully you've had an opportunity to review the bill list we actually have a copy of it here as well um are there any questions or comments about the bill list yeah the only I guess question I have is that um what is it on four pages they list everything like individually is that does that have to continue well what was happening and and Miss Massie can can tell you is that um as each line on a purchase order is entered it shows up as a single line on the bill list so for example we might have bought books you know four books and then six books and then eight books um I know we've got book one book one book one book two book one book two and You' got four pag of that is there any way to just consolidate it so you have radart and Company and what the total amount is and if we have questions we can go from there um we can try uh to consolidate it um for one thing what we're trying to do is not lump everything on one check because what happened was we were getting four or five through the way the system works voiding voiding voiding voiding voiding all the checks um and so um this was the way so that it doesn't combine everything um we'll take a look and see if we can do something on the bill list that doesn't really impact the checks because we could just do that for for you and consolidate that just add those all up and say brart well yeah this is an Excel spreadsheet so just put you know brart and Company you know and then do you know you click that little thing up on the right on the corner yeah and then we can put that total for brodart and put the other total for Ingram yeah and then we could do that um that wouldn't really affect the checks coming out right and that yeah that's that's fine we can do that yeah because I don't think everybody needs to see all of the individual checks no we don't need to see $ 4748 right right any other questions or comments yeah Alan I was just oh go ahead okay so basically book one means it was just one book book two means there were two books and so on so forth and they all have different prices um because I'm looking at for two books it was 4338 but for one book it was 47.84 so there is no you know one price for any type of book they're all different prices right yes okay um I just did want to mention um just a followup um on on lines for example I'm if it's okay look for example line 144 145 146 and 147 I think the board was more interested in uh some of the utilities so I think since those are less than three pages of broadard and Ingram if it's okay we'll leave those because those get entered as a separate lines you'll get to see what the gas and electric is on those that makes that probably makes more sense that makes see that the different locations that's good any other questions or comments All right hearing none do we have a motion to uh approve the bill list so moved do we have a second second all right roll call please miss Krauss yes Miss Me Yes uh Miss Pam is absent Mr Patel is absent Mr de Pasqual yes Miss lir is not here miss O'Neal yes Mr Romano yes and Miss Massie yes motion carries all right thank you and now we come to the directors and assistant director's reports thank you um we have no new Personnel changes except for uh the fact of uh Janet's retirement that's coming up in January I hope we're g to be able to see everyone this Friday uh at the Holiday uh party um we're also doing that as a retirement for Janet um uh that was her choice to to combine it so um she doesn't always like to be the center of attention um so I hope uh we will be library closes at 5: uh so I hope um that we see most of you staff will be coming from the other branches by 5:30 and we presume we'll be here from 6:00 to 8 um the staff has uh had really good feedback um with our menow Park story times uh it's a good relationship that we have uh with the menock park mall and I hope next year we can try to do some other things um but at this point we've been limited to the the story times um and uh it could be when we do uh the closing of the North Edison we might do a popup there like we had done uh a long time ago probably it's almost two years ago uh to publ size um uh the library and its events we are anticipating um the new Sprinter van to be deled still in January um the holdup had had to do with the doors um and so those are here and so um I'm expecting to hear any day now uh the exact day of when we will um go and pick that up uh the self check machines the um North Edison Branch are going to have theirs upgraded uh on Monday um uh bibla will be there so that will be a vast Improvement to what we have now um the Museum passes um we have been working with a vendor who has um been doing a museum pass program and um I have to say Kevin's got a lot more patience than I do he's been working with them now for four months and no sooner does it look like it works uh the next day there's a glitch so um we are planning starting next week to actually do it by hand until we can get this software to work and or find another software company so that people will be able to uh Reserve online um went to Wonderland the bookmobile was represented and the library was there um during the afternoon they left about 5:30 uh when it got dark um because it's um uh uh they were working just one shift on Saturday um and several hundred people went through um a lot of people um don't really know what the bookmobile is um they think that it is um a place they could buy books or a government agency so um uh it it's interesting to just have discussions with people no it's Edison public library and you can borrow books and you can return them elsewhere so um it really is the best vehic the best opportunity we have now for outreach uh around the the um uh Town um I just want to follow up what Ma Miss Massie said uh in regards to the Friends uh the friends are already planning the next book sale uh for National Library week in April um and we also are you going to use that uh for some of you on the board you remember the 90th anniversary well we're up to 95 so we'll be celebrating our 95th Anniversary of service to the Edison Community during National Library week um so we're making uh big plans for uh for that um that's it for my end Deborah she doesn't have anything so all right thank you thank you all right we're to the um committee reports right now uh facilities and bookmobile we did not meet um however things are moving along it does seem it appears as though the renovation at Maine will go out to bid on uh some hopefully sometime in January and that there was an initial meeting with the new new um uh the new oh my goodness architect uh regarding North and that's seems to be moving along very nicely in terms of uh in terms of design and ideas and then Allan had mentioned that he did um speak with the state librarian and and and that was good so that that she approves of everything that has been done so that that's excellent um Finance Sue okay the finance committee we had a meeting um when was it on December 6 at 8:00 and we mostly were going over the memoranda of understanding that the library has with the township regarding shared services and our director and assistant director have been working tirelessly in getting a lot of the services that the township previously provided taken over again by just the library in addition to bill payment paying the employees you know the salaries and working with pensions and Healthcare and we've come very close to getting an agreement but we're still a little bit far away especially regarding a lot of the health insurance and to that end we've run into a bit of a stalemate but we're still hopeful we can come to a good conclusion shortly thank you um personnel Fiona that we didn't uh the Personnel did uh committee did not meet last month or this month thank you uh and policy and bylaws uh give me one second all right uh sorry policy and bylaws we did meet we discussed a policy for the a few policies that we will be discussing in new business the meeting room um unattended children policy at SEC and security camera policy we will be voting on tonight or at least introducing Ing and one we're working on a volunteer policy but that needs a little bit more work so hopefully we'll be able to bring it back in January excellent thank you and strategic planning did not meet um and I know there has been discussion about reviewing the Strategic plan and hopefully that will be done uh sometime in January now do we have any old business I do not believe so can we open it up for public comment do we have any public comment all right how about trustee comments questions Joe we want to start with you do you have any trustey comments or questions I have a little statement oh very nice the superintendent of schools Dr Arelli um we've met with the library board the library committee Allan Patty and uh we've discussed lines of communication we should have better lines of communications uh I seen in this packet that in our policies we're looking at un unattended students or in other words people that show up and don't have parents or don't have supervision I understand that I understand that if there's an issue uh we we will work with the library board or the library but if there's we have to make sure that the policies are plainly written plainly uh posted and if there's any problems at all that the proper authorities be notified and I I just don't want to slap it on anyone individual but we we have to be able to address the problem with the proper authorities and that's about all I can really say all right thank you thank you Fiona Lisa no um happy holidays okay yes I do um so I the other day just decided I was curious as to the circulation numbers um over 2023 and um it still seems that claraa Barton hasn't really increased this year or the year before it's still 2500 3, 3200 um I'm I'm just curious do you have any idea why those numbers still are not increasing for Clara Barton I mean we we had that whole you know thing happened last year we had residents coming out let's save clar Barton it's our library but we still have the issue of the circulation is not increasing are we getting more people to come come to the library for other programs are we keeping records of that if we are is that something that the board or myself can see because it's still at this point in my view it's it's still very disappointing that we're you know we're we're funding you know a location that is still not being used to to the utmost that it can by the residents and I'm just I'm actually curious why that's the case you know why why the residents aren't using the library as much or maybe I'm wrong and maybe 3,000 or 3500 is the max based on the those that are in that neighborhood I don't know the answers to that but I'd be curious to know like if if you know the expectations I'm setting too high well then I I'd like to yeah it would be nice to to know that just because you know again at at this point do I see see things we're spending a good amount of money we're looking at reservations and I'm not looking at hey close clar bar and that's not even in my thought I'm not talking about that I'm just curious you know what can be done to increase that or again if that's the max we're going to be getting based on the population then that's what it would be but I'd be curious also to know the attendance of the programs how many we have coming because if the circulation isn't High well maybe that library is just going to be good for this program is there so I'm just curious and I don't if you don't have the answers now that that's fine but at some point it would just be nice to kind of see you know because the other two libraries you see they're they're just being used circulation is high so I'm it's just questions that I have about that so that's all Madame President yes uh in the works right now there's uh four single units that are being built on Bower Avenue uh there is there is a complex that's being discussed in Planning and Zoning uh actually across the street from the library and uh about five about 500 ft down there is another piece of property that's being discussed in Zoning for more housing so I think you know not I can't answer those questions but there there there's a threeory building going up on Amboy Avenue and another four-story building from what I understand that's being proposed and uh they're not Office Buildings they're that's that's housing so I think with the with the addition of the housing uh I think the library with programs that we're looking at programs that our library uh uses new programs to bring into the library I think we'll eventually see more foot traffic the with the with the renovations or with the building that's being proposed on Amboy Avenue I I believe that that and with the programs that we have and the new programs that are being designed I think that will help the foot traffic on on Amway Avenue or the clar Maron Library thank you yeah that's a good point just say yes um you know because along with what I was saying you know to me if we do need to spend more money we need more Personnel at Clara Barton we need more programs we we have the funds to do that we know that so in my opinion if we need to spend extra money more money than we are now to get the programs get the personnel and we think that's going to work then let's do it I I would rather do that than see the location not being used again I don't know what would bring it in but you know whatever ideas we have and and whatever cost it would be I would just love to see that Library flourish I mean I think that's something that would be fantastic for their neighborhood I really do so just wanted to bring that up so thank you yeah I just want to I can comment on every time I have been to Clara Barton um recently it has been much busier much much busier and the other thing is is that we always have to remember that we can't um always focus on circulation numbers I do believe that there are a number of people who go to the library any of them um and maybe not check out any books but they do use it that's why I was saying if there's some kind of report that we can see other than just the circulation numbers because that's all we're seeing right and I because I don't think we can see the numbers like even if people um from the Clara Barton area or any of the areas are borrowing online material I don't think we have I'm saying like even the programs like if we saw for this month we had 300 people at the programs then to me it's like okay again then that location maybe is just going to be more about programs there sure which is fine but as as a library trustee just for myself and I think it' be great for all of us it would be nice to see that so that we have a picture of what each Li I mean you know what each library is being used for what's the use of each library because they're all different it's all different they're all different locations they're all there's so much variety that it would just be nice for us to to see what's happening at that's all thank you sure all right so um I don't have any comments or questions right now uh so we'll move on to new business we have a resolution to update and revise the meeting room policy do we have that motion so moved sorry so moved do we have a second second all right any questions or comments right hearing none roll call vote please Miss Krauss yes Miss me yes Mr de Pasqual yes Miss O'Neal yes Mr Romano yes and Miss Massie yes motion carries thank you all right we have a resolution to update and revise the unattended children's policy do we have a motion for that so moved all right do we have a second yes all right if there are no questions or comments could we have a roll call vote please miss Krauss yes Miss me yes Mr de Pasqual yes Miss O'Neal yes Mr Romano yes and Miss Massie yes motion carries all right uh the next one is a resolution to update and revise the security camera policy if there are no questions or comments could we have a roll call vote we need to make a motion we need a motion yes I I I move that we accept the policy thank you so much do we have a second second all right now if we don't have any questions or comments could we have a roll call vote Miss Krauss yes Miss me yes Mr D Pasqual yes Miss O'Neal yes Mr Romano yes and Miss Massie yes motion carries thank you then we have a resolution to proceed with legal action uh with the township with regard to the payment of Library funds um that's basically with our shared services agreement do we have a motion motion all right do we have a second second all right if there are no questions or comments could we have a roll call just a quick comment um please explain when you say legal action what that exactly means um so people aren't just coming up with their own idea of what it means okay I will if you could yeah so over the course of the last couple of years what we've been trying to do is have the shared services agreement with the township regarding um allocation of various Services now as I said before um in accordance with the state law the township as part of the taxing Authority um taxes uh the residents of the uh uh municipality and is collects a certain portion of taxes called the one-third mil based upon that is supposed to be to go to the library that onethird mil is not Township money it's not Township taxes it's that's money that's collected as part of the taxes to be paid to the library and so that onethird Mill uh that is collected is supposed to be paid to the library in quarterly installments through um to the to the uh to the treasurer uh of the library who is then responsible for um you know putting it in the bank and then the library functions and uses that money to to function now the township performs certain tasks for the library snow removal Etc and for that there they they uh to be compensated that is supposed to be done through a shared services agreement by law there's supposed to be a shared services agreement in place uh providing for how much money goes to the township how much the library is going to pay for snow removal Etc just like the library would have to contract with an with an independent contract or some other entity so for years there had been no shared services agreement and for a number of years the township would just a a lot a number uh you know ass sign a number and deduct from the from the one-third Mill that was owed to the library um a percentage of the Township's costs the library director the library director that we've had uh uh Mr climber who's come on board when he came on board took a look at this and saw that there were things in there such as paying for the mayor's salary paying for other things that were not properly attributable to the library so there was this push to try and determine what why are these deductions being made to to the libraries oneir Mill that is supposed to be paid quarterly and there were not sufficient answers then we Tred to have a shared services agreement where we would assign values to various Services uh that were uh being provided so that we could put numbers to these things real numbers based upon uh real facts um one of the things that one of the issues were how much is the township paying for health costs how much uh for health insurance uh for Library employees and were retired Aries it's been a long process to try and get through the issues of uh of that we've been negotiating with the township over a long period of time some of you may remember that the mayor came here a while ago and brought this binder with him um excuse me and said that you know I don't understand why we need a shared services agreement everything is in here um and let's just move forward um well if you look at what's in here there were there were a lot more questions than answers so during the last meeting um we were uh went through this agreement proposed agreement in detail um made some suggested changes sent it off I sent a copy to the attorney for the township um Mr kimman sent off a copy to Township representatives to have their input negotiation with respect to our proposed changes um which by the way we were the first to have to ask for a shared services agreement we made the first draft we got a different draft back from the township but we worked off of theirs and asked some questions and made some changes since that and correct me on what the date was I think it was November 22nd we approved we approved the propo we approved the proposed um shared services agreement the last meeting November 21st so it was shared with the attorney and the township officials on the 2 on November 22nd we had no response um we were continuing to get no response and in the interim uh or around that same time a check was sent to the from the township or not sent a check was said that the township advised the library that that we would be receiving a check for a certain amount which had a significant shortfall of approximately $800,000 that we are unable to determine why these deductions are being made or what the basis of these deductions are and so that we've consulted with um uh person who used to work with who works with the state libraries another attorney um confirmed that we were on the right track and doing the right all that we could do um and basically there is nothing left at this point than possibly um you know one last stab of further negotiations and some type of legal action may require a what's called Tor claims notice um may require you know some uh going through hoops and uh filing some some litigation um all of that is NE is on the table uh but in order to proceed with that we need the board's approval to explore these options of either finally getting this agreement negotiated or somehow having a Court decide um what monies are due to the library so with that in mind uh that's the purpose of this resolution is to provide uh the library is for the library to give both the director and myself um some leeway to to explore those options um there' be a second resolution we're hiring a consultant to assist us with that as I referred to uh um person who had worked in the state libraries Association or worked with the state libraries Association um to assist in that uh because actually no nobody really wants to have a litigation and nobody really wants to have a procr a prolonged um you know legal battle over something that really should be uh very simply resolved um it's a matter of sharing information sharing numbers having people on both sides analyze those numbers and come to an agreement about which numbers are correct or whether they can be um you know uh some sort of uh negotiated uh compromise as to each person's as to each party's numbers so we want to explore that uh we're not saying that we're necessarily going to file an action or file a tort claim suit but um at this point and having gone through all of the um uh negotiations for the last two years that still hav't gotten nowhere and now having radio Silence from the township um it's the recommendation of the resolution that we proceed with uh exploring other options which to date people have been reluctant to do because litigation is costly it's expensive it takes a toll on both parties but sometimes it's necessary in order to um have an appropriate resolution uh appropriate resolution to a problem so that's the um that's the rationale behind this resolution that okay any other questions or comments all right hearing none roll call vote please hearing roll call vote please you have the resolution this one could you just repeat the resolution for the rec sure the resolution is to proceed with legal action against the township with regard to the payment of Library funds thank you um Miss Krauss yes Miss me yes Mr dequal uh based on the fact that I don't feel I have enough information I will be abstaining from this okay okay all right Miss O'Neal yes Mr Romano yes Miss Massie yes motion carries all right thank you the next resolution is to retain Michael Cerrone who works uh with the state Li the New Jersey State library on Library matters as a special counsel for the Edison Public Library board to assist with no negotiations uh and possible litigation with the township regarding the um shared services agreement do we have a motion um I'll make the motion if we can also state that is going to be working at the rate of $200 per hour is that correct yes that's correct okay as long as we have that on there all right thank you second all right so sue and Joe all right any questions or comments all right hearing none could we have a roll call vote please yes Miss Massie yes yes Miss Krauss yes Miss me yes Mr D Pasqual abstain Miss O'Neal yes and Mr Romano yes motion carries all right thank you um I believe that that is it for our resolution is that correct I believe so new business uh for new business um do we have any announcements I do want to say happy holiday yes happy holidays to everyone um uh happy Hanukkah happy K Quanza Merry Christmas everything else um happy New Year I hope everyone has a very safe and healthy very healthy uh new and relaxing holiday season any other announcements all right do we have a motion to adjourn so moved all right do we have a second second all right the meeting is adjourned at 8:48 our next regular meeting will be held on Wednesday January 3rd at 7 p.m. and the location will be announced thank you could Aus kids still trying to get in