uh consistent with the master plan and voted affirmatively on that measure only but again just to reiterate it's figuring that we will be tbling on Wednesday old business P1 16-20 23 deer realy 75 Midville Road this application was withdrawn from being heard no new date was issued if the applicant decides to proceed a ren notice will be required P1 16-20 22 dck development 24 Kore Road applicant was seeking final site plan approval to construct a new Warehouse facility uh in place of an existing one the board previously provided preliminary site plan approval testimony was provided that the conditions previously set as part of that approval were met and therefore was seeking final site plan approval some of those modifications included parking design being modified so no waiver was required trees being replaced modified to be larger and more native uh confirmation of of a contribution to the tree fund and all the other items as requested by the board and planner provided this application was motioned and seconded for approval with the unanimous vote to approve the application new business first P20 d202 3 Edison land investment phase 9ine Route One South and oost Road Town uh Town Square applicant is proposing preliminary and final site plan approval to construct an approximately 50,000 foot in indoor recreation facility this facility would house a bowling alley indoor miniature golf course and putting Range Restaurant and Lounge and possibly a small arcade area testimony was provided regarding how parking is being modified there as well as at supercharged to allow for better flow given the popularity of the surrounding businesses concerns over capacity and security were brought up and testified to the satisfaction of the board this application was motioned seconded for approval with a unanimous vote of 70 to approve the application P 08-20 23779 New Durham Road applicant is seeking preliminary and final site plan approval to demolish an existing single family home and construct an approximately 25,600 foot to office twostory office building in the OS zone so this is consistent with the zone that it's in the lot is currently irregular shaped near the intersection of new durm road and durm Avenue considering the irregular shape of the lot both variances were being sought for depth and width as well as setback along I 287 applicant provided testimony from engineer planner and project manager to the architect's office a traffic expert was slated to appear but was unable to make it in time the board raised concerns as to the Ingress and egress which are entry and exit points of the proposed project the board learned that a preliminary site plan approval had already been provided by the County Planning board for the project the board however agreed that not all the information was available to make a determination on Final site plan approval and inconsideration a motion was was made to approve preliminary site plan only subject to several conditions some of these included a copy of the County Board planning the County Planning board's preliminary approval to address concerns of people making a left turn out of the facility uh because there's a dou all line it was agreed an object would be placed in there to make a left turn unavailable similar to what was done at uh Amazon and testimony by their traffic experts be provided and may bring additional questions and concerns the motion was made in second to approve preliminary site plan and hold off on Final site plan approval the vote for the preliminary site plan was affirmed unanimously 7-0 third case p13 d223 I apologize this is not my five minute thing but it was a 5H hour meeting 39 Progress Street LLC applicant is proposing preliminary F final site plan approval to construct an approximate 19,000 ft addition to an existing 30,000 ft Warehouse facility this facility located in the R zone off Inman Avenue currently houses a plumbing fixture company who is seeking to expand the existing warehouse for additional storage capacity as currently they are renting space out in Union to facilitate testimony was provided regarding the design and layout of the proposed addition the operation use and and address concerns pertaining to the riparian buffer that is situated on the property the applicant agreed to make design adjustments pertaining to the front parking to make them more angled and all items in the planner engineering reports were stated as acceptable conditions of approval on a motion second the application was brought to a vote with an approval of six yes zero nay and one abstention fin finally p19 d223 1039 Amboy Avenue applicant was seeking preliminary and final site plan approval to renovate and expand the existing footprint of a first floor commercial unit and add residential Apartments to a second and third story Edition this is a location next to the current four-story building on Amboy Avenue applicant provided planner and Engineering testimony as to the proposed use of the property which provided that no tenant was confirmed for the first floor some members of the board myself included questioned the parking requirements of the facility which fell short by three the application of the approved four-story building next store had a shared parking agreement as part of the application no evidence was provided as to how that would have affected the proposed use of the parking requirements additionally concern was brought up about the current parking easement along the right of the building which would remain and the lack of sidewalking in coordinance with our ordinance a motion was made by a board member to approve the application that motion failed by vote of three yes and four no votes and as such the application was then considered denied that was the last meeting no additional business was heard the next meeting is scheduled for Monday March 18th 7M here in council chambers thank you council president and thank you Council M pointer moving on to unfinished business ordinance for further consideration public hearing and final adoption uh starting with o 2208 d224 an ordinance authorizing the sales of two Township properties known is block 49101 lot 30 and block 49101 lot 33 on Clinton na Township of Edison New Jersey any questions or concerns counil president yes just want to make it clear even though I'm not going to support this ordinance but I want to make it clear uh so that the residents around that particular block or that neighborhood is they are aware so we are trying to sell the two lots under siiz lot which are adjacent to the current single family houses and we are allowing anyone around that to bid I'm using the word bid so it is not targeted for one individual who is holding the middle lot anyone the adjust owner would go through that I'm going to have the legal answer from what I understood is that the any contiguous property so the center and the outside or the backend what the what the state statutes requir because these are undersized Lots they're they're non-conforming Lots it the adjacent property owners and I believe there's five of them between the two lots I think there's three on one and two on the other um well technically yeah so uh they have the right of first refusal for any sale um that's statutory and that is why the bidding process is for any of those property owners who are actually connected to those lots first first understood and that's my understanding was but can you explain me how this bidding process going to work will there be newspaper advertisement where there will be B packets that these five indivuals can come and pick it so again just to put this in black and white this is to me this is targeted for one individual but there is an opportunity by law that the other four will be able to bid so I want to make it clear that the bid will be open the bid packets will be available to every single conent owner like who has the property around that you can go ahead and answer that I want to understand the process so wear he's going to answer the process um so you can do it by adver I'm not sure how the clerk's office is doing it on this so I would have to ask she's here she should be able to clarify uh but you can do it by newspaper advertisement or by direct notice to the property owners about the bidding process I believe we're doing it by direct notice to the property owners for for these sales correct for the bid there will be direct notices for you state in the ordinance good okay and will those notices will be sent by the registered post or there will be by first class mail yes no it will go both ways regular mail and then certified mail to the property owners that are stated in the order perfect thank you just wanted to clarify the process okay thank you okay uh any other questions on 2208 I seeing none moving on to 2029-2024 an ordinance amending section 39-12 12.3 schedule of escro deposit fees of the code of the township Edison any questions or concerns uh seeing none ordinance 2210 d224 an ordinance demanding section 36-7 major subdivision 36- 6.1 sketch plant application requirements 39- 9.6 preliminary start plans 39- 9.7 final site plan 27- 2.11 the large water service 36- 8.2 preliminary site plan approval and 39-1 12.4 hearings of the code of the township of Bison to update and modernize the availability of electronic submission on applications for development any questions or comments president just again I'm I'm looking for the confirmation that this will be linked to the HDL portal and anyone should be able to go and search I think that was a proposal I'm not sure if that was part of this particular ordinance but I think this particular ordinance mandates that they have to have it online and posted during this uh portion of the agend when the agenda is posted uh I think that could be something that will happen later on with the back end correct but that where that online will gol so so that it's it's clear uh the hearings portion that 39-1 12.4 is the one that updates the requirements to post it within uh at the time of the posting of the agenda so that it's available for people would that be posted in the sdl portal no I don't know how you yeah so I think that would be something happened in the back end they'll have to update that okay but then the question is where they will post it because people need to aware that this is available in electronic format I imagine the planning board secretary does the same way we do we have a public folder of the meeting and it would be the agenda and then the attachment same place as the agenda for okay that's not the convenient way but you know somehow either we put that a link on the uh Edison Township website but I would prefer to go on the HDL right but that's a separate discussion I will I'll go yeah and I think this is just a setup for when we do update the website and when we have the calendar hopefully they can click on hey this the planning board on this date and then they can see the agenda they can see all the documents that are attached to it so it should be streamlined thank council president uh councilman BR just a quick question with this I I understand we're going to these drawings will be put online right and and for a certain aspect of that I think that's a good thing um to show the outside dimensions and where it sits on the property and and that's the type of concerns I think are are What the residents are looking for but are we going to put like the interior layouts of the building because this would say that we would and and I'll tell you where my concern is um you you know we're going to do a bank right and they show the Vault and they show how there's a back door to the Vault or or there's a home right and the home shows that the children's bedroom rooms are in the back of the house I mean I'm just saying that when you get into the interior of these structures the public doesn't have a concern for that but but certain people out in the public might have bad intentions and I don't know that we need to actually show them because I think this intent was really for like setbacks and things of that nature because that's what the residents so Council I had a question for you if someone wanted to act access any of this would they be able to opy it and anything that was presented to the planning board that's what we that's what I was just discussing with the clerk uh about how Oprah interacts with that and there are certain things that are not operable so if you wanted to get the interior plans to a building through oper requests uh you wouldn't be able to get that due to privacy concerns on on personal residences things like that now if you go into the the the planner office uh to review these in person you are going to be able to see them posting them online however obviously presents a different challenge where it's you can't make copies of them at the planner's office and walk out with them but if you can see the interior layouts um that would be problematic right you can print that out from your own screenshot it whatever you want to do so uh obviously when they're posting these online uh the submitted plans are going to have to to be vetted to make sure that not posting anything that would otherwise violate the right going to have to be aware of that and make sure that they actively do it and be trained intent isn't to produce the entire drawings it's it's really for like the plop plan type of thing the the planning you can't put the entire drawings online so yeah that that's the intent is the intent is to be able to so see what this exterior looks like what what's going on here and to have access to the things that are actually of concern to you uh to you as someone who might come to the meeting to object or to support something all right thank you council president Council mcoy um I raise the same questions uh my colleague raises uh I'm not going to support this at all and for the few reasons listen to the counsel I definitely understand his soft approach to what may intended to happen but once we allow public records for digital and we all public record records for print I I can see someone arguing the right of not having both and I don't see us having the governance oversight to overlook the management of another layer of government and it's just m the fact I don't want anyone from the public having access to documents I think this came up upon the need of a certain audience that would like to have the convenient access and I think they do a great job as residents you know getting access to this information if they need it I'll messenger it to their house personally um I just don't think us starting the digital world today we're not familiar with it enough I called out the four major towns and they're not doing it uh I don't want to make comments uh for those people in charge but I directly called uh different townships and spoke to certain people they're not doing it for the security reason to that yeah I don't think we're there yet I'm not not saying I wouldn't consider this at a later date but today just for security reasons itself and for the oversight and management that we have to have that we think we may have that the attorney says today we have and it'll be okay it's it will change course someone will open their constitutional right that I can come down here and I can get a full copy of it but I can't get a digital copy how about to stop digital copy at all let's just wait this is coming way too soon and I think this comes from you know an audience that needs it sooner for their convenience and I get that and I'm sure plenty more members would appreciate the convenience of having it I think we're solving a problem for a small audience and we're impacting the entire town and we're allowing the world not just local people the world to access our information and I and with things going on with uh with life and terrorism I have no no interest at all in showing what our buildings look like from any from any standpoint and I just think I think we're at a novice point of introducing this I get where we're at with the L you know with different things we're trying to introduce and being more up to speed with other towns and you know and how the world moves great but just not here not in Edison would I do I think this is a great idea so I'm just leaving at that council president once we start it it won't stop thank you thank you Council M coil any other comments council president councilman pointer um everyone just heard my five minute review of the planning board meeting just imagine all the associated plans backup documents which I'll absolutely bring on Wednesday just to Showcase how big of a file that was uh I understand the concerns that my colleagues on the officite side there raise what I would say is one of the questions at the previous planning board that I asked was on an interior uh in regards to an interior question and what I was told was that that was more of the under the guidelines of the construction code official in the sense of the semantics inside um I'm not saying that's the case for all this one was particularly on something that also had on the county uh planning board aspect so it wasn't under the jurisdiction in regards to the interior we could specify in or at least get clarification on the residential end versus commercial on the residential end I actually find that it's necessary to have that because I've found errors before where a proposed amount it was stated that a proposed amount of bedrooms were being stated but then on the architecturals it showed a different quantity so whether it's me on or any of the members of the land use boards that would utilize this for the benefit of the boards themselves I think that it will be helpful I understand the concerns that are raised but I think the overall benefit will um would would outweigh that thank you council president thank you Council pointer as for myself I I do see the concerns uh maybe you know maybe not linking it directly to the sdl for every single address might be a way to mitigate that risk but any planning board discussion needs to have the plans it just makes sense to when someone looks at the planning board and wanted to participate and if they don't have the plans to look at I don't think they can participate fully so I personally will be supporting this and as I do feel the more open we are to the public the more they can participate and the better we can get as a town counc just want to add one more thing council president I'll be short you know when my Council colleague says the overall benefit I disagree the overall benefit is if you name who we're really trying to convene it's a portion of the public that show up to meetings and it's our members of the planning board we can get hacked whether we have a layer of government involved once we release digital plans we can get hacked and those can be transferred to anybody and all layers of internal documents can be could be given out it's not we're not there yet I just ask not today I'm not saying tomorrow but I'm just asking not today thank you councilman Co U moving on to ordinance 2211 ordinance amending chapter 37 zoning requirements and land use regulation for cannabis business I'm guessing there should be no comments right or any comments I think you know when we table or what we dis do we do it you know we should do Resort it for Wednesday as we heard enough from the residents okay that's my take unless any council member want to make comments um my discussion but I me if you want to discuss it now or do you want to wait for the discussion items I see you want to wait for the discussion item okay that's fine council president yes counc we're on uh the Cannabis yes I just I definitely I thank you for tbling it and uh or requesting the table and I hope this Council tables it on Wednesday I think the intent of this opportunity to create Revenue you know is a good thing but we do have to weigh in the public and public schools and um every element that we can keep it confined um to make sure we're happy on the council and the residents are happy um and I'm just requesting if you have an interest in passing it to the finance committee for review and the Public Safety Committee and creating a subcommittee I would certainly support that thank you thank you and Council just wanted to correct what I said that not to have the debate today uh but Wednesday's council meeting you know I anticipate there will be many more resent they will show up because that's what they thought voting is on Wednesday so we can expect more people so we we need to listen to them and probably based on that we'll make the comment and take the decision so that's the reason the tonight's debate will not be of any useful uh I mean this is the work session if you have any questions or concerns I would ask if you want to make a comment now you can I would like to hear from the rec and then I'll make that's fine all right uh moving on to number 17 communication uh emailed from Bureau Patel regarding cannabis uh number 18 discussion items uh starting on my right count brusher okay um first one was the discussion format um I'd like to State for the record that I believe my rights as an elected official are being held back I believe I'm not able to do my job as I was elected and as I swore my oath um there are numerous things that that come up and they come up the day of um I don't think that that has extended any meetings I don't think any of those discussion items has has led to something being dragged out um but this was what was implemented and trying to speed up the process what I do find is the way we Implement things here and I believe that they are not fair I believe that the laws we make are are not held everybody to the same same accountable standards and very simply put I met with um I met with our attorney today and and I had discussion on certain items that I can't technically speak about now because they're they're not on my discussion items but that were brought up by the public today um in fact Mr uh bassoff brought up one of them that we couldn't give him an answer because it was under review and to be honest with you Mr Bassa all the questions he's asked he's asked now a couple times right and we have not given the man an answer but I I do I have the answer but I can't I can't articulate that because it's not in the discussion items yet yet I received this today and this is a resolution to award Contracting purchase orders to Dell marketing LLP for Microsoft Office licensing now I don't understand how this would be of such an emergency that the administration can give this to council president on the day of and it could be allowed to be add it but I as his colleague am not allowed to add anything to my agenda um so being that the law is not fair for all being that I feel that it's holding me back from my elected Duty um I'm formulating that complaint and I'm just putting that down for the record thank you councilman Brer um now on the Cannabis we answered who came up with this um because that was my question um you know personally speaking uh you know if I was council president I would have went through and I would have had the same objections that my other Council colleagues seem to feel like they've come to the conclusion of um I believe myself and councilman bti voted no the other day because we realize what this means and the rest I think are just out of touch with where the public are that we have to drag the public out and we have to end up getting hundreds of emails that clog up our servers um with this and I I think this should have been a simple thing so when we talk about why the meetings are long right this is your classic example ex Le of why meetings are long okay if if this would have went through a committee like we did the last time with the previous administration which was the right thing to do where we went out and we spoke to the public okay and we did this we wouldn't have this public here and it wouldn't be almost 9:00 right now where we're going through our agenda so between items like this that come on that are unprepped okay and the other issue we have with the double meetings I mean that's where that goes that's why our meetings are so long has nothing to do with the council comments or or the couple of discussion items that we might speak about uh I'd like to also say I I don't believe that all the residents are all against cannabis um there's probably 30% of the population that are all against cannabis but the misleading part here misleading and I want to say misleading by the administration or our council president I I don't know where that is but it it it stated to us a fact of I think 67% of the people in Edison voted for cannabis and and well that's true what the public did not say in that in that vote was I want to have the cannabis store in my backyard okay I personally want a cannabis legalized because I was tired of seeing people sent to jail where we have to pay $80,000 or $100,000 a year to jail them because they had a small bag of weed with them um so for me it was a a legal aspect type of thing and I represented part of that 67% that voted for it but I never voted to put it in someone's backyard um a lot of the residents that I spoke to right well they won't come up to this Podium and tell you that they smoke cannabis right now um but I did speak to to a bunch of them and there were a bunch of those people that actually they smoke cannabis they don't have a problem with cannabis they've smoked it their whole life but again they just don't want to BU their homes and they also don't want Bars by their hes so I know bars illegal um one of the one of the residents came up here and said you know we have bars um and yes we do have bars but they don't want to live by them and we had a realtor that came here and I don't know if the realtor takes this into account but when I was looking for a home I did not want to have a home by a highway I didn't want to have a home by a smoke shop I didn't want to have a home by uh a a sex store I did not want to have a home by a bar and I never anticipated having a home by a cannabis store so while I voted to make cannabis legal and I was one of those hundreds of thousands that voted for it this body is overstepping their bounds and the administration in being out of touch with our public okay and coming from coming from the mayor it's shocking um he grew up in this town like I did he lived he he grew up down the street for me I could have walked to his house in about four minutes so we grew up we went to the same school together and for somebody to be so out of t that we received so many emails um is is just alarming okay and it was alarming that it was put on the agenda in the first place where we were eliminating so much of the protections that the previous committee did and put in place so I don't know where the new committee is I do believe at this present time because of relationship with the people that have the licenses that Council people here should recuse themselves if they have relationships with the people that have the licenses and and that goes for myself I will tell you that the one person that does have a license um I I do really like him I I consider him a friend um so I would have to recuse myself but I would just caution any other council person that might have that those relationships that they should probably recuse themselves from that also um that would be a council vice president thank you Council moving on to council vice president Harris council president I I know I'm in line for discussion items I'm sorry Council McCoy you have to submit the discussion items prior to May point of order just make a question to you no no point of order point of order I can't make a comment on any of the people who spoke no okay that's that's that's wrong but discussion times I'm not asking the administration to have a discussion I just want to make a soft comment for two minutes I'm I'm if you want to if it's no it's fine it's no I think unfortunately with the I'm sorry about no problem I'll list president okay most of my questions on here have been answered and I'm grateful for that but let me go through them anyway um my question of when does construction of the Charlie Brown site begin I was told that it's going to be late spring early summer uh what's the status of the property at Clive and Mason that's about to start anytime is what I was told uh any projections on when the former Fon house will be ready to use for either indoor or outdoor events it's going to be weather dependent and DPW I know is being slammed and being taken in all kinds of different directions but uh the the hope is uh spring or summer or early summer um but what but weather dependent um actually no it's it's weather dependent there is no time frame given and it's weather dependent and just based on the other priorities and I I was in uh department head pororo's office today and there are a lot of things on the docket so um weather dependent and in terms of priorities um one thing I did not oh can we recognize an honor Black History Month going forward the answer to that is yes and it was really I think uh we were remiss and not here we are February 26th and we were remiss in not really recognizing it the way it it properly should have been recognized so for next year we will have an exhibit for February we'll have that in the gallery and there will be a ribbon cutting and uh and a an event for the for the gallery for Black History Month um a senior social worker this is one I did not get an answer to Is the senior social worker trained to provide ship assistance which is State Health Insurance assistant program and so through president can I go to Sonia yes we do we have um someone there currently Linda Higgins who is um equipped to do that our new social worker Josie is also getting the proper training to provide that additional assistance but we do have people there okay all right thank you uh where can seniors find their schedule for mini ve uh that is being printed this week um another one I didn't get an answer to if seniors don't have internet how do they get info about the various programs again Sonia sure we do have a newsletter that does go out um we have a uh contact list a list serve if you will of all of the seniors okay are you looking for any specific handouts we do do handouts how can if someone wanted to be added to that list what's the procedure um I would ask them to contact the senior um the senior number and I can certainly provide that to councilwoman okay thank you yeah thank you um how many nutrition program meals are delivered daily uh the number is somewhere between 65 and 75 a day uh will a new Rec Center be built on the donated Herz property actually um I don't know that I got an answer to that uh again council president do you have all right is that's number I uh I yes Rec Center be built on the donated Herz property I'll have to get back to you on that uh specifically I'm not familiar with the Herz property that's the herdz property is where uh that's the town the town H the town where Top Golf yeah Top Golf and hearts yeah Hearts not not hers hers yeah I'm sorry sorry it's late um yeah so that property parts I'll get back to okay all right uh North Edison Baseball Softball parking lot be paved that will be this spring it it's recognized that and that is on the list and it's recognized that needs to happen what kind of Revenue can the town expect from cannabis dispensaries and what kind of impact for the taxpayers well what I was told was about 500,000 per dispensary um I don't know that I got the the number for the impact of that money of that estimate on the impact for the taxpayers so with the council president with your committee I assume that may be something that you want to explore as far as I have um reported to everyone from Woodbridge um their reported uh revenue for one facility was a 600,000 um I am trying to get additional information in support of that so I'll get back to you exactly as far as on the Wood Bridge um if there's anything else that you were looking for when uh I think the other question on this would be the impact of the like okay I think that's fine yeah that's fine yeah if you can get more towns I think that would be good okay all right and lastly for Combined Council meetings can we move up the public comments to the beginning of the meeting last the last the last combined council meeting was absolutely a disaster and I felt horrible for the residents who were sitting through that for the five five and a half hours that we were here not fair to them and so can we have a new protocol whereby the Council whereby the the uh residents uh the questions uh can be put at the very beginning of the meeting so right after that meeting Council pointer and I talked and Council app pointer made the suggestions and he presented a format that I appreciate I think that's what we're going to follow next time we have a combined meeting to see how it flows and if that makes it better we will have the comments in the beginning for the public then most highly our discussions will be all the way at the end so that uh we can have a longer discussions and the residents don't have to wait for it can that can that uh proposed change be provided to all of the council members yes I will have Sher forward it to okay all right thank you that'll be it sir thank you Council vice president councilman Patel thank you council president you know I have the counter question on that I think we need to look at the the the form of the government we have and the format of the council meeting is something probably you know the legal counselor so let I understand that can we stick with the discussion items please yes because you know that is one of the thing that I'm going to talk about that as well that the taxpayers question there so just want to cover that ahead of a time the next one the first one for me is the North Edison Senior Center you know we heard uh the mini will will be repurposed for the north Ed as a North Edison Senior Center so my questions are as follow what is the operation time for senior center is that going to be different than the your regular operation of mini B where most of the recreation type of uh activities are happening that includes yoga you know people are playing badminton hball many more things uh and if you have answer you can answer or if you don't have you can take those questions and probably email it to me the second one is uh because this is going to be Senior Center uh did we hire any additional staff to operate this facility as a senior center facility because we'll need nurses we'll need caretakers there's whole nine yard process there uh I have not seen any details around that the next one is what all programs will be conducting so we are fair and square with the uh different senior centers will have especially the comparing with Woodbridge and the nor hand I know we are still in process of building to Center but hopefully we'll have the the programs which are complement to each other or which work hand in hand and there is no difference there so people don't complain my next question is is this facility equipped and certified to be used as a senior center the reason I'm saying is I'm a frequent visitor of mini CU I attend various events uh at this facility uh whether it is Lions Club or whether there are different sports program that happens or any of those events so we need to make sure that it is equipped uh so I have not seen that plan yet so hopefully you know you can provide more details on this where the current what is the where the current impactor programs will be relocated uh this question is more around the recreation uh program that are run at minib where they will go are are we planning to cut down those uh programs because there's a large audience and people do struggle to get the slot uh especially for the sport side of the house uh and even the other rooms for various recreational activities uh if if there is a plan to probably repurpose few rooms there uh what's the impact and are we planning to relocate those and of course the communication around that to the residents and the last one is more what is the rough spending to convert the this recreation facility to facility to senior center and under What bond it will be covered what what are we expecting here so as far as council president as far as the um various questions that you had I going just want to repeat that regarding staff and the facility so it is Ada accessible the building uh first and foremost uh we're not looking to minimize any activity that is already there actually we're looking to add and that is the senior activities I can certainly provide that to you I know we've been um we've started to add programming there so I can certainly provide that to you all um in addition to all of our March events that are going to be forthcoming for our senior programming um as far as any Capital Improvement um right now as far as far as I can see there have been several uh improvements at that building including that retaining wall on the outside exterior and we're looking for Park Improvement so um as far as the interior goes um there are several rooms that were not that are as is right now so if there's any additional Capital Improvements we're looking to obviously it would come to this body um and we would have to go through the process of doing that so um there would be no obviously no um guessing or surprising as far as if there were going to be any um I can certainly discuss that with the um uh both Recreation and our health director uh regarding the the programming for seniors Okay the reason I'm bringing this the impact you know I glad to see that you are adding more programs for seniors but there are already two organization they reach out to me saying they are not able to get the slot they were they had earlier because this now the room is converted for the senior so there is impact could could you forward me exactly the group um and exactly what the sure um what the particular time or slot obviously we want to make sure we work with groups and not exclude anybody from there um so if you could just send me their information and exactly what they're looking to do I will I will and I appreciate that so in terms of the funding you know again it will come back to the the council I get that but now when we tag a pH facility for a senior center or a recreation there is a plan right there is a plan we know what we're planning to do in terms of activities the programs the funding so is this not planned this is just an announcement or we are doing it on need basis and then maybe if we need more money we'll come back to the council is that the approach so just to to layer that um to answer your question in terms of um points there there there are planned activities um not just to label it as a senior center obviously but there was a need in that section of town for senior activity so there was a need and then there was a formulation of activities at that location now my question was more on the planning planning of the senior center the way I I was I Envision this is if the recreation facility is getting converted as a senior center what's my plan forward in terms of the programs the capital expenses I'm going to separate it what's the impact to the other programs is there any plan I'm I'm more talking about the the management plan rather than the the activity plan I understand and I can um follow up with you on that absolutely thank you I appreciate that the next one is the approved bonds uh because every single probably council meeting you know we are approving bonds whether it's couple of million dollar $6 million $20 million and again we do understand or this body does understand that we do need to invest in our infrastructure I get that but we just have to realize we have 170 around that b Park is our budget so my question is what is the total bond amount was approved by this Council in 2022 2023 and so far in 2024 and where that money is targeted to be used by category and think in fact I had I did ask this question multiple times but I'm bringing this back the reason I'm bringing this back is last budget I heard that we didn't use the fond in in one portion that we had to just give it back so I'm looking at are have we closed all all 2022 bonds have we closed all 2023 bonds and what's our path forward for 2024 but I'm I'm also looking the additional information on the term of each bond for all these years and what is the interest rate that we are bonding for that if you can sure um I am working on that report uh you sent this earlier um with regard to the cancellation of the bond the previous bonds those are the ones before 2015 we obviously couldn't use them anymore so that's why they got canceled and they were transferred into Capital Surplus um but with to the 2022 and 2023 believe um for General Capital Improvements they were approximately 20 and 25 million each obviously there have been new ones with regard to the water infrastructure that this council is committed to um making sure those things happen so those are an addition to uh we'll send you an updated report of all of our Capital Improvement budget uh line by line and where that's spending has happened so I understand what you're looking for perfect perfect as long as also you add the two thing that I didn't put in a question is term and the percentage interest the interest rate yes and you're looking for also what we've done I believe just uh couple months ago we we did some notes so yeah yeah the next one is Glendale you know I did ask you know few questions I think you know we are still waiting to get the answers in terms of the funding contribution from the county from state or any other grant that probably we possibly use so this will help me to understand how much we use taxpayers Bond money uh Edison res taxpayers Bond money on that and my additional question is development plans is there any Vision what what's the purpose what what we are planning to do with that particular so hopefully um with the purchase of that property there would be a this would obviously go to this body um a need of Redevelopment plan obviously viously that would be something that we would um look to do with the purchase of this property do we have any Vision like do we know what's the plan is well that's what would initiate with the vision and outlook for that so so far we don't have the uh any plan or we just purchased the property so obviously we had to go through that process so the additional process would be the Redevelopment plan okay so hopefully we'll get the concept plan very soon on that property the next one is the the technology spending approvals for 202 22 2023 uh by technology application uh this is for the entire town so this would go in conjunction with the uh Capital spending plan and I can send you the I can send you the operating um plan the other expenses that are not Capital related and what we've spent out of that budget sounds good I appreciate that the next one is more for this Council you know we spoke about the tree ordinance because we did pass do we have the enough Council M okay step back so maybe we can come back to that uh the next one is the gr Avenue traffic report for 25 months you know do we know the status where it stands maybe Chief so um I did get a status update from the police in there working in conjunction with engineering so next couple weeks we should have a full report of the um area that you're um requesting perfect thank you the next one is for chief you know number of traffic tickets issued on okri Road between Wood Avenue and grow and from planfield back to Wood Avenue and today you know I ran into the situation so I'm I'll be more following up on this particular line atem when I was coming out on o Road someone really was at 60 M an hour or maybe more and literally that g gentleman followed me till I arrived at my destination and pulled the window down and saying why you are driving slow I said the speed is 35 M an hour he said there is no sign from Wood Avenue all the way until uh Lombardi in Lombard's office so and people don't pay attention when they are at that 60 M an hour so my question here is first thing you know I don't know whether you got a chance to look at that neighborhood to see the traffic signs and do we have the stats the numbers I'm a number guy in terms of the number of traffic tickets issued at least for 2022 2023 Okay C councilman um so a couple things so yes I did have an opportunity to take a look at uh Oak Tre Road I took a ride uh as I indicated at the last meeting through the entire length of Oak Tree Road both East and West there are six um 35 mph Uh current speed signs located on Oak Tree Road however they're not situated at least for my liking spread out enough in areas there's some areas like you indicated where there's a large stretch without a 35 mph Zone as a result of that we notified a middle sex County and advised them the fact that you know even though we do have six speed limit signs out there they're not really spread out appropriately and we asked for some additional signage um I'm waiting on a response from the county on when those signs will be erected uh but that EST has been made to Middle sex County now in regards to the traffic tickets now um I I missed the duration you're asking for all the traffic tickets uh issued on Oak Tree Road but what duration of time 2022 the entire year of 2022 22 23 and into 24 all right okay we can get those numbers for you that's not a problem thank you sir Chief just a followup question there I'm surprised that you know you were able to look at six traffic uh six speed signs there I daily commit on that road one I know for sure two I know for sure I don't know where those rest four are I actually made a notation of all four all six locations you can email it to me I can email this to you um but again at least for my liking they're not spread out appropriately they seem to be somewhat clustered so that's why we asked for some additional signage thank you um I have the question on the uh you know there is a taxpayers question there but you I'm just is going to mention council president that you know we we didn't made it clear to the resident that the Cannabis ordinance is not for medical it is for recreational so but I'll leave with that and I will end my questions uh given the time that we have in hand and I will continue the question that were not answered in the prior meeting in the following meeting thank you Council pres okay councilman P I'm moving on to council do you want to ask the tree ordinance question to the council you were waiting for that yes so I I do have a a draft that's just about ready I was going to send it actually to you and councilman brusher uh to take a look at I also have to send it over to the administration to take a look at before we put it on but since it wasn't going to make it on to this one I didn't want to you know all the the stuff going back and forth between Friday and today I didn't want to add to that with an additional thing that you wouldn't have time to review so it is it is uh in the works and you you'll have it short thank you I appreciate moving on to councilman pointer thank you council president I just wanted to uh mention um at the last meeting I mentioned about the adopt an area program I wanted to just ask the residents again if you have any areas of particular concern where you see trash as an issue particularly on local roads to please reach out to me and let me know likewise if you may be interested in adopting an area to likewise reach out to me and advise uh since the cannabist ordinance is figured to be table I'm just going to keep my comments for for that to a later date however I will say that in regards to the feedback received it does not fall on deaf ears on my end I'll be sure to uh take all those into consideration I know I there was a comment made before about the statement of to my understanding which I'm going to presume was directed towards me however at the last meeting oh oh well I say it a lot too so I took it as such but at the last meeting I had mentioned specifically about the buffers and my understanding in regards to the ordinance when that was clarified to me I've made a commitment to re-evaluate and make sure to take everyone's concerns into that in regards to how I am viewing this so I'll leave it at that and I know you have combined meetings on your agenda so I'll leave that to you thank you council president okay as for me uh Brian if you can are you originally this uh discussion topic was engineering committee and I had a talk with Hank and he was very interested in starting an engineering committee but I don't know if you are familiar with any engineering committees in other towns uh council president I can answer that for you go ahead there are subcommittees as such just like the DPW committee so so um what kind are you looking to set up a subcommittee of some of that nature yeah I was interested what what kind of functions does it serve would it be beneficial for the town and what what can they do to help the town out I'd actually deferred to our legal council in terms of what the I guess um parameters of and or the um Authority that a subcommittee would have are you familiar with any engineering committees I personally am not uh that's something that I'll I'll speak with Lou about um it's it's something he's much more familiar with Brian would you be familiar with any engineering committees uh from prior life prior to Edison uh the towns I worked in did not have anything specifically set up uh if there was a specific project Administration wanted to move forward with they'd have a small Committee of interested residents specific to that project okay and would that would they be Engineers like how would that work um an example that came up I can't remember the name of the town but they were looking to do a street skate project down their main uh down their main roadway they brought in various um residents as well as some of the business owners for that street and they gave their input into the design okay I think that is something we should should pursue is that something we can do as a Township for some projects I'm not sure is it something you can do set up a committee to make recommendations yes moving forward any projects that would be impacting let's say a local community such as Amboy AB uh we can form a small community before we move that project forward is that something we can make sure that we put in the ordinance or something that make sure that it happens every time [Music] sorry I the short answer is yes um I'm I'm thinking about the Practical aspect of it and how you would make sure that that happens every time um with with respect to setting it up so but the short answer is it is certainly something that we can evaluate and and see what the best way to do it is okay um but if it's something that you're interested in we can certainly take a look at it yeah yeah I will be interested in that I don't see any problem from a legal standpoint of having having a committee review it um prior to to implementing it thank you uh for my next item thank you Brian uh from my next item with the economic developer I think it was February 28th uh are we getting I think the deadline you gave me was February 28th last time right I I believe you're um you may be mixing up the website rfps that those are due on February 28th um but the economic developer so we've got a bunch of resumés um so we're compiling all of that so it'll take a little bit of time to review some of that set up interviews okay and move on with the process when do you think approximately we'll have an economic developer um I mean it all depends I mean once we get the interviews in the next couple weeks or three weeks um get people to interview we do second interviews for a position like this um uh and then uh we would obviously put an offer in and that'll take some time background checks things so could be 30 to 60 days or so okay thank you Sonia uh for the senior citizen I think uh councilman Vice Council vice president already addressed it uh there was a ride issue that I think you emailed us about I did I I did send something back on the 16th um blind copied but I just recirculated it to you just to kind of put at the top of your email chain uh with information with regard to the ride um the riding the ride program and the Medicare information okay uh so essentially we will have some someone to if they want to get a ride they should be able to get it and if they need help with the Medicare they should be able to get that as well absolutely and we are taking any new people um we are not turning anyone away okay uh as for the combined meeting format as discussed earlier I think the last meeting went on a bit long and residents had to wait way too long to say their uh views and I felt that we needed to correct that so I am looking to correct that hopefully with the next combine meeting I will be forwarding uh the council members the format that we should be using moving forward and as for the master plan uh I keep hearing that there's a delay and the Amboy AB uh residents want to make sure that the fourth store uh fourth floor does not happen and even if we let's say change that ordinance to three floors we modify it and if the master plan comes back with four floors would that how would that work out so let's say we modified the ordinance stating that hey no four four stories allowed only three stories at Max and then the master plan comes back and it's not in the same manner stating so the the master plan is a recommendation on what it needs to be and what should be appropriate so even speaking just in general terms if your ordinances don't MCH your mass master plan but the master plan comes back later for you to vote on and adopt you would then be overriding whatever you had in place there so if you were let's say to eliminate the the fourth story and it comes back and says yeah but the master plan says that we should implement this and put them in there and then you adopt that master plan to say yes we want it you're just following an order of operations so it's you don't have to adopt it though when it comes back right okay so we can reject us saying that we're not happy with this we want to amend some something we want to change this um but again that causes delays okay so in your opinion which one would be the faster route to go it would be be better to amend the ordinance and say we don't want four stories and we only want three stories here I understand that there's an overlay Zone there uh or would it be better because we don't know what the master plan how long that weight will be so I think you answered your own question there you don't know how long the other one will be so if it's something that you need to take immediate action on um you would you would you would want to take the action right away rather than wait but again that's I believe Helman pointer mentioned that the that he should have an update free on the master plan at the March 8th meeting was was that the I hopeful since that's the meeting before the next planning board meeting that there will be a further update but at this moment I couldn't advise uh directly okay all right thank you so can I get a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn may I get a second all in favor I all the meeting is ended 9:24