e e e e e e e e e e Township vedis Zoning Board of adjustment regular meeting of March 19th 2024 is now in session adequate notice of this meeting as required by the open public meetings Act of 1975 has been provided by the annual notice published in the home news and Tribune December 18th 2023 as imp posted in the main lobby of the missile complex on December 18th 20123 please join me in the pledge of legance to the flag pledge of the United States of America to the repu stands na God indivisible liy Justice for All Madam Secretary roll call please Mr bno here Miss Shaw here Mr chabra here Mr Patel here Mr Baron here Mr sadaha here Vice chair Gorman here and chairman k here uh Madame secretary do we have minutes for consideration yes we do minutes for February 27 2024 for approval can I get a motion to approve minut to approve motion being by Mr sadada seconded by Mr Patel roll call please Mr chabra yes to the motion Mr Baron yes on the motion Mr Patel yes on the motion Mr sadaha yes on the motion Vice chair Gorman yes and chairman Kumba yes on the motion and Madam Secretary resolutions for consideration first resolution for consideration is Diva properties z39 2023 for approval can I get a motion to approve motion to approve second motion made by Mr sedada second by Mr Patel roll call please Mr chabra yes to the motion Mr Brown yes on the motion Mr sadaha yes on the motion and chairman cumbo yes on the motion and Madame secretary uh final resolution for consideration graci laa that's z36 2023 for approval can I get a motion motion to approve second motion made by Mr sedada second by Mr Patel roll call please Mr chabra yes to the motion Mr Baron yes on the motion Mr Patel the mo Mr sadaha yes on the motion Vice chair o Gorman yes on the motion and chairman Kumba yes on the motion we have uh two uh announcements for this evening case Z2 20 2020 Lamar Advertising of pen llc at 81 and 101 US Highway 1 will not be C heard this evening it'll be carried to April 23rd 2024 with no notice further notice required if you are here for this case Z2 2020 Lamar Advertising and Pen LLC uh it will not be heard this evening you will not receive another notice this is your notice also Cas z30 2023 PKG Builders llc at 15 90 Lincoln Highway will not be heard this evening it will be carried to April 23rd 2024 uh if you are here for this case z30 2023 it will not be heard this evening it will be heard on April 23rd 2024 with no additional notice required uh this will be your notice all right now the housekeeping is done good evening ladies and gentlemen it's a regular meeting of the township vedis Zoning Board of adjustment the board is composed of Edison Township residents appointed by the municipal Council who volunteer their time and service to the board the Miss land use Law requires that me Members successfully complete a land use training course administered by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs this board also holds in-house training conducted by our board professionals the zoning board abides by the provisions of Municipal land use law in addition to our board's bylaws the zoning board is a quad judicial land use board which differs from the township planning board under M lanus law board members are required to be impartial and not allowed to discuss any case prior to consideration before the board at a hearing applicants will have the opportunity to present their case before the board with the opportunity for board members and board professionals to question the applicant and their Witnesses at the conclusion of the applicant's presentation of their case case will be open to the public residents within 200 feet of subject property will be heard followed by residents from outside of 200 feet all residents will be sworn in they'll provide their name and address and they'll be given six minutes to comment on the application being considered without the opportunity for rebuttal residents may ask questions of the applicant the applicant's professionals and board professionals the board request that these questions are asked prior to any comments being made on the application once commentary Begins the resident's timer will begin the applicant will be allowed for the opportunity of cross-examination of their Witnesses under the law the chair is allowed to stop any comment that is repetitive or is an attempt to filibuster the board further the chair is allowed to stop any commentary that is relevant to the case prohibited from the board's consideration once a public portion is closed all public comment is ended unless new testimony is presented by the applicant following the closure of the public portion the applicant will have the right of summation on their application following summation the case will go to the board for a decision this procedure has been followed by the board and similar to procedures followed by Boards of adjustments Statewide M Municipal L use Law requires the board to engage in a balancing act is not required to strictly apply Township ordinance zoning plan or master plan as a board of adjustment variances are granted when appropriately necessary following all legal considerations as has been the case with prior boards this board will see where we are if we are in still in session around 10:30 p.m. I ask that all applicants professionals and residents show respect to each other and be civil throughout all proceedings I ask that you withhold Applause booing or interrupting of anyone while they are speaking the chair will not tolerate any outpour by applicants professionals or the public further since most cases are being recorded by a court reporter I ask the speakers do not speak over one another Madam Secretary first case on the agenda please case number Z5 2023 bashall ra ATT 10 jenter Court applicant is seeking bulk and use variances to demolish and construct a new single family home the following standards have not been met maximum build coverage required is 15% proposed is 19% F required is 25% proposed is 30% affected property is located in the ra Zone designated as block number 4108 plot number 29 on the Edison Township tax map all noticing paperwork is in order good evening good evening board um your the attorney will swear you in I'm going to swear both of you in uh sir would you raise both raise your right hand do you solemnly swear or affirm all the whole truth nothing but the truth to help you God starting with you sir I do and please State your full name for the record Vall Ral I do John Paul Dupont okay and Mr Dupont you were uh previously qualified on this case uh back on February 27th 2024 the only question I'll ask is if your license are still current and good standing they certainly are all right then you continue thank you good evening board I just uh want to thank you everyone for their time again I will not reiterate all the statements and facts that were made previously to attempt to keep this short shorter than and as needed uh just to remind everyone uh Vall Ral longtime lifetime resident of veton looking to get a zoning approval for the house I've bought for the wife and myself for many reasons that we've enumerated last time um from the feedback that we received from the board as well as the township of Edison uh John will go over the changes that we've made in hopes to get uh you know to to align with your expectations and needs as well John Mr chairman and board members we did hear what was said last meeting we've made some substantial changes and I just like to go over those first we had the impervious coverage previously uh required was maximum 30% we were at 40.2 28 we've now reduced that down to 30% by using pores pavers in the rear yard so we no longer need that variance second thing is that the attic is now clearly one less than onethird of the floor area below it is an unfinished space and will not be counted as a story uh number three is the floor area ratio we were at 0.32 we have reduced the building now we're at 0.30 to reduce that and finally the lot coverage for a building we were at 18.8 and by reducing the building to improve the fla ratio we reduced that number as well to 18.2 so we made four significant changes I think we follow the direction of the board and we'd ask your consideration does the board have any questions for Mr AAL or for Mr Dupont I a question did you m just BR bring the microphone sorry uh did you amend your application we did we res submitted it yes do I have a copy of the amendment thank you okay anyone else have any questions Mr chairman Vice chairman on the you have a dryw going in is that the dryw is still shown on the planes uh it's not going to be required by the township um and I think we'll probably Rec reevaluate that at construction dur construction and that'll be based on Hank's approval absolutely thank you any other questions okay seeing none do you have any summation or before we go to the public I think that's it Mr chairman all right thank you so we will now go out to the public uh we will first go within residence uh within 200 feet of subject site if you're within 200 feet you have received a letter via certified mail uh with regard to this case anyone within 200 feet wanting to be heard ma'am you could uh go up to come up to the podium please would you raise your right hand do you Solly swear or affirm to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth help got I do and please State your full name for the record and your address Wendy Robin Weeden bam 6 genor Court Edison New Jersey you may proceed thank you so my parents bought this house in 1970 so I have been part of the neighborhood since then my family moved in 2004 can you hear okay yes my parents move uh I moved in with my family 2004 and I've known the B and LXI and the girls for nine years more than nine years now it was always a neighborhood once they moved in it became a community um as you can see lots of neighbors here they're caring they're giving and they have between the changes they've made of the house inside outside they just they're connectors they bring people together so when I heard that they were going to to be moving I was devastated personally they're my go-to neighbors what happens is um I had a snake in the house I called them up vasal comes over with his big gloves and he gets the snake out um I don't know if y all have had the flu that was going that's going around now um I had it during the last snowstorm called them up and said help they came over they're they're shoveling my my driveway so they're just really good people when I heard that they were looking elsewhere I was devastated I was like oh how do we keep them in the neighborhood lo and behold Murray an original owner that I've known forever um sold the house and there the opportunity for them to stay not only in the neighborhood but literally on the Block makes me just really happy they are Keepers so just really appreciate who they are who the girls are becoming in terms of how they're growing up education in the Edison and just as parents and neighbors just love having them as part of the community so thank you great thank you so much we appreciate it anyone else within 200 feet sir hi good sir sir would you raise your right hand do you solemnly swear or for him to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth to help you God I do and please state your fullone name for the record providing your address I'm am Rajiv panier I'm resident of 101 King Street can you spell your name r r a j i v uh p p Peter a n j i y a r yeah so when I was looking at the plan I see my house is on the uh like on the left side of my house is touching their backyard so I see the their swimming pool and the the whole extra like around area it's almost touching the wall of the of the property like I don't know what is the what are the codes but like should it be all the way touching or there should be some limit like they should not touch all the way to the end of the property Mr aot is not here this evening um I'm not sure if Mr bignell can answer this question Mr bignell so the the the gentleman's question is with regard to the pool is located towards the um property line um there's I don't believe there was any code there was when we went through this with Mr aot um in the first hearing there was there was no concern with regard to the location of the pool I've never looked at the plan but is it an existing pool is that what you're saying or is it a new pool there's a pool on the property but being there's a new it's going to be moved to to same location no new location it's a new location it's moved towards more back so what's the setback going to be Mr deont I'm saying that like the the new pool is hang on hang on one second the um the proposed pool is 6 foot off the rear and and the sidey yard yeah that's that should be enough that is yeah the old oh is it more yes um sorry sorry we made aif wrong he's got it here oh yeah that's sorry okay I'm sorry now it is 15 feet off the side yard and 20 feet off the back yeah that's not a problem at all Mr chairman okay thank you Mr okay is that's it yeah that's what like they were like I when I look at the map which was sent to me like I barely see any Gap like typically other houses in the prop around this like there are many houses in the line they're like really far back they're not as much close to the fence like it's almost close to the fence that's what I see okay thank you very much sir anyone else sir you somly swear or affirm to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth to help you got yes I do and state your full name provide your Joel Joel Samuel Silverman I'm sorry I'm sorry I missed that Joe Joel Joel Samuel Silverman at nine gentor court so I am directly adjacent to the current house and directly across the street to the uh Future Property and uh I just wanted to say they've been a great asset to the neighborhood uh it's been a pleasure I've been there since 2000 so they moved in nine years ago I think and um it's been a pleasure to have them in the neighborhood it it will be a great asset if we can keep them in the neighborhood if they're able to build the uh the house they want I did spend some time with bashal reviewing the plans and uh I did not feel we the house that was there that was demolished had become an isour I do not think he's building an isur I think I think he's building a very nice house that will be enjoyed by the family and and the neighborhood so I would just uh put in some positive encouragement to support them building their dream housee did he remove any snakes from your home um no it's okay if you say he emptied my skimmer baskets a few times okay all right thank you very much sir we appreciate it thank you anyone else within 200 feet of subject property wan to be heard sir no sir you have to come okay so okay so you're not within 200 feet hang on one second let me just call one one more call anybody within 200 ft of the subject property want to be heard okay anybody outside 200 ft of the subject property want to be heard sir raise your right hand do you tell me swear or from to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth so help you go I do and state full name and address Arjun mum 21 maryen Drive Edison New Jersey I'm about about 2 miles uh from where vishal's house is he still comes to my house and does the snow shoveling in my driveway when I call him that's what Vishal is he we can play six degrees of V he will know every other six people within our community he brings the people together just like the way Wendy was saying and um he's an extremely great asset to Edison he grew up in Edison he left Edison went to California and then he again came back to Edison back to his routs and I fully support whatever his um cases out here and I I cly hope that you all would support him too thank you great I can get you got it thank you thank you very much is there anyone else from outside 200 subject property want be heard do you tell me swear or affirm to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth's help you got I do and state your full name and address ra prali 97 King Street uh I'm right uh I'm maybe like 10 ft away from the 200t radius of the of the lot and um I have absolutely no objection with the plans laid out uh and completely support the support the plan great thank you very much sir is anyone else without outside of 200 Fe the subject property wanting to be heard sir do you sol me swear or affirm to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth help you got yes State your full name and your address address babulal Rael one Churchill Road Edison I'm vish's father I am and me and my wife we are extremely happy that after traveling around the world like going to California and like when he ask you know where he was he wants to settle he says you know I want my kids to be raised with the grandparents and he comes to Edison we were the happiest parents I said you know what this is the best after 9 years now they again got into now we want a new house we started wearing just like the neighbors because even he comes andove the snow even for me too so so yes uh we we are very happy and proud of him and when he when both decided to buy another house and build it there we really happy about it Edison is a great town I rais both the kids here I'm very proud of Edison I'm a proud resident I'm still at my house even though it's too big for us now but you know what we just love the town we just here so I fully support his plan to build a house and still be in the same neighborhood I mean it's amongst all my friends is probably we are the only proud parents who can say the kids came back and settle in the same town where my grandkids are going to the same school the parents and Uncle went so when I was telling an i you going to the middle school I'm so happy she said not a big deal I said you don't understand because I know when V went when Ron went we remember all the days and cherish those memories so really appreciate your support and help thank you so much sir thank you anyone else outside 200 fet want to be heard last call okay can I get a motion to close public portion motion to close second motion made by Mr Sada second by Mr padel all in favor signify by saying I oose nay the eyes have it public portion is now closed um and we will go to the board Mr chairman Vice chairman like to make a motion to approve this application they've met the uh positive and negative criteria there's been no objections from within 200 ft and outside 200 ft in fact it's been positive it's going to be an asset to the uh neighborhood so I would vote I would recommend approving this second motion made by Vice chairman oor o Gorman second inv by Mr sedada roll call please Mr Patel yes Mo Mr chabra yes to the motion Mr Baron yes on the motion Mr sadaha yes to the motion Vice chair o Gorman yes on a motion and chairman Kumba yes on the motion you have an unanimous approval six votes congratulations your uh case is approved thank you board appreciate it thank you so much good luck Madam Secretary next case on the agenda please case number z18 2023 bash Kumar 267 SEO Avenue applicant is seeking bulk and use variances to extend his single family dwelling and add rooms to the Second Story floor the following standards have not been met Max building coverage is 20% proposed is 20 4.29% Max f is 37% proposed is 44.94 affected property is located in the rbb zone designated as block number 933 Lot number 1.05 on the Edison Township tax map all noticing paperwork is in order good evening Council good evening okay just just um we didn't do this on the last application but I just want to make sure you're aware that we only have six board members tonight we don't have a seventh so if you want us to vote you're aware you'll need five okay understood all right good evening uh once again this is V Maven curve on behalf of the applicant Mr Kumar who's seated to my left uh we did appear here in September and so uh without rehashing what we went over I anticipate providing testimony from Mr Kumar briefly uh as well as supporting testimony from Andrew w the professional engineer who has submitted a revised site plan as well as uh Miss patnayak who is an architect who can perhaps lend some U um more or add to the uh testimony that we provided at the last appearance and perhaps clear up some of the questions that were posed then so at this time I think I'm going to start with Mr Woo um and I'll I'll have him sworn in please M sure um Mr Woo needs to have a microphone though Mr Ru would you raise your right hand do you solemnly swear or if from to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth to help you God yes I do and please State your full name for the record Andrew Mr W you were previously qualified on this application um the only question I'll ask is if your license are still current and good standing still current and good standing great you may proceed Mr W could you uh uh direct the board to the revised site plan that you had submitted and the changes that you've made sure uh the uh major things to revise the C PR the uh the old garage is very hard to get in and get out now we redesign garage to be straight in straight out makes everything much simple and to the uh client satisfaction the uh clients just have a hard time to get in and get out his garage so we change garage to straight in straight out Mr W one of the comments that we received at the last meeting was in reference to the color scheme of the site plan you've changed that scheme can you explain what you've changed yes I apologize last time last time uh it's not very clear now this time I make a a color for the uh for the uh uh uh uh plan the uh the gray one is the existing one and the green one is the post addition is very easy to to see okay so just to be clear the cross hatch pattern is the existing floor plan and the green uh pattern is the proposed addition correct yes correct okay now the green proposed addition is what you're referencing as far as as the garage extension am I right yes okay and it's your testimony that that garage extension is required for the cars to be able to turn in and out of that garage uh I'm sorry scratch that for the cars to be able to drive right into the garage as opposed to turning into it correct correct uh does the plan anticipate changing the length or the width of the driveway in any way uh basically the same and the the driveway is the same as the old driveway and the uh just the garage is uh is a street in and a street out those are all the questions I have for Mr Woo uh I believe that answers all the questions that were posed at the last meeting but if I've missed anything please feel free does the board have any questions for Mr wo BR um I just bring your microphone CL Mr chair I know there were uh from looking at your previous testimony there was U some other the questions that Mr aat had and they had to do with who's not here tonight by the way but uh had to do with was the original house being demoed um and the other question he had were any of the walls being removed no so to answer the first question the original house is not being demoed correct correct okay again I'm sort of like speaking for M wasn't here um and Mr Comba we had questions on the great room from the previous testimony you're not questioning me you're questioning them no no I'm saying that it was a question that you brought up so the great room you had one on the second floor one on the first floor and that was being what was asked is please clarify that so can you so uh we do have the architect here today which we did not have at the last meeting and she has presented some revised plans that she will offer testimony to shortly so it's probably best if we reserve that question for the architect thank you okay do any on the board have any other questions for Mr wo I can't see all right seeing none thank you thank you okay with the board's permission I'd like to call the architect to come and provide some expert testimony on the revised plans good evening good evening raise your right hand please do you solemnly swear or affirm to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth so help you God I do and can you please give us your full name bco Lisa bayak p a t t a n a y a k Miss patnayak can you tell me a little bit about your backgrounde sorry um I don't believe you had previously appeared no no the first time so if you could just give us a summary of your qualifications yeah I am a registered architect in New Jersey New York and Pennsylvania uh 25 21 25 years in New Jersey I live in South Amo New Jersey and your license are current in good standing yes okay we'll accept you thank you okay um there was a question posed at the last meeting with with respect to the second floor great room could you please direct the board to the revised diagram where this room presently exists and what the use of that room is yeah this new room which your mentioning is um open to the existing crate room or family room so it is used as a computer room um for adult and children and so the it is open as I said with with a railing so it is like kind of part of the downstairs room so there will be a communication between those rooms okay and just to be clear that room is not meant to be a second living room or some other type of structure of that nature no it it is not suitable for anything else but the study room and computer room now this is because the clients both work from home am I correct yes and the client has two young children so while they are working from home they can have a communication downstairs to with the children okay and so you anticipate that the open railing will allow them to keep an eye on the children downstairs while they work upstairs am I right yes that's first idea not sure if that answers your question Mr Comba but I believe that that was your question I believe as to what the purpose of that room was okay and do you have any other questions for uh I believe there were some question questions about the basement and its use so we'll offer some testimony as to that go ahead yeah this existing basement is now finished and it is used as a children playroom and um the addition will be similarly used um o Open finished open room uh used as um Recreation and an gymnasium type of room so it is not um as I say it is open so there is no big definition with the you use okay I'm not sure if there are any other questions about that basement room uh the basement and its layout but does the board have any questions with for the architect with regard to the basement Mr chairman Mr Sada uh you have any bathrooms in the basement yes we have there will be a one bathroom it is actually there now and no bedrooms no bedrooms okay the till now we don't see show the window sizes but they are far too small to be a bedroom okay thank you any other questions regard Mr chairman Vice chairman on the basement drawing drawing a2.2 you have a note structural HVAC Electrical Plumbing Design After variation approval what's the variation yeah the the variance is that that we first we have now if we have appr when we have approval then we are going to meet the details because till now we were not approved so we did not uh Pro progress with the detailing of this space what's the variation I think she means variance variance oh okay okay all right thank you you you'll correct it on the drawing if if this gets approved right yes yes I I wondered about that V you know it was taken from somewhere any other questions regards to the basement okay seeing none Council those are all the questions I have for this expert at this time okay does the board have any other questions with regard to the architectural uh architectural for this project okay see none okay thank you Council thank you I have no further question so if we uh you know I'll leave it up to the board to open it up to the public you sure are you going to give any planning testimony with regard to the uh F variance we do not have a planner testifying today Michelle yeah can we're going to take a two- minute recess two minutes two minutes e e e e e e all right we'll return to session so uh having discussed the matter with the applicant there he's prepar to carry the matter to the TW the 30th I'm sorry April 30th ail 30 to present testimony from a planner with respect to the fa coverage okay all right um okay so that being said so this case will be carried to Tuesday April 30th with no additional notice required if you're here for this case or you're watching at home this case will be heard uh continuation on Tuesday April 30th um you will if you have have received a notice you will not receive any additional notice this will serve as your notice um and thank you good evening thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you very much that's a good was good all right Madam Secretary next case on the agenda case number z31 2023 caou dalwadi at 47 Westwood Road applicant is seeking bulk and use variances to construct a second story addition to the existing single family dwelling following standards have not been met maximum loot coverage required is 23% proposed is 28.8% maximum F required is 44% proposed is 54.5% affected property is located in the RB Zone designated as block number 1102 Lot number 17 on the Edison Township tax map all noticing paperwork is in order good evening Mr sh good evening Mr Mr chairman members of the board my name is Bernard Shire with the firm of conver conver and Shire representing Mr and Mrs kashik dalwadi uh with reference to this application uh the property in question is 47 West nolwood Road uh as the secretary indicated block 1102 lot 17 uh the uh purpose of the application uh is that Mr Mrs delw have lived across the street basically uh for uh approximately 20 uh I'm sorry for approximately 16 years and uh they are out growing their house uh the uh uh property in question has an old dilapidated uh house and they proposed to demolish it and build a new home uh which will be able to take care of them their three children uh and the two of the grandparents um the uh uh proposal uh is to demolish the home build a new one uh they would really like to stay in the neighborhood they like their neighbors the neighbors like them and uh uh they're hoping uh that the board will uh view this with favor uh they do need an F variance and a uh lot coverage by building variants um and uh this will granting that will allow them to remain in the neighborhood and to have adequate room uh for the family uh unless I have with me uh uh Mr and Mrs dalwadi and John Dupont who is an engineer and planner to testify uh if the board has any preliminary questions I'll be happy to answer them otherwise I'd like to proceed board have any uh questions Mr Char I'm sorry I was asking the board if they had any questions for you Mr sh yes oh I'm sorry you're risking me it's all right I'm just no I'm I'm just doing my job it's okay uh all right seeing none you may proceed right I I'll call Mr delw raise your right hand Mr Del would you raise your right hand you solemnly swear or from to tell the whole truth nothing but the truths to help you got I know and just State your full name for the record pull the microphone Close to You Kik Kumar delari residing at 40 Norwood Road West on the same street right uh Mr dalwadi uh you of course are the owner and applicant in this matter correct that's correct and uh you've lived in this neighborhood since uh when since 2008 you know all right and uh you'd like to remain in the neighborhood correct of course and that's why you know I'm moving only to two more two house away uh you uh uh outgrowing your present house correct that's correct uh you now have three children three children two parents how old are the children uh two are in college uh one is in high school Edison High okay and uh your parents live with you as well yes and this new home will allow you to remain in the neighborhood correct yes and as well as you know we like to retire in the same house as well as you know we want to like live until like you know we are around in this house that's our plan I have no other questions of Mr DB body does the board have any questions Mr DB body Signa right thank you Mr Del seat thank you all I call John Dupont cly swear or affirm to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth so help you God I do and state your full name for the record John P Dupont Mr Dupont is being offered as an engineer and also a planner in this matter Mr Dupont you were accepted perer this evening your license haven't changed in the past 20 minutes they have not that's good news you may proceed thank you uh Mr Dupont uh you were hired by Mr Dadi to uh prepare the engineering plan for this project that's correct uh and as such I assume you visited the property and are well aware of its condition I am could you please State for the board the present condition uh of the property in question I will and I'm going to go to the plans that are on the board over here they are copies of what was submitted and I passed out to the board 11 by 17s of sheet one and Sheet three um just the cover sheet and then the grading plan so basically as you heard this is it's an existing lot right this this lot is 6,798 square ft the lot depth is 6 ft and the lot width is 59.9 FT Property has a single family home on it currently the house is older in need of repairs it's smaller and it doesn't meet the needs of the applicant the property has three existing violations on it lot area required 7500 Square ft proposed 6798 the lot width requirement is 75 ft the existing lot width is 59.99 ft the minimum front yard setback is 25 existing is 23.78 so under proposed conditions the applicants proposing to demolish the house construct a new single family house that dwelling will be 3,700 square ft will include a onecar garage and two-car driveway there will be a couple new variances the max lock coverage of a building the requirement in the zone is 23% we're proposing 8.08% and the floor a ratio is 0.44 uh existing 0.27 proposed 0.54 so if we look at the grading plan which is your sheet two of four you should be having your hand outry that from an engineering standpoint it's pretty straightforward it's a single lot knocking down a home building a new home the grading is the same direction the stormw run off in the same direction the total increase in impervious even though it's a bigger home is only 500 500 square feet so from an engineering standpoint pretty basic existing utilities are being utilized um again no impacts the adjoining properties other than what you see today and that really is the Crux of the engineering testimony and if you have any questions maybe for that we could talk and I could switch over to planning does board have any questions from Mr Dupont with regard to engineering testimony see none okay Mr Dupont uh once again uh this new house can be constructed without any setback violations whatsoever correct that's right that's right and we'll get into that as I do the planning so planning in support application I did review your master plan we did look at your zoning ordinance and we did visit the site we are proposing a single family home which is permitted and we are not modifying the existing lot there is a D4 variance required to increase in permitted floor error ratio in order to approve a D4 we need to balance the positive negative criteria we must demonstrate that the site could accommodate the problems associated with the proposed larger dwelling the primary reason we're here for the fla ratio is the fact that the current lot is undersized right the existing the requirement for the zone is 7500 ft the existing lot is only 6,798 Square F feet our dwelling if the lot was compliant will be 0.49 much closer to the standard this applicant is has been a resident since 2008 he currently lives at 40 Westwood area Westwood Street he wants to stay in a neighborhood the new larger home is designed to meet the F the needs of his family the applicant's parents will live with him he's got three children so it makes a lot of sense they like their neighborhood they want to stay there it's very important to note in this application even though the fla ratio is larger we are meeting all setbacks for sidey yard rear yard and height so light air and open space is being provided the neighborhood is going through a little transition homes are being updated and it's actually some nice additions made to the neighborhood I think our home will fit the character perfectly we are the smallest lot within 200 feet it's close there's one other lot that's about almost identical in size but the Lots range from 6700 sare fet to 7,500 F feet there's 19 Lots 18 of them are undersized so we're consistent but we are the small so as far as C variances go there are three of them two are existing and one is new remember the front yard setback that was existing this proposed plan eliminates that so we are making improvement with respect to bulk the other two existing is the minimum lot area and minimum lot width which we spoke about the proposed variance is for building coverage 23% maximum allowable we're proposing 28 again we talk about the lot being under sized if that lot was compliant we'd be at 25% almost meeting standards so you see the impact of the lot size in the C2 proposal needs to uh we need to prove that advances the ml the purposes of the ml our project will advance the following purpose a we are proposing a new dwelling in an existing neighborhood on a previously sub subdivided property that will meet the characteristics of the neighborhood purpose C we're proposing a dwelling which meets the bulk standards and therefore providing the adequate light air and open space purpose e we are not resubd diving the land or forcing additional dwelling units we're proposing a new home in an established neighborhood thereby promoting the general welfare of the persons in the neighborhood and the community and we are improving the visual environment by constructing a new home that meets the characteristics of the neighborhood so again and you're familiar with this when we look at the undersized lot we always look to dalm in that case the court says that the applicants got to make um he got to make an effort in order to make the the lot more compliant whether that's buying or selling the pieces of property the only problem here is that only adjacent properties to ours are also under siiz so that wasn't possible here again we talked about meeting you we had to give you a we're supposed to come up with a house um that met the characteristics and provided as much compliance with the bu bulk standards as possible we've meeen all the bulk standards so I think we meet the conditions of dalm negative criteria I see no detriment to the public good we have a property owner who lives in the area his parents live in the area they want to continue to call Edis in their home they purchase a smaller lot and they're going to build a little larger home that meets their needs they also have removed one of the existing violations of front yard setback the benefits of the project clearly outweighed detriments I believe the granting of the vares will not substantially impair the their purposely his own plan or his own ordinance in conclusion this case is about a family currently living across the street that wants to keep their family in Edison the proposed dwelling will meet the neighborhood and all the setbacks in the zoner are met uh one last Point since the uh condition of the existing uh home on the property is old and dilapidated this will be a big improvement from an aesthetic standard also so won't it absolutely I have no other questions of Mr Dupont thank you does the board have any questions uh of Mr dupon with regard to planning Mr chairman Vice chairman yes looking at this the required floor area ratio is 44% and your proposed is 54.5% what can you do to reduce that down closer to 44% well we did look at it and the home was designed and we and we knew that standard existed that standard is being exceeded because mainly that sizes out a lot the applicant did design a home that met the needs and will fit in that neighborhood we don't think we're going to be building a home that's going to be out out of character I think that size sounds large 0 54 but in actuality it's not it's a smaller lot it's a it's not an overly huge home it's 3700 Square F feet he has three children husband and wife and parents I I think although on paper the number sounds High I don't believe in this case it is if that home was 7500 Square ft we'd be right where you wanted to be is there a similar home the same size and in the uh same floor air ratio I didn't measure the FL ratios in the area um there are a couple homes that were clearly have done exactly what we're doing they've put additions on they've modified you can see the neighborhood there's three or four homes that have already had the change that's going on there were some smaller homes there too originally built when the development was built but you see the change over it looks terrific all right thank you Mr chair I have a question Mr jber Mr Dupont um so you're saying that the Zone calls for 7,500 square feet per lot yes okay so even if we do 3700 over the average um designated zone for 7500 you get 49% that's right um and the allowed is 44% that's right is so essentially we're still going 5% over that even if we had that full-size lot that we did absolutely um so anything we could get done with that well again we we we looked at that we knew that was the number and and the applicant really designed didn't didn't try to overdesign this isn't a developer building an overdesigned house he's just building what meets his needs for his family so we thought it was worth it to come to the board with what he really would work for the applicant and come to the board and knowing this is a gentleman who lives right across the street this is again not a developer building the cell or flip this house this is a family moving across the street and I I think this house makes a lot of sense for the appc okay Mr Brown Mr chair uh Mr Dupont uh you made several references to the size of this lot versus a uh compliant lot uh this lot is 6798 square feet correct correct what's the size lot that you keep referencing as if it were compliant 7,500 Square fet okay so my question is an extension really of my colleagues several times you said uh the the Dynamics of your house are because the lot is undersized and you said that several times in several areas and uh what's affected here is like floor area ratio but it isn't that the lot is undersized it's the house is oversized for this lot so that's the challenge that uh the board members here are making myself included about making the house more conforming to the size lot that it is not a compliant lot that it is not that is definitely the challenge I totally agree with you and and again we just touched back on dalm for a little bit a big point of the fla ratio is that when you build an oversized house on a lot then you are restri light air in open space in this case we are meeting those bulk standards side yard is rear yard front yard setbacks we're actually improving our front yard setback we're meeting the height so again in we're in that building envelope I I understand the FL ratio doesn't work but everything else does and we're actually making improvements to it uh I believe that and I defer also to my colleagues that I think uh we're asking again and now I'm asking additionally if you can improve on the floor area ratio I think we'd have to talk to client if we like do you want um like about three minutes can we do that yeah no problem we're going to stand uh in recess for three minutes thank you e e board return to session right that Mr chairman uh we've discussed the matter with the applicants uh and understanding that one of the anomalies caused by floor area ratio is that you can meet all the bulk requirements of a lot and still violate floor area ratio uh however after discussing the matter if we were to as Mr Dupont said uh if we had a conforming lot we'd be at 049 and we are willing to go to 049 reduce the size of the house uh and my clients are willing to go along with that okay so then you'll then have to submit new plans okay okay all right so we'll then uh look to Carri you for another evening what's the new day we look to carry you for I don't know but I mean you have to answer the question is how long you going to need for new plans because you'll need you'll need new engineering plans you'll need new architecturals is there any way we could make a condition of any approval we the board would need to see everything before yeah because it would just set a bad standard understood bad precedent Mr chairman if uh we could adjourn it for a month that should be adequate Madam Secretary May 14th I'm sorry one May 14 14 good work for you Mr CH yes okay excellent all right so for anyone here present for anyone listening at home this case uh will be carried until uh May 14th with no additional notice required if you are uh listening to this case and you've received a notice you will not receive any further notice this will stand as your notice this case will be uh heard on May 14th 20 24 thank you very much thank you Mr have a good evening uh will you need a transcript of this hearing yes a few minutes okay all right Madam Secretary next case on the agenda case number Z3 2024 taed Center at 6 Kilmer Road applicant is Seeking a use variance to operate in this facility as a meditation center and Community Learning Center standards have not been met in accordance with the master plan affected property is located in the LI Zone designated as block number 3.02 Lot number 6.01 on the Edison Township tax map all noticing paperwork is in order good evening Council good evening uh David pad liced attorney in state of New Jersey uh I'm here to represent uh ta dawa Center who's the applicant as uh Madame secretary said seeking a D1 use variant for a religious use in the Alli Zone uh the applicant is not proposing any exterior changes uh only minor interior fit outs and a religious use is considered an inherently beneficial use um the current building just for a background the current building is home to an office space and also a relig a Hindu religious assembly space the applicant is proposing to repurpose 3,995 Square ft of that existing office space for the religious use uh further the applicant is not seeking any parking variances and we believe that there is adequate parking on the site um I have three Witnesses tonight I have the applicant Mr Memon here from tahid dawa Center I have the architect Christopher Teter and we also have your resident witness John Dupont as our planner Mr chairman Mr before you get started um I wrote a report just on the use fan portion as an existing facility and I wasn't sure whether there was a religious um facility or not it said um You referred to it in your application as um a meditation center I wasn't sure that was religious but if you say it it's religious then he is inherently beneficial so I agree with him on that um on that front um my only other uh concerns with the property are there the um the layout of the building is very very under very very difficult to understand like who was getting what because you had all hatched out and there's no C individual calculation for parking so I'm not sure that the parking is at it's adequate for a warehouse but I'm not sure was adequate for for all the activities there is 117 spaces so there is a lot of parking but I'd like them to kind of break that out and then the only other issue I had with it was the what's the play area for who's that for um the rubber rubber chips play area and I don't did you have approvals for these things because I don't ever remember I is Indie bridge is that one of the religious um operations there or is that somebody else I'm uh that is a different uh religious use okay but they're not in this property I don't believe so okay so so um I there's a lot of things going on out there I just kind of hope that they would kind of clear that up a little bit for us that's all I have no objection to what they want to do but I just want to make sure everything works yeah we plan on addressing all the comments in the report and also um we did do a revised parking calculation so we'll explain that on the record as well and then the only other thing on the plan um if you go throw your hatch marks like the there's no restrooms in your portion of the building so you need to address that where where those people go is that a common area or how's that work okay it was very confusing on the plan understood we'll have the architect address that as well thank you Mr pad I just wanted to make sure you were advised that we have six board members here tonight um this is a so you'll need five affirmative votes if the board is so inclined um so you can make that determination as you proceed understood thank you um so if the board has no questions for me I'd like to introduce our first witness stf mem s raise your right hand do you solemly swear orer to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth to help you God okay and if you use the microphone to State your full name for the yes I will do your full name please yeah my name is SRA m s a r f a r a j last name is Mamon m e m o n Mr Memon can you please explain your position with the organization and your familiarity with this project so I'm the president of the to dawa Center organization okay and just to be clear toi dawa Center is leasing from the property owner Abby Properties LLC is that correct yes uh we already signed the lease and we submit it um for the board's benefit can you please give us a background of what taid Center taid dawa Center does and what you intend to use the space for so to dawa Center is um organization which does the Islamic teaching and also Quran reading and Quran learning teaching Center so we'll be using this uh place for just for Islamic youth to learn the Quran uh and also the Islamic study and um we'll be using in morning and evening the hours which we had proposed okay and and just for the board's uh Ben it can you explain the hours of operation that you uh that you intend so we have a morning class for Islamic H is 7:30 to 12:30 and uh we have also evening also 7:30 uh 4:30 to 7:30 in Winter and uh in summer generally goes up to 10:30 because of the longer days you know okay um also they also they do Sor can can you jum and do me a favor both of you take your microphones and bring them a little closer to you yes okay thank you that's perfect um and then if you could just repeat the um so we got the morning hours we 7:30 to 12:30 if you repeat the later in the day hours yeah so in evening will be 4:30 to 7:30 in general but in the summer hours we have the long days so it will go up to Max 10:30 and Islamic youth can come and they learn the Quran and also they will do the pray there you know since we are the Muslim we do the five time prayer so they will do pray there also can you explain the number of arguments you expect to have on a daily basis at any given time so any given time uh Max we expecting is 40 um but sometime we do the event um for the kids so with our neighbor concern we the neighbor we have the Hindu uh Temple we talk to them also and they are also okay with us so we can you know coordinate with them and we'll do event and then Max will be 80 on that and 80 occupants is the maximum allowable Capac City for the space correct yes so also so there is another religious use on the site uh how can you ensure that there will be no uh so parking issues so before before we uh approaching this location uh we met the owner of this building also we met the uh the neighbor our Hindu temple neighbors uh the aay B and all the other all their you know the trustees and we sat with them and we talked to them and we said you know what this are our operation and this we'll be doing and we saw there also what they will be using the event and all the programs and with that we know we talk to them that uh if they okay then we wanted to list uh and they said yes uh we are very okay and let us know how we can help uh so they are very good good to us you know uh especially the main president of that you know the Hindu temple they are very happy with us and we met couple time before that also and in the case of events and parking will you coordinate with the other tenants in case you need extra parking just to sure there's no overlap yes uh we already talked to the owner we already met every tenant there and um the especially the main bigger tenant over there is the temple and the temple um we met before we signing the lease and we there before we going forward we talked to them and they were you know okay with our our of operation and when we do the event we'll do only that time when they are not using so they have also Limited hours of you know the prayers so accept that prayer we can do the event that's what they said so we can coordinate with them very easily they still in contact with us okay thank you I have no further questions for this witness okay uh does the board have any questions Mr chair Mr Brown uh just to do with the capacity uh 80 is the total capacity maximum yes that's what we expecting most with the student and their parents make come the only question I have is how do you maintain the 80 how do you how do you control overlays so we uh we also have another location in Somerset we have the you know the services going over there so generally in this location what we expecting is more max 40 what we expecting but still we just you know proposing um that when we do even U we not I will say 60 Max you know but it we proposing Max is 80 so you what I'm hearing is that you will never really get to 80 is is that what you're saying yes the vs to be before in maachan also we have in a Somerset so we never got this you know the our study and our classes never went more than that and we never use that much all right thank you any other questions and so the hours that you're listening are they what days are you what days of the week so generally we have everyday uh kind of thing um so this like Monday to uh Sunday that and be Monday Tuesday whole every week and every day okay okay thank you Mr chairman Vice chairman okay so so the the hours are 7 :30 to 12:30 p.m. and what what occupancy is that for what's that going to be used for those hours it's the same thing the so some some youth comes in the morning and some youth comes in the evening so you know the uh the younger one comes mostly in evening so uh we just you know just wanted to because we have a very um limited volunteers so we schedule everything okay this kids will come or this youth will come this time only this youth will come this time so like that so also um many after this you know online happen so uh classes happen so in evening also some of the youth are busy so we give them late hours to learn also our you know the Imam or you know the teachers they are volunteers so we check with that time also so that's why we were proposing every day it's going to be 7:30 to 12:30 for the yes what's the age age will be you know generally we have 8 years to uh 18 or 19 and the student who learn the uh learns the you know Islamic study or Quran teaching they come with their parents and parents wait and they you know they pay pray there until you know the kids are learning and going back and then at 4:30 to 7:30 that's every day also yes yes and what's the age for that same thing we just you know keeping different different classes and different timing and and then you said um in the summer so what it's 4:30 to 10:30 summer is a long days so we wanted to give them you know the more uh uh window of hours kind of thing so they can come until late also when is that start what summer starts summer generally generally when after the daylight saving April May June we'll start with that you know so that we give them you know the more relaxed hours to come late because some parents they cannot drop the kids early in a time so they can you know they come with a late time and what happens between 12:30 and 4:30 generally we will leave it open if someone want to come and pray but otherwise it will be you know the no use of that thank you Mr s uh do you have a kitchen and providing food over there no no food at all sure I have a question TR um so you did mention a peak of 80 individuals how often would that be very rare mostly in events or something we wanted to you know the teach all together then we'll do the like you know all the class together otherwise you know generally we don't do it okay um but we have the other location where we do the pray and also we have the you know Event Center um our other Center is in Somerset so mostly bigger event is going over there we have 16 acre land there also we do the another event in um maachan also so generally if this goes bigger we go there okay yeah my only concern would be that as long as for example if there's 80 individuals leaving U you did mention a classes so classes usually have a start and a finish and at the finish time that's when the influx of individuals um would be exiting the lot and possibly causing traffic um that's the only concern that I would have yeah I don't think so we'll do overlap um uh the any any classes also generally what we have is like you know 1 hour class and then we give little break to volunteer to prepare for the another class so generally it's not overl okay so it's like between the 7:30 a.m. to the 12:30 a.m. it's our sessions our sessions they're our sessions they're not one consecutive okay all right thank you thank you any other questions okay thank you uh I'd like to call this uh our second witness uh Christopher terer the registered architect for the project and I'd ask if the board can swear him in terer would you raise your right hand you Solly swear or affirm to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth so help you got I do and please State your full name for the record you it's uh Chris teer and if you just give a summary of your qualifications background qualifications uh yes I'm been a registered architect in state of New Jersey for 10 years registered in Six States currently um undergrad Kansas Graduate School Pennsylvania last time I was here was actually for the h temple on the other side so I'm familiar with that familiar with the property and your license are current in good standing yes great we'll accept you thank you thank you uh Mr terer uh can you explain can you tell me what the size of the approximate size of the entire building is it's uh basically 20,000 Square ft and how much of that building is proposed for this application it's around 4,000 ft and just for the record the applicant is taking a portion of the existing office space to use as their religious use correct the uh northeast corner facing the back of the lot and the existing office space in the building is approximately 15,000 square F feet correct yes so we'll be taking from the 15,000 down to 11 okay um the applicant and their congregation will have their own means of Ingress and erress from the parking area is that correct yeah there's two exits one would be the main entrance facing the the rear which is north end then there's a side exit as well and then there's actually another connector to the rest of the building but there's three egresses provided with this proposal um also the applicant as part of this application is not proposing any exterior changes or site changes is that correct correct it's all interior work all interior um for the record can you explain the maximum occupancy of the space to be used by the applicant uh yes so the 4,000 squ F feet within that there's actually office spaces as well and so the calculation accessory office to the um meditation prayer area uh adds up to about 80 people and for the for the board can you explain the interior fit out what the applicant intends on doing with the Interior Space uh they left some of the old spaces uh which will be glass and then they're going to put in uh basically finish mats and that's it it's all going to be open in b space um I mentioned the parking count before uh how many parking spaces are provided for the entire building so so what I provided in the drawing was actually incorrect but there's there's 117 currently um which was from the last hearing and how many spaces will be needed for the application for the applicant so so after you redo the calculation um you're actually losing spaces three total if you convert the office space to the use of 80 people divide by four and so we actually get down to 114 uh with with the new calculation which um is not on this drawing but we can submit we we we will resubmit drawing with the accurate parking calculation so uh just to be clear um we are requiring 114 spaces for this application correct it's a 57 from the Hindu Center and then there's um 30 uh TW yeah 20 for our Center and then it leaves I think 37 spots for the office correct so 117 P spaces exist um the tahi dawa Center will require 20 space is that correct yes at 80 the Hindu temple will require 57 spaces is that correct and the current office use in the building as well will require 37 spaces is that correct yes correct so total together that will be 114 spaces required for the three uses on the site correct and again 117 spaces exist on the site yes okay uh I have no more questions for this witness i' direct it to the board does the board have any questions Mr Big now um the uh restrooms they don't seem to be indicated on the plan yeah so the um and I've I've been working on this building for 5 years and the shifts around a lot so I apologize if the drawings weren't perfectly clear um the the Hindu side actually has their own bathroom faciliity so we won't be sharing it with them the office space which I I was just here before the hearing um use the bathroom over there the in the middle space just south of the door that connects it to the rest of the building there are uh three bathroom facilities and they would be adequate for what we're for the additional you'll show it on a plan though so that we have something on the plan that they're allowed to use that that area yes I I could provide that but that that door that connects the hallway that takes you to the bathrooms which are to the bottom left well Mr chairman may as a condition the revised plan should clean up the CCH marks and take that all out and just show the area and that's being proposed this evening with the restrooms so it's it's clear it's not very clear in the plans that we have yes thank you Mr chairman thank you Mr BAU does the board have any questions seeing none thank you thank you uh and finally I'd like to call our professional planner John Dupont D raise your right hand do you tell me swear to the whole truth and I think that's the truth to help you guys I do we'll accept you thank you I won't go through the dog and pony show okay so the applicant uh tonight seeks a D1 variants to allow a religious place of assembly use within the space at the property located at 6 Kilmer Road in the LI zone placees of assembly are not permitted in the zone but a religious place of assembly is considered to be inherently beneficial use under the municipal land use law since it is inherently beneficial the positive criteria under seek a balancing test is satisfied which means that we must consider only what negative impacts if any such a use would have on the surrounding properties the application requires no variances apart from the use as you've heard there is more than the required amount of parking on site to accommodate all the uses calculated under Edison's ordinance additionally we know that the board has already considered the existing Hindu religious assembly use at the site to be uh site and deter determined it to be appropriate use the this proposal is nearly identical to the existing religious assembly with the exception of the bigger of the much smaller in scope so 2 225 maximum congregates versus 80 Maxum congregates so we're a much smaller group the surrounding area consists of industrial commercial and Retail uses with no neighboring residents the use is fully contained within the building and provides no negative impacts on his surrounding properties the use is far less intense than the other uses that would be permitted in his Zone such as a warehouse or distribution facility is in my opinion that the seek balancing test is met overwhelmingly in favor of the approval of the board and the board should look favorable upon allowing the use that is proposed and that concludes my plan testimony okay uh Mr P you um you are excellent Mr chairman I'm satisfied with the uh response from the uh from the applicant I just want to make sure they had like you know common areas and uh and it wasn't an intrusion maybe one the one question I haven't answered yet is about the play area with the rubber chips I mean what's that about um according to the applicant the play area is uh part of the Hindu temple and that was an existing thing before uh they even came into the site they don't intend to use it and it's not connected with their application okay thank you I I recall when the when the Hindu temple came in that that was part of it so okay okay all right thank you does the board have any questions for Mr dup seeing none um so i' just like to give aimation to the board um we are a religious youth seeking a D1 variant there are no exterior changes to the site we have sufficient parking for both the office and uh the two religious uses on the site and um I believe John Dupont here actually address the mlul justifications for a D1 variant um there are a few items on uh Mr Bell's report that I'd just like to address for the record um the trash and recycling materials where they'll be stored and how they'll be removed from the site uh we can work with the owner of the property to find out that information I do believe they have a dumpster on the site for their uses and their other tenants um but we could provide that if uh if necessary um as well as a dumpster enclosure there's a question or a comment about loading spaces uh loading spaces are not required for this applicant um and there's ample space in the back the entire back Park is a parking area and if loading is needed there is sufficient space for loading and as for a current lighting plan I do know that the I do know that the uh the owners have done a lighting plan and have installed Lighting on site if if the if the board does require a lighting plan we can try to obtain that from the owner but I do know that that was part of their original site plan approval okay Mr B Mr chairman as I said already we're satisfied with this all right okay thank you okay all right so we will now go now go out to the public anyone within 200 feet of subject property want to be heard if you're within 200 feet you received a notice via certified mail seeing none we will now go now go outside of 200 fet of subject property anyone wanting to be heard seeing none can I get a motion to close the public portion motion to close by the public portion second motion made by Mr Patel second by Mr sedado all in favor signify by saying I I oppose nay the eyes have it public portion is now closed uh and we will go to the board make a motion I can't make a motion yeah gentlemen I can't make a motion going to make a motion Mr chair Mr CH I'd like to make a motion to approve the applicant um for the proposal of a worship um place at 6 Kilmer Road I uh with the condition that the applicant provides a updated blueprint plan um depicting the restrooms um and the layout showing um that the areas will be coordinated um with the adjacent tenant I will add that they have met the negative and positive criteria where wory of a approval um they will agree with the condition set forth in the B bignell planning Consultants report um we covered that they will submit revised plans um I believe that this is inherently beneficial use um and there were no members of the public in opposition to it um and will be a benefit to the use and benefit to the community is there any is there a second second okay motion made by Mr seconded by Mr Patel roll call please Mr chabra yes to the motion Mr Patel yes on the motion Mr Saha yes on the motion Mr Baron yes on the motion Vice chair o' Gorman yes on a motion and chairman Kumba yes on the motion uh six votes in the affirmative you have an for approval congratulations thank you thank you very much Madam Secretary is there any additional business come before the board this evening that'll be all this evening all right seeing none uh can I get a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second motion made by Mr sedata second by Mr Patel all in favor signify by saying I guys have it the board stands adjourned our next meeting will be Tuesday May 26 2024 thank you