e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e yes ready T of vettis zon Board of adjustment regular meeting of May 14 2024 is now in session adequate notice of this meeting as required by the open public meetings act in 1975 has been provided by the annual notice published in the home news and Tribune on December 18th 2023 as been posted in the main lobby of the m complex on December 18th 2023 please join me the pledge allegiance to the flag theice Madam Secretary roll call please Mr oera Mr Bell Miss Shaw here Mr a here Mr chabra here Mr cido here Mr Patel here Vice chair o' Gorman here and chairman cumba here thank you Madam Secretary uh Madam Secretary minutes for consideration April 30th 2024 minutes for approval what's the board's pleasure motion to approve second motion made by Mr Sera seconded by Vice chairman o' Gorman roll call please Mr chabra yes the motion Mr Sero yes on the motion Mr Patel yes on the mo Vice chair o Gorman yes and chairman Kumba yes on the motion thank you Madam Secretary first resolution to be adopted ball ra case number Z5 2024 for approval what's the board's pleasure motion to approve second motion made by Vice chairman of Gorman second by Mr Sero roll call please Please Mr chabra yes to the motion Mr Patel yes to the motion Vice chair o' Gorman yes and chairman Kumba yes on the motion you mam secretary next resolution to be adopted nipai Patel case number z11 2024 motion to approve second motion made by Vice chairman o' Gorman second by Mr Sero roll call please Mr chabra yes the motion Mr Sero yes on the motion Mr Patel yes on the motion Vice chair o Gorman yes on the motion and chairman yes on the motion thank you Madam Secretary uh we have three announcements case Z24 2022 old poost realy llc at 604 and 610 Old Post Road the applicant has requested to carry to September 17th 2024 if you're here for this case Z24 2022 all post realy LLC uh this case will not be heard this evening it will be heard on September 17 2024 at 700 p.m. in the council chambers uh if you had received a notice this will serve as your not notice you will not receive an additional notice next announcement case z31 2023 Kosik deadi at 47 Westwood Road the applicant has requested to carry to Jan excuse me June 25th 2024 if you're here for this case z31 2023 kashik kaadi uh this case will not be heard this evening this case will not there will be no additional notice for it this case will be heard June 25th 2024 at 700 p.m. in council chambers third announcement Z case z41 2023 milbrook Village llc at 97 hor Horizon Drive applicant has requested to carry to July 30th 2024 if you are here for this case z41 2023 milbrook Village LLC this case will not be heard this evening will be heard on Tuesday July 30th 2024 at 700 p.m. in Council chamber if you receive the notice you will not receive an additional notice this announcement will serve as your notice good evening ladies and gentlemen this is a regular meeting in the township veton Zoning Board of adjustment the board is composed of Township Edison Township residents appointed by Municipal Council who volunteer their time and service to the board the municipal land use law requires that members successfully complete a land use training course administered by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs this board also holds in-house training conducted by our board professionals the zoning board abides by the provisions of the municipal land use law in addition to our board's bylaws the zoning board is a quasi judicial land use board which differs from the township planning board under mpal land use law board members are required to be impartial and not allowed to discuss any case prior to its consideration before the board at a hearing all applicants will have the opportunity to present their case before the board with the opportunity for board members and board professionals to question the applicant and their Witnesses at the conclusion of the applicant's presentation of their case the case will be open to the public the residents within 200 ft of the subject property will be heard followed by residents from outside of 200 ft all residents will be sworn in they'll provide their name and address and they'll be given six minutes to comment on the application being considered without the opportunity for a rebuttal residents may ask questions of the applicant the applicant's professionals and board professionals the board requests that these questions are asked prior to any comments being made on the application once commentary Begins the resident's timer will begin the applicant will be allowed for the opportunity of cross-examination of their witness under the law the chair is allowed to stop any comment that is repetitive or is an attempt to filibuster the board further the chair is allowed to stop any commentary that is irrelevant to the case or prohibited from the board's consideration once a public portion is closed all public comment is ended unless new testimony is presented by the applicant following the closure of the public portion the applicant will have the right of summation on their application following summation the case will go to the board for decision this procedure has been followed by by the board and is similar to the procedures followed by Boards of adjustment Statewide the M land use law requires the board to engage in a balancing act is not required to strictly apply Township ordinances zoning plan or master plan as a board of adjustment variances are granted when appropriately necessary following all legal considerations as has been the case with prior boards this board will see where we are if we are still in session around 10:30 p.m. I ask that all applicants professionals and residents show respect to each other and be civil throughout all proceedings I ask to withhold Applause booing or interrupting of anyone while they are speaking the chair will not tolerate any Outburst by applicants professionals or the public further since both cases are being recorded by our court reporter I ask the speakers do not speak over one another uh our first uh matter on the agenda is uh closed session um we will the board will uh entertain a motion to go into close session to discuss the Quick Check application uh which is in litigation at Z28 2022 motion to go in the Clos session for Quick Check Z28 d222 second motion made by Vice chairman o' Gorman second by Mr Cher all in favor signify by saying I I oose nay the eyes have it the board will go to close session we should not be long we should only be a few minutes and then we'll back in session thank you e e e e e e e e e e e oh yeah okay then we jumped around over to place the last half hour can I get a motion return the public session motion return public session second motion made by Vice chairman o' Gorman second by Mr Sero all in favor signify by saying I I oppose nay the eyes have it we are back in session Madam Secretary first case on the agenda please case number z15 2024 Steven weer at one day pleas applicant is seeking bulk variances to construct a second story addition to the existing single family dwelling the following standards have not been met maximum building coverage permitted is 23% proposed is 2787 maximum impervious coverage permitted is 40% proposed is 44.9% affected properties located in the RB Zone designated as block number 16111 Lot number s on the Edison Township tax map all noticing paperwork is in order is the applicant here okay so you set up the uh Pur table have a seat and get comfortable would you raise your right hand do you solemnly swear or affirm to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth to help you gu I do and uh if you could State your full name for the record Steven dougo weamer and uh Mr wymer if you could just tell us what you'd like to do and why you'd like to do it sure I'm I'm planning on you I'm sorry just if you could bring that microphone closer to you just so we can get you on can you hear me now we can hear you thank you okay U I'm I'm looking to expand my primary residence from, 1600 ft to 2400 Square ft it'll essentially bump out the side of the house about uh 9.5 ft and it won't exceed any setbacks on the property okay there's a board have any questions for the applicant Mr chairman Vice chairman so um the fa f is is um 33% and the maximum allow is 44% that's correct thank you any other questions Mr Sher question ja um so I see who did the calculations for your um floor area ratio Robert a Hernandez uh he's a architect of mouin okay I just had a question why the lot coverage went down it went down so the on the right side there's already um concrete there there so we're removing all the concrete all the way to the fence and then we're building less so there will be grass on the side so technically it becomes less uh impervious coverage for the whole lot okay makes sense thank you any other questions okay seeing none do you have anything to ask add excuse me I wish I could speak tonight do you have anything to add uh I do not have anything all right um so we will now go out to the public anyone within 200 feet of subject site wanting to be heard if you were Within 200 fet you received a notice via certified mail seeing none anyone outside 200 feet wanting to be heard seeing none can I get a motion to close the public portion motion to close the public session second motion made by Vice chairman ogorman second by Mr Sero all in favor signify by saying I I oppose nay the eyes have it and we will public portion is now closed and we'll go to the board Mr chairman Vice chairman like to make a motion to approve this uh application based on the uh dominous requirements that he's asking for it will improve the Aesthetics in the neighborhood and also will be uh benefit the public good and also be compliance with the master plan and ordinance and also meets the positive and negative criteria and there is there was no objections from the uh neighborhood motion made by Vice chairman Gman second second by Mr Sero roll call please Mr chabra yes to the motion Mr Sero yes on the motion Mr Patel yes on the motion Vice chair o' Gorman yes on the motion and chairman Kumba yes on the motion unanimous approval you're approved congratulations thank you thank you so much all right so we're going to go we we're waiting on one more board member um to arrive we're only going to have six board members this evening um so the attorney can address that prior to voting on uh case two and case three uh I'm sorry Case two and case four so we're going to skip around we're going to go to uh consider case three on the agenda um which is a bulk variance Madam Secretary so case number Z10 2024 Orlando Santos at 95 Ida wild Road applicant is seeking bulk variances to construct a detached garage the following standards have not been met Max impervious coverage permitted is 40% proposed is 50% affected proper prop is located in the RB Zone designated as block number 116 Lot number 21 on the Edison Township tax map all noticing paperwor is in order is the applicant here yes okay sir you can approach and have a seat at the table Mr santz would you raise your right hand do you solemnly swear or affirm to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth's help you got that's right and I see that you have someone with you uh are you testifying as well yes okay please raise your right hand do you solemnly swear or affirm to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth so help you God I do and just state your name for the record Diana saw if you could bring the bring the podium closer to you I'm sorry what's your name again Diana saw okay all right you may proceed you tell us what you'd like to do and why you'd like to do it so i' like to do a a little bigger garage for more storage area and also I have a car all the time outside um sometimes uh especially in the winter so I can park the car inside the garage so no same the street because I don't use the car every day I use the company truck so the car and now the driveway barely fits like two cars so I like to park inside the garage especially in the winter and storage area too that's why I ask for a little bigger okay does the board have any questions Mr Santos no questions no okay do you have anything to add sir any any any additional testimony no no you're good okay you have anything to say you're good okay all right so we will now go out to the public anyone within 200 feet of the subject site wanting to be heard if you're within 200 feet you receive the notice via certified mail seeing n go outside of 200 Fe of the subject site wanting to be heard please approach seeing none can we get a motion to close the public portion motion to close the public session second motion made by Vice chairman o' Gorman seconded by Mr Sho all in favor signify by saying I I I oppose nay the eyes have it public portion is now closed and I'll go to the board Mr chairman Vice chairman I like to make a motion to approve this application uh based on the uh requirements that he's requesting are Dom Minimus it will increase the uh characteristics of the neighborhood and it should be benefit to the neighborhood I will just add that also there was no members of the public uh here in opposition second motion made by Vice chairman o' Gorman seconded by Mr Sero roll call please Mr chra yes to the motion Mr Mr Sero yes on the motion Mr Patel yes on the motion chair o Gorman yes on a motion and chairman cumbo yes on the motion nus approval congratulations thank you we're going to take uh a few minutes uh recess until uh Mr sedada arrives can I uh we should be back once he arrives thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e right you good y we're going to return to session m'am secretary next case on the agenda case number z7 2024 mandra rajandran at 178 Fleet AV applicant is seeking bulk and use variances to construct a 10 by 25 sun room addition to the existing single family dwelling the following standards have not been met loot coverage permitted is 23% proposed is 25% Max F permitted is 44% proposed is 47% affected property is located in the RB Zone designated as block number 59016 Lot number 3.01 on the Edison Township tax map all noticing paperwork is in order is there anyone here for this case you could just um you could you could actually just yeah that's fine perfectly Timothy Casey appearing on behalf of the applicant good evening we have no court reporter we discussed it with Council June 25th works for us okay M Madam Secretary June the next date we have available yes okay more services preserved no no further service that's beyond my that that's beyond no yeah no no further notice so we're going to May announce it now so if you're here for this case z102 no check that I'm sorry z7 2024 modra Raj andron at 178 Fleet Avenue uh this case will not be heard this evening this case will be carried to June 25th 2024 at 7 pm at council chambers um if you received a notice this will serve as your notice you will not receive an additional notice um and thank you thank you Mr evening thank you Madam Secretary next case on the agenda case number z40 2020 3 Verizon Wireless 2387 Woodbridge AV applicant is seeking bulk and use variances proposing to add antennas and triplexers to the existing transmission tower and four cabinets in a 10x 26 fenced area standards have not been met in accordance with the master plan this is not a permitted use in the zone rear yard setback required is 25 ft proposed is 21.2 height required is 30t proposed is 100.5 ft affected properties located loated in the GB Zone designated as block number 26532 Lot number 1701 on the Edison Township tax map all noticing paperwork is in order thank you uh good evening Mr chairman members of the board Frank Ferraro The Firm of Ferraro and Stamos here on behalf of the applicant uh New York SMS limited partnership doing business as Verizon Wireless um so we had a court reported book for tonight I don't know where they are we called the office we emailed them we called the cell phone and they are not here so okay so you wish to be carried to another night um yes if there's no other alternative yes Mr chairman okay Madam Secretary sorry uh yes June 25th June 25th 2024 will work for you yes thank okay all right so if you are here this evening for this case z40 2023 Verizon Wireless this case will not be heard this evening this case will be heard on Tuesday June 25th at 7 p.m. in Council chamber if you received the notice for this case z40 2023 it this will serve as your notice you will not receive another notice perfect thank you so much thank you Mr chairman appreciate it and my apologies for the inconvenience okay all right Madam Secretary any of the business come before the board this evening that'll be all this evening all right seeing none can I get a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second motion made by Vice chairman ogorman second by Mr Sero all in favor signify by saying I I oose nay the eyes have it Bo stands a journ thank you everyone e e e e e e