[Music] Township of Vedic Zone Board of adjustment regular meeting of December 19th 2023 is now in session adequate notice of this meeting as required by the open public meetings Act of 1975 has been provided by the annual notice published in the home news and Tribune on January 14 2023 as been posted in the main lobby of the municipal complex on January 3rd 2023 please join me a pledge of allegiance to the flag ALG to the flag of the United States of America stand Madam Secretary roll call please Mrs Shaw present Mr Sero here Mr D here Mr sadaha here Vice chair o' Gorman present and chairman Kumba here okay um a few announcements uh there are three matters that are for rescheduling only only um these applications will not be heard and no new notice is required uh case number one Z24 2022 old poost realy LLC has been carried to February 27th 2024 K z36 2022 tivid Lane LLC has been carried till February 27th 2024 in case Z2 2020 Lamar Advertising of pen 10 LLC has been carried to January 23rd 2024 uh if you're here regarding any of those matters or if you're watching at home um if you have received a notice you will not receive another notice this will serve as your notice uh these three matters will not be heard tonight uh they will be carried to the dates that were um announced Madam Secretary do we have minutes for consideration yes November 28th 2023 was the board's pleasure on the minutes motion to approve second motion made by Mr sadada seconded by Mr Mr Sero uh roll call please Mr Sero yes in the motion Mr D yes in the motion Mr sadaha yes on the motion Vice chair Gorman yes on a motion and chairman Kumba yes on the motion okay resolutions to be adopted uh Z4 2023 Garden State Building LP was granted can I get a motion to approve motion to approve second motion made by Mr sedada seconded by Mr Sero roll call please Mr sadaha yes on the motion Vice chair o Gorman yes on the motion and chairman Kumba yes on the motion next resolution Z 17 2023 care forever ADC motion to approve second motion made by Mr sedada seconded by Mr Sero roll call please Mr Sero yes in the motion Mr Dev yes on the motion Vice chair Gorman yes on a motion and chairman Kumba and the final resolution to be adopted z26 20123 motion D second motion made by uh Mr sadada second by Mr cido roll call please Mr cero yes on the motion Vice chair of Gorman yes on a motion and chairman G yes on the motion all right thank you very much Madam Secretary uh new business please case z33 2023 Devin Madden at 66 Glenville Road applicant is seeking bulk variances to construct a first and second story addition to the existing single family dwelling the following standards have not been met maximum building coverage required is 23% proposed is 24.5% rear yard setback required is 30t proposed is 10.8 ft front yard setback required is 25 ft proposed is 11.3 ft and 19.4 ft affected property is located in the RB Zone designated as block number 1101 Lot number one on the Edison Township tax map all noticing paperwork is in order so are you Mr Madden that's all right I was hoping so because it was slim picks you could take a seat at the table oh sure and if you had any materials with you you could just um you could bring them with you as well cop of dra okay just in case you need to refer to it you can bring that with you and our attorney will swear you in Mr Madden would you raise your right hand do you solemnly swear or affirm to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth so help you God yes ma'am and just State your full name for the record Devon Madden okay Mr Madden if you would just like to tell the board uh what you'd like to do and why you'd like to do it uh yeah so um you know my wife and I just looking for a little more space on our property um we moved in the house 2020 sorry if you just move just either move the mic a little a little closer just move yourself a little closer just just so we could just pick up is this little that's perfect thank you so much okay that's much better uh yeah so uh we moved in the house 2020 um we just you know uh looking for a little more space um you know uh we don't have a basement or garage and so we just want to you know have a little more space we're doing a little uh Family Planning um if you know what I mean so we're just looking for a little more space to uh you know make a make a nice home for ourselves okay does the board have any questions for Mr Madden Mr D I understand that the house the way it is situated it's not perfectly situated in in in in a square section of the square lot I get it you could not be more creative and then could not play it in such a way so you don't have to look for the uh both setback variances your architect could not be more creative I I when I first saw the drawings I didn't I didn't ask I was just kind of Blown Away by what by what he did for us I didn't think that uh you know I I originally didn't want to do like you know just too much we wanted to expand downstairs but then the architect gave us more ideas as we were going along and um I we we we saw what the final product on his drawings looked like and I just said I I would love to have that the one side of the house you're only going first floor and uh the other side you are going for the two story extension which I can understand but on your front elevation on left hand side the house that you are extending you can certainly eliminate and then go up second floor the remaining area you still will be within your um f they are but you will not be seeking for one at least one set the variance for the setback so to be clear are you talking about the side of the house where the request is 11.3 Ft the DED area indicates one new one story Edition right that that addition would be only the first floor yes that's correct that's right how many how many what do you have in the family I'm sorry how many how many people you have in the family uh it's just my wife and I right now that live at this property and we're like I said before we're doing a little Family Planning and that will that will be increasing soon so you have and we have two cats I don't know if that makes a difference you have office for the cats looks like and and we we both work from home um and I'm on Zoom for the majority of the day and it's quite disruptive and so I need uh you know I I sort of took one of the bedrooms that was already upstairs as my dedicated office and she took one of the rooms downstairs as as her office and so uh what this addition will Encompass is making her office a little bit larger because it's quite small now um and expanding the uh sort of family room that's in the in the in the in this I guess the the left hand side of the house on the drawing which is the northeast corner the house was situated just like that when you bought the house that's right yeah yeah we're not the the house is exactly just a just a perfect square as it is right now um not looking to change that just looking to go out front a little further and a little out to the side excuse me okay Mr chairman I don't no other question thank you Mr dby anyone else on the board have any other questions for Mr Madden okay seeing that Mr mad you have anything to add oh sorry pardon I'm sorry Mr how many bedrooms do you have right now uh the house um when we purchased it was listed as a four-bedroom house okay and there's a there's there's the two bed two bedrooms upstairs one of which I've taken as my office for work from home and the downstairs the previous owners had put in a a small addition on the back already and they had um built a guest room down there and the other downstairs bedroom is now my wife's work work from home office okay so you increasing the bedrooms or St we're uh we're adding one bedroom one one bedroom yes which will be a child's room and uh bathrooms uh adding one bathroom yeah the the the upstairs bedroom will be a sort of Master Suite it'll have a master bath now so adding one bath and one bedroom and you said no basement no basement no garage okay thank you okay thank you Mr Z anyone else on the board have any questions all right see now Mr Madden do you have anything to add uh no thank you for hearing my application absolutely thank you so much um so we will now go out to the public anyone without within 200 feet of the subject property wanting to be heard if you're within 200 feet of subject property you've received a notice via certified mail seeing none we will go outside of 5 200 feet of of the property seeing none can I get a motion to close the public portion motion to close second motion by made by Mr sedada second by Mr Sho all in favor all in favor signify by saying I I oose nay the eyes have it public portion is now closed and I will go to the board for a decision or discussion Grant don't Grant I mean the house is situated it's unforced conditions for him when he bought it um the only way he can uh make it better at least he just removed the first floor exens on one side of the house but I don't find a fault with him looking for this kind of variance because the house is not situating correctly in a square in a square box there's no opposition either would you like to CH would you like to put that into a motion all right so I'll make a motion to approve this application because it's unfortunate circumstances the house is not situated Square in a square box um the owners if is looking for the variances but he's not extending the F uh substantially than required I make a motion to approve it second motion made by Mr dve seconded by Mr sedada roll call please Mr Sero yes on the motion Mr D yes on the motion Mr sadaha yes on the motion Vice chair of Gorman yes on the motion and chairman come uh I believe that this um I agree with my colleagues and that it is an unfortunate situation the way this the is situated um but I think that um you're making a good use of the property um and it's a it's a worthy extension uh there's no members of the public here in opposition uh and I vote Yes to approve thank you uh so you have any that as approval you're approved congratulations thank you all very very much I really appreciate it absolutely happy holidays best of luck to you and your wife thank you okay yeah next time don't buy the house like that okay as long as it's an Edison it's okay right Mr right good luck man is there any other business come before the board this evening seeing none Mo to Jun second motion made by Mr Sadat seconded by Mr dve all in favor signify by saying I hi nay the eyes have it right before we do I just want to wish everyone a very very happy holiday um and uh very very happy new year best wishes for a healthy and happy 2024 um enjoy the season um and to my colleagues on the board thank you for a great year um I appreciate to our our secretaries uh thank you so much for you do for making us look good um and uh our professional staff and our Township staff thank you for everything um happy Holidays happy New Year and the board stands a Jour thank you