##VIDEO ID:AY5NL5Vv3gk## right all right I'd like to thank and welcome everybody tonight to our reg schedule council meeting on August 15 2024 all the order this meeting has been properly advertised and posted in accordance with public law 75 chapter 231 I have a roll call please mayor J Petty Here at here Clark here Dash here Galloway yes Heist here pessy here Timbers R here and Richie here have a motion to approve the minutes from J July 8 I have Corrections all right any corrections um on the offshore wind resolution last meeting I abstained it says that I voted for it and um also the motion to table that we had for code um inspector issue was the uh the vote is three to four so I I think you get to look at that and see what the votes were okay uh notes have been taken yeah all right um put on record that councilman stimers is now on attendance also please all right so I have a motion uh amendments been noted may I have a motion to approve of the uh proper amendments make a motion all in favor I thank you anyone from the public have any comments regarding agenda items only excluding items list for public hearings going once going twice all right mayor you have a presentation so I have my first wall over there and and tonight I have spot for so to bring first first la I've known Gladis Gladis has been a very good friend of my family as is her her children Nellie's in the office I mean in the office in the in the room Nelly and I work together at wa from high erest forever Marcus great family and gladus has served a Harver City for I don't know how many years even before the SCH she's very Civic minded and she's willing to do anything to get the together that's she lovesun I can tell you is that today she says I work for the community I got up real early my godson works at a distribution center where they bring in all of the foods and vegetables he said that he had not flat not Flats but I want to go those SK of corn so my nephew and I that Bel River and I went up this morning and picked up 120 boxes of corn which we I put on Facebook and I've had people come from Atlantic City Hamington from all over to pick up the porn still have about 20 boxes left their own but I'm giving it it's perfectly good and not too long ago I also got them to give me like 150 gallons of milk and people came over and got it and my girlfriend and I have been Distributing the um food bank in Hamington since the co pmic and I love working for my community that's what I st for and I will continue working for my community thank you so much well well I can tell you it's sad to say it but on the 21st of November it will be 70 years have been my family had been in aover City we've been through thick and thin through we've overcome everything we used we used to swim on the other side of the lake that's all I can tell you so it was before the Civil Rights but here I still am I love my town people ask me I have two beautiful homes in Puerto Rico that I vacationed there almost every other Mon and and people say aren't you going to go back to Puerto Rico no this is home this is home this is where my family is I love it thank you so much this is an honor and we've had this plan for quite some time but being as she back and for we had a hard time so this is I'm not gonna stay for the whole meeting because today is my father 100th birthday passed away maybe 14 years ago so we had a big celebration at the cemetery and I have people at the house that we're going to serve thank you thank you thank you Miss Torres I just wanted to say as as a first Lao councilwoman I am it's an honor to share that first with you so uh moving on number seven we have another presentation looks like from Dynamic site Redevelopment LLC uh Mr Jeffrey day proposal for the investigation of the ANP landfill site I'd like to welcome Mr day up here come on up stand stand over by the podium introduce [Music] yourself hard Jeff D actually no s the whole time um and I'm an environmental guy I've been an environmental guy for a long time not 70 years but six you can do the math um and uh we uh have worked in New Jersey that whole time and many other states so uh one of the things that we've gotten into since about 2005 is landfills New Jersey there are somewhere between 800 and 1200 on landf total uh and more than two3 of those are not closed properly according with federal state regulations every town had a dump and Etc so um uh we were invited down uh to to take a look um we worked with the folks at the the D and the Eda quite a bit on uh different landfill investigations we're in the process of uh completing we have completed the closure on landfill right now over in naille Park New Jersey that's a 53 Acre Site went Soler there um and uh we're working up the street here at the Hamilton landfill and we get one more jump over through one small flaming with Finance commission we'll get our final approval there and uh you're ready to start on that project we work on half a dozen other landfills uh in advis capacity and we have several others in the you um what we've presented to Meg which I hope she shared with council is a a draft uh HDs RF application along with a proposal go work do the investigation of that landfill and uh in a meeting that we had with Annette and the May and Alan Miller from the who first told me about some of the activities down here and opportunity Redevelopment of some of the contaminated sits inar city um we uh talked about um how that how that process works I'm not sure if council's familiar with the hdsr program at the State uh and it's managed by the dup but uh the money comes through the Eda uh both are involved we have pretty strong relationships with both entities and in 2021 the legislature uh amended the the ACT actually to allow for more money to flow out which enabled some projects that kind of been floundering Hamilton is an example of that to uh finally get the funding necessary um once you get to the remediation phase there's private funding need it's a 75% Grant this phase the good news is it's 100% fund so there's no maret cost for the city U other than perhaps the remediation fee uh and we'll get done in time where that's we can talk about that get into the process and hope to to move forward with the investigation um there was a closure plan filed for egg Harper city uh at the landville in 1992 uh we obviously met and uh talk with Ryan at R&V um those records aren't available uh and the standards have kind of changed a bit so the proposal you have is to investigate uh soil groundwater the waste how where is it where is it located what's it take to get it to compliant closure uh what would that scope of be scope of work be so that's what this scope of work will get us to uh the point where we can put a design together to close landfill property so that'll tell us what that effort is and we've also contracted in just a kind of a good faith effort um uh or uh want we have a lot of relationships with developers of all kinds and we have some uh strong relationships with folks in the energy sector so they're in the process of finishing up an evaluation of the landfill site for solar looking at the grid connection where the power lines are talk the electric and see how that would work because obviously that's uh one of the first uh things that we would look at on landfill site always like to try to do uh a mixed use let's call it right can we put some other uh commercial Industrial Development there and solar uh and so we look at that that opportunity as that that presents itself but the good news about this proposal again is that it's no cost to the city uh to to implement this it's Grant is 100% funded through hdsf and uh I'm happy to answer any other questions um our companies we have one company resource renewal and under that there's two operating entities one is RCC resource control consultant that's are environmental Consultants company it's been around since 8 that's been around since 92 I've been 86 it's been around since 92 and uh in 2005 we started our Redevelopment group so we've got a lot of relationships with folks uh that um do residential commercial Industrial Development too and so we were talked with Ryan and with the Allen and with the mayor about the bdas that you've filed applications for and I talked to Allan the other day he was very appreciative that mayor council have put those applications in he hasn't hasn't been reviewed yet in detail but they've been received and he's at least the big cheerleader I think for the city in those and hopefully those can help some of the other sites and we've expressed our interest to try to bring some value to those as well if if they come for each the landf can be done separate from DDA if the DDA doesn't happen or it's theate or something like that under this hdsf program so that's why this is kind of being separately or it could be folded into that BDA over there in in the business part just depends on what's the best uh best way to go on how that works out but as they always say in the brownfields office of DP got to go upstairs it's got to go over the other side of Tron and pack see what everybody says about the BDA applications they received I think 12 in total applications uh which is which is good they're happy they got that think maybe they were like more it um that's that's kind of where that is happy to answer any questions uh you might have and um May and mayor have my contact information or you have some business cards if uh anybody's interested in that and having to follow up with any other convers I just have do you do you know what Hamilton has planned for their landfill we we have solar plan there for that that we have that's a depending on what our pin approval comes back we may have some answer uses there we talked to about there's a couple of parcels nearby where we might put some EV charging stations in they don't have any in the township there and are very interested in that uh also all all kind of ples energy related and their landfills in the industrial park right it is well it's not actually part of the industrial park but surrounds it so the landfill itself is a 40 acre and the center industrial park is all the way around yeah that's been going on a long time been a long trying to do it for 10 years before I was and that was my question how long does this normally take very long time well the benefit that we have now again is that these these these laws Chang at at for the Eda and the Eda with the different Federal Acts they got a lot of money now to to hand out used to be that the uh the the grant we've used on these project is a renewable energy Grant and it used to be $2 million Statewide which was competitive now it's $10 million Statewide and so we usually would do it over a course of two years or two years of grand application start on the project separate Grand application don't know what the cost of the closure of this landfill will be it's 20 acre landfill 20 acre lot some question about where the actual extend is and how much it actually is so but it's a fairly flat uh situation um it just depends on what the cover uh requirements are in the C requirements we we've been working with particularly the finance commission for decades on uh the fact that you don't need to actually put a impermeable cap on every landfill some landfills that are chemical Wast lines doesn't make sense but some landfills it's beneficial to have the precipitation go through there oxidized in the waste that help the natural degradation been going on for Years anyway most of and it's two three times more expensive to do the imperal cap than just a soil earn cap which gives you plenty of contact so nobody can be you know contact with the waste it's really contact issue what s is and then you're looking at groundwater what is the groundwater situation so so just to be clear we don't get the BDA Grant we can still do this with a grant yes okay got you this grant can happen you know as soon as you pass the resolution to go forward and we can file the application if we do it this year we can get in this particular year which might be beneficial but Ed approve from next year there is a if you don't have a BDA your annual cap is $3 million this is this is a little half million dollar this gr application um and if you do have vda it's $5 million per year um for the municipality so if this was to happen this year you'd be youd have your full aot for next year if that BDA comes I don't know what the review process is up the state but I imagine probably would be maybe but so to answer your question the investigation will take uh probably 90 to 120 days of physical work okay another another two months of uh reporting and data evaluation submitt so a six-month process to once we put our feet in the ground to do the investigation get the reporting together Etc okay um and then we would file that report PP and see what the you and and be able to present to Mayor and councel on what the results were as well as the public and talk a little bit about what the possibilities are for after we have you know and is there any obligation for us to participate or do something with with it after the reports are done well you have an obligation now right you go on the landfill and you that's why they put the plan together in 1992 um there's it's not properly closed so municipality is supposed to close the land but they're not going after no I think it's a win-win situation for us it doesn't cost us anything and we could pick up a couple Lots in the industrial park that are now marked as contaminated Ryan is unfortunately ill he's not here tonight but we can talk about that I guess with him because you do need a resolution to get started right I provided a draft of resolution with the right language to make um it's it's the language the Eda requires some something that really should be done so like prif are compated like being no you you there's an lsrp you have to be a certified lsrp I am an lsrp I probably would be the lsrp on this RCC lsrp so that's your certification there's no the the D the Eva don't have preapproved contractors eveda does have a grant program for investigation they they this approve so the DP reviews it and approves it scope and budget okay it's appropriate it's consist with the regulations the budget money is good they sent it to the Eda I don't want to say it's a rubber stamp but it's kind of the manager the hsrf program the E8 used to work in the brownfields office at DP so now it's a pretty uh he he's very familiar with all the programs he goes way um so yeah it's not there's a lot of Consulting companies That Could That Could That Could file I think what Jody saying is do we have to go out for R if you're not aate contractor it's a uh it's a Redevelopment area right yes yeah so you know I know the industrial park is a re has a development plan on it okay and whether that I can't confirm that it does include the does it I know we talked about that I don't know we ever got that I don't know what the square footage of the whole so I spoke to uh Mr mcowan from Remington and berck our engineer about the process and the procedure and unfortunately as the mayor said he's not here he's sick so I think it would be Council spoke to Remington and B spoke to him for you do anything or consider anything to see what scope has done I know R&B has already taken some measures we don't want to overlap whatever they have done just so we're clear yeah on a landfill on all of it on all the REM remediation process the grant funding whatever scope they have already prepared for the BDA correct so the BDA application should include that what the area is of the yeah I don't I'm not sure I haven't seen that um I haven't Spen R about that I wanted to come here tonight to talk to land council person it was just that sudden illness just came upon him he's okay he's gon he's G be okay but be we we did too until o' this afternoon but I'm sorry but we'll definitely you know if it's if it's good and it is a Redevelopment plan we can go ahead and uh do that jity then is that how it works thing I discussed with Ryan you know how are we going to implement this if this needs to be implemented and we discussed it at length at well and so further discussion and investigation really needs to be done okay that's fine we appreciate that thank you I have a question what happens if we do this process of the investigation and we find out it's more than we thought it was and it's exceeds what the grant money is is that becomes the city's obligation to pay that difference no this investig this scope is uh so I'll give you an example how it's U we did a similar scope to this it was a little bit smaller I think it was a little under $400,000 for our additional investigation which included groundwaters but there was a bigger concern for groundwater over there so the D asked us to do another phase of Investigation for four $70,000 and we got another grand F so the D at that this was before the PE program D asked for additional investigation groundwater groundwater contamination which turned out not to be coming trille based on that investigation with 31 levels in there so there's you know you can uh use this pasi grant as much as it's needed to to so you we would just do a supplemental additional application and get another Grant if necessary I don't think it's be necessary here but like you said you never know you said yearly right you get money every year for can can I I think this one should be sufficient for what we have um but you know you never know until you actually do it and again Remington vernick's plan that they put together the closure plan in 1992 they did a bunch of Investigation s warnings and stuff and I that information is just not available fortunately and again need to get more current data but if we had that information probably this scope probably be less we probably have some of those answers out the extent somebody needs to go through that micro so when you said that it was 100% funded less remediation fees the 100% funding is For What specifically it's for the all the investigated work in this proposal okay there is a d annual remediation fee okay they have um and depending on when we start when that happens that that fee is not eligible for the grand so the actual the actual remediation of the area the city pays for that no so the remediation when you actually go to remediation I mean you can if you want but that if we go with the plan that we've used on the other sides which is a Solar Development there's another grant program for remedial action fund that's 7 2% right Grand the 25% would need to be matched somehow and there are now other programs with the Eda that you can actually get match typically in the way we're doing it on our other sites is uh our Redevelopment company we're the redeveloper uh one instance we're part somebody else we we provide the payment for that so both of the municipalities we're in the work with right now aren't paying any of the money V and as the developer were paying the remediation tree as well and then that money we recoup with the the revenue from the Solar projects the lease money from the solar project comes in and that pays the redeveloper reimburses the developer .5% they laid out for closure and there's you know 30 years of ongoing monitoring so that's how those deals are but you can do you know Say in any number of ways this to negoti so for this work that that um this type of investigation is there the grant is there a match that the city is responsible for not for this investigation this is 100% funded the preliminary assessment site investigation or remedial investigation of music so we would get to the point where you figure out exactly what's the extent of the landfill is there soil contamination is there groundwater contamination what type is it where is it all those things and what would what would likely be the solution to close the landfill and deal with and then if think to answer um Heist Heist think bank heist yeah you know a friend of mine runs an insurance compy Heist Insurance heist in Ocean City unfortunately we are not related we are the poor Heist he's the very rich Heist right so that's somebody's name why would you name an insurance comp place but anyway for a bank we got robbed in the FBI wanted to know why why I was working there with the last name place I said because I get a paycheck okay now I forget where your was about it being more than what we anticipated to be right right and I think also you said once we do the investigation we find problem where where are you you're nowhere different than where you are today the obligations still there close this and clean this up you have all the information about what needs to happen you could solicit that look at them many different options it basically the reason this program is 100% fund did that through the and the Eda they want these sites to be investigated so everybody knows what the problem is and what the solution is and then developers can come in and say Hey I want to put a factory there and I know it's going to cost me 10 bucks two 10 million bucks whatever and I can do that and you know I'll take the land and I'll pay the remediation cost and I'll build my factory for so that's that's where we would get to this Str could you tell me have they ever have you ever not found anything new that you had to remediate or what's the minimal so the two two land Fields were working on Ma Landing half the township and National Park are the groundwater is shockingly plenty actually there's 31 wells in in hton Township two of them very low do and scientifically and what we' did doing for 20 years presentations with the pilins when you have sand like that and you have the water coming in the Wast the graves the graves and the graes a little bioreactor in there and over time it actually attenuates kind of itself it degrades itself so that's why in those circumstances when you don't have a significant groundwater problem um you don't need to put an inter cap on it's almost no situation when you put an inter cap it's just on a geologist so if that were the the situation just say in our case do you still you still have to go to the next phase even though year findings were even though there's no comination there's still waste there so you still have to cap it with the solid waste rules okay in this kind of a program we're complying with both the solid waste regulations and the call the site remediation regulations now they're having decide remediation Redevelopment so so you still still need to close the landfill property with with Sol but you would basically be done on the mediation piece because you don't have ground contamination not but you still have the waste that if you don't put a cap on it and a de notice somebody come out start digging it up andat itely and the other thing I wanted to ask was as far as the grant for the solar you're talking about in our industrial part correct I'm talking about on the landfill the landfill on the industrial part so as far as the other one on um over by the Acme are we talking about that one at all are you doing that as well that's that's the BDA okay I was going to say because then with with that one we we probably wouldn't be putting more solar no I talked to Ryan about having a meeting with him after be able again we have a lot of relationships with folks that ultimate veral developer on sites the options okay thank you any other questions Council all right uh Tuesday we do have a committee meeting which Ryan should be in attending so we'll get his we'll get his professional opinion on it and then um October's meeting resolution possibly could be on all right thank you for your time we appreciate it would you like me to hang out if you want to we don't ever pick anyone out um you're up for so if if Ryan was here I'd have more information on the bike path but I did have a conversation with Ryan about that and also the um person charg the D sent out a email requesting information from CME which he he did give her from do was CM no no no the person was from do not oh DT Julie see they did reply yeah he did reply what's his name Sean Sean so sha replied and besides a few a few um plants in or whatever endangered plants the other issue was the uh perious surface that we had requested to put in that would be approved or what what that would do is make it more the the fin lands would approve it if we had a permeable surface and the hold up on that was and I'm glad Keith just came in but we have to maintain the pervious surface and we do have the ability to do that which Ryan did discuss with Keith correct Keith yes and it's not a problem so we think that's what's going to push us to the finish line so and I did talk about all the other work that they had to do with the drainage were a few inches of asphalt that was being added and uh it's quite extensive so hopefully that's going to get approved and we can get that project going again after I don't know six years or so um okay we do have a if Brian was here you could talk about it more there there is a developer interested in Egg Harbor City North he's from up U I believe Connecticut or somewhere about that area his name is Jack Franks and um I had asked Ryan to reach out to him to find out exactly what his interest was but since Ryan's sick I'm not sure if he did he's been sick for a couple days so that's good news and we have another meeting on Monday I do with Triad Jody are you going to join us on Monday with Triad and Casey's going to try to join us also and the company that wants to put the fitness equipment in so there were there was some discussion going around bya email but that site was chosen because it's underutilized and it's also next to the mayor's walk it's a playground and peace pogram Park was a big draw for that so we'll uh talk to them on Monday and see you know what their thoughts are on other things that came up through the emails but hopefully Casey could be there she can ask some of those questions if not you can send them to me and I'd be happy to do that the food truck obviously every I hope everyone went to it was obviously great I think it was the most people we had that from 4 o'clock to 8 o'clock it was packed and there were lines so that's a good thing and thank the Economic Development Corporation for doing that it was a lot of work and all also I think NPP contributes a little bit to that so that's a good thing that we have that Grant too on the same day in the morning we had the Dare Olympics and that was really really well attended and as usual uh kids had a lot of fun and I thank Jeanie Williams who's always at the Forefront of that even though she doesn't want anybody to know that she pretty much plans and organizes the whole thing and of course the rius family who's always there there to help out all the lifeguards the police department is always there uh doing a great job hope I'm not forgetting anybody but it was a good it was a good day you know turned out really great Gary Melton Gary Melton yes and uh nette put a video on Facebook with Gary Melton you guys met Gary Melton when I gave his son the um Cedar the um Proclamation because he was the first First Student in Cedar Creek drafted into the NFL so since then his other son Malachi is now in the NFL so maybe we have to do something for him too we'll see um we had the Welcome Wagon it's just like one fun event after another and we had a great time she can talk about that when she comes up and I guess we have the fireworks on Saturday which I hope everyone can meet as you know it was postponed in July but hey at least we have fireworks and all AUST now you know so it should it should be good and the weather's going to be good and it should be very well attended and the last thing I guess I want to say is um and a couple of you already have these I know Mason does and foret who else oh yeah yeah okay so if you're a smoker you can get one of these for free it's a portable ashtray this was uh funded by a grant from acua for the mayor's Wellness campaign and you can sign my May 's wellness it's called Uh kick butt pledge where you pledge to put your uh dispose of your cigarette buts properly so I know not a lot of people smoke but some people do no judging but just dispose of your cigarette butts properly and if you're on Philadelphia Avenue the NPP has just installed the the um smoker yes Keith Keith put those in and it was fun by the MPP and that that is part of the campaign I did I did apply for another grant that was more extensive than that but I didn't get it so we're just we're limited to what's on Philadelphia Avenue and then those butts will be collected and then I will send them to ter cycle and they can recycle them clean them I don't know what they do with them but they do something with them they recycle cigarettes I don't know that's another reason why you shouldn't SM we don't know what they do with them but at least they don't go into the don't tou let spre some real gossip I think they make clothes out of them no cigarette would want to touch them no no no no no okay so that's all oh I do have one other thing the in of St Louis um the Inn on St Louis opened today you guys know we were invited but unfortunately I couldn't attend because I was at the it was packed it was packed because I had to do the Welcome Wagon at Cedar Creek and I didn't get home till a little after 6 and then I had to eat something um but he would like to invite us to be at a ribbon cutting tomorrow for those of you who can't attend or maybe didn't attend today want to attend tomorrow at 4 o'clock so if you can make it um that's the that's the if not maybe we're there tonight no no uh no pressure and that's all I have thank you I'm moving on committee reports uh Finance Redevelopment we have a meeting on Tuesday 6 o'clock here believe it is uh discuss some things uh code enforcement code enforcement doing their job they got the tools they need they're out there doing things communication has definitely done a 180 better communication um so they are out there uh put systems in place and the systems are working so kudos to the code code officers and everybody in that office uh moving on to safety councilman Dash nothing for safety councilman Place Public Works nothing for public works all right Council anony property Parts playgrounds and Schoolboard uh for Schoolboard the school board's getting ready to start the next school year I noticed on the acover city page uh for the schools the community school and the spag School posted their um what the students need to get to get back into the school year so just take a look and get the kids prepared if you're able to donate uh there's lots of kids I know that can't get all the things that are needed on the list so that's always welcom uh for parks and playgrounds I have the lake report U for the $15 badges uh for weekend of this last week that would be August 12 there's $15 badges 1,274 totaling 19,1 $10 the $25 badges 731 totaling $1,275 the $5 badges are 512 totaling $2,560 and the holiday rate badges are 662 totaling $1 13,24 daily risk bands which are $10 are 8,175 for a total of$ 81,000 $750 and the totals for badge sales so far this year are $134,950 $5 for picnic tables there have been 75 $25 no girls for $2,850 $50 no grills for 90 at $4,500 $50 with grill $257 for $3,890 and $100 with Grill 165 for $6,500 there have been 587 total picnic table sales totaling $3 $1 boat rides there's been 266 for $2,660 for the $35 gazebo rles there have been five totaling $175 uh totals for boats and gazebos are $271 for $2,835 2024 sales to date have been $175,500 and compared to the same time last year $ 14757 for a variance of $ 27,9 32 uh Campground has only received one payment so far this year for $920 and total 2024 revenue is $4,530 that concludes my report I have a question do we have any um idea of how many coupons for four four four [Music] okay that's all I have thank you anything to school uh just the the school supplies um I just want to add on that Brenda Ruth and Riley learner uh seems as though they're doing a fantastic job out there they are so uh great great job by them the lifeguards out there and everything I know Brenda is working to do um a dive um presentation demonstration um I know she was working with Richland and she's been talking to Sweet Witter I don't know if we'll be able to put it together by the end of the year but that would be really nice it's something I know I did when I was a lifeguard out there um that really changed my career um it really got me interested in EMS um so it's something that really can you know bring awareness to a different uh topic that the lifeguards might not realize it can further their education and you know know that it could influence their careers in the future awesome thank you councilman right anything for utility nope all right uh councilman Clark license ordinance uh nothing to report councilman timers luse and Aaron Haven uh only thing is luse they will be having a meeting next Tuesday at 7 p.m. all right uh Jackie you have anything from Meg no cool let's see Council you anything from rary uh nothing new I just want to reiterate that the Halloween parade will be on a Sunday this year it has changed to a Sunday October 27th at six o'clock that's all thank you and councilman Galloway any sustainable yes I have several things um just wanted to invite the public to the Cil shallow gravestone restoration which we're unveiling to tomorrow afternoon at 5:00 p.m um it's on the North Shore of the lake uh you can park there on the street and I wanted to thank Mike Sheridan for spearheading that project he did everything with that Grant and it was uh funded through a $5,000 sustainable communities Grant uh that was awarded to the Green Team by Atlantic City Electric and thanks Keith and the public works department for installing the fencing and upgrading that what would you call that area where you put the flower boxes and stuff yeah it really looks good so hope to see everybody out there tomorrow afternoon and we will have some pizza and refreshments um I have two pieces of good news um at 6:30 tonight we received our contract from Hispanic access Foundation that so that we could move forward with our $1 million forestry Grant finally uh I spoke to Stephania and there were 10 revisions to her narratives uh they kept asking for more for more and more information so um that Grant was funded by the US Forestry Service uh through the inflation reduction act and part of it will'll have uh our arborous review several projects that are already in the works including the paving of the one in 300 blocks of Liverpool Avenue which I don't know is that one here yes yeah on um the Philadelphia Avenue tree grate issue and Archway green project so we'll be getting really busy and probably be having an ordinance committee meeting to start working on that tree or tree replacement orance and so forth so there's a lot of work that has to be done you have a deadline for that what's that is there a deadline for that 19 I mean 2028 yeah we got plenty time four years okay we did let the D know that we I got an I told them we would need an additional 60 days I didn't get a denial of the extension okay so I think we're still good they're not harassing us yet right no I haven't heard anything but and you know it hasn't come up in a lot of towns um a lot of towns already have those ordinances but you know they need revisions and they they need to look at them too because they have new requirements that they're asking for so we'll be we're starting from from scratch um we also learned today that we were awarded $128,000 Community energy planning Implement implementation Grant which was like a two-year project we originally got a $25,000 Grant to do uh an energy plan and we submitted a Grant application and we submitted I think five different initiatives and we got funding for EV charging public e EV charging stations that we plan to install on Philadelphia Avenue so thank you Jody and Ryan for working on that Grant last minute we got in it on time that's the secret and I'm really H happy to see that um we got that Grant because it was a lot of work over the two-year period to try to get it so and I believe uh I'm not sure I will check uh I believe this is the first year they are allowing implementation portions so I think it'll be was the first yeah so there will be other opportunities for us to take the other issues the other initiatives and work on them so pleas charging stations few tal tal what's the target what's the target areas for the EV stations well Ryan we looked at where on Philadelphia right in in front of the bank yeah near the old Bank of America okay that so you lose parking spaces yeah you'll lose two well you won't lose them they'll be four e right at medleaf parking spaces for who have EV vehicles and they can charge their vehicles there and we won't be paying for that they will pay be there'll be a fee for right but what we when we looked at the locations that site already has the infrastructure in place it the the box is like 10t from those parking spots so it was the most logical place to put and they'll probably put do one there's like a p they probably have to add a panel at the train station and then there was a third location that was City Hall that we were thinking in some point do so possibly City Hall depending how the funding goes so okay and we got the full amount we asked so okay then can I ask your question do you have any more of those tree bags because yeah Cedar Creek has a dying tree at the Lloyd wiber already outside or the yeah more out the cherry tree is Groen it doesn't look good it needs to be watered no it gets watered it's just um it just needs to be trimmed up the dead stuff it's still alive I checked yeah I and I've been watering it P's been watering it so it's not dead but it just needs the dead to T trimmed and I think it'll come back but anyway where are the bags have them at my hands because I I need one for Cedar yeah you do because you them I think they're in the are they no because you took them at peace when we had the we had the um the arborous that peace program that day yeah I back in the council room okay in my office is in my office I don't know but I think that's what she's trying to say so so we got find them yeah okay we have them though anything else that's all right thank you uh moving on Chief how you do and chief I didn't bring up Sergeant Lance L I know you've gone too oh yeah only two pages we'll go over some numb and then we'll go into depth about Stu so since July 18th since we were last all here um we had one aggravated assault two bires one fraud case two narcotics activities one robbery three stolen motor vehicle seven thefts um 10 motor vehicle accidents six pedestrian stops 90 traffic stops total of 67 summonses issued 12 arrests 17 business alarms four residential alarms 157 crime prevention activities four cases of criminal mischief nine domestics 40 Ms incidents five Firearms ID applications 21 followups 690 property checks and 704 Public Service uh calls um training we haven't done too much of that we did have one officer to go to a crisis negotiator training that he has to go to a quarter so that was two-day training um so he went to that uh we do have upcoming stuff with the fall coming up uh a lot of the schools uh policey that are affiliated with universities like Rowan um gler univers uh gler uh County um some things in Canon are opening up their teaching schedules again so we do have some some people go into classes next month including methods of um instruction I was going to sayi but then I realized not everybody would know what that is and then after the alphabet Su that maybe do I had to laugh because said something about the and you're like no do yes instruction thank you all right let's start out with um Saturday night so the food truck festival was great it was it was a great start to the day the Olympics were amazing at the lake g melt had some very inspiring words to say it's ALS awesome to see you know somebody who's gone to the Olympics and then has two sons who are now in the NFL all from a small town all from our high school so it's it's it's amazing and I think the kids loved it we had a great time out there again thank you jeie for for spearheading that the rifes who are also always out there um and anybody else who volunteered and went out there and anybody brings their kids out there it was such a great event you know we were worried a little bit about the weather because Debbie couldn't make up her mind I'm glad she did you know but um little Chuck F door um that I'll tell you what those people I am one of them um we worked our tails off um we worked our tails off to make that happen and I think it was probably the most successful today and um you know we already have food trucks that are wanting to sign up and coming back for next year so um we're really excited about it we were glad to see everybody come out and it was a great time until we shut down and thank you and thank goodness um you know this is not a negative reflection I don't want anybody to say that I am bashing 4 AG these were not 4 AG folks where this happened anybody who is not aware what actually are um 4 fair is located at the um of Hamilton Township and Galloway Township about a mile and a half two miles down road from us on 50 there was a group of unruly teenagers who were being disorderly at forage Fair they were picked out of there and were subsequently for their safety escorted out because they were coming down to our train station um the officers in Hamilton Township and Gallow Township did let us know that they were coming down here um and that they had been unruly and kicked out so Sergeant lini um took it upon himself to talk to the businesses in town and preemptively talk to Wawa and McDonald and they shut their stores down before anybody got in there so anybody who's saying that there was looting that there was rioting there was not the kids never got into the stores because our officers had the sense to say this is going to be a problem TOS the management utilize the relationships that we have with our businesses to make sure that the people who were working in there were safe and that their property was protected so anyone saying that they was looted there was not there was no looting at McDonald's or at Wawa unfortunately Family Dollar had not locked their door but Sergeant L was able to they did the the kids did wind up going in there he was able to get them out with there no property damage done to the inside of the store um I'm sure everybody saw the pictures on Facebook because everybody loves to say what's going on on Facebook um we did have responding officers from Mica Township Hamilton Township gay Township and the Transit Police out to deal with the group of 50 or 60 juveniles um they all showed an immense amount of restraint um there could have been a lot more arrest it's still an active investigation one juvenile was charged we looking to identify some of the other juveniles that were involved but all in all um you know everybody went home safe um no property was destroyed and you know it's just it's it's sad State of Affairs where you know good days have to be ruined by bad behavior um so one thing that I do want to bring up to council and something that I will try to do a draft of currently our ordinance for curfew is 11:00 p.m. on the weekends and 10 p.m on the weekdays nothing good happens after dark um when kids are out so um you know I'm going to take a look at some neighboring towns some other things to see if we can potentially change the ordinance because we don't need kids roaming the streets in HS after it gets dark Marg 10 o'clock they got big signs as you drive through it saying curfew 10 o'clock so so you know um and I mean fortunately our curfew uh ordinance does state that initially if we issue a curfew violation to the juvenile after that we can then start citing the parents um and I think that's probably the way that we are going to be able to accomplish anything you know fortunately and I I don't this is going to sound wrong these weren't our kids that were doing this so most of them AR what I said most of them aren't most of them yeah yeah so you know it's like these were kids from outside of town these were not our kids destroying our stuff you know so you know I don't want any of our kids to get B reputations if they weren't you know so you know these were kids who came in with an agenda got you know mob mentality and so it was unfortunate but you know fortunately there was not more damage nobody was um seriously injured so there's that all right so that was that um we've been busy let me tell you about a few other things that we have um was arrested for disorderly conduct and terroristic threats following a DV domestic violence sorry a domestic violence call from his girlfriend while attempting to place him in custody he got into a fighting stance in thre Patrol multiple times Sergeant Landy cinii on that date also spent 30 to 40 minutes trying to talk this guy down it did ultimately wind up being um a fight where one of our officers did get injured and is out for a little while um he was processed in Lodge on the Atlanta County Justice Facility I was going to do again a um on two Wars from this incident and that included a few different uh accounts that aggravated assault on an officer um another thing okay so recently in the last two months we've gotten at least two guns off the street um we received call juvenile's mother um was involved in a physical altercation with her boyfriend um initially had negative contact with anyone at the residence however cell phone pings um showed that both subjects were still inside the Department after a period of time were able to get the victim to exit the residence however the uh subject suspect refused they made entry found him hiding in a closet he was taken into custody custody on multiple outstanding nors as well as simple assault as the victim had signs of injury um after ensuring that all the acents were out of the residents we applied for a search warrant of the resident and we found a handgun with an extended magazine approximately 210 laps old of um CDs he was charged um accordingly so that was that that was the afternoon when you were out there um you know so something like that for a department like us that was an hours long thing the call started probably around what number you got there two yeah two they didn't leave until 10:30 so you know it's it's a process and that's not just one person working on something it is multiple officers you know our detective came back in like so this is something and I do have to thank Hamilton Township for their assistance that day because it was considered a quasi it was really a barric subject but Galloway had their own barricaded subject on that day but Hamilton countship came out that day um you know we had to coordinate with prosecutor's office we had to do specific kind of call outs and everything like that and us all to maintain the safety for everybody um but you know big thanks to Hamilton Township for their two officers that they had here they were super super helpful I have written um I did call Chief SRO the next day and thank him for their assistance and they are going to be having letters of commendation sent over for their personel files um so that that that not done um responded to the train station for somebody reportedly showing up to confront a victim and a friend about uh a phone that he believed they had um he belied the victim had his phone and she had already told him she didn't have it the victim was with another male complained uh was her brother while speaking with the victim the uh subject stated that the actual guy who was arrested pulled a knife out on him and went over towards them um he did admit that he had one on him and he pulled it out because the other gentleman came over and tried to start a fight with him he was arrested taking the custody um for unlawful possession of a weapon and possession for unlawful purposes um but these are the things that we are dealing with um last week you may have seen us running around in the rain with the following a canine so we responded to the area uh of the Philadelphia Village for report of a motor vehicle um versus a pole and dispatch advised the occup fled occupants the vehicle fled the scene um we were able to find out which direction they did we did a canine track um the two males were ident find one was an adult the other was a juvenile um they fled from Patrol and we were able to we weren't able to find them they did uh lose track of them and the Canan was not able to track them but we were able to positively I them um the vehicle was of course stolen out of Northfield um and crashed and so the adult was placed on a warrant and the juvenile was placed on a juvenile complaint summons um okay so then yesterday another all day thing victim called reporting that her ex-boyfriend was harassing her and stated he was coming to shoot up her house the victim stated two days prior during an argument the gentleman had appointed AR-15 rifle a her um the victim signed several domestic complaints and applied for TR granted TR was granted and um she advised the vo the weapon was potentially a resident in the lab control search we did located AR15 St rifle he was charged with several weapons offenses um and was subsequently transported to the jail um um that again was another all day thing so we're busy here in in Al count um and those are you know those are the things that we are doing but we also do good things so um one of the things that we did yesterday evening we the Coalition for Community hosted a community cookout um Council mclark and Mary G and Penny were there as well it was a great turnout we served about 250 burgers and hot dogs um um so it was it was great we had uh representatives from the state police thear police department the Atlanta County prosecutor's office and the attorney obviously the Attorney General out there um so that was a good time um we we had that again you know uh those are all good things that we also do so some upcoming things that everybody needs to be aware of from August 16th through September 2nd you will be warned we are doing our dri over gets pulled over Grant we did a five for the grant we do have that so you will see officers out doing specific um drum driving enforcement um so you will also see City police police department Facebook page you will see some um information and just you know [Music] some information that was provided by national highway um Traffic Safety about driving and and what you can do making sure you have a designated driver so you'll see those campaign um information informational uh ORS on there um school's going to be back in session soon so I ask everybody to please slow down um we're gonna have kids running around and with the excitement of school uh we want to make sure that everybody gets there safely so please make sure that you leave a little bit early um anybody who's walking or riding your bike please cross crosswalks um we have our crossing guard training next Tuesday so they will be ready to go um and in terms of the back to school stuff sprad uh Elementary on Tuesday at August 20th by 5:30 6:30 p.m. they are having their back to school evening they will be having school supplies um and some refreshments and just general information about the school year and the EG community school will be having their back to school night on Thursday August 22nd from 4: to 6: p.m. again um school supplies and other information and it's usually like a circus theme type thing so that's what we've got going on I you I hit all of my talking points yeah I think I'm done can you go back to the first thing I did I do want to think like all of the officers that were working that night like three of them have been working at the food truck festival all day but they all came so it was Landini defo Rosenberger K and fonel like they really held it down with all of these unruly juveniles so I can't speak highly enough about their actions and how they interacted and how much restraint they showed um and and just we're we're lucky to have them so um yeah you know that's that's what we've got working here you know and you know taking some proactive steps to keep things safe and you know not just reacting but you guys do an amazing J the quality of our officers and the work they do is absolutely a reflection of your leadership thank you thank you Chief thank Chief Jody anything um the only thing I just want to mention is that um for resolution number 16 I just finalized the amount with um Marcel so the amount is going to be $3,699 49 can upd resolution updated and what was it 3699 I do have a question with uh for you actually uh regarding qu systems how are we looking with them as far as payments and I this year I don't really they're supposed to send me monthly before but I honestly don't get very often but I can send them kind of see whether they're at status for this year but for what we Ed last year was 6,000 okay and that was not quite four all right in addition to that that contract you remember termination date because I know we have to give certain amount of days notifications for termination or renewal look at it because they had that thing where when the county was trying to do something we agreed to stay a little longer so January when is it 25 January 25 give or January 1st or 31st I think I think they start on the first to give her take between because if I'm not mistaken the language was 90 days notice or 180 days Days 180 days so if you want to do anything I have to give them some noce okay that's just to review the contract yeah I think we should definitely so I just wanted to make that not so thank you if you don't have anything else thank you all right uh Jackie you have anything all right Angela so for your consideration there was an ordinance for introduction is to amend the Redevelopment plan for the Gateway Rehab area which is the AC site and to permit contractor vehicle storage as a conditional youth so I have here a representative from from the attorney's office so Vision sent a letter to the governing body requesting this specific Amendment to the re uh your development plan it calls for contractor vehicle storage both indoor and outdoor storage of vehicles used for construction and repair and this would be a conditional use so what would happen is is if Council wants to consider this um we would send this to the land use board to have a meeting next week for consideration and review and give us a recommendation on whether they think this is an appropriate Amendment if they think it's an appropriate Amendment then you can consider this for passage at our next meeting in September um in the meantime I thought the representative Vision can answer any your questions regarding the indoor and the outdoor storage but one other thing I want to add is if the ordinance is passed in um September then the applicant would need to go to the land use board and apply for the conditional use it is a conditional use it's not a permitted use so they would need to make full application to the land use board and get um permission to have this site it's not done deal even if the ordinance passes the ordinance simply gives them the possibility to make application land Angela I don't believe I got that letter could you please email that to me it was sent to me actually may send it to me because I thought you said councel sure because you know why um only because we had discussed this with your clients before and there was no outdoor component to it so now there's an outdoor component to that so that's what we were a little surprised about this evening right and that may not be subject to the application that my client report after the after it's amended it's just a possibility right I think what they would they requested was a broader um definition to give them the possibility of indoor and outdoor if that's in fact what they resolve to do and make application for if we keep it narrow then they're stuck with the indoor then the application would be much different correct yes and the other issue is I believe your Redevelopment not allow for a use so we would have no way right correct that's true all right so I have a couple questions for you one first and foremost if you could introduce yourself and the pr your representing know who you are great point myel I'm an attorney at Davis and gold and represent ility and utility company okay um so a couple questions I have uh one if you could give us a broad overview of the Aesthetics of the exterior regarding if this property was purchased by this company what they would be doing to it would it be fenced in like kind of stuff like that because it is a very focal Landmark on the White Horse bike so just to give an idea if you have an idea what their plan would be aesthetically for the exterior to be honest with you I don't believe we have a concept plan or a site plan yet I think the first step is is the amendment which you're not all right um so no we don't have a plan or a site plan yet but we would you know of course be willing to work with more professionals and um any any interested party from the public to you know make something that fits within your R development plan set right um and then in addition to that as far as the vehicles being stored if you can give us a broad overview of what kind of vehicles we're looking at size uh what they do kind of stuff so Vision utility specifically is a utility company let's say your power go out you call AC electric or JC now and say hey my power out sometimes they go out and fix it sometimes they cont trct with our not my my clients now utilities and vision utilities will send a truck out to do whatever they do to repair the repair the power generally those trucks are not larger than a springer band they're usually just what you would see from AC electric I I don't know what the proper term is you know what I'm talking about yeah yeah nothing nothing extremely large agers anything like that okay and any idea uh quantity they would have on site how many vehicles they would be on yeah at this point I we don't have a concept plan or a site plan so I don't know how many vehicles stored on there well I believe it was up to 80% of the property could be covered in vehicles as as far as the I was told so that's a large that's a large portion the letter came to make she disseminated I thought mayor counil she made have just s it to make me and secondly as far as the actual site plan um my discussions with Ryan and um The Firm was that they do not have a site plan ready yet that they're waiting for this ordinance because technically they they can't commission the site plan they don't want to spend the money for the site plan and the application to land youth board because it's not so once it becomes a conditional use for which they will need a VAR um then they'll prepare a plan and'll take it to the land board to all the other requirements things that nature right so it's not just G to be 100 on right okay any other questions comments thank you for coming out appreciate it and then we have Jersey grown LLC for whom they appli for a license and the license was granted for the review the chief and Ryan my review and met all their requirements and they receive the license for wholesale what was what was there a storefront what was whale where where is their site indal yeah I think that would so was a good thing it took a while to get all the requirements in um and I didn't receive anything from the Cannabis control division so I replaced it all that it took a while this is been going on May and then they never went to the land ports because every Cannabis used to conditional use they never went to the can to the land board I believe you were there they did finally get to go to the land use board they got a resolution and then once we got all their requirements then city issued their that's all we have they're not open but they have license I don't know when they're gonna open any other questions for Angela thank you oh I just one quick question unrelated to this um I was I was contacted by one of our residents and they were asking if airbnbs are allowed in P haror City they are not are they restricted or is it they're not regulated or they are actually not allow a couple years ago we had airb I remember right and it was never passed so they are not permitted okay so there's no is there an ordinance against it uh all our ordinances basically specific ordinance permitting an airb otherwise it is not permitted okay and the reason it wasn't permitted after council's consideration was that it would generate um probably issues within the neighborhood parking you know I'm saying issues but I'm saying noise you know parties whatnot trash excessive trash and also parking in spots that belong that residents in front of residents homes so that that was why we didn't decide to do it to my recollection well that isn't why I voted against it but but uh I was just asking for clarification thank you all right thank you so moving on 15 we have a motion to approve the use of Lincoln Park uh send Integrated Health e City Coalition for Safe Community movie in the park on August 24th or 21st from 5:30 to 10 pm any questions or comments make a motion second second all in favor any NES number 16 can I just interrup also you'd have to wave that fee for that them also it's not on here but you really should because there is a big okay they request it well they didn't pay they don't want to pay it I can call Parry right now they're not gonna pay $50 anyone oppose uh anyone want to make a motion to wait the Fe for I'll make that motion I'll all have aoll call okay an yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes past yes pessie yes Timbers what's the movie movie in the park yes right yeah and Richie yes number 16 is a resolution to approve accumulated absences for officer Lua dudo I do have one question did she resign what happened if you could she work here anymore um it depends what the question is she resign or we can't expose circumstances res she she resigned I mean that's it that's all do because I know she was sworn in several months ago right okay that's it she was here prior and then she left and came back is it no class two class last she went yes she went to and stopped okay no more explanation easy appreciate it just was out so uh any dollar amount of 3699 49 may have a motion I make a motion second roll call please P yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes Tessie yes Timbers yes right yes and Richie yes uh resolution for application New Jersey Finance board seeking an assumption of services and functions from sale of water sewer utility if there's any questions or comments I'm sure Jody can answer yeah just real Qui we approved this at the last council meeting we did the application then when the state got it they wanted it under a different statute so it's that's the same thing we did last month with statute I'll make that notion I'll second roll call please atoni yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes he yes Tessie yes Timbers yes right yes and renie yes 18 resolution authorized asalt Paving systems for reconstruction of 100 300 blocks in Liverpool Avenue any questions or comments yeah have a question sure how much did we get in Grand funds for this or it was in the email for some thousand if I'm not mistaken J was that the number no the 78,000 the full bid was 4 460 right oh yeah it was 4600 or something 4,460 for 2878 oh okay we app for so where's the rest of the M for 400 something but yeah we got we I think we got this amount two years in a row for this than the year before and that total dollar amounts covering both of those blocks correct nothing the city has covered I mean we'll have to make up the difference from the estimate but that is for the two blocks I believe and where's the rest of the money coming from we have done a road ordinance with some money for roads and things originally we had done Bond ordinance yeah that we already had like not an additional one one we have okay any other questions May motion second roll call atoni yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes timers yes Ray yes and Richie yes resolutions are authorize the award of contract for installation of tennis and pickleball courts through a cooptive agreement with New Jersey edge.net Incorporated EDG Market cop Cooperative pricing system any questions or comments regarding this I have a motion I make a motion second please second roll call atoni yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes Tessie yes Timbers yes R yeah and Richie yes uh Atty resolution to release the maintenance guarantee Samir Ibraham IIM 827 play any questions or comments what property is this it's the um the old Heritage the little W the old [Music] W any other no have a motion move second roll call please at yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Timbers yes R yes and Richie yes point1 a resolution refund property taxes due to 100% disable V status any questions I make a mo roll call please atoni yes Clark yes Dash absolutely gway yes Heist yes pessy yes Timbers yes great yes and Richie yes 22s introduce the coordin previously spoken upon number 11 of this year amending a Redevelopment plan for the Gateway Rehabilitation area to to permit contractor vehicle storage as a conditional use any further questions or comments regarding this so this is just for them to be able toach and then he said to okay for thank you and the only reason that we're doing it is so that they will we have they have the variant so they will step in otherwise they may not we're amending the whole Redevelopment plan to allow for a used variant condition any have questions I'm Mak a motion I'll second thank you thank you all in favor any n all right advertise notice of introduction of hempton Gazette on the 21st for a public hearing on September 19th make that motion second all in favor thank you anyone like to make a motion to pay the bills atan yes Clark yes stash yes Galloway yes yes Psy yes Timbers yes right yes and Richie yes mayor the floor is yours any last comments I'm good I've said everything thank you all right councilwoman and nothing D oh yeah something just real quick um it's it's uh it's no no it's very well known that my schedule is extremely busy with work so I don't get out to the lake very often but I've been out there several times this summer I usually get there about 45 minutes before it closes and uh I would like to recognize Brenda Ruth I get to see her interact with the children on the sand and the water um absolutely wonderful job um very much appreciated um I see how kind she is to the children and I also see how clear how fast she can clear that Lake of swimmers after the time is over so excellent job excellent job that's all I coun right uh just a couple things um uh September 7th opening day for the Crusaders so chap if we can do uh couple dyb you your schu yes we'll do it's on Facebook yeah I got I'll send it right yeah what C yes yes if you can not use the word drivey you talk to an office it's a lot different I'll email it to the both of you now and then um hopefully uh scoreboard will be up and running by the 20 second it's only been a year and a half I'm bring and then the fence should be going up right behind it so so uh it should look like a whole another field out there on game day on September 7th uh signups are still going up for football um the numbers as usual go up every year I think there's 20 kids at each level and there's almost 40 kids at Varsity so um like I say uh like Chief was saying earlier please don't criticize our kids um a lot of the stuff that goes on around this town has nothing to do with our kids um these are kids that come off the train from other places and uh believe it or not if you took the time to talk to some of these kids you would see how educated and and um how smart these kids are and uh to get put in situations that they don't need to be put in or they're not even involved in is kind of wrong um I'm around these kids a lot and um like I said most of these kids are smart and the sky the limit for these kids as you can see like with the Milton Brothers going off and hit a draft and there's kids that going to be going right behind them um and all through colleges for these division one schools for their education and stuff like that so when you see these kids don't be hesitate don't be scared of them talk to them they're they're in human and talk to them and like I said they they're very respectful and um they get back to this community just as much as everybody else so um other than that um football's still going signups are still going on I got to the September 13th do set kids for football cheer I believe is done August 19th so if you're looking to sign your daughter uh or child up for uh for football you're more than welcome to come out to uh to the caders field we're out there Monday through Friday 6 to 8 o'clock and I believe that's pretty much it all right thank you councilman timers I just want to uh kind of follow up Mason uh our kids are kind of amazing um my son he uh he graduated from from Ceda Creek he came up through sprag community school and him and all his friends they all went to college he just graduated uh we just dropped him off at college and of course he jumped around on the video game to all his friends he was there um but I think we should all just be um amazed at the quality of schools that we have in this town um and when we see our kids we should we should really celebrate them thank you councilwoman anones just want to thank Keith and Karen Chief mayor everybody that put in all the effort at the food truck festival at the Olympics um it's really something special that our community does not everybody Community does these things um and it's just really special all the hard work that goes in to see it come to fruition and see everybody out there I know that we sold over 150 snow cones um just at our little booths so it was a really good day so thank you guys thank you Council H uh I just wna uh piggy back on what uh councilman Dash had said I was out at the lake I don't know week or so ago and I had experienced a bit of a um issue that had Arisen and boy between Brenda Ruth and Riley learner they really took charge of the situation and and um it was it was wonderful to watch them so we do have some good people out there as well totally kudos to them that's all I have thank you Council Park um also with the Crusaders we also need volunteers uh these kids work very very hard our volunteers work very very hard with this organization and you know keeping these kids out of trouble um and you know you don't necessarily need to have a child within the Crusaders to help them volunteer um but you know any bit help um is greatly appreciated uh and that's it oh I was Miss I I wasn't here for June but so uh a belated congratulations to the class of 2024 um that's all thank you Council together um just one thing I had the pleasure of covering margate's law day uh was it last night last night the night before I don't know they're all all one the week is one big day and he he holds you in very high regard uh the will the uh Pro County prosecutor oh yes he had high high remarks for you and I was really pleased to hear that so he's he congratulated you on your leadership abilities so thank you everything yep thank you uh I just want to Echo what everybody much pretty pretty much has set up here uh Chief the department does a hell of a job with as young as they are straight up it's a young young Department call a job keep it up send our send everything to them from us all right um but there's two two things I also want to add uh everybody have a safe and enjoyable Labor Day weekend say we ain't GNA see you again till September 19th and uh to all the parents out there September 3rd and 4th um it's going to be a big day of celebrations and the kids our kids back to school we're all looking forward to um so with that um thank you and I'll open up to the public anybody here from the public have any comments they want to bring to our attention step on up yeah come on up on L I am happy birthday to you 45 45 Oh I thought 45 sorry um I first I want to Echo what Mason said I've lived across the street from the Crusaders for almost 20 years never once have I had any of those kids do anything that made me worry they don't destroy things I've got a big break Vine along my fence they don't even pick breaks so I never worried for one minute that those kids are going to do anything un where I live um good kids they're very good kids um the one thing I want I'm not here is a represented for myself I'm here for No One hungry in EHC and as you may or may not know we've spent the last year um renovating a building from 1890 um day and the address is 231 to 233 Philadelphia Avenue um we started very early working with Karen Adams to um secure an NPP Grant to help us with the lighting outside and the signage to go with the billing um Angelo pcus uh worked extensively with Karen and with Cindy Williams the city's um to agree on the design so that it would fit within the scheme of what she had recommended the only thing was we had already painted the building so we couldn't turn around and repaint it the color that she wanted but several months ago well three months ago we agreed on what was going on the front in the signage um and so I have been emailing Karen who has worked so hard to secure that for us and to get us what we need um only to find out that we can't have the money because we've all the city has already reached the maximum they're supposed to pay sign aama no I talked to Angela the city uses certain contractors for certain things there is and Jody correct me if I'm wrong there is a limit that we can spend per contractor at with cama we were almost to that limit yeah I talked to I've talked to um I to talk to Keith today about it and I emailed Karen so I think we've come up with the solution how we're gonna be able to so I think what we'll do is we'll run every The Economic Development Corporation can run the storefront refresh program and they will invoice the city and we will just pay the economic development that's kind of hington and theirs their Main Street group basically brand it they invoiced Hamington and then that's how they did so I talked to stepan about it I talked to hamton's administrator so stepan was fine said that would be fine so I did contact Aaron so I think that will be what is that I mean we've been waiting I'm not being the lering I'm just trying to plant in my head because we're very close to completing the inside of the building and we need to signage and the lighting I think it'll be able to pretty much happen almost immediately I don't want to speak PC but as long as they're I know said they have a meeting coming up so as long as their board's kind of okay with running it the same way you know agreeing to that which I can't imagine why they would but you never know but so there we don't have to wait for like another bid to go out or anything because I we have a meeting this week and I think that but it has to go through and get on our end then from there it's really it's pretty much immediate if it goes through which I say problem problem we have the blessing of the DCA which makes it even more of not a problem for us okay it just we we're I believe we're meeting this week Chief may tell me the date that I don't know yet um we're meeting next week and then hopefully we'll go over all that's awesome because we're so close and we're trying really hard to keep the building nice uh we serve at this point um over a hundred families and individuals that come in there twice a week to get food and um we're taking pride in the building so we I wanted to find out how okay there's there's other people we too I know we're not we don't like form a committee or anything to jump on the city but um I just wanted I'm sorry no I've heard of the way no you're fine all right sounds good thank you anyone else anyone else from the public step on up yeah introduce yourself name please Ryan on 74 street I'll come up with two things first not a big deal I participated in your Christmas parade apparently we got first place it was a trophy if it's around cool it's not no big deal my that we do your PR all time we got a whole shelf of so Alexander AF construction got first prize like what well Brenda Brenda Ruth would have that yeah that would be the Christmas part oh Christmas yeah but didn't Brenda judge it I thought so we'll find it for you'll find one the second reason I'm coming up here is probably not as pleasant but I just felt the need to come and talk to you guys I saw some stuff on Facebook somebody's name from my past childhood surface uh for I'm not going to mention names something with your Historical Society I do understand that there Historical Society is separate from the city and all that but the individual's name came up uh that person dated my mother when I was a child uh we all know the legal stuff through the papers that you can see with this individual uh I'm sure you all know his name I'm not going to bash somebody publicly but uh my mother dated him I was a child I was young um and I just want you to be aware of the people you have representing your community I do coach you Sports too uh we are separate from I do live in G Township but got Egger City mailing address um Gall football Renegades is separate from G but I still G people in Gallow and the people you have volunteering and you know uh you should really really reconsider who you have representing your community that individual verbally views me as a child mentally views me as a child and I watch that individual break the legs of a dog in front of me as a child I moved on in life I'm now 39 I have two children of my own I have a successful business uh I haven't thought of his name in a long time till I saw it resurface again and then do a bunch of posts that were re surfaced I didn't realize that this individual started this stuff back in the 80s before I was born this individual has robbed over a 100 businesses throughout the community I didn't know that while he was dating my mom on Christmas Eve he robbed the business and broke his leg uh so all these things came back up again and again I'm involved in NE har City I was at the food truck festival I was at the 4 H Fair too uh in the daytime my son wanted to do p contest um so I'm in the city a lot my business is down the street my home is down the street and like I said I just felt the need I feel a lot of people give input and say things but I lived it uh I was in that situation my mom's the one that turned him in I'll never forget the eight hours I spent at the gway police station I'll never forget seeing photos of me as a child playing the yard because we were being investigated and watched uh it's part of my childhood that's not pleasant but I've moved on from it and I just hope that you Council can kind of I I guess keep an eye on who you have representing you because you know it's Historical Society of a city like it says and you're absolutely right and I think Council should write a letter to the Historical Society requesting that they they consider that themselves after what what we're hearing this evening we don't have any control over that unfortunately where you read that at Egg Harbor City page is not is not the Egg Harbor City page we have an official Egg Harbor City page it has this seal on it when you look it says official egg haror City page okay that site is the hater site and they put things on there post historical s that posted that person's name in it yes regardless of the comments I saw the quotes from the person whoever runs your Historical Society thanking and then arguing with people that it's hard to get volunteers and without his help in this and that so again whatever your pages and this and that and whoever that has nothing I just know that this person's name is being associated with your City and I want regardless of the papers I'm giving you a first hand testimony of somebody as a child that lived with that person okay I can tell you the things that that person used to make me repeat as a child and it was horrible and I'm I have a happy life and I have no part of that with me and I'm in a much better place in life than that person is and I never spend a day in prison or jail um so I have much better V mods in my life and I coach you football which I'm I'm assuming you do seriously to talked about it because I'm in Galloway and we got kids with troubles too we have kids with you know their fathers they watch their fathers murder their mothers like we have kids with issues and I want to be a role mod I represent Galloway and I represent my community and with the same can't control everybody uh but just you know all your second guest and think who you have representing your community all I can say is we can try we have no control over their board we could probably play hard ball a little bit because it's our property however you know we we really don't want to go that route because the historical society is a very valuable um well the G you said it was valuable you have somebody that well we don't they do we get you valuable just like the lady that represents the hater site she's representing Egg Harbor City but whether she realizes it or not and we can't control that even though I've had numerous requests to do so comment that I saw that was person and then I saw the name and I what was an ongoing obviously I see the other stuff but that has nothing to do with me like I said my general concern was the person I represent your I haven't heard his name it's been been PL for for years I think the last time we wred was 2018 three six years that's good start uh but there's people that were never made whole from that situation if my business was robbed by that person who was found guilty of those charges and I've never been made of that you got time to volunteer how you get a job and start paying back some the people your money to so I do thank you for your time you have a great City I love being involved and stuff I'm glad I came because I know pright is for Halloween I get my ready two years back to back first place we have to get the trophies you have any trophies I will talk to now she has so I'm just enjoying that oh yeah that on Rec it's not but my guys do put a lot of hard work back and know show I believe it got got warm and I don't think it was on anybody's mind but I make sure it's it's to you I I do appreciate I do appreciate what you guys so I do have a question for you just so I can wrap everything up because you said a lot so there was a post made on social media on the on the a Harbor City page was it the historical site page or the other page I just know the post was okay the head of the historical society was the post Creator so that's the other question I was asking I was going to ask you so the individual that actually created the post on whatever social media page it was on was a representative of the Historical Society she is not in the Historical Society the woman that made that post okay somebody made she is not kind of yeah because you're not real familiar with the people in town because you don't live here she is the creator of the page she is not on Historical Society however I think the situation was the information on the grave site came from him because he knew information on cil's history and she made a comment and Mike made a comment back that he used him and he was very respectful to Mike and the whole that's how all correct he probably saw my comments on there I I stop at a certain point and put it away because it gives me a headache believe me so just things like I said I just want to need at least one to come because you know all read the paper and take what you want from that but hear from somebody that actually Liv AB that that individual has not somebody I would allow around my children my family or anywhere and I mean convicted I would imagine he's a felon so that's just you know take it how you want so I appreciate all and I personally have no one else I appreciate you come bring in light to the situation and to I I just felt iive I slept on it I thought about it I to leave football practice early tonight to get over here my son wasn't happy to leave early but I just felt if I could protect someone else just even bring it to light at the end of the day it's it's your town it's your city it's your rules it's you deal with it uh I saw it no trauma no nothing moved on from it and all because honestly as we sit up here as the governing body there's things that people know in the town that we're not aware of the things that you told us today we weren't aware of that until you told us so that brings a new eye opening to the situation so we will you know discuss it and address it as we feel you know appropriate well I appreciate app all your time he man favor start paying your tax wel can bring your kid to to yeah that toer as a coach score um anybody else want to P go once twice all right never motion till joury make a motion second all favor all right thank you everyone see you in sept