like to call the order of executive sessions schedule for 6:30 p.m. February 8 2024 at this time I have a motion to go first we came into AE this meeting has been properly advertised accordance with public La 231 call please mayor jetti here at here Clark here Dash here Galloway Heist Tessie Timbers right here Richie here hessie this time there's a resolution if I may have action shut down whatever the only people that are in are us and so I know but I want to ref toti like to call the order reg council meeting February 8th 2024 uh we just came out uh session which I will turn over to our attorney for Des [Music] May thank you Angel on may have motion to approve the minutes from the 18th of January anybody here from the public have any comments or questions regarding agenda items once twice right May the floor is yours so tonight we have two employees that are retiring the first one is our Public Works employe check come on up Chad has served in the public works department since June of 19 1988 okay so December 31st 2023 and I can tell you that his service has been absolutely outstanding and we do appreciate City all time did a great job the last sorm we just had I so weird well we can arrange for you to come back conratulations it's been wonderful 45 years I just want to thank everybody the help the last year thanks so much is police off so we have jenniferle Sergeant has in the police department since 203 September 2003 and her retirement was February 1st 2024 and we certainly do appreciate all your service she's say a lot of things about you we wish you well your so really hates this so we're gonna make it short and sweet um um Sergeant Jennifer Hurley September 11th 2003 through February 1st 2024 Sergeant hurle began her career with the Egg Harbor City Police Department in September 2003 following in her Father's Footsteps as a career law enforcement officer as the first long-term female police officer of the a haror city police department it's appropriate to call her a trail devaser Sergeant Hurley navigated the ups and downs of the department with steadfast determination during a particularly tumultuous time in the departmental history she was an integral part of rebuilding her organizational skills and attention to detail ensured that one of the most crucial elements of any Police Department the evidence function maintained or exceeded mandated standards she exemplified the role of the perpetually learning police officer having completed her bachelor's and master's degrees while working full-time on her own time in addition to extracurricular learning she completed the rigorous and prestigious New Jersey State Association Chiefs of police command and leadership course a graduate level law enforcement course she utilized her excellent writing skills to Mentor other officers and help them H their writing skills with the ever feared yellow [Laughter] highlighter as written by dispatcher and friend hesia Echo 33 Sergeant Hurley you set the highest standard for yourself and others too showing honor pride and dignity we saw the best in you your success was not given you earned through hard work with determination and a Relentless Spirit you made it into your life's work you started on this journey so many years ago and now it is time to leave behind dear friends you've come to know congratulations on your retirement Sergeant early Echo 33 we deeply thank you it is with much appreciation and gratitude that we present you with this commerative PL for your 20 years of dedicated service to the city every chat Sergeant congratulations that re mayor to continue a couple things uh we will be submitting a grant the fire department hopefully get this year we haven't been too successful so that'll be in the works we also have a food drive on Wednesday the 14th right here at City Hall if you are a friend or family member or in need of food please either come early or call ahead and we will save you a box um that the hours will be probably around 3:00 until 5:30 February 14 um we are planning two possible parades apparently our swim team and Cedar Creek is doing very well so there any event that they do win the boys and girls we have a parade on the 14th and unfortunately it'll be a little bit late in the evening around 9 o' as they are travling and 15 which the same time if you look to my left and to my right apparently Philadelphia Avenue has become an incentive for Cedar Creek um every time they win a state championship we do give them a prate and it's really um it's just I never in my wildest dreams thought that Philadelphia Avenue would be a incent for students to do well or or anyone for that matter so we've come a long way in an Harbor City so I I hope that you guys sitting here would you know come out and support that effort um and I think that's all I thank you man committee reports I'll start with Redevelopment we had a Redevelopment committee meeting last week on the 30th I think it was um so we' discussed four potential development plans that we're gonna be looking into one specifically is St Nick school is looking to be purchased by doctor turned renovated turned into 12 uh Apartments per V in addition to I believe eight single family HS on the uh on the lots a playground and other advantes within the building on and on the property There are 16 plots of land out at Cedar Creek North that we are looking into Ryan theal R&V they're going to give us a price regarding the plans for it to move forward to see if we want to entertain that there is another investor who owns property on MOS Road between Havana and St Louis I believe it is um he is interested in possibly doing a development out there of some sort selling off that land with plans and there was believe that's it right that was all yeah that was all the um uh possible development we have coming forth in the city hopefully in the near future uh regarding I also have Cod regarding code we're having a meeting on the 24th code is a work in progress I want to tell everybody said up here all residents we understand we know we see everything that's in the city we are actively working with the code Department employees to give them the proper tools and Necessities to accomplish their job and complete it to the best of their capabilities um and we will be entertaining the possibility of hiring a full-time code enforcement officer probably mid to late summer um we just have to review budget and salaries and numbers and everything so that is in reference to development and Code Department uh turn it over to council M for safety public uh the Safety Committee I'll be coordinating with the committee members this coming week to set up for our our our meeting and then we'll get back to you more after that Council Place for Public Works Jack on behalf of Public Works and the Fellas that you work with I've had public works for the last four years I've ched it and I just want to thank you for your dedicated service to the city it was really appreciated and you guys do not have to stay for the rest of the meeting you are allowed to leave if you need to take her home and put her to bed I know I just want to say again thanks everybody that help me last year I had a great 35 years here and I wish it wasn't over but well we thank you for your service thank you enjoy your time cancom Anon property pars playgrounds and SCH propertys ands so sorry that we get together here before we know get the Le just put opportunities for the Le so any family members or you know anybody that's interested now is the time to go get your certifications before you know it someone's going to be here so if you're looking for their certifications I reach out to myself for the mayor or if you know BR personally she can you with certifications that you need there um for school board there's a meeting coming up that I'll be attending but I that thank you Council Council councilwoman Clark license uh license and ordinance will be having a meeting on Tuesday February 20th at 11 a.m. councilman timers anything for L use or Aaron hen all right Meg anything with Council nothing at this time thank you all right Council woman Galloway sustainable um we're just uh beginning to start planning an aror day event this year to celebrate us receiving that million doll tree award so we're going to try to do something special this year um we U are looking for a location think of Philadelphia Avenue pocket park there but if it's I don't know if it's going to be worked on at that time so not be part so look forward to Shar more information about that coming weeks yeah keep us a rest of the day Friday April so that's it for chair reports Chief good evening everyone I have some numbers for you since we last met on the 18th of January through February 8th we've had one aggravated assault four burgies one fraud case three ffts seven motor V accidents two pedestrian stops 104 traffic stops we had a total of 52 summonses issued one dii arrest for a total of five arrests um over that time period other incidents we had 14 business alarms four residential alarms 182 crime prevention activities four domestics 29 EMS incidents five Firearms ID applications nine follow-ups 499 property checks and 14 public service calls um in terms of operation support training we do have an upcoming cell inspection in April 24th we always get the waiver because we cannot update or do anything with our cell so that should not be an issue um so big thing the shooting on Havana Avenue um at the intersection of Aro um as we posted the next day um there was a 28y old man injured he was shot multiple times on January 3 first at approximately 11:15 p.m. he is still in the hospital um we are not going to Ral any extent of injuries you know regarding Hippa and privacy um but Major Crimes from the office is taking the lead on this investigation there some of theirs were here in town today talking to us more information many people who uh live in the area probably have had their doors knocked on um but that's what we've got this is not a random shooting um there's no Reon to believe it was random um it was targeted in terms of the evening that evening when we responded we would like to send our great thanks to the Atlant count prostitut office Gallery Township Hamilton Township at County Sheriff's Department southstar that's the helicopter that we heard so much about um and the Gall Time Squad and Atlantic paramedics um does anybody have any questions I will give you as much information as I can but again that's investigation questions incident but a helicopter was frightful he was up there for so long and there was no way to communicate what was going on do we um I know we do robo HS but for something like that wouldn't like a Nix text message or something like that be appropriate just let the residents now it's a it's a hospital helicopter something like that I thought we were getting like invaded by Russia so we we have to weigh the necessity of notifying folks of course if there's any danger to folks then we will of course let everybody know however with a robo call with a Mixel or with something like that often times something like that in an active ongoing investigation where stuff is hot right there it will bring people to the scene and cause more issue for the investigation um the mayor did post something immediately on Facebook we were in communication right around midnight I would say um so you know that's something that we can look at to see about doing some sort of notification but at times like those um I was out ofing and unfortunately and that may an issue with M my first thought was not let me tell everybody what's going on it was what's we need to do to secure the scene you know and the folks that were there in the immediate area we had made contact with them so while I do understand that having that up in the air is you know so so they providing they were providing us with some FL and checking the area to make sure that there was we need to on so they wanted to make sure they were thorough um but no I it was it was very while I was on phone with the mayor kids and you know they weren very low um when we had the incident on Washington happen with my sister-in-law a robo call went out because at the time the information was given that three men broke into the house and attacked them and that's what caused it I can tell you when I got here from work I had to par all the way down on the 100 block and run through herds and herds of people to get to their house because that's how many people came out being nosy to see what happened and they got a call telling them to shelter in place that there could be bring people out and we could not literally get up Washington Avage to get to their home so I I completely understand why they don't make that call because it just B everybody who wanted to be nosy and see what was going on out into the street so I just wanted to add to that because I experienced it firsthand and I I understand no I mean I absolutely understand you know it is praying and you know I'm glad you brought that up because sometimes I do forget that you I deal with this kind of stuff every day and it's not the norm for everybody so it's good ground like okay let me think of it from a different perspective um but ultimately my first is preserving the scene making sure that we can do what we need to do while we're out there Hest Chief I Chief I have a question is there a way that maybe um you could just say that there's no reason for concern by the residents and you don't have to tell them where or what's going on but just to give them maybe some kind of maybe that might ease their minds just a thought that's potential we can look into that for any kind of incident that happens in the future absolutely everybody would sign up for you know Facebook and also the emergency alerts it would be helpful too because you know I send out a call and I get maybe 20 to 40% of calls that go through because bad numbers they don't update anymore so you want emergency information it's available you should sign up it's right on the sign up as new member and give the address or the text message however you want to receive your information can you do text messaging you have to sign okay that would be I think who wants to get a call in the middle of the night yeah like the said something like say for example when I had just hanging do we know if many of the people that were involved yes the victim was anything else well Chief trust to do the right thing what you're train to do and so continue you have anything you have anything angel justly on your agenda today number have a resolution finally approve the final team cont there more negotiations and a few things changed you recall last time was a question standby pay now we have standby pay for Public Work stand and also step in we clarifi starting salary and [Music] clarifi the only they were all sent to you and then um 23 a resolu authorizing the engineer and this is in reference to the St ni schol application so we thought it best to put resoltion no formal application and so there's formal for the engine to finally we have the ordinance number 26 this coordinance is something that um Chief and and I work on she brought it to our attention that we had no traffic um Control Ordinance really formal ordinance in place and particularly she was interested in the time limits the traffic director the road closing and in particular stop and now this will give the chief the authority to handle all those also adopted manual uniform traffic control devices which although referred to in the ordinances never officially adopted by the city now we have adoption can actually officially use it and ref to an application Fe we have a violation Fe of not less than $100 not more than $500 go out and oh there's a separate there's a separate that the city doesn't for p contract person who is conducting the construction generally the developer whoever think1 it is it's in the PBA contract public knowledge anybody wants to access any questions uh the violation fees they're in line with of the other so I personally feel they're way too low that's General consensus General any other questions for Angel all right uh Ryan Mall a representative from R&B um engineering is not here tonight Park out here E17 your trunk is [Music] open moving on uh to number 16 is a motion to approve uh to advertis Professional Services for a certified Arborist to be paid hourly as work needed by treatments are there any questions or comments or councilwoman if you want to give a brief have the to help us the all things we need to do to implement that grant program um this person will kind of like be an engineer or an attorney it's a Professional Services contract it would be paid person would be paid on as needed basis for that he or she does and we're asking for as a registered Consulting arborist and with a minimum of five years experience in Arbor culture and um a degree in the related field and I have a whole list of services that we're going to be needing this person for so hopefully we'll get some applications in and best person for for a haror city and the job than any other questions comments not have mention so they're being through the grant yes yes okay 17 resolution for Budget transfers sent out any questions regarding themar yes Dash yes Galloway yes he hessie yes Timbers yes right Richie yes 18 is the resolution regarding the team through CBA uh the mo MOA changes the additions to it are there any further questions or comments regarding this have motion roll call please at yes Clark yes Dash Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Timber yes right Richie yes 19 a resolution to award contract to Verizon Dental increased individual annual Max uh annual maximum uh just a brief description it dental coverage for for all city employees is $1,000 annually the teamers approach us about increase if there was a way to increase that coverage Jody took the liberty to reach out to Hardenburg and for 3.4% more annually uh we can increase the coverage by $500 so um and annual cost so there's no more questions or comments have a yes Clark stash Gallow heie yes timers right Richie yes number 20 is a resolution to establish a building department change one also known as a petty cash the amount of $100 for if there's no questions or comments may I have a motion you have question Clark yes yes Gallow yes yes I just have one question um is there what prompted this do we always have this or is this something new just every time someone comes to their window they don't have change and a lot of times people come with like large bills and then they're going up front and they're using up all the change from they haven't had it before it just would be nice if they had a small change one so someone sounds good yes my vote is yes all right Timbers yes right Rich yes so number 21 is a resolution to a contract for Dem so our fees came in they all exceeded the budgeted amount that we set forth so it is upon recommendation by our city engineer that we Decline and reject all uh RPS that were submitted and with doing so we have done this two times that with the RFB which will now allow us to um negotiate with companies uh um specifically and not have to go out to RFP again so with that is there any questions or comments if anybody wants to know the dollar amounts they are six digits so and our budget not to demo resolution I resol so we're just not motion to reject don't it 13.2 choose one you have both times reason which I did on record so we have a motion by councilwoman have a second all in favor uh number 22 is a resolution to adopt a granden purchasing policy are there any questions I have a question sure um first of all the policy looks fine but I have a question on what socially responsible management practice is what is that and who determines that not hard and fast very subjective right so for interpretation yeah I think we need I think I'm listed as the person that would kind of like manage so bottle police so if it's subjective when interpretation it's not like nothing in there says you abely have to do this it's more of like going to look for companies that are more how many times we I'm with environmentally environmentally practices but social responsible socially responsible I think that's just open interpretation and think take that s yeah I just found like and I kind of combined a few different things I found on you know kept it simple but got our purpose across can we just strike socially responsible yeah yeah because it's it it literally it's open for interpretation I mean if you retire and the next person comes in you know and I certainly trust you but right make that motion as amended any other question I do have a comous gases majority GRE gases but it did neglect to say water is thear I'm sure address any other thank you may I didn't know that hon with um have a second roll call please yes Clark yes stash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Timbers yes great Richie yes 23 is a resolution authorizing the engineer to attend uh pre-application meetings uh moving forward I have a motion I sure we just said St PS for St sorry aie yes timers yes 24's a resolution to refund of property second cour taxes due to 100% disabl V status any comments motion counc with motion Council second yes yes hessie yes timers yes great yes Richie yes 25 is resolution to support suitability of a state licensed cannabis business by ni the dreams State any questions or comments no it's any other questions comments motion no sorry all all 26 to introduce ordinance number one of this year 24 amending General code of the city of EG haror chap 259 adding article titled traffic controls for Street Highway construction and maintenance any questions or comments this no I have a motion to introduce all favor to introduce I have a motion to advertise introduction and have on the 14th of this year for a hearing on 22nd of this year favor motion to pay the bills an yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yesie yes Kimbers yes yes Richie yes mayor the FL is yours for any comments I do not just happy Valentine's thank you Council counc Dash coun right I got a couple um I don't know how many people here like sports fans Stu but um couple weekends ago B was playing and me being running caders and everything and coaching since a little kid and seeing him on national TV and how much they said Cedar Creet High School haror city was amazing um we got two more kids coming out this year that this got enter the draft Max M which is Bo M's younger brother go third fourth round towns probably about same range um so everybody that when we were up here trying to get CED Creek on the M build came in here and complained about CED Creek and all this I just want to say big shout out to CED Creek I mean what they doing right now and putting these athletes out there academically sport Wise It's unbelievable and um to see a little town like har City you know saying oh City's horrible City's horrible to see a har City C the creek across National Television all around the world it was pretty amazing and um with that being said I just want big shout out to who Jersey is basically number one sell Jersey right now as we speak um so for those at uh sleep night G city um it's a good town to be living in right now and I mean see theek the swim team about to bring home another championship um it's unbelievable and uh I just want to say uh good luck to everybody with the draft coming up and the combine and um hope we see some more uh C prospects out there thank you counil Tim um my son is a senior in Senor grp and uh I wna send out well wishes to not just them but all seniors that are right you know their applications are in they're W me here back from colleges and uh their parents are W me here if they get any money so um but U be mindful that we see some of these kids they're stressed more than we are thank you councilwoman Anon during the last meeting I wasn't here because I got to the Atlanta County Economic Association and year meeting they were kicking off the meeting for this year for all the things that they're getting ready to do and everything they did in the past year um if you haven't checked out them out on Facebook they post just about every day different things that they have going on different grants that are awarded for Atlanta County there are some really amazing projects um that are going on specifically out at the airport uh in Gallow Township and hopefully soon to be here um they are very interested in working with a cover City and so I am excited to to see what they bring us this year they're doing um a lot of amazing projects and they're working with Triad which we work with so hopefully we get to see them here shortly and work with us to do some Imaging projects here as well thank you councilwoman um I I just wanted to um say thank you to Chad as well as Hurley for their service to our community and that's all I have thank you thank you Council um first Happy Valentine's Day it's festive today um and uh speaking of the Crusaders we are having our annual fundraising for February um and we our goal is to sell 100 beanies and 100 blankets which are Crusaders they're very thick very nice material um the beanies are 20 and the blankets are 30 um and the link can be found on the Crusaders Facebook page and the in the mean green booster Facebook page uh we're about 133% towards our goal so any help Within These next 21 days would be great appreciate it thank you councilwoman Gall I don't much to offer but I would like to hear from the people online about our new system here if it looks better and if it sounds [Music] better work in progress one comment that some can hear but I have other people that say they can hear very clearly so it could be people's individual internet so it's not necessarily just City all other people are saying thank you all right uh I just want to finish congratulations to Chad I know he's not here congrats ations to Sergeant hurle uh who's out enjoying her retirement I'm sure at this moment um and everybody just have a great week we'll see on the 22nd so with that I'll open it up to the public yes step on [Music] up my talent no Tracy in 314 AR Street I haven't been here live and I haven't seen the sound system I didn't know just came out today really it's not loud not too soft I can hear everybody really really well we can hear before but this is better this is noticeably just very professional sounding and just really you guys are just stepping up here in a Harver City so I just I just want to thank you guys the creativity is flowing and you know all the hard work you put in that's not noticed and not recognized sometimes so keep up the good work guys good job thank you anybody else from the public come on up state your name and uh where you live I don't live in a city I representing uh Team 331 on behalf of Marcus K to say thank you to the board for approving our yet another contract marus is the president and I am the vice president ER r s [Music] r ER thank you and so Mr King that we say thank you also absolutely and we uh greatly appreciate it absolutely well uh hello everybody um my name is we represent night streams LLC I know knowu 25 man retor somebody who worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 39 years we interested in opening a cannabis at2 probing restoration fix that off but some of the things that we feel like that would be a big opportunity for the town is the location itself okay has over 31 par spots and Ed and I have kind of immersed in that in the business and now it's been progressing and the difference between a place that Parks 31 cars or something in a strip, quter Revenue to the toar to $300,000 so you know all I can say is um with our backgrounds Ed and I would certainly run a very well comp business will fix that location up to look beautiful um we have the investment backers to do that I don't if you to add anything speak for you I just want to thank everybody for opportunity um this is my first time ever doing this so um I just like to say that you know to kind of pay you back saying um we understand actually we just kind of found out tonight that there has already been two uh two class five details approved already and we understand that hoping is that Council appr the third so we can location and long term we're not we're not planning on you know going anywhere that's not our intent our intent is to to build a location here and we even considering relocating to City once we are hopefully Tom live very beneficial not just us to the community as well um Tom had mentioned that you had 20 35 plus years inace business unfortunately due to uh that that got cut short so um myself I did 25 plus years in Big Box retailers R myget Lo turn 50 and decid to change Myer D trailer I've doing that for the last seven years still hoping to kind of make this time together and thank you I take time thank you well one thing I didn't mention he's also a veteran and if you if your to [Music] well honestly because there was a license ofing we started and very transparent she said you're competing for this people here just before you um but we said hey we looked at the location we fell in love with it you know we met we met with FL like that you know and um honestly um we think it's a little different too um we'd be building this from the ground up the way we would want it to be as oppos to so um if you guys were to be lucky forunate to be awarded a license from State come back to this municipality to get a local license um one of the things U that's very popular right now are Community host agreements or host Community agreements however you say it it's just basically if you're going to be a part of the community that you make some type of commitments to the community that are outside of like 2% tax um in fact on the way down here I was asking we were looking on 30 because one of the things you're allowed to do is sponsor do way um you're not allowed to adver so but that's one way you are allowed to get your name on the highway say hey a lot I would really look to you guys down [Music] earthy that's really impressive my colle went to okay just one last thing first and foremost thank you for the dedication and service to this country appreciate it um I do have one question so the retail aspect is the only aspect of the Cannabis industry you're looking at so actually actually no that's what we want to start off we actually looking to going into open up a cting business from we understand that is also an opportunity here obviously that we would pursue once we are you put one before the other or is it we have to go with the retail appr okay yes yes okay you said you're approved you have additional license thing we're waiting on resolution from town besides of control so say if you're approved by the state said the property you purchas it needs how long is it going take to build we're we're shooting for I started this process in June of last year and I'm shooting to be up in line by June this year I I know that's tight time frame but that's that's how have you been in front of land Ang you want to speak where we're at only DET Li already on phia Avenue we only have another one left on the we Pike which is what you're interested in and we have one a person who's already received the state license and has supplied an application to the city and I have reviewed it already and they're going to give me supplemental information all the Al information come on a timely basis City would expect to give them that license and would be no other talk to you about thatat yes City could amend change its ordinance down the road but we're just not at that yearly Point yet you mentioned third has to be a year no was a period of five years so that would be 2026 so you mentioned the third license which potentially the city could do but right now it's not something they can do the two have gone before the language board and received approvals the other one is just waiting for their state they're apparently on somay a day in February on for the state to convert to the license not right yeah in other words we don't want to encourage you we discourage okay I'm just a little confused so you're saying there two and you can't no I'm only saying there's one oh there's only one the City License there's only one City License left and we have had an applicant who's put in for a city application this applicant all already had State approval they received it in January once they submit the additional document that I requested we expect to award them the second license that the city has available which would mean there are no okay we can add a third we can't add a third right now my point was two went to the land board and receive approval so is there a way to get in front of the L board as well for us you have to submit a separate application to the land board with whatever approval is your SE site plan subdivision you know whatever it is that you need I guess in your case site plan approval there a whole application process you go before the board you make your presentation and the board reviews your application for any variances anything related to the site PL and they either award it or they don't it's a b big expense you know that you see what suppos taxpayers so whatever the city feels if they can do anything like these guys e parking pluging car something to cons benefit by when the not J into City traffic parking all small it is a big property it's just a great issues no need to apologize most of us out understand that that have so they change that c IAL I talk to Tom for hours in the right place with [Music] it [Music] soite like they've done improvements are they going to do improvements have they submitted their plan for improvements on February 1st that they supposed no they haven't uh Council an is on top of that she will be scheduling a meeting with property so we going put default get somebody else in or we we will open up the contract explore see um what Avenues we can take do get taken too much by Outsiders and I mean they're taking the pr Camp they advertise theirr on our site so you know pick your guns and make them do we will years we will anything else no I appreciate thanks sir anybody else from the [Music] public I'm the owner of the dispens loated everyone knows is legal I do have8 part back right back and on side a lot of old people feel uncomfortable to come in they want us to do a Del right front of the store if you all can grind a parking I mean one parking L for dispens for you to take it outside of your establishment and deliver it to the vehicle I don't know that we'll have to look into the legal aspect of that I do I'm approved from the state with that approval what approval I can do delivery okay I do have a delivery license to okay but that's process that I don't to start doing deliveries right now we set our hands on the how taking customer are coming in then the to the service okay if you provide that language and license and whatever you have regarding that specific specific issue uh you can turn over to the city CL and we'll then forward it to our city solicitor for review and then we'll have an answer for you probably 305 Mayer than so that would be the process for you for us to consider I do have second thing I know Town people are looking for the businesses I do have uh businesses that uh I can open another license in the same or in another field like you know grower can be a loue can be ex wholesal or delivery stuff like that our account does permit for the launch is the way that we can think about it and get the revenue to the town we can take it into consideration again turn that language and and license and everything over for review for a city solicitor and then we we'll bring it to the committee to take it into consideration and then um our cud solicitor will reach back out to you regarding I last to [Music] discuss excuse me so uh my understanding I know you just said you have a license for the lounge my understanding is that word loue is nowhere in the statute and today the the the Canabis Regulatory Commission has not made a determination on how they're going to permit um these these Standalone lnge the only thing they permit right now is what is called a consumption area and that's totally different they don't give you a license for it it's something that missible but that's something tied to a retail operation that's only for like testing you know I mean it's not for like a bar typee lounge where people will go in and and buy that has not been don't have Li to so like you know I do have space upstairs right you don't you don't have a license from state to do but I do have from the state that you know I can use for the consumption consumption yes I so yeah I is not okay all right so turn over all the language that you have contract paperwork so on so forth to us for our city and we'll four places I do have upstairs place I can utilize that but I would TR to Across the five that's on sale we can go out over there and purchase it or we can R it out the reason that I would [Music] prefer apart from my building because state in town doesn't say that after hour I'm selling another thing we would have cameras and everything but it would be the other way that you know but on my license when I got my license approv from the town that I should have it between are Town doesn't permit across it I can do it upstairs because I do have a space out there I have restroom I have rooms I do have a feure I do have a three storage room also s yeah just have that I have those that paperwork language turned over to us thank you thank you for coming hi everyone john8 Avenue uh High grass farms uh just something you know one two comments one e receipts great town that's why people are coming here it is and and it really A lot has a lot to offer uh but I just wanted to approach Council uh we're High F part of New New Jersey Canada trade Association uh we have a toolkit to help uh help uh cities towns address the growing issue of delta8 THC which is HEM THC which can be sold it's one of those loophole in the whole thing can be sold in gas stations convenience stores everything is being sold to kids it's being sold there it's completely unregulated uh have a toolkit that was offered the trade associate offered at the municipalities meeting but it's also just as a member coming out uh if the town's interested you have to share that with you I think it is something as a safeguard for all of us especially our under under our kids and everything that would be wonderful for the town to address so if there's interest I'm more happy to share that I'll share that with the mayor council you guys want so thank you very much question that take basically smoke all sorts of just like it is regulated cannabis which is Delta n you know typically if we're going to give it out that way other distinctions too but this is that loophole that and if everyone remembers was case last winter a 14-year-old of North Jersey who bought it at a gas station passed out hypothermic almost died you know had beated it's just you know again how how do we address this proactive would be be the whole goal and happy to speak to I don't want tol everybody but uh if you're interested I'll come and you know work with the Council on that I think it's something that if you could share that share that information absolutely thank anybody else public once twice all right everybody have a good night