uned States all right like welcome everybody to the regular scheduled meeting for May 23rd 2024 uh call an order this meeting has been properly advertised posted in accordance with public law 75 chapter 231 have a roll call please mayor jetti here atanes here Clark here Dash here Galloway here Heist here hessie here Timbers here councilman Wright will not be here and Richie here you call Council yes I have a motion to approve the minut for may not 2024 all in favor anybody here from the public have any comments on the agenda items only on once twice all right mayor the floor is yours for your report okay so we're working with the school to do a safe root to school school they're trying to get their school travel plan I think Ryan uh precipitated that endeavor so could be getting some more grants soon uh we also received our cdbg grant for $400,000 I did send it to everybody so we will be doing our handicap improvements at the city hall hopefully sometime in the near future so that's great news and June 4th Cedar Creek track will have their annual team picnic at the lake I just want to let everyone know if you see activity there or whatever that's who it is and they will be swimming and we do have uh a lifeguard for them so and that that I think is from 4 to 5 um we have our Memorial Day celebration which we talked about this Monday at 10: a.m. at Lincoln Park and I did report everyone who said they were going to give a wreath so you're all good in that respect and the Cedar Creek students put flags at the cemetery the other day and they did a great job lots of them showed up so we're all good with that and let's see summer kick off at the lake I see Karen Karen's here Karen would you like on my behalf to say something about the summer kickoff oh Mark everybody knows and hopefully all the public knows the economic develop committee will be doing at summer kickoff then at the mayate Pavilion on Saturday the 1st at4 to 8 uh there's going to be games there for the children there's going to be beer garden there's going to be uh music there all kinds of entertainment and the main thing that we're going to have there is we're going to have a dunk tank the problem that we have is we don't have enough people right now to go into the dunk tank so what we have is we have a a pen in a paper in the back and you like to know who sitting up front here would volunteer for at least a half hour I was waiting for you Mark I was in the tank for like three hours straight we didn't it was like crazy that time because we didn't get enough volunteers but we have two right I have two do I hear three weather forec my will go in might be here anybody that wants to either stop and see stop and see us and we l it up so iing Chief would have been here her daughter has prompt tonight so with Summer take off it's at The Pavilion at the lake um we we do have police officers scheduled at the economic development committee is is um ping for to help with the crossing of the public um I believe cars will be parking in the air strip across the street just to let everybody know how that's all going to work um we do have lighting from South EG Harbor Firehouse to light that up we have um rides coming in for all the kids to play on and ride the ride um we will be closing off um I think at two we're going to close off at Philadelphia Avenue the dir rate it runs down the lake you know how they do for the fireworks like that kind of thing just to let you all know what's going to go on the traffic that way okay can we get vehicles back there to set up our stuff and then remove the vehicle out only because we're doing set up I'll get I'll get in touch with you for setup and all that we're going to bring you in a different way okay just I I my concern was having cars accessible to that road with the kids running around activities so I just want we don't mind moving it once we it we just don't want to have to carry ice chest full of ice it kind of be funny to watch try but I hope to see everyone there thank all right thank you Karen and today is where red white and blue day in a caror city so everybody looks looks snazzy Jazzy I think so with that I have a flag for everyone so you can take one and pass it around and I will do the Chiefs report since she's not here her daughters have the prom this evening at Cedar Creek okay uh let's see I'll try to be quick aggravated assault one burgly burglary one fraud one simple assault one stolen motor vehicle two theft six total of 12 traffic related motor vehicle accidents 10 pedestrian stop checks four traffic stops 46 with a total of six summons is issued 33 DUI arrest zero total arrest including DUI 4 alarm there's all kinds of stuff alarm business and all that jazz um 805 calls for service and that's all she has but we did today get to um the police department the fire department me and whole host of other people we did go to sprik school this morning for their career fair and that was a fun day um and I think that's about it um and Mark if you will um warm up the tank to 98.6 degrees I will go in you if you can stay in there for three hours and make it 98.6 I'll go I'll it up but I I [Music] have really okay you want to scare people away or you want to bring them in all right and that's all I have thank you thank you mayor moving on to council committee chair reports I'll start with Finance Redevelopment I'm going look the scheduled meeting first week or two of June we have to meet with Dr Ruffin regarding state next property he has his U he has his preliminary plans to present to us to review uh referring to code enforcement I asked Meg to put together the advertisement to hire a fulltime code enforcement officer it's going to be advertised as of next week that'll close on June 2 first hope to do interviews the first week of July and hopefully have them hired by the 15th of July um and hopefully in office by then uh I'm also going to look to set up a code enforcement or a code code meeting in first week or now so moving on to Public Works and Highway yeah um I only have one thing um our superintendent of Public Works passed his state certification with 84.5 to become a certified public works to receive a certified public works manager certificate right now he only has his I'll get it I have it here his certified public manager certificate so now he has his Certified Public Works manager certificate so we appreciate you for doing that and going and getting what we asked you to get and the stipulations of the contract when we presented you and personally I'm very proud of you and I'm sure everyone El up here is also thank you guys congs uh councilwoman anthon playgrounds School Board also anything all right uh coun Council mlar license ordinance uh nothing to report councilman timers Lan Aaron Haven uh Aon hav I have nothing to report however luse uh they did have a meeting on May 21st and there were two items for business one uh we had a a gr Jersey grone LLC uh they were coming in requesting a waiver for site plan approval and uh also a conditional uh we did have uh a review of um spread the go they were coming in um it looks like we're going to have to like kind of examine it just just again just to clear a couple things as far as hours of operation everything looks okay so far and that's it thank you Meg anything with you nothing councilwoman has R nothing councilwoman Galloway sustainable um well I want to thank everybody who came out to the Arbor Day celebration it was very nice nice um we do have three trees left over if anybody's interested we have two American horn beams and one little leaf Lindon uh they're very nice backyard trees so if anybody's interested just let me know I have them at my house so I'm sure that they're getting watered so but they're really they're really starting to Leaf out too they they really look good which one you me uh and that's it that's all I have right now thank you all right mov on Chief report has been done by the mayor J do you have anything no all right may do you have anything nothing all right Angela okay thank you Mr Rich so on your agenda this evening you have resolution 16 is the concession to be awarded to DAR BL Navaro Mr Navaro and the city have come to terms and he will be providing um the refresh for the season he's agreed to sign our lease with the Amendments um as a matter of fact I created a new lease and instead of making an addendum I just made it part of the lease which I think some of you received on the committee um you will abide by the hours he'll get the permits necessary going to get an awning attach to the building which we're either going to keep or he's going to remove will'll give us notice of that and he's not going to run any takeout out of the U think Angel one question with that did we confirm whether he's going to put some kind of protective surrounding around the smoker and the barbecue girl he said he's going to get whatever permits are necessary so I imagine the Fire official will take him around and whatever he needs he's going to provide okay okay thank you and then you have um number 19 the ordinance we amended the alcoholic beverage ordinance pursu to statute we can charge $2500 maximum so we made it $2500 for both licenses for the next five years can I ask a question about that why why are we given them five years when you know the state could change that law that says 25 200's the Max and then we're Stu just getting 2500 well we have done it in the past every five years so we're up this year you want a shorter ter we can do a shorter term well I the only reason I bring that up is because I know the state's looking at alcohol beverage La they are but they're actually looking at the old licenses the new licenses and they're looking at waivers but I'm not 100% they're actually looking at these particular fees but it's your pleasur we could make it a shorter period 25 26 and then wait and see what happens um it's not critical we do a fiveyear period That's proposed for you to consider I do have something to say the last last the prior five years though it continually went up correct did so to at the next Point here Ian I think it's probably a good idea not to extend it for five years the last five years was from $250 to what it came to $2500 and the statute was always $2500 so in my opinion it should have always been $2500 and the city lost that on all that Revenue so I want to make sure they don't lose more f and and that's why I would say why would we no why not learn our lesson and just make it a shter period time learning a lesson it's a question of maximizing your Revenue so what we could also do is even though you um introduce this ordinance and adop the ordinance if you so choose at the next meeting we could always amend it if the statute changes if the statute says we're entitled to charge $3,500 then we can amend the and this is for what type of licenses it's for PL both consumption and Retail yeah it's for retail consumption and plener Retail distribution it's your liquor stores and your restaurants and the state that's all they allow you to charge is the 25 and yes that's we were going up 10% every year to get to the 25 so I mean we could just say the license are 5 to 25 but do we need the years do we need like the the breakdown of it or or five turn so this is I guess for Simplicity sake but like I said if the statute goes up in Fe amend thein incre the pie and that's 25 per year correct 25 I think we should also consider too that that there's a lot of restaurants that are having a hard time just surviving so I don't know if we need to add additional P to them in excess of 2200 that's true over the next five years I mean it's a rough time for businesses right now all things you should consider I didn't say to raise it I just basically said to uh revisit it in another year as opposed to you could amend it we could revisit it next year whatever your pleasure is you could but for tonight it's only for introduction and then there's a lot of activity Rick's placed 1100 year on 1100 year so we've had three proposals on it we did a a notice of a public sale at 175 but we didn't get any takers on excuse me what number are we at no this is not on the agenda it's her it's her report okay we've had a lot of takers on 1100 year we did a public notice for sale for 175 as the minimum bid but we got no takers for that that so we now have three top one is 125 next one is 9,440 and the next one is $65,000 so what I'd like to do is investigate all three find out what particulars are how much they're putting down how much they're mortgaging if they want any um inspections I want to make it clear these are um add properties and the city's not fixing anything no way no how so they take it as is regardless of the inspection they're still interested then I'll report back to you at the next meeting that's all thank you very much can people still put pres in at this moment anybody else have anything great thank you Angel all right moving on to 13 resolution a higher parttime employee for ran ran go ahead I mean nothing really pressing 33 minutes update on third ter we um I reached out to the other um respective quoter and he did say that he didn't see it at all vacation what so I'm waiting on a second quote so we have two numbers that for she said no for the yeah Wier we're still waiting on word back um whether the funding available is just loan or 25% Grant and 75% for the demo wib got you so so that's excuse me Ryan how long are we waiting for the uh for the bid what's that how long are we waiting for the bid oh um last I talked to the contractor I thought i' would have this week I haven't see it yet so I might get it tomorrow if thank you that's yeah I got some questions for you sure what you got norle Avenue um I'll have to set for letter because I I try call coule so send everything's send okay probably Tuesday okay uh 600 black Baltimore 600 block Baltimore I you a proposal I had uh someone who does our should go out and try to get a feel for what was out there before we get too committed um she said she thought we would probably be okay for the rest of the walk [Music] so okay and last is was it 111 New York the old AC site that lady so they reached out um they finally hired an attorney local attorney out Tois y um anyway so I talked to Keith about it um he thinks given that there are no restrictions in the current Redevelopment plan that they're just going to put an application together for use and go that way instead of trying to modify the Redevelopment plan which has been through M itations okay um so I talked to him I think that end last week like Thursday last week I haven't anything since but if they're going that rout we're probably not gonna hear anything until we get an application okay so awesome anybody else have anything for Ryan excuse me could you elaborate on that because I'm not in the Redevelopment the former AC site we've had a couple Redevelopment plans there there's a group that runs a utility um like emergency Utility Equipment company so like if there's a stormm in main they'll go up there to do repairs and storm in Georgia they'll go down there to do repairs they need to house their equipment somewhere in between so um they're looking to utilize that it's building um primarily for storage uh we told them they could go two ways they can go for use variant where they can go through the development plan and modify it to fit that use um after hiring local very experienced attorney um he thinks they're going to go the Experian route so that means they would just put together a full application to board and propos for that thank you and one question oh I'm sorry go just um Roundfield any uh got your team on that or what yeah we have um our lsrp at some law office working on appication trying to put together the the background information figure out exactly um what the scope is going to be bu of so we are making progress on the solution for the next meeting follow okay good and recall that's the area that we're talking about now that we yeah identified that's the part of that so we're we're looking at applying for two Brownfield Brownfield Le development areas one of by the AC site betteru Door site like in that whole area which would potentially stretch over wser site and the other is for out at the industrial park where your old landfill is and some unofficial landi more um if we can sort of wrap them all up you can get a lot of the investigative work paid for you get some of the remediation work paid for if you get developers attached to it they can get incentives to toel so that's those applications are all due July 1 I think um so work on them now make sure good I was just wondering um if you or joury know the status of the scoreboard for the pro seeders I last month they're waiting for a long stretch of dry because the soil keeps like going but I think we just emailed like what two weeks ago to follow up em quick but this is like like long it's taking think we got two days of sun already in the last 56 tomorrow so or something to just cover that just people say that with tarps right in the area actually since we brought up Crusaders the fence and the concession so I've yet to have a chance to meet with Mason to go over details um I need to meet with him so that we can lay out our plan and get a pre meeting together commission okay so catch fence have to be included in that or can fence be a solo thing yeah I don't think the fence necessarily needs to be on the application if we're doing it as part of a larger package we probably should be but you're allowed to do the fence separate from the application that first all right and you can usually PR um State contract so if you want to do it we can just figure out measure it out and you goate contract I believe we that's how we did for police we just and I believe we have three on file they may have expired already because they're probably older than 90 days or 45 days I I could I'll look and see what we have all right I just had a question about um the park key rack did they put the um when they took the perola out did they put the equipment in that they were planning on putting in is that there waiting came out still waiting for the equipment Kaboom par we still waiting it's been ordered though like a 21 to 24 lead time I think I think they ordered it like year so it should be thank you one more sure did we get the information we needed for the CI Grant at that's due tomorrow I'm actually trying to pinch it's literally open on so yes don't worry I've been Hing in the I do have one other question how about the pickle ball court anything with the Grant on the pickle ball nothing that's still out did you hear something I just talk to no I was going to say I think Tria did the grant they did and they said that's still out they don't the other day to see if anything was out on it we have we have like two grants out the recreation Grant and yeah the Congressional yeah the discretionary Grant yeah and that's all we have out right now that I know of so that would be if either or come in is that what you're saying for which one were we using for the pickle ball the recreation pression cations okay thank you thanks Ryan appreciate it all right now I'm gonna move on to that resolution about hiring a part-time employee for um intermediate for co- construction or construction right Jody um any questions regarding thisuh you want me to explain anything you did in the email sure so they didn't read the email uh any uh may have motion second roll call please Anon yes Clark yes stash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes resolution the W zon perit Fe for the installation of a pool for Make A Wish New Jersey any questions or comments regarding this have motion I make that motion all right roll call please at Clark yes D Galloway yes Heist yes pessy yes Timbers yes Richie yes uh 15 is a resolution Fe credit card payments at the carp City Lakes Park any questions or comments may have a motion second second roll call please Aton yes Clark yes stash yes Galloway yes Heist yes py yes Timbers yes Richie yes 16 resolution to award the concession stand for the 24th season to Mr Dario black Navaro any questions or comments motion please don't move second roll call at yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes 17 is a resolution to refund the 23 property taxes due to 100% disable veteran status may I have a motion second roll call sorry uh at yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes Hy yes Timbers yes Richie yes a is a resolution and refund uh refund of property first and second quarter taxes due to 100% theal veteran status may have motion so moved second roll call please anones yes Clark yes Dash Galloway yes Heist hessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes number 19 has been uh previously spoken about uh for introduction of ordinance number 10 of 2024 I have a motion a motion second all in favor intruction I have a motion to advertise introduction of ordinance 10 of this Year hon Gazette on the 29th second for public Hearing in June 13th all in favor thank you right now I'd like to open up to a for public hearing for ordinance number nine amending the salaries and wages Personnel V haror City may have a motion to open public motion second all right anybody from public like to speak on this all once twice motion to close second all favor close may I have a motion to adopt call please at yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes P yes py yes Timbers yes Richie yes have motion to adverti in The Gazette on the 29th second second all fav motion bills motion second call please at Clark yes sash yes gway yes Heist yes hassie yes Timbers yes Richie yes mayor FL yours for any last comments just want to say Happy Memorial Day weekend to everyone and I hope that everyone can come out on Monday because while it is a day of Celebration and it's just about summer we still have a lot to be thankful for and a lot to remember those who lost their lives and also to honor our veterans who are still around and still serving and love our country and then also just a reminder to get your Beach badges before Sunday Saturday and Sunday you can get them at the lake from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and after that it's the regular price but you can get them tomorrow at City Hall also from 9:00 am to 4 pm so get the badge before it goes up that's all I have thank you thank you Council Heist yeah I have to fill a buster here I just want to say I rode past the lake on my way in and everything looks really nice it looks like everything's out there everything's ready to go um happy Memorial Day to all remember when you're cooking those hamburgers and hot dogs remember the people who died in order to give you the freedom to be able to do that God bless everybody and have a good good weekend thank you councilman Dash thank you wish everyone a safe Memorial Day remember if you're outside for any any long period of time put on your sound block thank you uh councilman timers I want to say happy moral Day to everyone um also uh the Phillies have the best record in baseball and they're at a clip where they possibly could set the Allon record for wins of the Season which is kind of amazing so um I haven't been out to the ballpark yet but uh I would encourage everyone let's see if we can make it out through the summer to support the team thank you councilwoman hessie I just want to congratulate Keith once again again and I would also like to say on Memorial Day let's take the time out of our day to honor our veterans who have given their lives for us for our freedoms that's all I want to say I hope to see everyone out there on Monday thank councilman par um same sentiment you know as everyone has has expressed up here um please have a safe Memorial Day um and also please remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice um when serving for the freedoms of our country um also on June 8th the Crusaders will be having their Community Carnival from 4 to 7M um we will have some vendors out there we will also be having a movie night where we will be showing the movie uh Disney's Elemental um and that should be starting at dusk at Crusaders field that's it thank you councilman Gallow uh yes I have a couple of things excuse me first of all I apologize to the city and to the veterans in M Harper city for not attending our event but I will be attending three separate events at that time and it's interesting to note that the American flag has flown at half staff until noon on Memorial Day uh so you can celebrate Memorial Day the start of summer after 12 12 pm so um the other thing is uh I was approached by one of our residents uh Marsha Joseph who's a volunteer for uh the hero campaign and she wanted to know why a Carper City doesn't have a hero vehicle uh the hero campaign is willing to wrap a wrap a vehicle that can be used in parades and used around town taken to the schools and things like that um that says you know be be a designated driver on holidays and things like that so I'd like to well the chief isn't here but if we had an old vehicle that we could get wrapped or even a newer newer vehicle let me know I'll get in touch with your Marsha she she can get in touch with the hero campaign and hopefully we can get a vehicle wrapped and the other thing is that I was talking to another Resident who said that the Historical Society building is in need of a new roof and I was wondering if there are any opportunities for the city to help out with that either by applying for a grant or helping them in some way financially to get a new roof on the building we can discuss it at uh Finance meeting and that's it thank you thank you uh I'll just finish up with uh God bless our troops past present future um we are who we are today because of that and God God bless this country that we live in so with that I'd like to open up to the public for any comment want motion to AIP I go Ah that's all right sorry um you like to make the motion to Jour sure I'll can I have a second toour all have have memoral day