e s t Casey's trying to condu States andice all I apologize for that delay we have technical difficulties like welome everybody through June 13 2024 regular council meeting for the city of back Harbor uh at this time i' like to call to order this meeting has been properly advertised and posted in accordance with public law 75 chapter 231 I have a roll call please mayor J Petty Here atan here Clark Dash Gallaway here Heist hassie here tenders great here Richie here can I say for the record Clark will not be here Dash and Heist um may have motion to approve the minutes from May 23rd make a motion second all in favor I anybody from the public have any comments on the agenda items only excluding items listed for public hearings well once go twice I I have a question is is um number 16 is that something something to ask a question about right now number 16 yeah you can ask a question regarding number 16 a resolution yeah for Logistics um on third Terrace where is the water drainage work to be done it is the 300 block of third Terrace 300 block yes okay cool thanks so much sure all right that director show councilman ERS is present please all all right anybody else on the public all right at this time we have Dr L ruin uh here to do a presentation for a proposed development of St Nicholas school property 525 St Lou Avenue so Dr you and your team more than welcome to come up and present what your concept is looking like hello hello I'm Andy schaer engineer and we looking at the the old school own by the church that is and is developing an assisted living facility there I know the city has been through a number of processes in finding a use for this site and maintaining the building time that pretty much not really presented themselves V and including our into this which was to develop Hondos but we were finding financially best my so and then the idea of doing an living process in building 26 minutes and then a future phase of another building that would develop another 50 units now suddenly looks financially much more viable and it's a winwin for both City and our applicant in that we are able to develop this with about the same amount of impervious coverage are now probably less um and it'll remove thisle fencing and sea of asphalt that's there as part of the old F parking area and retain most of the tree area CFT are down here and the parking lot is the beautiful thing for an assist it needs so much less than any other use you can ever imagine except for maybe Public Storage you know Self Storage but otherwise it's a very low intensity of use and it's a need that is very great in the area and to um that invest um your city inine has maybe developed a forward here that doesn't require redevelop which would save a huge amount of resources in time so the ordinance the way it's written looks like it has a pathway to a conditional use for cons living unfortunately we don't need all the meet all the conditions in fact we don't meet most of them which would require us to go to the zon for use scenaries but that allows that to happen so much sooner than going through the arduous development process so um Ryan and I developed a plan forward we're going to speak about it with each other next week to make sure we still feel the same way is develop a planning solution through the ordinance that would allow us to go forward and then also present that to the pins to make sure that they hit free because this many units if you look at just the base density that's committed in the zone it would require a large fortune in P all credits but I think briyan has found a way through that process that is permitted through the zoning board process that would alleviate us having to byy fin develop threats so and in our meeting to redevelop comme earlier tonight um it it's also pointed out to us that for commercial development there is a tax abatement that is available by ordinance that we probably want to try and take advantage of also which again kind of points towards the idea not going through Redevelopment because that is one of the uh potential benefits of going through Redevelopment with an application like this so that there are concessions the city can make to help move this kind of project forward well that already exists in the ordinance which is a very beneficial thing to develop this project which hasn't had hasn't been a tax rable for some time so that essentially is it I'll let Dr ruen present the architectural we've done so far just as probably a lot of people are wondering the existing building is designed to maintain this current it's not going to be stripped of all its exterior fashion and replace so it's not and in addition while it's not designed yet uh we will have to be complimentary and cabit dat with the U existing build thank you so much so uh so the U yeah basically the exterior of the building is going to remain the same uh just interiorly so what we're going to do with the U the basement we're going to use the basement we have a um the kitchen where the kitchen is we're going to uh to keep that of course everything will be will be redone uh everything be REM matter we have a a large dining room where they currently have dining we're going to have a little reseller Cafe there and uh uh where they currently have the bathrooms we're going to um to change one of the bathroom to make to make that both uh a a male men and women's bathrooms and we will have a little uh mini clinic a conference room a common area with vending machines um a gym and um and a laundry so we're going to make it really really really nice we're going to put two elevators into the building because for living fa the elevators um moving into the moving into the uh the first floor [Music] uh so with the first floor so we going to have um so we're going to build another set of stairs coming from the uh the the grand fire entrance because the first floor currently is about 19 ft so we going to divide that uh to uh to make a to make a second floor so that we can have three floors so um so from the first floor here there will be a set of stairs five of stairs going up to the second floor and here we will have how many but they are efficiency units or like like no efficiency units or Studio Studios studio apartments that's what is needed for assist so all together it will be um a 26 units uh going into the the second floor that new second floor which is nonexistent um so we going to have uh about uh we're going to have seven seven units on that second floor and then now because of the way the structure of the building is it's really difficult to uh to mirror uh what downstairs to the to the the window the units because uh because of the way the building is structured uh so it will be really like almost um half of a quarter of the um of the building will be wed on the second floor that's okay uh so going into the third floor the third floor will take full advantage of and we will have uh 11 units on the uh on the thir so that will give us uh 20 26 years so we put a lot of work into this uh and U our architect has done a wonderful job we are very happy with what what he has done so far so yeah so there will be two elevators and um yeah we want to to uh we know there are a lot of sentiments attached to the current building so we want to keep the outside of the building someone asked is like much much nicer yes keeping the Integrity of the building is very important and that was made very so that's one of of course this has to be profitable so we looking at the 26 units I think that's the maximum that we can actually put in right now how big are the how big are the rooms uh uh 22 by 22 varies but that's the largest that's the smallest the larest we have 25 and you said it was 26 units and there was seven units on the second floor and 11 on the third floor yeah so that means there's eight on the bottom floor yes in the basement no no the bottom so next be for the dining room and all the okay oh it's where you split it that in the basement basement count as an actual floorit now so okay my next question is assist living does that mean it's going be sta there at all times would be St times is this Assistant Living going to go fulltime if they if they um if their situation changes from Assistant Living to needing more help do they have that they have that as well no because um from assisted living the the the next level of care would be like nursing home still nursing person so this is not a nursing home directly Assistant Living yes is the age restricted uh right now minimum is 21 yes is right across the street from my house I'm trying to figure awesome where's that parking lot at where is that bake laia street parking lot that's the parking lot chur in the church we we plan on having all the accesses we do have one here on Chicago it may not end up that way but time everything's done we made have everything on Ninth Terrace so the only people only entity impact will be the church okay and even then only on Sunday but I guess it's on Sunday yeah a mob SC so we were trying to be sens to the neighborhood and this is not final Design This is just a design to figure out what kind of coverage and you know this is this is still has a life of evolution to go through get to the end and this is just the very beginning of this project and in fact since we found a way to perhaps make this go a little faster the a pural process uh you'll see something very soon that it's going to look a little more finished and how many uh employees were you thinking it may well me yeah right now we estimated rough between 15 to 17 employees we look that right now initially and of course it's going to be on a Case by casee basis um where we may utilize part- Tim we also made of folks for DM basis who's the targeted uh clientele so U bra injury is it La no basically um well anyone who needs some assistance yeah it's not someone who is not sick enough to be in in the nursing home but uh cannot um uh totally leave independent course it's going to be a lot of things to look at obviously you cannot ofi right so it's all going to be based on professionals individual yes in ass facilities there are different levels of care yeah depending on what people can do and what they cannot absolutely is this like the ones in Gallow um on the what is it Jimmy Le Road yes I have a friend that lives in there right now she is young enough that her only amenity that she's taking in food service but there's a whole menu of other things that she's going to be able to grow into prior to being transferred to um nursing um more in line back question what types of amenities would you provide to the PO uh we think it about uh well we we'll have U really healthare okay that that's one so we have uh doctors going there to provide provide care uh physical therapist going there there will be transport uh for for those who want to see specialist wherever they need to go um uh so we'll have a a gym there uh for those who want to be uh to be active yeah Cafe yes we also discuss uh Salon yes yes we have beauty salon there we have a a chapel in there to really make people feel that they are 37 parking spots currently 46 are what's needed okay now if I can speak to that there are no there aren't many standards for parking requirements for existed living so the Institute of faic Engineers SP it out um has standards that vary from a half part excuse me half parking space per unit to 7 7500s of 3/4 of a parking space per unit right now we're figuring out 3/4 of the space per unit which will more than account for staff and some of the people that might have cars and so for and so there been a lot of study on this so it's well known most ordinances don't address it are you working in one of the facilities now yeah well yes I do I do provide cares in some facilities but I'm an independent practitioner so I don't work for them but I provide Care at a few facilities and this will be your first time yes yes I don't know if you uh touched on the other asset of the green area on each side did you bring that up we did but I can do that again yeah so it either end of the site there's currently green area a lot of trees Miss are so we would be invade some of that with this uh with the addition but there's still room to keep these trees back here this area the other end which is completely on is completely yeah that's the playground that's the basketball courts the other side is the playground right I believe it has a six foot high chain fence yeah it's it's like four foot but yeah the one in the back by the playground is like that's one that cuz you see that tree on the end right that's my house right there okay it would be green space probably mixed with some hardscaping in terms of sidewalk benches that sort of thing as well as the other end and one of the thoughts was is to have it just open so that it's there for the community also it's it's a we want this to be a Community Asset in every way and including some of the green areas that will now be created and left open and useable as a result of this project and the other thing I don't know if you touched on it the phase two par the size and units did you touch on that also or no phase two part would be the same height building it won't have all the amenities built them because they're already in the facility in the basement of the facility existing so be the same height with 50 units proposed in it the size of it will probably be this size or maybe a little smaller as far as the foot for are I'm an engineer not an architect so so what happens with parking uh at that point parking at that point in time includes that unit and 46 bases are required and that's what we're showing to now it's going to look a little different I don't really honestly like the parking having people back out on N ter where I think this may be one of the few areas in the world that it makes sense that the only people across the street of the church but that may not always stay that way so we I'm going to further develop a parking lot that doesn't have situation where you backing so it'll be an improvement I don't understand the um the second phase uh where are you put where are you proposing at this point for the second phase to go between the existing building and the green area there oh okay there so the other is the existing is a school it's going it's going towards your house mhm any other questions comments for the doctor his team um I think we mentioned mention tax so overall how do we feel about it as Council any uh comments regarding it it I'd like to hear what you know they will go to the land use board right absolutely yes what kind of well what's whatever is allowed by the ordin I believe in five year but there's a lot of fine print also so existing yeah existing ordinance already has a tax pment program in it I'm not at this point in time able to speak in detail about what in that we we to try to take advantage of and I do have one other question um in these kind of facilities what is it supposed to be the employee to um to patient at this point because I know there's there's some that are not very good especially there's one in Galloway that I've heard some really bad things about and I just want to say is it one of what's what is it what's the minimum at this point I I'll I I'll look that up for you I don't have the answer I don't have the answer okay for all the all Al though um I I believe mightbe one one for 22 like there needs to be a staff person but I look into the point because I know there one I I go to I I can remember conversation one to 22 but of course we make sure we follow follow the the rules and also know what our competition is so to make sure that we we provide the best I'd like to make a comment um this is obviously right out of the gate here we have discussed it before actually Ryan had suggested that this would be a good fit for the community um there is a definite need for this type of service we've all been to something somewhere and it hasn't been very good but I feel confident that you guys will be able to do what's right the people who are your residents there um also um I think that when you come back to us or the land use board we should reach out to the Comm surrounding Community which we discussed already Mason being one of them and the people that live you know down down Chicago and and you know once you get a better idea of what your parking lot's going to look like what your everything else is going to look like I think it would be a great idea to have a um a meeting with some of the residents question so um is who governs or who regulates uh buildings like this so you know not that this is combable but you know for brain injury to be has the development disabilities who or regulates anything like this usually the state department the department okay is there any other comperable um Assisted Living place that you could direct me to look into see I'm asking police thing how of respond there what kind problem have there so you need be something that is similar to this so that way I can take a look uh at that place um I know there there's one in Township U some yes please yes um that's the one I've been going to um there's one in gway on J J World what not seure SE very why can't you say the name of the G I mean not the gumy but the build you can just Google it if you want know way Village any other question questions or comments yeah no I mean I just I can tell you right now I'm not really looking at my front door and looking out the side of a big brick building but um so uh I mean you prer different type of buildings I mean I think I mean I know a lot of the neighbors aren't quite happy with it as of right now um but uh like like mayor said that you know I think that you should really get the plan down get the blueprint down exactly what the building's going to look like what you expect to look like and you should get together with all the neighbors and bring it out there because like I said I mean what you talked about before like right now I got Landscaping in the front of the house you know that's what I was expecting like but I didn't expect another big building to be sitting you know I might just move to the city if I want to look at a big brick building you know what I mean so I mean if we did something to address that side of the the building Maybe did some like landscaping and some seats andos and stuff kind of how like the the uh Rittenberg is right here you know how it's all dressed up on the side or something like that where's something fusable to look at instead just the side of a building okay well there a few things we we situation there are a lot of uh and I'm telling you right now the parking on Sunday is insane just for church wow cuz you you can't get down St Louis you can't get down claudus I mean it's a mob scene so just to keep that in mind for you know your yeah yeah so really um with the the sentiments attached to the build so uh so we we were thinking about okay well let's try to keep that there but really uh we are open to whatever makes sense right okay so we we are we are open we want of course inside will be totally innovated oh yeah um again if we have to um to modify the outside of the building so by all mean work with the architect then to make sure that my next question is say somebody's in there for Assisting Living now are they allowed to have relatives and family living there also not leaving you can visit okay all right yes yeah and of course once we hire we get to the point of hiring a general contractor of course with they're all going to come up with suggestions course best our objetive is to do right also for the that's it yeah I just like to see the final the big final plan of it before I make any kind of decision okay anyone else thanks doctor thank you thank you look forward to seeing a board develop plan on it all take care all right all right moving on mayor FL yours for your report okay um just to start with to let everyone in the public know that um the fire department received a $75,000 American Rescue plan firefighter Grant and they can use that for a whole host of things air packs um boots and things like that drer I think um I believe Jody submits that submitted that Grant so we're fortunate to get that and we did get the recreation grant that we applied for it's $78,000 for the pickle ball Grant um and just so you guys know about the last Recreation grant that we got was for the um Ada um playground equipment and that is actually ready to go we have the equipment the contractor is holding until the site is prepared Gary and Butchie and who knows who else will be removing the Seesaw and placing it in another area of the playground so that we can make room for the new unit that we're getting so that's good news too is that you're talking the Kaboom FL ground yes right on Buffalo Avenue um I've also been in discussion with Stefania our uh representative from Triad about applying for the cdbg grant for next year that's due in the fall and we had discussed at a previous meeting possibly um focusing on the library or the senior center I know the library needs a lot of work as does the senior center so that's something we can discuss but in the meanwhile um I did reach out to the executive to Denny and he had request he had asked if we wanted to participate in the countywide cdbg which we normally don't because we always get the cdbg we've been doing pretty well with getting the cdbg grants while we know that they are a bit expensive and you know we have to um pay someone to do them and then administrate them but uh Ryan had suggested did I ask how much would be our amount that we would get and if it was almost what we get within the area it might be cheaper just to go with the county so Denny said there's it's $350,000 so Ryan what do you think about that that was he said that was the maximum the maximum it's typically much less than that okay probably you probably get half or less of what you're getting you okay so what's your recommendation go for the cdbg yeah I mean you're spending a little bit more money each year to do the administration and all that but you're getting a lot more to invest in your city so okay and and it gives you control over it to you're not going agency well we just wanted to look into it just think if we could save a little bit of money but yeah they reached out to us yeah they reached out to us so I will respond to Denny that we do not want to uh join in with the county is that correct maybe next year okay uh also right right here at City Hall on Tuesday the 18th there will be a uh sign up for seniors and I hate to say that but they're o over 60 so um senior signups you can get a box of food every month um there is an income requirement and so I have some applications here if anyone one in the public or anyone on Council knows a senior someone over 60 who may want to supplement is this working want want to supplement their income their uh groceries you can take one of these knock on their door give it to them anybody else down there call your mom we have the city hall anyone from the public I'll leave some at the table for you um couple couple other things uh this there's a senior food a senior financial fraud seminar 11 to1 at the Zion Lutheran so that's good uh all that information is on the official Facebook page what's the date of that that is the 20th the 20th do you want to speak any more on that because I don't have the flyer go ahead you want want to wait for your report okay and then we have the fireworks July 13th mark your calendars for that Cedar Creek Hockey is is um hosting a camp for any student who wishes to participate July 22nd and of course August uh 3D is the citywide yard sale and the fireman spaghetti dinner and I think in between that on the 10th we have the food truck festival which yeah we don't have we don't have any um fire yet but it will be posted on Facebook but I would recommend that everybody look at the Facebook page because that's really the best way to find out what's going on um so since sign up for the newsletter and sign up for the newsletter too very good um so Casey's not here this evening so I will read a a coun a report for the a haror city lake so total um fans and badges sold were 2 , 74 for $ 29,2020 picnics which was $415 uh 53 boat rides $530 total sales to date 33,8 190 last year the same date 34,1 78 so we're $288 shy of our sales from last year but we did have a very rainy Memorial Day so um I didn't get any notifications about the campground payment which should be coming shortly but one thing I wanted to talk about that has come to my attention and I did speak to Angela about this before I just want to get it out in the open that I have had several residents come approach me and felt that the picnic tables were far too high and actually they're blaming the mayor for it that the mayor is trying to keep people out of the lake but just to put it on public record that these decisions were made by well the decision for any money is city council they vote on these things but we did have meetings on it um some of the employees were involved in talking about things and the intent really wasn't to keep anybody out of Lake but just so people know that you can reserve a table Monday through Friday for the reduced price for 20 uh $25 and $50 now my suggestion is because people are very upset about it that the resident should have the opportunity to get a better price but I would suggest that which I suggested to Angela and she thought about it um possibly you would have to come to City Hall Monday through Friday and still reserve your table and you could get a discounted price for a resident maybe um 15 and 25 or whatever whatever we feel is reasonable so I'll just let Angela talk a little bit about that and I I feel that it could be done I know there's a there's a time constraint with if it's an ordinance it takes a little bit longer because there's certain rules you have to to follow but um that's really the only complaint I've had so far and it's quite sad that the mayor is being be smirched over this matter but go ahead Angela want to talk about that for a second yeah as far as the resident versus non-resident I did look into other municipalities who have lakes and F and they do have resident non-resident bees so if we were to implement some kind of Resident nonresident fees um and want to put in an ordinance that would take two readings so even if we did it the end of June it wouldn't go into effect until probably August where The Season's almost over so I think it's certainly something thank you I think it's certainly something that um the council and the mayor should consider but perhaps it's too late already to do it this year we look at it next year um along with any other resident versus non-resident bees maybe we should look at the whole thing and decide if you want to implement resident versus non-resident bees not just for the tables but for everything else well years ago we did have that and actually we stopped and I stopped it the council stopped it because our prices were so low to begin with that nobody really complained you know $5 I think years ago was $5 and then $10 for badge but you know now the state has required so many different things that have to happen at the lake and things that have to be put there and the amount of employees you have and all that that and the trash disposal and the labor 15 dollars an hour up I mean to get lifeguards you have to at least start at $17 an hour or you won't get any um so it's it's quite expensive um to do that and I believe in the beginning of the year we had also looked at possibly putting out an RFP for Professional Services but that never did transpire I believe um councilwoman at teni had suggested that and if you're on uh councilwoman you can certainly comment I'm on yeah it was definitely something that we wanted to look into for possibly for the future I know that we all met as a group um to discuss the safety at the lake last season uh fees were increase to help match what local parks have and I definitely agree and I think we all discussed this that we would like to see something for the residents because that leak was deed to the residents of the city um hopefully with the staff out there we can have a safe season this year and look for next year here you can't understander can yeah either turn so the other the other side to that story is that it's very difficult Chanel I'm driving back from work as well so my volume's probably cutting in and out try again I was just saying that we all did meet as a group to discuss the safety last year uh we decided as a group to raise those prices to be on par with local surrounding Parks uh it's definitely worth looking into to have a residential rate uh if that's something we can do I think we all agree that that's what's best for the city because the lake was deeded to the residents of the city right okay so I just want to add that it wasn't taken lightly when we made this decision it was I mean we looked at the other Lakes how much they were we were on par it might even be a little under the other Lakes so we didn't take it lightly when we made this decision just want to let everyone know that as well right so the hard part about it also is the paperwork up upgrading the Aquatic Facility plan every year um the hassle at City Hall for the employees who have to keep track to all these prices and it's when you're at the lake when you go there you know you're you're dealing with 14y olds sometimes and 15 year olds at the gate and it's just so hard for them to keep track to all these different prices so years ago that's why we went with a pre-season price and after Memorial Day price so I I think I don't know how low you can go I mean our badge in the preseason is $15 and then it went up to 25 see it's $15 if you come in if you come in early comei day you know have entertainment $1 for the whole season I mean that's my was I think 10 before and then 20 25 after I do think you know the lake was created for the people of a Harbor City and I think besides the badge prices I think the picnics are really what's important because a lot of people like to go out and picnic on the weekends and sadly though a lot of them don't get to get those tables because there's so many people coming from other communities when those other lakes close they all pile into a Harbor City and we usually sell out of tables by you know 10 maybe sometimes 11 you know if it's it's not a holiday so I I think the idea of making reservations Monday through Friday to secure your picnic is really the way to go and at that time maybe just have a resident rate for the whole entire year that they could come to City Hall get a picnic and go out and barbecue so it kind of sols all the problems in in the nutshell that's what I was saying I mean the next year I think the Council and the mayor should consider a resident versus non-resident all the way down for all the facilities and make it simple so that the 14 and 15 year olds can remember what it is and easier for the public that's how all the short towns are I mean you look at the Margate Bridge you have what you pay to get in there and then you have your resident fee that you would pay you it's the same thing for the beach badges it's the same thing for the community senators they're all the same everybody pays the same am badges pre-season andas I grew up in O City as residents we would get a beach tag for less pricer and you would for person that was out of town came in I don't think they do that anymore though don't do that I remember that and I don't think open enough up to a lawsuit by having a resident fee and a public fee well you're talking are different than pools and leaks and it all boils down to who owns it is publicly owned is it privately owned and I'm sure you've been D with discrimination right but what has happened in the whole state of New Jersey is even municipalities that own link Spring Lake uh I don't know there's a a lot of lakes in North Jersey and they all charge resident versus nonresident it bees so I looked into it very deeply to see if they could even do that so apparently the law against discrimination doesn't apply if you do it uniformally so if you're doing it uniformally pre-season postseason there are parameters so it has to be carefully tuned you can't do it so Angel are you trying to say that's all you can do is pre-season and the season no you could do Resident and non-resident you can also to pre-season and during season they all different ways you could do it depending on what the council and the mayor want to do now the problem with resident is if they want a resident whatever we decide they're going to have to get it city hall because I cannot you have to have ID and we cannot deal with that type of an issue ID you have to show like a bill a bill yeah driver's license may or may not it anymore and you'll have to order different B maybe one maybe but so just to be clear Angela is there anything we can do about the lowering the picnic tables Point mayor what would be certainly is that all codified in an ordinance or did we do it a resolution we did the ordinance and we did the resolution you said part of it is a resolution some of the Lesser fees and we cified it into the order so how long would it actually take so it would take if we did it even if we did the ordinance by the end of the month which would be next meeting end of June um and then we only have one meeting in July we have a special meeting or no or a zoom meeting would that exp any further so the feasibility of doing it is first of all not going to be fair to those is that whoever already purchased the table is at the prices that are already established um secondly the time frame is just it's going to be improved in August let's face it it's going to be improved in August August is the end of the season what sense does that make to spend the money and the time to revise the ordinance so we'll hold ourselves accountable moving forward for next year look at this ordinance and take whatever necessary actions we need to take to rectify the situation that's how I feel about it agree like the mayor had said we did we did get more more lifeb boards and um we weren't able to get anyone before right so we had to increase everything so it wasn't as though they were just raising it just to raise it it's basically for the health and safety of the community as well so just want to add that and and that's all I have sorry to be so long thanks you sorry moving on to committee chair reports so under through these uh so for could I don't have anything right now uh Finance Redevelopment obviously we had that presentation from Dr R regarding St Nicholas property hopefully that comes to fished in in the near future so we can see a little bit more detailed plans on that and then also regarding uh I know there was conversation about purchasing the PA system which parts playgrounds and property committee agreed on so that has been purchased by JY and should be here within the next week or two to be installed out there and to be very clear that PA system is not being used for music it is simply being used to communicate with Patriot to the lake of any hazards no swimming uh severe storm pop up evacuation things along those lines and it can also be stuff who have reoccurring messages set every time throughout the day uh regarding events like the food trop Festival Festival things like that diving off the bridge stop diving off the off the bridge no diving off the do yeah no no large rafts inside the SC are stuff um and also after speaking with Mr uh councilman bre which he may elaborate on the fense at kyre and the field is moving in a positive motion so I'll let you elaborate on that if you want do now yeah sure um plan that we had uh I don't know where it came from but um it was uh we got the quote Jody sent me the quote and I'm looking at the the diagram and I guess when Keith you know drew it up he kind of Drew it around the football field which is basically impossible to do because the baseball fou so I met with him today and actually's a good buddy of mine he um he used to do the uh work for a company that I used to get the railings from and so we came up with a game plan where it's going to come down the one side down each I'm sorry down buffalo then towards the stand and then from the stand to the alley and then we're going to get a wide gate that I can put across the alley that I can keep open during the week so the trash bin and everybody can get back there but also I could swing and shut during game day so everybody will stop parking all over the peee field and all back by the baseball field and and all that stuff and getting stuck back there because it's a swamp back there when when it rains and um so n to say he said pretty much the swear if what is your body going be roughly about the same but he was he had to redo the quote and basically ret talk to the manufacturer again and get back to us as soon as he can can you tell me why you need a fence there why because one it keeps the players and the fans separated because without the any we have the ropes there within two seconds you'll be coaching the game you turn around half the parents run football uh the concession stand down by the concession stand um is a real concern because pach the game and turning around you know a touchdowns being scored before you know it half G City's on the football fi like a four foot F yeah just just like the playground no bigger than that just to keep keep the like I said the the kids separated from the fans um hopefully God forbid something that did ever happen out of there make our job a little bit easier EAS to get the kids a safety rather than everybody run through their parents we all have we do our drills with the kids where we take the kids for safety issues and stuff like that but being a parent myself first thing you do you want to grab your kid and get that but we want to be able to make sure that that we can have them all in the same spot so we can have all the kids account for got a bid if something ever did happen so that's pretty much the reason Mason yes doesn't having a fence also afford US the ability to host um like the playoff games and the championship games we could do the we could do the playoff games I mean we're never the um the field basically would basically have to be completely gated in with only really one access in and one access out to be able to host like a a championship game because the champion championship games and the All-Star games there's a um an entry fee so we we probably wouldn't be able to qualify for that because it's still open you can still get through the baseball fields and and all that and then time the allstar games have to be done at a at a high school field thank you yeah but it will help also to be able to do more sponsors that have places to hang or the banners when we like what the little Le feeli when we have baseball you know we used to go up to our route 50 a and get a sign made for 200 bucks was our the donation we were hang the sign and then every year it was a $100 donation but we had it was little five foot by five foot sign that we can hang on the Outfield football we got nowhere to hang anything I mean I've got six Championship banners that I can't even put up because I have nowhere to put them so it'll help with that and hopefully generate a little bit more money for the kids for our sponsorship wise fers and so and plus we're like the only field in South Jersey maybe in Jersey that doesn't have a fence around it and how how is this fence going to be funded it's due the $1,000 from the facility yeah that's money that's already in the caser account the uh thanks um the only other thing I have for finance is so EDC reached out to me regarding the food truck festival the uh food truck inspection permit fees are $75 they're asking Council to consider lowering that feed back down to $54 for the food truck festival for each individual individual trucks application for permit of inp action um it's up to you guys if you want to do it right now we're at $75 uh so they're saying that it I don't want to go into too much detail but they're just asking if we can lower it back down to 54 for the event so anybody have any comments regarding this excuse me do we know like any prices from like what when hamton charges or so I can tell you state code minimum 74 hours they range anywhere between 50475 per municipality gotta so if it's going to help generate we did raise it in our ordinance yeah I know they came in for the last last FES last year yeah yeah we lowered it for them yeah because it was um I think it was the year so I need a resolution for this right depends what's the resolution for it to just lower it for this one EV for and it's a resolution it's not in any opposition to it or any comments further comments regarding this do just do you think we better to adjust our ordinance if we're because every we can explore that after the fact because we're only a month and a half out the food festival right well is this a state is it a state fee State Fire fee state minimal fee is $54 by state New Jersey administrative code 70 so the other portion of it is the city keeps that is that how it works the city keeps all of it okay so my thought is is that if it's which I stated I believe in one email about something that if it's a something that the city collects we the council just like Lincoln Park or whatever you have the even though it's an ordinance you have the ability to wave a fee as long as it's not going to the state so I don't know if an ordinance would even be necessary because I don't remember having ordinance last year and I think we reduced it last we completely changed the ordinance the the recommendation of the Fire official right so the way of the fee I would not suggest because that fee actually pays a Fire official to do his job right so they have 20 trucks out there times $54 you're looking at th80 bucks right W wave the difference between the 75 right exactly but then we're talking about um I want lower for I would say just this event event for event right is that what you were is that that's what I would think would be the best situation but per event yeah Council consider anything it's not a city no that's not a city yeah and he doesn't actually collect that money he gets paid by the city he gets a stipend I realize it helps pay that stip but he doesn't directly put that money in his pocket so he in in theory or fact rather is not losing any money so if you're inclined to do that then I wouldn't need a resolution for that just for that for this event anybody oos I'm notos wa the wasn't yeah nobody for this event yes make a motion I have a motion by second by right I have yes Galloway yes hessie yes Timbers yes Wright yes Richie yes all right that's all I have I have a couple questions for you Joe because sure I I wasn't planning on bringing it up um but I did read your email pertaining to the PA system sure and um I did reach out to you to see if you were free for call but I guess you weren't but um I don't recall um discussing this at a parks and playgrounds meeting I think the last one Casey had was cancelled um so I just was wondering how this came about and I'll tell you how I heard about it sorry councilman anthon can you um clarify when this was discussed uh we discussed this when we met with um Kathy's Kitchen I know that you opposed it but you advised us that we could what we see fit and we all discussed and agreed that that we wanted to look into the price for the PA system no I don't I don't recall that actually maybe that was a different meeting that I wasn't at I believe we talked about with Kathy we talked about not having music playing we did talk about that right we did and then we brought up the PA system I mean that was the whole reason why the PA system basically came up because of what we were talking about the problems we were having with the picnic tables yeah but the first time I heard about it and just to address your email was when we had our staff meeting here our staff orientation meeting and um Donna was in attendance and she said uh we were talking about the new ordinance that it's only personal listening devices only and Donna had said oh no we're doing we're going to put a PA system in and we're GNA you know have music Jackie you were there am I making it up no that's what was said so that's why I was again nothing about music was ever even mentioned when we talked about the ba system we were just talking about basically for safety issues and basically for announcements or basically you know because I mean I don't go to the lake as as often as my wife does but when my wife does she goes all the way down to the end where the the little boats are and she says she barely can hear the megaphone when something goes off you know unless they're standing at the main lifeguard stand you know what I mean so that was why I got brought up basically so you know it can be spread around gap for bate if there's you know a severe storm coming through or you know there's a severe emergency happens out there just so just to address that first of all the PA system's not going to go across the lake if you're thinking about that it it's beneficial to have something like that I totally agree has PA system there installed where it has been hurt across the lake are we g off a sunction I mean it doesn't have to be I don't know but anyway nonetheless I got you usually they'll whistle the the people who have dogs in across the lake or whatever I'm not trying to be you know I would like to finish what I'm saying I'm not trying to be cantankerous I'm just trying to express some things that are concerned and to relieve you know some of the fears that people may have about safety out there so we have an Aquatic Facility plan which is which is very detailed and is required by the state in in that plan there's an emergency action plan where if there is an emergency let's say whatever lightning is coming or someone is has it's passive drowning or whatever there's a there's a a plan that they the floor whistles gets people out of the water you know and it goes on from there it's very detailed whatever so in that respect it's easier for the the lifeguards who are on duty watching the water not to run back to the stand to do these types of things so they have the bullhorns and they're they're pretty expensive bull horns right Chief we uh I we get the best but not the little crappy ones we bought new ones again this year I have two brand new ones that do work and it gets the kids off of the dock so um I just wanted to make that clear that we have protocol out there we have uh radio we have um the EAP and numerous other things we have a chief lifeguard out there now at we have the supervisor who's certified out there now so people don't have to worry about not being safe but when this was spoken at the meeting I was really shocked and I just said uh no I didn't hear about that but we're not we're not going to play that music out there because it really wouldn't be fair um but another suggestion I have off of that soap box has come to my attention and M you would know this better than me that um Crusaders is in need of a new PA system could we could we not look into maybe something for there too I mean we've talked about it but right now my plate is so full basically going back and forth with their scoreboard trying to get their scoreboard finally finally got an email back the other day that they're going on schedule to 24 getting to trying to get the fence going like that right now the PS system works so it's kind of not like a a majority thing right now and and right now this is like my time to try to get the uniforms and stuff like that but it is something that right that we're looking forward to to um eventually to uh to purchase right maybe that can be incorporated into the $300,000 somewhere yeah okay and and uh that's really all I have thank you oh on that scoreboard yeah when I reached out to those folks I asked them the b b yeah I saw that yeah right so I'm happy yeah finally respond because that's my that's my biggest headache going on right now trying to get that done whether good now there was no reason for them to delayed any longer and I said you know we're G have fair weather I have my weather app and you know I'm glad that they finally agreed to come out all right uh moving on councilwoman Anthony do you have anything property Parts playgrounds or School Board no I just wanted to add that the the changes that are made and things like the PA system are not saying that things are not safe or not good as they are we just want to enhance things and to make things uh the best that we can uh for Schoolboard uh they had their last meeting during the school year yesterday I wasn't able to attend the boys had a baseball game but I wanted to just thank all the teachers for all their hard work all the school officials and every all the support staff and just be safe out there because all the kids are going to be out playing in the neighborhoods that's all I have thank you you have anything for you to no councilman stim you have anything for lardon report anything for uh rotary I just want to say that um Roden gave out two checks to the eighth grade boy an eighth grade boy and girl for their academic achievement and civil act activities yesterday that's all I have thank you anything for sustainable um not right now this is kind kind of our slow time of year but uh hopefully in July I'll be able to give a more detailed report about our tree grants and what's happening with them hopefully soon and one one thing than that the um principal Dr Forester reached out to me she it wants it wants to um renew her certification apparently it went by the wayside what sustainable she's hiring a new she's hiring a new um teacher who was interested in that so I don't know if you can give her any pointers whatever that's I know it's separate I thought I dropped papers off over there explaining that but if you have any more you know any any of those brochures that you know we have stuff we can do together okay thank you Chief welcome you I'll be thank all right thanks take your time I ate dinner already I didn't so Jing few numbers for you uh since the last meeting um the 23rd of may we have had two fraud reports one CDs narcotics activity report two stolen Motor Vehicles seven thefts uh nine motor vehical accidents 12 pedestrian stops 229 traffic stops um we've had a total of 11 arrests DUI 10 business alarm six residential alarms 200 partion activities one dist 500 domestics 24 EMS incidents four fire items ID applications 11 followup 777 property checks and 15 public service calls um for a total of 1572 calls for service over that time period from the 23rd through today um during that time period you may have noticed uh an increase in car stops we did do the clicket or ticket initiative it was the uh Statewide initiative um ran through May 20th through June 2nd um we also did a vehicle inspection checkpoint on the 7 that was out at HT Avenue um so anybody who had an inspection that was near fixed fire um had the opportunity to go ahead and pull in absolutely free in charge to go get their uh vehicle inspection renewed um and unfortunately were expired or had issues then were issues get ticket but did have the opportunity to go through and uh get your inspection uh done as well um we had the uh annual porch run the law enforcement forch run for to kick off of the Special Olympics um games that was on 7 um I did not run this year I'm getting a little old but um we did have officers R part of Ed parper city um it's always a great thing to see all the officers running from it that our Branch goes from theity all the way to believe Char or moral Central um so officers run a stretch of the White Horse bike um and raise money to donate to Special Olympics um we had our on the 20th I did not get to speak about this we had our community cares um event which had the New Jersey um ports there to help with expungements uh n being given out and we give away 250 hot meals donated by pican um our next event will be on July 10th at Linn Park um mayor Jim Petty mentioned the Elder fraud training that will be held at sign Luther in June 20th from 11:00 a.m to 1 pm that is a program that uh has been coordinated by at ATL County prosecutor Outreach um and the co Community the FBI comes in and does a presentation for specifically for senior citizens to help them identify uh potential scams and ways that they can be taken advantage of and who's running um I do also have to say congratulations to any graduates Cedar Creek had their graduation last night the community school had their graduation today um congratulations to any other students in E City who go to district schools for AC um that being said said school will be out uh after tomorrow afternoon for all of our schools I urge people to please drive safely uh watch out for kids everybody's going to be out and about um and yeah that's pretty much all it thank you thank anybody have anything from Jody no no good City CL Angela anything no hi Mr Richie thank you all right Ryan guy yeah all right so we have a proposal for the design of four and 500 blocks of Buffalo Avenue um we got 2024 state aid money to do that we got the award a couple months ago so now we just need to get out there and do the survey of design get out the bid and get out the construction so go will be for the full um literally beginning to end um so that is kind of what number 15 says um it kind of got mush together uh the other part of what 15 is referring to is a municipal application for fiscal year 2025 um we typically select a road to do that I have a a couple potential recommendations um I would like to get a resolution support for it if you guys want to change your mind and reboot to a different one there's another meeting between now and when it's due but the applications are due July 1 and uh our next meeting until the 27th that'll be a little tight to get started um so so yeah um so one possibility is D Street from brayman to Baltimore um we got that section it's currently a dirt road um we actually have a permit to fully construct it uh we did that when we built D from Baltimore to New Orleans around the time the schools attracted um so it would be pretty straightforward like I said it's already permanent so it wouldn't be overly complicated um another possibility is Camp Street from Rond to antp um that section has a bunch of areas base fall apart um and that one doesn't have any curve or sidewalk or anything so we could literally just go through do base repair and overlay it um so be you know we get a lot further distance than we do doing dense City Block um neither of them would would have sidewalk um so I mean yeah I think I think either candidate that's this would be fiscal year 2025 applications to do five where exactly again is it not going to have sidewalk so neither of them would it's dwig street from brayman Avenue to Baltimore Avenue and Camp Street from brayman Avenue to they're both in desperate need of being done well one is literally a dirt road a dirt road pretty quick dos heavily travel because of the school right yes plug in directions that's the way they GPS not only for the school but also for uh world class flowers because they have try they got their trailers coming down there come down btim more turn down there right to get their drive just right across yeah then cap has death traps in it more less yeah have some pretty significant areas of Base failure so we would have to go in and like add some DJ or do some oil stabilization in those areas and then you just yeah we can only pick one I mean we could do both you're just the funding is not going to be able to pay for well I got you but if you want to put in for both and we don't get enough to Deb we could always just modify the scope limits and peel back so are there any other grant opportunities besides that one not really for road construction well Joe just brought up a point about the tractor trailers remember we talked about that Grant we could have had that well you can get a grant there's a local impact U grant that you can apply for you need to do a full traffic study because you need to demonstrate that you have a minimum of 10% traffic um truck traffic so if there's cars at least 10 of them have to be trucks in order to qualify for this grant um I think there's a couple of stretches that that might work um the problem is that most of them are cting rooms um if if there is significant tractor trailer traffic on um that stretch of dwig I mean it's it's possible um we would just have but you have to do the traffic counts in order well you said that was pretty straightforward Joe could do them right out in front of his house right you literally have to like without a camera that counts it um at the intersection or you literally put someone there in a lawn chair with the counter there you go there he is right there good observations um so I mean there there's the possibility of applying for that one but um it's it's hard as much as 10% doesn't sound like a lot a lot and and another concern that I had also since you're talking about streets also The Terraces there's some Terraces like uh behind find what was that terce on that Gary was complaining about 1th terce 13th is destroyed some that yeah I I reached out to New Jersey American Water because we've been purposely avoiding the streets and Terraces and um they said that they are still trying to get their hands around it they have some water main replacement scheduled they just finished all their visual inspections of all the manholes and now they're working on videoing all the sanitary lines so their their Capital plan is not yet fully developed and I was very Frank with I said look we were planning on you guys doing some streets and Terraces because we know you're GNA have to replace a lot of M and SE and water right um so he was you know kind of saying like oh well could you tell us what streets you're doing and then maybe we could do the work and I was like that's not how to and they're doing a lot of work now what's the opening what's the procedure if they open the road because I know we got trench they have to restore the road well I don't know what that is they would have to M over if no I mean a full trench I don't know they oh yeah yeah so the permit the permit would trigger that yeah if they come in for a street opening permit um we go through the restoration requirements with it just you earlier we we just signed off on our like 84th or 85th Street yeah there a lot of Street do a ton of work they are um replacing meters and all that and and the focus of their water main replacement so far has been in South a har and that's primarily because of the type of water man that was installed there it was installed in like the 50s 60s when they were using asbest concrete pipe which we found out later turns into like gelatin over time which is not great for water um so they have targeted all that and they're replacing all that first so that they can not have to deal with all the headaches that that poses and then once that is done they will Circle back to the city uh portion where there are old cast iron 4 in and 6 in mes um so once they're done with the ACP they'll do all 4 in once they're done with 4 in they'll do the 6 inch and that that will be their plan ultimately but they do not have a a forecast for what where yet so I I tried to push and say like look even if you could just give me like areas like this section we're going to do over the next two years I don't need an exact date and time for all they're trying to do just help me out um so I sent that email this afterno and I'm pretty sure on Camp they're not going to put in they're not doing any work on that because the remember we requested that they put sewer in there all the utilities in that portion of the Town yeah there are none there's nothing um on that section of dwig all the utilities are like the 1990s are new so they're not going tol that right um so if we're doing streets anywhere those are safe bets that americ sign so Easter Weg already has infrastructure no uh I believe that there is water yeah that section yeah and there's buildable Lots on that stretch there are three buildable Lots at the corner of Raymond Avenue I would bet you if you paid that street they'll probably develop those hous yeah they will because those people have been to the board numerous times trying to get a waiver from curbs and sidewalks in constru Road that's been the financial obstacle well that sounds I mean as bad as Camp Street as dwig sounds like it's more feasible to do well we we could do both under a single application or they do you can apply for a priority one and priority 2 and I advised for many years to never do a priority 2 we had the first municipality I think ever get the priority 2 Road um a year ago so I mean you could structure it with both in one or do two applications um you know either is why don't we just do both in one and see what we get that's what I'm saying see what you get yeah you always do that and if it's close you can supplement the difference yeah roll the dice okay so they need it so the resolution support uh to submit application for the Reconstruction of D Street from brayman Avenue to Baltimore Avenue and Camp Street from brayman Avenue to antor and you excited yes obviously that's number 15 we're not going to get to that right now 15 yeah that that exactly that will be the second the first was the design 15 15b um next is uh third Terrace we finally got a second quote and it was worth waiting for because it was thousands of dollars lower than the other one um so that is number 16 the non-fair and open it's only called non-fair and open because we went out and got quotes it exceeds the 175 um Jody's a qpa so she can award up to 41 whatever now um you just have to call it non-fair and open and advertis that it's still it's still the best way to um last thing is H Brownfield Redevelopment applications we met with a representative from DP um we reviewed two potential sites one was over by the ACB door site and a couple of vacant Parcels over there the other was out in the industrial park where unfed landfill is and there are numerous other um undocumented or poorly documented waste areas um if we get a Brownfield Redevelopment designation it opens significant funding opportunities for investigation remediation and uh assistance in bringing in redevelopers um but the application is fairly intensive so uh I just prepared a um proposal uh it would be like $99,500 per application with two of them would be 19,000 total um to prepare those allegations of work with steering committees that are required all that um the context your DCI applications you been submitting are like what 15 or 18,000 a piece so it's like half but that's uh that's the last thing you need that tonight um I would just need an indication that the city is committed to moving forward with the applications and we'll keep moving because they're due on July 31st okay um I don't need a formal authorization on funds we can figure that out I just need to know that the city definitely wants to so so Ryan when we met with Allen that day we discussed how that could be tied into the we specker project too for that that property geted in with the one the Gateway should be AC property the former gas station Castor site the gas station up front there the vable door site um the vacant site right across in York Avenue on the same Corner another vacant site like two blocks down um that's next to a restaurant that I believe is still closed um and then the low ster site so all of them would be grouped into a single Brownfield Redevelopment area um which again unlocks a lot of funding opportunities opportunties are not available without anyone oppose to us moving forward I I just have a question about the Weiss backer um now are you saying that if we're to go forward with this and include the Weiss backers um in that so we would not be funding it the Weiss Beckers um knocking that down or not so we're still trying to get a straight answer back on whether there's funding available for the demolition or not um if you include in the Brownfield Redevelopment area it's it qualifies for funding for other things certain I don't we still don't have straight answer we qualifi dep but it would qualify for the Redevelopment planning bringing somebody else in any other remedial work that need to be done um it it helps um it presents funding opportunities for perspective for developers like infrastructure they need to invest in they can get part part grants to to um help them move their project forward so it it helps you the the goal of it is to take underutilized and undeveloped sites that were once commercially viable and are not now because of contamination or their affiliation with the contaminated Cent so the core of it would be the polycro site which is the gas station and whs Becker site and then the surrounded properties are the ones that are also impacted by that that sort of negative draw but my question to you is if we were moving forward with this and including the Weiss specker site then we would say we're not going to move forward with paying to knock that down is that what we're is that what we're talking about here it might still be ho you because it's an attractive nuisance to move forward with that and demolish that I I would still recommend that you pursue that whether this opportunity comes forward or not because it would be a couple of years before a redeveloper would be in place to to try to take over that site so I don't think you want to deal with that site for the next couple of years waiting for this process to play out I would still recommend move forward with that um like I said separately we waiting for an answer we were advised that there is the potential for a funding opportunity to assist with demolition but um we got conflicting information as to whether it would be Grant and loan or just loan if it's just a loan why bother we'll just knock it down if it's a grant and Loan maybe we'll take it and then just pay off the loan early and cash it um so that's we'll wait just for an answer for that that's a good idea you can have a one well if it's the grant one combo then yeah yeah that's great yeah so thank that's all I have I do I do have one other question for you sure um there's two trees at um the Wawa that are are no longer living yes and another I was just wondering what who takes care of that how does that work there is a twoyear that they they have to post a maintenance blond for two years after the project is completed um we do a maintenance guarantee inspection at the end of right before the end of that two years um in anticipation of them requesting an elase of their bond in that inspection we'll tell them like look this handicap ramp is falling apart this seems to be redone these trees are dead all that kind of stuff all of the bonded site work we review and they have to fix it before we step off but Ryan is it really going to be done because we I heard that story before about the Dollar General they did they rep they still dead trees I know dead we did the maintenance B did replace them and then we released the bond and they died again actually I think they all died they had the fire what's the maintenance Bond deadline um I don't know the time we actually we track them in the office so my Chief Inspector has a whole log of like when they all are yeah it's it's two years from when um we released the performance bond which essentially when everyone signed off that all the work is done in the project is for function so you release the performance bond and you get a maintenance bond to to replace it a year yeah we got July right I'm pretty sure open in June probably two years ago well when the store opened and when we release their performance fond do not always Crush Bond because to get off their performance fond there's always corrected work and they had to replace some concrete and do some other things could you check on that dat please and let me know because they should at least be informed now because there's planting Seasons you don't just plant a tree any Dr in the I mean the ideal time to replace place them would be was in the spring but but now it's in the fall so if they could do it in the fall they they'd be sitting pretty for next spring yeah I agreed and and getting back to the Dollar General we actually have continued to issue them letters of non-compliance or their site plan um they have been less than intercepted most but um we did get some remediation on the Basin once now that again um so we just issued a letter for that um so we'll have to Circle back in the have okay anybody else all right so let's move into the resolutions uh resolution 14 renew liquid licenses from July 1st of this year through June 30th of next year there are nine plenary retail consumption four plenary retail distribution are there any questions regarding any of these another one was add it right at 1400 her Pike on there thank you if not we have a motion to motion second second second a second favor hi thank you resolution what Ryan was speaking of authoriz R&V to submit for fiscal year 25 NJ do Municipal aid application for combination app of pter and Camp Street second all in favor I hi oh sorry roll call my at yes Galloway yes pessie yes Timbers yes right yes Richie yes 15b uh authorized R&V of design proposal for 400 500 block in Buffalo Avenue make motion make a motion second second roll call please atesi yes G yes hessie yes Timbers yes right yes Richie yes 16 resolution authorized the award of non fair and open contract for purchase of third terce drainage improvements any question or comments I have a motion second second roll call please at yes Galloway yes pessie yes Timbers yes right yes Richie yes resolution authorizing the sale of surplus personal property no longer needed for public use on an online auction website any questions or comments motion second roll call please Aton yes Galloway yes hessie yes Timbers yes right yes Richie yes 18 resolution accepted the terms of the contract entered into by the sjpc for electricity any questions or comments I have a motion I make a motion roll call please atesi yes uh Galloway yes hessie yes timers yes right yes Richie yes number 19 is a public hearing may have a motion to open a public hearing for ordinance 10 of this year amending chapter 89 titled alcoholic beverages article three titled licenses of the code the city of a harbor open to public anybody from public like to speak on ordinance number 10 of this year once go twice motion oppose all right uh make motion to adopt make a motion second roll call please atoni yes Galloway no pessy yes Timber yes right yes Richie yes um I have a motion to advertise the adoption of number 10 of this year in the hab to Gazette on June 19th motion uh second second all right all in favor anyone like to make a motion to pay the bills make a motion Brownfield do about that oh yeah I don't need a formalization I just need a commitment we already agree on that all right we wait next meeting I just need to know so we can do it EAS oh yeah we we were talking about wasn't clear cool thank you all right so back to the bills and we want to make a motion maybe second call please yes Galloway yes hessie yes Timbers yes right yes Richie yes mayor the floor is yours for the last comments just um congratulations to all the graduates I had the opportunity to attend two graduations and they were just awesome we do have a lot of good kids in a Harbor City and a lot of good schools and um I think that's all thank you let's see cman right yeah pretty much the same thing um I said it last night and I pretty much said it to all the kids today um congratulations um the sky is a limit for you guys um and girls just don't let anybody tell you your dreams can't come true just do you um like I said last night um God bless uh also with that being said that um the caders uh football signs are still going on um every Tuesday and Thursday night from 6:00 to 7:30 sign up before July 1st there's a basically a $50 uh reduction fee or savings I should say um so get on out because uh I know how it is in at har City everybody wasts the last minute but you're making my life hard because I had deadlines so if you plan on getting signed up please get signed up because they're begging me for rosters and unfortunately carer City can't wait until last minute but mace I didn't see that information on the official Facebook page could you make sure that gets posted on there please yes thanks anything else no sure I think so okay councilman Timbers uh like everyone said first I want to start say I want to thank all graduates uh one in particular which my gradu um so I got the graduation one of the things that um I would beiss if I didn't state it uh Cedar Creek is awesome uh we had over 200 seniors and uh College acceptances were over like 200 universities um we had from the I we even had military acmy I'm not talking about people in listing I'm talking we have people going to theem right I do know some of at least one one kid who did enlist in the uh the army that kid was accepted in the har wow from Cedar Creek and decided to uh enlist and um you know the way times are right now um you know I was like because he's one of my son's friends from when he was a kid I bought the Kid's first bicycle and um I couldn't be more proud of him that'd be more terrified you know his parents everything because it's just the way it is but I know statistically it's going be fun um and all the other kids I was just so impressed and I wanted to say thank you to them for all the hard work they did because as parents you're terrified you know I hear like in Chicago they have to give the the big uh bar for eighth grade because there's no guarantee that they're going to graduate from high school and see what we do and see the creek athletically academically school's awesome um man it's like having a private school for free everybody gets a scholarship you know I know it's like everybody gets a scholarship it's still kind of amazing and uh so I just wanted to give a shout out to each and every one thank you councilwoman anthon didn't forget you this week thanks I appreciate that my family and I had the opportunity to attend the summer kickoff and I just wanted to thank the EDC uh Karen Keith and everybody involved for all of your hard work it was such a nostalgic event it was a wonderful time and so thank you for all your hard work that goes into that and everybody that was involved I also wanted to congratulate all the graduates and all of the parents because I know it's a lot of hard work to get the kids to and from everything and uh it's like your final reward to get them to graduation so congratulation guys and that's all I have tonight thank you councilwoman hessie I just also would like to congratulate all of our all of our graduates uh for their hard work and um the eighth graders going to high school I wish them all the best and the high schoolers uh seniors graduating going College the same and just go moving on with their lives I also would like to say don't forget to put your flags up tomorrow it's Flag Day that's all I have thanks thank you Council M Gallow yes um I just want to let everybody know we we just put out our newer versions of our brochures for sustainable Jersey if anybody's interested I have extras here um we did use some of the photos from the photo contest in the brochure so I think that's really nice that we have our own local photos in here um congratulations to all the graduates uh at every level in including our college graduates and Happy Father's Day Dad there I just want you know still have the one of the prizes in the office we can give it back to you um I'm not sure one I think was third place or show one of them is actually in home okay and we have no contact information so all right I I'll that's it thank you thanks I just like to finish up yeah congratulations to all those graduates out there um especially the parents I'm sure it's fitter sweet my first one I'll be there in about 10 years and I got you know the next one about 18 years but uh congratulations to you all um great job out there so uh with that I will turn it as soon as I open up the public comments yeah um and then also Happy Father's Day to everybody um even to those moms that act like dads you guys are the are are our backbones uh if it wasn't for you I don't know where I where we would be where I would be uh with that like to open up the public comment anybody from the public like to come up and speak hi good afternoon my name is kentes I'm here in regard so want to talk you guys talked about the lake of City I just wanted to say that it's disheartening to see how quick it was shut down when it was brought up to bring a different price about the lake that is the only thing a harv city has for these kids and the families to see the post on Facebook of them going to l l and the beach it makes no sense when we have a here if it could be done but whenever it comes to the pool Pantry we can have these shut down those meetings for them or whenever it comes to PO enforcement we can have meetings for them I think we can have a separate meeting for this Le it could be done even if it is just a month it could be done that is the only thing we have if we don't do that for these kids in this family don't we can complain when these says out here breaking into cars one other thing this is the only thing a har city has to offer so something should be done and the Le should have a separate place for these families because if not everyone is watching I feel like this is all political everyone is watching everyone's going to see that yes the mayor is trying but then the president of this board is not just want to put that out there thank you have a good night thank you anybody else from public go once go twice motion to adjourn make a motion second all in favor have a good night