you m e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e tonight like to welcome everyone to regular schedule council meeting for April 11th who just came out of our budget Workshop call to order this meeting has been properly advertised and posted in accordance with public law 75 chapter 231 may have a roll call please mayor jetti here atoni here Clark here Dash here Galloway here Heist here hessie here Timbers here wght here Richie here I have a motion to approve the minutes for March 14th second make a motion second all in favor I all right anybody from public have any comments on the agenda by only go once twice step on up Sir state your name and your addressy Avenue this on resolution 26 and 27 the tax extent yes five 26 and 2 they were on the agenda the last meeting as well any the attorney can explain yeah we keep giving I mean they show nonprofit but the to from South Carolina it's a nice building there so we give away then taxpayers got $10,000 of money that we're not getting folks registered as a nonprofit corporation legitimate legitimately the state tax assessor went out to check both properties make sure they were actually being used for the nonprofit as specified to the state and so he certified it as um exempt as of January 24 and so this resolution in other words it's already done this resolution is simply taken off the book by the tax collector which is law I mean listen it's little ridiculous that we got pick up the the taxes for other things I mean there's there's paid driveway there's a building there companies from out of state I mean something's got to change so are you talking about C uh Cincinnati you're talking about both yeah both all there the other the other one's vacant lot right yeah so Cincinnati is the vacant lot right next to it stop me from making a nonprofit and it's been a topic of discussion for the past 20 24 hours at least if not longer I can understand if they if they are conducting their business there and toward a nonprofit then they can get a tax bre one but they're not then they should PID back like everybody else it puts a burden on the city correct we should be that so going forward though Ben going forward though the tax I tax assessor and I have had lots of conversations and so going forward he way will pay particular attention to these two properties but also so any tax exemption that comes through the city will go through me and him so that going forward we'll see anything that needs to be done any waivers or non waivers or any peels right but so if somebody has a church on one street and then they have a building they bought on Philadelphia Avenue where all the all the services get done on at the church when not Philadelphia Avenue they get a tax parate of Philadelphia Avenue too correct yeah depend it depends it depends on what the purpose of the tax exempt property is and where it is established all right thank you and I just want to let you know I'm I'm very concerned about that as well and that's what I've been talking to everybody about and I had mentioned to um our president he he also you know agreed with me that we need to set perimeters I talked to Angela we could set perimeters as a city to you know on these sort of things because right now it's there aren't really the perimeters that they need thank you thank you sir uh anybody else Republic once go Choice mayor Flo yours for your report uh just a few things uh Ryan and I met with the D uh D and another gentleman today about about the um brownsfield um development um um actually going after the grant to be to be declar a da and it I'm going to let Ryan talk more about it because he knows more about it but it sounds like um we can benefit from that by two things that I picked up was to close our landfill at the old dump in um the industrial park which I think I mentioned before and also to help demolish wi specker since the prices are coming in so high so it's a whole host of things that have to be done but um we do have a on-site meeting with them next week on Thursday to check out the sites that we're talking about and then the only other thing just to remind everyone that there is the mayor's walk on Sunday April 21st it'll start at 1M at peace program Park it's scheduled as a two mile walk but you can certainly head back anytime it's a real simple path so I hope everyone can participate and also cleanup day is May the 4th same procedure from 8 to 12 and I hope uh everybody can volunteer for that also clean a street up and that's all I have thank you thank you uh moving in the chair committee or committee chair re I'm GNA start with Finance so Tuesday we had a finance committee meeting uh four things so 101 New York Avenue there's interest there for a woman owned and ran business to purchase that property it's called vision utility I believe uh the idea behind their business is a quick response company for disasters to help utility companies um where they will house utility vehicles uh of All Sorts not a lot but of All Sorts to U be a quick response for any utilities that are uh companies in the area that are in need and it was agreed that Ryan will be reaching out to her um she has already reached out twice to um advise her of the next steps to yeah um uh addition to that over the weekend was brought to our attention black 307 lot 6 on Philadelphia Avenue the church is a pretty dilapidated church out there that uh caved in falling down so we're gonna look to get quotes to have that demoed did you figure out the address it's block 307 lock figure out the um I told you the address nobody believe in addition to that the St Nick's property I know we had initially we had a initial um interest in doing a certain project there uh that is turning a little around to now where he is looking at doing a luxurious uh a luxurious assisted living facility um the committee wasn't favor of the new project him him and his team are working on a concept and a plan to present to the committee and possibly Council in the near future for us and then we also discussed wi backers uh to begin getting quotes for the demolition of that um so that was from Finance good I'll going to code also so code we had meeting yesterday several issues on Philly Avenue are being addressed and have been taken care of and the process being taken care of uh there's issues on the White Horse Pike continue to be addressed and remed remedied and taken care of uh several other issues throughout the city currently being addressed with results coming in emails and everything uh we also discuss some additional tools that are needed and I will be having them ordered for them to make their job uh a little bit more easier and more fluent for them when they're out in the field and the cost effec iness we're going to look into as of right now we have an outside contractor who apparently Cuts all the grass on Fort posed and lean properties of the city so we're going to look at the cost effectiveness of Public Works actually doing that now and not having an outside contractor do it and we also for the ordinance committee chair uh we're going to ask you to review the code fees and discuss increases due to the workload and everything else that they have okay can I just make one comment about the Public Works sure thing we used to do that and if you are going to to pursue doing that then you're going to have to hire at least two part-time employees to do that all right um we're not going to pursue it we're going to see the cost effectivess it's a cost add two part-time employees to your cost analysis because that's about what you're going to need because there's no way there's no way they can keep up with that that's my opinion because I've seen it I've seen it in the past sure and I'm not gonna um disagree or agree with you but that's why we're going to look into the cost effectiveness of it right now and if that's it if if it leads a direction where it's not going to be F effective then we're not going to go down that and just remember that cost is put as a lean on their property so it doesn't really cost the taxpayers as long as the lean paid it doesn't really cost us anything all that yes all that was uh is known and has been discussed so uh that's all I have for finance and code so mooving on cman dash for safety nothing for Safety Council woman Heist for Public Works in Highway yeah Public Works I got a report from um ke Adams today he says we've been busy all the drainage dishes ditches on Atlantic Avenue from Havana to brainman have been cut back and cleaned out four days of storm drain work four days of brush pickup the guys did all the maintenance and mowers and have started cutting Lake prep has begun met with the mayor and discussed some of the things we need to address rotted fascia boards skin rep sink sorry sink replacement I comp I transposed those numbers lights replacement painting of buildings and picnic tables Etc water is on at the stand and bathrooms on Lakeside no leaks so that's good should be ready for startup testing Lake was trimmed around the season this is a two two-day job we had three emergency calls for trees down and our latest hre Jake has finished his probation and he is now in the um weekly rotation call list and that's all for public works thank you can I ask a question uh could you have them notify me when they take a tree down because we have an inventory we need we we want to get it off the inventory I don't think they took the trees down I think the trees were down and they clean they had clean it up after they fell yeah if the trees is not there anymore we need to know we are we have a h an inventory that shows there's trees in certain certain locations so if the trees not there anymore we need to be notified is it in city limits do you want or just Street just Street trees okay Okie doie I will let him know that thank you uh councilwoman Anthony C property Parks playground stand School Lord uh first word there was a meeting yesterday night I wasn't able to attend um I just would like to encourage other people to attend last few Schoolboard meetings have been out there's been all of two people there I know everybody's busy um just put on people's radar that's really good for the community to out those meetings so you hear what they're discussing um for property parks and playgrounds there was a leak meeting scheduled for the employees coming up um I will be away on vacation during that so I had talked to Jody I'll get the information from that afterwards and then um I did not receive the agreement from the current Campground manager for the capital Improvement for this year that she was supposed to put into writing um so Joe and I briefly discuss that before this meeting I just wanted to put that out there on the record that's all I have um so that was due March 16th it was uh days prior to opening cor so if our council could reach out to him advise him he is in violation of the contract and then we will make our decision of what we next steps we will take no more G thanks anything else sorry no it's all all right thank you uh Council right youing no uh councilman Clark license ordinance uh nothing at this time councilman Timber L use a nothing for eron hen however L use they did have a meeting several weeks ago there were two items one was uh the owners of Beacon Hall that came in to amend their application um because they had there was requirement for them to do a a parking lot and and I guess they uh found it was unfeasible so they came in toh have their application amended to remove that requirement um also uh we had some people came in uh uh to discuss the Wawa pad site uh they wanted to do a cannabis retail there um so they gave their presentation um I'm sure Ryan will go into more detail than I could um um those are two items that were on me the CL use all right anything else thank you Meg anything with Jeff no oh just that Jeff's coming to the um Lake meeting the lake me to give a presentation for the new employees that will work at the lake new and coming back employees uh they will attend that make staff meeting which is May 8th May 8th yeah May 8th um anything else nope all right uh Council hessie rotary uh I just have from rotary uh on behalf of the rotary I'd like to thank officer white and officer fville for um Coming Out participating in the east EG hunt it was really nice what uh officer vonville had said uh it was it was perfect i' I've heard numerous people say that to me about them so thank you for them that's it that's all I have thank you councilwoman Galla sustainable uh yes just uh to note that April 15th is the deadline for the uh Arbor Day photo contest uh details are on sustainable website and on our Facebook page and Arbor Day celebration is set for 3: to 6 p.m. Friday April 26 at peace Pilgrim Park uh we'll have some uh exhibitors there talking about energy conservation and things like that and um I believe the arborist will be there um volunteering his time to talk to people and um and we have um a limited number of trees we're going to be purchasing uh they're in three and two and three uh gallon pots so they're not the little saplings they're actually um you know a couple feet tall so we'll have some they're free for residents uh we're just going to have to talk to the residents about where they plan to plant them and if it's in the right spot so it'll be fun to to give out trees I think that's it thank you uh Chief welcome thank you all right um some quick numbers um since March 14th of last or since March 14th we've had one burglary two fraud cases one sexual assault one stolen mnor vehicle eight bests um 13 motor vehicle accidents three pedestrian stops 77 traffic stops uh total 49 summonses were issued we had three DUI arrests um our total arrests for that time period is 15 that is including the DUIs um other calls for service we had 16 business alarms four residential alarms 271 crime prevention activities five criminal mischief calls nine domestics three 39 EMS calls 14 Firearms it applications 25 follow-up calls 818 property checks and 13 public service calls um in terms of operation support training inspections we uh had yesterday our Department of Correction sell inspection we have to go through that every two years to make sure that we are in comp iance um talking to Ryan about it um we have made requests for exemptions because we are not up to the Department of Correction standards um a lot of is physical plan stuff that cannot be changed so we have been granted those exemptions um those requests were made and we are expected to get those exemptions again because we have previously um but the OC likes to take his time um we had a school security visit with at the egg Harver City public school so the community school and the sprag school department of education comes in and does an assessment of how safe the the buildings are what areas um can use Improvement uh and how we can work together with the schools or how the police and uh the schools can work together to make sure that they're safe during lockdown shelter in place that kind of stuff so that's always good I believe they do those every few years um but we had that today it was it was very successful um I've attended both State Chiefs and County Chiefs meetings um an installation dinner the other night I am now officially the secretary for the Atlanta County Association of chiefs of police yay congratulations thank you um we had a countywide training that was spearheaded by the Atlanta County prosecutor office at the moravan church the other day um it was a simulated larger scale event uh from all accounts it is a great training we did have officers involved in that so there was a large presence um of SWAT and police vehicles drones everything like that um but they do those kind of trainings usually twice a year in various locations in the county just so that um we're prep prepared for whatever it is it it is very very much a real time event and you know the only people who know what the scenario is going to be are the people who have planned it so when the officers get dispatched out it is as if they are being dispatched to some call and they have to deal with it on the Fly get the resources do what they have to do so always a good training um we had an officer go to a crisis negotiator applied suicide intervention skills training um that was two days uh he did not really want to go and he's like got no training so it was probably one of the best trainings that he's been to he's received a lot a lot of information so that's good um we are also in the process of working with a newer sort of organization um the northern Atlanta County water rescue task force um a bunch of fire departments and uh oems from the county who have any larger bodies of water or who are along any of the river um are getting together to come up with a coordinated response um pattern so you know when it comes to requesting Mutual Aid who what jurisdictions are requesting what who's packing up whom all that kind of stuff so um we're working with that um upcoming trainings we have one officer going to a unit training it is a state training for under undercover narcotics investigation training that's a 5-day training um because we have been doing so much uh drug stuff and Drug work um it's important that we actually have like some really good training to go with that so that's five day training that he will be attending we also have some folks going to an IA training so Internal Affairs it's one of the most important functions in the police department to help identify deficiencies in our department um in terms of policies anything like that it's not just about seeing what people do wrong it's about also taking a look at whether or not our policies and our training is the problem and not what the officer is doing so as uh councilwoman hessie mentioned we did have two officers um speak at the Easter egg hunt uh they were strategically chosen because I knew that Bonville he's he's our community policer so so yeah some very good news after a lengthy wait we finally have all three of our new vehicles um in our back parking lot they're being stri next week so that is wonderful um I did speak with Jody we're proba or with Enterprise we probably are going to have to do go deals for the vehicles that we have because they are worth like $900 so so that's that's what we're looking at um one thing that I did want to read um last month during the week of the council meeting um some of our officers were involved with the New Jersey State Police crime suppression South unit and Stafford Township Police Department so this is what I got from from them after that whole uh after that whole week of investigation and warrants so members of the AER City Police Department assisted the New Jersey State Police crime suppression South unit and the Stafford Town Police Department with a long-term drug trafficking investigation taking place in Atlanta County including a haror city the targets of this investigation were identified as violent offenders with extensive criminal histories including multiple gun charges as a result of this investigation during the week of March 10th a total of five residential search warrants including one on 300 block of Terrace in a haror city and three vehicle search warrants were executed as a result of the search warrants the following evidence was seized four handguns one of which was stolen out of North Carolina multiple rounds of hollow point and ball ammunition significant quantities of heroin fentanyl methamphetamine crack cocaine and various items related to the packaging and distribution of CDs six suspects were apprehended in charge with various first second third and fourth degree offenses relating to drug possession distribution and weapons so this is what we're up to um and sometimes iover City gets a very bad rra about how we are but this is a countywide Statewide Nationwide epidemic that we are up against with drugs and guns so um we're doing all right here um I would ask for everybody to keep officers from Galloway Township in their thoughts and prayers for speedy recoveries to officers were stabbed in the face while responding to a domestic violence call um uh one had serious injuries had to undergo surgery one fortunately the injuries were uh I don't want to say minor but you know it was released the same day so um it is a reminder of what exactly it is that we are dealing with and exactly you know what can happen in the blimp of an eye so that's all I've got any questions oh actually I'm sorry one thing I did want to bring up and I don't know if you want me to wait council president or not with the ordinance for the noise um there are some changes to the hours one thing I would like for everybody to re realize is that those this ordinance is specific to public places or businesses this is not for residential or private citizens or anything like that I can talk more about that when that comes around but I think that's important to note because I think all people will hear is okay these are the times when people have to be quiet but that's not necessarily the case that's it any questions concerns so our Fred houses are considered residences so yes they are considered residences and the ordinance 202 um six unlawful acts does not have a Time limitation so that can be applied to residences at any point in time at any it doesn't have to be during the times that would be indicated in the um 198 the noise ordinance so it's very specific about if it's bothering you and it's continuous and it's bothersome then we can go out there and issue a 2026 and and so and that is what we have been using for Fred houses to address the issues we've cited them and then the more we cite them then we go ahead with the uh excessive use of Municipal services but um so anybody who has neighbors that are too loud or anything like that 2026 is the ordinance that you want to uh refer to in terms of businesses 198 the one that will be uh that is being amended this evening is what you want to deal with then are you recommending that we put residence on the one the other one um I don't no no I'm not because I think that you know if somebody is blaring their music loud in their driveway at 11:00 a.m. uh for like two hours straight and it is you know vulgar music um with a lot of profanity that you know when you have kids I don't think it's should be a time limitation on that so I think that the 2026 addresses that and allows enough leeway to address individual issues as they arise um so I believe that's what we were talking about that one that one meeting that we we were thinking about putting the time limits but then we figured 202 would be a lot better as as the ordinance yep okay thank you and now finally I think we all know that uh Jody the floor is yours I don't have anything all right thank you I have nothing yet Angela we know you have stuff yeah the storm water right so number 31 is the storm water ordinance that came to me by way of P land so we don't have any leeway on that I read it over and make sure it made sense then make sure it was consistent with our ordinances and so that's what we have and um I have been talking to Mr sakar Jonathan sakar about the movie theater and how that's moving along on the tower site and the mayor and Ryan I think are meeting with him tomorrow is it tomorrow to get a further update on that so we'll have a further update for our next meeting and then we have a new cannabis application from Jersey grown LLC for uh Clash one cultivation that's on brayman Avenue 1401 brayman Avenue um they still have to go to the P to the um land use board for conditional use approval um so I'm reviewing that it'll go to the chief as it normally does it'll go to the engineer as it also normally does and that's it thank you very much awesome thank you ran Engineers report okay okay so good news Ryan just informed me that the New Jersey Eda made public um the grant that we applied for for the um Tower Grant a tower site lot lots track and it's a million $30,000 29 yeah one mill I call it 1 million3 because it's 1, 2950 or something so they we had a meeting with them um a couple of weeks ago um they insisted it be private they did insist on that and that's why I didn't bring it up but so apparently it's on the website now congratulations to the city that's used specifically for that site that's for infrastructure it doesn't come to us it goes to the developer no it comes to us oh really ly does not go to the developer that was one of the issues make sure it wasn't going to the developer it was going to us so it goes to us and and what exactly can we use it for uh infrastructure yeah so it'll help offset really it'll help offset his development cost to construct what will become public infrastructure roads and sidewalks deceleration Lanes curb cuts um Street lighting drainage all that kind of stuff but only on what will be the public rways which will be maintained by the city north city um we had applied for funding for other fortunes for things that would be on site but since the developer will take ownership of them that those for de is there a timeline just got the announcement yesterday okay I I haven't seen it yet and is there a match of any sort no yeah no and all of the all of these costs would be born by the developer normally so it really helps offset his costs and helps Advance his project um but you know we're the beneficiary because all of that stuff will be inherited by the city we see construction thank you and who applied for the grant the developer we did it the city did it because I needed information about his development company and they need his financials and they need all that make sure it was a real project but yeah the city was technically the applicant with a lot of cooperation so basically the way it went down was you know he we they supplied the grant to us um I reviewed it zacher helped us zacher provided some information we provided more information went back and forth for a bit we had a meeting um they told us it would most likely be approved but it was not public they didn't want it public and so I'm glad that it was um successful great job that's good all right good report Ryan thank you yeah go ahead sure just a couple things if anything want if anyone want me to bring up anything else I can um but um wice fer demo we are we're starting negotiations after failing to award a bid after bid twice um but after a meeting that we had the other day uh it's possible that the demolition would be eligible for an Eda Grant so we're GNA kind of negotiate a little bit and see where we can land but also reach out to EA and see if they believe it's eligible uh if it is it might make sense to pause for a little bit and see how quickly you know we could get that money and then rather than put lean on it and just put it go away you need to fund it obviously that would help so real quick uh I know you touched on it that's like give me a true estimate of a time frame if we go that Eda route um well that that I don't know yet that's all part of we're going to get a copy of the application and find out what the application process is and the view process is is it a hard deadline that's due in August is it a rolling program that they review in two weeks I I don't know yet um the folks from DP are the ones who turn us on to it and said look this program exists you know I I think that's an eligible to you should reach out to them um so that was just meeting we had was so yeah we met with them today at 10: a.m and 11 and iove on Wildwood for in person meeting and now I'm here anyway so so you think yeah so I I believe it was today we met with them and they they just told us about it a couple hours ago so we're going to vet that out and see if it's six months out then I don't think it makes sense if it's something that we could turn around in a month or two you know another month or two on what we've already had is probably world yeah yeah because I don't want to speak out turn but I think our goal up here was to get that thing down by the summertime for festival Fall Festival I know we have a strength Festival but so yeah understood so um with that goal in mind you know we'll we'll bet the Eva thing pretty quickly I'll reach out tomorrow try to the application and get all that information sorted out and then we can bring that back to you guys so you can make an informed decision you know which route do you want to take is it worth the investment or do you want to try to wave your fun okay um since we're there um the other part of that DP conversation was uh about designating certain areas of the city as Brownfield Redevelopment areas um there are specific criteria that you need to meet to sort of attain that recognition and open up those opportunities there are uh there's funding available for investigation remediation and for redevelopment of of partials both occupied ones and and vacant ones um we sort of showed them the no contaminated sites listem up down rout 30 and the retail commercial district and that feels like a good potential fit the other one is um the Anor Avenue landfill site out by um industrial park right so um we're going to work obviously that's a little longer term goal but we're going to work towards both of those I believe he said the applications are due in July July 31st yeah so though that application is a little more intensive but it opens up a significant amount of funding um to to you know start at the very bottom and work it all the way through um some of it has a 25% match um but a lot of them dovetail into Redevelopment opportunities where you can get the redeveloper to cover that 25% match um as their contribution to you know take the lab at least as a portion of it so um that would help eliminate made a lot of things that are just sort of hanging over our head things that we didn't want to touch because we didn't want to you know open up Pandora's Box and be stuck with it with no assistance um so this is you know a good pathway forward to not only get those issues resolved but get you know a financial generating projects for the city whether it's expansion Industrial Park Community solar um new businesses or new potentially viable commercial properties 430 um you know all of that is the potential outcome of of BU so like mentioned I think we're going to meet with them next week on Thursday Thursday um 11 o' Thursday 11 we will meet with them and that both of those um because they said look you know we understand how these pro programs work we understand what the liability requirements are but we really need to just get eyes on it and get a feel for whether we think it's going to be you know even qualified we don't waste your time one way or the other um so assuming movement them and that goes well um they we'll have to start putting resolutions on there's resolution support there's uh agreements there's all kinds of things need to happen before that July 31st application deadline um so if we decide to move forward with that there'll be a couple steps between them okay um okay what else so uh Archway green project that finlands application was submitted that's for the vacant lot that's next to the Wi property um so we finally get thatt started um we third Terrace resident range concerns we put out a quote solicitation that is due on next Friday at 4m. so we'll finally have more than one real number and have something that we potentially actually award uh for that for the following council meeting um the energy planning Grant was finally complete and submitted to the state I think that was all yeah good correct um and then uh the one in 300 BLX of the Liverpool Avenue we're pretty close to wrapping up that design so hopefully we'll be back um getting ready to bid that in the next couple weeks Ryan do you want to mention um Stefania that Congressional discretionary grant for the um we did wind up doing it for the Crusaders field yes I forgot to mention that and then also the um we we applied for two the the pumper truck which is separate and then the the one Ryan's going to tell you about that just went in sure so um there's not a lot of recreation grant funding available um so the exactly what they're called but the the Congressional Appropriations um are currently open and calling for applications so we submitted for um much of the improvements that we've already talked about is at kre um city has some funding allocated those things but you could always divert things um so we requested I think it was like $750,000 for expansion to stack and defense uh Ada upgrades to the bathrooms lighting Ada access Pathways uh connecting to the D Street part to all those facilities um so try and prr the application we did the cost estimate and description and all that um so you know we'll see how that goes that would obviously help move all that stuff along um and and free a budget for lots of other stuff be wonderful so yeah I think I think that was due do they have a time limit on that or when's it going to be voted when it was already due um so I don't know me when does Congress vote on it uh that I don't know but I know that they my understanding is they have like a filter around where they let you know within the next couple weeks to month whether you made the cut of you know real consideration um so we should have that pretty quickly and then after that I'm what's the second one pumper truck for the fire department yeah I was involved with that one and how much is that one 600 Jody or no 900 right n great is that we appli it was supposed to be 1.2 but I don't think that I saw that in the uh I think the the difference was like our match okay oh right 25% right okay it was 300 I think thousand for so that's it for me at the moment anybody has no I don't all right I will I will call Fred tomorrow and try to get an update on it the last thing we submitted we thought was should have been buy and I so and then it was plots of land on 600 Baltimore I think it was or San Francisco yes I I owe you a proposal for that I think I've been away more days than I've been here since we had that conversation yeah I'm not listen I'll get you that you know how I am I'm not yes no you're certainly not on the next week um all Stu and this is cir going back last year talk about the LED lighting up upgradeing the street lights so we requested I can't remember how many times from ill Edwards atantic electric um he never got it to us he since retired oh great he's working for them as a consultant and they've not appointed anyone in his position okay um so we can submit I mean we essentially we just escalate our request and say look we can't wait around for this forever we know this is going to save us money we really need this um I mean if we start pushing buttons at the Exelon level they'll St making people here do something hey correct me if was there a cent application out there or coming up for um upgrad of street lights yeah but it's the most of them are through BPU and L the electric right because it's it's weird because you're the applicant but you don't own them okay so most of the direct funding sources it's not an eligible expense because you don't own it um they won't pay for lenux electric to upgrade their infrastructure to charge you money so okay um the only program that I was aware of was through the BPU through Atlantic Electric directly um so we can make that push again um as I I I think we dug up the Excel sheet I think we were looking at that Community energy plan and we included it in energy plan that it's something that was on C radar we wanted to complete we're going to be applying for that Grant it's due in May I think May 24th but the the way it's going to work out it's probably going to the EV Chargers will probably be at the top of the list because the funding's available for those right now so yeah we'll see how far that goes it's only $250,000 though so yeah and like I said the streetlight ones is usually one that's orderline eligible or not eligible because of the ownership situation um but yeah I mean we we had requested I mean going back a couple of years nowed full information so that we could do the financial analysis or payback period was and we just we never got it yeah um so I I'll follow it's not no it's definitely not better and then um one last item is it that in the water with this older project here no I mean it just comes down to scope we need to pin down do we want to use the field do we want to use the roof do we want to try carports really need to pin down a scope have we gotten wasn't the last conversation getting the reconfiguration of them or something yeah so we we got an updated reconfiguration of the panels having them in the field portion leaving an area that could accommodate uh a potential police garage for storage of vehicles Etc in the future um and we brought that back but I don't recall what the the discussion was I mean I from what I remember there was a discussion about trying to eliminate them trying to move more of the roof so I I we just need to isolate what ex where exactly do we want them to go and then solar developer will be happy to put them up as fast as you would I think the other part of the discussion was um if we were going to pay for at change the agreement because if we had the money to do it it would be better that we own it that was part of the disc discussion rather than right I remember eight months ago now we had the discussion and arrived at proba more that that the PPA would be the better route right because um the the cost savings difference was minimal and there's no um maintenance responsibility for the city um between that conversation and now the math changed because you guys are now eligible for the tax credits directly so if you're the owner of them you can get a 30 to 40% tax credit and you weren't eligible for a year ago um so but all of that comes down to we need to have a scope fully pinned down and then approach the solar developers and then we can get that financial analysis forward this configuration does it make more sense to own a PPA there is a grand opportunity uh out there for that type of stuff yeah but it's a two-part two-parter uh we were told we could not apply this year because we have to do a um a a more enhanced energy plan okay and but there's grant funding available for that and then the following year you could apply for the implementation so you have and that's through the federal government update the plan and then apply I mean for the for the cost of the project relatively speaking it's it's not that much from your a little over $100,000 would be the city share Rel you know um so we have to just go through and figure out you know does the does the time delay make sense or is just make sense to to try but yeah that's that's where I'm I just need a BM scope this is where we want the panels and I I mean I have the areas that are required whether it's on the roof whether it's on the ground whether it's whatever um you know we can reconfigure into our hearts inent we just need to lock down scope and then we can move forward if you haven't emailed them before which I'm sure many of us don't I'll send it to everyone yeah please that way we can have a uh make a decision either on the 25th or the first meeting of night yeah and if you're getting an email from Ryan check your junk mail because that's where they all go yeah is like my email 30 minutes ler um sorry for taking up by your time right does anybody else want to take up this time yeah the plans for the cess stand and everything B been approved so we can take it to the next step and see about going to the Pine lamps so I have um yeah I mean I I've been prepared and we have the the pretty much approved it so we want to take it to this next step so we can get this ball moving okay so we're going to have to schedule a prea meeting with the pance commission and see how difficult they want to be there's an outstanding violation on the key now they're telling me it's not they I called to Danny mcginness the other night at at the field when I was doing signups okay that was supposed to be over done with thrown out when you're talking about the ash the rubber tires that they put down in the parking lot across the street from haror Fields the less I know about what they put the better but yes yes yes for all times of purposes the last I was involved that was a problem and it's all still there so got they're saying that they they should have got a letter and saying that cuz they saying all right and Bas call Danny because Danny said if there's an issue for you to reach out to them because they have proof that it's been all right that would be great we we went up there years ago Dan and I went up to to try ask about the basketball court at the corner of deer Street and St Louis and they kind of laughed us out of the room much um I don't want to do that again no um so yeah whatever we're going to do we just need to make sure all our ducks are I definitely think we should have a pre meeting just so we don't get BL oh no 100% y but yeah I'm I'll I'll sit down with you at some point and we'll sort of mock out everything that we do on that site and make sure all covered okay and then we'll schedule a preat meeting with the pance commission so we can V out all the potential okay that works sounds good to me can we have a date to set set a date for that you want me whatever you want anything after I'll find some time next week let me know just call okay cool anybody else Brian all right going on to 14 uh motion to approve the use pill p p Pilgrim Park peace Pilgrim celebration July 20th walking picnic 8: a.m. 2 p.m I'll make that motion all in favor thank you introduce ordinance number six of this year calendar year 24 to exceed the municipal budget of propriation limits and establish a c bank any questions or comments regarding this if not may have a motion move it second second all in favor motion to advertise introduction of ordinance 6 in The Gazette on the 17th for hearing on the 25th s second all in favor I thank you resolution authorize introduction of year 2024 Municipal budget by title only any questions or comments do anyone any comments from you on this sorry I was are we in the budget 16 any comments no worries um we had our budget meeting earlier and this um we can still make any changes this does have a zero tax rate increase on it um we'll have the hearing on May 9th can still make changes at that point this is just the introduction all right if there's no other questions or comments have a motion at please so move second roll call atoni yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Timbers yes R yes Richie yes advertised in the hon gazelle on 17th for hearing on May 9th all in favor all right 17 a resolution for 24 temporary budget any questions or comments may have a motion second roll call atoni yes slark yes Dash Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Timbers yes right yes Richie yes 18 is to authorize the use of the Internal Revenue Services 24 standard business Mage rates any questions regarding this what is it these days I think it's 67 I think 67 cents 67 67 67 C oh my I would to get a race question mtion to authoriz motion second roll call at yes Clark yes sash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Timbers yes wght yes Richie yes M motion authorized the mayor to sign the memorandum of understanding with Atlanta County for small cities CB1 cb3 Community Development PL Grant funds any questions or comments I make a motion second roll call at yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hassie yes timers yes wght yes Richie yes resolution join the M ocean Educational Services go any questions motion second second all in favor Mo resolution number 70 of 24 for senior sen H back Improvement any questions to com have a motion all favor resolution to award to purchase an installation of two gas heat and split TX scholing HVAC systems for City Senior Center to Hutchins H vac through the mammoth ocean Educational Services Commission Ka any questions I have so move second roll call please at Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes pessie yes Timbers yes R yes Richie yes resolution ton Grant application any questions or comments I have a motion so moved second roll for at yes CL yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes uh resolution and Council the balance of utility Capital Improvement authorization ordinance 17 of 2019 amount $1,144 any questions regarding or comments I have a motion so moved second second roll call Aton c yeah Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Timbers yes Wright yes yes Richie yes refund property first quarter taxes 100 disabled veteran tax exemption any questions roll motion make a motion second roll call at yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Timbers yes right yes Richie yes uh resolution for nonprofit tax exemption 449 450 Cincinnati Avenue people rescue a New Jersey nonprofit Corporation are there any questions or comments regarding this comment I'm sorry I'd like to make a comment sure go ahead um everyone should know that this is for a vacant lot it's not for the house that's attached yes it's a $20,000 assessment that'll be um eliminated which probably around what $1,200 I think something like that no it's less than that I think okay um um and I talked to the assessor and we're going to make sure that we check check on it to make sure that it's actually being used if it's not being used it'll come off next year I'd like to make a comment as well as I had said to Ben before I would really like to set perimeters on some of these tax exempt places I think it's a little too broad and I really think it's important to um set some kind of perimeters by the municipality and as per I application talking and I agree uh there has to be some kind of some kind of oversight limitations whatever you want to call it um so it's definitely something for us to look into in the very very very very near future well believe it or not that area and you can talk more about if you want that is not just yeah not just residential it's SE for commercial use Cincinnati especially the 200 block where pepay is and all that they're all that zoning is not just residential yeah I talked to Mike today about sort of question question he gets these and that is either a CO or Z for the use because you have to review the local land use first you should do a tax exemption for use that's not allowed to exist there right so um I believe that yeah so it's definitely something we are going to look into so any other questions regarding 26 if not may have a motion make a motion second roll call atan yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes pessie yes Timbers yes Wright yes Richie yes uh 27 same thing non profit tax exemption for 220 222 Cincinnati Avenue and 223 Buffalo Avenue ceramic tile Education Foundation any uh questions or comments regarding this I I would like to just say the uh this particular group you can look them up on guar and see when their founding year was you can review their their 990s they are legate nonprofit um I looked him up this morning before I uh while I Was preparing for this meeting well they may be a legitimate nonprofit but the building has to be used for that purpose I understand and that's where we need to clarify I I understand um and I'm also going to comment regarding what Brian just said about the tree is is 223 Buffalo correct me if I'm wrong is Zone residential correct yeah and is not zone for commercial that's corre and did they get a use variance not work exactly well Cornell's is on um Cornell's Auto is on same block so there could be a different uh right Brian what's corell's block that's BL right yeah okay so yeah we actually look Tuesday night you could put up yeah I'm so again we are this is not going say we'll definitely get into this so uh any other comments or question well do do we know that they're actually allowed to use it for this purpose for what purpose for the purpose that they're using it for training to for tile setting tile setting it's a crack again without zoned well yeah Collective there until today so um I'll I'll talk to Steve about it um I mean if they're operating use that's not permitted without a CO without you know any any permission from the city to do that we'll address that from the land use and code enforcement side I'm make a motion we table so the thing with tbling it is it's already been set forth this is just more or less giving Authority authorization to the tax office to tax collector ta book so it's already been approved January one already tax ass it's been approved already just Laur in a tax so this is just a formality ta collector put it on from okay I make a motion to accept it all right I have a second second roll call please yes Clark yes stash yes Galloway reluctantly yes heist with the net yes hessie I'm with both of them timers yes yes Wright yes Richie no um 2 or 28 resolution proping April National saf I have a motion sorry I got can I mention something about this please sure um you know Springtime is is a time when people are starting to dig their Gardens and or plant trees or whatever it's really important that you call 811 before you dig a hole um you can hit a gas line and blow yourself up you can hit electric line and electric yourself I hope they're not playing trees that far down in the ground but and I I had a call for um 811 recently and they came out within a day so it's not something we're going to have to wait a week for to do the so please call before you dig um any other comments no that's it all right have a motion I'll make that motion second second all in favor resolution opposing the state of New Jersey's new approved Shore protection rule I believe that was email to everyone for review is there any questions or comments regarding that I have a motion make that motion second uh all in favor I stain okay I got it uh number 30 is a resolution supporting the submission of a project for grant funding from the USDA Community facility facilities grant program for the development of a new K9 Training Facility in Atlantic County at this time Atlantic County I believe has no can out training facility and is Corbin City yes Corin city is petitioning to have one established in their Town any questions or comments regarding this get not have a motion so moved second all in favor specific to that area to introduce ordinance number seven of this year amending chapter 170 L use and development chapter 233 storm water control the code city of haror County ofan state of New Jersey this is what Angela touched on earlier there any further questions or comments I have a motion to introduce make motion second all in favor I motion to advertise and induction in The Gazette on April 17th for hearing on the 23 make Mo second all in favor at this time number 32 is a public hearing for ordinance number two of this year amending chapter 189 titled noise of the code of the city of EG Harbor I'd like to open I have a motion to open a public hearing I'll make a mo second all right anybody public like to speak on this going once twice most make a motion I'm I would like to say something please oh go ahead yes um I'm not in favor of having the noise ordinance change to be till 12 midnight even even if it's a business there's homes that are close to these businesses and for example if it's on Philadelphia Avenue there's some apartments that are above some of these businesses and I was thinking like what kind of an what kind of a practical application of having the noise ordinance would a business why would a business want it to be extended till midnight and I'm thinking maybe they want to have outdoor band or something like this it's not being extended before the it was 2 2 am down to to midnight oh my mistake I thought it was 10 o' across the board when I'm completely mistaken I apologize and I'm good with that then my mistake thank you um anybody El from the public go once twice motion to close second all right motion to adopt make a motion second roll call atanes yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes he yesie yes Tim yes right yes Richie yes advertis nette 17 second all right uh Council please remind me which one has the 96 G in is it 35 35 yeah uh so where we AT3 33 you got two more 33 Okay 33 is the one with the TOs no got two more to get to okay what is this one 35 yeah all right 33 I'd like to open up public hearing for ordinance 324 amending chapter 178 titled littering of the code of the city of aart have a motion open I make a motion second all right anybody from public like to speak on this ordinance number three before you go to the public what is this one for littering what what's the ordinance change look it up yeah I don't I don't I didn't have uh there's two things that were changed and one is the fees it's a sliding fee and the other is um the Le oh okay the the fines yes the fines thank you and before it goes to public just so people realize this isn't just within City Limits this is out of the lake this is out Clark's Landing where it goes out to Egg Harbor City this is lower Bank Road that's considered littering that's still parts of a haror city just to make that clear all right anybody from the public once twice motion to close make a motion second motion to adopt second roll call at teni yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes timers yes right yes Richie yes and motion to advertise in the cazette on the 17th so second all in favor all right number 34 is another public hearing for ordinance number four amending chapter 2113 titled property me and sub the code of the city of an Carver motion to open the public make a motion all right anybody from the public like to speak on this on once twice motion to close make a motion second second motion to adopt make a motion second second uh roll call uh teni yes Clark yes yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Timbers yes right yes Richie yes all right number number 35 so regarding number 35 before we get into it at our Cod meeting last night we Rie we reviewed this ordinance um it was advised by our Cod Department employees about the you uh units per per uh totes per unit uh taking into consideration the Terra that have uh multif family apartment on them uh they suggested that we revisit this to possibly limit the totes where it's one one trash or one recycl per unit and if you have say four units up top you're talking about eight eight totes in that one area maybe to uh possibly table this revisit it and put a limitation on how many totes would equal for them to have an actual trash dumpster or something of that sort so we don't have 10 20 30 totes loaning uh lining our teres and and uh creating you know any kind of interference of travel and stuff like that now would the truck still be able to access The Terraces for with the dumpsters they would have to a different truck to come in for that right yeah that's a problem because it has to be able to hook to the truck and dump it and also also let's recall the issues we have with um property on Philadelphia Avenue where there's no trash enclosure and we do not have an ordinance I believe for res do we have an ordinance for new construction but it's not new construction if it's a if it's a rental if it's an established home yeah so you would have to do something about that yeah because people just go because there'll be more trash blowing all over with a dumpster with a smaller dumpster than there would be an litted tote yeah I I understand all aspects of this and it was like one moments where wow that's a good point kind of thing and then also the other point that was brought up as far as implementation of it uh if it was an immediate uh roll in kind of thing so we came to a conclusion where immediately for any new applications of new rentals and by the end of um 2025 for all um current current rentals instead of because it'll be we figured it would be a little disastrous to just say it's en acted now everyone has to get these tools um and it would be hard for the application process the paperwork so on and so forth for the Department uh I'm correct me if I'm wrong right Kim yes that's so um that was brought to our CP we can move forward we can introduce this public hearing I I personally think we should table it to look into a little bit more we may come back to this and say you know what it is what it is or um possible amendments could be made to it so it's up to you guys but that was the discussion that was had by our Cod Department employees to bring to our attention at the meeting and Jo can we just hold over the public hearing to the next meeting I'll do motion to table yeah that that way we can look into the whole Logistics of the trucks getting back there and we can look into other towns how they do it because other towns I got one question because Lisa just brought up a good point you said there's no ordinance for having these dumpsters covered only on new new bill not even like if you're remodeling or anything there's no there's no where you're a dumpster because any City that we go in we have to have our dumpsters covered we have to have cones around the dumpster everything has to your dumpster when it's or your your um enclosure fire enclosure and all that but it applies to new construction and anyone who comes to board from land use approval it's in the land use section okay so it's not you know you're not making everyone who has a they go back and go traffic if they were to come in to fully rehab the building and stuff like that um I don't I don't believe because I know now I mean if our AC and units aren't aren't closed in we don't got our trash Clos even they're elevated yeah in Ocean City and all the shore towns they have to be enclosed they even get a COO so you your your ordinance right now I don't believe is being interpreted to require for like a CCO business vacates and and comes in my understanding is that not require any trashing closures at that stage it's only at the Goa but in addition there is no permits or permit fees required for dumpsters in this down either which will be looked into yes I never got a permit got a dumpster and then with an apartment complex where we did have an issue um with two of them now that we have to reimburse the landlord or the owner because they want their own Trash Disposal system because they don't want to change the dumpster to refit it for our because we I know like Ocean City Margate pretty much all the shore towns we pay a dumpster fee and we also pay for it to be if we have to put it on the street because we can't get it on we actually have to pay a fee for it to be on the street and any dumpsters that are on the street have to be covered in the tarp and be blocked with cones we have nothing holy I never you have an ordinance that regulates refuse containers and dumpsters but there's no fees there's only a fine if you violate that section there's suppos to be a good so um if anyone wants to make a motion the table is so that being said would anybody like to make a motion and pay the bills make a motion second call um atesi yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes yes hessie yes Timbers yes right yeah Richie yes mayor the floor just just one thing we did have a very nice uh Aon again this year even though it was rained out the week before but I would like to take time to remember and thank the Wier family who used to own the five and 10 Mr and Mrs Wier were our neighbors for 32 30 years uh Mrs Winer just passed this past uh last year but the family has it's called the Sam Wier Memorial Easter egg hunt and you know he was a very active back in the day active person in the community and and that kind of celebrates his memory and what his family did for a Harbor City so and also um thank you uh Kim pessy for her involvement in rotary and her involvement in ordinating the event it was really wonderful and of course the police which we did thank that's a nice addition and that's all I have thank you uh Council Heist I just want to remind everyone that the weather's starting to get nice the kids are going to be out there riding their bikes to school so please be diligent um when you come to a corner make sure there's nobody shooting out on their bicycle before you take off um we want to go into the spring and the summer with no accidents and that's C Dash like to thank our CFO Jody for doing such a great job with the proposed budget with a 0% increase again this year I know it's not always easy and I I appreciate all your hard work right yeah give me one I got a couple things but like we were talking about at the budget meeting about what the city gives uh the caders Jody just sent me our electric bill for the year 13,500 $ 68 at least they could say there's $400 for a year to run a sports program just to let you guys know the previous amount at yeah before yeah but just the kind of give you got is there a way that you can give me that a month breakdown I gave you like a spreadsheet won't let me open I can print it out for you I L each account and each amount for that account for the year for the month can you said because because last year you were able to break it down by a month yeah it's by a month okay because it won't let me just because it's on yourone he could just so I can see but just let you know that's you know that's what we that's how expensive it those darn lights up yeah least that field out throughout the year throughout the Su track for like s games I guess you could say yeah but the key I mean key W is yeah they they they that out we don't we don't see anything from that unless it has to do with the light that's what I'm saying most of most of the time like the flag the adult flag football that's out there that's all Saturday mornings and afternoon they don't use the lights a church just came in and U put in for a soft Hall leag but that's going to be during the day that's not going to be is just the men's league that's that's really the only outside organization that would that uses the lights Mas are they are they solar lights or no is there maybe that's somewhere that we should well we had talked about it when we sat down might be worthwhile the LA yes um I just got like the quote so I haven't really had a chance got you it's I couldn't imagine iag I was like literally like what cuz I know imag we the caders changed those light bulbs out probably maybe eight or nine years ago and I think each one of those bulbs were almost post to $500 a piece it was almost six like 18 Grand to change all those lights out and then not even we had to rent a 80 foot boom to be able to even get up there to change them and luckily the bers were still good because otherwise it would have been a whole another you know what I mean yeah feeling that's I just wanted to yeah I mean I'm hoping that maybe I don't know I was like hoping for herself at some point but I don't understand how that be like it's supposed to be saving money not it's yeah I know but the thing is is like like if we take our games and say we play Sundays then we barely make any money even pay the Reps because the Sunday games kill you you know what I mean so it's like a catch 22 you know I mean you're like I mean we ated to like basically cutting the practice fields down and only turning like we used to back and you know had Turn All the Lights On now we just turn certain lights on us so we can be able to try to save somebody on the lights that not matter well that's well now that we know we just found that out recently that you know every 15th to the 15th you hit that switch one time it's $1,500 that's the real problem $40 an hour yeah no that's not the it's that that that kill switch that you hit that and that's why I bring up the leades if they're playing n games and they're hitting that switch yeah why well that's the thing is it's like before it was hard to prove like nobody really knew because at the time we had our our teenagers playing we had uh the assball league was playing the men's league was playing so everybody was shoing the lights so there's no proof to say how much the lights were actually costing so we kind of just broke it down and you know went that way it's until recently when Gary hen all them went out there and investig ated and found out that from the 15 15th of each month you hit that switch it's a $1,500 charge right from before you even count that's your demand chart yeah that's your demand chart wow listen that guy he wanted to pay it's just he was in shock too at the race oh no 100% yeah mean like he wasn't but he was trying to say like he thought that we were like trying to lie to him I'm like dude I mean what am I going to do tell you the groom adults like yeah here you can pay we'll pay for your Li but I'm going tell the kids that we can't pay you for the uniforms this year were we looking into like the rate that they had us at like our classification or something like that I just said that to Jody two minutes ago was can you send me that so we can see if properly into your demand charges reason because I know those lights they got have been up there since the 90s I think copino and and the leaks and all them donated those lights if I remember correctly hi lyd and the other thing I have is uh the Le this to let you guys know um next meeting I'll be leaving here at 7:45 is the NFL draft um we do have uh an egg over City caders kid that's predicted to go in the late first round the second round of the draft so um if you hear me running down St Louis or whatever please don't write me a ticket brother yeah Bo Melton who's actually playing for uh Green Bay Packers that came through the Crusaders is his younger brother Malachi Milton Max Milton is uh one of the top corners coming out of this NFL Draft so wish him nothing but the best um he's been training his tail off he had one of the best scores at the combine so hopefully uh the sky's a limit for the kid and um we'll see keep our pingers cross and that's it thank sir uh Council M ERS uh nothing thank you councilwoman Anthony um Sunday April 14th starts National telecommunicators week your telecommunicators are your n911 dispatchers they're often referred to as the Thin Gold Line your telecommunicators answer the phone and your times of Crisis they never really get the recognition they deserve you never meet them after your crisis um so this week is dedicated to them so I just wanted to recognize our telecommunicators who are through the Hamilton Township Police Department I want to thank them for their service and I want to recognize them and appreciate them for all the DAT and all of our communicators throughout you know the country jsky that's all I have thank you Council Hing I have nothing thank you Council Clark um June 8th the Crusaders are going to be having their Community Carnival event um so we're looking for vendors we're looking for organizations to hand out information as to resources um that they provide here in ater city it's going to be June 8th at the field from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. and we will be also having a movie night starting at 7:30 p.m. so if anyone is interested please feel free to reach out to myself or councilman right or councilman SN and we get that information to you thank you thank you Council Malla um I I really have nothing other to say please send me information for the newsletter and when you do please make it make sure it's complete I'm coming into my busy season at work and I'm not going to have as much time to spend on it so any help you could offer is appreciated and nothing's going to get in there unless it's submitted so please submit thanks nette uh I'll finish sh before going to public um from the mayor all way across this board up here sitting in front of us first year I've been up here that we introduced a zero in the beginning of an introduction to a budget so great job everyone seriously um very impressive you guys work your butts off everyone out there Works their butts off so great job kudos to yall so that I open up the public comment anybody from public St state your name and address a couple couple things Campground they hired me you do an accessible access to the building there so I know he's not here to tell up but that's they hard to do that um stri them just so you guys know I follow ocean complain because you can do that so I know you're going the other way out to get it but I follow ocean compl I tired of looking at it um trees down are we are we to cut down against that or something anybody know that not yet yet where whereabouts are do you want to cut a tree I well what if the developer comes in he want take trees down it's gonna cost more money now yep so we're going style development that the area that we need it no they have to do that no matter St realities techically aded by May really yes I saw yeah trees um it's in the works but it is mandated by the C coming down fast and the situation we're the weekend h down and we haveed and breakfast or anything so last year or two years ago there was an ordinance put together for airbnbs regulations and monitoring and so on so forth shortterm rentals but it got rejected got rejected by who um majority I don't agree with it either you can Char city tax on that for everybody that stays there the problem is enforcing it and also it's adding more rentals technically that we don't know about we don't even know the rental wait are you talking about breakfast or you talking yeah I think different talk rentals about know HS they don't have enough Hotel space and' be ideal if they buil another hotel they already had approval for it they also came to us months ago about a proposal they had with Camp Lake well they're building nine hopefully building nine units at spa right now as we speak oh wait maybe not as we speaking thank you sir thanks P anyone else from the public go ahead hey Tracy um 314 Aro Street yes so I just want to um say that the audio is really excellent so thank you for doing the uh the Comcast yeah see you I can hear you but you guys can't hear me huh we can hear you yeah and um just thanks also for the zero increase in the budget that's huge you guys are awesome I'm just so impressed with with all work that you guys do on the board all the sacrifices you make the extra hours you put in that nobody knows about so I just want to thank you again um thanks so much for for taking such good care of our city that's all thanks thank you appreciate it all right anybody else from public onth yes yeah his brother doing you know