United States of America indivisible like to welcome everybody to January 18 2024 council meeting all right order on in compliance with open public meetings Act of the city of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of the city Council was provided in the following manner Advanced written notice of this meeting was posted on the E City Hall FL Advanced written notice of this meeting was posted on the E haror City website Advance rate notice of this meeting was sent to the H and the press this meeting is being conducted via zoom and conference call the meeting is also being recorded to air on the egg har City website 10 97 and the Egg haror City Facebook page my have roll call please mayor Jim Petty Here atoni will not be here she's attending a meeting on behalf of city clerk here turn up Dash here Galloway here heers right MO m what thank thank you to everybody who did participate all the houses were beautiful the judges hard time deciding who get what who first second but has to be done so I have and a lot believe people that have won in the past when you know they keep winning so we have we had some heavy competition this year between City and bring it hopefully we'll get a little bit more concentration going as years on so without further Ado I will start with the um mentions and tonight we have here the W family one more time yeah one more time tonight that is that is the we make sure they and then we have the family here and you third place who is also a is Michael [Music] kley and I have it this year and if you do want to see the video you can go on first place if iot by it once I wrot by it 20 times couple things and of you did receive Awards last year maybe not this one last after consideration and just of the property ioke to Ryan about it I would like counil consider the main the water plant Ryan you want to talk about that I'm not saying not make the necessary um safety um challenges that we have to make however I think the building is very useful um you may part of the um however thailands typically looku so you would have to do to try to establish whether going toer what they that get lights up the Avenue and currently I'm housing scarecrow as a test to see if they can make it till next year so maybe I don't have to make to many scarecrow next year they don't grow hair you know green grass out of them but but that's not why really keep but it is a very storage real quick anybody anybody any insight or questions regarding doing this well I have a question in there um yeah we have to and make sure that none of it on structural purposes but generally speaking be building be able to remove and cap everything so is it possible or No Yes anybody see there a lot of things out you know than that are there structural repairs need to be done um I honestly don't know we haven't gotten that level of it I mean if you're going to preserve it we have to you know to take a home look at it there's a behind see if it makes sense I'm sure yeah I'm sure the guy who's been maintaining it has thoughts on that but um structurally speaking I don't personally I think it should be safe always love that building and um we even offered it to the peace building folks years ago they're not interested in having an expense for their work that they do but um I I would support keeping the building whatever we have to do sh we get I mean so when I started here I years ago so inside the building is pretty bad um outside Ryan says I don't think it's structur an issue um I think that part's okay I'll keep you Main work entainment building um especially interior workplace basically resuing the walls on the inside um something actually inside building around to get big and we put some deteriorate um and the line tank in the back that room in the back the S that's are going so stuff like that need to be closed up but I think it could be done nothing building just lot [Music] sum and then and then also um I guess everybody that sign from the west west entrance into town it's old and jaby a lot of those organizations that are listed on there organizations anymore and I think somehow we should have sign to people City not only there but also when they come from the East they should be to at one time there was but we had switched it out with Lindsay pet welcome and then somebody um it that's something I think should try to think about put some money if you ever think you want something that is that size and shap in that location again pain it white or something don't take it down because I think that would probably qualify as ansite sign for PLS how much fun that was last time we that we had to create a par to put a sign there so again any aspirations of keeping a sign there I find a way to just you know dress it up take stuff down and and keep something there so that you can you know figure out what you want to do to do it honestly I don't drive that you still need to go through pment for a smaller sign like that so individual small signs way finding signage you typically do not it's it's just larger signs that advertise company um we just went through this with the the Billboards the variable me they trying to put at the corner Phil Avenue um pil has very strict rules about Billboards and offsite signage they call it so if you have signage for a business or an organization or a city um that's more than wayfinding signage you like the the number of the square footage of the total area of all of those signs in the P lands is capped at a certain number so you can literally like bank that and sell it to other people but that's kind of ridiculous to do with municipalities you just preserve what you have and then you can go back with that same you know size rough shape and you don't have to worry about all that so basically the safest thing to do is leave it there until we decide what we want and then remove it replace yeah eventually decide you know you go through and decide like let's just take it down then be fine it down it's gone but until you are firmly committed to that I would not take it down mayor real quick can we turn that over cek I would say that the NP is in the process of doing aing and I believe the woman that's doing with the storefront she appli for a grant to investigation on brand mer so possibly sign with so I would hesitate to just wait and what they want to do okays good [Music] so um and there are issues with that I I did not have a chance to read the whole entire thing but apparently more endangered species including some golden rod and something I don't even know what I I got CED on the but didn't have the attachment nonetheless be the way again we could all it's been five years our initial meeting we're still in design and it it's been exactly five years since we went with fins for the initial well it was 2012 when iot they said they start but we actually got we actually got the grant started working on the actual year 2018 f is there a yeah they give you more money and the county kicked in a portion so that they could repay their Road at the same time so have B guess working on that too they had issues during deal with addition impervious in addition to discharge to Wetlands because your lake is Wetlands so any you can't increase the volume addition charge to a wetland but you'd have to infiltrate it somewhere and of course there groundwater separation is like nothing so there's very little options of to do that so that's that's been um and the only other thing I have is um you remember Marie John the last be or and she says the warmest thank you ever and a special line to show that your thoughtfulness will be recalled more often than now thanks for making my night special Mar so she the only thing I know the grant for the recreation Grant is on here that that get can we get that picture [Music] print thanks man uh moving in committee chair reports I'll start with Finance Redevelopment we have a meeting on the 30th I believe uh with Dr Ruffin regarding um St property and we'll discuss some other things that we uh look into fruition code enforcement we have a meeting next wednes 24th um so start um get familiar with that again and nothing for personnel and ethics that I'm aware of uh cilman Das have anything for safety nothing for safety right now does anybody else have any committee reports I mean we're only two weeks up the year so I do of course good okay so we have a public works committee report our new employee Jake has been on for about three weeks now and is doing very well um they are rotating all the employees through training on the street sweep the back home and machine they're stting there we go we're trying this said it's not working good I don't it was great when we first got it I don't know why it's was not working I have an update so we started with training on the brine machine and the snow plows we've hung the plows and had the guys driving around with them trying to get used to that one we had one truck go down and got a cost estimate of over $5,000 to fix it and after talking with Highway and Enterprise decided to take two of the older trucks and combine them to make one so we lost a utility truck but still have our little dump truck most of that work was done inhouse and Highway Motors finished up the wiring and stuff that they put in after meeting with Enterprise we are moving forward with replacing the old utility truck with a new one under our current contract with them this is going to be more cost effective based on the fact that we have a new plow for the truck already and we're not putting money into the truck it's 22 years old and roding a par um they're going to meet with Enterprise I guess Jody and ke will meet with Enterprise on Monday to finalize the pickup options for the new vehicle lastly the forklift that NPP ordered is in and it was used today to take down the decorations on the Avenue um if anyone wants to see after the meeting I do have pictures of the new forklifts the new truck that we're getting and the new truck that was combined by two vehicles to make a new one and that's regarding the truck the 22 year old truck is that getting trade in um so we have a 21 year old truck so we're gonna sash it away for now and Ste okay I'm just wonder something really give us much work so understand just something going question U we are going to be applying for the energy Grant from um Ryan report would you be interested in getting an electric vehicle can I say without hurting your feelings yeah and it's not nice forward one 250 just don't for the the heavy lifting work we do and what we have to follow around I just don't see it being um I something police and I know we talk about Cod too so we are looking Cemetery cemetery and I'll take their Old Lake anyone else have any committee reports if not I would like to see sure rary would just like to extend their thank you to everyone who donated coats and hats and gloves and socks um everything went to the mission Atlantic City Mission so once again thank you from the roadway all right something so I just wanted to make sure that everybody knows or at least the business community churches and uh nonprofits no we're going to have a meeting at breakfast meeting 8:00 a. uh I think it's Tuesday January 23rd at the Egg Harbor Diner to talk about how to get up to 80% of the cost of any Energy Efficiency improvements at proper Area Properties um I have some flyers here if anybody's interested I'll leave them with Meg Jo and yeah one on the bull and gge if anybody wants in excuse me is that mainly for businesses businesses churches um not res is that everything yeah thank you Chief good evening Youk you so um I didn't do a report at the reorg so since then um things that we had happening our Christmas parade I thought was a huge success I want to give special kudos to the EDC the MPC and a big thank you to the wiber foundation for um their sponsorship of it um everybody was in great spirits I think it went very well um and you know looking forward to another great Christmas parade uh next year um some numbers for you um since we last met and I gave my last report in December so from December 15th through the 18th we've had six burglaries three fraud cases one sexual assault two simple assaults and four thefts um 12 motor vehicle accidents 11 pedestrian stops 74 traffic stops um a total of 35 summonses issues we had one DUI arrest and 13 other arrests other incidents we had 25 business alarms nine res idal alarms 305 crime prevention activities two FAL Mis calls 11 domestics 42 EMS incidents 11 fire arms ID applications 35 follow-ups 790 property checks and 20 public service calls um in terms of trainings that we've had so far to date this year we have had two officers go through the alatest um conversion course we are slated to get new alatest machines throughout the state of New Jersey they are rolling them out we should be getting ours um sometime this year um so all of us have to go through a training to make sure that we are up to dat with everything um that we need to know for that and two of our officers have gone through that the rest of us will be going throughout the year as the state police have it scheduled um one big thing that has been happening in New Jersey over the last few years is resiliency um for First Responders um as such we have all every New Jersey state police officer has uh gone through Brazilian training um to help develop tools and skills to better cope with the things that we see um help us Lang lived longer and healthier lives um we now have three um resiliency officers they are officers who are trained um to help officers who reach out to them with specific Services um to get them the help that they need or resources that they may need so one officer just went from being just somebody who had been trained um like everybody else in the state to being a now a resiliency officer who can help provide services to other folks um so I think it's really important I am um a resiliency officer I have um done trainings at the Academy and for other officers and I'm currently working on being what is called a resiliency officer for Chiefs because we can't really talk down so we need to talk laterally and so um it's Statewide Network they can reach out to anybody throughout the state to any of the rpos there's a list that have all of our officers have access to so I think it's really important and so we're trying to get more officers to um be a resource for other officers um Personnel um unfortunately our detective who was doing amazing work has left law enforcement completely to go do of all things be a firefighter but um so detective Winkle was a big loss for us we are currently in the process of figuring out um officers who are interested in the detective position are currently getting their stuff together to submit it um but that's about all that we have going on in even right now it's the beginning of year we're doing all of our end of year reports that's a lot of fun um in terms of stuff that's going on in town one big reminder for anybody who lives along Philadelphia Avenue we are expecting snow um and there is no parking on Philadelphia Avenue when the road is snow covered um please make sure that you have removed your vehicle so that we can go ahead and clear the roads I'd also like to ask for a little bit of patience it's going to be a long storm tomorrow um and our Public Works guys work tirelessly so let them do their jobs um and um but yeah so that's what we've got any questions I have two questions I want to ask about the det do we put them through training the detective training so there are there are various trainings that we do put detectives through um one of them is Top Gun one of them is unit training um they're put on by the state police and by a Homeland safety um group so yes we do put them through specific treatings is there anything that we can attach to it for the next time so they don't just like that they have to stay for them on them after taking these classes we do we we pay for these classes um no um just in time yeah unit and and um T gun are both uh off free of charge um so so yeah you know the state police and then um the oags the Office of the Attorney General and Homeland safety Homeland safety department they think that those forces are important to make sure that we are doing good police work so they offer them um granted all not all too frequently but straight of charge so um I don't know that we can like we do with Academy stuff um require someone to stay for a specific time period after having gone through it how long are the classes how many days so they have to miss for um and are they getting paid by us while they're going to yes they are getting paid by us while they go to class just like we all get paid when we go to any trainings so um so unit is two weeks and um HP gun not trying five days maybe I'm not sure about so if there's possibly something that can be done you know maybe we can look into that to see if we can hold on to them how long has this detective been with us he was with us from April 22 22 and it's the detective classes have been recent or they were in um 23 yes okay so I'm just wondering if maybe we can hold on to them for a few years or something after going through these courses I again I don't know if that's something that we would have to probably talk to a labor attorney about see of of um of making somebody stay um you know the way I see it yes it's unfortunate that we lost detective bln however the work that he did while he was here was invaluable and um you know I can see if he maybe went to another law enforcement agency but he left law enforcement and so I don't there's any I don't know that there's anything that we can do with that and and I do believe that it would be something that would be contractual that we would have to go through with the Union and I don't know that that would that would fly but I just thought i' bring that up the other thing I wanted to know is in our um when we're shiting the budget back and forth I know the police department got 45 45,000 and is is there a car that you're thinking about getting the the 45,000 go to from right I know it's all it's it's it's uh we may we're looking at a used vehicle right now because Enterprise has not come through with the car rentals that we expected that they were going to come through with however it will not be a new car it will be probably $122,000 and that's that money will be um earmarked towards the needs of the department because it was approved by city council to spend on the department what and how many vehicles do you I mean I know how many you have 16 Vehicles right there okay um they are not all in operation in terms of Patrol Vehicles so the three of those vehicles are the military vehicles um we have an undercover vehicle we have the detective vehicle we have my vehicle none of which are used for regular Patrol purposes so we actually have nine vehicles that are currently being used for patrol purposes 18 17 officers 16 offic yes but how many are out at a time at the most the most well I mean depending on what's going on um um we do spend some time doing extra details so there most of the cars are running during the daytime it's usually five vehicles at a time um and then you know for our parades and things like that we do have to rely on Public Works um to utilize some of their vehicles to block off intersections because we don't have enough vehicles to block off the intersections have you have n right you have n Vehicles yes you need another one oh that's for for what purpose do you need another vehic just so yes we have nine Vehicles however we're 247 establishments so um our vehicles are running usually around 16 between 16 8 to 16 hours a day depending on the day and he's working and we try to rotate that out so there's a lot of wear and care so we're always looking for new vehicles because I know had the last ones were in 22 that you get up getting think the thing with first responder Vehicles is not the engine wear it's the hours so the the hours rack up on the vehicles themselves where the engines and transmission is stolen so much so that's why there's such a high turnover in first responder vehicles I police car police vehicles fire trucks em uh EMS vehicles and whatever you name it it's based off of engine hours so that's so so then why would you get a used vehicle because we're desperate and that's very true one of the reasons why we're getting used vehicle is because we are having some supply issues with um one of the vendors that major that uh Enterprise was using and one of the things with the police dep Department having recently taken over OEM the OEM vehicle that what we spoke to the mayor um about yesterday is it's basically useless um so the used vehicle um will be sometimes for OEM sometimes for police depending on what we're doing so we can rotate vehicles around like it's it's all what's that office of Emergency Management um so it's it's it's a constant rotation game and seeing okay what's been running where's it been running how long's it been running you know when does it have to go to the shop when does it have to come back you know so I didn't realize you had that many police out at one time I just figured maybe five three or something out at one time and you can call um mono if you want he'll give you the hours that the engine hours he tracks it on yeah and um the thing is is that it's more beneficial to actually have each officer have a an individual vehicle takes it's more accountability and then you know less time on the vehicle you have to consider if we have three officers working per shift which is nor which is the minimum usually that we have scheduled that means all nine Vehicles run throughout that day so all vehicles are running for eight hours a day every day so I just wanted to know thank you we could buy a new one but it just takes a very long time to get buy a new one and my thoughts are well none of them should be sold none of them that you have at this point we enter into the contract with Enterprise to switch out Vehicles just so like Public Works did Jud you want to talk a little bit about that I got a mouth on there well I mean that's that's the goal the goal that's the goal why we went to so hopefully eventually we pretty much have all new vehicles and only use them for a shorter time period and that way they're worth more we can trade them in and basically and decrease maintenance decrease maintenance exactly and have newer Vehicles so hopefully once the vehicles come in we can start cycling out the oldest Vehicles is kind of like our plan we have a meeting I think February we set it up well we have a meeting this week um to go I don't yeah we set up two meetings and I don't remember what on for what I think the one in February is more to kind of make a plan for like what vehicles we're gonna yeah we're gonna rotate out and like what kind of our sort of yearly next whole plan is for the year you know so they're least they'll be least then you're saying yeah and keep in mind that energy grant that we're going to apply for thank you Chief thank you uh Jody you have anything um just want to give an update that um I checked with the vendor about the um Audio Visual and he's going to start the week of January 29th and it should be done well in time for the next council meeting so Enders crossed everything will be much easier much better much clearer next meeting yeah the audio and can we make sure umer employees are training on how to use it properly so I just like training not so much else up here but the they're coming on the 29th that's when starting that week anything else that's it thank you you have anything mate no I do not Angela you have anything thank you Mr Richie um for us it's been a very busy month as you can see from all the resolutions on the agenda so I will go through the ones that I created so resolution number 14 is memorandum of agreement for the Teamster's contract which is resolution number 15 so the memorandum of agreement was prepared to be signed by the end of the year and since it was never approved and not signed I plac it on the agenda and the most important features of both the memorandum and the teamster contract is that it's a three-year contract it's 4% first year two and a half two and a half also the um the new people will get a bump to $36,000 beginning January one of this year public works right yes and um there are some other minor changes throughout the both the agreement and the M MOA all of which were approved by the committee and ultimately approved by the membership anyone have any questions think have a bump up to 36 and they get the 4% we just 36 just curious no the new starting the new salary for anybody newly hired will be 36 so they'll be bumped up to 36 and then they get the 4% as well since they would that'll attract people no not look at the 36 but not 4% correct new correct so moving on to resolution number eight 18 it's not it's number that number on the agenda it's not resolution okay wrong number but right resolution this is Ricky so we're going to put this up for public auction I think it's going to be in February um and the minimum bid will be 175,000 um in the public notice I put in there it doesn't have to be approved you have the right to disclaim any and all biders and so we'll see what we get um the next ones are the resolution I don't know what number it is now but that it's the number on the agenda that's not the resolution number but number yes so number 22 and number 23 this is for the motion picture Studio that's coming to the tower site 22 is for the Redevelopment agreement which was in your package and the Redevelopment agreement basically States that um the closing will hopefully be by April of this year Mr sacker is purchasing 31 Acres Ryan and I Mr sacker went through to make sure it was 31 Acres um and he's buying it at $10,000 per Acres that'll be $310,000 hopefully coming sometime in April the agreement also calls for construction to begin hopefully by July the 1st that may be optimistic but I wanted to put in a pretty quick turnaround and construction to be finished with three years of that if that has to be moved because you can't get government approvals we'll work with that and we told him that but he's pretty confident he will get them he's pretty confident he can close to purchase the properties by April the 1 because he needs no financing for that part and then the next resolution will be for letters of support so he's Mr sacker is applying for an Inspire program with the New Jersey Eda New Jersey Economic Development Authority and as part of that program he requires two letters of support one from Mr Richie one from the mayor those letters of support have to reflect the project what he's doing how it will support the city how the city will support him I included portions of the preliminary such plan so that they know that the city and Mr sack are on the same page and that how good it is how good it will be for the city so I need an approval for those and then finally on the agenda as number 24 the county can't get their act together basically for the flashing signal equipment um for the fire station on Philadelphia Avenue and requested an additional period of time to do that and so it's in the best interest of the city to give them additional period they're telling me they're going to get it done by the spring transation so that's where we are signal anyone have any questions having an issue for any questions all right hey Ryan you got a scroll for us uh no no I'm gonna keep it short um we're trying to make sure we get the Weiss Becker demo read advertis in time to award the first February meeting um where coach to be the second February meeting than that I mean there have a lot of stuff sort of in fluxing in progress but nothing no major updates at the all right um just for the Redevelopment meeting on the 30th if you just bring updates on that kind of stuff yeah we can go through details and gr your level cool appreciate any questions for Ryan yeah I have a question have any grow projects plan for this year uh the we were awarded fiscal year 20204 state aid for the 400 500 blocks of Buffalo Avenue so that will be I think I think that's what it was right we Mo the intersection burer Street saw that that was the state we submitted it like July they awarded it in like November I think I think it's the 4 400 500 bucks Buffalo I I I'm going off with my memory from six months ago all right there goed which it's collapsing the which one bber street which is the beginning of 400 uh yeah I mean if it's that's reasonably within the project limit so we could could get the whole whole intersection yeah yeah we can definitely incorporate in the project you may have to kick a couple more dollars into it to get it there but um it's definitely doable any other questions yeah I just have one the um the project that we've spoken about several times the the drainage problem in the alley status I I just came across my notes I gotta go back to the contractors because I I did ask for a couple quotes but I didn't get responses back so um I got to follow up with them and hopefully we can entertain that like the second meeting in February I'd like to once we have something go over it with you guys and then get it out the drainage concerns of third terce um but yeah I literally just came across that and a couple of things that my notes as were getting back into the thank you yep any other questions all right moving on to 14 and 15 resolutions approving the mo MOA for the team contract and approving ENT Collective negotiations AG before I go to uh open this for a motion it was brought to by attention that there was an agreement made and the ba official saying um it should not be in there uh it was in there from the beginning I have all the documented language emails paperwork so on and so forth regarding um the language to remove 1410 which is the utility department uh stand by pay of 135 I was asked to revisit that I am a um I'm not I I feel though it should not be entertained because it was not brought by city council or the committee to negotiate that it was brought by the ba of the teamsters which what what which at um that time was bilat bilaterally agreed upon in good faith to remove that langage in section with that being said uh I was approached to have it be brought to council I'll open it up to council if you guys want to move forward with approving this cont contract in MOA and then we can revisit that to do a um MOA on the contract we can leave it as is or we can table this and revisit that but I do have all the emails and language stating from the beginning that was a contractual issue or that was a contractually agreed upon issue for it to be removed and as the saying goes you can lead a horse of water but you can't make them drink it so if they looked over it if they passed by it it's not our fault it's the membership's fault and the community's fault so with that I'll leave off the council for any open discussion on that I I utility utility stand by a time of $135 we don't have a utility anymore exactly and that's why it was brought to our attention by the ba of the teamsters to have that language removed so we removed it so we've removed it yes and so what's the problem they're saying that it was never negotiated when I have all the emails stating that it was and the paperwork shown negotiate to remov it correct about something that we're not going to because I'm doing it out of good faith because of on are not saying we as teamsters and if we're not going to be paying it out why is it going to be in the contract we don't have a utility department so why are we paying in it a rate to utilities recommendation at the committee meeting we discussed it right and my recommendation is to remove it because we don't have any comp no reason to keep it in there do we have a standby right for snow and things like that we do maybe that's what they're no they're they're not just we don't have a so I think they're be it wasn't negoti it wasn't talked about oh it was I have all the email Mr Richie did did speak to it so what are they saying we shouldn't sign we shouldn't agree to this contract we want to give employees the contracts correct and I I also explained that this contract is pretty lucrative in regards to what they're getting to what we did not ask for which is pretty much nothing in in return for what they received so as I said I I am not going to move on I'm standing with what the email said with what was negotiated with what the mo with what the Moa says along with what the um Collective negotiations agreement states but I out of good faith and respect for those I'm Grant to counsel if you guys want to move forward approving this Mo MOA and contract so be it if you want to table so be it so just to clarify whether it's in or isn't in it's not it's not going to happen anyway right there's no there's no standby utility because there's no utility department cor right so can I clarify something is it going to hurt anyone by keeping it in are we going to are we is it not going to be cost effective for us because we're going to have to pay out or anything or is it going to be hurt our employees is there anything that's the article specifically States standby time for the utility department in $135 we no longer have a utility department so why do we need that language and for stand by you know it's we're not going to be paying it out it's really not going to cost us anything I would I would ask this that I know no it's usually it's take type thing you take something out you have to put something back is he actually suggest that he wants something in return for taking that out no they just want that language to stay in I his reasoning for Public Works not for utility I'm sorry what is his reasoning there's no hourly it was not discussed and that's why I provided the email thread it's like paying our guys to collect garbage when they don't collect garbage ACA you collect our garbage so like what is the sense of keeping it in there I'm and on another note keep can you think of anything that would fall under the Precedence of utility department that your guys would have to do where this would come into fruition I'm gonna give you the best I can out a respect for what was done from you guys for the teamsters I understand you made a decision tonight but I think that this deserves another look I also do appreciate the the fact that council president Richie brought it up but there there is a discussion here is what I would say I don't think it needs to happen in a public SCH but you guys have the I for one will say and I want to stand up and say at again I'm very thankful for the work that was done bringing starting salary up and doing all that and I hate to take away from that with an argument but there is a discussion I just don't feel like so I'll leave it up the council I have one other question how much is how far will this push the contract back and will it hurt anybody in the meantime by pushing it back our employes it's just going to make them get more a retro paycheck instead of getting two weeks of retro pay if it takes us two weeks to work this out they'll get four weeks of retro pay that's basic we I mean honestly like we had payroll like we I theou was like agreed upon so it would make things much easier if we could maybe do like I don't know like that piece like an to the contract suggested you approve it as it it's not in there if you want to add it back I could do a short Amendment you talk that's a great big deal the next meeting or the meeting after yeah ml is a common practice within bargaining it's just an addition not a subtraction angelae previously the last contract I think called for three% increases this one now calls 4% increases 4% first year two and a half two and a half so it basically comes out to 3% 3% just it's two and half two and half so you're still doing 9% over three years youo we just woke it up differently that's not we didn't have an issue with that we did negotiate it but it it wasn't like a a make or break issue we want to want to make sure that our employees are well taken care of because they work so hard for us and to you know to delay it delay impr proving the contract it's a sad thing but you know if you think that we need to discuss it more then we should table it and go back to the table have another finance committee meeting or whatever and if that's going to satisfy everybody it's really ridiculous because we don't have a utility department and we're not going to be paying out that money so it's not for the utility it would be for public works there's no reason leaving it in for utility the question is whether they wna whether you guys want to do that for Public Works to be getting that all right so okay so that's that is the issue so that is the issue it is not just leaving it in for the sake of leaving it in calling it utility it would be for Public Works can I make a motion to accept the contract as negotiated with the Precedence that we're going to go back and discuss this with the ba and make an addendum to the contract if necessary to put it back in with a proper wording y does that work did everybody understand the what I just yeah is it to be bargain because if it's we're going to look at and still bargain over the issue then we shouldn't accept the contract we should we should table it until everything is everything is ironed out that's not necessary that's not you can do an amendment to a contract at any time it's an agreement there are always amendments you can make with any issue that arises and this issue has arisen apparently I just mean if it's an issue that they want to U maybe bargain for something as I told you Mr Timbers this is an addition not a subtraction if it were a subtraction I would say cable it but this is an addition so everything in the contract is as bargained for so everything in the contract if you choose to approve it will remain if you wish to add the additional item that can be done by the men it's not in here now correct contct stands 1410 has been eliminated 14.10 so if we approve it approve the contract um can they reject or not approve no because we're putting a precedence on that we're going to revisit it with the ba in the near future correct yes so I made that motion anybody like to second that motion roll call sure Clark yes Clark yes she's W sorry you know what I think the volume might not be working right we'll find wave I know now that it's not Galloway he yes hessie yes Timbers no Richie yes Clark yes is it thumbs up that hasn't work she gave it thumbs up all right all right thank you I didn't mean that was for the Moa that was not the contract okay we should be able to hear um yeah can you guys hear me now no that was for 15 so was 14 and 15 yeah uh 15 resolution approving entering into a talk negotiations agre with the teamers local 331 for the time period of January 1st of this year6 and authorizing mayor to execute the agreement on behalf of the city with the Precedence of addition adding with the Precedence of further discussion with the ba uh regarding 14.10 um stand motion there second motion I have a second second roll call Clark yes yes uh Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie I just have one question um Jer that hasn't worked in weeks it won't one won't affect the other correct I mean correct we're doing the same exact for both correct the 14th and 15th and I agree yes Timbers no Richie yes all right let's move on to 16 now resolution to approve the accumulated absence for Detective Robert L question or comments have a motion second second call please Clark yes Dash yes Galloway Heist hassie Timbers yes Richie abstain du the future professional work [Music] for it wasn't 17 resolution for Budget transfers uh J do you want to touch on this real quick um sure yeah just kind of moving things around um the biggest changes are moving um access from the police salaries to the um police OE so they can get some equipment with that extra um those extra funds and moving um some funds to the public works to get a um a gate for their fence at the yard and um some radios so that when there's like storms and things like that they have a way to communicate especially since the cell service has not been so great in town in a lot of areas we first yeah not putting up what it's supposed to be uh I'll let moreel speak more about like got how if if it's better for the police but all right any questions or comments I have a motion motion second second roll call please Clark yes yes Dash yes Galloway Heist yes pessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes you 18 resolution authorized in public auction of 1100 Deer Street formerly known as Rick's Power Plus May I have a motion second you noce that U um is this because of a uh um it's a foreclosure action or didn't pay us taxes anything like that yeah that was for Clos the pond mid last year on the foreclosure list before that was foreclosed upon by the Foreclosure Council around April or May of 20123 and then he had a vacate we had to make sure he vacate otherwise he was going to be forcibly removed from the property but fortunately he did vacate and now um the city owns it so it's in the best interest of the city to sell 175 is the minimum so there's this uh case Tyler um I'm only concerned that there's they're they're kind of like a if you see like court orders they're they're kind of slowing municipalities down or or telling they have to do like notice requirements to the individual letting them know that it's it's basically preventing municipalities from getting windfalls from um from selling it used to be the rule of New Jersey was that if you you foreclosed and you sold you kept it all now they're saying that it's almost like a taking and you may have to uh provide some of the funds back uh anything not covered what what the municipality needed to be made whole um my understanding was that he was um hasn't paid taxes in a long long time 17 years we utilities to the tune of something like 60 or 70 or 80,000 so I doubt very much Mr pimber that'd be any money going back to him but I'll check I will check with you for Ure attorney to see if there's any possible way monies could be returned pursuant to the department I would also add to that the charges that we had to incur cleaning the property disposing of the junk that was there and repairing the property after there was vandalism we can we can produce a whole host of builds right stting also I just want to add I looked at the Foreclosure documents documents several times both the initial notice the second notice and the third notice to make sure he was adequately noticed um before the Foreclosure order was done and it looked as if he was properly noticed that all different stages of the proceeding as well as any removal that would have occurred should he not himself be removed um voluntarily and all this information was shared throughout the year email to all Council right all the time yeah both by me and by the Foreclosure Council yeah I this is presedent but thank you for that I appreciate it uh where we at we have a motion in a second roll call roll call please Clark what does it say yes she's doing way yes Heist yes pessie yes Timbers no Richie yes uh number 19 is resolution accepting the final sustainable Community energy plan any questions or comments have a motion second second call Clark yes yes Dash sorry I have I don't know why it is not he yes Tessie Timbers yes Richie yes number 20 is a resolution authorized an application to vpu community energy plan implementation grant program there's no questions or comments one had a first Galloway second yeah second R call please Clark yes Dash yes Galloway Heights yes hessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes 21's a resolution for approval to submit a Grant application and executed Grant contracts with the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for the development of pball Courts on Buffalo Avenue any questions or comment I have a question first yes um this has nothing to do with the money that we got from New Jersey Maran M correct this is a whole different Grant application to a different entity okay thank you that's all I need can I ask what the grant program is it's a recreational Grant like we got last year this F year $1,000 it could be up to yeah last year we got 63,000 which we're working on getting the equipment for that now the uh Pavilion has been removed we're just waiting to remove the um seaw well there's there was lead time on the equipment too in yes but do have someone to remove put the s that kre is going to remove that and reset it somewhere else because there has to be a sixf foot fall but this is something different that's something different Grant same Grant and who's applying for the grant we are Tri 43 it's part of being the our grant administrator right yes for the year but there's a like specific Fe for that any other questions I have a motion motion second second roll call Clark yes yes yes Dash yes Galloway he yes hessie yes Timbers yes Rich yes 22 is the resolution spoken upon by Angela authorizing Improvement of Redevelopment agreement by n between the stud be Harbor and Atlantic mtion picture Studios LLC and Jonathan any more questions or comments may have a motion so mov second roll call Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes 23 resolution again spoken on by Angela authorizing the mayor and Council to execute letters of support for the Redevelopment of the Tower so any more questions and comments I have a motion make a motion second roll call Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes 24 is a resolution authorized in execution of the second amended agreement to Atlanta County and the City of regarding Flash and Signal equipment may have a motion so moved second second roll call Clark yes Dash yes Gallow yes Heist yes hessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes 25 refund $7,500 escro deposit for 1602 Pike South uh LLC have a motion they post an escro as part of an agreement with the land board um to allow a tenant in in a temporary condition they met the conditions um that the es was posted for to cover and so we are now recommend board doesn't have a problem with this being released yeah I spoke to the chairman last week okay is this the old ear girls yes um who who had the first motion I'm sorry I second motion second second roll call please Clark yes Dash yes Gallaway Heist hessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes 26 is resolution to refund overpayment of taxes 2777 Green Bank Road and the amount of $1,208 any comments or questions could somebody explain this please payment of taxes the property was sold yeah the property was sold and they had paid their tax I think that that I didn't do it Laura did it let's see that was the oh they put es in I think yeah it looks like the executive of the estate paid taxes that shouldn't have been paid because it's in process of a sale it hasn't settled yet yes it has it has s has a new own and they didn't make an arrangement of the sett well this is being probably what happened when they went to um sell the property they probably did a ptle search and realize it's a refund of an overpayment we're not just giving somebody back taxes they had an overpayment on their account and they're getting a refund they both paida last year any other questions I have a motion so moved second roll call Clark yes Dash yes Galloway Heist yes hessy yes Timbers Richie yes and lastly a resolution to uh place to place transfer reconfiguration expansion of license premise Shore beverage Incorporated a 1225 White Horse PL any questions or comments I just have a question I know the property and everything what exactly is this I they didn't have a license for a little to explain email um whenever a property like the license sat at that property when a when the property has changed so the state requires they want to be updated like the configuration of where the liquor license s sits at has changed so since they knocked the building down yeah so now it's sitting at the footprint of that building okay and they want like I just have to send like this resolution to them with the floor plan that things have changed so thank you any other questions motion second second all in favor motion to pay to bills Clark Dash oh yes Galloway yes he yes hessie yes Timber yes and Richie yeah mayor the floor is yours for any last just one thing I wanted to mention that we have a report on the cultural resource study that we did with the different departments um I would spend a lot of time going over tonight but you can look at that your L and then if you have any questions you can call me but the bottom line is was very good um in all the Departments and we should move on to the next stage on strategic planning all right Council ice just on with the snow coming everyone please be safe um just a little public service announcement from a wife of American Water worker when you go out and buy your milk and your bread and your eggs pick yourself up two gallons of water it's going to get very cold pipes are going to freeze whether they're in your house or they're in the ground and there may have to be repairs and you may be without water so do yourself a faor pick up two gallons keep them in the house you don't use them now you can use them later that way if you are without water you do have it well your T talk whatever I have water in my house at all times you know those guys are out there my husband came home at 12:30 last night from 7 o'clock in the morning fixing a water main break standing in ice cold water in less than 10 degree temperatures thank them be appreciative they're F fif Tarts yeah that's the second one on Fifth in two weeks so be appreciative they're out there doing this to make our city better and to make our system better yeah i' like to just thank Public Works and also our Police Department uh during the work during that storm the other night I know it gets rough out there and you guys are called a lot of different things so we appreciate it uh councilman timers nothing all right Council and hassie I just want to also thank public works for the great job that they did during this fast storm and I'm sure coming up I'm sure they're bracing for another and thank you again for everything that you folks still and everyone stay safe all Happ thank you Council M Clark speech or enjoy the snow supposed to be light and fluffy what they said but I don't know I just wanted to mention that the U state has changed some liquor license regulations Meg yes and I told the mayor about it yesterday yeah I think may we know need to our I was going to talk to the licensing had of Licensing which I think is Clark yes wasn't here tonight but I'm was going to reach out explain a few things okay well I'm he just signed it yesterday yeah let us know what what we have to do or what we should do I think the key I got it what ing has wants me to read when I think the key thing which would affect the city is are we have a lot of like not a lot we have a few license that have been in pocket and inactive for Year many years and which will affect Egg Harbor City is what he signed what I think he signed like I said he signed it yesterday and I was waiting to for some more feedback on it um that after two years they either have to to sell them or put them to use and the old ones I understand can be transferred to an adjacent or contiguous municipality okay um away my they I wanted to find out before I brought it up was if does it start now or the ones that have been sitting in pocket you know so I wanted some more information before I brought it up so that's why that's all I have what's oun would like to read um everyone please be safe this weekend would like everyone to know that the Crusaders will be having their annual fundraising February please help them Reach their goal of selling 100 beanies and 100 blankets more details to follow on Facebook and that's it thank you thanks inred all right like to open it up the public got notification that the greater Egg Harbor Regional high school district and the Egg Harbor City High School Districts will be um having early dismissal tomorrow um greater egg at 12 p and um at 12 p.m and the Egg Parker City Schools will be dismissing at 12:50 so parents make your plans accordingly thank J come on up thank you thank Council um Bob Walcott from 336 San Francisco Avenue I thought I had two things to bring up now there's three Chief left been off really more too um I just want to uh I want to say thanks for the mayor and the wellness Council for you know recognizing holiday uh lighting efforts uh not I'm thankful to have been recognized this year that's not a big deal but to encourage others to light up town and beautify during the the winter Christmas season it's a great thing and I look forward to other winners next year are you taking anybody down next year he says that's we do secondly uh and this is old I've been not doing this before now but especially this year 2023 last year 2023 I just want to recognize and thank uh public works department thank you Keith for uh you did a fine job we pickup you know I managed to uh who burden them with lots of leaves in the street and you know repeatedly they they take care of so thank you it's not an easy job right thank thank you sir for those of you that don't know Bob Bob is uh he he's retired from the electric company yes okay and he is he was an engineer but he works very hard behind the scenes helping a haror city along with his brother-in-law Gary has to get things done in a partner without him pushing behind the there'd be a lot of things that didn't get done electric wise in the city namely lights and um things like that so retire from M re soccer program correct anybody else from the public want says one more she said great job Bob we'll get them next year all right going once going twice motion to Jour no