she remov I of the United States of America [Music] stand I'd like to welcome everybody to the regular schedule e City Council for April 25th 2024 call to order this meeting has been properly advertised and posted in accordance with public law 75 chapter 231 may have a roll call please mayor J Petty Here atanes here Clark here Dash here Galloway I'm here Heist here hessie here Timbers here right at the dra Richie here we have a motion to approve the minut from April 11th still mov second all in favor anyone from the public have any comments on the agenda items going once twice all right so at this time in our presence we have senator tber from um our district to give us a legislative update Senator come on up thank you mayor committee I'd like to thank you for having me tonight um just basically since you're one of the newer towns in in our district um when we redistricted um want I'm going to every town and um introducing myself I'm I'm one of the new guys and um just want to let you know that I'm here to help um anything that we can do for you um as far as navigating the state circus I guess we'll call it um a lot of phone calls we're getting is is unemployment um that's that's a big issue right now anchor checks it's another big one um so anything that you have an issue with that you need help with feel free to call I'll leave you my card and some brochures um and uh proclamations if there's something good that's going on in your town baseball team wins a championship resident does something good let us know we'll be more than happy to get you a proclamation from the state and come down and and present it um what else do we have what else we have Mar this is Marilyn I'm sorry she's one of our staffers inv what are some of the other big issues have that you're you're getting called well stuff you're getting called [Music] on pretty much any issu can have with State Department reach out to us with every every department so grants to you get any grants um with schools or the Township Fire Department I was going to hit all that so if you guys are filling out grants any departments fill out grants let us know we've been more than happy to fill out a letter of support so you can attach that to your to your Grant and um yeah that's pretty much my SK like I said if you need us for anything please don't call we more happy to help I have a question for you okay there's been some um things brought to my attention about the Cannabis which um apparently there's some sort of a Delta 8 in nine which are almost as much TD if not more than what they sell at the dispensaries so the people that own the dispensaries are a little bit mythed about the fact that these other places do not have to buy a license to sell this Stu and they also are selling the same product and yet the city's not making any money off of it um and they're taking business away from some of the dispensaries now I was told that there is something in the works at the Senate level is that true and what is it not heard you anything about got any phone calls on that it must be like very okay yeah but we can look okay and under understanding it was being sold to people under the age of 18 or 20 21 that they can sell it to kids okay which was a big concern that that we had yeah think okay and and I know that there's two two resolutions now going around within the mayor's Association or not the mayor's Association but communities one that totally bans the sale of it and one that would incorporate a licensing process okay and they feel as though the licensing process would be the best option because it has a better chance of survival I guess through the process of you know being in the Senate so something to consider if you can bring it up or find an answer I would greatly appreciate it absolutely okay thank you all right thanks meeting everyone um we have some rures and card where we I okay thank you Senator you're more than welcome to say for um thank you thank you all right moving on to the marage report okay so we'll start off since I think we have everyone here Chief's here is everybody here Chief everybody else except for lieutenant um all right yeah he'll be here eventually okay so I'll go through my report then real quick if you don't mind and then maybe he'll maybe he'll come back it's not too too long so um Cedar Creek reached out to me again this year for 10 badges for senior week we did it last year just need council's approval to to supply that to them at no cost any opposition [Music] motion second uh roll call for that please Mike an yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway Heist yes pessie yeah Timber yes right oh Richie yes okay and just real quick I'm gonna go through this Ryan Nanette and I met with the dot which I told you about the last meeting we did identify a um a good site for the um uh Brownfield Redevelopment area and I think it's something that you would all be happy about and it is the property where the Acme is that property there that is already um surrounding area in the surrounding area because it has to be sort of a joining to the you know well I'm not going to say that word because there's different perceptions as to what that actually means so we'll just say they're connected okay um so Ryan will talk more about that that is due July 31st if we're going to pursue it so we have to really hustle for that um I also had several discussions with the tower site Jonathan satcher and we did hash out a what he felt was important to put in the agreement of sale I discussed it with Angela and Ryan and um we did come up with something which Angela will talk about this evening in her report uh the lake update uh I've hired uh we have 14 life Checkers or lifeguards 10 badge Checkers 10 maintenance people one Chief lifeguard which is required now by the um Beach code one supervisor and um five managers so we're going good in that direction signs are ordered paperwork uh Public Works we did a tour and Keith knows what repairs and maintenance has to be done before we open uniforms are ordered supplies are order so we're on the right track with that may can I ask question about that the managers are they also lifeguards they just managing they don't have to be they some of them are yes some of them are y but they don't have to be because there'll always be a head lifeguard on with them they're not there by themselves okay there's always a support uh lifeguard either a shift guard or a head lifeguard on duty so that's not really an issue uh tomorrow I'll be attending a Arbor Day celebration in Camden tomorrow hopefully we're going to have some good news about a grant possibly which I have not been notified of but I was invited to this so I'm guessing that we may get another $850,000 grant for training for Public Works employees and other employees to manage the trees because we did get the million dooll grant for the trees just recently so I'll keep you posted on that the mayor's walk on Sunday went really well we probably had about 20 people there and our Deputy Marie was there on the golf cart and so it all turned out really well we had a nice day so far I have 280 people scheduled for the cleanup day which obviously is next Saturday May 4th if you would like to sign up to help or do something please let me know um before May 4th so I can plug in wherever you would like to go and the Memorial Day service is in the works I've been working with um Paul McIntyre and it seems like we have a lot of participation this year Cedar Creek student will be giving a essay will read an essay and the sprik students will be once again making posters to decorate Lincoln Park so it'll be at Lincoln Park this year 10 o'clock I believe that's the 27th uh peace Pilgrim Park is ready for the arbor date event tomorrow that will nette will probably talk about in her report and the greenhouse is officially cleaned out and we do have a new um person her name is devony Aon who will be helping out with the Gardens at the senior center and hopefully some at some point in time utilizing the greenhouse as far as the Coalition goes they are going to be doing the butterfly garden that is in peace program Park I met with Iola yesterday from from the Coalition and she's going to get her group over there to weed it and hopefully we'll be able to mulch that too um so that information with that information there she had did plan a community gardening day I believe it's May 8th at 4:00 but that information is on the official Facebook page so if you'd like to show up and help clean up the Garden area at cinnati Avenue just show up just that simple four o'clock and that's my report okay are you ready okay so without without further Ado we have a whole bunch of police Awards um little late this year right usually it's March or whatever but that's okay we have a lot and with that how do you want to do it how do you want here [Music] Tom could not be here this evening each year the mayor tasks me um with coming up with some information to kind of recognize officers who do go above and beyond in our department um we're a small department but you know and everybody does work hard but there are some officers who you know do take that extra effort so um not discounting anything that they do on a daily basis or what anybody else does um but I'd like to present the 2023 traffic safety officer of the year to patrolman Evan Smith who led the department and traffic citations and DUIs in 2023 with 113 citations four DUIs and one DUI refusal did you get got yelled officer SMI um he he does so many car stops much to the shin of many people in a Harbor City but to the happiness of other folks in City he will be um attending we're trying to get him into Dr class he's a little bit reluctant um but he does we us with DUI um had two last week two the week before like one after the other my few days first week of yes first week of day sh he had two so he's back there he's doing what he needs to do so thank you offic Smith for all of your hard work and congratulations all right soing yes leading the department in arrest last year now this is a little the source of contention um what happens is we had one officer who came back and he had quite a few arrests um but he did not eat out the other officer who did have arrests so the crime stopping award for the year with 72 arrests in 2023 is Officer Thomas White um so come on up Tommy so officer white has had many defendable arrests this last year um this year is sure to be the same he um the second person who had the most arrest after that wasman Alo he was at 50 arrest um and patrolman Rosenberger I believe or may 51 Rosenberger was at 50 now Rosenberger was only here for six months of the year so you guys got some competition but um great work please continue the great work and okay so yeah well he so actually yeah um talking about we talk about so one of the things um that uh one commendable rest just something to show exactly what it is that these guys do on a daily basis um in terms of proactivity uh we run tags um on vehicles and we don't run them fully but you know they're just a a tag to see whether there's a registered the car's register anything like that um officer Rosenberger ran a tag at one point in time and it came back to a yed person out of Georgia for a rape and aggravated assault um he followed the part for B but he could not find it he continued to look and at a call service later on he happened to see that vehicle he and officer white were able to locate the driver confirmed that the identity was that of the wanted person place him under arrest while they were arresting him they were able to recover a firearm from that person so this is the kind of work that these guys do you know they saw a car they saw that was somebody who had um a warrant out for their arrest they didn't just say oh we can't find it they went out they found it and they got a gun off the street so um Mar and py doesn't have the things the the certificates for you but that's a commendable arrest for the two of you so that's that so our next thing yes more than come so the next ones we have are life saving Awards so the first three um officers Sergeant Nick Mangold officer Matthew Rex and officer Jose Rodriguez they were um honored last week at the Atlantic count firefighters association with a Valor award um last March 7th 2023 most of them were getting ready to go to the range um so they were in you know range here not full uniform but kind of um we get a call for a structure fire with somebody carrying a knife we arrived there the house is smoking it is engulfed in flames these guys go up the stairs to find a mentally disabled woman who has set her bed on fire and she is building a knife she's not letting the knife go she is not following man the house is on fire around her these guys use all their V tactics to no avail uh and she would not come out um it was a situation where we had to keep firefighters out and they did because we could not have been going in with a nighte wielding person uh they stayed up there and they were able to get this woman out of the building despite the fire and the Flames that were going up around them with minimal use of force minimal injury to her from the actual extraction she did have to go to the temple Burn Unit but that was absolutely a life-saving award um that lifesaving effort that they absolutely took and it is a testament to their patience their willingness to their bravery just absolutely commendable activity for what could have been a tragedy a horrible headline about hops are shooting disabled people that kind of stuff um but it would have actually been a case where um lethal course may have been warranted so Sergeant Mangold officer re officer rer guys please come on up and I should make officer Rex and officer Rodriguez talk because this is the second time that we've been up here and they should be to the Limelight but I'm not g to do that so hold those open so we can get a picture of you with Senator and all right again thank you guys you know um it's an honor to work with all of you every day and you know that morning was especially uh interesting I a picture of these guys afterwards and they have like soot all over their faces but they're all smiles they look stuff so um so again all right our last award for the night and this is not from 2023 this is more recently but um on January 31st 2024 at around 11:17 p.m. the police were dispatched to the area of Havana Avenue and arago Street for a shooting um Sergeant L was bir on scene he found a gentleman laying on the ground bleeding profusely at first he wasn't able to tell where the blood was coming from um he went and grab his medical bad started cutting clothing off and realized that he was injured he had serious ious injuries to both his legs and multiple gun gunshot wounds in other areas of his body he had the wol to recognize that if he did not apply tourniquets that this man would bleed out um Sergeant L applied tourniquets to each of his legs and emergency from position did say that without those applications that man would have died um the man is not fully out of recovery he did sustain very very bad injuries but he's alive thanks to the efforts of Sergeant Matthew lini so Matthew lini please come out can I have everybody come a picture of all of us so that way all right you guys come on again thank you guys for everything that you do all day every day I mean two of these guys just came from three of them just came from something got cut in the face you know yeah so you know that's what we deal with but they do a great job and we appreciate them so thank you guys and I'll be you don't report that's all thank you come up chief [Laughter] so it's only been two weeks so um but we have been a little busy let me give you some numbers to start off with uh criminal crimes and offenses we had one fraud case one stole motor vehicle three ffts um with nine motor vehicle accidents three pedestrian stops two 27 traffic stops um nine summonses were issued in total we had three arrests including one DUI we had 12 all business alarms five residential alarms 129 crime prevention activities five domestics 14 EMS incidents 11 follow-ups 374 property checks five Public Service um calls that's what we have for that in terms of training um and no we did have the inspection before that was last time um we had one officer who did attend the uh undercover Nar narcotics investigation training he said that that was probably the best training that he's ever been to not you know you're boring sit around do nothing not nothing but just listen it was very interactive it was long it was grueling definitely got them out of their comfort zone so you know he said he learned a whole lot so we're looking for some good stuff from him um and one officer attended method of instruction is attending methods of instruction that is a necessary evil in the police world if you ever want to instruct at the Academy um it basically talks to you and teaches you lesson planning makes you get in front up up in front and do a 15-minute presentation a 30-minute presentation they critique on it um a lot of people who have issues with public speaking hate that class um but if you want to do anything at the Academy be a Firearms instructor at the Academy do defensive tactics PT instruction and class instruction you have to take that um so yeah again I mentioned that those officers who were mentioned earlier Sergeant Mangold uh officers Rex and Rodriguez along with Sergeant mark perno from Hamilton Township who was also an integral part of that fire call on London Avenue last year they were honored with Valor Awards by the Atlanta County firefighters Association last week um and that's about all I have for you right now I do have to tell you um councilman Galloway uh I did send you the email with the last year's totals for the for the Dropbox um M Shore from jtac did drop off some medication dissolving bags and some more literature that we can that we can um give to you uh so that you can pass those out at your AR can I get them for the bar yes that's that's where I was going with that I was going to make sure that you got those for any questions concerns fantastic I know I skipped um committee reports but I want to Chief T just to finish out so I'm moving to council committee chair reports now I have nothing for finance Redevelopment code or Personnel although I will be scheduling a code uh over the next week or so so moving on on safety councilman Dash uh safety meeting we're going to meet the second week of May Vice chair Richie and I will send out an email get a set date and time for everybody that's all all right councilwoman Heist uh Public Works I have nothing councilwoman Anon property Parks uh playgrounds and School Board nothing for school board for property parks and playgrounds we're going to meet on Monday the I believe it's the 29th um for the RFP for the stand we've only had one put in so we're going to meet with her and go over um this upcoming season rules regulations make sure we're on the same page not thank you uh councilwoman Clark license ordinance uh nothing for license ordinance uh I did just send out an email circulating some dates for our next meeting um because I know that there's some other ordinances that uh our fellow members wanted to um address all right thank you uh councilman Timbers Lan use and Aon Haven nothing to read Meg anything for Jeff I have nothing councilwoman Hy rotary uh the rotary uh collected and delivered items to the a Harbor City March 1 fire uh victims uh as of this week last week and this week they delivered they actually collected it amongst them again amongst the rotarians and um it was nice to be able to give them some of the items that they still needed so that's all I have thank you councilwoman Galloway sustainable yes um well tomorrow's our Arbor Day celebration um in peace Pilgrim Park we're Saturday is takeback drugs day too so we're going to combine the two into one event and we're asking people to bring their no longer wanted uh prescription drugs for disposal in the Dropbox that's in the police department um we're also going to be collecting re uh um eclipse glasses that people wore last week or two weeks ago when the eclipse was held we're going to recycle them and send them to the library who's going to be Distributing them to other um cities where they will be experiencing um eclipses soon uh we're also asking people to bring a non- perishable food item for the no one hungry and EHC food pantry um we're going to have someone there selling uh starter plants for your Garden uh we'll have a raffle for a um T Doug Talam who's a a world-renowned um environmentalist one of his books is uh the nature of Oak so we're going to be raffling that off um we'll have uh some um people from the utility companies there to talk about how you can save money on your utilities we have our uh photo contest will be on display the winners and you'll get to vote on beston show will'll be awarding prizes during that and we got the uh the winning photos framed for um the submitters um we'll also have our arborist is going to be there Jerry barbaria and we're going to be giving away uh 15 free trees that we picked up last week thanks Rick for driving me up to the um nursery and we have wonderful trees they're in two to three gallon po they're like six 7 feet tall some of them and they're all Native native trees and um some good species FL town so hope to see everybody at the art celebration does that start now 3: to 6: PM anything else no that's it thank you um moving on CF over report anything Jordan um I just have like my year end like balances okay um so I'll just read our ending actually I can even allow a copy but our ending cash balance at the end of December was 10,961 71322 Meg an offici cop that's it thank you how was that compared to last year much much right um me nothing all right perfect uh Angela how you doing I'm good how are you I'm well thanks good so I have a couple of things first on your agenda number 18 um the mayor was kind enough to give me updates for the Lake Park ordinance and so I made them basically hours of operation um Provisions for children alcohol Canabis Etc um they're just updates nothing new um also for the redevelop from the town side Jonathan sakar something may or me Mr sakar um is taking some time at the pin lands so he's going to need additional time to purchase those lots the agreement of sale uh ended will end April 30th and so we have to do a first addend to the agre of sale with the agreement of sale however he he wants to buy some other Lots if possible with a right of first refusal um by the high school he's had some discussions with Ryan about which particular Lots he wants and blocks he wants and I will incor incorporate them into the agreement of sale but I need um approval by the council so Ryan so I'll lbr a little bit um we in meeting with him and with ear all of our discussions sort of indicated that all the the pelins were as we understood it was completed when he got up there and had a free application meeting they said all that stuff was submitted we never had application never reviewed it now it's more than 5 years old so it's all has to be redone so he he ended up with a a lot more than he anticipated had do a snake study a couple other things um to go along with it so that's that's what's all taking more time um he wanted some Assurance to say look I I'll give you a non-refundable deposit but if things go sideways and finance tells me I can't do anything with this Tower site I would like for that deposit to be transferable to um the residential development and I would like to have the right of first refusal to at least a portion of the residential development uh by the high school that they live Cedar Creek so um in my initial discussion with him I understood that he wanted um he had an interest in the portion directly across Moss Mill from his project so between the front of the high school and Moss Mill um down from just south of the cemetery to uh about where the wetlands are around go Street where that sort of splits off um in further discussion later he said well really I'd be interested in the whole thing he said if I was if I was going to take it on I would like to do the pilon's work and do everything all at one time to you know sort of redesign the existing portions of neighborhood C Creek um you know down along Kesler and Ling and Li big um from Liverpool to Philadelphia Avenue uh stretch around K Street and which is the dirt road that goes along back edge of the high school and then New York Avenue leads back up to the front so that's that's the entirety of the the project um so he he said he really have an interest in the whole thing um in my initial discussion of the development committee and the mayor I had only indicated that that front portion is what he interested in based on our prior discussions so um if you guys are comfortable with just giving him the front portion and you want to sort of hold the rest of it back you can do that um if you're so inclined to include again it's just a right of first refusal it's not anything else um it's not a device it's not a negotiation it's something like that um you know so if you want to include that for the entirety of the project um that would be his preference but he said look you're not comfortable with that I get it it's fine it's okay you know if you want to just um do perence for now that's okay so really for up to council how you want to you know approach that so along with that there will be three changes in the agreement of sale the first is he will pay $62,000 which is 20% of the 310 and that's a non-refundable amount of money money that we will get now hopefully um he also wants the right of first refusal for either a portion of those blocks or the entire stretch of blocks which I have to delineate which is why we're having this discussion and the second is he wants to close 45 days after he gets his certificate of fil um however this whole thing will sunset October 31st so if he doesn't get exact together I think that gives him sufficient amount of time to get the certificate close on these properties and move October 31st October 31st if it doesn't then you know you'll hear me again to tell you what's going on but we'll keep you updated on to get filing as well just yeah as a reminder how many lots are we talking about in that front section and then all of it together well the blocks well the the ENT High development is like 200 something homes 240 potentially um some of it would need to be reconfigured storm management rules changed um the the front portion was 70 to 80 plus or minus um it's it's a pretty significant chunk but it's it's probably 12 to 15 city blocks that are somewhat developable um so it's you know it's a good size push land but again that front portion is probably a third maybe a little more than a third of the the Ming and those lots are high and dry or W lands they Upland area um all the wetlands was delineated in that area for the high school construction um so we have you know good records of where the wetlands lines are um there was a concept plan that an engineer working for Dr Horton at the time in 2018 put together um that showed you know how that could all be laid out um so you know we we've had that to our benefit to say like look we've had this area delineated but here's like the concept of what you could do in this area um so that's you know that's sort of what the understanding that we're working off of is that that concept and the size of the those lots that were delineated um I think they were 80 by 150 which is the the size of the current it might have been 75 n 9,000 Ryan how many did you say already how many homes the front Portion by itself would be 70 to 80 and then the entirety is like 220 to 230 220 to 230 homes potential there's a lot of sorting out to do um there's currently another 49 or 50 that are permitted um but are just not financially viable to construct as is so we've had a bunch of discuss the last couple years of like how to reconfigure to make it economically viable um and there definitely are some configurations that would work and this go fall around yeah it's it's um south of the high school extending out to the wetlands before the lake um up to Hamburg and then out to MOS both sides of New York Avenue um which side so the there are some lots that would face New York Avenue like the Gard Lots if you will perimeter Lots um there are some city-owned lots that would face New York Avenue that that could be developed there um there's actually another little bit of development in at least on the concept plan um where you could subdivide and have homes not just facing New York but sort of have new streets um North Northeast of the cemetery portion between Hamburg and New York does that make sense there's a big enough contiguous area there that you could subdivide that and have a couple of two streets and and whatnot um there like I said the rest of it we would not be the city's traditional grd pattern so he's doing this just because he wants to do the pine lands approvals all at one shot well so at this stage he again wants to be able to transfer he wants to make a non-refundable deposit but if the pine tells him you can't do anything on this Tower Site Area he wants to have somewhere to transition to um he has done residential develop in the past he has a comfort level based on all the conversations we had and things we sh with him across the street so he's like look I I'll give you an nonrefundable deposit but this is sort of you know the back stop for me my money is not just going to disappear like I can gooll over this and move forward with residential development over here that you already have planned any so um obviously there there would be more additional separate Pine lands work with that um but the reason he wanted the whole North subdivision the 220 plus or minus versus the 70 or 80 is that he wouldn't want to get into it you know start going through the 70 or 80 do all that work and then he goes to the next phase they're like all right well you're starting from square one on the rest of so um you know to him he's like well if I'm going to roll into that resal development I want to get it all figured out at the same time because there's a big economy of scaled for me doing that so that that was the reason for the request to expand to be the whole and what's his current what's that what's his current uh deadline on the on the agreement we have ail 30 yeah it was it was April 30th and I mean frankly it's it's not really a fault of his own he he had a preat meeting fin LS at at our suggestion and that you know brought some information that no one was really aware of unfortunately development agreement the agreement of sale to purchase those lots on the tower site expires April 30 right so it need to addend them ask us to extend that yes and then the $662,000 deposit if that get rolled over that would be contingent simply on the if Pine Lance doesn't give them approval that's right it couldn't be moved though for any other reason no other reason right only if the power to be undeveloped that's and the question is do you want to give him the right of first refusal for all the blocks or just the front the front section so that that's what I'm saying so that's kind of new so this this right at first refusal is he compensating us for that or is that part 62,000 non refund right so essentially if he would give that $62,000 is a non-refundable deposit if the Pelin come back and says look tow site is off the table there's nothing you can do there it's you know some endangered snake habitat then he would come back and say okay you know I'd like to move forward with this development over here you already have the $62,000 what can we work out um so there there's nothing set in stone there's no purchase price terms there's no you know commitment to any development pattern there's none of that it's just somewhere for his money to roll in a different direction for him to be able to continue with the devel so my concern is that we give him this right of first refusal and he said he's going to roll in if something happens with that point is this still non funable do we still receive that yeah there's no Provisions for it to be returned that I'm wearing that that whole thing expired October 31st yeah and the snake study is that a seasonal thing or is that he had to get a bunch of fence up by April 1st so leave back on Easter Sunday helping his consultant put the fence up to make sure it was all up the disc so is so he conducted it now and so the report we do when um believe it's like a thre Monon study so um if you go out there there's a whole bunch of traps and there's all fence and all kinds of stuff so please don't touch those I'm not going out there track uh yeah they're essentially trying to find out if there are any threatened or endangered species out there there's there's one target snake that they're really looking for that I don't think they've ever found South oan County but they keep looking for it so thing ran could you tell me what development he had done prior he said he had other he's done a couple like small shopping centers the names are off hand he get yeah he had like a whole like portfolio so yeah we can share everything with the residential development thanks my my thought is we let him go with all the Lots because if he's going to get the Pine Land approval on all those lots and he winds up with the tower site then that's one step we don't have to do we have another developer that comes in and wants to do those lots we now the Pine Land approval is there yeah that makes sense but if we only do on the front Lots then we're GNA have to still do on the back Lots if somebody wants to expand that way so if he's willing to do it just on a right of refusal why not let him do it he's saving he's basically going to be saving the city money in the way I'm looking at it and I so well to be clear he's not going to move forward with all of the piland's work on across MOS Mill Road right now he's going to continue with his sight and try to move that forward he wants to move forward this stuff across the street um as well but he's not he's not planning on doing that quite yet um so he's he's seeing how the tower site goes um if that goes poorly then he'll shift his Focus totally to across the street if it goes well he will make sure that that gets established and is moving and then shifts his attention across the street but he would still at that time like to do the Pinelands and the the designed for all of it rather than a portion of it and and I agree with you 100% that's a big value add to that section because there there's only approval for another 50 Lots there's a potential for another 170 or so beyond that so um if somebody goes through the full design process and gets pilot approvals to build something there that's a huge value added oh yeah let's not look look at gift tose in the mouth and the right of first refusal is up of October 31 the agreement of sale which consists of portion of which consists of the right of first refusal will be up October 3th right and assuming he he did move forward was able to close on the tower side everything pans out there then the right for refusal would dissolve essentially right and then um you know we could continue to negotiate with him there or move different any other questions so what everybody want to do we need a motion either for the whole site just a portion resu I got it yeah um anyone want to make a motion just for first first anybody like to second to First H the develop any Seconds come once twice all right motion's been tabled anyone like to motion for the whole project I'll make a motion for the whole Pro any second second roll call atanes yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie no I'd like to see his work prior Timbers yes Richie yes now we need a resolution to approve the first addendum to the agreement of sale have a motion for that a motion second all roll call C could you explain to me what this is again what we the agreement of sale expires April 30th that was for the lot at the tower site and um we negotiated $10,000 per that was $310,000 okay so will expire unless we do an addend to Extended all right so roll call please yes Clark yes stash yes Galloway yes Heist yes pessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes and a motion for what was the third motion you needed no that's it oh that's it great anything else no that's all great so Brian that was your report too right pretty much you got anything else yeah just a couple real quick things uh the Brownfield thing that the mayor touched on we met out there with the representative DP two sites that they felt would qualify as Brownfield development areas um those offer the potential for significant funding like 75 % funding um for continued studies for landfill closure for the the one out by the industrial park um for rehabilitation of areas like the pastro site in front of the acne site um varable door sort of that entire area stretching all the way to the 100 block fi on the Avenue to include like Weiss speckers and the impact properties there um they Envision those as two potential separate Brownfield developments so we are um working through getting the application process nailed down hopefully by will be able to come back and outlay what the process looks like um you know how how much it's going to be to apply um and what the timeline would be to go resolutions okay um the white specker demo we spoke to um the same representative DP and suggested that it's possible there are funding sources for that so we are investigating them um we still have the ability to negotiate with people since we PA it twice unsuccessfully um but if we can get it paid for rather than having to pay for the pocket I think everybody be on board for that so we're trying to just blush that out first um the third terrorist strange concerns we did uh we solicited quotes from three contractors um we only got a response from one uh it is below what the C threshold would be but I'd like to contact the other two to see why they didn't provide if they said the interest potentially um it's always better to get more than one number for anything so um that's my recommendation there I don't want to give the number out if the other people will quote I don't want it to be out there in public um we have a time frame on that possibility um I mean I was going to call other two vendors tomorrow the CL due last Friday and I just didn't get a chance to call the other two I want to make sure first that they got it because we email the qu stations out to everybody one of them is not particularly good with their email so I just want to make sure you dott it at least if they don't want to quote it they don't quote it then it is what it is but um you know if they didn't get it or miss something you know I just want to make sure that it was uh you know reasonable procurement process that we we did actually close thank you um and then Liverpool AV 100 BLX we are just wrapping up um should be sending the F package for that the pl spur it's a do funding project um within the next couple days um now when we get a response we'll be able to go out to bid so that's awesome any questions for Ryan all right one one thing um we are going to be applying for that energy Grant and that's due at the end of May May 24th I think so we need estimates on and quotes about the existing incentives that are available can you put that together for us um like an accounting of the incen available the EVS what incentives are already available how much can you get from right yeah most of that I think I sent you the file yeah I think so any other questions all right moving on number 14 resolution 2024 State contract purposes are there any questions conts and concerns excuse me we have a motion second second roll call please atoni yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes pessie yes Timbers yes yes 15 is a resolution for not fair open award for 2024 2025 HVAC maintenance contract any questions or comments where is this for is this for City Hall seniors senior no it's for it's for all the city buildings our annual maintenance may have a motion so moved second second roll call yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes pessy is this the same person we've been using J yes Timbers yes Richie yes 16 is a resolution authorized roadway solicitation for our fire department on May 17th of this year any questions or comments have a motion so mov second all in favor 17 same thing but for August 23rd any questions motion please second all in favor number 18 previously spoken about introduce ordinance number 8 of 24 amending chapter 19 8 title Parks and Recreation areas article one title City Lake Park of the code of the city of B Harbor any questions or comments regarding I do sure um I I didn't quite understand what Angela said was did you did you take out be be R was that the gazebo gazebo fee was taken out needs to be taken out because that was covered in the resolution we did in February it was listed under 198 is $25 it was taken out it's on the ordinance it's in the ordinance so it has to be taken out we did it by resolution we increase it to35 right right okay all right thank you any other questions if not may have a motion to introduce second all favor introduce adverti notice of introduction in the Hamilton gazelle the first for a hearing on the 9th of May have a motion so move second all favor all right at this time we have public hearing ordinance number six of this year a motion to open make a motion second all right public hearing is open all once twice I have a motion to close make a motion second all fav close the hearing just I'm dry right now um may have a motion to adopt make a motion second roll call please Anon yes Sark yes Dash yes Galloway yes yes pessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes motion to advertise IND that one first and public hearing for ordinance number 7 amending chapter 170 land use and development chapter 233 storm water control of the Cod of the city of Harbor county of Atlantic state of New Jersey open we're open for public anyone well once twice motion to close motion second second motion to adopt Mo second second roll call please at yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes Heist yes Hy yes Timbers yes Richie yes motion to pay the bills make a motion second roll call at yes Clark yes Dash yes Galloway yes he yes Tessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes mayor the floor is yours BR final comments well I just have one thing that I forgot and Ryan Jody and I we were on a I maybe I mentioned at the last meeting we were on a meeting with um a whole host of people including including CME and a whole host of powers of Fe from the state of New Jersey talking about the um bike lane okay so basically there are questions answers whatever but the main the main problem besides some sort of red plant and a yellow one I don't know um and a tree frog maybe the main problem is the drainage and they did they did develop a unique idea for draining which was not digested very well by Pine lands but it may get better Ryan I don't know if you want to expand on that it's just hard to meet all the rules simultaneously so um we had a meeting where they sort of got to air their grievances a little bit in front of the dot the funding source and the Atlanta County because it's their Road and they're going to take build so um they're looking towards incorporating perious Paving into the project because you need to have I think we talked about this bit they the new storm rules that they adopted like a year and a half ago require you to treat um for nitrogen remove nitrogen to a level of 65% which can't be accomplished with a single BMP like a single Basin a single um single Dev so you essentially have to route your water through two of these things to comply um it effectively doubled the number of facilities you have to use for every project um the problem is for this one you only have like 15 inch separation from um 30 39 inch separation from ground water and you two feet from the bottom of your facility so they only have like 15 inches to work with they have to get two facilities to work by gravity 15 inches um so the only way that they figured out they can do that is with pervious Paving which dot doesn't want to pay for and the county doesn't to maintain um and then another more traditional place so they I think they really were just trying to illustrate to the county and to dot that we don't really have any other option we kind of have to use this in order to meet the P's rules um so hopefully they were effective in making that case but we'll see see is this for like that little creek that runs through R the Avenue um or is it like the whole strip they're yeah they're going through wetlands and stuff everywhere down by the lake they're in Wetlands Wetlands buffers um down where that Crossing is there wetlands and wetlands buffers there's a section of Cedar Swamp which is like an extra protected Wetland that's um on the north side of Philadelphia Avenue right before the lake so it's just [Music] wow my world anything else there little Bridge mainly the nitrogen it's not the plants as much as the nitrogen that the there were some discrepancies on some of the studies they had done and like they had three Wetlands lines shown on a plan from three different times just delineated there's a lot of just stuff that need to be cleared up um but like they they had submitted a threatened plant study but like the the pilent wasn't accepting a portion of it and they didn't include some species that they were supposed to include apparently so there's a little bit of everything there a lot of other stuff um I mean the major thrust from an economic standpoint was that PR's PID discussion they had come up with the concept like grass and then sand and then Stone underneath which you fin lines is like all right well if you have grass here how's the water going to get into the stone so I think the best so agency should we complain about what's that which agency should complain well pance is by far the hardest to deal with but um like I said that new rule just makes it really really so a nice thank you but yeah Ian I think they have a forward if they can get the cies paid and funded by Dot and by account see where it goes great that's Senator could help us with that that's all mayor we need that's all thank you uh councilwoman he I have nothing councilman Dash i' like to commend our Police Department for their outstanding work and I would like to personally thank our chief for her comm's Excellence uh timers oh I just like to reiterate what Dash said that I actually watched this from the house she remembers guys are amazing that's it thank you councilwoman anthon councilwoman hon I would again like to thank our police department and our chief for their outstanding work and I also would like to say I hope to see everyone out at the this week on Saturday sorry Friday tomorrow out at the Arbor Day Festival peace Pilgrim Park and then on May 4th um for the cleanup day let's make EG Harbor City beautiful let's do our May the there you go thank you Council yes there you go um again you know thank you to our Police Department you guys do excellent job in protecting us and keeping our community safe um and then also another reminder for June 8th is going to be the Crusaders um Community Carnival uh so please come out it's going to be from 4 to 7 at Crusaders field and we'll be having fall signups and uh that's all thank councilman Gallow U I wanted to commend our Police Department for doing such a fabulous job out there on the streets and also Hazel Mueller for put doing all the LA work about the um um Arbor Day celebration she did all the be behind the scenes work so thank you Hazel if you're listening that's everything that's it thank you all right before I go to um public comment just like to thank Senator coming out to our meeting tonight always welcome to stop out sir it's a pleasure having you here for a full meeting and uh Chief it's always great to see fireman give Copa at a boy so that I'll open up to the public for any comments anyone going once going twice all right have a motion to adjourn second all in favor