un States andice for all like to thank everybody for attending the res schedule council meeting for February 22nd of 2024 like to call to order this meeting this meeting has been properly advertised and posted in accordance with public law 75 chapter 231 mayoret here here Clark here will not be here Galloway heie here Tim here Council right will not be here Richie here I have a motion to approve the minutes from February all in favor I all right anybody here from the public like comment on any agenda items up resol resolution I just um resolution as forre whatever anyone else from the public have any other question to thece May report have one thing I just want to remind everybody that cedar you've been to many schol I'm sure they all have a wall so s preach does not have one so they are building one and it's outside it's called the Lloyd wiberg memorial wall of Fain so it's if you have been out to see Creek seen it it looks really nice it's a little different and that will be for all the um alumni have done great things obviously so you have the opportunity now for your business or as a council person or your family name to buy a brick the bricks start at $100 just kind of like we did at the um Historical Society if you look there's a whole bunch of names that people support it so if you would like to do that you can go on the greater Harbor Regional High School District to Cedar Creek scroll down and hit wall B and you can pay for it right online I will try to get it on the a Harbor City Facebook page which it was on there a long time ago but we're headed headed towards uh next week Actually March 6 we're going to vote the first person or team or whoever commit decide the wall so more information to come on that but would be nice if the community go out you knowes that live support for future that's pretty much all I have thank you mayor we'll move into committee chair report finance and Redevelopment uh have nothing to do probably with over the next couple weeks I'll be looking in setad of a finance meeting to um address some things that brought to attention good enforcement we have good enforcement meeting tomorrow um they had some things that we had discussed that I need answers for to help them and give them the needs to do their jobs better and more efficiently um and then personnel and ethics I have nothing so um safety councilman Dash is not present he has nothing to report so uh councilwoman H for Public Works in Highway yeah Public Works I have a report um 13 days were spent um cleaning storm drains this year we've had four basins dug up and repaired all the trucks have been power washed and waxed frame maintenance has been be been performed on those trucks fencing at the lake has been repaired um the split rail fencing on the bridges the two Bridges where the dam is and then the second smaller one Somebody went out kicked the split rail out and broke it so um Keith went out had the guys go out there and fix that um Bard on the bridge at the community school have been fixed they spent four days of fresh removal they've made a list of missing street signs for an upcoming order and the new truck that was purchased has was picked up by Keith in Pennsylvania and dropped off to be fitted for a plow and lights and they're also taking starting to take bits for colar is that what you said we're going to start reaching out to people now that we made the decision on the Deer Street property okay now that the Deer Street property's going up for auction then we we're gonna go out for bids for that's all I have Council Anthony property Parks playgrounds um property parks and playgrounds we met Tuesday uh the 13 last week we went over a bunch of things I'll just kind of do a brief rview of them uh we discussed the upcoming Campground meeting with da who leases the campground from us from the pro AR Park um I reached out to him he would like us to meet in April that's his preferred time so we're going to schedule to have a preseason meeting with him and some other key players involved in the leag at that time so I'll be in touch about a date that works best for everybody he did say that he purchased and made new brochures for the campground that he's going to be sending out um to surrounding communities and he's working on making ADA Compliant decking for around their store building and he was looking for an architect to help him with that so we're giving him some contacts to assist with that to get that done for his Capital Improvement projects He was asked about previous Capital Improvement projects we don't have any updates on those this time he's gonna get back to me um we discussed Square for electronic payments at the League this summer uh Jody is working on getting all of that together and all the information and that looks like going to be what we're going to move forward with so that we have a way to have electronic payments out there um we discussed the casting of Peace Pilgrim for those that don't know um she was damaged she needs to be fixed nette reached out to me this week and I'm sure she'll report on the grant that she found about trying to take care of her and get her casted correctly so that she's back in her uh wor and then Keith reached out to me Keith and the Department of Public Works that they've been doing a lot of work out of Fran CERN field uh with upgrades they've repaired broken windows rotted wood benches dugouts they've done painting they have a little bit left to do with the bleachers and overgrowth at the edge of the leak over there but they've been doing a lot of work out of there and we really appreciate that in addition to that they're going to start Le clean up out at the lake on the lake side to get ready for the summer season which is going to be here before we know it that was everything right I have one issue with what rep on I would highly suggest that he meets with you in March meeting in April is way too close to the start camping season e for him to address any issues that be minor or major to get them taken care of and invaded before if we can do a zoom meeting if we can do a zoom meeting or something I I personally feel AAL is unacceptable just because of the time frame to fix and take care of whatever he needs to take care of so move on Council here for uity oh you have anything School Board sorry no school board had a meeting last week I okay uh Council on the Clark license of ordinance uh the ordinance committee we had a meeting uh this past Tuesday the 20th um we decided uh we discussed some um changes to the noise ordinance the property maintenance the littering and also uh some of the ordinances uh apping to um so hopefully our next meeting we will be putting those up for presentation to the public else thank you councilman Timber L Aaron Aaron Haven there was a meeting scheduled for February the 19th however it was canell the next meeting will be sorry March 18 as far as thank you Meg anything for um Council anything for ring no there isn't anything for for rotary thank you counc Gallow sustainable first off the um three teams planning an Arbor Day celebration which will be um April 26 we're going to do it at peace Park um 3 to 6:m uh we're going to have some free trees to give away to people for their backyards uh we're going to have a photo contest that friend the Ruth is leading that charge on that and U we're asking middle and high school students to submit photos on our website and we're going to give away some cash prizes and R and so forth we'll have some vendors we're look for a food truck and we'll have um a spin the wheel game with um culture video questions and City Electric is currently given doing their tree program uh you just sign up on the casc electric website uh energy saving trees and they send you a tree in a box it's big tree it's not it's not one of the team members got one several years ago he really like to Tre that um we're going to be looking for two more members to serve on our tree board which we're going to be developing in the comle weeks and months um they're going to be required to have core training there's a core training course starting March 1st it runs through the month of March it's an online course you take it at your leisure and it's only $30 so if anybody in the city is interested in and getting trained and serving on board that they should contact me and I'll give you more information and um we're looking at two for U applying for two leafing out grants they being offered by the New Jersey urb forestry program one would pay for education employees and any tree board members that we have it would pay for them to go to the conference in November and we'll pay for all their the class and another Grant is would be a match to the USDA grant that we got and we be we would be able to include some of the stuff that we had to putut out we full aot funds that we requested so those grants are due sometime in and did you about yeah um I found a grant that perfect for that and we got a few um preliminary estimates of the course it's a small Grant it only be like what 15,000 that's that's the a correct yes is excuse me nette was that to restore the the statue yes yeah okay thank you that would be C in bronze oh okay wonderful feel direr yeah I'd say uh regarding the tree committee that we're putting in place uh do we have any language and who appoints that treat Comm what council would appointed okay all right so so how many how many are youing for on Bo well we have three people now myself Dan and trained so we I would like five so reason behind one five just to have more diversity if somebody can't make a meeting so um if you are to get seven nine 12 people interested on the committee how will it will be brought back to council for selection uh well they'd have to have filled requirements that we're writing up they have to be core trained to sit on the they have that you have to get through the New Jersey Urban program so um like I said the train program starting online March 1st so if anybody's interested they pay the $30 take the online course and least have that requirement they have to be willing to you know come to meetings um car about treats I have a l of descrition thank you all right Chief welcome thank you good evening everyone so in the last two weeks since we last saw everyone um I'll give you some numbers we have had one Burgery two fraud reports two simple assaults four thefts um three motor rical accidents two pedestrian stops 34 traffic stops we've had total of 20 summonses issued total of three arrests including DUI um 10 business alarms two residential alarms 123 crime vention activities three criminalistic calls one domestic 20 EMS calls six Firearms ID applications 19 followup investigations 329 property checks five public service calls um terms of operations support training and inspections on February 21st we had a search warrant train we are very fortunate to have a very good collaborative um relationship with the prosecutor's office um I'm not sure if you know this but prosecutor Reynolds assigned a assistant prosecutor ason each law enforcement agency in County we are um fortunate enough to have chriso who is very knowledgeable very accessible and helps out with anything that we have in so he and one of the detectives from came and did a search warrant training for the entire police department um just to make it a little bit easier streamline so that way any APS that are reviewing our search warrants um you know we know what what they want and can make that um make that happen with as we as possible um we have three officers attend the AL alest conversion course um I know last month we talked about that briefly we are to get a new Alpha test sometime this year and all the officers who are trained on that three them went through that um over the last two weeks and other will be next week um yeah um let's talk about 200 St ad um on February 10th there was a rather large Gathering of under at 200 Avenue that has been a house where their St and students residing um with fraternity affiliation um there was already one excessive use of Municipal Services um summons sent out to all of the tenants and the owner of the property um on a think there were over 300 on 210 there were over people at the residence um I went up there with some officers there were there was one arrest actually made um and that uh prompted me to send information to Stockton we do have a very um very good relationship in terms ofation about any issues have students here in the town um I upon myself Department some screenshots of the body camera footage that I had on and they were appalled it's not a good look for them um to have uh issues like that out in because if have stud that's not what they want to have as part of their as part of their um community so um what happened is they that house particularly is on social probation through 91 24 which means they may not poost any events with alcohol um I urge any residents who if you do have any concerns or see anything of the sort happening please do contact us because we will let stopt know and there will be further sanctions um another house that there were issues with was on the white PL that was last weekend that you to in fairly quickly um but again anytime you guys see anything please do call us um we do respond out there um don't call your elected officials um not that they don't want to know but you know um if you call our Dispatch Center at 625 700 extension one it is logged into our computer system and then we can use our current ordinances to um take action against the property owners and the residents who live there um so that's that other news question yes they put T across the FR okay it runs is that can that come down or is that code violation do you know I don't know if that's a code violation um because it hides the whole from porch and one of the entrance just kind of dangerous see um again I don't know if that's I don't know if that's a code violation um that would maybe be something I would ask code um yeah um so yesterday morning on 221 aity police officers assisted in search warrants that were executed at two separate apartments in Philadelphia Village Apartment Complex officers from our department have been involved in a monthlong investigation that was led by the newor state police into a drug trafficking Network throughout County um results of that investigation and the execute search warrants included arrested two egg har City residents Raymond Harris Jr and Mah young a total of five subjects were arrested four of whom were charged with various first second third and fourth degree CDs possession and distrib distribution offenses additionally young was charged with numerous weapons offenses um weapon seized and for which young was charged include a 179mm handgun and a 6our p659 millimeter was also charged with possession of Po magazines um drug drug and paraphernalia seized from the combined search warrant executed include mushrooms marijuana C cocaine methan me raw fental and over 2,000 bags of heroin F well as very CDs packaging materials and digital scin um so we are doing work often times we can't tell you about a lot of the stuff until things happen I know that's not very much information um that was given about what happened yesterday morning um that because as with many drug things there are still ongoing um investigations that are applyed to it um but I was able to uh get that information out that know we are doing what we can um we have very good collaborative uh relationships with our state partners and federal Partners as well including FBI and Pa so there's quite a bit of activity going on I'm very proud of the work that the that guys have been doing um in addition to the regulat activities um but they have been working really hard doing more than just what they're doing um on a daily basis thank Jody you have a CFO report um yes I was just going to give an update on the um cannabis Revenue so far so um how it's going to work is they will um our ordinance has it that they pay quarterly so um um they'll file their quarterly sales tax return which has um there's like a breakdown of we're only getting the 2% on cannabis related sales so the actual sales tax return that they submit to the state actually has a breakdown of that so we're getting a copy of that and then so far we only have one we have Med Leaf so we're also they're giving us a copy of their financial report which matched the sales tax return so for their first month of December they sales were that's all we've gotten so far because it just they only had one month of the last quarter so their sales were 40 about 45,000 so we have received $97 so far so kind of predicting maybe about 10,000 is kind of like a conservative I would hope estimate for what we'll get from them for this year so once I get some more information once we get the next quarters report I I'll give an update but that's what we have so far okay okay anything else nope that's it thank you anybody have any questions for Jody you have anything I do not awesome Angela you have anything Mr Richie I do not awesome Ryan don't don't destroy it Ryan thank you to city and its employees for compion consideration guys show me couple yearses welome excuse me Brian I can hear you this is Kim Kim H can you hear me now now it's perfect thank you okay I was just extending my my thank you to the city and its employees for the kindness and compassion you guys have shown throughout numerous losses in my family last several I'm losing you thank you we'll catch up with that's all you have R yeah questions yeah so we don't have question I have a question I do have a question uh is there anything going on with Weiss Beckers at this point yeah so we did that project twice um the bids were in excess of the estimate both times we're we're now able to to begin negotiations with contractors um so we started to reach out to the biders who participated um we can negotiate with them if we can't get to where we think we need to be with them we can reach out to any other party um and engage with them to to get down number we think we should be able to get to so that's our plan in the next week or two how long how long is each is there going is there a um time uh for each section of this like so long to I don't know reach out for the first group um no the negotiation process is not really outlined in State Statute that I'm um so it's a pretty informal process you just sort of have to document that you contacted everybody and how it went and you sort of move your own pace you want to aggressive that that's pretty much intended or you can you know sort of take your time and make sure you get want so okay we'll figure it out but yeah like I said the next week or two we should hopefully be able to sort that out and and on another note is there anything else going on with the Terrace um I believe it's the fourth or fifth Terrace that they were having uh issues with did you get anything worked out with that par yeah so I reached out to the contractor about the second contractor about the quote and I I had not heard anything and had not had a chance to follow up over the last couple weeks so um I should be able to Circle back I okay thank you anyone else all right moving on 14 we have a motion to approve seven activities throughout this year uh starting with the Egg Harbor City M ver Easter egg hunt at Park on March 23rd egg ehcc sprinkling on the Avenue June 1st the food truck festival on Avenue August 10th and the Fall Festival on the Avenue on October 19th the Lloyd windberg tree lighting and E EDC win Bazar on Philadelphia Avenue on the 7th of December and then our Christmas parade on Avenue on December 2 first have a motion to approve all this counc yes um just one thing the Spring Fling is actually at the lake not on that will be and correct thank you second all favor I thank you all right moving on to 15 we have a presentation from the neighborhood preservation program of 2024 MP gr coordinator Miss Mrs Karen Adams hi guys come on up on Podium on camera very quick um everybody had everybody has a copy of the implementation plan for 2024 we did get DCI approval for the grant and how we have it broken down for this year um I don't have a copy in front of me unfortunately go through it real quick sorry I pass them all out um it is a fiveyear program we do have this year and next year left so we do have two years left um the a RP Grant will cover the remodeling of the archway green so that money does not have to be allocated out of the NPP funds however the NPP funds will cover the construction of the arch um basic other things the flowers the community events that stuff we are also starting our storefront project um where we help the business owners remodel the fronts of their stores we're calling it in the Avenue Cindy Williams is actually has three or three businesses right now that are um underway and we should be seeing improvements within a month or two there's any questions at all feel free to ask in the back of the IP it breaks down how we have the funds um set for this year we are um one of the other things we want to do is to finish up first resp found park on the Philadelphia Avenue in the first pl we want to get a memorial found Memorial there the flag did go up put some flowerses any questions any concerns DCA did approve it but we would like Council approve you need a resolution for your acknowledements you acknowledge counsel Tri but you may haveed Tock coun absolutely thank you give a second to R absolutely every chance to R all right if there's no more further questions or comments motion to approve the um plan you guys appreciate it all right number 16 is resolution for Budget transfers any questions comments regard for J not may I have a motion yes yes hessie yes timers yes Richie yes 17 is a resolution approving the accumulated absence for now retired egg haror City Sergeant Jennifer h any questions or comment be out one if I'm not mistaken they cannot spread it out over years over several years now correct I'm sorry what explain that I missed as far as a payout for sergeant Hurley councilwoman Gallow as if it was a one some pay over several years this is this is just a lump sum we have in the very rarely in the past if someone requested we paid it out over time but typically it gets paid out as one lump sum thank you uh any other questions Mo second yes Galloway yes pessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes resolution to authorize Tri Associates to provide Professional Services for the cdbg CV small cities Grant business administration program any questions or comments sure is this this is this is I understand the grant that we got through the county that we found out we just found out we got it you want to speak on it yeah they the Triad is administering this small cities we had applied back I think it was 2020 or 2021 um for some covid funding um we applied for two different programs one is to um do some hbac work at the senior center bless you and one is to administer a small business business administr assistance program sorry I can't get that out um so we they call Triad called like two weeks ago to get a status update on the grants I'm like no one told us we even got the grants so we are trying to quickly catch up and triad has some experience um with this and by the way we're not the only municipality that said the same thing when they found out their County chair so anyway um they're going to administer this small business program it'll be their fees will be paid through the gr as well so this is like the money that was given out to businesses yes businesses will apply through Triad you know showing that they had some kind of financial I'm not very vers and what they'll need to provide and that's obviously why we're having Triad um but there's different kinds of forms and information that the businesses will have to provide and then there will be assistance to them thanks J Jody this was brought up at the last meeting wasn't it the meeting I think we might have mentioned it we found out like I think like the day before the last meeting maybe we had just found out so so and then hopefully the county um or I'm sorry the nutrition center working on getting some quotes So hopefully we actually got a quote through the direct install program which almost matches our grant funding completely so once I get the other prices from the private um co-ops that we are part of that I request that we can make a decision on that but looks like that will be able to be completed at least through the direct install if nothing else any other questions regarding have not made a motion please clar Galloway Heist yes timers yes Richie yes 19s a resolution authorizing agreement for the USDA for service Urban and Community for Street Grant any questions or comments I have a motion roll call please at Clark yes Galloway yes Heist yes Essie yes Timbers yes Richie yes a resolution authorizing the public fireworks display on at the lake on the 13th of July 2024 uh motion yes Clark yes Galloway yes yes Tessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes 21 is a resolution sustainable land use Pledge to a little more app we had I'll talk unless you want you nette um we had done this pledge back I think in 20 or 21 um basically just lists of different things it doesn't really commit you to anything it's basically just Council committing or pledging that they're going to you know work towards environmental and more sustainable actions um it expired so we're just reaffirming that pledge that way we can add it to our certification application for sustainable Jersey okay thank you any questions or comments motions make a motion second all in favor of it2 the resolution reaffirming the sustainable Green Team any questions comments have MO hi 23 is a resolution authorizing the city of a harbor to enter intoing agreement with New Jersey edge.net Incorporated Edgewater Cooperative pricing system are there any questions or comments regarding second yes Clark yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes 24 is a resolution authorizing the award of a contract for the installation of tennis and pickleball courts through a Cooperative agreement with New Jersey edge.net Incorporated edgew Cooperative pricing system any questions or comments uh Qui question so the grant that we're doing is already we already applied for that Grant yes do they have any other questions motion second yes Clark yes Galloway yes he yes pessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes 25 resolution to refund of property first quarter taxes due to 100% disabled bedroom status any questions or comments Mo second yes Clark yesway yes Heist yes pessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes 26 resolution to refund Street opening permit 4 on Buffalo Avenue any questions or comments yeah I have a question sure what was the street opening for was the driveway um no yeah oh um yeah I think they apply oh it's just the B I'm sorry they completed the work we have for all of these we have a bond that we release again all private once they complete the work we release the bond the motion roll call at yes Clark yes Galloway yes he yes pessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes resolution number 27 resolution refund building permit fee Source the sun solar Incorporated project canell in the amount of $424 any questions May yes Clark yes yalloway heie yes yes Richie yes 20 is a resolution to accept 2024 Municipal aerial control agreement any questions or comments have a motion make a motion second all favor and we come to number 29 which is a public hearing for Ordinance one of this year amending the general code of the city of Egg Harbor chapter 259 and adding article titled traffic controls for Street Highway construction and maintenance at this time I have motion to open public second anybody from the public like to speak on this ordinance once twice I have a motion to close public hearing second have a motion to adopt have a second roll call atanes yes Clark yes Galloway yes Heist yes pessie yes timers yes Richie yes have a motion to advertise the adoption andette on February 28 all I motion to P Bills second roll call please at yes Clark yes Galloway yes Heist hessie yes Timbers yes Richie yes mayor the your for final no just thank you chief for all your hard work 4 Lou a lot problem know anything else mayor Echo what the chief said what the mayor said Thank You chief for all your hard work we do appreciate it and thank you Karen for all your hard work it's really moving along and it's awesome to see and we really do appreciate it councilman timers 300 London near corner street light is out yeah I can get the number Jackie Jackie was record if you want the number I think the said that he did okay you the site it's already Rec me and there's a uh on the corner of Aro in London there's someone spray painted the word it looks like t o n right there on the sidewalk and it's been there for a while I didn't know if it was for like some type of work order or something but it's still there lond or on the sidewall it's it's actually on the sidewalk okay yeah look at it that's it thank you thank you sir councilwoman anony our annual Crusaders football and sheer banquet is coming out March 3rd so if you haven't bought your tickets yet and you want to attend please get with one of the board members we need a count by this Friday to get in so there's any last minut come CP we get their trophies uh councilwoman hessie uh the only thing that I have to say is by being on Zoom right now I'm I'm hearing how the new system is working and we definitely have to uh tweak it quite a bit uh mayor it's very hard to hear you um it's really hard to hear Ryan still and when people are standing up at the podium if they're not speaking directly into the microphone you can't hear them it's it's muffled so we do have to work on that that's all I have to it's gonna be a learning curve I think people have to realize they have to talk into the microphones yeah I I agree maybe we should reiterate that's the point of the microphone you know to capture so we have to get people used to the microphones I think more and we can also tweak a little bit um the volume on some of them like Joe you're clear as could be honestly because you I don't need a microphone you just project your voice a lot so I mean I can hear most of you I think some of them need to just be turned up a little bit to capture a little bit louder um but yeah I think it's just also getting used to talk I know it's you know we're not used to talking into the microphone so I think it's just getting used to that and we'll have to kind of figure out where to position the wireless one on the table for the professionals to kind of pick up what's best so yeah definitely something will work it we tweak for for sure and can can we possibly turn the podium sideways so that they so that when the person is speaking I know they want to speak to councel but they also want to you know look at the audience as well so if it's tilted sideways completely sideways that they might be able to achieve that and micone yeah sorry not to interrupt you he's actually tomorrow he's coming back to work on the camera and he's actually gonna in a little um Goose sck on the podium so that way we won't have to bring that one over and that way it's kind of more down where people are standing to capture their voice a little better we'll be able to move that wireless mic onto the actual Podium and the video he's working on the video as well you're saying yeah the camera right now we're just kind of using a temporary camera because the one that he originally installed just something manufacturing like when he when we used it it wasn't working so he's replacing it so we'll have a different camera for the next meeting oh great I'm glad to hear that thank you so much that's all I have thank you uh councilman Clark uh just one quick thing uh crators are still doing their be and blankets uh fundraiser we're at about 20% of of our total um we are looking to extend same so uh please keep an eye out on our uh Facebook page our booster club uh Facebook P page as well as Car City Facebook page that's it and thank you Chief wonderful work you guys too counc so I got a couple things Chief great job continue to work never doubted you you're leadership of your team you guys are superb especially with the accomplishments that you have done past whatever time um Karen also MVP great job so uh real quick I want to touch on C because it seems to be the hot top topic of this to uh I'm now the chair of the code committee I'm a firm believer in giving people what they need to accomplish their jobs and to do it uh to their best capabilities with that being said that will happen once they get their needs and not so much their wants then I personally believe that the job that they are doing will definitely increase we are also going to be looking to hire a full-time Coke enforcement officer probably mid year this year June July somewhere around there um so I just want to reiterate the fact that our Code Department to some uh to some people aren't doing their job when they are out doing their job it's just their shorthanded they don't have the proper tools to actually do the jobs um that is needed to follow up um and and assess penalties and so on and so forth so I just want to make that loud and clear to every anybody it it it's a work in progress and burn wasn't built overnight so give us some time it'll be fixed I guarantee that um so with that being said I'd like to open up to the public for any uh comments wait isn't there a maximum so um I did forget to mention on Wednesday the 28th at Lincoln Park from 10: to 12 um they Police Department coordination with prosecutors and uh Church By the Bay will be doing a hot food giveaway um the pickley has very generously donated 250 meals that we will be giving away additionally there will be other resources there um by offering some um winter coats as well as there will be a Naran van there um not to provide any services or to Pedal any you know you have to do this in order to get it but just to provide Naran to anyone who wants it so that way they can take it and have it on their persons um so Wednesday the 28th from 10 a.m. till noon at Lincoln Park that enough everybody mayor council thank you for uh allowing public comment um two quick updates and then uh just a question for for Council the updates are uh if anyone drove past to our site today we are resuming I know mayor presented like two months ago we had a pause after very long delay in Tims uh kind of caused some issues and so we're restarting uh we met with our architect and others inurance today to restart that project we be bring for the appropriate but the site that that is not changing the building structure change a little bit bring that back before so are committed City we continue to be look forward to opening so uh the other is just more informational the uh one existing cist business in town and the others that are proposed and going on including ourselves we have a meeting coming up where we committed most ourselves to meeting every month yo so that we can represent cannabis well in the town we want to make sure that we're doing the best for the town and also how help you know whether it's through thec whether it's through other things that how weak health and make you know a city better place we we all you know I live right outside of town but it's it's my town to me and better place for all of us so uh the last is the question uh because the Cannabis Community is very small and everything uh was unaware that uh at the uh a har City offs there that we're opening up or it's been approve for them to have a cultivation there they're currently interviewing people I know people going back to their second interviews tomorrow and they're being told that plants will be in the boxs in April at that site so I was unaware of this and just was clarification if it can be provided those are all great questions we have advised Dr try that he cannot operate two businesses separate businesses in that facility at once at this point cannabis cultivation is a permitted use of the Zone if he wants to do that in that building that's a permitted use you can do that but boat building operation would have to cease he wants to do both Pathways that he can take to do that but he hasn't done either of them that I'm aware of at this point so you know if he's going to shut down the boat building operation and completely disassemble and remove all of that and proceed with the canab cation certainly could do that but Ryan didn't he want to go back to the original agreement which did allow him to do that yeah we advised him that he would have to amend the Redevelopment plan to do that has not done so things he have to do to building in order to start facility ventilation security he has come to the city and secured numerous building f um to make revisions to building you're allowed to revise your building however you want um as long as it meets building code so he has been making permitted revisions to his facility we have advised him numerous times and in writing that um he cannot just open a cannabis business alongside Road building business will not be permitted without again pursuing either exp varience or a change to his Redevelopment so how do we find out what his plan is at this point being April is less than 45 days away yeah I mean he City first then I just another can't have we haven't heard anything so do how do we stop it before it happens or we just let it happen and then that looks really bad unless City happening he he will not be able to get the license to operate the business in the city he will not meet the conditions of his cannabis license he cannot get a meranti license unless he proves that he shuts one of the two businesses okay so there is there is a a stop to this before it progresses to the point where it's happening and we're like like oh crap it's happening well I mean that could certainly happen you have to shut it down get control what people do when do things that are not legal but you know he has legal Pathways seems thank does that answer your question sir that does thank you anybody else we put a three minute time Li starting now so I just want sidewalks got put in so looks nice oh does it so do you know the ordinance about sidewalks and when the exceptions happen sidewalks put in can get the exception when they lead to a school or some commercial development recreational facilities Church eating establishments none which are in that area so the sidewalk should have been granted an exception but they weren't everybody V for so that's P they look stupid but he so one B thing one good thing um talk about the water plant so I would offer my services up to help get the building New Jersey sir no I got more I'll call you lat anybody else would call go once twice all right to