States thank you everyone for attending the July 18th regular scheduled e city council meeting at 700 p.m. uh call to order this meeting has been properly advertised and posted in accordance with public law 75 chapter 231 may have a roll call please mayor J pety here atanes here Clark Dash Galloway here Heist here hessie here Timbers here Wright here Richie here uh may have a motion to approve the minut from June 13th make a motion all in favor thank you anybody from the public have uh any comments on agenda items only excluding public hearings once tce all right mayor the floor is yours for presentation from representative from Ms to Shide good evening my name is Cindy Johnson and I'm a year now volunteer in the National NS Society and bike Ms City toore I'm here tonight to talk about bike Ms City toore its impact on the MS community and to thank your community for your continued support uh some of you may know what Ms is and some may not it is a disease of the central nervous system that affects the L uh the covering of all of your nerves uh it depends on which nerves you have uh affected that's you know your symptoms will be different there's so many different different kinds of Ms uh it's difficult to diagnose and it's unpredictable um there are about 2.3 million people worldwide who are living with Ms uh locally it's 15,000 people um and chances are that you know somebody who has Ms uh myself my daughter's mother-in-law and her mother-in-law's sister both have MS um yes there can be a genetic connection so that means that my son-in-law and my grandchildren have an increased um chance of being diagnosed so at some point uh so it's very very important to me so as bike uh Ms help funds raised by bike MS support patient and caregiver programs counseling and so much more bike Ms City to Sure raises about half the funds needed to support all of these services for the greater Delaware Valley chapter of the national MS Society that includes South Jersey uh sou eastern Pennsylvania Lehigh Valley and Delaware a little bit about the ride bike Ms City to shur is second largest bike Ms event in the country last year bike Ms City toore recruited 4,500 cyclists and over a th volunteers uh we raised $4.3 million we're hoping from four 4 five this year this year's ride will be on September 28th and 29th in your town the ride will utilize the same route as last year entering on Moss Mill Road right on anthor and left on rman uh and it's the reverse on Sunday and we do have a rest stop in town here um about three weeks before the ride uh our volunteers will be going around and dropping letters off at all residents and businesses um that are on the grout so let them know that we're coming we do everything we can to reduce the amount of disruption to your town we really appreciate that support lastly my favorite part is thanking you uh we really do appreciate your continued support the ride I like to say there are only so many roads that lead from charity Hill to Ocean City without the support of the communities we ride through likee MS City to shore could not happen the nationville MS society's mission is to mobilize people and resources so that everyone affected by Ms can live their best lives as we stop Ms and its tracks uh and restore what has been lost and M and Ms Forever by your support you share in this Mission we'd like to present you with a plaque of appreciation for your support in 2023 oops thank you yours is there any questions I know that we have been in contact with very much um uh one second may I believe councilman Dash is on Zoom can we confirm that and mark the record no he's not okay he just text me saying he's on Virtual so just keep an eye to see if he is you know Jo while you were gone you had to turn the volume down on that um TV because you were getting back beat so you may want to turn it back up and stop your oh you already yeah so I don't know if you'll be able to hear anybody if you don't back up I have it just in case you turn it down there right she she would see double check over there okay to move forward May CL is yours for uh your report okay so first of all big thanks to Gary Hess kyre Douger from wiberg and Public Works the awesome cleaning they did at Lincoln Park I did have the pictures on Facebook but if you get a chance you should go over and look at it sorry just up while was there so it's probably come cost the city anything but some water that used to power and the wiberg paay for the company to come and clean it for us so that looks really good also thanks to the saint of Gary kre Butchie U Kinsley and Petr and um little Gary for completing the new playground evence that that's been completed they um they had to dig out the Seesaw that was there replant it next to the swings clear I don't know five foot three footed dirt and mulch out before the playground could be set so they set it and then Gary made sure that the fence was completed properly so that Pro everything finished and recall that was the recreation grant that we got from um DCA DCA quick question on that um that is an ADA approved playground okay and the and the mulch is also yeah the mulch is also and we actually have a little bit of money left in the grant so Ryan is gonna contact um some vendors about maybe making a path to get there like with could be even more accessible and be able to read I just wanted to refresh my memory that it was thank you and we had a successful uh senior first senior food giveaway thank you Megan Jackie we did manage to sign up I I think we gave out 18 boxes of free food we do have to pump those numbers up so as as I asked before if anybody knows a senior or you have a neighbor who you think may be able to use it you know please make sure they sign up and um you have to sign up to get the food you just can't show up and get it and it's income um related there's a certain amount of income like, 1600 and change for a single person and 22 in change for a married couple but any little bit helps it's very nice box of food it has a protein U pasta or rice fruit and canned vegetables so it's really nice we have the forms that City want to that's what they and on on the um agenda tonight Brian had sent the uh information for the BDA one of them is a steering committee and I have reached out to quite a few people who are Community leaders like the principls at the school and other um youth people at the school and whatnot um of course um our Green Team chairperson to join the steering committee and if you as a council person are interested in joining the steering committee we have to have two so if you are please send me an email and I will give you a um rundown of what type of letter you need to submit as for interest in the being on the steering committee can you want to elaborate a little bit on what the steering committee is for well if we get the grant well first of all you need to have it in order to apply for the grant okay which Grant are we talking about the BDA Grant okay I don't know Brownfield Brownfield okay I might have been might okay thank you um and then the steering committee would actually um sit down and discuss some of the items that you can do once the land is clean it's kind of like gives a little bit of direction to the projects and things like that Ryan would have more information on that but but whatever Meg put on the agenda that's pretty much all we have right now I mean there was a letter that when remember last meeting we we did a motion to approve moving forward Andre you suggest that maybe we need a resolution to solf that but he just said at last meeting yeah to you want to move forward these four resolutions 23 24 25 and 26 we have a deadline of July 30 submit these applications and as part of the applications they want a memorandum of understanding with the DP and also they want us to formulate a steering committee to discuss whatever options are available and then we report back to the D in other words it's a lengthy P it it appears that there's two stering committees one for one and and the other one for um AIS so the other if you're on one you're not necessarily on the other I don't think you have to be but if you would like to be it's perfectly fine if you are probably make more sense to just have the personally my opinion is have my personal opinion just to give some feedback is I would make it the same people because if you're going to have meetings about the grant you're not going to want to have multiple meetings and have the engineer come to a meeting for this and a meeting for that yeah it makes sense you can only have one meeting I would I would keep I would pretend almost like it's one and just two two projects as part of that overall umbrella I think you'll keep it my how meetings have to be held I don't even know they don't really they have to be held but they don't give you any guidelines as to how often how long how many people okay be open to people so definitely if you have an interest in anthor and aesus Street you might want to consider being on the committee to see you know what your interest is and it is open to everyone so if anyone would like to be on this Theory committee well so far I have six people and Ryan said that it was very important to get people that serve a have some sort of a title in the Comm council person would be perfect so if you do want I've taken the lead on this because Ryan asked me to to get the steering committee out because it has to be in with the letters so if you are interested please send me an email as soon as possible I'll send you the letter that you have to revise to um explain why you want to be on the committee and what you're you know what you feel you would contribute you know Etc so get that to me right away and as soon as I get it I'll send it right out to you try to send it right back to me I have gotten three letters back so far so um I just want to say this on the record uh I would suggest Council andway that if you haven't already maybe put in for it since you have exensive back just ch okay but you have you have to well she's the chairperson of the green team so that would be like that important title that you really need to have on there and I did uh Chris Costa also he's on the um he's the president of the Economic Development Corporation he's agreed to do it I haven't gotten his letter first Mrs Shelby um can I say something about that just to let the public know um agass street is the White Horse Pike and that those Parcels include some parcels down near New York Avenue and vice beckies it's what we call a Gateway yeah and then the other one is the old th which is just sitting fellow so get those back on the you know do something with them it' be great I would interested can you send me an email it's easier for me to Yes um okay and then after our torrential RS I reached out to Mark wner about his drain that was put in and it is working very well good so hopefully hopefully that'll rest I can't imagine that we could get more rain we actually so um we did get a couple of nice letters from some uh people about our Police Department the mayor's gonna talk I mean sorry the chief's gonna talk about that I'll leave that for her but the the officers were um Matt Rex r or Rodriguez and Rosenberg and let's see what else we do have a new restaurant opening soon in August on St Louis Avenue and last but not least the um the fireworks that were supposed to go off on Saturday I um got a phone call from the gentleman who was on site he asked if he could speak to me before he starts setting up so I went over there and um he showed me his phone I couldn't get a signal so I I couldn't verify any this but he showed me his phone and showed me that there were going to be strong storms coming through the area between 4 and five o'clock and that if he set up the fireworks and started to rain a the fireworks would be no good or B if he waited we wouldn't be able to see the fireworks until 11:00 p.m. and I didn't feel as though that was acceptable um so we had to cancel now if you were able to get those fireworks set up and it did start to rain you can still I don't know if anybody knows this but it has happened one year you can still set off the fireworks in Rain um so but I didn't want to take the chance of having wait till 11:00 toe storms so that's the reason behind that so we were kind of fortunate in a way because now we can reschedule and um that's a good thing so I'm looking at right now August 17th that would be kind of like an end of the summer bash or whatever so I confirmed it with the Chief Keith's good with it um the DJ's good with it so I think it's gonna be good so hopefully we'll be able to do that on 17th if not we have three months to to have them so we'll see see what happens there and that's all I have but I do have to excuse myself this evening I have um Vacation Bible School with my grandson tonight so I'm gonna scattle but unless anybody has any questions for me no would you have any final comments at the end uh no I said all but thank you thank you for talking have a good night there all right thank Coury all right moving on to number eight Council committee chair reports so I will start with code going to finance Redevelopment um we have nothing for personel and ethics so code uh 1 two three four five six things I'm gonna try to make it as quick as possible but the one is going to be lengthy 1,400 White Horse Pike update uh our city solicitor will discuss that in her report uh correct Angela 1400 West horse uh White Horse plake you'll discuss that yes um all right yeah uh I believe that was 1200 Philadelphia Avenue the church down there uh has collapsed or is on the verge of collapsing fully so Keith Adams our public work supervisor is getting quotes to completely demolish that building with removal of all debris and I'm assuming leveling of the ground if there was a basement and everything um what's the address I think it's 1200 1220 1220 sorry he is away till he won't be back till Tuesday yeah um so when he gets back hopefully by the next meeting uh Jody the threshold without Council approval is what dollar amount I forget 12 something really 175 because that's kind of pay to play so really kind of 17 all right um I'm gonna ask coun uh Council if that I mean fingers crossed it's not good right so if it does for some reason come 17501 um is Council okay to approve that now so we don't have to prolong the process until the middle of August next meeting yes all right um we put a certain amount that it can go over yeah we can cap resoltion um I would what do you think dollar amount wise would we feel comfortable with well cap I was gonna say I really hope it's not because Keith was like honestly if we had AIG a back like do so I mean we could probably rent something and let Public Works bring it down if we had we have to have all that take sorted and taken away it's going to cost as much as having some paying somebody to get it down and sorted to take it away and I don't want to have to prolong the approval of the money come to August 18 meaning I think it is whatever it is and the person that does it that if something goes wrong and you know we're not taking a chance of one of our guys getting hurt demolishing a building when that's not their for10 what do we feel comfortable with 20,000 20's good yeah okay I'm not I mean I guess I mean it would be an emergency if we think it's really bad that will blow my mind well if it came in we would definitely continue and as of Thursday was actually still a live building the electric you I know was it yesterday that Keith called they were supposed to disconnected from the house I I know I know I knowth had called to make sure they were disconnecting everything yeah it was still live as of they were supposed to disc say he had called he had called The Electric Company yeah so take that so may I have a motion to put $20,000 cap on demo of this proper make a motion roll call please atesi yes Dash he should be hold on he's muted that's you're muted uh Steve Steve come back to Galloway yes Heist hassie yes Timbers yes R yes Richie yes Dash well there still he's still muted or whoever that is all right moving forward if he uh when he gets access to uh vote we'll make record of it y um so uh Code Department June of this year 246 contacts are made from investigations red right S reviews tags mailings Etc second quarter income $ 4239 from permits fire prevention seal inspections registrations Le servs liability Administration Insurance fees um last thing I have for code so as you all know we started the process for a code enforcement officer uh a we had an applicant put in but it was not put a code officer position this individual sent a resume in and off certifications and licenses uh regarding the position of construction official um the interview went well applicant has all the search like I say construction official Plumbing subcode electrical subcode HHS electrical inspector building RCS which is residential and small commercial um he will he will be taking classes to have his building subcode and Fire subcode come spring of 2025 what I'm asking council tonight to consider so we don't have to prolong this process any longer is one of two things um if we're interested in moving forward with a construction official um with that being said there will be a small Savings in mayor as left she had all the numbers but she did discussed with Judy regarding the savings um to hire that title and that person um due to not needing the other part-time positions and uh benefit packages uh so on so forth although if we were to move forward with a construction official uh position we would need to advertise the position due to um being different than the code officer position that we had advertised for the time frame I'm not sure on what would the time frame be I'm not sure but there's lists that we have to call for from civil Serv right um that was the other thing civil service will have to be contacted to establish that code within the municipality to advertise for hire and advertise for hire I think first we call for list there's someone on the list then we right would see if they're interested yes same as like a police officer when we call they send in that they're interested in the position yeah um in addition to that we would have to as a municipality have discussions with the labor attorney uh regarding other positions needed to be retained until spring of 25 when this uh when there's other certifications and licenses are obtained um and and along with any other questions we may have as Council or the government body um for the labor attorney the title would essentially be the department head while still maintaining the two part- timers and an administrative secretary in there or we continue in the direction of code officer and again advertise the position regarding um and like I said regarding the cost and the savings the mayor this speak with Jody regarding that um she's not here to answer those questions I wasn't formally given given them but it was discussed with the mayor and I'll be honest with you I don't remember numbers and I don't know if you do no we just kind of briefly we didn't like sit and like run like through everything yeah so public code enforcement code office construction official would be opportuned for this municipality um so I'm asking Council right now I'm sorry for short notice but to consider all this and uh put the vote what direction we want to continue to move in do we do we need it a construction code official I mean we don't have that much Construction one it's not so much the need of it but it comes down to one the department essentially the department head which that office does need a department head essentially they also would cover the the title also covers all the licensing and certifications of your sub of your uh building sub code your fire sub code your electrical sub code Plumbing sub code so when you take all those licenses and titles and put them into one person essentially you don't need the part- Tim that were paying the annual salaries for I apiz said it sorry I just apologize you said I was just trying to fix the T um when will they have all the licenses spring of 2025 okay so there's still some time until that would be a disc I so are they willing to do almost more like a code and like just do is the what's the plan like would they be just code for now and then eventually take on all those or first and foremost we need to decide what direction we go gotcha and we have to make sure there anyone on civil service that has the same qualifications as this person then we have to go through as well that would be the Fire Fire subcode official um licensing that would be obtained by some uh spring of 2025 but is the the fire subit is that the same as the Fire official I think got clarification on that because I think there's two separate like we have two separate people code okay I have to to state administrative codes title five or or I can't remember yeah total five we'll um explain that in detail for us to cuz we just to just so we know whether go till next spring without a code enforcement officer no no no no no what I'm saying is what direction do we want to move in to get this ball rolling if we want to go look to continue with a just simply a code enforcement officer which essentially would not be the department head and just being code enforcement officer out doing the same stuff that our part-timers would be doing minus all these licenses and certificates and continue to continue to have all the part-timers well I don't say all but the part-timers we have on the books right now it did go out as a full-time position there were people that were interested similar to what we have that would have didn't want fulltime you know what I mean so that's how it was put out full-time so the construction official would be a full-time even that code enforcement but this person if you H is this person going to be able to do the code enforcement yes absolutely okay along with if we need any fire inspection somebody put fire so so from what I understand I don't know what this Municipal other municipalities have the part-time sub code um construction that maybe work one day a week four hours that creating position one person if we have a construction official here in house and somebody call on Friday and says I need an inspection so so that construction official can now go out do that inspection instead of our applicant having to wait till the next week or the following week it was every other week um to get their inspection and certification and we experienced it personally when we put our porch on our house we call for an inspection and if he was full his four hours were full with other people we waited till the next week so we put our contractor off for another week who we're paying because he only work Works four hours a week right so this would give us somebody that's how small towns operate this would give us somebody in house there is all those construction code inspections and stuff and they were having problems in the communities that I cover at work and they they contracted with this company I think they're at a fin l or something no you can I mean they're they're on call and think they had that years ago here yeah so services solve or Code Enforcement issue we need to solve that issue right and that's why I'm answering question now so I just also want to add this um AB to it um this could actually lead to us opening up a shared service agreement with a neighboring municipality also for those that lack of construction official or have part-time construction officials council president do you think that with all those titles we might need to create a new position for civil service like that code of you can't create a position for Civil Service we'll go through the list of civil service jobs and whatever job or create one I mean for us that is civil service or civil service will tell us what position that will be they're almost like they're existing things they're just putting it all on one person like that's going with this the last thing I want to say that actually the applicant is here tonight and if you guys are willing to have for right now I'm sure you can answer any questions would like to ask him I don't know I I have a question do first I want to ask did you say other people position that we put out there I mean I had phone calls they didn't want full time okay they just want part time some of the people in there were telling them or whatever didn't necessarily want a fulltime okay and secondly would we put a stipulation in there because he Le he has all so be do c enfor scramble to try to find a position all these position so let not um Target one individual but in general that would be discussed in any interview with any applicant that put in position exactly I'm just wondering want go thatout only for that reason again that will be discussion during the interview process to discuss don't know it's hard to understand I have to get I'll get more information if you guys want any questions are we paying for his Li he has all his Li come UPI and introduce yourself please um can answer most of the questions that you folks were bringing up uh the thing to call it would be constru struction official which is very common in practice that in most families the construction official holds more than just the construction official position he's he has to be the construction official and at least one sub Cod he can be the construction official and multiple subcodes right now I hold the construction official license pling subcode license inspector electrical subcode license inspector and building at RCS inspector's license so and the construction not construction the code enforcement is something that you know there's no license for it so I've discussed that with them I'd be okay with doing that as well um as far as the civil service is concerned Civil Service routinely advertises for uh construction official positions and after construction official will say this individual also holds the plumbing subcode license and electrical subcode license for the town so all Africans must have these licenses uh and in that regard I'm a veteran with Veterans Preference status so if you ask for those licenses I would absolutely be the number one on the list any questions for Mr Coler go for um there's like a a new um update the state wants as far as storm water and a lot of towns they assign the designated person for that is the uh construction official um are you familiar with uh storm water those requirements um I've done a lot of work as for storm water as a plumber be not as a construction official those sorts of things are usually handled by the public works department which uh a lot of towns the construction official Works closely with the director of Public Works in handling this sorts of things one town that I did work for Monroe the construction official was also the Public Works director but uh know I have a lot of experience in storm lter but I don't specifically know anything as far as States requirements Etc and that kind of stuff would have to be engineered before a contractor or or the town work on you have to be engineered by somebody that knows those standards thank you so you could do the Fire Marshall as well right now no there's two levels of fire inspector's licenses one is IC and one is HHS we're taking IC this fall HH HHS this spring um I explained to the folks I interviewed with that you can get a subcode license when you just have IC but if any of the licenses for the town or an IC not HHS the town is considered level two town which means if you had a big job come in which was a class one structure the town could not do the plan review plan review would have to go to the state or to another town that um held the category one classification and HHS is health and high Hazard High Hazard structure yeah so if you had some sort of large industrial building Comm in that was classified as this class one structure firewise and building wise I couldn't do that planie like typically our Fire Marshall inspects all businesses every year and does all the um for the OT truck festivals issues the permits and stuff like that so those positions vary a lot town to town Lacy Township where I live there's one part-time fire inspector it is both both the fire marshal and the Fire subco official some towns have a separate that's what we but that's up to the town you can do whatever they want I think Joseph would be more informed right now we had one in the same because our Fire Marshall passed away but so our fire C had the license to do it so he's any other questions thank you Mr col um so again I'm gonna leave it up to council what direction do we want to go in because uh we promise the residents that we would get some kind of full-time enforcement uh employee to code this year and I want to see that come to fruition so was that everyone's opinion I would like to table this just till I find out how much it's actually going to save us and what we're actually going to uh how this is how this is going to work out because I didn't get a real chance to um look at it in depth okay any other op being we're just exploring the idea at this point I think there's time to get a idea of what the savings would be why we're exploring the idea of doing it this way and then we have the comparison of what it's going to be if we do it this way opposed to if we keep it the way it is and hire a full-time code so I think we should go into the exploration of making bringing this to fruition and see what the savings would be because I think having all those officials at our fingertips is very beneficial to our town and it's going to bring new residents they're going to see that we have those inspectors right here right now and they don't have to wait you mean having the one individual one individual having all those yet those the one individual those inspection licenses right there definite Pros to it for sure I just like I said that's my one concern I don't know how they you know how that would uh work out you know but by just having one person if by chance he wanted to go elsewhere right anyone else I'm we're agreeing to moving forward with exploring and there's something to say that we can't go back on that so I agree with it right same I mean we're just exploring we're not making any decisions or anything all right um so a motion to table this for further um exporation regarding cost savings until next meeting we will make a decision when's our next meeting have another motion to move on with the expirations and then take a vote on who's for which we done you can't do that you have [Music] to so um so motion second all right all in favor any n n one day I'm a n I'm a n too because I was I wasn't trying to take I was trying to say we can move what your voice do table it or it looks like you have four folks want to sue it and two I don't know if Mr Timbers would vote either way no okay I waiting for the next Mee okay so you want to table so we have three to table and four to explore so the motion carries okay thank you explore explore explore just to explore you're not taking any action you just to explore y all right than sorry that was such a lengthy report um so I'll move into Finance real quick uh finance committee i s an email today uh regarding meeting dates please check your email please get back as soon as possible uh we will be discussing the PBA contract which expires at the end of this year and a request for a zoning amendment to me made for 110 North New York Avenue um the last thing I have and this resonates from the June 13th meeting uh because I was supposed to use a plan politics regarding the lake and fees and everything so I took some time to recollect uh what was said and as I stated in the meeting yes uh we didn't take into consideration and egg haror City resident fee or discount or so forth whatever you want to say um so taking time taking a time to think about what can we do what can I do what what can Rectify this situation until we till we revisit this uh via ordinance um I'm going to present the council tonight a coupon a coupon that represents $10 off for any Egg Harbor City resident who can provide um I'm sorry for picnic table reservations with proof of residency that it be driver tax bill or utility bill uh this coupon will be only valid for uh one per reservation so if you have a reservation you can't use three of them for $30 off in addition to these coupons will be valid until September 4th of this year uh when the lake actually closes so with that being said uh I'm going to pass a copy out it will be in color the ones you you guys are getting are going to be black and white simply because I ran out color ink um um so review it tell me what your thoughts are on this and if we are an agreeement I would like to if feasible Jing get it on the city's website tomorrow if not to latest Monday for people to use to utilize um when they make reservations to uh Reserve picnic tables and this coupon will have to be presented at the time of payment with uh the with the reservation oh sorry the rest I um so this is a coupon to for a resident to book a table um think we would probably have to do a resolution with every or an ordinate or I don't know we wouldn't need an ordinance amendment I think we would simply just need a resolution council's approval I mean we run it by the auditor or no because it's within the council's prescri to do it this says resident but you're asking for a tax bill so are did you mean to say resident or property owner oh that's yeah thanks for that correction Property Owners property owner oh no because residents rent and if you're a renter you can show your driver's license your utility bill so maybe no tax or your utility bill driver or utility bill you can bring one of the three you don't have to bring all three resent when you register your kid for school you got to take something that shows that you live in limit yeah and and this ain't the DMV Pro you're a resident just like we we're the registar you prove you live here to get married I mean I think this is gonna be a big thing for all the lifeguards I mean I think we're really all people paid for the P beginning of I'm not could this be utilized only for pre-reservation it's 10 here and not with the I mean that would work well the whole thing is if they're doing a $10 off we can put a line item on the the thing that for the lake where they put the money and take the coupon and put it in the envelope with the money so as they're counting the money each of these coupons counts for $10 we rented 50 tables at $25 Karen Karen is gonna lose her mind they're subtracting $ because they have all kinds of sheets and schedules and ways that they put things in the thing and it's gonna literally make people go she records and I can understand that aspect of it but at the end of the day I hopefully along with councel are trying to correct a wrong for the remainder of the season so we can amend and change the ordinance to reflect a residence only this now let let me ask a question what was the wrong that was done I mean this went to ordinance committee it was reviewed they passed it at the committee level you were here at the beginning last meting it came to council Council approved it we got to live with our decisions too I absolutely how many people are complaining that that they have to pay I don't know what it is at the end of the day I don't know how many people are complaining I think falsehoods are being communicated amongst the community well you know we deal with that every day Facebook I know it's a shame sure get when we had that meeting we discussed having a residence bre and we're told that we could not do that at that time and so this would put into place a residence rate until we could change the ordinance to include a residence rate which I and many of us believe there should be because that link is for the residents in this town that's all I have to say is it so this coupon can they use it I'm sorry have it just be at the I think that would be the best and my only thought with that is is that the do have a lot on their plate with them the badge the badge trickers but also the headu have spent lengthy time talking with them well also this is per reservation what are we what is the $10 allowed to be used for picnic table reservation appr Goa so it's one every time yes I I have a question for Angela um are the people that paid for the tables up until this point can they are are they going to legally be able to no refund get a refund 30 return Poli there's no refund I think the best step would be put it up there say this is for pre-reservation that you get at at Town moving forward so until we're able to put an ordinance in place that includes a residence rate like there should so regarding your question I understand it right and we discussed that last meeting I think everybody was in agre yes it's kind of hurting the PE individuals have already reserved picnic taes in the past um but at the same time this ordinance was put in place in what month may may right so there was substantial enough time to review the ordinances review the fees and for uh it was open public comment for the ordinance for individuals residents to come in and stress their concerns to us uh we can lead a horse to the water but we can't make them drink the water you know okay uh but like I said we're trying to rectify a situation that essentially may have been wrong and in the meantime here's our resolution hopefully they're happy with it hopefully we can move forward with this until SE some people do have vooks throughout August so they can use this because they they pay in advance so we'll have to refund some money yes right no no I'm just saying that so that be good for people if they print out all I don't know how that works I don't take any of the payments I don't really and I don't want to hear from the tax all a saying we can't do it there's a way to do no no she we have to do the refunds through this yeah they'll have to come to council and get a resol refund I mean if it comes in September as a group resolution for whatever dollar amount one resolution at the end that's fine and we can say that yeah so somebody has them every Sunday in August booked they have to present four coupons to the tax off one for each one for each Sunday they have they can't walk in where are the coupons coming from uh like I said I would like to have them posted on the city's website for individuals to print uh to download print and present at the time of resistration and can bring as many as they want what one per reservation we can put a office window okay one when's this go into effect so we can if if we're willing August 1 no if we're willing to do a resolution to accept this tonight I don't think there's any language change I I understand councilwoman Galloway brought up that tax b s to uh language but I think any one of the three would suffice um but if Council wants to vote in Grant we can uh formulate a resolution tomorrow and have them as all have them available either tomorrow afternoon and J I don't think it's fair to make Laura Laura and Karen have to start doing this tomorrow okay then we that's not it's just not fair okay I mean there's a lot of work that goes into doing all this like I'm not I don't I I'm not trying to take anything away from the residents or I I think it's I understand your point but there's so much that goes into this yeah because this going time frame would be I'll say AUST first if I would ask you give them a couple weeks yeah July 28th that's a Monday right first Monday or the last Monday of the month9 299 Monday that gives them a week to come up with a plan how we deal with I have concerns about discounting fees that we're charging to everybody else I don't is that even legal to do that what's that to Discount a fee that is written into an ordinance oh the city solic and targeting just one group of people instead of everybody I don't no it's not illegal to provide a resident fee and a non-resident fee I looked up every Lake in New Jersey I looked up every municipality who has this they all have resident and non-resident fees we don't we don't have that in our ordance but it's permissible to do this for a what I'm telling you is it's permissible to set a resident discount and this is what you have before you the resident did other questions all right uh would anybody like to entertain a motion to accept these coupons to be published on the city website and at the tax office Monday July 29th that what we yes I'll second we'll leave a resolution okay I need a call was that you uh anthon this is can you word the resolution the resolution to um accept a coupon for residents for table reservations beginning on July 29th 2024 through the end of the season which is September 4th I believe 2024 September 2D second sorry yes it's on the coup some of them say four some say second let me check the date'll to yeah to the close end of the season I can email you to okay yeah at yes Dash gway no Heist yes hessie I figure I feel we have to stick with what we what we voted on and we were going to deal with it the next year I yes right question that enough time for you ladies yeah I mean honestly it's for me I'm gonna I'll figure out but it's more for the tax office because they really you know they handle all the record keeping and dealing with all the you know making sure I'm for it either way I just don't know if we should really put a Time on it and forcing these b as much as they have on their PL already to try to try to get this together well they're not honestly they're not doing water bills anymore that's all gone yeah okay so that that all their plate and I know they're doing do time is AUST first okay so R okay Richie yes and you have H councilman has on as I know correct or as yes councilman D are you on is that is that his phone number I don't just a phone number without a name all right sorry by chair committee reports uh for being so long but there was a lot to discuss so moving on uh councilman Dash is not online sa people byass Public Works and Highway Council Heights um all I got is they're doing all this summer things that need to be done the tree trimming moving the trees that have fallen in the last couple storms um out of the lake doing the main and needs to be done there the street sweeper is in for its 90day um checkup and other than that everything is going smooth for public works all right counc Council Anthony see property Parts playgrounds and school board I don't have anything for school board I have the lake report I'm just gonna run through numers real quick uh for the badges for the last report was 1,194 for the $25 badges 615 for the $5 badges 284 and holiday rates were 662 it was extremely busy out there and I just want to commend everybody that was out there that kept it SE on the holiday as aside da spans 4,422 $25 py tables with no grow 52 $50 no grill tables 37 $50 with Grill 165 $100 with Grill 96 the boat rides were 161 the Gazebo were five rentals total sales to date are 114,900 and the variance from last year is 37,5 35 in the green more L yes more that's all and that's for Jun yes oh and we received Campground Revenue number two which was $920 okay so from June of 23 to June of 24 we have an increase in um sales of what 30, 37 37535 total sales rain a lot total sales today for the same date were 77 450 very nice last very nice thank you that's all I anything uh council mcar is not here for license and ordinance does anybody from the committee have anything I know I don't uh counc there were no meetings uh luse and Aaron hen there's Aon H however uh the L use board did meet Tuesday July 16th uh there were two uh items first one was a there's a cannabis company they're grower uh they um they're going to be in the industrial park and they seeking a waiver from their site plan VI uh they have their license uh so uh D voted on and the board voted um y on that uh next we had uh spread the gospel LLC it was just a clarification that uh they would be uh adhering to that the new um uh noise work that uh control like the times for certain businesses and again that was that was confirmed I guess okay anything else nothing all right uh that cannabis um um company Jersey BR that the name of it they don't have the city license yet have the state correct all right uh yeah Meg you have anything for Jeet I do not all right uh councilman you have anything for RoR yes the only thing that I have to say for rotary they came to a conclusion they've been tossing it around to have a different date for the Halloween parade so what they're what they decided on was it's going to be on a Sunday at 2 2 pm and it's going to be October 27th I know it's a little ways right but just mark your calendars it changed quite a bit so Sunday at 2 pm. um just to let you know ERS had a home game that night that day okay all right thanks Chang it to a daytime parade you Halloween parade should be done at night this this this is my opinion they they changed it because they wanted to have more bands we could can't get any bands on Fridays because the because the high schools constantly we we had one one band um so they were debating on Saturday Sunday and they decided to go with Sunday they were going to have it late on Sunday but decided and I also spoke to the chief um you don't want to have it too late the children are going to school the next day um and also there is a uh there's a football game Eagles game on Sunday night too at 4:00 lose all our Crusaders we are going to lose our Crusaders yeah one youa that's it and me Landing got numerous fans and they always you know they usually do they always do the night before yeah so we were doing just Fridays what was that yeah unfortunately it's the same right we can't because it's you know the rotary is putting it on and they're putting on Ma landing and harbor we both so so I understand it reasoning but I think everybody wants to speak up on this I'm going to speak on behalf of this Council I would like for you to go back and re approach on about this date and time okay because of the circumstances at hand and when would you like it uh it's not about when we would like it it's about taking into consideration the circumstances at hand that considering probably 20 40 60 80 plus children will not be able to attend the um attend of parade more or less because the first game kickoff is 1:30 2:30 2:30 um along with their parents family friends whoever that are going to attend to see watch them play their football no actually I'm sorry Sunday it's Sunday it's at 10 o' 10 o'clock until 2:30 and taxi will be 10 Peewee will be at 10: yeah JB will be at 11:30 Varsity will be at 1 and taxi will be at 2:30 so the municip already basically the little kids that would want to see the parade right be playing and the municipali is over going to be over taxed with the influx from the visiting teams right coming into town so I'm just putting that out there if anyone disagrees with me feel free to say they should be there if not a Friday night why not the Saturday night was there an issue with the Saturday night I tried they didn't want it on said they wanted it on Sunday so that was that was why we went with the Sunday I mean essentially we're so I will'll go back to them and tell them what what when do you want it uh it's not about a you know like I've got young kids it's great that there would be more bands but then your kids aren't offending what we want is about exploring other days in time because at the end of the day this is for the children of the M out right thing for us adults are good you know blow to foot on the lights and all that kind of stuff and the spooky noises that's going to have no effect during the day like it does at night you know night is what makes it Halloween or even I would suest on the streets aren't there lights on the street is it that Lit you know just just wondering I will bring it back I will bring it back to to the rotary and I will ask them you know I guess they want to continue with it on Friday of kids or even push Sunday sign at 5m yeah but then the parents when we have trick or-treating during the middle of the week 5:30 and football practices during the week and Sports practic basketball practice whatever it's not like the parade is goingon to be like a 5 hour parade it's two hours exactly home by 7 o' right so yeah they can do that the only thing is you're gonna have an Eagles game so the parents aren't GNA want to take the kids there I mean we can do it on Friday we can do it on you know should do it on the Monday the 28th the Monday before Halloween at the end of day please just bring it back to askm to either explore another date in time or maybe push it till 5:00 that you that's uh okay I will take it back to them uh anything else uh no that's it thank you nothing today all right Chief welcome sorry all right um some numbers for you from June 13th to date we had five burglary calls five fraud incidents of fraud one sexual assault 11 FS 24 motor vehicle accidents eight pedestrian stops 186 traffic stops total of 100 citations issued 21 arrests uh other issues that we've had we had 15 business alarms one residential alarm 287 crime prevention activities one criminal distri fall 22 domestics 56 EMS incidents one Firearms application 24 follow-ups 1,119 property checks and 12 public service calls um it's summertime so the training is kind of fallen off over the summer not a lot of places don't do much of anything because everybody wants to take a summer break however in the upcoming weeks we do have two officers attending laser training which is law enforcement active Shor emergency responder so they will come back and we will be doing more active shooter work um one officer doing evidence and property training and the one thing that we did have is we had another officer being trained to be a resiliency officer um to governmental heare seriously and want to make sure that everybody's okay so that addresses that need um some things that we had going on uh there was a community event at the park um with Church By The Bay that was on July 10th our next one is on September 18th that event does have the New Jersey municipal courts they I believe they did one actual expungement helped four other people four other people and directed them to Atlantic City because they need a little bit further assistance um the picol donated 300 meals those were all given away um the mayor did have some of her food boxes that were from the food bank out there they also were given away clothing was provided um and um we did talk to some residents who or having um issues with substance abuse so operation rise which is the new State Police um organization that helps with Narin and addiction specialists they were there and were able to help some folks as well um upcoming stuff August 3rd is our city wide yard sale uh I would like to tell people to please drive safely don't stop in the middle of the road and jump out um you know and please be hydrated it's normally very fot August 10th we will be having our municipal Alliance Olympics at the lake they start at 10:00 a.m. it's a good time for all um that afternoon August 10th from 3: to 8m is the food truck festival uh which is always a fun event um so please coming out to that and on August 14th the Coalition for Safe Community will be doing a community walk and cookout um leading up to the beginning of school there will be hook bag giveaways um and other stuff so keep an eye out for that on any um social media that we have here at mayor J paty did mention um I did receive two separate letters or um correspondences regarding some of our officer uh at the nma there was a motor vehicle accident on the lower Bank Bridge it was actually in M territory however we were the first to respond there um an ambulance hit a bicyclist uh pretty severely the attorney who is representing the bicyclist talked to the mother of the injured victim and she was very impressed by Officer Rex who was there with the injured person and helped conso her brought her back to her vehicle so the attorney wanted to make sure that we knew what a good job that he did um all too often attorneys have not much SC to say about police officers so um it was it was refreshing to hear that then I also received a letter from a the daughter of a long-term resident um of a Carver City who was going through some medical issues um um officers Rosenberger Rex and Rodriguez were there they stayed with him until EMS got there and helped the neighbor who found him because he had fallen and hadn't been able to get up um he was taken to the hospital where ultimately he did die um however the daughter was very very grateful for the officers not leaving him alone not leaving the neighbor Alone um so she expressed her gratitude for that so that is something that I shared with mayor Jan Petty I did put notes in the officer Personnel files um and I also wanted to share that with you so that's what we got any questions um oh one other thing there was Facebook post Facebook um about a dead body in Lincoln CLK yes there was a gentleman who unfortunately decided to take his life in Lincoln Clark the other day um this is not something that I typically will go ahead and put out um and the only reason I'm mentioning this now is that a lot of times people be like oh why wouldn't be informed because it's none of your business if somebody dies in their house it's not your business um and so I will do everything that I can um and will to protect the identities of people who die of anything that is not something that is your business um you know that's it you know similarly if somebody dies of anything and it's a medical issue or if there's an overdose or if it is um something that they have done self Haring it's none of your business um so you know this is not directed to you this is directed to the general Facebook public um and I'd like for people to consider that you know what if it's your family do you want me to put your information out on last so if there's any danger to the public if there's anything that needs to be known then of course we will uh inform you um but at certain times it's just you have to respect people's privacy and you know I'm not going to go ahead and give that information that's all I have uh two things for you regarding the Citywide Dart sale lsvs are we allowed to use them to go from yard to yard that like a golf slow vehicle yeah I don't think there's anything that says you can't okay just realize they take much room as a cost 2 which is 24 miles per hour or less bicycle well we also have electric bikes and electric that's one of the things I was just going to say I was just having a conversation with a not too long ago and we were figure trying to figure out you know with these electric bicycles like where do they fall I mean they go pretty fast but you know with with uh what is it 250 CC's for any kind of but there's no CC so it's it's it's kind of up in the air and we researching that to find out exactly what's going on so as of right now okay and then uh the other thing I just want to bring it bring to attention I forgot to do it on my report not to prolong any longer um yeah sorry lot to say D me um I um I advised beg and Jackie I think it was yesterday two days ago there is an increased uh amount of solicitors on our street season I had one today um this this gentleman came to my front door and just happened you know I had to be in my garage when he came walking up so uh first thing he tried to explain who he was I asked him if he had a uh permanent paper work licensing from the city to solicit he did not then I politely explained to him my position with the city and advised him to cease all uh soliciting and to report to City Hall to file this paperwork um I think we need to somehow make this a little bit more known or um for solicitors and I'm not saying it's on you or you guys but just in general we're having solicitors going out there and the more and more I'm going to make sure I encounter them the more and more I'm going to start asking for this these credentials and I also advise the public to do the same if they do encounter them also um the other question I have and I cannot remember is there fines or ordinance with fin of soliciting without City Licensing yes yes okay so what we can do and maybe I and I can coordinate Jackie this we can come up with a list of you know approved solicitors and we can put that on our social media so that way um people can go look and say okay who is actually approved to be soliciting because I don't know I don't know onebody I had an exterminator [Music] actually so that's something that we can do and you know we can update it as needed and we can maybe just say no no no there are no active solicitation permits at this time so that way people can look to see whether or not it's something that's happening and if not then they can call our noner we had one call last night at 8:45 last night definitely give us a call Emy line and ahead and that andh where um instead of having the individual who is doing the soliciting um there can be a fine for the company for which they are soliciting because I believe the ordinance right now has the actual solicitor being fined as opposed to the company you know it's kind of people are trying to just make a living and they don't know anything but the companies should be held responsible for what their employees are doing my the companies may not be the company they may be independent person that's true that's why is there like a for that like a time a certain time that they're allowed I wonder somebody showed up my house at 845 what they're a lot of them are doing are coming after 5 because after work and you know people aren't working in here that are going to come in Jason D well I mean I just want to bring that I just want to bring that to attention for us for the public and everything um listen I live by a rule if you don't call or text me saying you're coming I ain't answer the door so um just keep that in mind because we know what kind of people are in this world today again so I mean I would recommend anytime any solicitor comes Facebook should not be the first place that you go ladies and Gentlemen please call our non-emergency line 625 2700 extension one um and let us know we will gladly come out there and talk to them for you um and then go post it on Facebook but but have anything else they're supposed to have lanyards aren't they on around them from another town that was approved don't look at thank you Jes all right moving on CFO report I know Jody has one or two add-ons that we need to discuss real quick for approval two just one yeah said one um real quick I just have my actual CFO reports I'll just read maze versus re and dispersements Ma's receipts were 6,299 29753 May dispersements of 5,622 18627 for an ending balance of 10,147 6810 for you and then um I just apologize I just didn't have it in time to put it in on the agenda it's not anything ordinary just a resolution authorized in the mayor to we had got I think we talked about it but we got a grant from njd for tree um maintenance and planting for $850,000 I'm sure no that's BR too um so it's just a resolution that we have to do to authorize the mayor to sign the grant agreement when we get it from the state so just because we don't have another meeting for a month I don't want to hold and number 18 is and number 18 I asked to we could table there I'm still working with Karen to get some of that all those all that information finalized so we'll come back to that next at the next meeting motion for the resolution required by C I'll make that motion all right uh yes Dash no I don't G yes Heist pepsy yes Timbers right yes Richie yes uh Meg um I do I'm I want to add this on it's a um 100% disabled veteran status property that uh it was sent to me and I didn't want to wait till our next meeting is August 15th I did get it like right when I put the agenda out so I can send you the property address now but typically we don't talk about the property address but it is another that the tax assessor has approved yes there's a dollar mail right no dollar mail it's just any questions or comments voting this not may have motion I'll make that motion second second roll call Aton yes Galloway yes Heist hessie yes Timbers yes right Richie yes and that's all I have thank you Angela Atty report um just briefly thank you so we had a meeting with the New Jersey Eda Economic Development Authority on the movie theater um project a couple of weeks ago for the million dooll brand and the purpose of the meeting was to let them know the timeline that the city put together and that was done by Ryan myself and Jody and the and the developer Jonathan sacker and they wanted to know when different phases of the project would tentatively be done and that covers the end of this year 2025 into 2026 so by the fall of this year essentially we expect the developer to get his Pine lands approval um there are some cleanup facilities that have to be done at the site which working upon with the pine lands hopefully has those done in 2025 and he expects to hopefully start breaking ground at the end of 25 to complete the project in 2026 once he has a firm time frame is when the city can go ahead and begin thinking about infrastructure the city didn't want to be involved in spending any monies uh engineering funds or any kind of construction funds until the developer is clear on what he's going to do and when he's going to do it and the state was also clear that without the timeline they were going to hold up the the Grant and I didn't want that to happen so we're in line now they've approved it they said the timeline was acceptable to them and so at some point before the end of the year we'll actually get the grant for us to sign hopefully is there will they CL it back if he doesn't abide by the timeline um it's not so much him it's the city the city's the one who obtained the gr yeah right and we're stuck with him we are we are married to him so if his timetable extends from further what I expect to do is tell them and they know this since we've told them already we will extend our timeline further which means that probably the grant will be extended as well but a lot of our work is really infrastructure so I don't it's all infrastru so it kind of I think once it's kind of in place like our work would kind of be it seems it has to be in conjunction with the developer we can't do any infrastructure expenditures I.E engineering costs at the RFP we have to get fonds we have to do a lot of Municipal work which may be costly which is where the million dollars come in but we have to do that before we even get the million dollars and that's our problem since we're married to the developer we don't want to expend any City funds until the developer is in a place where he's actually putting up the project he begins some sort of construction and then we get our funding and then we begin our infrastructure work make sense anybody have any questions not regarding that and that's it thank you very much is he still buying property you think yes 1400 White Horse that's Ricky's bowling oh bowling Alle so um a few days ago the matter was heard in West Kate May for Mr Peterson's case and our um cases were went along with Mr Peterson's case all to West Kate men unfortunately the Hamilton Court decided it had a conflict and they all got sent to West Kate M and that was about a month ago so since Peterson's case had to be heard first in order for the Court decide if in fact they really did have a conflict or how they were going to handle the rest of the code violation Peterson got hurt first it was disposed of Mr Peterson pled to a lesser charge um he was fined certain amount but fortunately his case has been disposed of and done um since that's been done we got a firm date of September 3rd for the code violations and we hope that at that time our code violation cases are also completed with um removal of all the items which is what was proposed to him many months ago and uh finds in place per day until the is removed and the place is cleaned up it's getting worse I think it is hor I agree well the good part is this ball rolling in the right direction finally month and a half we are there new charges I mean because he's he's every day I mean does he get charged again I will follow up with code if they're continuously writing violations for different violations or more and more last month I've been on code for a year now this was going on last year and that's how we got the 17 violations that are now before the court in West K May and every month since February I've asked code to send out new violations so we have I think 10 or 11 new violations good but they were on hold pending Mr Peterson's case because the attorney made a motion a request to the court of a conflict which may or may not have existed which prompted the court to send it out to West Kate May so does it continue does it continue in Kate May if that they don't kick it back to Hamington at this apparently it's continuing in Kate may they have a firm court date of September the 3 they're not going back to Hamington okay okay but to answer your question so we had about 10 or 12 new violations that were done in April and May and I don't think in June because at that point it was shipped to West Kate Bay so I said to Steve we need to hold up here because we don't know where it's going to be and so those those will also be disposed of I imagine West C the new ones new ones because at this point if West Kate May has it and is doing well with it then I don't see the point in going back to Hamington since they were doing nothing with it yeah and go I was just going to ask are they going to be able to get inside there like like we've been trying as far as Joe I know that was another issue so we did the administrative warrant I actually um advised the code folks how to do the administrative warrant they tried to do it Hamington wouldn't hear it didn't want to issue it at all um I don't know what the status of that is I'm not sure that went to West Kate May because Hamilton would have jurisdiction of that and the prosecutor is not sure either because I called her a couple weeks ago to find out she doesn't know what happened to it either um if that's in limbo I'll say send that to W Kate me too because hamton's not working on that either but it was all in place in April or early May that was also all in place so I thought everything would just get pushed over to Cape May whatever Hamington has they don't do that huh they just give bits and pieces whatever they want to get H had 17 C violations that that was actually pending before the court which had all those Court appearances three of which I attend the administrative warrant that was a new thing for them so they didn't know what to do with it I gave him some guidance on what to do with it where to do it and they tried to do it and then you know the case got shipped to West Kate May and so I'm not 100% sure what happened to it myself could you make sure that it's with it yes I called the prosecutor she was away so I'll follow up with her and find out what happened but you're right I mean at this point I think it also should also be in West Cap May I can't imagine they're going to keep it because they didn't know what to do with it in the first place exactly um and let's not forget this this process has been pushed off and pushed off and prolonged and prolonged simply because of the actions of the lame used board president but trespassing it it wasn't just because of that it was one of the main reasons it was one of the main reasons and now that that is resolved we now see that the process is moving forward Joe I have to uh excuse me council president I beg to differ it was being pushed off way before that way before that and that became even more of a factor with it being prolonged maybe so uh anything else Angel that's all thank you thank you any questions no thank you thank you for your hard work all right moving on to 13 motion to approve application for membership firefighters Association a c City Fire Department and individual Timothy a Kirk any questions or comments I have a motion motion second all in favor thank you uh resolution certification of the annual audit everyone has reviewed the annual audit and there's no questions comments it I have a motion make a motion roll call ten yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Timbers yes wght Richie yes number 15 is a resolution for 2024 H plan any questions regarding to what H is I have a motion a motion second all in favor I resolution for application to New Jersey local Finance Bo seeking a C waver from sale W sewer utility are there any questions or comments regarding yeah could you I was say do you want me to explain this yes I was going to say um so in the budget there is um there are two caps there is the tax levy cap which was enacted a few just within the last decade or so and then you have the What's called the 1977 appropriation cap which is on the basically the expenditure side so you're only allowed to we that's what we do that Cola ordinance for every year so when we did our budget because we had brought in some expenditures from the utility into the current fund we would have been over the budget cap now there's a bank from previous years so we even if we didn't do the we the state allows you basically to adjust your calculation for what's considered within caps if you absorb services from something but you have to get approval from the local Finance board so This Is Us ask going doing an application to the local Finance board to get that approval to move those expenditures that we brought in from the utility that had to be absorbed into the current fund so that way we don't have to use our bank in case we need it in future years we will have it that's at 240,000 270,000 7,000 speaking of taxes I got my tax bill County and the and the region we stayed the same well Regional is minor but the county tax is 4 cents surprised myself okay that can be discussion all outside here we're discussing this um number 16 resolution anybody else any comments or questions if not B I have a motion so Mo second roll call please anones yes Galloway yes he yes hessie yes Timbers yes R yes Richie yes number 17 councilman right would you like to make this motion for a nonar contract for yes I do have a second second uh call pleas atan yes Galloway yes Heist hessie yes timers yes Wright Ry yes 18 table resolution chapter 159 already done uh $1 19,32 44 if there's any questions or comments please bring them forward may have a motion St second second rooll call please atoni yes Galloway yes Heist yes Hy yes Timbers yes right Richie yes resolution renew world class allows G Park Lot e for one year term ending June 30th of 2025 dollar amount I believe is $1,750 yes second roll call atesi yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes yes right yes Richie yes resolution to refund $50 for zoning permit 444 44877 motion motion call yes Galloway Heist hessie yes timers right yeah Richie yes uh 22 resolution refund inspection feed same man address payment motion motion second call yes gessie yes Timbers yes R Richie yes 23 I spoken about earlier authorizing submission of New Jersey Department Environmental Protection Development Area application Agy Street Properties Development Area any questions comments roll or motion I make a motion roll call please at Galloway Tessie Timbers right Richie yes um authoriz the city of she don't like speed I know right all the city of B AR to enter enter into a memorandum of understanding with Brownfield Development Area steering committee and New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for aazy Street Properties read Development Area have a motion make a motion second second roll call please yeah gway yes yes pass I just have one question Angela if if we're going to combine both of these does it matter um the two steering committees does it matter the way that's on okay yes Timbers yes right yes Richie yes 25 authorized mission of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection bfield Development Area application for the an Street property stre Development Area motion please I'll second roll call that's an away yes he yes hessie yes timers yes right yes yes and 26 is to authorize the city of B Harbor to enter into the memorandum of understanding with the Brownfield Development Area steering committee in New Jersey development of Environmental Protection for the an Street Redevelopment area motion please motion second roll call atan yes Galloway yes he yes py yes timers yes right yeah Richie yes and 27 is a resolution to renew L Li July 1st of this year through June 30th of next year for 446 St Louis Avenue our new restaurant coming to town any questions or comments may have a motion second all in favor all right and the last resolution e City uh there is a um resolution emailed to everybody regarding the offshore one project from Long Beach uh the mayor of Long Beach New Jersey opposing it this resolution states that Egg Harbor City they're asking for egg haror City's support to vigorously oppose the offshore wood project any questions or comments I know we did the same back in May for yeah for mayor uh Sarah and BR April sorry uh any question may I have a motion make a motion second second any oppose I have AB abstain uh let the breakers show Council ERS and councilwoman gallway abstain all in favor I thank you and Bill anybody want to make a motion motion call anones yes Galloway yes Heist yes hessie yes Timbers yes right yes yes all right I'm G open up for Council comments we'll start with Council woman he I have two things um I've been out to the lake probably three times this summer and I have to say I am very very pleased with how the lake is running the lifeguards are doing their jobs they're on the paddle boards out at the dock um they're switching positions they're all courteous the lake is clean it is just a pleasure to go out there and sit um the last few years being on public works and parks and playgrounds every time I've get out there and sit I would be like oh my God that's happening oh my goodness that's happening my husband would go get your chair we're going home so now we're actually lasting a few hours at the lake and we're actually enjoying it so kudos to everybody out there they're working very hard and they're doing an amazing job with what they're doing my second thing is on Monday night I had the pleasure of representing Egg Harbor City at the Pleasantville city council meeting when our council president joei got promoted to battalion chief of the Pleasantville fire department his hard work and his diligence according to everything they said has paid off and he is now Italian chief so I told him I was going to say three words you did good but um you know I great but I was GNA make good so um I just want to congratulate him on behalf of council because we're very proud of you and what you have accomplished thank you I sincerely app and I got pizza anything else out uh Council right uh just only thing really is um football signups are still going on out there every Tuesday and Thursday night from 6 to 7:30 p pads from August 1st then uh the season opens up September 7th um so if you're looking to sign your child your daughter your son up come on after it's pretty much thanks sir councilman timers uh nothing sign thank you thank you councilwoman anthon I just want to thank pleas department for responding in my house we had a we had an incident where a neighbor's dog got out yet again and he killed our chickens so I'd like to remind everybody toh keep your pets on your Abes keep an eye on your pets just because you put them out doesn't mean that they're safe in your yard and if you know that your dog is problematic and get out maybe you should be out there with them this is not the first time probably won't be the last time it's not the dog's fault um we as pet owners need to do better um there's multiple loose dogs in this town so just as a reminder to keep an eye on all of your pets um for their safety for ours for our others thank you Council I have nothing at this time coun I have nothing all right I'm G end we go to public comment um so like I said earlier last meeting I was CU playing politics I don't play politics I play facts and my facts back up my actions uh I'm wrong I'm humbled enough to say I'm wrong um I'm also humbled enough to say I'm G fix the situation as you took as you witnessed tonight with this coupon uh the falsehoods that are spread about myself councilwoman Heist um c one of our candidates and maybe one or two other individuals up here they're falsehoods talk to the person get the facts um we're open book we're transparent as transparent to be um so just come to us my number my email is on the City website along with those that sit up here show us an email give us a call show us a text talk to me at the Crusaders field uh do whatever you think you feel is necessary to actually get the facts and not so much the falsehoods that are spread about certain individuals sitting before you representing the residents of this town um so with that I'm going open up to the public uh councilwoman how sorry I forgot I would just like to um send my condolences to the family of the man who rescued the two boys out of the ruins yesterday um unfortunately he passed away today he was a father he was a husband he was assumed to be grandfather and he put his life in jeopardy to rescue two young boys so in my opinion he's also a hero so condolences to his family and to the gentleman who got shot at the rally on last Saturday I don't care what your preference is your political find views no one deserves that to happen to them and no one deserves to their husband in their lap and have him die that way so my condolences also to that now thank you um so with that as I said I would like to open up the public any comments from anybody sitting in the public or online go once yeah voice motion public motion toour all right see you on August