it for nette hi it's Jerry Barbaro hey how you doing good how you doing I'm um I'm just gonna go to listening mode um I just want to be present for the meeting but I'm here in my office I'm just going to listen if you're okay with that you you're muted I think you're muted uh we will record this as well and post it on our uh we website eh work I hope you're well thank you yep see you bye bye hey Mike how are you hi good Anette how are you I'm good I'm good I have an agenda somewhere hey uh Mike let me ask you a question um we had a meeting this morning with um businesses and schools and um organizations uh for the direct install program and I was just wondering if the uh Regional um Cedar Creek would have any need for upgrades of any kind like um HVAC um equipment anything like that can they fix our roof that leaks your roof leaks oh my gosh oh God our our so i' I've I've been here since 2015 so uh so the building was only open for five years when I got here and it l it leaked when I got here no kidding I don't think it would pay for the roof but um the direct inst all program through Atlantic City Electric covers up to 80% of the cost of um the Improvement and it also offers 0% financing for the balance but um we're we're considering applying for a a a a Federal Grant and um you know we haven't decided to do it yet but I was thinking we might be able to coordinate with um our school district you and um the city to see if we funding yeah so is it limited to just HVAC well no it's any any type of energy Improvement anything that reduces greenhouse gas emissions um I could send you information on it yes please we we the grant isn't due until the uh April I believe but um if we're going to apply we need to send a letter of um particip a that we we intend to apply we need to end that by February 1st and the the situation is the grant amount minimum is $2 million and while you know we have several projects we'd like to do here that I I don't think it'll come up to that amount but if we collaborate and have like a Consortium of groups we might be able to reach that threshold I would I would love to upgrade the um or or add to uh the solar panel arrays that we have in our parking lot I would love to be able to get more charging stations out there okay right now I think we have four two or four um but but I feel like every month we get another staff member that ends up getting an buying an EV vehicle that's great and yeah so so that that would be huge if we could if we could get that would you be um interested in increasing the amount of solar coverage you have yeah I I mean I I don't know I don't know how we could um I I I I think that we pretty much maxed that out um because because it o when the district went solar uh we pretty much maxed out Cedar Creek and abami because Oak crest's power grid couldn't couldn't sustain the kind of energy that they were actually going to generate with their original plan so I don't I don't know where we would put it we would you know absolutely um but I don't know structurally speaking that we even have the room to put it I think we're maxed out on the roof um and and but definitely e charging stations right yeah that would be great okay you need EVS as well always yeah yeah no absolutely Ian I mean if we could get a sec an EV security truck that we would be charging at that station I mean the the vehicle that we have now for security they have a gas power truck but they have a small electric vehicle that they use um yeah we we would absolutely go for that yeah all right well we we haven't decided yet but if we do um I'll send you information about the grant it's a Federal grant so okay we would need to hire a grant writer to actually apply for it but you know I I think we should just send the letter uh that we're interested in in participating and then we don't have to follow through with it if if it doesn't work out but okay we were looking at the possibly doing a couple solar projects okay we have to we got a lot going on right now and it's hard for me to keep them all straight that's why I the agenda looks so I I will just gloss over a lot of this stuff today because um I there was we usually meet at night but there's a meeting I want to attend where'd you go there's a meeting I want to attend um tonight so I I had it early is this a good time for you it's fine yeah it's is probably better because my kids don't get home from school for another hour so okay um all right well um welcome everybody who else is here Danny you're here I see you um Jody's on listening Mike's on listening Hazel's on and Jerry barbaros is listening all right good let's get started then um we had a a meeting this morning everybody should know it's part of our um Commercial Energy Outreach initiative um for sustainable Jersey points and we Atlantic City Electric hosted a meeting at the um at Harbor Diner uh it was not well attended but all three of the people who attended seem like they are going to apply for the program so 100% participation is good I think and uh what that program in tals like I was telling U Mike is that um the Atlantic City Electric has um a program funded and it's pay you pay for it in your electric bill every month there's a fee there goes into to funds and they uh provide incentives to um improve Energy Efficiency uh they will pick up up to 80% of the cost of major improvements like um HVAC um anything like that any equipment purchases like if you need Refrigeration or anything like that plus uh they also offer 0% financing for the balance of um what's not covered by the incentive program so that was I think very very successful um we had three or three people there one was from the school district the local school district uh which they have need for um improving their heating system is not working properly and uh for uh lighting retrofits I think um the who else was there um St St Nicholas church was there and they they have they want to do an energy audit in the rectory and also do improvements in the church and who's the third um oh was the canopis uh facility on Philadelphia Avenue that just opened and he's also interested in uh he he he redid the interior of that building looks really nice I went in there but uh he did not tackle the um uh systems the mechanical systems so he also wants to get an energy audit to see if there's upgrades that he could do there so I think it was real successful and we're going to try to do that every maybe once a quarter for the next year uh in addition to doing uh Outreach to the residences there's a separate program available for them and that's really good because they come into your house and you know they'll replace all your light bulbs they'll do some insulation they do a lot of good stuff to weatherproof your house so those are two programs that we're working on all right so the big news is that we adopted our community energy plan um for those of you who know we got a grant 18 months ago two years ago to um do the energy plan and we gave the funding to the engineer who who did the plan and it highlighted various aspects that can be tackled including installation of solar Community solar uh in two different locations um upgrading facilities at City Hall um replacing LED street lights all these things are in the plan and now it's time to uh apply for funding to implement some of those things um we we we look that that state grant that is available through the BPU is a a $250,000 minimum uh but they encourage us to apply for up to $500,000 so we're looking at um EVs and EV charging stations as our main um action which we would receive 10 points for because it's already approved by the BPU they want you to to go in that direction so um and then we're going to look at uh probably upgrades to the municipal building as our second um over 500 over 250 $50,000 the way they're going to work it is the uh the funding is available for anybody who has done a a community energy plan and not many municipalities have um finished those plans yet so the pot of money will go a lot further and they may do a second round of awards um for us if you know if they have the extra money so that's really a good thing um we talked about um Mike's Mike's on can you talk a little bit about syil Sher and what's going on with the grave site uh yeah sure um I spoke with Rebecca yesterday about benches uh we're looking at two 4 foot uh recycled benches um it should be in right right under budget there with a little bit left over to hopefully buy something to secure them to the ground maybe some sort of metal rod or something like that yeah um so she should send the quote over in the next day or two that we'll get uh I'll send it over to jod and hopefully can get that ordered um the gravestone I'm still waiting to hear back on the updated quote I sent an email yesterday he said you should get back to me hopefully this week uh trying to get them out to do the work on site rather than having to remove the headstone um I think nette and I talked a little bit ago about how that could just be a little just a little risky to actually move the gravestone so maybe we just focus on cleaning it and maybe using some uh gray marker they have some specialized marker they use for Sandstone to enhance the letter in so people can read it um a little better um next week I plan to reach out to Paul again and start uh getting a quote for the fencing around the graveyard and I also would like to reach out to historical society and see if we can get one of them to visit the uh County archives and state archives to see if we can find any old newspaper clippings or any other source documentation on uh how Miss Miss siil Sher died um so we can put the rumor of the lenpy scalpers to bed i' be nice if there was some newspaper clipman or something along those lines maybe a death certificate or anything that documents what they actually died of our guess is yellow fever but we don't know so I'm hoping to allocate $200 of the budget just to donate to the Historical Society for to cover a little bit of their historical uh research time I'm not going to have a time to pull that off unfortunately so I'm hoping I'm hoping they'll be able to help there so hey off I when I send that email next week I'll I'll put you on copy as well hopefully we'll get the ball rolling there so sorry for my scratchy voice so I got Co for the second time I'm just getting over all of it now so um yeah going good going good though so hopefully benches fences and the gravestone should hopefully be knocked out probably the next two weeks at least have the quotes all finalized and everything like that okay great thank you Mike appreciate all that um we could talk a little bit about our forestry Grant um we did finally hear from the people in Washington DC about our grant um we're we're going to be setting up a meeting I guess and I guess it'll be a zoom meeting to talk about uh what the next steps are but we they asked us to uh relook at our budget and we're going to have to cut $400,000 out of that budget um I've been looking at it and you know playing with the numbers I think there's some things that could be that we we just can't do we won't be able to do a removal of invas of species plan um we we would have just knocked that out I think um uh there's other things that like we we're looking at doing something like planting in two parks we had mentioned but that could probably be rolled into the maintenance part of the um um budget and that's to me is the probably the most important part is to maintain that uh budget for maintaining the trees because that that was our priority to begin with so we're going to you know meet with I guess we'll have to meet with Jody and um Ryan he prep he prepared the uh estimate um and see where we can cut that so and we'll probably have a meeting and we'll have to revise our budget so it's sad that we have to reduce it by $400,000 but a million dollars in a haror city goes a long way so um how come it needs to be reduced is that coming from the state well because we asked for 1.4 million and they awarded us one million I see so we we need to reduce that amount but and I guess they don't give you a discretion they don't really tell you like Hey we're giving you less because we want you to not do this they just want you to kind figure that out no they didn't say that they just said I guess it would be up to us to decide which is a good thing you know uh but there's we put uh I think there were like four or five different actions that we put in there but some like I said some of them can just be moved around uh and reduced we'll have to reduce the M but I haven't found $400,000 in Cuts yet so we might have to cut that line item eventually you know if we can't figure something out so we'll have to work on that and then there's um a whole list of items things that we're working on trying to get done by the end of the first quarter uh regarding the trees and the first right now we're working on a tree protection ordinance which was um kind of like mandated by the state um regarding uh storm water management they're they're concerned about removing trees and then having having streets flood and things like that so um they recommended that a a sample ordinance we went I went through it um and right now it's within hands of the City attorney who's reviewing the suggestions I had made but there's a lot it's it's like we're starting from scratch uh because we used to have a shade tree commission that was abolished in the 19 mid 1990s so we're going to have to go back from to square one and create a a tree protection ordinance um some of the things on there will be um to hire a uh Consulting arborist like we hire an an engineer what would be a professional Services contract so we we'll probably need to do that to help us manage decisions that are going to be made made we're going to have to reestablish a shade tree committee um but we want people on the committee who are um have you uh uh have training in in trees and right now it's just me dick Colby and Dana who was online I don't know if he's still on I can't see him up there um he's a resident here who's in public works at another in another community so we have three people that can serve on this committee uh once it's formed uh but we'd like to get more people if we can I don't think we need a a large committee for this but I I'm sure that the committee would be doing things like reviewing requests from residents if they want to take down a street tree uh file you know if they want to appeal the decisions of say the code enforcement officer or arborist so we'll have to have a committee to oversee that we were also uh talking with the uh attorney um and you know she's she's of the opinion that tree ordinances are very controversial and uh you know she you know we don't want to see this like blow up at a council meeting when we're trying to introduce it or adopt it so I think we should at the Green Team should host a public meeting on the ordinance once it's uh drafted once we have a draft of it maybe we could host a public meeting um and you know hear from the public about what they think about it before it gets the council so that's on the agenda I talked about Consulting arborus we're gonna have to do an you for that not interrupt you I did email that Ronald far about updating our plan this is Jody by the way yes um but I didn't hear back from him I'll I'll email him again I'll maybe try calling him I wonder if he's still doing that or back there is a list of um arborists on the um State's website on the far on there so if he's not available I don't know if he's on there still I didn't check it but okay if he's not on there there's tons of other people in sou okay all right I'll be doing I'll be doing hamon okay because I'm moving back I'm moving back there March March uh March 11th is my day to move back so I'll be doing ham ham hamton and I'll be doing Englewood Cliffs uh up north the forestry management plans yeah for for the forry management plan and okay you're right nette and I didn't mean to interrupt but you're right on the shade tree the Hamilton got rid of their shade Tre commission a long time ago uh maybe 15 plus years ago and and if it needs to come back um nobody is um nobody is very comfortable with that let's put it that way yeah yeah well they have an environmental commission though correct but what happens is if the if the environmental commission if the environmental commission um doesn't cut it for the shade tree requirement then the shade tree committee has to come back okay that's that's where there's a question now that the the town trying to deal with right okay and who's their Town attorney uh Mike molinsky from Rock rock over there in Atlantic City so you're leaving your job yeah in mararac yeah yeah okay yeah all right well you'll be around then that's good yeah I'll be around yeah I retired I retired March March March 8th well congratulations thank you yeah thank you very much well this fellow Ron far he came from North Jersey um he did a phenomenal job for us he came couple meetings he talked us through it we wrote around town he wrote a great plan and we accomplished much of what's in that plan the only thing we didn't major thing that sticks out in my mind is that we didn't get um certified as a tree City USA but you know we surely can do that in the future and then as far as the state did you say I'm just a couple of seconds ago a couple minutes ago I think uh EHC needs an employee and a volunteer correct so you're the you qualify as the employee because you're elected uh well we have our Public Works folks that go and get that you go to sh oh he they go to the conference oh okay okay yeah they they I went they went previously you know we're gonna need them to to take that training because they're going to be maintaining some of the trees in the Parks and things like that yeah and they've recently um got a lift so they have a forklift that has a basket on it that where they can get up into the trees great um the other thing that's interesting about um trees is that the county um rescinded their ordinances requiring the Atlanta County Park Service to maintain trees along County roadways instead I was told that the Public Works County Public Works is going to be doing it so it's not like they're going to be abandoning their their trees but uh there was some change I was worried about that and I contacted the county to find out because we have what we have Philadelphia Avenue we got Breman Avenue we got Hamburg Avenue yeah you know MOS Mill Road and Deer Street the RW County Roads so um you know we're we're our ordinance is going to specifically address Street trees and some clear cutting so I don't think we're going to be get involved in um telling residents what they can do with the trees on their property although the state would like us to do that I don't think that it economically our citizens could comply with that they just it's just too expensive for them to uh comply with their their re replanting and all that stuff uh but if it's a street tree you know we're going to be strict about it we want to keep what we have uh as long as they're healthy we want to move what's not healthy or is dying or in danger collaps and and do some more plantings in in the proper areas so and the other thing I I I wanted to include was that if a resident doesn't want to break leaves and they don't want a street tree in front of their house we're not going to force it upon them so you know we we have to be Community oriented when we're doing this I think and that's a good way around it you might want to consider the possibility of having to deal with landlords who are not local and finding out if they would be permissive of that since there are a lot of them yeah yeah in fact our last tree planting we did have um a landlord who requested several trees at different properties so that's a good point um we'll also have to establish a shade tree trust fund where um if say there's a replanting that's required if they can't find a location they will be able to uh make a contribution to the Sha shade tree that's a math full shade tree trust fund so we're got to work that in there too um I got news actually it's very good news for me because I live on Buffalo Avenue but but um our road program for 2024 will be the 400 and 500 blocks of Buffalo Avenue so dick when you get a chance maybe you can walk those two blocks and check out the trees and see I think they're pretty mostly pretty good there are some it's your street yeah but it's not your block right not my block the next block over and the one the two blocks to school yep and so there's a couple bald spots where we might want to find out if they would like a street tree and so but I I I was happy to hear that um those roads are pretty chewed up and when will that happen this year okay so anytime you're ready to go out walking I think you could go okay we were awarded grants for those two blocks in November so it's funded um and part of our uh um our grant our million dooll Grant would provide a match for every road project where we get State funding we would provide a match for the trees like in other words to take them down and to replant we had a high amount on that so that's probably one of the areas we might be able to cut like say like if these two streets that in the in the budget was $50,000 for those two blocks but I doubt we're going to need $10,000 for the for those two blocks regarding trees so we that's an area I think we can cut out of that budget and the only other yes does does the repaving require the removal of existing trees in those two blocks well I don't know you're going to have to look at the curbs when you walk by and see what they look like um I know there was one neighbor on that on the 400 block it took down two uh sugar Maples that were perfectly healthy beautiful trees I don't think but does the repaving require now the removal of trees as it used to do for example in the20 blocks of London Avenue but didn't in the in the repaving of Washington Avenue no that they the council agreed that they wouldn't take down trees if they were healthy thank you that you've answered my question yes and if there's like roots that are protruding into the curb and pushing the curb out there's a metal plate that they could put instead of in they will put the plates in to give it more room to grow I understand there's other well we we have we have a really wide Governor strip so that there's new ways to do Street trees they're taking out the concrete and putting in planting strips instead of you know putting the concrete back so we should be okay on those two on two blocks I think if you could see you could check and see if there's any bad really bad Tre I will I will give me a week or two all right yeah no rush so that's it about trees thank God we got plenty to talk about there um we're working on our certification cycle uh which I had mentioned this before I'm going to repeat it again uh there's three three deadlines for getting certified this year the first one's at the end of February the second's in May and the third is in July so what I'd like to do and I've been working on it for the past couple weeks is get as much stuff as we can we can completed and submit it even though it's not enough and it may require revisions for that first round in February so this way we know and we could we can only concentrate on what they want us to give them because it it I mean you if you look at these actions you could go on forever with them we just want to give them the minimum to get the points and so there's other actions we're working on that we could submit for later in the year and so forth but I'm really excited because I think we got a lot so far um we have 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 points already and that's just there's more way more that needs to be done tree planting program um we need to get the forestry plan done this year um to be able to because there's a prerequisite that you have to have the forestry plan um the community forestry management plan and a accreditation is worth 20 points we'll resubmit on that because we had we had all that before we're going to redo it uh we have the nature trail which is an Innovative project that'll be 10 points uh we have Energy Efficiency Outreach both for commercial and residential so that's 20 points right there we did a prescription um drug safety disposal program with another community so it's a collaboration that's worth 10 points we um we can reestablish the creative team that's good for 10 points and we did our community energy plan that's a new action this year but we're already got getting the points for that and there's so many more things on the list that we could do so I think we will get certified this year but it's just a lot of work to get all that paperwork done and um we'll get our points at the end of the third uh deadline and if we can make it by July 31st and get everything submitted we will get recognized that the league lunch in um and so far the three times we were certified we did not make it and we didn't make it until November so we never got our name in the book as being recertified so we're going to try to get ahead of that this year um and then I have suggested new programs on here I want to start with the uh road salt assessment and U Mike over at the Cedar Creek High School we have uh he was able to recruit a student and we will be testing our Creek Waters periodically through this winter and that you know we already I I wonder if the young lady got out there to take a a reading prior to the snowstorm do you know I I I you know I I think that she did but not positive uh and she was on a field trip today so I couldn't I couldn't go into class and and ask her uh I certainly hope so because I mean that between then and now would be a great time to make those measurements right yeah really really so we think that she did we're also tasking her with doing the same uh for our parking lot and uh the retention Pond that we have that goes out behind our baseball field so she's going to be doing it uh in two different spots is that uh did you get your kit for that the test yep okay cool y all right good well let me know about that because we will we'll put that in with our actions and I I don't know if you're aware of it but you're sustainable Jersey certified right yes we are so whatever points you do if we collaborate we get points for too y That's good to share yep yeah they only I just worry about her going down into a creek she's got to go a company to you know go for bit she slips yeah we we we took care of that we called Mom uh we we have like the spot for her to go there's a place where she can pull off on the on the side of the road pretty pretty safely so yep we were we're all over that that's great great thank you uh and then these other things um oh PPA rain Garden at City Lake Park um this is something we need to discuss um the Pinelands preservation Alliance got a grant uh I don't I don't know if it's a state Grant or what but they got a grant to install Rain Gardens in areas that are but waterways um they want to put a r excuse me a rain I'm getting over that it's not covid but something else they want to put a rain Garden on the NorthShore of the lake um near where Mike Sheridan lives and I'm up in the air about it I'm not convinced that I want to forward this myself to city council um um I have two concerns one of which is not that serious and that is that whatever plants they put into this rain Garden um if they're not already growing or in that area I don't want to see anything new introduced there that's just me the other thing is maintenance uh the GRE will cover maintenance for two years but after that who's going to maintain it and I have an issue with that because we have had well-meaning volunteers step forward plant Gardens all over town and then they walk away from it and don't maintain them and then you know it's a pressure in other other volunteers to step forward and clean out this me these messes that they are creating and you know if you're not if you're a gardener you know you got to be out there all the time if you walk away from your garden for any length of time it's uh bear to clean up so that's my big concern is maintenance of these this ring Garden so the other issue really it because it's on city property the city council should approve it and like I said I'm I'm concerned about the maintenance issue I'm not willing to uh promote it to the council because of that issue so if if anybody out there can convince me we should please do that now no takers on that one Mike nothing well I guess that's a tough one I mean two years still is a pretty good window it'd be nice to continue working with schools to you know to have a contingent of the cleanup yearly at the lake be focused on any future rain Garden I think right now it's just it's right those drains I mean and I pointed that out I I was the one who walked um I walk there all the time and I've always noticed these drains and when PPA came asking hey any good ideas for a rain Garden Spot those are the two that just popped up so you know if you go there during after any major rainstorm what you can see is cars are splashing through the puddles and then they get oil slicks in the puddles and then during the rain the puddles then make their way to the drain and that slick makes it into the lake so I do think that a rain Garden would help subside that quite a bit by keeping the oils at least in the rain garden and other sediments in the rain garden and not letting all that gravel and everything else that could kind of put over there just making its way into the lake so I think it's a win there I do think the maintenance is a concern two years of them doing the maintenance is pretty good and I once it's established I from my experience it seems like some of these rain Gardens aren't that much work for just Weeden and things like that but it it would need to be something that's addressed and there would need to be a team that does it during the yearly late cleanup that event that already happens you know another maybe another potential win would be with the Boy Scouts the Boy Scouts already used the north side of the lake for their events um these rain Gardens would be on that side maybe they' be willing to just weed through it um I just feel that it's a good win to stop po pollutants from hitting that Waterway which they're definitely doing because of these storm drains it's almost better to say let the road flood in that section than let than let all this stuff drain right into the lake so I I in my opinion I think something should be done the other area of concern is also on the north side of the lake but on the west side of Philadelphia AB at the fishing pier and it's the same problem there is where cars pull into the parking lot or they're sit in near where the trash cans are at and the water puddles up uh it get slicks in it and then when the rain gets a little heavier it it those puddles make their way into the lake so that's another good spot too but I feel like the storm drains are an easier wi so once again it's really up to council to decide what they want to do in my opinion the fact that they're already committing the two years of maintenance is is pretty generous we may be able even get them to extend that if we're like listen we really can't do it but right now the north side of the lake is unsightly in my opinion it grows it grows super high during the summer frag mtis and other invasive species that already line in the north part of the shore and it's not it's not very pretty in the summer there's grasses get they they get tall and they block the way there's no real easy way to stand and and look from the north side of the lake it's just in my opinion it's unsightly um I think some rain Gardens would add some nice natural beauty to the north side that's kind it's kind of lacking right now the location you were looking at is on U your side of Philadelphia Avenue right uh no it's on the lake side so it's right in the lake Yeah so basically like right along the right along the road on the north side of the lake I think there's yeah I think there's three or four there's three or four storm drains that are taken the set them in water that pull on the road and they're just basically dumping it right into the lake so I Envision what they would do is they would probably leave the storm drains or maybe they would upgrade them but then where the storm drains dump into that's what they would dig out put in stone and everything else and then put plants in on top I think that's where you really got to stop that water rushing into the lake the really way you can only see it is to go there during a heavy rain and just see it you can see the sediment it just dumps right into the water and everything it's it's just not it's not good storm water management right now okay all right that changes everything yeah I think over on our side it's a lot better you know I built my own I have my own on our property that stops a lot of water from coming down New York AV into into the creek into the creek and the other spot is just where the fish and Pier's at but honestly the fish and Pier spot's really not that bad the the area of concern where we want to put them is is much worse in my opinion all right um and the other thing about this grant that they got is there is funding available for private home homeowners um that I think they could get like $750 um from this grant to put a rain Garden on their own property if they bought uh a Waterway a creek or whatever going into the Mulla River so um does uh the high school have any areas where they would want to rain Garden Mike so we made one um and we we have one it's it's in you know when you pull up into the school it's in the Horseshoe at the beginning of the building um and there is a uh it's built around like a drain that goes out to the retention Pond as I'm as I'm hearing you guys talk I'm I want more information I want to know you know the exact location of what we're talking about but I don't know that this wouldn't be um I don't think at least here in our experience in our building rain Gardens aren't that that much maintenance they're not that much work I think that as a building we do a pretty good job already of uh getting kids to uh go out for you know the cleanup day in in May for the city and I I don't know that maintaining a rain Garden would be too much and in my mind I'm thinking our first year environmental science students uh this this could be a project uh that they take on it's it's within walking distance uh if we wanted to do trip if we wanted to do it um during the the you know cleanup day in May uh we could make it an extra credit uh assignment or some sort of a grade for for the environmental science kids these are our freshman level kids uh the course is ecology so I feel like I feel like you know uh this is something that they should be able to do and and we could put them to work I I would need more information about where and what um but if it exists already if if we have a grant that's GNA put it out there for us I I don't see why our kids couldn't maintain them well we uh they want to have a um a zoom meeting to discuss it and I'll include you in there if we set something up and then we could talk about it further I I was like not really keen on it but now that I we had this discussion I'm a little bit more amicable to it so yeah I think it'd be a win and even the high school kids walk you can take the trail there you don't have to walk on the road exactly exactly all right great um the other thing I'm going backwards on this list the photo contest I had talked to Brenda Ruth she's a photographer here in town and she wins all kinds of contests all the time about doing a photo contest for our Green Team um you do do something really simple like the mayor did the selfie take a selfie with the scarecrow contest if we could do um a contest like that maybe have people in town use their cell phones to take a picture of nature we need to come up with a theme or a location and um I Brenda you know I asked her if she would handle it she said yes she she she came she got a list I have all these rules and regulations I like we don't want any of that we just want to take a picture submit it on Facebook and I think part part of the thing is to get more people to go to our sustainable EHC Facebook page because we have we have people up there but I don't think people are getting all the information we put out and we're posting to that thing almost every day I don't know if anybody up here has liked that page and if they're getting notifications but there's a lot stuff floating around uh about the environment and I try to keep it local um so um we we might be working on that in the spring um and the other thing I told Hazel this morning is she still on I can't see if you're on here you there Hazel yes she's here okay um we had talked uh briefly about having a a green fair in the spring um I want to do something on that um uh what's it going to be called the um Archway green lot on Philadelphia Avenue the park that we're going to be putting in on the 100 block of Philadelphia Avenue I think that's an ideal spot to have uh a a green fair at some point in time um we don't have to rush on this but because the the park isn't done yet but they're going to start working on that soon and maybe we could plan something for spring or fall um and I'd like to include some EV car show um maybe invite a few Vehicles people who have vehicles to come and display them and encourage more people um to use EV Chargers that we're we're going to planning on putting um EV Char public EV charging station on the end of The 100 block in front of the old Collective Savings Bank um so that's that's on the back burner and then um we had talked to dick last last meeting about his uh trying to uh do the Creative placemaking action on sustainable Jersey website and that is U he has a um a brochure of all the Walking Trails um even in Center the center of town and we had talked about Dick do and a magical History tour of the downtown part of a Harbor City pointing out all the uh historic landmarks and so forth so has any have you thought about that at all um dick not much unfortunately but I will okay thank you cap on you look at your map and see where where we can go I think that would be a fun idea think people uh we have a a walking club and I'm sure that they would come out at least once or twice to do that so it might be good way to combine efforts in the community and create more of a Synergy on Philadelphia Avenue you know that's the whole idea behind creative placemaking and that's I think I got through everything one here if anybody has anything else they want to bring up this will be a good time no I'm out here all alone well tonight we're going to um the union hall if anybody's interested um to hear our candidates for US Senate speak um um Andy Kim and I think I don't know if she's going to be there but uh Tammy Murphy too might be there I think she was invited to uh so that's why we had this meeting early um but okay if nobody has anything else we could sign off anybody last chance oh nette one one quick note I believe Tammy mph hi hi thank you for everything um I was driving so I really couldn't couldn't chime in but as far as tonight's meeting I I do plan to be there and I believe Tammy Murphy will not be able to make it because of a scheduling conflict but Andy Kim will be there okay good good thanks for that see you there else all right I'm I'm good I'll sign off now and thank you everybody for showing up um I love these Zoom meetings they're a lot easier for me I don't know about you but and I I think this was a good actually a good time so it's before dinner and uh after school all right well thanks a lot everybody thank you bye bye