man use forward and in compliance with the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was provided by posting on the city hall bulletin board and by notification to our newspapers of record and I asked Donna to please make this announcement part of the public record and if you would Donna a roll call please okay mayor Jim Patty here Mr Peterson here Mr Timbers Mr Walker here Mr G here Dennis McKennon here Michael McKennon here Mr molo here Tes Mr keer here Mr brick here Mr Mcall here Carol B and secretary here thank you we have minutes of April 16 motion second second discussion all in favor please say I Ione oppose approve thank you no resolutions new business Jersey groom LLC poino Raymond Avenue request waiver site plan review and approval conditional use approval how are you at at the we reporting to this yes that's condition yes we don't need so everybody can do Mr chairman of board members my name is Tom dorsy I represent the applicant Jersey Ro City with me tonight isane Gus who's the managing member we here toing SEC through two things one is conditional to permit Dr to operate in class long cannabis cultivation facility at a site in your industrial park at 141 BR Avenue in the building known as too big the second thing that we're seeking from you is a site plan R explain why we think we got support we currently have an application pending for City CL city solicitor and city engineer or the c or the city cannabis license we have the state license one of the submission requirements for that is land use board and food so that's why we're is satisfy um and speaking with uh your engineer also the uh the City attorney there really are only two conditions to satisfy for the conditional use for this application one is we have to demonstrate located in the industrial par where class one Canabis cultivation operation is a permitted conditional use and the second is to demonstrate that we the appropriate state license so 141 brond adamia industrial par satisfies the condition um Jersey grown has been issued a b class one cultivator license by the state of New Jersey under license number c0095 valid until 32225 I includ copy of that into the exhibit package so with respect to satisfying the condition use standards uh we do the reason why we're asking for the site plan waiver is because this property BR Avenue is fully develop there are three Warehouse buildings on the property Each of which has their own parking areas they were designed that plan and the uh this board granted a site plan we will for that facility under resolution number seven of 2006 I included that in the uh new exibit C as well so there are no exterior SS that will be proposed necessary to cooperate the facility every anything that's going to be done through inside changes to the site are inside itself so under those conditions we feel that's really all we have Ryan sure um I just wrote an email to Donna and asked her distributed explaining uh pretty much what Mr Dary just went through um an existing develop site they're only here because after I spoke to the city's listen she clarified that all Canabis uses in City are conditional uses which have to come to the court first and and demonstrate compliance with those conditions um I think they have done that to this point U it also gives us the opportunity to ask any questions um you know about the operations intending to to function U so it does give us that but that's that's really it there's not there shouldn't be much to it there's no development the site proposed correct there's noite changes there's no parking configuration lighting there's no anything um it's it's a site that already has full L use board approvals where the configuration layout that it is already that's the board members questions for Mr dorsy or the applicant question uh so the been inside the facility not not out back everything will be we we should swear in your applicant please you swear that everything you offered tonight will be the truth yes put your name you can put your hand down what is your name Constantine s and your address 406 V zanis Avenue sorry Galloway New Jersey 205 and spell your last name please c h a r a Lis thank you yes Mr asked all the operations inside is there any additional requirements being cannabis like safety or security that is needed in the building there there we haveed a packet to the city clerk and they go through everything including security and safety all that would be examined not only by the City attorney but also by city engineer yeah board members are not familiar with the city has a very intensive City application process which reviews security set safety Appliance background history financials Etc so Angela gets that it gets circulated to myself and police department we all go through and make sure that they're meeting all requirements City allocation before they get that so good thank you um what what about uh waste refuse is there a trash enclosure or anything yeah will you generate extra refuse or anything as part of the operation are you growing or manufacturing so no no no no you have to be sworn shirt to be able to no you have to come over to the microphone J jar is another member of you swear that everything you offer tonight will be the truth yes okay put your hand down what is your full name f r e d [Music] m and your address 1201 Avenue Middle Township New Jersey just so you understand all of these meetings by law have to be reported and there has to be a very clear transcript of who's speaking and no no no no no I just like we're just we're we're we're not sticklers but we have to do certain things okay right just so briefly the waste is all governed by the CRC of the state so basically we have to inl all our R right now there's two ways to De they have to have somebody to come pick it up they treat it like Pro Way basically so everything's Bob we have we have a shredder indoor battery Shredder that can shredded with carboard way and bring Now using the option where site we can potentially compost that way you know we have modify so right now just deal the waste CRC there's a license disposal fail pick it up even know it's not toxic toxic we space so where are you storing it while you're waiting to there's a there's a specified area the facility that's just for there's a quarantine area IND and just could clarify this is just for cannabis related waste office waste would be that's one example a good question one example what is contained City application all has to be to satisfaction where's the office we just for the resolution where's the office waste in or out we have small tra inside and we also question which one of the three buildings is it in I didn't see I know they said B but I don't see the if [Music] standen has pick me up so if you're do you have another facility that you're running right now and and Tom the licenses are already there they have the licenses you have the license from the state and it's pending with the city can't the City License are we Unlimited on the grows we can have as many as we want right correct manufacturing well yeah there's four classes that we considered in industrial park and Retail was and how many employees would have just c um other people have come here for licenses and they couldn't get the state license until they had the city license is that different for growing versus retail State requires the resolution the resolution that's you have a conditional that's one of the condition okay so you have it but this needs to be done for you to makes sense thank you any other board members questions Carol how do we proceed uh with you need a motion again this is just my style you can do it however you want I prefer for clarity a motion in the positive so everybody knows if voting yes they're for the application if they vote no they know they're voting against sometimes when we do it in negative people get confused about what they're voting for so if somebody wants to make a motion approving the application um as presented for some reasons Mr darcia has set forth on the record uh do we need one motion is is there two matters of business here a conditional use approval and the waiver of site plan I think this is pretty straight forward I think you can bundle it okay I'll make the necessary motion to approve the resolution you're a second I'll second any further discussion a roll fall Don mayor chimp Patti yes Mr Peterson yes Mr Timbers yes Mr Walker yes Mr G yes Dennis McKennon yes Michael McKennon yes Mr moleno yes Mr Keener yes Mr fr yes thank you for thank you good [Music] SE okay uh old businesses uh amendment to a previous resolution 20242 spread the gospel uh we have Miss Hawks here uh good evening ma'am you do although I don't know that you need to speak first or how do you want to handle this chair uh let me summarize yes that that's what we would like to the resolution adopted by the board indicated that the operating hours had to fall in line with the new noise coordinates Mr um Miss Hawk attorney I should say Miss Hawk's attorney Mr fredman um sent in an email I think I only got an email there could be a letter but saying that it was his recollection that the board approved the application and while the applicant has to comply with the new noise ordinances as everybody does the hours of original operation set forth in the 2017 resolution did not change so I know that the link to the minutes was sent to Mr fman that's where we are so miss Hawks is asking that the resolution be amended to indicate that the hours of operation didn't change but there's an awareness that the noise the noise ordinance must be adhered to so we would need a motion from the board to amend the resolution if the board believes that that is what they times board members nothing you understand what are we talking about what we voted on or are we talking about the law what does the law say what what did you vote on did the board vote on an amend to their hours of offer leadership I we voted to have the hours match the just for clarity what what what is the time we now midn is it midnight I thought that's what it midnight 12:00 midnight the old hours of operation I believe we Friday Saturday but I think the new ordinance might be 12 right is it 12 12 yeah I was pretty added all a couple things that one that we would adhere to the new guideline that's going to be does anybody have the ordinance that they could review it with the board Ryan do you have it I don't I don't have it on my I don't have my laptop just so we know what it says did that just pass recently oh wow good when when did that pass it was it was a few months ago I think prior to them coming in front of us oh yeah oh yeah I'm I'm thinking it was because we you know I think it I think it happened that at that next council meeting it was it was passed but I me yeah let me give you the time clear at the meeting Miss Hawks appear that the ordinance was going to be for the second reading at the very next meeting not the date of hour meeting the board was very clear that the noise ordinance was going to be passed within days within a week and I think the really clear that there can't be any noise the question is and let me give an example let's say that they've got um a group in for a birthday party and the noise ordan says there can be a peep out of that building after midnight are the attendees still allowed to sit around cleaning up um doing whatever it is people do between 12 when the build open so yeah and I guess my thought would be for reading this is that you know Crossroads is open till I don't know what time sometimes it's 9 sometimes it's 11 12 I I don't know on the weekends no ordinance and the hours of operation are two separate things yeah they're two very right the question is did the board tell the app that your approval is condition upon you amending your hours of operation so that's the question before the board I'm not I'm not certain why Mr fredman isn't here who sent the link and he would be able to say I've listened to the recording this is what the board said um we have the minutes for I I think hours of operation versus clean people are two different entities there people are 10 people or 20 people standing behind to sheep up clean and all that's not the same as operation Operation is an event people need to stay fast midnight clinging I don't think that why that would be an issue So currently thank you um currently the ordinance reads like this and thank you Miss um the hour paragraph five says the hours of operation for any event or business are limited to Sunday through Thursday 88: till 11: and on Friday and Saturday from 8: until midnight notwithstanding the hours of operation the applicant and anyone using SL renting the site must comply with any noise ordinance in effect so we made it really clear that the norise Mr fredman's complaint is or comment I'll say um is that the old hours of operation which Miss Fox just went through if there's an event that's ongoing until say one I'll pick them I'll pick between mid night and two o'clock until one as long as it's there's no violation of the noise ordinance did the board vote to change the hours of operation I will admit I I didn't go back and listen to the I think two hour meeting it was a spirited discussion for two hours um but Mr fredman asked for the for the audio and um we haven't heard back from him so just for for the board's benefit the prior noris ordinance which was adopted in 1974 um required uh the hours on weekend were 2 am to 800 am um and it said on Saturday and Sunday and then the revise which was just adopted says between 12:00 am and 8:00 am on Friday and Saturday so days were revised and the hours revised but is a board member just said um I forget which gentleman said it Joe um Joe um we're talking about two very different things noise and hours of operation so if the board wants to have some discussion about whether or not the board made a motion to amend this applicant's hours of operation that's what needs to be discussed I I regly recall asking for this and I kind of use the term that I know you didn't like my BR I said P box it goes both ways they're asking for relief it also gives the board an opportunity to ask for other items as well and that was one of my one of my issues you know we had the discussion on when we make a resolution and then we have discussion after and that was something I I was very strong about but and again when I say hours of operation hour operation is the event the party the birthday the wedding reception whatever if after midnight people going to stay behind the clean and sweep and and all that that's I don't consider that part of the the operation that's just is what it is what I remember about again because I know we we were discussing this about balance operation and if we were going to restrict this to 12:00 then other restaurants and bar have to do same so I think we kind of agreed that we couldn't do that we didn't want to do that because then restrict restaurants bars yeah that was my that was my point with crossroads right exactly two different issues I think concern is to is that this property unfortunately a lot of properties in AC City it's a non-conforming use and it's in a residential neighborhood whereas something like Crossroads is on the Main Street it's a little bit different because we have a residential hes around there that's why the noise or is I it's important in the neighborhood when neighbor came out they all pretty much talked about what's going on until the hours in the morning back dire so what happens if if the if the noise is too loud the cops come do they shut them down or just tell them to keep the noise down how's that work well I think that it's an event by event it's a moment by moment thing I don't think the police are going to come in like the gabo they don't shove them down they ask them to turn and then they go from there um but again it's two different things you know loud noise and hours of operation somehow they got complet I I don't know how we even a situation where they're cleaning up sa from 12 to two in a neighborhood like that there could be people outside loading a car truck making a lot of noise just talking to each other so you know I think it goes back to the noise ordinance and they have to comply with that I think what the board's job and obligation tonight is is discuss what your intent at the last meeting was what do you think as a group you voted on clearly there's a consensus that and Miss Hawks agrees the noise ordinance is a noise ordinance and the applicant like anybody um private residence or not um has to comply with that now and the board made it very clear to the applicant that there were being changes made that were imminent um this is a discussion about whether or not the board had voted on amending their hours of operation from what was already granted in 2017 that's what the Board needs to decide I would say no I would say it was 12 o'clock midnight with the new ordinance that was recently and I think everybody agreed midnight so the ordinance that was passed was was for noise yes right but I think my thought at that time was that was ours of operation too that midnight would be the cut off for any kind of point on the weekends would you spread the gospel or for everyone well no one else has come in front of the board so I mean it's not yet but if that happened if someone comes in front of this board then the board has an obligation to take all into consideration the neighborhood the people the surroundings where it's located things of that nature uh so not I don't think worth being unfair we're taking consideration not just the the applicant but people around we have to make it work for everybody not you know would it be fair to make it work just for the residents because that would be unfair to them but we can't make it great for them and unfair to the resid so I think that's a fair balance that be that we offer considering where it's at and you know the past history and I I think I'm sorry I think the the only last thing to throw in there was to remember what the applicant was before the board for a way labor from site plan regarding the parking lot it was a very and I I do understand what you're saying completely but then there was a lot of discussion uh about that issues of the operation in no so I'm going to read a portion of the noise ordinance which I don't think we went through in detail previously um we amended the hours on this but the rest of it remains as it was uh it was passed in 1974 so you'll pick up to D dated reference uh it says it shall be unlawful for any owner or operator of a public place to permit the operation of phonograph machines Juke boxes radios or the performance of an orchestra or other form of entertainment so to me if you're having a party you have to essentially shut the music off at midnight that's what the new ordinance will require using a phead or other form of entertainment I think could broadly be included to modern times were you born in 1974 I was not how many years was laps between that but yeah so I mean it even if they're allowed to operate they're not allowed to play music in the facility you know ad mid I don't have just turn music on so what which pleasure I just don't see how we can regulate one business's op hours operation and not others got bar yeah neighbor but we don't we're going to they come in front of us and we have that opportunity to take into consideration their location and the people around them and they come in look for the same thing is there an ordinance stating hours of operation of um bars and restaurants that's a good question I don't I don't I don't think one has to come the same use there's no change of use so they won't have to come here yeah if that reopened as a bar and restaurant in The Identical form that it existed previously this had to come the board because there's change of use from the Knights of Columbus to this use which we deem to be not a continuation of what previously exist every case that comes in front of us we rant different waivers to different app BAS the condition whether it be St containers whether it be dumpsters sidewalks or anything else we have some people puted sidewalks it's not optional other people we give a waer to it's not I don't think we're being unfair or doing anything uh other than taking into consideration all aspects of it I I I don't know why anyone would feel that we're we're doing this singling someone out we do that on every case we hear all the issues but we make decisions one by one based on all those things that you take in consideration as I think our due diligence to work on the behalf of not just the applicant but the residents and I think this is a very very fair compromise you said um I believe we did discuss this issue that there was maybe uh some Ty conflict between ordinance and their original application hours and you say the exact same thing then I think the way we answer is that we did not their hour they had app and so we're going back just saying what we did then I don't think we can modify their hours what we're doing just say to and and I'm not even sure that this board would make an ordinance of hours of operation but car yeah no I get that however wouldn't that have to be a city a city council generated thing that's what they do they make ordinances but I don't know I'm not a lawyer Carol aren't the conditions from the previous re the previous resolution still in effect so all we've done is state that there is a noise ordinance that no no noise after midnight the hours would fall back to the previous resolution well that's how I would interpret it that that's just me I think we should table this that yeah and get the audio Y and make it very very clear so what I did and did not add to the motion instead of surmising and guessing let's do it the right way find out what was and wasn't said and you know ordinances are out there correct Council creates with this board the authority to make changes to ordinance as Seas F just like a sidewalk we can wave that at any time okay M what what is is your concern ma'am um so my concern is number one he want to be why when I saw that I need to know so when the people come and they want to know what kind what time can we have party to I need to know if I'm telling them 1:00 a.m. or am I tell 12 so so that my customers can be confing I need to know what am I following so again so when I got this it was confusing to me um I I will say um on my contracts for the most part we don't do parties until 2: a.m. um what I put out to my customers they have until 1:00 a.m. that time they know all music everything has stop they start clean up process hanging out and parking out all that so if there's a middle ground somewhere where we can come together I would be perfectly okay with even putting it as part of the resolution for 1:00 a.m. on Friday Saturday and 1100 p.m on Sunday through Thursday because I really don't put it out there 2 A.M even though I know it says it the original resolution I don't put it out there to people 2 a.m. I say 1: a.m. 1:00 a.m. words perfectly fine for me we can meet at middle ground and do you understand that under the new FR Saturday on and if the board were to entertain that that's up to the board do you understand that even if you were allowed to have people on site for an event until one the noise and music would have to be midnight noise next so basically again when they come in I have to make them where there's noise ordinance in place at 12:00 music has to no the noise ordinance so so essentially you're proposing that like the party would need to cease for all intensive purposes at midnight on the GS and then they have to be out of the facility by 1: yeah or however long it takes noway say to really big setups companies have to come with chairs out you know get ready for the party the next day so sometimes uh breakdowns take longer what up as long as you stand up and give your name you get sworn in do you swear that everything off tonight would be Tri yes um when you guys commit and you can wait for the audio whatever you want to y'all had said that y'all going to pass an ordinance okay and had essentially said 12 but y'all were going to continue to comply if that's the right word to our hours of operation and so basically if we went as my wife said and as some of the board members trying to recall and we go to basically 12:00 because we don't have a say so over ordinance ordinance was 2 o' we stopped we always stopped at one but that was just a call the ORD said that we can stop all the mic get two ago you said that you were passing audience audits in the next couple of days or whatever that was going to amended till 12:00 so we contending okay if it's 12 o' it's 12 o'clock but to the point and I'm just being redundant you did also allude to the fact that our hours of operation wouldn't change in other words you're giving somebody if it's 2:00 or whatever to get in their cars uh clean up do all all the stuff that you said but at 12:00 basically the music has to shut down right okay I want to say one more thing too and this is kind of off then I'm sit down again I said board meeting in the five years that we've been uh open over there okay believe only received we only received but two two noise noise complaints when we got a call now when I came here of course you know you got 59 of them we never got them you understand I'm saying so that's why I'm I'm I'm only bringing that up because I I you know our reputation to a certain extent is has been kind of sullied through this and this and that and the other and all of that and I'm like wait a minute we don't we don't I don't think there were any violations written Mr Hawks I think that it was just uh neighbors must have called and and law enforcement showed up to find out what was going on but I don't think there was ever any summonses issue right we've never got a summon so say the police spoke to somebody on site and the noise stop and that only happened like two times but the point was in the public forum there had was numbers here that stood up with papers saying you got 59 complaints here you got 59 this and 59 that or whatever and I'm taking I'm just taking the issue which is a mute point I guess but it's kind of not because you you you paint this picture and a lot of people are going to vote based on that picture that you have so when you say you got 100 complaints and you got this and that the other but we've never been aware of it even to your point we never got summons or anything like that but you know we might have got two calls or something like that that's what we know about well as I stated at the meeting Mr Hawks uh you you may not have heard it but as board members here we hear about it socially sure you know complaints and and uh you know well call code enforcement or call law enforcement uh and and it usually doesn't escalate past that it's just people vening because they're unhappy with you know things going on in their neighborhood that are disrupting their quality of life right so we're trying to please everybody as you're can understand I'm I'm I'm a business owner and I'm a resident so okay so so getting back to the the issue before us now so I I I see two things that can happen tonight one we can we can table this discussion do more research uh send a letter to the uh the Hawks attorney as the whether we're going to amend it or not I don't know or we someone offer a motion to make an amendment to the things to to uh State the hours of operation that we feel are fair well I think Mr GF has a point when he says we're all sitting here guessing yeah over what was said and we should know what we say my view in regardless of what direction this goes right right we shouldn't make a decision guess it we should I don't think we have I don't is a proper for us to change whatever we agree to if we agree to 2: a.m. or agree to 4: a.m. or agree to midnight whatever it is we agree to we we have a an obligation to adhere to what we discussed and if voted on unfortunately yes there's a fog in this and you know there was a lot of discussion and we're not real clear where it ended so I think it's it's only prudent who's going to review the table we have our our it's either that or compromise like Mrs said and now to 1: a.m. it's an extra hour that they can occupy the building for quiet yeah and I think it have their lawyer involved I'm sure they get a fee every time you have to revie something what you said nothing against lawyers but if you can put the rest of night and just get it over with I'm okay with com for an hour whatever we agreed on we're either giving them an extra hour or they're losing an hour so we're both kind of in the same V at that point and then Le it's over motion can I make one more comment you know and time is critical for them because they need to tell their customers what time they can't really book any events unless they tell their customers what time they can stay until so I would ultimately like to do the first suggestion and see what exactly was said but on the other hand as Mr McKenna said you know negotiating may not be a bad idea being that they're so pressed for time because they do have to book parties but you know in my personal opinion I I feel like the whole the whole issue overall would probably be something the council would have to have an ordinance for for the whole town but I'm not a lawyer but I think a compromise is a good idea if if not our resolution well resolution and or the only resolution thing we voted on the resolution was the parking lot we didn't vote on the noise ordinance that's the problem an ordinance comes is generated from city council that was that was as part of the resolution that's that's what they came in for right that is your correct statement they came in that the resolution over but then we made our our our addon to that resolution so my only question is if we voted on a resolution do we have an obligation to stick with that obligation without them having to go through the whole process or are we allowed to amend this resolution this is supposed to be the second reading of that resolution correct been passed in you can amend a resolution the ordinance is like a law the we we make a resolution to adhere to or make AC the ordance I'm questioning the resolution I don't want to put us in the situation where we're we're changing resolution we're not allowed to if we're allowed to and the board appe what are we allow well I don't mind a compromise but we should know yeah the facts of of how we voted I mean that's that should be done also or what we voted on on the resolution basically should know but I'm not against a compromise or anything like that it just seems like everybody's sitting here and we're all guessing about what we said instead of finding out what we said I agree but but in the meanwhile how do we give relief to them so they can book their people that's that's the question I don't know legally but if that's the case if we're going to table this since there is a wear no and it is unfortunate this is not a criticism I promise you miss Hawks I mean it's it's a it's a shame that the person who asked to listen to the tape isn't here to make a representation as an officer of the port I remember our conversation very well um with regard to what my legal opinion was with regard to whether or not this board has the ability to say we said you could be open till two back in 2017 comma we're going to be adopting the city is going to be adopting a new ordinance and I I made a reference I made an analogy between spot zoning and wanting to tell this business owner that if we're going to Grant you a waiver from having to PVE a part lot we're now going to delve into your hours of operation it is well within your authority to say they're because board members are not lawyers they're not parliamentarians the Motions are not spelled out and R as they do in Congress or the House of Representatives or the Senate there seems to be some discourse you know who said what what we agree to it would be well within this board's authority to say we're going to clarify this language and consider the applicant's offer to say look if there's a if there's if there's a cloudy the perhaps if we all listen to the tape it's still not going to be Crystal Clear um it's well within the board's authority to say we're going to clarify paragraph I think it's five saying that the applicants understand the new Zone uh the new noise ordinance their hours of operation had been until two but in light of the change of the noise ordinance they're agreeing to amend their hours of operation to 1 p.m. that would be perfectly legal because what we're talking about here is um a disagreement about what the actual motion was so I'll I'll make a motion that we change the wording on that their hours operation for Friday and Saturday night to 1:00 a.m. they understand that they have to follow the noise ordinance and then I guess be at 11:00 p.m. all over nights second well let's be very clear because I I want to make sure I understand the motion so the old hours of operation on the weekends were until two yes you're agreeing to go till 1 acknowledging that the noise ordinance says everybody's got a hush up by midnight right yes and that the um other nights of the week it was until 11 and the noise ordinance in that regard hasn't changed right right so that's the motion yes so one on the weekends until 11 Sunday Sunday there's ation and a second Is there further discussion roll call D mayor J Patty yes Mr Peterson yes Mr timers yes Mr Walker yes Mr G yes Dennis McKennon yes Michael McKennon yes Mr moleno yes Mr keer yes Mr Brett um I abstained I didn't vot on the original so closing at one Friday through Friday and Saturday noise noise at at midnight closing at 11 Sunday through Thursday noise off at 10: oh 11 11 is noise ordinance is 10 or 11 it's 10 the new ordinance is 10 to8 Friday through yeah except Friday and Saturday so 12 and one and 10 and 11 right thank you you're welcome good night than you Council report anything um we did have the cleanup day very successful um 2.98 tons of trash I didn't get a report on the recycles so that was a good day 340 people came out or were signed up and did clean up um other than that I don't don't think there's anything else but on Monday y all know that is Memorial Day so the service will be at 10 o'clock at Lincoln Park so if you'd like to present a wreath or whatever I know Aaron hoffen is and um that's it and then June 1st is the summer celebration that we're having if I was asked to pass along if anybody would like to volunteer in the dunk tank you're certainly welcome to do so um planning board any land use board members want to get dunked you know make a little bit of money you know who knows thank you may and I think that's it thanks oh you know what I do want to say one other thing we just got we got another Grant this week for $400,000 to make the um City Hall Ada so we'll be doing some work on the doors in front and the bathrooms and bathrooms are pretty much get fully renovated they'll be work in here to make right now you have stairs up under your desk yeah um so that will be made complient all doors get replaced the service counters would be lowered because they're not compant height $4,000 yep so we're doing good with grants we did get another $850,000 grant for uh forestry issues that um that was on Arbor they announced that Grant and then the grant before that was a million dollars for Street trees um so we're doing grants keep your fingers cross we have a recreation Grant out there for pickle ball court so let's hope and pray that that goes through and we get it and we have another one out for the um Crusaders field to try to supplement some funding for that to get that um squared away Donna just passed me a note here were required to watch a storm water management video as part of our uh make sure you have popcorn I've already done it mine's done my wife's done okay before we do that is there any uh public comment anyone from the public wish to speak I just feed me feed me I want to make I want to thank Donna for all the feedback she provided us since our last meeting all those issues we had she did follow up and send emails so it was nice to hear response by thank you okay before we watch the video uh go ahead the bike Bas what's happening with that that is a pine L's issue now like we had a meeting with pin lands what a month ago do in count yeah they're having they're having a problem with the way the extra surface of the road is going to be filtered going into the forest so CME suggested one way which the fin LS didn't like because it was new and it wasn't traditional but it didn't follow the protocol so they went back to the drawing board I haven't heard anything since then but Ryan you feel anything you want to add to that their their regulations just incredibly difficult to do anything well that propers because you can't have additional discharge to the we areas but you can't the only way that you cannot do that is to have infiltration but it's hard to infiltrate because you don't have separation ground water right next to we so their rules are just it's very difficult to beat everything at the same time so they think they have a way to do it but they have to use perious Paving and the counting and do paid for that so they're just trying to get all parties to like figure out what is the P fin rules or is D in county is sping so hopefully they can get that sort out that's that's where we're is the paving only going in certain spots um they're they' be widening the Philadelphia Avenue pavement section pretty much the full length um from dwig out to the lake um it's only the bike path itself is only about 5 feet but they may need additional perious Paving off the side just to rout stor management um most you probably don't know this but pineles just changed their rules the last two years or so that requires you to treat nitrogen to 65% and they say you can do that with one or two devices except zero devices are qualified to actually treat 5% so the rule effectively manag you or requires you to have two um bmps or basins or facilities in series so normally what I would have done is You' have like parties Paving and you would go down to the ground and just inil well now that's not good enough pav got it through there and under drain it and put it in another facility and then you can um infiltrate so it's just made doing anything very very different are the poles being moved yes utility poles many of the utility hes need that was one P's question they wanted to count every po was two which do that just guess you guys do where yeah the right 100 feet wi there you got plenty plenty to work with but um yeah it mostly just comes down to issues of like what you can do where so they're just trying to sort it all out hopefully those catch basins wherever they are don't sink where have people falling off their bike like the White Horse bike you know and of course they're worried about the usual yellow golden rod and some sort of a red possible Golden Rod or plants love to grow like right at the edge of the asphalt they don't let you move the edge of the asphalt even though did they probably you know six over there yeah I I don't envy what they're going through as they're trying but they're not worried about the human beings that actually Traverse that road that could get hit by a car and killed but whatever it's fine now how much uh input does the county um well it's a county road so ultimately they can just say no not going to allow it um but if you get to a point where the fin line says you have to do that and the county says no what are they saying do you know what the county saying I think the county was open to perious Paving given discussions we had but it was going to take more selling see seees that was just so yeah try got gos and can I say one more thing I did forget maybe I mentioned this before but we did get a million dollar Grant also to help the infrastructure at the uh site where the movie studio is going to be so that will help him I I don't remember if I told you that or not but that's was paper too what do the current Fally be if you don't going on stare quite a while the convenience is open but there's no fuel yeah they were here years ago exens Sol waiting for court date and uh they had a court date oh did they but the defense uh requested a postponement due to a surgical procedure Steve says he doesn't know if it's been granted yet but that's what he was just then last question I know several months ago it was approved for the um cannabis retail on the Pike and I haven't seen any they picked up their permits oh they did I don't know it seems to be slow moving but they did pick up permits yeah we two of them only one got the retail license thetic yeah yeah they submitted their their City application um so we didove that as far as D going picked up thank you Don do it tonight or we can do it another night Weck it on our own no it's me telling fun bu stories do it any you want so we're still going storm water no everybody watching people watch minutes it was very easy I I did it real okay well notag the meeting out I'm still having a problem with Dollar General and the inability of Code Enforcement to resolve this problem so I wasn't going to print out 34 pictures but I got thumbnails here going back from 20 2016 if the board cares to look at him and then leave him in Carol essentially Bor General's business model is they get their deliveries on the rolling racks they unpackage everything they put the cardboard boxes on the rolling racks and then they store the racks in the parking lot and they're not supposed to be in the parking lot they're supposed to be in the trash encloser well in the meantime while this is happening the wind storm comes up and then it blows the cardboard out of these racks all over the place so this is not a new problem and I've made a nu of myself to code enforcement who I I can't deal with anymore because they think that I'm abusing them so I'm I'm asking the board how do we resolve this to make them comply with what they agreed to now I reread the resolution and I thought that somewhere in there it should have said nothing is to be stored outside but I didn't see that anywhere all it said was that they will recycle the trash and that that they would recycle the cardboard and that the trash will be emptied by a delivery service so there hasn't been well there's been a couple of spells where they were compliant and there wasn't anything outside but essentially week after week after week these parts are out there and they're they're Outdoors the cardboard is not secured and it's blowing all over the neighbor so can the board write a letter to code enforcement and ask them to enforce what do we do Carol Of course I mean we talked about this last time it shouldn't have to be that a board tells the governing body to have their code enforcement gentleman gentle woman who whatever the case may be um enforce not only your resolution but the law I mean you know if somebody says and I understand it's not as specific as hindsight might have required it to be but when they say they're going to maintain their trash and they're going to take it out on time and they're going to recycle know it's like any house I mean if your neighbor keeps putting out whatever refuges they they generate each week code enforcement officer is going to go out hopefully and say you got to pick up your trash and secure it you can't just be flying around you're not in town the residen is you're not supposed to put it out until 24 hours before pick up or I don't know what the time period is but you can't just leave it out there week after we you know clearly I wasn't there obviously but clearly they didn't come in for site plan approval and say our business model is we have racks we put cardboard on the racks and the first stti wi there goes the the Box say that wasn't their testimony I can guarantee you that wasn't their testim so if if you think that a letter from the board is going to put a fire so to speak I mean unless I'm wrong and this is acceptable I I don't know but is it just me just being you know hard-headed or it looks like all their SCH they do the same thing once they get in They Don't Really maintain them they don't tell you that the One MA Landing is not like that they're not a cart or a piece of cardboard anywhere around that building Ryan don't they have to have an enclosure around a recycled container or not they have ATT traction F I know but it's not big enough it's not big enough for the way to they run their business so we could theoretically make that inlarge it I'm sure that they agreed to comply with all the conditions of the engineering planers report I'm sure that Tim's report says no outdoor storage of trash and refuse as all of his reports always do so that's a condition in the letter that they agreed to so if we go back to that and cite that specifically say agreed specifically to not have outdoor storage of trash um and you doing it repeatedly just site them for not conforms of resolution so don I don't want to put you on the spot but why are they so reluctant to do anything over there I thought that there was an issue with um the homeless people you proar and breaking into the dumpster and then the trash is going all over from that the the the homeless thing is just within the last month this has been going on since 2016 but they go over there they go over there yeah but they're not they're not writing many violations so they stop doing it well the store isn't big enough to have all the cards inside why is that our I know but that's the way Dollar Generals are that's their problemo appreciates hardboard blowing in her back or down the I think maybe they should you know require them to make a bigger one I've seen sheds which W WWA used to have sheds for their recycl I think that the resolution and the city ordinances together are clear you came in you said look at our pretty Maps this is what it's going to look like I'm sure the map doesn't have pictures of little cards rolling around the parking lot and certainly not stuffed with un um crushed cardboard if they crush the cardboard and put it in the enclosure it'll fit they do not that's the point yeah so I think that's that's where your hook is this the city has trash ordinances they were granted site plan approval and part of the site plan approval was not allowing uncrushed boxes to fly around racks which aren't secured and so the boxes are going down the street but who's supposed to enforce that car that code enforcement I think the problem from going in there is that they've had a help problem there's a different manager in there every week and probably who Steve Richie's going in and talking to is somebody new that don't know anything about ordinances or enclosures or anything so maybe what they need to do is go to somebody in upper management with done that joke a thousand times need a bigger inclusion right so I mean they gota they got to be told they got to be maybe them up up that's what I'm saying and then the powers to be like spending the money and usually the cardboard is banned when they crush it they put a banned around so it can't believe and then well these are in carts I seen the carts but I'm saying incl they they put them in a in a Crusher and it goes down and there's a spot for the metal band to go around it's not the board or the city's place to worry about their health issues right yeah there's an ordinance that says keep your trash off the street if I have my trash blowing all over God's green earth the code enforcement official of Northfield is not going to care if I'm tired or I work too much or my trash can got cracked they're not going to care they're going to site me they're going to give me a notice of violation and if I don't clean it up within X number of weeks they're going to find they're going to summons me to municipal court and then I'm get fine right that's all the city has to worry about because it's nice people like people who volunteer their time in cities that oh you know I the help the homeless the this that you don't need to worry about making them increase their enclosure size that's on them to figure out how they're going to stop being fined it's that simple I remember we had a problem in the old Wawa um after you were there and um I remember going in there and talking to the manager and she did everything she could to figure it out just like you're saying and because there was trash blown across the street to where the oldc and Farms now liquor stores at and U they fixed the problem to your point so I don't know what the power General's solution would be but well they're not listening to code enforcement so now I think it's time to get a citation which is is over there all the time maybe that'll to come here and ask for variance be able to take a couple of their parking spots that they already assed have and make that another enclosure and here's the other side of that once you give them a citation Carol you can speak on this it goes to court then now this is the problem we're having with the bowling alley the judge doesn't want to do anything we're the criminals they're he's not even though and I hate to get off the topic he has no Co no CCO no TCO he's he's illegally running a business that is not in approved use from this board it's a trash stump there's trash everywhere there's weeds everywhere the tree is whatever the case may be then it goes to the court and then now you're being held captive by the court the court let me tell because this is what our experience is about right now and this is very simple the postponements you're never going to do anything about them it's a it's a fact of life you just have to roll with that you have little control but um if somebody receives a notice and since then somebody see receives a summons if the whoever the representative from the city goes to court and the prosecutor says no we're going to dismiss us no I want a trial and the trial is only 10 minutes this is not a thing to do it's just a matter of the city standing its ground saying no I won't agree to a dismissal I won't so so that could happen to us though if this do Dollar General goes to court it could be postponement and postponement because all these courts have time frames that they have to report to the the administrative office of the courts and the municipal courts get reports every month saying this is how old these cases are and if you just get into a rhythm saying this is what we're doing and and may I mention also going back to the bowling alley the illegal fence that is unpermitted and is in the city right away and and this these they're criminals and and we can't do anything about it so have they written any violations for that they're in court about that but nothing's getting done in the court who's handling it for the city well now Angela has to go to court with them because I requested don't you go because I don't know what happens I don't know what happens in a court if there's no legal representation the for the city is supposed to be representing the city okay well well any other Town inlanta County if you don't have a CO yeah they're locking you out yeah you can't open a building it's a commercial building and if it's not a commercial building and he's going to do something else with it he had to be come before the board and and file an application I mean I hate to beat this dead horse but I mean Carol do you go home to Northfield down the White Horse please go and just look this is a the use as a bowling alley there's been nothing cleaned up in that place it's a here's what the use is it's a warehouse It's a trash it's a a dump okay that's really what the you it's being used for he's using it as storage he's storing his personal effects but it's a dump in this building he's dumping stuff wow it's a dump one man's trash is another man's treasure and it's a fire hazard if that thing goes up in Flames I don't even know what's going to happen is part another issue and not not not letting the Fire Marshall in that's not that's been going on for a year so part of the complaint to the court right now is part is the fets no that it's illegal no no the the whole thing that went to court recently and Donald will test to this is that the trailers are gone now I'm like excuse me like that's not the only issue there's trash there's weeds there's an illegal fence the trash is second you have to have a CO there's no but it's a win because we don't have containers anymore that's the win okay so I don't know where we go from here with that I maybe Donnie you can shed some light on that I city has to come off some of their money and pay the right people to do the right job I mean we could we could make excuses all day long but it's the great funny what do you be done we're not taking the proper actions and yet we're wondering why there's not a change let's spend some money set the set the tone set the press and make it right I mean we go up down 30 I mean I don't like to pick on Kowalski but he's got 200 tires out there every day yeah and it's any or he's not allow to have that's right and no one has ever bother well I did ask about that no tires would be stored out I asked Steve Hadley about that years ago and what he said was they get picked up on a regular basis that's what he puts them there and they get picked up and they get removed from the site resolution we pass that's not what it say doesn't say he could pick them up once every weeks or every other day it's they're not to be Steward he came back and got approval for a container if he want to put them in that container and shut the doors that's fine but you can go all the way up and down 30 and you're going to have this problem up every street but you can't ask I think it's go back to the statement C we're going to ask one person to comply but we're going toy Blind Eye other people you're not going to get one person to comply on every so you're going to have to spend the right money get someone to go out there do it it's not personal it's business that's the old say you got places right on philad offia Avenue you got two businesses off around on one yard I mean everybody sees it I don't want to pick on people but we either got to enforce it or we don't but don't I I we shouldn't expect any change we're not going to do anything different godd right if you site somebody for one thing because they're going to go look somebody else's business and say why aren't you picking on them site them too well that's that's the point there should be a mountain of citations right now against the B they're writing ticket that's what I mean but there should be 50 tickets on just a trash land rent they should go back there and just keep writing another ticket every so many weeks and and sooner or later it's going to go through the court it's G to get it's not it doesn't ever change though you know that's the whole problem yeah okay can I please watch this video on my own you send me a link I promise I'll send you something you have to watch it anybody else need for anything are we watching it now we're watching it right now right now got I so tears M you're really going to watch it thank you lady it's it's in the back thank no it's not there this will be the first is to explain storm rules apply to the develop for Courtesy copy of manag please visit there you will also find guidance and other information Rel storm management New Jersey as well as the New Jersey storm best management practic manual here after refer to as the B Ryan you said we were get affect quantity and quality including soils land tends to alter these conditions which often have a negative effect on hyd conditions of the storm water management rules focus on the change of a site's hydrology as a result of development and Redevelopment because rainf usually occurs over large areas it can generally we assumed the larger the land area being altered the greater the effect one way to quantify this is to measure the impervious area that is added to the site as a result of development imperious surface is borm water managements as material do not allow infiltration many Tak Place vation greatly increasing the volume low r loading from around while another way [Music] me site disturbance is defined as any increase in perious surface movement or exposure of soil or bedro and clearing cutting or removing vegetation disturbing site can greatly alter the hydrology in a number of ways the storm water management rules apply only to sites that are considered major developments the storm water management rules Define a major development to be any site which results in the disturbance of one or more acres of land or increases the impervious coverage by one4 acre however this definition varies depending on the regulation through which the storm water management rules remain in force therefore the specific definition of Maj development will be explained for regulation that is discussed under the federal National pollutant discharge elimination system permit program all states must regulate Municipal storm water discharge for municipal separate stormm sewer systems primly refer to as ms4s nearly all municipalities in New Jersey have a municipal storm water General permit which is commonly called the ms4 permit one of the requirements of the permit is the evotion of the municipal storm water management plan which describes how a municipality will address storm water related impact of development the municipality is also required to adopt a storm water impl stor under the municipality's ms4 permit a major development is defined at one acre of disturbance however the municipality can adopt more stringent regulations under their plan and ordinance therefore it is important to check the requirements of the local or to identify the definition of a m development the storm control applies to developments that are subject to the New Jersey municipal land use law as well as Municipal projects that are not these projects must be reviewed and approved by the municipality prior to construction additional information about the municipal stor water program and the applicability of post construction storm water management requirement will be provided in the storm water management through the municipal separate storm system current commod one of the requirements of the ms4 permit is compliance with the residential site Improvement standards or rsis the rsis are a set of requirements established by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs which govern all residential sit improvements pursuing to the New Jersey municipal L compliance with strong water management rules is one of the provisions of the rsis the rsis Define a major development of any development that results in a disturbance of one or more ages therefore any residential development that serve one or more Acres requires compliance with the design performance standards and storm waterer management rules and must be reviewed and approved by the municipal Construction the division of water quality also issues similar permits to Highway agencies and public complexes which own and operates in all Municipal C Storm systems the highway agency permit applies to entities which operate highways and other roads such as the New Jersey Department of Transportation the New Jersey CH Authority in each of the 21 camps the public complex permit appli large publicly owned complexes which discharge storm water including hospitals prisons and universities the definition of a major development under the permit is any development that disturbs one or more Acres FL Highway agencies and public complexes are self sing entities therefore major developments undertaken by iway agencies and public complex that require aliance with the design performance standards in the stor mes but are not reviewed by the municipality or municipalities in which they are in addition to the previously discussed regulation some developments may require review from the NJB division of land regulation major developments that require permit under the coastal area facility review act the flood Hazard area Control Act the Waterfront and harbor facilities act or the freshwater Wetland protection act may also require compliance with the storm rules under the division of land regulation a major development stor water management is Def of any project that results in distance of one or more acres of land or increases the impervious coverage by one4 all major developments which require one of these perits are red for compliance by the mjt regulation regardless of whether they're considered a major development by local regulations as shown in the diagram developments requiring one of the above permits which me only to threshold of one4 acre of an internal inurance coverage will be reviewed only by the division of bankage Regulation as this trigger does not apply local regul however if the developments either of the state Traders for development and the local trer for development the must be reviewed by both thank you for watching the applicability presentation in this series about the storm War management rules for more information please watch the other videos in this series entitled strong Water Management planning design performance standards and safety standard storm water management bases as well as the module storm water management through the municipal separate storm sewer system that's that's it so as you the whole issue with the bike P Finance the engineers every fighting over this we have no saying but I know it's s minutes but funny part is so talk about disturbances trigger it's 5000 5000 disturbance so totally set how much was the grant3 the bike back 723 723 how much is left and the um so you got a separate design assistance grant for 500 something oh oh okay and then the to be clear we're not doing any of this St um and um and they I believe they ued the Grant from 700 to like 1.3 million didn't they yeah yeah because it wasn't enough and then we still might be so um yeah we so we submitted the application based on a set of plans and an estimate that the county put together like and then yeah pretty much all I did sub the application said