[Applause] this portion of the township committee is being videotaped for broadcast due to either technical reasons or topics for discussion that may be held in close session pursuing to the New Jersey open public meetings act there may be interruptions in the videotaping of these proceedings this meeting will be aired by ehtv ehtv Channel 97 on Thursday January 18th thank you very much could everyone please stand for the Pledge of [Music] Allegiance a pledge allegiance un States of America to the na indivisible all righty roll call please here Ellis here hson yes I am here ladies and gentlemen we're going to start this night a little different than normal as you can see we have an empty seat up here uh we had a there's a process to fill these seats and in this case uh the eer township Republican County committee submitted three names uh will Pauls Fern Mak and Jill Campbell to potentially fill the seat the county committee picked Mr will Pauls to fill it we're going to be swearing him in tonight we want to thank the other two candidates we had three outstanding choices and I think as we go forward everybody wishes you well will and uh we're going to swe win right now so come forward [Music] [Applause] [Music] right hand I state your name I will call do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear or affirm that I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of tum committee at township committee to the best of my ability to the best of my ability I do further solemnly swear I do further F Solly swear or affirm or affirm that I will support the Constitution I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and then I will bear true faith I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and the government established and the government establish in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me go so help we got congratulations I'd like to introduce Mr Rich CL from Galloway Township he's the deputy mayor out there thank you for your service out there thank you and you got a good gu to you sure do thank well do you want to introduce your family before we up your can you spin I will spin that I know I'm sorry he I'd also like to know if Senator Vince patina is here welcome will uh introduce my family that's my grandson Ryan bwin my wife Jenny Pauls that's been with me for 48 years my daughter Dr Jen Balwin and her husband Matt Matt Balwin Matt was a football coach for EHT High School and Jen's special head director at uh Galloway schools for special ed his support system welc my long time Apprentice many years ago Rich Clute that really that when I uh went in and met with The Apprentice class I used to tell them how they had to get back to the community and Rich clo was a young guy and took that seriously he's a fireman in at Galloway Township he's with police and Emergency Management and uh done a heck of a job in Galloway Township if anybody knows people in Galloway they know Richie clue very proud of him and thank you for coming Rich welcome aboard thank you very much welcome AB forward to this that's it you picked a good meeting because we're going right to the chief of police oh see you Senator see you thank you have a good night thank you senator [Applause] this public portion correct public portion all right well uh Township Comm mayor Township committee thank you um committ Pauls welcome and congratulations thank you very much look forward to working with you um so uh what brings me before you tonight is uh during the reorganization meeting um one of our full-time or one of our part-time dis dispat bers became a full-time dispatcher and his name is Patrick Quinn and I'd like to bring him up [Applause] Patrick so the reason um during the reorganization meeting um we weren't able to properly recognize him uh what we're trying to do here in the on the police department side has kind of changed culture in a way um our dispatchers seem to be uh sometimes uh forgotten overlooked not deliberately it just becomes it's kind of the unfortunately the nature of our our world um time flies you know we're responding to calls and and we you know the day is over weeks are over years are over so anytime a part-time dispatcher or anytime anyone becomes a full-time dispatcher we want to make it a point to recognize them because they serve a very important function to the police department um you know there's a there's a push for them to become First Responders and that's absolutely uh something that I hope uh will be accomplished and be recognized as First Responders uh the reason being is they might not being out in the field the police officers or fire department or enss Personnel you know U um you know physically witnessing uh trauma and despair and just things like that they're hearing it over the phone it takes the same toll whether or not you're seeing it or if you're hearing it so I think it's uh proper to make sure that we start recognizing our Dispatchers in this fashion when they become full-time and so therefore because we didn't have the opportunity to reorganization meeting I wanted to bring Patrick up here today to recognize him to congratulate him in front of his peers who are seated behind us and again to uh thank them uh for what they do and to to really take on a very important and critical uh task and job in policing so with that being said congratulations Patrick uh really look forward I know as a part-time employee I mean you've done very well you sound great on the radio uh you know you're good appear to be good under stress very poised and uh that that's that's the type of people we need you know answering those phones and dispatching our calls and so we look forward to to big things from Patrick um Patrick young man I think he lives if I'm not mistaken he live in Longport mhm that's correct um I think his goal is to be to be in policing at some point um but this is a great start so again welcome welcome aboard Patrick and I'd like to thank the members of the acover Township Police Department and our dispatchers for showing up to showare their support for Patrick welcome aboard P congratulations thank you very and welcome con you know when they call dispatch you're the you're the voice the voice of hope so it's it's important it's an important job and thank you I appreciate guys and thank all of you that do this we know it takes a toll and you put long hours in and just thank you for what you do for all of us thank you Chief excuse me mayor hey chief I would like to say I'm glad you brought him up and continue to do that because like I said those are the unsung heroes behind the scene back in my police days I made sure communication had lunch so I never forgot Communications cuz they are the secret of success in your career now it's a we need to do better at it job they do all the work it should be natural it shouldn't even have to be an effort to recognize them and that's something we have to change and we're trying to change you did it tonight so it's a perfect step forward thanks chief thank you and congratulations once again [Music] committee I would like to open uh the meeting up to public comment if there's anybody in the audience that would like to address governing body on any issue step forward if not can I have a motion to close the public comment so move second roll call we all in favor I [Applause] I you can I we have a resolution and consent calendar resolution 81 through an including 102 does anybody have any questions if not can I have a motion I'll make a motion can I have a second please a second uh roll callaro yes Ellis yes hotson yep Pauls yes farmer yes uh I can have a resolution 103 authorizing the releas lease of closed session minutes so moved can I have a second please okay roll call Garo yes Alice yes hson yes Pauls fmer yes resolution 104 authorizing the payment of all bills can I have a motion please oh so move can have a second please thank you roll callaro yes Ellis Hodson yes Pauls yes farmer yes Township committee reports Mr Paul we're going to start with you is there anything you would like to say I just happy to be here you know I've been a resident over 45 years and it's a good time in my life to get back to AC cor Township like I said in in the committee meetings you know my family is grateful a Carver Township me and Jenny grew up here we raised our family here and it's a good time in my life to get back to a Township good thank you welcome Mr Alis not not nothing at this time not at this time Mr Hudson I got a few things um and I always talk about it we got to appreciate our volunteers like the chief just said our fire department was busy over this storm with wires arcing trees down and the other day we had two significant fires and it's daytime fire and CI and Bargain Town I mean they I don't know how they do it I'll put them against any paid fire department to good to get the Goodwill when there was a pretty good fire inside that store it's a shoing center and a lot of people in that facility but uh we CAU it from bargain town and they were out at the same time in skille so when you look at the services that had to be rendered we had we were active in scullville they had an active fire with a police investigation and I don't want to say what caused what but at the Goodwill store in the um I'm not sure the name of that Plaza but it's where Harbor Freight Freight is and and Cardiff Cardiff was on the ball Cardiff and bargain toown so you know to our volunteers to the EMS EMS was there police department was there had block off that Center pretty well cuz we stretched the line from The Pike all way into the store and and they put that fire out quickly but again thank our Emergency Services police fire and rescue and they never let us down and the other night in that wind storm you know I always said this you know like the dispatcher here if you have who who can you call and Elis will tell me Ghostbusters you call the police department and the police department sent people out to cut the trees with the fire department and clear those roadways and arcing wires I'm telling you this having a father to work for L electric till he retired they worked hard in this whole area to maintain service in my area we're at an hour without power so to to all emergency services that's what communities do is take care of our problems when we need to that's it Mr gfer thank you mayor yeah I just want to oh is that El uh I just want to um let the citizens know that uh Mr Paul has [Music] given