this portion of the schedule taped for broadcast due to either technical reasons or topics for discussion that may be held in close session pursuant to the New Jersey open H meetings act there may be interruptions in the videotaping of these proceedings this meeting will be aired by EHT TV channel 97 on Thursday January 8th thank you could everybody stand for the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America stand indiv roll call please Joe Faro here Ray Ellis Paul Hudson here William Pauls here Laura farmer I am here this is a night we all like here in egg haror Township we are hiring three new police officers we are very proud of our Police Department here in this town as we say over and over again we feel it's the best police department in Atlanta County and actually in the state of New Jersey so gentlemen we are very proud and honored that you are going to be joining our force and I know that there there's a lot expected out of you so tonight as you're starting in we you got a taste a little bit right now with issues in a neighborhood regarding speeding is one of a thousand things that they do during the course of the day so next we're going to do is this so we have res resolution 108 authorizing Jan Parker wasam Alam and Samuel Walsh as police officers could I have a motion to adopt I have a second one of you I have a roll call please Karo yes Ellis yes hson yes Pauls yes fmer yes gentlemen could you please step forward do you have a family member that you like to bring up to hold a Bible or to hold or anything that's get come on back it up you can back up to the there you go there we go this way you're on the camera all right so officers almost officers raise your right hand put your hand on the Bible of the Quran and repeat after me I right hand raise your right hand all right we're all good I state your name do solemly swear or affirm do swear orir that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially andly and justly andly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of police of the office of police to the best of my ability I do further solemnly swear I do further swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I support theit unit States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and theti of the state of newy and that I will bear true faith I bear true faith and Allegiance and Al to the same to the same and to the government established the government established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of these people congratulations [Applause] [Music] [Applause] W good luck you congratulations conratulations congrats and good luck we Sam you can hang up hang up here congratulations congratulations all right um well first of all I just want to again I don't think a lot of people know how much time and effort goes into um our hiring process the selection process the vetting process the background investigation the interviews the second interviews um we at egerber township I believe we do a very good job of vetting our people from from the initial application all the way way through so these three have earned um this opportunity um but it goes without saying I have to thank you know mayor and Township committee and Mr Deano um I know that there's a process in place and normally it's there's timelines um but I I I think it needs to be said and our members need to hear it and Citizens need to hear it that you it again we have such a supportive uh governing body of our police department and so I'm thankful or more thankful for the flexibility for adjusting your timelines to to make this happen because um as you know the state of New Jersey has changed um the guidelines on how to hire and and um to get certain information to the state before we can put someone in an academy and uh so we we jump through hoops and we were able to do that because of the flexibility of uh Township committee and Mr Deano so thank you um additionally I want to thank the members of the EG Township Police Department because uh whether anyone knows it or not our Patrol officers out on the street are making sacrifices because um they're may be handling follow-ups that our detectives would typically do but in order for our detectives to do the backgrounds their time is limited so in so all as a group we we accomplish and work together and so everyone in our agency all the way through even to our professional staff may sacrifices so thank you I appreciate that or we appreciate that uh and so Samuel to my left will be going right on the street in the fto program he comes as a slo2 from Wildwood is that correct Sam um so he'll go right onto the street in the fto program and we Sam and Jan will be going to the Gloucester County Police Academy um the one thing I will say um to them um professionalism there's probably no other time since I've been a police officer and and I'm sure the Command Staff behind me will attest to this that the professionalism expected from police officers is is no greater than now um and with that being said it is important that all three of you understand that you're held to a higher standard whether you want to believe it or not and that is on duty and off duty so from this stay forward you need to realize that and recognize that and embrace that um and as long as you do that then you'll have no problem wearing the patch of Theo Township Police Department um and finally again I'm going to I know sound like a broken record but these are my three things that again I think they're pretty simple you do the little things right you always work to improve the your quality of work and always work to improve the law enforcement image and again with that I think you'll have a long success uccessful career and so I wish them the best of luck and again thank you and thank the citizens of bber Township for again for because without uh they're they're indirectly supporting this so we appreciate that thank you thank you uh chief chief hold up for a minute I always tell the young guys coming in from retired police our business administr retired police he's retired police I always tell him the story about Superman Superman was mild man at Clark Kent he walk around hi M man clock Kent but then when he go into the phone booth boom up in the air I'm Superman I'm faster than the speed of light I'm stronger than the you know faster than the bull a bullet stronger than the Speedy light anyway don't be Superman be yourself when you put that uniform a lot of you young folks a lot of police officers and a lot of Abus use their badge be yourself don't go in their M man Clark Kent and put that uniform and become Superman all right make sure you continue to have friends and family especially if you're married or have a girlfriend or a family communicate with them because it's going to be stressful our days police officers lead the nation in this number one category alcoholism suicide divorce let's get these stats together Comm communicate with your family communicate with your friends that you have and don't be Superman all [Applause] right I'm not going to try to repeat that but um I spent 25 years in law enforcement is a whole different world today be careful be safe and do what's right and I I think I've told a couple of you guys in the interview look yourself in the mirror and think about where you're going with that badge in uniform one you're going to serve the community and the people you work for and um it's a rewarding rewarding profession there's bad times good times and there's times you said I really was able to help those people and that's what it's about so good luck with all three of you uh just one other thing um so we Sam when when I broke the new that he was getting the appointment U the first words out of his mouth were this is one of the happiest Moments Of My Life um I see the has some little toddlers over there um but he did say this is the happiest moment of his life we in trouble now no I I in all seriousness um so that's why I challenge even our own police officers you know th this job comes with valleys um it's not glamorous some of the things that you see and deal with are not glamorous they're going to impact your psych they're going to impact your spirit it's how you manage your way out of those valleys and so I use this example with what we Sam said so those are the things that you have to reflect back to when you're in those uh moments in your career where you feel like you're in the valley uh remember why you took the position um and how happy you were to to to take on this uh service to others so um and then the other thing is family comes first um just so you know with AC Township Police we promote that message and I will say that Captain infity and Captain Bergen back there they had other obligations obligations tonight but they chose to be here they chose to be here for you um and um so they made sacrifices and I wouldn't I kind of I don't ask that for anyone your family does come first in this career and then secondary is our our the you know our career so um but with that being said again remember why you took this job you know hopefully think back when you're in those valleys and remember the why you took it to so you can get yourself back out of that Valley thank you good advice well gentlemen you ready and anybody that's here with you would like to go and take some pictures up front free pict you going to need it later on you you be F get the picture down thank you hey I I would urge you new fellas to take a picture 25 years go quick and you're not going to look the same best of luck to you all though I'm just going to give minute to leave and then we'll keep going hey how are you 17 weeks oh you're welcome congratulations see June 6 on week three [Music] change little little all right he was always 17 more three 17 more to go all right moving on he got 17 weeks okay let's get back to work here folks we have a ordinance a public hearing for ordinance number one Mr fredman thank you mayor Ordinance one is an ordinance to exceed the excuse me turn this on it's on an ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap Bank under New Jersey state statutes 48 4- 4514 purpose of this ordinance is to allow the township committee the discretion to increase the budget appropriation limits up to the statutory maximum cap of 3.5% thank you is there anybody in the audience that would like to speak on ordinance number one seeing none can I have a motion to close the public portion no second roll call Garo yes Alice coxon yes Pauls yes M farmer yes can a motion to adopt ordinance number one motion made second roll call Karo yes Ellis yes hson yes Falls yes fmer yes ordinance number two Mr frean ordinance number two is an ordinance fixing the salaries of certain officials and employees being the communication workers of America Union the township of a haror for the year 2024 the purpose of this ordinance is to establish salaries for the 2024 calendar year for for the employees who were part of the communication workers of America bargaining unit thank you thank you is there anyone in the public that would like to discuss ordinance number two seeing none can I have a motion to close the public thank you I'll second roll call Cafaro yes Alice hotson yes Pauls yes fmer yes can I have a motion to adopt ordinance number two so move second roll callaro yes Ellis hson Paul yes farmer yes ordinance number three Mr frean ordinance number three is an ordinance fixing the salaries of certain officials and employees of the Teamsters Local Union 331 of the township bake Harbor for the year 2024 the purpose of this ordinance is to establish those salaries for the 2024 calendar year for the employees in the Teamsters Local 331 bargaining unit thank you is there anyone here in the public that would like to discuss ordinance number three seeing none can I have a motion to to close make can I I'll second it roll call Garo stay Ellis yes hson yes Pauls yes farmer yes can I have a motion to adopt ordinance number three make a motion can I have a second a second roll call Taro obain Ellis yes hson yes Pauls yes from yes ordinance number four Mr Freeman ordinance number four is an ordinance fixing the salaries of certain officials employees of the police benevolent Association of the township vake Harbor for the year 2024 the purpose of this ordinance is to establish those salaries for the 2024 calendar year for the employees who are part of the police benevolent Association bargaining unit thank you is there anyone here that would like to discuss ordinance number four z n can have a motion to close the public portion so move second roll call Cafaro yes Alis hson yes Pauls yes farmer yes can I have a motion to adopt ordinance number four so move second roll call Cafaro yes Ellis yes hson yes yes foror yes ordinance number five Mr fre ordinance five is an ordinance fixing the salaries of certain officials employees at Town bake Harbor for the year 2024 purpose of this ordinance is to establish salaries for the 2024 calendar year non-contractual employees thank you is there anyone in the public that would like to discuss ordinance number five seeing none can I have a motion to close the public portion second roll call Cafaro yes Ellis yes hotson yes Pauls yes farmer yes can I have a motion to adopt ordinance number five still moved second roll callaro yes Ellis yes hotson yes Pauls yes farmer yes ordinance introduction Mr Freeman ordinance introductions on number six and ordinance amending ordinance 29 of 2009 adopting the Redevelopment plan for the West Atlantic City Redevelopment area purpose of this ordinance is to extend the duration and amend the permitted uses of the West Atlantic City Redevelopment plan a public hearing on ordinance 6 of 2024 will be held on March 6 2024 at 5:30 p.m. thank you can I have a motion to introduce ordinance number six I'll make that motion mayor can I have a second I'll second it roll call Karo yes Ellis yes hotson yes Pauls yes fmer yes is there anyone in the public that would like to discuss any other matters with the township committee please one at a time come up give your name and address for the record normal Lombardi 10 that down 104 Bay Drive in West Atlanta in cenic West Atlantic City uh we are here to ask you to help plus as the water gets higher and higher and not necessarily on Lakes Bay but as it comes off the Black Horse Pike I have been there 40 years uh I am at 9 ft above me water but most of these people are three and four and 5 ft above n water and their streets get flooded uh Bayport which is I think 132 units about six blocks east of me though the water does not get into their houses but it's all over their streets they cannot get to work they cannot get back home they lives are disrupted by the water that comes up really runs off the Black Horse Pike it does not make the outfall pipes or the outfall pipes are filled with sand they're not working and now the uh state of New Jersey wants to raise the Black Horse Pike even higher not too good for the residents of West Atlantic City down there because that's only more water that's going to come down I know what they did and I was there and intimately involved what was it 18 20 years ago when they widened the Black Horse Pike and they put the concrete barrier down the center and it it looked good on the paper and it looked good when they buildt it but we live with it and the water still keeps coming down about 5 years ago they had a meeting with us and showed us plans of what they were going to do that they want to start now those plans are 5 years old and if we have problems now and by the way anyone here will testify we don't have problems yes we certainly do when there's a storm but uh it doesn't have to be a full moon and the streets are flooded doesn't have to be a storm and the streets are flooded now add those two components and now they want to raise it even higher it it's destruction to our properties absolutely what wonderful Township what you did do for us uh after Sandy hit was to build I call it our designer wall across the street and I only wish the township uh engineer was here because I I learned a lot and I live with it now and it certainly has helped those of us that are on the higher level as I said I'm 9 ft of meow water but it hasn't helped them three and four and six blocks to the east of me and the water is now the uh the wall stops at Cordova and now the water comes around the wall and it's coming back up onto my lawn hasn't hit my house yet but it's just a matter of time and let them Elevate that uh uh road again and it will hit my and and I'm hit sitting high and dry we're here to beg you to uh put us in touch and again with our Township engineer who has been wonderful with whatever their plans are and those plans are five years old things have happened in five years on on Lakes Bay and in West Atlantic City we want uh to better understand what they want to do uh we want a better dialogue and understanding of what they plan to do because they're not talking to us only you can help us and and that is really what our what our problem is there's there's a lot of us each can tell you a story of how this water has hit at at different levels and it's getting worse and worse we have unbelievable pictures to show you but what has happened people can't get to where the streets are flooded they're 2 hours late how many times can you tell your employer I was flooded I couldn't get out of my driveway before they lose their jobs it's ugly it really is and though it's a beautiful section of of a Harbor Township and I love it immensely I will tell you I'm moving out uh I can tell you our property values where every place else and I'm a real estate person uh are going up but once they hear about the flooding it is hurting the value very much so and is certainly hurting our lives so help us with this I I'm only wish that we could have the township Engineers so we could ask more questions there others that probably have something to say thank you yeah I heard it come on hello can you hear me my name is uh ver can you hear me now talk right into the talk you know a sure people can you know okay thank you my name is Veron Mak I also live in West Atlantic City and I've been living there for 39 years and I've watched different construction go on about how are they going to help the residents with the water well it's more than just the residents that live there there's residents that people that come back and forth there there's businesses also there uh the holiday in the manager said they lose tons of business because of the flooding that we have already the Rada in same thing Bayport the building office building down there got flooded 3 weeks ago the first whole first floor they lost Machinery they lost they got mold all in the place and they absolutely don't know what to do at this point now now they have two outfall pipes one is on Venice Avenue my street and one is on on uh Granada the next street over one of those outfall pipes is owned by the state of New Jersey the other outfall pipe is owned by a Harbor Township we have not one record of when they were cleaned out last you have to correspond you have to talk with the state AC car a Township they have to get a record of it right now the streets flooded today flooded last night last week flooded when those pipes are all stopped up it's even worse we're not getting high tide we're not getting um it don't have to be a high tide it don't have to be a full moon forget about having a storm it's very bad the bay is rising I've been watching it for 39 years and I've been getting flooded on and off and on and off it's getting worse for the residents there the kids can't even go to school the school buses can't come up there this morning tomorrow morning just take a ride by there tomorrow morning you'll see the waterers up stays up now three and four hours at a time people can't not only get the work they can't get home when they do get the work so it's a really serious problem I met with the state Engineers the state came out there they talked to the people at Bay Club across from me and they also met with me they want to do a easement on my property to raise the pipe I'm not signing anything because first of all why would I sign for them to raise the pipe when all the water still going to come back on my on my residence it's almost inhabitable right now to live there because and if they raise that pipe a whole lot of people is going to be inhabitable for them they can't raise it now they need to do another study they keep saying they're going to do this it's how it's supposed to going to do so we let them raise the Pike and things are going to be five times worse and then they going to say oh we didn't know but they are already did what they wanted to do Department of Transportation is has studied this they have a reason for it but they not considering the people that live there their quality of life and their safety so we're asking we humbly asking the township to please have a meeting talk with the state our Township engineer everybody needs to correspond together to get together to talk about a solution for this problem but right now raising pipe has should go on hold because and pictures speak louder than words they do they do I know this and I've told you this that the fire chief out there Wally bakeley has been very very vocal sure about the roads while knows everybody while anyone that lives out there knows sure so he's been very vocal and has sent quite a few pictures over the last really he been sending them on and off to me for years you know and it's an issue Tom we met with with the dot this past week and they heard that that's my front door their concern seem to be only a section that's my front door that was two weeks ago okay no that's what Miss two weeks ago that's my mailbox see that you seen it yeah I've seen it before but that's two weeks ago so this is like you know normal now over there and it's not working you SE I've seen it yeah so what I'm saying what we're saying is we going to need some real help and real help because most of it now is about what they're going to do but we going to need some really help real help because this is not getting better it's rising the bay is rising and if anybody want to take a ride by there tomorrow morning you'll see half the streets are flooded all the seaweeds coming up on people's properties people's flood houses they their cars are getting flooded cuz lots of times you know when the full moon we going to get a high tide you kind of know you know if it's going to be a nor Eastern storm people know kind of you live over there you deal with it but now it's getting to be inhabitable so I thank you for your time and we hope we can get some solutions well well I just want to say and we've been through this over there I maintain this position dredge Lakes Bay it'll hold more water the B they don't want to talk about that all they want to do is raise the road to make it not flood it's going to trap the water in the neighborhoods that's between the Road and lakes Bay you're right and the W windfall and I going tell you right now we can't let them just fix their Road and say hados right they got to take care of the water problem exactly and and it's a difficult thing it's not simple but rakes Lakes Bay is where the water comes from crosses the road goes across to the old motels that we bought up with Federal money over the years and then pushes it on the Pleasantville side where Wally Bley will call repeatedly about I can't think of the street there that's flooded on the other side sure it goes right so the thing is Believe Me from I know everybody on this board will support working with the state to make sure they don't do something stupid that makes it worse for you people they're talking about April they can't touch it that's the whole point you know this is right now even the wall the wall has not been tested the the wall got put up for Sandy that's what the wall was for the water comes underneath the wall it don't even go near the wall goes up and underneath but if they dredged the bay and sent the spoils on the perimeter of Lakes Bay they would stop the water coming out of Lakes Bay there and I don't want to hear this navigation boats and all that that's what they have to do well that's what has it needs to be done but something needs to be done kind of real soon because and the state has to look further than Mile Stretch because where their Road Project ends the water is still coming in that way well we know that so they still have to do another study when I met with the township Engineers they showing me drawings that I seen eight in 2018 so you know they just stand they showing me I worked in construction 44 years I know drawings back and forth so you know I'm looking at them and I said why you showing these old drawings well how do you know I said cuz I've seen them back in 2018 you know that was right for us for didn't even set you know because of the fact they were just right at that point trying to make a sign over the agreement so they can use my property for EAS it for them to do the work it ain't happening but an interesting fact is how does the water get across West End Avenue between atan City and Venter to the other side of the marsh I know it's Lakes space water but it's obviously coming underneath the road it comes underneath that's right and so all that is flooded okay I go there with my grandson doing the daycare the other day they had it closed down and they were letting traffic through a foot water cuz the state didn't want to close well first of all you need to get the outfall pipes unclimbed they all climbed up right now all the drains at West Atlantic City Sol it's not going to solid but all the drains are stopped up they all stopped up even when water comes up from underneath there nowhere for it to go back cuz they all climbed up stopped up Thomas let's have Al take a look at that I have a note here to have them take those dos yes and we'll reach out to the state as well to make them make sure well yeah I have all kinds of all the letters I have all the the different Engineers all the people that already came out all the letters that I have gotten from the state and about what they want to do and met with the people so I have most of the people most everybody you need to talk to even B club uh one of the the guy that's the president of the homeowners association over there Tim you know he works for the Army core of engineers in the water so so we out there talk and he came up he says oh oh I said yeah I know you know they was just trying to pull the wool over our eyes and we just listen for a minute so anyway we can humbly ask for you guys help we will make sure that you will be invited to the all the meetings we have with them and they will be you know they're going to have to answer questions oh well it's a lot has to be exactly but the but the but the neighborhood the the people are up in arms they really having serious problems I mean they really are so it should be some type of afraid of they're losing their home yeah of course I mean it's getting to be unhabitable over there so thank you for your time anybody like to say something please talk everybody um I'm Dian bansback I live at 900 Bay Drive so I live um right where the wall stops where they built that really nice wall and then they stopped M and uh I had heard they were going to build a bulkhead like is there some way that initiative can be put up a bulkhead to go all the way around and finish the rest of aor Township instead of stopping that water just flaps right up on my lawn down the road so I'm right there right at the end of the wall like the wall stops at Cordova they but it never they stopped I mean I'm still by car Township Township right around that s you you know what I mean like um like it should be completed like you know what I mean it should be you know what I'm saying like the water just flows up yeah cuz the water's going to seek its R yeah just you know so I mean I I I understand you're you're raising water down for the needs to be fixed here to you know what I mean like you know so somehow that can get relooked at or brought back to light we will absolutely bring this up to the engineer and and talk about most of us are not professionals on that but our is but we got to go through this was absolutely good one running the list here things we're going to hit them with tomorrow I appreciate it thank you thank you want up sir I'm not best speaker listen we had another lady say that earlier she did Fabulous so you're going to be just as what up yeah how doing budy listen we we're sure you'll be fine not Mr um I just get your name and address Charles Nelson 212 Florence Avenue a Township West City uh in due respect to nor Sayan eastbound it's actually westbound as well it's going all the way back down pres Wally tells us that right W Wally comes over my house to she pitches with me because I've mentioned a couple times how that water comes up they're actually The Clapper valves are not working on those outlow pipes cuz when they put them in years ago I spoke with then they said they have to be maintained they have to be clean because they won't open the clothes the way they're supposed to and my main concern is actually they put the the uh wall there on Bay Drive and years ago they said they even have markers on my across street from me where they were supposed to bring that around go to Pleasantville and then Pleasantville at the time they had a grant they were going to take it down to Gus arm out and they said that wall would elevation being it were higher there they would only need about 2T as the guard rail going around because when my P all my pictures come in and an engineer it's coming in across street from Diane's house to low spot you see it coming right over uh underneath the guard rail across the street on me diagonally it's coming it's a low spot I showed them there before and to my right side of me it's a low spot to dip in the road where they come in and I remember years ago they said when they did that they were going to put a crown in the road to try to keep that water to one side and it's actually an opening in there it's just not holding that water back and I've been there since 1986 it's been there since 1986 I I constantly get water up in my garage now I never got that before years ago ring that water is just coming around and I just watch it and another thing too uh right across street from me I mentioned to the township uh in March got a sinkhole in front of my house that's come from all that water standing water there U my son's car got stuck in there because the back wheels went down the ground I mentioned to the township they came out they look like it looked at me like I had two heads CU they said they jetted the line from the storm drain from one side to the other I say isn't that water SP and I know that water supposed to come from that side over to me and out to that Clopper valve out to the Bay when it water is low enough to go out he he put his finger up and he said they got it I said well when you J it how come that water came up in the middle of the street that's because that pipe is broken pip broken that pipe is broken the guy from um they had uh the gas company come out they said it was the gas company's problem gas company said no it's not our problem they said it was EG uh mua mua said no it's not our problem when they filled it in for us I looked up underneath there you could see as far as you can see in that hole there was no Earth in there it was all gone and you seen that old Galvan i p all collapsed in there and that's that's been on going you know since March April I I documented everything I this is of last year of 23 yes public our Public Works was out there yes mhm just going to get it so we can make sure I actually spoke to the supervisor out there I tried to get hold of the uh the director which I think it was director call me the other day yesterday matter of fact he called me and he said uh he he was going to get on it they had a meeting yesterday or something they were going that was me Mr Nelson oh okay I spoke to you yesterday all right yeah and they said they were going to get on it but that's been an ongoing problem and I told him I've been here in the mayor's with your office and seen the assistant mayor there and told somebody's going to get hurt that that whole thing is going to go it's going to go down and somebody's going to get hurt then they want to do something about it you know but that that's another issue but the main issue is that water around in our area it's they I know that years ago they had a plan to Build That Wall I know it was on the record something about the fundings went away or something the township they were supposed to bring that around all the way around there's a marker out there where they bought that all the way around I guess up to Pleasantville and end the Pleasantville and then Pleasantville is supposed to pick up there because Grant and and the Pleasantville there elevation a little bit higher because we're getting we're getting it all down on our end I watch come from around the corner from that that water it's coming around around goes up to kodac goes up there fills that up goes back around the just it just keeps going and going I know you can't beat mother nature but you can try to try to do something about it because it it's it's just getting worse and worse I never used to get the water that I'm getting in my garage now I believe that because I'm hearing we're hearing this from everyone that's on the water and even in different communities so I know we'll talk to the engineer Tom do you have anything you want to add to this just after I spoke with you yesterday I spoke with Mr Watkins last night after our meeting um he's was unavailable today as you know um so he's should be out there and I have the director of Public Works go out there himself okay hope before the weekend so we can mention that too the last time I was here uh the deputy mayor assured me that he would come out there and speak to me about the issue he never came out there he spoke to my wife and told me there wasn't a problem out here did the Public Works director no not Public Works director supervisor okay supervised told my wife that it was no problem across the street I'll make sure it gets addressed all right okay thank you hey excuse me man real quick on that note um ba Tom I like to thank you because I heard several different incidents occur in the township and not one time that someone said you didn't return the phone call you know how you call a lot of places and people don't answer the phone nowadays or they have a a machine answer the phone but every incident that I heard and they addressed was addressed to you you said did you talk to them and they said that you talk that they talk to you so I just want to say you know we got to give people our Praises while they can hear them that's a good job and I like that thank it's your home it's your home it's important years ago I used to love it there but it's just the War I know you can't beat mother nature but you can try to prevent some things there was a they had the grant to raise that a little bit and they took it down I had the pictures and the shows the little water just coming across here mainly I'm not talking about when we get high times you know um that would correct the problem down there on that end but so far as raising the road that that is that will put us in the soup that's going to be a super it's going to be a bad situation okay thank you thank you thank you we've got no how about we everybody else finish and then I think she was coming up she was coming oh she not I just want to emphasize what Norma was saying where the um wall stops this last storm we had now it was a trifecta northwest wind High Tides full moon but that's all the time down there we're known for our beautiful winds right where the seaw wall stops the water was hemorrhaging onto the road not a trickle hemorrhaging down the street up onto Toledo way up which never happens all the way up and on down the whole rest of the way and we all know how flooded that gets so that that's a visual handicap obvious and we were promised back when the sea wall was going up that it was going to be continued promises promises promises just like with the Pleasantville Grant the urban renewal we saw how that went and how that money disappeared and the seaw wall was never completed so this you all say you've seen it and all that this is why people are booking from New Jersey beautiful spots are being cont and it is beautiful there and you're right the winds over there are World known I mean that's what it it's what is what is the sport they do in the back there wind wind surf but so somebody mentioned the dredging I believe the last time we were dredged was when they put in that public marina so they was dredged for that benefit how about dredging for the rest of us yeah just bring you up to date only because I was there at the time so the wonderful beautiful wall went up and I put the D grass on top so the The Surge of the water could not it would have to go over 18 ft by the way Sandy was 12 ft The Surge that came over onto our homes I had 8 in of water as uh Paul Hudson walked through my with water up to his ankles in my house uh I have seen the plans that Jim designed to continue that wall from Cordova on in Glenville and it is quite different than what exists now very nice but what was explained to me and why it didn't happen they had to and and again he sought for a grant because all of this costs unbelievable money and you need a lot of skill I guess to get get the grants same time but uh they needed to join with henville in order to get that from Cordova to go on up to Franklin Boulevard which of course would be in Pleasantville and at that time I do believe Jesse Tweedle was the mayor that they didn't have the money and they wouldn't sign off and therefore it up they couldn't do what we needed done to continue that wall and possibly hinder some of that flooding uh those plans do exist again I wish the township engineer were was here and Bob Watson I believe were that time very nice I but and why it didn't happen was pleasant believe me egg harbard Township was ready to move with it but the grant was not POS the Federal grant was impossible without pille which made a lot of sense so I'm just giving you information that might be thrown at you again there's a different mayor and she's running for reelection again g w in Pleasantville uh Pleasantville couldn't even fix its potholes as I had my car align three realigned three times for the potholes they just got Federal money to fix their potholes I don't know what their financial situation is and and those potholes don't that don't of Pooles around here well they did finally we had three to five years of potholes we were losing Volkswagen into the Pooles they they didn't have cones high enough to protect us so that we could go around is anyone here can can can address that uh the situation has changed they did get Federal money they they did fix the Pooles thank goodness and and it's great driving through pville but what we need and I have spoken to the Pleasantville residents there too they seem to turn over very very rapidly most don't even speak English I don't know if they're renting or owning or whatever the situ I wish the Pleasantville had the voices like you had the voices of a Township talking to you but that's where was that's where it is that plan exists and check with the uh jimat it is in his office it is wonderful and and it prob and it doesn't look anything like what is there but it's very aesthetically compatible with what could be done it just all takes money so somebody hit the lottery please can I can I make add we're talking about the uh coming from the ballhead around the corner from me and they said they were going to put that maybe size of the garden rail all the way up to Pleasantville Pleasantville Engineers the engineer that came out to us said a higher elevation down in Pleasantville so why can't we at least get that section done and and uh maybe they'll tie it they'll get the message you know whatever you know just do our part get something there to help us the ground is higher down at that end because way down in Pleasantville by Gus arm house you barely get water you'll get water coming up Storm draam down on Franklin Boulevard but you won't get the water we're get that's elevation you're lower there's no doubt about it yeah engineer there and engineer here told me we much lower there and like I said that dip in the road you can't see it but uh a neighbor of mine took it trans and looked at and You' actually see the dip in the road right there at the guard rail right across street from me and know my ny's house right across there the roads going down and whenever I take the pictures you see the Florence right Florence what what number it used to be Florence 212 Bay Avenue but now it's it's Florence in day they change when they wide in the street or whatever but you could ask W Wally know Wally comes oh W knows he comes over my house oh yes he does okay thank you and we'll be in touch with what's what the state's saying what our engineer saying because we're going to all have to talk with them yeah and then have them talk with you there's the only way we can do this yeah because we had that meeting years ago over at the firehouse and they just they just want to go they just want to go and do it you know oh yeah well they're looking at their Road and their Road on right that's what they're doing they want to fix the road so they don't have a problem but they're fixing the road is going to cause a bigger problem for you that's my belief for whatever it's worth yeah I think you're right I think their goal is to get people from Atlantic City and I think it's gotten worse I mention that I think it's gotten worse over time I'm not a climate type person but the other day there was no reason to for it to be flooded there was no full moon there was no storm there was no rain and it was a good foot across that east and west bound Lane that they were trying to keep traffic moving rather than push you the AC are you the point person for this both do okay yeah I mean we encourage you when the state comes down with their plans like they did at the far housee we'll need a bigger room because it was too small to show what they think they're going to do we'll let you know because we're going to meet with them you're going to be there defitely be there I appreciate it it's all a matter of money and we're talking enormous money what how are you have get the grants I don't want a to have to spend the money or come up with the money you don't have it you don't tax us for it but uh when we were going to uh move on into Pleasantville Pleasantville wouldn't join we M had the grant money but he had to have the permission of and they would not go for it but also just to give you heads up on that on that little uh wall we supposed to get size of the G now at one point they said they weren't going to do it because there was some arguments about some people down on the other end had to docs the docks the docks were a big issue do problem my thing like the engineer told me then he said it's only going to be the side the he of that guard rail if they wanted they put a step there and they steep to that dock that's right and I say what's more important my property of that dock look at them most of dope ille though they own the dots they did not own the Waterfront that they were affixed to and that was theem we will set something up and make sure that you all know okay okay is there anybody else from West Atlantic City that wants to talk about anything I see some tennis people here I was going to ask if it's okay to talk about something out like it's all so serious I'm here tonight to speak about the resol uh the resolution to apply for the grant which I'm totally in favor of I love the plans that you have to bargain town park but my concern is the future of the park if we don't get the Grant and I just want to tell you what my heart has to say about that um Joan costic 12 Elizabeth Lan Upper Township you kind folks don't know me but the parents and children of this Township know me and if you look at the township payroll you'll find my name because I've been teaching your kids tennis for the better part of 20 years in the schools or the rec department the rec department yeah and um I have no idea how many kids over the years I and a couple other people here have taught but it's plenty hundreds probably I like to make it a part of my job to not just teach the fundamentals of tennis but also a lifelong love of tennis because it really is a sport that you can take from childhood into adulthood into your older years I mean I'm not an age that anybody would consider young and I'm still out there playing and it is so much fun I just love to share it with everybody here and it's never too late to start for any of you so um one of the beautiful things about it is that it's a sport um where um you really can um play it by yourself it doesn't have to be a team um all sports offer benefits such as improving health and fitness fostering teamwork and camaraderie getting kids outside and their noses off their screens but this is the best because all you need is a racket a ball place to hit and somebody to hit with and sometimes you don't even need that I learned to play hitting the ball against my garage door so my mother couldn't stand the banging anymore chased me down down to the local park where I hit against the wall and um thanks to Rick for getting us that wall at uh Canali by the way and all all of you kind folks um because there's probably moms all over town thanking him so unlike many sports today tennis um costs practically nothing to play I mean you can spend a lot of money on lessons but you don't have to it's a sport that you can learn on the cheap as well um this Township has so admirably been way ahead in the Forefront when it comes to offering affordable tennis lessons for children and adults your summer tennis program makes these classes acceptable to just about anybody who wants to play at just about any income level and that's very unusual I've been playing for a long time can be very expensive and um the programs popularity year after year is really a testament to that um I also like to play with my friends at Canali and Bargain Town parks in in the evenings when uh when we can get a court because there's often a wait uh a lot of times I see those same kids from Saturday lessons out there hitting with their moms and dads sometimes the whole family is out there laughing and playing and having a blast um so I'm competing for court time with the same kids I'm teaching but I'm okay with that because that's that's the way it's supposed to be um but it's it's really something special to see not just kids and adults enjoying a physical activity that they can do together but entire fames out for an evening of fund all for the price of a can tennis balls it's $3 and you can use them again the next time I don't live in the HT but I come here a lot because many of the women men and women I play with do and it's great to know that after tennis we can uh grab pizza nearby or popping julianos or Vagabond for a drink and a bite and you know do the postmatch rundown so we're also putting money in the tills of town Township businesses this town is been a tremendous Ambassador for my favorite sport and I'm proud and grateful to be part of such a terrific offering tennis accessibility is a quality of life issue in towns that don't have feeder programs or courts to play on tennis is kind of petering out some places and some high schools can't even find enough players to F field competitive team but here and in other places where it's supported it's really thriving um the competition for courts is already Fierce if Bargain Town closes where are all the kids who are taking your lessons going to practice those new skills that they're learning how are they going to get any better I know money's tight we need it for everything every organization's knocking on your door for money and hopefully the state will award that grant that we're looking for but if the money for the court doesn't happen to fall from the sky please don't leave us hanging out to dry with only Canali left to play out on so many people will be shut out HT is a wonderfully diverse and welcoming community and from what I see tennis is pretty big here partly because all that this Township committee has done and contributed toward making that happen letting the courts go would be like throwing that all away you wouldn't show a kid how to fish and then take away is raw you wouldn't encourage a child to read and then take away her book so please don't teach a generation of children how to play tennis and then to take away their courts we depend on them and I just want to add I'm here to help if there's anything I can do I'd be happy to do it winning lottery tickets always wor that we're trying I know that I do know that Rick Odetta Rick director yes is an adamant supporter of tennis there are people in the pickle ball world that would like to see tennis go away and pick a ball take over all the courts and he's saying absolutely not you know there are numbers that are based on population as to how many tennis courts you should have and things like that so he is a strong strong supporter of the courts and I know he has got great concern about the safety of Ark toown Park courts exactly they've been they've been resurfaced twice I think in the last 10 years and the cracks are coming back Fast and Furious to tell you that the grant was written well it's it's a high probability a very high probability I'm happy to hear that and I wish you all the luck but we asked him what would happen if we don't get the Grant and he said it's still top of his list okay so all right thank you say an extra prayer that we get the grant so we can do it sooner okay name and address please for the record hello ly Crawford 224 Churchill Drive in the township I don't really have much more to add because Joanie said it all for us but I wanted you to see a face someone who actually lives in the township and plays tennis I'm a living example of what she described as a lifelong player I started when I was I think six or seven years old I played competitively when I was 10 I played in high school through college took some time off because my career but uh I started playing again meeting These Fine people who showed up we just found out um I received the text this morning well I received text this morning at 7:05 from one of our other Township tennis players um over here sitting next to Joanie Sherry and uh she she sent me the article this morning and frankly when I saw it the the title Egg Harbor Township wants the state's help building new tennis courts and I my first thought was wow we're going to get more tennis courts in the township then I read the article and it was like oh no we may not have tennis courts in the township anymore so I'm just the living embodiment of what Joanie described as a lifelong tennis player and I'm not alone because I see a lot of other tennis players here who rallied who rallied to come to show support to try and save our tennis courts and hoping that we can get more and maybe lights just like the pickle ball courts well there's lights in the plan for that just so you know that's wonderful if it if it comes to fruition and I know that Joanie has also reached out to the USA and um uh because they send us because we're members of the USDA the United States tennis Association um I play leagues few play league still I play I have to go out of town to play tennis because there's a lack of tennis courts here but she did reach out to the USA and we got um some emails over the course of the last six months about saving our tennis courts candidly it was in spite of pickle ball courts but um she did re you got a response today from the um New Jersey representative from the USA about possible grants through the USA so maybe that's another Avenue give those to Rick yeah so that's another Avenue for funding for the courts not just barant toown but maybe more courts I got a tennis ball given to me today it said more tennis courts please there you go I've got it in my office right now wonderful so hope you keep looking at that until we can right there where I see it every day so wonderful thank you all for your time appreciate all the hard work you guys do thank you is there anyone else would like to address the government body I just want to say one thing on that well um my name is Susan Camp 3 pineale Avenue a Harbor Township um I started playing tennis when I was 35 and I will be 75 this year so I have gone through the tennis courts that were in front of Swift school because I taught in the township for 38 years when there were lights there and then we moved and they did Bargain Town I play all summer Rick's come out we've been in the they've take pictures of us to advertise we play and we've lost courts over the years but they've been rebuilt um we have a hard time getting courts as Joan was saying sometimes because there also not a lot of tennis courts in the area so people come from all over to play and we often have to wait or or have somebody not playing so having the tennis courts at bargain toown which is right around the corner for me um we don't we are actually almost all the time have to go out to uh Canali because they're filled so there really is a need for them fil a lot too yes they are yeah we I mean we'll go at 7:00 in the morning to play in the summer because we want to get the courts and um it's really a need because there are a lot of still a lot of people who still play is pick an actual problem for tennis players for tennis courts it's not now that they built the new pickle court so much in the town but I would think in other cities lay down Gall water the and also my friends who play pickle ball go to Summers point and they take over the courts entirely so the tennis players can't play there at all so they come out to the township um that's what I thought to play so it's really a big need to have the courts there and um if they fix them there's a little slope that goes down to them so maybe the engineer could look to get rid of that big slope when we're playing thank you um mayor yes sir uh excuse me if you're 75 I'm playing tennis soon as the weather break soon as the weather break sign me up you can't play for Life 75 You Look Marvelous is there anyone else that would like to address the Gover body saying none can have a motion to close roll all in favor I we have the resolution consent calendar number 109 through an including 132 does anybody have any questions no make a motion make a motion I'll second It Roll callaro yes Ellis yes hotson yes Pauls yes farmer yes uh resolution 133 authorizing the payment of all bills can I have a motion please moved a second roll call phoh yes Alice hson yes Falls yes fmer yes Township committee reports Mr Paul we're going to start with you uh just I went out to the tenant CS took a look at them and there are a lot of crafts now yeah and then I was out at the uh be Mill I stopped by that bridge they're really doing a good job with everybody enjoy it you got a lot of worked on there in one week yeah bridge is gone correct the bridge is gone yeah bridge is gone all the sheating in so it's uh coming along really quick that's about all I got for a report bringing that up I think you're right I think we need to keep the pressure on the county yes and keep this dialogue open yeah because there's two options and they brought it up tonight one is Ocean Heights Avenue one's Zion m anything else is putting putting everything in the neighborhoods but I went out there too will and they're moving pretty well I just hope that they don't want to wait for the settlement and all this other stuff before they proceed it look like made Headway by removing the bridge and putting the sheating in so I I mean if they back the system they used like 10 years ago that'll be sitting for a year I I know I I thought that system was done when it was a free holder cuz if we did that bridge on young young rig down the other end that only took three months yeah and that was a pre-cast bridge I don't know if they're if they're thinking that weather can hold them up I don't know but I mean to me a year is well year is unacceptable by anybody standards one did find out was that was supposed to start right after Labor Day because of Bev m bridges yeah that was pushed back which I don't understand what that bridge do no because they're going to use B SM for traffic I do want problem I do want to ask you will one question because if any of us you have the most um experience in this the most knowledge in it so in the you've seen the work in just a week you said they're progressing pretty quickly um you know they put the sheeting in as you said and things like that it's encouraging what would be the next steps I mean are they going to pre-cast or you don't I mean I wasn't in the pre-job so I don't know what kind of construction they're using like Paul said if they're going to use Phil to just sit there for a year I would doubt that very much but we can find that out I think the problem there is is because they took that land is open space it's right there that field and that's right where the bridge was in order for I forget what the swap was there was a swap for Green Acres or something else no with that land right next to it yeah that was because all the bridge work County was doing right we had to turn that into Wetland there but I mean I think that was part of the issue originally that land there they can't do anything on it or beside it or what I don't know I mean does it interfere with the bridge no that's a little bit up yeah I know it's right there but I'm saying is they have their Mage but I don't know the pre job was what in 2021 mhm yes you know that's that's a long ways yeah back yeah so we can find out more from the county yeah yeah we just got to stay on it stay stay on Mr Ellis well I don't have to say much but I'm glad to see the EMTs got a little extra um I've never seen EMT in the parking lot of the building they work so very hard and our part to is I see we uh gave him a little extra pay for the next contract also I was real proud of the township committee people for communicating with the Atlanta County Commissioners on more dialogue you know because the uh residents come to us so we have to be informed of everything that's going on so I was glad to see when we were at a meeting they all got together and besides that that's about it Mr H um I just I think it was a good meeting tonight for the fact we got to stay sister aside with West L City that isn't going to be easy over there to cure that problem um if the if the state just puts blinders on and says they'll raise the road and cure their problem it's going to cause a lot of problems in westan City along with Pleasantville and into ventner in Atlantic City Atlantic City gets more water on the West End Avenue than anybody and they got to close this road and S you all way up over the Avenue um also we'll like with the bridge I mean we got to stay on it this is a little too long you saw the people come I was surprised at this tonight um the traffic is going to be horrendous in the summertime because it's the main route for Ocean City I mean I live out that area that Ma Road is is backed up in summertime always in Summer's point and if you don't understand it go to the light at 9 and and Ma Landing Road to watch how far back that is um it's going to be a problem I don't know what the county can do for the detours they they need to sit down and work those detours out I think it came up tonight bringing up to Zion Road and tell them Road closed do the temporary whatever they want to say and is legal to say and send them down Zion but again when it comes down Zion it's going to sit at Zion and Ocean Heights before they can make a right and go into Summer's point so there's a lot of Choke points in this whole operation and again as we talked earlier um I want to thank our Public Safety uh they had a tough time this weekend and it should never have happened and should never happen again of what they went through and to the dispatcher at 5:00 a.m. on Friday morning um my compliments to his patience and his expertise at handling the issue without the proper equipment and um you know I think it's the zong boy I'm not sure maybe you can find out Tom who was he did one hell of a job and I've been there to do dispatching to get through that issue with scalo so um again to the public safety police fire and rescue and everybody else who was involved thank you for your effort and it should never happen again thank you it was an interesting meeting I'm glad the folks came out um we'll be there we're engaged with the West Atlantic City stuff we're engaged with the bridge the county Bridge uh like Mr Ellis said we all met with the freeholders we addressed it they how we feel you know or Commissioners we address them how they feel uh on a lighter note I just want to congratulate these three young police officers that were sworn in tonight I wish of nothing but the best safety and and a very healthy and professional career thank you I just want we had a tragic event yesterday in the township that uh the police are investigating a man lost his life and this could happen on any Street in this town because speeding has become a serious serious problem here in town um I I think every one of us on a regular basis hear from people that we need speed bumps on our street we need stop signs we need traffic lights people have to slow down so if you know someone who's going too fast you're in the car with someone just tell them to slow down you'll get there 30 seconds later but it's safer um we don't want to see anybody else lose their lives due to you know an accident that should never have happened so please everybody slow down and be careful out there because you know driving is hazardous these days and you just have to be careful when you're out there and that's really all I have so Tom I'm good mayor Mark um I attended the meeting it was a 90minut meeting with the uh dot officials and I I guess I would give obviously I'm not an engineer but I'll give you the benefit of my impressions of what was going on there um you know that meeting really resulted after the state just sent us some paperwork and wanted us to sign off on some easements that they're acquiring along the black horse bike and other places without much of an explation um and it was through this committee and our engineer to say let's arrange a meeting to see get get more clarity on what they intend upon doing um and it was a 90-minute meeting and there were a bunch of people from the state that were in there and their engineer did primarily most of the talking but it was pretty Li to me their concern is the road is to just increase the height of the road to create an evacuation route for Atlantic City uh in the event uh that's needed uh and the mitigation uh efforts of trying to protect the uh the repercussions on that for the uh residents that live there is a secondary concern they talked about increasing the size of the outflow pipe that they have there they talked about uh increasing the wall and where the wall goes to um but I don't think that they're really um it's going to stop them and I don't think they really appreciated um what the concerns that at least your officials were trying to convey on behalf of the citizens they're they're their best Advocates okay you know when the engineer or I are saying something about protecting the residents there and having engineer interrupts us halfway to prevent us from even finishing the point getting to the point it lets you know what their attitude is is that you're just a municipality and the money's coming through and I got I got things to do and let's let's get through this um that was my impression others might have had a different no mine was exactly the same as yours okay so and I felt that their concern was literally where their project starts and where their project stops great and the water that is on this side of the project that's going to go back to that side they didn't care about no and he had an answer for everything it wasn't necessarily good answer but he had an answer and just stuck with the his game plan to do it to get through the meeting um I think that they owe this I mean there's only so much you could do about Rising Waters uh about trying to get the state to do something that that is more protective and we can support the residents as much as we can but bringing them in for another meeting that's going to be a public meeting and advertised so that these people could be here so that they actually maybe sit up and take note of what which way is the water going when's this happening maybe they'll start ponying up some more money in order to resolve this you know and and the other interesting thing was they showed that here's where they're doing their Road lifting too and then it stops there as if the water is not going to continue to be pushed West uh uh and affect those properties as well so you know there are things that are connected uh perhaps to our Redevelopment plan that we can in fact uh reach out to uh ameliorate some of those problems that I think have been discussed here before uh but uh we need to keep the heat on these State guys in order to get some sort of results or something for these people if there if there is an engineering solution absolutely need to have we need to call that meeting and have those people the citizens in West Atlantic City there it will be healthy for them we all know the reality of the situation the states going to do what the state can do if we can nudge them fine hopefully we can hopefully they can you know but they that is the biggest thing that we can do right now is to have a meeting and have those folks there we that's well just another thing and that I think everybody's been around will you might abin has the same problem Shore Road is flooding along with our Pike con it's all the same water it's water Finds Its Own Way Yep they're raising the road the Count's doing this because Shore Road is a county road if I got it right and they're raising ing that road by the by the O the um train tracks and they got a problem because they can't go too high to stop the water with the overpass of the train tracks so abin has got the same problem it's the same water for the same reason it's working its way over the Shore Road and that floods just as bad as the pike it does so you know when you look at the Topography of the area and the elevations they're doing the same thing they shut sure Road off and Detour everybody and they got an overpass for the train tracks for the Am track or whatever it is no the interesting thing is I mean uh the state has to be made to understand that this problem that you're creating and exacerbating is going to require you to put more money into it to stop that they just simply say we don't care and they might say you don't care I mean there there are countries that are under sea level and yet somehow they managed to be able to protect those places okay so but the thing is this you know and I wouldn't say this in in front of the people because they don't want to hear this but what they're doing what they're doing is in fact condemning these people's properties to make them unusual unusable unlivable and if that's if that's their if that's the outcome of what they're going to do because they don't want to spend the money to raise the wall then start buying up profit wonderful committee report [Laughter] okay you done good job mark thank you Mark do we have need for a closed session this yes ma'am okay let's we got to get some approvals too so we've got approvals can I have a motion to approve the payroll for the month of January 2024 in the amount of 1,874 132 and. 71 right made the motion can I a second second all in favor I have a motion to approve the township committee special meeting minutes of January 17th so moved second roll call please Faro yes Alice yes hson yes Pauls yes rmer yes can I have a motion to approve the township committee special meeting close session minutes for January 17 2024 a motion have a second a second second uh roll call that was the one I me uh abstain Ellis yes hson yes Pauls yes fmer yes can I a motion to approve the township committee meeting minutes of January 17th 2024 motion second roll call Cafaro abstain again Ellis yes hotson yes Pauls yes farmer yes can I have a motion to approve the township committee close session meeting minutes from January 17th 2024 no we had we had another one above it are these the same make motion 17th have a second roll call Cafaro obain Ellis yes hson yes Pauls yes fmer yes I a change of date here can I have a motion to approve the township committee special meeting minutes of January 31st 2024 so moved have a second second roll call gar yes Alice yes hson yes Joe were you at the 31st yes no that's the one you weren't at Joe we were at the 17th I was at the 17th thank you oh he voted correctly a motion he wasn't there yeah all right Janice can I change the Motions for the ones on the 17th make that a yes or those four I vote Yes on the four motions of the 17th can you withdraw your motion yes can someone make a motion for the January thank you call your second so yep very good roll call Cafaro there for the 31st yes yes there all obstain okay Ellis thank you hson yes FSE yes yes can I have a motion to approve the township committee closed session meeting minutes from January 31st 2024 make a motion roll call Cafaro Iain Alice yes hson yes yeser yes Tom do we have need for a Clos session yes ma'am you still do try to get away from me but no I did the best resolution 134 authorizing the township committee to convene and close executive session to discuss matters which may involve Personnel Andor legal matters whereas the open public meeting act permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist and whereas the governing body wishes to discuss matters involving Personnel Andor legal matters as follows Personnel an update on the deputy administrator's position anticipated the closure of 6 months an update on the defined contribution retirement program Dr dcrp program uh anticipated disclosure 6 months um a pending litigation update on the legal side um anticipated disclosure one year and potential litigation um anticipated disclosure one year whereas minutes will be kept and once the matter involving the confidentiality of the bo no longer requires that confidentiality and the minutes can be made public now therefore be resolved by Township Committee of the township of vake Harbor county of Atlantic state of New Jersey that the public be excluded from this meeting