shout out to Full Moon the regular council meeting for February 27 2024 is called to order at 701 p.m. first going to have a moment of Sil of meditation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance IED Al to the flag flag United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all you very much CL rollal mayor Nickerson here vice mayor Pella here council person bbon present council person lifeford Ward here council person Martin will not be in today also present for the record j e Kobe Village Clerk or C Village manager you have a quum thank you very much Madam clerk I appreciate that approve of the agenda do I have a motion to approve the agenda so move move by council person life foot Ward you have a second a second second by council person urb all in favor say i i f say nay hearing none moving on good and Welfare if anybody has um if anybody wants to come up and talk about anything on the agenda anything on the agenda now is your time to do so you have three minutes name and address and those minutes are yours also for every time we get to a certain agenda item um I do give you a chance to come up and speak on that particular agenda agenda item and then at the end we have a good and Welfare where you can speak about anything at all okay hearing seeing none moving on consent agenda do have a motion to approve the consent agenda so moved move by council person do have a second yes second by council person life foot War all in favor say I I say nay hearing none moving on attorney Geller is not here yet no but but um mayor if I may yes I do believe there's uh some folks in the audience who wanted to speak about a speeding issue it might not be exactly school zone speed but if we are waiting for attorney Geller it might be an opportunity at least to hear from those residents about a speeding issue that they wanted to address sounds good to me um those residents you have so I'm basically going to give you guys a special good and Welfare just for you um um those residents so you guys can come up uh all at the same time if you want to or you can come up one by one say your name and address for the record and uh let us know what's on your mind and you guys can all come up together if you want to but speak one by one if you want to both mics or one mayor h both mics or one they can all come to this they're gonna speak one at a time how you guys doing okay where we go just jump on there say your name and address for the record and then the floor is yours sure Matias C is my name and address is 104 noreast 886 Street tomorrow Hendershot 105 noreast 86th Street Nicole heel 88 Northeast 86 Street Greg steer 120 Northwest 86 Street we all have the the problem that there's a lot of traffic down 86 Street speeding speeding and um it's going to a point where it's not really fible anymore yeah it's it's Mammoth speeding there's two signs on 86 between Second Avenue Northeast and North Miami Avenue further on towards you I don't know how many and it's 15 miles an hour but they're basically overgrown and nobody pays attention to them anyway the average speed there is between 35 and 60 M an hour if somebody's really late for work and it's very uh disheartening his cat was killed three days ago who sits at the end of his driveway and waits for him I've lost three cats and three years Terry across the streets lost two and it's all they just tear down there they could give a dam they're on their way to work they all turn illegally left right now under the construction at North at North Miami Avenue nobody bothers to stop them we have now taken to state if when we're walking our dogs are taking care of our we now have taken to standing in the middle of the road when they're coming fast so they have to stop or run us over we have a choice um but usually they stop they slow down and we tell them but it doesn't make any difference they do it on 87th Street too if they're forced to it it there they're trying desperately on 86th Street to avoid the two lights the one at 87th in Northeast 2 and the one at 87th in North Miami Avenue now we've looked up Alternatives we have done lots of research just on speed bumps you can start at $15 a piece the signs that say speed bump ahead you can get two for $15 the metal ones but that doesn't necessarily is going to be a solution I think they'll just go right over the bumps if they're late for work and coming home from work so our solution has been though it's the worst one for us living there is blocking off 886 Street at North Miami Avenue so they have to go down 87th and we have seen a lot of place like streets in my mes they are like this and I have the feeling that traffic is much more quiet in an area where the street has a a dead end because people cannot just speed through them and so we would really appreciate if the administration or the the government here would look into this especially right now when they have construction M Avenue that bridge that crosses the canal there um the streets are up anyways and they're going to be up even more when they and we have seen like lots of big concrete forms for drainage or whatever that is that they want to put in there so if they dig this up we could make a nice Landscaping at the end of this or at at um at Miami Aven yes and make it 86 me 86 Street at that end Street we don't I mean us we have no problems with no we all have sort of come to that conclusion and it's inconvene then we have to go to 87th Street and wait on the light but that's better than what's happening now yes I think it would add quality of living for us as a member of this community want to hear them before I respond she has children I have a young child and um it's becoming really dangerous because they the age there they they look but they sometimes and you know the street is very curvy they shoot around the corner and I know why already standing since like probably 30 minutes on on these um junk junctures and they're pissed off I'm sorry they're just like shooting through not like I wouldn't say more than 60 Because by the time they are so annoyed of the traffic on these both sides can you speak yes of course but yeah so basically um the children are super endanger on that street and it's supposed to be a quiet street it's not like a traffic through um and I'm so sorry for all the cats um but the children are in danger so that's that's my main concern and there is like every single family almost has in evening the parents walk their children there there's lots of children on my street which I love because I don't have them so it's really nice to have them there but we're all scared I just wanted to add because we've had this conversation before mayor about the possibility of just getting what you call Traffic calming devices speed bumps on the street I know Miami Shores has a lot where I live uh west of uh North Miami Avenue to Northwest Second Avenue it's a straight quarter mile flat uh and it's turned into a speed track I mean they come through there 60 mil an hour there's no sidewalks people walk dogs it's a constant problem especially at night so um we've talked about that I think about a year ago and you said that was really a county issue or a state issue but um shouldn't be that difficult to get a speed bump yeah I appreciate it thank you all right here comes one more is it okay yes absolutely yes yes yes come how you doing your time take time don't fall yes say your name and address for the record two more just two more I got you no problem no problem hi my name is Juliana Collinger I live at 8650 Northeast Miami Court oh but were complaining about so you have to State yes St absolutely um so yeah we have noticed a increase in in traffic speeding in our street and especially an 86th um it's concerning because of of the narrow streets that we have and um it would be nice to have some kind of better control or management of it and I'm here to support that I think it's very important we have kids still small and running around and um you know the the reason why we moved to El Portal 7 years ago was because I love that feeling of a community the feeling of being able my kids walk across the street from the neighbors and we know our neighbors very well and that's what I loved about it so when I see these cars rushing in and going in and out really fast um it's just kind of you know a little alarming so thank you yes I'm Jerome I live in the Northeast HC Street as well and uh like Matas said I think that would be nice to close the street because uh it's been 14 years I live here same thing I've seen the traffic increasing no left turn when you go North Miami Avenue only right turn when you come from North Miami Avenue you canot do a left turn as well so you turn on 87 there's no reason to continue even in 86 Street because there's no connection with 86 Street and I will really increase safety security for children for cats as well I have a dog uh and the curve also people accelerate when they and they kind of slow down on the curve but we have to go in the middle of the street to make them and we like no no we one time remember you have to be on the to the guy really wanted to drive on you so I think uh yes closing industry for me will be more than a speed bump like in my Ms many uh I know it probably requires many uh administrative but well so that's what we ended up saying before you because you're late yes is is that we to it's to our disadvantage but we' prefer the blockage at 8 86 in North Miami Avenue even though then we would have to go around to the lightake I don't none of us yeah that's just basically the conclusion we've argued you know speed bumps we've gone back and forth several people are still at work so they couldn't come but that's where we think it would be the same sa for everyone and what Mata says makes sense it's all dug up now anyway and you and everybody you could make a lot of money putting a police officer out there for the leftand turn you could make millions every day and you'd get rich just in a week yeah it's really ridiculous yeah well our pockets are about to be fat um so let's go through this all right first of all thank you for doing this because um um a few weeks ago I was on the phone with manager Lou and I was passing out my flyers and I was at your house and I attack and you spoke to me about this and I said well why don't you gather all the neighbors contact me and I'll come out and do a block meeting but I've never heard from anybody no because it's hard to everybody has different working hours and three of them can't come and one I couldn't even get a hold of her work hours are bizarre so yeah this is but it's good that's what I'm saying so so you saved me you saved me that you saved me that meeting um and I appreciate that but if you guys still want to I can still do it but everybody on the street agrees something AG absolutely absolutely we can have a petition signed easily yeah absolutely all right so all right so let's go through this okay so the first thing is um the street closure right yeah that's basically what we want yeah I know I know when you look at Miami Shores you see it um yeah unfortun Ely so there's a couple of things with that uh first of all if you notice mommy Shores did that a long long long time ago right now there's like a moratorium in the county and we have uh commissioner Hardman our district commissioner commissioner hardman's office that's his representative right there and she's the best yes and so she will tell you that because of miomi sh is doing that to their streets and they did it for a couple of reasons and one of those reasons was not such a good reason going back decades and decades and decades okay and being that's the case um there's currently a moratorium on on blocking off streets um and blocking off streets even though it's currently a moratorium on it it's a it's it's it's not an easy process as you know like for example like when you when you all say like you know while they have the everything dug up it would make a lot of sense you know to kind of start this process because you have to not only you know get approval from the county and things like that but they ALS Al look at the traffic patterns and that's and and those things have changed since mommy Shores did it back in like the 70s 60s and when they did it um because they look at like emergency vehicles traffic patterns and things like that um so it's a it's a longer process but right now currently that's just not an option because the county has a moratorium on it okay so that's right now currently it's not an option because of that moratorium okay that's my next thing I'm addressing all right speed bumps yes it is a county road or State Road we're talking about these are County Roads um speed bumps are definitely the option speed bumps are things that myself and manager Alo always continuously looks at Miami Shores and we spoke about this we went to Miami Shores we spoke to them um Miami Shores and they have speed bumps that they're movable also and they can be moved throughout the community and myself and manager Alo we're working on that and looking into that now mi did that years ago they got the approval so a lot of times when you'll see something the approval took a while look at her look at my manager shaking her head yeah we we we've been working on this this is why I know why do we have to comp sorry to interrupt why do we have to compare ourselves to Miami short well you guys brought you guys brought short press just got them all Treasure Island just got brand new ones on Bay Drive they're all over so so so this is what I'm one person needs to talk at a time this is what I'm saying so like I like I was saying you I'm sorry to interrupt no problem it's okay no problem like I was saying you guys brought up Mii sh the only reason why I'm saying miy Shores um forget about Miami so so eler to for decades and decades before I was mayor should have done a traffic study but they didn't it wasn't until I was mayor and this Administration came in and we just completed the first phase of our traffic study what I'm trying to tell you guys is is that these other neighborhoods when you see these things like the um the speed bumps it's not like they did the traffic study two years ago and now you see the speed bumps now they probably started their traffic study five years ago or four years ago because those things take time to implement because the first phase is speed which we completed the first phase which is speed reduction that's the first phase of a traffic study which we've not we we've completed then after that there's another another phase and then another phase so what I'm trying to explain to you and understand and I see you shaking your head I understand but what I'm trying to explain to you is the governmental process it's just a pro it's not a process that we made up because we don't own the roads now if Elbert I own these roads my process would be well you know what we putting the speed bumps next week we put in the speed bumps tomorrow to to the microphone please to the to the microphone to to the microphone talk to me I mean isn't it better to ask for uh you know forgiveness than permission I mean what about the neighbors don't they have any rights to the streets that they live on I mean we deal with this every day and part of the problem is the Bridge Project which has been going on for four years now a lot of people use those side streets so they can avoid that traffic jam every single day twice a day it's like we have to live with it and you you're telling us that this is going to be a seven-year project to get a speed bump so what I'm saying to you is is that we've completed phase one of the project of the of the traffic study we're going into phase two what I'm also saying to you is going to your ask for forgiveness instead of permission myself and manager L have been talking about the signage signage was something you guys brought up just now signage is something um Kean hardman's office doesn't hear this signage is something that myself and manager L have been talking about and what we've been saying is well mayor why don't we just do the signage that's necessary and start there now for signage we also would have to go through the county but what we've been saying is look at this the room full of this this being recorded right oh Lord so behind closed doors and I'm not going to say too much what we've been saying is that for certain things we'll ask for forgiveness and not permission okay can't say it right now but we we've been staying at behind closed doors and there's things that we're looking into under the idea of how often do they really look for these things and drive through our neighborhood and see these things and things like that so maybe we should start doing these things contact me tomorrow I can give you details they'll never notice um so so that's the case the third thing is the third thing is um so we we did the street closure speed bumps um the third thing is so when we came in we that's a phone right when we when we came in we um rev vamped the police department one of the things that we did no taxpayer everything you see is no no taxpayer dollars when you when you look around one of the things we did was we got the most updated speeding equipment part of the process of getting that is that our officers had to be certified because they could give a ticket but if they don't have certification in the new speed equipment it gets thrown out immediately the problem with that was was that that speed certification class occurs twice a year the problem with that is is that since it happens twice a year we can't empty out our Police Department to send every officer to get certified in the speed new speed equipment so we send two three at a time we recently got this new equipment within the past like year now most of our officers have gone through it now check this out I see you check this out you all might not know this some people might know this but now that the certifications have happened a couple of weeks ago as a matter of fact a few weeks ago for a couple of weeks we had about officer Rodriguez about 30 officers from about a little more than that a little more than that doing speed traps throughout hold on hold on throughout Elbert tow focusing on Northeast Second why okay that's exactly why because there were like three accidents on Northeast Second see Miss Claudia Miss Claudia school there's a fence they took down on one accident there was a couple other because of that we concentrated our first speed reduction speed traps is like you you shouldn't say speed traps but you know what it is the speed reduction element we concentrated first on Northeast Second the next phase and the next locations is Northwest 5ifth because Northwest 5ifth coming from that school that long Street down there they speed like crazy they sped so much recently that one of the cars went into the front yard of the houses at the end of that street by horse man on either side of either side of horse man but on on the other side of Horseman the side that that faces that faces unincorporated dat Northwest 5th so we're doing them you all we have you we have 86 Street North I mean 86 Street West of North Miami Avenue we have that right there with the North West Fifth Avenue and I believe on the list that we have the El hardine right after that it's a revenue for the town so so I'm telling you and as you heard also Rodriguez said we had about over 30 officers so the only reason why North Northeast Second was the first location was because of the accidents but y'all's location is right around the corner not months away yeah okay it's not months away all right so um contact me for any off the record conversations okay I can give you details about that um but besides that can't do the street closures okay but the other stuff is being worked on other already been implemented already been started just Northeast Second was the first location got it all right all right so I got you um the the last thing I would say is for El hardine when do you see those Speeders is it during the morning traffic afternoon traffic is it like random times throughout the day is it it's heaviest between 8 and 9 in the morning and then between 4 and 6 in the evening 8 and 9 and 4 and 6 Madam manager eight n is Big Time one right after the other thank as you know the the line can be almost as big as 87 Street all turning left onto to North Miami okay and mayor if I could and one second I'm going to I just want to ask one more thing I don't understand this is sort of a simple uh problem we're having speed I mean and it's a very quick solution to put speed bumps down that don't cost anything and even though I understand what you just said you know do we have to wait till a child is really harmed before we can go faster no but but but it's not as simple what you're saying just putting speed bumps out it's not as simple as as you're making it as it sounds because it's not legal for us to just simply go out and put speed bumps down like I said there's things that are happening behind closed doors that then we can get a variance or something we can all go down and protest I mean it's crazy it's it's people we're worried about people living on the street I understand I understand I understand it's sort of important it is very important and and it's and it's actually in real time being worked on what just what just talking about well when we see the results you're going to see well you're going to see quick results really quickly within like the next week or so um when it comes to the officers and when it comes to the money that's going to be going um going to be coming the eler tole that you guys are talking about um that's going to be happening fairly quickly when you're talking about speed bumps um we can speak about that offline and other things are being worked on well that's the the meeting you wanted to do right yes yes you guys can still do the meeting and yes and pull everybody together like like oh there's four of us they just couldn't come I could bring them all very all of them well I'll come out and meet you guys like I told you that day that tell me that right I said grab everybody and I'll be I thought it better for us to come here and attack you it's all good rather than you coming out there either way either way either way I appreciate you guys but um you guys can always contact me you guys know you guys can call me anytime day or night with anything but you guys will see a lot of stuff um I want want to talk to manager Lou really quickly um so so we found out El hardine is the morning hour morning rush hour and the evening rush hour for West of uh North Miami Avenue on 86 Street when is like the times that you guys are seeing out there I'm sorry what uh west of North Miami Avenue on 86 Street when are when are the times that you're seeing that a lot of this speeding is happening is it Rush Hour also where did he go we're all e te West who was West I know somebody oh you were West 86 Street West right rush hour they go0 mil hour usually it's usually at night time like night time after 8:00 P.M yeah from you know 8 until midnight okay can I make is it wor in the weekends or is it eating night more observation works on the weekends okay let me let me jump okay last thing missen one one more observation and I think this is a very important observation I'm in Miami court and I sit in front of my window a lot and what I notice is that it cars the same color of cars I know cuz I see the same color of cars going south on Northeast Miami court and then that same car drove in rather okay that same car comes back up fast so what my understanding is here that is happening is they're turning on Northeast Miami Court going south to turn onto North Miami Avenue and make a left and when they realized that they can't they turn around and they speed back up because they've already missed 2 minutes of their time I got you so they miss they come they come back fast I got so that's the problem so if we could have a signage that says over there you know dead end I don't know something like no no you know no yeah something even even closer to that cuz that's what's happening they get mad they go there and they're like oh I can't do it and they speed back yeah so yeah I think I think I think the police you can fix the speed signs now you can't see them and they're all faded least we could make good ones man let manager Luke counc I got you yeah no I hear you I hear you um the the first thing is going to be the police out there I think that's going to be a big like you know hit from the very beginning they come I've already I know three of them who make their rounds but but but but they haven't come the way that we were doing I got you hopefully I got you it's starting it's starting not necessarily next week but in the next couple of weeks it'll be it'll be really out there all right all right you guys contact me for anything okay thank you very very much manager pleas add a little something you said we are we have completed phase one of the traffic study how many phases are there traffic study there it just depends um but there's a few phases that we're looking into yeah we're talking about three phases there's a few phases there's a there's few there's yeah there's like three phases that we're looking into right now three phases yes so we completed one we completed one which is where the speed limit yeah all right okay okay thank you very much manager yes I would like to add um that some of the things we're doing and this is for the residents I know you're leaving and you proba hear me but if for the res you guys might want to listen to manager Al well it's okay um we've had um several actual um Police Operations I think there have been four just uh this month uh the uh Florida Highway Patrol was a part of it it was not just Northeast Second Avenue it was the entire Village of Al Pell so it was Northeast 2 North Miami Avenue Northwest 2 Northwest fth Avenue was when they did the operation or the exercise that garnered several speeding tickets because we have such a small agency we had to pull in other departments so um the city of Miami Miami Shores bis Gan Park North Bay Village those police um departments assisted our our officers in doing that exercise there will be some more happening in the coming weeks like mayor Nickerson described on top of that we also conducted a traffic Study last year um the gentleman from our our our tra traffic engineer U Mr Juan Espinosa is here to actually talk about an item that is uh something we we're working on on Northeast 2 Avenue we have a road diet plan that we're doing we would like to reduce the lanes down to from four to two egress Ingress so that would also deter speeding on the on the road but Mr espanosa did a a complete study we've submitted that to Mii day County they responded with no speed bumps and all of those things but we can still push for other things like raised intersections what have you so there are different phases that we are working on based on his work and based on um what is allowed so we are working for the village it's just it takes a long time also also I'm sorry we have I'm sorry okay and we also have a roundabout going in at North north um West 2 Avenue and 90th Street to slow down traffic in that area so yeah so we we're we're do we're doing some several things they small but sadly it just takes so much time because we have to do the study then we have to submit we have to get the permit and we're even here today based on a technicality needed from the county for us to submit so we're here to to address that so believe me I understand your concerns it B worries me too I'm a neighbor so I do know um but we're we those are some things we're working on I want you to know we are working on things but it just takes time so we'll keep we'll keep at it and we'll traffic keeps increasing I agree and it's so glad I'm so glad we have our County here and if we could get that bridge that's why I asked Miss uh Augustine if she could kind of tell us when that bridge is because I think that also you know is not it makes it very dangerous in that intersection as well so please work with us we'll continue to keep you informed okay thank you you're welcome council president iron yes um um yeah u i I wanted to let the the residents know about the um about the roundabout that the mayor had just spoke with so spoke about so um in terms of the concern of speed specifically uh heavy traffic in general um and acknowledging that it's not just during rush hour but it is uh you know at odd hours as well including weekends so it is a Village Wide problem there is not really any place specifically in the village that is really you know free from this issue so I know 88th Street for example is one of our most absolutely narrow streets um and uh I'm on 89th not too far from here and it's uh it's kind of like an awkward let's see one two 3 four five there's a there's a lot of different angles and it creates this this intersection that doesn't have right angles so people can uh people can access 89th Street heading west at speed so you have people rounding the corner at 30 35 miles an hour and then once they straighten out they're accelerating one block to a stop sign rolling stop accelerating to the next block rolling stop sign accelerating to uh e Second Avenue and then and then going on their way from there um I've thrown things at cars before I have four small children um I've gone out in the street myself as well so I I wanted to let the residents know that um that outside of getting bogged down in the in the administrative process of what we're dealing with I've been on the council almost six years now and um this issue has been at kind of the Forefront of discussion um for uh committee meetings as well as general Council meetings for a solid two years really really like 3 years already and uh this evening as the mayor said we have uh people in the audience it's it's not just a traffic engineer but our urban planner as well so there is a resilient Street strategy that would involve making some streets one ways uh uh and changing the the pattern within the village that uh uh that would just as the residents were saying tonight we don't mind an inconvenience to go around and that's the idea is to try and create a type of Labyrinth of Street pattern that would discourage people from from using it as a cut through kind of and then the residents being used to the street pattern would be able to navigate it easily while people coming from outside the village would have a very difficult time navigating it that would be the idea to basically train the public to avoid using elport tow as a cut through so Fifth Avenue those those Avenues especially the Western Avenues are of severe concern because of the length of straightaway and so you know people drive the road the road is designed as a quarter mile drag strip and so that's that's how the Behavior Uh shows up on the road so that roundabout that the mayor uh the manager had spoken about is critical to disrupting that pattern from the North End uh and then uh one thing that I I believe the mayor meant to mention but has to be specific when we say the traffic study was completed that was the second traffic study the first traffic study did not get us the results we were hoping for and the county declined all of our requests for lowering the speed limit the traffic study that the mayor's talking about in terms of what occurred last year that traffic study was successful the county recognized and the data proved that we do need reduced speed limits so we have the speed limits are going to be reduced on several roads in the permitting process for having the signage put put up and things like that is already in motion so um there is a considerable amount of effort uh throughout the village to uh to address this uh in many different ways uh not the least of which would be changing uh traffic patterns wholly uh so we might not be able to close off a street um and the mayor is being polite to not get get into it but we're talking about um decades old racial issues so those of you who are new to Florida Florida specifically has had an issue with walls uh there are there are many walls throughout the state uh that were put up uh for the purpose of racial discrimination and so the concept of blocking access uh to uh residents in one degree or another is something that the entire State uh needs to address face and correct and so that's why you're going to get a lot of push back from doing something like blocking off access because of the history of racial discrimination specifically associated iated with that so the solution then becomes we'll change the traffic pattern have one-way streets so that the act so that so you know it it serves the same purpose as a dead end you have the traffic flowing the other way so that they're not able to to uh get down and go that way so all that to say that um that there is a considerable effort again throughout the entire Village uh so that's why the mayor had a difficult time saying how many phases because it depends on which intersection you're talking about but the phase that was completed was to get permission to reduce speed limits and then we are uh looking at it from there as far as speed bumps yeah we got to be very strategic about that because harmonics you know if you don't put the correct speed bump in people can literally speed up to get over it easier than slowing down so um So that's its whole different animal there but but uh but it is being examined looked at and aggressively pursued thank you council president bban appreciate it um got someone at the mic yeah and so this is what I'm going to say usually we keep our last or usually we keep the thing our first good and Welfare is usually for things on the agenda the last good and Welfare um are for things anything you want to talk about but since I did open that up uh we'll do the last good in welfare now um since we've already kind of started that process and so if you have anything that you want to mention at all doesn't have to be just things on the agenda um we'll we'll do all of that right now okay all right since we started that process so sir say your name and address for the record and uh let us know what you're here for good evening everyone my name is Dudley mayard uh 188 Northwest 89th Street uh the reason why I'm here is just push it up yeah push it up yeah the reason why I'm here is a courtesy I'm asking uh I had two expections I was actually here um at um in the city speaking with Frank when they actually was at my property uh during the inspection and it's about two of them and I was told that I have to come here to to try to get any type of uh cuz they want a $80 fee uh to do a reinspection so I'm here tonight to see if you guys can wave that for me as a courtesy so you have an inspection fee of $80 yes that needs to be paid before I can get an inspection done to close out a permit that I'm trying to close out all right so the process of of inspection fees and things like that goes through the building department um as far as what the council can do you would have to go through the building department go through Administration and then get on the agenda for anything that we could do I did I I was told this and I emailed um told this by who who do you know who told you this well Frank told me that I need to get on the board like to come here in order to be heard so if there is anything to be done this way will be done at and I did email the proper person asking them to put me on the document and they emailed me back asking um you know what I needed and I explained again I want to get on a document to try to get a fee wve and I got no response so so what you would have this is what you would have to do what you would have to do is um you need to go to the to the front desk when when we're doing our open hours go to the front desk and did you you said you emailed correct I spoke to Pedro the building department Pedro Mr Martinez yes yes I spoke to him he was here when I came to do he's the one that advised me everyone advised me at the office in there that they cannot do anything it has to a board meeting or you guys have to be the one to be able remove the thing so to vote on it though we would need like for example we would need this is why you have to go through that so what you this what I'm tell you to do this is what you need to do write an email saying I was instructed by the building department to come before councel because of a hardship payment that I'm not able to pay or I or I do not want to pay I want the counil an email similar to what you're saying and I got no response so yeah yeah but if but think I know the email you might have been talking about it's not it wasn't detailed I saw an email that I was forwarded and it says something like um I want to get on the agenda correct something it didn't say anything about building department hardship $80 housing it said nothing about that correct yes so so so so when I got the email I was like I was like I don't even understand what this is about oh so I didn't get any feedback to elaborate on the email yeah but but write this so so this this is what we're doing so we're doing the feedback right now my brother all right so write the email I would appreciate if I got that time so today I could have been prepared to do what you're saying to do had I got that feedback at this this is why also this is why we would need to do it this way also because we would need also the paperwork from the building department so we know exactly what we're looking at exactly what property exactly what needs to be done exactly what permits so we would need to be be have to be prepared am I able to come in not the C am I able to come in because I come several times I know Pedro really well I know Frank really well so is there a way I even know um the pretty manager we have manager l l really well so um I'm saying that to say is there a way that we can maybe got together to speed up the process because the thing is this a whole ordeal why I'm asking for the courtesy to begin with I was the one that they made a huge mistake on my permit that cost me about 3 months delay that three months so this what this what you need to do not to cut you off I'm saving you time what you need to do in your email yes what you were just about to explain to me put that in that email okay all right send that email to building department CC manager Aloo okay and Clerk jacoi and and CC myself you have my information also yes I do yeah you do all right everybody has my information all right since so so so what you going to do send that email building department is to building department and you can even put the building department and Miss Martinez if you want to if you want know Miss Martinez I can I can we can forward it to them make sure you send it to building department CC manager Aloo Clerk jacobe and myself in that email you're going to say why you want kind give a background right and you're going to talk about the mistake you feel like we made and you're going to say I want my 8 Fe waved due to the mistake hardship for whatever your reasons are and I would like to come before the council to speak about this matter in the next council meeting all right just send that email and we'll start to handle it from there all right quick question y um when is your next board meeting it's next month so it's usually the fourth Tuesday of of the month fourth to okay all right you I'm going to do that but you know this is furthermore delay due to my issue of you guys giving me the error from the beginning well I don't know about the error that's why you going you going to explain to me so what you were just about to expl it was already proven in the beginning meeting that we had it was already proven that you guys made the error on my behalf it was already proven already and so and so you were approved December so all you're waiting for is the $80 to close it out yes two of them that's what I'm saying so 160 160 and I'm going to be waiting more for 160 to close it out and you guys cost me about 15 grand a month for three months listen all right listen I'm trying to help you out now okay I just want you guys to know record what you cost me on record all right I'm trying to help you out now um write the email okay write the email as soon as you can I will all right we'll go from there thank you all right thank excuse me but that was the property that was built all without permits right corre that's the one you're talking about okay thank you thanks thank you very much Mr vice mayor how you doing hi all right hi Serena Erie I'm 86 Street in Northeast 2 Avenue uh before I jump into my list of uh items that I would like to address I would like to say that I have seen the traffic cops on Second Avenue um or just the cops in generally coming through the neighborhood for c for a lot of reasons and I have been impressed the speed has been reduced I've been happy to see a lot of tickets being written um I assume that there are no traffic cameras because you don't allow but you don't have license plates on the front of cars you talking about the red light cameras just any speeding cameras or why it needs to be cops as opposed to I find if you hit people's wallets they tend to change their behavior yeah so so there there's something that we have um tonight actually um as far as school zone we have that we have that aspect but as far as red light camera so the red light camera thing is a weird thing so the red light camera things were really popular a while ago but they ended up not being such a good situation and so a lot of uh municipalities and counties kind of like took them down and they were running into a lot of problems with just the sit the process of the red light camera situations and so that's kind of like why you don't see that right now it's something that we can definitely look into but we do have just on the agenda tonight we do have cameras that will help out with speeding but it's more directed towards school zones and certain speed um uh that you talking about reducing some streets from four four lanes to two lanes I did want to ask that you also um give thought to making instead of taking away a lane making that lane a bike lane or a motorcycle lane or a bus lane because um the problem we have on Second Avenue A lot of people with those motorized scooters and uh electric bikes and whatever going on the sidewalk especially at night where it's not as lit and zooming past and it's it's a it's a big Hazard not only for people with um you know pets but also people with kids and strollers and trying to walk yeah so we can look into that okay so when we um when we spoke to the county about noreast second the first thing that we addressed you remember M manager we were we were in those meetings we we were like in myself and manager Lou we had like like eight seven eight meetings about this it was a lot of meetings and so they looked into it and when they came back with the options because of and I forgot the exact reason Madam man you might remember in detail more than I I do from those Zoom meetings but um for some reason they said that the bike lane would be more dangerous than not like it like it would be more dangerous in on Northeast Second Elber tow than it would be in like other locations I believe it was was something like that I remember them telling us um so the bike lane was out as far as you're talking about a bus lane only that would I mean that would be that would still be you know four lanes and you would and you would have it it would kind of be the same thing in a way because you would have it where when the bus wasn't is not there you're going to have people just speed into the bus lane you know what I mean tickets they'll just go into the bus lane I mean we can ticket them but about how about parking then so so parking so parking is what we're actually doing so so when you when she's talking about Mel's talking about four lanes to two lanes it's not just getting rid of the other lane that would be parking so making the sidewalk bigger yeah so when you so when you think of so it would be the continuation kind of what you see in Miami Shores downtown right we have parking on the side and you have the one lane because it calms down the speeding in the track thank you all right um I what I did what I'm sorry can I just address the part about the clear it's a clearance matter for bike lanes and turning so we can't do everything that we you know may Envision but um actually the item is on the agenda tonight so our um you know traffic engineer is going to talk about that the Northeast Second Avenue Mobility study or or you know the plans but um that is why uh everything can't be you know exactly like that because we may not have the space for the turns that are needed thank you um what I wanted to address was the homeless situation on Second Avenue which I have seen um or just in El quartal generally has seen increase in this last year such that I find homeless people sleeping on the sidewalk in store entranceways of stores that have been en closed or there nobody there on Saturday mornings or Friday nights um sleeping across there's a lot across from my house on Second Avenue that they sleep in um what street is this what street is this I'm sorry what street is this on 86 and second on 86 and second yeah on that corner across the way okay there's a lot there but even with um next to that um on 80 you know between before Little River or after Little River there's also a uh on on the elal side or or the the Miami side City of Miami side El so so when you go over the bridge you're you're into the the city of Miami or incorpor well then City of Miami side yes that would be that lot there but also on elportal side on 86 on the west side of North North West Side of of North e second where the empty lot is the one for sale right although I'm not sure it's for sale anymore because I don't see a sign out there anymore um so yeah they've been sleeping there under the tree and fishing and whatever okay okay um but also my like my neighbor actually his entrance is actually on Second Avenue so that he has to take out he had to buy another hose because he found people uh washing themselves oh wow okay on his front lawn and um and we both found like um drug parelia or whatever kits like they Stow into my hedges okay or try to hide things within my hedges so that can come back uh they've stolen some or somebody has stolen some um solar lights that I had in my front yard just last month on the 28th I reported that um I've seen them throwing their trash out in front like just today there was a guy with a a a luggage set or whatever on the Third Avenue in 87 side just throwing his garbage out in somebody's property uh so so and loitering uh they've been loitering in shwood park you know they've just been there hanging out and it's it's it's fine until they they they don't they don't look like they're mentally fit I got you you know they're scary yeah so with the sleeping in the the and the hanging out of you know since I'm on Second Avenue the the garbage the the liquor bottles the uh needles and things like that it's scary okay and this is the first time I felt scared in we'll we'll we'll we'll deal with that um because nobody should feel scared and eler tile um especially I'm 100% against that so we'll we'll speak to the police department and start to do more rounds particularly in that in that area and we'll we'll fix that situation I know the cops have been doing a lot of rounds we we'll concentrate though um yeah and fix that situation fairly quickly there have also been people loitering in cars and I know somebody else in my neighborhood address that with the police department because I have seen them hanging around but there have been people slowly driving by and stopping like in houses that they think are unoccupied or like sometimes I'll find somebody just sitting my driveway in a car and um I have to go out and say like you need to move along but they're just sitting there and I don't know why exactly they're doing that okay all right all right we'll we'll we'll concentrate a lot more in that area about these things and then my last thing uh well two things are the plant the future outdoor parties I know plant the future technically is uh on the other side of Little River mhm but their parties their outdoor concerts I don't think they have a permit for um I can hear it and they usually start on Thursdays and they go to Sundays and they don't end at 10:00 have you ever have you ever called like 911 or emergency police number I've called um code enforcements and they've gone out there elportal code enforcement has gone a couple times and they have lowered the music um but elportal will say that you know sometimes I get somebody who says yeah we'll go out there and sometimes they say no that's not alport you know um and I have to call call the cops whatever and they have gone out there a couple of times um it's worked but should I have the cops call the cops every time even though it's elport to and they technically they call the cops because even if you give the address once you give the address or say like it's whatever even if you if it's Elber tole cops they'll know it's City of Miami or UNC corporate date and they'll contact that Police Department um to to take care of it the last thing is could you update the uh the website our website for the 220 the 24 recycling um schedule okay I got you it's not the same as the no it's not the same and and you're going to get the you're going to get that schedule I'm doing flyer handouts next week okay so you're going to get it you know I my flyer hand you're going to get the whole schedule you'll be able to put it up on your refrigerator then yes I remember all right thank you so much thank you very much I appreciate you thank you um anybody else for good and Welfare about anything you can come back up name and address for the record Greg steer 120 Northwest 86 Street I just had two other quick items I wanted to bring up one of which I already mentioned and that was uh related to the speeding is the Bridge Project on uh North Miami Avenue in 86 Street which has been going on now for four years I haven't been able to turn left on my street in four years Donald Trump was President it was pre-co and I guess there's a rep from the Commissioner's Office maybe she could speak to that but it's obviously everybody knows it causes an extreme bottlenecks in both directions twice a day and it's dangerous yeah so so there go ahead go the next thing go ahead go ahead go ahead well finally I wanted to see if you could give me an update on on a a a topic I know that you've been kicking around for about 10 years and that's the Sewer Septic conversion okay so the the um the sewer conversion so we're going to be starting west of horeman um and we got money from the county for that um thank thanks to you know ke harman's office thanks to Mayor LaVine cava thanks to our relationship now that we have with the county under the current administration of eleral and um so we're starting phase one will be west of Horseman okay um phase two depends on the funding and so I would just say most likely phase two would probably be Northeast 2 only because it's probably easier to get funding for a business Corridor all right um after that a lot of the the uh the flooding after that happens mostly with the residents that are on the river so along the river um would probably be more of the phase after that but it depends on what funding comes in what phases that we do but I would just guess probably Northeast Second a business Corridor would probably be um phase two okay um as far as the other thing was the bridge as far as the bridge um you know that's not elti also it was being fixed and like you said yes it's been a long time it was being fixed and then something happened with the parts or something like that um they had to kind of like start almost from the beginning again um Miss Augustine if you want to just come up and and and you can talk about the bridge you can give a really quick update on anything you want to speak about Miss Augustine um our district three representative from commissioner hardman's office everybody and she's wonderful she she we always stay in touch and she's always on top of everything thank you good evening everyone um mayor vice mayor council members Council persons um my name is Rosy Augustine genan Lewis I am the intergovernmental Affairs coordinator with your county commissioner Keon Hardman so I guess I'll start the bridge was the first thing I was going to talk about tonight so the bridge started actually almost 6 years ago 2018 is when it first began so that is prior to county commissioner Keon hardman's term in office he started in 2020 um unfortunately 2020 didn't help any of us as a country with covid so that caused additional delays then there was delays due to funding because of the covid situation and then what the mayor just said last um there was a delay with the state um underwater it's called FDLE um so there was a permit that had to be pulled and it literally took 365 days and they didn't catch that until almost three years into the project so yes we had to basically start over I actually got a report today um from the Department from the dtpw which is the Department of Transportation and public works I asked for monthly reports about The Bridge to see where we are we're actually moving in a better Pace we're no it's not going to take another six years or another year to be done so we're anticipating a completion of 2024 um I say July I would like to keep July but if anything happens where I noticed that we're running a little delay I will come back to the council and let you know I can tell you that as of this month this month um we've installed drainage system to the North and the South as you can see there is a west side of North Miami Avenue and there's a east side of North Miami Avenue we've complet completed the west side of the North Miami Avenue now we're on the east side which is what needs to be done so they've installed um the drainage system of the North and the South of the east side of the bridge one next week we're installing the man holes and pipes in the south side of this east side we're all okay so once this is done we finally I am anticipating before March is over there is another there's a drain that literally is the last pipe that needs to go underground which is physically in the water that needs to be cemented together rubbered together and once that that's done we should no longer have any issues underwater they'll lay the surface of the road on top they'll do all their additional permitting testing to make sure that it can support the vehicles on the road and then we should be physically opened so that's why I'm anticipating this July 2024 but if something happens between now February 27th and this July I'm going to ask for the end of July July 31st if something happens between now and then I will continue to come back to the village and I will let you know this is the status of the bridge but that is where we are I can tell you last month January the county actually gave the additional funding because there was a huge funding gap between what was anticipated this project should have be should have been done within three years of its original request so by 2021 it should have been done so as you can see we are still so much further away from that original due dat so we had to fill in the Gap and the commissioner did pass the legislation to make sure that we're that they're going to do what they've in they said for the village but two to make sure that they don't come back and say that is's a financial situation as to why they won't be able to complete the bridge so that is our update in regards to the bridge um in addition um this upcoming week um commissioner Hardman in collaboration with SBD which is the Small Business Development will be hosting a community meeting tomorrow morning or an early morning meeting with the small businesses from 10: to 12: um just to talk about just different ways to partner with Miami day County as a small business and how to be better integrated if you're not aware of resources that are available tomorrow night um the cultural Affairs department is having a how to apply for Grants um that is open to the community at large that they can also apply to um I want to thank the residents who actually came out who was talking about the north Miami Bridge mayor you're absolutely right when it comes to this new relationship between District 3 and and the Village um for the residents who called and the residents who um are feeling uncomfortable in their neighborhoods um yes the county and the village will work together the mayor is absolutely right with the different layers of things that need to happen before you can just say we're going to put a speed bump in the ground because some roads can't handle a speed bump and from what you guys are talking about you can do a speed table but the county has to come out and assess that the village makes the request the commissioner's office will then ensure with the um department of public rest and transportation that that request is done thoroughly and efficiently but quickly all at the same time and then give the recommendation I know the village is going to present something today in reference to traffic patterns or traffic request for the entirety of the village but if that is something if there's something specific we want to work on for 86 starting with the signage signage is not something that is difficult it's also another request to the Department of um dtpw Department of Public Works and transport a if there's a sign that's already out out on that block or they're asking for the no um th no dead end or no thorough way um signs if that's something that we can put out immediately that does not require an additional traffic study then that is something that we can request from our office to dtpw so that they come so you don't have to make or not make comments on the record or things you shouldn't say in reference to the county fair fair but I think the the dead inside yeah was it actually for a dead end Dead End Street that's that's one of the things so so those those are the type of things we have to discuss all right does the um Council persons have any questions vice mayor mayor no no okay thank you so very much and you were right about the mo the umou with the county in reference to no longer installing or um closing off um streets the county and it's not because elportal is asking if you guys want to go back the county has sued other municipalities who have installed new um dead in roads or blocked off roads without County permission so I don't think the village wants to be in that situation and in the county is saying we're not doing that anymore there is history in the state as to that was not the intention was not to keep slow down traffic as to why they put these in but to keep people out and we've come a long way as a as a County as well as a municip it this is a village so um we will work in other ways to provide safety for the village thank you so very much thank you very much Miss uh Augustine and thank you very much to commissioner Hardman appreciate it thank you very much um let's stick with government Mr tah Taha come on up my brother I appreciate it so South Florida Water Management District he's our Point person and uh so I don't know if you guys know this or I well you guys should know that I put it in my mayor's report but that clerk Jacobi so lusciously writes out for me in every agenda but um I began a coastal mayor's um a coastal mayor's meeting uh conference that we do and we're on number four now and so um I began it uh myself and uh and the the first person that joined me was mayor leam from North Bay Village and um we've held it in North Bay Village was the number one and it was right after the fish kill and that's how I began it so all the Mayors can kind of get together and um and speak about what we can do to help out with water quality the um the bis bisc Bay and things like that and everything just like uh with the environment in relation to like the water and it was called the coastal Mayors number one the first meeting was in North Bay Village the second meeting we had here in uh in Village Hall the third meeting was in Paul medal Bay I believe and the fourth me fourth meeting that we had was in Cutler Bay and you were there with me in Cutler Bay for the fourth meeting and so he saw that and and it's very good because a lot of things that happens in government you guys um I know this meeting is going I'm make this really quickly because it's kind BEC a long meeting but a lot of things that happen in government you'll see like government will start an initiative and then they'll have like one meeting or two meetings and then you never hear about that initiative and it just goes away and then years later there'll be another initiative um for me to have started this and to gather I mean uh council person life of war was at one of my postal mayor meetings when we had it in here Elber tow for me to have started this and for me to be able to gather like 20 different mayors every single time to come to these meetings is humongous and they're all active and I appreciate you for being in in the one I had for Cutler Bay my next one I'm doing is in kis Kan my next one will be in Kus Kan will be my next Coastal mayor's meeting um welcome my brother how you doing thank you for having me um nice to be here basically I'm here mainly to hear sort of what some The Village might have some concerns anything like that I'm also here to act M like I said as a main contact for you guys um I do have cards if anybody in the audience does have anything they'd like to discuss when it comes to storm flooding or anything that we might handle I'm glad to speak with you as well but mainly like I said I'm here to speak with the with everybody from the village you know let you guys know that we're here for you and we're we're going to listen and try to help as much as we can well thank you very much the south Florida Water Management District is something that um that we really appreciate and it's something that is integral to everything of eler toow with uh with how we are in our community in the Little River so we appreciate you thank you very very much my thank you thank you is there anybody else for good and Welfare about anything at all before we get back to the agenda good and well for about anything at all come up say your name address for the record Scott cobri uh 8525 Northeast 4th Avenue Road um I actually um just wasn't planning to come up at about anything until I just heard the Water Management thing um and I just wanted to actually ask uh this is something that I'm uh actually very uh interested in um and wanted to ask about uh the trash um that floats down the river um a lot um and I know that there's the trash um uh picker you know the the the surface uh you know uh trash catcher um that is right across from where sort of cista is um um and I wanted to question whether or not it's possible uh to have one further down the river um before um maybe maybe uh around North Miami Avenue or or Northeast Second um so that it would you know collect some more of the trash from floating down there um I know that uh around this area is sort of a manate sanctuary um and uh they're from what I understand there's been a lot of actually more manate activity in the area in in the in recently um and so want to make sure that you know the pollution is under control there so very good so one of the major things that we are currently working on is that is trying to reduce the pollution levels both from runoff and from litter that's ending up in the canal uh one of the main canals that you see here is is the C7 Canal that one is one of our higher level of pollution canals when it comes to litter um we have had to install uh our tough Boon system which is mainly our uh trash uh capture systems we have one right on 27th Avenue right by Miami dat college and then we have our second one here by the structure which is our uh s27 structure mainly that's the that Canal starts over by um uh haia Gardens where that where that Canal starts and it floats down we do we have noticed that a lot more of the trash does accumulate over on the west side as it comes down but like I've said we placed those two points to be able to isolate more in which areas we're seeing the most we do try to do as much cleaning as possible when it comes to those areas maintain it as clean as possible we pulled out some really big things out of out of this side nearer to the structure so it is one of the big things that we have all throughout the system we do some heavy cleanups but on this one mainly we do some extra cleanups every once in a while just to make sure that we're capturing litter coming from both sides the west side and the east side as well is is there a possibility of adding another one sort of in between the two uh closer to elportal uh uh boundaries we been looking at different ways to improve how we collect um currently right now in more more towards the future um those current systems that we have are uh anything that floats on top so sometimes when there is a heavy buildup you might see anything sneak underneath we're looking to maybe improve that by adding some float down netting the only issue with that that we've currently seen is that in case of a storm or anything that comes in those Nets would basically hold off any larg debris and if that were to break off it would generate a way bigger obstruction when it comes to the structures and in the middle of a heavy storm it's very hard when there's a obstruction like that to move any water out so we we have to manage both sides we do try to get as as clean as water out there trying to get as much litter out of it as possible so it doesn't end up in the bay but we as well we have to always manage the capabil the possibility of that something may break off in a storm and block the structure and then we cannot move water once we cannot move water we're realistically in a very tough situation because everything will start to back up okay and that could back up into you know neighborhoods things like that and we definitely don't want that happening so sometimes you know we have to measure it a little bit but definitely we're looking into multiple different options to be able to get as clean of an area as possible we also work with the municipalities that border all of the canals to also prevent illegal dumping keep a look out for anything like that that we might see so that's that's mainly what we're doing okay great yeah I mean I just I I had figured maybe there was something in the works because um I'm not sure if you're familiar with the building that's being built uh cista um and the potential uh new building the launch and as from what I understand there's like part of their plan is to have like kayaking or sort of utilize the the Waterway there and the trash collection is right there so I was thinking maybe they were planning to work with water management to to move that or something um and yeah if if if that is something that is being talked about then I think it would probably be in a lot of best interest to either add uh more because of course between the one on 27th AV and and this one there's probably a lot of trash that flows in there from all the properties and so so on and flooding and and whatnot so um yeah would be great if there was a way to add more of those collection points but thank you not a problem just just a quick little thing there since you did mention it um a lot of our structures that are along the coast we are up currently going through different upgrades and some of those upgrades do include kayak launches fishing areas so that will help if anybody's interested you know in getting out there and doing any you know volunteer in anything like that to help clean up I know sometimes dur throughout the year we do host some different organizations that do cleanups right off of the s27 structure and obviously that helps out you know getting that Community you know out there engagement so that they see hey what does end up out there and a little bit of Education goes a long way realistically great all right thank you very much thank you both appreciate it anybody else good and Welfare about anything before we move back to the agenda all right seeing hearing none okay um down to resolutions and ordinances G1 ordinance um the first reading of the school zone speed detection uh attorney Gill an ordinance to the Village of el pel Florida enacting sections 22-5 through 22-10 schoolone speed detection systems of chapter 22 article one of the village of alal code providing for purpose intent and definitions authorizing the use of and providing for implementation of school zone speed limit detection systems designated local hearing officer determining a heightened safety risk and providing for designation of school zones providing for severability providing for sceners errors providing for conflict providing for inclusion within the code providing for filing with the Department of State providing for an effective date resolution G1 all right so this is about school zone detection systems you guys um it's uh to lower speeding and things like that especially particularly around school zones where kids are um you know kids frequent and they being like a safety issue for children um any questions or comments from the council I have a comment go ahead counc for for benefit of the those of you that don't have your computer on uh the second paragraph talks about the laws of Florida enactment and assignment by the governor on May 31 31 2024 won't be effective until July 1 20 24 in regard to the enforcement of school zones speed limits and authorization this is what we're voting on I'm happy to tell uh the audience that we have one two 3 4 five six seven mandates that include what's really going to happen this is this is a very important school zone speed detection systems you are right on the on the money unfortunately or fortunately we waited before we would tell you that it's on the agenda anyone can look at the agenda on the website um but this is in line with our frustration this is in line with the state recognizing also that we that this is a problem so kudos to everyone that came out this to this this evening to talk with us about your concern but you're not alone thank you mayor thank you very much com life forward may I add something mayor yes okay I just want to um also um bring uh to your um attention or memory that the um council did approve that we selected element um the gentleman just walked in uh we we uh selected a vender to um conduct the um enforcement during those school hours as outlined by the state so we do have that in place this ordinance is the formality needed by the state um to submit U to show that El protell is in compliance with their schooled Zone requirements so um we have the vendor now now we've got the ordinance so we're ready to move when this takes effect very good okay thank you very much Madam manager um any other questions or comments from the council hearing none any questions or comments from the audience about the speed zone um detection schools on spection uh Madam manag I mean Madam clerk oh my have a motion you guys so move move by council person lifeward may I please have a second second by vice mayor Pella Madam clerk may I please have a roll call please roll call life for counc person life reward most definitely council person herbon yes vice mayor perel yes mayor Nickerson yes motion passes for to thank you very much G2 resol solution resilient right of ways mayor may I ask that you um put G2 and G4 together since they're about the same items okay we had two versions of it yes you do four is really just an earlier version of okay um G2 G4 resolution resilient right of ways and streets master plan attorney Geller yes sir and I'm going to read G2 into the record uh G4 being and by the way um G1 by the way was first reading of course so we'll see it again for final passage next next meeting so this is G2 and that does include G4 because that was just was we revised it somewhat resolution of the Village Council of the village of eleral Florida of Miami D County Florida approving an environmentally re resilient streets Master conceptual design plan an environmentally res resilient storm water Master Plan update for the village of el pel of Miami day County providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date thank you very much any questions or comments from the council Clarity only Clarity two of these are just alike no they're close we we what we did is uh we had the one that's here is G4 but we made a few tweaks to it to clarify it further uh such as including in the title that was environmentally resilient which it was but it didn't say it was so you can they're substantially the same but they're not identical okay G2 is the later version the revised version well we have to vote both of them nope we just have to vote G2 and note that G4 is is covered by G2 it does the same thing but a little bit better so which one are we going to do G2 G2 all right thank you yes any questions or comments from the council hearing none any question comments from the audience let's come up and say your name and address for the record Pascal deool 177 Northwest 90th Street am I understanding correctly that the street m master plan in G4 is being discussed now too say again is the street master plan in G4 discussed now or later in the agenda it's now it's G2 is the item got and G4 is just the earlier version of the same item so we're not going to do G4 G2 is that got it if we're talking about streets and general I know it's in G2 but kind of G4 um I know we've talked about sewer and storm water I know we've had talks about gas if we're and I don't know if we're talking about redoing streets or if it's just making streets one way or doing traffic calming if we're talking about actually repaving or reworking streets I'd love to make sure that we do it if we have to put something inside the street we do it first before we repave it cuz right now um our street for instance uh you can go on my property and there's 5 Ines of asphalt that just go layer on layer on layer on layer that just have been added and added so for redoing streets I'd love to either see that plane down or you know not have another layer put on top of it because we're getting flooding just because the street has been raised and raised over the decades that it just floods our driveway I know if I make my driveway like that and I flood my neighbor's house you guys give me a hard time because I need to control my flooding on my property and we're getting getting flooding because the street just has been raised and raised the so I want to give Mr Kobe some pictures for the record and then she can pass those out to you mayor if I might Mr deool the thing is this is not the paving this this resolution is designed so your comments are very well taken as far as design and they can be passed along by the administration to the designers but what this this is exactly the kind of thing that you're addressing there's this isn't a contract to go out and PVE them PVE them higher PVE them different or anything this is specifically for design and it's two things it's uh they're put together the the storm water master plan is being updated at the same time that this res resilient design for the streets is being created and I'm sure that the administration will forward your comments to the designer because that's right where we're at for once it's not too late this is exactly where your comment is per and and may I also add um the designers are here so we have placero who's our urban planner they are working with the engineering service of Craig A Smith we're addressing the swell issues and the road erosion Road issues the narrowness one-way streets possibility you know those options so this is all planning and design and um certainly if you would like to see a utility or something at it we can talk about that because this is all planning but I I'd love to talk about or that's why I'm bringing it up now with a design versus when we have a contract and the contractor goes well you know this is what I'm supposed to do so I think that's why I just wanted to show it that's fine yeah that's fine and then also just ask if we're if we are are doing storm water is going to go under the street right if we're doing storm water that does not go under the street we have a storm water master plan in existence now we're doing um environmentally resilience we're looking at resilience matters related to swell storm water and upgrading the existing master plan with these amendments that will make us more resilient I mean we're talking about tree planning we're talking about um materials that are allowed in the Swale pervious pavement versus impervious and those things so that's what's being addressed there underneath for instance the drains have to if they were under they wouldn't catch anything so but we're not talking about putting utilities are not had nothing to do with the design aspect of the project because utility if you want to run um gas lines to that street you have to pay yourself right but if we're doing conversions well that's something down the line that's nothing to do with this exactly this is just not does it they're going sewer goes under the street right of course yeah I don't think they put it all over the roof no but I'd like to have the village pay attention to that and say with with the option of we just talked about how long it takes to do things to be able to say if we're doing sewer and we're starting with that west of horse man that we're not planning to pave a street now and tear it up in a you know a year to put sewer underneath it and repave it again and grab a crappy job and that's that's not what's being done right now because first of all we have no money to pave the streets because it's over $5 million to do the whole village so it's just planning and and right and conceptual planning for resiliency and uh storm water then I just want to ask you guys while you're planning think ahead and say hey we we are doing sewer we may do some other utilities whatever that we're not doing streets spending $5 million on it and then in two three four five years tear everything back up again and get it get a crappy job on it just because we're patching stuff right exactly and I will also add that we have a um sanitary sewer master plan as well so that's already in place that's on our Village website if you would like to take a look at the phases and what is required of that so we do have these Master plans in place for what you're discussing but the one that we're addressing is more of the um got it you know that okay thank you and if anybody's confused out there good to see everybody um basically guys very quickly this kind of how this this is kind of how this work this how this happened um shout out to Orlando hubio from Craig a Smiths shout out to pbia but the way this happened um special shout out to the sustainability and resiliency task force that's the way this happened and so um I'm liaison for the sustainability and resiliency task force Madame manager um attends those meetings and chairperson Carpenter who's a resident Elizabeth Carpenter who's a resident she's a chairperson of our sustainability and resistency task force um the vice chairperson is uh Kristen McLean Christen McLean who was a resident here who's not a resident of biscan Park um we have two Consultants uh uh Mr Collins a consultant Mr Hugh gladwin's a consultant for that so this is what happened basically we were talking about because it's a sustainability and resiliency task force so everything we look at we look at how can we do it in a more sustainable more resilient way okay so we were looking at storm our storm drains storm water master plan waste water master plan so we're in the meeting this was a while ago and chers and Carpenter came to myself and manager about hey you guys there is there any way that we can adjust our storm water or Wastewater Master plans to try to include more environmentally friendly aspects to it because right now it's just all Stone and all concrete and everything like that and so she said we need to think in the future we need to think ahead so we left that meeting and kind of just stayed there once we got off that meeting I called Christia and we it was chrisa and Mr Rubio and so I was like you know what you guys I said you know different people look at this from different angles from different you know from their expertise and our chairperson Miss Elizabeth F the carpenter she's the executive director of the everglaze Law Center she's also a resident right here in Sher forest and so she looks at it from a purely environmental standpoint but when I was what I after that meeting was over what I said was well you know what you guys because as mayor I look at things from a standpoint of I'm trying to get money funding to do all the stuff that needs to be done in the village that's where I come from that's my train of thought so I said you know what I said we should do so we kept our original storm water master plan I said we should do an additional one that focuses more on environmentalism and green and resiliency I said the reason why we should do this with myself as mayor thinking about it from a funding point of view I said we have both I said so we can go after not only traditional storm water master plan money but we can go after environmental storm water master plan money so whichever one comes through it helps out for the Village either way either way so we go after so just more funding opportunities and that's how this came to be all right all right Clarity I love it any other questions or comments from the audience regarding uh resolution G2 hearing seeing none do I have a motion to approve resolution G2 so move move by council person light foot Ward do I have a second second second by council person bbom Madam clerk can I please have a roll call please roll council person lifefood Ward yes council person bbom yes vice mayor Pella yes mayor Nickerson yes motion passes fora thank you very much moving on to G3 this resolution Second Avenue mobility and traffic study attorney Geller G3 a resolution of the Village Council of the village of alel of Miami dad County Florida approving Northeast 2 Avenue Mobility study and traffic study in the village providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date thank you very much I appreciate apprciate that um Madame manager do we want to do any or we you want to just move and just keep going are we good I mean I don't have anything to add unless you all want me to we we good just just just just making sure um Northeast Second Avenue mobility and traffic study any questions or comments from the council it's talking about reimbursement of Engineering Services so this is particular M manager okay um so yes yes we we are asking for um well first of all the um Northeast Second Avenue Mobility study we received that study through a a grant provided from Miami day County um we con we contracted with David a plumber an associates and Mr Juan Espinosa is here he's the one who's been representing this whole project um for us with Miami day County um we did the study um we sent it into Mii day County we're ready to move and and and do some traffic um calming on northy second and we just have you know one after the other in terms of Roadblock so the formality of actually um passing a resolution and then increasing the service because now they've got to now do the work of the planning and submittals and what have you um Mr espinos is here tonight he can talk more about it if you want that if you are okay um you know we're fine but this is just the next step now that we've got the study now we're going through permitting and we're going through plan submittals and um getting um the permission needed to start the road diets and the items that have been listed in our study so it is not mayor so it's not by coincident that the first round of what we were talking about in G1 is lining up with what we're just talking about this is the reality of what's happening to why we are doing this type of um funding this type of activity this is why so while we had this uh very informative first um from the that's why we like you to come we we we we want you to come we want to hear from you now you see that we're more than one step ahead of the game all we're trying to do is make sure we don't uh miss out on the opportunities of County state or federal funding for the things that we need to have in our little village called el pel thank you very much M person life foot award any any other questions or comments about um G3 from the council hearing seeing none any questions or comments about the traffic study from the ordinance okay hearing seeing none do you have a motion to approve G3 so moved moved by council person bbom second by council person life foot W Madam cler might please have a roll call please roll call council person life fo War yes council person urba yes vice mayor Pella yes mayor Nickerson yes motion passes thank you very much G5 resolution film interlocal agreement attorney Geller we have to do this uh almost every year I think yes sir uh resolution G5 a resolution of the Village Council the village of alow Miami day County Florida providing for the approval of the film permitting interlocal agreement between the village of alpal in Miami dve County providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective dat thank you very much any questions or comments from the council about the film inter local agreement Mr Mayor yes did the film we saw the other day have anything to do with this this ordinance now well well this is something that this is something that um we have to do every year um it's just you know just to be in in compliance with the you know well we have an interlocal agreement or we have a relationship with Miami day County whenever a film is being shot in Miami they may want a location here in ELP pel and the permitting is done through Miami day County we just couldn't afford if we if we didn't have the interlocal we just have to run it ourselves and we don't have the resources or the draw from a national or international movie making Market to bring people here but if we're associated with the county they have our us on the website they have pictures of El Pell on the website so you know people can say oh I want to shoot an El portel so the county gives issues a permit and then we just provide the um off-duty police or tra you know that those whatever is needed from the the video or the filming of the movie movie so that's what it's for so the movie that we saw this week is part of this no that was well no that wasn't well I asked because I wasn't the only one that was thinking but I know we have this every so often I know that I was thinking well maybe somebody got upset and decided we needed a law but we already do what we do thank you ma'am thank you very much counc person life for war any questions or comment other questions or comments from the council hearing seeing none any questions comment from the audience just come up say your name address for the record Pascal deool 177 Northwest 90th Street just super quick um the ninth paragraph talks about guidelines yes in this and the 11th paragraph talks about fees do you know off the top of your head what we charged for fees for permits here the county is the fee we don't take the fees we only um provide off-duty police for for this right but if I'm shooting at Miami date I'm paying a z fee I don't know if and if I'm shoting in the city of Miami Beach I'm paying a $100 fee I don't I don't know what the fees are okay um who determines if we charge an extra fee as the village we aren't allowed to charge an extra fee because we have the inter local with the county the county makes the money from the permit we only provide off-duty officers in and then the guidelines what do they refer to they refer to like when you can start when you can stop if you need a cop or not absolutely it means time location the hours what have you those um typical of noise and the things that we have the those kinds of things I'm just asking because we on my street we have four filmmakers living on the street so so much for not having a draw here but thank you very much appreciate it and we have to Mr Mayor we have to we have to renew this every now and then don't we every year any other questions or comments from the audience hearing seeing none um do I have a motion motion to approve uh G you did like this I thought you were you fixing that beautiful hair of yours I see you my brother uh motion to approve G5 motion by vice mayor Pella second second second by counc person bbom Madam clerk may I pleas have a roll call roll call council person like fo Ward no yes council person bbom yes vice mayor Pella mayor nerson motion passes for thank you very much Madame manager you're up with your report okay I'm going to be brief uh I my manager's report for February 2024 is on the Village website but I just want to give everyone just an update about um what's happening um in Tallahassee with our legislative asks um as reported um we um did not make it through to any budget um lists that are um that were presented to the um house or the um Senate we got cut off pretty early but our legislative team um says that we can still we still got a shot at it we went through this process last year and the same thing happened we were able to get in um at the budget conference which happens uh in two weeks they're going to have a the close of the session March 88th and at that time um a budget conference will um possibly reconcile funding differences between the house and the Senate which um you know seemed to be centered around environmental initiatives so perhaps we can get in under that um so we're going to try for um the funding for the police station um Renovations which is you know the Village Hall as well as any storm water um improvements that we can get as well so we will continue but in the meantime we're continuing to pursue Federal funding and any grants uh as you know I'm always looking for funding and uh even today I had an onboarding uh meeting for the vulnerability assessment um Grant funds that we received from FD for $150,000 is going to fund some of the um well actually it's going to fund a lot of what we discussed tonight so um we continue to push forward and if we don't uh make it a successful year this this year in the legislature we will keep trying other avenues um so I will keep you posted and I'm I'm staying in touch with our legislative team um but um moving on we did talk about the traffic um and speeding um issues in the village and that our uh El Pell police department has um undertaken the um I mean it was unprecedented amount of police officers I mean it was amazing to see the detail that came out of here from Florida um Highway Patrol and the other agencies all over Mii day County that came to help our police officers out because as the mayor mentioned earlier our officers have to go through the traffic training but uh those who were able to do it from other departments came out to help and um they issued a lot of tickets a lot and uh there will be Revenue obviously associated with that and and administrative matters related to it but nonetheless we're going to have another exercise soon and I don't know the date but just know it'll happen again um soon and we'll continue to try to do things like this um where we have to reciprocate because they're helping us our our team will help them as well but it's a good thing to have those relationships cuz you know everything really um hinges on having those that good rapport with other departments um that can kind of fill in where you need them um so uh I will also mention that um let me just go right back to to police um we have uh just had two officers attend Crisis Intervention training um our Corporal um torren as well as U Major Harrison were uh sworn in uh for for um um they're on a task force a Statewide task force for uh human trafficking so they will be a part of a very important state um operation related to that and I think that's really good uh good news and and a credit to the department that they have taken that line to to pursue um that kind of training and it adds to the the um just the ability of our our Police Department we have um two new full-time police officers we had to say goodbye to two and we fill those positions very quickly our department has changed significantly and that we are a place people want to come work um it's a good team with good management and we've got a lot of Reserve officers which we haven't had since I've been working here as the manager um so we we now have a lot of Reserve officers who are really pulling through for the village and and being present and and lending their expertise um some people have come come out of retirement to to give 20 hours um a month for the village show I'm impressed and I I attribute all of that to Chief um Alex Mendes's leadership and again his relationships that he's made throughout his um very illustrious career at the city of Miami before coming here to Al forel so um but so we're we're seeing good things happen and we'll just continue to work on the speeding matter because it is a a sad um it's terrible and and and we all see it every day but um you know we're we're trying to do what we can and speaking of police we uh in March we are to bring on two new um police officer positions um because we will see some people coming to the village in the cista uh it should be getting its um certificate of occupancy by the end of this month early next month and they hope to start rental so um that's a 300 unit building so we'll be seeing more residents in El pel and we will need that police that additional police to address you know the needs that are going to be on the other side of the railroad tracks so that is um that's coming and um as I said my report is on the Village website but I I'm just going to give you some quick Snippets that are more visible um I understand the FPL um LED light conversion is underway uh we have 151 FPL owned street lights that's most of our street lights um are are owned by FPL and and maintained and so they're doing the conversion they were to do a 3,000 Kelvin warm yellow light conversion I'm under I'm getting reports that not all of the lights are matching what we ordered so I will be working with our Public Works director to address you know and and also please if you see anything that does doesn't look like a warm yellow just give us an address so we can report that to fpl too because I'd like to get a list together and and address those needs um also the family ADA Compliant bathroom that's supposed to be installed in The Village's top lot it is almost ready but we're trying to get the last bit of the um ADA Compliant um requirements um installed and so that takes a bit of time we have to build the ramp we have to get some things done internally and that is has been the delay the contractor's delay and not being approved uh through the building department because it has to be ADA Compliant so we apologize for the delays but we want it to be right and it has to be right and um and I we appreciate your patience and I know we had the event here on Saturday and weren't able to use the bathroom but we will keep um working with the contractor to get that um that cleared and approved by our building department and have uh it accessible to all um all residents and visitors um let's see what else I think I'm going to just uh leave off for now if anyone ever has any questions take a look at the Village manager's report feel free to contact me and I'm I'm open to answer any questions you may have and that concludes my report thank you very much Madam manager um you guys see my report the mayor's report there uh everybody has my contact information everybody has my phone number you have any questions about anything at all ever text call me and uh I'm always there for you guys moving on uh attorney Geller yes unusually I have a report um Talahassee is uh doing terrible things as usual but worse than usual uh I've sent everybody an email late today with an update there's a league of cities up update that the manager flagged for me end of last week thank you madam manager and then um an organized local group put out another update on it just yesterday they are preparing to pass I know the law is already bad and we've talked about it but they're about to make it worse um it's not certain that it's going to pass but you know we're getting ear urgent alarms from the league of cities and from coalitions of local government groups that they're going to pass something that would I mean we don't have a lot of authority over short-term rentals under the existing law that's been in place and they take a whack at it every couple years to see if they can figure out a way to screw it up even more but this one is apparently truly alarming I sent it around it's in your inbox if you haven't already seen it it was late in the day and I copied um Madam Cork and Madam manager uh call your legislator complain but the the reality of the situation is that uh it's preemption again and they want to be the only ones that get to say how things happen whatever they do we will adapt to it we will have a final ordinance but we didn't want to pass something I mean they say they're going to do it every year sometimes they make minor tweaks but this is serious and we just didn't want to pass an ordinance that we would have to amend before the ink was dry on it because tasse has changed the law yet again so that's the situation uh there's probably not a lot we can do to prevent it but bills that look like they're going to pass sink beneath the waves all the time in the last two weeks of session the house will pass it the Senate will pass it there'll be some minor differences between the two and they find that you know neither one wants to retreat and they can't work out the language and hopefully that's what will happen to this bill is it just won't make it across the finish line but if it does we'll get a report on it exactly what it says to you and we will draft around it and we will do whatever we can to try to protect the residents of this Village but also protect the property rights of people who own property and are trying to use that property to to uh turn a profit that's the report if there are any questions I'm happy to answer thank you attorney G I appreciate it um we had good and Welfare before but if anybody has any last thing they want to say now is the time hearing seeing none do I have a motion to adjourn so move move by council person life award do you have a second second second by vice mayor Pella all in favor say I I I'll oppose say nay hearing none the regular council meeting for Tuesday February 27 2024 is adjourned at 8:49 pm.