as well is everyone excited so tell me where you're from while they're getting the cameras on you guys will let me know when the camera's on okay so who's here from who's represent i w all my Haitian people okay who's here representing Portugal all right all right all right and who's here representing Cuba all right all right I'm so excited for everyone to be here this evening thank you to our parents for being here our teachers our staff and our camera crew I think we are live are we live we are live all right good evening again everyone thank you so much for being here this evening um for our performances um my name is Charlene bis I am the board president my continued vision is to promote Community engagement and thank you my continued vision is to promote Community engagement and to unite our board members as a team with each board member contributing to a specific initiative throughout this year during the month of January board member vice president Stanley neron sponsored National mentorship month in February board member Jered Jacobs sponsor Black History Month in March board member Maria carvalo sponsored women history month and board member Iana Chev sponsored Autism Awareness Month in April as we continue the board initiatives throughout the school year we will continue to experience how important each initiative is to learning experiences for our students staff and Community Schools for the month of May and she's not here yet oh she's here oh for the month of May we are pleased to have board member Rosa morina OTA sponsored teacher appreciation week I have had the privilege of serving on the board besides Rosa for the past several years and during her time on the board she has always shown her support for our teachers and sharing her understanding as a teacher herself in the Jersey City School District on the level of passion and dedication it takes to be an educator at this time please welcome Rosa marinaa who will offer some remarks for a t-shir appreciation Initiative for the month of May thank [Music] [Applause] you thank you Madame President first I want to say good evening everyone even bues okay good evening I am Rosa Moreno I am honored to serve the Elisa Community as a member of Elisa Board of Education serving as a member of the board of education for the past seven years I learned a lot about different aspects that I'm sorry I can't I Tred to read with my glasses but it's not possible sorry different aspect that go into public school education as a PO school Spanish teacher in Jersey City for the past 20 years I have developed a unique view about teaching and learning and the special band that is for between a student and teacher as well as teachers to teachers I am proud to sponsor this mon activities relate to teacher appreciation I have a great time visiting our teacher and expressing my gratitude for their Devotion to their graph during teacher appreciation events and all throughout the year it is important that we continue to value our teacher and the word that they do to help our children reach the full potential one thing I can say about ucation for sure is our teacher are the heartbeat to our schools they provide our student with hope the ability to pursue and achieve their dreams and the skill and knowledge to be successful in all areas of their life life they dedicate their lives today to making sure we have a better tomorrow to all our teachers here in Elizabeth thank you for all you do to help our students success the future of Elizabeth is bright because of the wonderful work you do each day I look for one to celebrate you more in the years ahead honoring many successful you will have we love you from the Elizabeth Board of Education Happy Teacher Appreciation mon [Applause] okay thank you during the month of May Elisa P School celebrate a special events in addition to teacher appreciation which you will be see in our performance including national school nurse day K in herit mon Asian Pacific American heritage mon q and day a multicultural month for which a Portuguese performer will be future to begin this in performance I would like to welcome our student from Admiral William Hy Jr health and Public Safety academic and introduce principal Christopher Van blin to say a few words about the performer more than a pathway so much nice to see you nice to see you much hello everyone on behalf of Hy Academy and in honor of national nurses Month in May I'm proud to present some of our Health occupation staff and students who will be sharing their experiences in the program along with a brief video to give you all an overview of what the program entails I would like to congratulate our students on their accompl ments and thank you to our Health occupation staff for their hard work and dedication as well thank you also to our career in technical education supervisor Miss Ahern at this time I would like to introduce Hy Health occupation staff members Miss Bima Walton and Mr Mike Sado [Applause] good evening [Music] everyone so first and foremost we would like to thank the board as well as our administration at Hy and our supervisor of Career and Technical education for always supporting uh the Health occupation Vision uh but today we would like to present uh our students both current and past uh we have yesman Jean Baptist who is a current unit secretary student we have amarachi Ike who is a current CNA student and we have Pamela Pereira which she is the EMT student um and we have some of our past alumni who we're very proud of uh yanji Dela Cruz and we have Alicia fletches so we would like to our health occupations team at Hy Academy will present an overview of some of our extended Pathways and offerings uh and share a brief description of our programs um in addition to that we will share our students personal Journeys and highlighting the impact and opportunities that we have for our students at Hy Academy hello all my name is Alisia fletches ay 2021 onni thankfully my time at Hy High School's nursing program has been nothing short of transformative propelling me towards an Excellence as an EMT as a lieutenant and an inspired nursing professional attending my third year of nursing school at Fairley Dickinson University I can proudly say that Mrs Sado and miss walon both providing me with a solid foundation in medical knowledge instilling the importance of compassion critical thinking and dedication to Patient Care having a pre education in the field of nursing truly helped me in becoming successful as my Learning Journey continues as my career proceeds I aspire to be a trauma nurse at a level one trauma Center and obtained my certifications to become a flight nurse it is beyond exciting to see these programs especially the EMT programs grow and hit successful Milestones thank you [Applause] guys hi everyone so my name is yandi De La Cruz I'm 26 years old I have my bachelor's in psychology from Kane University and I graduated high school when I was in 2015 and I did both the nursing assistant and the secretary program I currently work at Trinitas Regional Medical Center I'm a manager for the patient experience department and I basically work with patients who have complaints or concerns anything to do with their treatment with their stay at our facility my department also handles our hcap surveys so that's basically the survey that patients receive after discharge we get the survey from them we get feedback from them and I work with department leaders in order to improve our services and our scores and my my future goals are to be a clinical social worker specifically working with trauma patients and I just honestly want to thank Miss Waton and Miss moroy for this program because it's been nothing short of tremendous honestly I'm not I wouldn't be where I am today without this program so I just want to give a huge shout out to Miss Waton in the program and I'm completely proud of where it is today because it's completely expanded and yeah just thank you so much so now we'll share a video with you that encompasses our programs um and just gives you a sneak peek of what we offer our students my name is p I'm a senior at Hy Academy I'm in the EMT program and my career aspirations is to become a flight nurse one hi my name is I'm currently a health unit coordinator at Hy I'm a senior I've been in the health occupations program since my sophomore year my name is amaraji and I a CNA in 11th grade hi my name is roson I'm a junior in JY my name is fima Walton I'm one of the health occupations teachers at Hy Academy we have uh expanded our program into additional Pathways for our students uh currently we offer our EMT program uh CNA unit secretary and uh we currently have a partnership with Ruckers University where our students can earn at least 12 college credits this uh program has a enormous impact on our students who go through the program itself you go throughout Trinitas Regional Medical Center you have an opportunity to meet a ton of alumni throughout our program uh the program itself gives our students the opportunity to work with real people our program it is very unique in a sense because our students have the ability to go out and work with real patients they also have an opportunity to collaborate with real professionals and have an opportunity to be mentored I believe the program gives our students an advantage and an edge makes them very marketable when they go out there into the world of work and get to work with Pati and um experience how it's like how it is to be in their shoes I pick CNA personally because I want to be more Hands-On with patients like I want to be able to know like I'm making an impact in their life walking into these these courses I had aspirations of becoming a pediatrician but later on as I got more and more exposure to the medical field I found something in between that I have more of a passion for which is becoming a dental hygienist you have 90 hours of clinical which is the nursing home and then after you finish with that clinical there at the end you'll be able to take a test to become certified I am certified as of right now cuz I passed my test do you B my life because I'll be able to get a job in hospital i c walking in the same sou as a CNA night CH I really think that this is a great program for my students and it gives them A Step Above everybody else you know gives that that that edge that when they get out of here they can go work you know it gives them the tools to to deal with problems in life and and to actually you know succeed [Applause] wow thank you thank you thank you admir William F Hy Junior health and Public Safety Academy for this wonderful presentation about wonderful programs our next group to Welcome to the performance stage this evening is from Sonia Soto maor School number 25 I'd like to call forward principal Christina Francisco to introduce the school number 21 performance thank you teacher national teacher appreciation week thank you teacher a student from Sonia Soto maor is School number 25 [Applause] good evening my name is Christina Francisco I'm the principal of Sonia Sodom School 25 we are so proud of our students for tonight and they're here for a great initiative our teacher appreciation month without our teachers we could not do anything they Inspire our Future Leaders so our students decided to put together a quick little number to show how much we appreciate everything their teachers do for them all the love the teachers show for them and all the love they have for their teachers [Music] L is for the way you look at me O is for the only one I see V is very very extraordinary e is even more than anyone that you adore can love is all that I can give to you love is more than just a game for two two in love can make it take my heart and please don't break it love was made for me and you [Music] L is for the way you look at me O is for the only one I see V is very very extraordinary is even more more than anyone that you adore can love is all that I can give to you love is more than just a game for two two and love can make it take my heart and please don't break it love was made for me and [Music] you love that was made for me and you love I was made for me and you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you so much to our students at school number 25 excellent performance thank you so much I just wanted to take a moment to recognize some people who are in the audience I wanted to recognize commissioner uh Sergio granados for being here thank you I wanted to thank uh Jefferson Park Ministries for being here uh Elizabeth Portugal day for being here as well and before I get to our um principals teacher staff I just wanted to also recognize the board members who are here from the Liz Board of Education starting with our vice president Stan neron uh commissioner Isaiah Rivera commissioner Stephanie pastana conalz again you saw Rosa Moreno GA board member commissioner Diane Barbosa and board member Maria carvalo and board member Jerry Jacobs yes just you know this is our team uh for 2024 we couldn't do any of this without them but we also couldn't do anything without our superintendent Ola hug meire and her team her assistant superintendent uh rapael Cortez Jenifer saniel and Judy F Johnson as well as Mr Kennedy um from the office office again I just wanted to thank our principals who are here our teachers our staff our entire Community yes give your hands a round round of applause for yourselves as well thank you to our parents and again to it we couldn't do this without you so just wanted to say that before we continue with the show at this time I'm going to have our board vice president Stan niron come up and continue good evening everybody how's everybody doing good evening B Moon Sak all right I am honored to introduce the next um performance for this evening in honor of Haan heritage month it is a proud month for many cultures but we celebrate Haitian Heritage proud and strong here in this district and we want to thank everybody for standing strong with Haiti despite all that Haiti is going through we still celebrate the culture and the Heritage and let's welcome the students of TCA ler marqu de lafette School number six and our principal principal James mandir who's going to describe his school's performance for the day so if you got your Haiti Flags put them up in the air and let's welcome School Number [Applause] Six B as the proud principal of school 6 it brings me great joy to introduce our talented students who are about to bring you a flavor of the rich culture of Haiti uh in their performance there will be resilience inspiration fire and the legacy of Freedom it is the spirit at the heart of Haiti so let's bring them on stage with a round of applause again keep it on [Music] the simply simply some [Music] [Music] I Was Born Into Slavery but destined for greatness I stand before [Music] you my name is Tucson lur I am the spirit of Revolution the heartbeat of Liberty I Was Born Into Slavery but destined for greatness I stand before you not just as a man but as a symbol of resilience and Liberation in the heart of Haiti we fought and bled for our independence casting off the chains of Oppression as a Beacon of Hope for all who dare to dream of Freedom remember not my name for echo through history out the Testament to the power of unity join us for this is our moment to claim our rightful place in history your fellow [Applause] is the best in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thebian I [Music] [Music] [Music] cel [Music] [Applause] what is compa compa is a genre of music and dance that originated in Haiti characterized by rhythmic beats guitar keyboard and brass instruments often featuring themes of love social issues and celebration and ch [Applause] [Music] rock is that again no [Applause] [Applause] [Music] we I like the way this going down right are you [Applause] [Music] [Music] ready it [Music] is where the ladies at where the ladies at [Music] [Applause] give it up for school 6 are you see or No Yes celebrating the culture Rich vibrant and with a whole lot of energy thank you School 6 for that wonderful performance at this time let's welcome our students from Nicholas Butler School number 23 and principal Beria Harmon Carolina and I would like her to call forward to speak a little bit about the school's performance the day is students from school 23 show your love for school 23 y'all [Music] good evening good evening good evening we are proudly representing the beautiful country of Haiti our Butler gems will perform for you this evening to an upbeat tune called zuala the day is here this piece is a calling to all the Caribbean islands to come together it is a representation of the Haitian Flag Day celebration the song is uplifting stating that even though we are facing challenges do not be discouraged one day there will be a great day of Celebration and today we want to bring some of that here to school 51 School 23 is your time [Applause] w e [Music] [Music] [Music] show [Music] oh Sun [Music] [Music] [Music] got hey oh [Music] that's [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm [Music] [Music] let's give them all a big round of applause thank you School 6 thank you School 23 What a Wonder wonderful wonderful celebration and we couldn't do this without our teachers and instructors and our principal so let's give it up for our teachers all our Educators who help make this possible and now again I want to bring up commissioner Rosa Moreno Ortega let's give her another big round of Applause thank you wow great night today I am pleased yes I am pleased to introduce our next performer for this evening thank you I am pleased to introduce our next performance for this evening which is in honor of Asian Pacific American mom next let's work welcome our student from Dr Orlando Academy school number 26 of 31 and principal Howard tidan who I would like to call forward to describe the school performance Taiwanese indigenous dance Asian Pacific American heritage Monon Taiwanese indigenous dance a student from Dr Orlando Academy school number 26 at [Applause] 81 good evening everyone what an amazing turnout this is such a wonderful event and I'm glad that we're able to participate in this month's event as she said before that we're uh celebrating Asian Pacific heritage month at Dr Orlando Adera Academy my name is Howard tidle B principal and we're going to be performing a Taiwanese indigenous dance this is a dance typically done around Harvest Time by the amise people of Taiwan There are 16 different recognized indigenous groups and this is the largest by far the amist tribe makes up about 40% of the people that used to be called the island of Formosa that is today's Republic of CH of China or better known as Taiwan the amiss typically wear black and red costumes with orate head gear and various foot decorations while performing this rhythmic and hypnotic dance that could last for an hour or more today we'll have a chance to watch Miss noro's third grade class perform a short version of this tribal dance led by miss danet the Mandarin teacher thank [Applause] [Music] you for I mean yeah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] h [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] w please join me in thanking Dr Orlando Eda Academy school number 26 for this excellent stance performance phenomenal incredible job thank you Mr tidle Bal and to all of your Educators phenomenal job it is my great privilege to introduce our next couple of performances which will be in recognition of Cuba day next we have our students from Alora School number 12 who'll be performing Kuba I welcome principal Melissa Kulik to come forward to share a little bit about her performance this evening [Music] or we can put it right there [Music] good evening Board of Education Commissioners superintendent Huger assistant superintendent central office administrators teachers staff parents and students thank you for inviting Amora School number 12 to present this evening for Multicultural month on the country of Cuba my Heritage a culture I adore I am tremendously proud to be a Cuban American in this wonderful Nation we have a series of many presentations this evening we will begin with sixth grade bilingual student Leah Chavez acknowledging current Cuban leaders at Elizabeth public schools we will then listen to our students Liz and Leah Chavez sisters who recently immigrated to the USA from Cuba sing Cuban patriotic song wera accompanied by guitarist Paul RoR afterwards Daniela abrahan will read the poem cultivo unaa Rosa Blanca written by one of the most distinguished poet writers known as the Cuban Apostle Jose Julian Marti which is known throughout the world the poem represents mati's way of dedicating a white rose to a friend as well as to a foe we will culminate our performance with our bilingual kindergarten students dancing to the song kumano this is the original choreography from legendary Damaris Vasquez a former Elizabeth public school staff member and an institution in the Cuban American Community here in Elizabeth Damaris Vasquez was a member of the Cuban national ballet she brought her passion and love for Cuba and dance when she immigrated to the USA in the 1950s to flee communism Mrs M Vasquez made a lasting impression on our district for over 50 years dadis touched the lives of over 5,000 children from Elizabeth including my daughters and myself as a ballet instructor at the Damaris dance studio right here in Elizabeth on Elizabeth Avenue every year her recitals would include this very dance that our kindergarten students will be presenting we dedicate our presentation record deba to the memory of renowned Cuban ballerina Damaris [Applause] vaset Elizabeth served many Cuban immigrants as their first home in the United States in the 60s and 7s many of them or their descendants currently serve Elizabeth public school students we would like to acknowledge and thank them superintendent of schools Olga Hugo mayor chief operations officer Frank qua Chief Information officer Alberto Marcal director of special services Dr Michael oeda director of plan propery and Equipment Luis milanes supervisor of bilingual and ESL grades 6 to 12 Rebeca Orana supervisor of oral languages Ilana Mana staff development coordinators lordes kotto and ector Munoz Human Resources staff and assistant Maria Molina division of food and nutrition services head secretary Enrique Masa and our wonderful principal Melissa Kulik thank you for your dedication to Elizabeth public schools and for continuing to share or Cuban heritage [Music] one [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for for [Music] [Applause] Rosa [Music] blanan for foreign [Music] stre [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for foree foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] please join me in another round of applause for Amora School number 12 and as Mrs kle said she was a representative of our culture our music our dance amazing amazing for our next performance of the night we would like to welcome the students of Dr Antonia panoa School Number 27 and please join me as vice principal Valerie delig borgos will come forward and share more about their performance aukar [Applause] good evening my name is Valerie Bergos I'm the vice principal of Dr Antonia panoa School Number 27 tonight our middle school students will be performing a dance number named aukar this skit includes music from orishas a more modern group followed by the queen of Sala Celia Cruz join us in honoring the largest island in the Caribbean also known as the pearl of the Antilles Kua [Music] hee fore fore [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey mama mama hey M mama [Music] foree [Music] for hey mama hey [Music] mama a [Music] for [Music] [Applause] can we give them all a big round of applause one more time a big thank you to Dr Antonia panoa School Number 27 for your magnificent performance I am excited to introduce our next couple of performances which will be a Portugese themed in recognition of Multicultural month for our next performance of the night we would like to welcome the students of Abraham Lincoln School number 14 and their principal Diane matu re who we invite to come forward and describe their performance of pugal a taste of Portugal a big round of applause while our principal Diana and their students come on up we can keep that Applause going boys and girls come on there's a r pack of people in here tonight celebrating three beautiful cultures [Music] good evening in honor of the Multicultural celebrations that we honor this month Abraham Lincoln School 14 will now proudly present a glimpse of some of the most dynamic historic and consequential points of the history of Portugal from the story of a traditional celebration conducted by students in one of the most prestigious universities in the city of qura pugal to the Antiquity of our flags history to the iconic Luis camo a towering figure and poet from the 1500s we will then continue with the song from our queen of FAU the dearest Amalia rri who captivated a room with her breathtaking voice and lastly we will close with a famous festive song that will certainly leave you wanting to experience all of what Portugal has to offer and without further Ado I now introduce our first eighth grader Matilda sza [Applause] um by vind my name is Matilda Sosa I'm representing a graduating student from queenb University at this time of year all University students just as I am tonight they carry these FES or ribbons that they burn in tradition of completing their studies tonight I invite you to join me with my family and friends in the celebration of my gradu uation from my parents's motherland country Portugal as we continue to learn about Portugal I will introduce you to some of my classmates at this time I call my classmate Emma Fara a Portuguese major who will be educating us on the Portuguese flag flag is red and green the coat of arms of Portugal sits in the middle of intersections of the two colors the green represents the hope for the future the red symbolizes the people and the blood shed for the country the five Blue Shields in the coat of arms represents the five moish Kings who were defended by the first king of Portugal lastly the yellow castles represent the defensive walls that were defended in combat now I call Kimberly mares and Adriana Valente Portuguese history majors L Luis damos is a famous writer and poet who is known for his work about the Portuguese navigations he is an icon due to his Infamous book called L which is the reason why we celebrate pug day to excellent oh gentle land where gma's flag now flies no longer shall the rest resist resist our sails for we have passed the cape tamed its Fierce waves found the new rot and brought knowledge in our W by Louis deamo MO next we call our music Major Thiago CI to speak to us about our world famous fat music I'm so glad we are here tonight to hear the sounds of the world known father singer Amal Rodriguez amalei is our country's National Treasurer musically she is known for her passionate romantic haunting tragic voice and Embraces the sounds of Portuguese salads a word that carries all the emotions with so so much meaning just like our musical genre of Father here tonight we have our school 14 vocalist celesti is singing a snpp pit of all well-known Amalia songa [Applause] [Music] puga [Music] [Music] foreign foree [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] on the behalf of Abraham Lincoln School 14 Community and the end of our graduations festivities we thank you for joining us as we explore the exciting and dynamic culture of the country of Portugal it is not a true Portuguese celebration without dancing and join us in the dancing of b a lively dance that can be seen at all festivities e [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] about to I about to play about about to [Music] foree [Music] spee [Music] [Applause] fore fore [Music] thank you thank you thank you Abraham's Lincoln School number 14 for your terrific performance another big round of applause boys and girls for our last performance of the night we would like to welcome the students of tereny Riley School number seven all right School number seven and their principal Jenny Vino who we invite to come forward and say a few words about their performance Portuguese parade and the legend of the Portuguese rooster okay night night it is with great pride that I'm here today to represent my beautiful Portuguese Heritage and I have with me one of our Future Leaders at tereny rally School number 7 who will be going over tonight's performance enjoy the students and staff of tereny Riley School Number 7 are proud to be here here tonight to celebrate Portugal day our presentation will begin with J mashes a traditional Portuguese parade March using arches followed by a reenactment of the legend of the Portuguese rooster ugala Jarel e [Applause] [Music] one more there's one more little set of kids [Music] [Music] [Music] foree foreign speeech one you [Music] fore foree [Music] [Music] the legend of the rooster of barcelos is a famous [Applause] Portuguese is a famous Portuguese myth from the Middle Ages that tells the story of how the miraculous involvement of a dead rooster proved the innocence of a man that was falsely accused there are many versions of this Legend and tereny Riley Scholars would like to share with you one interpretation between a peasant a Lucky Rooster and their Fai ugal jarus is one of the most emblematic icons of Portugal representing its Traditions culture and people at a feast celebration given by a wealthy land owner in the city of barcelos a valuable piece of silver was stolen and a guest at the fast was wrongly accused of theft the criminal was arrested by the authorities and taken to be Tried by the courts though he professed his innocence and pleaded for his release No One believed him and the judge ultimately found him to be guilty noticing a rooster nearby he pointed at the Magnificent creature and proclaimed I am certain that I am innocent therefore the rooster will Crow as the guards began to take him away to meet his punishment they froze with astonishment when they heard the roosters crow [Music] all were startled with the occurrence and had no choice but to release the prisoner he had proved his innocence and was free at last Gall barcelos the Portuguese rooster is a symbol that is deeply rooted in Portuguese folklore representing honesty Integrity trust and [Music] honor the booster's Lively colors and elaborate designs reflect the rich tapestry of Portuguese Heritage thereby producing a cherished and Powerful emblem for all the Lucky Rooster also signifies happiness Prosperity Justice and the Portuguese Spirit of resilience nowadays the Lucky Rooster of barcelos is not just the popular Keepsake but it is also a cultural icon in the heart of Portugal that exemplifies its values and tradition thank you we hope you enjoy tereny Riley Scholar's presentation in Portuguese culture [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you thank you tereny Riley School Number 7 for exceptional performance this evening and quickly before we come include the performances this evening I would also like to recognize our 2024 royal family for the Elizabeth Portugal Day committee if we can just have our royal family quickly stand up I just want to make a quick note on something but first of all congratulations to our royal family this evening that are that are supporting our Portugal Day committee I would like to proudly mention that the majority of our royal family this year are actually our very own students from the Elizabeth public schools we have our King Vincent from fjc our Prince Nick from oaf our little princess Olivia from school number eight and then we have two other members from our royal family Elsa which is um from Union Catholic which is very involved within the Elizabeth Community as well as our Princess Isabella which attends Livingston high school but is also very involved with our our Elizabeth Community thank you everybody for joining us and if we could just get our Royals and our portug committee to come on up just take a school picture with school number 7 and 14 please no [Applause] after okay you commissioner Sergio gados can you please join us if we can have commissioner Serge Granado oh you're coming up all right you're trying to get through the crowd all right no problem thank you yeah we'll come after a if our superintendent can join us e all right did you guys enjoy all the performances this evening I just want to take the time to thank all of our our performers performers and all of our schools for participating this evening I know we're a little over time but at this time I'm going to call all the schools up so we can just take a a picture with all of the schools and they have their certificates already so I'm going to start off with um Hy Junior yes if Hy health and um and Public Safety can come up please so we can take a picture and if I can have all of the board members join us as well thank you so much for your performance and all that you do in the Health Community we truly appreciate you e e thank you so much again to Hy for recognizing national school nurse day at this time I can have the students from school number 25 come up please we want to thank our students from school number 25 for celebrating our national Teachers Appreciation Week our next school will be school 6 so if School six will start preparing themselves all right yeah e thank you School number 25 again if we could just wait one second one second I just wanted to take a moment I just want to take a moment the if we can just quiet down I just want to take a moment to just thank this all wouldn't be possible I I know I thanked a lot of people earlier but this wouldn't all be possible without the help of Delila Sosa so I just want everyone to put a round of applause for all that she does I don't know where she is oh she's not even here thank you to Delila she is coming in we just wanted to thank you for all that you do I knew this any of this could be possible without all that all your work that you do so we just wanted to thank you thank you at this time we can have school number six come up thank you so much school number six for representing Haiti and representing an uh Haitian heritage month thank you so much e thank you again School number six we truly appreciate you at this time I'm going to have school number 23 come up if School number 23 and all their staff can come up please we thank you for also celebrating Haitian Heritage Month e e thank you again to school number 23 for your performance we truly appreciate you at this time we have the students from school 26 come up please the students and the staff from school number 26 if you could come up we appreciate you and your performance for Asian Pacific American heritage month next we'll be calling up school number 12 next e e e thank you School number 26 we loved your performance your outfits your Bells everything thank you at this time we can have school number 12 come up please School number 12 all of the staff and students from school number 12 we thank you for celebrating Cuba day Cuban day e e [Applause] thank you again thank you School number 12 absolutely at this time we can have school number 27 come up School Number 27 thank you so much for celebrating Cuban day again as well you come [Music] on e thank you again School Number 27 at this time if I can have school number 14 come up please School number 14 thank you for celebrating Portugal day and giving us a taste of Portugal and thank you to all the parents and the students for hanging in there with us e e thank you again School number 14 and last but not least we have our school number seven give it up for school number seven thank you for celebrating Portugal day as well we truly appreciate the mascot and the acting we love the storytelling thank you so much your if director Sandra Nunes want to come up and take a picture with us e you thank you thank [Music] you thank you again thank you so much to all of our schools for participating this evening we truly appreciate you all thank you to our parents thank you for sticking it out with us we appreciate you and God bless