mayor I like to call to order the regular meeting of the element Park mayor and Council for February 15th 2024 to order at 7:00 p.m. on roll call we have council members Dennis absent folo absent GOC pel here choicy here council president Sheridan here mayor klei here we have a quorum thank you thank you ladies and gentlemen for being so patient we are back as you can see uh if everyone can please rise for our prayer and flag salute and delivering our prayer Pastor Ron father God thank you for the priv allowing us to come together this evening father God we need your presence shower this room look your Pres shower this room with your love your Tender Mercies during this meeting father God we have some very important issues to discuss have everyone come on one Accord let us agree to disagree that we will magnify you your name and your majesty and we all say amen amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all God and Country love it love it whereas chapter 231 and if you've heard me say this tonight technically I have to do it again so it's not something we missed and we're just repeating where chapter 231 of the public laws of the state of New Jersey require at the commencement of every meeting a statement of compliance be read by the presid in officer now therefore be advised that that meeting requirement for this meeting have been met by publishing a special notice in The Herald and record and by posting such notice in the office of the barrel clerk as well as in a public place within the municipal building and by notifying interested citizens said notice was posted and transmitted on January 6 2024 and published on January 10th 2024 okay mayor first first on the agenda we have approval of minutes we have the August 17 2023 work session the September 7th 2023 work and executive session September 21st 2023 regular meeting October 5th 2023 work session and executive session October 19th regular meeting November 2nd 2023 work session and executive session November 9th 2023 special executive and regular meeting December 7th 2023 work session and executive session December 21st 2023 regular meeting and executive session and January 4th 2024 reorganization meeting thank you I may I have a motion to approve the minutes any discussion call the roll first by pelen second by uh council president Sheridan on roll call we have council members Dennis absent F solo absent goabc yes pelen yes Troy yes C president Sheridan yes motion carries thank you ladies and gentlemen as you know we've been working on a monument uh on the corner van rer and mola Boulevard uh to uh celebrate the veterans on the Vietnam War well I'm happy to say this evening that that statue is in place uh it's covered up and the amenities that will be needed to complete the project will take uh it's uh time in regards to the weather um but we have an additional presentation this evening people who have been working diligently to collect funds so that that statue uh would be paid for by donors only and not by the residents of elmood Park uh so at this moment I'd like to call Terry Sheridan and ask her to give us the money in plain English should mayor on of theary um as you know we did most of the concerts weeks for the summer that the town puts on and we are giving you a check for $ 2,840 thank you I just like to add that this is isn't the only donation we receive from BFW is been others along the way uh they are they're true Americans in the sense that when they get involved in something it's just like our Armed Forces they're going to serve and they're not going to come up for a breath of beer until they get to their goal and these people here have been very diligent in raising funds as a matter of fact what they would do during the concert series during the summer uh they would be out there selling 50/50s in order to generate these figures so that's eight different nights that they were out there giving up instead of sitting back and listening to the music they were out there making a different kind of music raising money so we thank you all very much so fin look cool look the elevator was too expensive all I got to say is ch- ching ch- ching well as you can tell when we do something that is completely unselfish there are people out there that that that's their code of armor that's what they do they serve people they enjoy it and they make us all better for it this next organization the homeowners of of el Park also has chronically been donating to this or organizational committee regarding the Vietnam soldiers Memorial so with no further Ado let me call uh the the lady of that organization Linda colini you have something for us Linda on behalf of the El homeowners association again we honored to be here to present you with the check for $1,000 you're all right kid that's on be of all of us I don't care what they say about you yeah Linda's a special person we all know Linda we all have personalities and but um she she got her Chief involved in this couple years back and she's another one that doesn't come up here until she gets to her goal and uh you know when you have these kind of people workers instead of talkers they workers there's no way you can fail I mean we raise for that statue $150,000 so we still need we need need some more change in the sense foren right but we uh we thank her for being on board with the rest of us one big happy family here so you uh before we go to council comments I just like to say ch- ching ching Council comments uh councilman gbec thank you mayor um just want to thank the VFW um wom's auxiliary for this donation to the homeowners association that always donate thank you so much um and I really have to commend those that had the vision to start this thing the mayor and and the and my Council colleagues um and I you know I I never I believe it now cuz I see it that you would get to fully funding it without taxpayer money the first 50 60,000 is the easy part but you know you guys have really grinded uh to to get to this number so I I commend everyone it looks beautiful how it's shaping up to be and uh you know great addition to the community so thank you to everyone thank you Daniel for them nice comments uh councilwoman chicy also I'd like to thank the BFW and the homeowners association for their generous donations to this project I I to am very proud of the mayor and um the council people up here who um worked so hard to see this come to fruition it is very exciting even though they're shrouded to see them in their place so I can't wait for the official unveiling and uh thank you again council president shevan than thank you Mar never count on me doing the same thing twice never uh first of all ladies from the auxiliary thank you gentlemen thank you so much for all chipping in and we made it work so that's all that counts um Linda thank you for everything you do for us and thanks for everything and um we just have a little bit more to go so far right mayor yes we do okay we got amenities to take care of and uh and I'm sure that's going to happen we just stay on our toes with collecting uh even if we go in the rears a little and pay back uh but the the main item is is paid for and sitting there in its location so we're we're on our way and what makes it difficult is when you're first of all trying to raise money it's difficult in itself especially when there's inflation and people are suffering uh at a home um but the what makes it even more increasingly difficult is the fact that we're trying to get contractors to donate their time and we do have Mr szeri who's finally on board and his schedule allows him to be on board um but it's not like we can just snap our fingers and say okay listen you're getting paid for this part part of the deal is you be here in a certain amount of time give it take a few days for bad weather and that's so when when it's donation you you can't you don't have that ability to put that pressure on people so that made it even a little more difficult uh but we managed to get there so far all right okay councilwoman peligre yes I just want to thank Linda and the entire homeowners association for Their donation tonight um they work very hard Linda does these bus trips uh almost all year long and all the proceeds go back to our community in many different ways and that's a lot of work I I've seen it firsthand so we want to thank you for all you do for our community and to our VFW members thank you all I've been to many any of those concerts I think I was almost at all of them this Summer and there all kinds of weather the rain the intense heat and everything and you were walking around getting donations for this Memorial and that says a lot about how hard you work and that you believe in the cause so I want to thank you all for all your hard work it's really appreciated thank you okay thank you everyone once again and we're going to move along Chan thank you will me on to ordinances on second reading we have resolution r- 8324 introduce ordinance number 24-1 on second reading whereas a public notice has been given by the buau clerk that an ordinance entitled an ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled an ordinance to establish the water department of the Barrow of Elwood Park Bergen County New Jersey to fix the rates and prices to be charged for the use of water and established rules and regulations for the distribution of Supply use and protection of said water and penalties for the violation of certain said rules and regulations was introduced and pass at a meeting held on Thursday January 18th 2024 and that further consideration of this ordinance will be taken up at this meeting and whereas all persons interest and said ordinance were given an opportunity to be heard to be heard concerning the same now therefore being resolved by the Mayan Council of the B and will park that an ordinance entitled an ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled bu an ordinance to establish the water department of the bar of el Park Bergen County St New Jersey to fix the rates and prices to be charged for the use of water and establish rules and regulations for the distribution Supply use and protection of said water and penalties for the violation of certain said rules and regulations passed on Final reading may I have a motion to open to the public so second anyone from the public here to speak on this ordinance and this ordinance alone if not I will close the public portion I have a motion to adopt the ordinance second call a roll please first by peligre second by council president Sheridan on roll call we have council members Dennis absent folo absent GOC yes pelen yes choicy yes council president Sheridan yes motion carries resolution r84 d24 introduce ordinance number 2 4-02 on second reading whereas the public notice has been given by the Bor clerk that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending sections 7- 8.3 temporary parking prohibition for snow plowing and removal and 7-1 13.1 parking prohibited at all times on certain streets to permit additional parking on Chestnut Street was introduced and pass that a meeting held on Thursday January 18 2024 and that further consideration of this ordinance will be taken up at this meeting and whereas all persons interesed and said ordinance were given an opportunity to be heard concerned in the same now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the B of Elwood Park that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending sections 7- 8.3 temporary parking prohibition for snow plowing and removal and 7-1 13.1 parking prohibited at all times on certain streets to prevent additional parking on Chestnut Street pass on Final reading I have a motion to open to the public move second and anyone from the public here to speak on this ordinance and this ordinance alone if not I will close the public portion may have a motion to adopt the ordinance Some Mo second col R please first by peling second by council president Sheridan our Ru call we have Council Dennis absent folo absent GOC yes pelen yes choicy yes council president Sheridan yes motion carries resolution r- 8524 introduce ordinance number 24- 03 on second reading whereas the public notice has been given by the bur clerk that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending and supplementing ordinance 21-15 entitled an ordinance to fix the salary wage and compensation of the officers employees and Servants of the B velwood Park County of Bergen state of New Jersey for the year 2023 regarding revised compensation in the clerk's office was introduced and pass at a meeting held on Thursday January 18th 2024 and that forther consideration of this ordinance will be taken up at this meeting and whereas all persons interested in said ordinance were given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same now therefore it be resolved by the mayor and counsel of the B of andwood Park that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending and supplementing ordinance 21-15 entitled an ordinance to fix the salary wage and compensation of the officers employees and Servants of the barl of andwood Park County of Bergen state of New Jersey for the year 2023 regarding revised compensation in the clerk's office pass on Final reading motion to open to the public anyone from the public here to speak on this ordinance if not I will close the public portion may I have a motion to adopt the ordinance call roll please first by pelig second by GOC on roll call we have council members Dennis absent poolo absent GOC yes peline yes choicy yes council president Sheridan yes motion carries resolution r86 24 introduce ordinance number 24-4 on second reading whereas the public notice has been given by the bur Clark that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending and supplementing ordinance 21-15 entitled an ordinance to fix the salary wage and compensation of the officers employees and Servants of the bar Elwood Park County of Bergen state of New Jersey for the year 2023 regarding revised minimum hourly wage was introduced and pass at a meeting held on Thursday January 18th 2024 and that further consideration of this ordinance will be be taken up at this meeting and whereas all persons interested in said ordinance were given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same now therefore it be resolved by the mayor and Council of the B of Elwood Park that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending and supplementing ordinance 21-15 entitled an ordinance to fix the salary wage and compensation of the officers employees and Servants of the B of elen Park County of Bergen state of New Jersey for the year 2023 regarding revised minimum hourly wage pass on Final reading motion to open to the public second anyone from the public here to speak on this ordinance if not I will close the public portion may I have a motion to adopt the ordinance so moved second Cola roll please first by go back second by peline on roll call we have council members Dennis absent poolo absent GOC yes pelen yes Choy yes council president Sheridan yes motion carries for our consent agenda we have the following resolutions resolution r87 d24 approval the payroll r-88 d24 approval of bills list r89 d24 authorized current estimate number five Vietnam veterans memorial statue r- 90-24 authorized current estimate number one Burl Park turfield r-91 d24 resolution to open lead based paint Grant building department r-92 d24 resolution lean attachment to property known as block 1011 lot 5 287 Market Street r- 9324 authorized buyback r94 d24 resolution accepting in 2024 safe and secure Grant from the Department of Law and Public Safety r95 d24 en uling resolution for supplemental funding request r- 9624 approval of burrow Park turfield contract to athletic fields of America awarded pursuant to Source well Cooperative contract r- 97- 24 appointment of recreation department staff for the 2023 2024 school year after Care Program r- 9824 appointment of recreation department staff for the 2023 2024 school year morning and Aftercare program r-99 d24 appoint temporary part-time electrical inspector William nugget building department r-100 d24 appoint part-time electrical inspector Isis Matel building department R-1 1-24 appoint Municipal medical physician slmed provider Michael Kelly r102 d24 appointment of John melli Esquire to conduct an investigation in the fire department r-103 d24 appointment of OEM coordinator r-104 d24 appointment of OEM Deputy coordinator r-105 d24 appointment of OEM Deputy assistant coordinator r-106 d24 appointment of Elwood Park emergency ambulance service medical director director as provided by njac 8 41-11 at all for EMS BLS qualifications r-107 d24 approving the memorandum of agreement reached with um with Park employees Association on a sucessor collective negotiation agreement r-108 d24 approve handicap parking space Mulla Boulevard r-10 n-24 appr proov handicap parking space Martha Avenue R d110 d24 leave of absence of electrical subcode official r-111 d24 appointment of special officers R-12 d24 resignation of firefighter r-113 d24 appointment of board of adjustment member R-1 14-24 resolution to approve the consent agenda wow that was uh quite a CH there young lady may I have a motion on the consent agenda check any discussion call the r please first by peline second by council president Sheridan on roll call we have council members Dennis absent poo absent colc yes with the exception of 104 d24 I vote no okay peligre yes choicy um yes to all except I'm going to recuse myself from R-12 d24 r-19 d24 and R-12 d24 okay council president Sheridan yes motion carries next we have departmental reports is loud for departmental reports we have the recreation Advisory board meeting minutes from December 18th 2023 and the library board meeting minutes from December 18th 2023 we have a motion to accept the department mental reports move second any discussion all in favor okay mayor this concludes my portion of the meeting I will turn it over to you for Council reports okay Council reports let's start with uh Pam on the end there if you don't mind sure not at all um the spring basketball tryouts are this Sunday uh February 18th fifth and sixth graders are at 1 p.m. 7th and eth graders are at 2 p.m. and n9th and 10th graders are at 3:30 spring mini camp for grades K through 8th will run April 1st through the 5th um today is the last day to register for girl softball and the next uh Recreation board meeting is on March 18th in the Board of Ed our District's first through third graders are going to be participating in a read Across America event to promote literacy that's being hosted by Elma Park Patterson Elks um it's going to be uh Saturday March 2nd it's uh from 12: to 3: we have um a limit of 50 Children to participate they'll be given a copy of Judy Bloom's book Freckle Juice and given uh lunch and some dessert and the epd is invited to attend they're happy they can uh either be a reader or help make crafts and then they like to make the crafts I think I think they enjoy it actually um and then the next Board of Ed meeting is on uh March 19th that's it for me thank you thank you councilwoman council president Sheridan thank you mayor um the homeowners meeting is going to be February 28th uh 7:00 at the rec center the Elks will be there um the homeowners Casino trip is February 23rd it's $50 with a $35 give back Wind Creek leave Wind Creek they leave the rec center at 10:00 they're back by 7 if you're interested please call Linda at 201 982 4919 and the seniors had Valentine's Day party it was so nice we had a good time the seniors had a good time was very nice that's it that's all I got mayor thank you you're welcome councilman gobec progress mayor and last but not least you want be last tonight yeah I like to keep everybody on their toes okay my board of health update the spring r clinic for dogs and cats will be held on May 15th the time is 5: to 7:00 p.m. location Firehouse number 4 on mola Boulevard and their next meeting will be held on March 11th at 7 p.m. and the public is always welcome to attend my police update on Saturday March 2nd the Elwood Park please presents bowling with the blue children ages 8 to 17 are welcome the event will be held at Parkway Lanes in Elmwood Park from 12:00 p.m. to 2 p.m. check-in is at 11:30 registration can be done through the recreation Department's Community pass food and beverages will be served no charge open to the first 90 to register come out and bowl with our officers also on March 15th a Friday night Elwood Park police presents adult bowling with the blue 7:00 p.m. to 10: p.m. 6:30 check-in time again food and beverages will be served no charge open to the first 90 to register and again registration will be held through the recreation Department's Community pass and and this event is also at Parkway Lanes in Elwood Park and then yesterday as councilwoman shardan said um we attended the rec center for the Valentine's party was great food great music lots of dancing and laughter had by all it was truly a fun day in our community and I'd like to thank Christine Cobb and her team our elet Park PD and our Recreation team for all the hard work they put into this to make it a very special day for our seniors I thank them all you had to really be there to see it we were there some of us for a couple hours and just the the dancing and the talking to each other and they had like best dress with their red for Valentine's Day it was just like really really nice and how they love Christine and her team and our officers were helping in the kitchen they were making the chocolate for the chocolate covered strawberries and and that's what to me and all of us as Community is about when you get to take a break from the hard stuff and you you go to an event like that and you see so many community members really just enjoying themselves and it was a team effort by so many and it was such a great day and I was just happy with my colleagues to be a part of all that that's all mayor progress thank you L I'm going to Segway right off of that into what I was going to say um yes it was a special day yesterday uh them seniors love us Mike they love us and you know what it's it's founded it's it's not unfounded it's founded love because of uh what we do for them and in consideration uh to them uh and they were and the funny thing is I walk around and I speak with them and there's people from of course it is a county function uh people from other towns saying uh is there place I can get a an apartment here in elid park um do do you know of any place she says this is I want to be here they would say uh it was it's very touching um in attendance by the way they we should get recognition for that was Mr Figo Pastor Ron Council woman P Green Sheridan and and tryy uh were all there uh helping to support them uh the executive didn't get around to getting there they were expecting him so it was a good thing that we went up and did our little stick for them uh that it was well appreciate it all right uh with that may I have a motion to open the floor to the public some anyone from the public wishes to be heard on any subject whatsoever and I have to say this not just because of you Glenn I have to say it officially we have a 10-minute U requirement that wasn't for you Glenn come on Li not requirement what limit not requirement well required that you oh that's true that's right right you can thank you very much for correcting me uh you can speak less Le than 10 minutes my colleague and was completely on my left he's completely right all right hit the button Glen Glenn Pagano 262 mola Boulevard um I was looking through the Garfield uh website and I saw that uh one of our employees is working for him simultaneous simultaneously in the same positions Garfield has could you be more specific Garfield has our rec director as their Rec director or they have our rec director I'm sorry He's listed in both towns as a Rec director yeah full-time right well I don't know if it's full-time there but I know when this came across my desk uh we had to consider it and we had a great length of discussion uh with the director here in elet park and uh we cannot tell him not to do it because it's after his hours and we also insisted that if if it started to hurt his uh job performance uh that we would not accept that either okay but it's completely it's completely legal and it is after our hours okay um one other thing this morning uh our ambulance pulls out of the street across for me quite often and this morning someone ignored the sirens the lights and proceeded to cut them off and they almost had an accident I said to my wife did you see that she goes it happens every day um I'm no wiiz at controlling things here but um is there some way that the ambulance core when they get a call that there can be a light at that corner to signal that it's coming out ahead of when it gets to the corner because people do go pretty quick down the road sometimes and I we see it cut off a lot so I don't know I'm just just that's I always have a solution for something so you can ignore my solution but the point is that I'm afraid there could be an accident there um happens all the time uh I'm just saying that you know they only have their lights the firemen have you know the sirens uh the police have their Sirens but they're coming out of this little Street and you know nobody sees them that's all I'm just concerned all right yeah thank you we need the we need the eyes and ears out there uh we're 23,000 people with three square miles and and it's virtually impossible to see all these things unless we had a drone up there with a big camera I don't I don't expect that no no that to to but I'm just you know making you know being Civic yeah to my point is we appreciate I know you do coming in and letting us know I know you do I wouldn't be here otherwise all right thank you thank you oh wait go on you got two extra minutes that's okay I give them to the next okay anyone else care to speak wow I should go where the getting's good right only kidding only kidding only kidding all right so then um we have uh executive uh counsel no any executive items no no so I guess this is uh a motion to adjourn then so move second all in favor thank you for being with us