thank you mayor i' like to call to order the regular meeting of the mwood park mayor and Council for June 20th 2024 to order at 7:14 p.m. on roll call we have council members Dennis absent folo absent gobec abson peligre here Troy here council president Sheridan here mayor klei here we have a quorum thank you thank you good evening ladies and gentlemen and I I want to thank thank God for air conditioning can you imagine this evening without it in this building here we'd all be waving a breeze towards those windows there that nobody could reach in any case um we're going to start this evening with uh our our flag salute of course and then a prayer and we're honored tonight to have two prayers that are going to be said by Rabbi Schulz and Muhammad so let's all please stand for our flags salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Rabbi Schulz mayor Chief council members to be here we are now now wel sum which is a wonderful time for family vacationing for Community but it's also a time that we have to increase our own safety be aware of our surroundings as we travel abroad and domestically and so I pray that as we Embrace this wonderful season that everyone remain safe and that we can continue to congregate here on a regular basis in the just want to share an Insight from our Bible called the tus refer to as the Old Testament in this week's portion in the sequence of what we read we address What's called the now many are familiar with as and so it's interesting the J position of this particular chapter because it's well out ofation with theal but the message is the word in Hebrew means dedication and that each day in times of our Temple we dedicate every morning the message is very important that as we awake each morning and reflect on the previous day we have to learn each day from what we fell short on the pr day each morning we dedicate ourselves to what makes us unique we dedicate ourselves to our impact in the world that all of us play an important role and sometimes we get sidetracked who does what story about who move my cheeks we have to stop worrying we have to come together continue to come together as a community and celebrate a beautiful summer together continue support each as as thank you Rabbi Muhammad good evening community members Council mayor Chief and of course coun uh we are blessed to be here and as the mayor has mentioned a mother and we just reflect upon our elders who have been sitting in this room prior to a condition to work City Hall and to do long hours during the summer time today is the SCE but we also in Muslim calendar we are living in the 12th month of the Luna calendar the final month and we are having pgms coming back that they were commemorating in Mecca and the surrounding area the ultimate sacrifice that Abram to do with his own son the message if you heard today I bet you anything the 911 call would be absolutely ravaged my father wants to sacrifice me but yet I'm glad that those messages happened at a particular time but for all the scriptures to commemorate that sacrifice what does it mean what is the intent for individuals and communities for for us to be tuned to what God is telling us and for us to remember that life is very fragile and for us to honor every moment we have and to to also honor the families and the friends and the alliances that we build God ask God Almighty to open and soften our heart to his message and to adapt to all the changes that are occurring around us and for us to protect and save our families communities and loved ones and our Nations amen am thank you mhab as you can see ladies and gentlemen we honor all religious sectors in El Park and that's what makes us a great town we're Melting Pot of all all types here and we respect each and every one of our residents whereas chapter 231 of the public laws of the state of New Jersey require at the commen of every meeting a statement of compliance be read by the presiding officer now therefore be advised that the meeting requirements for this meeting have been met by publishing a special meeting notice in the record in Herald news and by posting such notice in the office of the barrel clerk as well as in a public place within the municipal building and also by notifying interested citizens said notice with was posted and transmitted on January 6th 2024 and published on January 10th 2024 okay first that we have approval of minutes we have the April 4th 2024 work session meeting and executive session then we have the April 18th 2024 regular meeting and a special executive session we're a little heavy on this side this evening so I'll be turning my head more so this way um may I have a motion to approve the mitts so mooved second any discussion call the rooll please first by pel GRE second by Sheridan our roll call we have council members Dennis absent folo absent gobec absent peline yes choicy yes council president Sheridan yes motion carries minutes approved at this time I'm going to turn the meeting over to CFO Roy ratano to go over the audit report on uh this evening the LA requires me to go over the uh audit it was quite a comprehensive audit it was over 5 weeks uh I don't want to callot a forensic AIT but it was pretty pretty close to it um I'm happy to say that the tax office had no comments it was a perfect audit of over 25,00 th000 uh different entries uh done by Lorie SPO and her staff and over 12,000 entries for payroll which also had no order comments so the only bad boy on the Block was basically me um and there were a couple things that were missed and one a couple of them were some of the capital Improvement authorizations uh still need further review I'm working with Bond Council and be cancelling some of those um as far as the overtime for police outside duties I'm working with jobs for blue which is the outside company uh the audit needs uh udit required uh some more dator um which they're working on for this year uh the overe expenditure in the grant fund and the current fund was corrected in December but because the violation was done in 23 and this is 23 audit it is in audit findings uh goods and services were ordered prior to execution of purchase order we've had this for about 5 years we're still working with various departments to fix that um and finally some of the um invoices were paid after 30 days uh it was both faults of accounts payable and the vendor um but because it was over 30 days the auditor uh put it in the order comment there were no material findings whatsoever far as I'm concerned it was a great audit uh considering the issues we uh experienced last year um and that was Finance payroll and accounts payable the municipal court has already been fixed that was a change order that had to be authorized by resolution that was done and the w4s were all f and updated with uh payroll that was done so may you ask for a perfect audit it's not perfect but in this day and age now with the burrow so large with uh collections of almost $80 million a year between the county the municipal school and Library it's a very good audit with the uh amount of people employed in El Park um this order cannot be done without the Ba's help tremendous help can't say enough um and of course the council with your support thank you thank you Roy uh I think it's safe to say with 25,000 moving Parts yeah that uh to come out unscathed as we have is is a pretty good position to be in to say the least Council any any comments on this no we all kind of happy y all right moving on to ordinances on first reading we have resolution r-20 2-24 introduce ordinance number 24-12 on first reading B resolved that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending section 7-1 parking time limited on certain streets to further limit parking time on Elm Street be passed and adopted on first reading and be it resolved that a final hearing on said ordinance will be heard in the municipal building on Thursday July 8 18 2024 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon therea as same can be heard at which time any person's interest in a said ordinance can be heard B further resolved that the bur clerk B and she is hereby authorized to advertise in a legal newspaper a notice of introduction and final hearing as required by law Michael would you like to break this down sure mayor um there's a deli on Elm Street corner of Grove between Grove and Orchard he has been having issues with people parking in front of his establishment for for hours days and he requested that the Traffic Division do a an audit and we determined that there should be a ordinance in enacted there for timed parking during his business hours to uh help him with his business and his customers so so basically what was happening the business was getting choked a little uh and this is the delicate balance uh we have to deal with any Community really uh where you have business in residential uh we have to be neighbors to each other and consider uh what's going on and be understanding with that said um may I have a motion on the ordinance so move do I have a second second any discussion call the roll please first by peligre second by troyan roll call we have council members Dennis absent F solo absent GOC absent peligre yes choicy yes council president Sheridan yes motion carries now we have resolution r-20 3-24 introduce ordinance number 24-13 on first reading but it resolved that an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting section 20-4 policy and procedures for the display of flags on burrow property to establish a policy and procedure regarding the flying of flags be passed and adopted on first reading and be resolved at a final hearing on said ordinance will be heard in the municipal building on Thursday July 18th 2024 at 7 :00 p.m. or as soon therea as same can be heard at which time any person's interested in said ordinance can be heard be it further resolved that the bur clerk B and she is hereby authorized to advertise an illegal newspaper a notice of introduction and final hearing as required by law Mike yes mayor several years ago the mayor and Council um permitted the uh Burl flag poll here at Burl Hall to fly uh different different Flags uh commemorating certain months or certain cultures um that topic has come back up for discussion before you and you are proposing an ordinance to only allow government flags on those flag poles and that's what you have before you here mayor thank you I want you folks out there to understand that we are not isolating or picking on any one entity in this this case uh it's broader than that it's it's a national concern and when we think about all that have suffered and died for that flag there uh nothing should fly under it less it's patriotic VFW PWS and that's including any other organization it just doesn't fit uh we were advised by our lawyer and our risk manager Insurance manager that there there could be some problems with that going forward uh so but I just want to emphasize that we are not isolating or picking out any entity or establishment out there this is just something that we feel collectively should be done may I have a motion on the ordinance please so move second any discussion Coler roll please first by peligre second by council president Sheridan on roll call we have council members Dennis absent poo absent GOC absent peligre yes choicy yes council president Sheridan yes motion carries now we have resolution r-204 d24 introduce ordinance number 24-14 on first reading be it resolved that an ordinance entitled an ordinance authorizing a special emergency appropriation under njsa 4A colon 4- 53 engagement of special consultants for a borrow wi reassessment program be passed and adopted on first reading and be resolved that a final hearing on said ordinance will be heard in the municipal building on Thursday July 18th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. or soon thereafter as same can be heard at which time any person's interested in said ordinance can be heard be it further resolved that the B clerk being she is hereby authorized to advertis in illegal newspaper a notice of introduction and final hearing as required by law Mr R tanel would you like to break this down for us please so the Court's uh tax uh collection the tax office uh hackin sack has ordered a revalve for Elwood Park before you the reason we were late is I received another ordinance this evening in reference to the reval from the auditor who has to write that ordinance I cannot as CFO so that was the delay SH now has it and the bur Council has it so the bottom line is that reval uh will be awarded this evening via resolution you now will have the ordinance in place as well it's a special emergency it'll be paid over 5 years which is the statute and the tune of $570,000 no one up here wants to do it but it is the law and we have to comply to the law so the reval will begin sometime in Late July August it takes roughly one year to inspect all 5,65 1 properties in Elmer Park everyone will be done what I neglected last time when I was discussing with the public is that also saves many lives uh there were countless number of illegal apartments in the attics in the basements that were caught back 15 years ago or when about we had the last three Val so before you is the special emergency resolution ordinance um authorizing the the payment to the uh which was done by an RFQ as well thank you uh once again it's mandatory by law uh it's a lot of money but uh we have no choice I just wish that when the feds or the estate day mandatory something they pay for it for us but that's not the case um okay any questions on this uh we apologize if it's not on your agenda was added today we had had to move on this it wasn't done on purpose it was just something that we H needed to do in a public meeting okay may have a okay may I have a motion on the ordinance so move second any discussion call to roll please first by pelen second by choicy on roll call we have council members Dennis absent folo absent GOC absent pelen yes choicy yes council president Sheridan yes motion carries now going on to ordinances on second reading we have resolution r205 d24 introduce ordinance number 24-10 on second reading whereas a public notice has been given by the burrow clerk that an ordinance entitled an ordinance to fix the salary wage and compensation of the officers employees and Servants of the B of Elwood Park County of ber and state of New Jersey for the year 2024 was introduced and passed a meeting held on Thursday May 16 2024 and that further consideration of this ordinance will be taken up at this meeting and whereas all person's interest and said ordinance were given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same now therefore it be resolved by the mayor and counsel at the B of EM park that an ordinance entitled an ordinance to fix the salary wage and compensation of the officers employees and Servants of the bar of Elwood Park County of Bergen state of New Jersey for the year 2024 pass on Final reading thank you may I have a motion to open to the public some would anyone from the public here to speak on this ordinance and this ordinance alone please come forward if that's the case if not I will close the public portion may I have a motion to adopt the ordinance some second call the roll please first by pelig second by Troy and we call we have Council M zennis absent folo absent GOC absent peline yes Troy yes council president Sheridan yes motion carries next we have resolution r- 20624 introduce ordinance number 24-11 on second reading whereas a public notice has been given by the Bor clerk that an ordinance entitled an ordinance to amend the code of the burrow of Elwood Park New Jersey amending the burrow code and all General ordinances of the burrow more specifically chapter 4 licensing and business regulations Section 4.7 clarifying application fees and license fees clarifying types and numbers of licenses that may be issued was introduced and passed at a meeting held on Thursday May 16th 201 24 and that for the consideration of this ordinance will be taken up at this meeting and whereas all persons interested in that ordinance we given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same now therefore it be resolved by the mayor and counsel of the bur of Elma Park that an ordinance entitled an ordinance to amend the code of the bur of Elo Park New Jersey amending the burrow code and all General ordinances of the burrow more specifically chapter 4 licensing and business regulations Section 4.7 clarifying application fees and license fees clarifying types and numbers of licenses that may be issued passed on Final reading motion to open to the public some second anyone from the public here to speak on this ordinance and this ordinance alone [Music] yes uh Jeffrey FR tag 35 Helman Drive Elward Park um the one question I had and I've had this at prior meetings we have the numbers the new numbers or the amount of licenses for cannabis correct we're discussing that right now the the qu the question is no I'm just what what just we are discussing the Cannabis is part of this correct yes okay yes understood now and I've asked this question before the micro license you have the total amount of of 1 through six that you can have or you're going to BR and now how do the microl licenses mesh into that it's without seeing the papers here Jeff there's six there's six different micro you're saying you don't have the papers in front of you no I don't oh now I do okay so anyway there's six I know you were going to bring this up Jeff otherwise I would have I had the papers in front of me I would hope you'd think that anybody might bring something up okay so there's six classifications that I understand and you're limiting the amount you're changing some of the numbers a number I believe mhm now if a retailer is also a micro business that's that's one I would I would think so yes well some I asked this about two meetings ago right right nobody else I mean I mean because it could be a difference we'll get a clarification for you all right Mike can we get that directly sent to him yes have right yeah because any of them can be a micro license no as long as they're limited to 2500 square ft so you can have a re like the one that was turned down on bushes Lan that's a micro license right the cultivator correct um okay thank you so we'll get that there yeah we'll get that we'll get that clarified do you want me to leave shut it off yes anyone else care to speak on this ordinance thank you with that I will close the public portion let us move on we have to adopt the mo the U ordinance okay we need a motion to adopt this ordinance so move second c r please first by peline second by choicy and roll call we have council members Dennis absent folo absent GOC absent peline yes Choy yes council president Sheridan yes motion carries at this time we have our consent agend genda we have resolutions r207 d24 approval of payroll r208 d24 approval of bills list r209 d24 authorized current estimate number four change or change order number three burrow Park turfield R d210 d24 authorized vacation buyback r- 21-24 special emergency reevaluation update R-22 d24 Award of bid re valuation project r- 21324 resolution establishing change fund for the bural enwood Park Municipal Court r- 21424 appointment of recreation staff for the 2024 summer program Recreation Department r215 d24 appointment of recreation staff for the 2024 summer program Recreation Department r- 26-24 appointment of recreation department staff r- 27-24 approve annual Municipal audit report for the year 2023 r-21 18-24 adopt corrective action plan for the 2023 Municipal audit r-21 19-24 appointment of voluntary benefits insurance through Combined Insurance Company of America a chub company r- 220-24 resolution for 64 Hamilton AV eont R d221 d24 Maintenance of 30 coold Street r222 d24 approved 2024 2025 new and or used car dealership license es r-2 23-24 renew liquor licenses for the 2024 2025 license term r-2 24-24 authorizing appointment of Municipal representatives to the Bergen County Community Development Regional committee r- 22524 approv block block party request r226 d24 authorized coin toss events Defender Company Number 4 r- 22724 resolution to approve the consent agenda may I have a motion on the consent agenda please so move do I have a second second any discussion call roll please first by peligre second by choicy on roll call beh have council members Dennis absent folo absent gobec absent peligre yes choicy yes council president Sheridan yes motion carries for departmental report we have the zoning board meeting minutes from April 24th 2024 and the recreation Advisory board meeting minutes from March 18 2024 and April 15 2024 may have a motion to accept the departmental reports any discussion all in favor okay mayor this concludes my portion of the meeting I will turn it over to you for Council report okay Dennis abson for solo abson gobec abson councilwoman peligre good evening everyone couple things my board a health update there will be no meeting in July and their next regular meeting will be held on Monday August 12th at 700 p.m. residents assistance program update this afternoon we had a thank you luncheon for all who contribute to our program this program helps our residents in need with many services this is all because of the kindness and generosity of so many working together makes great things happen in our community and I thank everyone involved the new Chamber of Commerce update they had their monthly meeting on Tuesday evening a very nice turnout their next meeting will be held on July 16th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the VFW this meeting will be a big networking event for our businesses and our residents come be a part of this very special event and learn more about the new chamber all are welcome to attend please update statistics from January 1 2024 to May 31st 2024 Elwood Park police department has handled the following 23,27 calls for service three sexual assaults 45 burglaries 60 thefts 20 missing persons investigations 10 funeral escorts 96 General fire alarms 196 suspicious person calls 11 stolen Motor Vehicles 13 sudden death calls 230 burglary alarms 48 assaults 120 incidents of domestic violence 3,200 motor vehicle summonses were issued 740 ambulance requests 255 Opa requests processed in our records Bureau 14 drunk driving arrests 825 vacant house checks 98 adult arrests and 450 motor vehicle accident investigations I want to thank our Police Department for this report and for all they do for our community and lastly I want to congratulate the 2024 graduates wishing them all success in their future endeavors and remember always dream big always work hard and most important always believe in yourself progress mayor thank you that's uh very interesting to recite those stats it goes to show you U what our police force goes through each and every day each and every week and each and every month uh moving along uh councilwoman Troy thank you mayor um this past Saturday we had the summer kickoff weekend the weather was perfect um I I think maybe the turnout was a little uh lower than the the the previous one but still a good time I hope everybody enjoyed themselves um the spray park opens on June the 24th it'll be open Monday through Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 12 12 to 5 for hwood Park residents it's $5 a day non-residents $10 a day season passes are also available at $70 a resident and $80 for non-residents it's a way to keep cool in this heat uh the summer concert series will kick off on Tuesday July 9th and it'll run every Tuesday until August 27th uh there will be a movie night and camp out on Saturday July 20th it'll start with the barbecue at 6:00 p.m. the movie Kung Fu Panda will start at 9:00 and it is sponsored by Spencer Savings the next Rec board meeting will be September 26th uh I had the pleasure of attending the senior awards ceremony on uh June the 11th congrats to all the students on their accomplishments and their well-deserved rewards the middle school had their graduation on 14 unfortunately as an officer of the Elks it was my obligation to attend the Flag Day ceremony but I'd like to congratulate all those students and wish them good luck in high school the high school had their graduation on Tuesday we were grateful for the breeze and the cold water that they provided congratulations to the class of 2024 I wish you all success on whatever path you follow the next Board of Ed meeting will be Tuesday June 25th progress mayor Thank you Pam I would assume that the Sprayground is very well appreciated I would think so right right with this kind of weather you know just uh to reminisce there was uh a time when there was no way to cool down a child in Elwood Park other than personal home pools but for the general public and I want to say about 15 years ago and Richie deoro was the director at the time and uh he said uh we should be doing something about this I agreed and we went out to other towns and we looked at spraygrounds and lo and behold uh we brought a miniature spray ground compared to the ones we saw we saw Parks uh to our town and it's been working out ever since and it gives our our people an option next up is Town pool mayor Town pool the last person that wanted a town pool uh at the time it was 3 million um uh he didn't get reelected if I if I can bring that into it but uh very costly but at least we have something here that um serves uh the need I recall and I'm getting a little philosophical here I I grew up on a dead end Street in Pake New Jersey and at the end of the street there was fire hydrant and just like you see in the early movies this is I'm talk about 52 53 54 on a day like today the the superintendent of the DPW and Pake would come with that big wrench open it put a u a screen on it first then open it up and we just went crazy so uh some good memories um moving along council president Sheron thank you mayor um on June 10th uh it was a Monday night in courtroom we had our police night I just want to reach out to uh Mike and the police department it was very educating thank you for your time thank you to all your officers um there was we had about 30 35 people I mean I thought it was very educated I just wanted to give you a big thank you for that Tuesday night was the uh last Tuesday was the high school senior Awards the mayor could not be there so I stood in for him and um it went very well it went very very well you know you know little long is is that because I wasn't there yes yeah oh I kept it short and sweet so yeah um Flag Day uh The Oaks I just want to give a shout out to thank you thank you to the chief for that and to the um Oaks um I was not there but we had to have it inside I think everybody would prefer it outside but due to the weather um the the summer fair is that what they called it this year it wasn't a big hit is the Spring Festival was the street festival was yes um I don't know if it was because of the day because it was Father's Day weekend and you know the beach you know a lot of people go away for the Father's Day weekend but um it the weather was nice I mean I was under a tree and I think Father's Day had a lot to do with it I think so I think if we do that next year we should like maybe yeah on an off day yeah yeah and uh today was the lunch in I just want to give a big thank you to Council woman line peligre Angela Dion um we're there for you yeah we're there for you that's it mayor that's it that was that's plenty short and sweet yes well I don't know how short it was but it was it was sweet for to say the least so Mike this is your night here um I well I got two things before I go to to you Mike uh that spray ground cost I want to say $220,000 and what we did was we piggy back two Grants open space grants and brought it in for $65,000 that cost the residents of the Town 65,000 the balance was paid for by grants and that's good planning that's the reason I brought that up now getting back to you Michael this is your your night because U I want to read something that came from Mr aati our superintendent of the high school I want to thank chief fno his team for the support he has provided to the district this year and throughout the graduation and he goes on to say as always he has provided extra support to the district with security of the campus and the surrounding areas and assisting in making the ceremony memorable thank you Chief with that said we should move along here now have a motion to open the floor for public comments more second anyone from the public here to speak yes sir could you please come forth give us your name your address and we'll get acquainted how are you uh is this hello uh Craig Sullivan I live uh corner of Washington Boulevard 184 been a resident about 24 years I don't know if this is the right form Forum or whatever um this is my first meeting I ever came to I just have a lot of concerns with the street skate project and all these lights they're so bright they're so obtrusive and being that my house is on Washington and yet the boulevard I know we're supposed to be slated to be the next phase and it's just it's it's not going to work for me as a resident for soone I don't want bright lights in my backyard bugs and all other stuff and driving down with these lights now it's actually more of a hindrance than a help so I don't want to be like the Debbie Downer but I don't know if this was really thought out all that well and there's quite a few State Assembly um things that are trying to be passed about light trespass and light pollution and whatever and the brightness of Lights it it's just I know the the project is meant to do the right thing but it's just not there's over 40 lights between where you started and when you end up Route 80 plus all the street lights there's more like there than there is on Market Street where you would want to bring people to shop and do whatever I just don't understand it and again it's going to affect my quality of life and over the past 24 years I never made any complaints not really going to make a complaint tonight it's just a concern that more and more traffic is directed towards the boulevard because of all the stop signs that were put on East 54th Street we've had pedestrians hit we had a pedestrian killed in front of my house hit by a bus they put in blinking lights one deer has been hit they put a sign up for a deer it's a lot for the people along the boulevard to just take over and over and over and I use my property quite a bit got a pool got a deck I don't want that obtrusiveness going on to my property I highly doubt it's going to be stopped but I figured if I don't say something how am I ever going to get anywhere and it's not to to come out that way just it's it's well we it doesn't even follow suit to what's on acri like if you look at acan the lights are nice they're faint they're dim you go to any other town or down to Milford Ridgewood they're not bright I don't know if that's just the wrong bulbs or somebody spec something wrong it's it's it's pretty much a site and I work shift and I I come home you know 4 in the morning or go to work at 4 in the morning it's it's like a landing strip going down the boulevard it's you know sir um and I I completely understand what you're saying about privacy uh but it's funny we especially in that area going from let's say Washington to the to the bull uh to the rof four we get a lot of complaints that it's too dark so it's it's a delicate balance here you know we don't want to be intrusive to you uh and the same token we have to balance out what the kind of feedback we're getting uh now if if there's a way we can possibly we we checked that out already Mike that they can't dim those lights so what we looked into was is there a different bulb is there a frosted glass uh Engineers are still looking into that along with psng to see if there's a way to um either you know reflect it away from maybe the homes or whatever they're still doing that evaluation so we'll we'll let you know when we figure that out and again I appreciate everything I it's just you know I'm not a lighting expert but you I do work for utility all those lights there's no shield on them they're going right into people's homes and I know certain stretches of uh the boulevard might be too family and they might be rental my house is not I chose to live on a quiet residential street that's like there's more lights than a highway I mean it's just it doesn't to me and it's I know it's my opinion alone doesn't beautify anything how do you have more lights on the boulevard than you do on Market Street when you're trying to promote business you know it's it's not a walking path I get it by the park and by Garfield water it's dark it's frankly dangerous people cross the street there there's no um crosswalk they supposed to go to the corner they don't I understand it I understand the balance that you guys have to do but again I my concern is that I'm going to be sitting in my back deck and as going to be a light blaring in my room or it's going to be buzzing or there's going to be bugs and just the energy wasting it's you know it's it makes sense so we we'll look into and I'm not just no I got it than than a f minute conversation but I just felt that if I don't involve myself in in trying to ask the questions and get the feedback well then I need to just keep it to myself then if I if I don't ask a question and have you guys come back to me then it's nothing V gain so that's what this is all about it's not an attack or anything like we're not taking it that way you're a gentleman you can see you're a gentleman what we what we will do is uh we will search for a softer lens or reflector and maybe it could just be isolate the one by his home if we get other complaints we can add it on but we we will take to heart what you're saying here tonight sir and we will we'll explore it put it that way thank you and I appreciate and again I don't know when the next phase is even du to go but I'm from what my wife actually read where the next section to go is from Philip to to my block so I just want to see cuz there is some sections where there's like three lights and then they skip and I guess you know because of electrical engineering and and whatever it doesn't fit or tree roots or or whatever the case may be but I would like to have some sort of feedback to maybe where they're located or how many are located or even the the bulb brightness you know certainly tell them to skip your your area that's what it's I I I take great pride in my home you know when uh mayor Moher was uh used to go around and do all the house beautiful stuff I have a lifetime house beautiful War I mean you've seen my property I'm out there all the time I talk to a lot of people I take care of my lawn I do all the things that are supposed to do and it's just to me it's I don't want to say it's an invasion of privacy but it's like it's it's a little bit too much you I didn't choose to live on a on a main Yankee Stadium I I want a quiet and acquaintance to in my own s U that's all it amounts to your thoughts were well taken and appreciated okay anyone else care to speak from the public yes Genie turn the okay um my question is with the boulevard lights there are old lights there from public service which are on as well as the new ones is there any plan to get rid of the old ones I wouldn't think so I think they I but I don't know uh we they come and they measure the with a meter the amount of light uh so to that point we haven't I don't think we've addressed that right Mike we haven't had no problems with that so we can request them to be turned off when I looked at it myself it looks like the majority of them are at intersections which I personally wouldn't recommend turning off because they light up the intersection whereas the decorative lights don't necessarily do that I know they're they're bright but they don't really aim the intersections and the the overheads are at intersections so I would recommend not but that's up to you mayor I realize I don't live on the Boulevard but I've noticed in fairw a lot of cases they have turned the lights so just an you know an idea ahead another thing is uh pet peeve of mine when you are coming down Church Street to make a right onto Market Street there are frequently cars parked at the corner by vicaros Corner friend and I know for a long time there were some things put there so nobody would park apparent well there's still they must move them because there were a lot of people who parked there so if I go make a right or someone goes to make it right it's dangerous yes I realize I don't have to make it right and a lot of times I don't but if somebody tries to make it right these cars I guess are parked illegally and you know could cause an accident just uh mrag it happens to be a pet peeve of mine as well I will be out there having lunch in my full uniform and a person will park illegally right in front of me so it's definitely a challenge for us to police that we're aware of it I just don't want any anybody to have an accident neither do I see it I would report it you're absolutely right if you see it please call the police desk okay thank you byebye anyone else here to speak if not I will close the public portion I guess that's all the business we need cond to conduct this evening right you have anything okay I guess it's a motion uh to adjourn then second it all in favor I thank you ladies and gentlemen [Music]