okay mayor I like to call to order the regular meeting of the mwood park mayor and Council for April 18th 2024 to order at 7:14 p.m. on roll call we have council members Dennis absent folo absent goet here pelen here choicy here council president Sheridan here mayor klei here we have a quorum thank you thank you good evening ladies and gentlemen boys and girls how are you this evening you should be I mean you packed the room here for for God's sakes it's it's a good thing uh yeah we have a action-packed night in store for us we have U two different entities two different uh establishments that we will be honoring uh but first we must pay our allegiance to our God and our country so could everybody please stand for our prayer flag salute oh God our Father we ask you to bless our meeting which we entrust to your fatherly care and protection please remove all selfishness and Prejudice from our hearts and impant therein a keen sense of justice and a greater love for you and our neighbors guide us in our deliberations so that our decisions will always please you and bring your peace and and happiness to our community amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all whereas chapter 231 of the public laws of the state of New Jersey require at the commencement of every meeting a statement of compliance be read by the presiding officer now therefore be advised that the meeting requirements for this meeting have been met by publishing a special special notice in the record in Herald news and by posting such notice in the office of the barel clerk as well as in a public place within the municipal building and by notifying interested citizens said notice was posted and transmitted on January 6th 2024 and published on January 10th 24 M moris yes first we have approval of minutes we have the February 1st 2024 work session February 1st 2024 executive session February 12th 2024 exe special executive session February 15 2024 regular meeting and the February 15 2024 special executive session may I have a motion to approve the minutes so moved we have a second second yes any discussion call the roll please uh first by pel Green second by council president Sheridan on roll call we have council members Dennis absent for solo absent gobec yes pelen yes choicy yes council president Sheridan yes minutes approved uh we switch the agenda a little so first we're going to have the budget introduction so we have resolution r138 24 introduce ordinance number 24-8 on first reading be resolved that an ordinance entitled calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a c bank njsa 48 4- 45.4 be passed and adopted on first reading and be it resolved that a final hearing on said ordinance will be heard in the municipal building on Thursday May 16 2024 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as same can be heard at which time any person's interest in said ordinance can be heard be it resolved that the bur clerk B she is hereby authorized to advertise an illegal newspaper a notice of introduction and final hearing as required by law I believe we need a motion for this ordinance so move second any discussion call to roll please first by peligre second by council president Sheridan on roll call we have council members Dennis absent solo absent GOC yes pelen yes Choice C yes council president Sheridan yes motion carries next we have resolution r139 d24 introduction of the 2024 Municipal budget P it resolved that the following statement of revenues and Appropriations attached here to constitute the local budget of the bar of enwood Park Bergen County New Jersey for the year 2024 be it further resolve that the said budget be published in the record in the issue of April 24th 2024 and that hearing on the budget will be held at the municipal building on May 16th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be reached be it further resolved that the governing body of the barel of Elwood Park does hereby approve the following as the budget for the year 2024 may I have a motion on the resolution any discussion call the rooll please first by peligre second by choicy on roll call we have council member Senate absent F solo absent GOC my vote is to Simply introduce the budget it's not a reflection of how I feel about the budget my vote is yes pel green yes joyy yes council president Sheridan yes motion carries a notice is hereby given that the budget and tax resolution was approved by the Council of the B of Elwood Park County of Bergen on April 18th 2024 a hearing on the budget and tax resolution will be held at the municipal building on May 16th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at which time in place objections to the budget and tax resolution for the year 2024 may may be presented by taxpayers or other interested persons copies of the budget are available in the office of Chen Morris Bor clerk at the municipal building 182 Market Street andwood Park New Jersey phone number 201 17961 1457 during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. next we have resolution r140 d24 and through you mayor I would like to read this resolution by title only we need a motion no can I read the resolution by title only yes yes okay governing body certification of compliance with the United States equal employment opportunity commissions enforcement guidance on the consideration of arrest and conviction records and employment decisions under title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 I need a motion on the resolution may I have a motion on so move second any discussion call the roll please first by peline second by gobec on roll call we have council members Dennis absent folo absent GOC yes peligre yes choicy yes council president Sheridan yes motion carries mayor at this time we will move along with the agenda next we're going to have the proclamation for the Elks youth week okay we have representation here from the Elks come up please go down there Pam I don't see the mic set up there maybe you want to read it well we'll get the mic and we'll go down okay Terry come on [Music] now it is so each year throughout the nation Elks Lodges celebrate youth during youth week and they ask that the mayor Proclaim May 1st through the 7th to be youth week so I'm going to start the reading and then the mayor will do the proclamation whereas the benevolent and protective order of elks has designated May 1st through the 7th as youth week to honor America's Junior citizens for their achievements and to give fitting recognition of their service to Community State and nation and whereas the Elwood Park Patterson Elks Lodge number 60 will sponsor an observance during that week in tribute to the junior citizens of this community and whereas no event could be more deserving of our support and participation than one dedicated to these young people who represent the nation's greatest resources and who in the years ahead will assume the responsibility for the advancement of our free society and whereas our youth need the guidance inspiration and encouragement which we alone can give in order to help develop those qualities of character essential for future leadership and go forth to serve America and whereas to achieve this worthy objective we should demonstrate our partnership with youth our understanding of their hopes and aspirations and a sincere willingness to help prepare them in every way for the responsibilities and opportunities of citizenship might want to add that the two ladies one on my right and one on my left are members of the Elks I am also a member and lorine you're a member right yes so the council's pretty involved with the organization now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and Council of the Barrow of real Park New Jersey do hereby proclaim the first week in May as youth week and urge all Departments of government Civic for fraternal and patriotic groups and other citizens generally to participate wholeheartedly in this observance [Applause] congratulations you guys want to say a little bit about the organization sorry the the Alex are very involved in the youth we do have uh Pam just been appointed this year as our youth committee's chairman and I'm looking forward to her getting more involved with the community and getting more involved with the youth we have hoop shoot we have soccer shoot uh I don't know if any of youall are familiar with that if you participate uh we do those once a year we also have a te It Up program we have a batters up program and we have a special needs Athletic program so those are just some of the things the Elks are with I want to see us get even more involved with the youth and our committee and our community and I'm hoping Pam's going to help me out a lot with that this year I also want to say on May 4th we are having a luncheon to um recognize some of the outstanding youth in our community for this year and I want to make sure that the council knows that you're all invited I there's a couple of you missing tonight but you want the mayor there too right yeah yeah you can come we even let you talk but I just want to let the council know you're invited if you can let the ones that are absent know they're all invited and that's May 4th uh 1:00 1:00 yeah go so unfortunately the Elks Lodge is limited in size and where we would love to be able to celebrate all of the youth uh last year I think some of you may have been there for sports right so uh so we did the younger kids uh Sports programs last year this year we're going to be honoring some high school students so we'll be rotating because like I said we have a capacity at the lodge and we just unfortunately can't um host everybody but um hopefully we will see you guys again because something tells me you're not done winning championship this audience is a teachers delight this so quiet right wouldn't a teacher love that we're going to wake his up though in a little while here I tell you that is that old [Applause] at this time we will have the honoring of our EP Crew soccer teams so I will ask that the coach Helena and the other coaches come forward with mayor kti and councilwoman [Applause] choicy I got to tell you something I got to tell these kid something I'm getting tired I'm sick and tired of you guys always win I mean you're driving me crazy you're driving the council crazy each and every year you guys go out and you win and of course you know I'm joking right it takes a lot to do what you're doing this is like a state every time this year we have championship teams that goes out starts with parents being involved and of course having great coaches and then naturally the child participate but this is very R Group like I said before teachers so let's get to your celebration I would like to introduce our lions lions there are Champion for fall 2023 then U2 vipers they champions for spring 2023 and tigers champions for 2023 well last year we had teams competing in league and three teams finish in first place and then two teams in second place uh but our Lions uh tigers and Vipers uh they earned their Championship competing with clubs from different towns uh towns like uh calwell way Livingstone Madison Denville Morristown hacketstown Bridgewater chadam and haat Kong so we travel far and we had some close games as well so the second uh our second uh time Champions Lions they were um competing they started from uh level 9ine and they advaned to second level level last fall they had scored 24 goals and only conceded 14 they played eight games so same with our vipers uh they played on the first fight level they scored 24 goals and let in only 19 goals finally our uh U14 Tigers they played at the level three champ chionship and they scored 42 goals and conceded 23 so pretty good record for all of the teams okay so boys and your families we are so proud of you and all of your success is passable to the entire team effort you know that right so your coaches your practices your training sessions your parents bringing you to do those practices that all led to your uh you know big big uh success all right so keep working on those skills and uh we wish you luck this spring okay good luck this spring and we also wanted to thank all of the council and mayor for inviting us here again and we thank our the recreation director tan and the department also DPW workers for you know helping us with you know preparation of the field and working with us all the time thank you so much so you want to start with the right okay you want to come give them that out and then okay okay okay so hold [Music] on okay so we're going to start with chrisan bza [Applause] hold on here you go congratulations omir no okay [Applause] pry hey come shake your hands come who's okay congratulations Sebastian [Applause] Lopez here you go congratulations he's not here okay Dominic's not here Martin marut [Applause] they're not in order Dr sorry Martin I know they're not in order that's why sorry A's not here Martin Martin Mar [Applause] Ariel congratulations Christian p [Applause] check Christian Dominic smoosh [Applause] next year we're going to get a computer to do this here you go [Applause] congratulations conratulations John johnon go John hold on congratulations Y is not here oops he is not here Martin [Applause] Vaga and we have coaches we have coaches coach uh for you that's me okay congratulations congratulations thank you Zen and Coach Zeno he's not here he's practicing with his un9 okay you want to take take a picture with him yeah help you that how are those the other way too you no that's 13 team so that kind is good yeah I think they're like all mixed up right who's not here is not here Diego's here R is not here R is not here [Applause] not here T not here right Nas here here they're here this three right here not I don't know I didn't check those but these three they're not here who's here who's this now they okay all right I think I okay okay we have now our vipers you 11 vipers okay Peter he's not here yeah Alexander bednash [Applause] [Music] conations congrats maximilan [Applause] bisc congratul Matthew Adelman he's not [Applause] here B Jon you go congratulations Gian Lewis he's not here Oscar Handel not here not here David iloski [Applause] Daniel kinosi congratulations L [Applause] ofo congrats L congratulations Nicholas Smosh [Applause] here you go congrats dieo Vargas go and Brian Vaga okay great congrats so now you 14 teams Tigers we got to take a picture oh yes we don't get oh sorry I had certific we [Applause] [Applause] havez pictures Council pictures with second team [Applause] okay you Jacob Jacob [Applause] Angel [Applause] cab complete Al [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] going miss hand [Music] [Applause] [Applause] expensive I'm sorry 10 years 10 years first year free [Applause] [Applause] he's [Applause] good last two and we also have coaches coach L [Applause] Caba e e uh before we leave though I'd like to hear a little something from the coaches about the whole moment and uh all right I'm going to try not to get sentimental in the moment so guys awesome year I love how all you show for practice give it all you got games you give th% it's awesome rides you can't make it you call everyone together right right like one big family parents again thank you we we can't do this without you you guys guys clap for your parents please they deserve it without them there's no Championship direct Department thank thank you for everything staff you guys are the best you're the best mayor ever vote for him please again thank [Applause] you I just I just want to Echo what the coach say thank you pars for bringing the kids to to practice it's very important to have some kind of structure and making the kids go to play every single game even if they lose it's it's good to have that constancy because that that bring values within them every time they play the small family within them they need to communicate more that that shows leaderships you know guys when you practice everyone every single one of you is going to be leading the team at some point in in your practices and you're going to building your team when you are in the field continue to be as good as you are come to practice do the best that you can do and that's all we can always is a competition against yourself first and then part of the team but you always competing against yourself to be better every single day to be better than yesterday so you can bring more to the team thank you par thank you team keep it up thank you for everyone that came today um very proud of the of the Vipers for that championship in 2023 um we started off the season a little rough but the way we ended was very well cuz we ended on five-game winning streak and the um championship game was very sweet because it was against an opponent that we have faced twice before and those two times um it didn't go our way but that day everything went um the way it should have went and uh it was it was a very sweet victory um thank you for the parents for bringing the kids to practice thank you for the players for showing up to practice um there's been a lot of highs and lows um in the team so this season's starting off a little rough but let's channel that game in 2023 last year where everybody came together and um you know you can uh you can get to great great Heights in uh in the game just remember that game that everybody came together and um showed what m park Sak crew is all about thank [Applause] you and thank you guys for the steal you love that yes thank you for the feel we love it yeah would you like to say something I forgot to say that I'm sorry uh just a few words thank you kids thank you parents especially parents because without them the kids couldn't come to practices hopefully we continue the same way we did last year and hopefully we win and we go to the first division thank you on behalf of coach Zenon you know he's very proud of you I would like to thank you guys for you know especially parents for bringing you know your kids to practices and you know helping us out you know being there on time you know and you know understanding when the practice needs to be cancelled this due to weather or or other you know coaches conflict or stuff like that so we always uh you know try to make every practices you know for us for your teams available but sometimes you know there's conflicts and stuff like that now with this new field that's coming up we are very you know happy to you know see the progress and we are so glad that we're going to you know start using hopefully the field soon but anyway uh thank you guys the teams the three teams that uh you know won the Championships uh we are very proud of you keep doing the good work keep practicing and you carry you know um you you we are very proud of uh of you are representing us the EP Crew soccer club thank you so much okay stick around we're going to hear comments from the council in a few seconds can we take a picture of all themit usually after coun wait hold on it's be after Council oh councilwoman Terry Sheridan um thank thank you Mr Mayor I just want to say congratulations to the um youngsters and I want to say special thank you to all the parents that I mean it's it's it's a long road it's hard jockeying kids if you have more than one child um I just want to say thank you very much thank you for making Elwood pork proud congratulations councilwoman try how you are okay to the EP Crew soccer teams I'd like to congratulate you on your championships hard work and dedication pays off thank you to your coaches who spend their time mentoring and developing these young people and thank you to the parents without you without your commitment to get your children to practice and games they wouldn't be as successful as they are so congratulations to everybody the players the coaches and the parents councilwoman pel excuse me oh you weren't finished I'm not done I'm very sorry my lady it's okay I would like to thank the Elks for their commitment to our youth from sponsoring of sports programs in town to hosting things like the hoop shoot and the soccer shoot to offering scholarships to our our high school students we appreciate all that you do thank you we're good to go thank you councilwoman councilwoman goabc thank you mayor to the Elks thank you so much especially in the last few years one of the more active organizations in town always giving back you know thank you so much for everything you do uh when it comes to our soccer friends two things one in my opinion soccer is the most beautiful sport in the world and as someone who grew up in soccer let's clap for that and as someone who grew up with the sport it's so beautiful to see so many of our kids playing the sport so many parents supporting their kids playing the sport and so many coaches willing to teach the beautiful game so that's number one number two we have a lot of HTH Sports organizations in town and they're all great and I don't mean anything bad about any of of the other ones but EP crew is one of the youngest youth sport organizations in town and I think in terms of championships the most successful you guys are here once if not twice a year every year for the Last 5 Years with multiple championships that's outstanding please keep up the great work thank you councilwoman peligre yes congratulations to all of the E Crew soccer teams here tonight to the players to the coaches and to the parent it's parents it truly took a lot of effort to get all of this success uccess here tonight hard work definitely pays off and we were also very proud of your accomplishments enjoy the special recognition you all deserve it and congratulations you are the champions oh got one more please and I also would like to thank the Elks Organization for all they do for our community uh me and my husband recently became Elks and we see now firsthand of everything they do and they're they help everyone and they really put efforts forward for every occasion they're either helping the youth they're helping the veterans they're helping everyone in need and it's really a beautiful organization full of beautiful volunteers and I'm so happy to be a part of it and I really want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for all you do for our community thank [Applause] you okay I just few words to the Elks uh beautiful organization uh year after year after year after year decade after decade just constantly in consideration of the children of the of this great country we live in uh and it Carries On It carries on generation after generation very nice very proud to be part of the celebration uh this week and looking forward to next year doing this again and as far as the crew goes I'm like I said before I'm getting tired of you guys winning I mean do you ever lose you better not you better not all kidding aside we we really really really appreciate the effort of the whole organization I think councilman golombeck said it the best about a very young organization and the fact that you have all these championships that's only telling me one thing that the the parents in that group are right on the money and the coaches are hitting the nail right on the money when you get a combination like that you have success like this and even though it took me 30 minutes to sign all those certificates I'm looking forward to next year doing it again God bless you all we're going to take a short intermission all right everyone can hear me right there's one person in here that we did not celebrate and thank for all the dedication she does for all the movement she does for all the permits that she gets for us for the the opportunity that she gives all of us right could we please give her a hand of Applause for Helena please without her there is no crew thank you okay we're going to get that picture with all three squads yeah let's go okay moving on through the agenda we have ordinances on first reading we have resolution r141 d24 introduce ordinance number 24 9 at first reading be resolved that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending section 7-1 13.1 parking prohibited at all times on certain streets to prohibit parking on part of Susan Court be passed and adopted on first reading and be it resolved that a final hearing on said ordinance will be heard in the municipal building on Thursday May 16th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as same can be heard at which time any person's interested in said ordinance can be heard be it further resolve that the clerk being she is hereby authorized to advertise in illegal newspaper a notice of introduction and final hearing as required by law Mr F now would you like to break this down for us please sure mayor this is uh Susan Court the uh certain fire apparatus we're not able to make the turn there with vehicles parked um on that section so we are um excluding parking in that one area so they can make the turn thank you may I have a a motion on the ordinance some move second any discussion call a roll please first by peligre second by council president Sheridan on roll call we have council members Dennis absent F solo absent gobec yes peligre yes choicy yes council president Sheridan yes motion carries moving on to ordinances on second reading resolution r142 d24 introduce ordinance number 2405 on second reading whereas the public notice has been given by the Bor clerk that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending section 711 parking time limited on certain streets to further limit parking time on Market Street was introduced and passed a meeting held on Thursday March 2st 2024 and that F the consideration of this ordinance will be taken up at this meeting and whereas all persons interested in said ordinance were given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same now therefore be resolved by the mayor counsel at the B of Park that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending section 7-1 parking time limited on certain streets to further limit parking time on Market Street pass on fr reading motion to open to the public second anyone from the public here to speak on this ordinance and this ordinance alone if not I will close the public portion I have a motion to adopt the ordinance second Coler Ro please first by peligre second by GOC on roll call we have council members Dennis absent folo absent gobec yes peligre yes tro yes council president Sheridan yes motion carries resolution r143 d24 introduce ordinance number 24-6 on second reading whereas a public notice has been given by the burough clerk that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending section 7-21 multiway stop intersections to add intersections on Summit Avenue was introduced and pass a meeting held on Thursday March 21st 2024 and that further consideration of this ordinance will be taken up at this meeting and whereas all persons interested in said ordinance were given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same now therefore be resolved by the mayor council of the B of En Park that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending section 7-21 multi-way stop intersections to add intersections on Summit Avenue pass on Final reading this is uh kind of speaks for itself uh may I have a motion to open to the public don't second anyone from the public here to speak on this ordinance if not I will close the public portion I have a motion to adopt the ordinance some move second caller roll please first by pelig second by choice and roll call beh have council members zennis absent folo absent gobec yes pelrine yes Choy yes council president Sheridan yes motion carries resolution R-1 14424 introduce ordinance number 24-7 on second reading whereas whereas the public notice has been given by the burough clerk that an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and amending section 7-16 roots for trucks over 4 tons and 7-17 vehicles over designated weight let excluded from certain streets was introduced and past at a meeting held on Thursday March 21st 2024 and that further consideration of this ordinance will be taken up at this meeting and whereas all persons interested and said ordinance were given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same now therefore resolved by the mayor and Council of the B of eled Park that an ordinance entitled an ordinance adopting and amending section 7- 16 routs for trucks over 4 tons and 7-17 vehicles over designated weight excluded from certain streets passed on Final reading motion to open to the public second would anyone from the public care to speak on this ordinance if not I will close the public portion may I have a motion to adopt the ordinance second col roll please first by peline second by council president pres Sheridan our roll call we have council members Dennis absent folo absent GOC yes peligre yes Choy yes council president Sheridan yes motion carries sorry moving on to the consent agenda we have resolution r145 d24 approval of payroll r146 d24 approval of bills list r-47 d24 authorizing the borrow administrator to enter into a contract with DMR Architects to prepare Redevelopment plan for East with fourth and Main Street pursuing to the local Redevelopment and Housing law njsa 4A col2 A-1 atet 148 resolution R-1 14824 authorized current estimate number two burrow Park turfield 149-24 authorized current estimate number six and change order number one Vietnam veterans memorial statue R1 15-24 authorized current estimate number two final payment 2021 gutter Cur replacement on psng rules R-1 15124 award proposal for Professional Services alignment group FY 2023 NJ DT Municipal Aid Mulla Boulevard from Philip Avenue to Washington Avenue street skate lighting project r152 d24 award proposal for Professional Services alignment group FY 2024 njd Municipal Aid M Boulevard resurfacing between London a and Lee Street R-1 53-24 appoint part-time keyboard keyboarding clerk one Alexander Sano clerk's office R-1 15424 appointment of recreation department staff for the 2023 2024 school year after Care Program R-1 15524 appointment of Public Safety telecommunicator Police Department Darla CTS r156 d24 appoint crossing guards for the 2023 2024 school year Police Department R-1 15724 appoint part-time seasonal worker building department R-1 58-24 Chief of Police contract R-1 15924 authorized payment musco lighting R-1 160-24 person to person place to place liquor license transfer 0211 d332 0-9 R-1 161 d24 resignation of firefighter R-1 162 d24 leave of absence of firefighter R-1 16324 leave of absence of firefighter R-1 16424 appointment of ladies auxiliary member R-1 16524 resolution of the Bor of Elma Park make an application to the local Finance board pursuant to njsa 48 4- 45.3 e R-1 16624 resolution to approve moratorium for class 5 cannabis retail licenses R-1 16724 resolution to approve the consent agenda may have a motion on the consent agena please need a second second any discussion call the roll please first by peligre second by council president Sheridan a roll call we have council members Dennis absent F solo absent GOC on R-1 15724 appoint part-time seasonal worker my vote is no and the rest yes okay pelen yes choicy um I am going to recuse from our - 16124 16224 16324 and 16424 yes to the okay council president Sheridan yes to everything thank you Mo motion carries next we have one Standalone resolution and through you mayor I would like to read this resolution by title only that's okay yes Okay resolution R-1 16824 establishing and implementing the 2020 for and with Park burrow internship program for high school students may have a motion on this resolution discussion call the roll please I need a second second thank you first by pelen second by council president Sheridan a roll call we have council members sis absent F solo absent GOC yes pelen yes choicy yes council president Sheridan yes motion carries now we have departmental reports we have the zoning board meeting minutes from February 28th 2024 the Board of Health meeting minutes from February 12 2024 the recreation Advisory board meeting minutes from January 22nd 2024 okay I need a motion I need a motion to accept the departmental reports second any discussion all in favor I I okay mayor that concludes my portion of the meeting I'm going to turn it over to you for Council reports thank you you can take a little breath of air now huh Council reports uh let's start off with um councilman GOC thank you mayor um I don't have much there's a lot of interesting things on the agenda but I think the most interesting one is that pizza Town's getting a liquor license Pizza Town it looks like it right that's what we just voted on yeah so if that's good or bad but breaking news Pizza Town will now have liquor of some sort so that's all I have mayor thank you well they always say beer goes good with a slice of pizza right and if you walk a further a couple steps further up there are other things you can alternative alternative it's One-Stop shopping almost on rout 46 right councilwoman peligre yes a couple things mayor my board of health update reminder the next rabies clinic for dogs and cats will be held on May 15th from 5: to 7:00 p.m. at Firehouse number 4 on mola Bullard and their next Board of Health meeting will be held on Monday May 13th at 700 p.m. my police update Elwood Park Police Department presents burgers with the blue Friday May 3rd 300 p.m. to 6: p.m. location Steve's Burgers 506e 46 Garfield come meet our police team and enjoy some delicious free BG ERS on Friday May 24th at 1: p.m. as part of St Leo's employee Wellness event there will be boxing classes with our Elwood Park PD held at Tiger shelman 485 mola Boulevard in Elwood Park learn basic boxing techniques and get a good workout with Elwood Park's finest the Elwood Park Police Department announces their newly created Street crimes unit this unit will focus on detecting and deterring crimes such as residential and Commercial burglaries car thefts catalytic converter thefts home invasion and Drug crimes this unit will be proactively focus on these issues and an effort to make Elwood Park safer and more secure for our residents and our visitors this year's junior Police Academy will be held from August 5th to August 16th ages 9 through 16 can sign up for this program you can pick up applications at the police dispatch desk or go online at www Elwood Park nj. us residence assistance program update on Sunday May 5th the AZ volunteers will be doing a townwide cleanup for our community they also provide leaf leaf Cleanup in the fall for those in need that need some help these volunteers have been helping our community since 2018 we appreciate all they do for us progress mayor thank you Lorraine councilwoman tryy okay um um opening day was held at the high school on Sunday it was originally planned for Saturday but because uh of all the rain that we had the field wasn't in great condition um even though we had a brief rain that cut it short I think all the kids had fun and I need to express a very special thank you to the Elma Park police and chief fno because they really saved the day um at the at the um pretty much the last minute we realized that we weren't going to be able to have the bounce houses because the inflatable company um it was too much money for them for the insurance that they needed um so the chief um he brought uh like a big Connect 4 game um the cornhole and he also um as a surprise had painting and the kids loved it and um just everything they did from the tents to the barbecuing we the event would not have been as successful as it was if not for them and I also want to thank the fire department they came out with the with the ladder truck and the flag was beautiful and it was just a really nice day and then um I just want to say let's see I just want to report on my next next meetings here um May the 13th is the next recre Recreation Advisory board meeting um and may the 21st is the next Board of Ed meeting and progress thank you Pam see Saturday was a hell of a day we do things pretty good here in town especially on the spot we think quickly uh our uh ba SL chief is quick on his feet needless to say and uh with everybody cooperating we get things done instead of staying there and argue over petty little things we say okay what's the resolve everybody jumps on board Synergy kicks in and we get it done council president Sheridan thank you mayor um I just want to um attached to uh councilwoman chy he said uh Chief it was great job Sunday uh I know we had to rearrange things from Saturday to Sunday uh I want to give a big shout out to Brenda Hoffman too um she went back and forth Saturday and Sunday too so I just want to give her a big thank you and uh great job yeah progress mayor Brenda and Bob and Bob I call them the three Beast they've been there for like well I know Brenda and the husband Bob are there like 53 plus the other Bob I think is there 35 years so that's a staple in this community for sure but next year it'll be better yes so I think I got to everybody right there's two of us not here tonight I guess it's up to my little report and um I want to start with something that's very soft and really hit me when I received it it's a letter from a person called Jerry Johnson and she lives on Church Street andwood Park and she's been here a long time you might have remembered we celebrated her 101st correct well here's letter she wrote herself at 101 and I'm going to read it March 24th 2024 to Mayor R colleti thank you so much for my Proclamation on it's nice to be acknowledged many years ago we chose Elwood Park to live in it was a good choice it's a great town always I'm proving looking ahead thank you again respectively Jerry [Applause] Johnson uh I'd like to give this to the clerk and maybe we could frame this and put it somewhere in the municipal building oh sure with a little maybe inscription on the bottom explain right the who she is 101 years and how many years she lived in the town I think that would be nice my other item is uh something I was remissed in doing and I I don't want to get chastised by all the women in this world uh from not acknowledging the fact that uh and I read a little statement to you folks March was woman's History Month yeah we would like to recog as and acknowledge all the wonderful women who serve on the council and those who work for the burrow we greatly appreciate your dedication and hard work and we are here to support you in your roles on and off the job and that additionally goes out to all the women in the world so we got it all covered now what a bunch of guys we are huh smart and with that I believe I got it all all the uh update I don't have to tell you we're having great progress with the ball field starting to make some head WIS there and Vietnam memorial is head wins are also in our favor so uh we're looking forward to some great ceremonies coming up in the very near future and with that uh motion to open to the public anyone from the public here to speak on any item whatsoever there Jeff I know I don't have to tell you this but there's a 10-minute limit that we're now no no no you're quick Qui but we just want to make note of that that's all okay um Jeffrey fry tag 35 Hilman drive just a question on 16624 regarding the moratorium I'm class cannabis retail licenses it's um a lot of language in here the one thing or not the one thing but the whole thing collectively it's going to limit any new applications anything currently approved by the Cannabis board right I would assume we'll still continue on correct grandfathered yeah okay so what what is the number sit at right now because I would assume you're trying to reach a certain number yeah well what we did was examined it there was some uh other licenses that were applications were in um we didn't see them being uh as uh negative in terms of the Optics like the dispensaries are uh and that's all I'm I'm only worried about the class fives that's all I'm just asking about you're worried about the the class fives the class F yeah at currently we're in the process of of bringing a resolution to weend one uh dispensary license and at that point then they'll only be three uh I don't know exactly what the the updates are on the three that are in place one is actually functioning now I don't know I don't have home right right I don't know where the other two are but they did those applications were in and being processed with where are they does anybody in the council know where they're at one root 46 the one there yeah that that is under construction now right that's yeah right yeah so what we could do is maybe Monday Mike we get an update as far as uh the progress on those two dispensaries and then one of them uh on 265 Ro 46 I guess that's Route 46 to one and with Nissan I see there's a new sign up there now because must have withdrawn their uh we had approved that for uh class 5 dispensary and it was the site plan was approved and everything and I guess they're not doing it now yeah that's okay so now will that license remain intact it will it will with that individual yeah in other words we we felt that three was enough and whatever happens now if somebody goes goes through the process and then an 11th Hour stop s that license will still be value right but I'm saying are there I don't know because I don't I'm not on a cannabis board but the board itself have there any been been in process to be brought to be approved there's been some there's been some interest in uh dispensary licenses but at the moment we're in the process of making the resolution which would put that on hold but I don't see maybe the attorney knows better than I that if one license cancels and there's two applying additionally with only three total licenses that that they would be eligible to to uh I honestly couldn't tell you you you have outside cannabis Council who who handles that so I'm honestly not sure yes okay okay mayor may I yes please I'm just curious Mr F you're saying that you know that they're not going into the well the only reason why I know not that I know I'm like I haven't heard anything about I'm very so uh one of the plan board members drove his Corvette Buy on the one on with Nissan which has been vacated with all the cars there yeah and it's a sign um of another business selling Vehicles so I would assume we we approved that too Daniel yeah the site plan was approved and everything I mean I'll ask the the the ba like have we heard anything for formally about anything that their plans have changed I mean in in theory their site plan approval is like good for 2 years right in theory they could if they own it they could do something right like well I'm just say the license itself May count for a lot if you have the license you look for another location ask you a question did anybody come forward to put a new C I have to go to right not yet right not yet but but the sign went up on the I'll find out yeah yeah we would have to council first the Cannabis board would have to approve it if was a different company coming in other than something other than the Cannabis if it's going there but I'm saying the gentleman right who was licensed yeah I heard the same thing as a rumor but I I don't want to speak of rumors Mike if we can get an update on all regarding cannabis Monday okay um now um so we have that um there was something else I know I can't remember it uh the chief's contract is four years it be and January 1 there are no dollar amounts in there I went back and looked back to January I figured maybe the do are they going to be furnished to the public it's in the salary there's a range in the salary but but it's not on here okay the range I would assume is on there in the contract okay in the salary ordinance that was approved no we didn't do one this year yet we do it probably next month oh okay CU that okay and then it'll include in er um let's see oh Pizza Town what it says there and I'm a little confused um that it says the license is being transferred right and it says Pizza Town Liquors now does that mean they're just owning the license not putting something there I because I I would assume that's going to I mean I read read it quickly I'm not so sure that it's like a a like a consumption be one of those there there's some licenses where like they hold it pocket itet no no no no there there's there's a specific license where like you function like a liquor store but you're allowed to have an area where people drink it's it's uh it's not like a fullon blown liquor I don't know there are your own bottles type of thing no no not not BYO there are some there are some things that are it's primarily a liquor liquor store type thing but you can also consume whatever you buy there I don't know but clearly they have some rights to do something with liquor now or yeah or they're just that name maybe that would be an interesting I'd have to eat my words then you know but okay I didn't want to witi anybody to think they're going to drinking beer or whatever they you know with with that I don't I don't condone drinking that's not why I made that announcement you know so Oh I thought you said you were pleased by it I thought maybe it was referring I think the I said that some of the residents might be pleased by it some after the soccer games yeah okay whoever whoever finds out first let me know CU I'll buy the first beer it be nice to know what's going on in part thank you all right anyone else care to speak on any topic whatsoever going once going twice may I have a motion are we going into executive by the way is there any need Mr attorney well okay so that means only one thing we can go home the you okay P okay may I have a motion to adjourn please all in favor yeah that be nice okay