July 23rd 2024 regular meeting of the Emerson governing body this meeting is being videotaped and may be viewed on your local public access Channel either 36 or 77 the meetings are also available Live on YouTube for those of you present in case of a fire please follow the fire exit signs above the doors and exit calmly Mr Hermanson would you please lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all I would ask you to remain standing for just a moment um in memory of Josephine Baker Josie was a lifelong resident of Emerson and she was very very active in our senior Club um I know she will be missed by many thank you this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law and adequately noticed pursuant to njsa 104-101 23rd 2024 was noticed to the record and Ridgewood news on January 4th 2024 and published in said newspapers posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute a sunshine notice dated July 17th 2024 was also a notice to said newspapers and posted on the bulletin board Miss Ryan would you please call the Roll Call of the governing body yes mayor Gala present councilwoman rice present councilwoman McGuire present council president simman here Council Gordon is on his way from work have a okay Nicole arenia oh I'm sorry um councilwoman arenia is absent and excused we'll make a motion to excuse councilwoman arenia for tonight's meeting as she had prior noticed to us that she would not be available this evening can I get that motion so mov second um all in favor I any opposed okay and we are expecting Mr Gordon umage an eror there's an error on the um technical difficulty error on the computer board um so what should we do Rob could you call Lauren and see if she can see us on the um you see it's just the audio um um but the liberty liberty is working so we'll still be able to use that correct it's just that people will not be able to hear the meeting live all right streaming so let's take a five minute break and try to fix that okay or should we just go go into close then you fix it while we're doing the okay all right is the applicant here you should be here very shortly 65 okay well I did that already I excuse Nicole already oh who second um it was Jill and Ashley and then they I did an all in favor okay and then I moved to um Clos executive sessions and you told me that we had a glitch so um we are now going to go into closed session members of the public May remain on YouTube until we return to open session at which time formal action may be taken may I have a motion to go into closed executive session to discuss matters exempt from the public pursuant to njsa 104-1 at SEC and adequately noticed by resolution number 18824 some second roll call please councilwoman rice yes councilwoman wi yes and council president timman yes pass okay thank you may I have a motion to reconvene some move second all in favor hi any opposed okay we are now back on open um as everyone knows councilwoman Kelly Moore um moved out of town and sadly had to resign her seat on our governing body uh she was schedu to join us tonight so that we could thank her for her service unfortunately she was unable to make it as she has an emergency repair at her new residence um we hope she will be able to join us at either our August or September meeting and if you're watching by any chance Kelly thank you and we'll see you soon we miss you already um next on the agenda is appointments there are no appointments minutes for approval may I have a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of June 11 some move roll call please councilwoman right yes councilwoman McGuire yes council president s yes and councilman Glon yes may I have a thank you may I have a motion to approve the Clos session meeting minutes of the July 11th meeting which are not for release to the public at this time for June 11 June 11 Clos session okay yeah so move second roll call please councilwoman right yes councilwoman McGuire yes council president Timberman yes and councilman Gordon yes thank you and may I have a motion to approve the minutes of the June 25th regular meeting so move is that a second second from Council president and a roll call please councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire yes council president s yes and councilman Gordon yes which brings us to correspondence all of the correspondence is on file in the clerk's office Financial business resolution 1 19 18924 approve of approval of Bill list may I have a motion to adopt resolution number 189-202 approve the July 23rd 2024 Bill list some moov second roll call please councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire yes council president simmerman yes and councilman Gordon yes passes for zero thank you which brings us to resolution 1 19-24 may I have a motion to adopt resolution number 1 19-24 resolution of the burough Council of the burrow of Emerson in the county of Bergen New Jersey C coven Covenant covenanting to comply with the provisions of the internal Revenue code of 1986 as amended applicable to the exclusion from gross income for federal income tax purposes of interest on obligations issued by the buau of Emerson and authorizing the mayor acting burrow clerk Chief Financial Officer and other burrow officials to take such action as they may deem necessary or advisable to affect such compliance and designating a 5,343 th000 Bond anticipation note dated July 26 2024 and payable July 25th 2025 as a qualified tax exempt obligation pursuant to 265 B3 of the Internal Revenue code of 1986 as amended second and a roll call please councilwoman rice yes councilwoman McGuire yes council president simmerman yes and councilman Gordon yes which uh brings us to resolution number 19124 award contract to ff1 apparatus LLC for a custom pumper fire truck under hgac by's National Cooperative pricing agreement pursuant to njs a 52 colon 34- 6.2 B3 and pl 2011 c139 may I have a motion to adopt resolution 1 191-202 award the contract to ff1 apparatus ll1 for the custom pumper fire truck under the Cooperative pricing agreement pursuant to the law so move second roll call please councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire yes council president Timmerman yes and councilman Gordon yes yes thank you which brings us to unfinished business our first item garbage Recycling and yard waste collection and Disposal contract Mr Hermon yes we received uh our our we put out our bid and our bids were open today uh our governing body along with our uhor now are evaluating the bids and we will be in discussion with that that day for the next meeting okay um and the Emerson Firehouse elevator project the elevator project we had uh our bids opened last last week on Thursday uh the bids came in again higher than we had anticipated for our budget what we had budgeted so uh based off our professionals uh advice we are now going to uh directly negotiate with contractors to see if we can come up with a better price uh in order to meet where we are looking for our budget well I think that we're going to have a motion to reject the second bid at um after our consent agenda correct and then that will give us the ability to negotiate yes okay any questions on that on either one of them from anybody no okay um new business discussion of storm water management updates um Dave Atkinson is not with us this evening but he has sent us Katherine Orana um from neglia group and um she would like to speak to us about the storm water management updates uh yes so the storm water Control Ordinance or the SEO this is mandated and required to be updated by njd as part of ms4 Permitting uh requirements the storm water control SEO needs to be revised to comply with the new amendments to the storm water management rules or njac 7 colon 8 uh which have been effects since July 17th 2023 so inore and jdp's in Inland flood protection rule is now effective and the ifp rule requires storm water best management practices or bmps for major developments to be designed to manage runoff for not only today's storms but also future storms so these can so these changes will ensure that storm water infrastructure is built to withstand impacts for the changing climate um so n has made the necessary revisions and they have been submitted to Bergen County Planning division for review and approval depending how quickly the county gets back to us the revised ordinance um can be introduced but also additionally since the SEO is being revised this is a great opportunity to reevaluate a local ordinance for potential enhancements um as such we're looking to revamp some other definitions for minor minor developments as well uh such as definitions for impervious and building coverage so for example when a land use when you're reviewing an application for a land use board you typically review building coverage and impervious coverage inclusive of the both um so I think our ordinance should reflect the same so it might be advantageous tovis impervious coverage to be something similar to like a lot coverage which is inclusive of both impervious coverage and building coverage since that's the way we already review it so those are the changes that we're looking to make to them right good and then when Dave comes back he'll suggests specifically which changes he thinks we should change in our coordin perfect um we also have our discussion of our 2024 Road program and I did speak with Dave this afternoon um and he said that you would also speak to us about that yeah so we work with Perry and the Department of Public Works as it relates to the proposed Road and put cost to them the roads chosen for the base FD Are Pac Avenue from Spruce Avenue to Dorchester Spruce Avenue from acran Avenue to Park Avenue Lake View Terrace from Main Street to Main Street to you shape Road uh Cindy Lane from Forest Avenue to the dead end and in an effort to maximize the bur's budget we're also proposing two alternate bids which will be the burall the burrow Hall parking lot and a Ferman drive from Spruce Avenue to Dorchester Road okay good and when are we going out to bid on this um for the 2024 Road program we could it's tight to make it for the next meeting but if we could we could coordinate with the clerk if that's what you'd like or we can make it work for the September 3rd whichever you prefer all right very good thank you good job Katherine yes on the consent agenda tonight there is um a resolution to authorize oh to go out the bid yes once um all the specs have been handled finalized and approved okay yeah thank you all right which brings us to introduction of ordinances there are no ordinances being introduced this evening adoption of ordinances second reading and public hearing 690-2484 um this is the second reading and public hearing on bond ordinance 16924 Miss Ryan would you please read the title of this Ordinance one second sorry [Music] mayor it's okay this is ordinance number 16902 4 Bond ordinance to authorize the funding of the Burrow's portion of the cost of the tennis and pickle ball court project at Emerson Jr Senior High School in by and for the burrow of Emerson in the county of Bergen New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $172,000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to appropriate a county Grant to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such funds thank you may I have a motion to open the meeting for public comment on this and only this ordinance some move second all in favor I any opposed we are open to the public on ordinance number 169-148 ordinance some second okay um with okay uh may I have a motion to adopt ordinance number 1690 d24 on second reading so move second may I have a roll call please councilwoman R yes councilwoman Maguire yes council president simmerman yes and councilman Gordon yes yes thank you this next ordinance is the second reading and public hearing of ordinance 169 1-24 Miss Ryan will you please read the title of this ordinance sure mayor this is ordinance 1691 d24 an ordinance to amend chapter 27 of the code of the burrow of Emerson entitled environmental commission to establish section 27-12 entitled Pro sorry entitled program and activity fees may I have a motion to open the meeting for public comment on this and only this ordinance so move second all in favor I any opposed we are open to the public would anyone wish to speak on this ordinance seeing No Hands may I have a motion to close the public portion on this ordinance so move second all in favor I I okay with um no comments may I have a motion to adopt ordinance number 1691 d24 for on second reading second and a roll call please councilwoman rice yes councilwoman McGuire yes counc president simmerman yes and councilman Gordon yes thank you Ryan um councilwoman Jill Maguire do you have a report for us um to start um the Emerson pedestrian cyclist safety task force the chief and I were notified via email from easy ride bike and pedestrian safety team which is the regional coordinator for the New Jersey safe routes to school program to inform and congratulate Emerson for winning a silver safe routes to school award this year nice um the next Library board meeting will be on Thursday August 8th at 7:30 p.m. be sure to visit their website which is www.emerson.com there you can get a schedule for services programming and activities for residents of all ages and the historic preservation committee will have its next meeting on Monday September 16th at 7 p.m. thank you councilwoman September 16th is envir is um correct St yes okay Council and rice do you have a report for us this evening um for environmental please speak to your M sorry for environmental um they raised $500 at our pedals with purpose event hosted by New City forest great job um they were also they also received $2,250 um from a grant from anjac which is amazing news as well um that's actually to replace some of the beds in the uh in the garden community garden which is great lovely great job um and then from Bard ofed um keeping you know same thing as we've been hearing with all the bids um Dr nof has said that the tenis tenis Court bids came in over budget um they're rejecting and you know we'll look at it sending it out it out again so okay nice um council president do you have a report for us this evening yeah I do just um uh for recreation um they did have to change the date for the cornhole tournament that was supposed to take place the new date is August 23rd August 23rd uh there's a flyer out uh and sign up information there also summer camp is kind of more than halfway through uh this year again they broke last year's record for uh attendance there's a ton of kids everything seems to be going well uh kids are having fun awesome and just from Financial business um it was mentioned in financial business earlier but the CFO has awarded and will sell the note to bny Capital markets llc at the price of 5,363 65337 uh plus equal amounts of interest on the Note ACR uh and that note will be dated July 26 2024 and mature on July 25th 2025 okay that's it that's what we voted on earlier that was earlier from uh Financial that's just a recap all right thank you um councilman Gordon do you have a report for us this even yes I do have a short report from DPW DPW has been uh quite busy cleaning up after the summer camp each day and they've started the resurfacing of the aan basketball court and psng will be working to install new gas lines in the manor section of count which is actually up by shanman chman yeah chman which I all new to me I never I've been here my whole life I didn't know it was called the matter talk to him about not keeping me in the loop on that that's all I have um Rob I'll take you back to that later but I I always let you go first um I was actually going to run to Michelle first because I do think she has a report um with the vacancy that is left by uh Kelly Moore um there are there is a statute that the governing body and the Republican County committee needs to follow and um our clerk is our administer of Elections and in charge of all things um election related she will read the statute to us so that everyone is aware of how that seat will be legally filled thank you mayor as councilwoman Moore was elected to office as the nominee of the Republican Party um uh New Jersey statute 16-11 dictate the process to follow for uh filling the vacancy uh councilwoman Moore resigned from the Emerson governing body effective Tuesday July 16th 2024 the municipal Committee of the political party of which the incumbent was the nominee shall no later than 15 days after the occurrence of the vacancy present to the governing body the names of three nominees for the selection of a successor to fill the vacan within 30 days after the occurrence of a vacancy the governing body shall appoint one of the nominees as the successor to fill the vacancy if the governing body fails to appoint one of the nominees within the prescribed time Municipal committee shall within the next 15 days appoint one of the nominees as the successor to fill the vacancy and such person shall be sworn in immediately the municipal committee fails to to submit the names of the of the nominees within the 15 days after the occurrence of a vacancy the governing body May within the next 15 days appoint a successor from the same political party which had nominated the incumbent whose office has become vacant um and the deadline um 15-day deadline for the municipal committee to submit is uh the three nominees to me um is Wednesday July 31st 2024 and the governing body will then have until Thursday August 15 2024 to appoint one of the nominees to fill the said vacy okay thank you thank you acting for Brian Rob do you want to just go with your report for now sure I go I have three things maybe four any the mayor touches on um I'll piggy back what Brian started with on uh psng and just uh they they have started work um they have worked on pasak AV along with Chandler and working along Spruce and they've also now been the last couple days also been on Park AV uh as I've spoke to Perry and to Chief uh the garbage is going to be the same if anybody the the uh pscg does know that if they need to have the trucks get on uh for recycle or debris or for regular garbage pickup that they are to allow them to have access to the streets so if you have any concerns or any questions please contact our you know non-emergency police department number uh so that's first second CG p& our Emerson Home Improvement program status right now is that we've had a total of nine preliminary applications were submitted from June 17th through uh July 15th as of now we have two full applicate people who have have now taken the inquiries and have actually applied and they are now working with them so out of the nine we have two so we'd like to just read this little statement if your home is in need of repairs Emerson's Home Improvement program may be able to assist you the governing body and I are pleased to announce that Emerson's Home Improvement program is available to help eligible residents make up to 177,000 in necessary home repairs a lier with the list of the types of repairs offered and eligibility requirements can be found on the burrow website for more information or to submit a preliminary application visit www.hip do CG p.net or call 609 664 72769 that's again 609 664 2769 extension 9 eligible applications are processed on a first come first serve basis funding may also be available for rental properties landlords can call cgp and H for terms we look forward to working together with our residents in order to uh for anyone who is in need an assistance we I I said please reach out to us we would be able to anything we could do to help and get you the assistance to do so and my last thing that I have is that uh we are still accepting rums we're going to be looking to uh cut that cut the resumes uh for the full internship that we have uh I want to say and I'm a little upset by this uh that our summer intern is our his last day is Friday and as John rpy uh I want to thank John for everything that he's done John has been fantastic I can tell you can ask any of the Department's here what he's been he has been truly an asset here for us and I think that he would tell you the same thing on that has been a fantastic experience a learning experience for him and so we would highly recommend that anybody who is interested for that full internship to please reach out uh to us we would love to have you know to to to talk to you for a potential internship for the fall Rob do you have any info on the psng Improvement um project the they're doing the upgrades again in town I just that was we talked about working on the the streets ran talked about I thought we were going to pay you back on that's I I just said what they were as of right now it's the same they're going to be replacing the old gas pipes so they're asking you know for just letting you know that after the pipes are replaced that they're going to have to knock on the uh residence doors in order to let them in to hook up the actual meters um anything that we have with the roads again on the older road on the older roads they generally still do the half a street on anything that we have that is under that we have paved for less than five years we expect psng to do a full uh PVE curb to curb on that street uh we do not anticipate that there would be any issues with that going you know they have they really have never given us an issue with that we do not expect that there will be an issue going forward on any of those stre and there's no interruption with any of their Municipal Services no I stated that I said that the garbage that they said that if anything garbage that they have with the trucks that if they there to let them know and the PSG knows let the trucks in and out and if you have any concerns like I said call the emergency up please make sure you call us we'll try and get back there okay um John do you have any report this evening okay I'll just go ahead with my report real quick um at our last meeting a contract was awarded for the acran Park basketball court Improvement project as of yesterday and until further notice the basketball courts at acran Park will be closed for the renovation um we appreciate everyone understanding uh that they will be closed and um let everybody get their work done so we can get back on those courts as soon as possible in the fall um I'm excited to announce that last week we kicked off the mayor's Wellness campaign summer concert series with the hazmats um it was great to have so many of our residents come out and enjoy the band tomorrow night weather permitting we are excited to have Teresa Canada Beauty and the Greece perform from 7: to 9:00 p.m. right here at Burrow Hall um be sure to check our website and social media Pages for updates in case we have inclement weather um reminder that tax bills are due on Thursday August 1st the last day to pay without penalty is Monday August 12th this year the county of Bergen adopted their budget in May and the state of New Jersey in June which allowed Emerson to send out actual tax bills in instead of estimated ones this saved the burrow approximately $2500 by following this process this year after last year's very successful event the Recreation Commission is having another cornhole tournament again this summer it'll take place hman field August 23rd at 6 just to piggy back on what council president had said updates could be found on the rec commission's Facebook page and on our burough website um I have some save the dates Motor Vehicle Commission mobile unit will be back in Emerson again on October 4th for those of you in need of a real ID the online appointment booking system will open in early September Bergen County clerk's office will be back on October 9th with their satellite office and passport Outreach Services the health department is holding their flu vaccine clinic on October 10th the free paper shredding event will be at our DPW on November 2nd is there something else I forgot oh that all the events Pro other than the paper shredding will take place at our Emerson Senior Center um last week we had a very good meeting um the bur administrator and I along with Commander Hogan of the American Legion um with the representatives of the Housing Development Corporation of B County to discuss phase two of the veterans housing and meeting room project on Main Street um berens county is still going through the final stages of the process with the state of New Jersey before construction can commence but we discussed improvements that can be done in the meantime to help our veterans as well as the neighboring properties and the Emerson community at large I'm pleased to announce that Bergen County will be undertaking an effort to maintain the property much better than it has been especially in the front area um facing the street by removing some of the dead trees relocating some unsightly Boulders leveling dirt piles and performing an overall cleanup to make the property look more attractive at my suggestion they are going to display a rendering to show the beautiful building that will be built on the site and they are also looking into putting an accessible trailer on site um that I had discussed with Commander Hogan um and he agreed would be useful um for them to meet in until this building is able to be erected um they are trying to recruit volunteers so if you are a military veteran living in Emerson I encourage you to consider joining the American Legion Post 269 um there are so many reasons to join from special programs and events to and education services not to mention the camaraderie and community that can be found right here in Emerson if you are interested in joining the American Legion Post you can please contact Commander Hogan or Mr or actually um retired General uh John tamino and um if you need their phone numbers please contact Rob Hermanson and myself and we can put you in contact with them um back to the building assuming that Bergen County has received all the approvals um by this December that they expect to break ground in the spring of 2025 and then anticipate a 12 to 18 month until completion of the building um I do want to thank John biali and uh uh Lyn Bartlett uh from the County Housing Development Corporation um for meeting with us it really was a great meeting and they were very open to any of the suggestions that we made in order to help our veterans um I did write them a letter um a few when did I write that two months ago um and asked to meet with them and fighting for our veterans because they really were feeling that they were being forgotten and on behalf of the governing body I let them know that we stand by our veterans and we expected them to get fully what they were anticipating getting um from from the arrangement that they had made with them several years ago um unfortunately many of our veterans or members of the post that were here when the first part of the building was built have passed away and um we really want to make sure that the members that are still active um do see this building come to fruition and are able to enjoy it um they did explain to us to Rob and I that part of it was the problem had something to do with the the property um getting the loan from 8 FH fhc was it fair they their housing from the from the state of New Jersey uh based off the property being the front and back that that was separated that they had the way they they did this as opposed they they Housing Authority thought they could do it all at one property the basically they were told they can't do it that way it has to be done in two phases right so there was like a snafu in terms of getting the lending for the project because they have a um I don't know if it's a right of refusal or something on the front of the property when they got the loan for the back of the property so that's what the holdup was was um getting the money together in order to start the project but they have to go before this board in December and they're assuming that they will receive um all of the it's the njhmfa yeah the NJ MFA New Jersey housing and mortgage um financing agencies where they had the snafu so they're working through that and hopefully all the money will be put in place by December and they will start breaking ground in the spring of next year um next our next senior meeting is on August 8th all Emerson residents 55 and over um I suggest that you join the senior Club they are very lively bunch and they have a lot of activities down there as well as day trips um and they offer in-house programs as well and if you have interest in them they have their own page on our burrow website it's www. Emerson nj.org seniors to get more information uh next mayor and council meeting will be on Tuesday August 13th starting at 7:30 right now um as long as nothing else happens because we only have one meeting in August um here in the council chambers and as a reminder the burough Hall offices summer hours are in effect through August 30th um the DPW police department and the records Clerk will continue to operate on their normal schedules these hours are all posted on the homepage of the burough website um in closing I would like to have everybody join me in Wishing our council president a very happy birthday tomorrow happy birthday Mike happy birthday are you 30 yet everybody teases that he has a very young he's very wise though but have a happy healthy birthday my family and um that's it for reports if anyone did forget anything have to Circle back to anything okay then we will continue with the agenda um which brings us to public comment members of the public are welcome to speak on any topic coming by coming to the podium and stating your name for the record in the interest of time speakers are limited to 3 minutes and consideration of all who may wish to speak please keep your comments brief and concise may I have a motion to open the meeting to public comments right now second all in favor I any opposed we are open to the public would anybody wish to speak Teresa would you like to join us up here at the mic um I'd like to ask can you state your full name Teresa know could you speak into the mic the July 8th letter from the mayor of montale and the affordable housing have you discussed it or read it and um do you plan on doing anything with regard to his request to join his group for litigation we have received his letter it has been reviewed it has been discussed but at this point the governing body is looking for more information before we make a definitive decision on joining the lawsuit okay just for your in on Friday he's having a zoom meeting okay that's available to everybody and has all his information I've met with Mr gasali at my mayor's meeting some of our Council people have met with him so we're very well aware of um what his plan is we'd like to see it just move a little bit further before we decide to dedicate taxpayer dollars towards it and also as indicated if someone wants a copy of the letter they can come to the uh buau office and get a copy of it it's onur okay all right do you want to comment on that just just for the record um right now outside of the the group that they put together there has yet to be defined what is the cause of action in the legal in the legal attack against against the against the state of law so it would it would be premature sure for any for at least for anyone any clients of M to be engaging in yes signing up for what what are you signing up for we don't know I have they have not proferred any legal strategy any concept of how to attack it and so right now it's just a great idea um but there's no meat on the bones just to be colloquial about it so until you know someone articulates a clear legal strategy how to do this um it it you know it's it's it just I don't know whether it's where it's going well he indicate on Friday they're hiring their legal team yeah but again what you have to do is before you sue someone you have to have an concept right like what's the litigation about right and outside of the fact that you're just standing up against something which I respect because I've done that my my whole life okay you have to have a basis to do it and right now there's been no profer basis for any any Municipal attorney to rationally look at that and go oh let me recommend our clients do this for the taxpayers um it's affecting all of us everyone in Bergen County so until you know I see a strategy uh and a cause of action because I've been doing this for a while myself and frankly I don't see it well when will it be announced one hour new you know um amount of affordable hous in November in November do we have to do anything what is the date we have a lot of things to do yeah it's actually October 20th we have a lot of things that we have to do to make sure that that we comply and don't expose the town uh and and the township to unnecessary potential litigation so again you know it's a great it's a great rallying cry and I support it but is a is a practical matter until someone says to me John take a look at this idea conceptually legally and we don't even have that so um we need to see that before you know I would recommend uh any of my clients to proceed on that basis Teresa is it your opinion that you would like us to join the lawsuit I'm just saying I would like I mean it's $10,000 for this year and 10,000 for next year I just feel that we need more information one like you're saying so you stand with us on our opinion on it I'm saying that it also maybe special first of all I think the website needs to be totally overhauled whats but um I think there should be wait a minute you went off no but I'm talking about it on the website there should be a lot more information and updating it can we just talk about the one thing and then we can talk about the website because you're no okay but I'm saying the affordable housing information oh you want more affordable housing information on the website okay right so people that keep saying what that you know well we don't have the information we know me up to date and like that there's going to be a new uh procedure on calculating well we had a whole um presentation from our Bureau planner through for a whole meeting where she came in and spoke for over an hour about the new um legislation did you miss that no I didn't see that and maybe what we could do is Caroline Ryder was here was it two meetings ago June 11th if you go back and you look at the June 11th Caroline completely outlined what the new legislation was as it relates to affordable housing for round four okay that could be on the website it is on the website go hold the video of it yes it's under agenda minutes and videos okay well I'll look it but I'm just saying the letter I just want to know we announced in I think even in the newspaper that she was going to come we did a press release to alert the public that she would be coming in to make this presentation because we wanted everybody in the community to understand that the fourth round was beginning and what all of the parameters were going to be so we did have her come and speak extensively on this on the new um legislation well I'll go I'm sorry that you missed that yes because um you know I'm interested and a lot of people are interested but they're getting information talking to you know the next door person you know I can't help who people I'm just saying I'm just letting making my you you know about that because it's crazy what's crazy I mean that people don't want to come to the meetings or ask ask questions you know it's like hearsay and there's a lot of things Teresa if you ever want to know anything my phone number is 20150915 I believe right I haven't I haven't given it out in a while us have it um we've had very good conversations okay you could reach out to any one of the governing body members you could reach out to me the clerk if you need any information you you don't have to se you you you're choosing I believe to rely on social media for information when really the the best information is from one of us our paid professionals our administrator our Clerk or from the website well this letter information initially was in know local papers so um that's how I started looking at it yeah I just want to explain but this isn't this is something that another mayor is proposing so it wasn't something understand but he said he sent it to every town in yes and it's listed on our on our correspondence okay all right well do you have a copy of the letter would you like a copy of it okay very good hi my name is Nidia extrom and I live at Nidia extrom don't just have to say your name that's the law changed and you no longer have to give your okay I've been a a town in this town now for 55 years could you eks R1 Med n y thank you thank you okay I am here first of all because I don't know who to go to and I'm hoping you could help me or direct me that way first of all what can we do about the deer they think that Rand of Avenue is nothing but a big salad park because stay March up and down who takes care of the the um the res us the town or what who it's it's it's awful they reproducing like rabbits the the deer population problem is a regional issue it is nothing that we specifically so who do I go to who do I get in tou the county you would go to a county commissioner meeting down in Bergen County when are their meetings Rob do you know the first and third Wednesdays of every month so first and third Wednesday at one buron County Plaza One Bergen County you said sorry One Bergen County One Bergen count one bgen County Plaza yes and they may be on a summer schedule so it might not be but generally their meetings in the first if you want to call Michelle tomorrow she could give you the phone number for the secretary to the board Michelle is our clerk oh um if you call Michelle tomorrow she can give you a phone number to reach out to find out what their schedule is um for the rest of the summer because we really have a problem I I agree there was a horrific accident on Forest Avenue they had a baby one on Main Street today sorry a baby deer a dough what no not a dough a thank you uh was said on Main Street today that somebody shoved it to the side of the road and when you go through that bend on Main Street is very dangerous because they come in from the woods over there and you don't see them even though you might be doing 25 miles an hour is not slowing enough SL it's it's quite dangerous that's number one number two I the reason why I gave my address because I have a serious problem next door to me the property on the corner of th and Randol is an abandoned house I fear for my life at night it wakes me up as animals there 11 windows that have no glass I try to solve this myself I approach the contract yeah I'll send somebody over I don't know there is no sign that say private property there is no somebody I mean you just push the door and you can get in it's disgusting really disgusting and I fear at night when I hear those you know you say well call up the police well how many times can I call them I know I really have not called them but you need to see this home it was gutted inside because the walls were gray with Mel there's animals living in there nothing is like that people can go through the windows on the bottom floor you can go up the stairs and you have 11 window Windows please think of my safety I'm 80 years old and I live alone have you called Property Maintenance to make a complaint the property maintenance department no I have they they don't know there's a problem unless you call them so we will now that you've put it on our radar make sure that they get down there just that's I just going to say I will reach out to our property maintenance and I he will be in tomorrow I will be at that house with him tomorrow I can promise you okay I did talk to the contractor that uh bought this property he has five of the properties and he said to me this is two weeks ago yeah I'll send somebody that board on one of the windows got pushed up by one of the storms and still pushed up that's number one number two which is worse he hires illegals okay we no no wait a minute I is not the fact that he hires illegal illegals except for when they change down the underwear on the sidewalk to put their pants Nidia have you called the police when this is happening because I think the police will handle something like that well no I have not we we we can't fix things that we're not aware of I'm asking who okay fine I'll call the police something like that you want to see the way that house looked please make it safe for me I've been here 55 years never had any problems Nidia you need to call the police when the action is taking place so they can send a car and see it happening can I add to that because that is something that the chief has constantly wants to be reminded to the residents in order for them to have any kind of consistent uh plan plan for things and course of action they need to put it in their blog so that they know what's going on and that they can go back so that they can check the address if it's if it's a consistent issue they want to know where it is so that they can bring patol and continue to go through those areas same thing with Speeders whatever they' said to us a hundred times it's not Facebook that you should go to First you go to them first so that they can put it into the blog they cannot do anything off a Facebook page by someone making a report they at you have to file the complaint once you file the complaint then they can then send their officers there to inspect what's going on and to look at what's happening once they have an understanding of what's going on then they do a course of action of how they fix the the problem it they must be the first call to them not to the coveting body not to even to me you can call us but I'm going to tell you who's going what's going to happen yeah I'm going to tell you what it's going to come to us and the next call that we make any anyhow is the police and then they say who is it that made the complaint because we need to speak to them in order to go through with this process so you need you if you could reach out to the police tomorrow I would greatly appreciate that it would help the matter and you will be there tomorrow to inspect the prop I prise you I'll be there tomorrow to inspect the property yes and the safety hazards that are over there okay yes please make me safe thank you and she doesn't need SP what you do not use SP no I SP no thank you for your comments Nidia hello sir Madam mayor MERS of council my name is James tone to O I'm here on behalf of the New Jersey libertarian party our preemptive ordinance repal project the chair of our project can you speak up into the microphone so that everyone can hear you please the chair of our project John PA PFF sent a letter via email to the mayor and councel March 11 2024 asking that you review respond to our request to repeal chapters 204-12 3 and 4 peace and good order of your Municipal Code which is preempted by state law I attended your April 16th meeting made the same request in person and said that you would review and respond after the meeting Mr mccan also told me he had seen the letter and would be reviewing it it may be interested to know that in addition to Hillsdale woodliff Lake and park Bridge Rivervale became the most recent in pasak Valley to repeal their preemptive chapter an article on their repeal appeared in a recent edition of PCAT press I'm here to ask tonight do you have a response for us and if not by when might we be able to receive one I can answer that thank you I I met with the chief in discussion that they were looking into this to discuss the some of the matters and that they wanted to give a review to the governing body in regards to this before we made a decision uh to make sure that there was nothing that was changed I would change anything on how they would in enforce the law so one of the things that there was was the discussion and so I promise that I will have a update from the chief to give to the governing body so we can discuss this for the okay I'm not making any promises Rob no no no I'm just saying that you can discuss and um I want to thank you sir for your comments and we will still take it under um consideration I I don't have a definitive date for you thank you you're welcome would anyone else from the public wish to speak seeing No Hands may I have a motion to close the public portion of the meeting second all in favor I any opposed we are closed um let's see where are we consent I got lost I because I I went back to look even I get lost on my pages page [Music] nine oh yes consent agenda um may I have a motion to approve consent agenda resolutions 192-204 through 20-24 so moved second second may I have a roll call please councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire yes council president Timberman yes and councilman Gordon yes yes he thank you um this brings us to closed executive session members of the public May remain on YouTube until we return to open session at which time formal action may be taken um I have a motion for we can do that when we come at again um may be taken may I have a motion to go into closed executive session to discuss matters exempt from the public pursuant to njsa 104 1 at SEC and adequately notice by resolution 20224 second roll call please councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire yes council president Timmerman yes and councilman Gordon yes passes 4 Z okay just gave me a PE we are are we back in open y all right I'm just signing this document for you here you go I have a motion to reconvene some move all in favor okay we are reconvened do we have any other business yes mayor um I'd like to make a motion for resolution okay can I get a roll call on that councilwoman rights yes councilwoman McGuire yes council president simmerman yes and councilman Gordon yes Z okay do we have any other business with no further business may have a motion to adjourn at 9:15 p.m. Some Mo second all in favor I any opposed we are adjourned here ye hear ye happy birthday council president