good evening welcome to the February 20th 2024 regular meeting of the Emerson governing body this meeting is being videotaped and may be viewed on your local public access Channel either 36 or 77 the meetings are also available on YouTube for those of you present in case of a fire follow the fire exit signs above the doors and exit cly Katie feathers Stone Gali would you please lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance unit states God withy and justice for all I would ask you to remain standing for just a moment to remember a young man named Christen James maer maero a talented young man whose creativity and passion for the Arts shown through whose accomplishments were already extraordinary and whose kind-hearted and thoughtful nature will be truly missed in 2011 the burrow was honored to have Christian be mayor for the day on behalf of the burrow of Emerson I extend our condolences to Christian's family and friends and I hope that he rests peacefully um on the back of his card it says if you don't have any Shadows they're not in the light so in his memory please get in the light thank you this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law and adequately noticed pursuant to njsa 104-102 2024 was noticed to the record and Ridgewood news on January 4th 2024 and published in said newspapers posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute Miss Ryan would you please call the Roll Call of the governing body sure mayor presid councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice is absent councilwoman Maguire is absent council president Timmerman here councilman Gordon here and councilwoman Moore is absent may I have a motion to excuse councilwoman Moore from the regular meeting of February 6th 2024 so second okay so now we move on to proclamations and citations uh before I present the certificates of commodation to detective Sergeant Karns and patrolman Steven Guild I want to take a moment to recognize our entire police department and our emergency service members who day in and day out work tirelessly to keep our family Town safe and provide assistance to our community members in time of need we take great pride that the Emerson Police Department is well equipped and trained in order to save a life I want to especially recognize the following officers who are recipients of Emerson police Department awards from 2018 through 2023 uh one of them was formerly a police officer and a member of the feder stone Gali family uh for CR and so I want to uh recognize for critical care saves then Lieutenant now chief of police Mark Savino in 2018 former patrolman George Featherstone in 2018 and 2020 now Sergeant breden Rizza in 2020 now Lieutenant Ryan Sakira in 2020 2 Sergeant Danny cusf in 2022 patrolman Anthony Mao in 2022 now Sergeant Christopher Bova in 2023 patrolman sha croll in 2023 as well as patrolman Justin Schwarz in 2023 I was speaking to a couple of the officers and generally when they go to Save a Life it's generally an older person that has been a part of our community for a long time and I believe that this one has a very special place in the hearts of Steven and Doug because they were able to save such a young man they shared that with me earlier so thank you to all the officers we are very proud of you Chief Sabino detective Sergeant Kar patrolman Guild Day Council president Timberman councilwoman arenia and the Gali uh Featherstone family uh Tim and Katie and your son would you please join me up here in front of the G we're going to stand I would like to share with the public that we are honored to have oh already said all that um and now why we're here tonight as some as as someone whose family had has uses the same Hospital we're fortunate to have the medical professionals at New York Presbyterian Columbia Medical Center here with us this this evening I want to take this opportunity to thank them personally as well as on behalf of the burrow of Emerson for their excellent and dedicated care that they provided their fall of their patients and the reason that we're here tonight on August 25th 2023 detective Sergeant KS and patrolman Bild day responded to a medical call upon arrival they found an unresponsive resident putting their training immediately into action they were able to revive this resident get him stable enough to be transported to a local hospital and ultimately saved his life I would like to Now read excerpts of kti s's proposal in her accounts of what transpired that day we had an amazing opportunity to thank the two police officers who saved my husband's life on August 25th 2023 Tim went into sudden Cardiac Arrest at home I called 911 and less than 5 minutes later detective Sergeant Z Karns and patrolman Day from the erson police department arrived at our home and started performing life-saving efforts on him he was gone and bl back Tim was in a coma for the next 9 days and hospitalized for the next 3 and a half months he received a heart transplant at New York Presbyterian Columbia University early medical center on November 14 and came home on December 13th meeting these two men was emotional and overwhelming never has thank you felt so small said he we have so much gratitude but no words can convey how we feel about them and what we've done for our family thank you Doug and Steve for saving our family Tech Sergeant k at patrolman Hill Day on behalf of the governing body in the B of Emerson I commend you for your professionalism life saving actions on August 25th 2023 we as a burough are incredibly proud to have off officers as qualified and skilled as you both are serving as members of of our Burrow's Police Department uh Chief Savina would you like to say anything yes I'd like to just uh again commend these two officers and all the officers of the department that since 1903 have saved many lives in the bar as I look out at the crowd today the life that you saved really has changed all over their lives out there if we would had different results their wives would have been changed in a negative way but today they were all have you with the whole appreciation to you two officers for saving a good friend and family members of each one of these officers so on behalf of the emers police department I also want to thank you guys and give you great gratitude for everything you do every day I thought about you know what I could possibly say and all I could say is thank you for saving my life and letting me have a second chance at seeing my son grow up and you know to see all of my friends and family here I feel like the luckiest person in the world I'm very blessed and I appreciate you guys so much I could never uh show you you know there not enough words so thank you so much K I stole you a words off on Facebook no it's exactly what the chief was saying out you save everybody in this room so thank you guys so much okay I would like to present these two certificates to our officers officer day on behalf of B of erson Sergeant detective turns on behalf of the burrow of Emerson we are grateful for your services which gave him the life life saving of his Contin La thank you this is especially fitting to hold the ceremony tonight because February is American AP month though not with us tonight we would like to dedicate our adual Proclamation recognizing February as American Health to Dr ADV failure and cardiac transplantation at New York Presbyterian and his dedicated and skilled team for their outstanding care of of Emerson resident Tim I'm going to read the proclamation right now whereas American harm is Fally designated event that encourages Americans to focus on their heart health and get their fam friends to prevent card mascul diseases and where as president Lyndon V Johnson proclaimed the first American Heart month in February 1964 via Proclamation 3566 on December 30th 1963 followed by a joint resolution of Congress which was successful in having every February designated as American Heartland and whereas cardiovascular diseases including heart disease stroke or maning cause of death in the United States as well as globally taking more than 17.9 Million Lives annually with that number expected to rise more than 23.6 Million by 2030 and whereas though cardiovascular diseases can affect anyone women are at an increased risk and quite stly these diseases claim more lives than all forms of cancer Comm and whereas there are many organiz organizations such as the American Heart Association that are dedicated to promoting heart health and offering part healthy tools and resources and whereas there are many healthare professionals including Dr Uriel the director of advanced heart failure and cardiac transplantation of New York Presbyterian Medical who provide outstanding medical and ancillary care especially to our Emerson resident Tim Gali to Aid in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and whereas there are many First Responders to Swift actions and training and CPR and use of a devices help to contribute to saving lives suffering from cardiovascular emergencies and whereas this February especially it is important to raise awareness of cardiovascular diseases and to learn about the contributing risk factors the warning signs and symptoms and the important lifestyle changes and other measur that can be taken to improve heart health now therefore I Daniel mayor of the B of erson on behalf of the governing body in recognition of the importance of the ongoing fight against cardiovascular diseases including heart disease and stroke do hereby Proclaim February as American hard home in the bur of Emerson to call attention to the magnitude of cardiovascular diseases and the impact that organizations Health Care Professionals First Responders and ordinary citizens collectively can make and and do make the build healthier lives um I have a proclamation here that I will sign before you leave um if this could please be presented to Dr yuriel along with this hat we're going to send this as a thank you with this aside for now and I would like to you may have these already but did this hat to our young man this hat to ttim and some flowers so we want to wish you all continued good health and uh I want to invite your family up if you want to take some photos with the police officers and before the family comes up can I have you gentlemen open up your certificates to show camera sure thank you how about that signning too B SM everybody here great thank you okay and then you got look at right everybody in all right here we go guys here everybody looking up here A bunch here we go good job guys eyes open big smile to tell okay and you want to sign there we go before everybody leaves I before everyone leaves I just have a couple of more words to say if you want toang here you're part of the family um we're so happy for you the Gali Stone family and we all wish you continued good health um we also have when the summer starts um tickets to Darlington County Park to swim for the day and to play on their with it inflatable obstacle course I'm sure you'll be doing really great by then Tim and uh this concludes our presentation this evening I want to thank everyone for joining us and I want to say thank you to the team at New York Presbyterian Colombia for allowing Tim and his family to join us to celebrate our our police officers and for taking such good care of him his wife and their son who are treasured Emerson residents thank you uh the next item on the agenda is appointments and resignations may I have a motion to approve resolution number 7624 burough professional appointments award Professional Services contract for one-year period using the fair and open process in accordance with the New Jersey local unit payto playay law pursuant to njsa 1944 a-204 ATC fair and open for calendar year 1231 2024 public defender John Carney Esquire and Alternate public defender Denise Travers Esquire may I have a motion please and may I have a second and a roll call councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice is absent councilwoman Maguire is absent council president simmerman yes councilman Gordon yes and councilwoman Moore is absent yes okay may I have a motion to table the regular session meeting minutes of January 16th 2024 as amended the regular session meeting minutes of February 6 2024 and the closed session meeting minutes of February 6 2024 until the March 5th meeting second all in favor any opposed motion carries the next item is correspondence there is no correspondence this evening the next item is financial business may I have a motion to approve resolution number 77-20 approval of February 20th Bill list second roll call please councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice is absent councilwoman McGuire is absent council president Timmerman yes councilman Gordon yes and councilwoman Moore is absent passes 30 thank you Miss Ryan um which brings us to unfinished business the 2024 Bergen County open space Grant Municipal Park Improvement program Mr Hermanson would you like to speak on this yes uh as of last meeting we had discussed grants uh both both at the same time um and we had discussed that we were going to be looking into uh renovations to one of our Parks uh just as we did last year with our basketball courts we would be looking to apply for an open space Grant and then use the matching funds from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs local Recreation Improvement Grant to be our Mage uh so uh the recommendation came from the council to uh look into a uh upgrading one of our Parks hurry uh and myself uh went around looked at the parks and the recommendation that was given to us from Perry uh was to look at Sunset Rosen park uh for improvements uh we started reaching out to uh to a couple of uh suppliers and and people who can give us some estimates on this we would like to apply for the New Jersey Department of community fairs Grant which is due on February 27th 1st uh for that project on Rosen guard to upgrade the Rosen park and then at the same time that we would apply the open County open space grant that is do later in the year uh that we would be for the same part uh so that is our recommendation and we look forward to uh working together again uh with everyone in order to get that uh that project done okay does anybody have any comments on that Nicole council president Council Gordon no I have nothing okay do we need to take any action on that this evening no uh all we have right now is we're going to imply long we have the consent that we're going apply for the for uh for rosenort and that's what we will be doing okay and everyone is in a consensus on that me Sunset it's Sun it was dedicated to Leo rosengart um after he passed away okay but it was originally called Sunset sunet yeah we'll put a resolution on consent at our next meeting um that which brings us to uh FY 2024 New Jersey Department of Community Affairs local Recreation Improvement Grant Rob yes so if we are uh if we are successful in this grant uh going through with the open space Grant and the department J Affairs we have currently a 2022 Municipal uh Park grant for the walking path we would like to repurpose that Grant because as of right now it's an $85,000 Grant you have to master 85,000 so uh we are looking into potentially using that 85,000 somewhere else in a different project um we would don't need to make that decision tonight of where we're going to make it or or what's what we're going to do with it but we would just like to uh let everyone know the governing body that we are looking options of how we would repurpose that Grant and uh we've already asked ber County if they would allow us to do so and they have given us permission that uh we could repurpose this gr okay Rob hang on one second I just want to um clarify that I I jumped to new business without telling everyone we were going to new business and the topic that he was just discussing is the repurpose of the Bergen County open space 2022 Municipal Park Improvement program Grant does anyone have any questions on the repurposing of that Grant Dave do you have something to add sorry I can chime in a little bit this okay love that Dave is with us our bur engineer from meglia and he is going to chime in yeah so back when we originally submitted for that particular Grant was for Helman fir um the original cost estimate that we had prepared for the grant estimate was about um 433,000 um that Grant um the cost estim was put together back in 21 um Rob had asked me just to kind of circle back just checking on pricing and stuff just to see where things have been going because obviously since 21 we've seen a significant increase in was of everything so just to give you a little background we're close to about 500,000 to do that same project now in 2024 the reality of it is we're not going to get it done in 2024 it'll be 2025 so um just to give you a little background so the 85,000 is you know oneth not even oneth of that overall cost so that's why we're looking to get a smaller scale project that we can repurpose it towards just to give you a little background and history okay does anyone have any questions for d right Rob do you have anything else to add or on that one that's good so we're just going to look forward uh we'll come up with something that we have have until the end of the year to repurpose that Grant but we will come up with something uh hopefully very soon uh so we can bring it to the Gover body for you to uh vote on all right so now we're moving on to the FY 2025 Governor's Council on alcohol is it in drug abuse do GC a grant Rob do you have something to say about that Grant yes so that Grant basically is uh it's a grant that we it's a routine grant that the burrow receives uh to be used towards Municipal lines drug and alcohol prevention programs in our schools let just for the year of 2025 the bur has been awarded $ 3,836 33 which about $998 has cash matched by the burrow and the remainder of the grant is match with in time Services if the governing body is in favor of proceeding a resolution to be placed on the March 5th consent agenda uh to move forward with this grant okay is everyone okay with that sure we just yeah yes okay it sounds like consensus is yes so we can get that ready for the mar F consent agenda so it will be $900 something uh 9598 uh which brings us to the 2024 2026 spotted Lantern fly grant program for counties and municipalities Mr Hermanson do you have information on that yes so I spoke to Perry uh in regards to this grant uh and we are looking if the the grant is uh we can go to $20,000 a year for 2024 2025 and 2026 for the spotted land fly uh program uh we're looking in the best way to use this grant uh better uh because last year uh there was some confusion how we were using this throughout the county and a lot of towns uh not sure of best way of doing this so Perry uh is looking into working with uh Downs company DS company here in Bur County which was awarded the grant by the state of New Jersey on how we can effectively use the grant better this year uh for our towns uh especially for Emerson uh to move forward with this grant uh for up to the $20,000 so we'll get back to you on how we're going to do this what we would like to apply for this grant uh for up to the $2,000 the only difference is in this grant is we have to spend the money first and then we get reimbursed for it so it's a reimbursement Grant was there was there any Clarity on whether this could be used only on burrow properties right now that was question that per did have he's looking for clarification on that because that that was that was some of confusion from last year and uh as of last year we were told that we can only use it on burrow property so we're looking to see if there's other things that could be used but utilized uh because right now other than our own the parks and our around our buildings uh we're not sure how else we can use this so that's what we're looking into to see if there's other opportunities elsewh okay any other questions okay um which brings us to the update of Mayor and Council bylaws Miss Ryan would you please talk to us about this sure mayor thank you um I have been reviewing the governing body's bylaws and noticed that a few updates need to be made to conform with how the meetings are run procedurally so a draft of those changes will be disseminated to the governing body for uh review and be okay um let's go to um this so um I've been working with yeah the update on the clerk's office procedures regarding agenda posting as the next item they've got red on here because Rob's not with us so is a little bit more confusing for me to follow this evening um and after shaking having all the cameras here so I'm just coming back down to earth um I've been working with the clerk's office um with Tria and with Michelle to update the website they've really been doing the on-site stuff but I've been looking around at um different municipalities websites and I've come to see that other municipalities are posting more meeting information than just their agenda when they do their public notice 48 Hours um this was news to me as I have been an elected official for almost 16 years now and I was unaware um that other municipalities posted anything other than the agenda ahead of time um I've asked the clerk's office to look into this further and provide more information and recommendations for our next meeting um and this includes just giving more information in the spirit of transparency and I believe it will probably cut down on some of the op ests that frequently come into the bureau's uh clerk's office um do you have anything to say about that uh thank you mayor um I just wanted to say that in all the other municipalities that I have worked in we do post more than just their meeting agendas and I would be happy to prepare something uh for review at the next meeting okay excellent anybody have any questions no okay this brings us to introduction of ordinances there are no ordinances to introduce this evening adoption of ordinances this is the second reading and public hearing of ordinance 1684 d24 Miss Ryan will you please read the title of this ordinance sure this is uh ordinance 1684 d24 an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 274 vehicles and traffic 27444 Section 8 stop intersections I have a motion to open the meeting uh for public comment on this and only this ordinance so move all in favor I okay we are open to the public on ordinance number 1684 d24 anyone from the public can you explain what it is no I can explain um oh there's a copy of the ordinance attached to the um agenda do you see m it's the last page it's the last page I'll just explain it um there's a number of stop signs that were um requested to be put in and looked at from a burrow resident after we had already made the determination correct Chief um so we added some additional stop signs I believe um one is on Vivian and Dorchester that the right one that I'm speaking on I think it is oh Hillside and Park oh I'm sorry Sunset and park yes Sunset and park and Hill Crest and park yes okay sorry I'm confused um so that's where the stop signs are going to go Michael um anyone else all right um with no more requests may I have a motion to close this portion of the meeting to public second all in favor okay may I have a motion to adopt ordinance number 1684 d24 on second reading so second roll call please I'm sorry with that Council yes Council one orenia yes councilwoman rice is absent councilwoman Maguire is absent Council president timman yes councilman Gordon yes and Council more is abent pass thank you Miss Ryan which brings us to reports I'll run into mine from the Deo I'm just going to go through this very quickly because I feel like I've spoken along tonight but this is some important stuff um preliminary applications are being accepted to join the wait list for two new affordable rental apartments on the Valero site those interested should visit www affordable homes new or call 609 664 2769 extension 5 info is also available on the homepage of our burrow website those who submit an application will be entered into a random lottery for priority order and although any eligible households May apply residents and workers of Bergen Hudson Pake and Sussex counties will be selected before residents of other counties or States from anyone who submitted their names to the clerk's office over the past several years your names have been sent to a CG p& the Burrows affordable housing agent if you have not been contacted please reach out to them directly to apply the deadline to submit the preliminary application is March 19th please note that CG p& is administering this process not the burrow the Burrow's military tribute Banner program is up and running for 2024 if you would like to purchase a banner there's more information on our burrow website don't forget the mayor's Wellness uh campaigns 2024 uh Community conversations March 13th at 7 pm in the senior center we will be Distributing Naran wall supplies last uh mark your calendars and get your unwanted papers ready Saturday May 18th 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at burough Hall uh we will be having our shredding day we are also working on the New Jersey motor vehicle and the county clerk office visits um during the recent snowstorm I noticed that residents have their garbage cans out which means they are not signed up to receive Rave alerts and they didn't receive the message that garbage was canceled that day that was sent out prior um if you want to stay connected and get a alerts like those as well as what's going on in town in terms of happenings and things like that um it's very quick and easy you click on notify me on the burrow website uh you log in create an account log in uh and you can opt in and opt out to however you would like to be reached by the burrow so you could be contacted on five different mediums or just one I didn't know that oh now you know so if you log in email you don't have to get that even our lovely councilwoman was unaware of that so you may opt in and opt out and get as many notifications as you want um if you're getting too many notifications you might want to go to notify me log in and adjust the um information that's coming your way uh the burrow of Emerson through its shade tree commission will once again plant a tree in memory of those Emerson residents who have passed away between January of 2023 and the present in conjunction with their Barbor day 2023 Ceremony this event will take place on Saturday April 29th is that confirmed with Sher say that again April 29th 2023 at a location within the burrow the shade tree will determine where they will be planting the new tree in the coming weeks um be on the lookout for a flyer with all the details the names of The Departed will be read and family members will have the opportunity to share their thoughts with those gathered if you would like your loved one to be remembered at this year's Arbor Day ceremony please contact the burough clerk at 21262 6086 um or email her at clerk Emerson uh the state of New Jersey started mailing application booklets for the 2023 senior freeze program last week if you do not receive one contact the New Jersey Division of Taxation at 8882 6596 7 this program reimburses eligible senior citizens and disabled persons for property tax increases on their principal residents to qualify certain eligibility requirements must be met for each year from the base year through the application year the deadline to file is October 31st 2024 a link to the state's website with applications and information is posted on the burrow homepage of our website or please feel free to call Lauren at the tax office for further information the next regular meeting of the governing body will take place on Tuesday March 5th at 7:30 at which our CFO and department heads will be in attendance to discuss the 2024 budget we will also be honoring Susan ly and Emerson resident who attained her 800 career win as head coach of Holy Angels basketball team um I just want to thank our Police Department again um for doing the training that they do in order to um save lives the way they do every almost every day they're out there doing something that is affecting our public and without the proper training that is overseen by our chief of police um we couldn't make it possible and we're just so proud of them uh and I also just want to send a shout out one last time to the Gali family we as a governing body are so grateful that every worked out the way it did and we wish you many many happy years of living here in Emerson um councilwoman do you have a report for us this evening actually I do not you do not no councilman Gordon do you have a report for us this evening absolutely okay wonderful uh give me one second here all right my first one's from the DPW this is for updates including information from the week weekly reports of January January 2024 they replaced the heat in the AC unit the nurse's office at the senior center Aspen heating was one who was the lowest bidder they took over the job they also replaced a circulator pump at the burough Hall on Monday January 22nd this was not part of the boiler replacement they also purchased several electric heaters from Lowe's for their employees offices due to the how cold it was they traveled around the town each morning and salted where needed as a result of standing groundwater they stripped oh they stripped three police officers for auction police we're talking about police officers here I don't know sorry anyway everyone got a chuckle out of that uh they installed the drain behind the curb on Patrick Avenue to prevented from freezing on the street and the Randol Pump Station had a hard time keeping up up the rainwater the alarm sounded four times over the weekend of the 28th musco lighting is in the process of installing new lights on Bank ofic field and there's an intern from the high school started on the first of the year I guess at the DPW anyway I would say he was at the DPW and the lasto last snowstorm we had four trucks break down and two were up and running and were waiting for Parks thank you to the DPW then I also have one from the shade tree if you'd like your shade tree planted in your on your property in the first 8 to 10 feet please reach out to shade tree at Emerson thank you Council thank you council president do you have a report for us uh yeah sure I have uh from the Recreation Commission softball and baseball signups have just been completed uh for the year um also the recreation commission fourth and fifth grade dance uh will be scheduled this year for April 5th uh I know there's couple signup Geniuses on their social media for any parents want to chaperone or maybe donate snacks or drinks uh so that's up and that'll be April 5th uh and again I wanted to Echo what you said and what the chief said uh I said to him earlier that it's great that we get to celebrate uh offers officers this evening uh in light of everything going on in the policeing community around the whole country so it's great to celebrate a family who's going to be able to live in Emerson for a long time and two great officers so thank you wonderful um I'm going to jump over to our bur engineer um Dave do you have a report for us this evening sure I have a couple things to update you okay um so first one's the Rand Pump Station um at your last meeting you guys authorize some work to to move forward so that should help the tissues once we get everything moving along so um getting new pumps new controls um and getting some additional measurements and stuff to get everything kind of finalized as far as all the remaining outfitting of the new pum station there um and we're looking to get that moving along ASAP did a preconstruction meeting set up with f County to satisfy the uh the grant uh portion of it um Bank bankovic field lighting and councilman have talked about that um so the um contractor mobilized at the end of January and we're looking at about a 4 to 6 week uh construction period for them uh to get everything completed uh I believe they hit a little bit of delays just because of the snow conditions that we had but things are moving along and um that'll be done well in advance of uh the spring baseball season um other things to update everybody on I know it's an item that's been discussed um in the past was regarding upgrading of some of the signals with audible controls uh the bur did receive a grant um from the dot um to help assist with the cost of that um was awarded a grant for $1,833 um which will cover the cost for the uh purchasing of the equipment the aut equipment um that particular project will be a uh partner project with Beren County um the bur will purchase the equipment through the Grant and then B County will pay for the cost to have uh equipment installed by their uh their vendor um we're right now we're in the process of working with the dot on the specifics of what's required for the grant to satisfy everything as soon as I have more to update you on that I will we'll look to move that along as quickly as possible very good thank you that's it that's it that's a short report short and sweet Mr Hermanson do you have a report for us this evening this very uh quickly a couple of things uh on uh on our meeting on March before meeting on March 19th uh we need to do our 2024 M uh elected official training class uh which is good for all of our officials uh that we can we get them done before May 1st uh that we can get $250 save for each official including myself so eight of us uh in order to uh to save some money for the uh on our insurance so we look to do that at 6:30 uh on on March 19th so you can put that on your calendar I talked to our risk manager Frank today in not to uh to schedule that uh I want to thank our DPW also for the great job that they do on every one of these snowstorms we always are blocked top before everybody else and I want to thank them for what they do even even with some of the trucks that went down they were still able to do what they need to do uh to keep our our residents safe uh and the last thing is the same thing the May has already uh discussed is that we are continuing to work on the budget so that we would have a be prepared for a budget meeting uh at our next at the at the meeting our next meeting than that that takes care that's my uh my report thank you rob Mr M you have any report for us um yep um the property uh that we've been negotiating to purchase uh from the from the car people uh we received the title report um the title report is being amended and exception within the report given the history of the property uh but we should be able to start the closing within the next few weeks okay um did I miss anyone anyone have anything to add Chief do have any rep press this evening on any okay I want to thank you for being with us your officers to be celebrated okay um that brings us to sorry that brings us to public comment members of the public are welcome to speak on any topic by coming to the podium and stating your name for the record in the interest of time speakers are limited to 3 minutes in consideration of all who may wish to speak please pre keep your comments brief and concise may I have a motion to open the meeting to General comments from the public so second I any oppos okay we are open to the public would anyone like to speak seeing No Hands man I hi I'm I live ever I was just hoping for an update on the firehouse project to know that's going for I mean the firehouse project yes is going forward it will be done by Mr Hermanson I could not hear what you had said what did he say it has to be she wants to know if it will be finished by April 15th it will not be finished by April 15 uh and we did not have a timable on that it is a project that uh that ber County uh cdbg uh organization we are the uh that program project is the only project that does not have to have a time constraint on it the reason being is that there is uh an inspection that needs to be made by the state of New Jersey the inspector that needs to uh do that inspection uh is at a personal uh and will not be back in uh to their job until the middle till uh next week February and then it could potentially knowing the other jobs they have to get to uh could take another four to six weeks before that inspection can take place so we that is the one project out of the 22 that was not given a time constraint so so long as we move the project forward in a timely manner uh and do what we're supposed to do on our side which we are doing uh at that point there we do not have to beet the April uh gu on this one on April timeline thank you anybody else from the public seeing No Hands may I have a motion to close the meeting to General comments from the public move all in favor any opposed motion carried that brings us to resolutions on consent may I have a motion to consent excuse me agenda resolution 78-2 24 through 85- 24 may I have a roll call please councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice is absent councilwoman McGuire is absent council president simmerman yes councilman Gordon yes and councilwoman Moore is absent passes res thank you um which brings us to closed executive session members of the public May remain on YouTube until we return to open session at which time formal action may be taken may I have a motion to go into closed executive session to discuss matters exempt from the public pursuant to njsa 104-1 have and adequately noticed by resolution 86-24 so move councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice is absent councilwoman McGuire is absent council president Timberman yes and councilman Gordon yes and Council woman MO is absent passes 30 thank you just give us one second while the machine shuts off and everybody may have a motion to reconvene so move second all in favor I I any opposed okay we're back in session do we have any business coming out of closed session yeah can I make a motion to uh put out for alternative prosecutor for the fair and open for the fair and open process to advertise that's second all in favor I I any oppose and can I steal the mic for one second and wish Luke a very happy 10th birthday happy birthday Luke happy birthday Luke happy birthday Luke all right so um uh with no further business other than a big happy birthday for uh Luke Timberman um can we adjourn at 9:29 p.m. so moved second all in favor I I we're adjourned happy birthday B buddy good