welcome everybody to the May 21st 2024 regular meeting of the Emerson governing body uh this meeting is being videotaped and may be viewed on your local public access Channel either 36 or 77 the meetings are also available Live on YouTube for those of you present in case of a fire please follow the fire exit signs above the doors and exit calmly Mr Johnson would you please lead us the Pledge of Allegiance flag of the United States of America and to the repu for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all and I would ask you to remain standing for a moment of silence um this has been a rough week in Emerson we've lost some longtime residents Mr John Galino Harry Ilia Mr Glenn Josephson and also um former councilman Martin Sidell uh they all have deep roots in our community and they will all be missed our sympathy goes out to all of their families thank you this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law and adequately noticed pursuant to njsa 10 4-10 this meeting of May 21st was notice to said newspapers noticed in the Bergen Record Ridgewood news on January 4th 2024 like to test you and published in said newspapers posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute Miss Ryan jokester would you please call the Roll Call of the governing body sure mayor deala present councilwoman arenia here councilwoman rice here councilwoman Maguire presid council president Timmerman here councilman Gordon here and councilwoman Moore is absent yes may I have a motion to excuse councilwoman Moore as she is working this evening so move all in favor I any opposed she is excused proclamations and citations EMS week May 19th through May 25th I believe it is also um Public Works week during the same week correct are we doing that at the next meeting no oh we did okay and also we have a pride month Proclamation uh for June 2024 um we don't have we're going to read it we're going to post it on the website okay we're going to post the pride month Pro Proclamation on the website um but we are honoring our emergency service volunteers during EMS week we thank all of our volunteers Emerson volunteer ambulance Corps for their dedication for keeping our residents safe um and as I said the proclamation recognizing June is pride month in Emerson uh will be posted on the uh bulletin board in Burl Hall as well as on the website uh appointments there are no appointments tonight minutes for approval uh the minutes of the April 16th and May 7th meetings will be listed for consideration at our June 11th meeting correspondence is on file in the office of the municipal clerk unfinished business lightning awareness safety program Mr Hermanson so we had our safety meeting this week and uh couple of the issues that were brought up from our risk manager um was in regards to lightning awareness safety program and the automated external defibrillators the AED program um we are in the last two years we have been platinum as you know that we've done very well with our safety side and our DPW has over was informing uh our risk manager that they were adopting their lightning awareness program safety program which they had did uh in in compliance with this now so that they've adopted it and it is put in their book and they will follow this procedure uh of what has been by our by the Mel uh we are looking into the AED program uh we're going to look into the what their recommendation of of going forward on that so we'll get some information and then get that to the to the governing body to look at how we would go forward with that um one of the things that I think that is a concern um you know with individuals is what they have been as we discussed is that those that use the AED on someone is always concerned about if happens or what would what would happen if it's used improperly so one of the things the state of New Jersey now is is doing is has that they have included strong immunities for persons and entities that prescribe provide train and use an AED uh the intent of the law makers is clear they recognize that life-saving benefits and immediately available AED and provided the necessary immunities and guidance to encourage the placement in public settings where number of large numbers of residents visitors or Spectators are anticipated so we're going to do is go through what Mel has recommended for this also as a program uh to have it look at and see I get Emerson to uh hopefully adopt a a program on this to make it compliant that's and that's it so you covered both of those yes all right new business there is no new business this evening introductions of ordinances there are no ordinances to introduced this evening adoption of ordinances second reading and public hearing um on ordinance 1687 d24 Miss Ryan will you please read the title of this ordinance sure this is ordinance 1687 d24 Capital ordinance of the burrow of Emerson in the county of Bergen New Jersey authorizing the making of various public improvements and Acquisitions in by and for the burrow appropriating therefore the sum of $236,800 appropriated shall be raised from the Burrows Capital Improvement fund thank you may I have a motion to open the meeting for public comment on this and this ordinance only so move second all in favor I I any opposed we are now open to the public would anybody wish to speak on ordinance number 1687 D2 no seeing No Hands may I have a motion to close uh the meeting to the public on this ordinance and on this and uh all in favor I I any opposed we are closed um with nobody having to say anything may have a motion to adopt resolution number 1687 d24 some right here what did I call it oh I'm sorry I used the word resolution ordinance 1687 d24 on second reading so moved second and a roll call please councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire yes council president Timberman yes and councilman Gordon yes thank you um this is the second reading in public hearing on ordinance number 168-46 and Machinery new communication and Signal systems equipment and a new fire engine including original apparatus and equipment in by and for the burrow of Emerson in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of 2,195 to pay the cost thereof to appropriate various grants to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds may I have a motion to open the meeting to the public on this and this ordinance only second all in favor I any opposed seeing No Hands may I have a motion to close this portion of the meeting for public comment on this ordinance second all in favor any opposed motion carried may I have have a motion to adopt ordinance number 1688-1689 d24 Miss Ryan would you please read the title of this ordinance sure this is ordinance 1689 d24 an ordinance of the burrow of Emerson in the county of Bergen New Jersey authorizing a special emergency appropriation in the amount of $115,000 for the preparation of an approved tax B Mr Timberman would you explain what that is for the public the special emergency appropriation for the tax M oh the special appropriation is uh one of a few exemptions the state statute gives uh municipalities uh when preparing a tax map so basically what it does is the state allows the town or speak to your mic to pay pay down this cost so in our case $115,000 over five years um so far our finance committee doesn't expect to have to take a note out on it so it was just recommended by our professionals to take the five years to pay very good and they said that it was a prudent way for us to conduct this um uh expenditure correct correct right thank you um may I have a motion to open up the meeting um to the public on this and this only move second roll call uh all in favor I any opposed seeing No Hands may I have a motion to close the public portion on this ordinance some second okay uh may I have a motion to adopt resolution number 1 39-24 1689 d24 on second reading so moved second may I have a roll call please councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire yes council president Timberman yes and councilman Gordon yes pass is 5 thank you finance business resolution number 13924 may I have a motion to adopt resolution number 13924 authorized the sale of 115,000 special emergency notes of the burrow of Emerson in the county of Bergen New Jersey and providing for other matters in connection there with so move may I have a roll call please councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman R yes councilwoman Maguire yes council president timman yes and councilman Gordon yes thank you and now we have our bill list may I have a motion to adopt resolution number 14-24 uh the May 24 2024 Bill list so move second may I have a roll call please councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire council president timman yes and councilman Gordon yes thank you and that brings us to reports um I'll start um I want to give a slight update on block 419 and the lack of work thereof um they have stopped working there as of about three months ago and uh I've had some conversations with our um Redevelopment attorney that is handling the lawsuits and have reported to him that the work has stopped um this is concerning to the burrow because um that Redevelopment area is supposed to provide us with affordable housing for which we have an agreement with the court um satisfying our round three um Mr Brian Giblin who was our attorney on that has reached out to the implementation monitor um retired judge Harry Carroll on two separate occasions and judge Harry Caroll has reached out um to the other side um the PE the uh uh uh company that is doing the Redevelopment and they have not answered judge Harry Carol's requests for an answer as to what's going on on 419 so there is a lot of speculation I think we just have to wait to hear back from Judge Carol and then we will know how to proceed um moving on as you all know our meetings are videotaped and may be viewed on your local public access Channel either 36 or 77 we have also included a short voter instruction video that is looped in after the meeting video it outlines the new voting process for the primary election which is up in just a few weeks on June 4th the video is less than four minutes and can be also be viewed by going to the election page on our burrow website and if you have forgotten our website is www. Emerson nj.org backward elction the buau in collaboration with the bcua held another successful shredding event this past weekend we recycled over 5,220 pounds of paper thank you to everyone who had a hand in getting it coordinated especially Perry salamando and Tom Carlos we will keep you posted with details about our next reading date later in the year which will be held on November 2nd uh we invite you to join American Legion Post 269 and the mayor and Council this coming Monday May 27th at Monument Park across from volano school for our Memorial Day ceremony the ceremony will start at 9:00 a.m. light Refreshments will be served courtesy of both of the Dunkin Donuts stores in our town the Amerson PBA annual community police golf outing is on Tuesday May 28th at the hacken South sack Golf Course all of the money raised will once again be donated to the community policing fund to help fund Community Police policing events hosted by the Emerson police department they have a few spots left so if anyone is interested in golfing please register ASAP the link can be found on our website or on our social media you can also make a donation or get tickets to the dinner uh through the link as well one of the um events that they hold with this money is coming up on June 8th which is the Emerson Police Department openhouse it's their first one in a long time and we welcome this event back to the burrow it will be held on June 8th from 300 pm. to 7 7 p.m. in the burrow Hall Parking Lot uh come to the police station for a fun-filled afternoon with our police officers um they also held coffee with a cop this past Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 1: p.m. at Starbucks and that was a fun event as well lots of people have been coming down and they're doing a lot of community policing and getting to know our residents again um also on June 8th the Emerson Chamber of Commerce is hosting their car show from 9: to 2:00 p.m. in the Stop and shot parking lot the bca's next paper Shing event is Saturday June 1st at Camp G mountain and the household hazardous waste collection is on Sunday June 9th at Bergen Community College details on these events if you're interested can be found by visiting bcu.org The pasac Valley junor police academy will be taking place from June 2 4th to June 28th this program is open open to children ages 10 to 14 and applications are available for pickup at the Emerson Police Headquarters they are due back by May Friday May 24th in honor of world elder abuse awareness day coming up in June Please be aware that if you suspect elder abuse neglect or financial exploitation it should be reported by calling hotline number 609 29 21272 we will also post that number on our burrow website uh for any other information that may be needed on that topic uh put Saturday June 22nd on your calendars for the Emerson summer kickoff and fireworks the Emerson Recreation Commission has planned a great event with activities throughout the day food will be served and will be free of charge to Emerson residents from 3: p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and we have the return turn of the Unity Bank hot air balloon rides uh which hopefully will be able to take place if there is no wind uh the governing body's next meeting will be held Tuesday June 11th at 7:30 p.m. burough planner Caroline Ryder of T&M Associates will be joining the governing body to give a presentation on the new affordable housing legislation we will also welcome our mayor for the day Duke Amelia as well um reminder that the burrow Hall will be closed Monday May 27th in observance of the Memorial Day holiday mixed Garden debris will be picked up so you may put your mixed Garden debris and I just want to give our burrow attorney a shout out and congratulate him John as always succeeded in standing up for Liberty and freedom he was involved during the covid-19 uh Health crisis um with a private client that it was a gym in southern Jersey that was closed down by order of the governor and I believe 80 different motions and citations um 80 80 I'm not sure the exact number I think it was 80 it said in the newspaper I don't know if that's right it was a lot okay one of the charges was violating the governor's orders speak I'm sorry one of the charges was V violating the governor's orders and another one was um uh operating their gym with on American Tile license um um and and it's all over I believe it's in all of the different press um it was thrown out those charges were thrown out yes and if you want to read any more about it and uh the great job that our burough attorney did for them um that is I think it's the most recent article I saw was posted in the New York Post so I'm sure you could Google that um congrats John thank you I'm loving your lipstick um do you have a report for us councilwoman are yeah I do not you look like the original Barbie with the pink lips in your stripe shirt decided to take a beach day my strip Beach shirt and my that's the original Barbie look it was a beach meeting but I do not have a report sorry okay um Ashley do you have a report for us and I will ask you I did watch the video um on television and we do have a slight issue when people are not leaning into their microphones if you lean into your microphone and we start to hear you we can hear you very well but if you sit back here and you talk it's a little bit low and you have to turn the volume up so I'm going to ask everyone here tonight when you are speaking to lean forward and please speak into your microphone so the public can hear us you got it it's a lot cheaper than buying new equipment all right um for Board of Education uh full end of year Madness Awards uh ceremonies concerts Field Days art shows retirement parties proms the list goes on um they're moving along with the steps for another sleo slo3 officer um so hopefully next year fingers crossed we'll have the two full-time officers next year um everyone's excited about that um let see for fire um for April 1st to April 30th there were a little over 67 hours of U man hours 11 events total from fire alarms to vehicular fires um that's fire and then uh environmental they're they have a meeting tomorrow 7:30 here so please attend if you're interested in seeing what they're all about thank you councilwoman Maguire Maguire thank you yes um the historic preservation committee has resumed their meetings they held their reorganization meeting yesterday evening in burrow Hall chair is Phil Mazo Vice chair Genevie dran and the secretary will Christine serus well congratulations to all of them and on re organizing yes they're excited um the library host an array of programs and services definitely visit www. erson library.com for the hours and further information uh circulation for the month of April was up 11.35% from April of 2023 so keep reading Emerson that's it thank you councilwoman Maguire councilman Gordon do you have a report for us this evening actually this evening I do not have a report for everyone I'm very sorry okay everyone enjoy your weekend though we will look forward to hearing more from you at our next meeting next meeting okay and council president do you have a report for us this very quickly you already touched on the summer kickoff for June 22nd um also summer camp registration is now open the link is on the social media page for Emerson Recreation um also PR flag football and cheer for ages prek4 to 2 grade registration is now open um and soccer registration will open on May 24th that's it very good um John do you have a report for us this evening no report Mr Atkinson do you have a report for us this evening sure I have a couple items to update you on so um last time we met um I had updated a little bit on the Cindy Lane Pump Station the um talking to your mic please I thought I had it here move it a little closer I'll move it closer how perfect that's too loud no that's good oh great well at least nobody will sleep then right uh anyway so Cindy Lane P station uh the chamber has been installed the contractor uh installed temporary sidewalk as we let uh everything settle um being that the excavation was about 9 ft in the ground so we're going to let that settle out um we're still waiting on a date from the pump vendor as far as when the pumps and controls are going to come uh and talking with the vendors it just seems like these pumps take forever um the problem is they're coming from overseas so um anyway so as soon as I get a date at least we have an answer as to why it's taking so long it's not just and I and I hate to say it was a problem pre pandemic um and it only a bigger problem post pandemic yes yes so uh Randolph a palum station uh we had an opportunity to review the additional cost um everything is good on our end so we send a recommendation um to you guys for Action at the next possible meeting um so that'll get us the last bit of what's needed for the pump station portion of it uh there are going to be some additional costs related to um the uh emergency notification system um we'll be working through that but that's a different vendor uh that your public works department works with why would there be extra costs well that's not part of it you'll have to replace and upgrade the system that you have currently today is so Antiquated uh that it just needs to be replaced it's not a huge cost I think it's around like the $5,000 okay price point so it's not a large ticket number and the total number that we're looking at from uh pumping Services which is the vendor that's through the co-op is just under 200,000 so our original um budget was somewhere around like the 300 plus range so we're so we're still okay well within means and um you know still um you know within the confines of the grant that you guys received as well so um still working with the dot as it relates to the audible signal information we provided them with the plans um they're now requesting some additional information from the uh Bergen County Co-op that we're purchasing the stuff they need the particular um equipment so they're looking for that information on that note there may also be some other grants that the clerk and I started to look into and that we'll send to the grant committee um regarding different more accessible um walking areas and things like that that we may have you take a look at okay okay perfect um acrian Park basketball court uh we're working with the clerk to come up with the bid date looks like we're going to look to receive them in June so that we can award at your second meeting whatever that date may be I know you guys are working through the date well we're still working on dates for our next meeting yes well June 11th is our next meeting but our second meeting in June correct correct for whatever reason you guys have three meetings there a lot going on in June there's a lot of graduations people have to attend that have children that are graduating and vacation start and so perfect and then the last item um so your uh bid specification for the garbage recycle and yard waste uh that's currently out to bid uh we'll be taking bids on July 23rd so if any of the garbage vendors are listening to this please pick up um so that'll be for your uh new contract starting in 2025 and then there's a number of different options in there that your heads will start to spin as you go through it all so we kind of wanted to lay in all the different potential options so that everything can be evaluated and uh determined what the best cost is for uh you know do you know if any other towns have gotten numbers back yet um so we did in uh if I could talk tonight we did in one of the Southern Bergen County towns um the pricing that we saw really was kind of stagnant with what where it's been um so I'm hoping hoping that what you guys will get will be similar to what you have today so there's no real increase in costs um on that so okay great let's cross our fingers otherwise like I said there's a number of options that are in there whether it's you know changing recycling from once a week to bi-week again things we're just throwing out there so you guys have options and things to consider as we you know plan for the future here okay um I think those are the main items that I had very good thank you Dave Rob do you have a report for us this evening pay you back that last one we worked with the trash committee that uh with our committee on that that was some things that were asked to do the options to put all every option that we could look at uh and we did because we are looking to find the best uh you know cost eff effective way uh to pick up and take care of the recycle and and garden debris so I want to thank uh our committee for that who worked with along with Dave for getting that done uh the mayor and I had a phone call and conversation today in regards to uh our downtown Redevelopment tap Grant on kindak road uh for phases two and three we received this grant back in 2019 and and we had a we were uh then had to pick a uh or we picked a another engineer that was through the state to save money that was the idea for us to to to do this obviously there was some setbacks with some things that went on with you know with pandemics and whatever but we are now uh trying to figure out to get this project moving to make sure that we're moving along in a in a timely fashion after this um so the mayor and I after speaking to uh uh to Mr Limo today uh has said to us that he's going to get back to us Tom get back to me tomorrow to give us an update of where we are on this project uh we do have a timeline of an ex right now an estimated timeline of late 2025 or early 2026 to have it finished um we are obviously not content with that which is the reason why we have reached out yeah I just like if I can interrupt for a second I want to ask Dave Dave so this is something that I put on Rob's to-do list to follow up on because we've heard very little about this tap Grant um in full transparency it was applied for when I was a council member and we received it um I believe in May of 2019 I mean it has been going on for six years and they haven't even done anything yet is is that the normal rate of work on something like that um it shouldn't be it it shouldn't be I mean I know obviously I think it took a little bit of time just to you know get you know things moving along on the project initially but overall they're looking by the end of this year uh early next year to go out to bid and then construction could Tak that unacceptable and I think that we need to reach out that's what we're looking we should just ask them for the money I will tell you the other one of the other things I mean we just so that I can explain they gave us the option of using our appointed um engineer or using one of the state mandated sort of recommended engineers and they said there would be no cost if you used one of the state Engineers so we went that route sorry Dave um but it was a cost savings for the burrow and now it's five years later nothing's done yet so um I think we really have to stay on top of this at this point because I really would like to see it happen a lot quicker um we could all be out of office by the time they break ground if we don't stay on top of them so we really need to if he doesn't call we need to call him in the morning and find out how we get this going and I I think some of the problem too is the list of approved um Engineers for the work is very limited so if you think about it on a on a whole if they're all busy doing other things they're not making hate say they're not making it a priority otherwise right I mean in my opinion they should have been done I mean it's not a complicated project I mean there's complexities to it it's not a complicated project at all it's a streetcape it's actually rather easy project if you ask me um and compared to a lot of other projects that the burough has done in my last 15 years of tenure so I really don't understand what the holdup is and I'm upset about it I'm not going to lie like I said we're looking into it and we'll have more answers After we receive more information back from them hopefully tomorrow uh the second item I have is that we received a uh a letter from a resident in regards to uh stop signs being placed on demoris daav I'm going to read uh what our chief of police has has said in regards to this uh back on February 22nd we spoke about the placement of stop signs on the roads that intersect demr daav due to the complaint received uh by a resident after speaking with my traffic Sergeant then and again this morning we feel that stop signs would not inhibit drivers from rolling through the intersection we also had officers observe the intersections at various times and on various days and observe zero infractions we've had no traffic incidents on demerest Avenue in the past vehicles must slow down at an uncontrolled intersection and stop if there is a pedestrian present however if the burrow does wish to place stop signs at the four intersections and amend the ordinance to include these signs our officers will enforce the stop signs when they observe a violation as I spoke to the chief after this the chief has said that he is recommending that he does not believe stop signs are needed in that area it'll be Overkill it would be yes in better better way putting it but he did say that if the governing body does feel that this is something that you want to look into I don't do you guys think that the police are and or Dave are more I believe that's where is the that's one of the thing because that's where they're talking about rolling coming out and coming around that's what they're saying and that's what he's saying is that they do have to stop as they come out there anyhow if for a pedestrian and that's dead end down there so people probably don't realize other people correct coming that's where they were asking because they're saying that's where they're rolling out in that in that that curve and then they were asking on the other sides and as the police have looked at it and said they do not believe that it warrants it at this point da you went out there a while ago didn't you um Dem or was that on flooding on Demorest I think it was probably flooding on demerest or a couple other things but not necessar not on the speeding is the issue of the speeding portion of it I mean there's other things that can I think it's I think it's a sleepy neighborhood and I think a lot of kids um are playing outside and the parents are concerned um obviously about traffic and it's residents because it's really not like a cut through it's you're going back there if you live in the area so it's one of those maybe they should uh go door to door to their neighbors I don't know listen my neighborhood we had somebody actually posted a letter in everybody's mailbox or sent an email to everybody even though it's not even the people in the neighborhood that were speeding it was mine they kind of cut through to bypass one area but anyway and Demorest isn't really a cut through so it has to be people that live back there or visiting people back there friends or something like that um I don't know but right now there's no recommendation from the police to put the stop signs and if it continues to get worse we will revisit it does everyone feel the same yes yeah okay um our elevator project for the firehouse meaning tomorrow with cdbg cdbg was given the specs from our architect in order to go over uh we cannot proceed forward until cdbg signs off on those specs uh to move forward with the for the bid uh so we're hoping that a you after the conversation that we have tomorrow that we have uh some that they're they're going to give that to us and we can move forward uh so we move forward with that project uh we have we every intention of once that happens that we should be on the same timeline as that we had basically expected by June into July with that uh if anyone has any questions on there on the elevator just like it to move it along I know the police it's not it's not only on Demorest I slow down time I think that there was one but that that's a good idea can we ask the um Chief if he could maybe sorry figure out exactly what that intersection was where the complaint came from and if he could move his electronic board there reminding people what the speed is into children playing and slow down that right just deter they've been moving that around I think it's been actually rather effective I had one in front of my house neighbors called for a while we did two they just sort of pop up Day morning I'm used to it I mean everybody cut through broad to go to high school and I could also reach out to Mr there for you wasn't there for me I think it was it was there for the parents that have children that were concerned are you sure yeah I could also reach out to Sergeant K Dr whatever the complaint was I said I know who yeah I can reach out to Sergeant KF also who's also the traffic Sergeant so we can you to ask him about that too okay so we'll go back to we'll go back to members of the public are welcome to speak on any topic by coming to the podium and stating your name for the record in the interest of time speakers are limited to 3 minutes in consideration of all who may wish to speak please keep your comments brief and concise may I have a motion to open the meeting to public comment so moved second all in favor I any opposed motion carried we are open to the public seeing No Hands may I have a motion to close the meeting to General comments from the public so moved second all in favor any opposed motion carried um our next item is our consent agenda may I have a motion to approve consent agenda resolutions 141-143 15-24 some move 1504 what's personal property oh is that from Perry uh no that that is for um Police Department is going to okay just a personal properties I yeah that's that's how it's LED here okay thank you J noted thank you so did I get that motion Jill yeah I seconded it okay Jill and Timberman and may we have a roll call please councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice councilwoman Maguire yes council president Timberman yes and councilman Gordon yes yes 5 thank you we are now going to go into closed executive session members of the public May remain on YouTube until we return to open session at which time formal action may be taken may I have a motion to go into closed executive session to discuss matters exempt from the public pursuant to njsa 104-1 at SEC and adequately noticed by resolution 51-24 so move second roll call please councilwoman arenia councilwoman rights councilwoman Maguire council president Timberman yes and counil yes okay may I have a motion to reconvene please so mov so moved all in favor I any opposed okay we are back in open um do we have any other business to discuss this evening uh yes we do mayor okay Mr Gordon I uh I have a recommendation from the bureau qpa who believes that there is a Revenue stream available i' like to make a a motion to resend the current cell tower bid okay I'll second that seconded by the council president and may I get a roll call on that please sure councilwoman arenia can you repeat that you're resending it because what I'm resending it to to the current cell tower bid because there's there's more money to be could have missed the qpa decid Ed that after a further review that there is more Revenue that the buau could be anticipating on then I will approve of that okay very good councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire yes council president Timberman yes and councilman Gordon yes pass is 5 thank you is there any other business yeah I'd like to make uh a motion for resolution 15324 uh a motion to put out an RFQ for a telecommunications consultant can you get a second on that I'll second and a roll call please councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman race yes councilwoman Maguire yes council president Timberman yes and councilman Gordon yes pass thank you um do we have any other business yes there is um I'd like to make a motion uh it will be resolution number 15424 uh motion to approve the Home Improvement program policies and procedures manual drafted by CP cgp and H subject to approval of fair share housing can you get a second on that I'll second and a roll call please councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire yes council president Timberman yes and councilman Gordon yes pass mayor and and now that that um plan has been approved Rob can you please immediately let them know that it's time to implement and get it started and that is for our affordable housing rehabs in The Bu of Emerson for any existing people that are qualified by PC g& in order to do a rehab on their home for specifically possibly not specifically but for things like a new roof a new boiler these are not for cosmetic changes these are for sort of infrastructure of your home in order to live just that everybody understands what it is is there any other business yes mayor um I have um going to make a motion to approve resol resolution 15524 this is a resolution authorizing not to exceed limitations for pumping Services Inc for the update of the Randol Avenue Pump Station utilizing the pic Valley Cooperative purchasing system okay second and that's a second and can I get a roll call on that councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman right yes councilwoman Maguire council president Timberman yes and councilman Gordon yes passes 5 thank you is there any other business hearing none may I have a motion to adjourn this meeting at 10:33 p.m. so moved all in favor we are adjourned thank you everyone for coming tonight