good evening welcome to the June 25th 2024 regular meeting of the Emerson governing body this meeting is being videotaped and may be viewed on your local public access Channel either 36 or 77 the meetings are also available Live on YouTube for those of you present in case of a fire please follow the fire exit signs above the doors and exit comly Mr Johnson would you please lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance [Music] stand Nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all please remain standing for just a moment of silence in memory of kurtzig dur Honan a longtime resident The Honorable Paul a holer the 32-year mayor of Harrington Park and former councilwoman Kathleen fadica Kathleen served on the council from 1999 to 2002 and her family has served the burrow of Emerson and this community for over 50 years they will all be missed thank [Music] you this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law and adequately noticed pursuant to NJ essay 104-110 this meeting of June 25th 2024 was notice to the record and Ridgewood news on January 4th 2024 and published in said newspapers posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute Miss Ryan would you please call the Roll Call of the governing body sure mayor dalala pres councilwoman Aria here councilwoman rice here councilwoman McGuire council president Timberman here councilman Gordon here councilwoman Moore is absent thank you um may I have a motion to excuse Kelly Moore from tonight's meeting due to a work commitment so move all in favor any opposed she is excused proclamations on Thursday I will be reading a proclamation for 7-Eleven and Mr Robert obenauer to welcome this new business to Emerson at the Grand Opening and ribbon cutting ceremony on behalf of the governing body and all emersonians I wish them lots of success we also have a pro Proclamation for 56 year Emerson residents and longtime Educators within the Emerson School District Howard and Judy Newell who are moving out of town to be closer to family we wish them all the best copies of these proclamations will be posted on our website and the bulletin board in burrow Hall there are no appointments this evening minutes for approval may I have a motion to remove from the table the minutes of April 16th May 7th and May 21st meetings second all in favor I any opposed okay may I have a motion to approve the minutes of April 16th regular meeting second all in favor any opposed oh I'm sorry roll call councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice yes councilwoman MCG yes council president simman yes and Council I'm going to abstain from that I wasn't there pass as mayor for Zer okay may I have a motion to approve the Clos session meeting minutes of April 16th meeting which are not for release to the public at this time much much and a roll call please I'm sorry was there a second second I wasn't there second thank you councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman right yes councilwoman Maguire yes council president Timmerman yes and councilman Gordon yes may I have a motion to approve the minutes of the May 7th regular meeting so mov second roll call please councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire yes council president Timmerman yes and councilman Gordon yes may I have a motion to approve the Clos session meeting minutes of May 7th meeting which are not not for release to the public at this time roll call please councilwoman Aria yes Council woman right yes Council woman McGuire yes council president simmerman yes and councilman Gordon yes pass by may I have a motion to approve the minutes of May 21st regular meeting some second roll call please counc arenia yes councilwoman I yes councilwoman Maguire yes council president Timmerman yes and Council rep yes and may I have a motion to approve the Clos session meeting minutes of May 21st which are not for release to the public at this time some move second roll call please councilwoman Aria yes councilwoman yes woman McGuire yes council president simmerman yes and counc yes thank you Michelle that brings us to correspondence correspondence is on file in the clerk's office just want to say thank you to the Emerson environmental commission particularly Walter um for the his diligence in seeking funding opportunities and being awarded $2,250 um from an an Grant which will be used towards the community garden congrats Financial business may I have a motion to adopt resolution number 173-82 2024 Bill list second a roll call please councilwoman arenia yes counc R yes councilwoman McGuire yes council president simmerman yes and Council Gordon yes okay we are going to um introduce a bond ordinance but before we do that resolution 174 d24 is necessary um it is related to the shared service tennis pickle ball court project with the Emerson Board of Education may I have a motion to adopt resolution number 174 -24 to amend the capital budget some mov second may I have a roll call please councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman R yes councilwoman Maguire yes council president Timmerman yes and counc and Gordon yes thank you um unfinished business Mr Hermanson would you please talk to us about the street seeping sweeping services with the township of Washington sure the township of Washington had been uh having Township of pris do their street sweeping for once a quarter takes two weeks to go through the uh their town they asked if we would do it instead um they would pay this the same as they were paying paramas we did a course analysis on this I sent it to everybody and and was it should be in your packets um either by having one of our full-time current workers doing it or having someone who was a retired worker to come back uh and do the street sweeping either way it is a positive uh cash flow for the for the burrow uh and under the diesel side um if we use it as the electric side if we do an electric for a street sweeper but we're not we have not looking into electric at this point but we have an analysis just in case uh we still would be a benefit for us if we had uh one of our workers who is retired to do it not necessarily a worker with our uh would be be better on on that on the retired worker so I am recommending that we do this uh shared Service uh as it is a benefit to the burrow for doing it and it doesn't impact the day-to-day operations of the DPW no especially if we use a retired worker okay I just um got noticed that there is no sound on YouTube thank you can you just testing one two three testing testing Can You Hear Me [Music] our CFO I see is working overtime and listening to the meeting and she can't hear anything but she can see us so I'm assuming she still can't hear us she cannot is it something that we could later um put on YouTube ask her how we look I don't know why it's not should we just take a break and and restart it can do that why don't we take a five minute recess while we figure out the electronical issues I have a motion and a second all in favor all right we're going to take a five minute recess while we figure this out okay we are going to just for the record we are having technical difficulties with YouTube I need a motion to reconvene at 7:44 p.m. some second all in favor okay so we're going to continue with the meeting we're going to continue with no sound on the YouTube stream which means that the few people that are watching um one of them being our CFO cannot hear us but then this Liberty system stream audio will be posted on television and on um the bough website instead of the actual picture in case I mean unless at some later date it's she could figure out how to bring this down back so we are on on the um unfinished business of the street sweeping with Washington Township Rob so as we as I said um I highly recommend that we uh go through with the uh with the agreement it is a it is a benefit uh to the burrow on all basis no matter which way we do it with whether it's electric or gas sweeper now this is partly a benefit I spoke to Perry because we also in addition to sweeping their streets borrow equipment from Washington Township and we have a back and forth kind of um will share Goodwill deal of sharing equipment yes um so it's a it's a Township that we already work with very well um Perry is in favor of this I know you're in favor of this do any council members have any questions um this was a little difficult for me to follow so I asked Michelle if she could um rework this to be able to do that so that maybe it was a little bit clearer that's this okay my my only question is What's the total the total revenue total revenue is 20,000 no minus our C like y it depends on what we use so depends on whether we have that's the idea of the cost analysis an but you don't you have like what it would cost versus what but there's not like a like you have this last page that says like 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 so you have 905 2040 27 358 that would I add all those you would have to because we're not sure which one we're going to use if we're going to use why are we unsure though because we don't know whether we're going to use a part-time worker on a someone who is retired or whether we would use a regular worker if we use a regular worker it's 905 * 4 which is $3600 and $3,620 if we use a part-time worker you're at $2,427 that would mean bringing someone on for not part just just for the part just retired like but why does the worker depend on whether we're using a um diesel or a because that's you could use either one you could we if we buy and if we buy a new no but you said it mattered as to who's doing the job no no I said either way no matter whether we use diesel or electric we were benefit on all of them because if we use our own worker even if we use an electric which is cost more it cost $600,000 on that on on an electric by the time you have a cost benefit of using whether our worker or a part-time worker we still benef we still have a benefit on either one of those also so there wait I just want to understand this so it doesn't matter who's doing it the only difference in price is whether it's diesel or electric so whether the first part the first one which is under diesel tells us whether we have a part-time worker or a regular or one of our salaried workers doing it right now the benefit is $95 if it's a regular if it's one of our own workers per sweep so times four and if it's if it's a part-time worker It's $2,427 Time 4 if we use them on the electric when you go down because the electric is more expensive we would only have a $358 benefit if we use an if we use that electric with our own worker who has already paid Rob what are we going to net at the end of the day total cost for the year if we use diesel versus electric so on diesel you're going to have 39 you have 39 with 905 * 4 if we use a our own worker which is $3,620 if we use a part-time worker for a diesel truck you're going to have a benefit of 2427 * 4 which is approximately you're staying it backwards 724 * 4 stay back recoring this it says if you use a diesel and a part-timer it's only 905 if you use a diesel and a retired it's 2427 yes if you use an electric and a part-timer it's 358 if you use an electric and a retired it's 1880 that's correct what we currently have is a diesel we have a diesel now yes so the electric in the mix is something in the future it's hypothetical because we have to I have to put we got to put money we got to put either one because of a new one if we're going to replace the new one what a new what a new what a new sweeper would cost and how much is a new truck a new sweeper is for diesel 360 it's 360 and we have $50,000 in there for potential for repairs over the 20-year life which is what was estimated by uh by the DPW we have one street sweep right now yes and we would have to buy a second no no no no we still use the same one but this is just a of what a cost of a full replacement of what we needed to have a full replacement and what the percentage of they would use by them using a sweep the truck that we have right now what is the lifespan of it 20 years how long have we had it that's why we based it off 20 years how long have we had it for this contract deide are we supposed to be getting a new truck anyway no no just thinking of the future in general exactly we're just using this long this relationship would work anyways they make get a truck in three years and right but then we would just use it year to year then we would still be still benefit to US based off each year of what we're getting on that $5,000 but it's not like we have to buy a truck this no we're us the truck that we currently have we're using the cor it won't take a toll on this truck that it would exacerbate at that that's what that's on there that's only 19% of the use of their total use comparison 81% of what we would use for ourselves so it's only adding an additional 19% that's correct okay why why who do they work with before thas if they're going to offer us they have a better relationship with us that all the equipment back forth so if you look also we had a chipper our chipper went down because was we couldn't get parts for it we borrowed that chipper for a month okay that would have cost us $4,000 in order to run a chipper okay Rob at the end of the day regard how much are we netting total for the year if we use our own worker I just said it'll it'll be $3,620 about whole year we're going to net 3600 if we use our own salaried worker it would be $3600 yes we would net 3600 if we use a retired worker so let's just say an example EJ comes back and decides that we're going to you're going to use EJ to do these sweeping we would then net uh give you the exact number7 4 yeah almost $10,000 now why would we make more with bringing EJ back because it's less salary it's cheaper yeah much cheaper much cheaper now would you just bring him back to do this yes like we're not going to put them on the no okay it would strictly be this it would be 9,778 if we brought back a part if we used them as a part- time that would be total that would be the total for for him yeah because honestly with the current employee then 30 that's really Goodwill if our profit is 3620 and it's 19 % right that's that that's a good will that's really just doing it for right I mean we're not really I think we're that's not worth it so this is so so the best deal is um predicated on hiring a part-time to do it not no bringing EJ back a retire any retire any anyone retire yeah and paying them for DM yeah yes which is what Perry's recommendation is so number two on your back here and I was trying to figure the other thing out and the wear and tear you don't think the wear and tear is going to outweigh the no we put that in there that was the cost analysis of the of what we thought the right of the estimated cost would be how long do they want the relationship for every year to year but if this works out we could we could make it a longer contract but if we did make it year to year as as a longer contract what I had stated to Perry was that we to put something in there that I thought would be a COA some sort of COA increase but since it's only one year right now I would you don't need a CO increase obviously and do we need a shared services agreement to do this on that's what this that's what the that's what we have in there to ask on sign all right so do you guys want to approve it for one year and then do a look back yes all right does everybody want to just do this to the end of the year and and then if it's working out well um then we'll revisit in January and reinstate the contract absolutely sure okay can I get a motion to um second why don't you make the motion Brian for what we're doing this was a motion to uh for the agreement between us andon Washington Township I make a motion to approve a shared agreement services for Street sweetening four times of year Washington Township r bring in in a retired employee okay all right roll call so that was councilwoman Aria was second by councilman Gordon sounds good I thought he he just stated the motion I just restated the for oh clarifi okay there's a learning curve there I was okay motion that's Council councilwoman right yes councilwoman Maguire council president Timmerman yes and councilman Gordon yes pass and I think I did just um you weren't here at the last meeting um but I think that we had tabled this so I think I was supposed to make a motion to remove the table before we made the motion so can I what is that called when you go back and do something retroactive no there's a word T Pro Tonk sounds good to me and do the um motion to remove resolution 17124 from the table so second all in favor I any opposed okay and then we already have the motion to approve it that was our NPR the evening um is that legal the way we did that backwards okay no one's going to hear us anyway I'm only kidding they'll hear us because it's on the other recording if anything it's a nimous Minal error okay all right and now we have no new business of which there is none and now that leads us to introduction of ordinances um M Ryan will announce by number and title the following ordinances upon approval these ordinances will be further considered at a public hearing to be held on July 23rd 2024 at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be addressed in the council chambers of the burough Hall Municipal Place Emerson New Jersey and published in the record all ordinances are on the burough website and on file in the office Office of the municipal clerk if anyone would like copies Miss Ryan would you please read the or uh title of ordinance 169 0-24 sure mayor this is ordinance 169 0-24 Bond ordinance to authorize the funding of the Burrows proportion of the cost of the tennis and pickle ball court project at Emerson Junior Senior High School may I have a motion to introduce ordinance number 69 0-24 on first reading so move second may I have a roll call please councilwoman aren yes sorry councilwoman right councilwoman Maguire council president Timmerman and councilman Gordon yes thank you Miss Ry would you please read the introduction introductory ordinance um 169 1-24 now sure mayor this is ordinance 1691 d24 and ordinance to amend chapter 27 of the code of the Bureau of Emerson entitled environmental commission to establish section 27-12 entitled program and activity fees may I have a motion to introduce ordinance 1691 d24 on first reading second roll call please councilwoman aren councilwoman right yes councilwoman McGuire yes council president Timmerman yes and councilman Gordon yes thank you Miss Ryan the next item is adoption of ordinances of which there are none um I have a very brief report um this evening um with a few timely announcements starting the week of July 8th through August 30th the burrow Hall offices will operate on summer hours as follows Mondays Wednesdays and Thursdays 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Fridays 8 :30 a.m. to 1 p.m. summer hours are only in effect for the burrow Hall offices the DPW police department and the records clerks will continue to operate on their normal schedules these hours are posted on the homepage of our burough website I am excited to announce that the mayor and Council present summer concert series sponsored by the mayor's Wellness campaign and funded by uh generous donations is back for the summer the concerts featuring Emerson and other local talent will be held each Wednesday from 7: to 9:00 p.m. uh starting to be determined I believe it's the 14th or the 21st but we will confirm that I'm still waiting on booking of one of the Bands through the end of August unless we have more bands and um would like to continue rain dates if necessary will be on Thursdays a flyer with all details and line and the lineup will be posted soon thank you to all of our SP ERS who made this possible we look forward to enjoying these with everyone and I will say that right now on this calendar July 24th is the first concert at 7 o'clock it is Beauty in the Greece however I I do have the date of the 17th open and and there is a ban to considering it um we also have this flyer that has been posted on the burough website um this is important if your home needs repairs Emerson's Home Improvement program may be able to assist you the governing body and I are pleased to announce that Emerson's Home Improvement program is available to help eligible residents make up to $177,000 in necessary home repairs a flyer with a list of the types of repairs offered and eligibility requirements can be found on the burrow website for more information or to submit a preliminary application visit or call 609 664 2769 extension 9 eligible applications are processed on a first come first serve basis funding may also be available for rental properties landlords can call CG p& for the terms the next mayor and council meeting will take place on Tuesday July 23rd at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers the July 9th and July 16th meetings have been cancelled due to lack of an agenda congratulations to the class of 2024 all of our Emerson cavos don't forget once a Cavo is a Cavo go off to college and we will keep you in our prayers and good wishes um I'd also just like to do a shout out last Saturday was the summer kickoff it was absolutely awesome the Emerson Recreation Commission volunteers really outdid themselves despite the Heat Wave and storms everything still went smoothly kids had fun on the Inflatables there was comp complimentary food prepared and served by our volunteers and council president Timberman um the it was delicious the beer garden was a huge hit everyone who rode on Unity Banks hot air balloon enjoyed the aerial view of the park and the fireworks Extravaganza was spectacular a huge thank you to all of the volunteers for their hard work especially our Recreation Commission and presiding officer Andrea lauderbach who organized everything with the commission so well and thought of every detail the Emerson police department and their auxiliary police our fire department Evac and DPW um thank you to all of our sponsors as well especially Stop and Shop shopright and Unity Bank um Mr Hermanson do you have anything that's uh timely no Mr McAn do you have anything does anyone else have anything that's happening before our next meeting that needs to be announced no okay um the engineers report um I think everyone got that in their email if they didn't that'll be coming and that's also in file in the clerk's office Dave was not able to be with us this evening um and he'll probably Circle back on some of the stuff when he sees us next um the next order of business is public comment members of the public are welcome to speak on any topic coming to the podium and stating your name for the record in the interest of time speakers are limited to 3 minutes in consideration of all who M may wish to speak please keep your comments brief and concise may I have a motion to open the meeting to Publics from the comment move from yes you know what I meant to say comments from the public um SEC all in favor any opposed seeing No Hands may I have a motion to close the meeting to General comments from the public second all in favor any opposed motion carried reverse that brings us to our consent agenda may I have a motion to approve consent agenda the resolutions 175-20 through 185-207 sorry she um has a typo here it's 187 175-20 through [Music] Maguire yes council president timman yes yes okay we don't have any reason for a closed session this evening um does anybody have any other business this evening that needs to be discussed before our next meeting just want to say we got the sore agreement can you put that into in what yeah I know I'm just want to say congratulations have to say to rob her and congratulations on the sement um I think that was a year and a half trying to straighten that out uh through the change of administrations in orell I want to thank the mayor uh for her input um and setting up meetings and negotiations with new mayor I think is the right right uh right right decision and a real good contract for both communities and I'd like to thank Michelle Ryan our or clerk acting clerk um who picked up a lot of the slack and really kept it going um if we have no other business tonight may I have a motion to adjourn at 8:05 p.m. some second uh all in favor sorry I'm stuttering this is the fastest we've ever done a meeting um all in favor anyo we are adjourned thank you for coming