good evening welcome to the November 21st 2023 regular meeting of the Emerson governing body this meeting is being videotaped and may be viewed on your local public access Channel either 36 or 77 tomorrow the meetings are also available Live on YouTube for those of you present in case of a fire please follow the fire exit signs above the doors and exit cly since your standing Chief would you please lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I would ask to remain standing for just a moment um to remember Mr Peter jackalo a former councilman and longtime emberson resident former first lady of the United States Rosalyn Carter and Nancy Kelly mother of father father Kelly of Assumption Church thank you this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law inadequately not notice pursuant to njsa 104 104-1 this meeting of November 21st 2023 was sent to the record and Ridgewood news on January 3rd 2023 and notice to said newspapers posted on the bulletin board of the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute Miss D Simone would you please call the Roll Call of the governing body yes mayor deala presid councilwoman arenia here councilman Gordon here councilwoman Maguire present councilwoman Moore is absent this evening councilwoman rice present and council president Timberman here thank you um we are now going into closed executive session in order to conduct police interviews members of the public May remain on YouTube until we return to open session at which time formal action may be taken may I have a motion to go into a closed executive session to discuss matters exempt from the public pursuant to njsa 104-1 at SEC and adequately noticed by resolution number 25723 so move second uh roll call please Council Maguire yes councilman Gordon yes councilwoman Moore is absent council president Timberman yes councilwoman aren yes and Council woman rights yes that passes 5 Z mayor thank you we are now in Clos would you mind shutting the door Prim good job one of them all right so we have to go back into um open session and then we're going to go back into Clos again so unfortunately we're going to have to ask you to wait a little bit longer okay I'm on contract I don't get by the hour for this like you do pay by the hour either no that's what I saying okay guys we're on um may I have a motion to reconvene some can I get a second second all in favor any opposed motion carries uh excuse absence of governing body member there were no members absent at the last meeting proclamations and citations um Peter jackalo membrance Day November 25th 2023 on what would have been his 105th birthday I will read this Proclamation Office of the mayor Peter James jackalo Remembrance Day whereas Peter James jackalo was born in the Bowery on the Lower East Side of Manhattan on November 25th 1918 and whereas Mr jackalo was a civic-minded individual who was extraordinarily patriotic hardworking determined and adventurous from an early age and where as a Young Man Mr jackalo was an airplane enthus Enthusiast who learned how to fly at the age of 15 and where as an underage Mr jackalo excited by the opportunity purchased a new birth certificate for $1 and changed his name so he could enlist in the Civilian Conservation Corps a Public's work relief program created by President Franklin D Roosevelt in the 1930s where he worked to build roadways side side walks and Bridges and where as Mr jackalo voluntarily joined the army serving in Panama San Francisco islands in the Pacific Ocean and England before ultimately being sent to Normandy France in 1944 for which he received the Purple Heart for permanent injuries sustained during heavy combat by artillery shells exploding around him and whereas Mr Jacko married his wife iness in 1945 and together they moved to Emerson in 1949 where they built their own house and whereas Mr Jacko and iness were blessed with a loving family including three children Joanne Jean Peter III daughter-in-law Kate four grandchildren Alysa Caitlyn Peter IV and jeie and four great-grandchildren Benjamin Tyler Grace and Everly and whereas Mr jackalo also served as a councilman in the burough of Emerson in the 1950s a Zoni board member and Commander of Emerson's American Legion and was instrumental in getting housing for disabled veterans built whereas Mr Jacko was was chosen by Congressman Josh gottheimer as Emerson's local Hometown hero in 2018 whereas Mr jackalo remained a proud resident of Emerson for 74 years until his passing on October 19th 2023 at the age of 104 Mr jackalo led a full and honorable life from which the bur of Emerson was fortunate and privileged to have benefited now therefore be it resolved that I Danielle depaa mayor of the burough of Emerson on behalf of the governing body acknowledge with gratitude the contributions of Peter James jackalo and do hereby Proclaim Saturday November 25th 2023 as Peter jackalo Remembrance Day in honor of his 105th birthday I will miss you Mr jaala and we have a second Proclamation um I would like to let everyone know that after 16 dedicated years our beloved burrow clerk Jane DJ is retiring effective December 31st 2023 but because of her dedication she has some days owed to her so her last official day in the burrow Hall offices will be Wednesday November 29th I can say a lot of things about Jane Miss D dedication loyalty her care and concern for all residents of the burrow but if I continue too much I will become too emotional and I will't be able to read um Jane your positive disposition your team player and can do attitude your sense of humor will be truly missed there really isn't anything that you can't do and I hope you know the profound impact you have had at the Burrows on the Burrow's elected officials residents and employees we could not put together an actual Proclamation ahead of time because I wanted it to be a surprise and Jane would have found out if we did a proclamation um but on behalf of the Govern body I hereby Proclaim November 29th 2023 as Jane DJ day in the burrow of Emerson thank you Jane we wish you all the best in your retirement we wish you were here with us tonight and so we could have embarrassed you but we know you have other plans okay appointments and resignations there are no appointments or resignations this evening uh minut for approval the burough clerk has not received any requests to amend the regular and closed session meeting minutes um of September 19 2023 October 3rd 2023 or October 17 2023 may I have a motion to approve the regular and close session meeting minutes of September 19th 2023 the regular and close session meeting minutes of October 3rd 2023 and the regular and close session meeting minutes of October 17th 2023 so move to second second all in favor hi any opposed motion carries correspondence there is no correspondence this evening Financial business may have a motion to adopt resolution number 28-23 Bill list some move second roll call please councilwoman McGuire yes councilman Gordon yes councilwoman Moore is absent council president Timberman yes councilwoman arenia yes and councilwoman rice yes that passes 5- Z mayor thank you yes is that okay um unfinished business there is no unfinished business this evening a new business uh zoning change request Emerson redeveloper urban renewal 129 Kinder Kack road block 610 lot one we are going to table this as um this is a matter that is being handled between our attorneys uh through communication with the redevelopers attorney in order to coordinate a proper discussion on this matter on December 16 2021 um the burrow attorney sent a series of questions on behalf of the governing body to the redevelopers attorneys and we asked for um answers to some questions we are still waiting for the answers of those questions so in order for the governing body to properly consider any requests for changes to the burrow zoning code um we would need the answers to those um questions furnished to the burrow um we also need time to get professionals together in case they and because they are planning on coming in with their professionals um so can I have a motion to table that to meeting second all in favor I any opposed anything on that John no okay yeah actually I sent a letter to their attorney uh today you did yes okay I got his letter last night at n about 9:30 and it required a little research and uh drafting to I took up good so okay um the next item on the agenda is Tao Municipal animal control services contract for calendar year 2024 Rob that very simple on the Tao contract is it is the exact same contract as last year I did forward it to John so that John could take a look at it once he looks at it we'll put it on uh with his approval for the next meeting uh for adoption okay Bergen County Department Department of Health Services bloodb bur pathogen program agreement 2024 2025 there was a couple of changes in there because um it was all on based off pricing but um so they changed the basically pricing structure where it all was based uh for uh either members and for training that you would pay one price uh people were saying that they were getting their own training and doing it through GIF or uh different ways so that they didn't have to pay for this we are looking into doing the same thing potentially that we would not have to necessarily pay for the training um so we're not uh going to just sign this directly we're going to look into options uh to see how we do this and then make the decision for either December 5th or the 19th because there may be ways of doing this but we could do it for free on our training for bloodb cages yes so we can um jff is offering I've reached out to Frank cavelli and uh Frank is going to uh to send us some stuff uh on this look get so we'll basically make a recommendation of where we're how we're going to do this um at one at either like I said either meeting of the 5th of the 19th of December when is the contract up our contract is up December 31st but again if we go through uh through the through GIF we would have we would just go through on an online class basically classes don't you have like when you do the we do the training online for like mpal training you do online training for other C things like they have class they could just add that in that's what he's that's we're looking yes okay which brings us to introduction of ordinances um the deputy clerk will announce by number and title the following ordinance upon approval this ordinance will be further considered at a public hearing to be held on December 5th 2023 at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be addressed in the council chambers of the burrow Hall Municipal Place Emerson New Jersey and published in the record all ordinances are on the burrow website and on file in the office of the municipal clerk if you would like a hard copy please contact the burrow clerk Miss D Simone please read the title of the ordinance uh ordinance number 1679 d23 an ordinance to amend ranges for salaries wages compensation and other terms of employment of certain employees of the borrow of Emerson for the calendar year 2023 may I have a motion to introduce ordinance number 1679 d23 on first reading so moved second a roll call please councilwoman Maguire yes councilman Gordon yes councilwoman Moore is absent council president Timberman yes councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice yes that passes five to zero mayor thank you um the next item is adoption of ordinances there are no ordinances to be adopted which brings us to reports um we'll start with the mayor and council with councilwoman uh Maguire sure quickly um I joined the community for for the Veterans Day ceremony it was a great opportunity to honor and thank our veterans great job in coordinating that um I want to also congratulate council president Timberman for his reelection and councilwoman rights on her election um looking forward to working with you in the future and wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving uh councilman Gordon yes uh congratulations Mr Timberman and Mrs Rice and uh we will be congratula Mrs Rice in a couple days that is true all right I have a reminder for everyone in town there is no uh Co mangled or paper this this Thursday on Thanksgiving the next uh uh comingled and paper pickup is November 30th which is this Friday wait what no no no my mistake trash trash trash will be picked up this Friday I apologize the day after Thanksgiving November 24th I also have a report from the school congratulations to Will grolik and Amanda ricardi who were elected to the Emerson Board of Education at the November 7th general election they'll start serving their terms when the board reorganizes in January we'd like to thank Anne pressimone and baru P Pastor who will be concluding their services on the board congratulations to the Emerson Junior Senior School which recently earned the AP access award for outstanding advanced placement performance while broadening access to the AP courses to its students on November 2nd the Bergen County Prosecutors office and the Emerson Police Department collaborated with the high school to hold an assembly to educate students on the dangers of fentanyl also from the shade tree the shade tree has planted 10 trees this past fall and if anyone is interested in the tree please contact them at www. Emerson thank you very much Happy Thanksgiving councilwoman orenia do you have a report oh wait wait excuse me I have one more okay I was rushing and this is from the DPW uh the DPW worked with psng to remove dangerous dead tree at 16 Granger Road they also worked with the shade tree commission that helped plant the trees that I just spoken spoken to you about and they've also taken all our winter weather equipment and got it ready for the Season Winter rise the sprinkler system at the baseball field and the concession stands uh the leaf bag distribution has ended as of November 11th uh the last pickup of leaves leaves is December 18th assisted in the rabies Clinic which took place on October 21st and they also assisted with the Fall Festival which was a great turnout thank you mayor councilwoman orenia um yes the um met um thank you they swore in their new member um Kelly of Rus they swore him in or you I swore in I should I swore in her new member Kelly at rapalus um she was very excited to get started um we uh discussed uh just happenings about um the library information that going on the library the educational things uh the blood pressure Clinic the senior center the RAB Clinic it wasn't that good of a turnout um um also um discussed that uh they were going to drop off some more um fenel I don't know if they did it yet Danielle the Baro I didn't see any yet but I don't don't know could have been dropped in the um clerk's office did the Board of Health drop anything off Naran um actually know what we got from the county no only the one that Michelle got from okay they did they You know what last time they gave it to the police department we'll have to see if they dropped it off with the police okay so they said they would be bringing some more around um and uh there's still short one member so's interested and um I'm considering someone to be okay so um that was about it they discussed next year's uh dates and meeting there's no conflicts um that was really it for the Board of Health fire department for the month of October 101 2023 to 1031 2023 uh there was a total event of 28 that was a total of 174 man hours anywhere from the gas leak to trash or rubbish fire that was contained finished that was it okay thank you oh Happy Thanksgiving everybody sorry councilwoman rice I don't have any update for the chamber or for Evac just Happy Thanksgiving everybody council president uh I have one thing for Recreation Commission um the deck the homes contest is back this year again uh any interested homeowners uh are welcome welcome to email Recreation Commission Emerson if you would like to participate in the decorating contest um any interested Pary should submit that by December 2nd um it usually gets a good turnout and the Recreation Commission will be posting a map of the homes that are participating so everybody can go check those out uh and lastly I just want to thank everybody up here but more importantly thank the residents of Emerson um um very grateful for the opportunity to uh continue serving this burrow so thank you I forgot to say thank you to you guys that's right I mean congratulations make me look bad mik thank you everybody I really appreciate all the support um and thank you to everyone up here because it was a total team effort I mean I had some great times out on the streets of Emerson with everybody so I really appreciate all the guidance and all the support from up here and drop to Mike I just want to add um are there prizes for the deck the halls contest yes I have the prizes listed here you want me to remind you oh you have the prizes listed I do all right jump in there jump in maybe that will spice it up for people first place winner will receive a $250 gift card second place will receive a $100 gift card and the third place winner will receive a $50 gift card and that is for the deck the halls con um contest deck the H Deck the Home so what do they have to do I don't understand they just email and say please consider my home and then give their address yep uh by emailing the Recreation Commission you're just submitting your home give the address and then like you said there'll be a map uh generated by them and homeowners will be able to share their homes fun get decorating let's make our town look great okay so that brings me to my report um I want to thank every resident who voted in this year's general election um I want to congratulate everyone that put their name on the ballot uh win or lose um it's hard work a lot of time gets put in and there's always sacrifices by candidates um I have a very special congratulations to our council president Michael Timberman on his re reelection and to our councilwoman Ashley rice on her election to the council um Ashley has been serving since her appointment in January and I look forward to continuing to work with both of you on the and the rest of the government in body in 2024 um I do have one comment on the election um there was an article in the newspaper yesterday about the voting machines I know that we had a couple of issues here in Emerson and I'm glad that the county is taking a good hard look at what went on here um I know that I had an experience myself where an A blank ballot came out I know that we were running very short on paper and thinking that we were going to actually run out of paper in one of the um polling locations as well as there being a couple of glitches and maybe not enough training everything that was pretty much um written in the article so I'm glad the county is taking a better look on that and um we had a lot of these problems and we only had a 39% turnout of our um registered voters in Emerson so next year is a presidential election last year we had I believe it was 79% and we were the second highest turnout in the county during our general election and I don't think we were any anywhere near that this year with a 39% so next year you need to make a plan to vote because if we have these same machines we want everybody to have the opportunity to vote we don't want anybody um waiting for long periods of time um so we'll give more information on that going forward back in in November next year but just really glad that the uh county is taking a serious look on the voting machines um the mayor and Council and American Legion post 269 held our annual Veterans Day ceremony on Saturday November 11th at the senior center fittingly it was a beautiful day with about a 100 residents in attendance to honor our veterans those veterans who attended stood up during the ceremony and gave their names military branches ranks and years of Duty so that we could probably recognize their service at the conclusion of the ceremony everyone enjoyed delicious donated treats um foods and beverages they were donated by the fresh grosser Duncan Stu Leonard's Goldberg's Bagels and rol's bakery um we truly appreciate all of the donations that came for our veterans to enjoy and it was um really a beautiful poignant ceremony um the idell Emerson Rotary Club will be holding a food drive on Saturday December 9th from 9:30 to 2:30 p.m. at vul Liber Funeral Home in ell Personal Care items as well as supplies um for Ukraine are particularly needed the Emerson Police Department is holding its 35th annual PBA toy drive please drop off new unwrapped toys at the Emerson Police Department no later than December 17th um you may have noticed that the Emerson Police Department community policing unit is growing out their beards from November to uh end of December to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society any member of the public wishing to donate can drop off checks at the Emerson Police Department please make your check pay aable to the burrow of Emerson burrow Hall will be closed on Thursday and Friday in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday um the burough will be holding our annual Christmas tree lighting on Sunday November 26th at 6m that's this Sunday in front of burrow Hall um there will be carols and refreshments and a special visitor from the North Pole and the next regular meeting of the Emerson governing body will take place on Tuesday December 5th at 7:30 p.m. in the burrow Hall council chambers and on behalf of the governing body I want to wish everybody a very happy and safe Thanksgiving um Rob do you have a report for us I'm gonna let da like do because we're gonna piggy that's a couple things we piggyback so okay Dave would you like to give us your report welcome sure good evening um congratulations to you too as well for your reelection that's great news um so just updating you guys first on the the road program so things are moving along the concrete work has been completed on the roads that we're doing as well as the drainage improvements um right now um we're scheduled to begin Milling uh just after Thanksgiving on Monday the 27th uh we anticipated taking about five to six days um they're trying to push everything into the five-day window but it may roll into the following week uh Cent shop uh as far as the overall schedule um what I have here is that they're going to be Milling Franklin Court leak court and Adams court on Monday the 27th uh the paving of that street should be uh on the 30th um Chestnut Street between Overlook and Grand Boulevard that'll be done on the 27th as well for the Milling uh with Paving taking place on the 30th um Grand Boulevard Lincoln Boulevard to um Vivian that'll be on the 27th and the 28th uh with Paving taking place on the 30th um Park Avenue from Grand Boulevard to Spruce will take place on November 28th uh with Paving taking place on December 1st uh Douglas Street Heartland Avenue to Sanford uh that'll be a two-day thing from uh 1128 to 1129 for milling and then Paving on December 1st uh andwood Drive uh Pine Drive to Eagle Drive that'll be on the Milling will take place on the 29th with Paving on uh December 1st and then the last Street which is Bruce Avenue which is a portion of it um but it's between a and Park Avenue um that's from that'll be take place on 1129 for the milling and Paving on 121 now obviously this is all weather dependent uh because originally they were actually going to start uh this week however with the rain today they decided to hold off on that so that the roads would not be left in a m condition over the uh the holidays and we are very grateful for that the streets that affect the school is there any way to coordinate with the contractor to start Milling after say drop off yeah we'll have to work out the the specific time frames I know they've been in discussions with the police department um as far as their schedule and different time periods I just want to um emphasize the contractor is supposed to notify the residents correct and my understanding is that the notices a portion of them went out today the remaining streets will be uh dropped off tomorrow so everybody should have been noticed before Thanksgiving before the start of the work okay um and is it a we should post this that these are tentative dates on our uh burrow Facebook page and website absolutely so that everybody knows because this is a significant list um and I also just want everyone to know that as far as the um Rave um night reverse phone calls happen when it's concerning a street or an emergency situation that comes from the police department if it has to do with um General burrow information it generally comes out of the clerk's office so um some people are signed up for Twitter just for the police department and you are the people that are going to be getting um the notices about these road closures and um I just wanted to point that out but we will post this list on the website so that everyone can review it and be sure that they know if for some reason the contractor um missed their house it flew away something like that yeah unfortunately I mean they're not supposed to put them in the mailboxes so sometimes people may not get them or somebody gets it and doesn't give it to the other person in the household and the police also put up like the white posters the white and red posters the no parking so that's usually another clue that something's happening yeah and don't see that and I mean and tell your friends and neighbors if you got a notice just be sure that if your neighbor if you see them out and you're wishing them Happy Thanksgiving that everyone's aware it's a team effort to make make sure everybody knows and it's patience because as we've you know we know that it with Mother Nature Anything could happen right so we're just asking also for patience on this we we will the roads get done they will be fantastic then afterwards and we well we know that we had a blip with a contractor a couple of weeks ago on mwood and the administrator immediately went out and I jumped on it and you jumped on it I and we rectified it very quickly the person had been notified di but right it was a late notification so we just want to make sure that everybody is aware of these streets so thank you for reading them all sure yeah and and just to iterate I mean as far as road closures during the the construction operations we will be closing the roadways down um during those time periods um the residents can get in and out as you know if there's an emergency or whatever needs to happen with that right they're never completely cut off from their homes correct correct and they have access to their house it just may not be during the paving operation primarily um they won't be able to drive on the fresh pavement because is the set up so that oh and the most important thing if you need to get out of your house or get into your house what you need to do is call the police desk and a police officer will assist you either getting out or getting into your um home in terms of you know speak coordinating it with the gentlemen that are doing the work right and the contractor's information should be with their notice that they received as well so if they need anything from them as well um they're there and then um our office will be on site during the the construction operations as well whatever needs to be so so just wanted to update on that um the dot did make announcements as far as their uh Grant award for the fiscal year 2024 minutes belade um so the bureau um has submitted for Park Avenue phase two um so those limits are really from Spruce Avenue which is where we're Paving up to uh this year up to the municipal boundary um so the dot awarded the the burrow a grant in the amount of $186,900 project is funded through a Community Development block grant um just to see what we could potentially do um to kind of help reduce some of the cost on the project as well as U meet their timetable so we're looking into um the bur entering into a uh Cooperative program um where these projects for the pump station have already been bid through the state contracts um which should give us um potentially some lower costs for the material as well as help speed up the process um so we can meet the timetable so um believe that your next meeting will'll be looking to potentially enter into um into that Cooperative program there is no cost to the burrow to be part of the program um but like I said it provides some potential cost savings on products and once you're in that um you know if there's any other um items that are needed for your pal stations in the future which we're hoping not for a long time being that we're upgrading everything but in the future if there's anything that's needed and it's in that Cooperative program BR is able to participate in the qu savings so we're looking to all that stuff to uh move things forward on that um and I think that is all that I have is there anything else that I may have missed Rob the mayor mentioned mwood we did do some work up in mwood uh which I think is very going to be very beneficial in that area we found some things up there I mean you could want to yeah so on um so your Public Works director during the um as we started into the construction process um had brought to our attention there were some issues with some of the drainage infrastructure on mwood Drive um so as part of the the project we ended up replacing some of the drainage pipe over there um as they were removing the old pipe you found there was a lot of roots and different debris and stuff in there so uh we're hoping by replacing with new pipe that'll help with some of your drainage issues that you've incurred over in that area so so our drainage pipe has roots in it yes the one did yeah fortunately trees like to find their way to water absolutely so thank you for that reminder okay Rob do have a report um first uh we were we had uh we finished up the solar the roof on the library our brand new roof was put in uh we are now finishing up the solar panels we're putting solar panels up there uh that should be done by the middle of December the supports are already up for the panels they're now just getting ready to install the panels themselves uh so that will be uh taken care of um we were we were out there inspecting that uh the finally have you yeah we were we were out there the other day along with uh along with the architect and and and Perry uh to inspect it to make sure that it met the specification of what they were uh with with this along with the installer and uh they were every everything looks to be uh in and ready to go and hopefully by middle of December they will be operational operational and uh a significant savings to the library yeah so and um the uh our rfps and rfqs for our professional uh positions are uh still out and we have until dece December 1st for anybody who is interested uh they're on the website please check the website the Housing Authority has uh put in plans in order to do uh some uh our new building up in uh for the where the American Legion is uh they're going to be coming forward be before the land use board very shortly uh with the plans uh for everyone to look at and hopefully we'll get that project moving uh so we can have uh a you know a a right now now the uh Commander Hogan is in favor and has sent a letter of support on this also so we're very excited hopefully to get this done in a uh in a in a in a quick manner umor I also want to thank my staff uh for and the governing body so congratulations Mr chman first and and councilman rice on their reelection but I also want to thank my staff as a Thanksgiving so I'm very thankful for everybody here and what they've done uh they work very hard here and um so uh especially DPW at this time of year with everything going on and and our police um and my last comment is for for Jane um I will greatly Miss Jane uh she is truly uh more than just a clerk to the to the uh employees here uh she really is a um I I look at as much as a maternal figure all right to a lot of us she uh she gives us great guidance she has tremendous knowledge of the things that have gone on here in this town uh she can tell us stories of things that occurred and and and things that we need to you know be able to research uh she's basically was a walking encyclopedia without you know before we had an internet we had Jane and um so I'm going to truly miss her uh but she is it's welld deserved and uh congratulations on your day Jane and good job by the mayor on that okay um John any reports nothing thank you okay um which brings us to public comment members of the public are welcome to speak on any Topic in the interest of time speakers are limited to three minutes may I have a motion to open the meeting to General comments from the public so moved second all in favor I any opposed motion carries seeing no one raising their hand may I have a motion to close the meeting to the public comment smooth second all in favor I any opposed motion carries next order of business is resolutions on consent may I have a motion to approve consent [Music] agenda consent agenda resolutions 29-23 through 26223 some Mo second may I have a roll call please Council M McGuire yes councilman Gordon yes councilman Moore is absent council president Timberman yes councilwoman orenia yes councilwoman rice yes that passes 5 Z mayor thank you we are now going into another close session members of the public May remain on YouTube until we return to open session at which time formal action may be taken may I have a motion to go into closed executive session to discuss matters exempt from the public pursuant to njsa 104-1 at second adequately noticed by resolution number 26323 so move second roll call please Council Maguire yes Council MC Gordon yes Council Moore is absent council president Timberman yes councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice yes that passes 5 mayor thank you tri this okay use my hand no my hand didn't move this is delayed it's delay okay now my hand's moving hello um I have a motion to reconvene so move second do we have any further business to discuss absolutely yeah I have two motions to make okay uh the first is a motion to approve resolution ful completion of a mandatory background check physical and psychological testing uh do we have a second on that I'll second and a roll call please councilwoman Maguire yes councilman Gordon yes councilwoman Moore is absent council president Timberman yes councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice yes that passes 5 Z mayor thank you do we have any other business council president I have another uh motion to make I'd like to make a a motion to approve resolution 26523 a motion to authorize the buau to proceed to purchase block 610 lot 99-01 and block 613 Lot 2 uh 2 and7 lsav not to exceed 50,000 excluding closing cost can I get a second on that second roll call please councilwoman Maguire yes councilman Gordon yes councilwoman Moore is absent Council president Timberman yes councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice yes that passes by zero mayor do we have any other business uh yes I actually have a motion to make tonight okay um I would like to make a motion 20 26623 which is to make a motion um for Capital Alternatives Corporation um that asserts that it was not paid by the Barrow of Emerson for work performed during the former mayor ltina Administration on a Grant application for funds to improve Kinder KAC Road therefore to settle in the amount of $30,000 you have a second on that you got it no um roll call please Jill second is that may have a roll call please councilwoman Maguire yes councilman Gordon yes councilwoman Moore is absent council president Timberman yes I thought councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice yes that passes 5 Z mayor thank you and do we just have a quick just one clarification on resolution 26423 uh I missed it it was supposed to say two police candidates so it's the two police candidates that getting the um temporary conditional offer of employment okay that's just a clarification do we have any other business Happy Thanksgiving do no other business no okay with no further business may have a motion to convene moving to a none of us want to make that motion do we have a second second all in favor I any opposed Happy Thanksgiving everybody Happy Thanksgiving