I'm getting the uh good evening everyone welcome to the April 16th 2024 regular meeting of the Emerson governing body this meeting is being videotaped and may be viewed on your local public access Channel e excuse me either 36 or 77 the meetings are also available Live on YouTube for those of you present in case of a fire the F please follow the fire exit signs located above each door um and we will now do the Pledge of Allegiance uned States Gody and justice for all I would ask you to remain standing uh for just a moment to uh remember uh some Emerson residents that have recently passed away uh as we remember their memory uh Mrs Jean Bella Betty sweats David Arthur Kramer and Evelyn pesy all longtime Emerson residents with deep roots in our community they will be missed thank you this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law and adequately noticed pursuant to njsa 104 -10 this meeting of April 16th 2024 was notice to the record and Ridgewood news on January 4th 2024 and published in said newspapers posted on the bulletin board of the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute Miss Ryan would you please call the roll call as the governing body sure mayor deala presid councilwoman arenia is excused excused councilwoman rice councilwoman Maguire present council president Timberman here councilman Gordon is excused exed and councilwoman Moore is excused and you know what can I have a motion from the governing body to excuse those governing body members that are not with us this evening due to vacation because school is on break this week um and also they're out of town as well as one of our members that is actually working this evening so moved so moved and a roll call please to excuse them councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire yes council president Timberman yes passes 30 mayor thank you um and we are also going to make a motion to excuse councilwoman arenia and more from the regular meeting of April 2nd 2024 so moved second uh uh council president um and a roll call please sure uh councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire yes and council president Timmerman yes passes 30 okay very good during April we celebrate Earth month and Arbor Day in recognition of of two of the two proclamations uh the arbit day Proclamation will be read at the ARB day ceremony and posted on the website and please check our website and social media for all of the activities surrounding um Earth month and Arbor Day um we'll see you with those events uh appointments there are no appointments made this evening minutes for approval may I have a motion to approve the regular session meeting minutes of April 2nd 2024 so moved roll call please councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire yes and council president Tim yes yes 3 minut thank you and may I have a motion to approve the Clos session meeting minutes of April 2nd 2024 which are not released to the public at this time so moved second roll call please councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire yes and council president timman yes thank you um and correspondence yesterday the burrow happily received a letter from the Arbor Day Foundation recognizing Emerson as a tree City USA for 2023 for the 19th consecutive year thank you to the shade tree commission especially Jessica fricky um and all of the members for all of their hard work to continue this distinction distinction in 2023 um and thank you to all of those volunteers that continue to keep the shade tree commission going um Financial business may I have a motion to approve resolution number 13-24 approval of the April 16 2024 Bill list so moved second roll call please councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire yes and council president Timmerman yes thank you unfinished business there is no unfinished business this evening um new business public hearing on the submission of the 2024 Bergen County open space trust fund Municipal Park Improvement Grant application um this project is for improvements to Rosen Gart Park um AKA Sunset Park block 50101 lot 6 151 Park Avenue Emerson New Jersey 07630 and the scope of the project is to purchase and install um custom Ada equipment to provide a safe and accessible recreation facility um tonight in accordance with the grant requirements we are holding the public hearing prior to our submission of the Municipal Park Improvement Grant application uh for the 2024 Bergen County open spust open space trust fund um for the project that I just mentioned um the improvements we are proposing include the upgrade and potential expansion of the playground area to this park we hope to be able to install new accessible playground equipment for better access inclusivity of our children in the 2 to five age group as well as 5 to 12 the equipment being proposed will include new Play Systems swings slides climers and sensory equipment I'm sure that if we all think back to our childhood we have very fond memories of playing on the playground um play Fosters social emotional and physical sensory and creative development in children and this governing body is committed to providing a welcoming environment for children of all abilities to experience play and enjoy we will be submitting an application for a matching Grant of $351,000 with $175,500 requested from the 224 Bergen County Municipal Park Improvement grant grant may I have a motion to open the meeting to public comment on this matter only so moved second all in favor I any opposed okay we are open to the public on the 2024 Bergen County open space trust fund Municipal Park Improvement Grant application seeing no hands may I have a motion to close the meeting to General comments from the public so moved second all in favor I any opposed okay where uh motion is carried do any governing body members have any comments on the application I just want to say that I think it's great that we're making it more accessible having worked in special education for many years I know how important it is to parents children who have special needs to make them you know have those opportunities to participate with the rest of the community so I'm glad that we're doing that okay anybody else no I agree makes a huge impact to those families uh and some of the things we've done recently have made a big impact to them so this is continuing that and uh Rosen grad Park is one of our biggest so it could probably make the biggest impact there probably gets the most attention from all the kids in town so is it too early to find out how long you think the project would take to do the construction of it all um be close I I think that once the actual plans are completed I think would be a better time for us to get a t time frame on it um anybody else Dave anything on the grant Rob anything okay um so with that in mind may I have a motion to approve um resolution 14-24 authorized submission of a 2024 Bergen County open space Trust fund Municipal Park Improvement Grant application for the improvements to rosengart park project so moved second roll call please councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire yes and council president Timberman yes thank you um the next item is Introduction of ordinances um Miss Ryan will announce by number and title the following ordinance upon approval this ordinance will be further considered at a public hearing to be held on May 7th 2024 at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be addressed in the council chambers of the burrow Hall Municipal Place Emerson New Jersey and published in the record all ordinances are on the burough website and on file in the office of the municipal clerk if you would like a hard copy please contact our clerk's office Miss Ryan please read the title of the ordinance sure mayor this is ordinance 16 86-24 an ordinance to establish ranges for salaries wages compensation and other terms of employment of certain employees of the burrow of Emerson for the calendar year 2024 thank you may I have a motion to introduce ordinance number 1686 d24 on first reading so moved may I have a roll call please sure councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire yes and council president Timmerman yes thank you and now we are on to adoption of ordinances this is the second reading and public hearing of ordinance 1685 d24 Miss Ryan would you please read the title of this ordinance sure this is ordinance 1685 d24 burrow of Emerson Bergen County New Jersey calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a c bank in accordance with njsa 4A colon 44514 thank you may I have a motion to open the meeting for public comment on this and this ordinance only so moved all in favor I any opposed motion carried we are open to the public would anyone like to speak on the adoption of this ordinance seeing No Hands may I have a motion to close this portion of the meeting for public comment on this ordinance so move second all in favor I any opposed we are now closed May I have a motion to adopt ordinance number 1685 d24 on second reading so moved may I have a roll call please councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire yes and council president Timmerman yes yes is 30 May thank you which leads us to reports um I'll start with mine um as everyone knows weekly mixed Garden debris pickup resumed on April 1st and we'll continue each Monday through the end of the year um we ask you to join us next Wednesday April 24th at 6m at the senior center for a full demo of the new voting process on the new machines by the buron county superintendent of Elections this is a great opportunity for voters to become familiar with this new voting process ahead of this year's elections last year Bergen County retired the decades old voting machines replacing them with new machines and a new process and they have further updated the process so it will be slightly different than it was this past year um those in attendance will be able to do a mock vote and get answers to any questions from the election officials themselves light Refreshments will be served um the next two weekends will be very busy within our community with events and activities that are planned this coming weekend this Saturday the DPW trucks and More tour sounds like it's going to be a great event uh we thank the environmental commission for putting together such great events to celebrate Earth month and to the DPW especially Perry salamando for all of their assistance with this program you can get your cars ready for the weekend at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Car Wash fund razor from 12: to 2 on uh on on I was going to say on Soldier Hill Road um please contact the church for more information that's on Saturday this Sunday April 21st the bcua is holding a recycling event at Bergen Community College from 9:00 a. to 2: p.m please visit bcu.org for more details on what can be recycled the environmental commission will be holding their sustainability store time at the library with yours truly as the um guest reader for the children and that is on Wednesday April 24th at 3:30 p.m. it will continue until 4:30 I will be reading the book in honor of Earth month and there will be an activity after the reading um NE that also was presented by environmental uh the next next Saturday April 27th at 10:00 a.m. at rosengart Park AKA Sunset please join us for the shade tree commission's Arbor Day ceremony where we remember Emerson residents who have passed away since 2023 there is still time to have names placed on the remembrance list by contacting the clerk's office thank you to the shade tree commission especially Karen arenia and Jessica fricky for putting this program together also on Saturday April 27th residents can drop off unwanted and expired medication at our Police Department from 10:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. as part of drug the National Drug takeback day um and that night the Assumption Church kns of Columbus they are holding a Texas holdom tournament in the church gym please contact the church directly for more details on Sunday April 28th the community garden will open for the season at 8:00 a.m. followed by baseball and softball opening day and a parade at 9:00 a.m. that same day there is also a blood drive in honor of the Philip Morgan Excuse Me Foundation that will be held at the senior center from 9:00 a. to 2 PM all of this information is listed on our social media and on the burough website in case you missed any of the information plus you could always call burrow Hall to find out um the deadline to order military tribute banners to honor veterans who are currently um live or have resided in Emerson is April 30th um we have to put that deadline in so that we get them back in time to put them up for Memorial Day the Bergen County Clerk satellite office is scheduled to come on Wednesday May 1st from 10: a.m. to 2 PM at the senior center to accept passport applications swear in notaries more information can be found on the website get your unwanted and confidential papers ready it's the biggest event of the year it is the annual shredding day for the spring which is Saturday May 18th uh at 9:00 a.m. until 1 p.m. right here at Burrow Hall we will have another one in the fall but this is the first debut of it for the year is the shredding event Emerson's pba's annual community police golf outing is on Tuesday May 28th at the hackin sack Golf Course all of the money raised will once again be donated to the community policing fund to help fund community policing events hosted by the Emerson police department they are anticipating another sellout this year so if anyone is interested in golfing please register as soon as possible this link can be found on our website and on the Police website as well as on social media you can also make a donation or get tickets to the dinner through this link as well um could you grab me a glass of water or someone very breathy for some reason I think you hear it okay um today the Bergen County Mosquito division did their annual spraying of the Emerson Woods to combat the MOs mosquito population as relay in the information found on our website and on the counties that has been posted um over the last several weeks thank you very much there was no threat to Residents or animals we thank Bergen County for their diligence in this matter to keep our mutual residents safe excuse me sorry so today I had a very nice meeting with Paul arenson the former mayor of Ridgewood and the current um budsman for the individuals with intellectual endoor developmental disabilities and their families he had received a complaint from a resident that I'm confident when he left um the meeting that he was very satisfied with all of Emerson's efforts that the that we have taken in The Last 5 Years to make Emerson more inclusive and accessible for all residents having said that we are always striving as a governing body and as a burrow to be more inclusive and we are constantly evaluating our operations and approaches if you are a family member um if you have a family member or you yourself have some special needs or need any kind of special accommodation and would like to attend one of our burrow events please reach out to us prior to the event so we could best accommodate you in any any way that is appropriate um I know that we have done that in the past with um some of our events I know that we have some children that have sensory needs and we open up a little bit earlier so it's less crowded so if you do have any special requests please reach out to us and um all of our boards and commissions um and we will be reaching out to the fire and police to make sure that any events that are being held in the burrow moving forward do have some sort of accessibility um program for um adults and children um the next governing B's next regular meeting will be on Tuesday May 7th at 7:30 p.m. at which time we will hold a public hearing prior to adoption of the 2024 Municipal budget our CFO and our burough auditor Gary Higgins will be in attendance to give a presentation and answer questions um for our Emerson residents and friends who celebrate on behalf of the governing body I wish you and your families a happy Passover um and I do just want to remind everyone that everyone's on vacation this week there are kids playing outside in the streets riding their bicycles please be mindful of them as well as we continue into spring and summer that the kids are out there and it's going to be lighter longer and they're going to have a lot of energy so please stay safe out there um Ashley do you have a report for us this evening um I have I'll do um Council or is first it's a Board of Health Report uh it's confirmed that October 10th 2024 is the flu Clinic it will be held at the senior center there'll be flyers and um more information we'll publicize it as we get closer to the date um for the Board of Ed see um they wanted to give a special shout out to our First Responders the Emerson police department they assisted with a medical emergency last week um we love our uh First Responders in our town so big out um also they are finalizing the budget HED to approve at the end of April and they are finalizing recommendations for a plan to reconstruct the tennis courts um that's it from bard of Ed and then the environmental mayor mentioned a lot of it but one uh one thing to know there are still plots available at the Garden if you're interested a limited number but get that application in applications on the website and then um all throughout the month up until May 9th um right here in town the new City Florist there's a promotion going on um if you make any online or inperson uh order 10% will go back to the environmental commission for them to um purchase new beds for the upcoming years so good to know Mother's Day is coming up flowers birthdays just because Flowers whatever you want to do husbands if you're husbands in the dog house flowers from New City Florist on acur and 10% goes to if you mentioned the environmental commission goes to new beds and whatever uh new equipment is needed for the community garden um Council woman Maguire do you have a report yes uh the historic preservation committee will be restarting meetings with a special meeting at Burl Hall on May 20th the meeting will be held at 7 pm uh the Emerson Library hours are currently Monday Wednesday and Friday 10 to 5 Tuesday and Thursday 10 to 8 and Saturday 11: to 3 the library host an array of activities for all ages as well as By Appointment notary services Printing and scanning Services free Wi-Fi and computer lab ESL classes and free Museum passes visit www.emerson.com for further information the next meeting of the Board of Trustees is Thursday April 24th at 7:30 p.m with regard to pedestrian safety the speed sign study pilot program has recently concluded Easy Pass will be providing the police the data that was gathered which the police will use for traffic enforcement and education also the annual Memorial walk bike a roll to school event will take place on Thursday May 2nd Easy Ride conducted an educational presentation for the students on April 12th and the police will be holding a scheduled Bike Rodeo for students after school on April 22nd lot going on yes fun time of year and I think they're giving away two bicycles right yeah I think they they are doing a giveaway um council president did you have a report sure uh for recreation like you mentioned uh opening day for softball and baseball be Sunday April 28th um and be on the look out there's no date yet but uh registration for summer camp will be opening soon and then I will have a report for Commissioner Gordon do you want to tell what day is Town day again I think I mentioned it at the last to day is Saturday June 22nd maybe June 22nd yes with a rain Daye for Sunday the 23rd okay and just so that everyone knows that is when we have the hot dogs and hamburgers for our residents as well as the fireworks spectacular and I heard that the unity um balloon may be back Unity Bank balloon hot air balloon and you have a report for our commissioner yeah I'll do a commissioner Gordon's report for the DPW uh like you mentioned bcua is having the uh one of their recycling events at buron Community College uh April 21st uh as far as R DPW they painted lines in the parking lot behind burow Hall uh branch and debris was picked up after a heavy rainstorm they also removed falling tree from the rear of a home on Lindon a uh they cleaned off the basketball courts of any mildew and build up over the winter on acrian Park um they've started all their spring cleanups in other parks in town and they've continued trimming trees at homeowners requests thank you um John do you have a report for us um Dave do you have a report for us this evening okay thank you Dave negia from our engineering firm welcome thank you a pleasure to be here can I call you Dave neglia Dave atson from [Laughter] neglia uh but yeah so just want to update you on a number of different projects that are going on um so we continue to be working with the uh through the co-op for the Randol app Pump Station I just got in actually yesterday from uh from pumping Services the additional CS that we were looking for to get everything completed so we're in the process of reviewing that to make that they have everything scoped out and then we'll be getting in touch with you guys to get authorization for that next portion of that work um the anticipated cost is about 130,000 for the additional work which would bring it to about 200,000 um to get the pump station rehab there's some additional costs that um we'll have to look into as well as far as your emergency service um system that you have in place at the pump stations that'll need to get upgraded as well so there will be addition above that 200,000 but still within the confines of the uh the funds that we got for the project um Cindy lanane Pump Station we continue to see further delays on that as far as getting the pumps um the last update I had from them was We were supposed to be getting the pumps the middle of April which is the 16 so um from what I'm hearing from directly from the manufacturer we're talking potentially June for the pumps oh god oh you know I drove by there y yesterday and the resident that lives there I mean is putting up with a lot it really is not attractive looking respect to that portion yeah um jump the gun I was gonna get to that part okay sorry so that's the pumps the good part's coming the good part's coming so the so the portion that they excavated um so there's a pre-cat chamber that's was ordered um my understanding is they're doing the final Coatings the interior Coatings um and that should be finished by the end of this week and being shipped next week and we should have that work completed hopefully by the end of the month um so is so that'll get cleaned up everything on the surface will be all done um and his front walkway and stuff will be restored good so that will be taken care of all right good I'm happy toar that'll be a little bit later like I said from what I'm hearing from directly from the manufacturer which June so the casing and everything are there so that everything can be removed and it'll be a safe area but the guts won't be in there that are making it operational yet that's what we're waiting on okay you're waiting on all the good stuff good so that portion the isore will be gone good thank you sure um other project I know um we've talked about the uh audible push buttons um we're just wrapping up a couple items with the do on that to get their final blessings on the funds so that we can um work County to get those procured and ultimately get that uh get them installed at the two intersections as a reminder of the two intersections um kindri Kack and van Wagner And then old Hook Road and Main Street um acam and Park basketball court we're just working on wrapping up the construction plan so we can go out to bid on that project we look to hit the paper in May so that we can award get that in construction over the the summer months um other item I have is um the Emerson your childhood waste and recycle and yard waste collection so come the end of the year your contract is up for that um so we're going to be looking to go out to bid in May um for that particular collection stuff we're going to work with your administrator and Public Works to come up with a number of different options so we have multitude of things to look at and try to best suit um the needs for the burrow both from a financial standpoint as well as services to the residents so um as a reminder for solid waste the rules and regulations for public biddings a little bit different than like a construction project um the time period that it has to be out on the street is a a minimum of 60 days um so that's why we're looking to push this out sooner rather than later because if we need to go out for Reid it affords us the time so we're not under a time crunch come January one so okay um and last item I had so we worked alongside with your um administrator public works as well as your Grant consultant to um submit for a request for funding to help out with some additional drainage projects um within the buau or specifically we called it the West Side drainage um just because it's on the west side of town um as you guys are aware there's been ongoing issues over by Jordan Avenue and forest related to the drainage system over there so um we have put together some preliminary costs just based on some general basic assumptions and some data that we found um you know it is a pretty large as of what we're looking for um all in including permitting design survey um and construction it's almost about million ass um what is that all about you said 9 about 10 million to fix the flooding on Jordan Road correct correct but but that's the issue that we've looked at we've cameraed we know that the issue is part County part paramis so everyone would have to that's what we're hoping that it's that's what we're hoping yes and obviously if we can get some federal funds to help offset that that helps everybody um in the long run and what is the largest expense there digging up the road and and resetting bringing in the new pipe or yeah so your your biggest expense is the fact that from Jordan to where it out falls into the map sink mus that was good you did it a lot better than I did I was trying um the brook it's about a 4,000 linear foot run um from Jordan over to the brook so that's if you think about it 4,000 ft of pipe but that's the paramis portion of it to take it out right under the cemetery yeah so the the route would be going through the cemetery and other preliminary discussions with the the cemetery owners they agreed that they would be willing to work with everybody um to come up with something that so and your bul cost really is the the cost for the really it's going to have to be a a box C to fit based on the volumes that we saw based on some past calculations so that's uh well that was eye opening yes listen when I ran through the numbers and I'm like I called up Rob and I'm like uh this is the number wow I heard a big thud so yeah um and it also does include we are doing a little bit of desting and dagging particularly where they outfall so we're definitely going to have to reach out to our congressman and see if there's other grants that are available I know we did already but we're going to have to keep doing them and maybe layer the money up and if we can get some in different um calendar years listen that's just preliminary cost you know as you find tun and do the actual studies maybe we determine that you can get away with different size Ty that are a little bit smaller I what we oh if we're going to do it it has to be done right I don't think we should get anything smaller no no but the this is just based on okay this is what the drainage are is and the flow and without doing a full-blown analysis on the whole thing it was just a general overview um so does it give you an idea the size of what we're looking at is about a 4 foot by 8 foot box W which those get to be expensive if we can get it to standard you know round pipe you know that might be another alter and and and that so that the um the water dumps into that Basin first before it's taken away in the pipes and um I know that we have had um conversations in Bergen County did write a letter in support of our grant right I was going to piggy back to when he was done y yes I want to I want to thank uh buron County I want to thank you the mayor along with the governing body because this has been an issue uh that I've gone back and since researched uh that's gone on for more than 15 years uh we have tried to reach out to Bergen County in order to get them to do something for uh for a very long time uh the fact that right now we have got their ear and that they are willing to listen to this and partner with us um is is a very um good step it's a great first step for us uh Westwood has also put a letter of support in along with other the some of our other towns paramis and and we've reached out to them um I also want to thank the residents there who uh when I was around along with some of the other people who were reaching out the governing body was reaching out to them telling them to open their doors to make sure that we signed the petitions uh that we put in and and sent pictures uh to what these residents have been through for the last number of years uh and so working with Dave and our grant riter we put I believe together a very good proposal uh that I do think that uh hopefully our two senators uh here in the state of New Jersey will look at and realize that we have a significant problem there and look to get that fixed and remedied uh for the benefit of those residents who have been suffering for a long time it's not even that it's a problem it's when it was initially done the wrong size pipes were put in correct some some didn't we figure that out that the a larger pipe went into a smaller pipe and someone revers the pipes when when it was initially installed all those years ago I mean it may like when they initially put the system in it was probably sized accordingly before all the development that took place in the area and then over the time over time people added to it and never upgraded a downstream side I mean so you have right now as it sits today you have an 18inch pipe leaving you have two 18in pipes coming in from both directions and then you have an elliptical pipe forget the exact size maybe it's 22 by 39 or something that comes in from the from the other side so you've got a lot of pipes that are similar size or larger iing into something going not going into something large enough to contain it yeah so it backs up okay so hoping that this is again we won't know this is for 2025 is there you know for funding uh so this is not something that will be fixed overnight but it is something that we are looked in we've looked into just as we did the last year for uh the the grant that we put in with with um with with Congressman gimer right so we're looking forward to seeing this through to it to the end and see what happens and and Dave can I I'm just I'm going to put you on the spot like for these people that are having these problems before we could actually get to fix them where could people get ideas on how to best protect themselves either with like what do they use as barriers to keep the water back just so that they're not constantly getting damag while we're waiting to get these funds together in order to make fixes yeah I mean you can go online and just search up any you know flood barriers or you know flood doors or floodgates there's different products and things out there I mean obviously you know from a home homeowner's perspective there is a you know a significant cost for some of these different things but there's know different avenues that they can go it on the amount of water if you're in the low spot there I mean from the pictures I've seen it's you know halfway up a car so know it's very difficult to what you can do but L the main thing is you know protecting you know the interior of your house so right there things I also think you know it's very important for residents to realize that you know we have had a lot of rain and we do have a lot of very rainy Summers and if you know that your neighborhood is prone to flooding um and that the water has risen halfway up a car try not to park your car in the street on those days try not to travel during those hours when the storms are going on so that you don't have to take a risk and drive through standing water um you're never supposed to drive through it and I know people do take chances and then they get stuck in their car seizes so I think that um people have to be very aware of their surroundings and if it's going to rain and they know they're in a flood prone area um where one of our streets floods that they they have to do all that they can to protect themselves until we can get the fixes in place and I just want to add that just because we've did this for for Jordan Harry and I were out uh under your auspice of telling us we know to reach out to the other other areas of town that also have issues we've knocked on their doors we've gone to their houses we've explained to them that they are not forgotten that we are working together with everything on any opportunity that we can see to do something else and and to do something in in other in these other areas um some that may be simple and some that are are more Troublesome uh but we are looking to do uh other areas and and looking into those other areas and coming up with an idea with ideas and we are going to go we're going to continue to keep trying to solve Gover body as I've said in the past is um dedicated to trying to mitigate a lot of these um water problems within the Barrow so I I I think it's wonderful that this full governing body is committed to that um and doing any kind of um uh uh Solutions Sol well looking into any kind of solutions and looking for any remedies um that that we could take along the way um do you have any more to report Dave or that was my last I left you on the big left you left me with the 9.9 million hanging okay great thank you um Rob do you have a report for us this evening uh so I just would like to go where we have a internship for our uh summer and fall out on handshake which is where are where we are advertising for that we are looking uh forward to we have a couple of resumés that we've uh we've received uh and we are looking you know forward to inter interviewing those candidates and hopefully see if we get some more uh rumes also for for both uh for the summer and for fall um those are non-paying intern positions non-paying yes um I attended the Community Development reorganization and public hearing meeting this this evening uh at six o'clock in Bergen County and um Dave uh along with myself and Perry had worked together uh to come up with a uh a grant proposal for cdbg which would be improvements to Second Street and we were funded completely for that which was $122,250 so again I want to thank Dave and Perry for working uh to get that done uh and put that through and I want to thank cdbg uh for working again with the bur of Emerson uh to to to solve some of the problems that we have um we talked about the submit of the grant for Senator Mendez and Booker on the flooding um so also in our budget this year uh we have some larger Capital items to help improve some of our facilities within the within the burrow one of the items that I would like to discuss is working together with the Board of Education to help repave and Reign our tennis courts which will also paint them for which we enable to paint them for pickle ball for our residents so that would allow residents for all ages then would be able to use those courts uh right now we're working with a with the Board of Education to finalize numbers of how we're going to work exactly with that we do not have anything finalized of how how we will do that but as we move forward with that I will will let everybody know what's going on so everyone understands of the cost and Associated uh you with us on our side along with the Board of Education okay and um I think that's it we've basically tied in the other uh everything that El with Dave okay um clerk Michelle do we have any report from you this evening uh not tonight nothing thought we had something on elections no you going to hold off on it next meeting okay I know it was quick meeting long reports so um thats um the next order of business is public comment members of the public are welcome to speak on any topic by coming to the podium and stating their name for the record in the interest of time speakers are limited to three minutes in consideration of all who may wish to speak please keep your comments brief and uh concise may I have a motion to open open the meeting to public comment so move second all in favor any opposed we are now open to the public would anyone like to speak sir welcome your name please my name is James tone t o n e t o s o n e o n e thank you okay welcome thank you mayor council president to the council I live on Kennedy Drive in Washington Township I've been a resident since 1988 I'm here tonight as a member of the New Jersey libertarian party and our preemptive ordinance repeal F while each New Jersey town has a set of ordinances tail its specific needs you may be aware that towns are prohibited or preempted from passing certain types of ordinances nonetheless oh Sor I'm sorry the microphone is not picking you up if you could just pull the mic a little bit closer and speak into it directly so that the tape recording gets it thank you do you want me to begin again or continue um did you get any of it I don't know if the um if you just want to paraphrase what you've already said okay okay I appreciate it I'm here tonight as a member of the New Jersey libertarian party and our preemptive ordinance repeal project many towns have on their books ordinances that have been preempted by state law Emerson has chapter 204 peace and good order we believe that components of 204-12 3 and 4 are preempted by state law and should be repealed the chair of our preemptive ordinance repeal project John P PF sent a letter via email to the member and C member mayor and Counsel on March 11th detailing our reasons and asking that you review and respond to our request for repeal over the years our project has resulted in over 50 municipalities acoss New Jersey repealing their loitering and similar codes among them are the Bergen County communities of Elmwood Park Ramsey and most recently our pasak Valley Neighbors in Woodcliff Lake and park bridge I'm here tonight in person that you ask that you review our letter and recommend repealing the chapter sections that are referenced in them thank you for your attention and for everything you do to make Emerson and pasak Valley a nice place for us to live thank you for your comments sir we appreciate your coming in this evening would anyone else like to speak seeing No Hands may have a motion to close the public portion of the meeting some move second all in favor I any opposed okay um the next order of business is resolutions on consent may I have a motion to approve approv consent agenda resolutions 115 d24 and 11 19-24 through think that was right second yeah it's 115-2 24 through 11 19-24 um I have my contacts in so we have a motion by um Council Maguire in a second by Tim by um Ashley rice and and all in favor I I I and that passes oh a roll call I'm sorry roll call please Michelle councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire yes and council president Timmerman yes pass thank you which brings us to closed executive session members of the public May remain um on YouTube until we return to open session at which time formal action may be taken may have a motion to go and to close executive session to discuss matters exempt from the public pursuant to njsa 104-1 at SEC and adequately noticed um by resolution number 120-24 so moved second roll call please councilwoman rice yes councilwoman Maguire yes and council president Timberman yes yes is 30 mayor at okay thank you we're now in Clos session hold on um just wait a couple of minutes while we deal with the elect um with uh I any opposed okay we're back in open do we have any further business after close session yeah I'd like to make one motion I'd like to make a motion to amend resolution 1124 uh to add two new depositories and that would be resolution 12124 so move I'll second so Ashley did the second and then can I get a roll call please sure councilwoman rice yes my name uh councilwoman Maguire yes and council president simmerman yes okay thank you um with no further business to discuss may I have a motion to adjourn at 9:17 p.m. so moved second all in favor I I any opposed we are adjourned thank you for joining us this evening