I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all this meeting is been called to order at 7:30 p.m. roll call please Mrs Mara here Mr pdar here Mr Smith here Professor tigan here Mrs prone here Mrs River here okay uh we're going to be kicking off uh this evening's meeting with Mrs gagano to give us a update on Memorial [Music] you here good evening everybody can you hear me okay yeah okay good evening to Mrs prone members of the Board of Education Dr nnof Mr marora and all those joining us this evening especially during this Thanksgiving season I'm grateful to be presenting about the ongoing growth of Memorial School as we continue to strive to bring the best educational opportunities to our Young Learners at Memorial we take great pride in creating a positive inclusive and engaging learning environment for all of our students one of our most important areas of focus is creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere in which students can th drive when students feel comfortable in their learning environment they are able to focus on all aspects of their development social emotional and academic we take great pride in a direct proactive approach to building personal and interpersonal skills as well as executive functioning skills with the goal of fostering positive relationships and academic growth with direct seal instruction for all of our grade levels Mrs Daly and I go into each class classroom and teach skills proactively a few topics included in our lessons are kindness building empathy and compassion or understanding different person School Community classroom buddies are also Partnerships where older and younger students learn and celebrate together each month these crossgrade level Partnerships provide great older and younger they promote a sense supportive learning and younger students to demonstrate a community um the leing and shared right kindness to our having them feel welcome meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile older older students have older students have the chance older students have the chance students have the chance to learn what it the chance to learn what it takes to learn what it takes learn what it takes to takes to be a good role model gaining responsibility and building confidence across grades and ages great friendships are growing throughout the day theal lessons are taught directly but also infused used into the content such as read alouds partner work and general problem solving opportunities throughout the Dayal lessons are taught directly but also naturally woven into The Learning Experience so it provides the opportunity for the generalization of these essential skills our Memorial School faculty participate in professional learning groups as outlined in the district strategic plan these groups meet monthly mainly on professional development days and now the additional one session days built into our calendar to create significant time for these groups to research collaborate and plan for future growth for our school and for our students accompanying this increase in our meeting time there's been a large initiative to expand the depth and breadth of their research and impact for our school the four groups noted here are interconnected and bring forth positive growth for our faculty staff and therefore for our students over the past two summers Memorial School hosted faculty from throughout the district across different content and support areas with a focus on student proficiencies these faculty members began the work in identifying and articulating the proficiencies for our students to achieve from Memorial's youngest Learners to the soon to be graduating seniors the work in researching planning and developing these proficiencies for our students to achieve has been extensive the road map displayed here shows that we are currently heading from developing the competencies into designing the assessments to measure our students level of Mastery in the targeted outcomes at Memorial School our current reading and instruction plg has taken the lead during the school year to continue this journey that was started within the summer work based on the state standards our plg is identifying the proficiencies in developing rubrics such as the one displayed here the rubrics serve as a learning progression to identify the development of skills as students prepare to use it all the way from being proficient being um developing those proficiencies and then being able to be proficient or excelling even beyond what we would look for assessments are developed aligned and utilized to notice areas of strength skills that may need reinforcement or to design future goals for our students the first finalized area for proficiency work is this habits of work we've long recognized that there are distinct behaviors that support and promote learning that were formally identified in our current report cards as behaviors that support learning the skills are now grouped and articulated across the entire District identified in the four bands above are overarching habits of work and their specific skills that Foster optim learning in our classrooms these four areas responsibility and preparedness citizenship and ethical awareness engagement and mindfulness and perseverance initiative and self motivation are four bands that are consistent throughout all of the grades but each of the TA indicators are tailored to the specific students age and stages of development these habits of work will now be visible in our Elementary report cards starting in December based on the four categories performance indicators were created along with a rubric in kidfriendly language rubrics were started over the summer at The iment Institute but also finalized for a reading plg with the support of Consultants from the Great Schools partnership the rubrics are formatted as the learning progression to identify students levels of proficiency towards that specific skill the progressions outline stages of development and they also clearly articulate how one student can move from one level to the next in addition to the teacher rubrics self assessments were created for students with I am or I do language where students can assess their own habits of work these will be used with students in our higher levels at Memorial School within the next year we will continue to review the overall report card for K to3 to align with the proficiencies and rubrics that are now being established across the grade levels in the core content area meanwhile our pre kindergarten team has been developing a new reporting tool for parents over the years we have not had a report card for our prek students during the year teachers have been researching and creating this new report card to represent the essential skills for our prek four-year-old program along with the proficiency and curricular work our pre kindergarten team has developed assessments and collaborated across grade levels to identify the most essential skills preparing our students for their future learning we are excited to begin using this reporting tool for our pre 4 programs next month the last few slides highlighted the work by our reading and instruction plg and they focused on the proficiencies and learning indicators other groups are researching analyzing and planning for additional growth for our students and our school our EI group is supporting our third graders sharing the monthly information at our handy meetings as presented earlier they've also reviewed information such as our parent guide book they research additional assembly opportunities and teach our students about diversity and inclusion and they are currently reviewing Memorial School support programs and opportunities for students needing additional Assistance or extensions to their learning oural group researches best practices to support our Young Learners in developing social and emotional skills that support positive relationships with peers and adults and then Foster their learning our current lessons programs and school programs are reviewed discussed and enhanced within this group at the end of last year the group implemented the mood meter which provides a tool for students to practice self-awareness and identify their own feelings as well as the feelings of those around them it's been an especially beneficial tool for our youngest Learners our school safety team plans are handy meetings to build and support the positive School culture they research local programs to provide additional resources for character education and continually review and revise School practices to support our students throughout the years conversations focus on reviewing and improving our instruction and assessment practices in our plgs grade level meetings and our faculty meetings during these conversations s over the last year or so we identified a need to update our reading assessment tool for many years we utilized the Dr the diagnostic reading assessment we noted that the texts were becoming dated and there were not many non-fiction titles in our lower grades additionally we noted that the assessment had become more cumbersome as students progress to the higher levels often taking multiple days to complete both the reading and writing portion of the assessment it was especially challenging to student students who needed additional support in the area of writing in our own research and in consultation with our literacy consultant we initiated a change to the fontas and penel Benchmark assessment system the new assessment is definitely more rigorous the FMP assessments include non-fiction texts at each level starting in kindergarten the focus of the reading assessment is to determine the students abilities in oral reading and comprehension now this new assessment in contrast to the Dr um is more rigorous the Dr asked students to read a section to you or the whole book to you they asked for retelling and some simple literal and inferential comprehension questions the FNP assessment encourages more of a conversation between the student and teacher with high higher level questions it provides greater insight into the students full understanding and their ability to think about the text and they Foster their thinking throughout the text and on the wheel you can see they fostering thinking within the text where we're noticing their decoding monitoring for meeting and meaning and fluency they have them thinking about the text analyzing the information as they read it and then also beyond the text making inferences and connections to their personal and World Knowledge teachers receed training in utilizing this new assessment tool in school before school started in September and they worked together again earlier this month in the November professional development day to articulate and fine-tune our implementation our literacy consultant provided the initial training highlighting the components and details of the assessment on the November PD day teachers met across grade levels and were provided the opportunity to articulate their scoring of the assessment which was essential in developing greater accuracy in our implementation it was definitely noted that the lower levels of kindergarten and first grade are more rigorous than than they were in the Dr the texts include more non-fiction titles and higher level vocabulary as well as higher level questions when assessing a student's comprehension to support this shift teachers will model and Infuse questions and conversations in the classroom discussions with read alouds or in their small group instruction so students become familiar with this format and build conversational skills around shared texts several new program programs and initiatives were added or enhanced since the last time I presented last November last spring our school added an additional prek classroom for three and four-year-old students whose learning style is best facilitated facilitated through a special model of instruction ABA or applied behavior analysis in this program students develop their skills in all areas of learning through their individualized programs and goals each year assessment data is reviewed and programs are designed to meet the needs of our students our goal in designing tiered systems of support such as basic skills or explorers is to match our groups and lessons to the needs of our current students this year we reviewed our student data and support staff schedules and we're fortunate to add in additional small group instruction for students in the areas of math and phonics we're also continuing our successful Aspire program which provides academic support in the form of one toone highly individualized instructions after school we look forward to celebrating the growth of our students Within These programs our school social worker Mrs daily alongside with Mrs Moran our OT Mrs gasparino our speech pathologist and our school psychology intern have created groups to support various social and emotional skills within our school some of these groups were started prior to this year and new ones are being formed again these are based on the supports needed by our current students and these groups span across our grade level some of the groups include social skills pragmatics Regulators Kinder kids worry Warriors and changing families we also welcomed officer Mike Murphy as an additional member of our school Community to enhance school safety last year officer Murphy eased in and quickly became a welcome part of our school Community whether assisting students in arrival and dismissal monitoring students playing outside or reinforcing safety tips to our students he has become a strong advocate for overall school safety last year we introduced the new student buddy program for students that were new to our school a lunchtime book club and two student created groups the Gratitude group and the chess club and each of these groups were highly successful the book club which was sponsored by rpta provided the opportunity for students across grade level to experience a shared read and the community and camaraderie that this experience brings additional texts in the same series were also offered after the club had concluded and available to students they were absolutely checking them out for months all the way to the very end of the year the goal of any reading experience is to provide and inspire a love of reading and a desire to continue and this proved just that for over 50 second and third graders who gave up many recesses to come in read and discuss the story the chess club was created by a student a third grade student last year and he opened it up to all third grade students who wanted to play chess whether they were just learning or were a pro at the game over 40 students participated in that program as well which was more than half of that grade level the successful programs initiated last year sparked new groups this year third grade students have already requested the development of a kindness club and they are in the process of sharing and providing that to their their peers we can't wait to see how they sprinkle kindness throughout our school and Beyond another large initiative one that is also included in the district's strategic plan is to develop after school clubs at Memorial in the style that Bano school has had success with in the past in this ring we will pilot programs for our second and third graders we are currently planning the offerings and are excited to share them with the community as we approach this spr through all of our programs supports and initiatives Memorial School strives to help our students learn the foundational skills for all aspects of their growth and we Inspire hope to inspire them to become lifelong Learners so they can store from here thank you are there any questions thank you wish everybody a wonderful Thanksgiving as well [Music] [Music] thank you very much um Mr pastar can you please open the meeting to the public for input and comments on agenda items only I move to open the meeting to the public for inputting comments on the agenda items I second second by Professor tigan all in favor I [Music] I um Professor tyan can you please close the meeting to the public I move to close the meeting to public for input and comments second second by Miss Mara all in favor I um the board has had um the opportunity to review the uh agenda in advance of this meeting um so with that Mrs Mara can you please adopt resolution a I move to adopt all items on the above consent agenda I second second by Professor tigan roll call please Mrs Mara hi Mr pazdar hi Mr Smith hi professor tigan hi Mrs prone hi on to committee reports uh facilities buildings and grounds good evening um regarding buildings and grounds a few updates uh some uh some updates have been made to the volano uh security system we've upgraded the camera system there to make them uh on the put them on the same system as the uh cameras that are at the other two schools uh in addition to adding some other uh cameras uh so that's a welome upgrade uh at Memorial uh We've mentioned in the past that the roof needed some repair work that repair work uh was performed during the break uh although that will this uh just a little bit longer till we uh put into place every more longterm roof replacement uh some more information you come in on that uh at the high school a new sidewalk and walkway was installed during the break this was to cover an area where there was a lot of traffic and uh it was damaging the grass and was a little unsafe to to walk on so that sidewalk walkway was installed and uh getting ready for the winter and potential snow the building and ground staff are doing up for uh those types of activities so um preparing things like SM files and Assa spreaders and things like that and uh that's it for buildings of gr okay thank you uh budget negotiations uh our 2024 budgetary process is underway um we are um On Target and the goal will be to have everything approved time for our April Board of vet meeting so more to come on that other than that I have nothing to report uh onto curriculum uh we're going to defer uh we're going to have our next uh committee meeting on uh December 18 so we'll have an update then thank you uh board member reports Mrs Mara thank you so first I'd like to say thank you to Mrs gagano for her presentation this evening um I haven't Memorial School aged daughter that's attending right now in first grade and I can tell you that the fruits of the hard labor that the teachers are every single day instilling into our students certainly coming home to me every day um those 3bs are set all the time so I just appreciate seeing the wonderful things that are happening at our elementary school I also I think I say this perhaps every time that we meet with Mrs oerman um for the academic committee but that um committee has opened my eyes to the plg work that's being done behind the scenes and not in addition to them teaching our children every single day it's the work of our teachers to improve the way that they teach the way that the classrooms um are engaging in their their studies and their activities and I'm so excited to see the fruits of that by not only the proficiency based assessments that are coming out that are going to be revamped um but I'm looking forward to all of that uh coming in the spring um in October I attended the first uh my first New Jersey school boards Association conference along with Mr Pasdar and Dr niss off and Mr marora a wonderful experience being able to not only share that time with um my three colleagues up here but also to learn so much and have the opportunity to really dive into into some um work for our schools to hopefully bring back some really great ideas is um some really great questions and topics for us as a board to Wrangle with and um also to realize just how little you can move anywhere at that conference without somebody seeing Dr nissanoff and knowing him um we could not get very far we' turn around and like there he is talking to somebody else it's a testament to what a testament he is in um in in the state really truly and um we got to meet a lot of vendors that we work with with here in our school district and also a lot that are vying to work with us so that's kind of exciting um but overall an incredible experience one that I'm looking forward to again um I'd also like to congratulate Amanda ricardi and will grow both here in the audience this evening on The Unofficial not official maybe almost official results from the election congratulations you both with me forward to serving with you both and then last but not least I wish everyone in our school district our community a very happy healthy and grateful and wonderful Thanksgiving thank you very much Mr Pastor I'm going to warn everyone I have a bit of a long update so I'm going to provide my own updates for for the erson board I have a county update which actually very small but I also have a New Jersey uh state board update so um as Mrs Mara mentioned that we did attend the uh anual workshop for New Jersey State uh uh School Board Association uh I agree with Mrs mayor it was it was nice for the first time to spend time with our with our new board members and um and to get to know each other as a new group with essentially uh and also to to attend the various workshops and the trainings that they had uh to hear about what's going on out in the state with other districts getting ideas on how problem s and challenges are being addressed by others so it was nice to to uh to be there for that um I promised Dr nof I would not SK his Thunder about some exciting news about the uh about a uh high school so I'll leave it at that uh I did have the opportunity to attend uh the coffee and tea with is it Mr Phil with Dr Phil we're going with coffe with Dr Phil I think it's just one with Phil with Phil just Phil with Phil talking to you with Phil uh it was nice to see some of the parents attend that and get to meet some of the new folks who uh we don't get to see sometimes in in this setting uh so I I encourage uh everyone out there to to attend one of those if they can and uh uh get to see and meet um they uh and convey their ideas opinions and things like that um I also wanted to congratulate uh congratulate uh Mr grock and Mrs ricardi on their uh wins for the board of uh education so uh I'll welcome you uh in the new year and I look forward to working with you both and um and uh in this important work um I wanted to mention the uh and and perhaps I'm stealing Mrs River's Thunder a bit but uh I attended the Key Club hunger banquet last week it was very interesting I wasn't expecting what what I saw I thought it was very well done uh a huge participation it was really nice to see how they demonstrated um hunger around the world and how kids get to experience something that they don't that many don't experience um so uh so that was nice and it was well done and uh I think it's fitting to just uh say uh with the Thanksgiving holiday coming up I wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving a safe Thanksgiving and um uh I'd like to just mention that for those who may not be as lucky and um for those who may be in the need if we could all think of our friends and family and neighbors who may need uh whether it's financial assistance companionship or whatever else uh let's think of those who are not as lucky as us so uh with that I'll end my my report there and I just want to mention the um I attended the uh the New Jersey School Board Association meeting board of directors uh this past week uh just quickly I'll go through this some of the things that they they did squar in some of the new board of directors members as well as myself as a uh as an alternate delegate to the New Jersey School Board Association um they talked about some of the information about Atlantic City and how attend there was higher than it was in the past two or three years both in terms of registrant and vendors uh they approved the budget for New Year talked about some buildings and grounds uh things for the state um I thought I would just be interesting to mention what some of the things are that on the docket uh for the state things like teacher retention uh High School graduation requirements uh things like Oprah and uh there's an anti buan task force that was created a couple years ago but has laid dormant for a while so that was back burner but it's gain some uh some ground again and starting their [Music] activity uh things like late start for high schools and what that might look like and Universal free schooling uh uh Universal free meals for the schools and also Electrical uh electric vehicle school buses so nothing definitive on those but those are some of the things that they're starting to talk about among other things but other not for everybody with those the next New Jersey School Board Association is Saturday December 2nd and the next meeting for the buron County School Board Association is Tuesday December 5th and I'll have some more updates on that as uh as an information comes up thank you for listening to me thank you so much that was a great update U Mr Smith so I'll be brief uh following Bruce there and I'm a little under the weather so uh I do want to thank Mrs gagano for that uh it's great it's been a long time since my children have been in Memorial but they loved it um there's always some great programs there so it's it's great to see the expansion um I like the idea of having the younger ones starting the clubs that's pretty neat um so so thank you for that presentation I want to congratulate both will and Amanda it's good congratulations look forward to working with both of you um and then to save my voice I'm just going to say Happy Thanksgiving to the whole Community uh and to all my board members great thank you so much uh Professor tyen um I'll just Echo the those sentiments uh from Mr very much appreciate seeing you here tonight uh giving us report on the uh happiest building in everon um I to congratulate um next year's new members and part um that it's U um uh something um I uh congratulate for uh this next transition um and in addition to all the above uh I just wanted to also um shout out the U opportunity I had to see um puffs or seven increasingly eventful years at a certain School of magic and Magic the junior high play a couple weekends a couple weekends ago uh it was uh uh lots of fun and I congratulate all the people who helped make it happen and that's all great thank you um I also will thank Mrs gagiano on your great presentation um I'm so many years behind my children being at Memorial but I do have a lot of young families that live around me that have nothing but great things to say about the things that are going on the school which of course I was not surprised to he so thank you so much for all that you do and to your staff for keeping our children um happy safe and and continuing to flourish um also want to also uh congratulate U Mr grck and Mrs ricardi um the thought that like too months from now January I will be on that side because I will be here um to to welcome you both uh you know it's uh it's going to be great and I just want to just say congratulations um also uh yes do isn't off will'll have some great updates what's going on with the high school and also just to wish everyone a very happy and healthy safe Thanksgiving and uh I agree with what you said we have we often just think within our own little world about how lucky we are even doing just a little bit to help others um I think is really what this what the holiday is really all about um and so with that um Mrs Miss Rivers hi I just have a few things to share I just want to give the Middle School a big shout out for their play Puffs that was extremely enjoyable also the Key Club I know it was said but they did put together an amazing hunger banquet simulation that did give us a lot of information and Key Club represented over 100 student students that went to that simulation Key Club is also starting to collect ations for their midnight run happening in December the student council is also getting ready for their Ronald McDonald house would there also going to be collecting donations also the student council had the opportunity in October to celebrate the week of respect at Memorial and give them a lesson and finally our student our Cavo strong groups met today and got to share a lot of information and just talk to each other and that's all I have thank you thank you very very much um Dr n off okay I do have a bit of a list and uh to shorten it I'll I won't shorten it I'll just try and talk fast and try and get through as as much of this as as possible let me start with the probably the best news and that is uh you may have seen some of the correspondents coming out from the high school that our high school was awarded the Sila award by the college board for our AP scores uh an outstanding achievement we're extremely proud of it uh and it's a reflection of the hard work that the high school administration and teaching staff has put in to the to our AP program really with the with the focus of increasing access to that test with the belief that the best way we can prepare our kids for college is to give them a most rigorous curriculum here in high school and that is the AP curriculum uh just a little bit about about the award there's three criteria to win this award which by the way um is given to less than 10% of high schools across the country the first criteria is the percent of children uh or the senior class last year's senior class that took at least one AP exam the second criteria is the percent of students that score a three or higher on that exam and a third criteria is the percent of students that take five or more uh AP AP tests in addition to that award which by the way we figured out that the difference and there there's there's four criteria bronze silver gold Platinum the difference between Emerson being awarded the silver award and the Gold Award was one student taking one test over a 4-year period um um so we really did very very well but in addition to that we also uh was awarded the access award and what that was for is taking a look at our underrepresented students who took the test and our low income students who took those tests and compared the passing rates to all the other children and those rates were comparable so we're extremely proud of the access that we had as well as the performance of all of our students so uh a big credit to the to the high school to the administration to the faculty and of course the kids who actually uh are doing the work and and uh putting the time and effort into that uh one of those uh one of the ways that the the high school is also has also been working at success on those uh on the AP exams is instituting quarterly exams which uh all of the students in the AP program right now that's what they have just finished their quarterly quarterly exams in their programs uh this past week so they've all been working very very hard on that um thanks Emma for that great great uh um great report some fantastic things are happening here at the high school and and we're lucky to have you um and we're thankful to have you come each each each month to report on all of those things uh one of the boring things I'm going to talk about is our school safe return plan which I'm uh uh obligated to discuss that plan is uh in a draft form the draft form is last year's plan it is online it's on our website in December uh we will formally be uh reopt the safe return plan which basically says uh masks are optional um we encourage children to wash their hands we're going to be cleaning our our our our schools as we always do there's really no it's really a post-pandemic requirement um that we're going to continue uh some talk about election day yes congratulations to uh our our newest board members on your uh your your election we use the day here in District for professional development as M gagano uh talked about some of the things that were happening at Memorial School but I can tell you across the district our teachers worked extremely hard all day long uh with professional development with all different types of activities including where we required everyone in the district to complete two hours of cyber security training uh which uh I I I I've I've heard the uh the uh not so nice uh comments about uh about the timing of that that it may or may not have been two hours but um I I thank thank the the the staff for for plowing through uh that professional development but also for all the hard work they they did on curriculum and proficiency work throughout the district it was uh it it was it was a pleasure to see that uh this this uh this month we also the high school administration also uh hosted an eighth grade open house for uh our eighth grade parents looking to make decisions about um uh the the future for their children they did a fantastic job of presenting all that happening here at the high school and all the opportunities available to all of our kids the uh PTA we talked about the PTA expanding their programming up here to the high school besides the fact that our PTA if there's an award that should be given somewhere our ele Emerson Elementary PTA should should receive it they just do such an amazing job of including so many people in the community they put on so many programs for our kids this week um um uh uh Mr ponk he's here in the audience he can attest to this they had they sponsored a a game show event and uh the excitement in the room it was beyond belief our kids had such a great time they really enjoyed it and we're very very thankful for the PTA for the support um and their continued growth moving up here to the uh junior senior high school we've begun work on developing the 24 24 uh 2425 calendar we hope to have a recommendation to the board in December it's not an easy task um but I have uh a district-wide committee comprised of teachers uh administrators that will be um joining me next week to uh to discuss that give me some input and I hope to have that recommendation in December uh thank you Bruce for coming to the uh the the the the coffe and tea event I apologize that it was at the same time as the hunger banquet so we had coffee and tea and cookies and the students went to the hunger banquet um it was uh it was it was a very nice event we had about 102 10 12 residents there uh it was it was great to meet them uh uh some are here uh tonight um to get their input and we're going to have continue to have more of those events and uh you know I'm I'm I'm a Believer in growth the first uh coffee and tea that we had I believe we had three people there uh we had a lot of conversations about how we can grow that this one we had around 12 people so I'd say that's good exponential growth um um I'm happy for that um but more importantly the conversations were really really uh productive um report cards are out this week the first quarter marking period is uh is uh is complete uh thank you to all our teachers for all the work that they've been putting in uh this marking period this uh uh between our this meeting and last meeting we had our Halloween parade up at Memorial School uh what a what a what a fun time if I'm uh my by my markings uh Taylor Swift costumes were up but Spider-Man is still strong um a big thank you to the Bergen County prosecutor's office and the Bergen County prosecutor himself who came presented to uh all of our high school kids on the dangers of fentanyl um shout out to Alice oerman is not here today but we were granted the uh uh by the state of New Jersey high impact tutoring Grant over $50,000 of grant money to be used to tutor um uh our students we plan to do that tutoring P primarily over the summer because uh we have so many other initiatives that are that are occurring between now and June um our kids our teachers wouldn't even have the time to implement that so we're going to do that over the summer um Professor tigan talked about the middle school play off yes it was definitely uh a uh an exciting per exciting performance any kids absolutely had a blast um I feel sorry for anybody who came and knew nothing about Harry Potter well too bad for you um but the the kids did an outstanding job um Mr Ol Man Emily Burns one of our former students came back uh and helped direct that uh so that that was great I want to give a big shout out to to Mr marmore he's only a few months on the job but I can tell you if you're paying attention to some of the things that are happening on the agenda just how busy uh this man is besides planning for summer projects and fixing roofs installing sidewalks and cameras throughout the throughout the building uh negotiating contracts uh with uh with vendors and and and others that are that have just been um fantastic and giving us um tremendous savings to the board so John keep up that uh great work miss gagiano the presentation speaks for does speak for itself but you have to be there you have to be there from drop off when the children get out of their car until we we we we we uh we send them home at the end of the day from the beginning to the end that school is humming that school is is safe that school is fun the children are are uh are just wonderful and your staff just does an amazing amazing job and with that I wish everyone a fantastic Thanksgiving and that's my report thank you that was awesome Mr mamora uh not much to follow up after that I guess uh as you've heard a lot going on in the district um I don't have a formal report just would like to congratulate um Mrs ricardi and Mr grock who are in the audience tonight and also um send a shout out and congratulations to one of our own uh Mrs Amy Mara for satisfying all the requirements for the new board member boardmedical of 10 credits through attendance at a Academy sessions the New Jersey School uh New Jersey School Board of Education annual workshop and a variety of County programs so um we recognize your commitment and commend your uh dedication to the district thank you thank you thank you that concludes my report thank you um okay okay with that um Mr Smith can you please open the meeting to the public I move to open the meeting to the public for input in comments second second by Mrs Mara all in favor I okay with that uh Professor tyan can you please close the meeting I move to close the meeting to public for input and comment second second by Mrs marrow all in favor um and you can you please officially close this act Mr pastar I move to close the meeting to the public and adjourn at 8:20 P.M to discuss an executive session legal issues and conduct appeal hearing in the conference room of the Board of Education offices no action will be taken at this time board will return to open session upon completion of discussion and will take action at that time the next meeting of the board of education is scheduled for December 18 2023 at 7:30 p.m. in the High School auditorium I second second by Professor tigan all in favor I thank you everybody have a great night Happy Thanksgiving good job thank you