I I was on at the court in hackin sack so I'm not taking that whatever but we need to get back to taking care of we the city and getting back to that and there is a resolution that an ordinance that was put in place about set asides Mr Bailey am I correct in that yes sir we put an ordinance in place with the support of the council myself and councilman heymer advocated but the support of the other members of the council we came together to put that in in in uh in place we will watch we will be diligent you may not agree with us but we we we have an obligation to make sure that you get your money's worth out of it so I I just want to say to you um just govern yourself appropriately and and listen to what's being said and then watch what's being done I think that that's the most important thing and again I I thank y'all for for coming out and always challenging us um for what we're saying or what we're doing or what we're not doing but you also can be our ears and eyes as well so we will respect that um next Mr Hoffman thank you council president um tonight my report is going to be a a statutory report so the the city Charter uh in article 6 section 6.3 paragraph J states that at least once a year the city manager shall make an annual report of the manager's activities for the benefit of the council and the public since at least 2016 the annual manager manager report has been part of the budget message so this is just a slight change um each month at one of the council meetings the city manager reports on on ongoing projects programs and the acquisition of equipment this annual report will touch on several topics and I stress it's not all inclusive the report provides a bit more information on several of the issues and projects that are occurring here in Englewood the success of the city manager and the city staff is a story of teamwork this report is about the activities of the city manager however it's not a report about individual accomplishments it's a report on how over 250 dedicated public servants serve our city on a daily basis so in August of 2022 uh there were eight goals that were outlined for the city uh so that we could work to towards them as a staff be an objective measure by any objective measure ankle wood should be rated in the top 1% of uh municipalities in the the state of New Jersey then continuously improve our customer service to our residents and others be a laboratory of innovation think outside the box when necessary plan and think strategically to solve problems problems are not just local and you heard about some of the problems that are not just local from Members members of the governing body on the day tonight invest in repairs and improvements to our work locations so that we are safe and we have the proper tools software and Hardware as as well as the physical plant so that we can serve our residents better invest in our staff through training and invest in technology so that we can work smarter and not harder and then begin succession planning so the city is making measurable progress on each of these goals but tonight here are a few examples so I'll focusing on being a laboratory of innovation and thinking outside the box when necessary tonight the council adopted a resolution authorizing the city to enter into an agreement with NJIT ruter University and Stevens Institute of Technology these three fine New Jersey institutions will assist the city plan for climate change and predesign storm water systems to assist with the 100 to 500e storms this two-year project is scheduled to begin in March of 2024 so next month and they're very excited so the NJIT and the other two institutions were able to secure a grant of approximately $240,000 and it's from the New Jersey office of emergency management so it was originally going to go to the D but they they were successful with the office of emergency management and they're looking to make whatever comes out of their design here in Inglewood as a template for for other municipalities to uh to be able to use so in December of 2023 the purchase of 47 Brook Avenue was completed and you heard about that before and this was a recommendation from this particular University group so that in the future when water from the metler brook and over peek Creek um come they can be held on the property and they can be released at a later date so they're looking to design some kind of a retention or detention um uh uh Basin so that it can be and then and released at at a later date uh some of the other things that have occurred is that from August of 2022 through December of 20122 the city was able to um save 11 grants that were in um in danger of expiring and we were able to uh speak with our partners and get get that those grants which total about $2.7 million to be extended and then we've been able to use many of them so our city engineer and seever several other staff St members uh deserve um deserve to be praised because we were able to use Community Development block grant funding to pave roads that wouldn't have been paved before but um we had a we had a hard and fast deadline and we were able to get things get things done and we literally had um two hours and 20 minutes to spare on one Grant deadline to get all of P all of the paperwork in we ac we accomplished that and two roads were paved because of that that uh attention to detail um the largest grant that was saved was $1.3 million and that was to purchase two electric garbage trucks and these trucks are scheduled to be delivered this July so right now in our DPW facility uh they're putting in a new charging station so that the trucks can be the our new garbage trucks will be able to be charged up at night and then continue then go out on the road the next day so because of our our willing willingness to roll up our sleeves and and um and meet deadlines the state of New Jersey provided an additional $378,000 towards the uh towards the purchase of those trucks as well as the the infrastructure that was needed um and they um it's just really great that they they recognize the hard work of all of all of the the staff members uh for Englewood that were working on that project the Forest Avenue Railroad Crossing between South Van Brunt Street and Dean Street was reopened a year ago this month as many of you may recall it had been closed for 26 weeks because CSX had said that there was a collapsed Culvert and they weren't going to do anything for approximately two years maybe longer there was a detour that was set up and the closing of that railroad crossing and The Detour of the traffic caused the bridge over on West Forest Avenue that the county owns it caused it to have stress fractures because of the heavy truck traffic that was going through it so the 53t trailer trucks that were driving over it exceeded the weight limit the county had to close that bridge it had to be it had to be repaired the um the count the council um deserves to be commended because they um they helped with a plan so that we could fix we could fix the Culvert ourselves there was a collapsed um there was a collapsed casing on a culvert and instead of waiting 2 years we were able to figure out how it could be fixed in L than a day and we pre-positioned material we got it fixed and then the road was able to be opened but um the council refused to accept csx's willingness to do nothing and so they were able to help provide the resources so that now it's now it's a distant memory but we have been traveling on that road for a year and our emergency services are providing needed needed support for our residents who are who are in stress but I want to take this opportunity to say that CSX has been remiss for decades the drainage swes on both sides of the railroad tracks have not been maintained and this lack of Maintenance has resulted in storm water backups on South Dean Street and other locations in the city and efforts by the city by the county by the state and by our Federal representatives to have those swells cleaned by CX CSX has not been successful but we are continuing to do that and we have we have done cleaning ourselves we have identified a 260 foot clog that we wound up clearing out so that we uh we we didn't have flooding in in a couple of Storms and this is something that we have we have to do um mayor WS coordinated a meeting with that involved the Army Corps of Engineers the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection as well as City County and federal Representatives at the overp peek Creek and this meeting was significant and it was a significant milestone in the city's ability to begin its flood mitigation program and the Army Corps of Engineers confirmed that the overp creek is a navigable Waterway so both the Army Corps of Engineers and the state DP agreed that obstructions in a navigable Waterway can be removed so that's what the city has been doing so over the course of a year and a half the city's Department of Public Works has removed 433 truck loads of material from the south end of the overpack creek and that has relieved flooding pressure we have been able to clean out uh storm culs that feed into the overp Creek that have been silted up and um that just helps every day that gives that gives peace of mind to our residents that gives peace of mind to our staff but this is a continuous process that has to has to occur and we were able we the city was able to um borrow equipment from Bergen County so that we could help clean the overp creek and I want to thank Bergen County for partner partnering with the city for Lending us that equipment and we will continue to borrow it so that we can um CLE clean out debris that's affecting our navigable Waterway during calendar year 2023 the city was able to hire eight new firefighters in 2019 the council adopted a new hiring ordinance and that was followed and it worked very well so I'm pleased to report as you heard tonight that we have eight firefighters that are all Englewood residents that are now off of probation so uh the same process is going to be followed in 2024 for the hiring of new police officers uh and those new police officers uh our goal is to have them in the Bergen County summer the July 2024 Police Academy class and they can be out assisting residents in April of 2025 there's many other things that have um occurred over the course of this period uh we were able to have a slight change in the wording for the city's credit rating that's change of wording save the city $83,000 in interest payments so that's you know that's just attention to detail but that's some of the things that are that fly under the radar and its loow hanging fruit by the end of calendar year 2024 the city will be adopting its master plan so the master plan is reviewed and updated every 10 years and during the last quarter of 2023 a draft RFP was prepared and reviewed by the city council and it was forwarded to the planning board the planning board then made uh made edits so that it would reflect the needs of the city and now that that document was the basis for the for the um for the planning board being able to select uh a firm to help with the master plans so the coun the council is to be commended for ensuring that there was funding available at the beginning of this year so that this most important effort can be accomplished and you know it's um the count Cil is encouraging all of our residents to meet and discuss the master plan when that we have those public meetings so that they they C they can have an input into the shape of the future of Englewood uh the ruer school of environmental SC and environmental and biological sciences uh has been evaluating our parks and they will be presenting a plan to the council and uh councilwoman wisky and councilman Wilson are part of the team that's looking at this and um we are looking to see how we can invest in our parks and playgrounds over the next 10 years and how we can how we can do it so that we maximize grants and other things during calendar year 2024 the American Rescue plan commonly known as arpa um has funds that were provided to the city but they must be allocated before the end of the year so uh the council will be reviewing projects that um that will be that we will be going out to bid on we will be asking for authorization to do that so that the funds can be encumbered before the end of this calendar year and then the projects can be completed by December 31st of 2026 so there are several other things that I could talk about but I I will not do that uh this is a this this memo will go to the to the to the governing body and and then um it will be also available on on the website and for anybody else that would would like to to read it but the future is bright for Inglewood and the city staff continues to do amazing things they do it unsung and they do it every day thank you council president thank [Applause] you next we're GNA open up the floor for public session name address three minutes I remember it's it's it's public session not hi Diane Jansen 589 Ridgeland Terrace I've been doing a lot of reflecting uh because of different medical health issues that I have been thinking about as a senior citizen and a poem that I put up on Anglewood news for Judith Maron was by Robert Frost Nothing Gold Can Stay and it reminds us how fleeting life is and our moments with each other and my heart goes out to The Marin family my heart also goes out to John burner who I do not know for no matter how old a parent is they're still your mom my heart mostly though tonight goes out to the Bernard placy Jr family and that is because I do not believe that this city can heal and truly move forward until there is a resolution of this case which isn't a case it's about the death of someone who was killed in his room during a mental health crisis by an Anglewood police officer so great I think it's great we have all these programs we're putting in place but we cannot heal until we address that also I wanted to talk about um affordable housing I wanted to mention that I remember sitting in the planning board meetings when uh Mr Cobb was a council liaison CU he was councilman and Mr HR as councilman were liaison in the pl to the planning board and that they wanted affordable housing at 15% at that time and they were getting push back a lot of push back 5% 10% no action so I will say that and I'm not not against affordable housing but I'm against the A4 A5 uh a pardon me A4 s50 because the right planning hasn't gone into this it's still going to benefit the builders we're not benefiting the people who need affordable housing nor do we have the proper lowincome components in this so that's one one last thing and then lastly but uh the reason I came here tonight was for uh Janet Sharma and H friendly Anglewood we really need to think about having senior affordable housing in the master plan we need that advisory Council to be a permanent Council and uh we need there was one more thing Transportation Transportation not just for the Third Ward but for all po people that are now my age thank you we in saterfield 251 South Dean Street um is it true that the um sweeper doesn't operate during certain months Mr Hoffman street sweeper is well did did you want to finish what whatever you're saying and I'll answer it after that or oh that's right that's that's different rules all right all right well need to go through this small list then um traffic lights coming down palid Avenue since I was a kid you could go from Engle Street all the way to the monument and that's how the flow light should go that's pretty simple Road repairs Dean Street Grand Avenue Forest Avenue lights regular street lights they Five Lights Out across the street in the parking lot it's been like that for a year there five lights in front of the police station that are out been like that for I don't know how long but all over town now to me that should be the policeman's responsibility that's how it used to be when I was a kid I could stop any cop get it done I don't know what they do now drains all over town need covers don't need to replace the whole drain the newer drains really don't work as well as just putting the covers they allow bottles and other things to come in but the covers are the best railroad crossings every one of them is a disgrace every one of them in town from Hudson Avenue Ivy Lane all the way to the other side of town they a mess and the railroad not that we're talking about not that I'm talking about it why haven't we taken them to court we got a lawyer right all right um police presence we had a meeting and and people have mentioned they want to come to Inglewood but they don't feel safe here we here feel safe but we need people to come to Inglewood to support our stores restaurants whatever I've said this in the past we need at least six cops on the Avenue all the time all over walking in stores walking everywhere from whatever that zone is Demis Avenue dwood Avenue that whole area we don't need cops sitting in cars the police station is two blocks from palet Avenue leave the car walk to Avenue get to know the people that's what I think um we don't have any benches which I think we y all discussed from Palace I mean from the railroad tracks to the monument almost on both sides of the street no rec recycling I've bought this up before no recycling cans up town and the part all the bathroom should be open and operable all the time I see my time is [Music] up good evening my name is marene Lawrence I am the mother of Bernard plaid who was killed on September 3rd by three police officers in Englewood my sister inla we are standing here by the grace of God and um because of what happened and like you know today this month is February month it's Black History Month we are frustrated we are tired we are enough is enough for us is black story month what does that mean for people in Englewood what does that mean for the family the black I'm a black woman and we are black back in in the town what happened what we going to do for my family for me was my son was murdered by police by two police officers in neighborhood we are tired I'm I'm exhausted I need answers all of you said you cannot do anything I know all of you have power to do something especially you the mayor you have power to do something I think you choose not to do and today by the strength of God we are calling all the leaders we are tired enough is enough we are calling El Shon we are calling um Governor Murphy we are calling Tommy we are calling all the leaders they have to do something for us we are tired I know I know it's been one here two months no nothing happen we all all of you have children all of you have grandchildren and I have to write down everything because I don't want to miss anything because when I start talk talking about my situation I cannot I cannot hold but have to write down I know um Miss Murphy U Tammy Murphy I know she's one in fora she's a mother of four like myself I a mother of four children none of them call us fight out what's going on what happened to that lady and she came in and go and no one sit down with us we want to have a meeting with them we want to sit down with you we're not afraid to talk that to talk and and talk to to all the leaders we want an ins we want to sit down with Governor Murphy Tommy Tommy Murphy El shton and and and the mayor we want an anwers and like I said is Black History Month what does that mean what does that mean and now because of what happened I have my son my younger son he is's 18 he's suffering I need help for him I keep asking for help he needs help I don't want to lose another son because of what happened he needs help right now and when I'm seeing him like that I don't know what to do I have to come here and talk to you let you know what's going on in my family because of what happened we are suffering we are the on suffering right now we have to do something it cannot stay like that enough is enough we are tired of what what what we all doing and then we not take care of what supposed to be in eng go there's something in eng go there's a problem in and going that have to be solved before whatever we are doing we do we want to sit down with Tommy Murphy Governor Murphy hell shton and L we want to sit down with you we have to do something for our family and true um sister the twins if she didn't have a we are big family and myself I've been supporting my sister the day on now like we said we are enough we need we need help we need people to hear us and sit down with us because that's cannot be happen like you just said and you said that too they have to they have to do something and why not we demand for for them to call us and sit down with us to do something we cannot see it's one here we are tired I'm tired I cannot even though you saw me you saw me talking to people take pictures inside of me is terrible I don't know how how we take about us we are family we have family we have children enough is enough we want to sit down with the leaders to see what we're going to do L may you have to make an appointment with do uh with uh Tammy Murphy weand U Governor Murphy Al shton all the leaders we want to sit down with you guys we're not afraid to sit down we want to sit down and have an answer that's enough we cannot take it no more Mr council president can I address them you have the power um it's in the hands of an independent prosecutor who will cut off any kind of intervention and it was designed to be taken away from local authorities the Bergen County prosecutor's office the US attorney a federal Authority was designed it to be in the capable hands of the Attorney General who is doing this throughout the state and is taking his time it is unacceptable the amount of time that's being taken for me to convene or ask to convene a meeting with politicians is going to look political and is going to be rebuked by the attorney general who stands independently what I could do is reach out to the governor and to his wife if you would like and ask him to ask the Attorney General to account to this governing body on a schedule if he would be so kind to do that because there are open wounds in this city that to me would be appropriate when we asked the Attorney General to give us a sense of his propriety and timeline I don't want there to be any political intervention I'm happy to make that call directly to the Attorney General's office rather than ask the governor and his wife who's running for office because it looks political when we do things like that I know you want everybody to be there and if there is a meeting I will be there and I will make it my business to be by your side so that the community gets closure and it's not fair to our police dep department just as well so I think this is important for us uh to resolve and if you'd like with the governing body's permission I'm happy to place a call to the attorney general or I would ask the city manager uh to do it on our behalf I'll do what you want us to do but it has to be done appropriately that's okay that's fine with us but I'm tired I cannot take it no more all right Mr manager is that okay Robert suffering I'm here every day I come here nothing I appreciate that I I appreciate that and you have an extraordinary amount of love and patience and Grace and we want to be a part of a healing and if a phone call does that I'm happy to Mr H do you have any issue with this uh mayor we can talk offline about that there's um there's there's a protocol that we can figure out so that we can communicate with the Attorney General's office but I but I think it would be smart for us to make an inquiry and I think that uh would be a good first step if if there are going to be other meetings after that then it's something you can take into account with your advisers you're also represented by council with a lawyer and I don't want to take that role and and circumvent your own right to get good advice too yeah that no we know that but that's enough we cannot take it no more yeah I don't blame you I don't blame you and again it's only one case in Englewood our case I know there's so several case but it's only one mother right now ngood that can be resolved thank you thank you yeah Rick will be Engle New Jersey I know everybody likes to talk about black history but here's some black history that they don't like to talk about tomorrow February 21st is going to be the 59th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X elhaj Malik shabaz uh born in Omaha Nebraska uh February 19th 1925 uh Malcolm was a strong black prince and he believed in pan-africanism he believed in being a strong black man unapologetically uh he did not go the way of Dr King even though him and Dr King were similar in many ways you know they both met their demise at the hands of the United States government because of racism now I'm not a big proponent of a black history month I believe that there should be no month designated for black people to understand their history they should take it upon themselves to study their history year round I believe there should be a white History Month which is an indictment of the white race and the crimes that they've committed Against Humanity so people could understand the bloodiness of white people and what they've done to indigenous people not just here in Americas but all over the world right now we see what's going on in Palestine and Rafa where we have all these people that are stuffed into this small area that are being ethnically cleansed and systematically exterminated waterers is cut off food is cut off mothers are getting ran over by tanks and babies are shooting out of mothers human beings there is no justification for that we of a people have not con so far Bob and I'm addressing this to you Bob because sometimes I don't really think you understand what black people have really gone through in this country I'm not picking on you but I want you to understand do you know that the gentleman that came up here said his mother was a hundred years old and passed away do you know that the United States government didn't do anything about lynching until 2022 in Congress it was not considered a hate crime 2022 do you know that in the 13th Amendment slavery is legal in the 13th Amendment you know how you could legally enslave a negro Bob according to the 13th Amendment you put him in jail that's the reason why black communities are disproportionately policed and over policed because they could put you in jail imagine if they had something in the Constitution of United States of America to facilitate another Holocaust but they actually have something in the Constitution to facilitate slavery till this day so Bob you can't teach me anything about white supremacy and what this country has done to my people not just here in America but globally because I'm a student of History Bob so I don't forget and I don't forgive and I understand what white folks have done and why this white privilege is something that is tied to colonialism imperialism and capitalism and as long as we don't understand those variables we'll never be able to communicate or understand what somebody else is feeling there's always going to be somebody that believe that they have the right to do something that other people don't have the right to do good evening my name is uh juul shears Forest Avenue I just basically want to kind of read a letter uh because because it's a legal notice of public hearing application from the city of Inglewood from the Zoning Board of adjustments and it's saying please take note that the undersigned has filed an application for development in compliance with the zoning ordinance at city of Inglewood County of Bergen County of New Jersey and the notice is hereby given to the owner of Ivy Lane for construction uh they're going to basically they're still trying to rebuild so this is something that is coming out and there's going to be a meeting um February 26th so I'm going to continue to read this letter let me pull it up again in says please take note that the underside has filed an application for development and compliance with the zoning orders the city of Englewood County of Bergen County state of New Jersey notice is hereby given that the owner on Ivy Lane for the U constitute construction hold on for the construction of a 177 unit municipality townhouse development 17 units now I don't even want to stand here and talk about basically what they've done to us over by Forest Avenue when they put up a fivestory apartment building and and basically you know just cut off everything over there I'm just pissed Beyond piss five stories five stories you're G to have 255 Apartments let me calm down for a second 255 apartments only between 30 35 are going to basically be what they call moderate house what is moderate housing when they're charging almost $3,000 a month 150 to par and they basically cut off everything over there and no one did any kind of um environmental study over there they had a um paint factory and they used to make catalytic converters over there did anybody basically do any checking did anybody do anything with the water system did anybody make sure that everything is okay they just basically bought you know tore down the lady's house she died her family sold then they basically bought somebody else in and then basically what they did was they set it up as an apartment so my whole point was what happened basically when it was scheduled or it was what whatever the ordinance is it was residential so how did it change from residential to now commercial and then now all of a sudden they tear down the house and they put up five stories and then they want to put up another building over on the other side and then talk about putting up cannabis who needs cannabis in a residential area that makes no sense we basically had that meeting basally down at the the hotel so this is basically what I'm saying who needs in a residential area you cut off our whole existence over there you should see the traffic that comes down there you can't even move you can't even get out your driveway sometimes it makes no sense police don't even come by and nobody's checking anything people are just walking around the area you call them there was an incident where I called the other night somebody basically let a dog out dog sniffing all over everywhere and then the Englewood police basically said oh well you know you got to call whoever call the 911 operator I'm going to continue to talk the 911 operator and and then someone did come but then there was another person that came and I don't know whose dog it was then he took the dog he was a police officer he took the dog and he went up the street with it and then the other police officer everybody just left what kind of foolishness is that and then nobody came back and said basically why this dog was there why this dog was sniffing around somebody's house in the at the we hours of the evening and and and still you can't even call and get any kind of explanation and I bar and I'm I'm going to call and talk to you about it because it makes no sense I'm very serious about that please let me get back to what I was saying cuz I'm really losing it here yeah this is Alfred Avenue Mr Hoffman if maybe somebody can screen the area to see some of these quality of life issues it's not that it's that Alfred Avenue is in tenet well Alfred we need to we need to deal with tenet well the thing is you know they changed it now because it was a serious accident there so they move it was an accident there so they're not basically having people come in like the inass egress going into where I guess their underground parking now they had they come they're going down AF Avenue but again on Anglewood streets or the TX streets both I mean you know because they're they It's On the Border you know Alfred is here tan is here you come off rout four and when you turn down this is where the factories used to be so our city did not Mr Hoffman just for historic sake our city did not participate in this application when it was no no letters or anything right now some people said that they did receive some people said they didn't I don't mean to disrespect you man but but I think we need to canvas to see if there's any legal remedies or rights or protections that we can afford or if we have to do in kind to protect the quiet enjoyment of our residents I would like somebody to go visit you uh and then take a take a scope of the area there you shouldn't feel that you're alone well I want to get back to this on Ivy Lane and they're going to basically be having a meeting like I said before February 26 at 8:00 and uh I basically sent it and uh Dian I think you posted it on the Englewood news and again this is another area that they're coming into trying to basically redevelop an area it's um the subject property is commonly known and desolated as 19 and 21 West Ivy Lane in Englewood block 701 lot 16 and 17 city tax maps and they're receiving this notice uh as the owner of the property of the immediate area so they saying they're having a public meeting on February 26 they give a zoom meeting and I just makic me feel that somebody needs to sit back and listen and find out what's going on Greg F pastor and associates they are the I guess the attorneys and they're at 5:30 silin Avenue site 20 2011 in Englewood New Jersey thank you thank you thank you je r d 48 shanet Court uh I just uh I asked this question before to the council I just like to end all of the rumors that's going around before and still now I'm sorry can you hear me now yeah okay I like to end hold these rumors I want to see I want to see Justice done but I wanted to make sure that the truth is is spoken okay my concern is uh the insult to injury to berapa Seed where a pro they claimed that a promotion was given to the officer who commit who killed Bernard I'm not using that word I read it it was a promotion or it was a transfer the question that I asked before was who was responsible for making that decision the last uh before everyone's actually before Judy left it was said that the council had didn't was not involved with that decision so I asked was this an arbitrary decision by the police department and if it was where do they have is it written in the contract you also had a new HR representative that was here um what what was the responsibility of the HR department to make that decision that's what I wanted to make sure it's clear do you have any any of any information in regard to that because if you don't all you're doing is we have this trust in our Police Department basically because of what she said the council has no responsibility over that so does a based on what rounds was she given that position can anyone answer that I can no the the officer in question is um basically in has been in the records to department and we'll we'll stay we stay there until uh the attorne the Attorney General presents whatever they have to a grand jury so I mean that's that's the that's the answer to the question the answer but but based on what is something is there written policy saying that in the event of any shooting or disciplinary re action it is written as per the Police contract or the Department that these are the actions that you should take that's what I'm saying other than that it's arbitrary that's not I don't agree with that answer but you know I had to uh perform uh disciplinary actions terminations suspensions you name it and I had to point out in some kind of guideline of my company the reason why I did what I did otherwise it's going to go up to arbitration the state I've been to arbitration plenty of time and they all ask me the same question with attorneys and 20 people around because I'm affecting this person's livelihood family and everything else so I had to back it up so where is your backup and I'm and I'm I'm asking that if you legitimately have it it would relieve us of these rumors and this this trust that's the first one the second question was you said you were going to hire another one to another uh company to do audits on the human resources but who was the HR rep that was recently hired is she working for them or is these separate people no she works for the city so so these are outside people auditing her Department correct thank you r since there's nobody else at the mic we're going to close the open session part of the meeting and we're going to go on the close session coming back out with the potential uh votes on a potential few items Mr badley sweeper excuse me street sweeper please yeah I I apologize Mr Sly it was the your your question was about the street sweeper the um the street sweeper is scheduled to to run 12 months a year there there are times when it doesn't run because of snow or something like that but um so was was that your question does it run 12 months question I have people ask me all the time Grand Avenue Engle Street Monday Tuesday Wednesday they're riding tickets but they're not sweeping the street I don't know if this goes on any other area but that's wrong so what what happens there they tell me there's certain parts of Grand Avenue have been swep in years Gary Place Gary place in front of those stores I can testify hasn't been swept in at least two three years so if they're not sweeping the street why are you writing tickets that's the worst part now I called the town DPW says Mr Jenkins was there the lady asked Mr Jenkins said we don't sweep during the winter time and he told me to talk to you so what happens and and why and here's something else I didn't get a chance to ask you on the 200 what was it $2,200 or something for some lessons at the at the uh rink how do we charge that by the hour how does that go I think councilman Wilson answered asked that question wait for answer we're waiting for an answer we're going to get answer we don't know so we don't have an hourly rate we we don't know stay tuned all right just one last thing we're going to get a lot of streets done right do we have a price per square foot that that's something that I city engineer would have to answer and we we can take that offline oh okay we're going to close we're going to close this session but anyway so we're clear on Grand Avenue the tickets and all that what's going to happen we got to see what the signage is and why the tickets are being written no I mean what's going to happen with the sweeper the sweeper running or not Mr Hoffman I have to talk to Mr Jenkins yeah with that Mr Bailey be resolved by the governing by the city Vang with that meeting Clos session pursuing to subsection 7 of the open public meetings act to discuss appointments personnel and litigation related matters and be further resolved that the discussion conducted in closed session can be disclosed to the public upon taking final action they arm provid does not violate the attorney client privilege or constitute undo invasion of privacy and be it further resolved that it is envisioned that the council will return to open session to possibly vote on the uh appointment resolutions that were tabled during the Open Session I make a motion that second curve so so move all in favor all right all right