ready good evening I call this city council meeting to order at 7:30 7 actually 7:40 uh on June 18th 2024 will everybody please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all will the city clerk please read the public meetings act the provisions of the open public meetings law notice of this meeting was included in a notice sent to the record and the Star Ledger and advertised in said newspapers on January 17th 2024 posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as the required notices under the statute a copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on fire file in the office of the municipal clerk proper notice haven't been given the municipal clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes of this meeting will the city clerk please do the roll call councilman Rosen here councilwoman David present councilman Wilson pres council president cob here absent with prior notice as councilwoman wiski also present as Mayor Michael Wilds City attorney Bill uh sorry city manager Robert S Hoffman uh Deputy city manager John Berkner City attorney Bill Bailey and city engineer France FY next we'll have special presentation presentation of resolution 17705 2124 to Aaron Douglas Wilson I want to make sure I say your name right get it right as it was said to me in the email I don't want no problems with your wife okay so can you come up for thank you for those who don't know Mr Wilson served our fire service for 30 years I think [Applause] that's and he's a homegrown firefighter and when somebody serves the fire service their family serves as well so this family served the city of Anglewood his wife his father mother and his two kids here so I thank them for sharing Doug with us I than that Doug was able to retire all in one piece healthy which is a blessing and I hope that he keeps sharing his wisdom throughout the city of Anglewood here he can teach these new firefighters and pull their coat and help the ones who want to become firefighters and be an example of what can be done you know and take advantage of these opportunities that we have here so Mr Wilson I thank you I thank your family for your service and I'm going to let your brother firefighter councilman Wilson say a few words y'all ain't related are you I'm just you know we do a lot of close stuff here Inwood you know what I mean and um all I can say is by the grace of God you made it out um there are hundreds of thousands of firefighters have have not had this opportunity and uh at this particular juncture I just like to take a moment of silence for the brothers and sisters that have not made it thank you and I'm I for one I'm so happy that we're not in that number um and and part of how we get through it and not just as firefighters it's shared wisdom um when you see somebody stub their toe we don't necessarily have to follow suit and learn from that so that's old firomatic trait um and as a city I would hope that we would grow as we see the wisdom that you have taken upon you and shared with your family that we too can survive this thing so congratulations thank [Applause] you w thank you um I think it underscores the notion of Anglewood bravest 30 years is a long time to do anything um and as we put together our master plan setting the tone for the next uh 10 years it's important for us to make sure whatever development we do uh heeds the call of our bravest and our finest who are protecting everyone I just want to say on behalf of the Proprietors the owners of stores who are in commercial interest in our city in behalf of the residents who you've saved whose lives you've uh not only refreshed uh but you've ensured thank you thank you for your kindness for your service may God keep you in this next station of life and may you draw from life as much happiness and success that you ensured the city of Anglewood I had as well God bless thank [Applause] you you got to be worked you um obviously I'm not a firefighter but I do know when everyone's running out of the building you're running into the building into Harm's Way to protect people to protect property and we appreciate the sacrifice you and your family have made over over the years and uh God speed in your retirement thank say dou yes that's when people know me for a long time I'm douge in the community he's dou in the community he went to school with my husband you're both served in the fire department and um that's Brave you know and um you're still family we're all family we don't see each other because we have different paths and different lives and and everything like that but um thank you for your contributions and everything to um Englewood and he was at my house the other day checking up on my guy yes cooking again no no he at my house he talking about this guy darl he just checked up on the other day just yes you w smok thank you thank you smoke in the kitchen so would you like to say a few words yeah not one for speeches but um once again thank you to the community of Inglewood Council past and present and of course the family uh I I'll share a quick story I was just at a uh car show in EK in a car lot and a young Inglewood guy who I was trying to help get on approach me and he said forget about my son thank you for us and I'm like who's us he said we've been watching you all these years you never know who's really paying attention to what you're doing we have a high-profile job yes but you really don't the guy way in the back of the room is the one that pays attention more than you think so he really said to me thank you because this is big for the community I hate talking about himself I have not seen this before and it's really big for someone from McKay Park from the fourth ward to achieve something like this I I just really took it for granted but just this past week he made me realize that uh it's a job to do we all have to do in your walk uh just be mindful that you are being watched you are being listen to especially the council and um just do the best you can and respect everybody that's all I can say so thank you again take a picture appreciate you dou bring your family where you can you get everybody can you get everybody got it than you got it thank you again okay good yes I want the resolution separately do that for the the Caribbean American when we vote we just uh ask them just when we go just say whatever the number is that you want to pull at then we'll vote on the separate okay we're going to go back to our agenda and next we have a presentation by the special improvement district their physical year 2025 budget also will be presented to us Mr Crow you and your team want to come up and address us and let's get started I guess I need this yeah I'm just here to introduce you all know me Al crawl I'm the chairman of the Sid we actually have the majority of our members here tonight Linda Dunham my co-chair Adam Brown and Max baton are here uh two of the people on the board and JC Rondo our executive director JC is going to uh take you through our budget that we're presenting tonight Linda will take you through some bullet points of what we're working on what we've accomplished and I want to introduce John and biano and Sam Thompson from IQ Landscape Architects they're the ones that put together the concept for the streetcap project in town and they're going to take not more than 10 minutes to do that presentation now I just want to make sure that people understand what you're doing and where they could look and see some of the stuff that some of the projects that are taking place so I want to just be clear about that right so we're gonna start JY with the budget please start okay yes good evening everyone good a little bit louder okay I no you talk a little Lou okay um JC randoo executive director of Anglewood Sid um your budget is in your packets um forwarded that to yansy a few weeks ago uh it is our annual budget for fiscal 2025 um pretty simple our revenue is collected by the the city based on business license fees where the uh business downtown area Sid palite Avenue North and South uh angle and Palisades to Demorest there's a sid marked out area and all those owners um contribute to the licensing fees it's been the same licensing fees since for about 20 years I think um so we our annual revenue is $250,000 which is shown clearly on the first page as our source of our revenue and our expenditures are divided between management maintenance public Improvement and planning advertising and marketing and professional fees the detail for all of those expenditures are on the second page in terms of the categories and um I'm here to answer any questions if anybody has specific questions on the budget and then Linda Dunham the co-chair of Anglewood Sid will talk you through um what we've accomplished this past year and what we expect to accomplish in fiscal 2025 anybody got any questions regarding the budget if not we'll let Miss Dunham come to us good evening everybody I've already been introduced so I won't repeat myself but we're not the board that brags so this is a little bit different for us to really tell you what we've accomplished this year but we've done some things and we have others on the agenda agenda one of the things that you may have noticed for the first time we have banners in downtown that first set of banners came out and it encouraged being in the downtown area and enjoying Inglewood the second set of banners came out to celebrate the 125th anniversary and you'll see those along the Sid uh District as well so I hope you feel that that was a good thing to do to bring attention to this historic moment in addition to that um safety is important so what we were aware of from just going to the garage was the need to make sure that as you walk from Palisade Avenue into the garage that there was a safety aspect there so we took upon ourselves uh to make sure that that Public Access Alleyway that new lighting was put in so that's been a major enh enhancement and a big Improvement and we think it goes a long way to make sure that people feel safe going to and from every year we clean awnings so that's something that's ongoing so we've been cleaning awnings to make sure that the downtown looks good uh you know there are birds and everything weather whatever so we clean those onws every year and uh also there are number of cleaning programs uh you might have noticed the bus stop Windows they were terrible uh Max and um Al and I did a walk through downtown area others have told us about it so we wanted to make sure that people who are accessing public Transportation felt that they were in not a grimy area but something that was clean and inviting so we continue to make sure of that uh the Landscaping Maintenance Services is an ongoing thing we want downtown to look pretty uh we want it to be welcoming so we have uh maintained uh that uh along the year and more going forward you're going to hear more about it later on tonight sidewalk cleaning and power washing you know after a while there's Grime there's gum and everything on the sidewalks so twice a year we do that cleaning and so we've just finished it and as a matter of fact just before um the big uh night event they'll be coming back to touch up on that as well to make sure it looks good we have a porter who travels around the downtown area to make sure that they pick up uh any Refuge that's lying around to make sure that the towntown looks clean and uh they continue to pick up items that have been placed in the planters that shouldn't be there so again the goal is to maintain the downtown and make it look inviting and clean and a place that's well kept and being maintained we have also uh I don't know why you didn't mention this but we have the social media our Instagram uh it's been almost a year now since we've been doing that and I think we've grown those who are on Instagram following us to about a thousand people and it's 1,00 now oh so G say okay about 1,800 people I hadit my numbers wrong thanks JC and there Stories being posted new um you know stores are opening up that's being told about anything that's happening in the downtown area is being promoted people are following us and we hope to have more and more people do so I know the mayor has been uh involved in some of those posts as well and uh we're happy to see that people are tuning in to see what's happening in downtown Inglewood it's not the season yet but during the holidays we decided to amp up the holiday lighting we had good lighting before and some of them were you know a little bit you know I think not as impressive as we wanted it to be so what we did was added to the lighting that we had for the holidays and that made a major Improvement downtown people talked about how bright it looked and festive it looked and that's part of what you need to do to have people enjoy being out walking around and going to the restaurants we also enhan the non-seasonal lighting that's out that's another thing that leads to the safety aspect uh we continue we mentioned the uh social media it picks up on any events advertising and marketing that's going on we will continue to do that um certainly the uh Chamber of Commerce feeds into that as well uh you all know about parking in Downtown is difficult so the phase one one meter conversion was undertaken by us and at this point um you know we think that that's the way to go and there will be more work being done in the future although we will off uh let offload that to uh the city uh to the city mayor's manager's office we did a study as we walked up and down the street we saw that there were trees that were creating tripping hazards we saw some of the trees the root base had grow overgrown and we were concerned that people would trip and fall and uh we looked at having some of them replaced We have replaced some of the smaller ones along the way but we continue to be concerned about some that appear uh right along uh Palisade Avenue everybody's got an electric car now and trying to figure out where they're going to charge them and the infrastructure has not quite gotten here yet but there are parking uh uh charging stations in the garage so in the garage we've uh just recently had a presentation and we will follow up on it I know is very involved in this as well it's making sure that we can enhance what's there the latest uh technology what we have is long slow people are parking there all day long they're not paying for parking or they're not paying for charging so at this point we're looking at um you know a new installation that would actually save uh US money from what we're presently paying to make sure those charging stations are there and hopefully it will be a rapid turnover so more people will be able to use them rather than Than People parking all day long [Music] um we plan to make some enhancements to the public parking space study there's been a planning study that's been in place we have more work to do on that because parking will always be a challenge to us we'll always be looking to find out how to get more out of that but for 2024 and I'm speeding along you know we'll continue the Landscaping cleanup uh graffiti removal uh the anniversary Banner project will take on a new life will be changing out banners as time goes on there'll be new iterations of those banners and you're going to hear more about our street streetcape beautification project uh planters for the spring installation because you do have to constantly change uh the plants and the power washing will be ongoing we're also talking about wayf finding signs you notice you travel around to different cities you see that almost everybody has that directional and that's something that we've looked at doing as well and cleaning up the Bergen uh lot is something that's ongoing on a safety issue I just wanted you to to add that we did have uh Deputy Chief Matt gelosa come and visit with us last uh sit meeting and he talked to us about some of the things that are happening in town and putting together a flow a flyer that's supposed to help our shop owners feel safer and know what steps to take if they encounter anything that uh threatens security um so that's all that I have unless there's some questions for me or we just go right into M Miss Dam I have one question for you you mentioned the porters yes are they do what are the hours that the porters work they and how many days a week they're still three days a they're five days a week now they're five days a week and they work mornings generally they're there until about 2 o'clock in the afternoon they start very early and they're the sweeping pick up what doesn't get pick up by the andse overflowing how far do you go west up to the monument up up to the monument so the bus stop by the monument your folks will take care of that yeah yeah okay have you seen a need for attention there have you seen a need for more attention there that that area needs help that's said I mean because it's just I think people that catch the bus there and there are people who just sit there and get stuff from 7-Eleven and all that and they just put the stuff on the ground you know that's something that's just going to evolve that's what it is yeah we've tried to maintain as I said the bus shelter there and uh it requires constant attention so we'll we'll highlight that yeah just want to bring that to you counil mayor yeah um thank you for your hard work I have the privilege of auditing the meetings for the last many years and I've been very impressed even through the pandemic you waved fees and you tried to make it easy on owner Proprietors um of what you are one I'm just curious um because it's not something I've heard anything do the store owners or retailers cooperate do they appreciate when you come and do this you're cleaning their awnings with their permission presumably well we do make them aware that we it's an ongoing program and that we do this um when I say do they when you ask if they appreciate it I think there are certain expectations um we don't generally hear back that uh if was appreciated uh but you don't have to ask permission in order to go and and do their Awning or clean anything and they're generally accommodating to you when you're doing this and recall in the past we did have an awning program that we made um accessible to owners who didn't um have money or whatever to do their own awning so yeah it's seen as you know again maintaining the area I think people probably appreciate it but they just haven't uh voiced that in any numbers I Max have you heard yeah yeah also just for the planning board's educ uh you know uh education the sign and facade committee Emily man it would be nice to kind of have a presentation made there or for us to kind of collaborate on what you'd like to see in town or some of the things that are being approved if it meets with the content and the character of what the Sid uh appreciates also the Sid has uh committ committed to collaborating with anyone who wants to work to improve the downtown so we're certainly I know you just talked to Emily man just a month or so ago right yeah yeah yeah she's trusted and her taste is trusted but just to make sure that the newer members have a sense of what you'd like uh to see so that we approve things as we do our master plan this year it just gets us in the planning mode and JC didn't mention it but on a regular basis she is meeting with Mr Hoffman uh so that we again can collaborate on what's going on and what we are trying to do because it does take the Synergy of you know all of us working together to try to make things work thank you for your hard work thank you councilman Wilson has a voice good evening thank you for your presentation and thank you for your commitment to the downtown area we appreciate that and saying in saying so um as you guys are probably aware because you highlighted Public Access out way safety lighting um it it appears to me that you know people of a certain age aren't concerned about lighting um they can follow their steps in the dark and so forth and so on and so it's becoming an increasingly um Brad up Topic in regards to the lighting so when you're saying enhanced lighting do you at this particular um time feel comfortable with the lighting that's there I would say no I think it's a work in progress but you know I think we've made a considerable uh improvement from where we were uh because the area was quite dark and not being maintained and we just wanted to kind of discourage you know people from hanging out in the area and a little bit better lighting but no we're we're not satisfied that that's the final uh you know phase of the lighting in those areas yeah I I didn't want this report to be Miss leading sure uh as the liais on on the planning board we need to hear this information and someone with boots on the grounds like your organization I I think we need to hear that more from you guys as well that it's clear that someone doesn't go back and read this report and think that this lighting is satisfactory that we have plenty of room for improvement I agree with you yes and you know just as we talk about safety we talk about cleanups we talk about this it's prog ress but it's no by no means the final of what we'd like to see okay yeah and and I I am I haven't got an electric car I don't have that much money but for those that have they've gotten cheaper I should tell you do they take coupons and there's a rebate um for those that do have it and that may be visiting our Fair city um and you mentioned signage are we working on a program on how to direct traffic not just to our garage but for the charging stations so we have not gotten to that phase we're focusing only on the garage at this point it's my understanding that uh Mr Hoffman is working on a broader base of electric car charging and perhaps that signage will be part of what you roll out perhaps so I'm sorry I don't have a definitive answer to that at this point okay because I just wanted to make sure that we talked about upgrading the electrical charging stations that we already have right and I was just curious of if people knew exactly where it was you know we could up upgrade but if nobody knows where it is yeah there's there's uh a good number of people that know they're in the garage uh but as we make it more available and faster charging and turnover signage would be a great addition to that yes okay and and and a generator of more revenue and I just have one last concern um I I saw the guys out there a couple weeks ago power washing and I thought that was great I thought that was amazing um that we we need that type of beautification and and in the same breath I was wondering about the polls that we have littered on on a constant basis whether it's concerts whether it's a venue and they put these sticky things on our poles um do they power wash that at all or how do we address that was it the thing company but we did have those removed we have a and that Porter that goes up every morning is supposed to remove those secet doesn't always happen so um we ask take pictures I scope the town every other week I take pictures the minute I send them to the Porter's um employer and he comes out that day and removes them so it's just it's going to take a lot of vigilance from Sid just to keep reminding the porter because those folks are hard to find um to remove sers but we weet two weeks ago and they all came down um so twice a month I'm happy I'll leave my card my cell phone is on it snap a picture send it to me and I'll get it right to the quarter and and and thank and thank you for that and as we're snapping pictures are are we solidifying the information if it's one two three Park Street um having a concert are we not reaching out to these individuals that are littering on our poles and possibly looking for um some type of fine we have not because we shouldn't have people just willy-nilly coming through our town Plastering yes yeah yeah we have not done that but I'm sure that um Mr Hoffman's taking note of that yeah I can I can answer that if you want yeah okay I just wanted to add your comment to the alley lighting that it just so you realize it takes us collaborating with the owners of the building to enhance those alley lights so sometimes the owners of those buildings are very will oh so I thought I was talking loud enough um just wanted to confirm that in order for us to enhance the alley lighting we do need to collaborate with the owners of those buildings we need their permission to put the extra lighting and we work out um an agreement with them in terms of the increased electric service that Sid pays so it does take a collaboration we got them from the alleys that we've enhanced and we're still working on some other alleys um where we haven't finalized the collaboration with those homeown with the building owners yet no I I understand most of the process I just didn't want anyone watching or here to go away with the thought process that we're at Optimum lighting and that's all we're going to do we have to move forward as far as safety agreed thank you for br I I think councilwoman David has a question okay thank you um councilman Wilson for addressing the um with the U Plastering because I went out of Starbucks I went to Starbucks and it was like a lot of missing people from Patterson it was deplorable when I saw all these sticky things outside it was horrible and you said you do um two t twice a year um you do removal gum Etc you said correct oh that was a power washing that's power washing power washing we do that twice a year we've done it already in advance of the July 17th event and our power washer is going to come out the week before July 17th to do another spot check and then we'll have to see whether it needs it after right because there's more foot traffic in the summer with kids everyone is out and the restaurants on the side the restaurants and everything and also I have a friend who has a business open up a business and she wanted a ribbon cutting and she couldnot afford a ribbon cutting because she had to pay for ribbon cutting yeah she said you money for C that's the chamber were asked for ribbon cutting and she have $500 to pay after opening up a business um also yeah that's ahead that's a chamber ofer chamber of commerce charg that going to hold somebody responsible if they want a ribbon cut we're going to come and do it without a fee she didn't know that because it was it was like basically she was like saying I don't have the money they said well no ribbon cutting no that's that was wrong we we do it all the time where people we want to welcome them no matter what money they have in their W okay now that's good to know and also what would you do are you working with any organizations because I have um sent Mr Hoffman a picture we have a big homeless problem now and outside of your business also there was someone sleeping yes McDonald's and it was someone sleeping at the library and across the street at these businesses in the evening so I just sent Mr Hoffman right I the Mr you know he sent you a picture of them sleeping in the evening so what are you working with an agency to also get these homeless people off the street or or referring them to so no I just ignoring it or city thank you so much for for bringing that up that's a major concern for all of us in downtown whether we're business owners or not I I came from new York where I had to deal with a 34th Street and 8th Avenue drug and homeless situation and I did have the opportunity there to work with agencies here we've told the police department about it they have made effort with the Sheriff's Office to try to get people help but you know you can't mandate that a person remain in those situations they can bad right now it's like it's getting bad and as it gets warmer it will but no that it's we have only made them aware of it we have uh we call daily as a matter of fact okay yeah thank you for your concern for that situation though thank you thank you can no okay come on come on out we got to speak we don't ignore anything in the city sorry that's not our per sorry Bob he had something he had a quick question uh no just a just a comment I I wanted to thank the Sid for all of the work they do because there's a lot of things they didn't talk about that they do behind the scenes um there is there is a a a frustration Factor because the porters do do a very good job and so does our DPW I have been out I've taken pictures of uh stickers that are on poles and on boxes particularly by the gelato um the gelato restaurant and then two hours after there after they've been scrubbed clean there's stickers that are back again and the same happens at Starbucks and the same is happening over by uh the town the town Deli so it's just it's it's it's frustrating but the C does a wonderful job and the city is soliciting proposals to um upgrade the lighting in the parking garage uh so we're we're working with a subsidiary of psng for the you know for that so we're we're looking at that but this the C has been has been wonderful you know tonight there was a there was an individual that was homeless around you know around 7 o'clock that I saw and I asked the police to come and and see if they could render assistance we do have a program called arrive together where we have mental health professionals that are are now working with the police department 40 hours a week to uh to assist with the homeless problems and also with other issues of mental illness that program is going to be ramped up over the summer to more than 40 hours a week but um you know um but just thank you for all that you do thank you okay um I'll reintroduce John and biano and Sam Thompson from IQ Landscape Architects for their rapid presentation yep okay good evening sorry um I'm John inbio as Al said uh principal of IQ Landscape Architects were based in uh White Plains New York um we were working with the Sid for probably a good part of last year and coming up with a program that beautifies some of your key business areas blocks Street Scapes uh in downtown Anglewood what this uh aerial photograph uh attempts to do is outline those streets that we focus our attention the green going from left to right is palav east and west uh it goes from the left which is the monument all the way to the right which is uh Grand angle the intersection so that's the Border there the streets going up and down vertically are um um Van Brunt from starting from the left it's more or less a gold color that you could see there uh North North Van Brun that is and then the next street is um um Dean Dean thank you North and South uh North had some challenges in terms of introducing Planters because of the narrowness of it and then the blue is the angle Grant um Street and that goes to Demis to the top of the of the map and angle would have to the South so that that's the limit here of where where our study was um a big part of the the the design and streetscape input here was the Planters and pots is coming up with a consistent uh planter ignore the palm trees and the cacti this that isn't Anglewood that's not what we're introducing here but we did research several companies that we've worked with for the last few decades here we tried to look at those that were commercial grade Municipal grade that would stand the the rigers of a streetscape downtown we looked at costs we looked at material we looked at sizes we looked at colors um what we chose is a a a company called toroso which we're very familiar with and they make a product um well I should say we looked at fiberglass as a material we looked at concrete fiberglass kind of discolors with the sun looks a little cheap uh concrete very heavy material uh and that equates into a high cost for Freight and then uh this company makes a product called acronym G GFR RC which is kind of a hybrid it's a cement material so there's concrete for its durability but it's reinforced with fiberglass instead of rebar and steel so it makes it the beauty of it it makes it affordable and also movable once you put dirt in any of these Planters they become very heavy but if you have them ship things around for whatever reasons Through The Years so that would be the the material and you could also say we're showing a cluster depending on the street and the width the sidewalks um there's different shapes there's rectangles there's 3ot High by 3ot wide Square Planters and then there's some smaller ones so we have an application uh depending on the streetcape this happens to be a Photoshop rendering of uh City Hall um and the uniqueness about this is some of your other corner street corners there's these ball bouts which are great you know where the curb extends into the street I guess you've probably done that they look like they've been here for quite a while there it's great traffic cing because it shortens the crossing but it also allows you an opportunity to create a little Park lit in these spaces that are very wide uh so that might be an area where you cluster these pots you introduce some additional benches uh for seating you may introduce some bike racks because they're wide enough and it's City Hall is a destination throughout the streetscape uh another rendition of that this happens to be the same planter in this is the city of White Plains which we're uh fortunate to be working with them on their streetcape uh this is a newly uh new installation that just happened last week and just one small part of a major streetcape we're doing with them um these are some of the existing Planters we took we walked you know literally miles through here several different visits through the the business district you can see some of the store owners do their own thing and we don't want to really want to mess with some of the individuality that some of them have created um there's a Colombian restaurant for instance down on the the West End I guess right uh that does a wonderful job and we don't want to mess with what he's been doing and there's several other restaurants but we want to take a kind of a consistent approach of where we put these Planters Palisade have for instance have the angle parking wide enough sidewalks that we could do the rectilinear shaped ones set them off from the curb so the doors don't hit them uh um so each Street has its own uh kind of application here's again is these bulb outs which you could see you have a lot of opportunity to put some cluster planting uh additional benches and maybe some bike racks there uh I think that the slide to the right there is near Chick Chick-fil-A where you have this nice Grove of Honey Locust trees great a guy was sitting on one of the planters that would be an opportunity to put a couple of benches you get some nice shade there we've done a series of diet diagrams this is where I'll speed it up out with the I don't want to bore you with every street corner and every every uh little sidewalk piece but it just goes to show you the the you can see the the bulb outs where you have the crosswalks those were the the red cluster planting the different sizes then as you continue where the diagonal parking is you have the rectilinear planter space to may be 40 ft apart uh which would be planted with flowers and other things and then as you continue down Palisade same theme rectilinear planters so every block gets equal treatment here and then the little Pock pocket parks at the corners um I'm just going to continue down now the blue are where we're recommending some additional benches occur for seating opportunities um there are a lot of utilities that are happening in these bulld so there's nothing permanent going on here that's why I said these Planters could be moved in the future because they're lightweight and then uh we're approaching the monument I believe you had brought up the bus shelter I think that's the area we were all talking about where the benches are really not that nice down there too so we're suggesting there be a cluster of benches um this is angle Street different streetscape you could see than than Palisade have you have wider sidewalks you have tons of Banks and curb cuts and parking lots so it's a different approach you wouldn't put these smaller rectilinear Planters we would put in maybe these 3 foot diameter square 3ot tall make a statement here they're going to be spaced farther apart because of the curb Cuts uh you also have the library there you have the post office you have some a lot of banks going on um so excuse me m I'm sorry that's all the way down angle Street yeah yes so you're going how far down post office we're going to the post office demoris Demorest Demis yeah yeah and then we're going the other way Grand towards Mercedes there so these uh yellow dots are these bigger 3ot diameter Planters um that we would introduce along this section and you can also see where there's some empty tree pits and the green is is a tree a new tree being proposed um and they just it just looks Barren there's something missing in these pits so uh we would recommend that these be infilled with trees new trees uh acceptable to you know the city of angle wood forest or whoever regulates your tree um and I'm moving fast here again we we cluster the larger Planters maybe there's a bench at the post office and here we're moving towards the intersection of grand and angle where you have a bus shelter wider sidewalks but then you see the red rectilinear Planters transitioning to Palisades that that treatment that we're proposing where the store lots of storefronts are uh grand um this is towards I think that's a jeweler there on the corner uh we continue with some planters there Mercedes seems to have done a nice job that I don't know if we need to mess with that area um Dean Street North Dean Street the photo slide on the right shows you how narrow the sidewalk is um and if you set those Planters off the curb so no doors hit it the cars that are parked parallel now they're going to hit the Planters so whether it's a copout we're not proposing any Planters be there uh you know we could talk about hanging baskets or something else to to bring some color there but it just doesn't work however the as you open up you go towards north Dean you have the beautiful Park that would be an opportunity it is a gateway into the city um to do these round larger uh pots with flowers to supplement some of the uh the I'm sure these trees trees have Leaf out considerably this time of year um so you can see here we're just putting Planters in the park itself along the edge thought that would make a nice Gateway statement um and now we're heading to uh South Dean which we're back to kind of Palisade Avenue treatment the sidewalks are probably eight feet wide 10 feet wide we could do some of these Planters in these locations that's what you see in the red uh and then van Street there's an opportunity where wide sidewalks open railroad tracks uh that lends itself to these larger Planters making a statement putting them uh 40 or 50 feet on Center and planting them you could see the yellow dots uh what we did do is we plac them in between the parking parallel parking spaces so doors won't hit them uh where the car would be parked uh then on the opposite side of of Van Brunt where it's more storefront similar to Palisades we'd go back to the smaller planter types um I will not go into the species right here but there will be lots each planter will have uh a couple things going on and it will have an uh an evergreen might be a shrub uh like many of the store owners do for fall winter interests uh then you'll have the color of course uh that that everyone loves the the the spring summer color and supplementing that would be a trailing Vine that Cascades over the edge of these so there's some similarity we also took into account whether an area gets sun or shade and that would allow us to decide what kind of flowers and to use and I believe that's it thank you anybody got any questions on the council just uh one uh council president do these need to be watered by the city and maintained and is the Sid have a program to do that is it done by Public Works in other words you said that there would be Evergreen trailing Vines and then flowers yes they need what kind of Maintenance does this require and is that cost then suborned by the Sid but they do need watering I mean that that's just yeah I'll just uh address mayor the fact that the planters that we have in place now that we added last year and that we planted this year Sid does water and make sure we have a program sorry okay I just wanted to say that the planters that the Sid has um done this year and last year we have a watering program so we make sure the Sid makes sure that those Planters are watered through September um and if things do die we replace them so you'll never know that they they've been replaced or dead um and then we'll address once this bigger plan gets uh initiated they will be will address the watering so that we can maintain it whether that's Sid or in collaboration with the city we'll figure it out and also something for Dean Street I'd like to see some hanging it's tough there because of the narrow so we don't want store owners or pedestrians not to see feel the same beautification mhm we're looking at the um the hanging planters and then there's a water program for that as well that's pretty I don't think you guys have a watering TR different kind of Maintenance with the wand as you may know yeah thank you okay thank you thank you council president yes yeah and I just like to thank you for coming tonight and you I attend the meetings and I think the public can see the amount of care that the Sid and and the professionals put into this and we really appreciate all the work because you know you clearly go above and beyond and I'm very happy to be part of the group so thank you very much thank you thank you um Mr Bailey so we're going to vote on resolution 195 you see it okay so we can take that take action on okay what what we're going to do next is resolution 19506 1824 and this is approving the intruction of the Englewood special Improvement District budget for year 2025 it's doing I I'm doing that right right now no no I need a motion and a second to introduce the the Sid budget so moved second roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes and uh council president cob if I May for the record the public hearing on the budget will take place at the July 16th council meeting thank you thank you all thank you for coming thank you for your presentation and as the as this group leaves quietly we will move on to the rest of the agenda next we'll have approval of minutes resolution 19661 1824 I need a motion in a second appreciate it got somebody who I abstain you have to AB we need a motion in a second I think iov you moved it Kevin you second second any questions roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman David I abstain councilman Wilson yes council president C yes next we will have bills and claims resolution 19706 1824 approval of payment of bills and claims in the amount of see nobody put that where of 1,617 I mean $72 45 5 cents yeah a motion and a second make a motion second any questions no question councilman Wilson I I have a few um but our CFO doesn't appear to be present this evening and so well you know what let Mr Hoffman hear your questions or which ones you want to have questions so that you can get your answers miss my questions Mr hman I think Mr Wilson has some questions but CFO is not here today that's that is correct the uh the CFO uh his children were ill and he caught it um but perhaps I can I can answer some of the questions uh and and thank you council president yep um some of them are just highlights and just so the public is aware about um moving forward with our 125th anniversary celebration and and why some of these appear on the um bills and claims uh for the night market uh I think that this is a a good opportunity uh Mr Hoffman for you to kind of explain what the night market is about and how we're incorporating what we're doing in 125th anniversary um so that it's just not reading um as bills and claims sure can I answer that Council sure okay uh thank you yes the um the night market is one of the one of the activities that will occur for to celebrate the city's 125th anniversary uh this is going to be this is scheduled for Wednesday July 17th the rain date will be Thursday the 18th and the night market is going to be on Palisades Avenue it will be from Grand Avenue down West to the to City Hall and there will be um there will be booths that will be on the street there will be a beer garden there will be bands that will be playing there will be different activities that will occur and it's a it's it's something that's going to be very exciting this is the city has done this before seven or eight years ago and it was well received so um the te experiences is um is going to be managing this event for the city and I hope everybody is able to participate and this is also being funded by a uh contribution from Englewood Hospital so they are they've made a contribution to offset the cost for some of our our expenses for the 125th anniversary celebration Mr hman is there a rain date uh the rain yes the rain date is going to be that is going to be Thursday so let me just double check the oldfashioned way so the yes it's Wednesday July 17th and the rain date is Thursday July 18th time somebody said and it's going to be from approximately 5 o'clock in the evening until 11 Mr Wilson thank thank you Mr Hoffman and if I can draw your attention to page 24-0 634 Garden State fireworks if you could just duplicate what you just did Mr Hoffman that'd be great all right um thank you this is a our fireworks display and um we the city made a conscientious effort not to be in competition with New York City on the 4th of July so our fireworks will be on Monday July 1st it will be over at the high school at Dwight marrow high school so please join us um last year the fireworks were wonderful and we we expect that it will be the same and you'll have a couple days to recover and then you can go watch the fireworks the Macy's fireworks in Manhattan on July 4th we're also going to do something special because Monday July 1st is Canada Day so we're going to shoot off some red fireworks just to just to celebrate our Canadian Brethren that's a joke by the way at least we don't have to cont with the forest fire from Canada and uh just just for that the uh part of the the fireworks the the cost for the fireworks we the the mayor was uh able to receive contributions from businesses in the city so this is a again this is something that uh being we're going to be able to celebrate but it's uh the the cost for this celebration is also coming from contributions from from City businesses thank you city manager um and thank you uh Mr Mayor for uh your diligent work on collecting funds so the people can enjoy the fourth uh if I can direct your attention to page two and we're going to go to 24- 01446 uh National hi excuse me National Highway products safety signs um I know there there's a couple spots that needed it and just didn't know how many signs this encompassed and if in fact we bought them in pairs because I know some of the signs have to be uh bought in pairs because once one goes down it can't be replaced has to be done in pairs is that what this is you know I don't know the answer to that question so I will I will get that for the council okay um and and one of the reasons why I I I bring that up is because I I think that you know safety is the most important thing for for our residents for our community for our visitors and um for our elderly and our children and so as we increase on this Safety project that we will also highlight from our review of the roads and signs of um safe passage uh that we discussed before for our children going back and forth to school right and that's that's something that will come up in our our reports later I would like to highlight that um uh in that the fir the first uh the first bill in that section 24 d1351 for Jeffrey Landscaping that was to replace broken um broken plexiglass at uh several bus stops so um what the Sid said uh is is true and we've we've had several bus stops that had vandalism and they were the plexiglass was replaced in them thank you council president thank you city manager um I have I have one question Mr Hoffman on page three uh Bergen fence Harring Tron Glenbrook Improvement $94,700 is that all that fencing is that what that fencing cost on that field that's the that's the fencing for three locations yes it's the it's the field it's at the there's a playground and um there's there's uh of you know at Herring and TR but it also includes the um the back stop that was run over by a car last year so that that's uh that was a um basically an 18 ,000 expense that's included in there and I'm happy to report that we will be reimbursed by our our insurance carrier we have a $5,000 deductible so um out of that $94,000 the city will be receiving back $1 13,998 um for for the fencing so that was the council may remember that there was a white car that drove down the hill hit the back stop and um we had to take the back stop out so part of this part of this was the putting in the new back stop Council that has nothing to do with the upcoming discussion in regards to the McKay Park and over fencing is that correct no uh that's correct okay anybody else have any questions V call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman David yes I'm sorry is that yes yes thank you councilman Wilson yes council president C yes so next we don't have any ordinances for second reading we have a ordinance for introduction Mr biley you want to walk this thing that I ask you about sure um the ordinance before your introduction is an ordinance to establish a advisory neighborhood preservation uh committee council president asked me to draft an ordinance to that effect um I would bring your attention to there was a couple Blanks on the draft because I wasn't sure um but uh just putting it out there for prior to it being introduced if it is introduced um one of the blanks was how many Ward representatives and the suggestion was two Ward Representatives but also adding two at large Representatives as well to serve on the committee along with the council liaison and to remove the Chamber of Commerce I had only put that in there because I'd seen that in other municipalities but there's no legal requirement for how you constitute this type of advisory committee so it's at the discretion of the body thank you the the purpose of this ordinance is to make sure that every Ward had representation throughout the city um and how their Awards should be uh looked cared for uh we're doing a lot of work with the master plan and the master plan talks about uh moving the city forward so I thought it would be a good idea that we make sure that all the wards get the services that they believe they should have they should have representation we should make sure that the wards uh get the services uh get whatever plans that are supposed to be done whatever whether it be landscaping for example whether it be just the maintenance of uh your ward or whether it be that a park in the ward is not being cared for properly that you'll have a voice in the beautification in the maintain maintenance of your ward so um I think that that's important I think that that would help from these examples and what we have to do with the master plan so that's why I wanted to uh draft this ordinance uh to make sure that no Ward is Left Behind and that all Wards are respected uh and so with that Mr Bailey will update that but any questions for the governing body members please let's put them on the floor here Mr yes uh council president I I don't see an appointment to be made by the mayor but I do see in the bottom um that it would have um a uh representative the city historical committee the city angood Chamber of Commerce and one council person to be the aison I would suggest either the and this is not just for me but also for future mayors that the mayor either have an appointment or be privy to that uh circular um uh board at the end uh that I would join or the future Mayors would join also in that board and I think it serves well particularly if the mayor is appointing the planning board to at least be able to speak to appointments and accoutrements and improvements that are going on um I don't from my own personal experience I don't feel that I need to make an appointment but I would like to be able to hear what ideas there are so I can bring it to the planning board or report from the planning board the council representative may not be privy to all the applications and the beautification requests and things that are going on so I think the mayor should have um a hearing here anybody else yes so have we discussed this before I don't this has been something that we will we had brought up before do you remember what meeting that was um no it was it was a while ago and I think we were talking about how many people we're going to be on this is this is this pre pandemic pre pandemic okay that's so this there's no one you're the only council person pre pandemic um okay so I'm not sure yeah I'm not sure Mr biley because I'm I don't recall exactly when it's been a while okay so yeah this is a yeah I just got this you know half hour ago so who who who who are they half hour ago what's that oh from Mr Bailey's office yeah um who who are they advising what do you mean who are they advising so they're an Advisory Board they so what they would advise they would come to the council But ultimately they would be somebody who would represent no different than the traffic advisory similar to that but from each W yeah from each see the the concern I have with this and the concern I have is that I want to make sure that we're going through a master plan exercise and we want to make sure that these things are executed whatever we say we're going to execute but also every Ward needs to have representation and make sure that what they're getting is what they're really play for because some Wards get more services and what I mean by that is more love than other ws and we want to make sure that everybody has a voice at the table and how we get there is through this now if there are things that we have to tweak that's fine but I I believe that uh we can't do nothing I think that every Ward should have have representation if you look at the Third Ward you look at the fourth ward you look at the first and the second there are totally different things going on and every Ward I think needs to have independent voice we're not sitting in those Wards we're not knowing what's going on I think it's to the benefit uh of of the city that we have people who and every council person will get two members who can work with that council person and have feedback and saying hey this is what we believe that needs to be done or what's not being done and how do we get it done um how would they this committee advise the master plan I'm just confused on the mechanism not advising the master plan the master plan this would help the master plan and its execution because these people would say for example we're going to say the drainage or something beautification of McKay Park and you have two people from the fourth W who are represent it and McKay Park is not getting the beautification they're not getting what needs to be done they would in turn be able to talk to councilman Wilson and he's the in turn comes here and advocates for for the fourth war on that or or he could be over by quarrel school and somebody that's not getting done by the cemetery or whatever and those two people or whatever concerned they would come to you and say hey councilman here's what's going on here's what we think here's what we're hearing on the ground what people are concerned about and they would ADV they would come to you and you would advocate for these things to get done so how would that be different from just any concerned citizen advocating for something that they want well because these people would be in tune they would be going around the community and they would be looking and they would take tabs on that cuz they would do that they would it's no different than the traffic advisory committee walking around saying oh we got speeding we need to change the signs we need to change all these things you you want you want as much engagement in the process of the of the residents in the city of Anglewood to to be engaged in their neighborhoods and neighborhood preservation we don't want any neighborhood to to be worse than any other neighborhood we want to make sure that everybody's neighborhood is up apart and that would be helpful to them now if people don't want to do the work that's a whole another story but I think that that's something that needs to be implemented and many towns have this yeah and if you allow Mr Hoffman and I know we've discussed this here before do I know you've been working on like a spreadsheet for all the Committees is that something we're going to you know be able to get I just feel like we have a lot of advisory committees in the city and they some of them don't always meet or aren't fully staffed I even was talking earlier this year that one of our key committees unfortunately had someone who had passed away and we didn't act in a timely fashion to uh and that was someone who was very had a lot of history of service to the city and uh we didn't act in a timely way to replace that person and I'm just worried that we're building a committee debt I don't mean in money I mean in uh resources and time and attention uh that that we're just not not paying attention to them so I hope we can uh get that spreadsheet just because you know I don't have a handle for how many committees we have or or who's on them clearly the the semi- Judiciary committees like the the planning board and the the zoning board you know that that we have a very good handle on but the the other ones are not as clear as what's going on okay thank you presid thanks just um one of one of our staff members is working on the spreadsheet we're going through the um the different sections of the city code and we're identifying uh committees uh and then the number of people that are that are on the Committees we're working with the clerk's office to uh see who's um who has who has been appointed and what's their you know when when does their terms expire but this is this is one of those Pro projects that's be being done and fits fits and starts and um you know I can I can give a report at the next meeting if the if the council so chooses and then at that meeting we can determine what committees are or viable or even active if they're not active then we should dissolve them if we're not using them yeah and um yes um president thank you and also I think this gives more accountability to um all of us as Council of our WS because I'm getting calls from um people spitting their wheels they're calling me from the library and I don't know who's in is that Jo board again where the library is Library what you're asking no the library well they're the homelessness they're calling me and they're calling me from people sleeping in front of stores and everything but they don't know where to go so I think this is give some people more accountability with this committee also um cuz yeah well than is this committee going to address the homeless crisis in town uh I don't think so I'm Give an example example I I I don't that would that would be very helpful yeah I don't I I think that's a whole another another I think that's a uh law enforcement and all that I don't think that this committee is doing that this is more about neighborhood preservation making sure neighborhoods are are up to stuff and you know people are doing the right things in their neighborhood and not leaving go out and all this other stuff as well uh and making sure neighborhoods are are getting what they need to get so Mr belly what are you going to do a draft update this what's I mean we can update it right now all it is is changing so what would be published would be again making two representatives from each Bo and two at large breing the Chamber of Commerce yep okay and anything with the mayor as an if you please to whatever the pleasure of the body is yeah I I don't feel it's necessary to make an appointment if you're going to have uh representatives of every Ward appointed but I think the mayor should sit on the and be invited to the meetings like come here could be invited that I don't think that's a problem well it's a public meeting so you're by defin but understand but it should be in the text I I think we should make mayor ex official yeah make the mail what ex has a guaranteed lot of so so so would be two members from each ward two at large a mayor seat and one Council leaz and chamber no chamber no chamber no chamber I had nober put repr of the historical committee but that's up to board if you want that or not no we'll have Council me no no chamber and one council person who's the the council person will be the liaison does does the liaison vote council president yeah has the same powers that we have in our other board did you want to eliminate the historic commission committee representative I put in the draft historic committee representative because I've seen other municipalities that's how they do it but that's again the pleasure of the governing body as they had to how to constitute it should we ask the historic committee if they want to well they're going to want it um I don't see any harm we have a history of great a city of great history I think you should do it it make it's up to the council who that person should be if we put the historical correct that'll be our so you can opt not to appoint somebody no count Mr biley count how many people it'd be 13 if you include the historical committee right it's 13 yeah that's fine yep okay okay yep so you need a motion need a motion in a second a motion a second councilman Rosen yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes and again the public hearing on this ordinance will take place on July 16th so now we to public comment 19 your mic through 198 through 208 I'm opening up the public session for that you come to the mic you have your name and your address and you have three minutes commenting only on items that are on here from 198 to 208 good evening horis rockar 51 West Hamilton Avenue Anglewood New Jersey I have a question concerning liquor license again all right um this has been come out to be a real joke since 1995 I actually printed out all the members of that Shiloh for year for year two and a half years ago so I understand do we own 37 Bennett Road is it does it belong to City of Englewood or not I would like the city manager to at least answer that question yes or no Mr we own the property okay the city owns the property so why are we issuing Lial license do we have a contract agreement or we had a contract agreement that wants to we exchange the property that they vacate the property why are we issuing a a Lial license I believe they have a club license no I don't see that in anywhere in any of the agreements that stated it states that they need to vacate the property once it was transferred the 173 183 the 1 and A2 Acres of property which was was worth $1.1 million was traded for $300,000 property you know what I want to buy to the7 Ben Ro I would like to buy 37 byet road does anybody have any objection to that or you do I need to put a proposal to together for this it has to be auction not necessarily I you can sell to a joining Property Owners nonprofits in certain circumstances or it has to be by public auction okay but do you don't have no answer for why are we continuously renewing a Lial license for a piece of property that is owned by the city of Englewood because they've had a license from one of stand for decades so the fact that the city owns the property doesn't necessarily nullify their license you can own a liquor license many liquor licenses are on premises owned by somebody else so they W ask when the agreement was finalized that they vacate to7 benett Road completely I'm sorry they w't ask to Advocate the premises completely no attachment to the premises so they're going to still continue to have attachment to the premises forever I'm not following you okay I have the documents from since 95 that was played along and played along and played along for years and years and years and years yeah this goes back to the 1980s apparently no 1995 that's when it started no actually 1983 was the first ordinance to do the transfer all right so no problem in in posting these documents online it's about to be posted online what I don't know but good evening uh J shears Forest Avenue um on the resolution contend agenda I'd like to know if we could basically pull out uh 20461 1824 and that's resolution for recognizing June as cariban uh Heritage Munch and 20561 1824 resolution recognizing the dmh graduating class of 24 uh just basically want them pulled out separately and basically for the high school class we just kind of feel that you know the kids need their own recognition so we basically want to know if you could just kind of pull that out for right now thank you thank you Rick will being with New Jersey uh 20161 1824 resolution of uh required disclosure Ward for modern material for supply of police fire what's that about what modern supplies are we getting we getting some drones what are we getting Mr hman you stopped my time real quick what are we get it what modern weapons and the uh Caribbean Heritage Month also I want to speak to that that should also be pulled uh the heritage of the Caribbean is very rich and vibrant and I think there needs to be uh information to make people aware of all the contributions of the Caribbean starting with Haiti which is the first free black nation in the Caribbean back in 1804 and on into the Caribbean you know the islands and everything like that it has a very rich History Mr Hoffman talked about Canada being our brothers uh he for about the War of 1812 with Great Britain and United States versus Canada you know and how the how the anniversary is today so you for you for but you're talking about the Canadians being our brothers it's just a relationship of convenience because of the relationship started in Europe from Great Britain nothing to do with Brotherhood at all Bob that's the history of it so we need to understand these things and we need to also make sure we pay attention to the heritage of the Caribbean and what we actually contributed to this country cuz without the French without the revolution the Haitian revolution the Louisiana Purchase wouldn't have been possible there would be no United States of America you got to understand these things see white folks have to take credit for everything ex even what we did they want to take credit for you know what I'm saying so please let me know what weapons we're talking about what Supply you have anything yeah this is this I believe is for the for ammunition for some of our weapons and then for rep for replacement parts but I will I will uh give the council an specifically what weapons hollow point bullets laser guided guns what are we getting don't have that information right now 6 million ways to die choose one what are we getting me as a black man I'm always concerned when I see weapons and police in the same sentence we'll get you that tasers uh non-lethal what are we getting huh a bomb he doesn't have it we'll get it to you okay I want to know please I want to know I'll get it back to you anybody else if nobody else you coming good evening gentlemen good evening I'm going to speak loud enough so everyone can hear me I'm not only talking for the people in the front I'm talking for the people in the back so everyone needs to hear what is being said when you people are speaking up here you're not only talking to each other remember you have people sitting in the congregation here that needs to hear what your output is not your input what you were speaking about okay my thing is that I'm going back to my friend here Mr my street has not been paved yet my car is still run up and and down the hills and I want that street pav Miss Jones you've been saying can I stop you for a second it's just on these items and then you can have the floor after we get through with this I thought okay yeah this is not the public session yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz you want to you want to talk about the street out there right apartment yes I okay yeah so that will be after this so you and Mr hofman can have your conversation yeah no problem sit right there let us sit right there thank you so I'm going to if there is nobody else who wants to speak on this I'm going to close the public portion of this this meeting um and I'm going to pull items 204 06824 uh resolution recognized in June as Caribbean American heritage month I'm going to pull 20561 1824 resolutions recognizing dmhs graduating class of 2024 so I'm going to we're going to vote on one we're going to vote on those separately we're going to vote on 198 through 203 and then we're going to vote on 206 through 208 council president if I may yep crazy if you allow me the latitude I would also like to pull number 2011 1-06 18-24 okay thank you council president okay so we're going to vote on 198 through 20 and then we're going to vote on 202 and then we're going to vote 203 and then we're going to vote from 206 207 and 208 what happened what's 207 and 208 again H what you say that's 207 and 208 they look good we're going to vote on you don't have that you don't have and the block R okay yes it's Bergen fence and the other one is the uh buron County block grant you got that yeah okay great all right so the the items that will be pulled are 201 yes 204 and 205 everything else we're voting on right are we able to have a discussion um council president after we vote on the consent then you can discuss those three no no I I want to discuss as well one 198 06-18 d24 I didn't want to pull it I just wanted to discuss it some of the highlights in the quote were not legible to me and we were talking about fencing and so I I thought it' be okay so let's talk about that right now and ask Mr Hoffman so we could get that or whoever is involved in it would that be front uh Mr City Manager for 19 198 06- 18-24 that's Bergen fence yes that is correct and we got a quote for Bergen fence and it it mentioned overp Park uh I think it was 18,000 and the total was 22 something and part of that was uh for McKay Park and I just want to make sure that we're capturing I mean we're doing repairs for fencing and I Know It that we need it uh but on this diagram it's not clear what we're getting in overpack uh and and or uh McKay Park and the overpack I think we have the total at 25,500 less the total for mayay Park 3,498 so there's a couple of different diagram is there right yes so the uh so and just so and just so I'm clear council president um I don't know if knows about it we're we're attempting to beautify all our parks and all our areas and and I was out at the park and I saw where they were replacing fencing by the new um playground if you will uh and we were hold and we were holding that up in order to open it up to our to our toddlers if you will to make it safe for them and so I I I want to know where's our where's our fencing coming from who who Who's who's capturing that information because we just had a $90,000 bill for for fencing and part of it was Herring Park and some of it hasn't been put up as of yet and so when I see these things now I just want some clarity so we don't have to keep hopping from park to park um for fencing I think that I think that's important that we get some clarity in this particular juncture why it's 20 something, for overpacking what are we doing there a lot of the fencing projects that are happening are done at an emergency basis uh my understanding is we do have we actually have a grant going out for some fencing that we need to done to be done around the parks but if the DPW identifies sections of fencing that are that are immediately a concern that are hazardous for example the fencing by the playground area that sort of thing there was a fencing along overp Creek that was just busted open um that needed to be repaired immediately so they actually go out and they they uh they get quotes Etc to solicit fencing company to come in and repair those immediately you know I I I think we were just reading the resolution I think there's a typo in the first whereas in the resolution because it's a second where is because it says Herring Park but all of the all of the all of the proposals are for overpeck and and McKay so I just think and that's where I wanted clarity I think that that's what the count what the council councilman Wilson is pointing out is that um there's a there's a typo in the second resol second whereas because we have one resolution for Herring and then this and all of the backup is for McKay and over the only emergency that I'm aware of are overpack and McKay the these are the only emergencies I'm aware that's what that's what 198 is for the the tree that fell the tree that fell on the fencing that had to be replaced and then the other the other work that the DPW did yeah Herring field I'm not aware of it but again it doesn't I was there's a lot of fencing repairs that do take place that I'm not aware of and again that's that's based on the dpw's assessment of the fencing as they go through the par when you say when you say emergency are we concerned about um our community members falling into overc what what's the emergency there is that not against Route 80 the fencing there now when we when my definition of fencing is anything that's open that a kid can get get through and get hurt Etc so and I I'm pretty sure that's what the DPW is concerned with at all especially around the pars if it's an area where children are playing if the fence is open and the child can fall over then we we have to take care of that we can't wait I I totally understand and I agree but just on this schematic just doesn't it doesn't it's not clear okay it's not clear C councilman so so based on what I just talked to Mr B we because it's a resolution we can change it right now to read what it should read and it should read it should read over over m not hiring field okay that's correct and and and I'm and I'm okay with that um council president I just want to be clear about the repairs because from from this schematic I I can't tell what they are gotcha and so something of this importance and this magnitude I just want to get that right yeah I want to know what I'm voting on I can you know I want to be able to go back and say ah I see it that's where they had to do the repair what what we can do with the DPW moving further on and ask them to submit exactly what section of fencing what location Etc so we have a a running list what's repair okay um I'm used to reading blueprints but I can't I can't read this I'm I'm sure they do they I'm sure they do and they they know where is so we can definitely ask them to submit that okay it's good that they know but I'd also like to know we got to know where it's at right and they they did yes and this is understood good catch councel yeah understood so and you know what else and and you notice too challenge f bur bur fence on top well we we ask for quotes for quotes for for different companies yeah so we got we got to tighten this up a little bit okay so what we need to do Mr B to walk us through this one uh we just need to change that where it says Harring trown Park field LMO Parkway we need to strike that and we need to put um overp Park K Park and it shouldn't be opad park it should be opad Creek right yeah should be overed Creek that was in the revised how do you want to how do you want to handle that that yeah again it's a resolution so you can just vote on it with that change okay it's not an ordinance so just wanted to point it out so when we did vote on it we knew what we were voting on we got to read the change into the record I yeah I mean you just did so okay yeah read to the record I meant and what gets actually signed will reflect the correct language whatever gets signed we'll correct it all right okay okay I just didn't want to vote on it as it stood okay okay so so again sorry about this folks so we're going to go through this we're going to vote on 198 199 200 then we're going to vote on 202 203 206 206 207 208 motion second make a motion hold on a second a second roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cop yes next we have um we have to on resol yeah no yeah next we're going to vote on resolution 201 a resolution awarding a requirement disclosure award to Modern materials for supplies of police Firearms can we need a motion in a second council president if I may we need a motion in a second and then Mr hman going give us well that was part of the reason why I initially pulled it yeah he's got something Mr Hoff's got something here that he's going to read everyone has a copy in their packet and everybody's got a copy in their packet I've got a packet um but I wasn't happy with it Mr Hof first we need a motion in a second right it a motion Mr who's going to motion and who's a second motion I'll second it Mr H all right uh thank you council president there's a there's a memo in the packet be behind the resolution it's from the uh police chief and it has to do with the uh the the the requirements for the police department and the need for the new the new equipment so part of it is that um the police department is transitioning away from the 9mm Glock uh those most of those were purchased in 20 2013 so uh the police department is updating their um their weapons and also attached is is the list of the uh the quantity so they're basically buying um they're buying uh 15 15 um 15 of one weapon and then they're uh they're they're buying um the they're buying the equipment that's needed the attachments for it so it's it's the it's um slings it's it's it's the ma magazines that are are required for the ammunition and then it's um it's the the the the aluminum cases and things of that nature so that's behind that's behind the resolution so again this is to update the weapons that they have um that were originally purchased that were originally purchased uh 11 years ago and um so so the question is um Mr Hoffman when they change equipment is that a discussion that takes place with city manager and other people to say this is why we want to change the equipment or the firearm equipment that we use is there a reason for that uh yes there was and there was a there was a discussion during the 2023 budget budget process about this because of the lead time uh that was that was needed so this was something that um that had been evaluated during uh last year's budget budget process and um to to transition over to these weapons so I guess the question is are these weapons more powerful than the weapons they car currently carrying I can't answer that question we need I got I got it um something of this magnitude I would appreciate if the chief or the deputy um not not saying that um a lawyer or our city manager Mr Hoffman isn't able to explain this way but something where we we' already suffered a fatality in our community um by handgun that seems to do a pretty good job I don't know why we're looking at uh 40 calibers and it says here that um as our officers will be carrying Glock pistols and magazines this is extremely important benefit I got to ask myself why is this an important benefit why isn't a liaison for deescalation not just as important or important benefit I'm concerned not only about the the verbiage in here but I'm I'm I'm concerned that we're going in the wrong direction and we we're talking about stockpiling ammunition in here and being able to to collaborate with local communities as far as the ammunition this is a huge concern for me um and that's why I wanted this PLL and I I would just like us to take a moment and really look at this piece of um literature because it's very important as we move forward to uh the safety that culminates itself with the long guns as well and long guns are mentioned in this as well and I can't recall not saying that we'll ever have to use it but when we had to use a long gun and we're thinking about running out of ammunition yeah well the way I read the way I read the memo they're transitioning away from the 40 caliber to a 9 mm um so they're getting so m m Mr Hoffman I think what would be helpful is is the Chief the deputy chief and Mr canning came and talked to us about this so we could understand and we could have a level of comfort with this yeah well we can we can have a conversation with the chief or the deputy chief um you know about about that but um because they would be able to provide the I think it just would be helpful because to we need to understand the fire power when we transitioning from based on what we're saying here but also Mr canning he's our qpa person and he's he's signing this too he's got to know and I think in light of what the things that are going on in the public today I think this would be a conversation that would be appreciated by us and also the public as well yeah well again we can have the the we can talk with the chief and the deputy chief it's um um Sean Sean kenning our qpa puts together all of the of the information but he's um he's he's in uh South Jersey at the moment so well we we we'll take the chief and the deputy chief we we need to know about this this is you're talking about long guns you're talking about all this stuff so so Mr willby yeah I want to Mr Wilson you want a motion to table this thank you council president if there's no other discussion and no one else has anything to say I would definitely like a motion to table this and that would be I'm asking to table number 2011- 06-18 d24 resolution awarding and required disclosure Awards to Modern materials for supply of police firearms okay as a point of order we can move to table L you want a motion to table yes Council that was a motion sir anybody want second I'll second get a roll call roll call councilman Rosen no councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes okay final vote count is three yes one no motion uh carries okay next resolution is resolution 204 a resolution recognizing June as Caribbean American Heritage Month we pulled that miss m Miss David yes you want to speak to this you you put this on there I pulled it separately as a Caribbean American I think it's should be recognized separately because there's a lot of us here um and I want to pulled separately so you guys have the resolution in front of you or do you want me to can you speak speak into the please you guys have the resolution in front of you I want me to read it I wanted I asked what to be pulled separately earlier today and I asked would be put on the agenda as a Caribbean American so that's why I thought it was very important because there's a lot of Caribbean Americans like my grandparents fought for World War II okay um anybody up here want to say anything you got a huh we a motion in a second pleas excuse me we usually read these okay whereas the month of June has been set aside to honor the cultural linguistic ethnic and social diversity of Caribbean Americans and whereas millions of individuals in United States have Caribbean roots and while some came of their own um Rel others were forced to our country as slaves and whereas despite the tribulations of the Caribbean people Caribbean Americans have triumphed and are essential towards the backbone of American society their efforts and successes exhibit Valiant determination and Devotion to community and patrim and whereas Caribbean American have excelled in many facets including education sports music government and the Armed Forces whereas many Americans well known for their contributions to America came from the Caribbean and have had Caribbean Roots including Alexander Hamilton and whereas a United States House of Representatives first recognized Caribbean American Heritage Month in 2005 and the Senate and white house first recognized in 2006 now therefore being resolved that the mayor and the city council of the city of Englewood hereby recognized June 2024 as Caribbean American herited month and I would like to say also my grandparents who came here for World War II um came through the country because um many people did not want to fight the war so in order to get immigration status you had to come through another way which was fighting the war and I'm glad I'm here and I'm glad to have my my Caribbean Heritage and thank you thank you Mr C yes a special thank you also to miss Nia Harmon uh who uh put together the uh annual caribbean-american appra in the city it was also um the same day as the Israel day parade and she and her father had done a a tremendous job in raising Rick Rick RI R come on RI RI Rick come on Rick goe man thank you and the record should also reflect that the use of fou language does downgrade our YouTube for the people that are watching this um also the content of what the gentleman likes to spew um ladies and gentlemen I want to thank Nia for single-handedly putting together year after year a very robust uh Caribbean uh parade uh the caribbean-american community is one that's well known to my law practice and me personally but in this city is now occupying um a significant uh populace uh and is growing uh very um comfortably and proudly uh and it's very important that we uh as uh elected officials here not only tip our hat to this beautiful uh fabric of uh America but that we also make sure that that Community is represented adequately in the planning board the board of adjustment all the other uh thought uh boards uh of our city and I'm happy uh to entertain any applicants or anybody who's known uh in this community would like to continue to to lead it a step forward for that Community is a step forward for every our community and we should be celebrating on our Saturdays and our Sundays and our Fridays uh just about everything that makes our city diverse special and very loving thank you thank you so next we have I guess there was a question to pull oh let's let's vote on two let's vote on 204 we need us we have it already we have a motion in a second already I believe you don't have it you I thought we Motion in a second thought yes yes motion and that was the second yeah R roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next we have resolution 205 a resolution honoring Dwight more High School dmhs class of 2024 uh whereas the city whereas the school district Englewood School District will graduate the dmhs class of 20204 on June 20th whereas D MHS class will receive their diplomas as an Evidence of meeting graduation requirements whereas dmhs class where where is d MHS class of 2024 has demonstrated their ability to navigate hard times and issues such as covid-19 whereas the MHS class of 2024 has been impacted by the social unrest due to the murder of George Floyd which galvanized the public the public locally nationally and internationally whereas the dmhs class of 2024 is in dealing with covid-19 and George Floyd events stayed focused on their educational Journey whereas the MHS class of 2024 will carry on the legacy of graduates representing the school district and the City of Anglewood and it as differen makers now they be it resolved that the that the mayor and the city council of the city of Anglewood in Burton County in New Jersey hereby honors and salutes the Dwight M High School the mha class of 2024 on their graduation I need a motion and a second a motion second got the answer roll call councilman rosenke yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes I like I just to applaud the graduates and council president C yes next we're going to go the communications from the governing body starting with mayor WS thank you council president good evening ladies and Gent gentlemen for those that are here in the well uh and those watching it Pastor given uh thank you for joining us Pastor um we are in the middle of a heatwave um in our region edgwood Public Library will be available uh as a cooling center I know that the county has also established a redundant uh cooling centers in hackin sack and and neighboring communities uh as well the library will be available Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5: uh p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 1: to 5:00 p.m. please take precautions to stay cool drink plenty of water stay out of direct sunlight for prolong periods of time and wear sunscreen hats protective clothing if you do need to be outdoors please also try to take an extra minute to check in on family or neighbors who are elderly or might otherwise need assistance during a heat wve like this so that we can make sure everyone stays safe the juneth uh schedule has been posted I want to thank um Mr Hoy who here at the Jabari uh Society for a robust uh program including all the sponsors uh tomorrow June 19th uh we're celebrating juneth or Freedom day it's a variety of events coming later this week to commemorate the holiday and I encourage all of our residents to join but more importantly to learn and celebrate so our entire city can enjoy the experience uh together again I want to thank the jardi Society of Bergen County the Bergen County NAACP our city council workers and all of the wonderful organizations and individuals who make these meaningful events a success uh each year um the Public Works schedule is going to be changing uh this week because of the juneth holiday there will be no garbage or recycling pickup on Friday as City agencies will be closed in observance uh of this holiday please visit the city website or Facebook page to view the full schedule ID alh I want to wish a blessed and joyous ID alh to our Muslim friends and neighbors We join you this week in celebrating faith family and friends and the joy of sharing life's blessings uh with one another an update ladies and gentlemen on the master plan Citywide meeting thank you to everyone who's attended our Ward meetings regarding the city's master plan as a reminder we have an additional Citywide meeting plan uh meeting coming up Monday June 24 that's this coming Monday at 700 p.m. at the Crown Plaza 401 South ven Brun Street please join us for a recap on the discussions that have been held in all four Wards and to give additional input on your own vision of what the master plan should look like uh moving forward this is one of our greatest Tools in ensuring the kind of future that we chart out and we want to make sure that your input is as much possible part of it so that residents will be ensure that the best plan uh will work forward for the entire city again it's a two-year plan this year to put that map out and the next year for the governing body to put ordinance and put teeth behind uh truth the power to make sure that nobody would change the city that doesn't go in line with the residents uh there will also be a Parks meeting hosting a uh presentation and discussion on city parks on Tuesday June 25 at 7 pm. in the Municipal Court here we have a tremendous Park system but we know there are ways and there's room for improvement so please join us to learn about our facilities uh new know your thoughts and improve our Parks I'm getting emails now on all sorts of nuances as people are out uh venturing this will be part of the master plan uh as well and I want to thank all those that are leading this uh concurrent effort again July 1st will be our fireworks thank you to our sponsors it was one phone call ladies and gentlemen to all three sponsors and a number that I put in front of them they all said yes thank you to Anglewood Health our hospital for being there with us in our Challenge and most importantly in health uh First Commerce Bank as well as shopright um congratulations as council president indicated to Dwight Mara High School uh graduates I look forward to speaking at their High School uh graduation in the next few days and for all you who wouldd like to be filled in in the week's events emails Communications and others uh matters feel free every Friday I've been doing this religiously for the last four years every Friday at 11:00 on the Facebook page of the Inwood library for coffee uh with the mayor a virtual coffee with the mayor if there's any special guest you think we should be hosting or any people you'd like to get to know that have impact on the city you should feel free to reach out to Henry Washington who is our program director God bless stay cool thank you next councilman Rosen swag I thank you um I'll try not to repeat too much of what the mayor just said um but I hope everyone has a meaningful juneth uh tomorrow and later this week and please look at the flyer for the many excellent events and again the uh two final master plan meetings next week uh again to mention June 25th right here in this room a week from tonight um the Strategic Park presentation which is the committee chaired by Dr Lisa wiski we'll be having a public presentation so I encourage everyone to come because The Parks affect everyone uh the youth um and and older people as well uh congratulations to mayor wilds and Dan TOA for the results on primary day I look forward to working with both of you in the years to come and also congratulations uh to Rotary um there'll be an installation of a new president Janet Pagan um next week and uh to Scott rine a former council president and a longtime council person as the district uh President also next week so congratulations to them both uh thank you all councilwoman David um just a brief update um I met with um Steve Weisner over at Flat Rock and um I haven't been there many years because when my children I used to go there all the time but it was like uh really great I just breathed I did yoga I worked out I had a great time also um an update on Glenbrook Heron Tron Park um the fencing project has been completed with new fencing uh new mulch was added two two new back stops was were installed and one of which will be reimbursed because um from the insurance which is about 13,000 um two back stops were repaired new crossbars new fencing um eight player Dugout structures with eight on Deck you know Carls installed restrooms were cleaned and the towels were repaired the marh was removed from the roof Roofing gutters and sidings were cleaned um concrete walls were power washed weed control and um summer fertilizer on the large baseb Fields the sprinkler systems in service and upcoming we do have the um small baseball field to be converted into a 5070 um you know intermediate baseball field The Dugout roofing for the large baseball field we have the player benches have been ordered and eight dugouts to be installed upon V seat the new bleach is also been ordered um there was a lot of work and thank you Mr burner um new bleaches have been ordered ordered picnic benches have been ordered to be installed upon receipt and also I want people in the third W to save the date we have um the uh actus fund is having um giving back to the community event that's coming up on the what is it uh the 13th is the 13 July 13th he's giving back to the third party on the green so there'll be food and everything and um you sit down with me and let me know maybe other officials there as well and I think that'll be great other than that um anybody who want to reach me know my number 201923 0043 and I'm also accessible when I get back to people when they call me thank you thank you next uh councilman Wilson thank you council president first giving honor to God without him uh I wouldn't be here today um I want to First say uh congratulations to the 2420 2024 graduates and sometimes we think that it's a um a normal occurrence and there's so many challenges for our youth today to stay in school so many distractions for them to navigate through the Mind fields of Higher Learning so kudos to our Dwight M High School um students who have graduated especially the ones who took the extra step that have graduated with with honors and juneth as a lot of us know is a national holiday and a celebration that we have endured here in ingwood for some time for over 10 years and so we have a upcoming event uh Thursday starting the kickoff uh June 20th from 5: to 10: Friday June 21st from 5: to 11 Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and Sunday the 23rd from 12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and in spirit of the Caribbean American Heritage Month there's uh institutions here that haven't had the opportunity of ribbon cutting uh ceremonies and flaves Grill on 191 First Street in ingwood is one of those so if you feel it and you want to patronize businesses in our town um great place to go great food great great atmosphere the master plan meeting uh for the hot toown on the 24th of this month at our hotel here I I can't stress enough how important your input is um you don't want just us planning your future you want to be a stakeholder in what what your future looks like what your quality of life looks like and if in fact you don't show up that quality of life that you may be expecting is probably going to be missing so I encourage each and every one of you to come out to our master plan on June 24th if you're not at the table you're on the menu thank you council president thank you councilman it it good evening and I just like to thank everybody for coming out um and I would just like to start by finishing with councilman Wilson just talked about with the master plan you know what what what people observe is is that this is a plan for the entire city but yet and still your representation hasn't been there at every meeting and what I mean by that every council member should have been at every meeting and why is because you're going to vote Citywide on the ordinances that will impact the city for the future so you need to hear what's going on and hear what people are saying through throughout the city that's that's what representation is about hearing and understanding um what people's concerns are not just in your ward but in all WS when you sit up here you vote Citywide so it's it's important that that happens and hopefully everybody will attend on the June 24th meeting at Crown Plaza I think that's very important and on June 25th they have this park uh vision of the parks I think that's also important that you go there don't let somebody dictate to you what your parks are going to look like give input so you get what you want to get out of what your parks are going to look like you are the stakeholders here you pay the bills here so you better raise your voice and let everybody hear what you want what your expectations are and hold people accountable for that today I had the opportunity to attend the graduation at the Janice dismas Middle School over 200 young people graduated today and I think that it's important that we support our young people the the stock is good I think it's promising but again they need to know that people support them on Thursday the high school graduates and if you know somebody or if you have time you should come out and support them for us that have attended this school system we know what that means so I hope that people could come out and support these young folks uh um with that and I think that it's important that we continue to have people come to these meetings to see what's going on to participate if you don't participate you're just existing here there are a lot of good questions I think people should continue to ask the questions it's it's very important that you do do that and don't take anything for granted because nothing's for granted so I hope that people will get involved stay engaged so that they can make this city the city that they hope they want it to be you moved here you decided to raise your family here and you invested here doesn't matter what size your house is everybody counts here if you live here that means you made a commitment to the city so the city needs to make a commitment to you um I want to talk about uh councilman Wilson and firefighter fire Lieutenant excuse me hoy for their commitment for bringing juneth to the city of angle what is this 12 years 12 years these gentlemen 12 years they've made this happen so I want to thank you for your efforts and and bringing this and making this happen so yep and people need to understand what juneth really means if you care about people you'll know what it means cuz that that we have to understand what that means and what it took for us to get on the other side of that you know so I thank you for that and hopefully people will take the time out to research and understand what juneth was all about for us and our families who've made that journey and who have known people from off the plantation we understand what that means but there's plenty of work that's got to be done that's why people have to invest in their communities and we have to talk to people about doing that so hopefully we'll have a good week gentlemen thank you for your commitment to the city uh I'd like to thank Mr Wilson Doug Wilson as we had him there earlier today uh for his 30 years of service to the city of Anglewood which is important and we got somebody else firefighter oils also got a long tenure as well as fireman Wilson 30 Years thank you guys as well uh but we got much work to do so I want to thank you and hopefully we have a good juneth and the flag raising is on Thursday at what time 7 7 p.m. if everybody's available please come it's always Enlightenment of the people speaking and then on Saturday the parade is what 10 yes 10: a.m. yes right 10 a.m. Lieutenant oy thank you so just want to make sure so we're there on time we don't miss nothing all right thank you thank you so much Mr Hoffman I'll give it to you uh thank you council president and good evening ladies and gentlemen there's a lot to report on um luckily the members of the governing body have reported on several of the items so I want to congratulate our high school graduates from Dwight marrow which will graduate on Thursday as the council president just mentioned as well as Dwight wood and the Mariah School uh the city's annual firework show the mayor has already spoken about um and you've heard about our juneth festivity so there will be the flag raising at City Hall at 7 o'clock on Thursday afternoon or Thursday evening and then please uh please walk on over to Depot Square where there will be where the festival will be commencing that evening uh there'll be rides in different attractions and U there'll be there'll be the opportunity for entertainment and camaraderie so the as has been mentioned the festival will run through Sunday night June 23rd and it ends at 9:00 so you you need to get there before before 9 o'cl on on Sunday so start on Thursday and uh en enjoy what enjoy the activities on Monday June 24th psng will begin a 12we construction project to rebuild the Inglewood Cliff's substation this is the substation that provides electricity for the city of Inglewood and several of our sister municipalities so this project is going to take as I said about 12 weeks but it's going to necessitate the closure of East Palisades Avenue in the burrow of Inglewood Cliffs but that closure and that closure will be from 7 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and uh it will uh necessitate detours that will go through the city of Inwood some of those detours will be for bus and truck traffic that'll go on that'll go north on uh North Woodland Avenue uh there's U NJ Transit bus routes that are going to be affected and there's also truck traffic that that will be sent up that way there's going to be a separate car detour so um we will be posting that information on our website there will be um wave notifications that will be going out um and we will we will do our best to communicate with our residents about this so this is something that basically um we found out about yesterday and did we have was the meeting today I'm losing I'm losing track so the meeting we had a meeting with psng a zoom meeting just about this and New Jersey Transit and all of the other affected parties their goal is to have this project done before school opens on Labor Day so of you know most of the work is going to be done in in the burrow of Inglewood Cliffs but the detours will affect our our residents it'll affect traffic here in the city and um anybody that's using New Jersey Transit they're going to be notified but if you have neighbors that use New Jersey Transit bus particularly please please let them know about that as well it start it's going to start Monday Monday Monday May TW May May June 24th so this coming Monday at 7 am. they're going to be closing the road basically it's going to be closed all summer yes both sides um there and the road will be open at 4M they'll they'll start to open the road at 4: so the road will be open at night for two-way traffic but um you know this this will serve our energy needs in the future also next Monday June 24th Bergen County will begin milling and Paving of Grand Avenue this is going to be a one-week project and it's going to be done at night there's going to be a preconstruction meeting about this tomorrow uh Wednesday June 19th and then after we have the preconstruction meeting we'll have notifications about the project and we will send those out again Again by by Rave and by our social media platforms and then the the information is going to be hand delivered to to the businesses and other other people that are on the on the affected Road and again this is something that we found out about yesterday so um now we might have found out about this on Friday but we were able to move this this work because the county wanted to start the work on Thursday night so uh they wanted to start this this coming Thursday June 20th and that would have just um been been very traumatic here here in the city and we didn't want it to affect our the beginning of our juneth festivity so we were able to have it moved but again that's going to start next Monday night uh June 24th we've talked about the master plan so please attend that we've talked about the town hall meeting for the for the recreation strategic plan this is something that has been going has been in the process for about a year uh we've been working with professionals from ruers University and um some members of the strategic planning committee are are your neighbors and friends they they are they are Englewood residents that have given input but we need everybody to participate as I believe the council president said so that you can have you can look at the parks and say what's important what's important for each Park in each of the wards and how how can we use this as a template to invest in the Parks over the next decade or 15 years so it's important if you're able to attend please to please do that also the city will be applying for a municipal aid grant to reconstruct Spring Lane from inle Street to Hillside Avenue the application is due on July 1st uh the the council uh part of the application process is that there the council has to pass a resolution so we will we will be putting together an application and we will ask the council to to pass a supporting resolution at the June 2nd meeting uh the the state will take a resolution of supporting the Grant application through July 31st so uh this is something that the city engineer and I and our grant writer had a meeting about today and we were looking to see how we could how we could Leverage our road paving program as well as um other you know take advantage of other fun other funding so that we can we can do more Paving more reconstruction we're also going to be looking to see about improving four intersections under the Safe Streets to Transit program and again that grant that Grant application that's a fast turnaround that's due by June 30th and the state will take a supporting resolution uh through the end of through the end of July so um please don't bother our engineer he's got to take a look at a a lot of data points for the June 30th application and but this this again is the opportunity to have additional work done in the city with grant funding so that we can use more of the more of the money from our 2024 capital budget for work that that cannot be accomplished with grant funding and then last but not least uh June is Men's Health Awareness Month so this is a this is a good time to step back take a look and say make make a make a an appointment so that you can have a physical get yourself checked out and make sure that you're healthy so the reason I'm closing with this is because in January I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and I had I it's something that you don't have any symptoms about but because I was able to have a PSA test with my annual physical things were identified so that gave me the opportunity to pick the type of treatment that's best for me and um allow me to go on and to accomplish what I want to accomplish and to be healthy so please make sure that everybody you know that you go get your get your physicals and that you take care of yourself so um the treatment that I selected was the best for me and I'm looking forward to a positive outcome but everybody needs to look look and take care of themselves whether you're a manner or woman and that way you can take care of others so thank you council president thank you good health Mr doer thank you now it's the time going to open it up to the public session and name your address and three minutes I'm going to speak loud enough so everyone can hear it's very important that you hear what is being said anyone sitting up there but I hear enough that going on and I'm sure there are some people in the back who do not hear have minut are be minut it's gonna be three minutes Miss Jones right here I'm still wai I know I know yes you know every time I go down scen is Bumpy bumpy bump and you told me last week have I know it's not your fault but everybody has to work together you're right okay and it needs to be done what about the parking for the handicap there is no parking on pal Avenue for the handicap I mean you know we got all kind of fire Hy you can't park next to this fire Hy but you don't have anything for handicap and there are a lot of people that are handicap I'm looking at a lot of people that's handicap that are younger than I am but I am and the Hand we need something there and also I want to thank you for the Youth now what are we doing for the Youth the summer is coming the summer is here and we don't have anything what about a swimming pool we got a swimming pool up there at school at the at the school I think that's Junior School junior high school but what about a swimming pool down here at at McKay park for the for older people not only for the babies but for young people young adults they need things to do because things are getting worse they don't have anything to do so they're running the street now not only running the streets they doing hurting other people so you need to give them something to do only that what about building a skating room getting a skating Room everybody does not do hockey that's not for both black that's not we need a skating R for the young people for everyone who knows how to skate I know ska ice skating or the other kind of skating huh ice skating or roller skating or roll SK you roll skating where no I'm asking is that is that the kind of skating rink you want oh okay okay sorry fine I'm not going to be here much longer that's it but and then I want to thank Mr Wilson for acknowledging the gradu that's very important acknowledge the graduates because it is a tough World out here not only for them but for the adults it's a tough World out here and we have to give people the recognition it's one thing to all these offices up here but to do nothing you know for years this is a shame and when I look at I have for that I'm see the same nonsense going on there is nothing no Recreation for people for the older people understand they Mr dreford when he was here they had money to have a recreation and what happened to the money and what happened to all the things they're not doing anything for people so please I'm beging to do things for all the people not for just us in the fourth Bo and you I just say this this master plan is the devil because I don't see you asking people to give you um ideas when you've already done ideas you've already done it most of it has been thank thank you Miss Jones Thank you thank you okay has done and I think we need to stop this nonsense and let everybody know from Jump Street start it over again and let the people know what they and ask them what they want thank you hi 39 thank you for having me tonight um Mr Hoffman I want to say you a recovery and well um in line with your comment about health and making sure everyone takes care of themselves I want to speak to council as well as my fellow uh residents um there is a summer steppers program that includes water aerobics for adults in the community and that is on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting in July and it goes through August um that includes stretching and walking as well as water aerobics so Point um the other item is started on June 8th and it goes until August 24th and this is walk and talk with health providers at the Flat Rock Nature Center and this is from 10:00 a.m. till 12: p.m. the second and fourth Saturday of each month so I hope you all take advantage of the wonderful programs that the Board of Health has been working on as well as um The Parks and Recreation thank you City's closed tomorrow the city's closed tomorrow it closed C oh no Friday Friday John 23 Second Street so um I guess Mr hoffen um you mentioned before that the substation power Englewood and the surrounding town is going to be down for about 12 week did um PG happen to uh give information on how they're going to be servicing Eng and those other communities while the substation down and what their plans were if there was in the event of a emergency outage especially during the summer months so these 12 weeks are going to be over these three hottest months of service um you know theing station so I just wonder if they offer any kind of explain how they're diverting power not well I I apologize if I I gave that impression what they're doing is they're rebuilding the substation but they're digging up the road they're going to be running more they're going to be running more lines into it so they're basically going to be um I'm going to call it they're going to be tunneling through or they're going to have to blast through that rock to get there so the the substation will be online but they're bringing they're bringing yeah they're laying cable they're going to be bringing in additional power and then they're going to do the transfer once the power gets gets there so okay somebody turned it off I guess it's all right I can talk loud all right so um I first and foremost want to talk about being congratulated for being the presumptive nominee for the coun at large it's really insulting especially to the fourth ward and people of colored Inglewood that this candidate Dan toer who was shot by Lisa and Ken has never presented himself to the black community what is wrong with coming down and engaging in conversation if you want to if you want to soall represent us you don't represent us why is it that people keep making their back room deals and then presenting people to us like we're just stupid we're not going to fall for it Ken we're not going to fall for it Lisa I don't care how many black churches you come to I don't care how much you put a lipstick on a pig we're going to confront Dan we're going to challenge him and we're going to do what we have to do to turn things around second I want to talk about juneth my ancestors were enslaved because of people that have a lack of humanity I get very insulted when I see what's going on in Palestine and Mr WS insists on talking about Israel what is wrong with you do you not understand or see what's going on that babies are being blown to bits do not understand what's going on in Gaza do not understand what's going on in conun don't you see that this world is going to World War II because of Ukraine and the inability for people to stop Waging War to steal land and to kill people I would be ashamed to even utter the name or even to talk about my prime minister who is a war criminal and his defense minister plausible genocide it is no longer figment of your imagination countless people are dead under the rubble me as a person as a descendant of slaves is highly insulted Zionism is the same thing as Nazism it's the same thing as the clu cl's Clan it's racism white supremacy all over again and theft of land at us taxpayers expense Israel has gotten $396 billion dollar of us taxpayers money to kill people to occupy land and it's not just in Israel it goes into Haiti it goes into Sudan it goes into the Congo it goes into South America it goes into all over this globe this cancer known as Zionism I'll be ashamed of myself Mike you're unavowed Zionist same thing as Ken which is the same thing as a racist likewise Lisa we see you for what you are we know what racism is having a disconnect and ain't talking about ID you are bombing people in Ramadan you bomb people in ID you're bombing their mind how dare you speak to the Muslims or try to act like you care about them you don't care about them you bomb on the Sabbath get out of here with that Leroy Campbell 287 tlight Road Englewood um I have a couple of things but the first thing I want to address is um and I'm not piggybacking on Mr Willoughby Mr Willoughby speaks for himself but I what I want to know is Ken you made a statement that you're looking forward to working with the mayor and Mr Topia um there's a general election in November neither one of these gentlemen has won the election so how can you sit there and say you're looking forward to working with them when neither one of them has won won the election they w primary yes we all understood that but to sit there and say that you're looking forward to working with two people that hasn't even won an election that's to me that's kind of mindboggling I mean I don't understand how you can make that statement the other thing is um our Police Department we need to know what's going on in our Police Department I mean we had an incident where two officer had to submit their guns because of incidents um and I'm sure most of you probably know about these incident by now at least by now I mean what's going on I mean these people took an oath to Serve and Protect and it's like chaos in this city when it comes to our finest as the may I like to address them as without finess I I I I don't get it and and then then none of this information get to the public everything is Hush Hush it's like if it's a big secret nothing happened in this city is a secret it gets out one way or the other people find out especially people like myself because I'm concerned about what's going on in this city and if you can't trust the police who can you trust because they can't trust themselves they can't trust themselves and it's a shame and don't get me wrong there are some there are some good cops in this city there are some good cops in this city but there are some bad ones too and they need to go they need to go so Mr Hoffman you need to take a look in with inside that department and make some strong decision because it's bad it's really bad since I don't see anybody else I'm going to close the public session of this meeting and we're going to go into close session Mr Bailey uh yes sir beat resolved by the governing body the city of anger with that meet and Clos session to discuss a Personnel matter relating to appointment uh potential litigation matters within the attorney client privilege and be it further resolved the discussion conducted in closed session can be disclosed to the public Pon taking final action thereon provided does not constitute n new invasion of privacy or violate the attorney client privilege and be it further resolved that it is anticipated that the governing body will return to open session to consider resolutions 209 relating to the appointment of director to the Department of recreaction and 210 relating to a liquor license renewal just need a motion and a second we need ation council president I second it all in favor I we're in close session