e um um if possible possible could you please be seated good evening every good evening everyone I don't know I don't know if I could be heard all right good evening good evening everyone you can't hear me you can't hear me um um mine I told you I couldn't hear hello hello okay okay you hear can you hear me now can everybody hear me can everybody hear me could you raise it up just a little bit more or is that it or is that it that's an act sorry sorry okay good evening good evening everyone uh welcome welcome to the city of the city of Anglewood city council Workshop meeting we in the municip Court buildingwood New Jersey December 5th 23 and is 73 737 in the evening I hereby call this meeting to order could you please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance aliance flag to the flag United States United States of America to the to the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all boy boy okay okay could you please read the statement regarding the open public meetings act this meeting is Mee is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings of this meeting was to the ad newspap on january23 bu board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as the required notices under the statute cop of this notice has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal cler given the municipal cler is directed to include the statement in the minutes of this meeting well Council cop councilman cop councilman Rosen counc Rosen councilman Wilson councilman Wilson councilwoman councilwoman wisk council presc president is Mayor m city manager Robert City attorney Bailey and city engineer France F thank you yans thank you y going to begin this evening meeting saring prob police officers council member will read to you the biography of the officers being swor in begin can we begin uh uh Lisa would you would you like to begin I was well I was give Charles a chance Charles a chance to uh oh okay oh okay you want to give it yes if I may just if I may just read a brief statement and then we can start G ladies and gentlemen for the guests that are here name is Michel wild I have the privilege being the mayor of this city it is a distinct honor to welcome five new members of our Police Department to the dedication of the administration that we have to fill the ranks agenes I want to thank city manager Robert police Tom Chief as well asil City counil for uring have resources and man our city safe to our newest offic to our newest officers I have always considered public service to be a public trust tonight we we place our trust in you as we welcome you as part of thewood family Talent experience amazing individuals make up our Police Department look forward to seeing you grow and succeed and be safe valued member of our community we take great pride pride in the diversity of our city and we know that it's important reflected in our here as well T Contin to expand on that purs to welcome our first two Muslim officers to the angood police department eached perspective only serve to streng the relationship between our res andwood police common threat of placing our ourselves in public service binds us all together congratulations congratulations taking this important step in your careers service for CH as a partner in your public trust should be God's grace make sure make sure that you're protected go home safely your beautiful that you understand how important tonight this is to all the residents of our great city thank you thank you very much thank you very much Michael could you introduce police officer you you yes yes police officer police officer ju kapan badge 27 267 police officer police offic born and raised Brock New York by his parents who are first first generation immigrants from the Dominican from the Dominican Republic p Kaplan is fluent in Spanish fluent in Spanish as it is his as it is his first language first language he is one of five children one of five children two sisters two brothers Kaplan is the father of the father amazing daughters who make him very proud make very proud every day he States his family he States his family is big reason a big reason the su he has had in his life and made him made him into the man he is today p began his law enforcement career in iners Department of Correction for obain police officer pon pon Police Department police department he initially worked initially eventually become detective detective in the Major Crimes division as a member of as a m of the pon Police Department received Chief's medal the chief's medal medal of our medal of our and the life life saving award thank you Charles thank youles congratulations also like [Applause] to testing we testing thank you thank you thank you for joining us thank you for joining us officer Capell off you wanted to have your daughters and your girlfriend join us mind please if you don't mind stepping [Music] forward guys understand officer please please right hand on Bible the me I everybody's Tak a step for everybody take a step forward the new system the new system hopefully it works hopefully it works thank you thank you okay take two take two I state your name I Doby swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution and I will support the United States of the United States United States constitution of the St of the state of New Jersey the will and that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and Al to and to the governments EST established in the united in the United States the United States in this state under theth under the authority of the people of the city of of the city of angood the city further I do further I do swear further I will faithfully impartially and and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the position of the position of thewood probationary police officer probationary Poli according to the best of my ability according to the best of my abil so help me God congrat congratulations that's wonderful congratulations uh Lisa Lisa I think mine is mine is on a little bit too high apologize apologize for all this is a new system we're just getting used to it just bail with us could you make M could you make mine L100 $100,000 lisais you read the biography of police officer Kevin Brito okay okay police officer police officer Kevin BR number 26 police officer police officer BR grew up in the city of P patter is of Dominican desent and is fluent in Spanish family is very family is very important to him and is one of his core one of his core values brother has four brothers and is a proud father of a young daughter the last four years working for the city of patter obained training and Crisis Intervention was active field training officer he was awarded new officer of the month Chief medals Chief medals CH medals Two Chief medals two letters of Comm of commendation One Medal of Merit one lifesaving award thank you Lisa thank you Lisa Michael Michael your wife this your wife okay please please come here this is the offic this is the offic wife and daughter okay okay please rep after me I I state your name state your name hereby swear that I will support the constition that I will support the con of the United States the United and the Constitution the State of the State of New Jersey St of newers and then it will bear true Faith Al and alance to the and to the government establish in the united states in the United States and in this St Under The Authority Under the authority of the people of the of the city of Ang of the city of Ang further I do swear that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the all the duties of the position of angood probationary police offic probationary police officer according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability help me go congratulations congratulations police officer officer moham B badge number badge number 269 uh uh p is the first generation American to parents who immigrated from Turkey grew up in patteron and is fluent in Turkish two younger brothers one of which is in law enforcement as wellum joined the pison police department in September 2020 January in January 2022 he wased to the special investigations division de was selected officer of the month for July of 2023 he was recently awarded the Asis Internationals Valor [Applause] award do you have family here sir you have family here sir your brothers your brothers okay parents here your parents are here too Brothers police who's got a better shot who's got a better shot pleasure welcome is from parents from turkey with three sons two of which are police officers and one got out and did something professional they that's wonderful it's going to be done on the Holy Quran this is a first for the city of angood and a big privilege for all of us please please repeat please repeat after me I state your name I'm Mohamed swear you hereby swear swe that I will support the constition of the United States the constition of the United States and the Constitution and the of the state of New Jersey of the state of I willar that I will bear true faith I will Al and allegiance to the to the same and to the Govern and to the government established established the United St in the United States St and in this state under theth under the authority the of the people of the city of of the city of Anglewood of the city of further I do swear swear that I will that I will faithfully impartially andly and justly perform the all the duties of the of the position of of the position probationary police officer probationary off according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God help me God congratulations Kevin Kevin police police officer good evening good evening police off are on a lifechanging journey at the ages of n to start a new in America initially fac the chall of adapting to foreign land leaving behind the familiar he embraced the idea that change can bring positive transformation gr up in M Environ learned to effortlessly communicate both English and Arabic a test to The Language by his parents and up shared with by Four Brothers growing up in the city of patter witnessing witnessing the struggles around him desire choose a career in law enforcement police offer police officer receiv the award for intering in altercation Kenedy high schooling to the to the recovery of a fully loaded handgun he receiv ached the rank of detective at the age of 21 he played a role in he played a role roll over 080 guns from the street officer he also assisted apprehending multiple suspects invol in cases from Mur and attempted murder to robbery the officers F off fiance and Mom is coming [Applause] along and father okay I state your name swear you hereby swear that I will support I Constitution of the United States and the and the constitution of the State of the State of New Jersey I will that I will bear true faith that I will and alance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the government and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this St and in this state Under The Authority Under the authority of the people of the people of the city of of the city of Anglewood the city further further I do swear I do swear that I will faith that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties position position of angood probationary police officer prob to the according to the best of my ability to the best of my ability so help me God congratulations congratulations I want you to know I want you to know how important this night is that an Orthodox Jewish mayor swearing a Palestinian Muslim police officer in our city special CL badge number 717 Ken special special law enforcement officer class Demco is from newford New Jersey gre gre playing sports such as wrestling and football was always supportive of his athletic Pursuits he was a high comp High competitive wrestler as a youth and up into high SCH up into High School law enforcement officer class DeMarco graduated fromal law enforcement officer class Academy in counts months ago and was a special law enforcement officer Class 2 in K May New Jersey welcome [Applause] Dad Mom Dad Mom you you repe I state your name I state your name hereby swear that it will support Constitution of the United States the constition of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constition of the state of newers that I will bear true Faith true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the Govern and to the governments established established in the united states in the United States and in this St and in this state Under The Authority Under The Authority the of the people of the city of of the city of Anglewood of the city of further I swear I do swear that I will faithfully impartially and and justly perform all the all the duties of the position of special law enforcement officer class special law enforcement officer CL in the Anglewood Police Department in thewood dep according to the best of my ability according to the best of my so help me go congratulations [Applause] [Applause] congratulations put in the spot congratulations congratulations sir congratulations while we finish the signing of the swear I'm going to ask our police chief Tom gy to address the community a second to second to thank everyone for being here thank you Mr our governing body for the support had this process for most the guys here been a long process started back in May um a lot of interviews process a lot coming from Poli you you pray as we pray for the sa new offic wisdom that God can them gra God we thank you for this opportunity to bless these officers PR God that you would watch over them as they protect the streets here in Anglewood God God to Spirit of solidarity of char Spirit of Charity Spirit of wisdom Spirit of wisdom upon each God bless our city and residents of this city pray that keep them their family Sav as well Christ name we pray in Christ name we pray [Applause] [Applause] amen take photo please thank you thank you know there that's a that's a w thank you [Music] [Music] yeah yeah um excuse me every excuse me everyone have one more award to make for the police department and after that we'll take a break so those that want to leave can leave please return to your seat so we can complete this part of our meeting can everyone please return to their seat continue the meeting thank you uh please return to your have one award to make excuse me everybody excuse me everybody excuse me excuse me guys we have one more we have one more presentation to make just give us a minute turn your seats if you'd like thank you we will be we will be adjourning short recess after this have a chance to leave they should they desire to we have a special special presentation the this is the best part of the job aing resolution 36 364 d125 d23 um we have three officers that were able to be here tonight that are part of this award the others on duty and unable to attend would you read uh the resolution the resolution please this is resol resolution recognizing 200 Club of County award recipients the recipient the recipients that we have with us tonight Deputy Chief Matt De Roa Chris Sab Chris BR de if you could just come up if you could just come up please so we could recognize could recognize you do we have a motion do we have a motion second second second second okay roll call roll call councilman cob councilman cob councilman counc Rosen Council Council Wilson councilwoman councilwoman was counc President congratulations congratulations mayor May would you like to give the flag to the [Music] officers I have it I have it June 23 2023 approx 738 hours Police Department respond address and a report male acting erratically involed person person is well known to the officers as an emotionally concerned person having once thrown himself off for open dropped over 50 ft officer ascended the narrow stairs to make contact with the man who was up in the third floor attic the officer quickly made sure that that the callers family members one of whom had been BD were safe as officers awaited additional resources Tove the mail began to throw objects downstairs yelling the police just died and stating I will kill you come through that door even more dangerous when the M climbed thir Story Attic apartment narrow roof all while experiencing an INT manic episode at this point officers were able to make it up to the to try to speak to him while on the narrow sloping rope the men scre at onlookers taunted officers to shoot he also he was also he also began shattering glass windows with a TV antenna throwing items at person and the officer below one of our train Crist negotiator Sergeant Leo rushed on the scene dressed in the junior Police Academy Po and shorts as he was assigned to jpa that day began speaking with the man from outside realizing that this was not effective Sergeant went to the third floor police officer sa detective Chapman Chief standing by as this team offic of officers use Shields to protect protect fly blast and debris stra began build a report with the man and determin that the incident began he he could not smoke after 25 minutes 25es was able to entice the man promise of a cigarette to come inside officer had been instructed to secret himself in a Closet near the Attic Window man who now had a wooden in his hand came back into the attic to retrieve the cigarette and sat on the floor off to speak with the man and told him to drop the pole he refused to do offic offic approach he raised stick up and began to stand up feing the man feing that the man was going to assault the officers with the stick shards of glass on the floor with the other officers were able to bring him under control was provided with care and transported by ambulance to the mental health to the mental health treatment he needed inj the only injuries he sustained were lacerations suffered as a result of his own actions was not not captured in the cell phone recordings the many onlookers outside was the amount of teamwork andat and patience shown by the officers in the Attic the eff the efforts of these officers inci have taken a tragic turn thank you thank [Music] you his father was father was a police officer give me me that Asma Hit Me Maybe everyone can come down for a photo thank you thank [Applause] you ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen we're going to take a 5 minute break um if you'd like to go home there a good time if you want a nap you can stay for the rest of the evening that's that's testing testing --------- if you need services and those use those services so so thank you for your service thank you for your service appreciate I appreciate it and uh keep up the good work thank give my hand give him my hand [Applause] please thank you took your code off hold on we going take we going to take a picture Target [Music] Target thank you very much I would just like I would just like to mention that the reason we are um not not doing the presentation to the football team and all of the coaches and all the terrific people that work is they were unable to be here tonight so we're going to do it at our next meeting we would like because we would like them to be present when we make when we make the present the presentation okay we're moving on we're moving on now approval of minutes resolution 365 d1205 d23 which is the resolution accepting minutes do I have a motion so move second okay okay um um ncy just as a reminder these are minutes for this resolution are prior to 2023 so so of roll do we have to do we have to split that because they're [Music] from okay these are all these are all from 2021 and we also have 2023 the next resolution okay roll roll call this is for 2021 coun Council Rosen coun councilman Wilson minut councilwoman was councilwoman wasi abstain abstain council president council president Marin yes you don't have enough VES here Council I think Charles is coming back councilman coun we're voting on minutes from 2021 thank you thank you okay we'll now okay we'll now move on to uh resolution resolution 366 d1205 d23 these are the minutes from 2023 do we have a motion do we have a motion motion motion second okay roll counc cop councilman cop Council Rosen Council rosen's wife councilman Wilson councilman Wilson Council councilwoman was council president Mar now move on to bills and claims this is resolution 367 d1205 d23 to approve the payment of bills and claims do we have a do we have a motion second second second second on bills and claims second second questions yeah I'm going to we open the questions now on bills and claims does anybody does anybody have any questions I do Madam I do Madam ahead go ahead uh uh page number on page number two under the police dep under the police department Valley Health Valley Health Medical what and who was this what and who was this for it was for the new offic new off off officers but I'll get you their uh specifics specifics I'm I'm sorry this for the psychological police officers the physicals the physicals but I'll get I'll get more I'll I'll get more information for you okay okay and if we go down same same row for four Del powered edges off 450s for 28 28694 37 those were four those were four servers servers two for the detective Bureau sorry I'm sorry uh four servers four servers computer servers computer servers okay uh two are for two for the detective Bureau one was for their enforce system which is for the domain controller and if we turn it page for theery tree removal for $3,400 I'll uh get you I'll get you which property that was for okay okay and and if we stay there if we stay there with uh we go down to vehicle repair for sanitation it says it says Gabriel Truck Sales um um this isn't this isn't something we bought and then is that correct uh sorry which one uh sorry which one83 83422 sanitation equipment repair 2331 85 truck truck sales Truck Sales yeah so what so what it was vehicle repair what was the question sorry this isn't something we recently purchased and then had to repair right which vehicle that was for last and the last one for DPW Atlantic Towing and Recovery in the descrip in the description of Page Three 34 the way down C Central maintenance garage motor vehicle 23- 03045 it says tire tires $ 4,523 is that for our is that for our entire fleet no but I'll get you no but I'll get you which vehicle is for Mr car Mr car microphone microphone and on page number four under the health department Extra Space Management storage unit November and December $ 65946 is this part of the new uh program that we have to decrease the storage units that we're ouring our information this was this was for the renovation for the health department to keep need to keep their file somewhere no last one last one I'm sorry Mr Mr councilman at LGE if we go my last one would be I believe number six page six uh actually actually I'm sorry I have two more page six New Jersey tree Foundation tree PL tree planting those were 137 trees at $174 each at $23,000 100 yeah 137 trees1 137 trees yeah at $174 each okay um I like to see where those trees were when given our opportunity and the last one uh same line 2024 25 um County Ada ramp design $99,100 that's not the price for Designing the ramp right that's for completion part of what we have to do in in terms of the County Paving the roadways we have to design the handicap ramps for the roads before they can pave U so it's part through the county project that's refundable once the Project's completed this see actually get the the money back for the design are we talking about on the curb line from Street to to sidewalk yes we're talking about the handicap ramps throughout the throughout the uh the tiny roads are not all those ramps the same no they are not it's what two three different variations uh yeah there there's a few different variations but they're not all the same okay that's a healthy price it it it is a healthy price okay but but the county will not pave their road until we design we get reimbursed for and we get reimbursed at the end of the project yes I'm eager to see that thank you sir no problem yes sir I'll just let you know that I attended when they gave us the money to do the ramps so we have a certain amount of time to get them done so we did the money the money is there I was over at hacker sack so that one we're good with okay for this year okay next year who knows all right thank you um coun large I got a question with um I don't know if this was asked about the 2022 Ford lease Bronco no $111,000 it's a it's a threeyear old car sorry it's a old car was it it's a three-year it's a three-year lease who has that who has that vehicle code enforcement code enforcement has the pron I think that's the one you're talking about the bottom of page one yeah I got it my my question to you is this since this report is broken up are we abstracting from each one of those budget items from those Department's budgets is that how we're deducting them yes okay so at the next meeting can you just give me a a low down at each dep where every Department stands ver um per their budget yes by the end of the year yes so we'll know who's short who's long whatever all right thank you I'm sorry are there any other questions on the budget on the uh bills and okay yeah I I do excuse me um the uh under Recreation Department The Murder Mystery Company 1799 do we know what that was so almost $1,800 this should be page four about 2third of the way down this I don't it was for the it looks like it was for the after school program they had a special uh murder mystery program do we know how many uh how many people attended that Michael I think that was the one for November 22nd yeah yeah yeah yeah that'd be the day before Thanksgiving so yeah there was um I'll have to look in the emails but but there was um between 35 and 50 people but we'll we'll get that information and and send that to the council so that's about $50 ahead approximately yes and um how many um um and how many hours did it last do we know there's about 3 hours I believe we do we do have we do have a breakdown of it so we'll we'll send it out to the council did anyone negotiate with them to try to get a lower rate that would be a that would be a question that we would ask for of our rec director she's on vacation at the moment is she really right I'm done um I just I can add something to that because because I asked the same question in advance of the council meeting and the answer was as follows um three actors performing luncheon theme for 48 students on November 22nd from 2: to 5:00 P p.m. on-site performance at McLoud hopefully these are also questions that'll be an that'll be asked at the budget hearings because we've we've rented a lot of different equipment for recreation programs and it's a really good question I'm going to ask that before we vote on the bills and claims can we can we pull some of these bills and claims and vote on them separately please can can we separate some of the bills and claims from other and have a separate vote that's fine I'll I'll just I'll just vote no on the bills and claims yeah you might have support no I I I I I'm want to I don't want to vote for the after school program bills and claims um excuse me have have those the only only question I would have Lisa um I happen to agree with you however if they've already used the services and the equipment um I would think we have a contract so let's go back to the so let's go back to them and say the council is furious with paying $1,800 to the Murder Mystery Company and we want them to lower their bill and we can bring it back at the next meeting and vote on it all right so we need a a new resolution we need to have a new resolution to pull that from the bills list is that the only item that relates to the after school program these are for services rendered already R that's what I was saying right that's what I negotiation needs to go be prior to we we receive this that's what I well let's let's give it a try and see what happens because a good business wants to do business continue doing business with the municipality so let's see what happens and maybe a phone maybe a a quarter phone call might save us a couple hundred dollars it's worth a try well we were just told that we need a uh Bill we need a resolution to do that remove that from the to remove it from the bills list okay well we now we have a motion on the floor uh for the bills and claims uh can we just add a new resolution to remove it's already been seconded so we have to vote on it I so what would we do no but once we vote if it's three to two in favor of approving passes yes but including that item which we would which we've been asked to uh remove so we could look at it more closely you have a motion to yeah let me ask you something since we have it's been seconded if we uh if we vote against the bills and claims can we put it back on the agenda no yep and then get the res to remove that item yeah well that's what I'm saying if we vote against the bills in I just want to get the right procedure if we we vote against bills and claims and then we have a new resolution to remove this from the former bills and claims and then we can vote on the what's left am I correct in that okay all right we're voting for um we we're voting for bills and claims can we uh can we have a roll call that's what we're doing now I just said really I I don't see the value and arguing over $100 $200 you know sounds doesn't it's a waste of time my in my opinion that that's in my opinion we have we have approved things on this bills and claim list that mind bottling and people have approved it without a hiccup and now we are talking about something for $1,800 uh but the kids were there right you you have the numbers how many kids attended and all that so I don't understand what's the problem because the the attendance was there I don't I don't I don't understand it was 40 48 kids you said I mean $1,800 divide that by 48 kids three hours from two to five I think you have a council person we have at least two and with me it would be three that feel that it's it's the principle what's the principle the principle is overpaying for these uh these how do we know we overpay that's what say 48 kids divided by $1800 I just if I may I just I just did the math you know real real quickly um you know it's it was 1799 divided 48 that's 30 $747 per uh per person divided by 3 hours is $12.49 um per per hour per per uh student discuss about ice SK I believe uh all right we have a situation that I hope will be dealt with in the fut $4500 how many tires did we get two okay let's have a roll the roll call is to what now to approve it okay okay counc sorry councilman cop yes councilman rosenke no councilman Wilson yes councilwoman wiski no council president Marin no so bills in claims as three no two yes motion fails motion failed have three no three no question yeah so I let me let me ask you you you you you huh no no no I'm asking another question that's that's what I'm saying so what we basically said the city of Anglewood is not paying its bills this time no no we are this is what happens the bills are not going to get paid excuse me excuse me Charles I checked this out out before we did this we are now going to have a resolution to remove this one item from the bills list and then we're going to do another resolution we do all that how we do that this is what Bill Bailey suggested that we do on the table just the motion that was on the table and seconded and there was discussion just failed by a vote of 3-2 that was to approve the bills and claims as they are presented I believe it sounds like there's going to be a motion to remove that one item correct from the bills and claims which has to be voted three people need to vote in favor of that and then another motion to to vote Yes to vote on the bills and claims did we just pay for the bills and claims no okay okay I we have a resolution now to remove the item the uh mystery whatever it was item 23-21 182 okay do we have a motion so I move that we approve bills and claims excluding item 23- 0282 for that to be further negotiated I'll second it okay will that that's not the way you suggested you can do it fine can we please have a roll call we this is for approving the bills and claims minus minus the item that has to do with the rec Department's rental answer can I ask a question so how are we going to solve that problem listen all we're dealing with one issue the issue is has been suggested by three members of the council that we contact this company to see why they're charging this rate and if there's any chance of reducing it the answer might be no and it'll be here on the next Bills list could we please have a roll call councilman cup we're voting now we are voting now and I if the people in the audience want to have a discussion please leave the room uh we are voting now on uh voting on the bills and claims list minus the item that has to do with the rec department the mystery whatever could we please have a roll call let's pay the bills yes let's pay the bills counc Rosen yes councilman Wilson yes councilwoman wasi yes council president Marin yes okay we move on now to uh we have no ordinances for a second reading we now move on to ordinances uh for a first reading uh yansy could you please read ordinance 23-30 this is excuse me an ordinance of the city of Anglewood County of Bergen state of New Jersey to amend chapter 307 Article 1 disorderly conduct of the general ordinances of the city of Anglewood thank you do we have a motion I'll make a motion do we have a second second second would anyone like to make a comment or question this I have I have comments um we we've asked the disc discussed this several times um there's this verbiage in here that still needs to be adjusted I had a conversation prior to um and some of the verbage is not acceptable where if we go to page Pages aren't even listed but if we go to three 3D collection of course following the conclusion of such hearing and within 30 days thereafter the city manager should issue written decisions therein and shall furnish a copy I want to know to what extent are we excluding the judge bill for for for for that's the existing ordinance uh I believe I Kevin I what I understand is we're adding one draft on here yeah we're adding one section which is 307 the red line section is the only change the balance of this is what is presently on the books in the city of Anglewood yeah yeah but if we have an opportunity to change something why don't we do CU obviously the books ain't that good I'm not sure I understood what Kevin could you please clarify what you were objecting to I I don't understand okay uh for those of you that are watching and listening that uh don't have the ability to look at the draft it's ordinance number 23-30 ordinance of the city of ingwood County of Bergen state of New Jersey amending chapter 307 Article 1 disorderly conduct of General ordinance in city of ingwood and when we first approached this I I put on record that I thought that this was very heavy um in regards to the availability of the of our police officers to do their Duty um and that it would give them teeth and my opinion in my particular Ward at this particular juncture in this particular year um that we've already exceeded the ability for the police officers to do their their Duty so my concern is giving them the opportunity to further create disorderly conduct that's a concern to mine that's a real concern of mine and this came about initially when we talked about the ordinance for um recreating the vandalism in the parking garage which we have um graffiti the damage of properties I don't know if any cars have been broken into any bodily injuries but that's also a concern of mine um and for us to revisit this I think that it's a good opportunity to look at the whole ordinance um and and I I just want to know are we superseding these the ability for the for the judge where we're obviously looking to arrest people with drunken and disorderly which is a sickness and we're we're arresting this gives them the the ability to arrest people that have a sick give them a fine of $1,000 that they may not even know that that they have and and and the fact that we have the opportunity right now to increase this ordinance where as opposed to putting these individuals in a holding cell um if someone's bleeding you send them to the emergency room so if someone has an alcohol poison disorder or sickness should we not direct our energy to helping these people and giving them the opportunity to the hospital as opposed to retaining them in um [Applause] hand if I may uh if I may add to that M Marin so um M Mr Bley there is going to be criminal sanctions or civil for sanctions so this ordinance is if there's a violation of the ordinance and it goes to municipal court and the judge finds there a violation he the judge can impose a fine in addition to that what this section provides for is that the city can in a civil context re attempt to recoup the costs for example if doors were damaged if there's were feiy the cost incurred by the city to uh fix it so there so this is in addition to what the there's no criminal penalty it's a disorderly persons which is not crime in New Jersey right so the Min fine is $1,000 yeah so one one of my concerns not exceeding one of my concerns is that it says no person mandatory no person shall knowingly enter or Remain the word knowingly is what I think the councilman that's on the books already that's current I I realize that I realize that as well right but the word knowingly means that the person has to have the intention the intentionality to have done something if they're inebriated they don't have that knowing intention my point is that with the Amendments that are being posited um and with the history of this ordinance um we have to really be uh circumspect here obviously we want to clean up quality of life issues but matters of disorderly conduct and loitering uh may be um looked upon by the police in a different eye is what I'm hearing from the councilman and the question is the question question is then is there a um is there any um discretion that officers have here is there a panel that would review the conduct if there's a video that's dispositive it goes to court it goes to court either issue the summons or you don't right am I reading this right but and your comment about the knowingly what what's your thought about that well it's an intentional act so but they don't have the intent when they're drunk to intend to commit whatever breach they have they're they have they they have a diminished capacity at that point and if somebody has a bad day or is left alone by a relative because somebody has to go to the bathroom or whatever it is they didn't have the intention to create any problem the question is can we um put some qualifying language in there to negate that to make it you know a more serious uh breach that a police officer would then issue this Summit and and if so what kind of qualifying terminology can you put in there so that we affect the quality of life that we're trying to do in other words I don't like the word knowingly I know that it it was okay in the past but there's got to be you know a caveat if it's clear that the person has a diminished capacity and didn't knowingly doing this put a sentence in like that then this ordinance would not be effective add a sentence like that whatever the will of the body I mean in other words and I would I would put this to the council we're trying to clean up just like they did in other communities you know quality of life we don't want people hanging out in front of um medical and mental awareness facilities in front of liquor stores absolutely and all of that but at the same time I would put some qualifying language so that if somebody has a bad day or is left someplace by a relative uh that they're not then um to be fined $1,000 that's a hell of a fine or even shot I think I think when we first started talking about this it was uh preceded by all the problems we're having with the garage right and uh it seems to me just looking at this you know this everything else in this ordinance is pre-existing we have this it's state law what I'm suggesting I mean I believe we need a separate ordinance that just deals with the garage and by doing that I'm okay with that yeah I think that's smart because if you're saying it's a state law 37-4 right you're saying now that that would be a state law and that's incorrect that would just be for us no I you can post you can post a breach of that ordinance in the garage and it was specifically and artfully articulated for that these other things can be I think overly Broad and we want to put some qualifying language into it so a police officer has to then whether it's on the camera articulate facts that can be cooperated and somebody can defend themselves before the judge then yeah I the reason I suggested the I think almost all of I'm fairly sure all of us are concerned about the damage that's been done in the garage and the lack of teeth we have you know uh to do anything about it um and it just seems to me by trying to insert this into this other ordinance that's where we're we're banging our heads against the wall perhaps what we have to do is isolate uh 3074f on here gives us a a a continuous opportunity to work this ordinance to its fullest okay so do you have to reintroduce the ordinance yeah we'd have to redrafted just and just as a point of order that that section 3074 is is part of the city code um so but the idea to re to re to introduce a separate ordinance for the parking garage that's fine I I just think we'll have less we'll have more time to do what has to be done you know to lighten this uh the rest of this ordinance is this sufficiently vague uh Mr Bailey the the disorderly conduct ordinance of the city of anguid that it needed tweaking in addition to primarily to address the issues in the parking garage right all right so then do something so we specific for the garage draft a separate ordinance not amending this section so can we table this thank you I make a motion at we table do we have a second okay roll call councilman cop councilman Rosen yes councilman Wilson yes councilwoman wiski yes council president Maron yes okay we'll now move on the ordinance 23-31 yansy would you please read it this is a first reading this is an ordinance of the city of Anglewood County of Bergen state of New Jersey establishing chapter 315 procedure to name public spaces of the general legislation of the city of engood okay do I have a motion so move second I second okay discussion go ahead who came up with this did they read did they read some of this I believe we had discussed this before why don't the public Avoca it's a draft it's a draft I I I don't I don't agree with this what part of it CH the whole thing that I never I just you know just looking at I mean you got to be deceased in order to get something named after you at least two years prior consideration we got people walk around here who have whove done some things that may need to be honored in all parts of the town that haven't been deceased and they still walking I mean I [Music] don't well we're discussing this now okay that's why it's a draft right but you know what and and and In fairness the way it happens when people want to name people the public generally count comes to their council person or or there for of and ask can we get this done for example so they don't know so we would have to read each one of these out loud so the public could participate they be for how long two years two years I think this this this takes us on this this should be a discussion on each one of these points and the public should be able to hear that I think and this would take too long to do this tonight based on how many points we have here and I don't know how we could communicate this with the public In fairness to get them to participate and understand cuz the public is the are the individuals that are going to request that these things take place and if they don't know and they don't understand how does that work for them I believe I believe this came up several months ago uh I'm trying to REM I know that I was approached to name things and we had nothing in place that we could use so we had discuss the fact that we needed the ordinance I'm not saying that we don't need the ordinance but I'm just saying that I think some of these things need to be rewarded hashed out you know you're G to say perspective honores should have demonstrated an extraordinary and consistent voluntary commitment and dedication to our community okay it's very gener but but that's very generic so let's be specific European values I I just think that I think that that we should have this should be something that we sit down and really go through each point and get the opinions of everybody and then H have this out there for the public to read as well when we put it on there and and first reading of an ordinance I don't believe should be a draft because that's why we have a first reading and then we can go right why not no U bill would you like to explain so typically you do discuss the drafts at a work session once something's on for introduction Orin so governing buys can act primarily in two ways by resolution and by ordinance resolution is Administrative acts boarding contracts approving bills things like that appointments ordinances or laws turn on your mic sorry about that or ordinances or laws so under the law before an ordinance can be adopted it has to be introduced in basically its final form and then a public hearing scheduled and on notice to the public the purpose of that is so that someone doesn't come at introduction and say what they have to say about it and then not show up at the public hearing the public hearing is the official record of the testimony or presentation for that ordinance that's why the law is structured that way so that is why it has to be introduced and other than clerical errors or binor changes from introduction you can't change it to the public hearing um so you're you're saying we we've never table ordinates before Oh no you can table it and we can that's right and you can change it when you table it yes yes once it's introduced what I'm saying it gets published right so but that also gives the public the opportunity to review it to review it once it's introduced that's right that's what I'm saying so they have the opportunity to Rie and then if if there were discussion points that don't agree with us we could table it and then we can change it again correct yeah that's that's what I'm saying no no no I understand I'm not saying it's not but I'm I'm just saying it's kind like what we just did with the disly persons or right so that that's what I'm saying that that's that's my point corre handling it that way as opposed to this way that's Bill are we able to make amendments to an ordinance in between first reading no so now would be the time to make amendments yeah because it has to be published in a newspaper as what the final introduced minor Amendment can't be made at the time of uh if it's clerical in nature um not Material uh that's one thing but if it's anything material uh it has to be reintroduced because again it has to be published so that the world knows this is on the table for the next meeting come to the public hearing if you want to be heard that's I'm saying but if you if you publish it then the world gets to read it corre they get to come in here and have their say at it and they may have some very valid points and then we table it change it reintroduce it and keep going that's kind of like the method and the mechanism we've been using since I've been sitting on the council so you know that that's all I'm saying because I think that and something like this this in this particular case when we're talking about this I I just think that you know people they will be the ones requesting this so they need to understand what this means in terms of that that that's what I'm saying and if we're keeping it as a draft in this form they don't know because if somebody says we want to name a street they're coming to us to do that so we got to have the opportunity to tell them well here's how it works now so they but they need to understand how it works or and they need to have an opportunity to disagree with us before we put it in before we put it etch it in stone so we can get their feedback because we don't know you know certain things that that's why you have to have a specific public hearing on each ordinance right as opposed to the general public and I'm okay with that that's what I'm saying so but the public has uh an opportunity to participate and I believe you know they should and that that's all I'm saying when you read these things I'm sure we could each one of us could give feedback on these things and whatever issues or concerns are you know where where you want to donate or whose name and all this kind of stuff but let let me let me ask you this what happens when people are putting stuff on sidewalks themselves what do we do for that oh that's code enforcement those signs or yeah stuff in the cement you know in the walkway if somebody put something a plaque in the walkway what what is that if it's on public property they can't do it okay you know if it's on their own building or something and it complies with the sign ordinance that's one thing but if it doesn't you can't do it but but there is a Rance at City Hall and I know this from experience if somebody puts up a sign and it's not proper to then go prosecute for Di Minimus changes I do think that there is an interest in coming up with the protocol may I ask why this ordinance isn't available for the public to chime in at this point and only at later because it hasn't been introduced it's a delber of document at this point until it's introduced and and again this isn't an Ang thing this is a state of New Jersey thing I get you have to introduce an ordinance publish it in a newspaper generally on the that's the that's the document and that can be Chang and you have to have a dedicated public hearing based on that document for the public to comment on it so what I've seen in the past is circulated draft and it gets very confus confusing people say oh I came and I commented on that Drift But I didn't show up at the public hearing well the public hearing is the official record of the proceeding so your your suggestion bill then is to have a deliberative executive session on it and then put forward an ordinance that's acceptable to the body or at least the majority yeah that's typically I I believe that if this is on the agenda this would be the time for us to comment on what's in the draft yes so if there are any amendments let's get them introduced and then we can publish it with the Amendments that's that's what I'm thinking yeah in other words we have this in front of us I have a feeling there are specific items that certain people on the council have a problem with let's deal with it let's talk about it now and then we'll get something to publish so we could we could put send it out to the public in other words you've got to start sometime ma Madam chair if I may sure um there are several lines here they're probably over 20 lines and to do this draft and this future ordinance um properly I I think we should table it because there's this things in here for a street you need um 50 signatures for a building you need 300 signatures um if you want to put it on the building it only lasts for 25 years and on the street it only last for 10 years uh to rename to have uh two names on the street it it's so many moving Parts um I I don't know if we got this draft from other municipalities or if this is just ours but there's so many moving Parts in this particular ordinance and it's such a monumentous um ordinance that we would be putting forward that and and we absolutely need it that I think we need special attention to this particular ordinance so um so I think councilman Wilson raised this a great point that we absolutely need this and I would Point everyone to one line in the ordinance that says the standards set forth in this document are only guidelines for the city council so we need some guidelines out there because the process that's been described tonight absolutely is a horrible process that currently exists where someone has to call their councilman to get something done so if the council person is unresponsive then a person who might be appropriately be honored is not going to be honored because that council person is unresponsive this gives people an opportunity to get things done without needing to beg favors of their council person which is the process that's been described tonight but the council can still do what it wants because the standards set forward in this document are only guidelines for the city council so my strong recommendation is let's get this let's get this through tonight we'll have public comment in two weeks and then um bill can a can an ordinance be modified in the future yes so in a couple of weeks you know when this is out there and then if if there's an a modification of the ordinance we can address it then but we desperately need something on the books and we need to get it done uh now because we don't have a process and again the standards set forth in this document are only guidelines for the city council so this is not a monument this ordinance it's setting out some guidelines that the council can follow or maybe choose not to follow but it does it does put some order into the process so I think uh based on what my esteem colleagues have said tonight I definitely think we should uh move this and and get it approved this year ma Madam chair if I if if I may um please go ahead thank you I I I I think this is something very important and my esteem colleague is absolutely right and I've said this not once but several times we have an opportunity to make history here um I think we have a intelligent Minds here behind the Adas and if given the opportunity I would like to see us just do it once and get it right as opposed are coming back and trying to correct it later um and with in the spirit of transparency I I think because my constituents would like to know what's in here I I think we're at a disadvantage when we shoot a draft out for our eyes only and we don't have any public input until later after the first reading and then we publicized then we pull it back for changes I I just don't understand why we cannot get our constituents not just mine everyone's constituents to take a good look at it everybody here has loved ones and people that have passed that you're going to want to memorialize and I'm saying let's get it right thank you madam chair I I would just uh what I'm hearing I'm trying to make sense of this I think and can correct me if I'm wrong please what I'm hearing is we have to start somewhere if we take this as a document to as a working document and we pass this tonight then we could introduce it at the next meeting and start working on it and have a public hearing where it's you you're disagreeing well I think we should P pass it and then I mean it's it's an excellent ordinance um but it's still guidelines so nothing changes if this passes the council can still do what it wants if the council wants to do special favors for their preferred constituents they can still do that that's the process currently people ask for favors from it but we're setting out some guidelines so if someone wants uh a naming opportunity without having to beg their councilman for it or the council person for it we have that Avenue but nothing changes with this ordinance it's not historic the standards set forth in this document are only guidelines for the city council so the the previous way of doing things is still out there we didn't have a previous way well that's it going to the city council directly is a City Historic have it's not historic it's not historic anytime you put a name of a loved one on a street or a building I would consider that historic well that that that's good then because this ordinance is not putting any names on any buildings or streets but it's setting some guidelines that the council can choose to follow or not choose to follow so let's get it out there and then in the coming years if some things are working and some things aren't working the council changes things all the time uh you know half of our resolution half of our instance this year we modifying previous ordinances but maybe we'll find this one works perfectly and we can take it Forward because again it's only guidelines um it's not setting it into law the problem with that is that we already have guidelines on the books that us as a council do not oby by so that's where in lies I have a problem if we're going to abide by any guidelines let's let's abide by all guidelines let's not just pick and choose yeah what's confusing Ken is that can anybody use this document as a reason not to name a building after someone absolutely that's what the fear is that that's not in here at all the standards set forth in this document are only guidelines for the city council so it can't be it can't be any clear any more clear so there's excuse me it it says here and I think it says here in in three on Page Three B petition a petition demonstrating community support for coaming proposals which must include the name of locations of the proposal coaming and a brief summary of the reason for the same a street coaming must have petition signed by a minimum of 50 people a majority of whom reside or have businesses within two block radius of the proposed coaming and must include the printed name and address of each person signing a park building within the building must have a PO signed by a minimum of 300 people including at least 50 from each Ward so right right there tells me that if in fact that you need 50 from each Ward that these people may not be aware of who's in the first of who's in the second or who's in the third um building that they want donated with their loved ones name on it and and that's just that's just that's just one one line petition B out of another 19 so if if in fact we're going to work this document I suggest that we we take it from the beginning and so that we're here now let everybody here what it is if we're going to work the document let's work it if we're going to push everything aside and work this document let's work it now okay can we do a roll call Judy let's let's just see it does anyone else want to comment on this because this is uh I'm having trouble kid for instance when you say something like requests for Street coaming will only be accepted once yearly by April 1st that's an absolute there are no absolutes in this ordinance because the standards set forth in this document are only guidelines for the city council so cannot be any clearer we can pass this ordinance and it can still be business as usual but you know last year when I was council president I got over 50 requests for Street naming and it'd be really nice to have hey and say hey here's a process and this is the process so and it shouldn't just be an email to your favorite council person it should be hey here's someone important I went around for a half an hour and got some signatures on a piece of paper here's why this person's important and and present it to the city council and a street naming doesn't have to happen within five minutes of the person coming up with the idea this gives us a chance to schedule them out throughout the year and do it in an organized fashion but the council can ignore the process completely too and and we'd have this current process that we have now there's there's no loss here but you know right now when some when I had 50 50 requests last year there was nothing I could point to and it's a very uncomfortable position to be in I I just think that the guidelines could be tweaked I know they could be tweaked and if somebody's got to go to H W to get 50 signatures for something good luck ain't going happen ain't G to happen good luck I just think that these guidelines could be tweaked my concern is your words are something I agree with we need we need something to work from and I I keep seeing guidelines guidelines but the average person reading a document like this is going to believe this is what they have to abide by in order to have a building name a street named um and that we could we could sidestep that and and totally ignore anything here is not very clear it's identified as these are the guidelines that's what I'm having a problem with I would vot right now what is what is the process people have people have no idea what to do so someone who doesn't know their Council people maybe doesn't like their Council people uh now has a process to get it done without having to ask a favor so you know perfect is the enemy of good right now we have lousy so putting this on there we can still do the same old way people still going to email their council person and they I want this I want that and we can do with any order we want in any time frame we want because we're the council the council has ultimate control over it but a person who isn't familiar with the council doesn't want to go begging to their council person for this special favor now has a process to get it done so let's get it passed get something on the books it's probably going to work perfectly and if not you make some changes but nothing changes from today to December 20th um nothing except that a person who's disenfranchised now has a chance to honor someone who's deserving of Honor being of honored some doesn't have to ask the council person for a favor well Judith if I me um some of the some of the standards should be if you would like to have a discussion please step into the uh into the lobby some some of the this is a very difficult decision excuse me some of the uh some of the uh standards may be debatable but seem smart having 50 residents is nothing to get two pages it's literally two pages of signatures and it gives the council member the mayor the city government a sense that there is some interest and you can burn through 10 pages in a day easily one person if they are motivated to get something that doesn't offend me the fact that somebody has to die to be honored um you know I would like to hear the the competing interest in that but look there's an ordinance before us tabling is easy and there's a notorious crew that likes to do that rolling up our sleeves and spending the time now just make a decision put something forward because we know there's something that needs work and then you just do the best that you can and you can change it next year but you know tabling things doesn't mean it's going to get done right away and and somebody wrote this thing and if there's some things you want to debate maybe somebody will agree all right we don't need somebody to pass but we want a 100 signatures and we want 50 signatures I think you can bullet these things fast and put it Forward I don't like tbling things it's tius no well I I I agree with that and I I see this as a working document it is called a draft so basically it gives us the bones to work from whether it's to remove things from here you know completely or add things at least it's a document that you could work from so I could see where we vote for this knowing that there is at least a third of this that we would like to change when we go through public hearing and uh but at least we'll have something but you have to reintroduce it just so you understand that well I'll I'll note no one has suggested an amendment so if there are amendments let's let's let's discuss them and vote on them and maybe they'll be incorporated ma Madam chair if I may um I've probably said too much in regards to this particular ordinance for me to be characterized as a notorious crew that likes to be tabling things um I I don't consider myself part of a crew I don't consider myself consistently tabling anything I like to table things when there's no transparency when my constituent don't have a chance to give me feedback on a draft um and if I'm part of that crew for that for my constituant I'll take that but notorious crew tablein I don't accept um I brought up a part forb petition not saying that 50 people offended me I read this from the draft so the people that are here and are listening that they would know exactly what's on on here they have no idea what's on here so I'd like to give my constituents opportunity to contribute Kevin I don't think I I maybe I wasn't clear I totally agree with what you're saying you were clear but some comments were just made and I can only I I try not to be personal here because because we need to be talking about the bigger picture which is a city and if in fact that someone here thinks that something should be tabled I would respect that opinion because they feel so because there's something that's not sitting right with them and if we're going to be supportive with each other we should be able to table some things we should be able to pull some things down and so these name callings with crew and doesn't offend me that's getting a little personal and I'm trying not I'm trying to sit here and not be offended because I want something table because I think it's important enough and because we've never had anything on the book I don't understand what the rush is and I don't know who who's doing personal favorites for naming buildings and streets but if in fact that this isn't being done right now I I don't I don't understand why we can't work this document and if there's an objections let's go through it let let let let the clerk read it into record and and that that was that was my that was my thought I wasn't reflecting that there's a crew here or anybody's part of a cre in the past years said I'm trying not to be personal I understand that but in the past years things were notoriously tabled and never taken up again I understand that but I'm making a comment that has historic significance and that is there are scores of ordinances that never went through it now I'm not a proponent for for this or not I'm happy to veto this thing if it's in the poorest spirit and it won't survive the year if I veto it artfully at the right time you like everything in here I don't like everything in there but I don't have to like everything and if you want to veto I don't I don't have the decision uh Authority on this you do okay and I think that my point is if there's something that needs work I don't like putting it off if you can do it tonight good if you don't feel can be done tonight that's also a good comment the re the re the the reason the reason I mentioned this is a draft it's something to work from if I keep repeating this because to me it would seem this if we pass this it means it's on the books and we are going to work on it it will appear on the next agenda and we'll start taking this apart section by section no but what Bill said is it cannot be amended in two weeks so this is the time so every everyone on the council got it last week this is the time to amend it and we've been talking about it for an hour and I still haven't heard a single suggestion for an amendment to it so which which implies to me that it's good as is but if there's a if there's a I'm asking for it to be taken I'm I'm making it clear and I said it earlier if you heard me I I don't agree with it at all that's what I said let's be fair and I said that right so you did hear me say something and that's all and and and I listen I didn't it wasn't me that wanted to come here and spend all night on on on one document but I got my notes so we can have at it but I can tell you this right now you want my vote my vote is no I'm going to say that because I don't agree with the timelines on certain things and I'm not and and I know how things fall through the cracks up here so you know what if we're going to do this we're going to do it right and I don't do because somebody wants a favor uh I'm gonna put your name up on uh van Bron Street we don't we we don't do that and and I'd like to I'd like to apologize it wasn't my intention to make this personal in any fashion I just think that if there are if there are opportunities for us to get things done I don't like them principally being put off and if it means rolling up sleeves and doing it tonight do it tonight if it's too much then the council puts it off I'm I'm still stuck with the idea that we have to work from something this is a draft but I mean I don't Judy but this has been every ordinance for all time everyone got it last week still no suggestion for amendments we have one council person who's going to votee no no matter what well we can go through b b c d e f g h i JK I don't agree with any of them how we G to wait two years to somebody we want to honor somebody or somebody wants to honor somebody who's put in a lifetime with the work in a work oh you got to wait two years you got to wait two years because the council said that no no no and then 10 years then we going to remove your name what buiness as usual no you GNA remove somebody's name oh we can't I mean how insensitive is that so EXC we table it we can send you suggesting those two amendments uh Mr C I but I read uh a few of them right he said in 20 in 25 years 25 years I mean I I I just I just can't I just can't I think we we need to table this that's that's my opinion and and we need to put our comments and send them back yeah that that's that's that's my um yeah hold on I don't know they Whispering let's let them finish Whispering open don't worry about answer we got all night what happens to this thing it's it's only a right once you introduce it it's a final document that has to be published and put in the news Wilson SC you can't change it between now and December 19th even though the council wants time to look at it so that no you have you would have to reintroduce it if you make a material change anything other than really a clerical error it has to to be reintroduced which means then on the 19th itd have to be reintroduced again sent to the paper in the revised form and then it's too late because you can't straddle the year with an or ordinance pass it tonight I have uh I have another I have another thought all right for for what it's worth um one of the things is to allow some of the more distinguished citizenry to enjoy the accolades and the respect that the community has for them while they're alive rather than uh when they when they die so um to to to to my mind I would resend that portion of it again say we're going to take 20 minutes and we're going to debate these things and then we're going to put it up for a vote or just put it up for a vote or just table it but but let's make a decision I for one would like some of the more distinguished people in our community who Merit a name of a street or a building to be able to have that during their lifetime for the parents to be able to take picture with the child or vice versa somebody does something heroic and it means a lot that it I think that should be done and there's Great Value in that for what it's worth um I the the petition signature doesn't offend me because you really want the air cover of local residents to stand behind the reputation of somebody I don't think we should table it I think you should make a decision tonight so um I am right what SE was that well I believe there's a motion in a second on the floor ahead and what let us I suppose I don't know who I forget who made the motion I did could withdraw the motion and then I would reintroduce a motion with an amendment right but let's get all I mean I have a suspicion that well I think the two most problematic ones are obvious here so whatever okay so I withdraw my motion instead of doing this multiple times yeah we should get it clear what the changes are okay so I withdraw my motion and I reintro uh I reintroduced the I remove the ordinance excluding SE completely excluding section D which is the uh timeline regarding uh um an honor being deceased and section K which is a timeline uh that the um that the uh the the street would be uh name for or the building would be named for that person so I'm reintroducing the same ordinance without section D and K and that could easily be stricken right yeah okay just an inti entirety striking is easier than langu I'll second that motion um point of information or something can we are there other I would like to add a few others to take out see that's why I asked okay then I get the amendment that's why that's why I was should table it to get it right no but let's just let's we we talked about this multiple times let's roll up our sleeves and do it tonight so what what else what else would you prefer Judy um I'm looking for it now here it is um it has to do with the uh the location of what you're naming because I think in some cases if you wanted to name a building for instance after someone that it might not be you know close to where they lived or whatever no no that's that's only for a street so building obviously can be is anywhere in there are only a few buildings in the city so streets are you know the street the person grew up on what that's that's the streets we name normally L When people grew up but no no but we only have a couple of buildings so you can't you're not going to move the building to the street that they grew up on but if you're renaming the street you're not going to pick a Street a mile away to rename after them you're going to you know it would make sense to have it be a street that they're associated with all right I would take out K which is the length of time the name stay we took that out already oh okay sorry d k which was k k is 10 years and 25 years should come at any okay so the person doesn't have to die and the remov you know and the and the street then will continue in and infinum until the governing body decides otherwise can a governing body decide to take down a name by ordinance that's another or I'm asking it's going to be another ordinance what if something comes out about the person yes you could we we presently don't have that on the books so we'll need a new ordinance to do that but that could be done at a later time but you're not capping it out now to 10 or 25 years well no that was removed that was removed that's removed so there's no there is no mechanism to remove a name once you when you named the street or a building um you're going to need to do that after at a later time yes when that happens right the mayor of well the Mayor of Richmond took down all the Confederate statues and all of that they had to do it by I'll go I'll go back excuse me excuse me this is the council's discussion I will go back to the initial thing I said yes go ahead these are guidelines so go ahead so you you can name everything in the city after me in two weeks and then change it again in four weeks great idea yeah so um and then rename it again to for me two weeks later so we have that power right now we're putting some guidelines in so when people want to know what to do and we've taken out uh two sections of it and we have a motion that's been seconded on the table okay we have any other discussion on this okay yany we have the ordinance with two amendments which is eliminating sections all right yany this about B what about section B did we talk about that what would you like to do shouldn't be no time frame on it somebody comes in front of you I agree with you by April 1st like paying your income tax okay so I'll withdraw withdraw it and I re introduce is there anything else anything else where we got it so we got b d and K withdrawn withdrawn yeah good okay and this is a working document well not after not after not after if it gets three votes it's it's not a working document next year did you make a motion so I've made a motion 2321 with the removal of b d and K okay we have a second yeah I'll second it okay and make just I'm going to make a comment not about this but and I don't know if my mic is on you know this is what the council session is supposed to be this is a working session of the council we're supposed to be doing Council work at this time people don't this is this is what council people doing Council work together looks like as opposed to getting up on the phone and having conversations oneon-one so thank you to the council for having a conversation well I I think a building is such an important uh item a street I think should have a much lower threshold we have so few buildings that are um in the city so I think it should be a high threshold because that's going to that's literally that's literally going to be chiseled in stone no no no city building no we're talking about we we can't you can't re name my the city council cannot rename my house to the Charles Cobb house I can rename it to Charles cob house yeah yeah yeah but but but that process still exists that process still exists and I think would have offed but doesn't it go back to the fact that again it's a guideline and the council could decide if it's such an important person that they're not going to do that it's going to be pretty obvious in that case right the the I think the instance that this guideline really helps the council is someone who thinks their family member or themselves and baby doesn't have the historic importance to Anglewood but the building should be named after them and there are a lot of people with uh delusions of grander um you know like I said I got 50 requests last year and it puts the council in a bad position where you know you you you have to be the one that says no but you know someone like uh council person dreford you know that that was a that was a very easy decision uh and and for those who served with him um but you know some person just off the street who you might not even know says well name this building after me how we how are we going to say no to them we don't have a process or or a a council person on on their way out says let's name all the buildings after me on on December 31st at 4:59 p.m. so um so but we the processes are still the same for the obvious ones so but just there should be a high threshold for building it's a building chiseled and stone and 500 signatures is not a lot 300 is certainly not a lot and it's actually it would have been an honor if somebody came to me and said they wanted to name a building after Mr Drakeford I would I would actually look at that as a privilege to sign on a petition it's setting a process it may not work you may have to change it the vote construct in the coming years will change over time as will be the need but there is a need to set a process and get started I think this is really magnanimous I'm impressed with this crew okay uh so this is roll call with I just want to confirm amendments removing Amendment uh amending by removing sections D K and B B B as in boy d as in David K is in Ken okay phone call councilman cop yes councilman Rosen yes councilman Wilson yes councilwoman wiski yes council president Marin yes the public hearing will take place on December 19th come on Amy let's go to the mic that was easy is that is it is it this point is the public session yet I'll wait for comments on agenda items comments on agenda okay we are now we're moving on Pardon Me public comment on agenda items um once again we invite you to come up come up to the microphone now name address you have three minutes thank you for being here Amy bulock Howen Avenue um I'm going to go really fast because I have a couple of things first of all yeah these draft ordinances for first reading need to be included in the agenda so that we can see what you're talking about having a discussion in front of us when we don't know what you're talking about makes no sense and it there is no legality preventing that because I know for a fact and I can send you the example that there are other municipalities that do that um let's talk about this recck program everyone's concerned with I want to know for the three I skating instructors that we spent $2,320 on how many kids did they teach and how many hours they spent on that um this disorderly conduct it sounds more like we have a loitering and vandalism problem in the parking garage not so much a disorderly conduct so maybe bill could explain the difference on that now this resolution about naming people which I know where it came from thank you councilman roses Swig while you're at it you need to add in that we're not selling the naming rights to any of our buildings either but let me give some history here councilman Rosen Swig as council president was gracious enough to get through the renaming of the street after Dr Bernard Bell I sent an email to Judith Marin's council president about renaming something in honor of Mr Nesbit I believe that the council must have a policy in place to define the process of selection of those to be honored with the street named after them in addition to that we need to clearly State the length of time the street rename would be in place appreciate your involvement wonderful honor that we can bestow upon on our special citizens Please be aware we have many worthy requests for this honor listen to this as soon as the resolution is in place Mr Nesbit will be the first on our list of those to be considered so just remember that because I have it in writing forget I then also offered to help in whatever way I could because I agree there needs to be a policy and I actually drafted an ordinance based on ordinances from other municipalities that I shared and this was in March so I would like to know why all of a sudden tonight on December 5th it is so critical that this happened at this very moment without the public being able to see what was included in the draft or the ability to have input around the buildings and streets that our tax dollars support and the last comment I'm going to make in my 25 seconds is it's really insensitive to address police behavior in one mental health instance when you have a family here who still does not have answers it's also insensitive to want to discuss a recreation program for the children when you have a situation right now where a child has been sexually assaulted by a city employee talk about your priorities clearly clearly priorities are not in line there are a lot of bigger issues in this city than how much we paid for a mystery program yeah Rick willby with New Jersey I mean you know it's kind of disingenuous you know we already know that the fix is in with this whole thing Ken is not motivated or excited about anything the way is excited about this ordinance and we know what's going on and how long are you guys going to play this game with people we see what's going on we see the disrespect we know that things are going to change around here we see it with the police department we see it with our Council we see it all over this town but I don't know why you people can't be honest there's people here that have something important that they have to say some people have to leave you guys are discussing this thing for a whole hour plus when you know that the fix is already in Ken stop acting like you're trying not to disenfranchise people you disenfranchise people all the time time that is what you're good at this is the reason why ingwood runs the way how it runs and it's the same thing with Lisa stop trying to make comments like we don't know who the real notorious crew is the real notorious crew is Dr Lisa wasoski Judith Marin and Ken Rosen swag those are the power here in Inglewood that do as they please and the people that are up here as accessories is Charles Cobb and Kevin Wilson we don't need their input let's call it what it is so please stop with the BS and all this back and forth smoking mirror stuff cuz you know it's hard to insult me but it's very easy to piss me off all right and you guys are pissing me off because there's parents here that have something very important to say you guys are talking about this stupid ordinance to name streets when you guys already know that the fix is already in we know what's going to happen here in Englewood we're going to see streets with names that we don't even know and we're going to see names that we know being removed from building so you could put uh names on those things right here in this Police Department because somebody from the East Hill is buying the police officer's lunch every day they have a lunchroom named after somebody already in that Police Department did he go through the process did he go through the process Ken or because he's an orthodox like Mike everything goes freely because this is what happens around here it's not about what you know who you know it's who you are in Inglewood and we as black people know that you Don't Care About Us unless we win something or you want to get up on your Bible or your Quran or whatever you pretend to be and act like you care about people but you don't you don't care about people and it's not even insulting anymore it's infuriating what happens because we know what going on but it won't go on forever because every rope has an end Leroy Campbell turn Road um ordinance number 23-30 um the ordinance that councilman Wilson brought to the table and I know it's been table for now but let me just share something with you you guys if if this ordinance ever passed it's got to be consistent and it's got to be fair to everybody I witness on Hudson Avenue six Caucasian police officers sir one Caucasian young man locked himself in a bathroom at a convenience store they called the police to because they couldn't the merchant couldn't get him out so what happens this young man got taken to Bergen Pines or new new bridge whatever they call it now he got taken to the hospital in an ambulance so I if if if if an African-American youth get picked up in the fourth ward we want to see the same consideration we want to see the same treatment it's not fair all right and and the evidence of what this young man was doing got thrown in the garbage and I sat there and I watched this now that evidence should have been evidently he wasn't going to be prosecuted or charged because the evidence got thrown into garbage but the evidence still should have been taken to the hospital so the doctors would know what this young man was doing in order to treat them but no they threw it in garbage and I sat there and I watch all of this all right and another I'm going to give you another incident I had a church member who had an accident on tly road right in front of my house they came and put handcuff on him because they thought he was drunk two days later this young man was dead he was dead because he had a he had a brain tumor and he blacked out he wasn't drunk he blacked out right these are the kind of things that are happening here in Anglewood and it's unfair and it's unfair so I hope there's some changes in this city for 2024 um would the ordinance that was proposed just now put protocols in place for City rooms like the police room or weight rooms and all that in in place do those have to be go through this uh chain yeah rooms are in there rooms are in there yeah so the police can't just name a room in their headquarters without going through the same protocol I guess I don't know what that room was it's probably a PBA room which is right right so if it's a PBA room and it's independent is that what happens I'm asking the question well we'll we'll have to we'll have to read we'll have to read the ordinance but if it's in a city building so what whatever the room is there's no differentiation between you know a PBA room in a municipal building so what I'd like to do is make sure included in the same process that's all yeah okay there's a gentleman that would like to speak sorry yeah good evening wood to 316 W Ro my issue is with the service that we get around here from our DPW Department I took pictures of how they clean up the leaves that's one that's the first issue that I want to speak of I took pictures of how they clean up the leaves after your yard is done they come around obsolete equipment and just push the leaves all up and down your street your street looks like garbage I mean like garbage that that that's just not that's not acceptable no more I'm sick of it second I've been on windy road for over 20 26 years plus my street has potholes it's cracking and everything when are you going to re surface it my taxes is high I pay for that service and I'm tired of paying for a service I don't get let's see if Mr hofen Windsor Road oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I got so carried away because I know when Road very well um you're going to have to wait until we are these are questions on the agenda at this section would you mind waiting until the end of the me and the end of the meeting and we'll let you comment then sorry that's my fault hi Colette Thompson Howard rad and Inglewood um I have a question um a couple of years ago I had requested that how Ro be renamed after Janice dism who died in 1982 and I wanted to commemorate her her 40 years and I haven't gotten a response because there wasn't any I guess protocol you guys didn't have a the process of what to do when you want to do a street naming so now am I going to have to get the 50 signatures is that the I I I'm not feeling that at all even though I've been trying to get the street named after Janice e dismas at the middle school how Roe I would like to name it Janice dism way so I just hope you guys reconsider the process because I think I can get 50 signatures in each Ward if I really wanted to but I just feel like I I the process I I just don't agree with the way you guys are um going to vote on this so I just want you guys to think about what you're going to do but I really want to rename Howard Road Janice e dism way she's been dead for over 40 it was 40 years last year and that's the Middle School in Englewood we named the middle school after Janice not 300 yeah so you would only need 50 signatures under this proposed ordinance um and then bring it forward to your Council representative and from there start the process yeah bring it to the council she doesn't need she doesn't need 50 per she doesn't need 50 we she you don't need 50 you don't need 50 you just need to bring it here we don't know well you don't need that it's just guidelines it's just guidelines I'm going have to take care hello Joy or Englewood third word I believe all right so I'm here to talk about what happened at the um at the after school program with fun okay all right thank God I want to go home man if I may you'd actually we never voted on 380 that need that needs to be included Oh I thought we did you gave the plaque but we wasn't voted on okay sorry respond to the comments so we're going to do this through 38012 d are we responding to the comments we finished oh they finished responding to the comments I do we have motion on consent agenda resolutions please motion un yes I I so move second I second uh roll call are there any questions or discussion on any of these items okay let's have a roll call councilman cop yes councilman Rosen yes councilman Wilson yes councilwoman wiski yes council president Marin yes sorry I just asked the council to please talk into the mics turn them on before you give you a roll call so it can be recorded into the system okay we're now moving to uh there are no resolutions for discussion we're going to ordinances for discussion um and ordinance amending chapter 25 section 25-20 schedule 12 of the traffic and parking ordinance of the code of the city of Anglewood West Palisade Avenue from the monument to the T-Neck border would someone on the council like to explain that would you Bob oh at the last meeting we were just asked to put this on for discussion right so uh that that's what it was and this is just this is for the street sweeping street sweeping right yeah does anyone have anything uh they would like to speak about um re real quickly um my concern was in the fourth W that tickets were being given out on a alarming rate in regards to uh street sweeping and there were no signs so that's why I wanted it to be enumerated properly so the residents knew exactly when to move and not move and not just have temporary signage and so we the last meeting we had examples of the signage um we weren't clear on the time um and there's a need need for this throughout Fourth Ward especially if we're exhibiting um an increase in tickets and there's certain signage that is not on Forest Avenue so I I don't just think that this ordinance should cover T Avenue I know that's a a main throughway but I think all our resident streets are important as well so I'd like to see if this could be carried over throughout what I think would be even more helpful uh councilman Wilson yes sir is that we um Institute uh sign program where we replace all the signs in eng with because they they they look pretty bad and we should do like the rest of the towns in Bergen County do tinac is blue and white T Fly is uh black and orange and why can't we get maroon and white and and coryander way they already beat us to it and it looks pretty nice over there yes and so I'd like to have that don't wor don't wor y i i I'll let you I'll give you the notes yeah they all all all the all the towns are following them colors right all all the towns are doing that Leonia and all of them so and we have some signs that need some help so we should we should look to really go through the whole city and get have a sign program get it get it right yes so just just as a point of reference we um we we we H we have um we we've done a we've done a review of all all of the signs based on reflectivity and other things so we can we can provide that with the council at a later date that sounds good anyone else anyone else have something to say okay we have two items for discussion one is 2024 juneth events I'm I I don't really know uh who would like to speak about that somebody wanted that on the agenda oh we were asked to put that on the agenda so there's just a a memo that the council can review and then um it it's there for future discussion during the budget process um with a with a you know with some options that's all so what what are the concerns with juneth I don't I don't understand we've been doing that for a long time is it Financial is it logistic there was there was there was a coup there was a couple things with listic so the count the governing body can take can take a look at that and then um and then it and then there was a there was a you know a couple decision points for the 2024 budget so um I I I think it would be helpful if uh councilman Wilson ran point on that along with uh Lieutenant uh Joe Hoy these are the guys who make it happen so I think that that conversation would be with those gentlemen so they know the particulars they've been doing it for a long time that's true so um yes so that that that would be great um you know we we we've reached out to to Mr Hoy for for that but um look look for to him being able to talk to me about it well yeah em and and councilman Wilson I think terrific they're better sered to to handle that good all right the next item is something that I would like to talk about um we have uh I think all of you were sent uh we have a a series of properties that are odd shapes and odd sizes that are owned by the city and and what I'm expressing now is my own personal feeling excuse me um but I would love to see the city hold on to all of these properties and depending on the size the shape how much of a flood area it is turn them into parks and Gardens in the they're in they're throughout the four Wards there are I don't know the exact number but they're about 20 and I would like uh to see the council uh have a uh a committee formed that would be advisory to to the council and looking at these properties and determining what to do with them I'm not talking about I'm talking about holding on to the properties we already own and making sure they kept in good condition that those that lend themselves to it would be developed as parks and as I say in some cases Community Gardens and hopefully look for Grants and funding maybe from some of the um uh the large companies in town I just would like Anglewood not to get rid of those properties I'd like to keep them as open Green Space because I believe it's important for the flooding issues I don't want to see anybody come along and pick these properties up and try to put uh housing on it uh I think they should be kept open and green and it I would like very much for um for the council to consider you know in the near future perhaps uh having having a uh an advisory committee formed and of course since I won't be on the council next year I would love I would love to uh be part of that because I believe very strongly in uh having our the properties that we already own remain angled with green spaces can can can we post can we can we have these properties Mr Bailey can we put these on the website so that the residents know these properties City owned properties yeah it's up to the prerogative yeah it's public information I know Mr Albert did this yeah because I don't recall years ago when it was discussed I don't right we could get ideas from people whether they want to make Gardens Community Gardens or whatever there is you know the only thing is when we go to do Gardens like that that DPW will be charged or the city will be charged with maintaining that so that's that's the key my my question is to Mr Hoffman are we maintaining these properties right now not all of them not all of them some of them are easements are only four feet wide for drainage um and then two of the properties that are on that list were um I guess were sold a few years ago but there's there's 22 properties on that list and not not all of them are maintained by the DPW well that's why I think we need a committee and people looking at it and uh I just don't want these these properties to disappear and to speak to that point Point City Manager um I think it's important to note that you said that not all of these properties are maintained by DPW and the general public does not know that I get emails and phone calls all the time about certain properties and parks and what I would like the public to know is that we do um hire out so we have contractors doing some of our work and some of them are subpar and so there needs to be a fine line on how we stay on top of these contractors that we pay astronomical prices and that do not do a diligent job so I I just want to take some of the weight off of DPW sometimes they get a bad name but there's certain properties like you just spoke up city manager that are not maintained by the DBW well I'm going to keep mentioning it and sign um your turn may be coming because this is the last item on the agenda before public discussion I'm not anymore well I have great faith in you anyway is there anyone that would like to say anything um before we close this no part of the meeting okay uh so I'm closing this part of the meeting I'm opening up the public session you're invit to come up and speak about anything that you want to um once again name address three minutes Amy Bullock Callen Avenue um the last two Council meetings I asked two questions um one I hope is going to be resolved tonight and that going forward Whenever there is an ordinance on the agenda for first reading we will be provided a copy you can Watermark it to say draft a specific specifically asked that you not say it wasn't included because you didn't want to confuse people and insult our intelligence and that's exactly the answer that was given at the last meeting so I'm asking you again not to insult our intelligence we understand what the word draft means um I also asked that we have a policy on nepotism cronyism and political patronage Mr Hoffman you said you would get an answer so I'm hoping you have an answer tonight because we clearly have had an issue with some nepotism in one of our departments um in regards to the situation that has happened at Sun fund Day Camp I think that the city I understand there's an investigation going on but the city needs to give a statement assuring the community that they have crossed their tees and dotted their eyes to ensure that proper background checks were done people were put into positions that they either had the credentials or skills for and that we don't just have anybody moving from Parks and grounds into managing kids at a sunf fund Day Camp so I'm asking the city to give a statement on what was done or what is being done to ensure the safety of our kids and I'm asking the city to please provide parents some guidance on what they expect them to do with their children since sunf fun has been indefinitely shut down parents were at school at 1:30 today picking their kids up because they got noticed that the after school program was shut down and for parents who have to work this is posing a real problem so I hope the city is reaching out to Bergen Family Center or some of the houses of worship or whoever it is you need to reach out to to try to find some resources for these parents who are now in this situation which is through no fault of their own thank you welcome thank I'm all right Joy or Shepherd Avenue so um yes I wanted to continue what you was saying about the sun Fun and um well to tell you the truth I feel like maybe if Englewood had something in town for our children to do as start of school maybe then we won't rely on things like some fun and after school program because we'll have something and I love the idea that you want to save some of these buildings to build Gardens and all that stuff is beautiful but the same way we're doing that we could also use these buildings to do programs for our children put some athletic things in place for our children to do I'm sorry like I don't come to these meetings a lot but when I think about Inglewood Englewood used to be some place I thought was like upper you know upper Shalon like Rich you know but Englewood is mad ghetto we're on the same level as nework right now to me and nework is actually doing better they got um Pipelines that are you know the rest of the world is studying to run their water Inwood has absolutely nothing for our kids to do outside of school they don't have anything for our young kids to do we're building we want to do Gardens we want to do all this stuff we need to pay attention to our children who are being raped because people are putting their adopted son into supervisor position when they're not supposed to this boy that did this is 21 years old there is no reason for a 21 yearold child to be a supervisor of a an after school program for children he is a child himself so I'm trying to understand first how he got the position and second who allowed him to and were qualified a 21 years old that we know did not finish college or have the education to supervise and run a program like that why was he even in that position to do that to be running to be have that that kind of power at the age of 21 so and he's not even from this town so I just I just because his mother and we all know what it is and that should not happen this little girl this two children and by the way I'm I did my research and I found out that last year another security guard raped a 16 years old girl in the high school so this is something that is becoming like come on this is supposed to be Inglewood this is a his IC town this is the town that other towns look up to when you tell people you come from Inglewood they say ooh but that's not this is not the part this is not part of ingood that I want to know this not the I don't send my like this is one of my greatest fear and it's like knocking at the door to have two children heard at the school that my son attends it's disgusting and we need to do better and I'm happy that some fun is shut down I hope it stays shut down and I hope we find something something to do or give our children to help with the time that will let allow parents to be able to work I know that their kids are in a place that is being ran by professionals and the people that know what they're doing thank you that's all I want to say thank you good evening okay there we go good evening Tena Foster um Cambridge Avenue Englewood New Jersey so I'm here to talk about exactly the same thing um this is a little disheartening this is the third time we're hearing about sexual assault with our children here in Englewood there was a maintenance worker the parks department now we have a young man that was doing Sun fun after after school we had an incident up at the high school my phone could not stop ringing with the Heartbreak from the parents of what's going on one these parents they don't have anywhere to put their children where are these parents that had their kids in the after school because they can't get to them on time where are they supposed to put their children now is there something in place is there alternative what are they going to do my own child attends sunf fund he goes for the entire summer will we have a sun fun camp is this program going to be revamped is our rec department is going to be revamped this is very disheartening I've answered over 25 calls from families in this community that that they don't have they can't be here tonight they have to be up 5 or six o'clock in the morning a lot of our families here fourth third wood I'm not in the fourth I'm in the third but it doesn't matter they're working two and three jobs just to put food on the table just to make ends meet just to pay three $3,000 rent for two bedrooms this is very disheartening we need to do something for our children our children are our future this is what we have and we need to make sure they're protected we need to make sure that whatever background check needs to be done needs to be done doesn't matter if it's grounds and maintenance it doesn't matter if it's resource it doesn't matter if they're child if they're working with children we need to go to extra mouth I'm on for the junior Raiders I'm on a parent Coalition they asked me this year to fill out like a volun they wanted to do my background please do my background I don't work with the children but I'm happy to do it we need to go to extra mouth to make sure our children here in ingwood are protected thank you good evening Henry Washington uh Liberty Road um first I wanted to start off and just say thank you to councilman Wilson um almost every time I go any place I see councilman Wilson so I just think it's great that that you're so engaged oh you're welcome um one of the main reasons of here is in representation with um The Plaid family um with Bernard plid Jr who was killed when his mother made a when his family made a phone call for emergency assistance for a mental health crisis it's been over one year about one year and three months since the shoting death um with the call in response to emergency Health crisis as a stigma-free Community how are we the city of Englewood bringing peace to the family of Bernard fa Jr what steps has the city taken to make sure that the there are solutions and processes in place to protect those in need when someone in our community reaches out for emergency assistance during a mental health crisis and has the city reached out to include the family of Bernard placy Jr in this process and Mental Health crisis it's something for us to keep in mind a mental health crisis is requiring emergency assistance occur more often and we need a solution now thank you Rick will being with New Jersey you know I had the privilege this weekend of attending a fundraiser for Gaza and um somebody asked me on the hallway about genocide I want to read the definition of genocide the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular Nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that Nation or group I want to say this and I want to be clear on it Palestinians are a citic group of people I'm glad that the Klux Clan didn't have a fancy word like anti-Semitism to hide behind killing is wrong there's been over 20,000 people half of them children kilting Gaza for what for an occupation that claims to have the right to defend itself on international law you do not have the right to defend yourself on Stolen land as a matter of fact it's the opposite the people that are being occupied that are being terrorized and being killed by the most advanced military next to the United States of America they are in fact the terrorist and the Palestinians have the absolute right to defend themselves I've listening to some of these coffee with the mayor routines and it's stomach churning to see the support and I won't even utter who you're supporting or what you're supporting because it means absolutely nothing to people with an education the worst thing that a Zionist could do is to encourage somebody to go read a book if you read a book you understand about the 1948 nakba you understand about the balfor Declaration you understand how the occupation took place you understand about the injustices that has been perpetrated against a sovereign group of people that never Act to be colonized right here in America it happened to the Native Indians this is what white folks are good at they come they see they kill they conquer and then they write the history that reflects how Noble they are to support white supremacy you need white jesus you need white Jews I've never been accused of anti-Semitism by black Jews I happen to be an Israelite myself this is very funny to me last week Wednesday I attended a rally with the Teck Public School District and those kids are now getting death threats I've seen a little girl stand up and say she's proud to be a Zionist you know who else was a Zionist theor Herzel who was a racist a secular non-religious Jew he did not believe in the Torah he believed in the talmud you say the Palestinians are beast you call my people Beast too you say Nat Turner was a terrorist you say black people were terrorists for what for defending themselves let me read a scripture to you before I go so you understand cuz I read this to the news people that asked me a question as he asked me something about what's going to happen numbers 35:33 so you shall not pollute the land wherein you are for blood it theth the land and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein but by the blood of him that shed it the man asked me what does that mean I said that if you kill you're going to be killed all the stealing raping and killing that's being perpetrated in this world would not go unpunished Donovan Rodriguez uh Liberty Road good evening everyone so I'm here because um sexual assault of a child is a very serious crime and it should be met by Swift consequence I hear that Merl Simmons is on vacation I don't hear that she's been fired or resigned or that she's been put on administrative leave unpaid and she's in charge why do I have uh why do we have our children in constant danger and having families to suffer not just the families of the victim now but other families who have nowhere to send their kids after school because there was a breakdown in leadership in proper supervision I've been in this District in this city for several years and I've served the public and for many years there have been complaints and reported complaints about sunun and about Merl Simmons and her management style and that they constantly recruit and employ unqualified people un vetted people to work with our children they use children to supervise our children I've gone to school to pick up my son at after school and he's not there and I'm like where is he oh he's over at the ice rink no one informed me so I drive to the ice rink and the only people there other than the kids are two high school kids who are employed by the wreck the sunun to supervise our children now tell me honorable Council men and woman if these if these were your children how would you feel what would you do what would you do tomorrow and next week regarding how the recreation department conducts its so-called Athletics programs in our schools and the people that they employ and and how they organize their programs someone is ultimately responsible for what happened to our children and to this little girl and it the Box stops with Merl Simmons I respectfully implore you and beg you and ask you get her out and get people in there who can actually do a job that this city deserves and that our parents deserve good good evening I'm Jessica West 299 West Inwood Avenue um my daughter is an attendee at sunf fun and her she said her best friend is one of the sexually assaulted um she's often with her um as a licensed therapist myself I'm actually shaking because I'm very upset and emotional as a solo mom I have to find out what I'm going to do with her but um I wanted to I don't wanted to sound like I'm complaining but I think this is something that we need to take very seriously I shouldn't have gotten an email with click this link and then open it up and hear about a sexual assault of someone very close to my child and no followup I think the parents need to get seriously communicated constantly about what is happening um I agree with the other um person that mentioned we need to find someplace now that'll assist us I paid for the month I pay out of pocket for everything I'm a single parent and I paid for son son un fun for the rest of this month now I have to figure out what to do with my child and run my business and do my th like it's and can be concerned about her safety second complaint with McLoud um that I was going to take up to the superintendent last year was with parents um not parents I'm sorry with the teacher the teacher's lack of I think she's out of the school now but they just was poor communication she missed her picture day was all glammed up she missed her picture day constant calls about not being able to handle it just seems like from the after school to the school um there's just poor management poor communication but here's the Stinger last summer my daughter attended sunf fun and did the overnight trip I pick her up the second day counselor no one said anything to me my daughter says her wrist hurt I looked at her wrist it was swollen huge red she broke her wrist the day before they said they attempted to call me well cuz no one told me when I picked her up her wrist was broken for an entire 24 hours I'm a a business owner I was planning to go and finish working on my online webinar that I planned to so I can make my money I'm driving my daughter to Urgent Care camp counselor didn't tell me anything didn't even say hey Mom I tried to call you there's a there's an issue with your daughter we don't know if her wrist is broken or not but I'm just letting you know we couldn't get through no one said anything to me allowed me to pick my child up with the broken wrist they did X-rays at Urgent Care her wrist was broken in like two places I did paid for all of that I was told by Merl that oh we have insurance first of I complained but when you're in a tight Corner you're like I don't know um what to do cuz school started that was the last day of camp school started I guess the week or so later so she was in after school program I was working with them to see what can be done submit your stuff we'll take care of it this is a year later I have nothing she said I oh I gave the paperwork they said what they could say again I pay made poor judgment again I guess putting her in sunf fund because I figured I did something wrong I have to get my my medical insurance paperwork for reimbursement but now I'm going to make time to go to Legal I'm going to make time to get a lawsuit because I paid out of pocket for her to get her stint her WAP no one informed me and then to hear this so I just wanted to know and make sure that you know parents like we're I'm prepared to take as high out of an action as I can but I wanted to let y'all know let you guys know if you could do whatever you need to do because there are so many parents that are upset right now and I don't know if you're going to what's going to happen after this but um I just wanted to make to let you know and it is does link right back to mer Simmon so it's two incidents with her and then the school overall um other incidents I know I went over time time but I just wanted to just to speak my name is Jessica Marshall Jessica Marshall 299 West Anglewood Avenue and I don't know if if there's information I can get so I can follow up because I don't know if Merl gave me proper information yes do you still have the medical records Miss Marshall I you do yeah okay and you were told uh at the time that there's insurance for it Insurance did you put an application in for it right and thank you how you doing my name is David leond I'm tenly Road here Anglewood I've been here for 20 some odd years uh over time last time I spoke at the council meeting I think the common theme that everyone is sort of portraying is the general services at inside Anglewood are degrading at what appears to be a rapid rate and the poor lady who just spoke and her situation is very unfortunate um there's probably many different ways to look at this um but usually in government there's a a sort of a process called business continuity and unfortunately Anglewood we're so far behind in many different things that there's probably nothing been looked at to continue some services that are vital to individuals who are citizens of you know our our city and I think we should extend this accountability issue further than one individual and take a look at across the board the degradation of services and the lack of planning in general because now the general populace obviously is dealing with a very uh difficult situation but to compound the issue uh they're unable to get normal services and that seems to be a general problem here at Anglewood for some period of time our recreation department has been on the downward slide we've been continuously losing vital uh services to all of our all of our children and this situation is is extremely unfortunate but maybe we could look at it at a bigger picture and get a different perspective so that people who are dependent on these services are not cut off in entirety on another note um I happen to have an uncle who was a police officer in fortly who uh died in line of service and they named a park after him his name is William T Burch and it would be extremely disappointing for someone like that to lose their name who in recognition of his life for service uh was granted on a park or that matter so it probably would behoove the council to really think deep about how they're approaching this naming topic because individuals who have given their life in service for the city you know it's really not fair for the Next Generation to come along and just take that away um and I don't know the details of all the things related to the topic but and I didn't know my uncle passed away at age 26 left three kids um and it's really really sad that something that would happen specifically for for someone who might have given 50 or 75 years of service to a town uh or likewise or lost their life rather early would be stripped of that [Applause] honor Leroy Campbell tunn ofly Road um hco industry and I know you said that City should hold on to as much property as they can hco industry served no purpose to the that piece of property Jason to hako Industry served no purpose to the city of Anglewood it only serve purpose to hako Industry there's 17 parking space there and they're utilizing all 17 of those space that's a piece of property that I think we talked about back going back um and I think if I remember correctly the quote was $77,000 we need to sell that piece of property the the city could utilize that money for other things because it's just a strip of 17 parking space um that's one thing the other thing is I come to these meetings I see people get honored I see people being reward um but I never hear anybody talk about the DPW and the work that these guys do and I know some people are not happy but listen I've worked with those guys I've been out there with those guys as a third party vendor falling snow those guys work hard and this city should show them some appreciation for what they do these guys are running around trying to get these leaves up before the snow come and they work they're working hard they're working in the dark but nobody is saying anything about what they're doing and it's not fair it's just not [Applause] fair good evening my name is Kia Thorton Miller um um live here in a city of Englewood King Garten uh mother of three all attend sun Fun uh summer camp as well as Sun fun after care um I'm com I don't do this I don't do public speaking I sing I wish I can sing to you everything that I want to say but um I'm so you're very intimidating but I just I just I I felt compelled to come up because um I have a daughter that works for sunf Fun in the Summertime which I don't think it's a problem with youth working right they have to start somewhere but the ratio of adults to youth I I don't think it's enough um adults to guide the youth okay it's more youth than adults um the director of parks of recreation um can be very int intimidating to approach um when you're having an issue you have a problem you want to speak to them my daughter that works there in the summertime has come home plenty of time in the last two years crying feeling like the director doesn't like her she's you know feeling put down she and I always feel away because I need somewhere for them to go right but you know now I have to confront the director because I'm a mom first um in the summertime I do not feel safe for my children to go there my children go there because my oldest daughter works there and so that just gives me a little bit um you know of a little safety net but I feel like we need to do something about the head it starts at the head um I'm sorry I know this firsthand I see it happen I'm there I'm all the time picking up my kids wondering what is going on why is this happening and it's really nobody to talk to um as far as the head and when you do go there you get excuse my French answers okay and um I just want to say I went to Washington Township my daughters are dancers and singers and we were at this beautiful Community Center I could not believe it I was in all I'm like oh my goodness if Anglewood had something like this this would be amazing for our children if we just had a place for them to go other than the skating rink that has rats in it I I mean I was sitting there talking when I went to confront the director about my daughter and it just ran across and I said this is where my child is you know um something needs to be done a change needs to be made I even feel intimidated as a parent to go to the director if I have an issue okay I should it shouldn't be like that I should feel comfortable you know what I want to can I talk to you can something has to be done a change has to be made um and I think my time is up thank you I'm sorry can we excuse me can we let the woman holding a child go she must be very tired [Music] okay she's holding the baby for me thank you um first and foremost thank you so much uh for being here and doing amazing work for our town I know we have a lot of issues but every place have issues uh my name is Beverly I'm coming proudly from the fourth ward uh Thompson uh Avenue uh so two things uh one I am just appalled about whatever crisis management plan the Board of Education whomever is running the communication plan for what is happening with the after school program I think you know anyone that you know does you know service work or runs organizations Etc there is a crisis plan in place for things like this communication is key so I'm not sure who has that plan if there is such a plan but again we we would like to see that and see what the next steps are one is there a press release coming out soon what are the next steps for the 200 plus families that were depending on the after school program including myself you know what are we supposed to do um again it's December month of the holidays are we supposed to expend something else out that we were not budgeted for you know we we're demanding immediate remedy to that you know for the next two and a half weeks what are we supposed to do right that's one and then two in terms of how we are hiring people that work with young people as an educator every single person that steps foot at the high school that I am employed in and work with they need a background check it doesn't matter how old you are if you are working right whether you are a contractor Etc there is a very strict policy on that we demand to see what those policies are and if the sun you know Sun fund uh organization actually did that right so I I this has to be in writing somewhere so I again if there's a press release you know a town hall meeting all these things should be addressed very clearly and and very visible you know so that you can instore Faith so we can instore Faith back into our community because again this is very appalling and scary right again young people working with even younger people um thank [Applause] you oh I'm tired um good evening and I just want to First applaud all the children in the audience that have been here through everything said guys you are amazing and we love you and we have to as a city do better by our children um I don't think that pinning um the failure to our community children should be bestowed on one person I think that we do have a city that is responsible for every department and on the council who is responsible for overseeing Recreation Department okay Mr Hoffman thank you for identifying yourself has there been any reports that you can share with the public um in terms of what are going to be um offered as supports because obviously um it hits close to home that a child has been sexually assaulted raped and if it was one of our children and I think that if you live in Inglewood this is one of our children and what has been shared in terms of trauma um I I can't tell you the hurt and the pain I feel for this mother and this child and their family um this this is traumatic experience that could have happened to any one of our children and to not get that support from the city immediately even from our council members is really um disappointing obviously and we need to stand by this family my heart go and prayers go out to the family this little girl her mom and her family she'll never be the same after this right and when we sit here we talk about uh murder mystery and and and complaining about $12 per child that's not the way to go the way to go is what are we going to do to support the families in the community what programs are going to be offered what is going what is going to happen Mr Hoffman with those amilies that have already paid for the months incoming as also how can we prepare um for summer camp what are our options can you um as a city help us to put these children in another program and who's going to run that program have you spoken to what as a matter of fact what other after school programs are in the city besides Bergen Family Center shared services with so we need to have that I mean you would agree right Mr Hoffman that we need answers what can be done can we partner with trauma services for these children parents are obviously affected by this they've been traumatized and will the money be refunded will we be accommodated what's your name Mall Matos and thank you very much for hearing me out God bless [Applause] everyone start oh how you doing my name is uh kale Hansen um Atlanta Avenue inw New Jersey um I recently moved back to Englewood about three four years ago with the purpose of making an attempt to restore what I believe Englewood should be I'm a graduate of Dwight M high school I went to school in Long Island I have a uh master's degree in Communications and I decided to leave my current job to go back to teaching to give back to the community um I am also I was the assistant director of sunf fund during the summer camp and I also worked and at the after school as well um I think it's important thank you thank you um I think it's important not to throw the baby out with the bath water so although there have been there is definitely something that tragic that needs to be fixed with the way certain things are ran um Sun fund I worked at Sun fund as a teenager I was awarded my first position on my first job at Sun fund and that's what made me want to come back to work for the community because of my experiences of working for them do they need to be checks and balances absolutely I do believe that we need to create um a system where um workers can speak and not have to necessarily go through the director because if there are things that are going wrong as a worker we don't know who to talk to if there's a complaint that we may have or something that me we see we don't know who to go to and I think that ultimately should be addressed to prevent things like this from happening I I have children that go to sunf fun you know what I mean it's a tragedy I don't know from a person that that goes there I don't know what could have been done to prevent it CU I'm not in the inner workings um but something has to be done ultimately hi chaita Barnes um vanon Avenue um Anglewood of course um I'm here to support the families that are affected by the recent allegations of the city um employee that violated the cold of not harming children sexually physically and mentally my daughter was affected 5 years ago mentally through this programming and I vowed that my child would never attend a city program if I'm not an attendance so I know that everyone is not like me that has um can't take their kids out of these programs but I tell you I will fight for my child you know in in any way both of my children but she was emotionally struggling through this program so I want to know um why isn't it a duty for every parent or every person to protect our children in especially in these schools that's where we're thinking we're at home and that's our safe place and then we're sending our kids out to schools and they're being violated and that's just unacceptable to me so what have the city have done to support the school population with alternative child care services I want to know specifically what the safety Pro policy and protocol that failed our children and is the budget allowing for providing qualified sustainable Protective Services um and a sun fund prepared to relinquish its licensing rights to operate under the mlau school thank you oh one last thing I don't think a morning mother should sit in a city council meeting every time there's something has to be done for her and for her family that's just unacceptable and the third thing I forgot is why do we always have to come here to beg for services or to be treated right so I think we just need to get it together as a community and work together [Applause] thanks good evening um Judith we spoke earlier today my name is Carrie I was on a mission to get to know everyone in Englewood at one point because when I moved here in 2018 I joined the PTO um with the goal of affecting enough change so that my husband and I don't have to pull our kids when they get to middle school and high school and I keep working at it from 2018 and I get reset we get reset important positions get reset every year and I'm doing book fair and not looking to make a big change um it's after 11: p.m. we arrived over three and a half hours ago and I just have like one question maybe two um Henny how old are you he's eight do you think you're old enough to know what sexual assault is no he's not and you guys are shielding information from us that's really critical and important but we don't have the choice to keep that information from our kids because if I don't talk to them if I talk to him he's listening if I don't have these conversations with them now like tonight they're going to learn at school from kids who are not using appropriate language or they're hearing things in the background from their parents or they read their phones they do everything my kids are so shielded they use one raggedy old iPad when I am desperate to like have them be quiet for three and a half hours to sit here they don't have Wi-Fi access they don't use their school computers at home I keep them as innocent as possible and Englewood School is taking that from me and I think I could get it somewhere else but I don't want to because we live here now and we want to make this like the Englewood that we all heard of Joyce said it used to be a prestigious place and every time we go to a board of ed meeting that's all that guy talks about his kids went to Englewood that's not the same Englewood anymore I'm very sad for the families because we don't think it's going to end either there's like a line of things happening that we can't keep up with and if it weren't for the WhatsApp group that we formed for ourselves I wouldn't have gotten that message I don't I get text messages every day that the bus is arriving late but I don't ever get anything from McLoud school and that was an issue before I don't know the name of the principal right now we're not being invited into the school we don't know enough information thank God my son has great teachers but I reached out to them to say what are these kids supposed to know what is their knowledge base right now and the teacher said we haven't been instructed to speak with parents or kids about anything so they're just talking at lunch or gym or wherever and the DPW who was bringing that up Sir you guys did $112,000 of damage on my car but I haven't had the time to deal with it but the we love them so much in our neighborhood and they just like raak the whole side of my car and I don't know who to call but I'm not calling my insurance company cuz I can't afford to so can I call you can I call you okay I need a check Marlene lawrens um by coming here and listening to those mothers talking about safety for the kids I feel the same thing when that happened to me when I called the police for help they didn't help me for Bernard and I was listening to the TW two officers who been helping the other families you see the way they help them the family they do that for me that's killing me inside to see how they oh you guys in go would treat me treat me my family especially my son Bernard PL that's why I came to the to the championship to show you Bernard was in Anglewood he was a football player in Anglewood and you guys I know with people they treat me bad but I I'm stronger than you because the way you treat me I don't put myself like that I know I'm serving a God who can help me through my situation but I'm listening to those Mur that's why we I I feel sorry that happened to the mother but I know that's going to happen in good because those kid we don't provide nothing for those kids my son was a football player he play for you guys how how you treat me nothing even though I saw I saw the Ang go Ang go but it's not the way you're supposed to to treat people like that I I'm a mother I've been a great mother for my son I know my family has been to a lot with than God I know you put my family a lot and then I've been there to see all the mother is not talking about their safety for the kids and I feel it it's very sad you don't take care of the kids and God I see that and I feel it that's why I said I want to talk because I've been I've been abused by that and all the mothers that's what you have to do come here and talk I'm the only one with that happened to me to come and talk about the my child you never come to talk about the issue in the go you have to come and talk to protect your children is that the way going to be if you don't come and talk about with your your issue in that's what happened and we have to get together to do that to help those children they need you and then now I feel the same pain again my son will pass away they didn't help me when I called the police and I regret for the rest of my life I did call them I I didn't know what to do I called them for to help me in this situation he had a moment and La now she didn't do nothing call ber what what can I do for you how do you feel at least she said that ber will listen to him listen to her you didn't do nothing to protect my son now who's suffering me now now you're going to feel how to talk to protect your children the same thing happen to the same happen to you now guys I'm telling you thank you good evening my name is Joe ho Elmore Avenue and Englewood and to the perceived family my heart continues to hurt for your family and um I will continue praying for your family um I just wanted to um say go on record to congratulate the Dwight Mall High School varsity football team on their Championship victory for the Ivy League Championship uh my son Joseph Hoy Jr is the head coach of the team and I like to congratulate him as well and they've done he's done a fantastic job turning that whole program around and I look forward to many more uh celebrated occasions with their victories in the high school it's really come a long way and uh thank the city councilman at large Charles Cobb for having the faith in the program as well as councilman Kevin Wilson I thank you and I also wanted to make mention that um it was a surprise to me to see juneth on the um discussion but um I would have bought some information with me today for that but juneth 2024 we have it slated for June 13th 14th 15th and 16th with the parade on the 15th and Mr Hoffman I'll come up to your office tomorrow I hope I could catch you in the office maybe I'll make the appointment yeah just just call just calling you know I've got a couple of appointments but yeah we'll talk about it and you can help go over those notes that I took over the summer yes okay okay but uh those dates are June 13th through the 16th and uh that's about it thank [Applause] you excuse me I I know I might be overstating my welcome asking something again but I think we only allow one well please all right yes or no um no I'm sorry you're more than welcome to come to our next meeting thank you okay can I have a motion to go I move to go close session we have a second all in favor okay meeting is a jerk what um Colette Thompson uhw how can I speak I I didn't speak I didn't speak on this did I no no all right go ahead go ahead No I um I'm this is my second term on the recreation Advisory Board um my first term in the early 2000s I started to complain about Mrs Merl Simons we're talking many years ago to no avail I've complained we have clashed numerous times at our board meetings I've spoken for the parents in the early 2000s and she's still here Merl is not a director that cares about the kids she doesn't even have a relationship with the parents the parents can't talk to her I can't talk nobody can talk to her she has a nasty attitude she hires who she wants to hire that's why we're in the situation that we're in cuz she's hiring her people and it's a shame that this is my second time term on this Recreation Advisory Board and nothing has been done about Merl Simons I have asked for her to be removed before and we're talking early 2000s when Michael WS was first mayor I was on the recreation Advisory Board and she's still here it's time that you guys take responsibility as city council and know that this woman is not doing her job as director and from what I'm hearing her she has a shady pass as well but I won't put I I don't want to throw Stones right now but this is the time the the city council can make some changes Merl has to go it's time to get this Recreation Department like other departments other Recs in englew we don't have a community center we need that so now we have to deal with her and and and and and this so-called wreck department and I'm on The Advisory Board and it hurts me that I got to go to these meetings and complain and complain and complain and complain and nobody's listening to me something has to be done guys go ahead okay wait a minute before we close close public yes go ahead all right before we go into Clos session there's um there there were several questions that came up but it's it's important that everybody understands um some some of the issues in the timeline that's come up so the city became aware of this incident that that occurred on the there was an incident that occurred on Friday December 1st we became aware of it over the weekend so did the Board of Education um the um what occurred what occurred on Friday at that sunf fund program you know it it's terrible but right now there's an active investigation that's that's going on um and it's a criminal investigation it's being conducted by the Bergen County prosecutor's office as well as with our police department but the prosecutor's office is the lead agency and they have given us some specific instructions that we have to follow right now so we are we are following that um you know we're we're not able to answer all of the questions that you've asked we can answer we can answer some of those questions and we will um but the key thing to know is that that individual was arrested is in custody right now and they're confined they're at the Bergen County they're at the Bergen County Jail um we've been in constant well not not constant contact but we've been in contact with the superintendent we had meetings yesterday we've had conversations today just about um what what has occurred and what should be the next steps and we are looking for alternatives for the pro for the program and um there there will be um items that will be coming out about that we have meetings coming up with with uh other other providers so that we can we can have good options to present to the council as well as to our our residents and that that need this service we're specifically dealing about the current the current program we're not looking at the summer yet we're just we're just looking at what what are the options that can be provided for um for residents and for those that need the service as of as of Friday there were 37 families that were enrolled at the McLoud School sunf fund program so there wasn't 200 there was 37 but that's still significant and we are looking for options and there are there are some things that um that we are going to be doing over the next eight eight hours or eight B business hours so that we can we can make make some decisions um we're dealing with this with the as quickly as we can and as thoroughly as we can there's an urgency to to what we're doing but we also have to take Direction because we don't want to impede this criminal investigation so um we're we will be back in contact we want to assure all of the parents that um we're working we're working on this um and that uh we're also working with our staff but there's something that came up today was um you know the was what happened with with with that child and with their parents they are getting assistance um they are getting um both me um you know I was they're getting they're getting assistance mental health assistance that's being coordinated through the prosecutor's office and they are they are being taken care of that way so please rest assured that that um that young girl and their their family are are getting the the mental and um assistance that they that are that's required as well as the medical assistance today we also um had a meeting with our with our staff because we have we have staff members from Sun and Fun that are that are are hurting as well because they're um they they feel they feel terrible about what happened and we wound up we we had a meeting with them uh we we we talked about them after we received permission from the prosecutor's office and the prosecutor's office had detectives uh speaking with with people both in the um uh that work for the city as well as work for the board for the Board of Ed but we wound up having a meeting with with our staff to give them reassurance but we also had a crisis counselor that was there so that we could talk to them because something bad happened but we have good we have good people at are working are working for the program and they are they are hurting and they need help so I wanted just to make sure that that you you knew about that um and then there are there are just there are are several other things that are that are going on but um those those were the those were the the the basic um the basic items that uh needed to be needed to be talked about and um thank you for that thank you for that council president I have something to say Hoffman we don't have to wait for an investigation to um make sure that the people get reimbursed their funds that their dollars that they've invested in there right now the city could take action on that well excuse me private no what I'm what I'm talking about right now is what the city could do financially for people who have already paid up that they need to get their money reimbursed back to them right away that that's what what the city can do right right away and and I think he said that they were doing some other things and maybe they were in touch with Burgen Family Center and others other resources but people right now need money to pay for something else whether it's a babysitter or somebody else excuse me but it but you know and and no in no disrespects to you I heard people come up they they want to get money back so you know this is something that I believe that the city could do because that doesn't take involving anybody else it's not other agency well not everybody's paid credit card so people have paid and and some people have wrote checks who who needs the reimbursement you can dispute whatever you want that takes time the city could act right away excuse me um I think we have to close right well okay excuse me get Services if you have money okay Mr car I hate to interrupt you we have a motion to close the meeting is sitting in the back she's you all know Bob's phone number you can call City Hall listen you you okay we have to close the session I think I'm pretty smart V on could we have a motion to close the session I know she said she needs okay we're going to have to close the point is the city should do something we we all agree we all agree the city should provide a service that's available correct we are all on the same side we are going to do everything we can motion to go into close session do I have a motion second I know car okay all in favor say I please I okay