hello oh I got call she's [Music] ready to go good evening welcome to the city council Workshop meeting of March 5th 2024 the time now is 7:42 will everybody please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of allei to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible withy and justice for all will a city clerk please read the open public meetings Act this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law notice of this meeting was included in a notice sent to the record and the star L Ledger and advertising said newspapers on January 17th 2024 posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as the required notices under the statute a copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk proper notice having been given the municipal clerk CL is directed to include the statement in the minutes of this meeting will the city clerk please do the roll call councilman Rosen here councilwoman wasi here councilwoman David pres C Sim Wilson presid council president cob here also present is Mayor Michael Wilds city manager Robert S Hoffman Deputy city manager John burner City attorney Bill Bailey CFO Michael calman and city engineer France FY first on the agenda bills and claims resolution 106 0305 24 approval payments of bills and claims in the amount of 2,213 61655 I need a a motion in a second I make a motion I'll second it any questions councilman thank you council president if we looking at page number one if we go down halfway to 00262 Business Systems unlimited Board of adjustment meetings what is that Michael the $4,750 it was for the whole year of 2023 I I understand that but I'm trying to gather what the amount is for is that for a lawyer is that for a zoom is that for okay all right so the rest of those are for it as well I would imagine yes okay it just help me out a little bit um if that was labeled thank you um we have something on page two uh the police department I think it's the 61 now seventh one down 24- z465 Carfax interface for 1,00 ,800 what is that that's the enforc that's the inar that's the inar um computer systems Carfax well it's it's in forces is is the system um and I'm not sure why they call it the Carfax interface but it's it's the uh yeah the two threw me off because CARFAX is like you know when you're buying something yep um okay um and if we go down St with the police department [Music] 00509 yeah that's for in community engagement training there's a seminar for that is that a couple days yes it is and the one under we pay for the first five uniforms those are the uniforms for our new officers yes the uh is that shoes bag badges shirts hats that's everything uh the except for the badges I believe it's the everything except for the badges the badges are ours are the badges the city is that why we don't pay for the badges no I think they come out of a different account we'll just dou do you have access to the backup information on that Michael if not we'll just uh just double check and get back get back to the uh the governing body with that and if we go down to page three public works department 24346 landscaping services Railroad and tracks $4,600 is that when we cleaned out the covert do you have that back up there yes s I'm looking at the the the vinden page page number three on the public works department par can I answer your other question first I'm sorry I was I was looking at that all right let me take my time go ahead forgive me no no forgive me um it was uh looks like caps the trousers the blouse the shoes a liner an embroidered name collars well it's part of the uh nylon Keepers duty belt raincoat baseball cap embroidered logo the whole uniform so the only time that handcuffs the only time that I'll see this is when we have new employees because they get a uniform allowance is that correct they get a uniform allowance yes so I'll only see this for new new employees yes thank you now I can I could do the uh what was the other P public works yeah Department 24- 346 Rosario landscaping and construction service and railroad Railroad and tracks at railroad tracks $4,600 yeah I think that was when we were cleaning out the Culver it's Forest Avenue a it was that yeah at Forest Avenue North of Forest Avenue we needed to uh I think that was on the east side of the railroad tracks when we CLE we were cleaning out the Culvert Forest Avenue yeah yeah yeah and that helped the flow of the water tremendously for those residents and those business owners on Forest Avenue uh part of my question part two of that is are we scheduling something on a continuous basis so we make sure that uh those residents and those business owners are relieved from flooding uh the answer is no the um we we had a limited window because the um CSX was redoing that ra that railroad crossing I remember so we went in and we um we cleaned it out even though CSX didn't want us to do that so um our our next goal is to make sure that CSX brings in their special equipment so that they can clean the Swale on both sides of the track but we are not actively scheduling any work on the CSX railroad tracks right now okay do we have a time limit for CSX I know it's um complicated and somewhat problematic to get CSX to come to our small beloved town they think they're above us and that's why we don't get the immediate service do we have we have a some type of timeline that I can tell my constituents that we're following through with the flood resistance on by the railroad tracks uh the answer is no we're working with Congressman go heimer's office um to try and get them to come down they do have specialty equipment that's up in the up near pipy that would come down and and uh be able to to clean out both sides of the the swell we want them to do it here we want them to do it in Leonia and tenek we want them to do it where they have active um where they have an active rail line and we want them to go up um north towards the hospital so that they can clean that whole swell area but um we we don't we don't have a timeline that you can tell uh tell when it's going to be done okay and if if we back up a little bit to under Public Works I believe it's the third one down 03 754 um the sewer Truck Repair we are up and running with that is that correct now that is repaired the go is a truck you is the truck back is that what you're asking the truck sir yeah yeah the truck is back in in in operation yes okay so our residents don't have to worry about any delays um that's good uh if we stay under the same title of DPW and we go to page four it's about 12 down 24-0 0455 barrel paramet uh $3,715 yeah that was for our Peter Bill truck um it needed um significant repairs um and it was done and it's it's back in operation so this might date me a little bit but I remember when we had qualified mechanics and at some point we enlisted um the paramis repair shop um is all of our equipment going now to paramis no not all of it but there are there's there are um significant pieces of equipment that are going there because we um either we don't have the uh the tools or or the uh the lifts but the know the the the truck the recycling truck it was it was number 20 it um you know ba basically they were they were able to do the do the repairs and um get it get it back to us uh so that it could get back in operation they they did it in a a fairly quick manner did I hear you say we no longer have a lift no we don't we have lifts but we don't always have lifts that can hold all of our equipment this is this was a heavier heavier piece of equipment okay um some of the stuff will talk offline but um if we go to the recreation department on page number five the first one 23- 0263 dear data $769 I know it's at one point we had a problem with the Drone is this associated with the Drone for the deer population yes it is this was this was the uh this was the deer study that was done um and the Govern the governing body received a copy of the report okay do we have more dear than we should be expecting depends on your point of view thank you council president thank you anybody else have any questions on the bills and claims I have um on page four we we have four items for Atlantic Towing and we're buying tires from them Mr cofman yeah yes we can't buy tires from a wholesal which would be probably cheaper for us I think I asked this question before is there a reason why we're buying that from a tow truck company when we checked with uh D director Jenkins the U it was it was the tires and it was the installation of the tires they were able to be um put put on the trucks uh quick quicker than if we were if we bought them from another establishment um so uh as he had he had explained they were uh the trucks were back in operation within a few hours as opposed to being offline for up to 48 hours and Mr cofman on page six we got five at the last number is uh 02337 12,942 and this is five I guess lease Dodge Durangos all-wheel drive where is so on page six the last item 12,942 yeah we we have we we where were these uh vehicles at I see explorers I see these little escapes and all that but I don't where where is these Durangos at let me see the date on the uh invoice why we doing that Mr VY under the capital uh the first three items on page six one for 16, 715 one for 23, 855 and the other one for 10,000 740 what type of remediation were we doing at 18 Army oh these are some of these are some of these are dated some of these go go back um but the remediation is is ongoing we have um Point wells in a lot of the sites and they get monitored over years so this doesn't happen right away they have to monitor if the if the uh contamination in the soil is going down going up whatever the case may be and that happens through a number of years but these I believe these were uh back um back inv that needed to get paid oh okay cuz I mean it would be interesting to know what type of contamination we had the 18 armories is a residence right yes and then we have this the police department what kind of contamination was that or remediation at at one point we had an underground tank at the police department and that was removed and as part of that they put some underground Wells just to make sure and the tank from where I believe believe was ruptured at the time it was removed so they have to by law put cont put wells in to monitor um whether or not the contamination is still present it's going down Etc and if it is going up and if it's urgent they will notify the city but the fact that we haven't gotten any crazy notifications means that the levels are probably how how long does this monitoring take place uh it depends we still have monitoring well in Depot Park from where the bank used to be a gas station yes so it depend depends on the establishment it depends on what it was used for it goes on for years so that means we got a well over there with the fire department we have a well where that was a gas station years ago yes we do and Armory Street we have wells there and the fact that they're residential makes it more crucial to keep those Wells there okay and and when when we do when we look at these uh remediation fees are are the residents paying those fees or how's this being paid Assurance how does that work that I'm not sure they buil they're buil to the city but I'm not sure how it it gets it gets paid through the city if it's through taxes I that's something that hopefully Michael can can help Michael how's that Mr cman I'm sorry the monitoring Wells there there's an ordinance there but um who pays for that is that a residence is that fee passed on to the residents or the city is taking that expense the wells yeah there's ordinance 1703 it's on page six in the capital so usually you know these These are wells that have to be monitored for a minimum of 10 years but is you know it looks like the city this since the city paid an ordinance it looks like this is a city expense we don't we don't subate it out to uh the former owner so is that do you know if that's accurate what I what I just said my statement so yes so it's a a city expenses a city expense yeah that we take you okay are you the V you should I tell you about the vehicles yeah please uh yeah so it was uh there was a resolution done in uh August of 20 of August of 23 so we authorized the purchase of uh the three Dodge Durangos for it end it shows was three so I think that was just a typo did we take delivery on them yet I could I I I'm pretty sure we did but I'll find out and get back to you only reason why I'm saying I haven't seen them and you know they look a little different than everything else we have here so just want to make sure that we got what we say we were going to get council president and you're saying it should be it should be three instead of five yes okay all right yes if I can just interject something um with Mr Voli and then again back to the cars I'm sorry excuse me um if we go into Capital Improvements 2302 880 DNL Paving construction 2023 curb and sidewalk program for 215 16 is that ADA is that where we're making all our curves Ada oh no this was this was part of our curb and sidewalk project I don't know if you remembered but we put some new sidewalks along ugan not we put some new sidewalk along Woodland um so there's a couple different areas throughout the town that needed new sidewalk to be installed and as part of the sidewalk repair we do have 8 compliant ramps yeah I'm aware because we we paid a healthy amount for the design of the ramp so I just wanted to make sure that was included in this no this is a separate project the the 88 ramp project is something that's different than this so we're doing curbs and sidewalks and we're not ADA Compliant th those curbs and sidewalks are ADA Compliant okay but we have additional uh projects that that require the the the uh the designs Etc and that's where the Boswell the Boswell design come in all right thank you Boswell I'll remember that um and thank you sir and I I just wanted to add on to the the not five but three police cars um are they com in already lettered is that in this price because I know we received cars the police and fire before and they don't come lettered they don't have the signature of ingood police or fire correct for that price I would surely like to see them lettered as well yeah I don't think they come lettered and then they once they they arrive they uh they have their fit out with with the other equipment but um yeah and the cars have AR they have arrived they're waiting for to be fit for equipment so oh so we have them but we don't have them they're not on the road exactly and we lease all our cars right these we bought we bought so why do we lease some buy others usually usually when we lease it's leas to buy so it's it's it's really we're buying them over a few years we're paying so sometimes we had a good deal we buy it sometimes we lease it depending if we take it out of operating Capital it all depends if you could if you could update this to three instead of five because we'll be looking for two cars I would appreciate that you know we don't we don't want to do that okay I think that's it for me um yes councilman yep hi Mr cman so um start from the top so 24 page one yeah 24- 316 so that Staples office supplies 24-410 Staples medium I guess binder clips um 24 so this one has the same number 24-410 so why would that have the same number is the one one above because it's charged of different accounts is the PO number the account number no if you look to the left where it says uh city clerk let's say uh oh so once city manager office equipment that's the line that it's charged to oh so the same PO number might be used multiple times ex yes okay yes so they all start at [Music] 24000000 wait 2 400001 and so okay um then we have a little bit down 24259 Business Systems unlimited 24261 Business Systems Unlimited 24263 business assistance unlimited all of them saying office equipment so why would office equipment be different than office supplies well one of them the the office the the office equipment here is is computers and software and related peripherals or or software licenses okay going back down so then towards the bottom of page one 24410 again staple office supplies 24501 Staples office supplies and that's $131 06 there's a there's a method to my madness don't worry don't worry uh page two 24591 Staples office supplies $4 4349 going on to page three middle of the page 24412 Staples office supplies $185.6 uh going on to page uh page six we have office con conepts group office paper so why does uh the Municipal Court use different supplier for uh office paper this the paper that the that the court uses is not the regular paper that okay it's it's special paper that they use okay so we we had like about 10 charges for office supplies all from Staples um now here so why did why did one specify what the office supplies were and the other one was kind of in general like the one that had the binder clips it depending usually who enters the purchase order sometimes uh my department enters it in okay payroll the purchasing agent sometimes the Departments enter it in so depending people enter it in differently so here's here's the big question and sometimes it's like a lot of things if it's like 133 things they just say generalize it's like two things they'll specify so here's the big question yeah when I go in into the Staples catalog they have pens paper pads binder clips all all the good stuff they also have kind of I think they call it breakroom category which it like has M&M's Oreos uh coke diet coke bean bag chairs so how do we know so if people are putting it in as general office supplies where's the checks and balances to make sure that um people aren't buying bean bag chairs for the office or you know um a couple of cases of Diet Coke uh good question I review every purchase from these vendors okay I get an email and then I have to approve it myself after they submit it okay so if you store a bean bag chair you say exactly what's up with that yes okay okay so who bought your beam no I'm kidding I'm kidding okay so all right so you're you're the you're the gatekeeper for that yes okay um and I apologize because I asked this two weeks ago but and and I should probably watch the um video again but can you explain the lean lean Redemption again to me and maybe bill you helped me out with this last time like why is this a positive for us um because want you yeah if uh a property owners was delinquent on their property taxes uh per state law leans tax leans are issued which means someone can come in and buy the lean when they buy the lean they're actually paying the city the outstanding tax is due so uh when property owner redeems the lean the money okay so they they go to Corporation so Corporation X has a business where they look for tax Lanes purchase them correct we have the tax sale in DEC and they they but they buy it for like 50 cents on the dollar or something like that no typically what they do is just cuz the math is easy say there's $10,000 outstanding in property taxes it goes to an auction and what they actually bid on is what the interest rate they'll get when it gets redeemed okay Summer's high is 18% but then they they bit against each other and then maybe they end up well I'll pay this lean off if I get 5% interest when it's redeemed okay now um and I know you're not in that business but do they look at where the property is do do want do some cities do better than others how do they um do they see if the person the owner died and that's why no one's paid the yeah I I think all the above um years ago I did some of this stuff I'm talking 20 years ago why why am I not shot get I represented a company that wasn't from New Jersey okay and across the board would buy like every tax lean okay and it was a big mistake all right because they were getting properties that no one was going to redeem the lean people just walked away from and okay I think for the most part they do their due diligence okay so then Corporation X now owns this lean the homeowner who you know or commercial property owner can says okay we have cash we have better cash flow now they redeem the lean from Corporation X and then the city refunds some of that money back to the all it property owner no the city gets the money and gives it to the lean holder and that discharges the lean okay okay so these These are we're kind of like the these are the companies that buy it yeah so CN one is the company that buys it okay and then the final question just looking at the escrow refunds I see the same names multiple times so why would why would you know and and some are some residents who I I recognize the names uh in my ward and other Wards um why would the same person have multiple escrow funds with different numbers he wants to answer that many many a time when we have uh individual properties do uh a new house let's say there's multiple permits that come out of that property whether it be a tree permit a soil permit a right of we permit building permit so when they get a certificate of occupancy and those permits get closed the refunds are all individualized so they could be for different permits that they're getting the refund even though it's the same property owner okay every every permit gets its own refund amount so that's that's why you're seeing multiple refunds under the same name and do they get interest on that on that money it's not out of my ballpark Michael about that is I don't know is I'm I'm not I'm not being provocative is that just is is that the state law or not if it's over a certain amount okay all right um usually the balances are too small and what's the usual timeline from getting the getting the permit to the to the escrow being refunded it it it depends that is something that we're working on trying to expedite that that process from when someone gets a certificate of occupancy to getting um you know the release of their funds usually it's done quarterly so it depends where you fall um and that but that's that's that's a timeline that we usually keep and those escro funds are used to pay the inspectors directly that's correct and if it goes to the planning board that play pays the planning board experts as okay so it's not just us taking the money it's there's a direct dollar for dollar yep that's correct okay they're buying our services with that yes okay if they run out of money in the esro account everything stops everything stops we write them a letter saying that that there you know their accounts overdrawn and we wait for them to replenish the account and they have a a very strong incentive to keep that positive right yes they do okay okay all right thank you very much no problem hi you know just in terms of the escrow accounts and I'm glad that you brought it up councilman Rosen SW I've been talking to Mr Hoffman about it because I have been getting complaints from residents that it's taking way too long to to get back that that money and we were talking right Mr hoffen about the need to um make it a smoother and a quicker process correct yes you would call councilman Ros yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes thank you councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next we have public comment on agenda items 069 079 081 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 and 114 comments will only be on these items on the consent agenda as you come to the mic give us your name and address and we have three minutes there are extra agendas in the front if anyone doesn't have one evening Raymond Diaz 4 Shannon Court can can you hear me I'm fine okay yeah it's um 10935 24 resolution authorizing emergency temporary Appropriations it is on the uh okay it's here it's it says uh 22 million 722 $33 is that typical that we in our budget that we have a specific budget at the beginning of the year and how often do we have an emergency budget during the year is this one time only or times does this happen I'll answer now or wait let them finish then you answer well that's for that question and the uh the 111 03 0524 Ward contract for of uh Firehouse kitchen renovations that's embarrassing 95,000 it seems like the fire department didn't have any input when the building was being built I think you have a new uh a new uh truck there I mean are are all the height of all the trucks the same or some higher than other so you should at least engineer it to the highest height in the event you buy one then it doesn't fit or the width of the door a kitchen like this 95,000 you know I don't think a kitchen at your house is about what average 30 40 why 95 no one had input into this stuff you left it to Engineers to make decisions for this town I find that absurd thank you um Mr Kaufman and then Mr VY will answer your second question please Mr okay so we the first temporary bu hold on I'm sorry for interrupting but I think what would be helpful is to explain when it says transfers what we're doing and why did we come to that point yeah so they get to understand exactly why we're here with that yes so the first the first TR uh budget temporary budget that we do in January cannot be more than 26.25 more of the prior year budget so usually that last that's enough for the first three months of the year we don't introduce the budget and adopt the budget until later than March 30th so we need to put more money into the budget so this just doubles the amount of the original temporary budget plus adds money for the pension payments that are due in April 1st so that wasn't included in the first temporary budget also because that would bring it over 26.25 per. and Michael and it's it's also this is this is the state law that it's it's 26.25 and by state law we have to make the pension payments by a certain date so that's why that's why we're doing this U appropriation and the state is the one that calls it an emergency appropriation we don't call it an emergency appropriation because we plan for it but the state the designation in the state statute is it's an emergency appropriation so it's and it's an every year thing that we do so technically we're just following the guidelines put forth by the state for the first quarter of the Year Mr VY you talk about that building down there to the left of us yeah yeah well this the building does have its issues um this particular um this particular item in the agenda had total input from the fire department that's the one thing that we did do we met with the chief uh we met with the the guys out there to make sure that this new kitchen meets their requirement it's uh it's built to take the the the uh the conditions that the the guys are going to are going to put on it let's put it that way it's industrial strength it has everything that they need to function properly so it is totally filled with input from the fire department and that's what we wanted to to make sure that they got what they needed um so it is what it is but it's it's a kitchen that we don't plan on replacing anytime soon um and and again it meets all their requirements and all their guidelines and what they're looking for in order to be able to to to uh to function properly in and out of there I I think probably what you should answer to while we have you here is that there's some work that needs to be done on the back of the building too oh yeah yeah that's uh we we're having some issue with the sighting um in the in the you know in the fire department the sighting is is coming off off the building that's something we're looking to take care of this year um again trying to find out exactly what happened I don't know if it's a Fastener issue I'm not sure exactly what what's going on there but there's definitely some problems um with with that building that needs to be taken care of can I can I ask you one question sure why would we put siding on the fir house why not brick not not my decision we had we had an architect a consultant come in and designed the build just asking a question you know I got that asked to me so I just wanted to know how that happened and instead of just putting the siding back up why don't we just break it and just be then they can put a ladder in case it has problems it it may be something that we we'll look into it hasn't been designed hasn't been touched but it's something that we have to to take a look at this year so we'll we'll wear our options and find out what makes the most sense thank you council president if I may while we have thank you counc um I I'm in agreement that is a lot of money um for the for the building to be so young did were we able to take care of the seepage pit that exist in the um in the kitchen that was bringing back fumes to the guys that's sport of what's going to be taken care as part of this also um this it's not just a kitchen there's other work that's going to be tied into this whole building that's that's under this the AC and improper stuff that was put at first not the AC but there's issues tied to the kitchen um that they're going to be taken care of as part of this it's not just the kitchen itself there are other uh issues that are going to be that are going to be taken care of as well okay so we have a total look at that is that correct yes that's correct okay all right thank you council president thank you Mr wiby yeah Rick willb Engle with New Jersey yeah for that kind of money is that a kosher kitchen or something you guys got two everything going in there or what does it make any sense uh this 2023 Reserve budget transfer what is that about Mr cof yeah I want to know what that's about and then um why can't we understand who the uh assistant city solicitor will be and uh who is the public defendant going to be and also this Municipal Alliance grant for fcal year 2025 uh you know I see these things here but I don't really understand what's going on they just there there's really no explanation uh also this uh the bids for landscaping services is that for the city parks and stuff like that H is that for the city parks Bob hello Bob you want to answer that one yeah the uh they were pardon me they they were for city parks and we're we're rejecting the bids and we're going we're going out again yeah but I understand why we're going out we got a very efficient DPW and a lot of these guys could use the overtime and I think we should utilize our DPW to do what we're subbing out all this unnecessary work to do I mean today I was someplace up on the hill and the police department is not the only Department should be getting all this goddamn overtime you know I mean why can't our DPW guys work these parks and do these extra gigs to make the money I mean why are we bringing in guys to work these places and do these things and we always get the worst job possible we seen that with the bathrooms over McKay Park so we have a DPW if we got to hire more guys hire more guys we got to get more equipment get more equipment but let's utilize the DPW that we have that does such a good job to begin with and let the DPW do what they're supposed to do to continue to beautify the city and to make sure that everything is done accordance that they've been doing all along so I mean I don't appreciate the the fact that this stuff is being sent out to bid you understand Bob I think you guys should really look into giv the DPW more work to do instead of less work to do let those men that are there that could use the overtime uh sit down and work something out with them so that they could get paid to do what they've been doing which is taking care of the city all right understand Mr Campbell good evening Council um this fire department that building is 8 years old 8 years old and already we we're putting in a new kitchen this is ridiculous it's absolutely ridiculous and I think PR said that this kitchen probably going to be there for a long time is it going to be there longer than 8 years that's the question is it going to be there longer than 8 years I think Lisa I think it was you you that mentioned to the the fire chief about all of the damage and everything else that's with that building somebody need to go down there and figure out what's going on with that building because it's just it's it's just it's absurd now you're spending all of this money for a kitchen and I understand there is there are things that are attached to the kitchen but that's still a lot of money to be putting into a building that's 8 years old you know and who's going to Bear the burden taxpayer people that live in Anglewood the taxpayer it's just it's ridiculous it's we got to do something with that building because you know it's it's like when you fix something then something else is going to go wrong and then something else going to go wrong and it's going to be like a a well you're just going to keep sinking money into it and it's just going to go deeper and deeper this is ridiculous Council this is absolutely ridiculous we need to do something I don't care if we have to bring in an engineer to to look at the building or whatever we may have to do we need to do something and we need to hold some people accountable because eight years eight years eight years a a building a eight years old is is a fairly new building it's new great M Mr Ry do we normally do a walk through the building and see what and kind of do a punch list of everything that needs to be done over fixed over is that possible we can get something to that because there have been a number of uh issues with that building and that we paid what did we pay for it n 9.5 million to build I I understand the frustration I'm frustrated myself um again we had a consultant oversee the project they walked through they did the punch list um so no I'm just saying maybe it would be a good exercise to go through the whole building from top to bottom and see what else needs to be done and we get price we that's something we can do but I I think a lot of it has to be maybe you know just testing of you know whatever is there already whether it be the AC unit the the intercom whatever there there's a lot of things that need to be looked at um that unfortunately the walls are up you can't see behind the walls but but it may be it may be worth it's something that we can look into it may be worth doing no we've already replaced the a we' have already replaced the the the doors you know so maybe you know it would be a good exercise orth you and Mr Hoffman and others to just do a walk through the whole facility and say okay here's what we got I I I think what what may help is I'll speak to the fire chief I mean the guys that use the building will will know more or less you know what they need and what what's what's going on with that building so trying to get a sense from them I I would help and counc Wilson I see you and speak to some of those ranker file like Lieutenant oyle there you know some of the guys who work every day they they can tell you as well it's no no no better than getting it from the rank of f councilman Wilson you say Yes um all all that was stated is correct but I I think if we do a better job fetting the contractors that come into our town that think that we're Easy Touch um we can start eliminating some of these problems and hopefully we don't implo these contractors on a consistent basis because it's workmanship that we're looking for uh has no nothing to do with the amount of time that the building's there it has to do with the workmanship of the contractors that we hire as a city so I'd like to see better vetting for our future contractors Mr V than Mr Council yes do we have any recourse at all Mr Bailey legally is there statute limitations is there if if they do this walk through and they find a work that wasn't meant or or minted for time um are there clawbacks on the mounts or do we have any specific performance that a court could order that things have to be replaced including an entire kitchen um it' have to be on a case-by Case basis certain things if they were known about more than six or seven years ago they're likely barred by the statute limitations um if there's latent defects however that could be different but in the kitchen for example there may be some manufacturer issues there may be the deployment of the uh equipment or something I think it would be wise um for a report to then be given to your good offices to see if there is a way uh for this to be clawed back I think principally as the councilman uh Wilson suggested it's smart to hunker down in the future but I'd like to see some teeth in this going backwards also eight years that's it that's nothing um I redid part of my house and then all my kids got married and had children but I knew what I was getting into and uh it was going to be for the Long Haul eight years is not is not satisfactory and for us to just uh go forward and make expenditures I I would caution to make this effort as it's a measure of principle to go back uh to the contractors the people who manufactured it the people installed it uh and the professionals maybe it's a professional uh mistake that was made particularly with an apron what was wrong with an apron if I may ask it's was it a concrete it's question this should take a seat next there there was a grading issue with the apron um unfortunately when the uh trucks were leaving the station um half of the trucks were in the roadway and half of the trucks were still in the apron and just that tilted and that twist in the truck itself would actually damaged the trucks so what we did is we lowered the apron and we made it smoother so it's a smoother transition out in the road so you don't have that twisting turn um into the trucks as they leave the as they leave the again these are vendors that know what they have this isn't Betty Crocker the kitchen these are battle tested gentlemen for the most part that are eating and using it in a heavy fashion and the apron also these are things that are expected in the wear and tear of a firehouse um I would again look at everything from the professionals down to the way it was deployed and see if there's a way to get back into there legally thank you I just give you a quick uh one thing is you can't trust these contractors I never did electrician or plumbers if you dealt with one and you gave them all the instructions and how to do it and all the specs and they did it well and I checked them all the time I didn't leave it to them I didn't uh I didn't trust them to do the right thing I have to check it so the owners here is not the contractor are the inspectors that we have here before he closed that the the drywall did he see if it was insulated did you check if all the electric wires were tied together or were they hanging loose that's us we got to if you care about what you're doing here you have to do the inspection I haven't heard any good news on inspections here even on the budget I don't know what they do but you definitely have to improve it thank you don't put the onus on on the cont yeah you want to answer the question about the transfers are uh a couple of accounts a few accounts from 2023 we have bills that we have to pay so we need a transfer money in specifically the big ones were workers comp and then the fire department when we have when we settle the contract this year we're going to not sure exactly how much we're going to have to pay back retro so just in case we're putting money in that salary line in case it goes over what we have as a precaution and what we should probably do going forward when we talk about the budget and you know that you're going to make those transfers maybe we'll have a little segment to talk about transfers that we're making for prior to that you know so that way people people attend the budget here and get a full flavor of the budget process and the guidelines and what you can do and what you should be we should take the opportunity to inform people as much as we can about what we're doing you know so they at least have an idea of what happens especially like what you said 26.5% of of the previous year's budget most people don't know that but there are guidelines that we follow for that so this will come into those transfers as well thank you we need a motion and a second to approve no the consent agenda can we can we're still in public session we haven't started finished okay I'm going to close the public session and then we need a motion and a second to approve I I move that we uh table Council can I interrupt you one second no no I I moved that we table resolution 069 wait a minute I'll second I said can I stop you for a minute I and I said no well I was making a motion well no no no youen is there is there an emergency that you were interrupting me I'm listening to the city manager he's telling me something what what's the emergency well he's not got to tell you he's got to tell me last time I looked I was the council president not you yeah last time I looked I was making a motion well listen Kent we not we're not going to do that here we're not going to do that here I said to you hold on and you can make your motion I was already in the middle of my motion listen listen listen there's rules there's Robert's Rules and there's order yeah so the the rule is when you're making a motion you can't be interrupted that are we going to follow Robert rules here Mr Coffman was making something he was getting my attention I was making a motion and I got interrupted and now we have a motion on the table that's been seconded and there's no discussion for this motion well it won't be it won't pass what's that the Community Development block rant and all right please watch your language okay I I'd like to take a break now a break we're not taking a break let's let's call the roll on motion wait point to Personal Privilege I'm getting yelled at here I'd like to take a break oh who's yelling at you nobody's yelling at you we can't have this kind okay we need we need to take a break we we we can't have we can't have we can't have this Behavior councilman Rosa swag if you think we're going to accomplish anything at this council meeting we just not going to have that that's not what the people expect from us I think this I I I think this is ridiculous that we can't work like we should Mr cman tried to get my attention on something and I said hold on one second and you wanted to do whatever you wanted to do that's not the way was that's not the way we should be working and nor is that going to be the way we're going to work that's not what we should be doing here council president I have I have a point a personal privilege on the table list listen I'm not finished talking I'm not and I got privilege because that's that's not the way we're going to conduct business here it's just not the way we we're going to conduct business that's not what the people elected us to do now if it's if if if if it's your intent to try to show me up you got a problem we it's not going to happen but if you want to work together that's what we're going to do that's all nobody was not listening to you but I'm going to tell you something right now I'm not going to tolerate that I'm not going to tolerate that and it's not necessary it's not necessary listen we're all here we're all volunteering our time and we all want to get stuff done and nobody's trying to stop you from doing that he's got something that he wanted to include before we did this that's important to the city of Anglewood it's about a grant for money for the city so he tried to get get my attention I I I you know what I don't know what you think but I'm not that guy I'm just going to tell you that and I'm not going to sit up here and I'm not going to try to disrespect you but I'm not going to let you disrespect me we we we don't need that we already have problems in this city and it doesn't do any of us any good for you and I to be at this like this for no reason at all for no reason at all seriously there's no reason there's no reason for that there's no there there's there's no reason for that it's not this is not what we're going to do here and we wonder why the city is what it is today unfortunately we can't do this K we can't we can't have this yes yes either one and then we we're going to give you what you want but what he has to say is really important to the people to angle it Mr Hoffman all right um thank you council president and um I I apologize for the last the last minute uh inclusion of this but at 6 o' tonight our our engineer and I spoke with the Community Development block grant director and um they are uh they are willing to allow us to um pass a resolution for a scope change for a grant that we have so that we can pave um we can pave two additional roads we have a grant to do Ada curb cut compliance but we also had a Federal grant to do the same thing so Community Development is willing to allow us to change the uh curb cut grant for of approximately $19,99 um to a Paving Grant so that we can pave two to three additional roads however it's time sensitive so the resolution if the council wishes to do this would have to be adopted tonight and the road paving has to be done by the middle of April so we literally we literally will start work on this tomorrow morning but this gives the city the opportunity to pave two additional roads using grant funding and I apologize for um you know for whatever uh uh you know archa this is this is causing but we just wanted to be able to save the grant because the Federal grant is is doing all of our curb Cuts so yeah I mean I would make a comment on that I appreciate the urgency to add that but right now we're on resolution for the consent agenda and we weren't given this information beforehand so I think in the future just in terms of process we would do the resolution for the consent agenda and then we would add the resolution because it's not in our emails it's it shouldn't have been on the consent agenda and then we wouldn't have had this incident tonight if it was done in a more thoughtful way I think well we were asking that it be added to the consent agenda we only received approval um at at 6 o'clock tonight from Community Development so um in a perfect world we would have done it a different way but there's no reason it just can't be a separate agenda item that we V on could whatever whatever whatever the wish of the council so long as you know if they want to take action on it it it has to be taken tonight okay well I I would I would can I would recommend that we take action on that after we finish with the consent agenda should I make a motion to do that if I may there's a motion that's been seconded on the table that should be acted on first okay um and then if you want to add that item that was just discussed it'd have to be a motion by unanimous consent to add it to as a resolution to the consent agenda or vote on it separately but there's a motion and a second on the table that's got to be acted on okay okay and they're unrelated I mean one's to table 69 and the other is to add an unrelated item the motion on motion on the table is what motion the motion is to table resolution number 069 there was a motion and a second councilman Rosen yes to the table councilwoman wasi yes councilwoman David councilwoman David councilwoman David are you there that's go uh councilman Wilson yes to the table for discussion and council president C yes I would like to make a motion to table resolution 107 second roll call uh councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David councilwoman David are you there councilman Wilson no council president cob no so it's a tie vote uh to yes to table to no to table Mr Mayor phone she's on the phone but she's not answering want me to councilwoman David are you there councilwoman David can you unmute maybe you're muted still it's on the municipal Alliance she's here but she's not councilwoman David are M are you muted please unmute if you are mayor breaks time what huh mayor she may have a problem she's on the line I don't know why she's not answering her phone yeah I don't know that we can't do that okay let's go let's go so you need the mayor to break the tie mayor this is for the municipal Alliance how about that break now take a break all right I'm goingon to talk out loud it'll be my Soliloquy the municipal Alliance uh deals with um alcoholism and drug abuse it was established um many years ago um in my first term as mayor in 2004 even in my earlier terms as a city councilman here um it was a real source of joy to people like Deborah Jones and a lot of other people who have no longer with us miss Margaret Temple and a few others the funding that went into this uh largely uh went to Children uh and to uh fathers that had a challenge with alcohol uh the issue here is you have two uh members of the governing body that do not want to fund something that's not set up the other two want to move forward as I see it correct no what is the what is the reason we're we're tbling it because of our we once you why are we tbling something like this well gy can tell you about it because it's it's our ordinance is not in compliance and when and um and their committee is not in compliance we've had multiple discussions about this I understand that we we want to do it correctly and this is to this is doing it incorrectly they'll get the money they'll get it but they have to we have to have a we have to have a committee that's in compliance the deadline for the Grant application is March 31st right okay so I I can hear do we have a do we have a council meeting before March 31st 19 the 19th so but this is a requisition resolution where we just council president point of order oh let the may have finish then you can come that that's the point of order okay it's a requisition for the funds you could always set up the municipal Alliance and and the right Criterion and the membership at a later time I remember this being so important to Wayne hamr and others as they were leaving office to make sure that the that the funding would be there correct well every year we have the same discussion we don't get it done and then it's at the deadline and just pass it and I'm I'm sick of doing things incorrectly I don't blame you I we need to do it in in the in the proper setup we we set up the municipal Alliance in in a specific with specific laws and now we're not following them so we're we're we're building on a house of cards here so let's so let's we got about a month here to get this done let's roll up our sleeves and get it done and that's that that's all we're saying here Mr C good good May no your your comment your thought listen yany will tell us she'll tell you that we don't have any time so if the money's come in if we vote on this tonight if I break the tie in in the in in the favor of of funding it then we can very easily set the mechanism to make sure it's spent judiciously correct right it's deja vu all over again I mean this is the same story year after year let's just do this emergently then we'll set it up and then next thing you know it's March and we need to get this done we'll set it up next time four years in a row with this without putting the squeeze on M M what is the reason for the delay in not having the right infrastructure setup honestly please sorry I'm putting the crunch on you the uh the go the this the the um the C the council has um has the opportunity to um set set the municipal Alliance up set up the the uh the terms properly but this is this has been a council dis discussion um we there's a there's a grant that's there but it's just the the members of The Alliance have to be appointed by the council and they have to have the the proper uh the proper terms and the the bylaws have to be have to be followed so okay so if I okay this the money is get expended and today in private session the council could decide who's going to be on it and that'll be it correct no yeah yeah yeah and again I didn't want to when I first I didn't want to interrupt but Robert's Rules there's no discussion on a motion to table I didn't mean to interrupt but I she got councilwoman David on the line well I I'm happy to give my vote and break it and go forward if you like she's got her on the line it's up to you sir okay okay so um I just explained to uh councilwoman David uh which resolution was um was the motion in second to table and who voted yes and who voted no councilwoman David what is your vote this the vote the vote is to T to table yes or t table no no okay thank you okay thank you so so far we have resolution number 069 tabled and if I may council president given the motion to table do you want to pull that from the consent agenda or are there any other items on the consent agenda that you want to separate vote on I would I would like to pull it from the consent agenda for discussion 069 well 069 is tabled right so it's if someone moves that there's a second then there's discussion but that's a separate vote from the 79 81 108 through 114 right so we we should just do a roll call on 7981 108 109 110 111 112 113 and 114 right you need a motion in a second I make a motion on those particular consent agenda items I'll second it please read the items 07 79 79 81 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 and 114 okay thank you yes roll call roll call okay uh councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next now we have 107 U yeah so 107 so you need a motion and second so you can have a discussion we need a motion and a second for discussion 107 I make a motion I'll second it discussion okay so I I'll I'll be happy to have a discussion um we had this on the agenda several times last year and there was a commitment made that we would that in the beginning of the new year which was January of 2024 two months ago that two things were going to happen that that new that Anglewood was going to our ordinance is not up to date with the state ordinance and and that ordinance needs to be needs to be done and I don't know how much longer I mean do we just not want to do it do we not want to be compliant with the state I mean what's what's the process here in addition to which the members who are on the municipal lions are not appropriately appointed or in compliance with either the city or the state's ordinances so we have a problem here so we can accept a grant but who who is who is AD minister ing the grant an alliance that is not legitimate because it's not appointed by the council because the terms were from 15 years ago because they don't have the same um they don't have the distribution that the state is requiring I mean what's what's our plan here so we're going to take a grant money who's administering the grant money I mean we've had this discussion so many times last year we even had it in Clos session you know who's going to take the leadership here and get this done councilman Wilson well if we're talking about appointments and since we don't want to point any fingers mayor um um I I understand the hesitancy the reluctance for those that may not feel that this is proper for us to pass tonight um what I also want to exhibit is that it's a grant it's not coming from the taxpayers it's not coming out of our pocket I think this is we're fiduciary responsible to have something like this in our Arsenal and if we neglect to move forward on something like this because we have some glitches all throughout the system if we want to start pulling down glitches about what's not in place let's start from the top let's not pick out something so important that we have a grant here staring Us in the face in order to benefit our city so if we're going to pick let's pick all from top to bottom let's not stop because there's plenty of things on Thea and on the menu to pick from thank you council president you're welcome Council Rosen s so um on this ordinance when it say says C cash match who's cash who's matching it so is that from the city yes so 1 million 438 $1,438 so there is tax money going on here so this is It's not that much $1,400 but it is tax money and every penny of tax payer money is important so we we don't want to F yeah we're not talking about ton of money here but if if our planning board operated like this or our zoning board operated like this every single case would be appealed and go to court and we would lose so we got money on the table we're putting skin in the game we're matching cash we're spending our cash our tax taxpayers money on this and and we don't and then you know a year later we find out the grant wasn't done correctly every was like how could this happen how how did this ever happen how did we know well because we have a committee with which people who aren't who aren't in compliance with being on that committee and that's how it happens so this is where it starts and this is where the problems come and then a little bit down the road we all go oh my goodness how in the world did this did this occur and and and this is this is seed one and if there other things not working well let's take them one by one we're only in March we got a whole year to get this done I'm I'm up for it all but there's there's no matter too small to do it correctly you know can I may I speak well okay cuz I'm I'm getting ready this you you speak I'm speak no no no you speak cuz I'm going to close the door you want me to speak you want to I gave you the floor okay this is the state requirements for the municipal Alliance committee for participation in the alliance Network to prevent alcoholism and drug abuse the governing body of a m of a municipality must appoint a municipal Alliance committee or join with one or more municipalities to form an alliance Consortium to which they appoint Municipal Representatives okay so that's number one the governing body needs to appoint okay we haven't done an appointment in how long yany I think the last person appointed was council councilen aland at the time councilwoman olant was how many years ago was that before my time before your time okay the heart of each community's local prevention effort is its grass Roots volunteers and representatives that form a board-based Community Coalition called the municipal Alliance committee this committee brings together representatives from government agencies public and non-public schools Health Care organizations law enforcement agencies business and Civic groups parents Youth and the community at large the municipal Alliance committee is responsible for overseeing the Strategic prevention framew work process in their Community membership on a municipal Alliance Comm committee must include broad representation from the local community to make an influence change membership should include but is not limited to one mayor and or members of the governing body two the chief of police or design and other law enforcement agencies three School District administrative staff and or a school board member member four Student Assistance coordinator coordinator or other student support service staff member five a representative of the parent teacher Association or other homeschool Association six parents and or Guardians seven a representative from youth servicing organizations eight a representative of the Chamber of Commerce or local business nine representatives of local Civic or volunteer groups 10 representatives of local faith-based organizations 11 private citizens with interest or experience in issues concerning alcohol or drug abuse addiction or juvenile delinquency 12 youth Representatives 13 older adult Representatives 14 individuals who have been affected by alcoholism or drug abuse including individuals who have been directly affected by their own or family members abuse or addictions 15 Health and Human Service agencies professionals especially Health Care Professionals including pharmacist Physicians or therapists 16 representatives of the local Communications Media or public relations 17 representatives of public and private organizations involved in the prevention of or treatment of alcoholism and drug abuse and or the regional Coalition there is no limitation on the number of members who may be appointed Ed to the municipal Alliance committee however it is required that there is a broad representation from across the community in order to ensure a representative programming sustainability and cultural competency the membership of the municipal Alliance committee to represent the cultural composition of the community an individual cannot be listed on the municipal Alliance committee membership form in more than one sector the committee should include members who have the skills knowledge and resources the alliance needs a complete list of the municipal Alliance committee members with their addresses and email addresses must be provided annually to the county Alliance coordinator and to the gcada I'm not sure what that is but as part of the strategic planning process so it must be provided annually residency requirements terms and appointments election of officers ad a minimum 50% of the members must reside in the municipality members must be appointed for specific terms officers May either be appointed by the governing body or elected by the committee which which I'll wait I'll wait at a minimum 50% of the members must reside in the municipality members must be appointed for specific terms officers May either be appointed by the governing body or elected by the committee whichever method the municipality chooses every Alliance must have a chairperson who is different from the alliance coordinator the chairperson is responsible for running Alliance committee meetings and providing leadership through the alliance committee to formulate local policies and procedures the alliance coordinator is responsible for the administrative duties of the of the alliance such as completing required reports are we getting reports YC no okay required reports and applications for Alliance funding scheduling consultants and providing support to the municipal Alliance committee the chairperson is a voting member of the committee the coordinator is not a voting member the municipal Alliance I'm going to skip half the page the municipal Alliance committee functions the M the municipal Alliance committee is responsible for creating a coalition of community leaders private citizens and representative of public and private education Health and Human Service agencies who will make a comprehensive and coordinated effort to promote and support CommunityWide drug and alcohol prevention education public awareness environmental programs and relating activities implementing the Strategic prevention framework in order to perform local assessments build local prevention capacity plan and Implement effective Community strategies and programs and evaluate the municipal Alliance committee's effort for outcomes that include one conducting an assessment of their Community to determine the needs of the community in regard to drug alcohol and prevent prevention issues two identifying existing strategies program Services activities and resources designed to prevent and reduce alcoholism and drug abuse three identifying a logic model which includes problem state root cause and local conditions to prioritize the needs of the community four implementing documented evidence-based programs practice-based programs and environmental strategies at the municipal level which have been demonstrated to be effective or participating in regionally developed programs that accomplish the purpose of the municipal Alliance effort five establishing an evaluation process to measure the outcome of programs and practices in order to understand their effectiveness and identify needed changes evaluation findings should serve as a key factor at each step of the Strategic prevention framework assisting programs specifically developed for the prevention of delinquency School withdrawal team pregnancy and truancy to acquire alcoholism and drug abuse prevention resources such as educ educational and awareness information reduces the risk factor for developing a substance use disorder in these population supporting sexual violence domestic violence mental health and suicide prevention programs in the community in the development and inclusion of education on substance use disorder prevention could also be a priority for the alliances assisting the municipality in acquiring funds for municipal Alliance programs including the establishment of a permanent standing subcommittee on fundraising support collaborate and promote prevention efforts in schools law enforcement business and Civic groups and other community organizations collaborating with local school districts districts charter schools nonpublic schools in the review of their K through2 comprehensive programs for Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Abuse Prevention intervention referral for evaluation referral for treatment and continuity of care and pursuant to the requirement they list the state uh law that that it has to that it's um consistent with etc etc it goes on to cap capacity cultural relativity capacity sustainability and that ends the the DI the the the um what its responsibilities are so you know why is this this this Alliance is very important it has a lot it it it it can really help our city and we need a functioning Municipal Alliance so if my colleagues on the council you know this is not a racial issue and if my this is this I'll wait the municipal Alliance committee serves a serious function in this city so we we could you know so I don't know how many times I have to come to the council and say our ordinance and and I'm not going to read our ordinance but you can find it online our ordinance is not consistent with the state requirement we've discussed this as a council we we made a determin determination at the end of last year that this would be fixed in January of 2024 the committee hasn't been nobody's been appointed to the committee since you said Lyn algrant who hasn't been in office and I don't know I think in nine years so I guess I guess I you know I I guess the way the way that I like to do things I like to do things the right way we could do it the right way we could take this seriously we can help the residents in the city of Anglewood on all these important issues that we talk about all the time we say our children need our schools need our children need we need to do things right or we could just we can just y or or we or we could just we could just say okay well now it's March we didn't we didn't we didn't uh we didn't CLE we didn't clean it up we didn't clean up the organization we're not in compliance with the state ordinance but we're going to keep going forward so what I would do what my recommendation would would be would be that we say okay we table it we didn't say no we said let's table it let's get our ordinance in order for the next meeting which is still in March which still gives time to accept the grant money and let's do it the right way we could do it the right way or we could just keep doing it but my vote on this if we do not table this is going to be no how long do we have but I want to correct something Yan said I was I was appointed after Len or Grant as but as a council person coun right but it wasn't as Council but I was appointed by by the chairman Wayne Amer that's correct so let let's let's let's be correct with that and I don't need a dissertation on that because I'm I'm familiar with that but um what is what is the timeline to accept that Grant March 31st March 31st is the deadline and how long how how long would we have we we wouldn't have enough time right uh it takes about a month and a half to two months to um amend an ordinance right here here's what we're talking about time frame so we can't trust the city of Anglewood to manage ,000 then we're talking about some whole other issue and and if it was so important you would have read that dissertation three three meetings ago we did you you read that you didn't read that um I received it from yansy everybody on the council received it from everybody on the council yansy when did you send it to the council members what you read today what I'm saying is if you thought it was that you would have been jumping up and down with that and and you know what there's there's a there's a way to read something to people and there's another way to read it at people and all and all I'm saying is when you say do things right as councilman Wilson said we can get into some things so if you're going to point fingers then nothing gets done but it will get done on this watch the problem is if we don't do it tonight and and and and apply for the grant then we won't get the grant that's the key here what you're saying is don't do this with wait till you do that and we're not saying we won't put the right infrastructure and nobody has said that Mr cup no nobody has said that let me let me let me finish but you know I don't know what's going on tonight and I don't know about all this obstructionist but we're not going to have that I'm I'm just telling you cuz that's not going to get anything done here but we going to get some things done and I think it's important that we understand that if we do this and we amend the ordinance which everybody knows that an ordinance takes more you can't just get it done at the next meeting so so let let's let's go with the reality mayor W was first councilman thank you council president I have a suggestion um and I appreciate that it was read fully and it talks about cultural competence and it seem it's a win-win if you appoint this evening a municipal Alliance committee you then put the funding mechanism in we don't have to put this off for a month and we move on to something more uh important although dealing with drug abuse and alcohol is an important uh privilege and no matter what the amount is at issue we should try to bring it in I would ask and only because there are males that who I know their name in this room Mr Walter Young Deacon Leroy Campbell firefighter ho Mr Jansen Mr Damen Harris and Mr Shiki Merit to volunteer this evening the six gentlemen here to be part of the municipal Alliance if that meets with the panel's approval you appoint them tonight you fund this and then you'll select the chairperson and you'll go forward on this thing and that'll be the end of this if those six gentlemen would agreed to do it and if the council would agreed to point appoint them they're all people that came out of the goodness of their heart to listen to a council meeting uh on their free time much like ourselves and I think we get on with the show and I think everybody here is well- intended whether it's form or substance but we got to get this done and move forward so if the six uh gentlemen are there um then just give us a thumbs up um it's up to you if you'd like to be part of it if if we take a f minute break and Mr Cobb is up to uh doing this and moving it forward you have a municipal Alliance committee and then you do the money and that's the end of it good let's do it okay oh councilman Rosen swag he wants to say be on it yep so um um yes it's you I I'm waiting till uh we have some order here okay um obviously we can't get an ordinance passed before the end of the month because that's a four to six week process but we can get an ordinance written in time for for the March 19th meeting and even possibly introduced by the March 19th meeting and that would be a show that the council is committed to getting something done obviously we can't squeeze 14 days into 10 but we can get the framework done so that we're in compliance and there's nothing preventing us from doing that before the March 19th meeting so that would be my so I don't need a passed and completed and non vetoed and you know chiseled and stone ordinance to get this through but we don't even have a good faith uh commitment that we're going to work on this it's always we'll get it done in the future we'll get it done in the future let's get something on paper by March 19th I'll vote in when I see that I'll vote in favor of this res resolution and we can we can show uh that we're actually moving things forward and getting things done that would be my advice councilman Wilson thank you um councilman Rosen schwag and thank you for correcting me about that we are putting money into this the match as far as um the taxpayers so I do stand corrected each taxpayer with put approximately 18 cents into this so I stand corrected please forgive me so so go ahead then I'll finish and we'll go ahead no you you can do you can go ahead so I'm just going to jump in a little bit there is an existing ordinance already in our code it just requires a little bit of tweaking correct um Additionally the the grant that's being applied for now is for fiscal year 2025 so the money won't be received and for until next year's programming so this gives us time I don't know if that's a fair compromise for everybody but we would have enough time to tweak the ordinance because it's there's already one existing and all those rules were most of them are already in there and it's at the discre I did talk a little bit to the lady from the county it's pretty much at the discretion of the governing body on how they want to form their Municipal Alliance committee um we are already have nine existing positions in the ordinance so you would need and there's no limit you can have it be nine you can have it be 20 you can rearrange the the the categories it's all at the governing body's discretion and I don't know Bob if you wanted to jump in to continue that so to to get something done by the 19th the question is who would who would do this would this be something that the um the city solicitor would would do or would this we we we pay him pretty well I think he would have to get involved in this because it's an ordinance so Bob would have to I mean bill would have to yeah do it in conjunction with the clerk and the city manager right we we'll do that so that that makes the commitment so everybody hears what the commitment is right here by the 19th with them these three people so I would ask the governing body to look at our existing ordinance I'll email it all out to you let me know what is in there that you like that you don't like look at the state rules that the councilwoman just read let us know what it is that you want tweak we tweaked we are on limited time then so we don't hear by the no we're not waiting till the 19th next next meeting no the next early next week or mid mid if we don't if we don't hear from you by Tuesday of next week the 12th we we'll we'll move on but we will have something on the 19th in place and and it will be authored by Mr Bailey he he he will be the author of this with along with Yancy and and Mr um Hoffman counc one more quick sure I'd like to correct you again councilman Wilson it's less than a Nicko for Resident so so let's be clear we so Mr B you got all the moving Parts here now yeah we still have a that's been seconded on the table though has it been seconded Mr Wilson there's no there was no table what you want to huh there was no table it was just to pull to discuss to to discuss right yes that was and that created all this storm huh it's pretty good I think we all good with that it's called a workshop I guess it's called a workshop and I guess we using it so it's pretty good tonight okay so we have and I think everybody got something out of it too this is good councilman rosers swag said he'll have something we'll have something for him on the 19th right we'll go in and I think the the biggest thing is all the folks that we want to include in recommending who we want to have in this sorry I apologize the we have a motion in second to approve resolution number 107 and we still need a roll call okay so hold on let let me so to approve this councilman Wilson made the a motion and you made the second I made the second right so sorry I had to go on to the next Pap because there's still a deadline for the the approval time right yes that's the key but we're going to make sure we got a commitment for the resolution to be drafted right um part of that would be the um appointments I'll send you the current list make the appointments how how do we want to handle that let let's be clear it's a council decision um the mayor offered up some people but I think it's important that um my two constituents brought it up to see if they have someone that um they on the committee by all means so we're we're all inclusive right Mr swag have some people that he would like to commit to this very important membership or I have some people too there you go right so by Tuesday of next week you send your list so the list will be in there and everybody will know and it has to follow the categories though right so we know what the categories sub these gentleman in the back of the napkin that I just wrote I'm submitting them as myo little short cuz if everybody submits six then we'll have the whole town in here well I don't want to offend the six people that I ask no I I I hear you I hear you hold on one second I'll look up in Websters for you um um hold on what go ahead what are you gonna say I was going to say additionally one of those appointments as a member of the governing body so if anyone's interested on sitting on the allines please also send the email to myself and the council president and Mr Hoffman letting us know of your interest please okay no what happened to um be on the committee I I think the health department has to play a pivotal role too they have to be um presid and the administrator we'll we'll get somebody from the health department so I I mean what do you want to do do you want to vote there's a motion on the table to vote in favor of the grin we need to we need to move on yeah and we got a whole agenda and a close session we got to get to councilwoman D so you guys got it do this unanimously let's sync it okay all right yeah okay she's on okay so we're going to vote for resolution number 107 roll call councilman Rosen so I had said I was going to vote no but with the commitment to introduce the ordinance at the next meeting I'm going to take that in good faith and vote Yes you got it you got it okay uh councilwoman wasi the same for me I'll take it in good faith and vote Yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson I too will take it in good faith that we're going to move forward so I vote Yes and council president C I'll shepher the audience I mean the ordinance and yes sir we will get that one this is the workshop huh this is what we do okay next thank you so I move resolution 115 uh for the community block rant as Mr Hoffman introduced tonight I'll second it that's to add it to the agenda first and then I move that we add resolution 115 to the agenda for the community block grant I'll second okay all in favor you don't need a roll call on that any opposed now I move to resolution 115 for approval of the community block grant I'll second it roll call sorry um councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wasi yes councilwoman David yes thank you councilman Wilson yes council president C yes next resolutions for discussion appointment of recreation advisory committee closed who closed Co this is all these are all enclosed appointment to Recreation advisory committee appointment of the traffic advisory committee appointment of hisor IAL preservation of azary committee um approve and reject auto repair and auto collision bid raising the quote threshold to 6,600 per lfn 20244 authorizing duplicate tax sale certificate and refunds due to overpayment of taxes ordinance for discussion just counc president the last four are not close session items correct okay correct so the these four Mr Bailey so number four is that who's that Bob that is that you yes we're we're evaluating the the bids that came in and we will have a recommendation for the meeting on the 19th that's for um the auto repair and auto collisions um the next one is raising the quote threshold it's it's it's a little bit um it really should say raising the minimum quote threshold for for um for Russia bellusa um to $6,600 so the state statute or the state local Finance notice says that anybody that's associated with or has an interest in Russia or bellarus um they have to file a form if there if the if they're going to do work that's over ,000 for the municipality for a municipality in the state of New Jersey the local Finance notice will allow that to be raised from 1,00 ,000 to $6,600 so that's what that's what that is and that that equates to the quote threshold that the city currently has okay Mr Bailey authorized duplicate tax yeah I believe that was uh to replace a lost tax Sal certificate and the next item is um refund due to overpayment of taxes uh which are duplicate payments ordinance for discussions amendment of chapter 307 article one disorderly conduct to include the parking garage if I may yes please take this uh council president y so yansy had put into the package um a version of an amendment to the resolution that the only change to it the current ordinance would be adding uh that language pertaining to the parking garage to have increased security um you know make sure that you're there for the purpose of utilizing the garage that type of thing um my assistant had sent a Redline version just to show you what was eliminate eliminated from prior discussions so if there's a willingness to adopt this with the only change to the existing ordinance to be to add the parking garage we can put it on for introduction at the next meeting um so we need everybody to get back to you about this yeah yeah everybody needs to get back to Bill if you have any changes based on what he sent council president yes sir so this is some you know the Sid was here four weeks ago and got an ovation I joke with them they got an ovation is actually because I wasn't here so everyone was happy about that but um um that was at the February 6th meeting they really really want this done and and and and they they were borderline despondent when I said it it hadn't been passed last year so let's just we've been talking about it for a long time but they want to make sure the the uh the garage is uh is protected and included in this uh in this ordinance which last night we talked about spending 990,000 on the garage over the next three years uh so let's not have people setting fires in there uh we got to we got to give uh the police some ability to uh to uh to do enforcement in that area because right now they're they're hampered by it so uh if you don't if you don't do it for us do it for the said let's make a commitment to getting this thing done for the next meeting please all right councilman Wilson thank you council president um just in the form of transparency excuse me when I initially saw this verage for disorderly conduct it rais theed FL for me um as being the fourth council person I have the privilege of representing my constituents and my biggest worry was the cage that we previously had would over spell into the fourth War giving the police more teeth more opportunity to take Liberties that we already suffer from but this new verbage I am actually okay because it addresses the garage and not the entire city so I am okay with the new ver okay so I think we we can put it on for we can put it on for next meeting okay great to to get that done and then councilman Rosa swag could go back and report to the Sid make them happy right Mr VY could you come and give us a an update on and I think anybody who came to the budget hearing last night you know saw you with your nice suit and tie on that you gave us an update of things that you want so can you just tell us about some of the projects that are going on right now and some of the activities that engineering department sure has going on eventful meeting um just just briefly um Hudson Avenue the cover is coming to an end so that should be completed probably by the end of the month um we also hold on one second so you're saying it's going to be open yes we are yes wow we are aiming to get it guess everyone can hear me we're aiming to have it completed by by the end of the month so that's our goal hopefully it'll stop raining but you know that that's the goal right now we're also currently working on Humphrey Street uh between Lyndon and tibs and also we'll be doing tibs uh to William Street um uh as I mentioned last night there was a a grant that was acquired at the last minute by our city manager and we do have a deadline to complete that project uh by April so we are pushing the contractor to get it completed um get it done so uh that that also will be done by the end of the month um currently we are focused towards drainage and you know and uh infrastructure issues um as I mentioned yesterday last night uh the loads are a wreck you know the utility companies have uh are still in the process of uh updating or upgrading their infrastructure they're they're primarily in the Third Ward right now but they're making their way in into the fourth ward and and part in the second ward so uh they are going to go through the through the city and we are going to meet with them in a couple weeks just to get a final list from them as to which roadways are 100% completed with the infrastructure improve improvements so we can start um repaving those roadways uh as I mentioned it's going to be uh it's anticipated to be a very heavy uh you know um Road uh Improvement project this year we're anticipating between our roads and the roads of the utility companies we're looking at 40 45 roads that we're we're looking to you know to hopefully get accomplished this year so it's going to be busy um you know there's a there's a lot going on I'm sort of giving a a a broad overview but uh uh we we're going to be busy this year um and the residents I hate to say it I know the utility companies are impacting everyone right now but when we do the road projects it's also going to impact the residents also there's going to be a lot of detours uh happening while we get the work completed but hopefully when it's all said and done we won't see utility companies in our roadways for for quite some time so that's the goal okay okay so one of the things that you hear floating out there is that you know they're tearing up the roads and that we're going to have to pay for that that's that's not true no they're they what we've uh what the utility companies are it's twofold they they know that they're tearing up the roads and they know they're going to be repaving it as part of the sort as part of the project what we are looking to do is we have our own roadways that they're separate from the work that they're doing that we're Paving as well um the only thing that we want to make sure is the roads that we're Paving that they're not going to come um after us and we pave them but the work that they're doing in the roads they're going to be Paving themselves um we're going to supervise the work that they do make sure they're doing it correctly uh up to our specs but we are going to be working with them to make sure that all the roads are paved thank you anybody got any questions from Mr VY do you think they'll be out of the second ward by the time um uh the New Jersey DOT closes Jones Road that is a good question I would I I can't answer that right now to be honest with you um I I would tend to say no but I I'll double check I'll double check and get back to you on that but it's the the utility companies are are there for a long time um if they've been in the Third Ward for God the past three four months so it's it's it's going to be some time it's a lot of infrastructure that they have to do so depending on how much work they have to do they may they may be there while you know while the root four project is is in full is in full mode yeah the um France one of the things initially was there when we had the meetings with them their goal was to be um finished with the utility where close to Jones Road before the dot started so they may still be in the second ward and others but they're their goal was to get that infrastructure work done um you know be before the state the state came in to do the the bridge work and um I know that they were running they they were running utilities under creating underground vaults and they're you know yes so they they should be finished with that before the bridge comes in I I I hope so I know I know they ran into some hiccups on on Lyndon the Lyndon and Jones Road intersection so um so we we'll you know we're we're staying on top of when trying to put P them um they understand I I'm in their ear all the time about how much of an inconvenience and a nuisance this is and that we need them out of here as quickly as possible it's been too long already uh and everyone's sort of that their wits end with the with the improvements but it's a necessary evil um but y so I know some some folks have asked so any of the I think the really the drainage issues or the from flooding you you know wherever we could get done this year across the city and various streets and retaining walls and all that you know just keep us updated at to those things you know yeah th those those are going to be big ticket items um as I mentioned we have some grants that we have to use that have deadlines that are going to cover a lot of that kind of a lot of that drainage work and and drainage improvements we are getting outside help there be Consultants like said Boswell engineering is going to be helping us we're getting other consultants in we we mentioned the grants through the uh through NGIT so we're going to have a few people helping us to try and uh alleviate the the issue and help us out so it's exciting I think we're goingon to we're going to come out of this a lot better than we currently are where wherever um major projects are being done make sure that that council person is aware because they're going to get those barded with those questions so just give them a heads up so they know what's going on so therefore they can respond to the residents in their W um which will be important but part part of what I I'm going to try to attempt doing is is maybe work with the city manager's office and maybe have stuff posted on the website so everyone knows what's going on like I said it's it's going to be pretty hectic if things roll out the way I I want them to roll out uh it's going to be fast and furious it's it's going to be hectic so we we're going to have to notify uh everybody as what's going on and we're going to have to make it as as public as possible sure sure anybody else have any questions for Mr Vol so you're going to be the coordin the co the one coordinating between the utility companies and do to make sure that people have a path yeah I'm I'm the victim unfortunately okay and I and I just think um the best way to communicate I mean it's fine to put on the website but I think a lot of people get those nixel alerts yep yep that that works pretty well as long as it comes early enough in the morning yeah yes I think that's something that we'll work out with the city manager as said what's the best way to communicate the thank you okay thank you Mr VY next item for discussion changing the city colors I don't know if this is a change but this is something that many of us who've lived here many a long long time um know about the maroon and white that Anglewood has been so great graciously represented um so this is up for discussion uh as you see in many other municipalities now the tenek Leonia fortly and others they all the schools as well as the municipalities are using the colors in coordination with the towns so this is something that uh we've been having some discussion around and we couldn't find whether it's been I guess in concrete in terms of from paper but we know what it's been for all of us who've been here for a very very long time so there's going to be more discussion on that but maroon and white I think is the favor of the day or that you know so Mr C see you got your hand right I know that's right that's right I know right and white I know that okay I know we're not changing it that that's what we had to identify with that to make sure that it's it's in concrete somewhere in stone okay we got it so so councilman C can you elaborate on when you change the city colors well I don't think we changing it it I don't know okay but but what what when you it I'm just reading it says changing the city colors so can I ask I think that's not the right way to say it oh okay I'm just reading it off the the discussion think it's not the right way but my question to you is what are we what where are you changing the colors what do you mean what do you mean by that so if you I'll give you an example if you see any communication coming out from the health department it's in Maron white and their memos or their handouts the library is even gone to maroon and white the school is is is is maroon and white um so we we just need to coordinate and Mr VY and I said to them I said look at all the signs like T 's colors are blue and white the street signs are blue and white Leona's colors are maroon and and gray street signs are maroon and gray and Fort Lee is the same thing orange and black black they're all at so we're just lining up just like everybody else is so we have colors that relate to the town so we're talking excuse me so so we're talking about changing um I guess the stationary or communication well what stationary you talking I don't know I just you said when well yeah I mean this is a discussion I mean so we we here in the workshop yeah I I guess we would follow some we would have some more uniformity to what we do in terms of colors of the tent right so when so when departments will send out our correspondents it would be maroon and white the street the street signs would be maroon and white and any other changes any other places I I think anywhere whether it be the website however we do it I mean if you look at these old if you look at DPW the building is maroon the firehouse is maroon I mean so we we've kind of done that so it's not a such a other a heavy lift uh other than just for more consistency and line up with everybody else but you know I think that that's what we should do thank you for explaining it you know Mr Mr so yes Mr do do we have yeah do we have any history from the Historic Society on this because that we have a seal right behind you do we know when even that seal was created and why is there no Maron in that I I don't I don't know what that is but that that that eagle was the raadar is maroon is maroon doesn't look maroon to me it's it's it's maroon it's it's maroon trust me it's maroon that that's that's a maroon and this is a piece of wood I mean I don't want to touch it like that you know so but have we heard from the Historic Society but I I I have not heard from this Historic Society but we can we can check in with I guess Arnold Brown he's the histor he's the historian here him and will Lee but Arnold Brown has been here for his family has been here so he he would probably give some good perspective and somebody who's growing up here so I mean we got we got a few things to check but there you go council president yes so so in the in in the I did a little research on this in the past there were some blue and white white dishes that were in the Centennial Year we're now celebrating the 125th anniversary of our city so there's no harm whatever the past was and coming to a consensus what the future should be and I think it's a latory uh reason WR is for life I think the kids would appreciate it and it could always be changed if culture and and all these other matters in in the in the future change to consider consider since it is the 125th year to select other uh Memorials of the city um and other things that may come up in the future and that's something that I would suggest reaching out to the county and seeing what other cities and communities do um as they do have we are city named after trees and there are other Legacy uh points that we have we may want to select something that's representative of the city and and the and some of the aims that we're trying to achieve so my suggestion would be to task the Historical Society with this new mantra that we're trying to bring out the history and and do it under that color or whatever it is but I would task them since they now have a new uh home um to take this charge and then to come back uh to the city council and suggest other things that could be done and they have the the whole year to suggest it in its 125th year so I would look to do that so that the record could be uh satisfied so there's no confusion on other matters too okay that's it for that we're GNA open up the public session okay at this point we're going to move to the public session name address three minutes interrup think her mic is working I don't think her mic is working Amy I don't think your mic is working yeah it's not it's not working right stop there it goes go ahead go ahead go ahead um thank you council president C for putting the colors on the agenda tonight and I just want to point out Council Ros councilman Rosen brought up the Historical Society um but council president Cobb indicated that this is to align with our Public School District and show that we are in unison and we didn't have a public school district when that seal was created so clearly our Vision Values and Mission today are not the same that they were 100 years ago so we need to look at where we want to go while keeping in mind where we've come from um in regards to the work being done on the streets my street was shut down I think it was on Tuesday um because the water company was doing some work I got no nixel alert and that's okay because residents were able to get in and out but I did get at 10:55 a.m. my doorbell rang I go to the door there's a door hanger from the water company telling me that they're cutting my water off at 11:00 I would have appreciated a little more than five minutes notice so I don't know if there's a way to communicate with psng the water company or whatever but when they do things like that they kind of need to give residents advanced notice I mean I have my washing machine running I would not have done that had I known they were going to cut the water off um had something else but I forgot what it was um that's it for now thank you good evening my name is Yasmin alhu Englewood New Jersey um I just want to know where the conflict of interest occurred to allow Englewood Police Department to secure a synagogue that was selling stolen properties in Palestine in Englewood New Jersey which is violating international law and I would hate to see Englewood New Jersey be complicit in violating international law um I understand it's a very heated uh concern right now on a global scale but it's very uh heartbreaking to see the police department uh section off the synagogue and allow the illegal sales of stolen properties um in Englewood New Jersey and I would hate to see the city uh be complicit in an international crime and uh it's disheartening this is nothing against the individuals of the police department or military I have loved ones who've served uh in both the department and Military this is more of uh systemic failures I know people are just taking orders from wherever they may be I understand that uh everyone's got a job to do and quite frankly I think people look great in uniform so this is definitely nothing personal against the police department or the people who choose to serve their communities what I want to understand is the complicity in Breaking international law number one number two how did the conflict of interest exist where you Ed police officers to protect the syn that was engaging an activity that sold stolen properties in Palestine thank you thank you thank you Rick will beu with New Jersey you know Ken Rosen swag talked about how he likes to do things the right way and Lisa wasi talks about this cultural composition you know the only thing I hate more than hypocrisy is Hypocrites we spoke today Mike and I can't believe that in 2024 people ask how did the Holocaust happen people ask how did slavery happen your community is complicit in a holocaust this is how it happens when people are estranged from their Humanity this is what happens you're not doing things right Ken you L you're about 18 cents but I didn't hear you one time talk about the sale only to White Jews at a synagogue here in town by your people okay over the dead bodies of Palestinians and the indigenous population of Palestine people getting pushed out their homes Amy is talking about a five minute uh thing that she wants from the water company imagine if you were uh a dying of starvation right now in Rafa and in Gaza and in rala and in Palestine that's your people Mike that blood is on your hands it's on your hands whether you believe it or not all right starving dying of thirst children with no medication Lisa you're a doctor do you give a about that of course not I mean you're a doctor to death but you don't care can you're a doctor too I could never understand the inhumanity of certain people that claim to be so self-righteous but you're not I'm here to tell you that you're not to your faces and I really don't care I seen the police department abuse their powers coordinated with the synagogue and the terrorists over there and kept people back all around the area close down streets illegally to facilitate this madness what's going on you're the same people that will go to an auction and buy a buck okay or buy some bed winch this is what you would would do if you would kill people to steal their land you would definitely buy a slave to clean your houses Lisa in Vermont some place I don't understand it is completely sickening what's going on in tenac and in Inglewood and it's being facilitated by racist zionists and thank God we have good Jews that are standing with us that are saying not in our name that blood is not on their hand but I want to tell y'all something right here right now Galatians 67 in the Bible tells us that as a man Seth so shall he reap everything that the iof is doing in Palestine is going to be done back to them eventually that's what's going to happen there's going to be no safety no security as you kill people indiscriminately that is not going to ensure your safety that is going to have the opposite effect Palestine from The River To The Sea by any means necessary uh R DS uh the issue is Paving I know you're anxious to have could you speak up a little bit please go ahead it's on okay I know you're anxious to get this Paving completed uh but there's something pending I hope we have control over uh my block was done seven months ago uh the they had the uh the curb cuts and the milling and the paving and although we have a old cast iring gas main there that has been leaking at least three or four times where they've come over a period of time they left it there and that's where it is but then they came over about a month ago and they did a swing over they they swung over the gas service to connect to the new gas service that they installed okay so when I asked them well when you're going to do the swing over from the new gas service to the residents he said I don't know may take over a year so I don't know if they told you that uh that very important because if we come in the middle and do a Paving of curb to curb again they think they can go right back in there and do half the street and they think we're going to pay for it I said I don't think that works that way you know you you have to do the whole curb so uh I hope we have that under control Mr you know where that's at you know where he's at all yeah not only my location but every location they they're digging up all all the streets Beyond me and the same Situation's going to happen I just don't want to waste money Paving and stuff like that if we don't need to um there was two or three other things I saw uh it was on the bills uh page three Rosario Landscaping contractor he says services for railroad tracks are they cleaning all the areas or is that with the cmx okay uh on page uh page six we have Street lighting bills 67,000 74,000 the 67,000 was in March of 23 it's over a year the other one was for December 22nd why do we pay bills so late is this for metered or unmetered Street lighting service except we can get the bills on time that oh and the last thing is there's a a bill for $10,000 generator and search protection no explanation it was at a maintenance I mean how many generators do we have and search protectors and and are they all being maintained or this was one that's it thank you thank you Miss Washington Beverly Washington I live on Howell Road and I wanted to address the flooding that we're experiencing on Howell Road I live on the lower part of the Road near glim Brook Parkway where they intersect and now this the backyards have become swimming pools and Soggy marshes we don't know what's going on it never happened like this before even with hurricanes and and extended rain but it's a real problem now and it's a real problem now and we know that the uh Brook runs underneath from up at Miller's Pond across Tron Avenue down across Liberty Road so maybe there's something going on with that underground Brook and we really need to have it investigated to see what's going on I I've been bailing water for two days and even you know when the it didn't rain yesterday at all even when it hasn't rained for a couple of days after a rain you know we're still getting water coming up coming in the basement coming in the backyard standing water so something's going on that wasn't happening before what's the address Howell Road I'm on how Road and the person behind me also is the next door neighbor and the backyards are like swimming swimming pools now and just briefly um about the colors I went to Dwight marrow I've lived here all my life I'm I'm all for maroon and white but don't change the street signs don't spend money on things that are not in need of a change but look at the post office the main post office on Engle Street has anybody looked at the railings the rust and the corruption there yeah I mean how much would a little bit of paint cost to that's embarrassing but that's that's the fed that's the federal government I went in there to see them council president I I asked for the postmaster I left the note I went in three times even a volunteer I went in three times I didn't get one phone call back I didn't get a visit and the people were mortified that I went in three times personally so I think the only recourse here would be to our Congressman um our former Congressman used to take this very seriously and reach out to the postmaster and there's like a postmaster for the district for the state also I think it's embarrassing yeah it is really embarrassing it makes this look bad but please look into this flooding on how Road thank you good evening good evening my name is Andy Morales I also leave in h r 284 and uh having the same situation there's a lot of water coming up you know I don't have a backyard anymore I do have three kids but we cannot even use the backyard uh even when it rains every time it rains it stay even when it's not raining you will still have the backyard full of water so now it's worse than before but there could be a like a little solution that could fix this problem maybe the engineering uh Department could pass by and and and take a look and maybe it doesn't take that much just to uh look it up and it might come out with a not expensive solution might be an easy one to fix what's the address uh 284 284 yeah we got a video on that we got a video on that B Roy Campbell tfly Road Anglewood um on bills and claims this uh Rosario Landscaping Mr Hoffman I noticed that the bill was $600 that that that was paid by the city correct correct okay are we be are we going to be reimbursed by CSX no okay so we went on their property did some work but when not going to be reimbursed we weren't supposed to be on there we took it upon ourselves to fix a problem I understand that part um so there's no way we can make them reimburse us we can try but they're not they're not very it's not a lot of money but it's just it's it's the principle we had to go onto their property to do some work because they refused to do it and now we're not even going to get paid anything um the other thing is South Anglewood Industrial Park CSX got about 60 yards of railroad tires it's been sitting there for years I don't think I have to tell you the potential that could be these things are treated God forbid if a fire gets started in those things we'll have holy hell in that whole South Industrial Area there's also 45 railroad ties sitting just north of for Forest Avenue uh Crossing that they were supposed to come pick up this summer and they didn't do that so these that I'm talking about at the end of uh I forgot the name of the road but you'll see it we've we've seen them but I'm just saying that there's also potential for a disaster to happen um the other thing is Atlantic Towing um tires I'm sure we could have got a better quote for these tires um I know we do business with uh The Body Shop in fair viiew right next to Fairview tire so I mean and I know for a fact that Fair viiew Tires do truck tires and our trucks got to go into Waste Management which is right across the street from Fairview tire so I mean these are a lot of things that could be accomplished when these guys are on the road if they got Tire issue um so I think that's something that we need to look into see if we can get a better quote um and I think somebody talked about paying the guys overtime if we got to pay them overtime we pay them overtime that'll give them some incentive the other thing I have is I come to these meetings all the time and what I'm seeing is totally disgusting it's totally disgusting and I want I want the people here to to know that and I want the people that are listening to know that it's disgusting totally disgusting body language disgusting we got to come together if we're if we're if we're after the same goal we have to come together and work together I see things like um on behalf of Lisa and Ken I I don't see things on behalf of Lisa Ken Wilson are Angela it's just Lisa and Ken the council is not made up of two people the council is made up of four people from four different Ward and a council at large this is ridiculous there was a meeting on Sunday I'm not even sure if Angela Davis knew about this meeting but it was in her Ward I when I look at the the zoom I don't see her on the zoom it's disgusting it's disgusting it's too much division too much division being driven here and we need to fix this we need to fix this in order to move forward we need to fix this tonight was just playing outrageous outrageous we need to fix this in order to move forward in order to strive for the same goal we need to fix these things thank you if there is nobody else for the public session we're going to close it and we're going to go into close session Mr Bailey s Mr B we have contract negotiations contract negotiations we need a motion and a second I second it all in favor I we're in close session Now angel still there