good evening we're going to get started with the council Workshop meeting of July 2nd 2024 time now is 7:40 p.m. will everybody arise for the pledge of allegiance plg to the flag of unit States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible Justice the city clerk please read the open public meeting act this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law notice of this meeting was included in a notice sent to the record and the Star Ledger and advertised in said newspapers on January 17th 2024 posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as the required notices under the statute a copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk proper notice having been given the municipal clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes of this meeting will city clerk please do the roll call councilman Rosen s here councilwoman wasi here Council Wilson present council president cob here also present is Mayor Michael Wilds city manager Robert S Hoffman uh sitting in for City attorney Bill Bailey is derit Doyle CFO Michael calman and city engineer France FY councilwoman David is on her way yes uh council president um may I ask the Indulgence of the of the uh Council to ask if we can um add an item to the to the agenda for tonight we had a bid opening this morning at 9:30 for the Reconstruction of three roads there's a recommendation in the packet from our city engineer as well as an email that was sent out uh early this afternoon and if the council so agrees and we can add it to the agenda and it's adopted tonight we will be able to the Reconstruction of those three roads which were budgeted in our capital budget we'll be able to um do do that two weeks earlier than anticipated we need a motion in a second fa so I make a motion that we add this to our agenda second roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes I thank the council we'll vote on it officially after the consent agenda excuse me we'll vote on it officially after theenda next we'll have bills and claims of 1, 28,41 67 I need a motion in a second I'll make a motion second Mr caufman this is this is the new one why was it revised add flat we added the Flat Rock Insurance payment yesterday the bill okay so for the record 1 million 81,000 yeah 99367 any any questions Mr Wilson I know you have thank you council president good evening everyone yeah motion didn't we do a motion in a second hold on no I made a motion I thought we did a motion second for I seconded it yeah oh that was that was to add for that was to add all right well let's correct that then I need a okay I I'll make another motion hold on y I'll we did it I thought we did it h either way you don't have a record of well update to record you got it now councilwoman wasas councilman Rosen swag councilman Wilson um thank you council president I'll be short um please indulge me as I have not brought my glasses so it's going to be a challenge um on on the first page of uh Police Department 24 1524 there seems to be a duplicate but there's a a separate amount for 24- 01514 the first one was for $1,123 and the second entry was for $520 it was charged to two two different sub accounts but it's the same purchase order I'm sorry I was way over here say that again please it's the same purchase order it was just charged to do two different sub accounts to the police budget why is that why we why do we do it like that because if it's more than one item and it belongs in the other sub accounts we put it they put it in the correct sub account okay yeah we'll we'll have to discuss this a little bit more ofline um and I'm going to yield council president anyone else have any question just for the record the councilwoman David is now present the I could just if I could I could explain it now go ahead so the uh 112 320 was a regulator so it has to do with chemicals which it was charged to the sub account of of chemicals and then the uh 520 had to do duffel bags so that has to do with other materials and supplies that's why it was just charged to the other sub accounts but it's the same vendor and purchase order so when you say chemicals we're talking about cleaning chemicals or gas gas yeah okay do we know how how long that that the gas lasts before they have to be replaced we dare not have them shoot gas and it doesn't deploy properly yeah that's not called gas that's oy okay I'll go for oxygen you can help my B Mr City man yeah I don't know it says ma O2 regulator yeah I could Google it if you want I'm not sure exactly yeah well they they they both say that they both say oxygen yeah and that was my concern and they both say regs and bags so the first one was regulated and the second one was bags only because it's the same purchase order so is the way it works in Edmonds it shows the summary line so that's why it chose both yeah I just couldn't decipher that from here because they read identical thank you Council wison you still gone no I'm going to yield council president anybody else have any questions if not Mr Kaufman on page five 20,500 parking meters you between you Mr VY and Mr Hoffman is that a payment to the Sid again or is that something we've installed somewhere else page five one two three four F fifth item down from the top it's under uh traffic signals Michael you got it says p man yeah yeah I see you see it yeah where's where those parking meters located I I know exactly where they put it but it's it's 50 it's 50 uh tops to the meters I don't know if it might just be all yeah is that something old or is that something new what do you mean is that something part of what Sid had done that project is that part oh no this is other other meters other meters yeah Mr volon would these be meters are these meters that you're going to put in that parking lot no this is something different you don't know no okay could somebody find out um next Mr VY this this is all yours uh 225,000 942 91 on page five it's new prints says emergency sanitary storm line yes this is um this is for as as you know new Prince is doing the uh sanitarian stormline on Chestnut Street and this is Chestnut Street in addition to that they also do a bunch of emergency um Replacements throughout the town so this is a combination of not only the chest Street replacement but any emergencies that they're called for to to repair throughout the town okay Mr Hoffman M Mr kman on on P one at the bottom we got ammo for 2024 qualifications and police duty ammunition are we ordering more of that or is that's just something for supplies or what what's the story with that the uh for the police other equipment the the ammunition this is the this is the ammunition that's required for the quarterly training that the police officers do uh when they qualify it's up at the range but there's a there's quarterly training um so part so part of that so so that's that's for both so there's there's the the police ammunition and then it's the qualifications up in Mawa but we can get you more information if you if you'd like and just as a point of of reference for the the parking meters those are for the par those are for the parking meters those are replacement heads for Van Brunt and for some other locations it's not it's not Palisades Avenue that's that's funded by the Sid so this is other locations and this is for the one and two hour parking meters so our our meters are getting older and the heads have to be replaced so that's part of that's that's what that expense is for okay and Mr Hoffman so I have another question on page one 52,000 and this is the summer intern program that um we started about 10 years ago eight and how many kids do we have because I know it's it seems 52 $52,000 um so what's our head count and when are the kids have they started working yet uh council president we'll have to get that information for you this is the this this is the funds that are allocated for the Chamber of Commerce and they um they do the they do the interviews and the train training and place the uh the high school students with um establishments in in the city so we will we can get you an exact count but we don't have that at the moment okay thank you and I just have one final question on page two do we have some problem with a lift gate uh no is this is this this is in the DPW yeah yeah public works yeah yeah what we did is um we replaced the pickup truck one pickup truck bed we put a lift gate on the back so it's easier for our DPW staff to use it so if they're uh picking up something that's heavy if they're emptying containers on one of the streets uh they can just put it on the the back on the lift lift it up and um this this will this will help prevent back injury so we we took a pickup truck and we tried it this was one of the re recommendations that came from our DPW staff just to how to help prevent workplace injuries and um so far it's working well when are we when are we expecting delivery on those uh electric garbage trucks that is the uh $64,000 Question we're we're expecting delivery we were told that we were going to have a delivery sometime in July we're trying to get confirmation of that now um the uh the the trucks the trucks seem to be ready they're going through they're they're going through a final fit out and testing just to make sure everything is working properly okay thank you and yeah as soon as we know we'll we will happily let the the council know council president just there was the council passed a resolution in February so it said there's 26 kids that get a $2,000 stien for the uh the summer for the apprenticeship program yeah seems like that number was less right when we started that program it was more than those kids I thought we we were up there one point to 40 something kids so I guess we reduced the amount of kids the amount went up a little bit it used to be I think 40,000 we used to given that a few years ago it changed to 52 right okay all right sounds good roll call yes councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president C yes next we have resolutions for consent agenda resolutions 2 22 to13 to4 25 26 2 17 and 28 and 220 what happened 219 why did we skip the number it's 9 I'm going to open this up to the public for anybody who wants to question the consent agenda items 212 to 2 18 come to the mic you have 3 minutes give us your name and your address how you doing my name is Rich I live on Cambridge um I want to talk about couple ask questions for clarification on a couple of things concerning the uh police supply mhm right so the way it's written here it says need a firearm Supply am I out of order that I think that's on the bills list right where you what you reading you read this is consent agenda items oh okay I'm sorry I'm out of order no worries I'll be back come back on the public session does anybody else have any questions regarding the consent items since I don't see any questions I'm going to close this part of the public meeting and I'm going to get a motion in a second for approval of 212 through 218 need a motion in a second do any council members want to pull any items council president if I may I I don't necessarily have to pull 214 but I think it would behoove us to give a great explanation for 2114 uh for the veterans well Mr Hoffman you want to do that or you want to do that or we we we do this when veterans are when we get an application and they have demonstrated that they have been uh deemed uh fully disabled and so they are able to be taken off of the tax roles thank you council president for the explanation and the reason why I raised that is in the past three months I've gotten several calls from veterans and um programs like this aren't readily available whether they move to our town or they just don't have access to the information so I just want to highlight what we do and why we do it so whoever is here and may be listening is aware that we also support the veterans and this is why right all day long and they can come to city hall right Mr Hoffman get this uh uh proper paperwork to apply for this uh yes well our our tax assessor's office can help but there's the forms are from the direct from the Division of Taxation and the director of Taxation down in Trenton has to um you know approves the forms and it's reviewed there but um as as you can see from the backup our our tax assessing office our assessor and and his assistant they uh they provide assistance to those to those veterans that um you know meet meet the needs or they they help them work through the process because there is a lot of information that must be must be obtained do do do we have somewhere on our website or we should consider putting something on our website for veterans that would lead them if they came there to look and direct them on how to apply for this if I may uh council president um it's it's really a federal matter um truthfully and if we don't have the right information on our website we might be giving them stale or dated information is my only fear um 25 plus years ago when I began my St in public service here this was on the books and it's always been a magnanimous effort and I've made the effort as I'm sure everybody will now that you're aware of this uh to find veterans they have to be permanently disabled in order to be Exempted fully from taxes and have the back up information I'm just afraid if we put something that's dated we could put something that links to the Veterans Affairs for the state of New Jersey or something that may change in time I just don't want to be responsible for giving uh dated information yeah well since I I think there are a lot of uh veterans in the city of Englewood I think they should be able we should make it as easy as possible so they can reach the information and just by saying that you can do this or this is available I don't think it exposes us with that I think that a lot of people that are not taking advantage of it and I think that that's what uh councilman Wilson was alluding to so I think we have an obligation to make to to try to help them to get that because a lot of these people don't even know this is available and however we want to get it out there I think that we need to get it out there Council woman hi um I do agree but also I received numerous calls and I spoke to um Mr Hoffman regarding some seniors who called me and said that now I'm a senior I automatically St stop paying taxes so they don't know remember that call Bob I received from several people saying I'm a senior I don't pay taxes so a lot of people don't know a lot of things so if you want to be uh more transparent everything should be put on the um on our uh website but it has to be transparent it has to be linked in from the state also so we cannot um you know we cannot be held for anything for liability reasons as well thank you go yeah uh just just to clarify two things than and thank you council president um for the veterans we we do go out of our way to help but we always direct them to the veterans to the Department of Veterans Affairs because that's that's where they have to St start that's where they get their um they can get copies of their uh basically of their discharge papers and when they were on active duty their Duty stations and the different um you know the the different uh awards that they had or the different if if they um were hurt or wounded many times veterans qualify they're not they're not wounded in battle but they are they are hurt doing their military duty so they're they have access to the records there and then we walk them we walk them through the process we help them as as best we can so it is important that they start at the right place and we do direct them to the Department of Affairs and then also the state has a a Department of Veterans Affairs and um we just do what we can to to assist them what uh councilwoman David was referring to was the senior property tax freeze so many uh many people when they first see it they they believe that they're they don't have to pay property taxes but there's a form there's forms that have to be filled out and it's um it's you still have to pay taxes but there's a there's a freeze your taxes are are reduced so okay but but but also Mr Hoffman one of the things we missed is uh Senator Johnson is in charge of the Veterans Affairs he's the representative and so we can direct him to his office since he sits in Englewood as well so we have some good stuff there okay so yes Council just and and thank you for your Indulgence council president I just thought that this was important because often time either people are not here or they do not have access to the internet and so I for one would like us to see us to repeat this information at least once a quarter so it stays visible and the veterans that are coming home and the veterans that are coming out of the hospital whatever the case may be that we keep them on the Forefront yeah thank you thank you we got to move we need a motion and a second I make a motion that we accept accept these resolution agenda items second roll call councilman Rosen yes excuse me councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes and council president cob yes next next we have resolution that we had added 220 we need a Motion in a second I make a motion Council second roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president C yes next we'll have resolutions for discussion authorized Chamber of Commerce annual sidewalk sale Mr Hoffman you want to talk about that uh thank you council president the this resolution is for the annual sidewalk sale that's uh that is organized by the Chamber of Commerce it's uh something that's been going on for several years it's on Palisades Avenue it's on North Dean and it's um it might be on a on a few other streets and uh this is done to help uh boost interest in our local merchants and the last year the uh the annual event was blessed with good weather and and the um Merchants seem to be seem to uh enjoy it and there there seemed to be a lot of activity on the downtown if I may make a comment uh it's been rebranded as sizzling sidewalks so um sizzling yeah yeah and I think it's for August 15th uh this year correct it's Feast feast in fashion and I I I guess it's a stop to global warming okay yeah I I um have a question I I think I I had asked this to to you also in an email um yesterday and I had brought this up last year during this event we give we we have free parking in the downtown and the question I asked a year ago was is there a real benefit to giving the free parking in the downtown because I know that a lot of people who work in the downtown take advantage of the free parking and then residents or other people visiting the business cannot find parking you know I myself I'm uh have often had to leave the area because of the lack of parking um and so that's why I bought this up a year ago and now it's a year later and I'm asking the question again do we need to have free parking is that is that boosting their sales or is it just making it harder the people to park that's a Val that's a valid question when we had looked at uh the the revenue is there a revenue drop off for that one day the answer was um in for 2023 the answer was no uh that it wasn't and with the free with the free parking as I understand it it's U part of it is to to attract to attract people to come shop in the in the downtown but it's also because Merchants are setting up booths on the sidewalks and then they wanted to be able to uh not have cars park on North Dean in front of the booth so that people could people would be able to see um see what's being shown in in the booths but um I'm I'm not sure I'm not sure about the the the other questions related to free parking so I'm confused so was it no parking or free parking it's free so no but it's well actually it's both there's no parking on North so that so that the booths are on the sidewalk so there you can see what you can see when you're when you're driving through what's what's being offered and then there is so that's the no parking and then there's free parking uh uh in in the rest of the downtown area so that uh people that want to come in they can come in and park for those for those few hours but it it's also um when you have when you have to move some of the per parking you're moving it to other Lots um if I may the um councilwoman's claims are 100% the biggest complaint in the last several years uh not just last season um if we had strong enforcement such that shop owners retailers would not have their staff use it themselves and they produce quarters and then give it to their own staff members uh to then fill The Meters then it would be the best of all worlds um but if we're not going to be able to step up enforcement uh making it free does not create an added benefit based on the volume of calls and experience that I have um the question is can a real writing be produced can we get an officer to deliver uh the uh admonitions to each of the Proprietors um and caution them and then we can get good rendition of the advantage financially to the community um I don't want to take something away but I really want it uh as Lisa indicated to be the benefit of those that are coming from outside not employees employers don't care local businesses don't care so it's it backfires now if we can ramp up our enforcement before the event during the event then we set the stage for next year and we'll have better intelligence do we have the resource to do that Mr dman yes good so my suggestion is we warn everybody in a nice positive way and then see what uh intelligence derives from it council president thank you um since we're talking in regards to intelligence in regards to parking if we're going to do a dive let's do a deep dive uh not just for this day um you know we have Armory Street members that are suffering that are residents that have problem with employees if you will or whomever parks in front of their houses and they're unable to do so so I would suggest that we don't just look at that particular day uh let's look at parking in totality because there are many residents that are suffering that do not have a driveway and we have no ordinance in place for uh let's say permits or stickers to permit our residents from being ticketed while all they're doing is coming home from work so my suggestion council president is if in fact that we are going to do a study in in regards to meters and such that we do a deep dive for the entire city because there are many people that are suffering from tickets yeah on a constant basis but I think Army street is one of those streets that uh it has a signage problem the signage is off you know because you can't have two-hour parking on Army Street and and there's no driveways and you live on the street it's problematic that's problematic thank you council president yep sounds good where you okay there I'm not going to fall I'm not going to fall off okay next we have ordinances for discussion amend the Towing ordinance for credit card payments and other fees I don't know if you got don't did you get uh did you highlighted yellow piece of paper did that's it he didn't get it she said it's in your packet original pack the original packet yeah this highlight is you can see it's [Music] and keep going I for discussion right there see it you got it there it is ready you want to you want to discuss that yeah Bob you got you got it too Bob it's under resolutions for discussion okay so under the towing ordinance for credit card payments and others we we had a discussion about this at the last meeting and everybody in their packet should have document that's highlighted in yellow with the suggested uh wording added and this is in line if I believe correct me if I'm wrong it's in line with what the state does right the the state uh and I did look into the um State Statute after the discussion last month and the state statute does include the word major for credit card um but it doesn't Define what is a major credit card it doesn't limit it to those four and furthermore the preemption I'm talking about njsa 56 colon 13-4 the method of payment for repairs and then the preemption pron portion of that statute preemption meaning that no local ordinance can deviate from the state statute uh is only limited to um not preventing not preempting any political subdivision from requiring or issuing any registration or license of any towing company it also speaks to it doesn't limit the authority of the New Jersey Turnpike Authority or South Jersey Transportation Authority to establish their own rules um and to it doesn't preempt uh local political subdivisions such as the city from enacting their own ordinances so again it's up to the governing body if they want to uh add the word major and Define major as Visa Mastercard American Express and discover they're not precluded from doing so by the state statute neither is the governing body obligated to uh limit to amend the ordinance to include the word major or to Define what major credit cards are uh as those four cards so it's up to the governing body if they want to proceed an amend there's nothing in the state statute that would require this amendment nor is there anything the state statute that would preclude it what's your recommendation what's your recommendation what's your recommendation Yes mine yes leave it as it is thank you and what I mean by that is not amended just leave the ordinance with the broad language all Towers shall accept for payment in L of cash for towing or storage Services a debit card charge card credit card or insurance company check council president yes coun if I may go ahead so it appears that it's an Enforcement issue and how do we follow through with the enforcement right and if in fact that a customer comes and they're denied one of these cards that's clearly listed um which our past history has presented itself how do we enforce that and are we able to do penalties how does that work the enforcement would be with the police department um there is no provision in the ordinance currently for any fines or penalties for any uh towing company operator who violates the ordinance um but when they come up for licensing every year that would certainly be an appropriate issue to address I I think we we need to take a look at this because if in fact that someone goes in on Monday with a card that's denied when they come back on Tuesday they don't have the same have to pay the same price it's an additional day so although the people that are in charge aren't being fined because they're not being held to the letter of the law the residents or the visitors are being penalized for their card not being accepted well when you say denied I mean if it's Deni died because the toe company operator like any other business puts it through no that's not what we're talking about okay so then if what you're talking about is that the tow company simply refuses to accept it correct then that's an Enforcement issue for the you know police department and it's also a potential issue to address at the time of the annual relicensing of I I get that do you understand what I'm saying if if I come in on Monday and it's $200 for Tuesday and I give them a valid card which they do not accept and I have to come back on Tuesday to get the card with a card that they accept at that point the rate is $400 I'm I'm not saying that's the rate but I'm just suggesting for the scenario right so the aggrieved uh customer I would suggest should notify uh the police depart yeah and and have the police department pay a visit and enforce the ordinance so okay and this is my last question um are there ramifications for that particular customer to get a credit back if in fact that they initially showed a valid credit card well I mean because they presented it and it was denied there's nothing in the ordinance that addresses that I get it and that's why I want to talk about it okay I'm not I don't disagree with your point I'm not sure are you if you're both talking about the same thing you what you're saying and I understand what you're saying is because we should keep it as it is it would be no and the current towing companies allow MasterCard and visa and so somebody so are you so you're saying if somebody comes with an American Express that they don't take or you're saying they're coming with a Master Card and their Master Card is denied I'm EXP they take MasterCard so I I'm I'm not I'm not sure well well when you say the toing companies accept Vis and MasterCard the curtain orance doesn't limit the allowable cards to visa and Master Card right right right it allows the towing company to offer just like the state right like you mentioned the state the state allows any two major credit cards no the state statute says major credit cards it doesn't have a number and it doesn't identify them it does include language right it says it says accept at least two major credit cards I don't know what you're looking at at new okay new what statute is that ma'am um it's because I pulled out all the statutes and it's the towing guidelines for new it's on the State website but the point that you so then did I hear you incorrectly when you said that you don't want to change the or the ordinance then the if the towing company allows MasterCard and Visa then we're keeping it that way or are you saying that the that the credit card company has to allow all credit cards so somebody comes from you know including American Express discover um and there are a lot of other cards too so we now putting the burden on the towing company to allow every single credit card that's out there or we're not changing it and allowing them to continue with MasterCard and Visa first first of all I I'm not saying that anything should be done it's the governing body's decision I was asked for my recommendation as to what I think would be best and I gave my recommendation which is to leave it and as it now stands there is language in the state statute that uh addresses any credit card that the toe company generally accepts in the operation of its business however as I pointed out the state statute doesn't have specific preemption language that precludes municipality from adopting an ordinance that addresses other forms of pay I I understood all that but what I'm trying to clarify is with the rec which I am fine with not not changing the ordinance because for many reasons we I don't believe that we should which which if the conversation goes forward then I I'll discuss it but but uh um but I'm not sure what I'm saying is I'm not sure that you and the councilman uh Wilson are talking about the same thing so what what I what I'm hearing from you from you is that if you come with an American Express and they don't accept it and they only accept Master Card and Visa then what happens then or are you saying or are you saying they accept Master Card in Visa you come with a Master Card and they say we will not accept your master card we want cash only those are two different scenarios so what what are we talking about I don't understand council president if I may clarify yeah please we already have this that's highlighted in on the books is that correct no no there's one word right so so so so so wait so wait so wait I I just wanted to hear him say that it it wasn't on the book so so so what what's happening what got us here is what was on the books wasn't being accepted right whatever was on the books that was proven to be on the books was not being accepted by this particular um entity and so that's problematic and that's why I asked about the enforcement what are the residents and our visitors to do when they give the proper card that's already stated on what we have and they're being denied what we have is no quote proper card we have language that says they must accept payment in L of cash for toing or storage Services a debit card charge card credit card or insurance company check is that not proper is is that not proper credit cards debit cards is that not a proper statement it is okay so you you you you just said that it wasn't proper so I just want to be clear no I didn't I didn't say it wasn't proper I said maybe I misheard you I'm what's on the books now is the non-highlighted language on this page of the agenda yes okay and my recommendation since I was asked for it is to leave it the way it is as far as enforcement you know the aggrieved customer I would suggest should a call the police department B notify the governing body and then the other aspect of enforcement is if the governing body becomes aware of specific Towing uh companies that are not abiding by the ordinance and are refusing to take credit cards address that when their licensing comes up which I believe is annual council president so a point of order thank you Council president um in our ordinance on page 12 section 410-1600 50 and maximum 30-day suspension second offense maximum fine of $500 and a maximum 60 day suspension third offense maximum fine of $750 and removal from the official tow list for 12 months from the convi from the conviction date so so you want to yeah sorry um yes we were here two weeks ago Lisa remember we talked about Apple pay and everything so I think it should be a quote in there saying included and not limited to all electronic payments regardless because there's a lot of young kids out here don't have major credit cards and if you come in here with a Apple pay or a cash app they should accept that as well it's a new generation I'm just saying so I think we should put that in including and not limited to all electronic payments that's my advice council president if if I could just finish with this um what what what I see that may be um the malfunction in this situation is that what we already have have teeth and it has repercussions but it appears in fact that there's no Enforcement issue and so even though in the past we've had our residents and visitors complain to the PD there appears to be no action taken when this fense is done to our visitors and residents council president hold on yeah I also have a comments sorry yes so uh thank you council president and thank you councilman Wilson I think it doesn't matter what we put in the ordinance if it's not enforced it's it's completely meaningless so we have a pretty strong ordinance at this point in time and we just need to enforce it properly uh but enforcement is a multistage process and the word that Mr Hoffman used was conviction so there's going to have to be a complaint with the police uh a follow through with the police um an investigation and a determination so um you know just just like any other violation of a the ordinance so we we have to you we have a council that's very much in favor of the proper enforcements of of this ordinance I don't think there's anyone who disagrees that if a person whose car has been towed and this is a usually an extraordinarily stressful time in uh your life you you you've been in U an accident uh your car is malfunctioning or maybe you didn't read the sign right and and you got told by by accident or or or you will flea parked incorrectly and and you get towed but it's all stressful no matter no matter what happened there uh and if we find out someone's credit card wasn't accepted then we need to follow through on that and it can't be 6 months later it can't be just an email to people it has to be the proper channels of complaints and follow through um so let's do that with the current ordinance if it's not working we we'll we'll need to go back back and figure out why it's not being enforced uh or see if there's anything we can do to the ordinance to improve the enforcement but right now we have a good ordinance um I don't think this language actually changes the ordinance in any way you know putting major in front of it the the joke I made a month ago was it's it's not like they're taking Diner club and people are coming there with with Master Card you know they're using the regular credit cards there um so the amendment's not going to change any of the facts on the ground it's simply a matter of enforcement let's get the enforcement right and I think everything else will will follow through thank you council president yes thank you um we also have to understand and temper a lot of the approach that we take for a few reasons number one these tow services are providing a quasi public role for the city in keeping our streets environmentally safe clean and for people that are breaching laws uh to be brought up to speed and sometimes they'll get into uh not confrontations but conflict with residents or visitors and they have to be userfriendly and business friendly and we have to be business friendly to both parties because sometimes it's not the city's business if there's a dispute between two business parties and we have a responsibility to refrain ourselves rather than come down hard on somebody or a group of persons and entities that are helping us keep order in our city obviously we have teeth as councilman Rosen swag indicated in the enforcement of this but we also have to temper uh the kind of role that we play uh so that the residents feel that they have a fair shake and the courts are really the right venue if there's a dispute between a person and the toe service the city of Anglewood should not come down on a third party just because we have the ability and a contract to do so unless there's a pattern and practice and part of the stewardship of enforcement is to also be auditing the relationship along the way to find out how many cars what kind of job they're doing on Towing so that we know whether or not they're doing it professionally and so forth so I'm a big fan of watching studying and only going in when we feel we have to because some of the disputes may not engage the city's interests so I think this whole this whole conversation and correct me if I'm wrong started because somebody wanted to pay with an American Express and they only take MasterCard and Visa is that correct you asking me whoever put it on the agenda I put it on the agenda but there's it was my reason was totally different okay because because as it stands now from the towing gentleman who came at our last meeting they take cash they take check and they take MasterCard and they take Visa they take they take two credit cards and that's that's how it is and um and now when someone has a complaint my understanding ancy is is that it comes to you is that right first and then it goes to the police for an investigation or does it go right to the police it goes right to the police and there's a Complaint Form they have to fill up right so can you so can you please tell me how many complaints have the police gotten on this issue in the last two years aware not that you're aware of not not un official channel right okay thank you B you want to speak before I speak uh thank you council president I'd like to emphasize that the discussion that we're having tonight is about for the city's Towing ordinance is for toes that are authorized or requested by the police department by a by a city by a city entity uh there are tow Towing can be there can be Towing contracts from private property and um there was an example that was given at a previous meeting about a towing a towing from shopright shopright is a is a private um is on private property and they have their own contract with Towers so we're we're only discussing the the enforcement of Towing that's been authorized by by a city of ingwood entity correct and I and I think if this whole conversation started because people were getting towed by the city of Anglewood by their third- party vendor and there were people who came and said that they wouldn't accept any credit cards and then they accepted certain credit cards and the question is how does a vendor tell the city of Anglewood who makes the ordinance what credit cards they're going to accept we should dictate that as the city and that should be done during the licensing period to have that discussion so that that's where it's it's at and that was the issue along with enforcement and things of that nature but it's the city of Englewood should tell you because you're working for them and you're representing the city of Englewood as a vendor that's where this was when we talked about that last meeting agreed so that's where we're at okay fair enough so there's there's a process but but again when we say credit cards then anybody in the public could say that's any credit card and if they're saying that they only going to accept the two then that's for them to have a conversation with the city to say if the city agrees with that not for them to dictate what we accept that's like going to work and telling your boss this is how much I'm going to get paid that doesn't work so I think that there's more discussion in need to happen with this yeah um so we're going to move on next we're going to get project updates from Mr VY uh real CL I'm just going to go through um through a couple things that I listed um not going to take too much time um we're getting ready to kick off the 2024 road projects um the council voted tonight on uh the 24 Road uh Improvement program um that program itself impacts 14 roads throughout the town um you also voted under three roadway reconstruction so that's that's 17 roads all together are going to get impacted just from tonight's uh just from tonight's meeting uh in addition we have five more roads that are waiting for the CBD Grant um process to get approved um to be completed once that's online we're going to apply for five five more roads through that project to get completed um we're also doing Herzog Livingston uh Morris Jones Road Sunset so there's a slute of roadways that we're going to be doing this year all together it's about 25 roads that we're going to be completing this year as part of our roadway uh constru project well the as far as tonight's is concerned probably in a couple weeks probably less than that we're going to have a pre-construction meeting and after that um we're going to get the contractors out there to start working so that's that's going to Veer up pretty quickly um we are also um uh trying to finalize the stuff with the um the wall on Engle Street is still problematic um we're having a meeting we're trying to schedule a meeting in the next couple weeks with between all the players that includes the County FEMA fawa the cemetery um just to find out how we're gonna you know not only who's responsible and who's liable in terms of financing Etc but how we're going to move forward in getting that wall repaired um we're also dealing with uh D regarding the Glenwood covert um that's their and their and their uh and their house right now they're reviewing that um to make sure it's okay it's taking a lengthy amount of time um for various reasons so we're sort of playing pingpong uh we submit something they review it they turn it back to us and say we need more information so we're working with Boswell to finalize everything and and get everything given to them so far we've given them everything they've asked for yes so you told me last time you're correcting the flow of the water yeah but they want it impaired because yeah that's how it is before yeah the problem is the the cover in the nutshell that covert has been repaired a number of times throughout the year and there's a certain flow pattern that cuts the covert now it's not natural you you have a flow that goes in and it comes out at a certain Pace on the other end but because of the imperfection of the covert the floww isn't going to react the way a new covert is going to react where essentially what's coming in is exactly what's going to go out because you have a straight path now you have a lot of bumps and bruises and all sorts of inside the cover and the DP unfortunately is looking to match the exact flows the way they are now which is sort of problematic so that's what we're dealing with but we are working with them um Unfortunately they sort of stick to the script they don't they don't budge more Mo um um at all in terms of what they need and what they're expecting from us so so that's what we're fighting right now so we're we're working our way through that um we talked about you know the fencing issues that are going on through the park that's an ongoing process that we're going to keep working on um we are at Chestnut Street uh the storm and the sanitary are finally completed they're actually Paving the road uh it's pretty much completed there's a small section that they have to do and after that there's striping left so in another week or so that project should be wrapped up and and good to go um we have um we're still waiting for the grant um after application to be finalized waiting for the for the final verdict the the project that we have on McKay Park the uh playround area that's along William Street we applied for a grant for that we are still waiting to see how that's going to pan out but uh hopefully it goes our way and we can uh we can get that project going um we are also working on a number of drainage projects there's a number of coverts that we have to we have to look into repairing we about demoris Avenue that cover has to get done um unfortunately when that's going on demoris Avenue is going to get shut down so I know shpr is going to get impacted the residents in that area um they're going to get impacted when that happens we also have to work on the on the cover on Palisade Avenue um and also the one on Jesy those are three covers that we're looking to see if we can get completed this year uh there's a number of drainage project we're also working on we're we're again we're working with bosw to try and take care of them all over town whether it be Glouster whether it be Sherwood Maple down White Street Etc so there's a number of areas that are prone to flooding that we're looking at trying to see how we can improve those areas or at least lessen the impact of flooding in those areas um working with outside consultant on the municipal building City Hall uh we're looking at uh getting rid of the gel CES that are there there in our office we're looking at you know um fixing the basement um fixing the bathrooms first four bathrooms or really need to be done we're trying to modernize them and bring them up to date um we're also working Yan's office trying to see if we can get her relocated in a much better location uh within City Hall um the parking area on William Street is uh waiting to be completed we put the the you know the base course on there we we're working with the building department to try to get the lighting done um and in the EV station and we're going to put a charging station on there as well as one of the parking spaces so once we get that completed and all that's done we'll put the final code on that on that parking lot to get that completed as well um we're moving forward with our safe route to uh to school Grant and again that's a grant to improve the uh the the the street the walking path for the students it focuses along the schools themselves and it's mostly a handicap ramp a focused um you know project where we're going to repair prare all the handicap ramps to make sure that you know those Corners that don't have ramps are going to be you know outfitted with ramps but the ones that have ramps a lot of them do not conform with the current guidelines so we have to make sure that they meet the current guidelines Etc just to provide adequate walking area for the students when they leave school they have a safe place across Etc um we have a massive crosswalk project Improvement project that we're going to come out with and what we've done is we worked with some of the residents the police Department Etc to try and identify um areas throughout town that are problematic in terms of crosswalks of visibility that sort of thing to make sure that you know pedestrians can navigate the town safely um we have what 17 crosswalks that I believe we're doing so uh it's it's a good undertaking and we're going to keep those going uh we're going to keep evaluating crosswalk till we make hopefully the whole town of pedestrian safe um that that's a few of the things I we have a lot more going on but I I don't want to take too much time there just a few of the projects just wanted to hit some of the the main ones I'm not sure if the council the governing body has any questions for me but that's that's that's all I'm going to say for now but we do have a lot more projects going on the safe spk project I hope that includes um tenly nicobar because the stretch of the lights and everything is so far down it's like you're going to play play dodged across those streets when you're a child there's a couple crosswalks along tly Road okay thank you and you'll put the stop signs like they do in tly well it doesn't necessarily stop signs stop in the center of the street like slow down for their cars well well yeah we're going to do some some improvements to make sure that the motorists um are are are aware that they are crosswalks that are coming their way that children acrossing again whether it be push buttons Etc so there there's going to be a real uplifting in terms of safety etc for pedestrians right because that light where the school is it's close to tenly that's the long stretch and the kids have to walk to the corner and try to you know get across that's been happening for years but yeah there's there's there's a couple intersection a long time that I'm looking forward to it that are going to be uh impacted okay Council W you thank you council president um thank you uh city engineer appreciate your report and update uh I would just ask that we rethink well not rethink would just continue to uh give a heads up to our residents on herard and whatever streets that will be closed down uh prior either residents have not seen the signage uh the night before the street is closed and then when they come home it seems to be somewhat difficult for them to navigate so I would just like to remind us to have the notice out so those residents won't be impacted during our much needed repair and um for the crosswalk we've had many people come in front of us in regards to Palisade Avenue and nickach um and for anyone that knows that's a real high accident prone area uh and kudos to us or to the engineer we have a a speed sign electronic speed sign that indicates the people going east on Palisade Avenue um by matage in Palisade to slow down so that's that's a start and so um thank you um I I agree regarding the notices the project that we're going to be overseeing that's that's one of the emphasis that we're going to have to make sure that the contractor notifies all the residents part of the problem that we've been getting is pscg and violia um a lot of times I've been getting calls where notices where residents say they haven't been noticed notified that you know psng would be working in the roadway so that's something that we're always staying on top of the utility companies about is notification um but the the project that I have outlined here absolutely people will get notified because we make sure that the contractor not sends us a copy of notification we post it on the website and we make sure that they go house by house and put it in front of everybody's and everybody's door so that that won't be an is issue it's the utility companies unfortunately are another matter that we're trying to get a handle on thank you uh thank you council president um I wanted to while while the engineer is here I wanted to publicly thank him because tonight we have two confirming resolutions on the agenda for Grant applications that were discussed at our last meeting that the uh city became aware of those 10 days ago or whatever or maybe a little longer but it was one of those um drop everything and let's let's take a look because if we're able to apply uh this will allow us to leverage our our our resources so that we can we can uh pave and reconstruct more roads but this this fell on the city engineer's shoulders and um he just did a wonderful job to make sure we got it done and I know he was here past 11:30 on a couple nights just trying to make sure that they they got out the door so um I just wanted to publicly thank him for his work thank you Council app Council all right thank you um what is the status of the two traffic lights that we're using the the grant we have till the end of the year to use we should have those in the next couple weeks the plans are being finalized as we speak spoke to B well today regarding that actually um they they should they're they're planning to give me everything next week um worst case scenario to be two weeks but after that it'll go out to bid and we we'll be uh we'll be all set with that F I have one question so you have the speed sign indication coming east but we should need it going west as well yeah but part part of what we're doing is we have the the signage you know of some grants or I should just say some funding in the capital for signage and part of that is to make sure that you know some of the streets are you know um adequately signed and adequately you know um put together so so residence snow is going on and motorist snow is going on yeah and we have yet to replace the one that got ran over on Lafayette no that one is replaced is it yes that one is replaced when that one's taken care of I'm losing it I think a couple weeks ago we took care of that so that's taken care of unless unless it got unless it got it again okay on the back side huh okay on the right side I know you're there yeah okay all right thank you for yeah go ahead one more than thank you um if you're going west up ingwood Avenue right before you cross AR Street there's a stop sign there that you can't tell the difference between the stop sign and the tree uh it seems like the leaves have hugged the stop sign and that's a travel right route for for our young people um so I don't know what we need to do to get a flashing stop sign or something or or move it back five feet so it's more noticeable um but that's a danger upgrading our signs is is key a lot of our signs unfortunately don't meet the current guidelines so going around and identify which ones don't is part of what we're doing um I'm here for you that's why I'm giving you that one I got you you put that number one on the list I got you I wrote it down part part of what I'm doing is is working with the police department and a lot of the stop signs we're going to change them to flashing stop signs and not and not stop signs that flash consistently they're stop signs that actually have you know sort of a laser detector when you get close to the sign then it starts flashing um so we're going to look into doing those and obviously the speed sign you're going too fast that sort of thing we're going to start installing more and more of those throughout the city that's only when Vehicles Come Close by or when pedestrians walk no just Vehicles when Vehicles come close then starts unless you're running in the middle of the road then it will pick you up um I spoke with Bob last week on the signage that's on Cambridge and um nicobar a lot of students park there and that stop sign is so close to the um to the corner that uh you can't even see it it's faded and everything and when the kids parked there you can't even make a turn the bus have problems making turns also so that so that's an accident waiting to happen as well okay we we'll take a look at that if my memory serves me correctly that's going to be one of the crosswalks also right like we're going to be revamping that whole intersection thank you hold on don't go nowhere so the the next uh item for discussion is a try on pool so we know that the pool is out of service this year so we have to make some decisions on the future of that [Music] pool so I think that we need to talk about that font and I know that you had brought a gentleman in front of us who does a pool who's a pool consultant um so I think that there's a conversation to be had around that Mr Hoffman uh thank you council president the um yes the council had discussed the Tron pool earlier and there's there there were two reports that were given to the to the council um that showed that the current Tron pool was unsafe and should not be open that there are significant repairs that need to be made um it's the council president and I will be meeting with the superintendent of schools and the the president of the Board of Education next week to review the the the current Tron pool and um discuss some items and uh including getting some clarity on the um the schedule that the school has for some improvements to to the school uh we had been told back in May that the the uh the school would be making repairs during the summer of 2024 and the summer of 2025 to the dism school and so that we wouldn't have access to the building so we'll you know we will we will confirm that and then um once we we have that a future discussion for the for the governing body is the um you know is a location of the pool and um the fact that whatever whatever is whatever will occur there there has to be it has to be funded and right now we're looking at a we're looking at um costs of in in the seven figures for that U you know one $1.4 million or something something in that area to make repairs to the current pool and so it it um it behooves us to have a a you know comprehensive and holistic discussion about uh the age of that pool the location of that pool and what's best for the future of the city and how we can we can provide Recreation Recreation assets for our residents thank you Mr V you got anything to add to that no um I I'll uh I'll leave that alone for now okay I'm sure you got plenty of streets to think about okay so next we will have our public session your name your address and you have three minutes to speak on any topics that interest you the birthday lady good evening hi it's nice to see all of you I'm Janet Sharma I'm a resident of creskill and I'm the coordinator of the age friendly Englewood project first of all I want to thank Mr Voli for making such great improvements in the city and ones that are have been done and that are planned there it's an important part walkability and pedestrian safety is an important part of being an age-friendly City so good job also on the Culver and flooding that's also really important I was a presenter at a conference of New Jersey Futures Redevelopment conference last couple of weeks ago in uh New Brunswick and it was a workshop I wasn't the keynote on it but it was a workshop of a woman who had written a book about how um disasters impact seniors and people of low income much worse than they do other part other people in the communities where there are disasters and certainly we know that happened in Anglewood so fixing the culverts and improving the water flow is really important and I'm glad glad that we're on that um another thing is um the council has talked and hinted at having an age friendly advisory Council I just want to encourage you to do something about that I have you all have gotten the five-year report that I submitted to ARP about englewood's progress in the last five years actually it's been more like seven years uh becoming an ageef friendly City and now it's up to the city to continue that it's not up to Janet Sharma to do that it's up to the city so I'm hopeful that there will be some activity on I know the U Congressman or council member Rosa swag had requested that there be a review of all advisory councils to see where there's crossover and where there might be some streamlining or whatever and I would just like to encourage you to get on that it's important um and another thing the I was part of a um a governor appointed advisory Council to help form a blueprint for an age friendly New Jersey and the blueprint has been delivered I think I sent all of you a link to that and part of that program will be grants to communities for agef friendly work so that's something I want the council to be sure and the city manager to be sure you keep an eye on for when those grants are announced the RFP hasn't been released yet it will be coming out sometime this summer so I don't know what the parameters are but it's likely that Anglewood would qualify for something thank Youk you thank you good evening my name is ala Jones and I living King Gardens I hope you can understand me what I'm about to say I'm going to make my list short it's about the parking situation parking is horrible for seniors and for everyone else there is no place to park there are no places for the seniors to park I went to my doctor yesterday and they even had just for the ambulance then they tell me I could go to the parking lot well number one I don't like to walk steps I can't and I'm not going to take any elevators why isn't there more parking on the streets for the people and um Dr was saying we having to pay for parking why is it inted they don't pay for parking you can park on that street without paying and we pay the highest taxes here than they do in Tac we need to start looking at these situations because we are just I don't know what we're doing we're robbing the people or we're trying to do other things the thing about it we need to dedicate Our Lives to Englewood we need to help the people in Englewood not all around I'm not going to make my list long as I promise him I'm going to keep it until I come for the next meeting but believe me I have something to say another another thing is Mr Hoffman if that street is not paved this week for one month I have been talking about ingwood Avenue and Williams street and every time I go down that street it's a bumy bub bub bum and it shouldn't be bub bub bum bub and when I turn it's horrible so please get that fixed I don't want any more excuses don't tell me about water I don't want to hear it I want the street paved and paved correctly not with just tar good luck Deacon good luck sir you done mother you done good evening Council Leroy Campbell 287 tfly Road um Mr Hoffman um just to piggyback on what you said about the someone mentioned about the shoppr right parking lot being towed that was me that mentioned that um but it wasn't so much of being towed from shopright because shopright has a method they Mark your tire if you don't move in a certain amount of times to have your vehicle towed the issue that I had is when I went to recover the car I was told by Atlantic Towing that I needed cash They didn't accept the credit card that was my issue it wasn't so much about the where I was told from it was about what I was told in order to get the car back my wife's car back that was my issue the other thing I have is there's a lot of talk this year more so this year than last year about anti-Semitism African-American on the council has been accused of being anti-Semitic but I I haven't heard African-American on the council accuse Jews on the Council of being anti-racism but when you start looking back at some of the things that's been happening especially last year when the council was structured a little different um we lost the judge who was African-American uh we lost a deputy chief a chief of police they both African American we lost uh Merl Simon who's African-American there's a young man that was suspended in the police department he's African-American so to me that shows racism that shows racism now me myself personally I'm not a racist guy I try to get along with everyone um that's been my nature from high school and and most of my life but it's just amazing to see all of these things happened to africanamerican and then we have people like Lieutenant Martin who got the opportunity to retire Luna sharp who got the opportunity to be found innocent and now we got another situation in the police department that nobody seems to want to talk about or address um I brought it up at the last meeting um I got a phone called uh I don't want phone calls from anybody I don't want to talk to anybody I just want to be able to get up here and express myself on how I feel about what's going on in this city I don't need to talk to anybody behind the scene I just need we need action and the other thing is um Ken last week again you mentioned the fact that you were going you're glad you're going to be glad to work with the mayor and Topia but you don't what you didn't realize is that there's two independent candidates that are running against these guys there's no definite that either one of them are going to win the election and the other thing is me myself personally I'm going to see that the African-American of this city do not vote the line vote the candidate uh Laura vogle malor Laura vogle 318 Malboro Road you want to speak a little louder Laura just a little okay you can do it okay just a little how's that got me can see that wearing a mask most of you there something yeah we can't hear you oh okay I might have touched it when I better yeah better okay good now I I'll I'm wearing a mask um when I'm sitting in the back by myself it's off but I think it's important for everybody to still be aware of what's Happening um it's it's a good idea to check the Wastewater data every now and then on your computer and can you understand all this stuff um right now the Wastewater in our area is high in covid and the CDC is um it's is saying that for those areas that are high that they expect the summer surge of covid covid is not seasonal it is not the flu so I just want to make people aware um uh care about your seniors okay for us we're at higher risk um and thanks to um Janet Sharma and I also wanted to mention about the um the uh age friendly Grant to communities that's uh $5.5 million and I believe the press release said it should come at the end of the year so I hope we can take advantage of that and that money would then help uh with um with uh seniors um also um you know I'm I'm um there's an ordinance about landscapers in our city website and um what that says which it it again it's just not really uh uh taken seriously is that all landscapers have to get um receive a permit from the city in order to work here and they have to display a permit on the driver's side windshield for people to see that doesn't exist they don't have permits none of them and um why I bring that up is because it's a way of the city even communicating with landscapers because they do need to be communicated with cuz many of them aren't doing the proper thing uh um also um I would like to suggest like other communities that they don't allow landscapers on weekends no honor people's holiday on Saturday and on Sunday I would recommend we do not have landscapers on the weekends okay I I hope that's something we can do thank you thank you yeah Rick Wilby Inwood New Jersey uh I want to recommend for everybody to watch uh something on tub called bad faith bad faith talks about Christian nationalism in this country and uh it's very interesting when you look at the Christian nationalism the one common denominator you always see is you know white folks and white Christianity America being this judeo Christian Society loves its racism loves its fascism and it's on display here in Inglewood it's very much so A Tale of Two Cities the top of the hill where the corruption and the criminality and the self- entitlement and everything that we deal with down here in the valley is on Full display if you do not understand it then you can't relate because maybe you are one of those elitists that has not have to suffer or come here and complain about streets not being paved or ordinance not being enforced or other things that people need down here in the valley there's people that run for public office that you wouldn't be able to know who they are if you tripped over them but they're here tonight and I hope that we could have a discussion since you want people to vote for you it is very disingenuous for someone to run for a public office and you can't know their platform or know what it is they have to offer to people all they could do is manufacture some madeup propaganda video trying to fear Monger people like something is going on 1962 right here in Englewood New Jersey since you want to know what it's like to be black in this country African-Americans protest School segregation that school was Lincoln School okay the things that black people have suffered in this country no other race or Creed has has to deal with it and if they did they'd probably be extinct we've suffered more than anybody else have the fingers pointed the rules and the regulations don't work for us even the so-called police that are s to protect don't protect us the legal system doesn't work for us we're not Donald Trump we don't get immunity we're not even Joe Biden we don't get nothing whether you're talking about the GOP okay or whether you're talking about the dixie crats black folks know that the politics in this country have failed us and it failed us because of the self- entitlement of white men and white women that think that it's their right to rule over us and to not be held accountable but these white men and these white women are wrong because there is something that is going on in this country and people are starting to resist that structure as much as you think that structure serves you people are starting to resist that structure and there's going to be civil diff Disobedience and there's going to be a civil war with the people that think that they have the right to rule over US versus the people that will not bend the knee and will not go back to picking cotton or being told what to do and what day to do it this is what people need to understand okay the LGBT community talks about they're queer and they're here we're black and we're not going to go back I guess I'm in now right yeah yeah so situation just want some information on the uh can you hear me yeah yeah okay great I just want some information on resolution 20170224 um pertaining to the material for supply of police Firearms um I would like to get some clarification on the need for the firearm Supply um the need needs to be defined like you know where's the data showing that there is a pressing need um for that Supply to be be purchased um you know simple things like how many police shootings you know things of that nature in the past you know U that would be helpful um what's your last name Watson Watson and I want to preface this as well right I'm the only generation that actually skipped law enforcement my father did 40 years law enforcement in New York City and my son 12 as a detective NYPD so I don't have anything against the police it's just something I just wanted to get some information on okay all right um and then there's something also of the uh Spenders the spending $5,000 uh ammunition there was about 2k and the qualification ammo then there's another 3K that's not really defined so what was that 3K for um that' be helpful to know as well um we had some conversation about the towing and I just was listening to it I think you guys had a very good dialogue going on but I think there's some things you may want to consider with respect to employing the uh exploring the liability risk right so if you're saying the The Entity of the city of the city of Inglewood has to place the call to the towing company well you are now putting yourself in a position for liability if someone can't get their car back because you're failing to enforce the law so you may want to consider that um uh what else I wanted to bring it right quick oh there was like a maximum of $750 how much man hours and and time will be spent Prosecuting one complaint I think it'll be a lot more than $750 across the board when you get everybody has to come in do a hearing lawyers legal fees you know just explore that I I could be a little off based but I think that's something for you guys to take a look at and see if it's even cost effective to pursue um the other thing is the um we have a food truck on Cambridge Avenue it belongs to a resident and it just stays parked on the Street and it's causing a lot of problems with rodents um and it's it's it's a safety issue as well um because I think you guys talked about that corner that corner is is blinded by the driver who's heading towards nicb Baka because that truck is there sometimes you can't see a car coming through because that truck is there right so you know can somebody look into that as well and that truck has private plates on it rather than commercial plates um I think that's about it from Cambridge Avenue folks cambrid thank you thank you Rich Mr Hoffman do you want to address what he said about the Amo thing uh sure I I will address some of that thank you council president um we'll go in reverse order so on Cambridge Avenue there is a food truck uh it has been reported that there was um that there was rodents in the food truck and that were on the front lawn the health department has been out there several times they have not found they have not not found any rodents or you know alive or dead in the truck or on the property of the there there is an there is an issue the truck does have it does not have commercial plates it has private plates the the current ordinance for the city said that a truck that's under four tons uh can be on the can be on the street but um it's supposed to be moved every 48 Hours uh the owner of the truck has been has been issued summonses they have been to court but there has not been a satisfactory resolution at the moment and it's my understanding that they're due back in court but I I don't have you know it's it's basically they're they're in court I believe for property maintenance issues uh you had talked about some other questions about on the bills list about ammunition we don't have that information right here I'm happy to give you my card or you can talk you can communicate with me and we can we can provide you with that information but um I guess I guess those were the those were the two the two questions that uh that the gentleman had um Mr Watson had right right those were the questions about the police the ammunition purchase no resolution 201 yes okay 2011 he had a question about resolution 201 all right which will be discussing in closed session correct yeah correct we're going to be discussing that in closed session and then then we're going to come back out okay what was a question what was your question la oh I'm sorry uh C there was I do have something start it was just about the landscapers um and I I do believe there is an ordinance that was on this that's on the city code but um we're going to have to check check I believe it was struck down as unconstitutional I believe that was struck down Statewide that um municipalities are unable to issue separate licenses for for landscapers but uh per yeah yeah permit it's um so believe that's why we can't enforce it that it was struck down by state court but we'll find you know we we'll just yeah yeah we're we're going to be discussing that in close session then then coming out so the council so we'll discuss that first since since there are no more questions I'm going to close the public session of this meeting and we're going to go into to close session Mr Doyle can you take us in the close session read sure uh we need a motion please to go into Clos session I make a motion council president to go into Clos session I'll second it you got to read all the fa what close close