now we're going to return to the meeting um we're going to talk about the special improvement district resolution 221071 624 resolution to allow the Sid budget to be read by title only I need a motion and a second I make a motion council president that it be read inter record I'll second that roll call is Angelo on yes roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David councilwoman David yes you can yes thank you thank you councilman Wilson yes council president C yes now we'll open a public hearing uh on the SIDS 2025 budget only only questions on that budget we'll open this up to the public hearing anybody have any questions on it I'm curious to know some of the details of the special oh name name John bab 2132 Street Anglewood New Jersey uh can it be described for us some of the uh planned improvements uh that this budget's going to cover and some some details of it is a specific project it's designated for or is it just an open fund just to cover at discretion the B the city is as you know is a special improvement district so they have many projects that they're doing the S special improvement district that's what it stands and where is that in Englewood palet Avenue Dean Street uh angle Street and I might be missing something grand evue grand okay so and Van and Van br so they are separate and separate from anything uh the Englewood Chamber of Commerce or anything like that it's a separate uh entity organization and under what Authority do they report to the city or they a board or they have their own board they're a board so it's a board of business owners is that what you're saying yes okay all right and and this is what they're going to be contributing to this is their budget this is their budget that's correct all right thank thank you yep so Ellie Kelly 35 shepher Avenue Anglewood uh why is James Street um special Improvement when it's brand new new houses what are you going to improve on James Street you just mentioned James Street as I didn't James Street Mr misunderstood you it's okay you only get one shot you can come back in the public session if you'd like that's correct anybody else for the public hearing so I'm going to close this portion of the public hearing and then I'm going to move to resolution 222 07624 the approving of the Englewood special Improvement District's budget for the year 2025 and I need a motion and a second second roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David I think there's a time delay between the YouTube and calling her coun counc yes yes yes thank you councilman Wilson yes council president C yes the budget has been approved for the year 2025 thank you state members for coming out next we'll have the approval of minutes resolution 223 7624 the May 2nd 2023 workshops excuse me may 223 the minutes will be for May 2nd 2023 is Workshop I make a motion council president before we make a motion there's just one correction should should we make the correction before the motion sure so so yes yes yes yes so so um I mean I I just got this a few hours ago so I didn't have time you know to read it until till now but um you have a a a recess called by councilman C but I I assume that it was that it was called by council president Marin and that's right before we did ordinance 23-13 I don't remember what page that was on by any chance it's right at the recess there go okay thank you well correct that and I yeah I just want to request if we can have the minutes in advance more in advance please they're sent out as soon as I complete them motion council president yes sir I make a motion now that we have corrected that slight error right correct we correct that and we'll reissue that I'll second okay anybody else have any other question so M Miss David needs to abstain right correct okay so do we have to go back and do a motion and second for approval just no we did the change before right before before the motion was made so I we got right okay roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes you're going to have to abstain on this one she's abstaining she she can't vote on that thank you yeah councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next we'll have bills and claims resolution 22471 1624 in the amount of 1,937 400 $ 5419 I need a motion in a second and questions make a motion council president second second questions no questions council president if if I may me for a moment please um for number P I can't hear you we're on the list ask if she got any questions did she hear that did you have any questions on the bills list she has no questions she has no questions sorry it's okay um Mr Wilson if you can maybe speak into the mic so it's easier for Miss David to hear I'm sorry please forgive me on page number two under Public Works uh probably halfway down 24- 01803 for the repairs to the bucket loader for $1,484 um was this involved with a a recently continuous uh dump spot did that have anything to do with uh the answer is no okay no this was U this was wear and tear and there was a some something that happened to it back in April okay cuz I know we're like up to 400 dumps or something of that sort yes we are yeah no I I I just want to um bring that out whenever the opportunity avails itself because it's so important that the public knows that the DPW is working hard and I thought this was one of the subjects where the truck was being overworked because they're drudging is that the right word drudging yes we're dredging we're desilting des snagging and resting yes okay yes thank you and uh just last uh on page three under Recreation Department uh we're painting or we've painted the pool uh that is correct the governing body uh the city went out to bid earlier this year and then in February the governing body uh awarded a contract uh for the painting of the pool so it was resolution 068 of 02062 24 so this was a regular regular maintenance that we do on the pools thank you this was just another opportunity to share with the public um what the tax dollars are being spent on so we can do continuous maintenance to keep up thank you city manager I think that's all for tonight council president thank you for your Indulgence anybody else have any questions um Mr Hoffman on page number five since Mr Vol is not here um we have two entries here for Bergen fence and it says uh overp and McKay one for 25,500 and one for three yes uh council president thank you for bringing that up uh the first one is for for a broken fence that was replaced and that was along the um the over overp Creek so it was an extended period it was an extended yardage of fence but this was a safety issue and it was brought to our attention during during inspections by our DPW so that fence was replaced and then U the fence at overp peek and McKay uh the amount in the amount of $3,400 that was because a tree limb fell um or fell and then it hit the fence and it broke a fence it broke or bent the fence in an area over on the west side of McKay Park and that that was also replaced it's over by the new playground area that that fence that's on the west side by the playground yes yes is anything over on the east side of the park cuz that's where most of the fencing is on the east side of the park down on the over side right and that's where that that's where that broken fence was replaced so that was that was the larger the larger expenditure was that closer to the First Street down that way no one I know that side that's on the west side but he said also on the east side that's where most of the fencing is right there but I think that's where the tree fell over there they that by play yeah right yeah he said that but there's another one over there cuz on the side with the basketball court is at that's where a lot of the fening is there over there on that part of that over pet Canal yeah you you just hit the nail on the head it's over by the the longer fence was replaced over by the overp creek over by that Canal okay and interesting enough M Mr Mr Kaufman as we just recently had a presentation from the Sid and if people would see on page five you'll see that you were transferring the Sid taxes uh and I see that you transferred uh probably a half a year of taxes to them so they I'm sure they have very happy to get that money Mr Kaufman yes okay thank you so much with that all right that's all I have if nobody else has question let's go roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes and just as a point of order council president the the new fence extended down towards the the industrial area on over pet Creek so it had there's there's also breaks down there I I think we need to look at between Forest Avenue and First Street again on that side I think some of the fencing is gotten a little damaged or something okay so we may need take a look in between the area right there closer to Forest Avenue the right hand side there okay um next we have ordinance of second reading but I want to miss have Mr Bailey explain to us we've had this conversation about neighborhood preservation and why we generally do that uh yes uh council president um we were requested to prepare an ordinance establishing neighborhood preservation advisory committee um and the purpose of that is to have uh equal representation from each Ward the the ordinance that's before you tonight uh has uh two representatives from each Ward uh one council person to serve as a liaison to the committee a as well as the mayor's office um and essentially it's to uh have this committee established to implement and look into revitalizing the downtown uh preserving na neighborhoods uh exploring community benefit programs uh things like that to try and support uh historic stuff with the existing neighborhoods and to coordinate with the the businesses to try and promote uh their growth and kind of build Partnerships uh with the city and the business community and the public sector and the public private sector to hopefully enhance everyone's experience in Anglewood uh so it's an advisory committee this is the first step to establish it if this is adopted uh then candidates would be uh considered by the governing body and by resolution appointed just like we do with other uh committees on an annual basis and and that also kind of lines up with the uh master plan as well right I believe so yes okay so I open up the public hearing on ordinance 2407 if the public has any questions your name your address on ordinance 24 407 please speak now I'll close this public hearing and I need a motion in a second I make a motion council president I'll second it councilman Rosen white no councilwoman wasi no councilwoman David um I have given the proposed advisory committee great thought I be willing to table this to get a better understanding of this purpose and concert with the recent request for an analysis like we did discuss at the last meeting we had to get to an analysis and see what's working what's not working with all these committees we do have you know so I would also recommend that we explore putting a meaningful commission perhaps a historic commission that may have legislative powers rather than advisory who have no power if you're going to move forward with a vote today I have to say no for the Visa I must mention and also my constituents and my third board we have a overlay Zone and everything and I have to say no on this I'm sorry because I need to get a better understanding thank you thank you councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes okay final vote is 3 no two yes motion fails thank you and and I would just like to say Obviously you just heard the commentary from councilwoman David uh it has nothing to do with what we're talking about president cons a of your neighborhoods so we'll leave it there next no ordinances for introduction uh and I'm going to open up the public comment for resolution consent agenda items 225 226 227 228 229 230 23 31 232 233 I open up the public session any questions on any of these items your name your address and you have three minutes does anybody want to pull any of these items yes I'd like to I'd like to I'm gonna want to close the public yeah I'm going to close the public session and um you want to pull the these items I want to pull them you can pull them huh we we just close the go ahead speak you addressing me yeah speak I'd like to um okay you fixed it yeah okay um so I want to table um resolution 230 d07 D16 d24 should I make a motion to table it I make a motion that we table it y second just tell us 2:30 yeah councilman Rosen apologize this is a motion to table to table yes yes councilwoman wiski yes to table councilwoman David yes to table councilman Wilson no council president cob no okay uh final vote count is three yes two no motion passes to table I want to pull item 222 233 and I want to pull item 232 I want to vote on those separately so we're GNA vote on 225 226 227 228 229 231 motion and roll call I'll make a motion that we work that we vote on resolutions 225 226 227 228 229 and 231 second roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next we're going to vote on resolution 232 um I want to make some comments as Mr Sam Lee is here today as the exalter ruler of the Elks 100 Years of community service for anybody who knows about the Elks and the members thank you for your service thank the Elks for their service Mr Lee for that and and continued service maybe people don't know what you do and what you've been doing in this community for a long time so I want to thank you for that resolution I will bring to y'all tomorrow okay anybody else having councilman Wilson thank you council president um I too would like to Echo those comments um a 100 years a century is a long time for any organiz gation to operate in a community and to continue to give back no matter what the climate is kudos to you um young men and young ladies that have been serving our community that are committed to our community community to the the youth uh the seniors um giving back to those who are less fortunate feeding our community if you haven't gotten the opportunity I suggest that you at least go on to the website or visit um you guys do an amazing job you you make us Inglewood so thank you for all that you do thank you council president thank you Mr Wilson we need a motion in a second right believe on that nobody else has any comments I make a motion council president I'll second roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes and congratulations councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next we have resolution 233 07162 4 resolution honoring the late Reverend Dr Daniel small Bailey I pulled this because if anybody knows or been dealt with the school system or anything in Englewood know that she her tragic passing recently visiting her family in South Africa think it's horrible and anybody who's come in contact with uh Dr small Bailey knew that infectious energy that she had and she shared with us um I think it's important obviously at her um visual last Wednesday you could see that by the outpouring of people who who came to attend uh and those who came to watch but it's more about what she gave back to this community the whole time she's been here in her 20 plus years uh as a servant to this community and I think I think it was worthy that she be recognized even though we recognized her earlier with a moment of silence um I had the opportunity to get a little closer to her um her and my daughter of the same sorority and they they pledged at the same time so you know um so I got to learn a little bit about that sari so I think that she she's going to be greatly missed she's impacted a lot of families in the city of Anglewood and I think that this honor is something that we that needs to be bestowed upon her [Applause] anybody else roll call need a motion in need a motion in a second make a motion council president I'll second it roll call councilman Rosen thank you for those words and uh yes councilwoman wasky yes coun sorry councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes thank you for the word those words council president and we and we need more shos like her Dr Bailey uh yes thank you council president cob yes next items for discussion the first one is u-turns on Palisade Avenue we need to put something in place for that uh every every anytime I come down palace we see people making urns and we are going to have some accidents there and in the driver's book it says you can't break a double line so every time you turn on Palace you're breaking a double line so I think it's a very easy fix that if in order to pass the driver's test you got to understand the rules those are the rules so I think we need to address this number two is prohib iting the riding of electric scooters on the sidewalk we have an age friendly town and you know riding scooters on is not going to be safe we have a lot of elderly people they're not going to be able to navigate move out the way before somebody gets hurt this is a quality of life and a safety issue and what I will say with that and Mr Hoffman I think he'll Echo that we got a an abundance of scooters Now parking on pal Avenue and what they're doing is is that they're um staging themselves to make deliveries and either in front of CVS or a Chick-fil-A now if you go down there in the afternoons it's easy to see four or five of them there um and that's an eyesore and and we have to figure out and we have to address it and they're also using the the light poles to charge their batteries so we have to address that so we have to put that here so we can yeah as soon as I get finished you you may can I finish like a wheelchair but it's like the more expensive one you know you have to D gas and electri you know Electric whatever so we got to be really specific with this we can't say that it prohibit the electric scooters because a lot of seniors now I don't want them riding in the streets on Palace Avenue with the cars and be like okay I'm riding with the cars because I cannot go on a sidewalk you understand so the language has to be really clear with the elected scooters on sidewalks with the seniors who also have electric scooters so it has to be really defined on the Disability Act I'm just looking at the dis act law you understand and also the bicyles like to trees and parking meters um we do have a lot people moving in in Englewood and who are like my daughters and I'm looking at them like we got a car we all have cars I'm like go get your food they're like no we're g to call door Dash so you're looking at people who also are working and employed to say hey I'm going to lock my uh you know bike to a tree and go in and Chick-fil-A and come out so maybe we need to have something implemented that we can have that can a little bike station or something a rail or something I'm just saying I'm just looking at it like we have to be more specific about the livelihood of people's income when it comes to bikes locked you know the trees and parking meters and I get it they do that and maybe we need to um enforce something else like maybe add some additional something and then the electric scooters my dad drives electric scooter so you going to tell my dad here to go kick rocks and just driving like you know down palis Avenue I'm just asking we need to Define this very carefully because of the entire um law when it comes to seniors well uh Miss David if you were here we could have this discussion but I'm going to tell you right now discussion that's discussion that's why I point out okay and tin and hack said it's illegal to ride electric scooter on the sidewalk they got signs they got but I'm not talking about that that's not what I'm talking about I say these scooters electric scooters the ones is standing up that you see young people riding on those are different than somebody riding in a SE a a seated uh scooter for a senior citizens two different two different things I only do black and white I'm a teacher special education teacher with a master degree in special Edge I'm looking at electric scooters when I see electric scooters I'm look at that word so it has to be changed a little bit to protect our seniors you get what I'm saying I at the language a language a language we know what to language the language next and bicycles locking bicycles on trees that ain't normal and like locking them on on on it it's it's an isore it's a quality of life then I know it's a quality of life Electric scooters a lot of scoters because that's their quality of life because now they moved up from like another you know they're not gonna have like a regular wheelchair so they're gonna say you know what I'm gonna pay $5,000 for electric scooter for seniors and pay that $5,000 and I don't they should be not exempt from riding on a sidewalk they should not be exempt from that and that's how I feel I mean you know I mean quality of life changes and I get it I mean I see it with the entire overlay Zone and everything everything quality life changes but you know what we got to protect that seniors also I'm looking at the electric scooters which the name they spell in stores like to SC the fers we need to change the names and make sure that we to find this a little more serious with them and the bicycles locked on the trees and parking meters yes that's an eyesore but when people are delivering food from um Chick-fil-A or whatever they want to go these people also making a living by delivering food if they don't bicycle then maybe should put some like bicycle racks up or something I'm just asking maybe we can just talk about this you know that's my my thing about it you know quality of life everyone got to make a living all right that's all I have to say that's my statement I'm sorry next next to Tri on pool uh me Mr Hoffman councilman Wilson along with uh William Feinstein and the superintendent had a conversation about the Trion pool and we got some Tri pool now okay so we talk about that's okay got you so we we we have uh some more ideas which we will um talk to the council at a future meeting in terms of what the information that we have to share and we'll share it with the public as well but we wanted to let you know that there there is some movement on that and we got some new information from them so uh we will have that conversation at the next meeting next Workshop meeting is that fa to say Mr Hoffman yes council president thank you so next we'll we'll move on to Communications from the governing body mayor W did he give you a communication or okay we're g can I can I just before we um are are we discussing the the um the ordinance with Flat Rock Brook in close session yeah okay thank you counc councilman Rosen swag hi thank you and good evening everyone um I'd like to offer my condolences to the family of Dr Daniela small Bailey on her tragic um loss of life in uh in a traffic accident in South Africa and I hope I hope they find comfort in her good deeds and the lives of the children whose lives she improved I'd like to also also off for my condolences uh to JC Rond uh the executive director of the uh Sid on the loss of her mother um hope to see everyone at the night market uh the night the DAT has been changed from tomorrow night to Thursday night due to uh the weather so hope to see everyone on Palisades Avenue on Thursday night and please everyone uh stay cool um it's dangerously hot um so please uh going for typical stroll in the heat is is not is anything but typical so please move it to earlier in the day if Poss early in the morning if possible later in the evening with reflective clothing on if if necessary as well uh thank you and I hope everyone continues to have a great summer thank you councilwoman wasowski okay okay good evening my condolences as well to the family of Dr Daniela small Bailey um and I would again urge everybody if you have elderly neighbors please check on them during this heat uh there is we have one I think we only have one in Anglewood right now right we only have one cooling center which is at the library there are others in New Jersey I think you can dial 211 for a list of the cooling centers um I look forward to seeing everybody at the Night Market on Thursday night and I hope that everyone's enjoying their summer thank you councilwoman David M Davis do you have a a report David oh yes yes um my update for third W um I would like to thank um our um city manager our assistant Cate manager for what they doing in a third board also on August the 4th um at 1:00 we going to have a third W block party we're not going to turn any way anyone away if you're from the third W you're welcome other WS you're welcomes and this is the first time in history we have done something like this so I'm asking people to like um save the date email me give me your information um it's going to be like really nice and you know what bring a friend or meet a friend basically um and you know what we all one Community one Englewood we all here and basically just come out and just have some fun we have everyone there and that's it basically thank you oh I have the AC this fun on wson Street sorry that's it thank you councilman thank you y councilman Wilson thank you council president um first giving honor to God without him this wouldn't be possible for me um we went to a visual um that we never know what God's timing is for Dr Small's Bailey and someone who serves our our youth for over 20 years is a huge statement in my book she's a Shiro um I've done a a camp for I guess eight years and I've dealt with young people but it was only one week at a time um and at that time that that that was a stretch for me so anyone who serves our our kids on a continuous basis the teachers the principls the guidance counselors the gym teachers the coaches kudos to you guys uh because you're preparing our future so thank you um Dr Smalls Bailey May I continue to bless your family I'll try not to repeat uh please come out to Night Market see what it's all about enjoy your city and the festivities we are in 125th anniversary celebration for the city of Inglewood and this will be part of that celebration um I want to give a congratulations to DPW I know what they do in this scoring heat that it's not easy and I received phone call after phone calls um and what some people don't realize is these guys are still operating on a regular schedules they don't go home early and they're out in 89 90 degree weather um so it takes a toll on them so I asked you guys as residents to be patient to be understanding they're not missing your recycle or trash on purpose that's not what they're doing so let's just have a a slight bit of understanding for them um and I saw someone two days ago in the Heat and he appeared upon first look that he was sleeping and he had passed out from heat exhaustion so when you see something it's okay to investigate and look cuz you never know when somebody needs your help and you might be that saving angel that comes into somebody's life at that particular moment when no one else is around to to lend the hand and so if you have air conditioner and your neighbor don't doesn't invite him over for a minute it's okay to share um so we can't get through this thing by ourselves we have to look out for one another uh This Thing Called Life crosses Creed and nationality and skin color and we can't get through this thing by ourselves so let's be mindful on how we move forward and how we treat each other it m it makes a difference so if you see something say something help me help us have a blessed summer thank you councilman Wilson um first of all I'd like to thank y'all for staying around tonight um it's important that you hear what's being said or what's not being said it's important that you come here to hold people accountable we work for you don't be fooled by that and don't let us fool you y'all are in charge when y'all want to be in charge and I think it's very important that people start participating in this town and stop existing in this town when you exist you just here you need to start to participate this is your town this is your town tonight we swore in seven officers uh let's see what improvements we get let's see if the safety gets better but if it's not we come here tonight we talked about bicycles put on the trees and people were against that how is that it's quality of life es school to safety age friendly how could we be against that when other towns in Bergen County have laws against that now hackin saac which is the county seat has laws you can't even ride on the sidewalk and have to say t neck has laws everybody has an opinion but we have to do what's best for all of us collectively we have an organization such as the Elks 100 Years of community service that should be commendable anybody gets 100 Years of anything should be commendable we should lift them up and support them any way we can they don't ask for much from us but they're always given think about the people that are always giving not asking for anything but always giving we got a lot of people here that are just giving and they don't ask for anything from us because that's what it is then that's who they are and we have a lot of organizations who do the same then we have people and organization who think they're entitled to things guess that's what the world is coming to today then we go to Dr Danielle Bailey for for us who had the opportunity to be inter our company we walked away impressed we walked away with the confidence that the the children under her care were going to learn and she cared about them that this is a big gap that has to be filled that will never be filled actually but she's impacted many children Future Leaders of this community and going on kids that represent this community for that my condolences go out to her family the Inglewood School District her sorority sisters her family CU she gave of us and she set an example she was an educational Beacon she was a religious Beacon so I I think her for what she's done for us and may she rest in power this this this week in the last week and a half has has been very hot so we have to be careful about our health and what we're doing staying hydrated making sure other people stay hydrated make sure people are safe so to councilman Wilson's point you know if you see somebody struggling help them out don't cost you anything to help somebody we've gotten away from that we think it's better to attack people and think that that makes you you Dim somebody else's light your light or shine brighter doesn't happen that way doesn't work that way we will make this town what we want it to be this city rather what you want it to be that's what we'll make it be but it can't be that unless y'all come and say hey this is what we want and participate in this this weekend the you'll have the M Night Market on Thursday but this weekend there's events in the park uh from people who are coming from all over the country to celebrate what Anglewood used to be over 800 tickets have been sold to this event these people have it every two three years and that's what you talk about support and comaraderie that's what we need to bring back back to Anglewood The Divide doesn't work for anybody but again I thank you all for coming out tonight and continuing to be concerned and we will continue or I will continue to work as hard as I can so thank you very much Mr Hoffman [Applause] thank you council president and good evening ladies and gentlemen as the governing body has already said uh the night market will be on Thursday and not tomorrow due to the uh due to the Heat and the thunderstorms but um tomorrow Wednesday July 17th will be a free pool day because of the because the temperature is going to be over 94 degrees so tomorrow will be a free pool day so that people can help stay uh stay cool and stay hydrated the um so that's that's one of the one of the important things to note also today the uh the city took delivery of one of its two completely electric Mac garbage trucks so while I'm giving my report our Deputy city manager will just put up some pictures from this afternoon when the truck was delivered to the DPW and you'll see some of our some of our employees that were there looking at it so this this electric Mac garbage truck is the first truck to be delivered in the state of New Jersey to a municipality so that's the truck it was ordered about uh a year and a half ago or two years ago it's completely Grant funded um by a grant from the state and um it will be at the night market there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony for it at about 8:00 in the evening and we are also going to be receiving a second Mac electric garbage truck so uh our staff will be learning how to how to use it uh the truck will be after the light Night Market it's going to go back to the to the manufacturer so that it can fin finish being going through its warranty testing and then uh they will come up and test all you know teach all of our employees uh how to operate it so this is something that's very exciting and we look forward to seeing it on the streets uh and you're you're going to have to listen carefully because it's very quiet so it's uh it's good the city of New York wound up they have 10 of these electric garbage trucks and we just were told this afternoon that um in Brooklyn where they where they're using them most of the time they want to putting um putting a mimicking a Harley-Davidson motorcycle so that people could hear the truck coming down the street so um we'll we'll have to see what we we need to do I also wanted to uh thank our police off officers and the police candidates that were sworn in tonight and we we wish them a wonderful career in their service to our city and we look forward to the to the success that they will they will help bring to our community our fire department had a very successful junior fire academy last week and chief Kaplan and the fire department deserve our thanks for putting that together and it's a uni it was a unique fun-filled week and I believe maybe councilman Wilson was talking about that he participated for that in the in the in the past and that was a lot of work for him and it was a lot of work for the fire department so and and part of it it's it's our sincere hope that this type of Academy serves as a catalyst for our residents to think about a career in the fire department in the future so um so kudos to the fire department for that and then our Police Department is also conducting their junior Police Academy so Chief gy in the department um has a two-e junior Police Academy and again we look forward to the success of this and we we hope that it will inspire some of the participants to consider a career in public service and law enforcement the uh state of New Jersey has informed the city that the Jones Road detour related to the bridge replacement over Route 4 is scheduled to uh take effect on Saturday August 10th and it's anticipated that the tour will The Detour will be in effect for up to a year uh we will have final information on that during the week of August 5th but just as a heads up this is this is coming and we've had a lot of heat recently and we've had we we have um services that that our residents that give our residents peace of mind but we take for granted so I wanted to give the the the governing body and those that are are here and listening a snapshot of what happened in with the fire department on Tuesday July 9th so the fire department had 13 calls for service on Tuesday July 9th and they had a company recall which means that the the um the the firefighters that were on duty they needed assistance so they had it so additional firefighters were were brought in so the day was had um had had dangerous heat and it was and it had a lot of humidity and so not every day is like that but the day that that particular day um there was just a significant amount of wide variety of incidents so one of the first incidents that happened was at 7:34 in the morning at St Cecilia's Church the fire department was dispatched because there was an injured worker who was working on an upper Roof near the steeple and he fell into What's called the service Scuttle which is sort of a uh a crawl space in the Attic area and he was severely injured so the fire department members working with the police and with the local EMS they were able to place this injured worker in a rescue litter and the worker had sustained severe chest and abdominal injuries in his fo and the worker had to be lowered lower to the ground via ropes that were attached to the aerial ladder of one of our trucks and so he was he was lowered to the ground from the roof and then he was taken to hackin saac University Medical Center for treatment and the medical staff at hackensac University Medical Center contacted the fire department and gave them a gave them a job well done because the medical treatment that they gave to this injured worker prevented further serious injuries and possibly prev prevented him from passing away so our firefighters when they're not at when they're not responding to calls they're training so most of our firefighters are EMTs and this is one of the one of the reasons why they're EMTs who would have thought that you needed to bring out a ladder truck you know to put up a block and tackle and take somebody out and then lower them to the ground they also responded to a water main break at Cross in moris and then there was a a CO activation alarm at 11:52 on Hillside Avenue then at 12:05 on Armory Street um the uh one of the suppression units from the fire department was requested to respond and meet a fire prevention official who was investigating an illegal occupancy an odor of gas was detected throughout the building and several illegally stored propane tanks were found on site our fire prevention Bureau working with the health and building departments discovered an unauthorized daycare center which was shut down and there were 13 children that were at that daycare center so the proper State authorities were notified Public Service came in and found the gas leak leak on site and then red tagged the [Music] building later that day at uh 1844 which is 644 um there was a a rubbish fire in the backyard of a house on Belmont Street then at 1948 on Valley View Road there was an activated fire alarm and then tragically later later that night at about 8:30 on Dana place in East Palisades Avenue there was a serious motor vehicle accident and it involved a motorcycle and the fire department had a company that responded and they provided medical assistance to the um Inglewood Hospital medical team that was on scene but sadly um the motorcycle rider passed away from his injuries then after that there is um there was a guas in a home on Van norand Avenue uh the residents returned home from vacation and found out found smelled the gas and they found out that they had left they had left their stove on while they were on vacation so they were very lucky um there was a welfare check very late that night on an elder elderly resident and the police department participated in that to make sure that the resident was okay and then there was a motorcycle there was a motor vehicle accident on Route 4 and the fire department was called out because there was fluid spills all over the the roadway and debris and they were called to um to come clean up route four so that the road could be reopened then there was an active activated fire alarm on Riverview Drive there was another activated fire alarm on Li Decker Street and then there was the 13th call of the day was on tomman place near Nathaniel where there was an animal rescue so ducklings were stuck in a storm drain and we're happy to report that all were successfully removed and uh are now safe so that's that's 13 calls in a for the fire department and while every day isn't that busy or doesn't have that many that those type of unique challenges these these um stalwarts of our community are ready willing and able to respond to almost anything so they are uh they are the Maggers of of our our community they they figure out how to rescue people from Steeples they figure out how to get Ducks out of out of drains and they do everything in between so just keep that keep that in mind when you see our fire department when you hear about training um they're training for all sorts of contingencies and they they continue to train for new technologies that they have to deal with including the electric garbage trucks and the electric cars that we we have now and we'll have more in the future wanted to also give a Welcome to our new Rec director tohaa Warren who started today and we wish him well and also to thank our interim Recreation director Molly Craig Berry who did an outstanding job under very trying circumstances and the success of our summer camps and the smooth operation of the McKay pool are a testimony to her teamwork and her can do attitude and then on the consent agenda tonight we had some we had some items that were related to the ice rink so that U think about the ice rink think about cool thoughts and um maybe the 97 degree uh day that we had today won't be as bad but we're going to be replacing the some of the netting in the inside of the rink and then the curtains that are on the outside of the rink when you look at them they're they're old they're torn and um they will look better in the fall when when the rink is ready for uh for its its ice skating season so and last last but not least I I wanted to piggyback on something that council president Cobb said when he talked about our you know our community so last Saturday June July 13th we all witnessed someone trying to change the course of history with a gun we live in a country where change should and must come through The Ballot Box this is a sacred and most this is a sacred right and it must be protected as Citizens we have the right to our own opinions we have the right to discuss those opinions with others and then we have the right to do that in a respectful way first last and always we need to remember that we are all citizens of the United States we have more in common we have more ties that bind us together than differences that can tear us apart it's important that we that we remember that no matter what our philosophy is our family members our friends and our neighbors are entitled to their opinion and we must respect it let's keep this in mind as we evaluate the candidates for election in November who will represent us at the local state and National levels and I also wanted to express my condolences to the um to the Englewood uh education Community for the passing of Dr small baly as well as the passing of JC Rondo's mother thank you very much thank you Mr H thank you so now we're going to open it up to the public session your name address and you have three minutes to comment on anything that you choose toight that we spoke about tonight or whatever Leroy Campbell 287 tfight Road Anglewood uh council president I want to thank you for bringing to the Forefront about these scooters these scooters are becoming a nightmare in town um I live on tfly road which is a busy road and 9 10:00 at night they're going up up and down tly Road like they're like they're a motorized vehicle they're not a motorized vehicle they electric vehicle and there's a difference between a scooter in the middle of the road and a wheelchair on a sidewalk it's a big difference individual in wheelchairs don't ride in the middle of the road it's just a matter of time before somebody get killed in this town it's just a matter of time because it's it's ridiculous and a lot of these things don't even have lights on them it's just it's it's mindboggling as to how these kind of things can happen here in town I witnessed a young man got killed on 303 in Rockland County got hit hit by a car on a scooter he was coming south and I was going north but I saw the whole thing and it was just it was devastating I couldn't even drive that day I had to bring my truck back to the yard and park it because I I couldn't drive the other thing I have is we put a sign on Palisades Avenue saying no double parking um by the monument cars are still double parking but not only are cars still double parking the police officers are not doing anything about it I was right behind the police officer vehicle passing that sign cars were double parked in front of no CH day Columbia and he never stopped to he never even stopped to say a bw's horn or anything he just went around the traffic and kept going these guys got to do a better job if they're going to Serve and Protect they got to do a better job because that's another incident is about to happen pal Avenue it's just a matter before you have a head on yeah because when you got cars double Park on both sides of the road in the exact same area now you got one car trying to squeeze through to get through so it's just a matter of time for us a head-on collision on Palace Avenue the last thing I have is um I guess it's from Mr biley because nobody has mentioned anything about hawo industry in a long time so maybe you can get some information and let us know what's going on with that Mr um essentially nothing is going on with that there hasn't been any discussion in quite a long time okay so maybe over a year ago maybe it was yeah that's been that long so they're still using that property for parking and we're not getting any we're not generating anything any revenue or anything because they wanted to buy the property correct yeah right okay y okay uh good evening my name is Alva Jones and I'm going to speak louder so everybody can hear you because I'm sitting here I don't hear half of these people up here I know I'm getting old but I don't hear everything going on up here now number one I want to say about the parking um the parking is horrible we don't have any handicap parking on Dean Street my doctor's office is right across the street from the um the parking lot I'm not going to park in the parking lot because number one I'm not walk number two I don't like and I don't know why we don't have a handicap parking right there on the corner of te at engood Avenue we don't have any handicap party even our power Avenue people are talking about power Avenue but we don't have hand this is atrocious I mean you know about two weeks ago we had all this I don't know what you call it he was monitoring the top your speed we need put a parking lot parking space here hand you wouldn't have the that we have that's number one number two I'm going to go back to the house we say we are for everyone be for everyone let's think about everyone we not we sit up on this and we decide okay when they bring the contractors come we go along with them they pay us and Bo we make money we do make money and for what have you looked at what's happening all over the country do you know how fast you can lose a home and we are taking the homes from the people here taking their homes we're taking their jobs we're taking their businesses everything is going down the train we've got to stop that people we putting you up here you have to say you love us then show it you know we to speak all of these things but we don't show it we get to love one another whether a white green blue or black it doesn't matter God made us all you know what he's coming for all of us and another we have got a lot to give an account for believe me we think we're getting away with it but we are not because he's keeping a better record than we do his record he he every team and that's everye so as you sitting here you might not know readible and all of these things that are happening now are going to happen we're in a battle right now with Donald Trump and bid we in a battle but you know what we have no control over that we can vote we can do but we have no control because God he's one in control he can set you up and set you down so you better get that in your mind and the thing about it is that we I mean there are so many other I'm I'm worried about the housing I'm wored about the party and Mr hman I love you de but you got an excuse for everything the street the last six weeks we have not done anything on the street every time I speak to you oh we're going to do it I'm speaking to this person I'm speaking to that person you should have been speaking to that person six weeks ago the thing about it is that we wait until the very last minut now I have brought these situations up I'm sick and tired of bringing them up people and to them I'm not afraid of nobody sitting up there I could care less you have set me down know what God is contr and okay Miss Jones I am okay thank you for your comments okay all right all right with to 316 W Ro my issue is the contractors uh come into come into your neighborhoods and work I have no problem they got to do their work replace the the piping and everything but at the end of the day I don't want to see machines blocking up my street I got to come down my street squeeze my street they have places to park those things the contractors have to stop at a reasonable time so they can get their equipment back to their yards not leave it in people neighborhood it's a piece of an equipment now at the end of our block it's I get I it's a fork what you lift your St up with I mean it's it's it's a matter of time before somebody run into it I I went down there uh um when they was working on the Block and I asked them um it was the weekend before uh actually it was Thursday I said I noticed last weekend you'reall working on nicob Baka Road why you leaving back holes and uh equipment on Windsor Road what for what purpose I don't want to see it on my block take it back to the yard they have yards for those things second just a quick question um this is about the pool my my my question is how did we let the maintenance of that pool spiral out of control can anybody answer that question the pool needs maintenance every year now we don't have a pool it's Clos I mean no one really knows the the the act the actual outcome of it they're saying oh with working on it we're going to repair it we're going to this it should have never spiral out of control it needs maintenance just like everything else your body need maintenance you don't go to the doctor it's going to be problems how did the pool maintenance spiral out of control can anybody answer that question listen did the the pool is what 60 years old pool's built in 1968 so the lifetime it has out lived its lifetime and that's what happened could we have done a better job probably so in maintain main maintaining the pool but we're we're we're at a place right now that we got to make some decisions about the pools we we just got some new information around it which we will share at the next meeting um and everything will be transparent to the public but you know the the pool like any other pool anybody who's had a pool that long will tell you that it there's there's a shelf life on a pool that they don't even build them like that anymore that's a concrete pool they don't build them like that they build fiberglass now so we're here where we here yes do we got to do better job with main maintenance I think so and I hope so thank you good evening Council it's Henry Washington Liberty Road um I just have a question um now I'm I'm guessing everyone's familiar that mayor Wilds does the zoom session every Friday and I think it's a great tool that's used to kind of keep the council as well as the the governing body and the city connected and I was asked to go ahead and reach out to the department heads to go ahead and participate and talk about what they do cuz they're all public facing employees but then I was told afterwards after one of employees was able to go ahead and and register to participate that he could not participate so I just want to get an understanding of what it is that we're you why is it that they were halted from participating on a zoom sessions You' have to ask Mr Hoffman and Mr Bailey that's they are facing right yeah but you know you'd have to ask them because there it's work time it's permission it's a whole lot of stuff that has to go into that so you know so yeah that's my decision and the reason being you know I'm not sure is it something i' I've talked to the mayor about this so you know the mayor the mayor the mayor understands the understands and um we can talk offline if you want okay so I guess this is something confidential no it's not something it's not something confidential but there's there's a time and a place for for for discussions with the with coffee and the mayor and it has it has to be set up so there's there are there are topics of interest and they need to be prepared for you just don't call somebody up on a Thursday and want them to be on appear on a Friday so um yeah so yeah because I think mostly everyone gets to say when they can participate and I always expect that someone would prepare what it is they want to discuss that's what I would normally expect so I just wasn't sure it was just a what you need to do is you need to speak to me offline if you're if you're going to if you're deputized by the mayor to do that and we can we can talk about it but that's the answer so come see me okay anyone else anyone else would like to speak if not I'm going to close the public come on yeah you better go on and do that before you get in trouble yeah no okay yeah my name is Kendrick I live in t Maven Avenue tributary Woods okay so you guys may recognize tribut Woods I do believe that I've been corresponding with mayor maybe Cobbs Wilson via email and the mayor uh for an extended period of time and I'm here to talk about the potholes um I may have left over 10 emails uh the mayor uh received one and he replied sending it to someone and it just got very chaotic I guess my question question is for many many years we had our potholes repaired and then all of a sudden it came to a halt and as I reached out via email I do believe and an initial reply was we'll take care of it and then I think Hoffman your name looks very familiar might have been within the email or whatever it it was sent to you it just got very chaotic and I never got a a definite answer and as to why potholes our request to have potholes repaired came to a halt um so it just left out in here that's why I'm sitting there I just said to myself I don't know you know not looking for an answer right away but I'm sure if you guys do aiv I'm sure if you guys do a search in your email in regards to potholes tributary Woods it might populate so if you can respond with a an answer that makes sense again for many many years I reside there for 20 years I serve on the board several times off and on and we would put a request in with the City Public Works they come right out repair the potholes all of a sudden just came to a halt what that we have to look at that right we we have to look into that because if you didn't give this you have a board and if you didn't give them the right if they didn't give the city the right away to to the road if I'm saying that correctly Mr Bailey yeah and I don't know the answer sir but certain Condominiums they'll dedicate the roadways within the association to a municipality which triggers different obligations by the party I don't know the answer to yeah we asked for all of that but my my my that would have been when the condos were built and and that's fine that's fine but again I've been there for 22 years and every request we put in the potholes were repaired and all of a sudden it stopped I do believe we should have been informed of why it stopped rather than just leaving I'm telling you to do a search I left over 15 emails and I felt like we were being ignored well we'll have to look into that see if y'all gave us you know Liberty to do that but also I think you you you got a little service because you had somebody who used to live there who used to be a councilman right yeah yeah that's what I'm saying it's it's yeah so I don't know what what it is but I we'll find out get you right answer okay one time one time one time okay if if nobody else has any uh questions who hasn't already been to the mic we're going to close this portion of the public meeting and we're going to go into close session and then we're going to come out we have to take action on a couple items and I want to thank you for your attendance here and your feedback Mr Bley I thank you council president be resolve by the governing body of the city of angood that a meet Clos session to discuss Personnel matters including an appointment uh contract negotiations regarding Flat Rock B lease and matters within the attorney client privilege and be further resolved discussion conducted in Clos session can be disclosed to the public upon taking final action there on provided it does not constitute undo invasion of privacy or violate attorney F fing privilege and be it further resolved that the governing body will return to open session at the conclusion of the closed session to consider the introduction of an ordinance authorizing the lease with flat Ro book as well as a resolution to uh retain a municipal recruiting service uh with respect to assisting the city manager of hiring Human Resources Director thank you Mr belly you need a motion we going to close session in a second I make a motion counc a second all in favor all right we're in close session now thank you --------- ready ready good evening everybody we're gonna get started welcome to the city council meeting of July 16th 24 the time is 7:41 will everybody please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and jce for all will everybody remain standing at this time we're going to have a moment of silence as for all you who don't know we lost a principal on July 4th through a tragic accident in South Africa so tonight we're going to honor her by having a moment of silence her name was Dr Daniel small B thank you will the city clerk please read the Public's meeting act this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law notice of this meeting was included in a notice sent to the record and the Star Ledger and advertised in said newspapers on January 17th 2024 posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as the required notices under the statute a copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk proper notice having been given the municipal clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes of this meeting will the city clerk please do the Roll Call councilman Rosen here councilwoman wiski here councilwoman David here uh councilwoman David is present via telephone uh councilman Wilson pres council president cob here absent with prior notice is Mayor Michael Wilds uh present is city manager Robert S Hoffman Deputy city manager John burkam is City attorney Bill Bailey CFO Michael calman and city engineer here and and city engineer is not present do you want to do you want to make a statement just the mayor ask to say a statement while he's not here mayor say stat he not here and you said it it didn't come to the chair okay he just wants to get an explanation okay uh thank you council president um mayor Wilds is not able to attend the meeting tonight he asked that uh that the uh governing body be informed as well as those in attendance that he had he is an EMT and that uh he had mandatory training to to be recertified as an emergency medical technician so he was um this is the only time he could take the class and he apologized but he wanted everybody to know that next we're going to have the swearing in for new police officers um we're going to have I believe in this order we're going to have brief remarks from the chief chief Thomas gley and then we're going to have the oath is going to be administered by our city clerk um so Chief come forward Tom okay might be a little better uh this is this is a happy night for us we haven't had one of these in a little while so it's exciting to see you know so many people from the community family members and you know law enforcement partners of departments and our own guys here this a really special night for us we're swearing the council president said we're swearing in seven new officers tonight five of them will be attending the next Basic Police Academy class number 133 up in MAA starting August 1st and two of our officers come to us with prior police experience and other departments so before we begin I just want to take a second I want to thank uh the city manager and the governing body for this support uh with putting this process together it's been a long process and uh you know this is this is the culmination of a lot of work and uh it wouldn't have have happened without their support so I'm thankful for that uh I also want to thank our officers within the PED uh you know part of our recruiting process hinged Upon Our officers getting out there and to the public and you know letting people know that we were hiring so there was a lot of work that was done behind the scenes by our officers and also through the hiring process it was really a it was a huge team effort uh I want to take a second to thank the families of our new officers uh though our new officers all worked super hard to get here tonight you each played a critical role in getting them to this point in time and it's your guiding and impact that brought them to this point you know you're still impacting them in ways they may not have yet realized and it's important that you're here to support them especially as they take on this new role they're going to need the support more than ever as they start protecting the city here um I'd like to thank finally our officers yil Joe Paul Isaiah Jack Lucas and Danny you guys each all Excel through this process uh you brought here for a reason whether it was your work experience your life experience your the meter your professionalism and just your sheer enthusiasm for the job um it showed through the entire process you should all be really proud and I'm excited to see what you guys are going to do protecting our city uh before I swear on the officers the one thing I did want to do to let our residents and our family members know you know a little bit about this process so we we began this process in the fall of last year planning for this so these all all these gentlemen know they took a test in January but the work began way back into the summer uh Reverend given was one of the people helped us move forward with this along with a lot of people in the community there was a lot of Outreach that went on there were information seminars there were College fairs we went to things that we hadn't done in the past and we had to because in our line of work and the men and women in blue can attest to this people aren't coming out for this job like they used to 20 years ago we'd have a line down the street the m and anguage said they were hiring we'd have lines and lines of people and it's just not the same I talked to colleagues in other departments and departments used to have 100 people signed for the job are getting 40 and it's something that's uh that everyone is experiencing and we knew that going into this and we with the support of our our city leaders our faith leaders we made a big push and we had 192 people sign up to take our test which is kind of unheard of in a lot of places other than maybe some of the larger departments around uh so in addition to that we start off with that we had about 130 actually sit for the test and then the real work began for these guys they took a physical test they went through three rounds of interviews so the seven officers we have here is about 3% of the people that start off so you guys it's really impressive what you did here and you should all be proud of yourselves going through this I'm proud of the process and I know that we have the best applicants here tonight it's my responsibility to make sure that that that's what we do here we're looking for officers that are going to dedicate their lives to our city and who are going to be leaders in our department one day and I believe we have it here tonight so in staying true to our motto that's on our badge I know you guys are going to serve with honor dedication and integrity so with that we'll start the saring in portion of the ceremony so I'd like to call up officer pimenta and his family as councilman uh Rosen is gonna read his biography hi thank you Chief yil pimenta grew up in Patterson and graduated from Paya County Technical Institute he held several positions in the private sector before being hired by the Patterson Police Department in 2017 yil spent time in the patrol unit as a detective in the street cars unit and most recently on an extended on loan assignment to New State Police gangs and organized crime unit he is a recipient of 10 Chief's medals 11 Medals of Merit and a life-saving award from the Patterson Police Department he is a member of the New Jersey honor Legion and he is fluent in espanol police off officer Penta will be assigned to the patrol Bureau and assigned badge number 271 [Applause] congratulations I'd now like to call up police officer Joseph KUSI his biography will be read by councilman Kevin Wilson good evening Joseph kooki grew up in buron county and graduated in Westwood Regional High School and Ramapo College where he earned a bachelor's degree in the past he worked for Washington Township Department of police works and served as a volunteer firefighter with the Township Fire Department in pursuing his dream to become a police officer Joe relocated to hansburg Virginia where he served on the hansburg police department for three years before moving back to New Jersey he has served the last three years with the Westwood Police Department Joe is a Firearms instructor and a 2020 Mothers Against Drunk drivings award recipient police officer kooki will be assigned badge number two 2 72 as he begins his training in the patrol [Applause] Bureau I'd now like to call police officer Paul DeMarco and his family Paul DeMarco grew up in New Milford with his parents and two sisters he attended New Milford High School making both the wrestling and football teams Paul put himself through the Kate May County Police Academy and graduated as a special law enforcement officer SLO Class 2 after working briefly as a sleo for the Kate May Police Department Paul was hired last year as a sleo and anguid has done extremely well in that capacity Paul sound working for our city be incredibly rewarding and he's thrilled to have the opportunity to work for the city of anguid for the rest of his career Paul will be assigned badge number 273 as he begins his career in the patrol Bureau [Applause] okay left hand on the Bible right hand up I state your name do you hear about I swear or firm iwe that I will support support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments the established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people auth of people of the city of Anglewood city of further I do swear or affirm that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the position of of the position of Anglewood police officer Ang police offic according to the best of my ability ACC to the so help me God if you thank you congratulations congratulations [Applause] there s [Music] okay all right I'd now like to call up officer Isaiah doy his biography will be read by council president cop Isaiah doy was born in raised in ingu he is the proud product of our ingu Public Schools having graduated from Dwight MOA High School 2020 he was also a ball player as well he's following in the footsteps of his parents both of them work the city Isaiah is working towards his degree in Justice studies at Montclair University as he takes this opportunity to protect and serve his hometown while assigned to the police academy Isaiah will be assigned temporary badge 274 [Applause] okay I'd like to call up officer John Hackett his biography will be read by city manager Hoffman John Hackett was born and raised in New Milford after graduating from New Milford High School Jack enlisted in the United States Army National Guard upon completion of his milit military training he attended Rowan University while studying at Rowan Jack was called into military service and deployed to Somalia he is a combat veteran and the recipient of multiple medals including the Combat Action Badge Armed Forces Reserve Medal overseas Service ribbon and the National Defense service medal upon his safe return and completion of his military obligations Jack began work in the private sector for a construction rental and sales company it was during this time that he began feeling that he had a bigger purpose which led him to search for a career in law enforcement while assigned to the police academy Jack will be assigned temporary badge number 275 [Applause] I'd now like to call up officer sang Wang Kim his family his biography will be read by Deputy city manager Berner sangan Lucas Kim was born in South Korea and moved moved to the United States with his family in 2001 Lucas attend Northern attended Northern Valley alapan Regional High School and then graduated from ruter business school with a degree in finance after college graduation Lucas spent six years working in the corporate world before he decided to Pivot and pursue his dream of becoming a police officer in addition to his background in the private sector Lucas is fluent in Korean while assigned to the police academy Lucas will be assigned temporary badge number 276 [Applause] congratulations and now I'd like to call up officer Daniel Martinez's family his biography will be read by Pat Ras [Applause] Daniel Martinez was born and raised in Jersey City until the age of seven when his family moved to towa where they still reside Danny graduated from William Patterson University with a bachelor's degree in exercise science and upon graduation began working in the health field Dany always knew that joining Lou enforcement was where he truly belonged Dany attained the rank of Eagle Scout with the boy Scouts of America and is also fluent in Spanish while assigned to the police academy Danny will be assigned temporary badge number 277 congratulations [Applause] okay left hand on the Bible right hand up please I state your name do hereby swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the government ments established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people of the city of Englewood further I do swear or affirm that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of the position of Anglewood police officer according to the best of my ability so help me God congratulations [Applause] congratulations now we're going to after they sign we're going to pause for about five minutes so everybody can take pictures with the uh new le the uh Patrol officers or officers of the England Police Department Jack Jack good afternoon everyone to this governing body and to our mayor in his absent and to the community at large I was asked to be here this evening this great evening to give some encouraging remarks to our new officers first of all let me say congratulations congratulations as Chief has mentioned we started this journey I think we had about 30 or 40 individual was concerned and interested in becoming police officer in England Wood I think I've met uh some of you but today start a new beginning some of you have have have heard your resume briefly have been exposed and to those who are just beginning today is a first day of a new beginning in the city of Englewood as a police officer and we want to congratulate you and I've made some remarks here it is very challenging as some of you already know job as a police officer you're part of the first respondent it is a very challenging job but it is also a very rewarding job as well I would like to challenge you don't put your position to hurt the community but to protect the Community Serve the community well you are the First Responders when individuals like myself be running away from a situation you have to be running to it I encourage you I encourage all of you to become a member of a Christian institution whether it be the MOs Temple or church because every day that you put that uniform on we don't know what the outcome going to be and it's because we asking God to protect us become a serious individual you and your family as well of some religious institution because the all power come from God and when you put that uniform on you don't know what the day going to be like I congratulate all of you may God bless you God bless you on your career it is very very challenging it is very very rewarding to you and your family as well let us pray our father and our God for you are our God and we are your people you are our father and we are your children and once again oh God we humble ourselves this evening this hour of the day to say thank you God thank you for your many blessing blessing beyond our imagination in spite of our issues and stumbling block you are God and beside thee there is no other we ask now God your scripture teach us that we have not because we ask not we asking you oh God in the name of Jesus to protect these officers not only them oh God but their family as well you knew them oh God before they was in their mother's womb and you sanctify them in their mother's womb they are reaching their potential of their gift bless them shield and defend them from all evil and intention of this world be with them this we ask in Jesus name let us all say amen amen let us all say praise God pise congratulations [Applause] congratulations picture with the council right now then we'll have pictures with the families there the back time back t you thank God we got