I believe him and Reverend Beach have switched places here that's what good partners do yeah please whatever you want to do man shall we pray oh Lord our Lord how excellent is thy name in all the Earth we're thankful that last night was not our last night thankful for leadership for guidance we pray for provision and protection that you would keep our city safe keep our residents full of encouragement and empowerment in your name we do pray amen thank you Pastor Spencer next we're going to have remarks from elected officials and dignitaries so who's who's left come up so please introduce yourself so everybody will know thank you good evening thank you for your time my name is na Valerian and I am representing weo of Bergen County women empowered Democratic organization and we uh one of our our functions is to support mentor and to provide resources for women who want to run for municipal office uh we want to congratulate Angela David as well along with her family who supports her uh for her successful election we want to thank her for stepping up we feel and I think we can all agree that female representation is very important in in in our cities in our towns in Bergen County and all across the country and it takes women like Angela who step up to make that kind of commitment to run for election and then to serve and and through meeting Angela and learning more about her she's been serving the community for a long time um it's an honor and a pleasure to award you with the certificate of achievement we do of Bergen County recognizes councilwoman Angela David for being elected to serve the residents of Englewood a very fortunate City indeed so thank you so much congratulations thank you so much thank you all for your time an can you hold on C can you take a picture of Angela please pictures all right I'm going to take the two thank you Sam congratulations anel this is more of a Social Hour than a than a meeting I have to say I'm so impressed by uh by everyone interacting and you know it's the downtime that everything happens so thank you thank you thank you next we will have any elected officials or dignitaries who would like to address the body to come to the mic if there is nobody then we will have uh mayor WS give the mayor state of the city address uh thank you Mr cob uh good evening ladies and gentlemen and for those watching the video this is part two of a very special evening for Anglewood I would like to also acknowledge Mr Steve Brown who joins us a former uh School Board member who's here as well I was remiss before thank you Steve for joining us to Ken Angela Charles and of course Kevin um my colleagues do you realize that we agreed on about 90% of everything that was presented to us this last year which is an amazing experience there was a unanimous vote today for our council president in Pro 10 and I'm looking forward to 20 24 the state of the city ladies and gentlemen I want to thank first of all everybody uh for joining us Mr huddle I waited for you uh as well as those uh watching at home I hope everyone had a joyous holiday season and wish all of you and your families the best in 2024 2023 was a year full of ups and downs like any other we had our fair share of dissent and debate like any other community we know that the intentions on everybody in this de is genuine and that our city and our residents carry with them in their action and words I want to thank our entire Administration our dedicated city employees for their ongoing service to the angua community along with our elected and appointed officials boards committees religious leaders nonprofits business owners Community organizations and all the other people who work so tirelessly year round to make angood the very special place that it is for our families we Mark ladies and gentlemen 18 months of service from our city manager Robert Hoffman and additionally last year created the role of Deputy City manager which has been capably filled by John Berkner thank you John for joining us working in concer with the city council myself along with our department heads and Municipal Employees I believe we have seen an uptick in efficiency responsiveness sound fiscal management and professionalism improvements in traffic pedestrian safety have been prior important priorities and further improvements in infrastructure as well as operations have yielded positive results in flood mitigation and other areas we will need to continue to build upon their creative problem solving and Forward Thinking attitudes in coming years to deal with Rising costs infrastructure needs and unavoidable challenges Chief among them is to continue to expand our efforts to clear the overp creek and waterways to reduce and prevent flooding we must also expand our work with our surrounding municipalities on Regional drainage issues uh and CSX who must be brought up to Tech in cleaning its coverts its swailes its drainage lines along their track right of way CSX lack of drainage maintenance is directly approximately uh responsible for damage to residential and Commercial properties in angood over the past decades our Public Safety professionals Public Works team continue to serve with distinction as well special kudos to police chief Tom gley Deputy Chief Matt Roa fire chief Jeff Kaplan and Edward Jenkins director of Public Works and all the women and men who help our families and homes our CI stay kemped and our homes stay safe we saw numerous instances where they stepped up with Valor when called upon this year and we are fortunate to have them I've always been committed to filling our Public Safety ranks and organizational leadership charts not with just numbers but with talented as well as diverse individuals and I thank our Chiefs our manager and counsel for this support in these critical areas as the longest sitting mayor of the city of Anglewood I thank my local colleagues for installing me in the mayor's Hall of Fame and my International ones for including me in the global Summit and conferences in recent times I've represented the city of angood to provide insight into issues concerning the startling rise of anti-Semitism the importance of immigration reform and safety protocol leaders the world over what they employ to stand up against all forms of hate unfortunately it's inevitable that we will lose cherished members of our community and each passing year this year was no different I hope that you'll all join me in continuing to celebrate the lives and memories of dear friends such as Sam trusty Curtis cavanis Gerald acrid John Kelly and all those that have departed from us this past year we memorialized our late mayor Sandy Greenberg and can best honor all their legacies and friendship by keeping them in our minds and living our lives in an exemplary manner that would make them proud our prayers remain for not just them and their memory but for their loved ones who have to deal and they should find much comfort as we remember those that we have lost it canot be Overlook that we are still without answers and without closure regarding the death of Bernard placed I reiterate this here this evening in the presence of his dear Mom and Aunt and will again convey inquiries as I have repeated ly in the past to the Office of the Attorney General which by state law has jurisdiction over this case we fully recognize that it is necessary to conduct due diligence to ensure that we reach the correct outcome rather than just a quick outcome but far too much time has passed for our community to be left in limbo and unable to heal from this traumatic event I am however encouraged that Anglewood is now participating in the arriv together program which is an initiative of the Attorney General parent mental health professionals and law enforcement in responding to situations where mental health concerns May factor in the model intends to provide more tailored responses that may deescalate these circumstances and reduce the number of use of force incidents and injuries we hope never to need this kind of intervention but should find comfort in the knowledge that it is there and that we are making efforts to pursue proactive change within our justice system our prayers remain with all those impacted but action to accompany them is a welcome addition we also remember Dr Ronald Cook who tragically lost we lost last year we look to the Silver Lining that Dr Marney Hazelton our new superintendent of angood public schools has joined us she is an uplifting presence highly qualified leader within our schools and paints a bright picture for our students in the years ahead she has been a pleasure to deal with she too believes as I do that we need to be working more with the school district on joint projects and establishing internships as I offer in my law firm and career paths for jobs in local government despite the difficult environment we are blessed to see robust Investments being made this year in our Central business district vacancies being filled stores after store ribbons being cut and scores of entrepreneurs restaurants professionals starting new locations and businesses our business Community is resilient but they continue to need the personal patronage and support so as to make plans for shopping and dining please remember that Ood has some of the finest options and patronizing them helps our entire city by not only providing jobs creating revenues but it keeps us all connected as well I would like to also see us take advantage of emerging Industries and new revenue streams the city of Anglewood had a referendum and there was a very significant uh push several years ago I ended up vetoing an ordinance banning all forms of cannabis production pack packaging and retail sales I'm not advocating for it in our in our residential or in our Central business district but we know you can go to tneck and bring it into the city of Anglewood and there are revenues that are very handsome that could be brought in to pay for other uses efficiency and coordination are critical to 2024 I urge the council to adopt capital budget ordinances early on so the city can get good pricing on road paving and purchase equipment which has long lead times for delivery let us also invest in our parks and playgrounds like Flat Rock they should be regaled as the crown jewel of our city making sure that we also monitor all the utility companies so that that we receive much needed infrastructure upgrades for electric natural gas and water without having to then dig up roads three times because of the inefficiencies and the lack of their coordination I had the privilege this year ladies and gentlemen to be invited and then visit each of Ang lewood's public private and parochial schools I do that every year and I will start again next week we've had much to celebrate in Anglewood the Athletics this past year the Dwight M High School girls soccer team took third straight big North American Title while the DWI Mar football team was crowned the 2023 Super Bowl Super Football Conference Ivy uh Division champion and Junior Football B team won the B County Junior Scholastic Football League League conference Championship uh as well we are proud of our students we are proud of our coaches their success is our success fostering on and off the field the most commendable of conduct I congratulate each of our student athletes as well as the coaches and family members who support them to reach these goals this past year we had a significant increase in the number of Municipal ordinances put forward and adopted to keep residents informed and connected I have for nearly and almost four years had weekly coffee with the mayor virtually once I had him downtown I want to thank the book The the bookends both Diane and Alita for being a pres uh in that and the hundreds of residents who watch it in the course of the weekend it's an opportunity for me to convey a condensed version of official updates Anglewood house moved to Elanor Harvey but we heard every single week the updates the move the Majesty if you would of some of these things that we just couldn't believe would get done it's an opportunity for me to convey a condensed version of official updates and for our residents to air concerns I invite everybody every Friday at 11:00 a.m. visit the anwood Facebook page or my Facebook page we Face other challenges ahead most notably revising the city's master plan which must be completed by the end of this year though this process we will investigate the many ways the city must a more must create a more business friendly while making ensure that codes which protect the safety of all are fair and enforced equitably Court mandated affordable housing plans and other General development discussions dominated large portions of the past year and with good reason I remain committed as I believe does this Council to ensuring that we do everything possible to maintain the unique character of our city balance with meeting certain mandates that are outside of our control we have managed to avoid a real threat of losing local zoning control to to developers in this process and implementing a thorough and structured master plan this year will help cement our vision for Ang's future you can count on affordable housing on drainage flooding all of that to be included I'm not permitted to go into the specifics of an ongoing lawsuit challenging the affordable housing mandate but certain gaps in process and logic and the and the public relations campaign behind it do raise questions as to the driving force what I do know is that we are taking a comprehensive approach to this master plan recognizing the different needs and character of each neighborhood as well as the holistic approach in how each exists as an important part of our city the increasing number of group homes those clean and sober locations and other specialty homes must be regulated the city now has 29 such locations Anglewood is ready willing and able to accept with open arms our fair share but it must be balanced with the needs of residents in surrounding neighborhoods it can't be near institutional uses as people mend themselves and they may portend risk to Children obviously we must consider the Aesthetics density affordability of our residential housing as well as other factors such as infrastructure flooding environmental impact but other nuances also exist as specialty zoned business corridors and even potential future improvements such as mass transit that require careful and General Vision genuine vision and planning to produce the best short and long-term outcomes for our residents essentially we must explore how to move forward with smart development and Leverage The modernization of our aging infrastructure along the way without pushing our seniors out so they can use the sunsetting part of their life affordably in our city I will state here and now that in creating this master plan we must provide an opportunity for the public inut input before a plan is constructed as well as after one is presented and with enough time then the year after for this governing body to implement ordinances to make sure that the codes are equitably uh enforced there's no point in having a master plan that's not respected with ample time before it's voted on for Meaningful discussion and potential changes Anglewood will continue to grow and evolve and we all have a right to have a say in it I'm publicly asking the council to adhere to the premise in considering timelines professionals process although I do believe you all share my sentiments in this regard already this coming year ladies and gentlemen anger will be celebrating its 125th uh anniversary thank you Katherine for the beautiful logo and the efforts as we regil uh the chronicle and the history of those 125 years we have more in common that binds us together than the differences that separate us in the city like I said 90% of anything that was presented to this body was agreed upon unanimously we know we have a lot more work to do on a lot of other issues in 2042 24 not the least of which is that Community Center it's not the library it's not the Anglewood house in my opinion it should be at the Liberty school and we should be looking at the city hall or moving it across the street on stilts and putting City Hall on the block or coming up with something but we need need to do something to the Liberty school we need a community center but we need the financing but I also know we have the talent the passion on this day is through this chamber and throughout our city to continue moving forward in the right direction together what is best for every angood resident I want to especially thank all the residents that come here every meeting every virtual session we must continue to maintain civility respect not just in this hallowed chamber we we literally had flags being burned and residents feeling that they were going to be the house was going to be sold from underneath them these are very delicate times and it's a big responsibility for us to listen to learn even to change our minds I remain humbled and immensely privileged to serve as mayor of Anglewood I'm so grateful for the trust that you've placed in me I thank God for allowing me to raise my four children in this beautiful city and now privileged to see my grandchildren similarly growing up here public service is such an important part of my family life my spiritual life and I treasure each day that I can show my children and now my grandchildren the value of community and the Fulfillment that can come only from helping others that word Mitzvah that good deed you not only do something good but you get something special when you do it I look forward to our continued friendship shared Endeavors in 2024 and Beyond I thank you may God bless you in the great city of angood New Jersey thank you I Mr Cobb I sent my appointments for the year to uh yansy as well okay thank you next we'll have remarks from the council members we're going to start with first word councilman Rosen swag I thank you and thank you for those remarks mayor um and congratulations again for being inducted in the mayor's Hall of Fame you uh good evening everyone and happy New Year um congratulations Miss David I've been a big fan of yours since you first R for the school board and now I have you as my neighbor here uh congratulations Mr Cobb and Mr Wilson on your elections tonight um I'd like to thank assembly woman Ellen park for swearing me in I really appreciate her uh taking the time and coming out here um and I'd like to thank our clergy who came tonight uh Rabbi Goldberg for those beautiful words uh Pastor Spencer and I'm looking forward to Pastor Beach later on today um and Miss uh uh Andrews what a lovely um um a Star Spangled Banner and if that's setting the tone uh for the year then we're in for a good year um so that was just uh amazing and beautiful um and for chief gy for um leading Us in the pled of Allegiance and as always I'd like to thank my uh wife and family for support um I think all of us here are here because we have supportive families that let us uh come out here I'm here in my fourth term and uh I know my wife's been uh very indulgent of uh the time I spend here uh back when we had uh young kids and there was a lot of responsibilities at home if IID say there was a council meeting uh you know you know I was kind of absolved from everything and could make it out here uh but now I'm put to shame because and I think um in terms of the pantheon of council members families uh you know my wife has uh been a trustee on the library board for many years and she was you know part of the architect uh of the uh grant that was submitted uh last year and we just found out that it was awarded $2.5 million in Capital Improvements to the library so I know a lot of us you know sometimes it be home complaining oh if we only had more money for capital projects for the library well my wife went out and and got the money uh from the New Jersey State Library capital projects Grant so uh congratulations to her and now we have uh no reason not to make our library another one of The Shining jewels in town and we we have the money to do it I'm already on top of Mr VY there uh I I only I'll only text and call you twice a day uh France until we get this done yeah um so congratulations to the library board and and uh and we look to see great things from them and thank you all and uh have again a happy and healthy New Year thank you next councilwoman wasowski hi good evening um I'll start with my congratulations uh to the mayor for being inducted into the Hall of Fame congratulations uh to uh councilman Ken Rosen on his fourth term I'm glad that we have the benefit of your wisdom and experience to councilwoman Angela David you have a lot of experience on the board of ed and I look forward to working with you on the council to um to um C to to Charles C council president and to a councilman Kevin Kevin Wilson and um this is I think for you councilman Cod this is your third time right as council president yes correct so we have a lot of challenges ahead of us this year we have challenges like infrastructure affordable housing the Liberty school and I'm glad that we have your experience to lead us through these challenges thank you thank you you're welcome um as was mentioned this is our anniversary year our 125th year and I'm glad that we I hope it uses opportunity and I'm glad we we will look ahead to how we could move the city forward bring people together I was so glad to hear today to get that news about the 2.5 million grant that the Anglewood Public Library um that the angood public library is receiving and um you know it's it's really is a tribute to our residents that that our residents that are not just our elected official officials who put the time in and to get things done um and we have other examples of that too we have the angle with soccer angle with little league Recreation baseball junior football all volunteers in our community that work together and um make make good things happen for the city so I'm glad we're starting the new year on such a positive note and I want to again wish everybody a wonderful new year thank you Council next councilwoman David yes um I would like to thank God first um thank you um um mayor Frank huddle for swearing me in and also congratulations on your um Victory and also new mayor for your um Hall of Fame first I like to thank the third W voters who turned out to vote for me after many years serving on on the Inglewood Board of Education I decided that the schools were on the right track after we chose a great superintendent but Englewood the city I love had some serious problems sometimes it seems the third wood is being destroyed bit by bit overcrowding speeding noise pollution illegal commercial vehicle parking illegal businesses and residential areas no State politicians and no National politicians are coming to save us so I wanted to be one of the local politicians who stand up to enforce the laws that are already on the books that's why I'm going to focus on the third board and also work with every council member here moving forward to make Inglewood put Inglewood on the right track um by doing the third W um and giving people in a third word a a voice and hope I know that they feel that they've been ignored you're not being ignored anymore and I also want to thank all my friends who are here my family my husband who just left with my children and everyone who supported me and I will listen to you return your phone calls and emails and I'm here my mission is you third W in Englewood thank you thank you councilman Wilson good evening all first giving honor to God without him I wouldn't be here um happy New Year um it's been a long year a lot of hard work and some things that have not been resolved and as we move forward I would continue to press down in regards to transparency and the only way I can do that is with the community's help if you see something you got to say something you've got to bring it to your your local officials whoever is in charge of your ward the police fire DPW um we can go so much further if we decide as a community to communicate we're not going to get through this thing segregated we've got to work together to make this the best Inglewood that we can and we can do it we have Smart Minds up here and I think that we can Thrive for greatness and I want to give a congratulations to the mayor Hall of Fame all right congratulations to uh councilman Dr Rosen swag congratulations for being elected again uh four terms I don't know that's a lot but kudos to you for sticking in there not giving up on us and uh congratulations to newly elected Miss David councilwoman congratulations all the best and congratulations to council president um councilman large uh you put in a lot of time so thank you for what you do and also not giving up on us um and speaking of not giving up we have a couple gentlemen here and Coach Evans and Coach doer that have put in a huge amount of their their life to help shape our future if you will um I don't know how you do it the cold the rain after work um being tired uh away from your family so I for one would like to say good job and dare I say keep up the good work um because I know it's not easy so thank you guys for your for your commitment I want to also send out a congratulations to the newly promoted officers in the police department and in the fire department and um I I think that their commitment to strive to do better to educate themselves so they can go to a higher rank to continue to have the commitment for ingwood is huge so with those commitments I think that we can go that much further with the people that we're leaning on to lead us down the tracks I am torn with this next piece cuz it's it's it's still difficult for me to give my condolences to the placed family we're we're in a new year and my my prayer is that we have some type of resolution um I I can't I can't say satisfaction because that would never bring your love one back but I I I hope we expediate some type of resolution and my prayers continue to go out to you guys um so stay healthy stay tuned keep us informed and hopefully we can work this thing together and that would that would help us along the track with uh transparency and I I know that we have Heroes and Shero in our town and I just want to incorporate DPW it it's a thankless job a lot of times and once again that's another profession I don't know how you do it cold winter snow ice just just kudos to you guys you get you guys get a a hard Kickback sometimes but I recognize what you guys are doing same for the police and fire it's not easy um we talk about balance I think balance is one of the most important things that we or I should be looking looking forward to with our new Council people uh without balance we're tilted in One Direction and when we're tilted you have individuals and my constituents that feel slighted and I am here not only to serve my town my ward and help in any Ward I possibly can but it's very difficult without balance so as we move forward in 2024 I think that we should strive for balance that would also help us move down the tracks um it's been a pleasure working with my co-counsel people um I've learned a lot in this last year A lot of it was great stuff A lot of it was disappointing but the key factor is that we're able to work through things and my prayer is that we continue to work together as a council as a body for transparency and balance I think that's so important I also have the pleasure of serving on the planning board and we had a difficult time picking new planners and so I would like to say to my planning board members thank you for being professional for hanging in there here for helping the city pick out what we think will be a new inating green master plan Pastor Beach thank you for coming out for your words of wisdom it it brings strength to me to see you here I appreciate you so thank you don't give up on us keep us in your prayers Pastor Spencer if you're still here um thank thank you likewise and there there there's so many Heroes and Shero in the audience tonight and I just would like to give you guys a a hand a Applause because without you guys caring we're we're meaningless up here we're going to do whatever we want and I think it's important that you guys continue to come continue to pour out your concerns because I know me for one I can't do it without you I don't I don't want to do it without you I don't want to stop having your input yeah gets a little stressful from time to time about the phone calls the emails the textes but that's okay and if I'm the only one getting them that's okay too so please help us be a better ingwood so thank you and have a safe and healthy New Year thank you councilman Wilson good evening I would just like to start off by thanking the public for your participation we will only go as far as you let us go and working together we need your participation 2024 is a pivotal time in the city of Anglewood we have a master plan that we have to work on but more importantly we have issues that we haven't addressed that we continuously kick down the road we have flooding issues we have homelessness we have issues where fairness and I've said this at the last council meeting about fairness and Equity at the city of Englewood for our employees so it's important that we treat everybody the same it's important but it starts here with us sitting up here on this de I would like to congratulate councilman Ken Rosen swag on his re-election councilwoman David on her election and get ready for the the ride councilman Wilson for protim it's important that we we're not going to always get along but we need to work together and the targets should always be the same there's got to be more transparency for us if we don't know what's going on how does the public know what's going on but the public can hold us accountable right you elected us to serve you and that's the way it should work that's the way it should work we I I hear people talking about Liberty school all the time we should focus on that we should make that a [Applause] priority we can do that but we got to make it a priority and I think that it's it's important I I want to talk about flood mitigation so people don't have to get their houses flooded we need to do things about that we need to focus on that we need to work together on that because you know what I know water is in every Ward I don't see no water no Ward that was spared so that's something that we can come together on and work on Englewood can be a great town but it takes all of us not some of us this is I want this to be in 2024 a we Council not a me Council it's this is a we Council that means we serving everybody and everybody's a part of this but there's got to be some give and take you come to the mic you say what you got to say you know what no disrespect call the facts I'm all about calling the facts I'm not going to come here and give you commercial takes I'm going to talk about facts you and you can hold me to the facts and I'm willing to work with anybody I'm I'm open to everybody but we have to do better and we can do better we have a lot of smart people in this room as I look out in this room tonight and I look at and I know mostly everybody here everybody in this room has made some type of contribution to this city think about that they've made some contribution to this city you've moved here you rais your family here there's a reason for that there was something that attracted you to this city you know so what I want you to do is is to reach out to your neighbors and your family and and encourage them to come to these meetings and voice their opinion I know that everybody can't come and cannot make it but encourage them to St stay engaged what I'd like to do is establish a platform where we talk about our Council meetings after the council meetings so people will understand because sometimes we do things and you understand it at one level but what does it really mean I want to get back to saying here's the impact to the city of Anglewood this is what it this really means to you we put ordinances I want to make sure the ordinances not just the title that you understand what it really means and we have that discussion and we have those discussions at the workshops so you got the opportunity to talk about these things so it it's it's very important I mean we have people who work very hard but I don't want to waste anybody's time I want to make good use of your time if you've come here and made the sacrifice to stand in front of us we have to be respectful and give you some answers to that and it's okay for us to say if we don't have an answer to tell you that but we got to come back with an answer maybe it's not something you want to hear but at least we've answered that we have a lot of work to do in 2024 that Master Plan talks about the next 10 years is you know what everything that you want to do in the city we can roll it up into that master plan from affordable housing to flood mitigation to infrastructure projects so on and so forth but you put the blueprint in for the next people who come behind us and they know they can use this as a guide that's what we need to do we're going to spend a lot of money and a lot of time on you the master plan will have meetings public meetings will you you the public will participate so I want to ask you to start thinking about what you think the city needs to be doing and things that we need to have your opinion is important I can't say that anymore your opinion is important you may not think that but that's got to change that's really got to change and I'm going to tell you that we we're going to come up to the budget hearing soon you need to attend those meetings because you need to understand how your tax dollars are being spent how they are being spent and and and I'm going to tell you we we have to have a fair and balanced work staff it has to be representative of this community not at the staff level but at the management level on down and and and and what it means is they have to understand that the folks that work for the city of ingood they work for you you pay their salaries we're in the service business so you know what that's a little give and take it's it's it's like a three-legged store right it's the city the employees and us so we have to work together we have to coordinate that and we have to talk about the opportunities we have to talk about when things are not going right and we have to address them we just can't put them on the side we got to grab these things and look at them and say how do we fix these things you know people have mentioned speeding people have mentioned commercial vehicles being parked on the street and no we have ordinances thing being enforced but they will people will be held accountable cuz that's the only way we get things done and you the public can hold us accountable don't ever think you can't because you can it's your op opportunity this meeting is when you can come here and voice your opinion good bad or in different but respectable because you know we can't get anything solved when it's not respectable and what I mean by that is it's it's okay to have an exchange but how the exchange takes place so I I welcome 2024 and and the challenges that come with it I want to update you on what we do with the master plan I want to update you on I I think we need to be updated about all the streets and the construction that's been in I'm going to ask Mr vosy I'm going to ask Mr hofman hey when we come we need to be able to talk to that what the construction is what's the disruption with the construction so people understand what it is and I'd like to be able to get that information in advance of those type of activities taking place CU I think it's important that you are informed we we don't do a good job of communicating and when I say we I say we that goes for all of us but we can improve everybody consumes information in a different way and we have to understand how that works and we have to work at this we're not perfect you know example every time we have a holiday if people don't read the calendar they they don't realize that hey they pick up the recycling and garbage the same day and you see the cans on there we have to remind people if we got to go to nixel and say hey as a reminder we can do that if you have ideas please present them we we need we need to know that we're getting ready to come up on snow season people need to know they got to move their cars so we can plow curb to curb help our DPW out we we need to know that if we see people throwing trash on the street hey excuse me don't don't do that we live here you know what we got to take some accountability in this stuff but I'm telling you 24 is going to be big for all of us it it sets this city on a trajectory and you know what I I want to be the example for something positive and we can do it I have that much confidence in the people that that are up here with me that I'm working with but also working with y'all so when we go through this master plan process we're going to have we're going to get information from every Ward so it's incumbent upon you to participate have your ideas and let's go through them but again also also also fairness the placed family needs fairness they need some answers we we have to get some answers it's unacceptable it's unacceptable if we wearing their shoes it's unacceptable we have to inquire and they can tell us whatever they want to tell us but they got to tell us something Public Safety is very important for all of us all of us this is fairness this is a fairness Council as far as I'm concerned fairness to everybody in the city of Anglewood we can't move forward with leaving people behind everybody has to come for the for the journey everybody so I am telling you right now let's let's get ready to work I accept the challenge as council president to lead but also to participate with my colleagues and their ideas but we have to we we have to accomplish some things we have to check the boxes on some things this year we can't walk away with things that are not checked I I've hear heard people say ordinances ordinances ordinances we can put a thousand ordinances on the book but if we don't enforce them what good are they we got to talk about the quality of life of individuals who worked very hard and they've made that commitment to the city the city needs to make that commitment to the individuals think about that we need to make that we need need to make it easier for them and and mayor W mentioned about these all these houses 29 houses well we don't have really any control that that's the Department of Consumer Affairs they they they buy these properties and they have these people but what we can do is control the activities around that property so people have to have to fall in line and they have to respect the rules that we live by in the city of Anglewood so with your support let's work on making this city better and moving this city forward in 2024 be safe I look forward to working with my colleagues as well as working with you thank [Applause] you got I got a problem 24 resolution 24 yeah Bill resolution 24 we haven't really even talked about that I think they need the table I mean I don't want to hold people up because I don't know okay you okay with the 24 uh does anybody have an issue with any any other the members in the council have an issue with uh any resolutions on the consent agenda when's the timeline number 24 for next yeah um anybody have any questions about any of the resolutions on the consent agenda Mr President yes if if you will indulge me for a moment uh if we can look at number 2301 0224 I think it's the third from the bottom um if that could be explained resolution authorizing Bergen County Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Mr Hoffman yes uh thank you council president this is a this is an annual um you know many many of you may not have you you may have just this pamphlet but if you look I believe we put out on the table on the chair there is the list of consent agenda items and that's where we're working from right now and councilman um Wilson had a question around consent agenda item number 2023 and Mr hofman was going to explain too uh thank you council president this is a this is an annual agreement with the with the county of Bergen for Mutual Aid so that our so other departments can assist the city and we can go assist the the city uh when when there's need but this is something that's been that's been done each year at the reorganization a meeting um and what what are the cities that are involved in our mutual wave support this is a count this is a countywide uh this is countywide so this includes the um the uh regional response teams there's four regional response teams in the in in the county um and this includes um Mutual Aid um when we had our when we had the meeting in October there was there is a 14 communities that assisted the city so that's that's part of it okay and so it's a it's the regional SWAT team it's the rapid deployment team um and there are there are other specialty uh units that uh that come to the city's assistance when needed and then we also we also assist other other communities when needed thank you thank thank you for that explanation and and to dig in a little bit deeper if I may for a second my concern is that if we rubber stamp this now and it's probably been going on for I don't know how long when do we as a community as a council get to set rules and regulations to who comes in our town and how they perform and treat our citizens as they come through okay because we we we've had situations where we've had mutual Aid if we're going to call it that and people are coming in with long guns and that's that's a concern of mine and I I think we need to have some something in place as opposed to just rubber stamping who comes into Inglewood and they're allowed to come in however they want and I don't know what the stipulations are but I was sure like to see that so um Mr Hoffman I think would would be helpful and as councilman Wilson makes a point um if we're going to enter into a m Mutual Aid agreement I guess we need to see a copy of the agreement what it stipulates and if there are things that we believe that should be added into it then we could amend it and um we can work with Mr Bailey since that we are having a meeting on the nth which is Tuesday gives us enough time to uh pull that agreement out look at it and and talk about it and move forward if there's something we want to move in there because he is right we had an incident on Jesy Avenue when the guys came in with the long guns our guys didn't even have the long guns so we need to control as much as we can how people come and work in our community okay we we'll P we'll have the agreement for the meeting on the 9th okay that's good um thank you thank you m councilman do you have any more questions no I'm I'm good with the rest okay I I I have one you you have any questions no you good Council woman you good you good what what number um 251 224 Professional Services contract I don't know if that was um a bid or I don't know how it's done here do you send it out for RSP you know what Mr Hoffman I think with this one and and 24 we need to table and have a discussion miss miss David has just joined us she was the one who wouldn't have been in these discussions as being a newly elected uh council member all right so so resolution 25 25 yeah I I would look to to put that table at huh so so um I want to put a motion on the table to table 24 and 25 24 I don't think we spoke to in depth about the the the mechanics of this for these people so we can do it on Tuesday and then we can put it up for a vote after we've discussed so council president we'll have a vote on the M the master plan on the on the 9th on the 9th y i i because I don't miss miss David wasn't a part of this whole process and I don't think it would be fair for her to vote without knowing the mechanics of uh uh the details on this uh process so let's go through that and then what when is the next planning board yeah 23 24 25 Thursday right so if we have a planning board this Thursday the planning board was going to adopt the Professional Services and then get underway we have to get this thing going by the end of the year correct excuse me mayor as a planning board we cannot adopt until the council approves no I know that so does that set a a damper on our schedule Mr hman is the planning board meeting this we week yes Thursday the plan was this gets adopted does there's an echo the plan was that uh the governing body um agrees with the planning board selection they fund it we hire it on Thursday and we start rolling if we start rolling a week later does it set us back no it's it's just that they'll we'll we'll cut a week we'll cut we'll cut a week someplace along the line a couple couple days here and a couple days there but um now we we can't ask Miss David to vote on something that she has has no exposure to at all I I wouldn't ask anybody to do that and I believe that she needs to be inform on these things we we will take these things up on next Tuesday January 9th and uh she'll be more informed uh she will be informed about that so we're not going to rubber stamp anything thank you so we're GNA um a motion to table 23 24 and 25 second can we separate them out as tabling each one individually for discussion do you want to have wait we're going to discuss them next week technically motions to table is not supposed to be discussion right under Robert's Rule right so let's just table and we on Tuesday can we'll just uh we'll have it that discussion about him then we'll move on there's a motion on the floor M the council president made a motion I'm not sure if it was seconded I second he second an roll call councilwoman David yes councilman Rosen no councilman Wilson yes councilwoman wiski no council president C yes motion passes so on January 9th we will discuss these three items and then we will once councilwoman David has been inform of them um then we will vote on them on Tuesday no we're good so 22 so we have motion to vote on one through 22 items we have a motion yes I make a motion we have a second yes second M David second second answer roll call councilwoman David yes councilman Rosen yes councilman Wilson yes councilwoman wiski yes council president cob yes so now we on public session next is public session part of the the meeting what Happ you okay I'm looking for the remote control come to the mic name address Amy Bullock Allen Avenue um I have a question about the Tay of bliss house who owns the house I to answer please the question was who owns the Taylor Bliss house yes okay uh to my knowledge it's still it's still uh the house of worship that owns it so the Taylor Bliss house is owned by the synagogue but it's sitting on city property who's ensuring it and who's liable if somebody gets hurt in that house the uh and when will ownership be transferred to the city or will it be do you want me to answer the question all right y Mr the uh the deed the deed has been requested it hasn't been received the property the the grounds of the of Elanor Harvey Park are being insured by the city um and it's our understanding that uh the insurance that was on the house is still on the house but we haven't we haven't verified that so we allowed a house to be put on city property without a deed the deed gets trans the deed gets transferred yes um it can't get transferred until the house is moved and how long has the house been over there several months now okay yeah all right I have a question about um disciplinary action with employees uh Mr Hoffman you were in a meeting with uh the NAACP president Jeff Carter and myself Amy Bullock is community liaison shortly after the Bernar shooting and we discussed the um possibility of the officer are involved being put on suspension and you informed us at that time that you didn't really believe in suspending someone with pay because you don't like the idea of someone sitting at home getting paid for doing nothing but yet we currently have an employee suspended um rightfully so um so I I'm I would like clarification on how the decision is made when someone should or shouldn't be suspended and I'd like the governing body to consider maybe doing a deep dive into the disciplinary action that's been taken against employees to ensure that it's being done in an equitable way and that we have some clearly defined um regulations around what type of disciplinary actions can be imposed and um based on what the offense is um just to ensure that decisions are being made in an equitable manner you can't have one employee getting suspended with pay and then claim that another employee who killed someone doesn't get suspended so I think I think that it is time that we take a look to make sure that um our past practices for disciplinary actions is evaluated and some policies and procedures put in place to make sure that things are done equitably going forward thank you Rick willby Inwood New Jersey uh first and foremost I would love to uh recommend the book to the mayor I've been going to a lot of meetings and a lot of designist have been telling me to read books there's a book that Reverend Herbert Dy gave me that he wrote It's called No Monopoly on suffering Jews and blacks and Crown Heights you need to read that book you need to understand that you cannot monopolize suffering okay all over the world there is suffering every other word out of your mouth is about anti-Semitism we live in a world where we as black people don't come up and radicalize racism and continue to beat people over the head with it people are dying for an ideology called Zionism you know what that is Zionism and Judaism is very two different things I've been marching protesting rallying with a lot of rabbis and a lot of good human beings not only from uh not only from Palestine but people from Yemen and people from all over the world there's genocides happening in Azan uh the Russians were being ethnically cleansed in the dunas region we have uh slavery in Libya right now because of the destabilization we have suffered in the Congo for Cobalt that's another black Holocaust 20 million killed already Sudan that's another one Myanmar and the list goes on and on how many times you see somebody up here continue to keep talking about anti-Semitism while 86 87 days in the bombs are still dropping on Gaza the bombs are still dropping on Gaza over 21,000 people killed for what for the theft and the resettlement of land that belongs to people that have been there for Generations yesterday I was at a rally at the people's uh Organization for progress and chairman ham when he greeted me he said you know what Rick you're on that list I said you know Larry I've been on the list since my ancestors were put on the slave manifest and put on ships you see I can't be deterred Mike this is the problem with people that engage in revolutions and people that are Freedom Fighters it's an idea that you cannot kill it's an idea that you cannot deter it is as intricate as the will to breathe when you see those images of babies and mothers and I really have to thank the Palestinian women and the mothers that have to suffer and the fathers that have to suffer because somebody decided that their lives didn't matter once upon a time that was my ancestors but it's still my ancestors cuz I've never seen a young Jewish man die by the hands of a policeman because of anti-Semitism but because of racism white supremacy it happened to Bernard it happened to Major Julia Gale III on the 4th of July it happened to car dorsy it happened to assani best and it continues to happen to us time and time again lastly I want to talk about what happened to me Sunday I had the privilege of going into a moss for the very first time I was there for another reason but a few friends of mine that I know yeah they're friends of mine they're not terrorists they're friends of mine and they invited me into the Moss a very important man his family lived Once Upon a Time in Hebron they were displaced in the first knock poot they were refugees and he gave me this kefa that belonged to his father and I've never seen a more caring group of people than those people that were gathered in that mosque mourning the death of this man that had to flee his country because other people saw it right that they could take that and say that this belongs to us again nobody has a monopoly on suffering a couple of days me and the city manager text and he rattled out a long list of injustices all over the world and I had to tell him say Bob when you include World War I World War II The Armenian Genocide the Holocaust if still does not equal the number of black people killed in the Middle Passage alone Bob alone so how could you fail to recognize the suffering of black people or yes your ideologies does not prevent you or allow you to even acknowledge the humanity of people see there's such a thing as subconscious racism people that practice they call it implicit bias I believe in the police department people that can't see people people tell me I'm all kinds of of things but one thing I'm not as a liar and one thing I'm not as somebody that goes along to get along so whether you like me love me or hate me I see the humanity in all people whether they're Jew whether they're Muslim whether they're black whether they're white no matter who they sleep with if they have a French Bulldog or if they have a yorky terrier but when we start mixing apples and oranges where people believe that they have the right more than other people I don't like special people this is where we have a problem a wise General once said if the only tool you have in your toolbox is a hammer every problem looks like a nail and to Zionist every human in Gaza looks like an animal and they're all nails to be killed and destroyed hi hold on I have to get my together here can you hear does this work yeah go ahead okay hi Diane Jansen 589 rgin Terrace uh Amy had said a lot of what I wanted to say starting with I don't understand how there was a situation at McLoud school which led to the suspension of the director administrative leave of the director of recreation but yet there's no equity in suspending the police officer that shot and killed Bernard placed during a mental crisis in his bedroom when he was not being antagonistic when I was watch the films I don't know what films other people saw so I'd like to start with that the second thing I would like to start with I'd like to say congratulations uh to you Mr Cobb on being elected as city council president thank you thank you and I'd also like to thank Mr Kevin Wilson Ward 4 as proem thank you congrat ulations Ken Rosen swag W one and congratulations Miss Angela David asward three you all voted unanimously you all came together please we plead you not to vote along group lines vote for Anglewood vote for a higher good let's let's try to do that in my few seconds that I have left I would like to talk about the master plan this year we used for the planning board um Burgess Associates uh we we that was Miss GCE we used for the board of adjustment Mr Sabo he too was from Burgess Associates we used for the affordable housing settlement and overlay Zone Mr Sabo he too again was from burges Associates to me this is a conflict of interest in the advice they give Anglewood I'm opposed to our using Burgess Associates for a master plan or even for all three of these things any longer I do I did look up DMR associates they have experienc with municipalities with flood zones and climate resiliency planning green initiatives including clean a uh energy addressing New York State DP office of environmental justice designated overburdened communities affordable housing Innovative government public private Partnerships in New Jersey they sound good I don't know who the other uh people uh the other groups were but if we can start fresh that would be great thank you thank you thank you Mr Washington good evening Henry Washington Liberty Road um I'm just wanted to come tonight just to go ahead and mention to the council as well as uh address like everyone else here from the community about what Bernard placy family went through after the death of their of their son and basically after that happened there was a person that actually went out and reached out to different black uh organizations as well as churches to say don't help the family now I'm not sure who it was you know but at the same time I found out speaking to a deacon of another church and I mentioned it to him and he said I was told to stay out of it and not to support or help the family sh right and to me that's something that's just vile and heinous when you think about someone losing their child you know and everyone turning their back so that's what they experien right after the shooting and killing of their son so that's something for the council as well as the community to think about because this is different churches sorry that participated in this um I should say that did not participate or listen or try to comfort or console the family so it's just something for everyone to think about thank you thank you thank you good evening Raymond Diaz 40 Shannon Court uh my question or comment in regards to the HR department of Eng uh where I worked at we had 45,000 employees we had a union we had a supervision group who were given a book on disciplinary actions by supervisors and we were giving the uh the union um uh rules and regulations for all workers but the decision to make any kind of disciplinary action was on in the hands of the HR Group a supervisor couldn't arbitrarily suspend anyone just because uh he feels like it unless there was something detrimental to the safety of the person or whatever they were doing so and I've ran through this so many times um there was no we had a a progressive disciplinary action and written uh verbal warnings first written warnings second written warnings uh we told them in the event that they had to be suspended had to be approved by uh the general manager or the HR department matter of fact and they were representative they were represented by a union official so what I've heard here there was an HR representative that was hired I think 13 months ago 14 months ago interesting it's in almost around the same time that the incident where burn off theed was killed so was she present at that that time or was there another HR Personnel that was there before her because what I heard was from the councilors that they had nothing to do with it they couldn't make a decision on what they can do to them so they gave it to the police department in my company you couldn't do that that is the single purpose of the HR representative to get approval because if you don't then we're going to stuck we're going to be stuck in an arbitr with an arbitrator State arbitrator and we can be sued that's how important it is that this decision I want to know did this decision come from an HR representative or Department that's my comment good comment anybody else okay we're going to close this portion of the public meeting and then we're going to have Miss Andrews bless us again grace us with that beautiful voice and then after that we're going to have the closing of Revan Beach is that mic is that mic working good it God bless America yes God Bless America land that I [Music] love stand beside her and guide her through the night with the light from above from the mountains to the Prairies to the ocean white would fall God bless aen America my home sweet home God bless Amica my home sweet [Music] [Applause] Reverend Beach will do the benediction can we all stand cuz we're going to leave anyway congratulations to all of the new elected and newly appointed officials want you bow with me in prayer gracious God as we assemble again for this new year two 20 24 pray that you bless these new officials as well as all of the great citizens of this city as we've heard there are hurting people oh god with issues that go beyond this room pray oh God that you would give strength and comfort to every family who's lost loved ones lost jobs and lost positions in their homes we pray now that this counsil will be led by your spirit that you give them peace that you give them strength gracious God we pray that you bless us as Citizens that you shine your face upon us that you make us strong but peaceful make us just and also merciful make us prosperous as well as generous it's in Christ's name that we pray amen amen motion to adjourn I make a motion that we add so move second second meetings ajour thank you all in favor yes meetings adjourned [Music] hey it's not --------- of the F and the home of the [Applause] bra thank you that was beautiful Rabbi Goldberg of congregation avat Torah for the [Music] invocation Our Father in heaven let us begin this year by expressing our gratitude to you for blessing us with living in the United States of America which grants us the freedom to live and to flourish and gives us the tools to continually strive towards a better fairer Kinder Society a shabash Our Father in Heaven Grant This Town Council the wisdom to lead the city of Anglewood in a just and decent fashion modeling Civility and Harmony give them the means to protect our most vulnerable citizens and to chart a course towards a better future Our Father in Heaven bless the United States of America with peace for peace is the one blessing that makes all other blessings possible shalom shalom he who makes Peace On High may he bring peace to us and let us say Amen am thank you and now assemblywoman Ellen Park will administer the oath of office to first war councilman elect Dr Ken Rosen swag that was good my phone okay my eyes aren't the same as they were 18 years ago yeah mine too okay I Kenneth Rosen wife I Kenneth Rosen swi do hereby swear to hereby affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear truth faith and that I will bear true Faith true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same and to the governments and to the same and to the governments established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people of the city of Anglewood of the city of Anglewood further I do affirm further I do affirm that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties of the position perform all the duties of the position of the First Ward councilman of the first award councilman according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability thank you thank [Applause] you okay SC all right congratulations and now third W councilwoman elect Angela David um will okay and uh the administration of the oath of office will be given by ex- mayor Frank huddle [Applause] II a good evening everyone I have some short remarks before the swearing in I it's a privilege and honor to be here tonight to have the opportunity uh on the administration oath of Angela David third word councilwoman elect we are blessed here today well let me my wife Valerie huddle is former assemblywoman Angela asked uh Valerie to join this swearing in and we're blessed and we are honored to have the David family Daryl her husband former firefighter retired fighter fighter of the city of Anglewood Julia deia Briana my apologies and there's one more daughter so welcome I've known Angela for a long time first being introduced by Sandy Greenberg and I've worked with her for a long period of time and have witnessed first hand her commitment to the community that she served Angela has a beautiful family God bless Angela has served our community on three separate terms on the board of education being one of the highest folk HS Citywide including the third word which is an accomplishment her leadership position she's held at the Board of Education uniquely qualifies her for this new Endeavor and trip that she has selected to do on the city council Angela is a special ed teacher specialized in English language and the Arts with her commitment to the special needs individuals in our community and in our state I was privileged and honored to appoint her to the access committee for seniors and for special needs I won tell you how many years ago but her work and others work to open the doors of access to the city from the downtown to our communities to our Public Schools I'm here and God bless to all I would like to now administer the oath yansy which one is it okay we need need the Bible and we're going to have Daryl and her kids Valor could join we okay we ready ready okay I Angela David I Angela David do hereby swear do hereby swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the and to the governments to the government established in the United States and in this state established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people of the city of Englewood under the authority of the people of the city of Englewood further further I do swear I do swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the position of third world councilwoman of the position of serve Council according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] congratulations congratulations [Music] just have to have the answer uh good evening ladies and gentlemen we're going to call the role uh in a moment when uh our clerk returns my name is Michael Wilds have the privilege of being your mayor and what a wonderful evening for Anglewood uh for both Dr Rosen swag and Angela's uh families um for your loved ones your children and for the community that's watching this uh virtually as well congratulations to everybody uh let's have a roll call yansy councilman cob councilwoman David councilman Rosen here councilman Wilson present councilwoman wasi here also present is Mayor Michael WS city manager Robert S Hoffman City attorney Bill Bailey CFO Michael calman city engineer France FY and Deputy city manager John Berner thank you yany I would like uh to acknowledge the dignitaries here which basically means running through every seat uh in this chamber and I beg your pardon if I make a mistake but I will never make this mistake first I will start with our first lady my dear wife Amy thank you sweetheart for being here uh thank you um our chief um our police Chiefs that is uh Tom gley mat de L Roa thank you uh for being here gentlemen our Sheriff uh Anthony cirtain here today as an angood uh resident a very proud one our Deputy uh city manager John Berkner and you're going to have a chance to hear from each of our council members and our city manager uh as well our state Senator Gordon Johnson and our assemblywoman Ellen Park thank you uh for being here uh as well to the clergy that join us today Rabbi Goldberg Pastor Beach who's actually a chaplain in our police department and an associate pastor at Lester Taylor's church thank you for being here and Reverend Spencer as well thank you Reverend for being here too uh to our former councilwoman Charlotte Shon Amy bulock my representative on the library board captain sanelli from the Anglewood fire department Scott rine mending and you look wonderful thank God a former councilman and just about everything else in this great City to our former mayor Frank and Valerie huddle as well thank you for your service for all the years that you've both uh given to Anglewood uh and to our and to our state uh kathern Glenn our former councilwoman Alita fasel rotary and everything else that Scott redin didn't have a chance to do to Doug burn our our former councilman and Freeholder to the entire Jansen family for your stewardship your good citizenship and for showing up just about to everything to Wayne hamr our former councilman thank you for joining us Ralph Shermer working uh well and with great um stward with our uh state Senator Joe Hoy the Jabari society and leader in Anglewood Stellar fire department Sam Lee from our housing authority and the photographer who Chronicles everything important Harris ragbeer 22 years and the Democratic committee and parliamentarian uh as well France uh Voli our city engineer Katherine Melendez who really runs uh this city uh well oiled Michael calman our CFO and Henry Washington the program director for our coffee with the mayor sessions for nearly 4 years Crystal Brown our environmental uh commissioner uh chair Aisa rasul former judge and just a good very talented lawyer and friend uh DEA um AAR from the court system Dr Stacy Rosen swag the first lady from the First Ward and a library board uh member uh and of course the U pot per of englewood's finest and bravest in our Public Works that are here uh this evening again personal congratulations to Dr Rosen swag to miss David to your beautiful families this is a special evening not just in the chronicle of Anglewood but as well for them too ladies and gentlemen at this time I will accept nominations um to elect a council president for the 2024 year any nominations good evening mayor evening good evening to all uh I would like to nominate councilman at large Charles comp thank you councilman Wilson has a nomination is there a second for this and miss David comes out with a second thank you any other nominations before I close nominations for council president seeing none I see that I ask that a roll call be uh H councilman CB yes councilwoman David yes councilman Rosen yes councilman Wilson yes councilwoman wiski yes lovely congratulations Charles um the new I need to do pardon oath oath who's going to do that okay which one our state senator will now swear in our new council president Let's Go sir hand on the Bible I do pro also Stand Down Public Service I support the constition support United States United States and the Constitution constition State of New Jersey state of newers and that I will bear true faith and allegiance that I will faith and Ali to the Saint to the Saint to the governments established the governments established in the United States United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of of the city of England of the city of further did I miss I do swear I do swear that Faithfully Faithfully partially partially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the position of the position council president president the best of my ability the best of my ability so help me help me [Applause] congratulations how we all doing 2024 it's going to be an interesting ride but I just want a quick note I just want to say I just give a shout out to Stacy Rosen sag where are you there you go she along with Kate was able to procure $2.5 million for the library the capital fund our efforts thank you for for your efforts there and uh we appreciate that the city really appreciate your reference there so thank you what you've done for the city and I'll close by saying uh it's going to be interesting ride this year as we all know politically but I guess we'll get through it so thank you for allowing me to say a few words and I'm going to close conratulations thank you Mr John yes do this now ready so you just have the council so we take time nominations now next we'll do the elections for Council protim the floor is open for nominations I nominate um councilman Kevin Wilson is there a second I'll second nominations do we have any other nominations we'll close the nominations roll call councilman Cod yes councilwoman David yes councilman Rosen yes councilman Wilson yes councilman wiski yes [Applause] congratulations need to get the O office you got to get the oath office so pick somebody to swear you in Come on Anthony sure Sam put the camera down let juel hold the camera all right all right happy New Year everybody uh such an honor to repeat after me I st your name I Kevin Wilson to hereby affirm to hereby affirm I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of of the state of New Jersey that I will bear and that I will bear true Faith true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same to the government established to the government established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people of the city of England under the authority of the people of England further further I do affirm I do affirm that I will Faithfully that I will Faithfully partially impartially and justly perform all the duties and justly perform all the duties the position [Music] my ability to the best of my ability to help me gu to help me gu [Applause] congratulations what's that are you ready uh we're going to take a recess right now and all the council members if you could come to the front of the day so we can take a picture thank you