there for all right go ahead and call this call this board  meeting to order schemy County Board of County   Commissioners regular meeting February 22nd  2024 9:45 a.m. please turn yourself phone to   the vibrate silence or off setting Board of County  Commissioners allows any person to speak regarding   an item on the agenda the speaker will be limited  to 3 minutes unless otherwise determined by the   chairperson to allow sufficient time for all  speakers speakers please refrain from abusive   or profane remarks disruptive Outburst protest  or any other conduct which interferes with the   orderly conduct of the meeting upon completion  of the public comment period discussion will be   limited to board members and questions raised by  the board uh the invocation this morning is uh is   a guest of commissioner Mays and I apologize he's  not he's not in the dis but if you might make your   might make your way forward and we will all please  rise and uh you've got the floor sir thank you good morning first of all I want to say it's an  honor to be here uh I feel it a privilege uh just   want to say real quick uh I am an implant  not a transplant uh I came here in 1972 on   convalescent from the United States Army and I  came from Ohio where it was 6 inches of snow to   Pensacola Florida where I was in shorts playing  basketball so I asked to the Lord at that time   to let me retire here in this community and so  in 1989 he made that happen and I've been here   ever since uh 1989 and I just want to thank first  of all this Governor governing body because you   have impacted people in ways you will never know  down to the young kindergarten people and I just   want to say it's a blessing to be here and so I  thank God so let's pray father father I thank you   this morning for who you are in our lives for Lord  you have done so many things for us you know the   beginning from the end you are the alpha and you  the Omega and Lord we just want to thank you first   of all for this great nation that we are citizens  are because there's no other Nation on this Earth   that compares to the United States of America  Lord we thank you for this great state where we   are residents of because the State of Florida  I feel is the greatest state within the United   States and most of all the way I am impacted  by this community this uh I thank God for this   governing body because over the years this past 33  years I have seen some come and I've seen some go   but they have always been consistent in helping  your people and Lord as this meeting go forward   I speak a blessing upon it right now Lord I ask  that these board members and this government body   have Clarity of speech CL Clarity of thought  and that the decisions they make will impact   the inhabitants of this community I know you're  able and I know you will although there may be a   disagreements Let There Be unity in this place and  Lord I speak right now that is done and Lord as   I go forward I bless them because you said I was  able to bless them and Lord I bless them I bless   the United States of America bless this state and  I ask it all in your son Jesus name amen amen amen   commissioner May would you like to do the pledge  please join me in the pledge I pledge allegiance   to flag the United States of America to the IT  stand One Nation God indivisible andice for all   Mr chairman I just want to thank Minister Johnson  and all the work that they're doing over at Life   Church in our district and we certainly appreciate  you doing invocation and being here today I'm very   thankful thank you so much thank you commissioner  any items to be added to the agenda Madam Council   no sir commiss may I think I have one I don't know  Audrey yeah we have one have you already given   it to her we got it and Mr chairman I have one as  well that's been distributed thank you commission   CER all right I have none Mr administrator none  entertain a motion to adopt the agenda move Mr   chairman by hand all right um all those in favor  please indicate by raising your hand item passes   to zero commissioner Forum commissioner May uh  thank you Mr chairman uh I certainly want to you   thank Wes and his staff uh for all the work that  they're doing I want to recognize Leroy Williams   on a great uh parar production uh this past  weekend and our ecoo board member Larry Williams   we were able to be a part of the prayer breakfast  with uh David Williams the district three School   Board member out at the Wedgewood Community Center  we certainly appreciate uh that and uh the work   that's being done uh for Black History Month in  February as we recognize the great contributions   uh that many African-Americans have made uh to not  only this County this state but this country uh   we're just glad to be a part of all those events  and we look forward to being uh with black girls   magic uh this weekend at Saturday at Sanders Beach  as they recognize uh entrepreneurs women of color   who are doing uh great work here in this community  thank you Mr chairman fantastic commission BOS   thank you Mr chairman um just a couple quick  things uh this coming Thursday the 29th of   February um one week from today at 600 p.m. at  bua middle school we will have our third sheret um   this has been a uh this has been a project that's  been years and years in the making but we're uh   actively working to master plan the the greater  Bula area it's one of the areas of esami County   that's seen significant growth over the last 15 20  years uh ideally um we probably it probably should   have happened years and years ago but um you know  it's Tak taken time to get the funding to get the   team but we've got the team Sigma Consulting  is doing a great job first two charettes were   very well attended so if you have an interest in  that part of the community um and you would like   to have a say in the way that the rest of it's  developed going forward I would encourage everyone   to come 6 PM bua middle school Thursday February  29th um I also want to take a moment to thank   Michael rhods and the parks and recck Department  um anytime I have an issue at the parks he and his   team Adam Reed and the rest they're they're just  Johnny on the spot and right now they are actively   working at beach access number two um this is  going to be a great amenity for the citizens   they're tearing down that old beat up uh restroom  facility that was a vandalism magnet they're going   to knock that down make additional parking spaces  they're going to rework the parking lot um and   they're going to add uh a a better aggregate base  uh more of a solid base and that White Rock that   gets all over your truck when you go out there  they're also going to add outdoor showers and   portable restrooms uh that hopefully will not be  uh magnets for vandalism like the permanent ones   were um they're doing this now so that it's ready  to go uh for the busy summer season and then the   the the plan is to do the same thing next year  with be beach access number three um and I also   want to thank Tim day chips kenfeld there's  an exciting very exciting project that we're   going to be commencing it's it's been years in the  making I look forward to chips bringing it Forward   um it's going to uh create a larger Island out  out right off the point there off of the Sunset   Grill and it's going to be a place where we can we  can amass the sand and create a great amenity for   boers out there and the double function of that is  it will it will be a an amount of sand that we can   utilize for Beach re nourishment out there it was  a project that was on the books uh many years ago   for reasons I don't understand uh the commissioner  at that time killed it but we're bringing it back   it's a very worthwhile project we're going to  invest about 200,000 and it's going to do a lot   of of things allow us to have sand when we need  it to renourish allow us to convey the sand where   it's needed without running bulldozers and trucks  over the roads it's a really unique project and   chips if you have a moment would could I ask you  a quick question I'm sorry Mr chairman this will   just take a second but um what year did that  project was that first uh envisioned it's been   a number of years yes sir it was submitted uh  to the State of Florida for ReStore funding uh   about 7 years ago okay uh so it it's it's been in  the works for a while yeah I just recently heard   about it and I thought it was a very worthwhile  project and and explain how that that sand on that   island how that how we could get that to where  we need it without ruining the roads right uh   so the the Corp of Engineers maintains the inter  Coastal Waterway there uh north of Ono Island and   North of innerarity point and uh that uh sand  right now is being placed uh in the backyards   of of people's homes along the inter Coastal  Waterway on the South Side uh this would provide   another uh place for that dredged material to be  stored uh and at the same time it would build up   those islands for recreational purposes as you  mentioned um to transport that sand to the beach   for renourishment uh there is a way to slurry that  mix and pipe it uh and pump it over to the Beach   for renourishment projects wow well I look forward  to to getting that you do we think that will come   on the next agenda or when do you think we can get  that on the books uh yes sir I think in March we   can get that to you and once we build up the sand  on that island how many boats do you anticipate   right now you can you can get a a couple of boats  on there but after we're done yeah with with the   sea level rise those islands have been shrinking  and shrinking uh so this additional sand would   increase the area so uh we could you know get  conce 100 boats there and we also are planning   an underwater snorkeling Trail in the area too  right on can't wait for that project be some nice   thank you chips and thank you Tim and the final  thing I'll say uh a shout out to uh to Tim we're   working this board has approved the 3.6 million  for additional uh beach access and parking and   uh I just you know don't want to get ahead of it  but we're working very very diligently on that I   can't wait for some for some good announcements to  this board uh based on that work so thank you guys   for your efforts thank you Mr chairman Mr chairman  yep I'm sorry and I didn't see him I just want to   thank Chief Eric Randall uh you know District 3 uh  kind of goes hand in hand with the city and uh the   work that you've helped me do in the Brownsville  area and and the McGee and the legion Chief R it's   good to see you and thank you for the community  involvement uh that you've been able to help us   do over in District 3 and in curving delinquency  I just want to publicly thank you for what you did   and we probably would not have had a decent season  had your officers not been involved so thank you   so much commissioner Co thanks Chief thanks Mr  chairman Applause go Navy Chief um just a few   things I want to highlight first and first is  the staff I had a town hall the other night on   Wesco and um Wes your team is professional um  no commissioner has all the answers sometimes   you get blindsided and when you do obviously the  experts help you out Debbie on the property tax   I didn't know where that was coming from but uh  that was good and uh just just great job and a   lot of people were very appreciative I know that  was focused a lot on storm water drainage but we   hit a lot of topics um the debris removal that the  county start over off of Windrose that's already   got those folks excited so I want to thank  the engineering project for moving forward   I know that was already in the pipeline but um  that the timing of that couldn't have been any   better since we just had that tunnel so that was  just fortunate um parks and re the fina mahogany   Mill uh boat ramp had been down since sallying it  fin finally got repaired uh thank you uh I know   that the the marine and next door is very happy  with that as well and if if you weren't aware the   trium recently voted 7.4 million for Warrington  Preparatory Academy obious that was warington   middle before that's a substantial amount of money  I was surprised at at the amount but that's great   news for their certification and improvements  there you know that's been a failing school   and hopefully they can they can move forward and  uh Friday Friday and I know commissioner Ros was   there we were at to thank for the PACE Center  for girls to help a fundraiser and that was a   very successful event for some of the young ladies  in our community that are struggling a little bit   so that was a great shout out and I don't have  anything else thank you Mr chairman thank you   want to recognize this week is uh National FFA  week Future Farmers of America which is uh you   know which is very active chapters in Ernest Ward  middle school as well as Ransom Middle School Tate   high school and Northview High School um I had a  town hall meeting La town hall meeting last Monday   as well I want to thank Wes and and his team for  coming out to uh the extension extension building   last Monday for a couple hours and interacting  with my constituents so I appreciate that um and   with that we will move on to the board meeting  um so commissioner MOS what what is your what   is your schedule today Mr chairman I have a hard  stop at 10:45 um if it's possible I know we're   going to have a a discussion on it I know there's  some gentlemen here from South Florida regarding   um ol8 if I might ask to if we get to close to  that time without uh getting there if we could   have that discussion maybe time certain at 10:30  okay I I think we'll make good prog excuse me I   think we'll make good progress through the agenda  but if we if we get to 10:30 and have not gotten   there Jeff we'll we'll pull it forward thank you  sir entertain a motion for the proclamations so   moved all right please vote Proclamation  is passed 4 to zero the board ratified the   proclamation honoring and commenting Mrs Beverly  Evans Smith for her accomplish accomplishments   as the past National president of the Delta Sigma  Theta sorority as part of the celebration of Delta   Sigma Theta sororities founders day also ratified  the proclamation congratulating Miss Louise Keller   on reaching 100 years of age and declaring today  Thursday February 22nd 2024 as Louise Keller's   I apologize Luis keeler's Centennial day in  esami County Florida so I didn't want that to   go unacknowledged and congratul ations did the  clerk's office receive proof of publication Mr   chairman the clerk's office has received all  proofs all right entertain a motion away the   reading so move Mr chairman second thank you  please vote item pass is four to zero Madame clerk three items on the consent agenda the  first one has to do with the tdt collections   for January that collection had a slight decrease  but overall we are outpacing last year the two   other items a routine this is documents that  we've filed with the board minutes and minutes   and reports that we've actually prepared um  also as an update we are finishing and pretty   much finalized the financial audit I expect a  clean opinion and a report to come next month   thank you move to Clerk's report second thank you  please vote Clerk's report passes four to zero Mr   CH Mr yes sir I know we're we're moving through  yes sir uh but there's a real big issue uh in my   district um that the city the states working  on it I do see Alex here I thought the mayor   May would be here but at some point I would like  to have a a conversation about baptist hospital   with the potential of bringing something back to  the meeting and so whenever you can fit it in I   think Alex would be here to answer any questions  and give us an update what the legislators and   what the city council has done uh then I just  want to just have that conversation up very   quickly yeah thank you for being here you think  you might just stay here until we take up the   item yeah he will couple weeks okay just stay  yeah okay yeah he will perfect Alex are you   good he's a student intern I understand uh well  yeah wellp paid student intern horse you have the   floor yes sir uh good morning Commissioners the  first item on the agenda gmr report is the 10:   a.m. small scale map mment to review and adopt the  planning board made a recommendation for approval   these this is the property on cross street from  public to mix use urban entertain a motion there's   no speakers no speakers then I move the item in  the affirmative thank you say second second thank   you please vote item passes four to zero all right  uh horse the second item yes sir the next item is   the resoning for that Smalls C map Amendment Z  2024 d04 from public to high density residential   the plan board made a recommendation for approval  all right thank you horse Larry DS Jr thank you Y   Larry D Jr uh uh I was at this uh planning board  meeting and uh youall know I attend a lot of them   however I did take off a few months probably about  seven months but anyhow as soon as I go back I see   these uh uh you know rezonings and uh I'm always  advocating for a resoning for the property owner   for whatever use they want to do because I know  that Prosperity is entangled with property rights   and property ownership so one of course I want  y'all to move forward with this uh even though   uh the county we US own the property right now  I'm assuming yall are going to try to get rid of   it and hopefully not to any friends or family or  any of that type of stuff nonsense but uh I would   I since since this is property owned by the county  County and I believe we have way too much County   owned property I would like to go ahead and make  a uh public records request right now for another   for another uh print out of all the county-owned  properties buildings Etc uh Charlie Gonzalez did   it for me about five years ago before he died  it was I brought it up here showed youall put   it on the poster board uh so in relation to this  here because y'all own it like I said I'd like to   know if y'all have gone down in ownership in the  property real estate business or up so that's my   request of course whoever's going to end up  with this property they may want to reone it   to something else so this is kind of a you know  kind of a precedent y'all are voting to reone it   here so whoever ends up owning the property they  should be able to come up here and or go through   the process and get it reasoned for something  else maybe right I mean let's property rights   is property rights can't be just for y'all just  for the it must be for we all of us thank you   thank you board entertain a motion second motions  to approve yep is that correct to to approve okay   second stance please vote item passes four to  zero hor yes sir so that was for the that was   the for the official zoning map now we have  the 102 public hearing consideration of a of   another small scale map amendment I I believe  that was the resign we're on item three now   yeah we need to vote on the 10:1 the map the map  okay the map so we're on the map Larry Larry DS Jr yeah every time that y'all uh y'all  have to vote uh and you're voting for   more freedom even if it's for your own you  have to go with it so you know what I mean   so go ahead move forward with it thank you  thank you all right board entertain a motion   for the 101 thank you all right please  vote item passes 4 to zero 102 public   hearing yes sir small the 102's public  hearing small scale map Amendment from   public to mix Urban located off of North H  Street to review and adopt thank you Larry DS Jr same thing if it's expanding Freedom property  rights you you must vote for it if you're going   to represent we the people in the land of the  free and Home of the Brave you have to do it now   I get it every now and then a few people already  have theirs and they want you to close the gate   and throw away the key after they got their so  let's keep that in mind as we move forward that   you know you can't have freedom without freedom  and that's a quote by me point it thank you board   i' entertain a motion I move the 102 thank you is  there a second all right please vote item passes   3 to zero with commissioner May off the dies hor  yes sir this is for gmr action item recommendation   concerning Midtown Oaks a final plat we have  no speakers board okay I move the item one A   and B thank you second thank you please vote item  pass is 3 to zero the horse the next item is to   recommendation conning whole harmness agreement  to review and adopt short protection structure   no speakers Mr chairman correct all right I move  uh item two in the affirmative all right please   vote item passes three to zero horse then we  have our consent agenda for March the 7th so   that's all the hearings we have on March 7th  how about that okay I like that um entertain   a motion thank you Mike please vote item passes  four to Zer with commissioner May back in the   room thank you horse Mr administrator thank you  Mr chairman there are 12 items on the technical   Public Service consent agenda there are no changes  i' entertain a motion for the technical Public   Service consent I move the I move the consent  thank you thank you please vote please vote   item passes four to zero Mr administrator there  there are 39 items on the Budget Finance consent   agenda including an add-on discretionary item  from commissioner may as card 2-39 okay please   make the following changes drop car 2-26 and  car 2-32 hold for speakers Car 2-2 and 2-35   all right and uh Mr mror I need to hold 2-13 for  an exstension for myself hold 2-13 okay all right   board I entertain a motion for the balance second  all right please vote the balance of the budget   and finance passes 4 to zero Mr administrator uh  car 2-2 and car 2-35 Chris curb has signed up to speak thank you Wes uh good morning u i I just  wanted to come up and rise in support of uh car   2-2 that's the your vulnerability assessment  um that's something I've spoke on a couple of   times um I'm glad to see it finally coming  through I talk to Tim today and and and uh   this is something that I uh that the American  flood Coalition had influenced uh the uh Senate   Bill 1954 in 2021 to for uh that resilience  Florida program so I'm really glad to see a   scami County uh U benefiting from the fruits  of that labor um as you know the uh U American   flood Coalition the chairman uh has actually  uh founded and funds uh the flood Defenders   here in the panan so uh I'm glad to see that  um I really want to speak on uh car 32 but I   guess you drop that I'm not sure why but compan  is changing names we'll bring it back okay well   uh that's another one uh that one of our flood  Defender neighborhoods uh I'd like to see that   moving forward and the uh cdbg uh 35 uh or  excuse me car 35 235 cdbg buyouts um that's   really something that our neighborhoods uh flood  Defender neighborhoods have really been waiting   for this to come through all the hmgp have been  held up for buyouts and uh um I'm really glad to   see this come through um a lot of our uh uh blood  Defender neighborhoods are glad to see this come   through as well um specifically uh D um she's in  one of those buyouts and U she couldn't be here   this morning but uh I wanted to to mention hers  cuz she's in in that so um by the way thank you   uh commissioner ker for that town hall meeting  I think it was very productive last Thursday so   uh uh thank you all right board i' entertain a  motion for car 2-2 and 2-35 together I'll make   the motion thank you to approve all right  all in favor please raise your hand car 2-2   and 2-35 pass 4 to zero all right back to 2-13  which is Wes you can go ahead and read it real quick 2s 13 is concerning the contract award  for Southwest Pond Spillway in retaining wall   project PD 23-24 025 for the Waste Services  pido Landfield all right thank you all right   board I Steven Barry hereby disclosed on  February 22nd 2024 a measure came before   my agency which will which will iner to the  special gain or loss of Ryan Shavers by whom   I'm retained the measure before my agency and  the nature of my conflicting interest in the   measure is as follows esami County border  County Commissioner's meeting February 22nd   2024 County Administrator report item two I'm  sorry uh item 2-13 recommendation concerning   the contract award for Southwest pwn Spillway  and retaining wall project PD 23- 24.25 for   the Waste Services pido landfill presents a  conflict of interest pursuant to statute 11   2. 3143 Florida statutes for the appearance  of a conflict of interest pursuant to statute   28612 Florida Statutes because Ryan Shavers  principal of Shavers construction is my client   I'd entertain a motion for the uh for the item I  move item 13 the affirmative thank you is there a   second all right please vote in favor three any  against zero any abstain one item passes three   to zero with one abstention being commissioner  Barry abstaining Mr administrator thank you card   3-1 is concerning appointments to the scam County  contractor couny board you will need to vote all right hey Jose did I sign it I Tim you didn't have any  comment about this at all did you Mr chairman we have four votes for Melanie  Luna Bard I entertain a motion second for   Melanie Luna to be appointed yes sir yes all  right thank you please vote item passes four   to zero thank you Delena Mr chairman there's  also be adopt Gary J hbon Advanced air and   heating Inc i' entertain a motion to appoint  Gary hton as well second please vote item   passes four to zero Mr administrator next  item is ol8 we have several speakers Teresa Blackwell good morning Teresa Blackwell I bua the potential  on olfa is enormous it can be the pride of the   county the Envy of Santa Rosa County we we have a  great master plan from a world renowned planner we   can do this if we have the will to follow  through with that plan we have two offers   one while well-meaning I would just ask can they  deliver um and the other Fred hammer and partners   Fred I met with Fred years before we even had a  master plan and we talked about the potential for   that how we could have mixed juice and it could  really be the center of the bu Community Our Town   Center that we needed with all the services we  needed so we didn't have to drive downtown and a   great place for us to meet besides the uh middle  school or the senior the small Senior Center um   so Fred has worked with me he's worked with Navy  Federal Navy Federal recently Cara Cardona sent   him a letter of appreciation for the way he's  conducted all this uh she's been promoted away   but um uh yesterday he was kind enough to bring  his new partner over to meet me and we met at   Navy Federal at the new park Park and um and we  talked uh we know Fred we've been working with   him for years and we also need to know this new  partner that his him and his not him particularly   but his company um as I looked over his their  website and what I could find online I had some   concerns and uh but as we talked my um his ideas  for the residential part of that were fabulous   they were exactly the kind of thing we would want  we want a a a a a place that works together from   all aspects walkable paths where you can walk  throughout the site um amenities that would   draw people there as an alternative things to do  uh uh here in the county so and I know I saw that   he's done fabulous things in other places as far  as amenities for that residential what I did not   see is the quality of that residential and I saw  that he has worked with Dr Horton and but Fred has   held DR Horton to a higher standard before so um  that could be controlled but that is something of   concern the other thing is how closely would  they follow the master plan we have a master   plan hard fought hard one Navy Federal paid for  it we want to stick to that this is an election   year and in this election year I'm hearing  commissioner BOS say that is very important   to the people abula so it is and I can raise I  can raise up the troops when needed to defend   that so um thank you Teresa thank you very much I  hope you'll consider all that next speaker is Fred himmer good morning again thank you for your  time I know we've all spent a lot of time over   the last number of months and last years working  on this and you know I've been bird dogging this   watching in the background listening and trying  to make sure that we come with a plan that fits   for everybody and I think that we are very close  to doing that um Trace mentioned we do have a new   partner and I'm going to introduce him but I  do want to clarify what our partnership entity   is I mean the partners ship is is myself and  Chad horn Chad is longtime very close friend   of mine 30 some years he's been my partner up  here on all the deals that we have done and   he's been sort of the guy behind the scenes and  a lot of the quality work that we've done here   so we have a very strong partnership group  between Chad and myself Chad is available   for any questions you know if you've got any  questions directly to him Rob erens is with   Metro development Metro development is a company  out of Tampa they're one of the largest Master   Planning Companies in the country they do very  quality work we've known them for many years   Chad has personally done uh a lot of work with  them I think 30 35 years so we know who Metro   development is we know the quality of work  that they do and we have had them up here   last several months looking at this we did  not want to bring them into the public until   we were pretty close to that we knew we had a  deal and we think we're pretty close you know   to that so you know with that I want to invite  Rob to come up here and and tell you about his company thanks Fred ladies and gentlemen  Commissioners thanks for talking with me   this morning um Rob eron Metro Development  Group uh we are one of the largest master   plan developers in the southeast United States  we do a lot of great things and I have a short   little PowerPoint presentation but it's not going  to happen in three minutes so I'm going to skip   through some of the stuff we do and and why we  do it but we're up here to make a difference   we think we can bring some of our expertise up  into this area and make this what Teresa says   is something you can be proud of and I am going  to get kind of technical here but probably fail important part here we've been  around since 2001 um I helped   found the company so I've been with  them for all of those years through   the ups and downs of real estate and I  apologize but I am going to skip really quick um these are some of our relationships you  can see the residential a lot of commercial a lot   of multif family is Teresa said we do business  with Dr Horton um I know Dr uh so uh you know   we we we don't know if Dr is a builder in this  community yet or not but we understand what the   concerns are we do a lot of commercial office  Ventures uh this is a Publix we built uh this   is a town center we built inside one of our  communities uh we partnered with the people   that do Armature Works in Tampa if you've ever  heard of it if you haven't you should probably   Google it but this is the kind of stuff we look  for different Innovative creating that social   fabric that a community needs where you can  enjoy your time here and and intermingle with   the people in your community we've done a joint  venture with a company called Casto that did a a   community commercial center called Midtown um  It's a combination of uh commercial space with   uh living space over the top again it separates  itself from everything else you see we don't do   strip centers that's not how we're going to make  a community successful we joint venture with the   people who built Margaritaville in Orlando the  Falcone group um and we do a lot of different   joint ventures with them recently we've brought a  lot of hospitals or health care into some of our   communities I'm not saying it works here but  that's just some of the stuff we do this is   another Community office complex that the Falcone  group did down in Miami as the world center as you   can see it's different Innovative and well done  we do a lot of multifam DHI communities almost   hate to say this in front of Teresa uh this is a  sister company of Dr Horton but you can see they   can do some good stuff when when made Falcone  group does multif family we've joint ventured   with them as well and gtis is a hedge fund private  Equity Firm up in New York we've partnered with   them on a number of different deals we do our  own Marketing in house uh we do um our own street   light company we have our own management company  we do charettes as well but here's what I think we   bring to the table that's going to be different  than most we think a community like this needs   an iconic entry a memorable point that when you  come in you look at it and go oh my gosh here's   a picture of some of the entries that we do I met  with some of you yesterday this is what Rob calls   my 30 seconds of ah you pull in you need to be W  for 30 seconds I don't want to inundate you with   anything other than just that great experience  we do world class amenities um this is these are   some of them uh Resort pools pickle ball tennis  lap pools splash pads for the children how do we   up that we did lagoons and I'm going to skip over  this video that is on here hopefully um there's a   lagoon this is a 7 acre Lagoon uh we've done a 15  acre Lagoon and these are inside the communities   we we own them we run them we manage them that  company alone has over 450 employees our version   of a kidy pool we program monthly events as  you can see Metro controls almost 62,000 Lots   throughout the State of Florida so we're not  insignificant we have employees that number   in the 80s our company dashboard um I won't go  through every single one of them but you can see   we control over those 60,000 Lots we have 1,200  Acres of commercial we also joint venture and   build private schools in our communities we pay a  lot of impact fees to try and get a school there   and we've been in business for 22 years and the  last year was the first year we were able to have   a public school in one of our communities we have  a secret sauce we own a lot of different companies   as well we own an agricultural company that keeps  egg exemption in place we own a a high-speed   internet company fastest internet speeds in the  country and it's symmetric 2 gig over two gig   and that is done throughout the community so  if you're at one of our lagoons you can enjoy   high-speed internet there schools as I said we do  a lot of them we've built six um this is one of   our typical little private Charter Schools inside  one of our communities last year Pasco County came   to us and said how do we get in your program  and we gave them that challenge and they met   it this is a rendering of a fivestory K8 through  K12 school that just opened last August there's   the picture we opened it in August last year this  is some of the stuff we can do by partnering with   all the right people so we partner with the  school board we partner with the commission   we partner with the engineering department we  partner with Parks and Recreation and this is   what we're able to do streetlights solar We're  Off the Grid we put them in we maintain them   we build them everything I'm going to skip over  this one as you can see we we monitor everything   we do Breeze is our management company that  manages all our communities and communities for others last but not least last year we were  fortunate enough to partner with mafit cancer   center and bring them into one of our communities  they bought 800 acres and it's going to be their   world center to try and cure cancer with that  initiative we decided we would promote Wellness as   well and we started on that program and we thought  this was fairly significant your ZIP code is a   better predictor of your health than your genetic  IC Code we believe that where you live and how you   live in that environment is vitally important  I'm going to skip over a couple videos what we   did is we created these large communities this is  called connected City we've done two of them and   what we've done is incorporated all this adjacent  land and done some pretty spectacular stuff about   bringing this in and getting all of the right  zoning with all of your approval in place so so we   can just get through this process quickly and do  it the right way and bring to the market what the   community really wants we've won a lot of awards  through all this um in one of our communities   in Pasco County we're actually doing a community  Farm um this is going to be a restaurant this is   going to be Farmers Market uh we're partnering  with a University of Florida they're going to   actually do some classes and teach there of of  how you do farming um as part of their program   in Gainesville we've got 70 M of trails in this  6,000 acre community that we own uh bike trails   uh County came to us and said we want a regional  park said we don't want ball fields we don't want   soccer fields let's do something Innovative and  different and they accepted it we contributed   $3 million to the construction of this park but  this is more rural kayaking fishing camping Fields   where you can enjoy throwing a frisbee or just  laying around with your family but it's different   it's Innovative and it's not what the norm is  this is what we do here's one of our Trails this   is an actual photo in one of our communities very  important that we interconnect the community with   whatever other uses are there it's not strictly  residential you need that shortcut to get to your   shopping to your office or whatever that is it's  it's it's vitally important that that work this is   mfet um this is phase one it's under construction  it it's not a dream we've done it the ultimate   plan whop I'm sorry is uh 24 million square fet  for the mafit cancer center larger than downtown   Tampa that's what this is going to bring to this  community not saying we bring all this to here but   I think our thought process our our dedication to  the detail is what's probably most important and   how this is successful for us and the community  and you guys so uh with that I am going to end   this uh with this is what we do we we are that  group that wants to maximize happiness and it's   not our happiness it's part of our happiness but  it's your happiness it's the residents it's all   the people that are going to enjoy this and that's  what we do so thank you very much I BW through   that uh longer than 3 minutes but thank you very  much for your time all right thank you rob uh next   speaker is Ryan Bell board we need to work through  the public speakers first before we take up our discussion hey Commissioners and staff good  morning uh so I know you need to get out of   here BOS so I won't be very long uh hopefully we  get an opportunity to come give a presentation   um there is uh a lot involved in this process  and until you're under contract and dollars are   actually moving uh 100% of zero is zero um so we  are not working with Dr Horton I'd like to make   that clear on camera um we have been authorized to  tell everyone that we are in verbal negotiations   with lenar uh to build high-end Town Homes um  but again it comes down to the dollars that are   passing and what's under contract so trust me I'm  a dreamer I've been dreaming since a very young   age and writing stories and telling stories as a  minister as a musician touring this country I've   experienced a lot of the communities he's talking  about in Tampa um so we're we would we would like   to uh keep it simple um there's a lot that we  just heard and a lot of that would not fit in   our environment and would not fit on those uh 290  Acres which is what we're down to now um so we've   heard the feedback from you guys we appreciate  the feedback um we've worked the master plan   to fit the feedback that we've received and we  would like to execute on the six-month timeline   we're not assigning this contract to anyone uh we  would like to stay through through the Long Haul   Bryce and I are long members of this community  with long relationships in this community where   we're going to have more Community buyin than  the people that we're already working with and   yes Bryce and I both have experience from large  firms like you just heard from both in Denver and   in Tampa Bay um we are looking to bring in jobs  we've had preliminary conversations with people   that will bring in jobs as you'll see in the  second Loi that we delivered we would like to   retain so Fred's uh offer cut down to the left  and we cut up to the right to retain uh about   20 acres up there in the Commerce section so that  we can provide the jobs of the people that we are   currently talking to but we can't uh enter into  those official negotiations without being under   contract so uh we would be happy to continue the  conversations we've had uh extended from what we   did this past week um we would like to called the  attorney for precision Capital which is Mr Doug   Tidwell uh we would like to deliver our escro  deposit to Wilson harell Fairington and Ford um   so that we can get this process started so thank  you for your time thank you Ron all right board   um will if did you have some comments thank you  Mr chairman I just wanted to um point out that at   our last meeting the board action was for for us  to enter into negotiation with staff we met with   staff and staff encouraged us to come back with  our commercial partner which we have done here   today to bring that forward to you and meet with  you what we're requesting today is board action to   uh stay uh for 30 days any um other offers so that  we can bring back in 30 days a signed contract for   you and move this for this project forward thank  you all right thank you will right board uh again   based on commissioner Bosh's exit we've got you  know 15 you know a little bit less than 15 minutes   to discuss it Jeff you got the floor well first  of all I want to thank both parties for coming   there was a there was a third party that expressed  significant interest unfortunately uh I got a call   from them on Wednesday and they have bowed out so  we're down to to two at this point um and and my   inclination based upon everything I've seen and  the folks that I've met and thank you for taking   time uh to meet with me yesterday I appreciate  that I I really think the board uh the choice   is pretty pretty clear I think we should move  forward with the team that uh presented the plan I   you know I I know there's issues to be worked out  in the contract issues of the Topline price who's   going to build the boulevard um but I do think  they've been persistent um I I do appreciate their   willingness to follow the master plan I think  that's very important to Residents in Bula I like   what I see in terms of the sorts of developments  that they do out there I think we do have the   opportunity to do something similar and Bula love  the idea of an entry way that that really has the   a factor I think that's important um so you know  we we've looked a lot of offers over the last   several years and you know the board um wisely in  my opinion has segregated the 250 Acres so we can   do what we always said we would do there which  is create high-tech clean tech jobs but this   additional 290 Acres I think I think we have an  opportunity here to do something profound so um   you know I my inclination I want to hear my board  members my fellow board members but my inclination   is to move forward um with Fred hemmer and his  group thank you Mr chairman all right and um I'll   make some comments ments and and you know I want  to thank yall for your time as well yesterday um   you know the commercial retail uh portion is  was obviously important to me and what we you   know what we could conceivably see happen on the  property that's that's very important um I do you   know I I I do have enough relationships that that  have had experience working with Metro and other   parts of the state that that indicated that they  have the you know they have the financial capacity   they have the ability to do the you know to to  develop the property that part's not an issue   um the financials aren't an issue that's that's  good um so I you know I was pleased after the   conversation yesterday um you know the two issues  that are that are going to linger that I did   mention uh that I did mention to the principles  yesterday um you know being the Topline Topline   price and the uh and the timing and the amount of  the money as it as it as it will go hard during   the during the contract terms but you know and  one item that I mentioned from yesterday and I   just want to you know mention to y'all and and say  publicly again you know when you're talking about   the Topline dollar you know that's a it's a it's  a big deal um and we're only going to have you   know we only have the opportunity to divest that  those front feet one time and we need to realize   the the maximum that we can out of those and um  you know this while it's keeping 250 Acres Behind   These are clearly the 20 0 more valuable Acres so  we need to uh you know we need to be we need to   be realizing a good number per acre especially a  good number per front feet uh for the development   of that um but I'm holistically pretty comfortable  with the what I think the plan would be you know   what I what I what I think could happen on the  property I'm I'm pretty okay with the uh with   what they're with what they're showing and and the  experience and the other projects they've done um   uh those two those two points over the next you  know over the next few weeks those are going to   be the I think those are going to be the items  that we uh either we can come to an agreement   or we you know may not um it's just going to I  think now that we I think we have a a partner   that can put something they can put something on  the ground that our community can be happy with   they have the financial capacity and I think the  aptitude to be able to do that and I think it's   just going to come down if the if the dollars  make sense board any other any other comments   Mike well I like I like both these guys and I  think for the county interest you're right I   think we should try to get the the best interest  for all of us because I know Lumen and I like I   shared with you Fred it's going to be in Jeff's  District but this the price of this is going to   affect all our counties the other thing is I I  think we have to get to a a timeline eventually   to make a deal we've been doing this so while I  don't know what it is I would not I would not want   to just Fred give you the only chance cuz like um  um commissioner bage said I sat down with someone   on Monday they went out there's I don't know if  there's this third party still Allison that came   in did that is that all I know is that Mr Moreno  and I have been asked to attend at 2 o'clock with   a corporate entity I don't know the individuals  uh later this afternoon that's all I know so I I   think that we have to get to a deadline where  all contracts come in sooner than later but I   would not be um I would not want to just give  it to Fred at this time because I don't think   that's in the best interest of the citizens of es  scambi county yet although I do like what you put   together guys and uh so that's where I'm at and uh  I and I think we should eventually set a deadline soon I I mean I I don't know about the deadline  part but um okay if I mean if it's the will of   the board just continue discussion then I I see  you know my other colleague has walked out I would   you know I mean time time passes quickly if the  intent would be to um you know kind of kind of   negotiate exclusively for two weeks and see what  we can do before March 7th I'm I'm okay with that   nothing I mean is that no yeah just with this  just with this entity it's two weeks and um uh   we should have a pretty good idea if we're going  to be able to come to if we're going to be able   to come to an agreement in that time frame the  board can't take action between now and February   7th anyway I mean March 7th anyway um I yeah that  is just two weeks away so if you know if in good   faith we said look for this you know for this  two weeks we're you know we're seeing if we can   come to a real to real terms for a contract then  I'm okay with that uh that doesn't extend beyond   another board meeting so it I don't know that that  has a lot of bearing because Wes and Alison can   I mean they can they can have they can receive  communication from whoever sends communication   I mean no one's going going to reject you know  the board the board or the county as a whole is   not going to reject letters of interest it's not  going to reject um you know conversations but if   what they're kind of asking is is like say you  know they ask for 30 days I don't know about   that but just weeks yeah say give them two weeks  and see if we can come back with uh the real bones   of a contract but you know the numbers are I mean  the numbers are going to have to be right from my   point of view Steve yeah and in certainly you know  I think you and I probably before we ever elected   we talking about field eight so the reality for  me and you and Jeff are are leading the charge   I mean I'm I'm going to be supportive what I'm  going to Annex it into District 5 if it works   out well so yeah District Five but I mean for  for me for district three and you know obviously   District three residents put some money in the  pot to purchase this and they suffered I mean I   want smart development and Jeff I appreciate all  the people in bu uh but quite frankly I represent   the people you know um in mon claring at is Court  yes sir uh so it it has to be you know top dollar   because I still have uh um deserts of of side of  lack of sidewalks in my district I have flooding   I have lighting problems uh there's going to have  to be I got to build Kingfield Road I mean we got   a just to be clear that's that's a that's a big  Albatross hanging over hanging over the uh hanging   over the uh finances but yeah so I mean but I can  be supportive I mean Alex is going to talk about   we're talking about 54 Acres that we're probably  going to have to between the state the city   and somebody you know 54 Acres of baptism we're  probably going to spend about 16 million to tear   it down and we get it so at the end of the day the  ROI is we're going to spend about 167 million uh   on 54 Acres uh in the heart of Pensacola that's  uh connectivity to downtown uh 290 Acres toward   the North End U I don't know I mean sounds right  I I'll lean on you guys to say that that's the   right number um I like the developers I certainly  support you know anything will dway does um but   you know there it's not going to end up being a  Folly right as it as it might have been accused   years ago so that's that's good well I me and to  this point Steve you know then I'll yield because   I know Jeff has to go you know an extra 250 an  extra million puts in a lot of sidewalks puts   in a lot of playgrounds and does a whole lot you  know for uh depress and deprived neighborhoods   and so those numbers matter you know and we did  invest a significant amount of time and dollars   in developing that property there's been a lot of  tears and sweat from people like Jim cronley to   make this deal happen and so uh Jee I'm going to  be supportive of of you and Steve but I do agree   with Coler it has to be a good royi for all the  citizens ofia County I mean that's no different   if I'm going to bring Baptist up here it needs  to be a Ry for all citizens if all citizens are   putting it in the pie so that's that's where I am  J thank you thank you commissioner May um well in   taking the board's comments uh I I hear two weeks  seems reasonable um and I think we can give you   two weeks exclusive and so Mr chairman I'm I'm  going to move that we give Fred and his group bua   Town Center LLC two weeks exclusively to bring  back their best and final highest offer um you   know obviously that doesn't constrain Wes uh and  and Allison from receiving other but within the   next two weeks we won't will we be in a blackout  aliceon then because if someone else wants to talk   I just want to make sure that um we're technically  right this is I mean as much anything it's just   kind of an ex exhibition of good faith it's not  there's I don't know very either way I I don't   have anybody to meet with je real quick before I  I know you're about to leave but the timeline the   edits to the due diligence period as they were as  they came in the most recent Loi I was okay with   that the financial part no but the timeline just  the the verbiage that represented the timeline are   you good with that I can live with it I can live  with it I I spoke with them last night about some   things i' like look look I could live with that  but we the bigger issue for me like you is the top   line number because that is the most valuable  acreage on the Frontage um and the boulevard   entrance we've got to we've got to figure out that  that that language I think has to be revised we   either have to get another Triumph Grant to BCT  the property up to the jobs or or um they have to   find some way to to fund it within I don't want  to I don't want to pull money out of the deal to   build that road for them yeah and we did talk some  about that yesterday with C certainly with the   areas that they developed I mean they've they've  uh presumably done dozens of uh dozens of uh you   know bonded infrastructure type stuff whether it's  bonded or funded through a tiff or you know I mean   there's there's various funding mechanisms that  I presume they've used based on the frequency   that those funding methods are used in Central  and South Florida so I'm sure I'm sure they can   they can work that out and there and I'd be very  amendable to any kind of creative solution like   a tiff District up there uh to to generate funds  from that property for that property be very very   open to that um in in their offer but but I think  I think like Steve like you enunciated I think   the Topline number really is is going to be the  important number everything else we I believe we   can get where we need to be but two weeks I mean  uh and the only and the only reason that the hard   that the the money the hard number is an issue  to me is that once we enter into the contract   while this is you know as much an exhibition  of good faith for the next couple of weeks once   we enter into the contract and begin that time  period Then then then it's not good faith it's   contractual and if we're going to enter into a  contractual agreement that does take that does   take the flexibility off of our side for you know  other people if at some point in time the public   has to be compensated for that lack of flexibility  during that contractual term time frame on some   level on on a reasonable level which $50,000 for  20 something million is not a reasonable number so   yeah those those are really the two things but  yeah Jee if you're moving something yeah that   that's the motion we'll give two weeks can extra  question yeah please so do you you anticipate you   know the priv developer on the front end working  with Triumph and securing those infrastructure   dollars for well that's in their contract they're  going to they're going to cooperate with us as we   seek the Triumph Grant that's in the contract  already the Triumph that we the Triumph stuff   that we have on the table really is on the north  side of the property on the Frank reader side that   would be more uh that would have much more impact  on the economic development piece but yeah I mean   they they're in the contract they're going to  have to you know commit to working with us on   those things and yeah and I think and I think this  moves the ball forward and it gives them two two   weeks to really show their best offer but but like  Lumen and Stephen and and Mike mentioned you know   this this will be a grand slam home run we spent  18.5 million we've recouped 4.2 already you know   we've got about a little bit over 14 million  um if we're able to realize an offer at 21 22   I don't know what number they're going to come  back with we'll have that windfall of money to   not going to realize 21 or 22 we're either going  to realize zero or we're going to realize that a   number bigger than that well I mean we'll have to  see what happens right but oh but whatever that   number is Stephen whatever we whatever we agree  and whatever we vote to do that money is going to   immediately pour into our districts for all these  lingering Legacy infrastructure uh shortcomings   that are that we that we each have and it's going  to be a tremendous windfall for the citizens and   it's going to be a win like you there were a lot  of naysayers in 2018 and 19 oh it's a boond doggle   you're never going to do it you're never going  to finish the field in Santa we finished it it's   world class go look at it we got it we got the job  done so I'm I'm very excited to make the motion   to give bu Town Center two weeks exclusive and  and and Jee I can be supported and I agree with   a second well we have to well we're discussing  uh but I mean we got to think of like any other   developer and if you put this amount not only the  money that we spent I mean the multiplier effect   of Staff hours time legal I mean we there just  has to be a a good Roi and I'm not saying that   you know the 21 22 3 whatever the number is but  we have to think about it as we're representing   the public and we have to get an Roi for all the  citizens and the only Roi is cash I mean there's   no other Roi for us you know I mean it will be  a good amenity for the community of BU and I'm   sure people will travel there but for the average  citizen uh that doesn't live in that neighborhood   I mean they need to certainly be able to reap  some benefits for investing in the ad boys the   ad boys will not come flowing into the board  no they won't but but regardless regardless of   the success of the project or the outcome but  the 250 Acres we reserve absolutely absolutely   I mean we're not even calculating the ROI on that  Lum yeah we so there's that so none of us will be   here when that's the Del I don't know you never  know you never know I I tend to be an optimist   I think I will be here when we get some jobs up  there that's in and really having that discussion   I hope so because really I'm proud of the park  that Navy Federal has that wasn't the intent I'm   proud of the housing that we're bringing in the  Town Center that the people are bu talk that was   not the intent that was not the promise of the  people the promise the promise and intent to the   people was that we're going to create high-paying  jobs for the citizens of the scam County it was an   economic development project it wasn't a feel-good  town center project it was it was a job creation   project for all the citizens with high paying jobs  and as you remember lummen I was the guy who not   wanted didn't want one house I wanted a large jobs  creating field with perhaps a few amenities on the   front but I got outvoted I got outvoted by this  board I got outvoted by the citizens and we made   a hardfought compromise and I think this deal  I think could uh could really bring forward the   compromise and make it materialized so no I'm with  you 100% it was a jobs program yeah and listen I   got I got vot I got outvoted maybe I don't I don't  remember that I don't think I've kind of opposed   any leadership that you or commissioner Barry has  had well previous Commissioners yeah it might have   been previous I've not opposed anything that you  guys have Now's the Time Now's the Time to move   forward right and I'm good I mean but but the key  for me for the constituents that I represent Jeff   there need to be jobs and they don't have to be  jobs with phds and master's degrees and that it   needs to be people that can go go to work I mean  we're losing job we've lost jobs on the docks I   mean monsanto's not where it used to be IP uh  International Paper you know slimming down we   got to create those blue collar high paying jobs  for our citizens absolutely all right is that a   second commissioner May uh yeah okay any more  discussion if not please vote you voting item   pass is four to zero thank you Mr administrator  thank you gentlemen I appreciate that does that   complete your report Stephen if I can say one  thing yeah sure I just want to thank you I just   want to thank you very much and I know that we're  we're in a position to get something back to you   quickly and I think I think what we're going  to do rather than a letter of intent try to   get back to a with a drafted contract you know  for you that time Peri but thank you very much   Madam Council you want to talk about that one item  on the county attorney's report and it's just an   information item it was a good outcome on a Case  well congratulations um Mr chairman I think Lumen   wants to do a quick conversation about baptist  before I run out I'm sorry is that okay yeah   please Al sir yes sir thank you Mr chairman uh I  I was contacted by the mayor and I know that the   mayor is working with Senator broxon um the mayor  in attendance or the mayor not in attendance the   the future well if he's here the mayor is here  and so yeah yeah May mayor Alex and so um I I   will say that when we started our summer intern  program Alex was one of the first people I think   uh through February we've seen so many of our  young people who are now working at this County   and Alex is not at this County but he's at the  city at a program that we birth Steve and I think   you were here when we first started that summer  employment program so it is pretty exciting to   see someone that started as a summer intern uh now  become the deputy mayor or the mayor elect of for   the city uh but I met with Senator Broxton and I  just want to have a quick discussion Jeff and then   maybe get it on the agenda let Alex ring us up to  speed what the legislators have done I've talked   to representative Andrade I've talked to Senator  um Broxton I've talked to the mayor uh certainly   have had conversations with Baptist Hospital  unfortunately uh the hospital in the heart   of District three that sits um um right below  North Hill sits right between the west side of   Brownsville uh you know I have a strong desire and  a need uh to have some type of medical facility   there we don't have any urgent care we don't have  any medical on the west side of Pensacola and it   not only affects me but it affects people coming  from murder Grove and uh it is one of the highest   poverty areas low income surrounded by housing  projects uh and certainly Baptist has moved on   to to a bigger location uh when we look at this  location I think Alex can run the numbers it's 54   acres and I think that we're trying to get 16  million uh in essence uh we we'll have to pay   for the renovations not we the city would pay for  the renovations or the demolition uh in essence   they would pick up 54 acres for $16 million with  which seems reasonable uh if we're someone else   is getting you know 20 290 acres for 20 million  so um just wanted to have that conversation with   our colleagues and maybe we'll come back at  a later date uh with something on the agenda   but Alex the mic's yours Mr chairman thank you  commissioner May thank you for that introduction   um as an update for y'all right now in the state  budget on the Senate side there's 5 million from   the state for um the repurpose of the Baptist  campus uh they're going heading into conference   the next two weeks so we'll see what the fin  final number is and then have conversations   with the governor's office to hopefully avoid  a veto um the city's already pledged a million   dollars out of CRA funds towards the project as  well and Baptist has committed to the sale of   the paces property that the proceeds of that will  go back to the city to help with the Demolition   of the property will that be approximately $3  million what is that approx 2.9 okay so that'll   come back and then Baptist has a board meeting on  Monday where they're talking where hopefully their   board approves putting in 3 million from Baptist  as as well towards the demolition of the project so so the mayor's in conversations with  commissioner May has talked about the county   uh pledging $2 million you know pending the state  legislation coming through and the money coming   through Mr chairman yeah go ahead I've spoken to  DC about this and look I I I support it it's in   commissioner May's District everything he said  is true um I want to see a great plan for that   area and um you know I'll be very supportive um  the the question question that I have is what   happens if that 5 million doesn't happen though I  mean are you guys pretty confident I know Senator   brockson has has put it in is the house going to  comp I mean how where are you at with the sense   of is that 5 million going to materialize uh we  feel confident that 5 million is the Baseline   number you know obviously between the house and  the Senate don't want to you know overpromise   you know sure of course much rather under promise  overd deliver so you know we'll see what happens   in conference but with Senator Bron's position in  the Senate you know we feel you know that we're   in a good spot with that represent vra's had  several conversations with the mayor you know   and we feel moving in a good direction and also  just as a side note the city's also received 5   million CBG for Baptist that can only be used  for 100% commercial so we're not counting that   in the capital stack but that's some additional  money that the city has that could potentially be   used but it has to be 100% commercial you know no  you so that is a little more restrictive money so   looking for that but we'll see what happens you  know and obviously I can keep the administrator   the county attorney advised as that moves forward  to make sure the board's apprised of how that's   working as well absolutely and and you know  just to point out point of fact we've worked   very closely with the city on a number of issues  including at St engineering at the at the airport   that been very successful so I look forward to  seeing the plan he brings forward of course um   you know I look forward to what this board is  able to contribute but um it's commissioner   May's district and um there are a lot of needs  down there so he's going to find my support   thank you thank you thank you Mike Mr chairman  I I want to put some historical perspective on   this so when I was on the health authority and  Baptist came for the bonds 678 million I asked   to both different meetings what they were going  to do with that property at that time we never   had to pay any money you didn't have to pay any  money the state didn't have to pay any money they   were led to believe or I was that they were going  to get a developer in there now they've moved on   and I love Baptists but they're asking every you  know the state the municipality and the county to   Pony up for what they should have done when they  did the bond deal look it's in your District but   it's not really fair to the taxpayers they they've  funded $678 million at the time and they said they   were going to get a developer and you can go back  and look at the minutes so I don't know where I'm   going to be on this um I I think Baptist needs to  come up with a little bit more I know the county   and District three but but we're um that's where  I'm at I'm looking to see if the state brings in   some money if they don't there we got a lot  of different areas that we got to get a lot   of money get to 16 million commissioner CER and  I appreciate you saying that uh and this was a   conversation uh for the city to be able to present  I'm not pushing you in any way to do anything um   certainly you I I think that the county has been  very good to Baptist in terms of when we bonded   that I didn't know you on the health authority  but that's great I mean we saved them a lot of   interest and saved them a lot of money uh but what  I do know is that I have 54 Acres of blight that's   about to occur in my district that's about to  be homeless camps it's it's about to be a lot   of things if we don't do anything and across this  country you know some things we need to negotiate   on the front end uh you find these uh different  um hospitals that have left the neighborhood uh   and then you find that those neighborhoods go  down we don't have much hope in those pockets   of property we we we we just don't have much  hope and so if we can get the opportunity and   I'm not saying saying what the number is um that  the ask was the ask from Alex what he asked for   I mean maybe that's negotiable maybe there's  a further conversation with Baptist hospital   but we do if you're on the health authority we  do have a responsibility to provide health care   for Citizens and let me just tell you when you  have a high rate of of of mobility and you have   people who are walking without transportation in  a designated area and they don't have access to   healthcare well that is incumbent upon me as an  elected official and all of us I mean when when   people when you look at the information morality  rate when you look at all the death rates in these   poor and blighted neighborhoods particularly  neighborhoods of color and we don't do anything   to help them then you know shame on us I can't be  responsible for what Baptist does but we at least   can have a conversation of what we're doing I've  been very very open with the mayor you know and   the the support of of the dollars that I want  I want to see some type of Health Care in that   neighborhood and our investment should be in human  capital and trying to create some type of jobs and   I think that you know the proposal that the mayor  is going to bring forth uh would would would be   inclusive of that I didn't lean any way today I  just wanted to have this conversation CU we can't   have it any other time I just wanted to make sure  we had it uh so you you have very valid points and   I'm not I'm not here to argue with you but I just  do know that there is a need and I do know that uh   most people don't have cars and transportation  that live in Sanchez Court J Street Department   add his court uh Mars Court you know Brownsville  area uh and for Generations they've walked to get   their health care and at this date they have no  way of getting health care and many people who   lived in that neighborhood the cafeteria Baptist  was the only place they got something to eat and   today they don't have any place to go and eat  and you know many of those people walk for 30   or 40 years to a job to get their job and you  know what they got to get on the bus and make   sure it runs or take Community Transportation to  get outside their neighborhood to get a job so   that is a a real Community that's historic and is  important for the fabric of this community just as   important as outline field8 is to the overall bu  committee uh this uh Baptist Hospital landscape   is very important uh to the residents that I serve  no commiss and I'm not being I wouldn't offended I   think you made very valid points but I wanted  to be clear I'm didn't bring a recommendation   here I just simply came for a conversation no I  and I trained there and I like that I mean it's   you know I and I lived in North Hill real close  to there so I I want that area to we couldn't   even walk through North Hill we had to go the  opposite way you come to my place man come on   you know I play that with you but um but what I'm  saying is I agree that there needs to be something   happen there I just I'm I'm going see what the the  city comes up with and what the state legislature does yeah thank bapti is going to  their board this week right so I'm   just wanted to start the conversation  and we'll see what Baptist decides to   do and what everybody decides to do  right thank you thank you thank you Alex I do not you City Paca City Paca  okay you got a card on you uh see I think